My Life As A Rat free porn video

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Many thanks to BlackRandl1958, GeorgeAnderson, Todd172 and Bebop3.

“Good morning, my darling.”

His voice woke me in in that insufferably cheery way. The bastard.

“Sleepy again? Don’t worry, I’ve made you a nice, strong cup of coffee. Just the way you like it.”


“Fresh orange juice.”

I hated him.

“Fresh Croissants. They are still warm.”

One of these days I was going to kill him.

“I’ve managed to make a latte art heart on your Cappuccino. To express my love for you.”

I’d do it slowly.

“Nothing is too good for my good girl.”

Painfully. I wanted to see him suffer.

“It is so cute to see how you sleep in. You look so sweet while you’re sleeping.”

First, I wanted to see his face. I needed to know who he was. What I’d done to him. Why he was doing this.

Yes, I’d slept in again. That was hardly a miracle after the night we’d had together. Well, together might be the wrong term. I suffered while he probably sat somewhere, on his fat, pimply, ugly ass, directing this.

The breakfast was on the table, which meant that he’d been in here again, while I was sleeping. I’d never seen him. I was glad for that. I only wanted to see him once: the moment I’d kill him.

Most of the time, I got my food through a hatch, but not after nights like last night. The exhausted sleep had at least spared me from hearing the rats scurrying through my cell during the night. They had horrified me in the early days, but I was long past that.

“I was all right, for a while.”

No! Not that shitty song again! Right on cue, my right eye started twitching again.

“I could smile for a while.”

I knew he’d play that song again, but that didn’t make it easier. At least it wasn’t extremely loud this time.

“But I saw you last night.”

That shit made me puke. I had no idea what the song was. Some schmaltzy stuff from the 1950s, probably.

“You held my hand so tight.”

I imagined holding his neck so tight. Until he stopped twitching, preferably. All that was twitching right now was my damn eye, though.

“As you stopped to say hello.”

“Noooooo!” I couldn’t help myself. I didn’t want to react, to show weakness. I just couldn’t stand that song anymore. I had heard it a thousand times since I’d been here, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if my ears were bleeding whenever he played it.

The song stopped and I heard him chuckle.

“Good girl.”

Damn, another win for him. I hated him, I hated that song, I hated to be called “good girl,” like a dog. I don’t think I knew what real hate meant before I ended up in here. Sure, I knew the general sense, but it turned out I had no idea. What I had experienced in here had shaped the true ugly meaning of that word. Now, I was one of the leading experts on hate.

I still had to decide what to do about that damn breakfast. I was so hungry and it looked so delicious that I wanted to puke. It was a Trojan horse, probably laced with drugs most people had never even heard about. Sometimes after he drugged me, I was totally hyper, sometimes I was depressed, sometimes I had panic attacks, sometimes I just fell asleep. He could play me like a piano, using the small chemical plant inside my head.

Falling asleep might sound like the best option, but it wasn’t. As soon as I got tired after eating, I knew what was about to come. I fought sleep as long as possible, always in vain. I woke up in weird surroundings, or bound, suspended, under water, whatever. I thought I had seen every sadistic situation known to man by then, but his torturous creativity continued to surprise me.

I hated him and he knew that I did. It was a good clean hatred, undisturbed by any kind of positive feeling. His cheery fake ignorance just reinforced it. My twitching right eye seemed to agree, as well.

I looked around for the thousandth time. My room, no, my cell, was relatively large, but mostly empty. There was the simple bed I was lying on, a metal toilet, a mirror and the small wooden table, which was bolted to the wall like everything else. The mirror was made from polished steel instead of glass. I would have committed suicide a long time ago if it wasn’t, which he had obviously taken into account. The only movable thing was a bucket I could fill with water to wash myself.

The old brick walls were damp, bordering on wet. There was a puddle in one corner. It was the darkest corner, the one I avoided whenever I could. I didn’t like the vibes in that corner, it seemed scary, almost evil. At times, probably when it was raining outside, the drops falling into that puddle were enough to drive me insane.

There was one source of light, which was some kind of bright LED thing, protected by a grid. It determined what was day and what was night in my cell. The sun seemed like a distant memory. Although I had no access to a clock, I suspected that the cycle was highly irregular, which added a lot to my general confusion and tiredness.

Some things about my situation were bad. Some were almost unbearable. His cheery mood was among the latter. One of the worst, though, was the absence of natural light. I had not the slightest idea where I was. I had no idea how long I’d been here.

I finally gave in and moved towards the breakfast tray, as I always did. I hated myself for it, as I always did. I would have preferred to refuse his soiled gift, but my hunger was just too strong. He laughed through the speakers, as he always did.

“Good girl.”

Okay, he had defeated me again, but did he have to rub it in like this? Of course, I hated him even more for it. I had tried to start some kind of hunger strike some indefinable time ago, but I quickly came to the conclusion that I probably cared more about me staying alive than he did. I realized that I was playing poker with bad hands and stopped. If he wanted to kill me, there was nothing I could do about it, but I wouldn’t do the job for him.

“Enjoy your breakfast, my sweet wife.” his distorted, inhuman sounding voice told me through the hidden speakers. I might have been confused about a lot of things, but I was absolutely certain that I had never been married. My bloodied fingers moved towards the food as if they had a will of their own. My finger nails had long since been bitten down by my teeth, which also seemed to have a will of their own. The feeling that I was beginning to lose control over my body and my mind should have alarmed me. It didn’t. Base instincts ruled. Survival. Hunger, in this case. As always, food was served in disposable tableware. Nothing could be used as a tool or weapon.

As I started to eat the disgustingly tasty food, I again tried to figure out what all of this was about. He had never told me, but I knew what he wanted. I was also sure he knew that I knew. We knew each other well, me and my “husband.”

He wanted to drive me mad. Plain and simple. I didn’t know why. I didn’t know who he was. I just knew that he was about to succeed.

