Barnyard OrgyChapter 6 free porn video

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If the ropes didn't hurt so much, cutting into her tender skin, Jenny would swear she was having a nightmare. This was the type of thing she saw in the movies or heard on the news, not something that could ever really happen to her.

But each time she moved, each time she breathed, she was painfully aware of the reality of the situation. Her heart was thudding, she was having trouble breathing, and she was sick to her stomach. For the first time in her life, Jenny thought she might faint. Tears streamed out of her and she finally gave up fighting the ropes that bound her. The more she fought, the tighter they got and the more they hurt. Her arms and legs were already numb. She wished to God that Lynn would stop struggling.

Stop your goddamn squirming, she wanted to shout. Can't you see you're just making it worse? She'd have shouted that at Lynn had her own mouth not been stuffed with a wadded-up wool stocking, the stinking sock that the old bastard had pulled off his smelly foot and shoved into her mouth before tying the gag rope around her head. Thank God she hadn't vomited. She would have choked herself to death, would have drowned on a lungful of vomit.

Lynn stopped struggling, hopefully having come to the same conclusion as herself - that struggling was only making the ropes hurt more. They were bound together - herself and Lynn ass to ass and back to back. They were on their sides - Lynn on her left side, Jenny on her right side - in the hot dust of a barn yard. The sun was intense, blinding Jenny and making her sweat like she couldn't remember ever having sweat before. Salty sweat ran into her eyes, making them itch and burn. Sweat oozed under the coarse ropes binding her arms and legs, and the raw areas caused by her struggling against the tight ropes were stinging. She and Lynn were bound together like mummies, legs stretched out straight, crisscrossing ropes wound around their bodies from head to foot.

They were both stark naked, and their sweating flesh was glued together. Lynn's skin felt hot against Jenny, irritably hot. You goddamn hot bitch, Jenny thought. Cool off, damn it.

A fly landed on Jenny's nose and walked up and down it despite Jenny's attempts to shoo it away by wrinkling her nose and wincing. She stared at the fly, cross-eyed, saw it rubbing its hairy black legs together. Shitting on me, she thought, and she jerked, causing the ropes to slice into her flesh at the same time the fly buzzed off. Lynn groaned sharply, sounding angry.

"Well, well, how you girlies getting along?" came the voice Jenny despised more than any of the others. It was Harlan, the leader of this clan of smelly, psychotic hillbillies. She could see his big naked feet now pounding in the dust close to her face. This farm was like a nudist camp.

Harlan squatted. His huge, sausage-like prick dangled against her nose. His cock reeked - uncircumcised and probably unwashed for months. One of his sons was uncircumcised, too - the one he called Seth. It was, disgusting. Uncircumcised pricks smelled. Jenny had refused ever to touch one. Now she had one practically shoved up her nostril. She tried to hold her breath for awhile, but that was impossible. She breathed sharply, taking in life-giving air along with the nauseating scent of the old man's cock. She wished she were dead.

"Enjoying yourselves?" Harlan taunted. "Nice day. Good day for a party. Me and the young 'uns decided to save you some gas. You can have your party right here. No need to drive all the way up to Carver Lake. That's why we brung your fancy yellow car up here to the farm, so you can party without worrying about your poor car abandoned out there on the highway. We'll be partying shortly, soon as we take care of a few chores. The young 'uns is working like a pack of corn huskers so they can get done quick and begin partying. Well, take it easy now, and don't fret. We'll all be by shortly to commence partying."

His rough fingers closed around Jenny's nipples, and he pinched hard. She swore at the top of her lungs, but the words never sounded, absorbed by Harlan's rotted sock.

"Calm down," Harlan said. "I know you can hardly wait, with your itchy clit. Just rest easy. Ain't you never heard of work before pleasure? I know you're dying to suck my cock, but you've gotta wait. All there is to it."

