Two SistersChapter 7: Second String free porn video

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For a moment Sue lay there kind of in a stupor, the slimy oozings still extruding from her now empty vagina.

Alice leaned over to look at her. She smiled seeing her laying there, her flawless breasts still heaving, and a near- gratified look on her lovely flushed face. As a matter of fact, Sue's entire body was blushing a deep glowing pink.

"Did you like it, Sue?"

"Yah, I've forgotten the beginning, and the end, thank goodness. That wasn't too great. Don't men have any consideration at all? I have the distinct feeling that he wouldn't have done anything differently if I had been a plastic dummy. He was so intent on satisfying himself that nothing else mattered. The fact that he might give me pleasure never entered his mind. Most of the time, at least until the very end, I really enjoyed what I was doing to him. That made me feel even better. I never detected any response from that guy except an urge to squirt. Do you suppose I was mistaken?"

"I don't know. It seemed like that to me also, but then I didn't care much. It felt nice having that great big thing inside of you, didn't it? Did it hurt you? And what did it feel like to you when he squirted? It sure hurt when he jammed it in me the first time, but that feeling went away. It sure felt good having him move around inside. I have always dreamed about going in myself. Doesn't that seem kinky?"

"No. I guess we have no secrets anymore, do we?"

Before Alice could agree they heard the door bell again.

"Damn, do you suppose Sam is back?" Alice laughed.

Sue didn't, but she hopped off the bed and groaned, "What time is it? Don't you remember we were doubling with Ken and Sean this evening?" A quick glance at the clock radio confirmed her worst fears.

"Let's ignore it. They'll go away," she continued.

"No, we can't do that. They're nice guys. I'll go down and let them in. They can watch TV while we get ready."

"But I don't want them here. I am still high from that darned Sam running away too soon. I want to make love to you, Alice."

"You get ready, Sue. Leave everything to me," Alice said over her shoulder as she ran out of the room pulling on her robe at the same time.

The door bell was still ringing as she opened it, breathing heavily from the exertion, and maybe something else, who knows.

"Hi, Sean. Hi, Ken. Sorry, to make you wait. You know how girls are. You'll have to come in and entertain yourself while we get ready. Hope you don't mind."

"Hi, Alice."

"Hiya. No, we don't mind."

The boys were both about thirteen, nice clean-cut American teens from the upper crust. Neither would win any beauty or body-builder contests, but both were good athletes at their school. The girls had been "going" with them for about a year now. Nothing serious, except to them. The boys had tried to fool around with them, but it never amounted to more than some mild french kissing and heavy breathing. Clearly, the boys were not as "worldly" as they would like you to believe. But they were nice kids.

"Say, who was that guy we saw running away from here? It looked like he was still putting on his clothes."

"Don't know about that, but he was just delivering some Chinese stuff. Here it is. There's enough for all. Help yourself."

As Alice pointed towards the food on the table next to the door, lonely and forgotten, her robe fell open revealing not only her lovely slim legs, but that delicious triangle where they met. Ken, her date, did a double take, but Sean had not seen.

Alice turned to leave the boys, revealing even more in her wake, when Ken, the older and dominant one, burst out, "Alice, wait a minute."

"Yeh?" and stopped.

"Uh... Hey, Sean. Could you go out... Just a minute," and went over to whisper something in his ear.

After a moment, he muttered, unconvincingly, "Oh, darn, I forgot something. I've got to run home and get something. "I'll be right back."

"Sure, take your time. Sue will probably need an half hour to shower, etcetera.

"What did you want, Ken?"

"Well, I... Uh..." he stammered, until Sean had shut the door.

"I just thought you looked so beautiful I wanted to kiss you," and rushed over to the young girl, still sporting an open robe.

He grabbed her roughly around the waist and drew her to him tightly. His kiss was strangely urgent, Alice thought, but when she felt his cold belt buckle against her bare flesh, she knew why.

She struggled to escape his grasp, but strangely enough she didn't struggle very hard. She was no match for Ken, but she knew that he would obey her orders, if she should choose to give them.

