Network Adaption free porn video

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Jenny put on a brave smile. How do I get myself in these things? she asked herself. It was too late to back out now. She'd wanted to work here, and she'd stayed, even when she'd found out what was going on. And because she'd stayed, she knew this was going to happen.

She unhooked her bra and put it with her blouse. Then she lay back on the cot. She could see her mother on the next cot, and how her mother's legs wrapped around Mr. Graham's legs as they did it. She'd read all of the descriptions in the magazines and books, she'd heard the stories her friends had told, but the reality of it ... Mr. Graham's dick glistened wetly as it slid in and out of her mother.

Who would have thought her mother had sex. Oh, she knew she must have at one time, but now? And that wasn't even Dad. That was some guy in the office, and ... Her mother moaned softly, and she began to hitch up on the man.

And then it was her turn. Jenny felt the bed shift as Mr. Thomas, Dave, rubbed his dick on her tummy, and then pressed it down between her legs. It was exciting and scary at the same time. She'd pictured her first time in some apartment, or maybe a hotel room, or even the back of a car. She hadn't expected it to be in the break room at Hubbard & Associates.

She couldn't help it, she caught her breath as he pushed. It felt ... weird. She'd sort of thought it would feel like putting in a tampon, but this was nothing like that. He was so big, and she had no idea how he was going to get all of that thing of his in her. No wonder girls said it hurt.

She kept waiting for the pain. She'd read dozens of books where the girl's first time had been marked by a fierce pain down there when the man had torn her maidenhead. She felt a lot of stretching, and it was certainly uncomfortable, but no real pain, at least like she'd read about.

He shifted slightly and pushed again. She had to gasp. It felt like he was pushing a freaking log up inside her. And she could see, over the curve of her tummy, that most of his thing, or at least a large part of it, was still visible. That meant this thing was a monster.

"God, you're tight," he muttered.

"You're just so big," she replied. She'd learned that from one of the trashy novels she'd read, and from something one of her girlfriends had told her. "Tell the guy how big he is. It makes them feel like studs."

Dave pulled back slightly and pushed again.

For just a moment Jenny caught her breath. That had felt so good. If he'd do more of that she might like this.

Dave, though, seemed intent on getting all of his dick in her. He pushed again, and this time he got more in. Then, apparently satisfied with that, he began moving, rocking back and forth.

This was a whole lot better. It still felt weird, sort of like she was stuffed up, but it also felt a little like those times she'd touched herself, usually after reading some racy passage in a book.

Every time he thrust he seemed to get a little deeper. It felt better, and then, suddenly, if felt a whole lot better. She felt wide open, and the feeling of him sliding inside her, rubbing places that seemed to be on fire, that was ... No wonder her friends all liked doing it.

He sped up, his legs hitting her thighs and making a slapping noise. She felt something against her bottom. She tried to imagine what it could be, and failed. Then, glancing at the other cot where her mother and the guy were just getting up, she saw the little sack that hung next to his body. Could that be it?

Dave suddenly slowed, made a noise deep in his throat, and then stopped. His face was absolutely still, and his eyes hooded. Then he bent over and kissed her.

] This she was familiar with, though doing it with a guy's dick inside her was a new experience. But she did enjoy kissing, and this was a very intimate way to do it.

"God, you're good," he murmured.] ]

He pulled back, she felt his thing slide out of her, and she felt curiously empty. He settled beside her and put his arms around her. That felt good, like she was something fragile, and he was protecting her.

This, she thought, wasn't what she'd expected when she'd interviewed for a position in the main offices.

She'd been working for the company for just over six months. It was the first job she'd landed out of school, one where she could use her shiny new Network Technician Certification. She thought she'd aced the interview, and tried to hold in her glee when she'd been offered the job the next day.

At first she'd worked in the remote office, doing little more than a glorified help desk. But after the first two weeks she'd had to install and configure a new server. That was more like it. And over the next couple of months she'd done more, installing new PCs, putting in the new routers, and debugging network problems. It'd had been just like in school, only better.

When she saw the opening for the central office, she'd applied in a heartbeat.