Suddenly, I was wide awake again, surprised that I’d fallen asleep. I assumed he’d again spiked my breakfast. Sometimes I got some kind of day off to recover after a bad night like the one before. Not this time, it seemed. How long had I slept? I had no idea, as usual. My cell was completely dark and silent. I was lying on my bed, shivering. The damn bastard had turned down the temperature again, as he did when he wanted to drive me out of my cell. He could have carried me anywhere while I was unconscious, and he frequently did so.

He had put me into glass boxes that were slowly filled with water as I could hear him laughing on the outside. I could see his shape right next to me, but the semi-opaque glass kept me from recognizing him. The glass box was illuminated in a sick green light. My left hand was tied to the floor with a soft rope. The cold water was slowly rising. In the beginning, I welcomed it. I thought about suicide all the time, and the prospect of drowning was appealing. I started to taunt and berate him. He just chuckled. We were playing some kind of sick chicken game. Unfortunately, I lost when the water level had reached my mouth. My survival instinct kicked in and I screamed as pure terror took over. He was still laughing as I was drowning and losing consciousness. The last thing I heard was “good girl.” Of course, I awoke in my cell with a marvelous breakfast in front of me.

This time, though, he obviously wanted me to leave the cell on my own. I already knew what was about to happen. I was in for a round of our labyrinth game. Of course, I was determined to stay in the relative safety of my cell. Of course, I knew I would leave it anyway. He had many ways to make that happen.

“I was all right, for a while.”


“I could smile for a while.”

My right eyelid started to dance to the music. The alternatives were staying inside a freezer listening to that shit and losing whatever was left of my sanity or going into the labyrinth, risking bodily harm.

“But I saw you last night.”

It was loud, really loud this time. Asshole.

“You held my hand so tight.”

The door was slightly ajar; light was streaming in, invitingly. Soft yellow light. It looked warm and enticing out there. The temperature in the cell kept dropping and neither my light and torn clothes nor my paper-thin blanket would keep me alive for long. I knew that the music would stop as soon as I left my cell. It was his system of rewarding and punishing his lab rat.

“As you stopped to say hello.”

As my shivering started to get worse, my teeth started to rattle and my toes started to hurt, I thought about the futility of my resistance. He could starve me out any time. Would it make any difference if I kept suffering in this fridge? No. I’d go out the door sooner or later, anyway. Why not do it sooner and spare myself the biting cold and the shitty love song?

“Oh, you wished me well.”

Reluctantly, I got up, hating myself for being so weak again. The music got a little quieter and I heard him chuckle.

“Good girl.”

Shit, another win for him. I guessed the current score was at about 5,000 - 0. I opened the door further, cautiously peeking above the jamb with my twitching eyes. He had gotten me with those simple traps in the beginning, but we had long since moved past that. These days, I found many of his simpler devices before they harmed me. He was creative, though, and invented new ones all the time, many of them successful. We were like an old married couple. No sex, constantly watching each other furtively, hating each other, hurting each other. Well, at least I hated him and he hurt me.

“You, you couldn’t tell.”

The space above the door seemed to be safe, but the dim light made it hard to tell. The door to my cell was an old greenish steel door like you find in many industrial buildings. It was still sturdy, but the paint had started to flake away, probably decades ago. It was motorized, the drive sitting in plain view on the outside. I had tried to block it a few times. It was hopeless. I had no tools, just a few rags and he could clear it up easily after sending me to sleep yet again.

“That I’d been crying over you.”

“Yeah, I’d like to see you cry, asshole,” I hissed under my breath.

The ceiling was dark, way too high to reach and difficult to see in detail. I knew from earlier experience under brighter conditions that it was a simple concrete surface, just like the walls. There were numerous cable ducts up there, looking old and dirty. He had the habit of placing traps up there from time to time. I heard pigeons cooing somewhere in the distance, wondered what they were doing in this godforsaken place and whether they were even real. I cautiously peeked along the corridor in both directions. I’ve had a lot of painful experiences along this corridor.

“Careful,” I mumbled, hating myself for being unable to remain quiet.

No unusual contraptions were to be seen, this time. The sturdy industrial lamps glowed softly at regular intervals. The doors that sometimes blocked the corridor after a few meters in each direction were both open. He was giving me some sort of choice, based on no information at all.

I knew from numerous previous sadistic “games” that this main corridor stretched for about 30 meters in each direction. At each end, it branched into two directions. This was the starting point of a whole maze of corridors, mostly dark rooms and larger halls. There were lots of doors, giving him endless possibilities to change the layout of my personal hell. The prevalent impressions were dampness and dimness. The whole thing was like a system of moldy boxes. Water was dripping from the ceiling, it was running down the walls, it was accumulating in puddles on the floor. Everything was slippery, each section reeked a bit differently and none of them were pleasant. Dripping or burbling sounds were everywhere, sometimes multiplied by echoes.

I was afraid. I always was in moments like this. The twitching got worse; sweat popped out on my forehead. Dimly lit corridors stretched on both sides. Both dark holes seemed to stare me down, waiting to unleash their hidden horrors on me. I could hear water dripping somewhere. The roof was cracking. There was no movement anywhere. Time seemed to stop.

I stared into both directions, my eyes wide open in the vain hope of seeing anything that might help me with my decision. I needed to calm down, be cool, relaxed, bring my twitching eye under control. I took a few deep breaths.

“Calm down,” I whispered to myself.

I knew that he was watching my steps closely, probably laughing in glee and feasting on my fear. I had seen a lot of cameras, but there were probably a lot more that I hadn’t seen. Did I mention that I hated the asshole?

I chose the left side, for some indeterminate reason. As soon as I turned left, I felt the threatening presence of the other corridor on my back almost physically. I hated myself for being weak enough to turn around all the time, looking for movement. The roof groaned again, making me jump a bit.

As if in slow motion, I snuck down the corridor. I didn’t have many things on my side, but I did have time. All the endless unmeasured time I wanted. The coldness left my body, but the trembling didn’t. My fear was more than enough to keep me shivering. I carefully checked the walls and the ceiling for possible traps. When he sprung one of them on me, it was always painful, but the shock was even worse. The feeling of being at his mercy, having to endure whatever his sick mind had come up with. That feeling of helplessness and frustration. I felt like his toy, like an object. Exactly what he wanted me to feel, no doubt. Asshole.

