Bargain CuntChapter 3 free porn video

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The costumed Shapes successfully polished the moves Clare had choreographed and Cyril enjoyed the four gyrating and posing bodies. He steadied himself to peep through the gap in the door, frightened of his old age betraying his presence by knocking the vertical pine door planks. Suze’s knockers were prime choice of the four, but Helen’s rotund, mother of four, flabby curves were as good to watch. The costume briefs slung purposely low, such was the design, emphasising the two fat rolls Helen carried, augmented by more that were starting high on her sides. The lower one protruded over the top of her briefs, matching the fat on her upper thighs below the briefs. So many times had she been told, by the Shapes and their followers, that her figure was the ideal for the type of dance the Shapes specialised in. Turkish and Arabic men clamoured for stills of her posted on the Shapes website, photos taken by Glenis and agreed between the group. Clare didn’t say, keeping to herself, the number of requests she got as webmaster for videos of the group, Helen – and Suze, but none were available.

Dance rehearsal finished and the four started to change clothing. Cyril wished he had brought a camera, but his addled old brain wasn’t working up to full speed these days. The view was fucking good anyway and he would definitely try this again. The first to get naked was – of course Suze and luckily she was changing near the cupboard. The sway, sag, bounce and tremor of her tits was wonderful to watch, but then Helen took her bra off. He was surprised that such a large woman had mere little saggy paps. She slung on a plain, white, unstructured brassiere which did nothing to lift and separate, but her tits were wide apart anyway and looked like they didn’t know each other.

Suze was stepping into pair of black, lace panel, briefs, but before they were fully wriggled into, he was again amazed that she had no pubic hair. She had a lovely pussy pouch and because he was upon a chair and Suze’s glossy black body was close he didn’t get a chance to see her quim – but those boobs! How much he loved and enjoyed slim young Glenis’ body, didn’t stop him from ogling tits. Sunitra and Clare were talking on the other side of the room with their backs to him. Sunitra had started to take her costume briefs down and halted while they discussed some papers, so the top two inches of her bum crack was a dark slot, until they both bent forward as Clare rummaged in her briefcase. She had removed her briefs and Cyril saw her trim, shapely butt. The brown girl’s curvy bum, bloomed further over her briefs, then Clare bent double, her athletic legs straight. She moved to hold the bag and opened her legs and Cyril had a first class rear view of her fanny and to add to the spicy scene, her arsehole was totally exposed.

At that time Suze turned and saw it too and thought if only Clare’s precious pupils could see her then, how they would snigger at the bossy, prissy school marm in all her naked glory. Clare was so trim and toned compared to her colleagues, there was no spare flesh to remain closed over her crack. He wished he could see it nearer but was happy. In their younger days, he and Sybil, his poor bedridden wife and especially her, had loved anal sex. They had managed to source strap-ons so she could give him one in return.

Their discussion over, Clare and Sunitra both turned to continue dressing. Again a bald cunt, but this time Cyril could just about see Clare’s pussy lips which were protruding. Everyone was distracted by the door to the corridor, being knocked on then tentatively opening and he missed seeing the brown girl’s cunt, but hearing the comments, he was further delighted by the arrival of ladies from the choir. They had finished their practice and now the seven who had changed in the room previously needed the space again. Five of them decided it was too crowded but Felicity, his favourite shopkeeper and Dawn Softley, a local GP stayed. Without ado, they took off the white, black trimmed, official choir blouses and suddenly old Cyril had a cornucopia of shapes and sizes to feast on. He wobbled on the chair with excitement.

The prize was Felicity his local shop keeper, seeing someone he knew quite well, glimpses of her cleavage and swollen bosoms under her upper clothing while serving him. She was being swift in changing her top, but he realised she was actually tied up in a cream coloured corset. Her fleshy torso quivered as she lined up a blouse and dragged it on and buttoned it. Dawn for a doctor was very fat if not obese. Her boobs were soft and small and in a minimal brassiere, they sort of rested happily on her stomach which bellowed, rather than bellied out, exerting oodles of strain on her skirt waist band. She was tall too, sharp hawk like face, with stringy, lank, mousey hair and she had no ankle shapes on straight thick legs. Her final act to thrill Cyril, who was easily pleased with any thing related to female under garments, was to hitch her loose skirt up and straighten, then pull tighter her pale tan stockings. The welt of them, clipped to black suspenders was no more than six inches above her knees.

