Escaping The Rat Race free porn video

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Escaping the Rat Race By Paul1954 Have you ever travelled to work, packed into an overcrowded underground train - another day's journey into the rat race - wondering why you have been doing this for twenty-seven years with only the occasional holiday to relieve the tedium of your existence? Well I had - it had become a recurring theme over the last few years as I had become burnt out from the daily grind, working as a fairly senior manager within a major telco. Oh sure, the money was good and I loved my wife and two children dearly, so it wasn't all bad. It was just that the monotony of my daily existence was driving me mad - that and the travelling - there must be more to life than this! Little did I know then, that I was gong to find out just how much there was to life than I could ever have imagined. I had been born Edward Sangster and was now in my mid-forties, overweight, overstressed, and established on a career that I would find it hard to escape from (unless that decision was taken for me in the form of downsizing - always a constant threat). I had two sons of twelve and fifteen, and had few personal aspirations apart from an early retirement followed by a long period of self-indulgence. In short, my life was boring. In addition to that I had always felt I should have been someone else, even as young as when I was ten years old, and I found an unusual way to cope with my dilemma. For as long as I can remember I had always had this fantasy that I would have liked to have been born a girl. I don't know why, I was a normal heterosexual male, and happy with it, it's just that somehow, well - I feel I should have been born a female. I knew that this was never going to happen so I used to fantasise about what I might have been like if the fates had been kinder. I would look around at my circle of female acquaintances - usually those were girls at my school - and I'd imagine what it would have been like to have been one of them. I would centre my thoughts on a single girl and then try to dream about becoming her and living out her life. All the mundane things, no doubt to her, such as wearing dresses, playing dolls and other girls game, and all of those unreachable things that seemed so exciting to me. I had countless hours of pleasure lost in my dreams As I grew older my thoughts matured to imagine what it would have been like to have breasts, a smooth crotch, and even to have a man penetrate my moist vagina. I was not gay - I only wanted these things if I could have gone all the way and become a girl completely! It was these fantasises that, I think, kept me sane and helped me both to sleep, and would also kept me awake at night in roughly equal measures. As I grew older, I had the requisite family and plunged full on into a busy career. My dreams never went away completely, they merely subsided a little, no longer did they monopolise my thoughts all the time, just occasionally creeping into my subconscious as a welcome escape from the real world. Now, however, they were back in full force, helping me to get through the mid-life crisis I seemed to be building for myself. I had started to consciously, resurrect my little game. The game went something like this. To help get me through the daily 'cattle like' journey to work, I used to look around the train, examine all of the females I could see, and then I'd try to pick out one for special attention. Once I'd seen the object of my desire I would then try to imagine everything about her life. Things like what her job was, did she have a boyfriend - or even a husband, where she lived, what she would be doing tonight, all of the little things that make a person's life real. I would then imagine I was living that life as her. It was great fun and made my journeys bearable. On a few occasions I had got lost in my fantasy and had found myself snapping back to alertness, only to see my target staring at me, usually a little annoyed - obviously wondering what the hell I was doing staring at her like that! Sometimes, I would put myself under a little pressure - something like giving myself a time limit to find somebody to become. It added a sense of urgency and I would get a genuine thrill out of knowing that I had less than a minute to find a suitable host body of my own choosing or settle for whatever the fates had decreed for me. My life continued in this vein for approximately two years until, finally, things changed irrevocably for me. * * * * * It was a typically bright, mild, Spring Tuesday morning and I had taken the underground train from Victoria station on my way to my office in the City. I was a little late today, having suffered train delays from my home in Kent, and was enjoying the unusually quiet underground train. There was still no room to sit down but at least I wasn't being squashed into a space not big enough to put a cat, as was usually the case! I had the unusual luxury of being able to scan the carriage at my leisure, and as the train started to pull away from Green Park and on towards Oxford Circus, I was about to start my daily fantasy when I heard a voice coming from over my shoulder. "Hello Edward, I think we need to have a chat". Everything seemed to stop for me as I looked around to see a dark, bearded man, about six foot tall, and wearing a charcoal grey overcoat that looked totally out of place for this time of year. It was only then that I realised that everything around me had seemed to stop! I looked around to see that the train, and everyone within it, had seemed to freeze, almost as if the pause button had been pressed on the video remote control. This was accompanied by total silence, total - that was - apart from this stranger and myself. "Excuse me, do I know you" I said to him with typical English reserve, as if standing in a motionless underground carriage surrounded by virtual statues was an everyday occurrence. "No Edward, you do not know me - that is apart from what you may have been told, or what you may have read - but I know all about you. Not only do I know everything about your life but I know all about your dreams and desires" he said, before pausing for dramatic effect. I was getting more and more nervous as the full impact of what I was experiencing filtered through into the forefront of my mind. This, however, was not my chief concern. He had told me that he knew all about my secret desires - did that mean he knew about my little fantasies and, if he did, then how - what did it all mean? One look at him told me that he did, indeed, know everything about me - somehow I just felt that he was speaking the truth! I could feel my legs starting to give way, which was accompanied by a churning feeling from deep within my stomach. I took a moment to look around again, at the unmoving figures that surrounded me, before returning my gaze to his penetrating eyes. Feeling a little intimidated, I went on the offence. "Okay friend, now why don't you just tell just what this is all about" I said, with more authority than I felt! The stranger moved around to face me, looking me fully in the face for the first time. "You really don't need to know my name, it is not relevant at this point in time. What you do need to know, however, is that you are about to die or, more to the point, your body is" he replied, leaving me gasping in astonishment. "Bu .. but, I .. I mean, how .. " I blustered to his obvious amusement. He put me out of my agony for a moment, as he raised his hand I became frozen, just like my travelling companions. "Now you will still be able to hear me but, have no fear, nobody else will. I have stopped you to allow you a few moments to understand what is going on. Now listen carefully, once I give you back your movement you will have only a minute to act - after that point you will be dead, irrevocably, in your own body. I am telling you this to give you a chance. Just look at yourself. Overweight, stressed out, high blood pressure, going nowhere - you are a mess Edward Sangster. Not only are you a mess but you are about to undergo a massive stroke, one that will kill you almost instantly. Now, 'my friend', you may be a mess but you have been a good father and husband, and you have kept your nose clean throughout your life. It has been decided that although your body is about to let you down, you are being taken too soon from this world. The powers that be" he said, looking upwards to the roof of the carriage, "have decreed that you will be given another chance". I found my head had been released for a moment, just enough so that I could ask some much needed questions. "Ho .. how am I going to be given another chance" I stammered, still