Defying Gravity Ch. 03 free porn video

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Looking deep into my eyes she reached up and cradled my scarred face in the soft palm of her hand. Instinct took over and I turned my face slightly and kissed the flesh between her thumb and first finger. Her voice was no more than a whisper.

‘It’s a kind face.’

I raised my eyes and looked deep into Mom’s bottomless green eyes.

‘It’s a nice face.’

There was wonderment in her features.

‘It’s a beautiful face.’

Mom moved silently on to her toes and kissed me softly on the lips. My mind went blank and my lips felt like lumps of dough. Just as she started to break and pull away I reacted by nipping at her lips with mine and then returning the kiss.

I heard a moan. Mom’s hand slid up my face until her fingers were entwined in my hair. My kiss eased and then I was once more hungry. I fed greedily. I was hungry for the taste of the woman who now held me in her hands.

My hands were circled around Mom’s waist. I started to trail my right hand up along her spine, feeling her skin beneath the material of her dress. My fingers caught on her bra strap and settled there. My other hand headed south and settled on the upper curve of her ass. Her butt was solid and exquisite. Mom’s hand slipped from my face and covered the hand resting on her butt. She didn’t make any attempt to move it.

Mom pulled my head down and then broke the kiss. I opened my eyes slowly. Mom was breathless, her chest heaving for control.

‘I had the best time in a long, long time, Honey.’

‘Well, you have something to live up to next time.’

‘Next time,’ she repeated thoughtfully.

I looked at her for a second. Drawing her hand down my face she cradled my cheek. Leaning forward she kissed me softly on the lips. She tasted sweet, of strawberries and citrus.

‘I love you Daniel.’

‘I love you too.’

A soft smile appeared on her lips, drawing my eyes down and my mind into making wishes. Her soft touch on my chin brought me back.

‘Just you remember who said it first. Good Night, Honey. Don’t stay up too late’ I watched her walk to the stairs where she paused for a second to look back over her shoulder.

‘Have you any plans for Friday?

I nodded. I saw a flash of disappointment in her eyes. ‘I have a date.’


‘Danny, turn on your laptop. You’re on You Tube!’

I had finished in the garage when I heard the screech of tyres out front and went to investigate. Becca was scrambling out of her Volkswagen Beetle, she tripped, stumbled and ran a few steps before regaining her balance. I heard a scream of laughter and realised that it was Becca laughing at herself. The instant she saw me she yelled that I was on You Tube.

‘Becca, what are you going on about?’

‘I’m talking about you, singing.’ I stared at her. ‘If you don’t believe me then take a look for yourself.’

Becca shoved her cell too close to my face. The image was blurred. The sound was distorted, but it was me. I knew the when and I knew the where. The words of the song started playing in my head.

‘You’re famous,’ Becca squealed.

‘What’s all the noise,’ Mom asked. Hearing the commotion she had walked around the side of the house. ‘Oh, it’s you Becca. Are you staying for dinner?’

‘Miss Kate,’ Becca was shouting with excitement. ‘Danny’s on You Tube.’

Mom took hold of Becca’s cell and moved it to where she could clearly see the images. I was standing on the small stage at Breens. Becca could be seen behind her keyboard.

I watched them closely and then Mom’s eyes moved to look directly at me. I felt as if she could see through me with the intensity of her stare. Her face softened and she smiled. I wondered if the awkwardness between us had gone.

It didn’t. Even with Becca staying until after dinner Mom was distant. By the end of the evening the clip had multiplied into a dozen and there had been close on one hundred thousand hits.

The following Monday morning it was as if nothing had happened, breakfast was as it always had been. We chatted. Mom asked if I was working late. Then I headed off to school. Things changed that lunchtime. I sensed something when I caught several students who I had never met or spoken to before greet me as I headed to the cafeteria. The buzz in the room fell silent as I entered. I sought out a friendly face and found Becca sitting with her friends. The tale was crowded. I wanted space. I needed quiet. Turning away I headed to the music studio. Taking lunch into the studio was against regulations but there was a back room we sometimes used. I hadn’t sat down before my cell started to vibrate. I checked the caller-ID before answering.

‘Hey Jane,’ I answered.


‘That would be me,’ I laughed. Jane did too.