Sunitra, Helen, Suze and the choir ladies left together, leaving Clare, now fully clothed and leafing through some papers, who was then joined by the remaining choir members. Cyril ignored Joan Olds, Marion Sullivan who was very dark coloured and a bitter sour faced Hilary Cutler, who were all bony, skinny and wore bras which were all enveloping, which betrayed no shape, jiggle, wobble or shiver of tit. A very short, silver haired lady who was as wide as she was tall, made Cyril gasp when she removed her choir shirt to amazingly see no underclothes whatsoever. Her stubby, dark brown nipples were low on her small bosoms and pointed at the floor. She wrestled with an olive green toned fleece and then she joined the others as Clare fussed around, making sure the room she had negotiated free use of was as tidy as found.


Ming Ling was reading a magazine in the surgery waiting room when the display board pinged and and her name popped up requiring her to attend room 3 for Doctor Softley. Ming got up and entered the corridor for various marked consulting rooms, but halted briefly to clench and unclench her buttocks and wriggle at the same time, trying to disturb her knickers which had ridden up and were trapped in the mass of labia she was both blessed and tortured with. In desperation she hooked her black painted finger nails in the front of her skirt against her crotch and nearly managed, but quickly ceasing as a pretty black nurse appeared and marched officiously, without a smile, past. Ming knocked and entered room 3 and breathed a sigh of relief, seeing a broadly grinning Dawn perched in her chair.

“Trouble down below again Ming?” the obese surgeon chuckled. “No ... what ... why do you say that Dawn ... Oh I see, that’s sneaky and new,” Ming laughed when Dawn swivelled a monitor on her desk, which showed a live CCTV feed of the very corridor Ming had fiddled with her clothing in and the same nurse marching through and disappearing into another corridor. “We’ve had some dodgy so called delivery drivers in so we’ve installed that system,” said Dawn, swivelling the monitor clicking and finding Ming’s case history. “What were you doing? Looked a bit naughty.” “Course not, me knickers caught up in me what’s it, you know how messy it all is,” snickered Ming, a natural Oriental, who was a quick, intelligent learner and had adopted English vernacular – when needed for a laugh. “Oh your beautiful fanny yeah...” Ming frowned, not agreeing but she was stuck with what she had. “OK what brings you here?” asked Dawn who knew Ming very very well, both being members of a botanists club and exceedingly close friends. Dawn Softley’s speciality was nurturing spectacular Red Hot Pokers, technically known as Kniphofia Nobilis and handling their firm upright blooms. Ming - for her part, attemped to create scents and perfumes from exotic species for many, diverse, sometimes taboo reasons. They had formed a friendship through Ming’s naughty Dachshund - Corky, sniffing up Dawn’s skirt when the massively overweight doctor bent over to sniff some of Dawn’s floral display in the Ling garden. Ming had been in the kitchen preparing tea and cakes and halted on her way out, seeing Corky – or not seeing Corky, as most of his body was inside Dawn’s skirt and she was bent over for some considerable time, supporting her 18 stone frame on a garden fork.

Ming had approached slowly and silently, seeing a kindred spirit, puzzled as to how she would break the ice. She had opened with ‘I love what he does too’ with Dawn nearly ending up flattening half the shrubbery in shock. After the initial false excuses and embarrassment from both of them, being strong single women in their fifties, they had ended up giggling, comparing notes and Corky being let loose on two ultra hot and juicy mature pussies laying side by side on the lawn vying for his attention.

In the surgery room Ming confided her problem. “It’s getting sore again, you know how it is...” gesturing at her crotch. “All those flaps...” Then in a subdued tone, “Corky’s tongue can rasp a bit you know.” receiving a knowing smile and nod. “I’ve got no more of that ointment.” “No prob Ming. It’s restricted, you know for vets, but I have my sources, I’ll have some here tomorrow. Just keep the little bugger away from it, and you keep away from his cock,” she grinned, nodding at Ming’s crotch. “Know what I mean. I’ll bring it round for you yeah?” Dawn suggested with a broad wink.

Ming agreed. Their mutual desires were heightened and their vaginas were moist, by the conversation and the promise of what tomorrow could bring, with glances and giggling nods at the examination table with Ming reaching behind to start downing her zip, when Dawn’s phone rang. She took the call. Her brows furrowed, her mouth set, scribbling notes and checking case notes on her screen. The phone was racked. “Sorry Ming, emergency at the hospital, got to go. See ya tomorrow after surgery hours OK?” “Yeah great ... and Dawn ... wear your stockings.”