suffering from the unholy shock I had just received. "We are going to play a little game Edward, one that I know you will love. When I snap my finger, you will come out of your trance and you will be given a period of one minute to choose who you want to be for the rest of your natural life. It is essential that you choose well for this is a one-off chance. Failure to choose anyone will result in your death," he said, leaving me shattered. He really did know about my little fantasies! "Sound familiar!" he said, as he smiled wryly. "Wait, wait" I called, "I need to know a few things first. What will happen to my family, will I be allowed to see them and let them know what has happened to me?" I asked, concerned for them. "I would not advise it Edward. You have left them well provided for, financially, and you have been a good emotional provider, always putting their needs first. They will all have very happy and fond memories of you, memories that will stand them in good stead. You have no unfinished business with them in this life. It would be very likely that any further contact, of this nature, would upset them further in what, will undoubtedly, be a trying time for them. My advice is to leave them be". "Will I still remember being me - I mean, who I am now?" I asked, fearing I would lose my sense of identity completely. "Yes - you will never forget who you once were, although with each passing year your life as Edward Sangster will seem less and less real. Edward managed to stifle a sob as he contemplated the finality of the stranger's statements, and what it would mean to him, before asking the other big question that had been bothering him. "And what will happen to the person that I become, where will they go" he said, amazing himself at how well he was taking all of this! "They will take over the last few seconds of life that you currently have left to you" the stranger replied, "and before you ask - they would have died anyway in a nasty accident, you will not be responsible for someone else's death". At hearing this pronouncement, the burden lifted from Edward. Up until that point he hadn't known what would have been worse - losing his family and everything that he had been or being the cause of someone else's premature departure from this mortal coil. At least with his family he knew they would survive and, eventually, get over him, however hard that was for him to accept right now. He didn't think he could have lived with that on his conscious. He then started to think through the implications of this stranger's statement. "But how - how do you know that whoever I choose to be was going to die anyway?" he asked, but that only drew a wry smile, and a raised eyebrow, from the stranger. "Okay, enough prevaricating - not many people get another chance so don't blow yours. I have given you all the help that I am going to, the rest is up to you". The stranger looked down at a watch on his left wrist and, looking back towards Edward, said "you now have one minute to choose who you want to be for the rest of your life. There will be no more questions, chances, or anything else from this point forwards. You can move down the carriage if you want and then indicate, by touching them on the shoulder, who you want to trade places with before returning back to this spot". With that he snapped his fingers and I suddenly had movement again. I decided to heed this man's advice and act before I could think any more about what I must do. If I hesitated now, then I knew I would be dead. I quickly looked up and down the carriage. I hadn't had any time, previously, to spy out the land and, all of a sudden; I was thrust into my fantasy situation of having to choose quickly. In this case, however, it was no longer a fantasy - it was for real - and the default option was death! Looking to my right I could see a mixed bunch of characters. There was the usual selection of lowlife - a varied selection of races and genders across the age spectrum - but no one that appeared to be, even remotely, attractive to me as a host for a future life. This time I looked to my left. I knew what I was looking for; this was the big test for me - a chance to fulfil my dream - and there was really no other option for me, I just prayed to God that I could hit the jackpot. My eyes scanned up and down the aisle for what seemed like minutes until - finally - I saw her! "Thirty seconds and counting" the mystery man decided to remind me. Good - she was only about six seats away and I could easily reach her and be back here in my current position, before the allocated time ran out. I took a few seconds to take in the sight, scarcely believing that I would be this girl in just a few more seconds. She looked to be about seventeen years old with the fresh-faced optimism of youth still about her. She was dressed fashionably in a short black skirt that exposed her long, slim legs - highlighted by a pale tan hose - and I didn't recognise the style of her black two-inch heeled shoes. Being warm down here, she was carrying her short black, matador style jacket, wearing just a stretchy, plum coloured ribbed top that set her shoulder-length sandy coloured hair, as well as the pert - but not overly-large - breasts, off perfectly. She had a black matching handbag that was far too small to carry anything other than the bare essentials that she needed to get through the day and I wondered, for a second, exactly what she would have been doing later if she had of stayed alive. I noticed that she did not have any sort of ring on her engagement finger and felt relieved that, at least for now, I wouldn't have to worry about any heavy emotional commitments on that front! I was just starting to slip into my fantasies again when I pulled myself up short - this time it was for real - I had to act or miss my chance! "Ten seconds" came that increasingly irritating reminder. Before I could think any further, I just reacted. I practically ran past the few frozen passengers that were standing and touched the girl on the shoulder, making sure that my 'friend' could see me, before running back to where I had been standing next to him. There - it's been done - the die has been cast, I thought to myself, I have made my choice. "Three - two - one" he counted down, and then snapped his fingers as he smiled at me. I had the most incredible sensation, as if I was falling down some deep hole, before a sound, like crashing waves, seemed to surround me as the world started moving again. I knew, deep inside, that it was only the sound of the train again, rushing through the tunnel as it had prior to it's unscheduled stop, but I still think it was the most terrifying part of my whole experience! The next thing I knew I was sitting down, looking through the long tresses that now adorned my new head at my legs that seemed to hang beneath the ridiculously short skirt I was now wearing. I felt horribly exposed, and extremely vulnerable and wondered how women had the nerve to go out in such a provocative manner before I realised that, whoever I now was, was just dressed normally for a girl her, now 'my', age. No doubt I would soon get used to it, I thought philosophically! With that thought I looked across to where the stranger had been - he was no longer there. I managed to pluck up the courage to look to where I had been standing and saw my former body staring at me, struggling to say something, as 'he' clutched at his ample chest before collapsing to the floor. In that split second I could see the fear in 'his' eyes at he looked at his former body in horor and recognition. Despite the brief preparation that I had, I was still shocked at the sight of, what had been me, dying before my very eyes and screamed, in a voice that I could not acknowledge as my own, feeling guilty beyond redemption before everything went black around me. * * * * * The next thing I knew I was lying down on a station platform - it must have been Oxford Circus, for some reason that seemed important to me, and hearing a man's voice. "Miss - Miss, are you all right" he said managing to penetrate through the fog that was enveloping my brain. Miss, who are they calling Miss? "I .. I think so" I replied, or at least I think it was me - the voice that I seemed to be controlling seemed so high-pitched and alien to me and then I remembered - I remembered everything that I had hoped had been a dream. One look down towards my feet confirmed my fears as I saw the long legs I now possessed, laying spread-eagled across the platform. I then made the first conscious feminine gesture as I pulled my legs ('my' - God, how strange it seemed to call these nylon clad legs 'MY') together, and tugged at the minuscule piece of fabric that passed for a skirt, pulling it down over my thighs in an attempt to preserve my modesty. "Here, let me help you" a platform assistant said as he pulled me up and sat me on a bench. I tried to pull myself together as he continued, "what happened to you - how do you feel now" he said. It was then that my situation came home to me and I truly realised that everything that had happened in that carriage had been for real - I was now someone else - this girl, for the rest of my life! Despite my acceptance of what I now was I still had to confirm my fears. "That man .. what happened to him - is he all right?