Barnyard Antics free porn video

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Let me tell you what happened a few years ago when Tammy left me and I ended up marrying molly. As you know, I’ve got a farm just outside of Lincoln Nebraska. I met Tammy five years before our break up. She was in her final year at the University there. It seemed pretty good at the time but I guess she didn’t cotton to farm life very well now that I think back on it.

It was one of those hot July days around the fourth and I’d been getting a little suspicious. First of all, Tammy hadn’t been putting out very much and that was odd because usually when she gets between the sheets she ruts pretty damned good. I hired this big lug Brad Havens to do some work on my fences and barn that summer partly because he was a good carpenter and secondly because he was a local boy who lived in town. Brad’s a big boy about six foot two and he’s really well put together. I know he can bench press two hundred fifty pounds because he used to brag about it.

As I said we live in a small town about ten miles outside of Lincoln. I grow a lot of corn and some wheat and even though there ain’t a lot of money in it, I also make some additional money with my internet business. Hey just because I’m a farmer doesn’t mean I’m a dumb hick. I guess Brad thought I was at the time. I don’t reckon he thinks so any more.

But I get ahead of the story a little. About two miles down the road lives the sweetest little woman I ever knew. My big mistake was I didn’t pay enough attention to her in high school and Will Palmer got his hooks into her during the senior year. All right, Molly is a plain Jane but she’s got a heart of gold and she’s as loyal as the day is long. By the time these events took place she was in her mid twenties and I guess Molly and Will had decided to wait a bit before having young ones because they didn’t have any kids after over six years together.

One autumn day the year before my divorce, Will got killed in a very tragic car accident. Now you must understand, even though he’d beaten me to the punch as far as Molly was concerned, I always respected Will and thought he was a great guy. I was happy for them, I really was. Going to his funeral was the saddest day of my life since my dad died a few years back.

The funeral home was crowded. It seemed like the whole town was there at one time or another. Will was in an open casket and it was like he was asleep with his hands folded and the flowers cascading all around the body. I’m a pretty hard assed dude but that day my tears were flowing free. There was Molly sitting beside her man, holding back her own tears and shaking hands with the mourners.

I leaned down holding her hand and whispered in her ear, “It’s not fair Molly so you go right ahead and feel sorry for yourself. What happened to Will is a God Damned fuckin’ shame!”

Molly knew me well enough and she gave me a teary smile, knowing my heart was in the right place even if my words weren’t quite altogether appropriate. “I know Frank. He was so kind and good. I’m like to die!” And then she slumped against me and started bawling her eyes out. I stood there and rubbed her back gently and gave one of the attendants the eye. Soon they helped her to another room so she could recover. I didn’t pray. If there is a God than he’s an ass hole for not protecting Will.

Anyway Molly was a widow and she was always alone, probably sitting around that empty house all day trying to get past that terrible loss. So on an early July Saturday morning around six she was shocked to see me knocking at her door.

“I’m sorry to bother you so early, Molly but I’ve got a big favor to ask you, it’s real important.”

She wiped the sleep out of her pretty brown eyes and looked into my own. “What is it Frank? Is it something serious?”

I didn’t know what she was wearing. She could have been buck naked and I wouldn’t have noticed that morning. I had some really big fish to fry. “Molly I hope to God I’m wrong but I’m getting real suspicious of Tammy. I’ve driven over in my truck. I’d like to leave it hear for awhile. Could you drive me over to the back end of my property? I’d be much obliged.”

Molly looked at me for several seconds and she must have seen the concern in my face. Finally she nodded. “All right Frank.”

I went over to my truck; got my keys, my digital camera and an old German Lueger my grand pappy gave me from the big one. He’d been decorated at the bulge and he’d found the weapon on a dead krout officer. I had no ammo for it but nobody knew that. For damned sure Tammy didn’t know. I knew Brad wouldn’t be around until eight or there abouts. So after I’d had a quick cup of coffee at Molly’s she drove me to my place.

I’d told Tammy the night before, I’d have to leave early in the morning and I wouldn’t be back till the afternoon on some important business in Lincoln. My suspicions grew even more when she didn’t even bother to ask me why.

