Yard work
- 4 years ago
- 21
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Kate told me she would like that too.
I laughed and pulled her to her feet and kissed her. I told her she was an Imp not a slave and I would have to punish her for being an Imp.
Kate said "Yes Master."
In the bed room she showed me the closet that once was Abby's. She had hung up all her new clothes. Her shoes were neatly arranged on racks. The drawers in the wall had her under clothes neatly folded and stacked inside.
Kate had put her cosmetics in the drawers or on top of the dressing stand.
My lovely slave had moved in.
I complimented her on how neat and organized every thing was.
Kate asked me if I was pleased with her.
I kissed her and said "I am very pleased with you."
I told her it was time for us to go to bed.
Kate beat me to the bed. I sat on the bed and undressed. Kate watched my every move.
I asked Kate what she was waiting for, get undressed.
She told me she was waiting for me to tell her what I wanted her to do next.
I told her to use her mouth to make my prick hard after she took off her clothing.
Kate got between my legs and took me in her mouth.
I was hard in just seconds.
I told Kate she was getting better at giving head but there were a few things I wanted her to do. I told her to take my prick in her mouth all the way to her gag point then take it out of her mouth. She was to do that over and over, taking it deeper each time. She was to learn to "deep throat" a man tonight.
Kate began, she was so eager to please me she quickly overcome her gag reflex and was soon burying her nose in my pubic hair.
I told her then to try to swallow it while it was deep in her throat.
Kate practiced that until I had to make her stop, I was about to spurt her throat full.
Kate sat up waiting for my next instructions.
I told Kate there was only a few things she had to learn and she would be a great "Cock Sucker". I told her that when she took it deep the next time she was to alternate the sucking and swallowing action of her throat with humming with her vocal cords.
Kate got that down pat.
I had to stop her again.
I told her she must look at a mans face and take his testicles in her hand while "Giving Head". When he got that look on his face and she felt his balls draw up he was ready to ejaculate. She should change to doing something else to prolong his pleasure. She could quit sucking him and kiss the shaft of his prick or take one of his balls in her mouth and suck it or lick that space between his scrotum and his ass hole.
I told Kate all she needed was practice to be a "World Class" dick sucker.
I told her I was very proud of her.
We lay on the bed kissing and teasing each other for a while.
Kate was pleased with herself.
When I told her it was time for more lessons in how to be a good fuck Kate lit up like a candle.
I told her we would try a new position.
I asked Kate to take my prick in her but to be facing my feet. I explained that the angle of my shaft in her was going to be different that way and it would not feel the same to her. It would feel different from the way it felt when she faced me and was on top.
After we fucked that way a bit I reminded her that she must use those muscles down there.
She did and it was better for both of us.
Kate began to have multiple orgasms again, she would stop for a few seconds then get a rhythm going then have another. She kept that up until her legs got tired. Kate had to stop. She sat there breathing hard and trembling.
I told Kate I was going to turn us on to our sides and then I would do the work.
I did that and my dick stayed in her.
I began a slow in and out holding one of her tits in one hand and using a finger on her clit with the other.
Kate got off three times before I let go in her.
We lay there, to bushed to move, we were both drained of any desire for more sex that night.
Kate whispered "I am in Heaven when I am with you."
Later Kate asked if she could go to the bath room. She said she had to "tinkle."
When she came back she took a warm wet wash cloth and cleaned my crotch then dried me with a towel.
We slept holding each other.
I woke at five Monday morning.
I went to the bath and pissed. I looked up and Kate was at the door watching me. "Got to go"? I asked her and she told me she just wanted to watch me.
I told Kate I was going to make coffee and asked if she would like some.
Kate said that she would do that from now on.
I followed her to the kitchen.
I started to get cups out and Kate gave me a hurt look and said she would do that.
We were both nude.
Kate was beginning to feel at home in her skin. I could tell she liked it when I looked at her now. She sat across from me as we sipped our morning "Kick Start."
Kate said "Yesterday morning when the thunder woke me I was having a sweet dream. In my dream you were letting me stay here and I was your woman. You were good to me and tought me to be a complete woman. I was your servant and you were my master. You let me do things to make you happy and I was a happy person for the first time in my life."