The corridor walls were full of old industrial debris like switching cabinets, cables and old technical things I had no idea about. It was possible to hide traps there, but I could spot most of them, by now. He rarely bothered to try something that simple anymore, but you never knew. The floor was difficult to check because of the oily puddles, so I simply avoided those.

I moved down the corridor at a glacial speed. Full of fear and tension, I oscillated my head to and fro like a demented senior. A sharp cracking sound in the distance shocked me, almost making me piss my pants.


I knew that the old steel structure above me made noises from time to time, but that knowledge didn’t ease my nerves. This place would have been eerie even without some psychopath placing traps everywhere. Just as I had calmed down a bit again, a blood-curdling scream tore through my ears, followed by a blinding flash of light in front of me.

In terror, I shrieked, turned around and mindlessly ran back towards my cell. My mind was empty, I just ran in sheer panic. Wait, I thought. Calm down. Stop this. You know better. I slowed down just in time to see a small horizontal bar that had appeared waist high from one wall to the other. In my panic, I would have run right into it, possibly hurting myself seriously.

I stared at it, still unbelieving after all that time. How could someone be such an asshole? What had I done to him? I had always been a gentle caring person, I never hurt anyone. This felt so unfair. I vowed again to kill him one day.

Defiantly, I looked up towards the camera, pointed at it and gave him a finger. In response, he growled through the speakers. I knew I would pay for this. It was totally worth it.

Cautiously, I returned to my exploratory quest down the corridor. I really didn’t want to. I felt tired. Enduring this shit for so long, however long it had been, had worn me down. I was still shaking, sweat was stinging my eyes, making it even harder to see anything in this shitty, dark, wet cave. I still saw no alternative but to continue. He wanted me to, to test his newest inventions. I wanted to, to check the labyrinth for escape routes yet again. In the movies, people escaped from the most secure prisons all the time. Why couldn’t I do it from this shitty old industrial building? I again vowed to explore this labyrinth to the last detail, even if it cost me my life.

I passed a yellow door on the left. Damn, how I hated and feared that door. He had lured me into the room beyond it one day and had tortured me for what felt like an eternity with an endless barrage of blinding flashes and electrical shocks. It seems he had lined the floor with some conductive stuff. When I finally woke up in my cell after having lost consciousness, my body was one giant bruise.

I really hated him.

He knew I would keep away from that yellow door instinctively, staying on the right side of the corridor. It might or might not mean that he had hidden something over there. Maybe he guessed I would think that, and would keep to the left. In any case, this area was a likely place for a trap. Trying to stay calm, I inspected the floor, the walls and the ceiling thoroughly, wishing again that I had a flashlight.

Nothing to be seen. I cautiously passed the area and nothing happened apart from asshole’s distorted voice laughing at me over the speakers.

“Good girl.”

He knew my fear and fed on it. Sick bastard. I was feeling like a lab rat once again. Like a dog that was being conditioned. This whole thing was so degrading. I was being consistently dehumanized and was powerless to do anything about it.

Having passed the hated yellow door, I reached the T-junction without any incidents. The left side had always been blocked by a locked dark red door after a few meters. Checking this door had once earned me a dose of pepper spray into the eyes without having any water nearby. As I had stumbled back into my cell, I had no chance to spot the newly added trip wire. It was painful and humiliating, as always. My eyes had burned for days and the abrasions had taken even longer to heal.

The door was closed again, but I abstained from checking to see if it was locked. As always, that left just the corridor to the right. It was even darker down there. The uneven walls and impenetrable shadows made it easier to hide things. It was one of his favorite places to hurt me. I cautiously entered it, nonetheless. I felt like if there were escape routes from this hell, they had to be in the bigger mysterious halls beyond this corridor. I knew I had to do this. Still, I was terribly afraid. Both eyes were twitching now, my palms were sweaty, my whole body was tense. I had always hated dark narrow places. Since this shit started, my dislike had been intensified to borderline claustrophobia, but I had to keep it in check it to survive. Most of my defeats had been caused by panic. Rational calm thinking was the only defense I had.

“Keep calm...” I mumbled.

“This is okay...”

“I can do this...”

I felt like a mime artist as I stalked along the dark corridor, staring into the shadows without seeing anything, listening to the sounds, but hearing just the usual groans and thuds. After an eternity I reached my destination, a place I dreaded. The twins. They were a pair of massive old machines that loomed in the near darkness like threatening giants. They were two spots of an even deeper black within an already dark room. The hall itself had once been lit by skylights. They were almost completely opaque by now, just panes of a dark brown color, not illuminating anything.

I felt, but didn’t see, the thick layer of dust and debris covering the floor, which was a notable difference to the rest of the labyrinth. It seemed he had not prepared this area for his sadistic experiments and had probably just checked possible exits.

The corridor continued past the twins and led into the huge machine hall. I was afraid all the time, but in here, I was terrified. It always happened when I was at the twins or in the great hall. I wasn’t afraid of him anymore. He was not relevant. Not in here. The place itself was evil. I felt it, like a physical force.

Even my kidnapper didn’t seem to like this place, as I had never experienced a trap in the twins’ room or in the great hall. He seemed to bow to a greater evil. This was not his territory anymore. Something else was ruling in here. These places seemed inhuman, not just deserted by humans. It almost seemed that humans didn’t belong here, anymore.

If he had forgotten to secure some possible exit, it would be in here. I hated to be here, but it was my best chance.

The corridor ran along the front side of the twins, and smaller aisles circled them completely. The space behind them was almost unnaturally black and terrifying. I had dared to give it a perfunctory check once. It felt like the small space was filled with fear, so thick that I could almost touch it. I couldn’t see anything; it was like staring into a black hole. I endured it for a few seconds before fleeing back down the corridor in sheer panic.

No way I would repeat that today. I was too tense, already; this was not one of my best days. Yes, I needed to check that place again sooner or later. I decided later. Instead, I continued towards the great hall, probably the only room that was even more frightening than the twins’ hall. Trembling, I crept forward, listening to each groan and creak the old building emanated, trying to discern anything unusual. Even my eye had stopped twitching, which meant that I was close to breaking.