"Oh, Alice, I love you," he whimpered, gasping for breath. He pulled back to look into her eyes, trying to sense her feelings.

"Ken, I like you, too, but don't be so rough. You don't hurt someone you love, do you?"

That took him back. He released her and stepped back, expecting Alice to back away.

Alice hesitated for a long time staring into his brown, puppy-like eyes, before she move close to him again. This time she did the kissing.

For an instant, he seemed to crumple. It took all of her strength to hold him up. She was sure he had fainted.

Then she pulls away again and sits down on the couch.

"Here, Ken, you better sit down, too."

With obvious relief he plops down and grabs Alice, practically climbing on her trying to kiss her again.

"Back off, Ken. We've plenty of time. Here let's get your clothes off."

Ken, caught up in the whirlwind of new emotions and experiences, hurriedly disengages himself and tears his clothes off, babbling all the while that Sean is going to be back and Sue will come down and Alice's parents will barge in.

Alice tries to reassure him that nothing will happen as Sue sloughed off her robe.

"Relax, big guy. You'll hurt me if you're too rough."

With his clothes off, he is even more impatient. He roughly gropes for her breasts. Alice is practically stretched out on the sofa trying to stay the impulsive boy.

When his crude hands finally find her delicate nipples and squeeze them she cries in pain and musters enough force to throw him off the edge of the sofa.

"Now you stay there until you can be gentle, Ken. This has gone too far. You aren't going to rape me and that's that."

That seemed to calm the boy. He just sort of sat there next to the Alice as she rolled over so her back was facing him.

Finally, marshalling his courage Ken moves up and lies quietly against Alice, close, pressing his chest against her back, cradling her body. It was a nice touch. Only when he was sure he was not being rebuffed did he reached around her to cup her small, girlish breasts in his hands, stroking and massaging them, gently this time, feeling her nipples erect. Then he moved his hand down toward her groin, pressing into the soft hairs, against the mons and stroking gently, too.

She responded by pushing her buttocks back against him, parting her legs in the process, raising her leg and lazily resting it on his hip. Then, in an assertive way, she reached between her legs and took his cock, now fully erect, in her hand, guiding it to, but not into, her. She slowly moves his penis around between her legs, rubbing it in a slow, circular motion against her labia. Not being able to reach her clitoris, she titillates it with her own hand and continues to work Ken into her fluid labia.

When he shifted his position slightly in an obvious effort to slide himself into her, she pushed the shaft back, then whispered, "Uh-uh. Not there. I want you somewhere else." Why not all sorts of first today, she thought.

As she was relishing these thoughts, she reaches down further and places the head of his cock right in the middle of her anus, then rubbed it back and forth across the opening.

"But I want to fuck you, Alice," Ken protests.

"Just do it. I want to feel your cock inside my ass," she said softly. She rubbed the glans a few more times against the opening. "Mmm, Ken, I want it deep inside my ass."

After some moments of flailing around it was clear that his inexperience combined with their difficult position would get them nowhere so she said, "Ken, get up for a second."

When he reluctantly had stood up she slipped her lovely legs off of the sofa until she was kneeling on the floor. She turned around for just an instant to glance at his erect penis standing before him. She leaned over, planted a kiss on the tip of it and whispered, "Enjoy yourself, my friend."

The she turned back leaning down so her upper body was resting on the seat.

"Now kneel down and have at it."

He scrunched down and grabbed his cock with one hand and placed the other on her lovely ivory tail quivering before him. He placed the head of his cock against the pooching rosebud and pressed.

"Not too hard, now, Ken. I haven't done this before."

"God, neither have I," he grunted in a panic, finally realizing what was before him.

Even though his cock was already greased from being rubbed between her moist labia lips his strenuous pushing and probing could not gain him entrance.

Alice reached under herself and grasped the rock-hard cock, pressing it against the very center of it. "Now push hard. Push real hard."

Ken grabbed her upper thighs and slowly pulled themselves together. Slowly, ever so slowly, the glans spread the lips apart overcoming the sphincter. Alice cried in pain and stiffened.