‘Danny, I need a favour. Can you come over to the hospital after school?’ The question threw me.

‘I can, but you’ll have to give me more than that?’

Jane was silent for a few moments. ‘You know that I’m on rotation in the burns unit at the hospital…’ I knew that a boot was about to drop. ‘Well I was wondering if you’d come and talk to one of my patients.’

‘I don’t know what good I can do,’ I answered finally.

‘Danny, please think about it.’

I assured her that I would and only when I agreed to meet her in the hospital cafeteria after school did she hang up. I made a call to Uncle Bob asking if I could start an hour later. I told him why and asked him to keep it to himself. The afternoon passed without drama and I found Jane already waiting for me when I arrived.

‘Thanks for doing this,’ greeted Jane.

‘I haven’t agreed to do anything yet.’ I wasn’t prepared to tell her that I was almost certain that I would.

Jane fell quiet and started me wondering how well she knew me.

‘Tell me about this patient.’ Jane’s face exploded just as I’ve seen Mom’s do many, many times. Amy had suffered from burn injuries as I had after another stupid prank had gone stupidly wrong. Hearing her story brought back the pain and anger.

‘What do you expect me to do?’

‘I just want you to be yourself.’

I started to shake my head. ‘Jane, give me a break here. You’re a nurse. You know what to do, how to act.’

Jane reached across the table.

‘I’m sorry. I just thought…I don’t know what I thought.’

‘You want me to talk to this girl?’ I asked. Jane nodded. ‘What is she in to?’

‘She’s an Orioles fan.’

Baseball, now that was a big oh no. I know nothing. Where most kids can reel off the batting averages of every player current and past I struggled knowing the names of which city went with each team.

‘What else?’

‘She saw the video from Friday night.’ My head jerked up. Jane didn’t falter. ‘She recognised me at the end.’

I now knew how two and two made four. The video showed Jane and Charlie standing at the front of the stage as they screamed, cheered and whooped for joy.

‘When were you thinking of doing this?’

‘The sooner the better.’ Jane looked at me for several seconds as she waited for an answer.

I had to leave to start my shift but assured Jane that I would call her with my answer the following day. Retrieving my bike from the staff bike rack on the south side of the hospital I easily slid on to the saddle and started riding through the parking lot.

Thoughts started tumbling through my mind. I wanted to talk things through with Mom. Work was a hit and miss affair. It was busy for the first couple of hours and then died off. There were no customers for the last half hour. As soon as Uncle Bob showed up we closed for the night, just leaving the automated, 24-hour pumps switched on. I cycled home with my thoughts arranged in my mind.

Mom was in the kitchen when I arrived home. Hearing the garage door she stepped out on to the deck as I turned the corner of the house
. Immediately I noticed that she favoured her left leg.

‘I’ve ordered Chinese,’ she said in greeting. ‘It’s in the oven.’

I nodded and looked at her. She was limping as she walked forward. I hurried up the steps to the deck.

‘What happened to your leg?’

‘I fell down stairs,’ she replied. ‘I’m ok.’

‘The hell you are,’ I answered fiercely. Mom had injured her knee, elbow, shoulder and her back. I slipped my hand around her waist as she limped back into the kitchen. She explained that she had slipped down the last five steps and landed in a heap on the hallway floor. She had hurt her butt, her shoulder and somehow had banged her knee on the way down. Mom insisted that I eat. We sat together. I didn’t let her know that I noticed her wince as she sat at the table. I served the take-out. I suspected that we both had lost our appetites as we both went through the motions on auto-pilot. We didn’t eat even half, so I put the containers in the refrigerator. They would nuke later, if we were hungry by then.

‘OK, let me take a look.’ Mom looked at me and then started to gain her feet. She openly winced and I felt the sharp pain lancing through her body. There was no argument when I insisted that we head upstairs. I had a med kit in my room, Jane had helped me put together a compact but comprehensive kit that contained the things that I would most likely need had I taken a tumble. It was for just such emergencies but when I was out on the trail. Mom sat on the end of the bed. She was worryingly quiet.

‘Mom,’ I started to say. ‘Let me see where you’re hurt.’