"I am the luckiest woman alive."
" The things I lost in the fire were just that, things, I had no pictures or mementos of a happy childhood or reminders of happy school days. My childhood was not a happy one."
"I lost clothes that were shabby and worn out, I lost nothing that had any real value to me."
"The things you bought me yesterday have real value to me because you picked them out."
"For the first time in my life I am happy and content, I feel as though I am in a new world now."
She poured us more coffee.
I told Kate she had never mentioned her childhood and asked her to tell me about it.
Kate told of having been born in Decatur Georgia. Her father and mother had been married for five years when she had been conceived. Her parents were not getting along well and her mother had given birth to an unwanted child hoping that would hold their marriage together.
Kate was two years old when her father got a belly full of a spiteful bitch of a wife and left her. Kate had been to young to remember him and had never seen him since.
Kate's mother had to go back to work, Kate spent her days in a cheap child care facility.
When her mother picked her up after work Kate had to be quiet in her room or be spanked if she disturbed her mother while she watched TV all evening.
Kate began school and her mother could not afford after school child care. That little six year old had to get herself dressed and trudge seven blocks to school each morning.
After school she walked home, unlocked an empty apartment and made up the beds from the night before. She had not been given money for a lunch at school. She would snack on what ever was there. She was expected to wash any dishes and empty the garbage.
Kate had no dolls or toys of any kind, Christmas would mean a trip to the Salvation Army Thrift Store.
Her Christmas gifts were second hand clothes bought for little or nothing.
Her mother had told her hundreds of times that she wished Kate had never been born.
As a child Kate had been shy and withdrawn, she made no friends at school.
The other kids made fun of her drab badly fitting clothes.
When Kate had started second grade her teacher had enrolled her in the program for free breakfast before the school day began for poor kids. She also got Kate on the free lunch program.
Kate was at least not hungry all the time after that.
Kate's life was the same for years, go to school, go home and do house keeping chores, lonely evenings in her room with nothing to do but read then sleep. There was little change when summer came. She was forbidden by her mother to leave the apartment.
She spent her days keeping house for a bitter ungrateful bitch and her evenings staying the hell away from her.
The summer Kate was sixteen and was no longer required by state law to go to school her mother told her to find a job so she could help pay expenses. Kate had tried but no one wanted to hire a skinny girl so shy she appeared some what retarded.
When the new school year started she was allowed to enroll. Kate's mother had realized that if Kate got a job she would probably move out. If she let her continue school Kate was a free housekeeper.
Kate had always made honor roll grades in school. Several teachers had helped her and Kate wanted to be a teacher like them.
At sixteen Kate had never been asked for a date.
Norman, a nerd in her school like she considered herself to be, asked her to go to a movie with him.
She asked her mother if she could have a date with him. Her mother had shrugged and said "I don't give a dam what you do, you are no longer a kid."
The next day she told Norman she would go to a movie Friday evening with him.
She told him she would meet him downstairs at the front door to the apartment house.
Norman set the time at six because they would have to walk to the theater sixteen blocks away. The feature started at seven fifteen.
Kate had been excited, she was about to have her first date. Norman was shorter than she but then most of the other boys in her school were too. Norman was kind of ugly and no girl had ever gone out with before. Kate was going to be his first date.
Norman was fifteen minutes late. He did not say he was sorry to keep her waiting he just said "Lets go."
They were half way to the movie when the bottom fell out of the sky. They were drenched in a rain so hard they could not see the other side of the street.
Kate ran to a recessed store front and got out of the rain. Norman kept walking and as he got even with her he said "You are already as wet as you are going to be, if you want to go to a movie with me come on."
Norman kept walking and Kate joined him in the rain.
At the theater Norman asked Kate if she had enough money to pay for her ticket. When she told him she did not have a penny Norman paid for her ticket.
They got inside and in their seats as the movie started. Less than twenty minutes later the power failed. The dim emergency lights came on and the manager announced at the top of his voice that the movie would resume as soon as power was restored.
Norman waited about ten minutes and told Kate "Let's go."
Norman created a scene at the ticket booth demanding his money back. The manager came and to shut Norman up he not only re-funded the price of the tickets but gave him two free passes for the future.
Norman said "Let's go'.