"Am I hurting you?"

"A little," she replied, punctuated by a gasp of breath. "But oh, it feels so good! Don't stop.

"Slowly. Work it in slowly." She shifted her hips slightly to accommodate the unaccustomed presence of something inside her rectum.

"Maybe it would help if you rubbed my breasts some more."

He stopped his straining and reached under her groping for her luscious bosoms. Quickly, he found them and massaged them as best he could in his excitement. At the same time he leaned over and snuggled against her, burying his face in her sweet-smelling tresses. Then he softly kissed the nape of her neck.

"I can't believe how good this feels for me, Alice."

"Are you in all the way?" she gasped. "I feel like I've been split in two!"

"Just a little more," he replied as he pressed forward some more. When he moved it felt like he was in a vise as her sphincter muscle spasmed.

Then with a lunge, he was buried. Fire rippled along her nerves and she moaned out loud. She babbled, twisting her ass against him, feeling his body up against her buttocks as tight as he could get.

The boy was a captive of his urges and her body now. His hips jabbed in and out of her uncontrollably.

"Oh, it's so hot! So good!" he mumbled, thrusting into her.

He was having trouble keeping his balance, she was churning so, but he valiantly humped on, never missing a stroke.

He continued kneading her breasts, kissed her neck and shoulders while his stiff phallus slowly entered and withdrew from her. He knew the entry had been somewhat painful for her, but he had long since forgotten that in light of the exquisite thrills associated with the current state of affairs. The walls of her rectum were warm and smooth against his cock. From time to time, she contracted her anus around the sheathed sword, each time sending a chill up his spine.

The anal contractions were having a tremendous effect on the boy. "I'm going to come. I feel close already."

"No! Please, don't come yet! You just put it in, you haven't really got me up yet. Can you hold off?"

"I'll try. I can't tell you how good it feels!"

Another luscious contraction proved to be overwhelming.

"Ohhh, I'm cumming for sure, now," he pleaded.

"No, you won't. If you do, I'll never let you do this again!"

But, alas, he could do nothing. He shuddered and shot into her bowels, filling her rectum with his seminal fluids.

"Oh... I'm cummingggggg!!!" he screeched, forgetting everything, but the fantastic sensation. His many amateurish masturbatory attempts were nothing like this. Her ass sucked at his prick, squeezing it like a vise, and he filled it with himself.

Within moments he had spent himself and fell over on her as the pent up air escaped him.

Alice, still scaling that orgasmic peak could only resort to the ever-present self-relief and in a few strokes tries to bring herself to a climax. She was practically delirious, and sank forward in ecstasy, her vagina throbbing, her rectum clutching at the rapidly shrinking cock.

A muffled cough from the other side of the room shocked Ken into attention. It was Sean, returned from his "duty," totally enthralled, ogling the erotic scene before him. One hand tried to stifle any noise, the other trying to stifle an erection.

Before he could utter a sound he saw Sue come up behind him, wrap her arms around his slender body and grab at the swelling in his pants. "And just what are you doing here, Sean? I've been watching you peeping at these two. Shame on you."

Sean blushed beet red. He almost looked like he was going to try to turn and leave the room, but Sue held him fast.

Come on in and let's see what there is to see.

She only had to drag him in a few feet before he lost his reserve and eagerly followed. He wasn't sure what was to happen, but if it was anything like what had happened to Ken, be would be willing to sacrifice himself.

Sue, having showered, had heard the commotion downstairs and had not bothered to don anything save the old faithful robe. In one quick movement she sat on the sofa, next to her smiling sister and ordered Sean to knee before her.

"Interested in this, Sean?" she said as she parted her robe giving the flustered boy a unobstructed, closeup view of her beautiful naked body.

"Gosh," he breathed, staring at her. "Wow!" his gaze was locked on her luscious breasts. As he watched, she slowly parted her legs, revealing her pinkish genitals and said, "How about this?"

Then she reached down with her hands and seductively spread the labia revealing the juicy interior.