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "No Miss, I'm afraid he was dead by the time we managed to get help for him. It seemed he suffered a heart attack or something and died instantly. Was he someone you knew?" he asked, and I felt the world start to spin again. How was I supposed to answer that one? I took a deep, deep breath in an attempt to stop myself fainting again - I hoped that I was not prone to fainting fits now that I was in this body - and answered him. "No, not really. H .. he was just someone I saw on the train" and with that statement I dismissed everything that I had been, consigning that poor girl to a fate that should have been mine. "Can I get you anything else Miss, or will you be all right now?" he continued. Will I be all right - I wondered - that was a damn fine question. I had lost my family, my house, my career - everything I had once been had gone. Will I be all right indeed! "Yes - yes thank you" I replied, despite everything I knew that I would survive - it just didn't seem like I had achieved my dream right now! "If I were you I wouldn't go into work today - why don't you call in sick and take yourself back home," he said to me, kindly. That was the only point where I was in serious danger of becoming unhinged. Oh the irony of what he had just said - "if I were you". He couldn't possibly have known that it was exactly those type of thoughts that had got me in this situation in the first place. It wasn't really that statement that got to me though - it was the fact that I didn't even know where I worked, where I lived, or hell - I didn't even know who I was yet! I managed to compose myself magnificently though, as I stood and brushed down the dirt that had gotten onto my skirt. "Yes - yes, I think I will do just that thank you" I replied. "Is there a ladie's convenience here that I can use?" I asked, proud that I had still had enough common sense about me to not ask for the men's room. "You can use the staff room if you like," he said, as he led me away, towards it. * * * * * Well the rest all went fairly predictably. In the privacy of the staff toilets I found that I had a driver's license that gave me the vital details that I needed right now. It had my new name - Janice McCall; my age was just over eighteen - I had been one year out in my estimate, and I lived in West Malling, Kent - just two stops down the line from where I used to live. Hell, I could even take the same train home! I managed to find the address where I lived fairly easily, and the key that I found in the purse opened the front door of the house that matched the address on the driving license. I found that I lived with my mother and a younger brother, Andrew, who was fourteen years old. Ironically, Janice's father had passed away just a month ago, a victim of a heart attack just like my former self. After explaining what had happened, my 'mother', who had been at home when I had arrived, called in to my office who were less than sympathetic. It seemed that Janice worked as a secretary, carrying out what were mainly typing duties and had only started working there less than two weeks ago. They told my mother to tell me not to bother turning up again which gave me a good reason to cry without being questioned to deeply as to the reasons why. Everyone assumed it was just a combination of losing my father, and my job, within such a close period of each other, and that I was having some form of a breakdown! This assumption stood me in good stead over the next few weeks, and gave me a chance to adapt to my new situation, it was time I sorely needed. I found the tears gave me great release and, after a hug from my 'mother' - it was so nice having a loving mother again, my real mother had passed on twelve years ago - I felt ready to start thinking about what the future might hold for me as Janice McCall. The enforced period at 'home' allowed me to learn how to live my life as a woman and I needed the time that being without work gave me to adapt to a world that was surprisingly different. I found out that I had no feminine instincts, muscle memory, or anything else from the original Janice McCall to help me adapt - I was still Edward Sangster inside but, this time around, I was in a teenage girls body. I had no clothes sense but Janice had possessed enough clothes to allow me to experiment and by shopping with her friends, I managed to get by eventually. The same went for make-up. I avoided it at first until that brought about too many comments from both friends and family as they started to lose patience with me, telling me to 'buck my ideas up' and to stop being so self- indulgent. This forced me to come to terms woth what it meant to be a young female, and encouraged me to make an effort. Like the clothes, I eventually learnt all about what make-up suited me and within a few months was quite adept at both of these female disciplines so that I would no longer solicited comment from those that knew 'me'. I had started to feel like a real person again! * * * * * All this happened over six years ago now, and things have turned out pretty much as the stranger predicted. Everything about what was my new life seems so normal to me now, that I sometimes wonder if I was ever that man called Edward Sangster. Of course I know that I had been him and that the stranger had been right. I can still remember everything quite vividly about Edward and what had been my family. I don't think I could ever wipe out that day when everything changed and what had been prior to that, and I didn't want to either. I still loved my former family. Life goes on though. About three months after the change I got another job, this time as a shop assistant in a shoe store. I just didn't seem to have the ambition to aim higher anymore, after clawing my way up the career ladder when I had been Edward, it no longer held any appeal to me. I was quite content with what I had now. Another year after that I met, what turned out to be, my first real boyfriend. I would never have imagined that I could have ever have been attracted to a man, despite my earlier fantasies, but my body had needs now - a woman's needs, both physical and emotional, and I soon found myself falling in love with him. We married a year later and I am now the proud mother of a baby girl, named Caroline after my former wife, with another one on the way - due within the next two months. I have turned out to be quite the little woman and am happy to be a housewife, looking after my new family. I suppose the only thing that I still think about, when I have a moments peace and quiet to myself, is whether this new life I have found has lived up to the fantasy that I held for so many years. The belief that I should really have been born a woman. I still don't really know how the answer to that. I mean, when I was Edward I used to think how sensuous and incredibly sexy it must feel to wear all that gorgeous lingerie, to paint my face up, to wear short skirts that 'almost' exposed the feminine 'secrets' that so attracted men. It had all seemed so exotic and alluring at the time. Well the reality is much more mundane. Sure, it felt nice to be able to do all of those things but the word was 'nice' - not 'incredible' - just nice. Putting on the lacy bra and panties had been fun, and made me feel great when I was first going out with my future husband, but now - well it was still fun, and was still occasionally exciting but it just felt normal to me. Everything that I now had just felt normal in much the same way that what I used to have felt normal to Edward. That is the reality of being a woman I think, something you would never know unless you've lived inside a real woman's skin. All I can say is that I am happy with the second chance I was given at life, and I want to make damn sure that it continues. I have a husband that I love dearly, and I will work to keep it that way. I love being the protected rather than being the protector now - it's all I want now, so I suppose the answer to my earlier question is yes - my life has lived up to the fantasy despite the normality of it all. I love being Janice. The End

