Reparations free porn video

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"Reparations," said the Man in the Shadows. The way he spoke, so cool, so calm... it brought a chill down Nick Martin's spine. At 6-2, 250, Nick was a big guy, and just five years removed from being a pretty decent Division III college football linebacker. This person he was looking at... must have been going on 50 and was 170 pounds, tops. "Why," he thought, "am I just standing here... scared to death?" In truth, fear had nothing to do with it. Nick's drink had been spiked with a sedative... and it wasn't fear he was feeling, but more an impending loss of consciousness and an uncertainty of what he was experiencing. For all the Man in the Shadows powers, he was limited in that he could do nothing if not in close proximity to his target. And he found the use of a sedative to be his most effective tool. Nick dropped to one knee, trying to steady himself. He looked up at the man, trying to make out his face. He had just had two or three drinks with this guy... why now could he not remember much about him? He couldn't picture his face, remember his name... anything. All he could do was look up into the darkness and ask... "Why?" "Reparations," the Man in the Shadows said. "I have no quarrel with you, but both your ex-wives do. I met today the young women with whom you currently reside, and under questioning she too confirmed what I have heard - you think of women as inferior and use them merely for your own enjoyment. For such things, reparations must be made." Nick could hear what was being said, but was having trouble parsing the words. "I see the combination of the drug, and my... well... let us call them my 'abilities' are taken their effect," said the Man in the Shadows. "I do not have the time to explain all, but this envelope will. Read it when you awaken. You will wish to contact me, but find you cannot. I will, however, be watching you, and perhaps may make myself known to you should it suit me. Good day." With that, the Man in the Shadows stepped forward, and tucked the manila envelope underneath Nick's arm and vanished. The last thing Nick saw was a wisp of black smoke before his head hit the pavement. AWAKENINGS Nick awoke a few hours later. It was 5:27 AM according to the LED clock on the liquor store sign. Was last night a dream? He knew it was not, as here he lay, against the brick wall of an alley near the bar he frequented... with an envelope next to him. His head ached. From the fall? From the drink? From whatever that... guy... did to him? Whatever the reason, he pulled himself into a sitting position and reached up to feel if it was bleeding. There was no way to determine which sensation struck him first. Was it the hair? He kept his hair short and neat, a click or two shy of a buzz cut. This hair was short, but it was ... thin and stringy. Or was it his arm? As he moved it towards his head, he could feel the fat on his non-existent bicep wobble slightly. Or his voice? His groan was not his own. It sounded raspy from a night of drink, but it also sounded... higher. It was too much. It was overload. Instead of screaming he just looked and felt everything he could. His body ... was out of shape, soft in the wrong places... and ... female? As he unbuttoned his shirt he could see and then felt a small pair of sweaty breasts lying on his now fat and smooth stomach. His legs were thick and short, his face smooth. He started to laugh. At first softly, and then when he heard the higher voice he laughed more loudly. "There's no way," he thought. "There is no fucking way." What brought him to stop was the envelope. He didn't dream that. That was real. He reached to open it, barely pausing to notice his pudgy hands with slightly longer and shaped finger nails. As he did, he pulled out a single, typed sheet of paper, and read. To: Nicholas Martin Re: Reparations Mr. Martin. Yes, your body is 100 percent female now. You have for so long treated women poorly, and since I have the ability to occasionally right such wrongs, I have chosen to do so in this case. I am, of course, being compensated for my time and trouble by the two lovely women you once married and then abandoned - but can you begrudge me that? What you need to know is this. I am not a monster. Neither gender is superior, but I can not judge even the most pious person for choosing to remain in their own gender over being forced to live as the other. Still, you are NOT the most pious person. So you will be forced to live as a woman... until such time as you have made up for what you have done to the three women in your life. In each case they trusted you, they loved you, they gave of themselves to you... and you discarded them. THAT will be your fate. You will find, quite against your will actually, that you will have an ever-growing attracting to men. Not merely sexual, but in a way that makes you pliant, submissive, and na?ve - all the things you brought out in your women. When a man chooses to take you, you will be his. And when he is done with you sexually, he will have the immediate urge to discard you. This will devastate you. When this happens three times, we will meet again, as reparations will have been made. As you can see, the body you are currently in is not one you would deem "attractive." That will make it more difficult for you to attract your first man, I am afraid. But trust me, it will get easier. Until we meet again, The Man in the Shadows P.S. As you can see, my abilities are quite spectacular. But I am unable to manipulate things on a grand scale. So I am sorry to say that you do not have a current driver's license, name, or anything to establish your identity. You papers as Nick Martin still exist, but will be little help to you. I apologize for the inconvenience. Nick crumpled the letter in his small hands and threw it down the alley. "What a crock of shit," he chirped, pulling his unfamiliar body to a standing position. When he played football he battled some with his weight, but adjusting to this size, and its lack of muscle mass, made me very unstable. Still, he looked to the just waking city street and spied his car, intending to head home and find someway to clear his head. "It's just a fuckin' dream," he thought as he crossed the street. "Just an awful dream." CAR TROUBLE What was not a dream, however, was