Meister T Hedonistische Adaption
- 2 years ago
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Jenny put on a brave smile. How do I get myself in these things? she asked herself. It was too late to back out now. She'd wanted to work here, and she'd stayed, even when she'd found out what was going on. And because she'd stayed, she knew this was going to happen.
She unhooked her bra and put it with her blouse. Then she lay back on the cot. She could see her mother on the next cot, and how her mother's legs wrapped around Mr. Graham's legs as they did it. She'd read all of the descriptions in the magazines and books, she'd heard the stories her friends had told, but the reality of it ... Mr. Graham's dick glistened wetly as it slid in and out of her mother.
Who would have thought her mother had sex. Oh, she knew she must have at one time, but now? And that wasn't even Dad. That was some guy in the office, and ... Her mother moaned softly, and she began to hitch up on the man.
And then it was her turn. Jenny felt the bed shift as Mr. Thomas, Dave, rubbed his dick on her tummy, and then pressed it down between her legs. It was exciting and scary at the same time. She'd pictured her first time in some apartment, or maybe a hotel room, or even the back of a car. She hadn't expected it to be in the break room at Hubbard & Associates.
She couldn't help it, she caught her breath as he pushed. It felt ... weird. She'd sort of thought it would feel like putting in a tampon, but this was nothing like that. He was so big, and she had no idea how he was going to get all of that thing of his in her. No wonder girls said it hurt.
She kept waiting for the pain. She'd read dozens of books where the girl's first time had been marked by a fierce pain down there when the man had torn her maidenhead. She felt a lot of stretching, and it was certainly uncomfortable, but no real pain, at least like she'd read about.
He shifted slightly and pushed again. She had to gasp. It felt like he was pushing a freaking log up inside her. And she could see, over the curve of her tummy, that most of his thing, or at least a large part of it, was still visible. That meant this thing was a monster.
"God, you're tight," he muttered.
"You're just so big," she replied. She'd learned that from one of the trashy novels she'd read, and from something one of her girlfriends had told her. "Tell the guy how big he is. It makes them feel like studs."
Dave pulled back slightly and pushed again.
For just a moment Jenny caught her breath. That had felt so good. If he'd do more of that she might like this.
Dave, though, seemed intent on getting all of his dick in her. He pushed again, and this time he got more in. Then, apparently satisfied with that, he began moving, rocking back and forth.
This was a whole lot better. It still felt weird, sort of like she was stuffed up, but it also felt a little like those times she'd touched herself, usually after reading some racy passage in a book.
Every time he thrust he seemed to get a little deeper. It felt better, and then, suddenly, if felt a whole lot better. She felt wide open, and the feeling of him sliding inside her, rubbing places that seemed to be on fire, that was ... No wonder her friends all liked doing it.
He sped up, his legs hitting her thighs and making a slapping noise. She felt something against her bottom. She tried to imagine what it could be, and failed. Then, glancing at the other cot where her mother and the guy were just getting up, she saw the little sack that hung next to his body. Could that be it?
Dave suddenly slowed, made a noise deep in his throat, and then stopped. His face was absolutely still, and his eyes hooded. Then he bent over and kissed her.
] This she was familiar with, though doing it with a guy's dick inside her was a new experience. But she did enjoy kissing, and this was a very intimate way to do it.
"God, you're good," he murmured.] ]
He pulled back, she felt his thing slide out of her, and she felt curiously empty. He settled beside her and put his arms around her. That felt good, like she was something fragile, and he was protecting her.
This, she thought, wasn't what she'd expected when she'd interviewed for a position in the main offices.
She'd been working for the company for just over six months. It was the first job she'd landed out of school, one where she could use her shiny new Network Technician Certification. She thought she'd aced the interview, and tried to hold in her glee when she'd been offered the job the next day.
At first she'd worked in the remote office, doing little more than a glorified help desk. But after the first two weeks she'd had to install and configure a new server. That was more like it. And over the next couple of months she'd done more, installing new PCs, putting in the new routers, and debugging network problems. It'd had been just like in school, only better.
When she saw the opening for the central office, she'd applied in a heartbeat.
"Are you sure?" her mother asked one day as they waited for the bus. "You know what goes on there."
"I'm sure." She'd given her mother a bright, chipper smile. Of course she knew what went on in the office: work. Hubbard & Associates did a lot of third-party-administration, and that needed a fairly complex network that could tie into other peoples' systems. That's what people did there.
This interview was a lot longer, and got into personal things. She was a little taken aback when the HR woman asked what her birth control method was.
"I beg your pardon, I don't see where that's relevant."
"Our benefits package pays 100% on most forms of birth control," the woman said. "If you happen to be using one of them, fine. If not, you might want to consider alternatives."
"Oh." Okay, that made sense. "I use the pill, every morning with my vitamins."