Just as I left the twins, I heard something rustling behind them. I was scared shitless. A rat. Probably. Calm down! I forced myself not to run again. I knew that if I ran, my panic would completely take over. ‘For a woman seriously contemplating suicide you’re quite the chicken,’ I thought. Relax. If there’s something evil in there, I should welcome it. It might free me of this nightmare, one way or another. Not really believing this shit, I still managed to calm down a bit and peeked into the great hall, looking back into the near darkness behind me all the time. I almost expected the twins to come alive and get me.

The great hall was almost completely dark. A few rectangular areas were illuminated by roof lights. I guess to any visitor from outside, they would have appeared pitch black, but to me they were almost glaring. Sometimes I felt like Gollum, all pale with enormous bugging eyes. The lit rectangles made the rest of the hall appear even darker. They were like islands of feeble light in sheer blackness. I never dared to enter these spots as I felt completely vulnerable there, like in the spotlight on a stage.

Where it was illuminated, the floor looked soft and plushy, like a carpet. The ceiling wasn’t as high as in the twins’ hall. I knew that there were machines everywhere, but they were hard to see and I wasn’t interested in them as they held no chances for escape. They were present only as dark threatening shadows.

The only areas I was interested in were the walls. There must be exits apart from the big, immovable roll-up door and the exit at the opposite side, leading back into the labyrinth.

As usual, there were strange noises in here. The roof was cracking, there was a slight wind rustling through the machines. I felt like I was being watched by something evil, nonhuman, lurking in the shadows, as I always did in the great hall. There was something here far more dangerous than the asshole who had kidnapped me. This was something much more terrifying. I could feel its malevolent gaze on my skin, making my flesh crawl.

I heard the rustling again. That was not the wind. Something was moving between the machines. It wasn’t that far away from me, maybe ten meters. I stared into the darkness, trying so see something, already knowing that it was hopeless. I moved backwards until I felt the cool wall on my back. Again, a rustling sound. Nearer, this time. A loud cracking sound shocked me to the core. I couldn’t help it. I ran. I might even have screamed. Through the dirt and debris, towards black gullet I came from.

I plunged into it, leaving the hall behind me, running towards the twins. Just as I passed them, an inhuman scream from behind shocked me to the core. I ran past the twins at full speed, my brain completely wiped clean by panic. Just before I reached the main corridor, my foot tripped over something and I tumbled painfully again and again. I heard him laughing in the background.

“Good girl.”

My panic left and the familiar hate took its place. I was back in my daily life, back in the shitty prison I was used to. This was bad, but the misery was at least created by a human. I knew that I would have to face the horror back there again someday, and the thought made me shudder.


It frustrated me that I still didn’t know what had happened back there. Had there been something or someone? Had it been Asshole who had scared me? Had it been my own mind paying tricks with me? I had no idea, and the uncertainty would have driven me crazy if my daily life in here hadn’t already taken care of that job.

I checked my body for broken bones, didn’t find any and painfully struggled to my feet. I felt my face getting hot from the humiliation while he was still laughing.

“Having fun?” he was mocking me while I checked myself for open wounds.

One day I’ll get you, I thought without really believing it anymore. I knew that I needed to stay away from fatalism, but sometimes I couldn’t help it.

“I was all right for a while.”


“I could smile for a while.”

The music was just to mock me.

“But I saw you last night.”

Humiliate me.

“You held my hand so tight.”

It was working.

“As you stopped to say hello.”

I stumbled further through the now brightly illuminated corridor towards the permanently closed red door and the main corridor to the left. I was still trembling, unsure whether it was from the panic, the run, the fall or the humiliation.

Once again, I looked at that damn red door while he graciously turned off the music. I always had the impression that this might be the entrance he used. I had looked at it many times, wondering how to get past it. Wondering what lay behind it, what I could do to unlock it. I had imagined all kinds of idiotic plans to trick him, to ambush him there. It was pointless; he would never open it if I was around.

Today, though ... something was different. The door wasn’t completely open, but it definitely stood a bit ajar. Suddenly I saw a flash behind it and jerked back, starting to run again. I stopped, puzzled. What kind of trap was that? Had it gone off too early? Then came the biggest shock of my imprisonment so far.

Someone behind the door mumbled “perfect shot,” whatever that meant.

I peeked behind the door and saw a huge guy holding a huge camera, looking fascinated at some worthless piece of old machinery. His face looked handsome in a chiseled delicate way. His face seemed to belong to an artist and his body to a lumberjack.

I risked a quick glance past him, down the unknown corridor. Unlike the labyrinth, it was very well lit. My eyes had trouble adjusting after having spent an eternity in the twilight. The corridor I saw looked so different and somehow normal that I immediately knew that this was the exit I had been looking for so long.

Who was that guy, though? With the same clarity that told me that this was the exit, I knew that this man was not my jailer. That guy looked totally harmless and blissfully ignorant while he still inspected that useless piece of junk. But who was he? One of Asshole’s friends? The pry bar sticking from the back of his jeans told me that he wasn’t. I was just trying to categorize him as an enemy, an enemy of my enemy or a friend when he turned around and saw me.

“Oh, sorry,” he said, holding up his hands as if I had a gun. “I didn’t know that the building was still in use.”

This was an important, possibly life changing moment. I needed to be calm and rational, calculating the potential risks and chances emerging with the new situation. Idiotically, what I actually did was freezing and suddenly becoming self-conscious about my appearance. I tried to take care of my body hygiene as best as I could, working with the few things I had. I had cold water in my cell whenever my captor was in a good mood. He usually was while I was recovering from major abuse. I had a small piece of soap, a toothbrush, toothpaste and a cheap plastic hair brush.

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Hi I am 45 year old widow lady and I have many erotic story for you. Mere do ladke hai jo 21 sall ke aur 19 sall ke apko sabse pahle “sali ka honeymoon” kahani sunane ja rahi hu. Kahani ek admi jiski umar 29 sal ki hai aur wo goa me service karta hai. Uski wife geeta hai aur uski do sali hai ek badi sali hai aur doosli shoti sali hai. Wo apni wife geeta ke sath bahut sex wo geeta ke sath goa ke beach par bhi kai bar sex karte the.nude sote thefull sexual enjoy karte day usko pat...

