Reparations free porn video

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"Reparations," said the Man in the Shadows. The way he spoke, so cool, so calm... it brought a chill down Nick Martin's spine. At 6-2, 250, Nick was a big guy, and just five years removed from being a pretty decent Division III college football linebacker. This person he was looking at... must have been going on 50 and was 170 pounds, tops. "Why," he thought, "am I just standing here... scared to death?" In truth, fear had nothing to do with it. Nick's drink had been spiked with a sedative... and it wasn't fear he was feeling, but more an impending loss of consciousness and an uncertainty of what he was experiencing. For all the Man in the Shadows powers, he was limited in that he could do nothing if not in close proximity to his target. And he found the use of a sedative to be his most effective tool. Nick dropped to one knee, trying to steady himself. He looked up at the man, trying to make out his face. He had just had two or three drinks with this guy... why now could he not remember much about him? He couldn't picture his face, remember his name... anything. All he could do was look up into the darkness and ask... "Why?" "Reparations," the Man in the Shadows said. "I have no quarrel with you, but both your ex-wives do. I met today the young women with whom you currently reside, and under questioning she too confirmed what I have heard - you think of women as inferior and use them merely for your own enjoyment. For such things, reparations must be made." Nick could hear what was being said, but was having trouble parsing the words. "I see the combination of the drug, and my... well... let us call them my 'abilities' are taken their effect," said the Man in the Shadows. "I do not have the time to explain all, but this envelope will. Read it when you awaken. You will wish to contact me, but find you cannot. I will, however, be watching you, and perhaps may make myself known to you should it suit me. Good day." With that, the Man in the Shadows stepped forward, and tucked the manila envelope underneath Nick's arm and vanished. The last thing Nick saw was a wisp of black smoke before his head hit the pavement. AWAKENINGS Nick awoke a few hours later. It was 5:27 AM according to the LED clock on the liquor store sign. Was last night a dream? He knew it was not, as here he lay, against the brick wall of an alley near the bar he frequented... with an envelope next to him. His head ached. From the fall? From the drink? From whatever that... guy... did to him? Whatever the reason, he pulled himself into a sitting position and reached up to feel if it was bleeding. There was no way to determine which sensation struck him first. Was it the hair? He kept his hair short and neat, a click or two shy of a buzz cut. This hair was short, but it was ... thin and stringy. Or was it his arm? As he moved it towards his head, he could feel the fat on his non-existent bicep wobble slightly. Or his voice? His groan was not his own. It sounded raspy from a night of drink, but it also sounded... higher. It was too much. It was overload. Instead of screaming he just looked and felt everything he could. His body ... was out of shape, soft in the wrong places... and ... female? As he unbuttoned his shirt he could see and then felt a small pair of sweaty breasts lying on his now fat and smooth stomach. His legs were thick and short, his face smooth. He started to laugh. At first softly, and then when he heard the higher voice he laughed more loudly. "There's no way," he thought. "There is no fucking way." What brought him to stop was the envelope. He didn't dream that. That was real. He reached to open it, barely pausing to notice his pudgy hands with slightly longer and shaped finger nails. As he did, he pulled out a single, typed sheet of paper, and read. To: Nicholas Martin Re: Reparations Mr. Martin. Yes, your body is 100 percent female now. You have for so long treated women poorly, and since I have the ability to occasionally right such wrongs, I have chosen to do so in this case. I am, of course, being compensated for my time and trouble by the two lovely women you once married and then abandoned - but can you begrudge me that? What you need to know is this. I am not a monster. Neither gender is superior, but I can not judge even the most pious person for choosing to remain in their own gender over being forced to live as the other. Still, you are NOT the most pious person. So you will be forced to live as a woman... until such time as you have made up for what you have done to the three women in your life. In each case they trusted you, they loved you, they gave of themselves to you... and you discarded them. THAT will be your fate. You will find, quite against your will actually, that you will have an ever-growing attracting to men. Not merely sexual, but in a way that makes you pliant, submissive, and na?ve - all the things you brought out in your women. When a man chooses to take you, you will be his. And when he is done with you sexually, he will have the immediate urge to discard you. This will devastate you. When this happens three times, we will meet again, as reparations will have been made. As you can see, the body you are currently in is not one you would deem "attractive." That will make it more difficult for you to attract your first man, I am afraid. But trust me, it will get easier. Until we meet again, The Man in the Shadows P.S. As you can see, my abilities are quite spectacular. But I am unable to manipulate things on a grand scale. So I am sorry to say that you do not have a current driver's license, name, or anything to establish your identity. You papers as Nick Martin still exist, but will be little help to you. I apologize for the inconvenience. Nick crumpled the letter in his small hands and threw it down the alley. "What a crock of shit," he chirped, pulling his unfamiliar body to a standing position. When he played football he battled some with his weight, but adjusting to this size, and its lack of muscle mass, made me very unstable. Still, he looked to the just waking city street and spied his car, intending to head home and find someway to clear his head. "It's just a fuckin' dream," he thought as he crossed the street. "Just an awful dream." CAR TROUBLE What was not a dream, however, was