“Going to visit Maurice today?” asked Sandra, getting affirmatives from her husband and daughter, at breakfast. “OK I can handle the pubs.” “Expect we’ll be back by lunchtime darling,” said Dick, reading The Times. “I’ll call and meet up with you somewhere.” Sunitra went to the toilet, Dick as usual appreciating the glimpses of her brown buttocks below her tee(night) shirt, noticing for once that she had a pair of white briefs on. Sniffy raised his head from his rug as she wafted by. She went to the downstairs cloakroom and sat lowering the undergarment, peering at the warm creased cotton. She removed it and lifted it into the light through the frosted window. She scraped a nail over the gusset, examined and smelled her finger then wiped that on the undies. Good she thought, periods finished, perfect for my plans. She stood and bent her knees and fished inside her minge, feeling for something, frowning and then felt the coiled string and pulled out a clean, damp tampon. That was dumped into the proper bin and she continued her ablutions, then dressed in her shortest mini skirt, a white one which high lighted her smooth dark brown bare legs shod in white stilettos. Miss Power matched it with a black tight vee neck top and adding gold ear rings, gold necklace and bangles.

Dad and daughter left and Sandra tidied up and got herself tarted up to attend the now four pubs in the Power empire. The door chimes chimed and she answered – it was Glenis asking for Sunitra or Dick knowing where they were. “Sorry luv, they’re both out and I’m getting ready to, as you can see,” she chuckled, holding her light frilly dressing gown, close to her crotch as the slight breeze was exposing her pasty thighs. “Oh bugger,”exclaimed Glenis. “You know I adjusted Dick’s computer the other day. I just need to add a further tweak,” she brandished a small black gadget, which was nothing to do with computers but looked like it did, and Sandra did. “It’d be dead easy, oh well never mind,” she started to turn back to her Smart car. “If it’s dead easy, come in and do it, no prob,” smiled Mrs Power, standing inside and beckoning.

A very buoyant Glenis – the plan working, thanked her and stepped in, proceeding to Dick’s office. The next stage was to get to her hidden cameras and retrieve them. She heard Sandra go through to the kitchen and with Alyona, the cleaner, they went out to the patio, so she swiftly rushed to the bedroom, into Dick’s dressing room and pocketed the mini cameras – obviously delighted and very relieved they were still where she’d hidden them. She got back to the office, timed neatly to coincide with Sandra’s puffing ascent up the stairs, telling the mistress of the house, it was done and she’d let herself out.

Dick and Sunitra arrived at Maurice’s mock Georgian new build four bedroom house in a quiet road, and having knocked on the door to be greeted with a ferocious barking inside from Bond. Maurice opened, welcomed them in as the hound transformed from guard dog to friendly after his owner’s commands. Coffee was offered and accepted while Sunitra fussed over the magnificent creature. “She’s good with dogs isn’t she?” grinned Maurice. “Oh yeah, loves ‘em, we’ve got Sniffy at home and they dote on each other, don’t you darling/” chuckled Dick, leaning and patting the big animal’s belly. Sunitra had got Bond rolled on his back, forelegs pawing happily as she stroked his golden, soft warm fur as she eyed his exposed sheath. “Oh yes Dad,” she breathed, let me have his cock.

“Did you get the stuff she’s keen on from er ... Sarah, your daughter?” asked Dick. “Yeah got it here and more,” he gestured, with a winking smile out of the room. “I’ll get Nooda to clear this stuff while I get it.” Still charming, well dressed, in a blue and white check shirt under a tan open waistcoat, the elderly, balding man with grey whiskers and dark rimmed tinted specs, and tidy jeans disappeared, and to take his place was a very wobbly fat, big jawed, beady eyed, black haired, mature woman dressed in an ethnic, black patterned long, dress and a purple shawl round her shoulders. Dick and his daughter greeted her, getting a hardly responsive nod and grunt as the coffee filter and cups were cleared. They guessed this was Maurice’s Syrian house lady.