3 years ago
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Tunnel Rat

I was eighteen when I joined the military. I was also short and skinny which did not help when I went through the training. All that changed when I walked off the Atlas struggling under the two duffles. A top sergeant gestured as I followed the others towards a hanger to process in, "come here private." I moved out of line and towards him, "first sergeant?" He grinned as he looked at my name tag and then at a clipboard, "how would you like to be in special operations?" I reddened,...

4 years ago
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Bhool Rati

Hi, friends I am Debs, this is my first story in this site. I hope will all appreciate this. Let me first introduce myself. I am 35 years old married person. I have wife and two kids, one son, one daughter son is elder. I am working in a Govt. office as an officer at Guwahati and recently got transferred to Golaghat a place 7 hours far from Guwahati by bus. I am happily lived with my wife and kids but at present my life got complete changed. Now come to the story written in Hindi because some...

4 years ago
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Lab Rat

("All of my writing is on hiatus until further notice, however, the story is still here and fully available. Any interaction, be it a like or a comment is immensely appreciated! If you have an idea for a chapter, be sure to let me know and I'll see what I can do! That being said, enjoy "Lab Rat"!) "Dear Jason, Congratulations from our company Headquarters. Your application to join the Futanari Production and Research Center as a Model Test Subject has been approved. Welcome to the...

2 years ago
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Ein folgenschwerer Rat

"Diese Peitsche ist mein Hochzeitsgeschenk für dich, mein Kind. Benutze sie, wenn dein Ehemann sich weigert, deine frisch gefickte Möse auszulecken. Du hast sein Schwänzchen in dem Keuschheitskäfig eingeschlossen? Fantastisch! In einer Minute wird Charles hier sein um dir den Fick deines Lebens zu geben. An den Tag deiner Hochzeit wirst du immer mit Freude zurückdenken. Glaub mir, nichts ist besser als das Ehegelübde abzugeben, während die Wichse deines Liebhabers aus deiner Möse quillt und...

1 year ago
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"Harder, oh come on big daddy pound my cunt with that big dick; cum in me; my cunt is on fire," Susan yelped at her father. Sweat was running off the older man with jet black hair that now was being filled in by silver streaks. John, at age 44, couldn't believe his daughter was screaming for his seven inch prick."Oh fuck yes, baby girl, then take this my little sluttie daughter. You are a hot little bitch aren't you?" John worked his cock in and out of the young girl's twat. He wrapped his hand...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ke Sath Gujara Rat

Hi friend my name jay.I m 21 year old dikhne me to acha hu.Mere lund ki size 8 inch.Aur me aunty,bhabhi,girls,etc ki chudai karta hu aur jaise ki mene apne pehle khani me btaya tha ki main mel-jol jaldi ho jate hai sbse.Aur kisi ko impress bhi jaldi kar leta hu.Ab apka time khrab and karte hue ye kahani aage le jata hu.. .Ye kahani hai ek bhabhi ki jo mere ghar ke bagal me rhti hai.Jo 25 year age hai.Unki sadi ko 1 year hi hua hai…Unki fig. 30-28-30 hai..Thodi sawali hai but face cut achha...

4 years ago
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The Swamp Rat

The Audi lurched across yet another muddy pothole and I cursed my own stupidity for the hundredth time. I knew that my uncle had lived out in the sticks, but this was ridiculous. The road was a series of water traps roughly defined by overgrown ruts, and I was lucky that the car hadn’t bogged down. I picked my way around another turn, and a dilapidated shack came into view through an opening in the woods. With a last jarring trip through yet another mud hole, I drove up into a fairly level...

1 year ago
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Third Times A CharmChapter 7 Rati

I called a meeting. There were serious issues I wanted addressed, and the only way to get them discussed was to call a meeting. As with most of the rest of our meetings, this one was partly business, partly family: I wanted to make our informal living arrangements a little more formal. I was married to Freya and we had a son, but the rest were living as if I was married to them, too. Our finances would be totally fouled up if anything were to happen to one of us, and there were no laws which...

2 years ago
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My hot neighbour namrata

Hi Guys, this is Gary from Delhi. I am 34 years old and have shared intimate moments with a few women including my bhabhi, neighbourhood bhabhis, and a couple of girlfriends so far but the best fuck I had, was with my sexxy neighbour in Mumbai.I still like having a good time with ladies and do get lot of chances, as I travel quite a lot on work. If any of you sexxy ladies is interested, please let me know on my email id [email protected]. I would love to give you a good time as well...

1 year ago
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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

Hookup Sites
4 years ago
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"Reparations," said the Man in the Shadows. The way he spoke, so cool, so calm... it brought a chill down Nick Martin's spine. At 6-2, 250, Nick was a big guy, and just five years removed from being a pretty decent Division III college football linebacker. This person he was looking at... must have been going on 50 and was 170 pounds, tops. "Why," he thought, "am I just standing here... scared to death?" In truth, fear had nothing to do with it. Nick's drink had been spiked with...

3 years ago
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Fervour of the Past VI Conglomerate

Fervour of the Past VI: Conglomerate by Tegeli CHAPTER 1 In the full view from our house, the Jaan troops took control over the dig site. Bemariq secluded himself in his study. On his rare forays out, he barely said a word to me and certainly never glanced out from the window. My husband only came out to go post letters, to attend meetings the Heva and for long solitary walks in the hills above. He cooked nothing and never touched anything I prepared. Honeydew and drink were...

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Lifeboat Introduction

This is not the story of how my mother, my sister, and I escaped that catastrophe, of how the starliner Pegasus II tried to escape the disaster into FTL only to be destroyed by debris, of our flight to and rendezvous at the lifeboats, of the 24-person lifeboat jettisoning with just the three of us aboard. There are at least a dozen such accounts from the 87 survivors from the Peg, and most, to be honest, are more compelling. This is not the story of the first tumultuous hours after the...