the Denver boot on his right front tire. He had parked overnight on a resident parking street, and his car wasn't going anywhere. He reached into his back pocked, and pried out his wallet. His pants being so tight around the hips with his fat ass, he found it difficult to do. He opened it, and found four dollars. Not near enough for a cab. Now, panic struck. He looked ridiculous in his clothing, not to mention dirty. And his mind was reeling. He needed a phone. "I'll call James," he thought, of his business partner, "he'll pick me up and drive me home." His cell phone sitting in his condo didn't help matters, but a pay phone would do nicely. Still, with just four dollars to his name, he needed some change... and no stores were open. He passed two joggers on the street, neither of whom would stop to talk to him. In fact, he could see the repulsion in their faces as they looked at him, and he filled with a mix of anger and shame. He lumbered up and down the street looking for loose change on the ground. The whole act was humiliating, but it got much worse. His balance still an issue, he tripped over soda can and landed straight on his tiny breasts. It hurt and burned in a way he hadn't imagined, and tears welled up in his eyes. "You ok there miss?" Nick looked up to find a homeless man staring at him with a bemused smile on his face. "Fine, just need a quarter for a phone call," Nick chirped. "Oh, I can spare that for someone in trouble, but it'll cost you," chuckled the man. Nick pulled himself up and tried to glare at the man, unsuccessfully. Dirty and gross as he was, there was something... powerful about him. "Cost me what?" Nick asked. "Why a kiss, of course," he laughed. The words hit Nick hard. He wanted to throw up, but he needed the money and this man... this strong, confident man, was asking for something reasonable. Nick slowly leaned down and the man pointed a grubby finger at his own cheek. Nick took a deep breath and moved in closer, trying to get it over with quickly, when the man quickly turned his face so their lips met. Nick was stunned. This man smelled so bad, the taste was nicotine and garbage, and he felt his tongue... but he couldn't break the kiss. The man reached up and started pawing at Nick's breasts, pulling him to his knees as the kiss grew deeper. Nick was helpless. The pawing felt good, the kiss felt good, this man... this wonderful man.... It was but a minute later when NIck was lying face up in the alley, his pants down around his ankles. The man had kept kissing him, and was now on top of him, pawing and groping him. Nick heard the sounds of the city awakening, but all he could think of was how wonderful it felt to have this powerful man be attracted to him. He felt the man's cock poised at the opening of his new vagina, and then felt it start to enter. He looked up at this man, and just as he was being entered for the first time he heard him grunt and felt a wetness on his groin and stomach. The man laughed and rolled off of Nick, as Nick sat there... stunned. "Here's your quarter slut," the man, said, placing a quarter squarely in the middle of his cum spurt on Nick's fat smooth belly. Now get the fuck out of here." Nick looked at him with confusion in his eyes. "Couldn't I stay for a while, please? I have nowhere to go." "Go make your goddamn phone call, slut, and get out of here!" Phone call? Nick knew there was something about a phone call... but that didn't matter. Still, before he knew it, the man had pulled his pants up and was doing the same to Nick's, pushing him out of his alley. Nick stumbled out, trying to hold on to the man even as he was being pushed, and made it just a few steps down the street before he collapsed at the entrance to a coffee shop. INCARCERATION When Nick woke he was lying on cot and could hear people all around him. "What did I do?" he thought, remembering the homeless man. He could picture this disgusting man kissing him, he felt himself be briefly entered, the cum on his belly - all of it, without the cloudiness and lust that had overcome him. He rolled over on his cot and threw up on the floor. "Oh shit! Get someone in here to clean this shit up! This is a violation of my rights!" he heard a women scream. When Nick opened his eyes, he saw this woman, who he would later learn was named Shira, staring at him with her hands on her hips. "What the fuck you got to do THAT for, bitch?" "Sorry..." mumbled Nick, in a voice which sounded different again. He tried to sit up, and as he did so he was amazed how quickly he could move his legs. He looked at them. They were still chubby, but he must have lost 50 pounds at least. And as he sat up, there was no mistaking the fact that he now had decent sized breasts. They wobbled underneath his shirt, and the coarse shirt scraping against his nipples made him yelp. He felt his head, and noticed his hair was thicker. His arms had more definition too. He had definitely changed. "The bastard said it would get easier," he said to himself. "The WHO said WHAT?" Shira yelled. "Get someone in her, now she's CRAZY too!" "I'm not crazy," Nick said. "I'm just... I'm just tired." He wanted to say more, but the words just weren't there. "My name's Nick." "You don't look like no Nick to me," Shira fired back. You look like a fucking homeless bitch is what you look like." Nick had been through too much to take shit from someone right now, especially a woman. "I happen to run a whole company, if you have to know," he shot back. "So leave me alone." "Oh, la-di-da! You hear that girls, we got a company owner here!" Shira laughed. "Well what kind of business you in, miss business?" "I... um....heh..." Nick blushed. He could picture his office. He could picture some guy he worked with... but nothing else. "I work with a guy. We do stuff." He bit his lip in frustration. "Well... that DOES sound important, now doesn't it?" Shira started to laugh, and then lurched forward and shoved Nick hard against the wall. "You listen to me, bitch," Shira hissed. "I don't want no crazy bitch going on about nothing here right now, you get it.? Just sit here and shut up, because you're giving me a headache. You understand?" Nick felt weak and small, and just nodded. He felt a single tear in his eye, but blinked it back. "Yes, sorry." He couldn't believe he let this woman talk to him that way, or that he