He returned with the goods – not just the dressing table set which sparked off the contact, but also old jewellery and some clothing, which Sunitra immediately spotted as expensive designer items. He displayed them rather too grandly, but that was his way, on a mahogany coffee table. There followed a lot of discussion, Sunitra omitting the clothing – not her style, too county country posh and too small for her mum, but interested in some of the antique baubles. Dick’s phone warbled. He glanced at it, frowned and justified his exit back to the car to check something, Sunitra and Maurice haggled, she was offering £70 against his starter of £140 as per the car boot sale days ago. “Sarah really doesn’t want t lose much on it, if any,” he told her. More haggling now including a couple of gold trinkets, until at one point when they were bending over the items, his hand brushed her bum. She noticed he didn’t apologise or withdraw his hand and was quite taken in by not only his charm but the wafts of his cologne. Hmm! expensive she thought. She shifted her stance to reach an examine a piece and purposely nudged her butt against his hand getting glance that wasn’t sure. “Sorry Maurice didn’t mean to crowd you,” she simpered. “Don’t worry, when it’s a lovely girl like you I don’t mind being crowded – in fact it’s rather nice and doesn’t often happen these days and it it did I’d probably be done for molesting,” he snickered. “Surely you’ve got many admirers and girlfriends,” she suggested. “Maybe and maybe not, but no one as attractive as you,” Maurice gushed. Sunitra was taken and damn near swooned. This sort of chat just didn’t happen these days and from a handsome, wealthy and yes – old - handsome man, it could be expected but unusual. She stood and swivelled to front him. “I want Sarah’s stuff. You want me. Do you want to do a deal?” she sighed, stepping close.

Dick interrupted them, not noticing the intimacy that was building, because they’d heard him entering the house again and moved apart, exchanging meaningful, smouldering glances. He announced he would have to leave – now. They changed arrangements, Maurice would drive her home or wherever and he left, without his now hot twatted randy brown girl ready to deal.

“You can shag me Maurice in return for those trinkets – but ... my price is now £35,” she murmured, feeling his crotch and not getting a great reaction down there. “You are a hard nut Sunitra, That’s not a good deal at all, but I will give you my best bestest lowest offer and it’s my last word.” They stared at each other, eyes fixed, his tongue licking his lower lip, her tongue fixed between two lush lips. She glanced at his not bulging flies, he fixed on her hips, not seeing a panty line. She challenged Maurice and they agreed, both being well satisfied. It was agreed they would retire to the leisure complex across the patio, although linked by a corridor, which was where Nooda was currently working. Bond trotted with them as they agreed terms. They entered the complex and while Maurice locked the corridor connection and pushed switches that smoothly closed a series of vertical blinds that shut off any views from outside. Sunitra fussed and petted an even more excited Golden Retriever as Maurice gathered lounger cushions and placed two side by side, creating a large double bed.

“That should do nicely Sunitra, a sort of bed,” Maurice suggested, adoring the sight of her bronze, bare bum cheeks as she bent and fussed, persuading Bond onto the bed. “Yes gorgeous and the pool looks inviting later,” she agreed. “No problems with Nooda you think?” “Nooda? Problems? No way. She is under instructions at all times not to come in here, elf and safety reasons heh heh,” he replied. “I mean if she was alone in the place and fell, not only would she empty the water out, being so fat...” he giggled. “She can’t swim so...” he gestured with his hands open and turned out. “I’ll tell you about her later, amazing – filthy,” he left it at that.

Intrigued but anxious to get what she came for Sunitra, and desperate to find a way to extract Bond to some where private, she started to undo Maurice’s belt. “So what exactly is your best bestest deal Maury?” she asked, using her Dad’s version of his name. He stepped back. “I have noticed your bond with Bond,” he giggled. “I have watched you with him and you have touched him up several times, like you did me earlier – you know...” he cupped her cunt. Sunitra closed enjoying the contact and fiddled not without difficulty, her very tight skirt up over her hips. His hand drew away, causing her to frown. “Would it be Bond you want ... you know – to fuck ... rather than me?” he winked knowingly. “Fuc ... Maurice ... how did – I mean have you known ... er like realised?” she stammered, amazed at his direct and very personal question. “You fuck dogs Sunitra. You’re very like dear Bunty – my wife,” he answered her puzzled expression. “ All the love for them ... and you can’t keep your hands off their cocks can you?”

The brown daughter of a brown father and white mother didn’t know how to reply, such was the fact that her bestial secrets were now exposed beyond her immediate family. The troubles they had gone to, to hide their so-called taboo activities ... She resolved not to disclose the Power family’s addiction. She shook her head, genuinely ashamed in front of such an elegant, wealthy and charming man – and how would her dad react if it ever came out. Maurice gently raised her chin with his forefinger, his eyes smiling, his sympathetic caring expression obvious.