I was about to stop her from standing when she started to rise but stopped when her hands reached for the hem of her sweater. She tried to tug the sweater free from her waist but failed. Undeterred she unsnapped the button on her denims. Slipping her thumbs over the waist band she pushed them off her hips. They caught and settled at her hips, revealing the tops of her butt clothed in black silk. I would recollect that I became aware for the first time that Mom’s underwear clung to her skin but my eyes were taking in the dark bruising spreading from her hip, across her back and upward beneath her sweater.

I moved forward and took her hands in mine. ‘I can see that it hurts to move.’

I dropped to my knees and tugged the legs of her denims until the waistband had fallen to her knees. Rising I eased her back. She sat without protest.

‘I need to remove your sweater.’ I looked into her eyes. ‘OK?’

She tried to smile. I saw her wince as she raised her arms. Her left arm hung lower than her right. I grasped the hem of her sweater and pulled it up over her stomach, from the swell of her black lace encased breasts and finally along her arms. Her head appeared followed by a raven waterfall of hair.

Mom was beautiful but my eyes could only see the bruising. She lowered her left arm to rest it across her lap. It was not modesty but comfort that brought about the act. Her right arm was pushed down against the bed to give her support. I folded her sweater and placed it on the floor by her feet. I gave her a reassuring smile and then took hold of her right foot. Raising her leg I pulled the leg of her denims free. I repeated the same act with the other leg of her denims only even more gently.

Mom was now sitting on the end of my bed in only her bra and pants. It was the most beautiful and erotically fulfilling sight to behold. Her knees were apart and I could look along the flawless upsweep of her inner-thigh to her silk-clad pussy. My mind though was focussed. She was hurt. Mom was vulnerable. Sitting so close was the only person who had sat with me when I needed help.

I quickly look at the abrasions on her knee, shoulder and elbow. I could still see small fragments of gravel and dirt in the wounds. The wounds needed irrigating. I had several saline vials in the med kit and a dozen antiseptic wipes. First, I needed to get her into the shower.

‘This will help ease the aches.’

I reached down and help her rise to her feet. She immediately went to remove her pants. I stopped her as she was just hooking her thumb over the string running over her hips. I knew that there was no better chance to see her naked but not like this. I dashed into the bathroom and turned on the shower. When I turned around she was standing behind me. I knew that the moment she stepped under the cascade of water the pain would lance through every nerve cell in her body. I held her hand as she stepped under the shower. As she entered she slipped and started to fall. I stepped behind her and caught her around the waist. I felt her lean against me and took her weight in my arms.

I wasn’t aware of the water as it ran down my face.

‘Honey,’ Mom said, breaking me from my silence. ‘I think that you’re supposed to get undressed before taking a shower.’

I laughed. It was infectious but short lived.

‘I’m starting to feel better, the hot water feels good but you’ll have to help with washing me.’

‘OK,’ I replied quietly. ‘Let me just get out of these things.’ My clothes felt as if they weighed 50 lbs. I stepped out of the stall and quickly kicked off my sneakers, shirt and denims. I stepped back into the shower wearing a pair of shorts, made translucent by the water.

I stepped back under the hot shower. Putting my hand supportively on Mom’s waist I reached around her and grabbed the soap and a face cloth. I soon had a good lather on the cloth. I started on Mom’s good shoulder. She jumped at my touch but quickly settled back against me, reaching back with her right hand she placed her hand on my hip.

‘Yell if I hurt you,’ I said.

‘I’ll do more than yell,’ Mom answered through gritted teeth. I felt her fingers grip the flesh at my hip.

Re-soaping the face cloth I moved down her back. Taking care as I washed the small of her back where the bruising started. I could see a darker line across the centre of the heaviest bruising. I knew that it was an impact wound. My hands moved down her left thigh and then her right. When I looked up I was inches from her butt and, just at that moment, I had the greatest urge to just lean forward and caress her silk-clad butt with my lips. I stood suddenly letting the hot water cascade across her back, rinsing away the soap.

‘You missed a bit,’ said a quiet voice.

‘Where?’ I ask some really dumb-ass questions still.

‘Well, see if you can figure it out,’ Mom replied. ‘You’ve done my back half, so that means that you have missed?’

‘I guess that I missed a big bit.’

‘Hey, watch it mister.’ I was doing exactly that without bidding. ‘Are you calling me fat?’

‘Mom, you are anything but!’