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Vanakam nanbargale, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana 20 vayathu pennai usar seithu avalai karumbu koliyil mathiya nerathil ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Tharun, vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Naan pollachi gramathil vasithu varugiren, en gramathil niraiya karumbu koligal irukum. En veethiyil oru pen irunthaal aval peyar suganya vayathu 20 thaan aagugirathu, thinamum kalluriku selum pozhuthu avalai paarpen. Thinamum paarthu paarthu oru naal avalai suganya endru azhaithu nee entha...

2 years ago
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Mathiya Nerathil Karumbu Koliyil Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana 20 vayathu pennai usar seithu avalai karumbu koliyil mathiya nerathil ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Tharun, vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Naan pollachi gramathil vasithu varugiren, en gramathil niraiya karumbu koligal irukum. En veethiyil oru pen irunthaal aval peyar suganya vayathu 20 thaan aagugirathu, thinamum kalluriku selum pozhuthu avalai paarpen. Thinamum paarthu paarthu oru naal avalai suganya endru azhaithu nee entha...

3 years ago
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Shadi Ki Ek Rat Pehle Dulhan Ki Aag

Hi friends meri pehli story ki voting or rating k liye thnks…Ye meri doosri story h hope tumhe pasnd aayegi.. M pune aake sahi se settle ho gaya tha abhi meri age 24 h ye bat pichle sal ki h m apne project m pune m akela ladka hu jo nainital se hu means pahaad se hu baki sab marathi ya mp k h to sbse gora or alag dikhne wala ladka hu mere project m ek ladki thi jo mujse 4 sal badi yani 27 sal ki thi vo ladki jammu ki thi isliye sabse gori or mast thi..Mere project k sare ladke uske peeche pade...

4 years ago
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Sarita Mam Ki Din Rat Chudai

By : Adityasbdin Hi readers mera nam Aditya Saxena hai mai is sit ka regular reader hu bahut sari story padhne ke bad aaj mai apni story bhi likhne ja raha hon jo ki meri jindagi me ghatit hui. ye kahani aaj se 3 sal pahle suru hui thi jab mai apne kam ke silsile se apne hi sahar ke bajar se apne liye kapde kharidne ek dukan par gaya hua tha us dukan par ek 35 sal ki mahila baithi thi jisko dekhkar mujhe aisa laga jaise maine ise kahin pahle dekha hai mai use dekhne laga jaise hi uski najar...

4 years ago
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Din Rat Mousi Ko Choda 8211 Part I

Hi friends, my name is Devandra from Mumbai I am 19 yrs old . I am fresher on this site there is very good stories written by good peoples, this happens with my mousi & me it’s true incidence with me. so guys, womens ,bhabies reply me about my story did u like or not mail me my mail is   so now story Mere ghar main 5 log rahte hai,mom,dad 1bhai,bahan aur main . main 19 sal ka ladka hu 1st yr engg. kar raha hu , ye tab ki bat hai jab meri mousi hamare yaha aayi thi. unka naam Sheela hai lekin...