Let me tell you a little bit about Tammy. She’s a nice, busty honey blonde who loves the little girl look. She’s well put together with long, slender legs and nice boobs just made for sucking and squeezing. The first few years with her were great but all of a sudden about six months before this July she cooled down something bad. It was getting to the point I had to jack off sometimes just to keep my sanity and when she did put out it was like here’s your fifteen minutes guy now get lost. There was something definitely wrong in Denmark but I didn’t know what. I was soon going to find out.

After Molly dropped me off, I snuck back to the barn. I knew Brad would be stopping by because there was a lot of work to do in the barn. It needed some more clapboarding and painting. I didn’t mind the painting but I’ve got ten thumbs when it comes to carpentry. I bang my fingers more than the nails and that’s no lie. I knew that Tammy would see that my truck was gone when she came out to do a few of the chores and then she’d call Brad if something was up.

I hid behind a couple of barrels, checked my digital camera and sure enough it was working fine. Then I sat and waited. During that long hour, I kept hoping that my suspicions were unfounded. Hell I’d always treated Tammy right. I’d given her nice things at Christmas her birthday and our anniversary. I’d given her enough loving for two women and up until six months ago she’d always responded. Those five years flashed by in my mind as I waited and waited, hoping against hope that I was a jealous fool and that I was completely wrong.

Finally Brad opened the main door to the barn and flicked on the light. He got out his tools and started puttering around, apparently starting on the side wall across from where I was hiding. He pushed aside an old wagon wheel and started removing a few old rotten boards. So far there was no problem.

Then Tammy entered and she closed the door behind her. She called out, “Hi Brad! I missed you so bad, honey!”

He turned and in a moment she was in his arms sucking face and grinding her big tits into his chest. I saw his hands move down to her ass. The bitch was wearing one of my old broad brimmed hats. It was way too big for her and it sat on her head at a weird angle. I still don’t know why she’d worn it unless she just wanted to play Brad’s little cow girl or something.

Today I thank God I didn’t have a loaded gun because at that moment I would have blasted both of them to kingdom come. They moved to the middle of the barn where there was more room and then he was pulling off her blouse and she was unbuckling his pants. It was clear that this was far from the first time they’d been together. He was giving her some serious tongue while their clothes seemed to magically fall to the floor. By now I had my digital camera going strong and I got it all, from the moment they started stripping to the moment she was riding his cock in the cow girl position with my hat still lodged on her pretty blonde head. Her face was lit up like I remembered it with that sexy mouth open, gasping with raw need as Brad sliced up into her romping cunt. What is great about those new fangled cameras is that they also record the sound.

He was moaning while she cried out, “Fuck me Brad! Fuck my naughty little pussy! Oh God! Yes! Yes! We got till this afternoon! Frank won’t be back till at least three. He told me so last night! So just keep fucking me!”

Brad chuckled, “So you want me to do you for hours eh? You hot trick!”

“Yes honey bun! So fill me up with your hot, baby cream and then I’ll get real nasty and suck your big cock. I just love the way you fuck! Oh Brad! Brad! Just fuck me baby! Fuck me! God how I missed you, baby!”

They were really into each other and she finally crushed her breasts into his chest again and their kissing got as hot as their fucking. I figured I had captured enough on tape. Hey, I might be a hay seed but I’m a smart hay seed. Not only do I know about the internet but I know how to use video cameras to. After shutting the vid off and hiding it behind the barrel, I picked up the Lueger and as quietly as possible I snuck up on the rutting bastards.

Tammy screamed when she felt the metal gently bang into the back of her head. My voice must have sounded like a pistol shot. “All right bitch, I got my handy little Lueger pointed right at the back of your pretty little head. I otta kill you for what you’re doing but if you do exactly what I say, I’ll let you live slut!”

Brad looked up at me with utter fear in his eyes. He was about to say something but I cut him off. “Don’t say nothing brad. I don’t want to hear it. Actions speak louder than words. Now I want you two to keep right on fucking. I wanna see how much of a filthy whore Tammy is. So keep fucking him, you foxy tramp!!”

She slowed down. Apparently Brad was so scared he was getting soft. “I mean it Brad, get hard and fuck her dirty little brains out. I wanna see you two make the beast!” They could hear the anger and determination in my voice and they went to it again. “Now Tammy, suck his mouth and give him plenty of spit. I wanna hear it go into his mouth you fucking whore pig!”

She went down on his mouth and I could hear the swishing and slurping of a real messy kiss while the coupling grew in intensity. “Now Brad, spread her ass cheeks wide open, I’m gonna have some fun right now!”