Kate asked him if he wanted to wait a bit and see if the rain slowed down. Norman said that he was as wet as he was going to get and was going home now.
They walked sixteen blocks in a cold rain.
For one of the few times in her life Kate was glad to get home to that crummy apartment, at least it was warm and dry.
Nothing really changed in Kate's life until she graduated from high school. She kept house and went to school. No one else ever asked her for a date so she went out with Norman several times a month.
Before they both were out of school and while she was looking for a job, Norman asked if she wanted to get married. He was planing on going to school at Georgia State and was waiting to get a sleazy efficiency apartment near campus.
Kate said she had not wanted to get married but about anything looked better to her than staying with her mother.
Kate said she had wanted a change so badly she had agreed to marry Norman.
The word love was never used between Kate and Norman. Norman had never seemed interested in having sex with her when they had their dates. After they were married he still had very little real interest in making love.
Her wedding night was typical. Norman had taken off his pants and shirt and shoes. He said "Well I guess we should fuck now". Kate had gotten undressed and laid down on the sofa bed. Norman did not even take his shorts and tee shirt off.
He pumped a few times and Kate said she felt a wetness from his tiny little prick. Norman had belched a foul smell in her face and rolled off her saying " I hope that dam burger is not going to give me heart burn."
Norman was snoring in just minutes
Kate went to the Public Health Service and made arrangements to get free birth control pills. Kate thought it was the "Pill" that had caused her breasts to grow, that and being able to eat as much as she wanted at her jobs.
Kate had taken a job as a waitress in a "Greasy Spoon". She was paid a lousy salary and supposed to make up for that with tips.
The customers were not big tippers.
Kate took a part time job at a fast food joint.
Kate had traded one form of misery for another. She was working twelve hours a day and doing all the house work and laundry.
That life style went on until Norman had his diploma.
Norman had gotten a lucky break and landed a good job.
Kate had quit "slinging hash" and enrolled in college.
They had moved to a larger apartment after Norman began bringing home a salary.
Kate told me she had already told me the rest of her story.
I understood now why Kate was comfortable with being my slave and wanted to be with me as my servant. She had never had anyone be nice to her before. She had never been treated good by anyone before.
It had been unbelievable to me that she had thought she was a flop in bed.
She had really been told that over and over by the only man she had ever fucked before me.
She had been married to a weird loutish bastard.
It was no wonder she had not had dates after her divorce, she had only Norman and her uncaring father to judge all men by.
A lot of odd things that she had done since we had met at the yard sale were explained now.
My Kate was crippled emotionally but with patience and tenderness I could repair her. I resolved to make Kate a complete woman.
I asked Kate if she were hungry.
Kate said she was starving.
We had another shower together and I let Kate be my servant, I allowed her to scrub me and later dry me off. While she was on her knees drying my feet her mouth found my half hard dick.
I let her have a few minutes sucking and loving her toy and then told her to save that for tonight.
We got dressed, Kate chose to wear the kind of clothes she would be wearing to work.
We have some good restaurants in Hover.
I got the camper truck out and had Kate follow me to one in my Lincoln.
After a big breakfast and while we had coffee, I had Kate organize her day. I gave her a clip board and she listed a lot of things she had to do.
#1 - Go to her bank after it opened and get
her insurance polices out.
#2 - Call the phone company and give them
my number to re-direct her calls to.
#3 - Call the power company and ask for
service cut off and final billing.
#4 - Same to gas company.
#5 - Go to Post Office and give a
forwarding address (mine).
#6 - Call her insurance agent about the
home owner's coverage on her house.
#7 Call and report the loss of her car.
I suggested she go to the school where she worked and explain that she had a lot of details to handle and would have to take this week off.
I gave Kate a key to the house and three hundred dollars in case she needed money.
I told her to use the garage opener to get in and out of the house.
I told her she could use the phone at my office to make phone calls if she wanted.
Before I left her in the parking lot I kissed her and told her if she needed me I would be in my office.
Kate whispered " I love you Master."
I parked in front of my building. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were there and the front door was unlocked.
I spoke then went to my office. I made a few phone calls and David came in before eight.
I asked David if he would join me in Mrs. Wilson's office.