couldn't find the words to shout her down. More tears came. "Hey, what the hell is going on in there? Awwww, gross," shouted Lieutenant Yates as he approached the holding cell. "Get up, miss, we're taking you to the infirmary. NOW!" Nick hoped off the cot, and stepped forward, slipping slightly in his own mess causing his breasts to giggle. He heard the laughter of the women in the cell, and turned bright red. "Yes sir," he said, as he felt Yates grab him by the shoulder and point him down the hall. Even as this man pushed him, the feelings were coming back. A man in uniform, a policeman, he thought. He felt a tingling in his vagina... a wetness. And as he felt his new boobs jostling with each step, he thought maybe he was more attractive now.... But even as he turned around to speak, the Lieutenant opened the door marked infirmary and shoved him in. "All yours, doc." Nick looked at the door, half wanted to after him. But even as he did so, and Yates got further away, the desire faded. "I'm Doctor Phelps," the older man said. "Sit." Nick did as he was told, as he looked up at the man in the white coat. A non-descript man, Phelps was middle aged, in reasonable good shape, but with a sad, warn face which came from years on the fringes of real medicine. Phelps grabbed a clipboard and a pen. "Name?" he asked. "Nick." "Nicole?" "No... Nick." "You don't look like any Nick I've ever seen, honey." Phelps laughed. "Fine, last name?" "Umm.... Starts with an M?" Nick twisted his face. His name? He couldn't remember his name? He grew frustrated and twitched in his seat. "This isn't a game, honey. I need your name! If you're not going to cooperate, you're a Jane Doe." Nick just nodded. This man knew best. "Jane Doe," he said softly. "This amnesia crap doesn't work, in case you're wondering, " said Phelps. Jane thought he detected a bit of sympathy from the man, and it made him smile weakly. He tried awkwardly to smile more at the doctor, but he could tell that Phelps was put off by how dirty he was. "There's a shower in that room," Phelps said. "Go get yourself cleaned up." Jane rose and started to walk in. "Leave the clothes here," Phelps said. "We'll get them cleaned for you. Or thrown out if they detect anything." "Yes doctor," Jane said, as he kicked off his shoes and dropped his pants before stepping out of them. The doctor took note of the obvious men's briefs, and the fact that when Jane removed his shirt, he wasn't wearing a bra. "We're just going to throw these away," the doctor said. "These obviously are not yours, are they?" Jane looked at him, trying to process things. But if the doctor said they weren't his, that makes sense. "No, they aren't." Phelps felt he had made the conversation go on long enough. He got a good look at this one's tits. One of the best racks he'd seen in this place in while. Jane got in the showed and the water felt good. Although he found it hurt when it hit his boobs directly, so he avoided that. Washing them felt weird, as did washing around his vagina. This still all seemed like a dream. But he was so grateful to this doctor. What a nice, strong man. The feelings rising, Jane stepped out of the shower, and walked dripping wet back into the exam room. The doctor said nothing, but simply unzipped his fly and let his cock out. Jane needed no more instructions, as he got to his knees and took a cock into his mouth for the first time. "Suck me off, now," said the doctor, grabbing Jane's hair. Jane did as he was told. He sucked like he remembered being sucked. Or was it like he had sucked before? It was confusing. He keep trying to think of his name, or where he worked, but all he felt was this large cock in his mouth, and his naked boobs bouncing on his chest as he sucked. Jane felt it get harder in his mouth, and looked up to see the doctor smiling at him. Jane liked that. Liked it so much she kept staring at him and was surprised when the cock erupted in her mouth. She swallowed what she could, but some dribbled out her mouth and fell onto her tits. HER mouth? She thought briefly? HER tits she thought? It was too confusing, so she just kept sucking until the doctor pulled her away, his look of lust replaced with one of disgust. "I know someone who'd have use of you," Phelps said. "But I have no interest in seeing you ever again." "No, please," said Jane... with confusion in her voice. " I..... love you, I think. Please." "You love me?" laughed Phelps. "That's a new one. " Before Jane could say another word, she saw Phelps lean over her, and she felt a prick into her rounded butt. The next thing she knew was blackness. REPARATIONS INDEED The jolt of cold water in her face brought Jane back to sudden consciousness. "Shit, look at you!" laughed the large black man holding her tightly by the right arm. Phelps was not fucking around with this one!" Jane looked up at this man with fear, but it was quickly replaced with lust. Stronger than before. Overwhelming lust. As he tried to move, though, she felt a tugging on her chest. As she looked down she saw one of the biggest pair of tits she'd ever seen. "I... uh...I..." she squeaked. "I ..uh...I uh..." laughed the man. "Those lips aint for talking, honey. They're for sucking. And those tits are for fucking. Phelps told me you're a woman with no ID. Just my kind of girl. You can call me Master Milo. Now stand up and me get a good look at you. "Yes Master Milo." Jane stood up, Milo must have been seven feet tall. But she looked around and started to realize maybe he wasn't so tall, but she was short. Had she always been? As she turned her head, she felt her hair brush against her naked back. Her hand instinctively reached up to feel her new tits, and had to reach almost to their limit to reach her thick, erect nipples. As she felt her curvy hips, she reached her hairless pussy, and one finger confirmed what she knew... she was wet. "Ooh, you're ready for your master already, aint you pretty?" "Yes Master Milo." Jane nodded. Now Phelps said yous a Jane Doe. So I get to name you. You going be Sugar Tits, from now on. That's your name. Say it." "My name is Sugar Tits," Sugar Tits squeaked. Her mind was buzzing. She didn't understand why he was telling her that. "On your knees, Sugar." Sugar dropped to her knees, and reached for Milo's big cock, trying to pull it into her mouth. "No, no Sugar...." he yelled. "You do what