the Denver boot on his right front tire. He had parked overnight on a resident parking street, and his car wasn't going anywhere. He reached into his back pocked, and pried out his wallet. His pants being so tight around the hips with his fat ass, he found it difficult to do. He opened it, and found four dollars. Not near enough for a cab. Now, panic struck. He looked ridiculous in his clothing, not to mention dirty. And his mind was reeling. He needed a phone. "I'll call James," he thought, of his business partner, "he'll pick me up and drive me home." His cell phone sitting in his condo didn't help matters, but a pay phone would do nicely. Still, with just four dollars to his name, he needed some change... and no stores were open. He passed two joggers on the street, neither of whom would stop to talk to him. In fact, he could see the repulsion in their faces as they looked at him, and he filled with a mix of anger and shame. He lumbered up and down the street looking for loose change on the ground. The whole act was humiliating, but it got much worse. His balance still an issue, he tripped over soda can and landed straight on his tiny breasts. It hurt and burned in a way he hadn't imagined, and tears welled up in his eyes. "You ok there miss?" Nick looked up to find a homeless man staring at him with a bemused smile on his face. "Fine, just need a quarter for a phone call," Nick chirped. "Oh, I can spare that for someone in trouble, but it'll cost you," chuckled the man. Nick pulled himself up and tried to glare at the man, unsuccessfully. Dirty and gross as he was, there was something... powerful about him. "Cost me what?" Nick asked. "Why a kiss, of course," he laughed. The words hit Nick hard. He wanted to throw up, but he needed the money and this man... this strong, confident man, was asking for something reasonable. Nick slowly leaned down and the man pointed a grubby finger at his own cheek. Nick took a deep breath and moved in closer, trying to get it over with quickly, when the man quickly turned his face so their lips met. Nick was stunned. This man smelled so bad, the taste was nicotine and garbage, and he felt his tongue... but he couldn't break the kiss. The man reached up and started pawing at Nick's breasts, pulling him to his knees as the kiss grew deeper. Nick was helpless. The pawing felt good, the kiss felt good, this man... this wonderful man.... It was but a minute later when NIck was lying face up in the alley, his pants down around his ankles. The man had kept kissing him, and was now on top of him, pawing and groping him. Nick heard the sounds of the city awakening, but all he could think of was how wonderful it felt to have this powerful man be attracted to him. He felt the man's cock poised at the opening of his new vagina, and then felt it start to enter. He looked up at this man, and just as he was being entered for the first time he heard him grunt and felt a wetness on his groin and stomach. The man laughed and rolled off of Nick, as Nick sat there... stunned. "Here's your quarter slut," the man, said, placing a quarter squarely in the middle of his cum spurt on Nick's fat smooth belly. Now get the fuck out of here." Nick looked at him with confusion in his eyes. "Couldn't I stay for a while, please? I have nowhere to go." "Go make your goddamn phone call, slut, and get out of here!" Phone call? Nick knew there was something about a phone call... but that didn't matter. Still, before he knew it, the man had pulled his pants up and was doing the same to Nick's, pushing him out of his alley. Nick stumbled out, trying to hold on to the man even as he was being pushed, and made it just a few steps down the street before he collapsed at the entrance to a coffee shop. INCARCERATION When Nick woke he was lying on cot and could hear people all around him. "What did I do?" he thought, remembering the homeless man. He could picture this disgusting man kissing him, he felt himself be briefly entered, the cum on his belly - all of it, without the cloudiness and lust that had overcome him. He rolled over on his cot and threw up on the floor. "Oh shit! Get someone in here to clean this shit up! This is a violation of my rights!" he heard a women scream. When Nick opened his eyes, he saw this woman, who he would later learn was named Shira, staring at him with her hands on her hips. "What the fuck you got to do THAT for, bitch?" "Sorry..." mumbled Nick, in a voice which sounded different again. He tried to sit up, and as he did so he was amazed how quickly he could move his legs. He looked at them. They were still chubby, but he must have lost 50 pounds at least. And as he sat up, there was no mistaking the fact that he now had decent sized breasts. They wobbled underneath his shirt, and the coarse shirt scraping against his nipples made him yelp. He felt his head, and noticed his hair was thicker. His arms had more definition too. He had definitely changed. "The bastard said it would get easier," he said to himself. "The WHO said WHAT?" Shira yelled. "Get someone in her, now she's CRAZY too!" "I'm not crazy," Nick said. "I'm just... I'm just tired." He wanted to say more, but the words just weren't there. "My name's Nick." "You don't look like no Nick to me," Shira fired back. You look like a fucking homeless bitch is what you look like." Nick had been through too much to take shit from someone right now, especially a woman. "I happen to run a whole company, if you have to know," he shot back. "So leave me alone." "Oh, la-di-da! You hear that girls, we got a company owner here!" Shira laughed. "Well what kind of business you in, miss business?" "I... um....heh..." Nick blushed. He could picture his office. He could picture some guy he worked with... but nothing else. "I work with a guy. We do stuff." He bit his lip in frustration. "Well... that DOES sound important, now doesn't it?" Shira started to laugh, and then lurched forward and shoved Nick hard against the wall. "You listen to me, bitch," Shira hissed. "I don't want no crazy bitch going on about nothing here right now, you get it.? Just sit here and shut up, because you're giving me a headache. You understand?" Nick felt weak and small, and just nodded. He felt a single tear in his eye, but blinked it back. "Yes, sorry." He couldn't believe he let this woman talk to him that way, or that he