I told them that my neighbor Kate's house had burned completely down from lightning the morning before.
I told them we were having a Sunday morning breakfast and that afterward I drove her home. When we were there we found her house nearly gone and the Fire Department doing what they could. I told them a neighbor had seen the lightning strike and had called the fire department as soon as he saw fire.
I told them that Kate had asked if she could work part time on commission selling computers and the other machines we sold.
I said Kate would have to teach school until two but wanted to finish the day here. She wanted to work Saturdays and school holidays with us.
David spoke first "She is really good with computers and if she was working on Saturdays I could make plans sometimes to do things with my wife and kids."
Mrs. Wilson said that if she was going to be on commission she would not be a cost to us unless she sold something.
I told them thanks for their input and I would tell Kate she had a job.
At nine sharp Garry and Tony walked in. They had been there before. We went into my office first and I told them I was prepared to get an architect started on a design.
I proposed to modify the huge building at the other end of the block into a new Cajun Outpost.
Garry asked how much I was prepared to spend.
I told him what ever it took.
Tony asked if he could have the kitchen he had dreamed about for years. I told him he could.
Garry asked what I wanted for rent.
I was honest with them. I told them I wanted to amortize my investment in six years.
I wanted a ten year lease with penalties.
I wanted to eat for free as long as they had the building.
Garry said that he had talked to several this last year and all wanted to get their investment back in five years.
I shrugged and told him we were friends.
Tony got excited and began pacing the floor behind us.
I told Tony to have a seat and he said he could not, he was so excited he was about to piss his pants. I got up and pushed the door to my apartment open and told him "First door to your right."
Garry asked me how bad was the building structurally. I told him it needed a new roof as this one had and I wanted to use steel trusses and a red metal roof like I had done here.
I told him there was not the first crack in those one and a half foot thick brick walls. I told him the floors were solid concrete and were as good as the day they were poured fifty years ago.
Garry asked about the electrical and I told him I planed to re-do all of that.
Plumbing? Garry asked next. I told him that was to be re-done as the electrical was, to suit tenant.
Tony was back looking more relaxed.
Garry wanted to go see the building.
I got keys and we walked down there.
In front on the side walk I pointed out the four huge Grecian columns and the three lane wide area in front of the main doors to the building and suggested that was perfect to let customers get in and out of their cars in bad weather while a valet parked for them.
There was a big rusty roll up door on the left of the front of the building. I told them that when open it let cars drive up to the second floor where mechanics had worked on cars when this was a new car dealership.
I suggested that it could be bombed out and three twenty passenger elevators be put there with a set of stairs.
We went on inside and were in a huge space that could be the dining area.
Garry paced it off and said "Dam this would seat five hundred people."
I asked if they needed that much space.
Tony said "dam right we could feed that many on week ends.
We went further back and I pointed out the ell section of what had been salesman's offices and suggested that it and what had been bookkeeping behind might be enough room for Tony's dream kitchen and coolers and frozen food storage.
Tony said yeah man I need it all for my kitchen. I want the back to be walk in coolers and space for twenty coon ass cooks up front.
There was a loading dock and heavy steel doors in the end of the building there, perfect for delivery of food orders. A garbage container could be parked alongside the loading dock.
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Introduction: Here is how a farmer discovers what kind of a slut his horny wife really is. Enjoy! This is my first story on this site. Barn Yard Antics by Will Buster Let me tell you what happened a few years ago when Tammy left me and I ended up marrying molly. As you know, Ive got a farm just outside of Lincoln Nebraska. I met Tammy five years before our break up. She was in her final year at the University there. It seemed pretty good at the time but I guess she didnt cotton to farm life...
Seth wondered whether this was what hell was like - the thick smoke, the swearing and fighting, the eerie reddish light that fell on everything like the glowing of coals from a fireplace grate. Seth could hardly breathe in the wet heat, a combination of body-heat and alcoholic fumes and the swampy evening heat. Ten o'clock at night and still at least 85 degrees, Seth thought to himself, pulling his T-shirt off over his head. Bar or not, it was too hot for a shirt. He would only put the shirt...