your MASTER says." He shoved her on the ground and sat atop her belly, shoving his thick black cock inbetween her tits. She kept seeing the head peak between her large orbs, and each time she did, she licked at it and tried to keep it in her mouth. "Good, Good.... Now Shira, get the fuck over here with that thing." Sugar looked up briefly to she a woman who looked somewhat familiar enter, carrying a large blue plastic tube. Sugar just shrugged and went back looking for her Master's cock from between her hot sweaty tits. "Fuck her hard, Shira." As Sugar was sucking, she felt the dildo get shoved up her pussy. It felt so good and made her whole body twitch and writhe. Her mind was imploding. All she knew was how good everything felt, and how wonderful to have someone like Master Milo. His big thick cock was moving between her tits faster and faster, and her own pleasure from the dildo growing stronger and stronger. She heard herself moaning as her first female orgasm crashed over her, just as Milo pulled back and shot his load all over her face and tits. The cum came and came and came, with some finding her mouth and its sweet sticky taste causing her to moan with pleasure. Milo stood up and looked down at her. You're really a disgusting bitch, but I can make a lot of money off you. Shira, you clean her up and get her read. We got some parties for her tonight. You'll be happy to do what I say, won't you Sugar Tits? "Oh yes Master Milo, anything." She tried to bounce towards him but he kept her at arms length. "You aint my cup of tea, bitch," he laughed. "But I'll give you a mercy fuck here and there if you do a good job." "Yes Master Milo, I'll be a good... I'll do a good job and stuff." Sugar giggled. Did she always giggle? She thought she must. As she shrugged her shoulders, her massive tits wobbled, and she felt a few drops of cum sliding down them. She scooped them up greedily with her fingernails and laid them gently on her tongue. "Mmmm," she cooed, even as Shira grabbed her by the arm and led her away. ENDINGS Sugar Tits was never kept far from Milo's sight, and her lust for him grew every day. So too did the confusion in her brain. Eventually she realized it was easier not to think of stuff, and just do what Milo said. After all, some times he let her suck his big cock if she was really good. After a month with Milo, Sugar Tits was performing with Shira at a bachelor party. Shira would basically instruct Sugar Tits to fuck some guy, or put some object up her cunt, and she'd do it gladly. Sugar had just finished blowing the groom to be and his entire wedding party, when she was told to go on the balcony to clean herself up. Standing naked and staring blankly forward, she reapplied her makup and played with her huge titties, waiting until Shira called her back in. She turned at the sound of the wind to see a man emerging from the shadows. "Hiya," she cooed. "Hello Nicholas," the Man in the Shadows said softly. With that, all the memories of the past few months came crashing down upon Nick, and he leaned over the balcony, ready to throw up. The Man in the Shadows walked slowly towards him, and pulled back Nick's hair in order to assist him. "You will not throw up, Nick, you feel much better," said the Man in the Shadows. "Don't you?" "I guess so," said Nick his hands roaming over his body even as he kept spitting over the balcony trying fruitlessly to get the taste of cum out of his mouth. "You remember who I am, I take it? And you remember that I said that I am no monster, yes?" "Yeah," said Nick. "Well you seem like a monster to me! How could you do this to me?" "Reparations, as I have said. Plus, I was well paid. But now, I give you a choice. Even now... you feel the desires in you, don't you? The desire to suck my cock. To have me fuck you?" "Go to Hell!" said Nick, with something less than conviction. "I will take that as a yes." The Man in the Shadows chuckled. "Well I can return you partly to your old life, if you wish it. I can remove from you the compulsions you now feel, or I can return you to your own body. You may choose." "So I'd be me again? I'd have my own life back? Then why the hell would I NOT take my own body back you ass?" "Because your compulsions would remain. You would still be in deep love with Milo. You would still want to fuck him, and to suck cock. Your life would be much as it is now, but with...heh... slightly differently clientele. You would be a very popular gay bottom, though. Take pride in that." "Fuck you!" spat Nick. "Well that is your other choice. I leave you as you are now. With your memories intact. Who you were, what you have done. But the good news is you will no longer love Milo. Nor sex." "Well... at least... that's something," Nick muttered. "Of course, I should warn you... you still have no ID. Milo is a very strong and dangerous man... and I believe you would actually be forced to do what you have been doing all this time, or worse. There are certainly men out there who enjoy the challenge of an unwilling, large breasted slut." Nick moved forward to slap the Man in the Shadows, but found himself frozen in place, just inches from his face. "Well, I see that you really are unchanged, Nick. And since neither of those choices suited you, I will pick a third for you. When I leave, you will once again become Sugar Tits. But your devotion to Milo will be expanded to Shira, and anyone in Milo's employ. Also... and you will feel a slight tugging, I've decided to help matters my increasing the size of your breasts again. Oh and let's permanently devolve that brain of yours, shall we? Words like breast and vagina, won't do for a girl like you, will they?" Nick stared, motionless. "But once each month, you will remember who you were... for a minute, for an hour... for different times. It will occur when you would least want it to. During the most disgusting of your acts. I know your ex-wives will enjoy that, Sugar Tits. So we can call the reparations complete. I bid you well. And leave you with a small treat" With that, the Man in the Shadows vanished, and as he did Sugar Tits felt a wave of pleasure crashing over her. She looked down to see she had stuck a large black dildo in her cunt, and smiled and giggled at how good it felt. She couldn't wait for Shira to come get her so she could get back to fucking all the guys at the the party.