‘You just remember that when I am fat.’ I wanted to laugh but didn’t.

I re-soaped the face-cloth. When I raised my head I found her watching me with an intensity I had never seen before. Raising her right hand she placed it on my shoulder. I started washing her arm and then across her shoulder and chest, making sure that I kept clear of her breast, just grazing the upper slopes with trepidation. If Mom had any disappointment it didn’t show in her eyes. I washed her stomach and then knelt down to wash her legs. I took care to wash her left knee. I could see that she had also had a crack on the lower part of her thigh and the bruising had spread through her knee.

I started to rise, all the while I looked into her eyes knowing that at any moment I could glance at her pussy or breasts and that would be it. Mom placed her hands on my hips and stood with her eyes closed. Rivers of water cascaded down her face to fall on her breasts.

‘Wait here whilst I get the towels.’

We fell silent. The only sound was the rushing water from the shower. I stepped around her and went in search of fresh towels. Leaving a trail of splashes on the carpet I returned with two large bath towels and Mom’s towelling bathrobe. I quickly stripped off
my shorts and towelled myself dry, wrapping the towel around my waist. Then holding up the other towel I waited. As Mom stepped out she turned and I wrapped her in the soft fleece towel.

Unlike when I dried off I took extra care patting Mom dry, just pushing the towelling against her bruised skin. Pulling away the towel I grabbed her robe and slipped it over her shoulders.

‘You missed a bit.’

I frowned.

Mom laughed.

‘I’m still wearing my bra and pants.’

I pulled her robe off her shoulders and draped it over the towel rail. Slowly reaching forward I slipped my fingers under the strap of her bra. Mom coughed softly.

‘It fastens at the front.’

I started to reach around. ‘It’ll be easier if I do it. You just help me off with it.’

The shoulder straps fell loose and I slipped my fingers under each one and removed it without causing pain. I grabbed her robe and held it so that she could slip her arms into the sleeves. Taking the belt in my hands I tied it around her waist.

I guess that she was about to speak when I slipped my hands under the hem of the robe. I trailed along her outer thighs and then across her hips until I felt the silk beneath my fingers. Mom’s skin was on fire. I slipped my fingers and thumbs under the waistband. The silk slid easily and I felt my thumbs caress the soft skin of Mom’s butt. That single sense of touch was instantly burned into my mind. The pants slid down her legs and Mom casually stepped out of them. I picked them up and tossed them to lie on top of her bra in my laundry basket.

I dried her butt and her back. Mom coughed. I knew what it meant. Stepping forward I reach around her and placed my hands on the flat of her stomach. Slowly I moved upward to cradle her breast in my hands. Mom leaned back against me and I heard a soft moan. Mistakenly thinking that I was hurting her I released my hold.

‘Did I hurt you?’ I asked in reflex.

‘No,’ she answered softly. ‘I feel much better thanks to you.’

‘Jane gave me some cream that will help with the bruising. If you get on the bed I’ll put some on your shoulder and back.’

Mom nodded.

We moved into the bedroom and Mom sat on the side of the bed facing the window. Retrieving the cream from the med kit that was spread across my desk I turned back to the bed and stood in mesmerised silence as I stared at Mom’s naked back. When my back was turned she had unfastened the belt from around her waist and slipped her arms from the sleeves to reveal her naked shoulders and back to me.

‘This will be cold.’

Mom jumped when I gently touched her shoulder. The cream would ease the ache but also help in healing. Moving down I tended to the bruising on her back. Instinctively I moved forward and kissed the soft flesh between her shoulders.

‘What was that for?’

‘I remember someone telling me that it makes you better.’

I sensed that she was smiling as memories, good ones I hoped, flooded back. You believe everything your Mom tells you as a kid. If she had told me that the moon was made of green cheese I would have believed her. Mom kissed me and my bandages every morning, noon and night as I lay in the hospital.

I moved off the bed and stepped around to face her. There was a look of amusement in her eyes as she lifted the robe and held it across her chest. The amusement didn’t leave her face as she watched as I knelt down on the floor and moved the side of her robe away to reveal her left leg. I applied cream to the bruise on her thigh and then bent down and kissed her knee.

‘I bumped my face too.’

I slowly raised my head. Rising slowly I placed the cream on the bed. Mom was as still as a leopard. I leaned in and kissed her forehead.