"Have you... have you ever seen a cunt before, Sean?" Sue asks, her voice hoarse. She felt an electric thrill of excitement and power at exposing herself to the boy, watching his eyes glaze with desire.

"No... no, ma'am, just in pictures," the boy stuttered. "Can I..." he stopped.

"Can you what?"


"Can you kiss it? Sure you can, Sean. I would like you to do that very much."

"Well... I didn't want to do that..."

"Well, I want you to. If you expect anything else, you better do that."

He hesitantly leaned forward, eyeing what was before him with some trepidation. "Do I have to?" he whined.

"If you don't, you can leave now and I'll let Ken do it."

That seemed to do it for he took in a deep breath and leaned closer.

"But first, Sean, I suggest you take your clothes off before you mess them up.

In a shot, he was up and his clothes were gone. A stiff erection stood out before him. He looked down at it and slowly took it into his own hand pointing it right at Sue.

"If you are going to do it yourself, you won't need me, will you?"

Finally, it all got through his poor thick male head, that Sue had a vested interest in the proceedings, too. He kneeled back down and indelicately stuck his face into her crotch. For a few moments he literally kissed her labial lips, but scarcely more. Then, something seemed to snap as he hesitantly probed his tongue to them and snuggled down in them like he was actually enjoying it.

At about this time, Alice had recovered and was absorbed in watching the goings on next to her. She had gotten up and sat back down on the sofa, resting her pert buns on her legs beneath her. Ken just sort of stood there in a trance, his penis slowly returning to its attentive position as Sean became more and more dedicated to the task at hand.

It was too much for he blurted out, "Alice, can I do that to you?"

For an instant, Alice paused, then wordlessly she slipped her legs out from under her and let them dangle over the edge. That way she could still watch the pair next to her. The thrill showing on Sue's face as she leaned her head back on the back of the sofa was too much to miss.

Ken, with a zest at least equal to Sean's dove in. Now both girls flung their heads back as their passions were being aroused once again.

Then Sean raised his head. He still knelt between her thighs uncertainly. He knew what to do. The boys at school had laughed about it, and he had seen pictures. But actually doing it was far different! He held his cock in his hand and pointed it at the gaping wet mouth of her vagina. "I... would you help me? I'm not sure... I've never done this before," he said miserably.

"Oh, darling... here, I'll help you," Sue said. She reached out, guiding his drooling penis to her heated vagina. "Just put it where your tongue was and move it back and forth. You'll get the hang of it," she crooned. She opened herself for him with one hand and guided his turgid cock with the other.

Same as Two Sisters
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Wetwork Ch 0405

Chapter 4 Chris stood in Sarah’s kitchen as she looked at him. She was taking the news fairly well seeing as how he had just told her he was going to Chicago for a while, and an NSA agent would be following her while he was gone. He also was leaving his pistol with her. For one he couldn’t get it through the airport, and also he wanted her to have some form of protection. She had nodded through his whole explanation, not quite getting the whole story, but he was able to tell her the gist of...

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Beltworld Ch10

On the belt, they have a saying: Minerals are controlled by capitalists, flesh is controlled by entrepreneurs. They say it's because people preferred the competition of smaller businesses and therefore put corporations at a disadvantage to small businesses. However, it was actually a government regulation put in place in an attempt to distribute more evenly throughout the belt. Either way, anyone with money for decent ship and a few licenses and tickets could start trading the...

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WeTwo Part Three

During the summer following high school graduation, Penny testified for the defense saying Mr. DeLaurier was a gentleman, kind and and generous. The girls and women on the prosecution side didn't agree. That's where Penny met Mr. Dressler, at least that's what everyone in the courtroom called him. Lawyer Dressler lived in the biggest house in town, drove the nicest car and everyone knew he had money. After DeLaurier was found guilty of a minor misdemeanor charge, Mr. Dressler asked her if...

Group Sex
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WeTwo Part Two

On the next Thursday evening, Kirk called and asked if Penny would like to go to a party with him on Saturday night. She wasn’t hesitant when she said, "Yes!"The party was at a private club where they don’t ask for ID’s, primarily because of the older crowd. Kirk explained it was the school's annual Showstopper Gala, a fundraiser for the college’s drama department. There would be important people there, many who have contributed large sums of money to the school. Penny was to wear something...