"Are you sure?" her mother asked one day as they waited for the bus. "You know what goes on there."

"I'm sure." She'd given her mother a bright, chipper smile. Of course she knew what went on in the office: work. Hubbard & Associates did a lot of third-party-administration, and that needed a fairly complex network that could tie into other peoples' systems. That's what people did there.

This interview was a lot longer, and got into personal things. She was a little taken aback when the HR woman asked what her birth control method was.

"I beg your pardon, I don't see where that's relevant."

"Our benefits package pays 100% on most forms of birth control," the woman said. "If you happen to be using one of them, fine. If not, you might want to consider alternatives."

"Oh." Okay, that made sense. "I use the pill, every morning with my vitamins."

The woman handed her a brochure. "This lists the brands we cover."

She had read through it, and spotted the brand the doctor prescribed. "It's here."

"Good. All right, we also change your benefits to include..."

She'd landed the job, but she wasn't in the main office. Instead she was in the one next door where a lot of people interned before moving to a different job. She'd been busy there, constantly adding or removing nodes on the network, and even configuring sub-networks for specific tasks.

"I almost never see my desk," she told her mother one night. Her mother had asked about her social life. What could she say? She dated, a little, but none of the guys she'd met really appealed to her. Some only wanted one thing, and while she did, too, girls weren't supposed to do that, were they?

Her friends, well a couple of them, certainly seemed to play the field. Suzy slept around, or at least her stories made it seem like she did, and Karen, she acted strait-laced, but she had a wild side to her, and there were certain rumors ... She'd thought of sleeping with a couple of the guys she'd met, but had never quite worked up the nerve.

One thing that was peculiar, funny-weird, not funny-haha, was that she was reading a lot more trashy novels. These were the ones where the heroine hopped from bed to bed and lover to lover with wild abandon, and the author went into fairly explicit detail about what happened. And her dreams had been getting more and more specific. It was a good thing she wasn't living at home, her mother would probably comment on how messy her clothes were some mornings.

Apparently she did a good enough job that she was offered a chance to work in the main offices. Partly that was because one of the others went on maternity leave, and partly because she kept pestering Wendy, her boss, into giving her more to do.

That first day in the inner offices was a complete shock. Everyone had been naked! Well, not butt-bare naked, but naked from the waist down. They'd entered the office, and Wendy had casually removed her jeans. She had a really cute blouse on, but from the waist down she wore just sandals. As did everyone else.

She could feel her cheeks flaming, and she tried not to look. But people seemed so casual about it. Mrs. Haggerty was talking with some man, and she her delta was plainly visible. So was his dick, and it wiggled back and forth as he walked toward her.

Wendy didn't say anything until they were back in her office. "I see you've noticed one of the differences between here and outside," she said.

"I was ... is..." She paused, suddenly aware of her clothes. "Is that ... normal?"

"Quite normal. It's been that way for, oh, seven or eight years. There's more, but one shock at a time."

"And you expect me ... I mean, do I have to..."

"It's the dress code here in the main offices."


"Even Ms. Hubbard."

She had seen Ms. Hubbard on TV once, a thin middle-aged woman, and the idea of her appearing half-naked made her head spin.

"You'll get used to it in a few days."

"What about ... what ... you know, that time of month."

"Most girls will wear something," she said. "I wear a thong, but Kerry who works next door just wears her regular panties. It's only for a few days, and everyone understands."

"And..." She swallowed nervously. She'd gone topless at a beach once, but that had been with a lot of other girls around for support, and they'd nerved themselves up to do it. There were a lot of women in the office, but still...

"One thing," Wendy added as if showing her sex was the most casual thing in the world, "you can't talk about it."

"Can't talk about... ?"

"What you see and hear." She slid a form across her desk. "This is a non-disclosure agreement, and you have to sign it."

"Um, uh, okay."

She'd signed, and thought that was the end of it. But Wendy had tapped her fingernail on her desk, and she realized she was going to have to undress right then and there. She automatically checked to make sure the office door was closed—it wasn't!—and then unsnapped her jeans. This was a lot harder than any gym class she'd ever been in. There it had just been other girls. But this... ! Her mouth was dry and her hands were shaking as she pushed her jeans off.