Mom remained motionless.

‘It wasn’t there.’

I kissed her nose.

‘You’re warmer but still pretty cool.’

I shifted weight to my right knee. I let my lips linger as I kissed her jaw on her left side. I felt a shudder run through her body.

‘Now you are colder.’

I moved across her face and kissed her jaw on the right side of her face. Mom shuddered again only this time I felt it too.

‘You are really cold.’

I next kissed her chin, letting my lips linger as I tasted her flesh.

‘Now, you are getting warmer.’

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This is a short episode. I got bored so I wrote it with one hand. I couldn't wait to get on the road the next morning. Yes I was starved, but also I was embarrassed as hell. Being the star of a live porno show might not bother Lucy, but it did bother me. We were eating in what was the French equivalent of a country fast food restaurant. It was a drive up food stand on the side of the road. I had what looked like a giant hot dog, but was really sausage with savory mustard on a French roll....

3 years ago
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The Lovers Holiday Episode 3

You take the elevator down, walking through a near maze of mirror-image hallways before you enter the main floor of the casino. Rounding a strategically placed corner, you walk out onto the expansive floor, and are led directly by a smiling host to the high rollers table. You know it will be a while before your Goddess makes her way downstairs, so you resign yourself to a few hands of uninspired poker. The table is empty as you pull up a seat, with only the ruddy, good natured face of the...

3 years ago
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How To Wake A Sleeping Daddy

Daddy is going to be home all week and I have a little something special planned each day. This morning, I woke up and made daddy's coffee. I brought the coffee in his favorite mug to his bedside table, sitting it down carefully and quietly. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and the vanilla essential oil we keep heating in the bedroom filled the air. The soft whir of the ceiling fan, a few outspoken birds, and daddy's soft snoring were the only sounds. I carefully peeled back the blanket and...

3 years ago
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Invading the Marvel Universe

As an every day Joe you've seen the Marvel Universe from an every day man's perspective. Working at the nuclear power plant near Manhattan you've constantly seen the superheroes and superheroines who protect the city. While you've secretly wanted to be a superhero yourself for the power and the prestige and the adventure, the biggest part of the desire has always been about the women. Superheroines are hot. All of them seem to be so sleek and skinny and muscular and sexy with gorgeous faces and...

3 years ago
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The Lonely Housewife and the Passionate PostmanChapter 2

The newly liberated sexpot Harriet Honeybottom welcomed all male visitors to her door the old-fashioned way. She either got down on her knees and gave them a good sucking or bent over and let them bang away with frenzied enthusiasm. The young postman that had hit her sensitive trigger with his marvelous dong had been transferred to a rural post much to his chagrin and her disappointment. At least the new next door neighbor came over on a fairly steady schedule to borrow a cup of sugar for...

1 year ago
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Who’s up for some Open TGC? I bet you either got a raging boner when I asked that or you’re just utterly fucking confused right now. Hey, I feel you on that. My whole job is looking at Internet porn all day and it took me a good half hour to figure out what OpenTGC even stands for. It’s a deep-niche sexual fetish, so naturally, it’s going to have its own nomenclature, secret codes and in-jokes. It sprang out of Reddit, too, so the neckbeard vibes and insular posturing is doubled; I was scared...

Sex Stories Sites
1 year ago
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Fucking Neighborhood Aunty In Guwahati

Hello everyone, Before I start my story I would like to tell you all about me I am a tall guy who lives in the beautiful city of Guwahati and I am really fond of milf and aunty whom I loved to chat and fuck or spend some quality time with them. I had few encounter with milfs and aunty which I would like to share with you all and hope I get new aunties or milf for future stories. So let’s start the story as I said I live in Guwahati so I lived in a middle-class locality where husbands usually go...

4 years ago
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The Taking of Tasha

Introduction: You truly own me now, dont you? You can take me for your pleasure however you want me, isnt that true? I belong to you forever now, dont I? The Taking of Tasha Copyright 2008 by Safe_Bet Tasha didnt really have tangible reasons for her feelings, but she still wasnt comfortable with meeting Stefan Ivonovich for coffee. After all, they grew up together and she knew what he was like. Stefans mother had been the housekeeper for Tashas family. Tasha and Stefan had attended University...