3 years ago
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Masi ke sath suhani rat

Hi, mera main ladyfucker from gujarat. 20year old with high fucking stemina. Ye kahani ek hupte pahle ki real story hai aur meri pahli. Meri chhuti chal rahi hai aur main apni masi ke ghar gaya tha. Meri masa conductor hai aur wo har ek rat chod kar ghar aate hai. Us din wo apni apni naukari pe gaye the. Aur ghar me sirf main masi aur unke dewar ki do ladki hi ghar par the. Meri masi 40 sal ki hai aur unka figure 28-25-30 hoga. Unki skin ek dum gori aur chikni hai. Dekhte hi lund khada ho jata...

3 years ago
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Rat ko chat par chudai

Hi dosto mera nam mulik he(name change)me gujrat ke a’bad me rahe ta hu mari umr 23 he rag mediyam wight hight 5.11″ he dik size 6.5 story aaj se karib 5 sal pahele ki he mere pados me ek ladki rahti he hetal nam he ush ka me use pyyr karta tha aur vo bhi mujse pyyr karti thi par kabi mene use kiss bi nahi kiya tha.par ek din sam ko mene use chat par bulaya bate karte karte achnak mera hath ush ke boobs par chala gaya . Paheli bar kisi ladki ke boobs daba ne ka moka mila par ush ki umr...

2 years ago
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Us rat ki chudai

Hallo dosto mai fir se apni us rat ki kahani ko age badata hu.actually aaj subah hi rakesh ki wife ka phone aya tha bata rahi thi ki aag mera m.c. Ho gaya to mai bola wo to sabi ka hotal h.lekin usne bataya ki jab us rat maine uski chudai ki thi to uski ichha thi ki wo mere jaise ak sundar bache ko janm de jab maine apne lund ka pani uski chut me dala tha to use bahut ummid thi mere jahan me us rat ka har pal yad ane laga Mai aaru ki do bar chudai kar ke thak gaya tha ar ja kar apne kamre me...

2 years ago
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Ak Rat Ki Chuddi

HI may Kamran from Karachi may ISS ka reader hoon or aj ap ko apni ak tru story bata raha hoon. Jo girls or aunties sex karwana chati hoon maray E-Mail per rabta karian. Ya story aj say 2sal pahlay ki hay us waqat may multan may ak compny may jab karta tha mujhy company kay kam say multan say bahwalnagar jana tha may gahar say subha 8am per nikal gia takay jaldi wapas ajyoon lakin wapsi per dar hogi or may rat ko 9pm per bahwalnagar say multan kay ley nikla. Rasty may ak jagha mari car chalty...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi ki sath rangele rat

Hi friends i am rohitfrom delhi.i am 26 year old.doing business.sabse pahale apne pariwar ka parichy kara du. Papa mummy aur hum do bhai hai papa mummy aur bhai gawn me rahate hai aur mai delhi me business karta hu.mai delhi me jaha rahata hu waha ground floor par mere door ke risteydari me mere bhiya aur bhabhi rahate hai.unki sadi ko 1 year ho chuka hai.lekin unke koi kids nahi hai.bhiya ek pvt company me ache post par hai. Bhabhi ka nam megha hai aur wo bahut hi sundar hai unko dekhkar mera...

4 years ago
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Rat Loves Stain

Rat dragged the razor lightly over the inflated V at the apex of her open thighs. She was already hairless as a grape skin, and he was only pushing the droplets of water across her skin, playing with his own fascination. Her complexion made him think of butter melting. It was deep and creamy and almost had a synthetic quality, except for her being as human a thing as he’d ever known in this life. “I’m gonna miss you. Bad.” He was so intent it came off like he was talking to her pussy. He...

4 years ago
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Lab Rat

‘I’d like to propose a toast, if I may.’ Ansel Kendrick was tapping on his glass. Ansel’s barber was not an uncommon sight on the elevator. No doubt, she had been there today. The edge of his combed gray hair was razor sharp. One button held the coat of his charcoal suit across his trim abdomen. I was loathed to admit that Ansel had charisma to go with the suit, had there been a fire, everyone in the room would have followed him to the exit of his choosing. Not surprising, for he was CEO of...

3 years ago
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Akka Thangai Iruvarai Ore Nerathil Oothen

Enaku ore nerungiya thozhi irunthaal aval peyar Sangeetha, naangal iruvarum nerungiya nanbargal. Oru naal avalai parka aval veetirku sendru iruntha pozhuthu avalin uravinargal vanthu irunthaargal. Iruvarum thirumanam aagi irunthathu, pinbu kuzhanthaigalum irunthaargal naan ulle sendrathum ivargal yaar endru paarthen. Naan avargalai paarpathu pol akka thangaigal ennai oru vithamaaga paarthu, thambi nee yar endru ketargal. Appozhuthu naan sangeethavin thozhan endru solli arimugam aanen, avargal...

2 years ago
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My Life as a Rat

Many thanks to BlackRandl1958, GeorgeAnderson, Todd172 and Bebop3. “Good morning, my darling.” His voice woke me in in that insufferably cheery way. The bastard. “Sleepy again? Don’t worry, I’ve made you a nice, strong cup of coffee. Just the way you like it.” Asshole. “Fresh orange juice.” I hated him. “Fresh Croissants. They are still warm.” One of these days I was going to kill him. “I’ve managed to make a latte art heart on your Cappuccino. To express my love for you.” I’d do it...