couldn't find the words to shout her down. More tears came. "Hey, what the hell is going on in there? Awwww, gross," shouted Lieutenant Yates as he approached the holding cell. "Get up, miss, we're taking you to the infirmary. NOW!" Nick hoped off the cot, and stepped forward, slipping slightly in his own mess causing his breasts to giggle. He heard the laughter of the women in the cell, and turned bright red. "Yes sir," he said, as he felt Yates grab him by the shoulder and point him down the hall. Even as this man pushed him, the feelings were coming back. A man in uniform, a policeman, he thought. He felt a tingling in his vagina... a wetness. And as he felt his new boobs jostling with each step, he thought maybe he was more attractive now.... But even as he turned around to speak, the Lieutenant opened the door marked infirmary and shoved him in. "All yours, doc." Nick looked at the door, half wanted to after him. But even as he did so, and Yates got further away, the desire faded. "I'm Doctor Phelps," the older man said. "Sit." Nick did as he was told, as he looked up at the man in the white coat. A non-descript man, Phelps was middle aged, in reasonable good shape, but with a sad, warn face which came from years on the fringes of real medicine. Phelps grabbed a clipboard and a pen. "Name?" he asked. "Nick." "Nicole?" "No... Nick." "You don't look like any Nick I've ever seen, honey." Phelps laughed. "Fine, last name?" "Umm.... Starts with an M?" Nick twisted his face. His name? He couldn't remember his name? He grew frustrated and twitched in his seat. "This isn't a game, honey. I need your name! If you're not going to cooperate, you're a Jane Doe." Nick just nodded. This man knew best. "Jane Doe," he said softly. "This amnesia crap doesn't work, in case you're wondering, " said Phelps. Jane thought he detected a bit of sympathy from the man, and it made him smile weakly. He tried awkwardly to smile more at the doctor, but he could tell that Phelps was put off by how dirty he was. "There's a shower in that room," Phelps said. "Go get yourself cleaned up." Jane rose and started to walk in. "Leave the clothes here," Phelps said. "We'll get them cleaned for you. Or thrown out if they detect anything." "Yes doctor," Jane said, as he kicked off his shoes and dropped his pants before stepping out of them. The doctor took note of the obvious men's briefs, and the fact that when Jane removed his shirt, he wasn't wearing a bra. "We're just going to throw these away," the doctor said. "These obviously are not yours, are they?" Jane looked at him, trying to process things. But if the doctor said they weren't his, that makes sense. "No, they aren't." Phelps felt he had made the conversation go on long enough. He got a good look at this one's tits. One of the best racks he'd seen in this place in while. Jane got in the showed and the water felt good. Although he found it hurt when it hit his boobs directly, so he avoided that. Washing them felt weird, as did washing around his vagina. This still all seemed like a dream. But he was so grateful to this doctor. What a nice, strong man. The feelings rising, Jane stepped out of the shower, and walked dripping wet back into the exam room. The doctor said nothing, but simply unzipped his fly and let his cock out. Jane needed no more instructions, as he got to his knees and took a cock into his mouth for the first time. "Suck me off, now," said the doctor, grabbing Jane's hair. Jane did as he was told. He sucked like he remembered being sucked. Or was it like he had sucked before? It was confusing. He keep trying to think of his name, or where he worked, but all he felt was this large cock in his mouth, and his naked boobs bouncing on his chest as he sucked. Jane felt it get harder in his mouth, and looked up to see the doctor smiling at him. Jane liked that. Liked it so much she kept staring at him and was surprised when the cock erupted in her mouth. She swallowed what she could, but some dribbled out her mouth and fell onto her tits. HER mouth? She thought briefly? HER tits she thought? It was too confusing, so she just kept sucking until the doctor pulled her away, his look of lust replaced with one of disgust. "I know someone who'd have use of you," Phelps said. "But I have no interest in seeing you ever again." "No, please," said Jane... with confusion in her voice. " I..... love you, I think. Please." "You love me?" laughed Phelps. "That's a new one. " Before Jane could say another word, she saw Phelps lean over her, and she felt a prick into her rounded butt. The next thing she knew was blackness. REPARATIONS INDEED The jolt of cold water in her face brought Jane back to sudden consciousness. "Shit, look at you!" laughed the large black man holding her tightly by the right arm. Phelps was not fucking around with this one!" Jane looked up at this man with fear, but it was quickly replaced with lust. Stronger than before. Overwhelming lust. As he tried to move, though, she felt a tugging on her chest. As she looked down she saw one of the biggest pair of tits she'd ever seen. "I... uh...I..." she squeaked. "I ..uh...I uh..." laughed the man. "Those lips aint for talking, honey. They're for sucking. And those tits are for fucking. Phelps told me you're a woman with no ID. Just my kind of girl. You can call me Master Milo. Now stand up and me get a good look at you. "Yes Master Milo." Jane stood up, Milo must have been seven feet tall. But she looked around and started to realize maybe he wasn't so tall, but she was short. Had she always been? As she turned her head, she felt her hair brush against her naked back. Her hand instinctively reached up to feel her new tits, and had to reach almost to their limit to reach her thick, erect nipples. As she felt her curvy hips, she reached her hairless pussy, and one finger confirmed what she knew... she was wet. "Ooh, you're ready for your master already, aint you pretty?" "Yes Master Milo." Jane nodded. Now Phelps said yous a Jane Doe. So I get to name you. You going be Sugar Tits, from now on. That's your name. Say it." "My name is Sugar Tits," Sugar Tits squeaked. Her mind was buzzing. She didn't understand why he was telling her that. "On your knees, Sugar." Sugar dropped to her knees, and reached for Milo's big cock, trying to pull it into her mouth. "No, no Sugar...." he yelled. "You do what