1 year ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 34

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webseiten, ...

3 years ago
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Integrated Impregnation

Bob Peterson was shocked when he answered the knock on his door. There in front of him was a sexy black woman! She was looking back toward the street and when he opened the door, she looked over her shoulder at him with her wonderful black ass pointed toward him. She was the hottest black woman he had ever seen. Not that he had ever had much interest in black women but his cock suddenly said he could be.“Can I help you?” Bob asked as she smiled at him.“I think we can help each other. My name is...

3 years ago
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Getting Even with EX BF FUCKED

I was devastated when my boyfriend, Brad, broke up with me. I loved him and thought he loved me. We knew each other so well and had great fun together. There was nothing I wouldn't do to please him. But just like that he told me he wasn't sure he loved me anymore. He broke it off so suddenly and moved on, but I was still hung up on him.The first time I saw Brad after we broke up was at a party. My eyes brightened when I saw him enter the house, but my heart sank when I noticed he was with...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Emily Right Voluptuous Hottie Emily Right Fucking

All natural beauty Emily Right is ready to have a fucking hot time with Marcus London and really wants to please you with those gorgeous large tits! She whips off her bra and squeezes her tits together making you so badly wish your cock was in that sweet soft cleavage. Marcus will happily titty fuck those beauties and get them all oiled up so they really shine before her goes down on her tasting just how sweet and wet she is! This babe wants to cum and wants you all to cum too… all over...

2 years ago
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The Teacher Part 1

She was just a teacher. Well, not just a teacher. She was a hot teacher and she happened to live on my block. She was the teacher you wished you had when you were a boy, unless you were exclusively into blondes. I was not, so she worked for me, big time. She had semi-curly dark hair, cropped close in a bob cut and usually tied back from her face. It gave her that hot librarian look ‒ naughty and nice, sweet as spice. She had a full bosom, not Pamela, but an ample ‘C’ cup, which presented...

2 years ago
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MBBS Diaries 8211 Part 1 The Beginning

Introduction: To begin it was my internship (last year of MBBS). It’s a fun year for young doctors after 4.5 years of heavy studies. My girlfriend and I stayed in our respective hostels hence never had time or place for a fun time. We used to meet in the evening after the outpatient department closed on the 2nd floor. There we could just hug and give a peck. 3 months had passed. Our sexual desire was restricted to sex chat and a few light moments here and there. Sexchat gave creative ideas and...

3 years ago
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The Italian Job

Rico pulls me into the hotel room, this is the first time we have met, he pushes me up against the wall, his mouth closing over mine in a passionate kiss, his hands on my hips, then he cups my face and tells me im so beautiful in the sexiest Italian accent i have ever heard, he takes my bag from my hand and places it on the dresser, he leads me to a chair, unties my dress, all the time kissing my lips, my face and my neck, he pushes me down on to the chair telling em he loves my basque, loves...

3 years ago
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Getting Behind MotherChapter 2

It was several minutes before she could speak. During her orgasm, Judy had hugged her knees tightly to her tits, her eyes closed, her face dripping with her son’s cum. Tony had squatted and watched his mother. He knew what was happening to her; he had read all about that in a book he had at home. Judy opened her eyes and saw him before her, and the way he was squatting, she could see his cock and balls dangling. It looked as if he was going to piss, or take a shit, or something ... but it...

3 years ago
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The Woman Killer is

The STUD at work is gay! After two years of driving taxi I was the designated ‘trainer’ for the company. All new drivers spent the day with me learning how to use the radio, log sheets and other necessary tasks for a rather simple job. One day I get called on the radio to head to the dispatch and pick up a new driver – Jim. Well, I get down there and meet Jim, a gorgeous hunk of young flesh. He is 5’9”, 190lbs of rippling muscles with a friendly easy going look. We did the training and he...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Princess Project

PRINCESS PROJECT Layla Taft was having fun as she sprinted through the forest along the same trail used for the Iditarod each year. She was fifteen, and loved to run. Running had saved her life less than a year ago. Her parents looked nothing like her as she was growing up. More she had never attended any school like other girls her age. Instead she was home schooled, Gymnastics, as well as Martial Arts, at twelve she already held a Black Belt in Karate, Taekwondo, and Aikido....