“Don’t worry Sunitra, it’s fine, I’m not shocked in the slightest and it’s never going to go beyond these walls. You OK?” he kissed the top of her head. She nodded and embraced him, daring the lurking tears to show themselves. He explained more about Bunty, who apparently had an insatiable appetite for sex in ways he didn’t know about, which settled her somewhat, Bond lying on the makeshift bed.

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It is Thursday night and Becky, my wife, was away on one of her business trips and wouldn’t be home until Monday late so I called my sister Jacquee and asked if she wanted some company over the weekend. Jacquee was thrilled I called and was excited I was coming for a visit which was working out well since Phil was away also and due back about the same time as Becky. I had been planning to visit for some time because it had been forever since I had visited Jacquee and the two-hour drive was...

3 years ago
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Mary Mary Quite Contrary

Mary Mary Quite Contrary by Janet L. Stickney Mary Hanover was not a woman to mess with, or so she thought. As the highest rated student in school, head Cheerleader, and a true to life Goddess, she had it all, and a rich father that spoiled her just made it worse. She was spoiled to her core and we all knew it, but there wasn't much we could do about it. Until I came up with an idea. My name is Jason Grant, I'm a junior in high school, 16 years old, I'm 5' 7" tall, weigh about...

1 year ago
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Milfed September Reign Sneaky Milf

September Reign just wants to listen to music on her headphones while getting some housework done. Unfortunately, her fake tits and her tight jeans that zip up the back are too much of a temptation for her daughter’s boyfriend, Van Wylde. Van’s girlfriend, Amari, just wants to snuggle him in her room, but Van is too horny to keep still. He slips out of bed and finds September in the bathroom. She is on her hands and knees, with the back of her jeans open, exposing her pussy. Van...

4 years ago
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Sometimes you need to be violated

She heard a light switch click on and then the radio blared on, the music drowning out any hope of being heard as the door latched and locked behind her. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her neck as he reached around her and undid the button on her jeans, then quickly pulled down the zipper... She started to fight but her arms were held uselessly behind her and his weight still pinning her against the wooden bench made the efforts futile as she felt the denim being worked down over...

1 year ago
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Still Some Wishes

Up until I was forty years of age I was pretty much heterosexual because I was married and afraid to bring an STD home. As I am moving deeper into my middle years I am coming to the conclusion that I am more gay than straight. Not that I don’t love sex with women. I do. There is still nothing more welcome to me than a warm wet vagina. But male-female relationships are too complicated. Trust me, I have plenty of older women eager to play with me, but the younger ones no longer find me appealing...

Gay Male
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Wife Asks Husbands Friend to Undress Her

Ed and his buddy Joe were sitting in Ed’s living room one drinking bear one evening when Ed’s wife Samantha walked in wearing nothing but a fancy bra and panties. Ed and Joe stared open mouthed for a moment, utterly flabbergasted by her audacity. ‘Guurgh, What’s the big idea?’ said Ed nearly choking on his beer. ‘I’m just getting ready for bed, but I need a hand with the clasp on this bra,’ said Samantha with a shrug. ‘Sam, we have a guest over and you come out here practically naked,’ said Ed...

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Mommys Darling 3 Halloween Surprise

Mommy's Darling 3:Halloween Surprise - by Billie Lovelace One Saturday morning as I was dusting and vacuuming mother's room, she called to me. "Come down for a minute, dear," she said. "Margie's here and she wants to take some measurements." Besides being mother's best friend (and the girl of my dreams), Margie was an expert seamstress. She worked for a theater company and made all its costumes. As I descended the stairs, Margie greeted me with her usual mocking smile. As...

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Hot and wet sister

First off all i should thank all the iss readers for giving a good response for my stories and it was so surprising to get lot of mails from both males and females. i am a regular reader of erotic stories so i thought to share my real life experience. I love all pussies and asses and milky breasts. Anu has a very slim fine figure with medium dark glowing skin, pretty face and sweet polite natured. We are from a simple middle-class traditional family. So she only wears simple salwar kurtas...

1 year ago
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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 32

Steve I was awake around three in the morning, thinking about Chuck and Lisa. I watched them go through some really deep emotions yesterday. Every person who has gone through combat has experienced it. You hold it in and hold it in, experiencing the flashbacks and reliving the fear and adrenaline boost all over again, time and time again, whether in dreams at night or when something triggers it. Anyone who has every experienced it would have recognized that Chuck and Lisa were sitting on...