your MASTER says." He shoved her on the ground and sat atop her belly, shoving his thick black cock inbetween her tits. She kept seeing the head peak between her large orbs, and each time she did, she licked at it and tried to keep it in her mouth. "Good, Good.... Now Shira, get the fuck over here with that thing." Sugar looked up briefly to she a woman who looked somewhat familiar enter, carrying a large blue plastic tube. Sugar just shrugged and went back looking for her Master's cock from between her hot sweaty tits. "Fuck her hard, Shira." As Sugar was sucking, she felt the dildo get shoved up her pussy. It felt so good and made her whole body twitch and writhe. Her mind was imploding. All she knew was how good everything felt, and how wonderful to have someone like Master Milo. His big thick cock was moving between her tits faster and faster, and her own pleasure from the dildo growing stronger and stronger. She heard herself moaning as her first female orgasm crashed over her, just as Milo pulled back and shot his load all over her face and tits. The cum came and came and came, with some finding her mouth and its sweet sticky taste causing her to moan with pleasure. Milo stood up and looked down at her. You're really a disgusting bitch, but I can make a lot of money off you. Shira, you clean her up and get her read. We got some parties for her tonight. You'll be happy to do what I say, won't you Sugar Tits? "Oh yes Master Milo, anything." She tried to bounce towards him but he kept her at arms length. "You aint my cup of tea, bitch," he laughed. "But I'll give you a mercy fuck here and there if you do a good job." "Yes Master Milo, I'll be a good... I'll do a good job and stuff." Sugar giggled. Did she always giggle? She thought she must. As she shrugged her shoulders, her massive tits wobbled, and she felt a few drops of cum sliding down them. She scooped them up greedily with her fingernails and laid them gently on her tongue. "Mmmm," she cooed, even as Shira grabbed her by the arm and led her away. ENDINGS Sugar Tits was never kept far from Milo's sight, and her lust for him grew every day. So too did the confusion in her brain. Eventually she realized it was easier not to think of stuff, and just do what Milo said. After all, some times he let her suck his big cock if she was really good. After a month with Milo, Sugar Tits was performing with Shira at a bachelor party. Shira would basically instruct Sugar Tits to fuck some guy, or put some object up her cunt, and she'd do it gladly. Sugar had just finished blowing the groom to be and his entire wedding party, when she was told to go on the balcony to clean herself up. Standing naked and staring blankly forward, she reapplied her makup and played with her huge titties, waiting until Shira called her back in. She turned at the sound of the wind to see a man emerging from the shadows. "Hiya," she cooed. "Hello Nicholas," the Man in the Shadows said softly. With that, all the memories of the past few months came crashing down upon Nick, and he leaned over the balcony, ready to throw up. The Man in the Shadows walked slowly towards him, and pulled back Nick's hair in order to assist him. "You will not throw up, Nick, you feel much better," said the Man in the Shadows. "Don't you?" "I guess so," said Nick his hands roaming over his body even as he kept spitting over the balcony trying fruitlessly to get the taste of cum out of his mouth. "You remember who I am, I take it? And you remember that I said that I am no monster, yes?" "Yeah," said Nick. "Well you seem like a monster to me! How could you do this to me?" "Reparations, as I have said. Plus, I was well paid. But now, I give you a choice. Even now... you feel the desires in you, don't you? The desire to suck my cock. To have me fuck you?" "Go to Hell!" said Nick, with something less than conviction. "I will take that as a yes." The Man in the Shadows chuckled. "Well I can return you partly to your old life, if you wish it. I can remove from you the compulsions you now feel, or I can return you to your own body. You may choose." "So I'd be me again? I'd have my own life back? Then why the hell would I NOT take my own body back you ass?" "Because your compulsions would remain. You would still be in deep love with Milo. You would still want to fuck him, and to suck cock. Your life would be much as it is now, but with...heh... slightly differently clientele. You would be a very popular gay bottom, though. Take pride in that." "Fuck you!" spat Nick. "Well that is your other choice. I leave you as you are now. With your memories intact. Who you were, what you have done. But the good news is you will no longer love Milo. Nor sex." "Well... at least... that's something," Nick muttered. "Of course, I should warn you... you still have no ID. Milo is a very strong and dangerous man... and I believe you would actually be forced to do what you have been doing all this time, or worse. There are certainly men out there who enjoy the challenge of an unwilling, large breasted slut." Nick moved forward to slap the Man in the Shadows, but found himself frozen in place, just inches from his face. "Well, I see that you really are unchanged, Nick. And since neither of those choices suited you, I will pick a third for you. When I leave, you will once again become Sugar Tits. But your devotion to Milo will be expanded to Shira, and anyone in Milo's employ. Also... and you will feel a slight tugging, I've decided to help matters my increasing the size of your breasts again. Oh and let's permanently devolve that brain of yours, shall we? Words like breast and vagina, won't do for a girl like you, will they?" Nick stared, motionless. "But once each month, you will remember who you were... for a minute, for an hour... for different times. It will occur when you would least want it to. During the most disgusting of your acts. I know your ex-wives will enjoy that, Sugar Tits. So we can call the reparations complete. I bid you well. And leave you with a small treat" With that, the Man in the Shadows vanished, and as he did Sugar Tits felt a wave of pleasure crashing over her. She looked down to see she had stuck a large black dildo in her cunt, and smiled and giggled at how good it felt. She couldn't wait for Shira to come get her so she could get back to fucking all the guys at the the party.