1 year ago
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Masturbating in front of taxi driver

I've been out partying and my inhibitions are lowered. All night I've been out wearing a dress which is too tight to wear any underwear. Its also quite short and being almost exposed like that is really arousing.I get into a taxicab, its at least a 20 minute ride home. I catch a look at the driver in the rear view mirror, he's watching a couple of girls go by, I can figure he's kind of sleazy. I start imagining how he'd react if I flashed my pussy or my tits and I get instantly wet and turned...

1 year ago
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Sissy Tranny Annie Slutty Fantasy

I have been dressing since an early age, dressing in my mothers stockings, suspender belt, bra, panties and heels. I used to feel my smooth legs and my cock would get hard straight away. I love how my cock looks when im dressed as a sissy slut and from that early age all ive ever wanted is to have a horny guy in front of me, with his cock hard knowing that he wants to fuck me. My fantasy and dressing got a lot more sluttier when I first in with my first love. Her name was Claire and she loved...

1 year ago
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BohicaChapter 4

The next day I placed a call to Control, and they said they would have somebody come see me the next day to discuss arrangements. But they told me I already had a file opened, and it had been given a provisional green light, depending on cost and complications. Wow, Di must be higher in the organization than she claimed! About 2 years before I had gotten my phone destroyed in a fight, and it had taken almost 2 weeks to get it replaced. The next day I was startled to see a couple walk into...

2 years ago
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Slut 13Erica left Jason's room, angrily. Dressed only in skimpy black panties and a long T-shirt that went halfway down her gorgeous ass, and carrying a pillow, she went to the closet in the hall. The small, beautiful girl with long, dirty blonde hair grabbed a comforter and headed for the couch. She was furious that Jason would try to control her that way. Who was he to decide who she can and cannot sleep with? They weren't a couple!What an eventful few days she has been through. First, her...

1 year ago
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Naked On TV And The Winner Is Love

“You three have buggered up my life,” I said, staring at the fully clothed Celeste, Naomi and Sam. “Your little game caused my lady parts to become very demanding.” All three just shrugged and continued our walk towards the river. I stood there for a moment, flabbergasted, then ran after and past them. Turning, my hands on my hips, I said: “What do you have to say about…”“Watch it, Julia,” warned Celeste. “You’re in shit.”“I know and you’re responsible.”“No. You’re standing in rhino dung.”I...

3 years ago
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A Birthday Treat

I strolled into the hotel lobby and looked around. John was no where to be seen. “Hmmm, now where is he?” I muttered to myself. It was my forty sixth birthday that day, and I wasn’t feeling too great about it. I was sure I detected more lines on my face that morning. To help lift my spirits, my husband had suggested that he take me out for lunch, so we had arranged to meet in the lobby of the Tiffany Hotel, before going into their excellent restaurant. As I stood there, John was sat in the...

3 years ago
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Erica Olafson Rise of the Dark One Vol 10Chapter 7 This Is What We Do

“You are not a god, Luc.” The super tycoon wearing the armor of Invictus said with a calmness that made Luc wonder. Luc slowly drew his sword. “No, perhaps not a god. However, I am beyond you, human. This is your only warning.” A blast of tremendous energy hit Luc, burned much of his wings and swept him off his feet. “Why is it, you self important entities always talk so much?” Rex said with an amused tone, while he still held out his right arm. A second blast ripped the rest of Luc’s wings...

1 year ago
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Walking with Scars

(Okay, I wrote this. I admit it to be absolutely disgusting, but felt compelled to write it. The opening line, 'there is nothing better than ****' just kept appearing in my thoughts, for years. I finally gave in and wrote this fucking thing. Everything I know to be true, tells me that **** is wrong. It is. Don't do it. Read WALKING WITH SCARS. There's a point to the madness. The line has since stopped appearing in my thoughts.)--------------------Walking with ScarsA NovellaBy: hugo carlos...

3 years ago
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As the Weather BreaksChapter 9

I rest for a few moments, lying full length on top of my young lover, my knees between hers and elbows to her side to keep some of the weight off, but pressing down enough to feel the quiver of her renewed sobs, enjoy the gentle vibrations across my skin, both mine and hers damp from exertion and sticking together. Her heavy breaths through her mouth push out gusts of stale sweat from the soccer sock wedged between her teeth. Not pleasant in itself, but knowing what she must be tasting and...