Harlan farted, a huge stinking fart. Unbearable. Jenny visualized herself turning green. She closed her eyes and held her breath. When she opened her eyes again and strained for air, Harlan was gone, but his horrible fart still hovered around her head. Jenny wept. She hadn't cried since she'd been a small girl, but she cried now. That man was an animal. She had never been so humiliated. If she ever got away from this place alive, he'd pay for this. Her revenge would be infinite and everlasting.

What a deceptive devil this man Harlan was! He'd been a gentleman, bowing and smiling worse than any of the suckers in town, the men she and Lynn had enticed into bed for the purpose of blackmail. The irony had been that those suckers had treated them like princesses, had wined and dined them, had made passionate love to their pubescent bodies, and in the process these men had been damning themselves, had been setting themselves up for unending blackmail. On the way to the farm in the pickup, Jenny had seen in Harlan the ultimate sucker, the ultimate ass-kissing male. The man had appeared to be as tickled as a peasant in the presence of his queen. He was a psycho. Jenny imagined herself now as the stupid little girl who had accepted candy from a stranger and ended up - it was too horrible to even think about that now.

The sun rained down like acid. The breeze kicked up dust and whirled it up Jenny's nose. The air smelled of pig shit. Flies continued to land on Jenny's sweaty body, making her flesh itch. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself away from this place, willing herself up at the party at Carver Lake, a can of cold beer in one hand, a cigarette in the other, she and Lynn surrounded by a few dozen worshipping young males, young males with rich parents and big cars. The sexual tension in the air would be enough to make the boys cream, but she and Lynn would choose only two lucky boys to lick their asses tonight. They'd choose the cream of the crop. Jenny Kane and Lynn Smith only accepted the best - the richest, the handsomest. Everybody knew that. Jenny Kane and Lynn Smith stood on top, the envy of every female in town, the perfect and rarely obtainable fruit desired by every last male in town. They were Cleopatra and Salome. They were goddesses. And Jenny was the golden goddess, the most desired of the desired. All bowed to her.

"I want this one," came the cracking pubescent voice. "Wow, she's got better tits than Ruby."

The little monster, brown as a jungle savage, scampered on his hands and knees in the dust. Jenny saw his turquoise eyes glint in the sun like the gemstone eyes of a pagan idol. His white teeth flashed, and he panted like a dog and sat back on his heels grinning at her. He was filthy with sweat and the smell of hay and manure. His cock was the largest Jenny had ever seen. His prick stood halfway up his belly, beating his muscle ridges with its apple-sized prickhead.

At least it's circumcised, Jenny thought. If I have to suck one of the filthy things, let it be his.

"Hold off there, boy," came the thick voice of Harlan. "You and Tyler get the other one first. Me and Seth are particular to this blond one."

"But, Pa!" the boy whined.

"But nothing. Do as we discussed or get to work on the chores we ain't finished yet."

"Oh, fuck!" said the boy.

"That's what I'm aiming to do," Harlan said. "Just as soon as we get these pretty ladies untied. Oh, look how they's all sweaty and red-faced. They's raring to go. You can tell that." He caught Jenny's left nipple between his dirty toes and tweaked it.

Jenny moaned. She hated the man, but she hated even more the feelings his filthy toes squeezed through her tit. Her cunt contracted, and immediately fuck juice oozed out between her cunt- lips. It was unbearable - to get turned on by the toe-tweak of this gross, smelly old farmer.

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Jamie was on his way home after work. After a pretty rough day he was pushing his car hard, using the speed to try to relieve some of the stress.Before long he raced past a police car parked on a side street. "Shit", he muttered. "Just what I need". Sure enough, although he had brought his speed down to the limit, he looked in hia rearview and saw the police car pull out and follow him, lights flashing. Jamie found a safe spot and pulled over.The officer that got out of the police car was not...

3 years ago
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A Southern WarmingChapter 4

"Do I have permission to enter?' she asked with a smile. I could see a little sparkle in her eyes. I immediately got up from my chair and turned toward the woman who had recently beaten me in a race. "You are a hard person to catch," I said, as I flashed one of my, (so I'm told), infectious smiles. She laughed at my comment and with a chuckle said, "I live on the island across the bridge. I like to take my run on the beach in the morning. I have been doing it for quite some time....