Tammy send something I didn’t catch. “Shut up and keep sharing spit with your new ho dog bitch! I’m gonna do your hot little ass. Let’s see if you can fuck us both at once. Remember I got this Lueger aimed right at the back of your cheetin’ head.

I pulled down my zipper and got my cock out. It was hard by now and I straddled my performing wife. Keeping the gun at her head, I rubbed her pucker with my itching cock tip and lined it up. Tammy screamed when I pushed it into her. I didn’t care. She wasn’t lubricated but it sure felt good to me. I sank it in all the way and to my surprise I could feel Brad’s cock pumping away on the other side of that thin anal wall. “Now fuck bitch! Fuck us both you filthy little whore! Show Brad what kind of a horny slut you really are cause I’m gonna fill your sleazy ass hole chuck full. It’ll be something to remember me by. That’s the way tramp, work our cocks! Play, you raunchy little whore! Frank’s gonna fill your shitter with a mother load for sure!”

I’m positive she was weeping with the humiliation and pain but at this point I didn’t fucking care. The bitch had betrayed me and I had her doing the act on video for any court room to see. She wasn’t going to get a God damned dime out of me. Let Brad pay the whore’s bills. Quicker and quicker I did the fox’s little shit hole. Soon I felt Brad jerk as he pumped his own seed into Tammy’s quivering cunt. By now Tammy was clenching both of us because her body was climaxing like crazy. “Fuck bitch! Fuck your hubby’s dick! Fuck it! Yeah bitch! Take it up your filthy ass! Oh yyeeeaaahhh!”

It felt so damned good to launch that spunk up her dirt hole.

She raised her head and gasped, “You son of a bitch frank!”

“Shut up and kiss him slut or I’ll blow your fucking head off!”

She went back down on Brad. There was quiet now as all three of us were spent. I ground the business end of the gun into her honey blonde hair. “Now slut this is the way it’s going to be. Brad is going to drive you away from here right now. You will never come back here. If you step on my land ever again I’ll blast your head off you filthy tramp! If Brad ditches you then you can whore for your daily bread on the street. Don’t even bother fighting the divorce in court or you’ll be the laughing stock in the entire state of Nebraska and that’s a promise. I’ll pack your clothes and leave it at the police station and you can pick it up there Monday morning. As for you Brad, just stay off my property and every thing will be cool. I don’t blame you nearly as much as I blame this slut. Tammy, you are no longer my wife. You are just a cock sucking dick fucking whore and I hope Brad turns you out so you have to fuck to eat food. Now both of you get out of my site and don’t say one fucking word. Remember I still have this gun and I’m real angry.”

I have to give Brad credit. He got his clothes on, he looked me in the eye and he said, “I’m sorry Frank.” I actually think he meant it.

“Apology accepted Brad; now get that piece of shit whore out of here. She’s all yours and I don’t want her back!”

Tammy’s face was coated with tears and she was red with shame. Brad helped her get her clothes on and five minutes later, I heard them drive away. I never saw her again and I only ran into Brad a few times downtown. We didn’t’ say anything to each other and that was fine with me.

A couple of weeks later I got contacted by Tammy’s lawyer. By this time I’d made four copies of the scene where Tammy’s riding Brad fucking away with that silly hat on her blonde head. I still have the hat by the way. She left it on the floor just inches from where I’d fucked her nasty ass hole. Anyway, I had my lawyer send her lawyer a copy of the tape and I got the divorce without contest. She never got one fucking nickel out of me. As far as I know, Brad kept her. Too bad cause I’d have loved to see Tammy selling her ass for thirty bucks a whack to put food on her table. Oh well you can’t have everything.

As time went by, Molly heard about the divorce. So one Sunday afternoon I sidled over to her place and told her all about it. Of course I didn’t’ tell her about the empty gun and the ass fuck but I told her just about everything else. She was shocked and outraged at Tammy’s disloyalty.

“I know Molly, that’s the way it is. You know, I’m sure you miss Will but if you ever need a friend or a shoulder to cry on you just call me, you here?”

Like I said before Molly ain’t the prettiest thing around but she’s got a heart as big as Everest and a year later, Molly became the second Misses Frank Anderson. I’ve never looked back since except once and a while when Molly’s in town, I get out that old DVD and snicker as I watch Tammy fuck a great marriage down the drain.