Straight Sex
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WeTwo Part One

“Oh my God. Oh my God. I’m so sorry guys! I didn’t know you were in here.” Tears rolled down Penny’s cheeks as she ran out of Janice’s bedroom.The girls were now part of a blended family after Penny’s mom had remarried three years earlier. The girls were only two years apart with Janice being the older at nearly twenty. They had become more than close friends. Now they were family, sisters.It was an awkward situation when Penny barged in the room. Janice’s boyfriend, Aaron, was at the point of...

2 years ago
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"Oh no! He’s not here" Luna said pouting. Shaking her head her short honey brown hair bobbed side to side. She walked forward on long shapely legs that matched her slender body. Luna had shocking yellow eyes that was always hard to look away from. She was wearing a pink skirt that went down to mid-thigh and with a tank top with a matching pink cardigan. She climbed onto the platform and looked around but Mewtwo wasn’t there. Dammit Luna thought and sat down on the platform frustrated....

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Nightwolf Part 3

Meanwhile back in Kevin’s room his father had tossed him onto the bed. He leapt onto his son and used his knees to pin him down. His smacks landed hard on his son’s face as he beat him. “So you like fucking slaves huh?” his father growled. Kevin remained perfectly silent and starred up into his father’s empty eyes with a deep and passionate hatred. He hated his father, he always had. His father in return smacked him again. “Challenge me will you?” he growled deeply and began the turn....

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Also this is the begining of an actual book i am writing and if enough people like it i will write more. The day was bright and sunny just like any other day. A young noble named Kevin was on his usual morning walk, his long black hair flowing in the wind. He was good looking and he knew it with his solid 6 ft of height n finely toned slinder body he often caught the eye of many of the females in court and on occasion a few of the males. As he turned the corner of the forest path he...

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westwood cum slut

There to meet the gurl I had longed to finally get to be with, you see Jill was the cd I had been talking to all these months exchanging stories of things we could do to each other, to bring the pleasures to each of us we really needed. The plane ride was awful and I was nervous as all get out, I had no idea What she would look like except she was blonde, tall, and thin with killer legs. Upon off boarding the plane I looked up and there she was with her sign with my name on it, I...

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An abrasive train whistle cuts through your gentle sleep. As you groggily open your eyes, you see the familiar antique decor of your private train compartment. The bench across from you is empty. You sigh: it's been a while since you've had any kind of company, human or otherwise. Hopefully, those administrative privileges and the sexual endurance pill the park gave you will remedy that problem. As you turn and peer out of the crystal window, a small town slides into view: Sweetwater. It looks...

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Wetwoman QA

Originally I used to blog and used the site to link to my now defunct blog. I found trying to blog and respond to people too demanding. I also had some concerns about career sensitive issues. I enjoy occasional visits here and a handful of friendships based on sexual interests. Yes; that began coincidentally or accidentally really. I happened to have had sex outdoors with my husband and to have been observed by a rather sweet elderly man who was walking on the same footpath. He was a widower...

2 years ago
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Wetwoman phone vibrator

For a number of years I have used phone vibrators. Originally gifts from my husband which enabled him to excite me when our work took us away from each other.We live in the countryside and I can wear one in our large garden or when I walk on the footpaths which cross the lane in which we live and cross our neighbour farms.The vibrator is a bullet shaped one and is connected to a small phone linked unit which clips to clothing or a stocking top. Use of a mobile phone triggers about 20 seconds of...

3 years ago
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Westworld April 3, 2028 "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the CEO of Future Global, Malcom Sanders." The lights in the conference hall dimmed and a spotlight appeared on a man dressed in jeans, tennis shoes, and a Hawaiian aloha shirt as he walked across the stage. After an initial robust round of applause the attendees fell silent. Malcom Sanders was the latest Silicon Valley technology wizard that had quickly established himself far above his competitors in recent years....