The panties were worse. She wanted to turn away from Wendy's amused look, but then she'd be facing all of the other people in the office. She pushed them down, and then promptly sat down and crossed her legs.

"You'll want to wear these sandals," Wendy said, placing a pair on the desk. "I'd go barefoot, but the carpet has staples and other things like that."

Reluctantly she undid her sneakers. "Now what?"

"Nothing." Wendy handed her a work order. "These have to be done. And don't forget to take a floor shield."

"Floor shield?"

She gestured at a piece of plastic the size of a dinner tray. "The rug can be hard on our behinds, so we put this down when we're under a desk."

That made sense, and so she took that and headed back to the server array. At least she was alone back there with no one to stare at her nudity.

Wendy was right. After a few days she was used to it, sort of. It helped that everyone else was dressed, or undressed, the same way. She did get one shock: some of the women did more than trim their bikini line. Some had reduced the hair down there to a thin line, one girl had trimmed hers into the shape of a heart, and one ... She stopped and stared, and then guiltily looked away. The girl had removed all of the hair down there. She was as bare as a young girl.

It was rude to stare, and so she looked away. But over the next few days she saw more women that way. Finally she had to ask.

"Guys like it," the girl said, shrugging. "It's okay. You just have to make sure you don't knick yourself."

She'd flinched. That was too much information. She considered the idea, and actually did some trimming, but she hadn't taken it all off. She wasn't sure why; maybe she'd be too exposed.

Her next discovery had been what went on in the break room. She'd never been much for a break. She'd grab some tea and carry it with her. And lunch was usually eaten outside. But one day, as she was pouring a cup of tea, she heard some gasping and moaning from a partially-closed door in the break room.

She'd eased it open, and was surprised to see a couple on one of the beds in there, and they were having sex. There wasn't anything hidden or furtive about it either. They were both naked, and she could see them on the bed clearly going at it. It was both the most exciting and the most disturbing thing she'd seen.

She'd watched for a couple of minutes. The woman's moans had gotten louder and louder, and finally she caught her breath. The man had moaned, his bottom moved up and down rapidly, and then he'd relaxed.

Feeling as if she'd violated their privacy, she started to close the door. She froze when she saw the woman's face. It was her mother, and the man with her most definitely wasn't her father.

She deliberately sought out her mother after break. "What's going on here?" she asked. "I saw you during break."

"You did?" Her mother smiled instead of blushing. "That's Bob. He works in Receivables, and he's pretty good. Or at least I think so."

"But you were..."

"Having sex?" Her mother nodded. "That happens a lot around here. Didn't you know that? Evidently not," she added after looking at her daughter's face. "This has been going on for several years. I don't know how it started, but one day things just started happening."

"Does Dad know?"

"Of course not. This is ... what happens here stays here. I'm not sure he'd complain too much, though. We've been a lot more intimate these last few years."

"You mean you two..." Try as she could, she just couldn't picture her parents in bed having sex. Okay, her mother was, she'd seen her. But her father? Her overweight, balding father? Somehow she just couldn't picture him as sexy.

"It's like when we were on our honeymoon," her mother said.

"But here, strangers... ?" She shook her head. "I don't understand."

Her mother sighed. "I wouldn't call us strangers, not any more. And this is for fun. Haven't you ever seen some guy and wanted to have sex with him?"

She had, especially lately, but... "Well, a couple of guys I've seen are pretty hot.'

"Around here you can."

"But aren't you afraid of getting some yucky disease?"

"Not here, we're all careful. It's not like I'm getting picked up in bars or anything. People here only have sex with their spouses, so there's no worry about that. And we're all on birth control, so nobody's getting pregnant. So why not?"

"But ... I thought sex was, you know, like when you're really close to someone, and you know, you do it."

"Ever just have it because it's fun?"

She hadn't, she hadn't ever gone to bed with a guy, but she couldn't come out and say that, could she? "But this is ... I don't know, slutty."