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Office Antics

My boyfriend came back to the office after a hard days work. I looked at him with the cheekiest grin and he asked me what time I was expected home and I said not for another hour. Well of course I offered to help him relax and he jumped at the chance - like any guy would. I walked over to where he was sitting and I whispered in his ear "wait till the boss has gone and i will blow u away!" The biggest smile came across his face and i just sat back down in my chair and continued to work. The boss...

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The New Romantics

The New Romantics By mini_smith2001 For me the summer of 1980 had been long and hot and uneventful, I was 17 and was looking forward to going to a nightclub in Birmingham with my friend Steve. Although I was still too young to get into a nightclub we decided to try. Steve was almost 18 and looked his age but I still looked like a school kid, which I wasn't, I'd been in art collaged for a year. The nightclub we were going to try and get into was called the Rum Runner, a club that...

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BreakdownChapter 7 Sunday November 18th 2012 1000

Rob was worried. They were parked behind an old shed just north of Heber. Three vehicles were parked on the pavement not a hundred yards from them and Rob could see the men talking through the gaps between boards in the wall of the shed. The house the old shed had belonged to had been burned to the ground. Rob thought the structure had been burned recently because of the fresh, un-weathered look of the burned boards. Rob knew the turn off to the property was only a few miles farther. From the...

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Lucy the Zookeeper

Lucy woke late with the sun beaming through the thin tulle covering her bedroom window. Her friends had helped her celebrate her 25th birthday the night before and she started a little later at the zoo today because she would be one of the last to leave. She didn’t mind this though as Lucy had loved animals her whole life and had wanted to work in a zoo or be a vegetarian since she was 7 years old. Lucy texted her boyfriend thanking him for the wonderful night and invited him to dinner...

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10 Best Indian Sex Stories of August 2022

The month of holidays – Independence Day, Raksha Bandhan, and many others! Dear readers, you enjoyed your holidays reading these top Indian sex stories in August 2022. 1) Once there was a Raksha Bandhan celebration in our society. While all the residents gathered on the ground, I got a chance to have sex with my sister Swara. ‘Every year when we fuck, I fear being caught and our lives being ruined because of that. Hence whenever the Raksha Bandhan festival approaches, my blood pressure...

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Hartstein Ch 02

Illustrated version of this chapter available on request Paul was deep in thought as he reread the last two pages over again. It was ten after eleven on a Tuesday morning. He had been writing since six, and had two pages that were almost right to his way of thinking, when he heard the mailman approaching his front door, and then saw the letter drop from the mail slot onto the wooden floor. A letter not a bill? I don’t usually get letters … and it’s too thin to be another rejection slip. He...

4 years ago
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Lusty Desires Of Sexy Housewife

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hi, guys, my name is Priya, 29 years old, married for 3 years now, 5.4 tall, slim curvaceous body with decent assets. My husband works with renowned it company and we put up from Pune. Though I am originally from Jaipur & my husband is from Udaipur. We come from an educated family and brought up wisely. Ours was an arranged marriage and my husband Sagar is a hardworking but otherwise jolly person. He is the life of any party...

4 years ago
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Secretary for extra job

Hello there to all who have come in to read my story I am from Bangladesh my names Vromor aged 27 years and single. I am very friendly person to move along easily among the people. I owned a small business. This incident happens with me few months ago. Here I like to share with my ISS friends. As my business growing day by day, I need some extra hands for my help and maintain my office. So I appointed a secretary for help my works. Her name is Nisha (not real). Aged 24. She was married but her...

1 year ago
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Finally Had Sex With Didi 8211 Part 8 Foursome Sex

Hello everyone, I am Riya, back with the next story in the series. Request all of you to read the previous parts first, as this will be a direct continuation. The next day, I went to my college as usual. But all day, the thoughts of foursome sex were running in my mind. Then when it was 2 pm, I saw Rahul at the college gate. I got on his bike, did not say anything, and he started driving. I just asked him where he is taking me. He said that Pratham’s parents are out of town, and we are going...

3 years ago
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How I Started Working As A Gigolo 8211 Part 1

Hi Indian sex stories readers, this is Vignesh 24 from Chennai 5.7″ tall, slim body. Currently working in a mnc. Earning fine. This story is all about how I was seduced by an neighbourhood aunty named Lalitha and now I am working as a part time gigolo for money and for fun. Please don’t mind if this story is too long as this is my first time writing. Actually I am very much interested in pets especially birds.. I am living in an rented house with my friends. And lalitha age 33 homely having...