1 year ago
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The Real Wonderful Experience Of Hard Core Sex With Pratibha

Hellloo my all ISS readers. Lots of love to all beutiful holes. So my all beauties get ready to get wet and if any of hole want me to lick and drink that sweet and salty juice feel free to connect with me at and your privacy is my guarantee. So to all those who is reading my first story I am Pyara Prince from Delhi with average body. I am of 5’11 in height and having a tool of 9′ which can satisfy any lovely hole. Friends today I am sharing with you a real experience of mine with Pratibha. She...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Pious Mom Bharati

My mother Bharati stands at 5’4″, and is always clad in solid colored cotton sarees that coves her from the head to the toe. She is a meek, mousy woman, who always keeps to herself. Except for her evening visits to the nearby temple, or an occasional visit to the market, she hardly gets out of the house. But she wasn’t always like this. It’s only since my dad’s passing that she withdrew into a shell. As far as I could remember, mom was a lively woman, who was fun to be around. I, on the other...

2 years ago
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Trinic Confederation

"It is human nature that there are those who are predators, and those who are preyed upon. Society, in order to protect itself from predators, organized and drafted people into armies to defend its territory from other marauding humans who were trying to expand into territory already claimed. "As people grouped together for mutual protection, they also formed a service called a police force. While these men and woman were chosen for a willingness to serve and to protect, it is also known...

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Lifeboat Chapter 1

Mom and Dad had been planning to renew their vows that very evening, and Mom had arrived at the lifeboat directly from the station where she had been shopping and getting made up for the ceremony. She was already in her white dress, tight around her torso to accentuate her remarkable figure but flowing in the skirt to give her an ethereal look. She wore white stockings underneath, the lacy tops barely visible where the skirt had ridden up. Like the rest of us, she was shoeless, probably...

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PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...

1 year ago
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If one wanted to observe the embodiment of the term, ‘built like a brick shithouse,’ then Ratchet would be the perfect example. Six feet four tall, he was broad in every aspect of his physique, and facial features. Ratchet’s real name was Richard, and he was a diesel mechanic. He got the nickname as result of a malapropism at technical college, when one of his fellow students’ referred to him in error, as Ratchet. Everyone guffawed at the time, but as is so often the case, the nickname stuck. ...

Straight Sex
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Aunt helped in Defloration

How Aunt helped Popping my Cherry........ She held me in her arms and kissed me delicately. She escorted us to the Stage at the center of the hall. Neena was holding my hand while Aunty was kissing me on my mouth . Aunty was young and beautiful and had large boobs. While she held me, our boobs were crushing against each other...I could feel her tongue was trying to force it's entry in my mouth. Her tongue felt nice playing with my tongue.....The...

1 year ago
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One of the biggest fantasies among men is popping some sweet young virgin’s cherry. As you fuckers get older, you have fewer and fewer opportunities to bang a teenager, let alone one who isn’t turning tricks behind 7-11 for crack money. You could aim really low and try to deflower some morbidly obese agoraphobic woman who hasn’t left the house in decades. Alternately, you can watch bitches getting their hymens broken on Defloration.“How many men have ever actually seen a hymen?” That’s the...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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Love making with cute Namrata

Hi Readers. This site is very interesting so i thought to come up with my one and only encounter with a girl so far!!! Sad but true, isn’t it? I have no intentions to waste your precious time, so let me start right here. I am Kunal, 21, 5’11” height, working in HYDERABAD now. Basically i am from Punjab. This happened when I was 18 years old and was doing my B.Tech. We had math in our 1st sem and exams were nearing. There was a cute girl named Namrata who was 22, 5’3 height, very cute, beautiful...

2 years ago
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Bengali Neighbor Aunty Ratna

Hi ISS readers…I am a great fan of ISS stories. Now I want to share one of my experience with My neighbor aunty Ratna. I am a sex loving guy and like to have sex with matured married lady. I am Sourabh, 25 years old good physic..having 7” tool. Before telling the story… I want to introduce Ratna aunty 1st. She is around 38 to 40 years old…her figure was very much attractive, having slit fat in belly area and on buttock which makes her more attractive. Her figure was like Bengali house wives....

2 years ago
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Bengali Neighbor Aunty Ratna

Hi ISS readers…I am a great fan of ISS stories. Now I want to share one of my experience with My neighbor aunty Ratna. I am a sex loving guy and like to have sex with matured married lady. I am Sourabh, 25 years old good physic..having 7” tool. Before telling the story… I want to introduce Ratna aunty 1st. She is around 38 to 40 years old…her figure was very much attractive, having slit fat in belly area and on buttock which makes her more attractive. Her figure was like Bengali house wives....

2 years ago
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Lab Rat

Monday Clean the damn cages, mop the floors, carry boxes of mice from one place to another, all the other "What, give up show business?" crap that goes with this stupid job. Some day I want to kill those mice. No, not to be cruel, but as a real live lab researcher, helping to find the cure for some disease or another. Right now, though, it's just a summer internship from school, paying virtually nothing. Me, I'm just going into my senior year at State. My mother has enough money to give...

3 years ago
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Alternate Incarceration

Alternate IncarcerationbyThe Technician = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Mardina finally gets justice for what happened to her.This is more of a SciFi story than an erotic story even though much of it deals with highly non- consensual sex.A series of college girls are attacked by a rapist who uses a special drug to overwhelm them. The drug not only incapacitates them, it also fogs their memory and prevents them from identifying him... until the great-great-great-great-great-grandson of...

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Alternate Incarceration

A series of college girls are attacked by a rapist who uses a special drug to overwhelm them. The drug not only incapacitates them, it also fogs their memory and prevents them from identifying him... until the great-great-great-great-great-grandson of the legendary W creates a suit that records people’s thoughts and dreams, including things they don’t consciously remember. Like many of my stories, this takes place in an alternate society. In this case that alternate reality is in the...

1 year ago
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My Suhagrat

Hello ISS readers, this is Saroj Sharma again from Rajasthan. I got so many inspiring, good comments on my previous three real stories, that I am submitting this new story. For new readers of ISS, who did not read my previous stories I want to tell them that I am recently married Post Graduate girl of 25 doing Govt service. My height is 5ft 6inches and vital statistics as 36-26-36. I have sexy features and always wear sex provoking dresses in home. My husband is highly sex loving person having...