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Anita and a different afternoon with JeromeFriday late evening Anita came back home after a hard sex session with Jerome, her favorite black lover and found me relaxing on our deck, enjoying the warm weather. She kissed me and said she was thinking about letting Jerome fist her the next time they were together. Ana said he had been asking her to let him put his fist in her cunt for some weeks. I asked her if that were something she would enjoy and she replied that she would love the feeling of...

3 years ago
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A Planet Is BornChapter 5

Thomas wasn't as advanced in his development as the other boys. His hormones weren't raging and he hadn't been ogling his twin or any of the other girls for that matter. He was therefore somewhat reluctant when Elizabeth dragged him away from the fire and into the shadows. "Why are we out here?" he whispered. "Sex!" was Elizabeth's firm reply. Thomas gulped. Even the thought of sex was kind of intimidating. His memories told him what was supposed to happen, but also gave details of...

1 year ago
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I Can Make Money With This Thing

This happened twenty something years ago, it was the best summer of my life. I had just turned sixteen and was trying to save money to buy a car. I had it made that summer. My breast were up to a "c" cup, my hips and ass were near perfect, my hair had lightened to near blonde. I was having to beat the guys off of me. I had had sex several times with three different boys and really liked it. School was out for summer and i had the smallest bikini I could by on and sitting by the neighborhood...

3 years ago
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An unwilling slave

   I was at a bar by myself, drinking some beer and watching a basketball game on the big screen. I had a rough day at work, and this was my way of unwinding for the night. I had maybe three drinks when a guy sat next to me. I didn't pay much attention at first, but he started talking to me, and after a few minutes we were discussing the game, the strategy, and things like that. We chatted for a while, and sometime in there I got up and used the bathroom. ??? I was at the urinal, doing my...

1 year ago
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The Camera Club

The camera club is just a group of guys who live in the neighbourhood. We meet up once a month for a few beers and to share and discuss the photos we are all most pleased with from the weeks in between. There is nothing serious about us, just a bit of fun. The club consists of Bob, 38, and at 5'9" and 15st a bit on the chubby side with a white complexion. Then there is Mark, the youngest at 22, he works out, and around 5'8, dark hair and fairly dark skinned. Then there is john and Paul, twins...

Group Sex
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The Girls of Club Cache Starr Obsession Part 2

The Girls of Club Cache: Starr Obsession [Part 2] By Diana Heche Part 2: Into the Black Time shot by like a rocket! I had now been living in this house with Lena for nearly three weeks. She had two other roommates, the first (whom I've only seen pictures of.) was a Brazilian of impossible beauty named Jazz. Jazz was apparently back in her home country on a vaguely described trip of some kind that no one would detail at length. The second roommate, was a...

4 years ago
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Fortunate Mistake

I was fourteen, almost. I was sulking, almost. I was bored, almost. I was on my way to my uncle's, on my mother's side, with my mother. I was turning fourteen in less than a month. I was almost sulking because I would rather have stayed home and played with my friends than go to a boring family get-together with loads of adults and no girls my age. Yes, I had just started to get interested in the opposite sex. Not that I had experienced anything yet, not even a French kiss. I had touched a...

1 year ago
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Asian Sex Slave Part Two

Large hands opened the box and lifted Lara out. Lara looked up and saw a tall, huge, handsome white man who was wearing a shirt that showed of his biceps and a pair of jeans. There was a huge bulge there. "I'll give you ten thousand pounds for this little slut" he was saying. Two minutes later, the men were gone and he spoke to her for the first time. "Hello, what's your name?". "My name is Lara" replied Lara. "OK Lara, for now on, you are my slave. You always call me 'master'. You do not make...

1 year ago
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Perfect PairChapter 5

Alicia knew that vampires had blood lust when they smelled blood, just as she had cum lust right now. She couldn't think straight, it was the most amazing thing she ever saw. Or felt. Having just had the best sex of her life, she should have been exhausted, but the chore at hand gave her renewed energy. Rolling Kaci off of her, who by the looks of it just passed out, she put the young beauty on her back and proceeded to gently lick the globs of thick semen off of her new lover's hips,...

3 years ago
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This goes way back, 1967 to be exact and we were living in Southern California. My young wife Billi was four months pregnant. I thought she was very sexy with her little belly and her normally small breasts and nipples enlarging. She had become extremely horny since finding out she was pregnant. We were having sex morning and night and several times on Saturday and Sunday. Christmas was a few days away and she began feeling lonely as her parents had left on a Caribbean cruise and wouldn’t be...