3 years ago
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In The Ozarks

She was sitting on the bench at the picnic table where we had had our first date. It was dark but I could see her very well from the lights on top of the levee. I was merely feet away, standing near the bank of the river, but she couldn't see me where I was concealed in the shadows. She was waiting for me but I didn't want to speak just yet. I just wanted to watch her. I could feel the blood and adrenaline pumping violently through my veins. I was on fire on the inside, and the heat radiated...

3 years ago
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Jerk off wank fantasy from a boob man

More of a fantasy than a story but what the heck. I’m really into jerk off encouragement clips and this is my ultimate wank fantasyThe girl is tall and blonde with gigantic breasts. She is dressed in fishnet stockings, high heels and black lacy lingerie. She looks to the camera and says “Hello Mr Masturbator. I’m Kate. I know you are here to get really excited and masturbate like a perv. Its OK! That’s what I want you to do. I want to watch as you drool over my boobs and indulge you addiction...

4 years ago
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The Lawson Games Episode 1

The day I found out I’d been chosen for the Lawson games was the happiest day of my life. I’d been given a shot to have it all, and even if I didn’t win, I would still have a hell of a time. Let me explain: Bill Lawson and his wife, Natalie are a couple with tremendous wealth and unconventional tastes. Every Summer, at their lake house, they host the Lawson games, in which they invite three boys and three girls from the year’s graduating class aged 18 or older to compete for a million dollars....

1 year ago
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Connie and the Chalet Day 1

Day One: WelcomesThe drive to the chalet, a Swiss-style vacation home in the Pacific Northwest, was wonderful. Connie lay back on the reclining front seat of their Escape, drowsing in the early afternoon sun. Her window was cracked slightly open, and the sweet scent of the recent showers wafted in, mingled with the aroma of fresh greenery and one of her favorites, the smell of the rain evaporating from the two-lane road they meandered along.Her husband Sam navigated the unfamiliar road well. ...

3 years ago
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The Massage 2

We were still randy when we do got home. We were in bed naked within seconds, kissing, sucking, licking each other. I sank my cock into her and felt her smooth hot cunt wrap itself around me. I moved round and round, grinding her clit with the base of my cock, feeling her tits sliding under my chest and her hard nipples brushing against mine. God, it was good. We were both ultra aroused. She was soaking wet and I was as hard and big as I get. She slipped a finger in my ass and I had one...

2 years ago
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Meeting Elaine

Dave and I had gone into the house and the husband Gary had looked at me and our eyes had sorta clicked; I’m not sure if his wife had seen it, but I’ve had that eye contact interchange about 5 times on first meet a guy and its lead to sex every time. Ho he managed it I’m not too sure but he got his wife to show Dave the garden as he and I went upstairs. I was very aware that as I went upstairs he was looking at my naked pussy, because all I had on was this very thin short summer halter necked...

1 year ago
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My hung boyfriend has a brother

When my husband answered the doorbell late one friday evening he was surprised to see Dan, my boyfriend and another guy who he introduced as his brother Markus.I became the hostess and brought drinks and they told me Markus was down visting friends and they had gone out on the town for a drink and whatever else might come up. They told me there wasn't any talent out so Dan told him about Me and Mick and wondered if we might like 2 visitors.I was quite happy to take their banter while they...

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I Fucked My Neighbor 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, this is my first time writing a story so bear with me if I make a few mistakes. This is a story of how I fucked my neighbor. So it goes like this. I was 18 years old kid who lived in a compound in fairly large villas. I had just learnt about pornographic things for the first time when a friend showed a few videos to me. I immediately got horny and when I went home, I then started masturbating and my goodness it was absolutely glorious. So that was how it was the first few months since....

2 years ago
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My Young Girlfriendrsquos First Time Cuckolding ndash With

Chapter One – Intro: How it StartedAs far as I understand, many people differ on the meaning of cuckold, as with any fetish, everyone has different expectations and turn-ons which makes every case different. My fetish consist on watching my significant other (in this case my girlfriend) fucking black men in front of me. I don´t care for the humiliation and all I want is to see her getting fucked. Or at least, those are the video I searched for before experiencing the real thing.My girlfriend...