Just as Tyler had predicted, Seth could smell Candy Lee stronger than he could smell his and Tyler's combined sweat. The aroma of Candy Lee filled the big Lincoln as Candy squealed away from the Dingle Dangle Bar and roared down dark streets. Candy Lee smelled like cunt - pure cunt. Seth felt himself getting drunk on her scent, and his ramrod-stiff cock bubbled precum like a drinking fountain bubbling water. The fuck juice rolled down his vertical cock like warm tears. Seth held his breath...
Harlan swallowed down his cupful of black coffee in two gulps. The bitter stuff pinched at his throat, and he coughed, thinking that Cal brewed coffee stronger than the moonshine Cal had once been famous for. He banged down his coffee mug and tried to clear the rancid stuff from his throat. "More coffee?" Cal asked, banging down his own cup after swallowing his coffee as if it were spring water. He poured himself another cup, but Harlan signaled that he didn't want any more. "You...
It was a blazing sunny afternoon, and the fresh country air had cleared Harlan's head. He was on his way back to the farm, and he felt like singing, but instead he listened to Tyler and Seth discuss their doings last night with Candy Lee. So it was true after all - what Seth had claimed happened last night. "Oh, and didn't she cuss us out when she peeled off in her big Lincoln?" Seth said, slapping Tyler's knee. "Swore like a trooper," Tyler said. "Called us every damn name under...
If the ropes didn't hurt so much, cutting into her tender skin, Jenny would swear she was having a nightmare. This was the type of thing she saw in the movies or heard on the news, not something that could ever really happen to her. But each time she moved, each time she breathed, she was painfully aware of the reality of the situation. Her heart was thudding, she was having trouble breathing, and she was sick to her stomach. For the first time in her life, Jenny thought she might faint....
Had it not been for the little kid's enormous cock, Lynn would have escaped. The woods were near, close enough and thick enough for quick and safe hiding. She could easily have tiptoed off into the green undergrowth while the older boy, Tyler, turned his back to piss, and while the younger boy turned to watch him. The trouble was that Lynn saw the young boy's cock for the first time just as he was turning away from her, and his snakelike prick hypnotized her, held her where she stood, held...
The boar was pink and hairy, the kind of pig Jenny imagined when she thought of the word pig. And he was huge, an enormous oval mass of pork and fat. The hillbillies had him penned in a cramped cage constructed of silvery-gray wood. He could do nothing but stand in the pen. He had no room to turn, no room to move forward or backward, no space even to lie down. He snorted malevolently, his snout protruding between the thick wooden slats in front, his curlicue tail quivering between the slats...
The pickup truck bounced up and down even on the highway. How different from the smooth ride of the Corvette. Lynn continued to giggle a lot. She felt full of bubbles. She was sleepy, and she dozed on and off, usually waking to the flash of headlights from an oncoming car. With nightfall, the temperature had dropped enough to make the ride in the pickup chilling with the windows open. The old man had asked her several times whether she was cold, but each time she just giggled and answered...
Watching the rat scurry from one sleeping boy to the other, Jenny held her breath. The large grayish-brown rat, with a pink tail at least a foot long, seemed provoked that anyone should dare to invade the hayloft at night, and he fearlessly sniffed each boy in turn as if to determine whether the boy was edible. In the light of three kerosene lanterns - two hung from pegs on posts and one perched atop a stack of hay bales - the rat's eyes glowed a devilish, pulsating pink as he turned them...
Harlan leaned back in his chair, tilting it on two legs until it rested against the house. He rested his feet on the porch railing. Ah, this was the life - taking it easy while the young 'uns took care of the chores, a cool beer in one hand, a hot cock in the other, an earth-scented breeze and a few puffy clouds in the sun-rich sky, and, best of all, two naked little fillies bound to the posts that supported the porch roof. One blonde, one brunette. Otherwise they were like twins, each...
When I got the opportunity to travel for my work I took it as I Iove driving and at first it was a bit of an adventure but after two days on the road in a row the motels feel meaningless, the car like a cell, drive all day every day. So I always decided to take the adventures offered to me, go forth boldly, I told myself. But no matter how much courage you have, no matter how much drive, life has a funny way of slowing things down and putting things in perspective.At least that’s what I tried...