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CHAPTER 3: THE GATEWAY BOYSMy eyes crack open the next morning to the filtered light of a clear sky. The sheers softly move on the breeze. The muted sounds of my isolated property filter in through the open balcony French doors. I tentatively search the room without moving my head. I see nothing except the furnishings of my bedroom. I cautiously lift my head and turn my body to search further. I still see nothing. Of course, all seven could be here and I wouldn’t know it unless they...

1 year ago
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The First Time I Had Sex

Before I start, let me give some background info. Then, I was 5’4 with 36C breasts, I didn’t have the thinnest waist, but I was thick, with killer legs and a good sized butt. He was black, a football player, and one of the nicest guys I had ever met. And that’s how I fell for him… It was the last day of our senior year. We had known each other since 9th grade year. I had him for my last class so while everyone was saying bye and hugging each other, I couldn’t help but notice him sitting at his...

4 years ago
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For Old Times Sake

“Oh come on, Annie, just a quick fuck, for old times’ sake.” “You have got to be kidding, Ollie.” “Ok, maybe not a fuck, but how about a blow-job? One last time.” “Oh, fuck it, ok, a blow-job. But it’ll have to be a quick one.” He was already undoing his belt. I pushed him back against the wash-basin, hitched up my frock, and knelt down, hoping the floor wasn’t too dirty. I unzipped his fly, and tugged down the front of his briefs as he undid the last button and his trousers descended...

2 years ago
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The Charity Theft

Mabel and Janet walked into the college grounds knowing that there was a bake-off taking place being attended by lots of the college girls at the sixth form college and reckoned there would be some easy pickings. Whilst both were sixty-five-years-old they were habitual petty thieves but most of the time had got away with their nasty habit.Although it was quite warm, they both wore jackets that had hidden inside pockets which they used to put their illicit takings into knowing that the puffy...

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Black stocking blowjob heaven

I was working from home as I usually do when I received a call from a sales rep who I had been dealing with for a few years. She was in the area and wanted to put a face to the name.She did tell me the week before that she would call in, but I dismissed it, and although I was swamped and nearly put her off, I didn't want to be rude, so I agreed to meet with her.I grabbed a quick shower and put on a smart shirt to make a good impression.About 30 minutes later she rang saying the satnav was...

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Debby the whores office submission

She straightened her clothes and washed her hands, then flushed the toilet for good measure before pushing open the bathroom door and running headlong into her boss. By his casual stance, she knew he'd been standing there waiting for her to emerge. She could feel her face flushing, but there was no way he knew what she was doing in the bathroom.He smiled down at her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "I think we should take a walk," he said in a way that suggested she didn't have a...

1 year ago
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TJ carefully adjusted the video camera so as it would not be seen by anyone using the storageroom. By placing it inside of an old envelope carton and piling several other boxes on top of it, itwould be unlikely that it would be discovered. A small hole in the end of the box was all that wasneeded to have the hidden lens to cover about 80% of the area in the whole room. Why all thisdeception? Last Thursday evening TJ had been working late trying to get some quarterly reportsdone for Friday's...

1 year ago
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The Cafe

This is my first attempt at some writing. Please feel free to comment, good or bad It starts like this We meet in a cafe for lunch on a sunny day, not too hot and not too cold. You’re wearing jeans that hug your butt and a top that shows off your wonderful cleavage. Not too much exposed but plenty for the imagination. I’m dressed in jeans and a short sleeve shirt. It’s a slow day at the cafe and we’re the only couple there at a booth near the back. We have our drinks and we’re talking about...

2 years ago
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My Summer Break

This story could be Erotic Couples, Interracial and Romance. A big thank you to 'Aylah Ayres' for editing this story and making it a much better read. Five of my buddies and I decided to spend a week in Myrtle Beach. It was a summer break from college for them and a last hurrah for me. I had just graduated from college. They have gone the last two years to the beach for summer break. I went to college year around and was not able to take summer breaks. This year I was able to join the...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Jewelz Blu April 2022 Fantasy Of The Month

Jewelz Blu is the April 2022 Fantasy of the month! She is decked out in the sexiest of lingerie for her photoshoot with Milan. As Milan captures Jewelz’s incredible curves, Jewelz decides she wants more from her photographer than just his pics. She begins her seduction with small touches as they review the photos from her first outfit together, but her shoot isn’t finished yet. Changing into another outfit, Jewelz gets a bit raunchy. She slips her bra off and tosses it in...