3 years ago
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ThesisChapter 14 How To Be A Gardener

Course 8 / Day 6: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: Time for Fifty to start getting involved in some outdoor activities and help with preparations for the garden party. Jenny's Recollections I am waking up early and feeling refreshed these days. I guess the (very) regular hours with nothing in the way of normal household or occupational responsibilities must be good for me, and but today it's rather before the usual time (as far as I can tell) when the shutter goes...

2 years ago
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A Very Naughty Girl Dominates Her Husband

Matt’s car was already parked in the drive. Melissa glanced at her watch and secretly smiled to herself. She opened the door and walked into the kitchen to face Matt.“Where have you been?” he asked, politely and with a soft voice.“Sorry I’m late, I was held up. How are you?”Melissa put her bag on the table, removed the sausages and lamb chops and placed them into the fridge. Matt watched her arse in that short yellow skirt as she struggled to reach the top shelf of the fridge. The escaping cold...

1 year ago
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Sex With Married Bangalore Aunty

Hello friends my name is sampath I am from Bangalore, today I am going to tell you about an incident that completely changed my life, actually not only my life even my aunt’s life (heroine of this story). Before going into the story please mail me your response and feed backs at Ladies who want to have fun with me can also mail me at the same mail Id. This story is about my aunty, to be in detail my mom’s brother’s wife. Her name is shanthi, she is 28 years old happily married. To explain...

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Two Brothers A Little Camping Tail

Shortly thereafter, both boys came out to their parents as gay. Unconcerned, they demonstrated anal to their children, and urged them to experiment with each other as they pleased, something both brothers took to with relish. Joey was taller, at 6' even. He had a stocky, cut build; wide shoulders and thick limbs. This physical characteristic extended to his penis, which was 7", cut, and thick, with a large head which dwarfed his already massive cock shaft. Tony was shorter and slimmer, at...

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Making the Grade Meghan and Sandra

As community college professor, I had a lot of freedom when it came to my class. Yes, I had to be on time and yes, I had to stick to the subject matter and course syllabus and yes, I had to abide by the college rules regarding ethical conduct, but every college professor fails in one of these three areas, at least once or twice in a carrier span.I had no problems in following the basic tenants of college teaching, it was the ethical standards I had issues with. College girls seemed to flaunt...

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I am out of town on business and I am ending what has been a long, hectic, stressful day, so one of my favorite ways of relaxing is shopping and browsing for clothes, in particular, LINGERIE. So, I look up a local lingerie boutique and go and check out the merchandise. I chose a small, locally owned shop in the downtown area.Once in the store, a pretty lady approaches and asks if I needed assistance? I tell her I am browsing around and she says her name is Cindy, and she'll check back in a few...

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Hit the fuckin road Bitch

Następnego dnia rano wstali bardzo wcześnie. Zaspana Suka krzątała się po kwaterze parząc kawę i robiąc jakieś śniadanie przed wyjazdem.- Chciałbym dotrzeć na miejsce przed zachodem słońca. Mam pewien plan.- Dobrze, mój Panie - odrzekła Su, cała podekscytowana co tym razem stanie się jej udziałem.Pan był pełen niespodzianek, pomysłów, czasem szalonych, czasem lekko przerażających, ale za każdym razem mocno ekscytujących.Rozmarzona wspominała poprzednią noc. To w jaki sposób, dzięki Jego...

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No PromisesChapter 6

I was still looking forward to my Wednesday-night quickie-date with Molly when, the night before, my phone rang. "Hello?" "Greg? It's Sarah. From next door?" "Oh. Hi, Sarah." "Are you working tomorrow?" "Uh. Yes. Regular day. Why?" "Well, I'm taking a day off. I only have two classes on Wednesdays, and one of them was cancelled. I've decided to tank the other one." "Uhh. O.K." "If you're going to be away from home, working, I thought I might spend some time out back...

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Mallu Chechi

Hi there readers , this story says the sex with neighbour's wife her name is Geetha(name changed) she is 28 years old her stats are 36-24-36 she has the perfect body shape with a perfect yellow kerala (mallu) skin texture." READ WITH PATIENCE TO INCREASE YOUR STAMINA AND GET HOT CUM " She is a married woman , i am really shy at talking to women and never had spoken to her until one day she came to our home but since no one else where there except me , i welcomed her .She said that her house ran...

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