It was Keri's job to get dinner, of course. Jody had to help, but the girl was hopeless in the kitchen and mostly did the cleaning up. It pissed Keri off that the boys could just come in and sit down, while she had to do all the work; but her father was unmovable. They were men. They worked hard all day. Hell, Steven just went to school like her and Jody. She resisted the temptation to toss the mashed potatoes in Steven's face when she brought them in and set them down on the table. He...
Jody puffed on the last of the cigarette, then ground it out in the ashtray on the counter. She was wearing a pair of string bikini jockey shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt that was too small for her. It only came down to mid belly. If anyone had told her she looked sexy in such careless wear, she would have been astonished and would have changed immediately. She was standing, actually half sitting against the kitchen counter, waiting for her muffins to finish heating up in the oven. It had...
At that moment, Jody was just finishing up work on a clogged fuel line on one of the cars in the garage. Unlike Keri, she'd learned quite a bit about cars from her father and brothers, and liked to think she knew as much as they did. Mark was walking through on his way to his car when he saw her form bent over the front of the engine. He stopped and then swerved over to her, his eyes ravishing her round little ass while he approached. Since she was staying home today, just screwing around,...
Steve kicked furiously at the fence as he walked into the scrap yard. His initial relief to be away from Jennifer's mother had rapidly given way to frustration and anger. Why did the bitch have to come down right then!? Why couldn't she have waited another ten fucking minutes!? He could still feel Jennie's fleshy tits pressed against his face, and the hot wetness between her legs. His cock still throbbed from her fingers squeezing touch. He felt like raping a knothole. It wasn't as if he...
Jim hadn't missed Joey's furtive exit from the bathroom, especially after the long time he'd been in there. He was in his room, sitting on his bed, leafing through some papers. The door was only open an inch, but it gave him a view of the bathroom door. He had watched curiously as Joey had come out, looked quickly around, then closed the door behind him. Stupid kid, he'd thought, since the bathroom door had to be left open after a shower to let the steam dissipate. Then the door had...
Just then my co-worker Sam came up behind me and asked me what was going on. I explained the situation to her, telling her that we couldn’topen today due to the power repairs being done. She asked if I wanted to be the one to call the boss or not. I said I would give him the bad news. I called the owner and explained the situation, and after several minutes of swearing he calmed down and said that there was no point wasting payroll having employees there in the dark and told me to send...
Backyard Play TimeThe Weather had been spectacular the last few days. Fall was just around the corner, the trees where beginning to change color into all those brilliant fall colors. Tom loved this time of year, not too hot, not too cold. Friday had arrived and Tom had made plans to get home early. Tom got off a little early this afternoon to finish up some work on his secret project. He had been working on it when Annie wasn't looking. As he thought to himself, I hope she hasn't...
If anybody is offended by the writing of this story they can suck it up, i will try to write without any mistakes, however if i make a few, i am sorry… if you dont like the story in general then dont read it…… duh….. if you like the story but think you can give me some advise please do so in the comments…. thank you…. It was a warm summer evening late in May. I came home from night school (been too lazy in my younger years so having to pay for it now). My daughter was sitting in the backyard,...
After returning from our European honeymoon, we were still sexually charged from our first swinging experience. We wanted to continue our momentum but daily life slowed us down. We both work full time jobs so that was the biggest obstacle in our way. The other thing is that we are pretty well connected and well known in our community. While I could fuck half the men in Europe out in the open and no one back home would know, it’s not the same doing that in Austin. Getting caught by a nosy...
Normally he’s quite a calm dog, so clearly he knew something was up. Zach came to a screeching halt by the front door, impatiently waiting for me to open it. Since I knew what the excitement was all about, I took my time ambling down the hall. Zach grew increasingly impatient by the second. Before he started scratching the timber I reached over him to open the door. Crossing the front yard was what appeared to be a dog walking group. But all the people in the group were men and a close look...
I stood up and stretched. The sun was warming up the day. My grass had been freshly cut and the flowers I had recently planted look great. I had a six foot wooden fence around my yard which gave me some privacy from my neighbors. I had sunbathed in the nude out here plenty of times. I always wondered if any of them peeked over to see me. I decided that I wanted to feel the sun on my body. I shed my robe and stepped out into my yard completely nude. The sun felt great on my body. ...