3 years ago
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Corina Chapter 2

Now more about how my sexy girl became even hotter The next weekend I took her out to dinner. She walked to my car with a tote bag and I wondered what she had in it. Corina seemed nervous while we ate and I figured it was because she had told me she wanted to try again after we ate. We were leaving and Corina reached over and gave my cock a squeeze as I was driving. Corina then got her bag she had with her out of the back seat and I watched her out of the corner of my eye while she was looking...

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AngelinaChapter 4

"Mmmm, there they are, my dashing men, all nice and ready for me. Let me just do this one thing, then I'm all yours..." Flashing us a flirty smile, Angelina squeezed out a dollop of jasmine-scented glitter lotion and began smoothing it up and down her shining thighs. Freshly showered and made up, she was absolutely radiant in her new stretch-cotton t-shirt dress. Simple yet sexy, it was solid black and whispery thin. That slinky little thing hugged her every curve, and the darkly exotic...

1 year ago
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The Loan Shark in Our LifeChapter 10

I was very late getting to the grocery store. But I managed to get home and get everything put away before the kids got home from school. I served them a light snack when they came home and we talked about school for a few minutes. I didn't say anything about what happened today. I guess I didn't have to. It's a good thing I don't make my living playing poker. They both seemed to sense that something unusual had taken place. Piper asked, "Did Tommy come over today?" I shook my head...

4 years ago
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Stranger I know all to well

Charlie was sound asleep, dreaming about crazy stories. He was mid dream when he began to feel kisses on his body. Up his torso to his chest , up his neck and back down he felt these soft lips. His eyes clinched tight to bring climax to this pleasure. Slowly he felt a hand reach down to his slowly expanding cock. It grasped around it squeezing, tugging, stroking up and down. As this set of lips made its way down. His cock began to pulsate at the thought of getting blown. Charlie scooted down...

2 years ago
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Rashids Story

[ Inspired by real events, but interspersed with the authors own experiences, and imaginary additions. ]My name is Rashid, and I was born and raised in the Congolese city of Kinshasa. Population around twelve million; but I left there and now live and work in Marrakesh, with a population of less than a million. I live and work as a builder of houses here. I'm 42 years of age. I have four c***dren, but am divorced. So now I work hard all day, and at night I love to go out into the city and find...

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Getting the GEDChapter 3

I concentrated on the biker approaching my car but kept an eye on Rosa after she killed the engine. FUCK, what was that sharp jab in my groin. Things were getting fuzzy and I heard my car doors being unlocked. Strange voices, sort of distant and not very clear. Blackness... Rosa’s story All I wanted was to get my GED and not be hassled. I didn’t like how Mr. Tucker was staring at me. I felt his eyes trying to undress me and then for him to know about the Kit Kat Klub was really bothering...

2 years ago
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Prey For Me Ch 08

Pt. VIII: The Scoop Kim Wright appeared next on Jack’s short list of appointments to make. He called the private number Sam Hanson wrote on the back of her business card. Jack knew it was an old card because Sam had told him Kim was no longer an investigative reporter with the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the largest paper in Nevada. The two agreed to meet for an early dinner at a place called the Cipriani Restaurant. Jack had never been in the place but when Kim said ‘turn left on Flamingo and...

2 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 57 Putting Humpty Dumpty Together Again

April 22, 1985 It was yet another Monday afternoon; I rested there in Inez's bed, with her in my arms, the both of us just having come down from the high of lovemaking. She was almost back to being herself; her sensitive nature didn't hold up well to an onslaught like Eileen had leveled upon her, and soothing her psyche had been a long and drawn-out process. Even though no resolution to the impasse was in sight, I felt hopeful that my sweetie would be just fine. "Do you love me, mi...

2 years ago
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A little fun for the Wife

The night after I played with judy in the office I got home and was relaxing when my wife came in from work. She started undressing to go in to take a shower and I told her what had happened. She looked at me with a little smile on her face and said I thought you told me the office was off limits. I told her it was but when judy asked to see me do it I don't know what came over me but I wanted to let her watch me again. My wife stood there undressing, then looked at me and started to asked if...

1 year ago
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Young Guy Fucking An Indian Wife In Toronto

The story I am narrating is completely true except for the names and is being written as soon as it is experienced ;) to give the viewers timely updates, this story has been written with the consent of the female half as well. I’m 6’2, a 20-year-old male, broad shoulders with wheatish skin, an average size cock of 7 inches. It has been 2 years since my first story of how I lost my virginity in a threesome (MFM) in a Sex club Like every other young guy, I’ve always had the fantasy of . It has...

4 years ago
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The Slut

You've replied to an advert for cleaner in a house. You turn up dressed to impress with a tight top and short skirt. When u ring the doorbell it’s answered by a man in his thirties dressed in lounge trousers. As you walk in to his house u notice how clean it is, you ask why u need a cleaner and the man replies the job is down here. You follow the man down some stairs and suddenly realise you’re in his basement but no ordinary basement. At first you think it’s his gym but as your eyes adjust you...