Her mother laughed. "That's a joke around here. Personally I think a girl should let her hair down once in a while. She should do it in a safe environment, though, and that's what we have here. I can go with Dave, or Tony, or any of the other guys here, and for a few moments we can share some passion. It's not love, though Wendy did marry Brian from Accounting, and the private reception after..." Her voice trailed off. "That was a lot of fun. Anyway, this is just for fun. Try it."


"And it's relaxing. A woman's body isn't meant to be so celibate. Good sex makes you happy, it relaxes you, and it gives you a great cardiovascular workout. You did notice, didn't you, that there's no Exercise Club here."

She hadn't, and said so.

"Why spend 15 minutes on a treadmill when 15 minutes in bed with a guy will give you the same workout, but is a lot more fun?

"Now think about it. I've got a ton of work to do, and we can talk later if you want to."

She did want to talk, but that reminded her of what she still had to do. She mumbled some excuse and went back to what she'd been doing.

What her mother had said made sense in a weird way, and the following weekend she went over to her parents' house. She could see the way her parents were acting: there was a lot of touching and smiling; it was like what she pictured happening on a honeymoon, and she began to see some of what her mother must have seen in her dad.

Now that she was looking for it, she could see the little signs of affection around her, fingers lingering on a shoulder, or a quiet, shared smile. In other companies that might have let to a harassment suit. Here it just seemed to be the way things were.

That afternoon she saw another problem: she had crawled under a desk to do some work. There was an air vent there, and it kept blowing her bangs over her face. She wanted to brush them out of the way, but she needed both hands to wire in the junction box. Her mind kept flashing back to her mother, and the way her hips had pushed up against the man. She'd always thought the guy did all of the moving, but obviously not. And her mother seemed to be enjoying herself. She kept making little 'um' noises and gasping.

She could picture herself doing that, especially if she moaned like her mother had. Like mother, like daughter people had always told her. And the image of a hard dick down there kept flashing through her mind. It was hard to concentrate on the job with that image constantly replaying.

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Greastest Birthday Ever

“Come on sleepy head get up” called my aunt; she was already there which quite a surprise for me. “Get up and help us decorate the house me and your mom cannot do all of it you know?” Mom had planned for this big birthday party for me, invited my friends and even took the day off…well she had to go to work at night but I heard that my aunt had taken up the job of looking after me for the night. I got up from my bed I had quite evolved from a little boy that I was…I was now ten...

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Training CentreChapter 16

Sunday, Week Eight. Andrew was in with Sandy Brown and Pete Norris for the morning. The seconding of Andy Downs to supervise Karen Booth would mean extra hours until an extra trainer could be found. Major Prestwick would be in later. Not that there was a real need for three trainers, with only eight trainees remaining. In fact, there would be only the minor problems that are inevitable in any human interaction setting. The Training Centre would become an accepted resource in a distorted...

2 years ago
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On my way to work

I was stationed in the southwest about 40 years ago. My girlfriend, Dianne, (not her real name) lived about 2 hours away and so on the weekends I would go see her. I usually left about 9:00 pm because I had to be at work at midnight. This particular night was one that I still remember. I had picked up my girlfriend and went for a burger. When we got back to her house, I parked the car and as always we started making out and feeling each other. We would usually end up fucking in the front seat...

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En Kaamavalayil Indru 8211 Aval Thuni Thuvaikka Naan Avalai

Date: 14.04.2016, Tamizh puthandu thirunaal.. Iravu onbathu mani… Kala en bathroomil Avalin katthiri nira paavadaiyai thooki thodai varai nanragu theriyumaaru muzhuvathumaga iduppil sorugiyirunthal. Avalin idathu pakka jacket moodiya mulayai oyyaramaaga kaati kondu oru plastic manai meethu utkarnthu thuni thuvaikka aarambithal. Naan avalai kavanithu kondu irunthen. En araikku veliye yetti paarthen yaarum varuvatharkana ariguri illai. Aval ennai thitti kondu irunthal. Kala: Kalayileye naan...