1 year ago
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Apni Bua Ko Choda Apne Hi Ghar Mai

Hello friends, mera naam vijay h or mai bhiwandi (mumbai) ka rehne wala hu. Mai abhi final year of engineering mai hu. Ye story tab ki h jab mai 1st year mai tha.Mai mera engineering mumbai k 1 reputed colg se kar raha hu. Ye meri phele story h so agar koi galti ho to maaf karna or feedback de k batana. Mera mail id h:- Mai 23 year ka hu or body b fit h. Meri height 5’6″ h or lund ki size 6″ h. Abhi apni bua k bare mai bata hu. Vo mujse kuch 18 saal badi h. Uske 3 ladke h jo mujse bade. Uski...

4 years ago
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Dads best Friend

Introduction: When I arrived Ron was there in a pair of shorts and no shirt, windows closed and no AC running it was the summer of my 12th year and I was just getting a little hair down there and knew nothing of sex or masturbation. In my house it was never discussed, I just knew I woke up with it stiff and it got stiff all the time. We lived in an apartment and one afternoon my dads friend Ron called and said he wanted me to stop by to help him move around some furniture. Ron lived in another...

4 years ago
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Stories of Lizzy Chapter 1

Lizzy let herself fall on to the couch, weary from all the household chores that have occupied her for the better part of the morning. She closed her eyes as she felt the tiredness and dread wash over her. Not the tiredness or dread of household chores, but that from a simplistic and mundane lifestyle. Every day, her life revolved around the usual works of cleaning and washing. The little reprieve that she could afford herself was a nice afternoon alone at home, sitting by the pool or...

2 years ago
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Girl Help Me To Be Call Boy

Hi hola salve bonjour to all I’m gorgeous sexy women out there and this is my first story on ISS and it’s about how I become a call boy for money cause of circumstances and before. I start out first want thank the lord almighty for creating the ever beautiful opposite sex and last but not least Thank you ISS for providing an awesome place for everyone to share secret sex experiences which we cannot share with people in our day to day lives. Sex is not a sin or taboo people it’s mankind’s best...

4 years ago
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Feelings with Lust for my hot Mami aunty

Hi to all Iss readers this is “Kolkata Ice” again () from Kolkata. Pls write your feed backs & interests to my mail. My favorite time pass is still surfing net only with my choice & good music. Hitting road with out any plan is cool & end up with a cooler time as expected. This story is about me & my aunt / mami (Piu).I was in Delhi for an academic course when my mama got married to Piu (a gorgeous & beautiful lady). I got transferred after 7 months of their marriage. One Sunday when I was at...

2 years ago
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The Controllers FollyChapter 6

Emily woke up in the morning with the queer unfamiliar sensation of not being in the right place. She stat up with a start, pulling the sheet to cover her chest, only to remember that she had nothing to cover. For the second morning in a row, she was Preston-Emily. She swung by the master bedroom to see her body, still at respite. She looked so peaceful lying there, a swell in Emily’s heart made her want to go and hug herself. But that was not herself. It was her body, but it was inhabited...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Chudai

First of all I'd like to introduce myself to you, my name is Inder. I'm 26 and living in Delhi,. We are two brothers and one sister living in a combined family system, sister is younger than me and brother is older than me and married, he is also living with us with his wife, her name is Gita and she is a dynamite, it all happen to me when my brother got a job abroad and he left for Canada just after 3 months after his marriage. He was not willing to go but our economical situation was not very...

4 years ago
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Saffron Schoolgirl Stripper Hooker part 2

Introduction: Saffrons descent from school girl through stripping and pole dancing to street hooker continues Note Reading part 1 first is recommended. Saffron was an innocent 18 yer old in her last year at school when her cousin and his friend frst took her to a strip club. Now a week later she returns for the money she belives she is owed for stripping, pole dancing and having sex with punters. Saffron Part 2 The street glistened wetly after the mornings rain as Saffron walked slowly along...

3 years ago
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Doing a Naughty NieceChapter 4

I let Jessica go to her room and sleep in her own bed that night after I'd gotten my first blowjob from her and then I'd fucked her twice. I'd planned then as I was plowing her horny young pussy there in my TV room that I'd get a proper fuck with Jessica in either my bed or hers the next day. My work schedule was flexible and Jessica really wasn't working at all so there was no telling when we'd both be there at home and the urge would hit one of us to get it on. That had been...