1 year ago
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The Long Journey Back Part 1

Chapter 1 Morning. She awoke to the alarm blaring next to the bed. There was the sound of bird song outside her bedroom window but in the midst of exhaustion and pain she didn’t hear it. Shuffling through the blur which was her world sans glasses she made her way to the bathroom and started the shower. Once the water was nice and hot she reached out to move the shower curtain and saw the first bruise. With a sigh of resignation she stepped in, relaxing just a bit as the spray hit her tired...

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Purgatorys ChildrenChapter 16

The last image Benni had seen before the world went black were the two patriarchs sitting on crates with a game board of pegs between them. If he hadn't known better, he would have said that it looked like two old friends sitting down for a friendly game. The first group of 15 had gone down the hidden transport ahead of Benni and Zylis with a guide to secure the loading area below. The second team waited upstairs in the Khan storeroom for the platform to return. Benni was chafing at the...

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Work Trip Pt1

I met M while on a trip to Israel for work. A group of us had gone out to a local night club to soak up some drinks and enjoy the beautiful women that populate the country.I had chatted up a couple of girls when we first there I was enthralled with their dark hair and eyes and was enjoying their company when a redheaded vision appeared next to us at the bar. She was older than the girls I had been talking to. She had on a tight black dress hugging her curves and drawing attention to her...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit 8211 Part II

Hello dear friends. I am back. My name is Ali as you might have remembered me from my previous story forbidden fruit. And I belong to Islamabad capital of Pakistan. This is story of a moment that I and my sister share. The one we promised ourselves to never speak of again. This is the second part of my story, the continuation, so if you haven’t read first part of my story please read it first and then you should continue reading. Plus I want to thank all ISS reader for their emails and...

1 year ago
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A Summer in the Flesh Ch 01

When we look back on our lives, we often focus on particular events to the exclusion of others. It is a way of protecting ourselves from the immensity of the whole of our experience. Certain times in our life begin to take on a theme, and certain moments stand out as turning points. When we attempt to define the narrative of our life, we focus on these themes and these moments, and we ascribe to them a significance that fictionalizes them. These moments only represent a metaphor for the greater...

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Eating Cum for Her

It started innocently enough. You were allowing me to jerk off and lick my precum off your nipples like normal. Then you began whispering as I licked you that it was such a shame that I didn't want to taste cum after my orgasm. You talked about how you knew I wanted to do it, and how much it would please you. I nodded as I was getting closer to cumming. You made me stop. You asked how could we make it happen? How could I eat cum when I was so grossed out by it after I came? You let me start...

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Helen Ch 05

Helen’s move and stay at Jacks apartment had reached its third week. Both began to settle down, but Harry had not contacted her during that time. She had tried to contact him and his mobile phone was switched off, signifying there was a definite problem. It was so hard for her to even conceive that Harry would have abandoned their intimate friendship. She was becoming desperate for some news about his well-being. He was a high risk with everything he was involved in and he was either dead,...

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RobbyChapter 2 New Years in New Orleans

Laura Miller stood in front of the mirrored bi-fold doors of her closet, critically examining her reflection. Laura wasn't a vain woman, but she did take care of her appearance. Of course, now that Robby was in her life, she was even more careful to ensure she always looked her best. A flush went through her as she thought of Robby, and her heart went pitter-pat. 'Robby, Robby, Robby' she mentally chanted, 'what you do to me.' In the three days since Robby's unexpected arrival on her...

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The Bradley BunchChapter 6 The Parents Join the Kids

Lying in bed the next morning, Robert and Lisa strategized on how to introduce the idea of their having sex with the kids. Since the kids were already fucking each other, the only tricky thing would be suggesting that sex with their mom and dad was on the menu too. Lauren had taken to it pretty well, but there was no way to tell how they others might react. Fucking one’s parents is a very different thing than fucking one’s siblings. Still, even if they decided not to go for it, the situation...

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Waiting is Over Part 1

About two years ago I moved into a low budget apartment complex just outside of the city. It was a decent two level place, two bedrooms, one and a half baths, just big enough for me. I had just turned 35, was newly divorced and excited to finally have the bachelor pad I never had when I was younger. My next door neighbor was a single mother of twin teenage daughters, Amber and Ashley. They were both beautiful young women, about 18 years old. Amber had long blond hair, bright blue eyes and long...

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A little exercise in slang and dialect drawn from watching the judges on television try cases. This is a mixed race romance. If that bothers you, please read something else. I was just finishing my lunch and had paid my tab. I was sitting on the sidewalk at a little eatery in a tourist town on the North Carolina coast. She came swinging by, maybe even strutting a little. She was tall, with long raven hair gathered in a silver clasp that nestled near her neck, with the loose strands flowing...

1 year ago
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Story about an bestiality I had with a girl and her dog during a vacation

It was during my summer vacation in Sweden, a warm and sunny day at the beach. I was walking around in the dunes in search of a secluded place to take a pee. I went up another dune to look what was behind it. And behind it was such a secluded place: a lower area surrounded by high dunes forming a pit. But as I stood there on the brink of the dune I saw something I didn’t expect. At the bottom of the pit was a beautiful blonde girl about the age of 25 who was being fucked by a dog –...