2 years ago
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No Contest Book 1 Learning the Rules the Early 80sChapter 10

“Morning,” Moe smiled when Joe awoke. Whispered. Nigella remained asleep. “You got more of that?” he responded gruffly, his throat not quite ready to talk. “Here,” she smiled, handing him her mug. She liked it black. He didn’t but nevertheless sipped. One more sip cleared his palate enough to pull her into a kiss. Hands slid beneath her light cotton robe, around her nakedness. He pressed his hardness against her stomach. She pulled away and took his hand, leading him to the bathroom. She...

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The good life

Welcome to the good life. This is a story about a bunch of kids who have just finished high school about to start university with his friends. This is a story where it is heavily recommended that you customize it your own way using the bars on the side. I tried my best to make each character fairly immersive and personalizable even if only for a brief description. Also, I tried to give the story a sense of authenticity, so that less feasible pairings require more specific combinations of...

1 year ago
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I Do What Im Told

Tuesday 7:09 p.m. May 20, 2014 Dear Diary, My name is Josh. I'm 15 years old. I attend Martin Luther King High School in Marysville. This afternoon I went to a friend's house and sucked him off. It was the first time I ever did that. What's more embarrassing is that Jason is only 14, and a lot bigger than me. He came in my mouth and I gagged like crazy. At least I didn't swallow any. I was scared crazy shitless doing it. I was humiliated as hell, hating that I had asked to do this. I...

3 years ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 20

Arriving in St Andrews, it was a case of trial and error before Donnie eventually recognised the street and the house that Beira had shown him. Parking the car, all three of them made their way up the path and Donnie rang the doorbell. When there was no response, he tried the handle and found the door unlocked, so they entered the house. Making their way down a hallway, they turned at the first doorway on their right and found themselves in a sitting room. Donnie saw Vivien curled up on a...

4 years ago
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Second Time at the Hole

After my first experience at a glory hole, I read up about them on the web to learn everything there was to know. Protocol and locations. There was a suburban sex shop that I did not normally go to that was rated very highly and said it had great traffic on Friday nights. One night I told my wife I would be home late because I was going to happy hour. I got to the sex shop at about 4:30. I was a little unsure at first mostly because I was not aroused yet. I looked around the shop at the...

3 years ago
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Adventures of DonnaPart 6 Baby throat

Adventures of Donna--Part 6 (Baby throat)Amanda released the large pole, which was hard and erect a good 15 or 16 inches. Donna smiled with pride as she smoothed Amanda's beautiful hair out of her face. She leaned over and kissed the little girl hard on the mouth, their tongues tickling each other. Amanda got a little pre-occupied with her aunt and slid her mouth down to Donna's little tittie mounds. She sucked hard on a nipple, loving the way it got big and hard. "Umm, that feels nice. ...

4 years ago
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The Journey5

Her head was bent, with her right cheek resting on the cool glass, and her torso was arched towards but just above the polished transparent surface. An intricately woven ivory and gold leather corset began just under the slopes of her flattened breasts, gracing her rib cage and shallow belly, and ending just before the soft globes of her high lifted ass. The width between her spread knees was almost unnaturally wide. From her vantage point on the slowly revolving dais, she could see the...

2 years ago
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Im Now a BlackCock Slut Cuckold

My fantasy was to be sexually flirtatious with a black man. After months of talking about it we finally posted to an internet site seeking a black man. We had many responses, but finally decided to meet one man who really seemed to understand our desires. We met Mr. Johnson one night for drinks. At his request, I wore a loose fitting white blouse with no bra, and a short black skirt. Mr. Johnson immediately took charge and we discussed what I wanted and my limitations. We were very comfortable...

2 years ago
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fucking my husbands best friend A true story

My wife had been at a party along with myself and my best mate. We had all left a little early as we were drunk.We arrived back at my wife's parents house and had another couple of drinks.My wife got up and said goodnight before heading towards the bedroom.I followed her in where I found her undressed and in the middle of slipping into a c through nighty and panties. She lay on the bed where I began to kiss her and rub her clit which she reacted to straight away. She was as horny as fuck.I...