3 years ago
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Reassigned FChapter 2 Covering

The phone rang while Jen Blake was on the toilet Saturday afternoon. That was what answering machines were for, but she couldn’t hear the message until she got out there. “Get it, will you?” she shouted to David. He could take note of the parishioners’ messages or get rid of the telemarketer. But he was still on the phone when she got back to the hall. “I’m sorry to hear that,” he said. “Just a moment.” Then, to her, “For me. Bob Lawrence just had a stroke. Know him?” “Not really. I’ve...

1 year ago
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Good Solutions Part 3

It had been three weeks since the night Laura witnessed Jamey losing her virginity to Dean. The vision of the young woman, lowering her young frame unto the thick cock sticking upright from the young man’s groin, plagued Laura to the point of screaming with frustration. Her frustration caused numerous self-induced, or otherwise, mechanical, releases from her selection of toys. The biggest being a life-sized suction cup fitted dildo she used to fuck herself with while attached to the shower...

2 years ago
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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 9

Introduction: Kathy and Jeff realise their new found relationship Kathy and Jeff didnt want to sleep. They lay in bed naked, holding each other, a hand on each others buttocks pulling them close. I love you so much Kathy I love you too. I never realised you were so open about sex. I think Ive got a few things to learn about you too Jeff Oh Kathy, I am so sorry, I hope you will forgive me, I feel so guilty for cheating on you. Kathy opened her mouth and kissed him, pushing her tongue...

2 years ago
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Here I was again. Same situation, same problem. Exacerbated by the fact that this time, the difference was around twelve years instead of three. It wasn’t that I couldn’t be trusted. The problem, at least for me, is that I can. Let me explain. I hadn’t had a boyfriend for a while. The last boyfriend I had was actually quite a bit older than me. He’d said he was forty, when he asked me out. Turned out he was 48. Not a bad age, exactly, except that I’m 30. A ‘young’ 30, although I wince at the...

2 years ago
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Life 20Chapter 5

Cheyenne was waiting for me in the bar when I showed up to help with the breakfast crowd. I looked at the clock on the wall. “I thought you’d be on your way to school by now.” “I’m skipping a couple of days, because I want to keep an eye on our find, at least until Frank gets the issue resolved. I’m going to drive out to the dig and see what happens when he shows up. You want to come along?” “I probably shouldn’t because Francis isn’t here, and I don’t want to leave Jackie without any help....

3 years ago
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Dark Angel

Im Jahr 2019 wurden die USA mit einem elektromagnetischen Terrorangriff lahmgelegt. Um zu überleben, schlägt sich die neunzehnjährige Max Guevara als Fahrradkurier in Seattle durch. Niemand ahnt, dass sie ein Geheimnis in sich birgt. Vor zehn Jahren floh sie mit elf anderen Kindern aus einer geheimen Militärbasis, wo sie als genmanipulierte Kampfmaschinen gezüchtet wurden. Seither versucht Max ihre einstigen Leidensgenossen zu finden - immer auf der Flucht vor dem Militär. Im Augenblick hat die...

1 year ago
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Journeys West Chapter 15 The Visit

Chapter 15 - The Visit by Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Editor: Qmodo They dropped Emily off at her place before heading out of town. Leslie and Emily had spent a few minutes talking quietly before Emily turned away with a smile. Leslie watched her walk inside before getting into the car with a smile of her own. "I take it that you have plans for this evening?" Mary Sue asked, looking at Leslie with a grin. Leslie turned her smile on Mary Sue and replied, "Yes, I think so. ...

3 years ago
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Cleaning the house Part 1

Cleaning the house - part 1 By strangefun Today is Saturday, and it's my turn to clean the house, so I am saying goodbye to my wife as she runs off to the health club and then the spa - I will have about four or five hours to make the house spotless, which is, in normal situation, would be more than enough time. This, however, is not a normal situation. "Bye honey, have fun!" she chirps, frenches me on my gagged mouth for a minute making my starved-for-attention penis press...

4 years ago
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Family LettersChapter 50

Dear Will, You write about your home life as if you think I'm still a little virgin. If you were here I might just decide to show you how wrong you are. Sure I have a few women who are extremely important to me. And yes, Fabio, Erica and I all agree that we should never have sex with any of the men in the other tanks in the company. However, I can assure you that I'm no stranger to wild sex parties. One thing that most warriors learn is that once the fighting is done, you tend to be...