4 years ago
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What a sissy wants from her Daddy

Many people ask me, Why are you a sissy? What do you get out of it?Well I will explain. I'm male and when I'm in normal clothes and at work, I look like a normal guy. I like girls and am straight. BUTI have another side! Becky my sissy side! Such a lovely little girl, cute, loving and submissive. Becky loves her Daddy or Mummy. She likes kisses and cuddles and loves being hugged. Becky loves pink satin panties with white lace frill. Ivory sheer tights and stockings, pretty knee socks or frilly...

2 years ago
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Krishna The Goddess Became A Slut 8211 Part 4

Dear readers, I’m Krishna again with my next part. Thanks for your valuable support. As you know, they have drilled my holes and opened it for them. It was very paining at that night and the next day. On Monday it became alright. My friends were waiting for me at the school. They were so happy when they knew I was happy with what ever they had done. They didn’t get much more opportunities to enjoy me at school. Even though they kissed me in the corridors, squeezed me inside the class. Stripped...

2 years ago
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Lonely Lady In Delhi True Story

This is my true story it has all the ingredients including grace, love, emotions lust it unveils the happenings between a college going boy and a lonely mature lady in Delhi, Here I am changing my name and all the character’s name due to privacy, have patience and read till the end you would come to know how things happens in real story. My name is Arjun I live in south Delhi I have well- built body not bulky but in well shape as I am a regular gym going boy, let me start my emotional...

1 year ago
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A day in an Isolated Island

I was the chosen one for the show. I was part of a secret show where in i had to spend a whole day in an isolated island. The objective was i will be spending a day with three women, all of them well known for a prize of $1 million. Each women will have time span of maximum 3 hours. The women i choose at the end of the day would win the money. The eventful day finally came in. I was taken to destined island. It was 9am. I began seeing the island. I started going further in the bushes. Suddenly...

4 years ago
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Schoolgirl prostitute

Even then, though, I already enjoyed the male attention. I guess it was the beginning of my journey to slut-dom, fucking every cock I can find and posting my nude photos and sex videos online, especially now I’m 34E. One spring day, a boy I knew a bit came up to me behind the shelter sheds at lunchtime and started talking to me. I used to hang around there because it was a bit out of the way and allowed me to get away from the hustle of the schoolyard. He was a bit nervous and suddenly he...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 29

I awoke about an hour before dawn, breathing deeply and totally relaxed and refreshed. A'moth was still sleeping in my arms, but I could sense she was right at the edge of waking up herself. I began to nuzzle her neck and pet her stomach. "Ah! Good morning Gary..." I glanced out the tent. It was still dark outside. "Gary... Yeah... I haven't been called Gary in years." A'moth nodded. "It was the same for me sometimes, over the centuries. You're the first person who knew me as...

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My Big Mistake

It all started a few months ago. Jesse wanted a baby so bad and every time we tried to conceive, nothing ever happened. I felt so bad and I felt ashamed of my manhood. How could I not impregnate my wife? I thought all was lost until I stumbled across an ad in the newspaper. Experimental fertility trials were being conducted at our local planned parenthood. The trial was only for males so I decided to apply. I was going to keep it a secret from Jesse it was going to be the best surprise...

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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 17 That Hard Headed Woman of Mine

October 9th, 1995, 2:10 AM MST, Mile 2502, 23 miles east of Hyder, AZ George and Jill, with Josh’s trembling help, managed to carry Akilah under the cattywampus dining car, at which point, Miguel saw them and came and helped them carry her. They brought her, wrapped in the blankets and sheet, beside Sharon, who was also still completely unconscious. They all breathed the sigh of someone who isn’t really relieved, but has completed a difficult task that they thought would be to their...

2 years ago
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Dream Came True with My Sexy Teacher

Hi friends, I am Mannu , a regular reader and had written few stories of these fantasies. You all have shared your experiences on the site as well as with me . Once again share your feelings on Now I taking you all back to my early days , when I was in school and later on graduation days . I am from Gorakhpur ,I was in std. 11th at that time. I was good at studies. I had a sexy History school teacher. Her name was Mrs. Priyanka. I had very good impression on her as a student. But I was very...

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