4 years ago
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I settled down on the bus, taking out my phone. I scrolled through my downloaded files and clicked on the file marked anthros. My mother had sent me the file after all, something about learning 5he tools of me uncles trade. " Anthros will be your primary source of income as a rancher. Unlike their cousins the beasts meat selling isn't an option so byproducts are your primary source of income milk mostly from mammalian female anthros though there are some more specialized products, such as eggs...

2 years ago
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Catwomans Treat

Copyright© -- All rights reserved. "What are you doing?" Kelly asked her twin sister Kathy. Kathy tossed her long brown hair back, adjusted her extremely short red dress and smiled. "What does it look like I'm doing?" "I know you're not going out with that jerk Mark." "What if I am?" "Kathy! You have a wonderful boyfriend, how could you do that to him?" "Look, Chris and I are good together, but let's face it, we've been together too long. Besides, Mark and I are just...

1 year ago
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Hitwoman in LoveChapter 2

Angie the hit-woman retired the moment she married the cop with the biggest dick she had ever encountered. Her flirtation with genderless living came to a screeching halt as soon as he knocked on her wet and ready female door to confirm his desire to show her the way to full female satisfaction. Nine months after they sealed the deal with “around the world” finality, the young lovers separated their personal life from their professional life once and for all when young Angelo was born on the...

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Lisanna Craig was lounging in her mansion on a Friday Night. She had just slipped on a fleecy nightgown and was enjoying a glass of wine while she stroked her cat and read a paper. She had made the headlines again in her superheroine persona, Knightwoman. She had prevented the nefarious Clownman and his henchwoman Jenny Jester from robbing the first national bank of Renisance City. She smiled at the picture of her in a superhuman pose as the two villains where lead away in a van. "Sometimes I...

1 year ago
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What can we find on Adult Work besides UK escorts? Well, this is just in: it is possible to do other things besides just masturbate all day long on the internet. Like what, you ask? Well, you don’t have to always watch porn every time you’re horny, you know. Sometimes you could try to make your own! Or maybe you could browse escorts in your area, see if you can’t land yourself some real-life pussy. I’m sure your hand would appreciate the break anyway. Or you could get real old-school with it...

Escort Sites
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Scat World! There are no two ways about it; scat porn is degenerated, weird, and repulsive. And that is me being nice. This is no genre for ‘normal’ people if at all you could term people who jerk off to porn normal. As a matter of fact, if you are reading this review while having lunch, my apologies for ruining your meal. The shit I’m about to talk about is messy and gross, and if I’m, to be honest, I don’t understand how y’all sick fucks get turned on by the sight of chicks shitting all over...

Scat Porn Sites
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Have you ever wished for an adult social network that you could go to just to enjoy some nice content and have a friendly chat with people and maybe a dirty chat or two with a girl here and there? I know that there have been many attempts to make something like this, but most of those end up being niche sites for some kind of kink. If you’re looking for a broad website that acts like a general adult social network, it’s pretty much impossible to find something like that. However, you can hit...

Reddit NSFW List
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What’s the deal with Pissy Network? Is it a message board for bitchy Karens to air their daily grievances about not being the center of the world, or maybe it’s a cable channel devoted only to the most furious of angry dudes? Come on—why the hell would I be talking about that kind of bullshit around here? If there’s one thing I love, it’s something to jerk off to, and sometimes that goes well with a refreshing eruption of is a network of premium piss porn paysites all...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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AdultWork Phone Sex

As a porn enthusiast, I have seen too much to know that everybody has their favorite mode of smut consumption. Most people, myself included, have a favorite porn tube that somehow seems to always have what they are craving. Others have a preferred photo galleries archive, and others porn games they wouldn’t go a day without playing. Sometimes, dudes even have an ideal VR site. However, there are those days when even your bookmarked videos get you off. Usually, you are craving something more...