1 year ago
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Im what they call a Hotwife My sexual escapades fu

So me my husband use to drink a lot and play cards with his brother. Sometimes when he was at work we'd sext or play or add fantasies to the mix. sometimes I'd cuckold him or send him pictures of me being a good naughty Hotwife. So we was drinking the one night and I was flirting hard core with his brother well my husband decided to go around the corner to pee and the go out the door next to the bathroom to smoke. I kissed my brother in law grabbed his belt dropped his pants and sucked his dick...

3 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 46

The end All this was a year ago. Perhaps I can best wrap the story up by offering a series of incidents during the intervening twelve months that strike me as particularly interesting or significant (or sexy or amusing. Or, in one or two cases, grim). * Last summer’s birthday weekend was the turning point. Once all the girls were safely captured, and the decision had been taken to go wholesale into the sex business, everything seemed to fall into place. I was very strict about ensuring girls...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Carolina Abril College Slut Carolina Gets two Ds in her double penetration oral exam

Carolina came home from school today, she had just passed her College ESOL exam, and wanted to celebrate by fucking her boyfriend when she got home. To her delight Alberto was home on the couch texting his study buddy Martin. Carolina grabbed Alberto’s cock. Alberto being a medical student himself, tried to tell her that Martin was coming over to help him with his DRE quiz. She didn’t care and wanted dick. So Carolina pulled out Alberto’s dick and started to suck it hard and let him face fuck...

2 years ago
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School Trip My teachers sister

Last year I slept over my at my teacher's apartment. That's when I first met Ashley, her sister. She was the same age as me, studying Tourism. I liked her, but I didn't make a move on her considering she's my teacher's sister. I didn't even add her on Facebook just to be safe.A month passed and she sent me a friend request, I accepted since it'd be awkward not to. The next day she sent me a message on Facebook. I replied in a way that didn't show interest in her but also didn't give a sign of...

2 years ago
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Pissed Off but Welcome

I was taking a bag of rubbish from the kitchen to the bins at the rear of my house in Highfield, Southampton when I saw what appeared to be someone crouching in the shrubs next to the path. There was a stretch of grass bordered by trees and undergrowth on both sides between my house and the one next to me with concrete walkways on both sides. The shrubs and trees were dense enough that it was difficult to see through them from either side. As I was headed to the house, I caught sight of someone...

2 years ago
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Growing Up in Gwinnett Volume1

I played a lot at tennis and basketball at the park, and most afternoons and weekends I would ride by bike to the park. I often stopped by the restrooms and I loved reading the graffiti about pussy and dicks. Sometimes When I was in the stall, somebody enter the restroom and they would peek over the wall at me, but I would cover up and then quickly leave. A few times I would enter and notice the stall door was slightly open, only to look and see someone in the stall. I would catch a quick...

3 years ago
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First time was bad time for my wife

I mentioned my fantasy to her one night on the couch and she got surprisingly pissed. She was both mad and upset. I let it go but she approached me about it a few days later. We both watch porn together so I compared it to that. I said she was very attractive and it would be hot to see her from a third person perspective. Again, I let it go after that. On several other occasions she brought it up. I could tell she had done some online research regarding the topic.  She is very open...

3 years ago
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Cabin in the Mountains

Greg looked around smiling to himself. The cabin looked beautiful nestled in the mountains in the snow. Greg was happy that he had bought this cabin and was using it as his place of solitude and sanctity. So far no one had visited. That was about to change this weekend. He turned his back on the cabin to look at the stunning view of the Shenandoah River. Looking around Greg took stock of the weather, noticing the dark snow clouds approaching. He smiled thinking how fun it would be to get snowed...

Straight Sex
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Holiday with MumChapter 10

"Oh for God's sake" I laughed, "She's at it again!" Paige had a hand inside her panties again as she sat between the twins, watching the puzzled expressions on their faces. Their squeals of laughter could have been heard all over the island when, with a flourish, she produced a little silver wrap and showed them the contents. Mum (or Sarah) got the main prize and delighted Paige by sucking lasciviously at the foil, glistening with her juices and then both of them listened while I...

2 years ago
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Fucked A Friend

Hi Friends, this is Vinay from Hong Kong. My native is chennai and i have been working in shipping for past 7 yrs. I was born and bought up in delhi and then i moved back to my native place chennai for engineering. After that i joined the shipping and logistics field in chennai. All my friends tell me that i have a very sexy voice over the phone and due to this i had a lot of female phone friends. Even my wife also knows about this.This incident happened with me when i was working for a...

2 years ago
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Far Too Hot Getting Hotter Chapter 2

Far Too Hot & Getting Hotter(chapter two)“Get up on all fours.” my shadow growls, “Put your head in the bed clothes. I’m going to fuck you so hard and make you cum so much, you’re going to scream the place down, but I don’t want anyone charging in and stopping what I’m going to do to you after that.”I obey your command and start sobbing hysterically with delight, I am about to ask you to at least shut the door but half of me hopes that someone will walk by, I bury my head in the pillow and...