2 years ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

2 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 21 The Rat Line

A Rat Line is slang for an underground escape route for criminals. After World War Two Nazi war criminals fled using the Rat Line. Fredrick Herman Manning was following his own rat line out of Florida. He very carefully employed counter-surveillance techniques and was sure that nobody was tailing him. "Manny" was right--no human was following him. Nor was Herman being followed by a robot. A fisher eagle named Binky flew from perch to perch, keeping Manny in sight as the fugative walked...

3 years ago
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Meri Chaheri Badi Bahen Ne Rat Ko Sex Kiya

Hi friends Mera naam Neeraj hai. .mai ald. Se hu ,girls ko b meri pichli story achi lagi aur wo pagal ho rahi thi ,kafi log apni jhunthi story share karke logo ko cheat karte hai but mai apko apni jindagi ko kuch haseen rato k bare me batana chahta hu. . Ye 100% true hai, mai 24 years ka hu, maine apni engineering ki padhai khatam karke Civil ki taiyari kar raha tha, aur ald. Me mere chacha ki ladki b room leke apni ek frnd k sath padhti thi, mere ghar walo ne mujhe dedi se bat karke unke pas...

3 years ago
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Mom Ke Anjane Mein Usse Rat Bhar Choda

Mera chuti hua tha toh meh mom ke sath gaon gaya tha.Wahan humare joint family hai..Papa ki naukri ki waje se wo wahan rehte hai. Yeh bat last din village ki hai uska agle din meh mom wapis ane wale the. Us din dopehr ko gaon mein bohot barish hua jiske karan current chala gaya aur pata chala ki ped girne ki wajah se wire cut gaya h aur usi din current nae ayega. Barish toh band hogaya but tha toh summer so humidity bohot tha and ghar mein bohot garmi ho rae thi but bahar acha hawa chal raha...

4 years ago
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Mall Rat Whore

Title: Mall Rat WhoreTitle: Mall Rat WhoreAuthor: Syren Julie had tried dating in the months since her divorce papers come through but no one she had met could give her what she wanted.? Even when she was with her husband she had had fantasies of being dominated but had never acted upon them, until the last couple of weeks that is. Tired of going on dates with losers from work and men that her friends set her up with Julie had turned to the internet to find what she craved, and she had found...

4 years ago
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Barsat ke rat

Hi dosto vaise to hamri jndgi khanio se bhari padi hai kahnia bhi kai tarha ki par sex ke sath romantic kahani ka apna hi maja hota hai jo dil ko gudgudati bhi hai aur hamre chut land mai halchal bhi peda karti hai mai ab sidhe kahni par aatahu iski kirdar ka naam juhi hai jo 27 saal ki hai usk ek beta hai are yeh kiya aap uski kahni uski jabani hi suno. “Helo mera naam juhi hai umar 27 saal hai mera ek beta hai mera kad 5 feet 5 inch figur 36 30 38 ghar mai rehne se kulhe thode badgaye hai par...

3 years ago
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River RatChapter 2

Kat started to school in the little River City community school and caught up to the other students. The weather was getting cooler and even on sunny days it was too cool for Kat to go without clothes. Except when she was inside the houseboat, then she hardly ever wore clothes. Luther had even quit fussing at her. For Thanksgiving, Luther and Kat fixed a real fancy Thanksgiving dinner and invited Granny to eat with them. With duck season coming on, Luther spent a lot of time getting his...

2 years ago
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River RatChapter 3

“Pull your robe back all the way, Kat and I’ll look those pointy little nipples over real good to see if I can tell if there is anything that ‘d call out of the ordinary. “Whoa Kat, I didn’t mean for you to pull it off ... but come on and sit down on my lap. Hon you don’t even have any panties on ... you’re so naughty. What’s your ol’ Uncle Luther gonna do with you? You just don’t like a bunch of clothes do you?” “Well, since I started getting more pussy hair, I itch a lot down there Unk. I...

4 years ago
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Real love for bharati devi

It was a lovely morning in kolkata. In bharati devi’s flat bharati devi’s husband and his son pradip was sleeping but bharati devi was doing something in the kitchen. She was preparing juice for her son pradip. It is a special juice, it’s bharati devi’s cunt juice. Bharati devi was wearing only a cotton saree which were covering only 40% of her body and it seems she has rushly covered her bare body just to come out from her room , which she shares with her son .for the whole night she was nude...

4 years ago
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Bharati devi

Bharati Devi’r boyosh 52 bachhar, kintu ekhono tantan gayer chamra, dhabdhabe forsa gayer rang, boro boro tight mai aar ladlade pachha, sabmiliye nadhar thalthale chehara. Bharati devi r dui chele , barojon biye kore alada thke aar chhoto pradip jar boyosh 26 se kichu karaena, mane bharati devi korte denni, aar bharati devi r sami8 ekhono chakri koren , tai saradin bharati devi pradip er sathe ghare ekla i thaken . Pradip ke kaj na korte deoar pichhone ekta karon achhe set holo bharoti devir...

4 years ago
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Pratibha ka Manthan

Pratibha Ka Manthan. I met Pratibha at the hospitality desk of my Hotel. She greeted me with a big smile, “Good Morning Mr. Sengupta, I am Pratibha Shukla and I am your hostess at the Hotel. Please feel free to ask me for anything during your stay at our Hotel and I will ensure that all your needs are met.” Simple words but pregnant with lots of unsaid things ”all your needs” I wondered if that included the buxom, Pratibha Shukla. The lady was smart, attractive to look at, big tits, desperate...