Phone Sex Sites
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It was a cold, wet, miserable Tuesday in November last year and I got asked to take the place of a work colleague at a networking event.To say I'm not a big fan of these sorts of things is an understatement, but I liked the guy who asked so to help him out I agreed to go.As I walked into the venue a hot girl was stood outside smoking. I thought "if she's going in here I can live with this". Sure enough she followed me in and I immediately started chatting to her. She was already tipsy and very...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 3 No Strings

-- NOVEMBER 7 -- "Mmm-wah! Bye, babe." Deedee kissed me before hoisting her backpack over her shoulder as she descended the porch steps and headed for the hills. Today she and some others would be doing maintenance on the trail to the Garden of Eden. They'd be trimming back branches and clearing out rocks, as well as re-carving part of the trail to curb erosion. "Bye," I waved, leaning against the railing as I watched her go. A hand tapped my ass, causing me to jerk up and turn...

1 year ago
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Hes Got The World On A String

Faded text like this are just notes, primarily - but not limited to - things I want in the story but have yet to smoothly work into the narrative. I apologize if they break your immersion, though I’m sure my bad writing will do that first. Format Key: - Plain Italics are thoughts. - Bold text is written. - Bold Italics are memories. [CHAPTER ONE - Awakening] Alex awoke with a jump, knocking his bag to the ground. "I'm sorry," said the conductor. "I didn't mean to startle you, but we're...

1 year ago
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Chapter VI Exile and Ecstasy or Butterfly on a String

From the sketchbook of G. McCrossen.Captured! Thankfully, only James’ pride wounded. In hindsight, it was fortunate that his pistol misfired. The fight had been short. Although James did his best to defend us, his revolver failed to fire, much to his obvious chagrin. After a short, but spirited skirmish the lizard-men, as Emma has dubbed them, quickly overpowered him with their spears, disarming him of both pistol and saber before the others could reach him. Soon, we were all within their...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Children of the LightChapter 14 Feathers and String

We spent our first day of training climbing back up the walls of the canyon that we had climbed down the day before. We were issued rock climbing gear: ropes, pulleys, clips, fasteners, wedges, a whole new world of tools I'd never seen before, including harnesses for everyone to wear over their armor. Our Yaru teammates even had harnesses designed especially for them. The first time through we were assigned a mountaineering specialist. Ours was named Dave. He helped us learn how to use the...

2 years ago
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Network Adaption

Jenny put on a brave smile. How do I get myself in these things? she asked herself. It was too late to back out now. She'd wanted to work here, and she'd stayed, even when she'd found out what was going on. And because she'd stayed, she knew this was going to happen. She unhooked her bra and put it with her blouse. Then she lay back on the cot. She could see her mother on the next cot, and how her mother's legs wrapped around Mr. Graham's legs as they did it. She'd read all of the...

1 year ago
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Twos Perfect Three is Incredible

Widowed by a drunken driver five years earlier, I’d thought my opportunities of this kind were lost for good, then . . . I met Shelly. Though ten-years her senior, my life-long diligence, keeping in shape and eating right, was amply rewarded. We’d been introduced by a mutual friend who recognized our shared need for each other; and so I found myself on this sunny afternoon the recipient of incredible pleasure. Shelly is twenty-six, petit at 5-foot, four-inches, and her auburn hair usually...

3 years ago
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Catwoman prowling

2 years back for Haloween I was dressed slutty as usual. My costume for that year was Cat Woman. A tight body suit held with a clasp behind my neck, a zip on my ass to keep it tight around my waist and criss-cross strands that exposed my back and abs. Boots, mask, whip, the works. The tight body suit complemented my tiny frame to show every one that I had no fat on me. My girlfriends and I were partying at a swanky downtown hotel night club. We showed up at the party around midnight. We were...

4 years ago
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Catwoman prowling

2 years back for Haloween I was dressed slutty as usual. My costume for that year was Cat Woman. A tight body suit held with a clasp behind my neck, a zip on my ass to keep it tight around my waist and criss-cross strands that exposed my back and abs. Boots, mask, whip, the works. The tight body suit complemented my tiny frame to show every one that I had no fat on me. My girlfriends and I were partying at a swanky downtown hotel night club. We showed up at the party around midnight. We were...

Straight Sex

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