2 years ago
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MAU Painting the Town Pink Part 6 Regeneration

I backed away slowly, looking in horror at Julia's shattered body. I had unconsciously raised my hands in front of me, as though to ward off some invisible attacker. But there was no need. I knew who had done this. What had just happened played over and over in my mind. One moment I'd been looking at her in fury, wondering if she was responsible for my transformation, enraged that she mocked me; the next something inside me had struck out at her and she'd gone flying across the room...

4 years ago
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first let me introduce my darling, sexy, sweet mom my jaan, her name is Rati & sheis very similar to her name & even much better than her name,Rati d goddess of love & a complete fire ball & y m saying this because my mom wasmiss ‘dehradun’ when she was 18 yrs old so, you all can imagine how beautiful she is,every 2nd men wanted to fuck my sexy darling mom as this was told to me by my momlater,but due to family ethics my mom was a simple typical Indian women & was...

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As I’ve complained previously, this social distancing and wearing masks sucks. Swingers clubs and parties are totally on hold and it means I’ve very rarely had sex other than with my husband. Plus, Paul isn't meeting me as he's older, suffers from asthma and so has Covid paranoia. I respect that.Then the Black Lives Matter thing hit home with the murder of a black man in Minnesota. I support BLM and you damn know by now that my vagina is an equal rights opportunist! I have had all races,...

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The Penetrator

In the near future…Man has managed to achieve feats in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence unthinkable only years prior. While society used these advances to better itself in areas such as medicine and industry, it also used this knowledge to better fulfill one of humankind’s most basic desires: sex.At first, virtual reality allowed people to use headsets and the latest personalized AI to bring their fantasies to life, although only in a visual format. Advances in robotics...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Earths CoreChapter 12 The Earthly Crater

“This obstacle called the Gentic Belt”. Benni explained to Zax, “It encircles the planet, like a very long belt, and can only be safely crossed through the Emerald Cross, on an equipped vessel. Imagined it as the sole punch hole on this large belt”. The girl was very patient and the closeness she maintained to Zax signaled the development of a certain interest. “The buckle is where we’re heading, the Earthly Crater, there- Eh, look! The eruption is finally over”. She pointed at the wall of...

4 years ago
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Ethical Decisions for a Curator

Jennifer Marie Kornikova put her cell phone and charger into her purse as her high heeled lizard skin boots click clacked nervously across the honed marbled floor of the Nelson Art Gallery. "Good night, Mrs. Kornikova," the guard said as he touched the bill of his cap to her as she went by. "Good evening, Mr. Sommers," Jennifer said as she forced a smile she did not feel. She was trying to hide her concern over the phone call she had just received. The guard, Nathan Sommers, watched her as...

1 year ago
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Beckys incarceration

A disembodied voice filled the room “Rebecca Sarah Johnson” our you were observed by your' school's CCTV cameras as engaging in inappropriate sexual behaviour with a student of the same gender at 13.00 yesterday.” a screen embedded into the wall she was facing fired up and displayed an image of her school's toilets. A slim blonde girl 5'6” walked in, Becky immediately recognised as her friend Hailey who was in the year above her. Becky and Hailey had been close friends since...

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Lifeguard Blows His Mate and Me

Last night I went to the pool late and ended up having a threesome in the showers.Usually, I go to the pool during the day.  It feels warmer, I get some work on my speedo tan, and in the middle of the day, the pool is generally quiet.  Yesterday (Friday) I was busy with work all day and time just got away from me.  The pool closes at nine pm and just before eight pm, I decided to go for a late-night swim.  I really wanted to get out of the house and had nothing else planned.The pool was quiet...

Gay Male
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Star Trek Infiltration

Trapped in the body of Janice Lester, his real body destroyed, the Jim Kirk of the mirror universe is determined to get to the universe of the Federation to steal the body of their Jim Kirk. STAR TREK: INFILTRATION by BobH (c) 2014 Note: This is a sequel to, and contains spoilers for, 'Mirror Universe Turnabout' All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures - 1 - Fixing mirrors in front of treadmills has been standard...

3 years ago
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Distant Rats

Iweko took the water bottle and carefully slipped the straw between the cuts in the veil. Taking her time, she took her drink slowly. Looking around her, Iweko saw that she was not alone. Most of her colleagues were doing the same thing she was doing; slacking off, just waiting for the bell. It might not be the right thing to do, but after a hard shift at the factory all the women, including Iweko, needed a breather for the day ahead. The moment the bell rang, everyone stood up and took off....

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My Darling Mommy Rati

Hi all ISS readers, this is Sahil & this is my first & d very true story which m sharing with u all, before starting d story let me clear u few important things & d first important thing is, dont even dare to think that this is a fake story & trust me that every 2nd line will make u wet & all d blood pressure will rush to your balls(for males) & light up d heat in your vagina(for females) & trust me before finishing d story u will get discharge, so now let me cum to d story, first let me...

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Lucy the Lab Rat

Lucy exited the classroom, closing the door gently as the professor within droned on. Her eyes were focused on the stack of papers she held in her hands, her latest exam results. She scoured the pages with her eyes as she flipped through them, attempting to make sense of the results. The good news was that Lucy had been extremely consistent with her testing abilities recently, so she had been mentally prepared for the results. The bad news was that her previous tests had been... less than...

3 years ago
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The Lab Rat

I woke up; my eyes were blinded by the bright lights of the sterile, white room. I closed them for a few moments to let them adjust, and I had one thought in my mind. I needed a cock. A big one. A huge one. Pounding away in my burning pussy. My hands immediately reached down and stroked my burning pussy. It was on fire. I needed a cock and I needed one right now. "Welcome back to the real world." I heard a voice say. Must get laid, must get pounded. Fast and hard. Above all RIGHT...