3 years ago
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Iru Thozigalai Ore Nerathil Sunniyai Umba Vaithen

Naan ippozhuthu puthithaaga oru idathil velaiku senthu irukiren, angu enna oru aachariyaamaana vizhayam endraal enudan sexiyaana iru pengal velaiku sernthu irunthaargal. Naan ithai sirithum ethir parka villai. Naan avargalai paarkum pozhuthu epadiyaavathu intha velai enaku kidaithu vida vendrum endru ninaithu konden. Ennaku payirchi vaithaargal enaku therinthathu anaithaiyum naan seithen pinbu ennai avargal velaiku eduthu kondaargal. Naan sendru iruntha anaiku oru sexyaana auntyum velaiku...

2 years ago
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Bharati Devir Pregnant 1

Bharati devir pode nunu dhukie pradip bollo kemon lagchhe maa, bharati devi aste aste bollen khub valo aaro jore amai chod tor babu kothai, pradip bollo baba bathroom e, bharati devi bollen ohh ki aaram tor baba ke dak na , tor baba r samne toke die chodate khub valo lage. Pradip takhon bollo etokhhon to babar samnei chudlam ekhon tomai eektu eka chudi , bole pradip oor ma mane bharati devike jore jore pod marte laglo, aar bharati devi aarame sitkaar dite laglen aaahhhhhhhh oohhhhhhh...

4 years ago
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Second Lady In Surat At Theatre

Hello ISS readers, I am Hardik from Surat. So here i am again here with my second story. Hope u have enjoyed “fun with lady in surat” story.So here is a real incident happened in 5 months ago. How I had fun with lady in theatre. For any lady who wants to chat with me, my yahoo I’d: So this happened some 5 months back. I live here in Surat with my family. I am in good fit shape. Not that muscle guy but good looking decent guy. Inside I am very naughty. Stroking my dick is my habbit. I am so...

3 years ago
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Real love for bharati devi

Bharati devi is a housewife, aged 50 , very fair,not very tall and she is fat, her figure is 40 38 44.her son name is pradip who is a unemployed youth. Bharati devi’s husband is an engineer , right now he works as a consultant in a kolkata firm. One day bharati devi’s husband was out of town for some official work and bharati devi and pradip was alone in the house. Pradip has always has a lust for his own mother. So he was waiting for the time when his mother will go to toilet and bharati devi...

4 years ago
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Thenai Marathil Saaithu Oothen

Vanakam. Enathu peyar Kathir vayathu 25 naan pudhukottaiyil vasithu varugiren enaku velinaatil 3 maathangaluku vellai paarthu vittu ippozhuthu sontha uuril irukiren enathu gramathil niraiya thopugal irukum angu niraiya thena marangalum irukum. Enathu gramathil azhagana ilam pengal niraiya irupaargal veedugal ondraaga irukum thopugal uurai thali irukum aanal anaivaru ingu vanthu kaathu vaanga aasai paduvar. Enathu veetil naan oruvarn mattum thaan ithuvarai naan 7 pengalai currect seithu oothu...

2 years ago
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Bholi Namrata Ka Bhediya Mama

Hi, dosto mai pornasaxena fir apke liye ek sensual kahani lekar hazir hun. Mathki ke pani ko tube well ke niche se uthate huye namrata ke kameez par thoda pani lag gaya. Dur jhadiyo me chhipe huye kuchh ladke jo cheel ki nigaho se ye sab dekh rahe the, hasne lage. Insab se anjaan namrata apne mathki ko kamar pe rakh ke matak matak ke ghar ki orr chal di. Un ladko ne uska pichha kiya aur theek uske ghar me ghuste hi sab bhag gaye. Ye rojka tha, kandia nam ke odisha ke is chhote se gaon me rehti...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

3 years ago
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The Street Rat A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Street Rat - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Eric Carroll was a child prostitute who did his tricks for drugs. An unscrupulous doctor with a strange kinky desire, traded the drugs he supplied to the boy with feminine hormones from the hospital's...

4 years ago
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Chachi Ko Choda Rat Din

Hi indian sex stories dot net me ravi ye meri pehali kahani he jo mere our mere chachi ki sacchi ghatana he Ye 15 din phele ki baat he mera admission pune me huwa to mere chacha ne muze unake ghar pe reheke college karne ko kaha que ki chacha kam ki baje se bahar rehete rhe our do mehine pehele hi unaki beti ki shadi hui thi to chachi ke sath koi chahiye tha fir me wahi rehene laga. Mere college ka rutin chal raha tha ghar me jagaha kam hone ki wajha se hum niche jamin pe bistar lagakr sote the...

2 years ago
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Ekta Modhumoi Josnar Rat

Hii readers ami subhodeep chatterjee.Amar bari kolkatate.Aj ami tomake amar lifer ekta recent sex er kahini Sonabo..Ei kahini ta mone porle amar nijer dhon khara hoye jai..Ami ar thankte parlam na tai tomake ei kahini ta Share korchi. Amader life e erokom ghotona ghote jai jeta amra kokhono vabteo pari na j eta ghotbe. Oneke ache jara vabe j dhur erokom hote pare na.Kintu jader sathe erokom ghotona ghote tarai sei ghotonar sakkhi thake.Kichudin age amra 5 jon friend mile purulia te amar ekta...

3 years ago
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Rat K Maze

Hi… Mera naam …Rohan verma (Name change) hai…Mai delhi ka rehne vala hu….aaj mai aap ko apne ek story btane jar aha hu k kaise maine apne cousion sister ko choda….pehele mai aap ko apne bare mai btata hu…mere hight 5.8 hai….age 23 years,,, rang gora..lund 6inch ka hai jo k maine mhut mar k lamba or mota keya hai……mere cousuon sister ka naam dipti (Name change) hai….vo muj se 3 sal chotti hai……hai….chucho ka size jayda barada hai….mai or mere cousion sister kafe frenk hai jab se hum young...