3 years ago
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Sexy Padosan

Hello ISS readers main hun apka dost lover.jj143 prem kaise hain aap sab log sabse pehle to main aap sabhi readers ko tahe dil se dhanyawad dena chunhga ki unhone meri story ko padha aur use saraha. Main ek bahot hi sadharan sa ladka hun kafi kuch maine pehli story me bata diya hai fir bhi naye readers ko bata dun main Prem 5’11” color fair prem ke liye hi jeena mera kaam hai jaisa naam waisa kaam pyar jitna baant sakte ho baant lo yadi tumhari kisi ko jarurat hai kisi ki khusi tumpe nirbhar...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Skylar Madison Classy Blonde Passionate Sex

The blonde Skylar Madison is eager to have a black cock to suck, lick and put that cock in her pussy very deep. With her dreamy blue eyes lying on a white sofa, she caresses her body, her pussy and shows her desire inviting that great Bobby’s black cock to suck and lick it while Bobby rubs her clitoris and goes down to her pussy to lick it. She sits on the sofa with her legs up and he introduces his big cock very deep and very hard into her pussy. Now she is placed in a doggy position and...

3 years ago
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BattlesphereChapter 9

HMS Shadow was on a fast ballistic course to the fifth system in its mission. It had left hyper well beyond the system it was entering to avoid detection. If anything, Captain Bryon Rawlins was even more cautious than the captain of the HMS Whisper had been. He also had a ship, which though slightly smaller than the Whisper, was far more powerful and technologically advanced. There were far fewer people assigned to the Shadow than had been to Whisper despite its size. Automation took care of...

1 year ago
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Gina Men Casting Can Male Amateures Act L

Gina Men Casting - " Can Male Amateures Act Like Pros? " ... Sara & KlausAnecdotes et remarques sur le film :La Dame au cul blanc assume son penchant exhibitioniste pour son plaisir et le notre. Probablement une de ses première scène sous le pseudo de Sara. On sent que ce n'est pas la premiere exhibition assumée par la belle. Cette fois-ci, c'est pour les amateurs de porno, ses futurs fans ... C'est comme ça que commence les légendes ! De petit rien, d'une exhib... Les débuts de Sara...

3 years ago
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My Friends Hot Mom

Hi friends,I m Sayan doing 2nd yr engg.I m living in Pune.Although not a regular reader but still I often visit this site.Friends I am not a professional writer so pls.excuse me 4 any mistake. Friends the story which I m writing is true n happened with me 6 months back. This story is of my very good friend’s mom.His name is Kaustubh n his moms name is Sonali. She is a lady in her late 30’s.Belive me friends that lady is a real bitch.Kaustubh was not my childhood friend but we met each other...

3 years ago
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A Tale Of Two Sisters

"Sophie, hurry up!" "All right.! I'm coming!" And I was. I let out a small moan as my fingers hit my g-spot and sent me flying over the edge. I pushed past my sister as I left the bathroom. There's nothing better than a nice hot bath after a long day at school. Well at least it was friday, and tomorrow I had the house to myself as my parents were going to Atlanta for their anniversary and Tara was going round to her boyfriends house. It was my 18th birthday last week and one of my friends...

2 years ago
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Ambition Pt 5

After a rest and some food, the men took Louise into the shower and felt her all over while washing her. Afterwards, they rubbed her intimate parts with a warm, dry towel, and she felt somewhat restored and clean and fresh smelling. Unfortunately for her, her dewy fresh nakedness also inspired the men to new atrocities on her body.On being returned to the living room, Louise found Abigail Glenn, the Director of Nursing for the university, preparing tools and materials on a mobile stand. Daley...