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Backwater Blues

This morning began like any other morning for me. I missed most of it. This is what comes of being a night person, you tend to miss most of the mornings, at least that part of the mornings between four and eleven. As far as I was concerned mornings ended not long after my head hit the pillow, and stuttered back to life at eleven. Whoever’s pillow it was didn’t bother me. This morning it was mine, and the one next to it was occupied by ‘Round Heels Rhonda’ who had agreed, when asked, to share my...

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Clouds of steaming breath rose into the Saturday darkness. "I hope the Chinese food's keeping you warm," I said over the top of my scarf, my breath leaving a damp spot on the edge (I wondered what other damp spots were nearby. Jiminy Christmas I was hornier than usual. Had Sandy slipped something into my General Tsao's Chicken when I was in the men's room? Maybe it was her perfume). "Oh, that wore off a long time ago. I'm relying on internal combustion at this point," she said,...

4 years ago
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Winter at Cousins House part 2

After the 1st “event “with Betty, I was starting to like the living in s****r’s house. Mr. Robinson was still trying to piss me off. But when he realized that I wasn’t taking the decoy, he left me alone, and we started to be mutual friends. Few days after the rainy night, Betty and I haven’t got any chance to sex again, just because Melisa and Mike were at home all the time selling their paintings, and I was busy too with my work. We exchange some looks and little touch, tickling and giggling,...

3 years ago
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My Sister My Life My Love My Ass 8211 Pearl

Well this story is about how I get lucky to fuck my innocent and sexy sister. Her name is Pearl. Well, firstly let me tell you about my sister, she is 23 years old, have 5ft 5 inch height, fair in colour, having a figure of 36-28-36. She has very sexy and round tits, she is a modern girl. And taking about me, I am 21 years old boy, having a height of 6ft and a good body. We always have a very good relation, n love each other like brother-sister, but everything changed after this incident. Well...

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"Ah Lord Pinkerton?" an emboldened mature lady around my mother's age accosted me as I lounged amiably enough with my cronies at the Misses Fotheringay's ball at Southam Courtenay, "Have you met my daughter Molly?" I looked past the matron and there through the fug of intoxication I believed I beheld an angel, a great vision in gleaming virginal white, and at second glance an improbably plump one, "No, I haven't had the pleasure," I agreed uncertainly for the sweet Mull-berry wine...

2 years ago
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THE HUNT Chapter 7 Our Life

Only a half year later, everything had changed. The nearest plantations to the mountain range had been overrun, burned to the ground. With the mountains to the West and the canyon to the North, the rebellious slaves had become too numerous and organized to be recaptured and controlled by the few remaining slavers in the region. The army, for its efforts, has lost too many good men for the profits of others, and for a cause that was losing support in other parts of the Commonwealth. ...

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Married but Not Dead Blacken

I grew up in a small town in the South West. The town consisted of only Whites. The town was poor, after graduation I joined the military. I spent 4 years in the military to earn money for college. During my tour, I became a member of the military police, this was a tough assignment. I soon came to realize that if I used my feminine whiles on the drunks, they were easy to handle.My name is Dani McCarthy, I'm 25, and have a 36C-26-36 figure, Brunette, with an athletic build at 5'9" and 135...

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Guilt vs Pleasureonly a dream

I woke up this morning all in heart was beating ten to the massive bosoms were skin was all clammy!! I knew it was not true...You see...I had this amazing dream that sent me into another world..I was walking along the forest..near our farm..just silly lonely aul me..and I felt I was being watched...the hairs on my arm and the nape of my neck stood on edge...I quickened my pace but ears all a-listening...As I got to the clearing..he was standing...

4 years ago
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Doctor Fucked Village Women 8211 Part 1

Hi I’m Dr. Anish(changed) i am being posted in C.G village for rural service. This incident happened 6 month ago, as in village usual normal patient like fever, dehydration, malaria we treat and serious case referred to higher center. Up to 2 month everything was going smoothly, 1 evening one old lady came and said doctor my daughter is seriously ill help me, and said she is in home. I said bring patient then i will tell what should do. After 30 min they came with a young girl about 24-25 she...