5 years ago
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Hotele ek rat

Train ta chakdah te ese theme galo. Sunlam samner station-e ekta malgari ultiye giyeche. Tai train ar jabe na. Geleo kokhon jabe kono thik nei. Rat nota baje. Aj seet tao besh jakiye poreche. Platform-e dariye chinta korchi. Ei rate bus pabo kina, ba peleo tate uthte parbo kina, ei shob chinta korchi. Emon samoy paser kamra theke ek meyeli konther dak sune takiye dekhi ananya. Ananya amar bou er bandhobi. Amader para tei thake. Dekhte khub-i sundori ar bhision sexy. Ami sekhor chakrovorty, ekta...

2 years ago
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Hi freind main apka wahi dost DEVANSHU me apko ek aur kahane padane ja raha hoon jo ki mere apne pichle khani ke responses ke swarup mile hai. Ye mujhe vibhor ne bheje hai.Helo doston me vibhor apka dost banne ki koshis karna chata hoon. Main antarvasna sex story world ka reader hu aur iske uper se neche tak sare story pade hai aur mene socha ki kyun na apne sachi kahane ad karon. Doston ye kahane sachi hai aur apna dil khol kar bata raha hoon. Mera cock ka size 9″ hai. Me 22 sal ka hoon. Me...

3 years ago
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Sali ki shuhag rat

Hi I am 45 year old widow lady and I have many erotic story for you. Mere do ladke hai jo 21 sall ke aur 19 sall ke apko sabse pahle “sali ka honeymoon” kahani sunane ja rahi hu. Kahani ek admi jiski umar 29 sal ki hai aur wo goa me service karta hai. Uski wife geeta hai aur uski do sali hai ek badi sali hai aur doosli shoti sali hai. Wo apni wife geeta ke sath bahut sex wo geeta ke sath goa ke beach par bhi kai bar sex karte the.nude sote thefull sexual enjoy karte day usko pat...

3 years ago
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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

2 years ago
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Ratna The Beginning 8211 Part 3 Fantastic Foursome Sex

Hello everyone! Greetings of the day! Thank you again for a wonderful response to Ratna’s story. For a better experience, kindly read the series. Coming to the story: I saw Sid making out with Sonali. I honked at the car, but Sid and Sonali were too busy with each other. Ratna was constantly laughing, looking at them. After a couple of dippers to his car, they realized we were watching them. Sid and Sonali came back to their senses. Sonali corrected her white top and her bra, whereas I...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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Ratan Ne Ki Meri Mom Ki Chudai

Hi guys mera naam Raj hai aur main Delhi ka rehne wala hu. Meri umar 20 saal hai aur mujhe sex stories padna bohut achha lagta hai. Mujhe humesha se badi umar ki bhabhiyo aur auntio mein interest rehta tha. Ye sach hai ki aurato ko bhi sex karna utna hi achha lagta hai jitna ki mardo ko. Aisa hi kuchh maine apni life mein bhi dekha. Kareeb 2 saal pehle ki baat hai main aur meri family Delhi se Bangalore shift hue the. Mere dad ki wahan posting ho gayi thi. Uss samay mere dad ki age lagbhag 50...

3 years ago
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Ratna The Beginning 8211 Part 2 Exploring The Sex Adventures

Hello Everyone! Greetings of the day. This story is a continuation of my previous sex adventures, ‘Ratna – The Beginning’. For a better experience, please read it. I’d like to pay gratitude to readers who liked it and the ISS editors for publishing it. Coming to the story. It was around 8:30 in the morning when I woke up. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Ratna sleeping beside me, stark naked with a comforter covering her upper body. The sunshine falling on her body was making her look so...

4 years ago
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My Friend Harshita Part 16 Virat8217s Comeback

Hello everyone, I’m back after a very long pause. There was so much going on in , and I couldn’t find time to write the story. But here it goes. This will be one of the hottest stories of this series, so let me know how it made you feel. Let’s get started The situation in the room would turn steamy now. Currently, I’m wearing see-through black lingerie while wrapped around in Virat’s arm. He is kissing the back of my neck and rubbing my pussy. In front of me is Reesh, who’s naked and has his...

2 years ago
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My Friend Harshita Part 16 Virat8217s Comeback

Hello everyone, I’m back after a very long pause. There was so much going on in , and I couldn’t find time to write the story. But here it goes. This will be one of the hottest stories of this series, so let me know how it made you feel. Let’s get started The situation in the room would turn steamy now. Currently, I’m wearing see-through black lingerie while wrapped around in Virat’s arm. He is kissing the back of my neck and rubbing my pussy. In front of me is Reesh, who’s naked and has his...

3 years ago
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Jodhpur Girlfriend Pratibha Ki Chudai In All Style

Hii iss readers… I am amit from jodhpur rajasthan, in looking i am slim and handsome,and age is 21 year, “my mail id = , its my first story and first experience!! Anyways now me apko borr ni karna chahhta so direct story- baat un dino ki h jab me b.Tech 2nd year me tha, mere colg me 1 pratibha name ki ladki padti thi jo meri junior thi, dikhne me sawli but bhut sexy lagti thi jeans and top me, college me usse meri dosti hoi, hum dhire dhire mobile cht karne lage, nearly 2, month baat ki or 1...

4 years ago
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Pratibha8217s passions

I am one among those lucky chaps having a neighbour whom i could savour to the utmost. During my stay at thane, a city near mumbai, india , i experienced one of my life’s best experiences with a mature women. We were staying in a apartment complex where our immediate neighbour, pratibha shah was my mother’s classmate in college. Immediately on shifting to this place , she renewed the old college ties and became the best of friends. Pratibha aunty was about 44, though she easily looked to be...


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