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My Life With a Linemans TicketChapter 8

When I landed in Great Bend, KS my mom picked me up. We went to their new house in Hoisington where they had moved to after retiring in Holyrood. My dad still had his Hungarian Vizsla hunting dog. Back when he bought him as a pup he named him "Dammit" as he said that's what our mom would always call him. When he was a pup my mom woke up during the night from the noise of their rocking chair. She went into the living room and saw dad rocking Dammit. She said to him "Why are you rocking...

2 years ago
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Not My Daughters Fault

It's hard to believe I've been out of high school for five years. I'm now a college graduate and headed for my five-year class reunion. I wasn't the most popular guy in school; in fact, most people considered me a geek. I was of normal size and weight in stature, but since I didn't play sports and was more into computers than most, I was considered a geek. I was the valedictorian, getting straight A's all through school. I was also named most likely to succeed. I hung with the...

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Macks ProgressChapter 5

"Look, Mack, I thought I'd better warn you as soon as I heard. Brian and Conway are planning on taking the children on a couple of weeks' holiday on the Broads. You can't complain; it's your fault they are going up there anyway. They never would have thought of it if you weren't working in that boating pub," Julia informed me one Sunday morning. 'Oh, yeah, how come it's my fault?' I asked myself when the call was over. Patricia or really her fella John gave us all a nasty shock...

2 years ago
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Sun Sea Sex

My mother couldn't stop chattering all the way to the airport. On the spur of the moment, we'd booked a bargain three-night mini-break at a hotel on the Costa Blanca, and Mum was bubbling with excitement. She kept talking about what we'd do and wondering about the hotel - I think she'd memorized all the brochures and leaflets she'd collected at the travel agents, and after having to listen to her I think I pretty well knew them off by heart, too.She was already dressed for the warm Spanish...

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Tuition Sir Taught Me A Chapter

Hello , sometimes in life , we all want sex , some has much priority and some has less . Here I bring you the story of a middle age man who earned his living by teaching kids and teaching there mothers too Shocking ? yes a bit of course , but its a story to tell , his mentality and his super mind ideas and preparing constant remedies to fuck women , students or women of any shape size or any age , just to feel the pleasure , its was like a mental disorder he just wanted to fuck and get his dick...

2 years ago
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Spiritual Equinox

‘Oh, yes! Right there! Fuck yeah, Benny, that’s it. That’s the way I like it. Now, fuck me, fuck me hard!’ A low, throaty growl rolled from the man’s chest, and he held her in an iron-like grip as he began to savagely thrust into her. Kassandra’s body shook with the force of his unleashed fury and she gasped in lewd satisfaction as the last shreds of his self control were consumed in the fire of his lust. Her lean legs wrapped tightly around the young man’s thighs and she eagerly slapped her...

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The Senators Wife

At first, all I remembered was the noise and confusion of the kidnapping,followed by what seemed to be long days of complete and utter blackness, simplydue to my being held in a darkened room, with a blindfold. Of course, I wasbound so that I couldn't take off the blindfold, or try to escape. Later, after I had time to think, the circumstances of my abduction cameback to me. I had just hung up the phone, after promising to donate some olddresses and skirts to an upcoming Junior League auction,...

3 years ago
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True High School Love

I arrived at school that day, on time, ready to go. The faculty introduced us to themselves. We were also asked to introduce ourselves. At that moment, I saw her. Her wonderful black hair complimented the curves of her body. It was an almost black brown color, and wavy-straight. She was a rather pale girl, with a clean, smooth, and innocent looking face. Her lips were a medium red, but they looked very kissable. She had brilliantly white teeth, as I recall. She was about 5’5” in...

4 years ago
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Suddenly Woman 4

Suddenly Woman Chapter 4 My head was filled with a storm of thoughts, ideas and emotions. In spite of this entire, surreal transformation, there was no way in hell I thought of myself as a woman. In spite of the fact that I had just walked through the streets of the city in this elaborate masquerade, I couldn't be a woman. In spite of the fact that I sat here now, a half a foot shorter, sixty pounds lighter, this long hair, hanging, these hands, these In spite of...

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