3 years ago
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Just a silly story

The sports lesson ended, the prof shouted for all gear to be put away. I picked up some bats and balls, looked around, I was the only one left, the others had gone to the showers. I carried on anyway, the showers would be crowded so there was no hurry. When I had picked everything up I made my way to the changing room, it was empty. I stripped off and went into the shower room, it was a communal type, I turned on the tap and let the hot water engulf me. As I wiped the water from my face I...

2 years ago
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fuck my wife

Hey, I have a lot of respect for all you guys who like to eat pussy because there are too few of you out there. And I'm not the only woman who says this. Furthermore, some of you guys who are giving it the old college try are not doing too well, so maybe this little lesson will help you out. When a woman finds a man who gives good head, she's found a treasure she's not going to let go of too quickly. This is one rare customer and she knows it. She won't even tell her girlfriends about it or...

3 years ago
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Snap Shot pt 1

Ritty had been cleaning all day, prepping the house and herself for their evening together. Jake had called earlier in the day to check in. He was still several hundred miles away and not due home for another week. She could tell he missed her when they chatted. He never wanted to end the conversation, clinging to her till she had to lie to get off the phone. She knew he loved her as much as she loved him. She had never doubted his love, but that didn’t change the fact he was never home. ...

3 years ago
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Neenda Naal Kazhithu Velaiku Vantha Velaikaari 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, indru Tamil kama kathaiyil neenda naal kazhithu velaiku vantha velaikaariyai ootha kathaiyai patri thaan ungal idam pagira pogiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar anand vayathu 25 aagugirathu. En veetu arugil oru velaikaari velai seithukondu irunthaal aval peyar kanaga vayathu 38 irukum. Vayathu 38 aaginaalum aval siru pen pola thaan irupaal, aval vayathu sola ponal 30 vayathu pen pola thaan irupaal. Iru mulaiyum gumunu irukum pinbu soothu solave vendam aval...

1 year ago
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Chick SHows Her Pierced Pussy At NonNude Beach F

WTF!!!! Did this really happen? We stroll on the beach and as we walk by we notice a young lady tanning on her belly. As we look closer we realize that she may not have on a top or bottom and this is a public non-nude beach. Shes with a friend (lucky guy) and we had to confirm that she indeed did not have on anything. We thought she might be wearing a tiny thong because from the looks of it her pierced pussy tricked us into thinking she was wearing a tiny gstring. So we quickly found a good...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Moka Mora Foreign Fellatio

Moka Mora was allowed into the united states on a visa strictly for sucking dick! She needed to make a video to prove to the government that she was adept, and here it is. She gets right down to business and whips out our boys schlong. It goes directly into her spit drenched mouth for some sucking and licking. She will treat your dick so good that it will leave your cock pulsating with cum. Not only was her visa granted, but she also got fast pass access to become a full time citizen! Who knew...

2 years ago
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OHGIRL What Happens In Vegas 3

I had my bathing suit and cover up on as I packed my pool bag with my necessities for the afternoon. I was still thinking of my night with DeShawn and was wondering how he would act when we saw each other again at the pool with the rest of his family. I was on my way to the door when there was a knock. I looked out and it was Paul, DeShawn’s father. He was wearing a suit and tie and I said hello, since it was a surprise to see him at my room. He asked if we could talk and I invited him into my...

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The Box

The BoxMistress and I had been talking about making our relationship permanent for about a year.  We had a contract but it had expired and she had been on the fence about wanting to take me on full time. And then for about six months she had a girlfriend who didn’t want me in Mistress’ life. Once they broke up, she asked me if I wanted to start up our relationship again. And then I hesitated.The reality of being a slave to a powerful woman is actually much harder and less sexy than the...

3 years ago
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His name was David and I think he was the most beautiful guy in school. We were both about 5’9” at the time. I had short brown hair and baby blue eyes. There was only one time I spoke to him and that was when we were forced to be partners for an assignment. He was so beautiful, he turned me on everyday. I sat in first hour dreaming about what came second hour with him in it. Then came the magical moment when the bell rang and everyone scattered to class, this would be the moment I got to sneak...

2 years ago
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The ProdigalThirtynine

FOUR MONTHS. Four months! God damn it! She’d been gone four months. I was pissed as hell and so relieved to hear from her that my anger evaporated into hope. “Come home, Kate. I’ll come and get you. Where are you?” I already had my keys in my hand and was grabbing my jacket. For all I knew she was in Oklahoma, but I was going to go get her. Now. “I’m out ... outside,” she stammered. It sounded like she was shaking. Lightning lit up the window as I ran upstairs. “Yes. Outside where? I’ll...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 552

Alphqwe is at it again! Remember that our troubles facing us will pass. They may pass like a big kidney stone, but they will pass. And some more. Commas are important. No more beers. No, more beers Be happy, remember that someone is out there quarantined with your Ex. Be glad we don’t HAVE to hunt for all our food. I’ve never heard of a place where there are wild Tacos. Should I be worried about the fact that my Ex’s therapist knows all about me? If she uses Tiktok she too young for...

2 years ago
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Stopping at the truckstop on my way home pt 1

It was a summery late afternoon, heading home from the beach still wearing my thong and skimpy top. My body still glistening, covered with the tanning oils enjoyed the intense sunray from my convertible top. I wanted to get laid, as my man was out of town for the last several days, leaving me to fin own my own. My pussy was growling for action as I stroked it while driving back to an empty home where I would sit alone and try to put out this sexual fire. Stroking it wasn't enough to get me by...