Finishing off his rum and Coke, the middle-aged man gathers himself to head inside. He hears the neighbor’s door close and is hopeful that tonight may be one of those nights. He’ll wait a few minutes to see if he hears anything that will compel him to stay out longer. It’s been over a year since he last enjoyed watching her. He stopped predicting when she would be in the mood, but warm evenings seemed to be the common variable on the two other occasions he watched his neighbor enjoy herself in...
ExhibitionismThis is a true story and the names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent! This happened in 2004, on a nice April Saturday night in Arizona! Although I’m now divorced, I was married at the time. My wife, Yoli, was a Hispanic, full figured, curvy woman. We were invited over to her cousin's home for a cookout and, of course, a few adult beverages! Yoli's cousin, Erica, was also Hispanic and a few years older than I was, but still sexy and curvaceous at 34. Her husband, Jerry, was an...
Janet put on her skimpiest bikini, a white one that showed off her tan as well as her toned body. She headed out to the backyard pool to get some sun. She wasn't sure she'd like the pool when she and her husband Derek bought the house several years ago, but turned out to love it, spending many Saturdays out there relaxing. The pool deck took up most of the small area, surrounded by a six-foot privacy hedge that bordered the yard. It was Janet's little oasis. The houses in the neighborhood were...
© Copyright 2004 Historical Note Two years out from the Russian October Revolution, towards the end of 1919, the political landscape of Russia was grim and confused. Far to the East lay the fledgling Nationalist Government of Siberia based in Omsk. An Independent State had been set up in Samara under Kochum. In the Far East the Japanese and Americans were occupying Vladivostok. Elsewhere the British had siezed Arkangel'sk, the French, Odessa and the Crimea. In European Russia,...
I had tried to sleep but I was still enjoying the afterglow of a round of passionate sex with Tammy. She was there beside me, purring like a contented kitten in her sleep. I got up and headed down the hall to the kitchen, looking for something to drink to satisfy my dry mouth. I found a pitcher of iced tea in the refrigerator, poured a glass full and opened the sliding glass door to the screened in porch.It had been hot and muggy for the past few days and as I stepped out on the porch I noticed...
OutdoorJeff moves to his wife who is in the kitchen and playfully pinches her nipple through her blouse, “Went well, Mrs. Fletcher. Nothing new. We did get a new account. It should be a good one. Did you get some sun again today?” She gives a smile but dips her breast to thwart his attempt at her other nipple, “Yes. Another couple days I will have the tan I want,” then she rubs one hand up her forearm. Connie is a 42 year-old woman who is about 5’8” at 165 lbs. and short wavy black hair. She has...
Cynthia and Susanna Johnson, or Cyn and Su as they were called by their friends and each other, were twins, though you would be hard-pressed to guess it by looking at them. To put it mildly, they were definitely not identical twins. Both their parents had strawberry blonde hair, but the genetic crap-shoot had purified the situation in both girls. Cyn had long, straight blonde locks worthy of a Nordic princess, while Su had wavy, vibrant titian tresses that gave fair warning to everyone of her...
IncestOk guys....I met this guy a few months ago back when I was talking to his friend. so a few days ago I deciede to meet up with him after this party I went too. soooo it was about 5 In the morning and I came by his house and we hung out with him and this other guy I couldnt stand but slept with twice before. So We were.just fooling around I leaned on him let him play with my pussy a little bit And he even sucked on my nipples.then we went into this backyard and..he pulled down his pants put on a...
My wife Ghiselle has had vision problems for a long time. And the deterioration became worse in the last year. She can hardly see anything now unless it is right in front of her but I look after her well as she did for me over many years. She is in her 70s now and I think sexy as hell, she still has a good body with full breasts. We generally keep to our home and get along very well. I do the shopping and most of the cooking now. But our sex life is a bit boring and we both needed a jump...
Just wanted to tell you all about the day I had recently while working for my Sister In Law Becky. I was over at her place doing some yard work. Cleaning up weeds, stacking firewood, just basic stuff her husband doesn't do. Getting lots of things done on a hot summer day around her place for her was always something I was happy to do. A couple of the times I worked at her house, she would come out and sunbath. About mid afternoon time, I noticed her outside on the deck, laying with her...