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The Interview

The young red-haired woman looked dubiously at the tape-recorder resting on the coffee table in front of her. "Why do you have to record all of our conversation? I know you want to use the incidents you asked me to relate but I thought you said that everything I told you concerning me would be 'off the record'." "No, I said what you told me about yourself would be background material. I promise not to use your name or any details that might reveal your identity. I am planning one or more...

4 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 25

We stopped at Applebee's and picked up a chicken Caesar Salad to go, then headed home. We'd managed to kill a few hours of our day and had started the ball rolling on getting the exercise equipment we wanted. On top of that it was just a great day to be out on the bike, and now we could listen to music while the miles zipped by. I spent the time while those miles zipped on in thought. The silent, me only kind, though I assumed Cooper would get at least a sense of it, the way things seemed...

2 years ago
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A Man on an Island Ch 03

***Well, you know what they say: Into every life… But this is Cale. It never rains – not while there’s a hurricane as a possibility. This is Cale’s life and it’s never been an easy one. When I write romance, I try to stay mindful of the way that life – with all of its warts just seldom lays out a smooth pathway. There are bumps and stumps and Holy Hannah, the mosquitoes are as big as… Oh. Sorry, that was another story. Anyway. I seldom write about good guys or bad guys unless I need it to be...

1 year ago
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Game Night Changed My LifeChapter 2 The Game

I had to park in a fairly remote parking lot of the high school since it was so late in the game and pretty much the whole world was already at the game hours ago. I was kind of surprised when another car pulled in next to me as I was getting out of mine. I locked up my car and started the trek over to the stadium where I could already hear the crowd cheering and the muffled sound of the announcer calling the game over the lousy sound system that the school had. You could barely tell what the...

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TO CANE A NEIGHBOUR he was born in 1957 and over the years developed an interest (perhaps an obsession) with spanking and especially caning since way back, in fact he said; “I guess the first time I can definitely attach a date to this ‘obsession’ was 1967. My elder sister (6 years older than me, she in the seniors and me in the juniors) went to the same school and at the end of one lunch break I saw my sister’s best friend, Sandra Fletcher, standing outside the Headmaster’s study sobbing...

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Too MILFY for boys

One thing I have liked is MILFS, there were a couple of school friends whose mums were hot, but when you are 12 you tend not to notice things like that. When you are 13 you are having a wank to a slightly suggestive TV Ad. Well, I wouldn't say I am choosey plenty of guys I know would dismiss a girl for little things yet miss out on the best parts. Whilst others are put on this earth to shag anything ... with in reason. I have a mate in the country and he says all the sheep shagging is a myth as...

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SexAndSubmission Karlee Grey Love Hurts

When an obsessively passionate personal trainer, Derrick Pierce, falls in love with his client, Karlee Grey, Karlee is pulled into Derrick’s twisted world of BDSM, slavehood and sex. One day before training begins Derrick has a surprise for Karlee. He reveals a room full of rope, leather bondage gear, kinky toys and convinces Karlee that she will love him by the end of the day. Derrick tightens nipple clamps onto her big tits and Karlee sucks his cock lovingly until mascara is running...

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Ill See If He Will Sis

Just when life can seem regular and uninteresting, a sharp turn can take place. That recent sharp turn in my life was brought about by my wife of two and a half years, Elaine. Now, wives often cause life to be rather exciting and mine is no exception. Elaine is a pretty twenty-three year old blond, medium length with blue eyes, exactly five feet tall, right on the money. Yes, she's fairly short, just don't kid her about it, it does piss her off, I might add. She's rather feisty, one...

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Young Stepmom8217s Transformation

I was studying in the UK when it happened, my dad got married to Rashmi. Then I worked for a year and finally came back to take care of our family estates in Faridabad. My elder brother was happily settled in New Delhi with his wife and daughter. My real mom stayed with my brother and used to teach at the local school near his apartment. I had always been in boarding school and was never too close to either of my parents. My dad wanted me to take over the family business so that he could retire...


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