3 years ago
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Caught looking through my window

Caught looking through my window.My girlfriend caught my little si(st)er looking through my window at us fucking. Hi I'm John average looking, brown hair, eyes average dick?My girlfriend Vanessa is also average looking little bit bigger girl. Brown shoulder length hair, green eyes. Not every girl can be a size four. She's not exactly a PAWG she has a bit of a muffin top and a small roll of belly fat. With that comes some big fuckin' tits, massive nipples that cover the whole front of her tits....

1 year ago
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My Cock My lifeChapter 3

The next few years were much the same, with my mother as my lover, while my sister enjoyed a quick nocturnal meeting. Even Mrs. Youb became an object of my affections frequently. Puberty caused me to become quite a large young man, both in body, and cock. I towered over mother, and my sister swore that my cock would split her in half if she allowed me to do what I most wanted to her. My latter teen years were a time of experimenting, while my early years were more for discovering. It was also...

2 years ago
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Getting Nailed

Getting Nailed By Leigh (Author: Yes, this is a "fairytale", but, don't you wish?) Michael loved his wife. He wanted to do the, "normal", have kids and retire together thing. One day, as he watched his wife put nail polish on her toe nails, he looked at his own and made the comment, "Boy, your toenails sure look healthy. Now, look at mine. I seem to have cracked and bent nails that I have to keep cut all the time." She, offhandedly, said, "Well, the...

1 year ago
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Kanata SummerChapter 9

"Steve, where's the month gone?" Karen wondered as we sat on our cabin's porch enjoying the afternoon sun. "Beats me, Sis," I morosely replied. We were reminiscing over the adventures we'd had during that fateful month of vacationing at Kanata Camp. Our initial reactions had been predictable; a whole month stuck in a remote naturist camp miles from anywhere had left us feeling like we'd been condemned to years of hard labour on a chain gang. But reality had proven it to be anything...

1 year ago
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JOANNE By Lorna E. Black CHAPTER 1 MEETING John and Jenny were two people that were very much alike. They were the same age, about the same height and had similar temperaments. In fact you could say they were the ideal couple, but there was only one thing, neither knew each other. As well as that, both were single, and extremely shy, or so that was how the world perceived them. Although they had never met, things were about to change because there were other people with plans for...

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When I experienced anal sex for the first time with a teacher

I was completely attracted to my swimming coach. He had a physique to die for. I felt like exploring the different parts of his chest and abs. When he used to wear his swimming trunks, I felt like eating him up. I used to have fantasied about him. Also, he was just 5 years elder to me. This story is about how we got close and had anal sex for the first time. So, I used to always keep my hopes high with him. I was good at swimming and I was planning to enrol in a tournament. I asked him, if he...

3 years ago
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Sex In A Jacuzzi

A few years ago I was on holiday in Jamaica. The hotel had a nude beach with jacuzzi tucked away in the corner. During my second week there it was very quiet. I was alone on the beach with an older woman. We started talking (not about sex!) and she said she fancied a dip in the jacuzzi. I suggested I join her. We sat on opposite sides of the jacuzzi. She told me that her husband was out playing golf while she was there. She said they had not had sex for 15 years! Her toes began to move out and...

2 years ago
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Well Work It Out

 When Elena was seven years old her mom and dad said they had a big surprise for her: She was going to have a little sister. They didn’t sense it, but Elena wasn’t thrilled with this news. She didn’t want a little sister. She knew a little sister wasn’t the same as a new baby doll. She knew it meant she would no longer be the princess, her mama’s twinkling star, her daddy’s little lollypop.And so after interminable months of being constantly reminded of what was to come, she was told that...

1 year ago
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Changes In Paradise 05 The Rescue

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to post on any free site. Changes in Paradise: Part Five, The Rescue By Patricia You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 ? 4," if you haven't already. Thanks for the...

4 years ago
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What Happens In Vegas copy I wish i was able to

Hi there! I'm Ann. I would like to share a true lifestyle story with you that has been permanently embedded in my memory and makes me cum every time I think of it! Let me begin by giving you a bit of background about my husband, (Tony), and my swinging history. Tony and I are a happily married couple living in Las Vegas and have been in the lifestyle for over 15 years now. We have certainly enjoyed our adventures over the years and have brought every fantasy we have had to reality. Living in...

1 year ago
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A Cumslut is Born

This was it. Today was the day. Julian was about to do what he had longed to do for years. Julian was a standard heterosexual forty-something, to everyone on the outside. Julian loved to look at porno in private. He and his wife’s sex life had done what most of them do after twenty years or so, but he still had the desire. So he supplemented their once-every-few-months flings with porno. A few years back, he started to take an interest in shemales. There were some beautiful ones out there, and...

2 years ago
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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 11

Tanya lay on the massage table in her private little torture chamber – ‘my sex sanctuary... ‘ She was squirming around, moving her pelvis so that the intense heat generated by the magnifying glass overhead didn’t stay in one spot too long. “Okay,” she said breathily to Frank. “Lower...” She hissed as the hot beam scorched the tiny hairs off a new section of her labia. She was starting to get really horny. She knew Frank had a boner the size of the Florida peninsula waiting for her whenever...

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