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Whore In Training

Dear Reader, I’ve been fortunate enough to receive very positive and encouraging responses to my previous two stories posted on ISS. I thank you all for that. Of course, every person has to get accustomed to the fact that criticism comes along with praise and I gratefully accept that too. Criticism always helps one to see their negatives and if one has the caliber, this could be used as a tool to make that negative in to a positive. Enough lecturing for now but I would surely like to make a...

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Plumper Pass implores potential subscribers on their landing page, screaming in all caps, to “GO BIG OR GO HOME!” Not that you’d have an option to go small or even medium around here. Hell, even “big” seems like it undersells the product; why talk molehills when you’ve got legit mountains of delicious, jiggly flesh? As for the “go home” part of the equation, well, I guess that’s up to you. Personally, I feel comfortable enough whacking off to this stuff at home, in a seedy motel, on the bus, or...

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2 years ago
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Delacour Revival

'Fleur looks devilishly radiant' I heard some wedding guest tell another. The emphasis was clearly meant for effect, but he's more accurate than he thinks. My exterior is all friendly smiles and politeness, but inside I'm smirking like a demon, waiting. Today I will conquer my first conquest, the plan I rendered foolproof will ensure the beginning of the Delacour dominance. Just like centuries ago. The Delacour clan was in its hundreds in the time of my grandmother's great great grandmother....

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Diamonds and Rust

Author’s note: The title and theme of this story come from a song by Joan Baez from around 1969 or 1970, about her relationship with Bob Dylan. ^ ^ ^ ^ It was late in the afternoon in late November, already getting dark on a cold, dreary day that promised snow later that night. I was at a particularly rough spot in the novel I was working on, and I had developed a headache from trying to work out the plot line at that point in the book. I knew I needed to push on, because time was growing...

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Runaway TrainChapter 131

Skye and Jill scattered like cockroaches when the light comes on as soon as my face appeared in the doorway. Liz looked up from her desk while I stood sheepishly in front of her. “If you want Brea gone, she’s gone,” I said. “No,” Liz said almost at once. “I was being silly.” “It’s not worth arguing with you over,” I told her. “If she’s going to be a problem then you’re right. We should let her go. But I still think we do it in a way that it doesn’t come back on her at the hospital.” “She...

3 years ago
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Cat and Mouse Part 1

Straining her eyes felt good. The rush hour crowd passed by beneath her, 30 floors down, on the footpath. Her eyes adjusting once more to the middle-distance. A little boy with an amazing mohawk and his mother went by, a good looking man in a business suit brushed past people rudely in his haste before disappearing from her view, enveloped by the buildings. Inside, Josie resisted the urge to turn on the TV. She logged onto a social chat site and talked to a few anonymous avatars. It wasn’t...

1 year ago
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The Scientific MethodChapter 6 Interpret Data

Stacy and I simply held each other, kissing, fondling, and slowly exploring one another's bodies well into the night. She fell asleep in my arms only moments before I succumbed to sleep as well. In the morning, I woke up and found my blonde angel spooned against me, my cock warm and hard, trapped between the cheeks of her ass and pressed up against my stomach. But it wasn't a horny hard-on, I had to use the bathroom. Even so, it felt absolutely wonderful. One of my hands was wrapped around...

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FamilyHookups Trinity St Clair Hot milf Trinity St Clair gives her hung stepson a lap dance

Trinity St. Clair is desperate to spice things up in her marriage and she thinks that learning to strip dance might do the trick. She gets herself some lingerie and decides to have a practice session, but her stepson walks in and sees her! They’re both a little embarrassed, but eventually she realizes that she’s going to need to practice her lap dancing skills on someone before she brings it to hubby, so why not her stepson? They’re both adults after all. Once she gets going she can feel she’s...

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Vixen Adriana Chechik Last Minute Fun

For the last year, Adriana has been working as an Executive Assistant, working many late nights for a boss who is very demanding. When he asks her to be a business date, she is thrilled and she was very excited about getting to know him a little better. She has an amazing time and she really doesn’t want it to end. When he offers her some time off for her help, she lets him know, she really wants to continue their fun, and he is happy to do so. She is about to get exactly what she has...

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Hot Wife And Husband8217s Interest Payment 8211 Part 2

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. This is the continuation of the first part. And I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my first story. So let us continue from where I left. So our dining table was set at our house as the play area. All of them, including Daniel, sat there for starting the game. As decided, I was to arrange drinks and snacks for all of them. The hard part was that all 4 of them could touch and feel me while I was serving drinks and...

2 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 193

Monday morning was a mess - to put it lightly. My phones started ringing even before I had breakfast. Two Senators from the opposite party were at the White House door; they had made appearances on the Sunday talk shows. The show host had played selected clips from the fund raiser. They were furious; one, that I was bashing their candidate and two, that I was acting like a candidate and three, that I was fundraising like a candidate without filing the appropriate federal forms with the...

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Dare Me Ch 03

Chapter Three Had three words ever sounded so sweet? Daren stared into her eyes for a moment, framing her face in his hands. Running his finger over her bottom lip, he could have kicked himself for asking, ‘Are you sure about this, Stephanie?’ Silently, he begged her to be sure. He didn’t think he could walk away without having her. He watched her bite her bottom lip, lick it, and pull him down to her. Daren kept his eyes open as her face came closer and closer. Then their lips met. Every...

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