4 years ago
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Khala ki sat rat

Aik din mein apne kamre mein perh raha tha or sister school gayi hoyi thi, khala mare kamre mein ayein to os waqt on ki haalat koch yoon thi ke onhoon ne khoole gale wali qameez pehny howi thi or dobata nahi liya howa tha or mathe per germy ki waja se paseena aya howa tha. Khala ne mojh se kaha ke beta mein tomhare kamre ki safayi kerne ayi hoon, mein ne kaha ke khala ap safayi ker lein to onhoon ne jharoo pherna shoroo ker diya or mein apna perhta raha, achanak hi mari nazer khala ki tarof...

3 years ago
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Roomate K Saath Meri Pahli Rat

Apne avi tak bahut sari stories padhi…hogi….lekin ye story har kisi k …liye hai..i am manish 20 years old….meri jeevan dhara ki jwalamukhi aaj kal apni charam sima par hai.kyun ki beete raat mere jeevan ka ek anmol chan tha ,jis sex kamna ki talash mai kar raha tha wo mujhe apne room me hi mila.thanks to shubhi..sam ko ghar me bhaithe mai apne practicalo me uljha tha -magar baar mujhe uske katile badan ki khayal aa rahi thi.mere saath ye silsila kuch dino se yuhi chala ja raha tha.mai har waqt...

3 years ago
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ReparationsBy Marcus OakwoodThe pain in my head forced me back into the conscious World and as soon as I was there I wished I wasn’t. My head hurt so much that I didn’t want to move it, my throat and mouth felt as though I had swallowed dry, rough, sand and my stomach was nauseous.I lay still for a few seconds building up the courage to open my eyes. Once opened it only added to my confusion, the room was bright with strong light penetrating the thin curtains but I did not recognize it to start...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Madam In Gujrat

Hi…Mera name raj he me young 22 years ka gujrat bhavnagar ka rahane wala hu.Me is website pe bahot time se stories padh raha hu aaj mera dil kiya toh first story likh raha hu I hope you like it readers. Mujeh girls bhabhi and aunty ke sath flirting,sex chat,long drive&sex karana pasand he toh contact Ahmadabad and bhavnagar wali readers. Ab direct meri true story pe aata hu baki bate feedback me… Ye baat tab ki he jab me gandhinagar me engineering ki study kar raha tha. Tab me ahemadabad rahata...

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FootFetish In Train To SizzlingSex Surat

Hello, Guys, I’m Antarix (surely not the real name but I think its a nice name). My mail id is also just for posting this sex story and not the regular one. I’m 31 and married. I’m 5’10” tall and athletic build. I live in Surat, Gujarat. I have been following this site since 5 +years and it keeps me dreaming more and more. I have read many stories about people having sex in train and all but never believed it. What happened with me is NOT exactly that. Before going to story, let me tell you...

2 years ago
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Oka Prema Ratri

Hello to all the ISS readers, This is Naveen, writing about a sex experience of my life. As I am the regular reader of the sex stories in this site. I like to have a self story in my life. Na jeevitham lo kuda oka sex jaragali ani anukunnanu. appati nunchi nalo kama korika modalu aiyindi. Nenu ikkada chala chusanu English lo, hindi lo and some other languages lo matrame stories rasthunnaru kani mana telugu language lo matram ikkada stories levu. Anduke i want to be a first person to write a...

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Friend Ke Wife Ke Sath Suhagrat

Hello friends I am sekhar anand from Mumbai,my age around 27 year height 6ft, athletic body type, handsome look.i am working in an IT company here. Esse pehle bhi mainte kai kahaniya likhi hai jo ki mere aapbiti batein thi.or aap sabko bahut pasand bhi aae thi,aaj mai ek or kahani likhane ja raha hu jo bahut romanchit hai.bat aj se 2 sal pehle ki hai mai tab jis company me job karta tha waha pe bahut se larki or larke mere frnd the,mere do frnd ki sadi hone wali thi or dono mere achhe frnd the...

3 years ago
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Meri Suhagrat

By : Monalove Mara nam mona hai Punjab ki rahna wali hu.mara size hai.34.28.34 hai black long hair & color fair hai bohat sunder hu look like a modle city ka sare larka mare picha pagal hai my mail id is ek din ki bat hai ki mari sahali ritu ka muj ko phone aya .hum kafi dar tak bata karta raha .us ki abi abi shadi hui thi .us na muj ko kaha ki wo & us ka pati har roz sex karta hai .bohat maza ata hai us na kaha ki ab to mai ef din be sex ka bina nahi rah sakti .bato Bato ma mare arman be...

2 years ago
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Bahen ke sath suhagrat

11hi guys and girls i am vinod from delhi,mai apani pahli story likh raha hue jo ki mere sauteli bahan aur mere chudai ki hai. Mere umar 23 saal hai mai abhi mca ke second year mai padta hue,meri bahan jo ki mere se six lyears badi hai aur sautel hai.abhi use do bacche hai vo bhi mere hai. Chalo to fir mai apani story ki taraf badata hu. Ek din mai aur didi holiday may mama ke gaon gaye the. May ka month tha. Hum khet mai safsafai ka kaam chal raha tha,din bhar kam karke badme sham ko mama,...

4 years ago
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Behan ke bad mom ke sath suhagrat

Hi friends. I am again. As you know that I made my 1st honeymoon with my elder sister in Simla. And after that I always fucked her whenever she came our home. As usual I fucked her, we forget the door close. Suddenly our mom came in room when I was fucked my Sis. She did not say anything and went back to her room. We finished our fucking very fast and I asked sis Didi ab kya hoga. Wo gussa ho gayi aur boli, tum se jara bhi nahi ruka ja raha tha, Darwaza to lock kar lete. Main bola ab ladne se...

4 years ago
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First anal fuck after Suhagrat

Hello ISS readers, this is Saroj Sharma again from Rajasthan. I got so many inspiring, good comments on my previous real story “My suhagrat”, that I am submitting this real story of my first Anal (Ass) Fucking. For new readers of ISS, who did not read my previous story I want to tell them that I am recently married Post Graduate girl of 25 doing Govt service. My height is 5ft 6inches and vital statistics as 36-26-36. I have sexy features and always wear sex provoking dresses in home. My husband...

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