3 years ago
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Beyond Uncool My Birthday

So before, I shared with you an experience I had with my sister. Don’t worry, I’m not a sick pervert. It was completely unavoidable. Anyone would have done the same thing I did if they were in the same situation. It wasn’t love or anything, it was an informed decision. It wasn’t going to happen again. My sister didn’t want it, and I didn’t want it……Okay I did want it, but not because I lust after my sister. There’s logic behind my reasoning. When we did it, and by did it, I do mean sex, the...

2 years ago
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School Uniform

The last bell of the afternoon finally rang. I hurried down to the toilet block ignoring my school friends and locked myself in a cubicle. Sitting on the closed lid I undid my shoes and kicked them off. Next I unzipped my black trousers and slipped them down my legs and off over my ankles quickly followed by my boxers putting them on top of my shoulder bag. I loosened my tie and undid the top three buttons of my shirt then pulled it up above my waist leaving naked below. It felt so good as the...

3 years ago
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dogging after work

You are sitting in work and are feeling really naughty you can feel your pussy getting moist and its only been an hour or so since you sneaked out to have a wank, you decide you need a good hard fucking and start to search the web for some dogging sites, with luck you find one not far from where you live, the rest off the day goes over and you drive home and grab a quick shower and bite to eat and then get dressed for your night, stockings and suspenders tight skirt and blouse no knickers or...

2 years ago
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The Bra

The Bra By Margaret Jeanette Judy Morack was on vacation. It was a use it or lose it situation. She didn't want to lose it so she took vacation. Her husband, Ron, had to work so there was little to do. Other than shopping she liked doing things with Ron. She decided to do some light housework. She got the bags out of the waste baskets in the two bathrooms. Then it was their bedroom. She didn't think there would be anything in the basket in the spare bedroom...

2 years ago
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Vampires Consort

The vampire slowly leans in, his cold lips pressing against your neck, his long fangs scraping against your sweet virgin skin. He bites down, two sharp teeth cutting through your flesh as he pierces through.You cry out in pain and then, strangely, pleasure. Heat fills your veins and you find yourself writhing against him like a common whore. A rush of energy floods through you and you feel like you could take on an entire army."Now then," he whispers, "We've bonded."He stands up and offers you...

2 years ago
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The Music Festival Part 2

The next morning Sarah and I sheepishly crawled out of our tent into the circle of chairs. Most of the couples were already up and having some breakfast. From the looks we were getting, especially from the girls, it was pretty obvious we hadn’t been very quiet last night.Sarah went bright red when she realised the other girls were all smiling and winking at her. All the girls, except one that is. Emily had a face like thunder and was cutting some serious evils Sarah’s way.As the morning went on...

Straight Sex
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Der Lottogewinn

Es war soweit, mein Semester hatte wieder begonnen. Im überfüllten Hörsaal meiner Uni sitzend, hörte ich mir den ersten Vortrag meines Professor für Ökonometrie an. Es war wie im vorangegangenen Semester, zunächst verhältnismäßig allgemein, mit vielen Verweisen auf Fachliteratur, welche zufälligerweise vom selbigen Professor verfasst wurde. "Denken Sie daran, dass Sie sich für die Seminare im online Vorlesungsverzeichnis anmelden, sonst können wir Ihnen keinen Platz zuteilen. Wir sehen uns...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 310

"So what do I do first," Peter asked. "First you have a drink with the cool guys, then tomorrow you bring you fanciest laptop to my house. Then we begin work..." He grinned like a baboon. I turned my attention to Sylvia. "Before we go shopping I want you to get with Jen. Find out what bank is holding the note on the A1 building. I am sure it is in default. Let's see if the three of us can't shake something up there. If we are all going to be working, we need an office. After that we...

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The Group A High School Sex Ring in ActionChapter 4

The sexual tension and anticipation of another meeting of The Group was clearly present in the room as all the senior guys and girls who were charter members of the high school sex club gathered in the den of Coach Ron and Janet Ellis's house. It was the safest and biggest place where the group of twelve people could meet and engage in sex without anyone else in the small town community knowing what was going on behind these closed doors. The first meeting had been held exactly one month...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Friend Took My Virginity

Hey guys this is Rahul (name changed) from Pune. I have been reading ISS since long time so I have decided to write a story of my own which I experienced few weeks ago!Let me tell you about myself! I am an average guy with normal body! I am 5’9″ height! Not gonna lie like others, but I have a 6.1″ long dick which could satisfy anyone. This is story of how I lost my virginity to my friend who studies with me! I am very good in studies and topper of my branch so many girls talk to me. I tried to...

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