The woman handed her a brochure. "This lists the brands we cover."
She had read through it, and spotted the brand the doctor prescribed. "It's here."
"Good. All right, we also change your benefits to include..."
She'd landed the job, but she wasn't in the main office. Instead she was in the one next door where a lot of people interned before moving to a different job. She'd been busy there, constantly adding or removing nodes on the network, and even configuring sub-networks for specific tasks.
"I almost never see my desk," she told her mother one night. Her mother had asked about her social life. What could she say? She dated, a little, but none of the guys she'd met really appealed to her. Some only wanted one thing, and while she did, too, girls weren't supposed to do that, were they?
Her friends, well a couple of them, certainly seemed to play the field. Suzy slept around, or at least her stories made it seem like she did, and Karen, she acted strait-laced, but she had a wild side to her, and there were certain rumors ... She'd thought of sleeping with a couple of the guys she'd met, but had never quite worked up the nerve.
One thing that was peculiar, funny-weird, not funny-haha, was that she was reading a lot more trashy novels. These were the ones where the heroine hopped from bed to bed and lover to lover with wild abandon, and the author went into fairly explicit detail about what happened. And her dreams had been getting more and more specific. It was a good thing she wasn't living at home, her mother would probably comment on how messy her clothes were some mornings.
Apparently she did a good enough job that she was offered a chance to work in the main offices. Partly that was because one of the others went on maternity leave, and partly because she kept pestering Wendy, her boss, into giving her more to do.
That first day in the inner offices was a complete shock. Everyone had been naked! Well, not butt-bare naked, but naked from the waist down. They'd entered the office, and Wendy had casually removed her jeans. She had a really cute blouse on, but from the waist down she wore just sandals. As did everyone else.
She could feel her cheeks flaming, and she tried not to look. But people seemed so casual about it. Mrs. Haggerty was talking with some man, and she her delta was plainly visible. So was his dick, and it wiggled back and forth as he walked toward her.
Wendy didn't say anything until they were back in her office. "I see you've noticed one of the differences between here and outside," she said.
"I was ... is..." She paused, suddenly aware of her clothes. "Is that ... normal?"
"Quite normal. It's been that way for, oh, seven or eight years. There's more, but one shock at a time."
"And you expect me ... I mean, do I have to..."
"It's the dress code here in the main offices."
"Even Ms. Hubbard."
She had seen Ms. Hubbard on TV once, a thin middle-aged woman, and the idea of her appearing half-naked made her head spin.
"You'll get used to it in a few days."
"What about ... what ... you know, that time of month."
"Most girls will wear something," she said. "I wear a thong, but Kerry who works next door just wears her regular panties. It's only for a few days, and everyone understands."
"And..." She swallowed nervously. She'd gone topless at a beach once, but that had been with a lot of other girls around for support, and they'd nerved themselves up to do it. There were a lot of women in the office, but still...
"One thing," Wendy added as if showing her sex was the most casual thing in the world, "you can't talk about it."
"Can't talk about... ?"
"What you see and hear." She slid a form across her desk. "This is a non-disclosure agreement, and you have to sign it."
"Um, uh, okay."
She'd signed, and thought that was the end of it. But Wendy had tapped her fingernail on her desk, and she realized she was going to have to undress right then and there. She automatically checked to make sure the office door was closed—it wasn't!—and then unsnapped her jeans. This was a lot harder than any gym class she'd ever been in. There it had just been other girls. But this... ! Her mouth was dry and her hands were shaking as she pushed her jeans off.
The panties were worse. She wanted to turn away from Wendy's amused look, but then she'd be facing all of the other people in the office. She pushed them down, and then promptly sat down and crossed her legs.
"You'll want to wear these sandals," Wendy said, placing a pair on the desk. "I'd go barefoot, but the carpet has staples and other things like that."
Reluctantly she undid her sneakers. "Now what?"
"Nothing." Wendy handed her a work order. "These have to be done. And don't forget to take a floor shield."
"Floor shield?"
She gestured at a piece of plastic the size of a dinner tray. "The rug can be hard on our behinds, so we put this down when we're under a desk."
That made sense, and so she took that and headed back to the server array. At least she was alone back there with no one to stare at her nudity.
Wendy was right. After a few days she was used to it, sort of. It helped that everyone else was dressed, or undressed, the same way. She did get one shock: some of the women did more than trim their bikini line. Some had reduced the hair down there to a thin line, one girl had trimmed hers into the shape of a heart, and one ... She stopped and stared, and then guiltily looked away. The girl had removed all of the hair down there. She was as bare as a young girl.
It was rude to stare, and so she looked away. But over the next few days she saw more women that way. Finally she had to ask.
"Guys like it," the girl said, shrugging. "It's okay. You just have to make sure you don't knick yourself."
She'd flinched. That was too much information. She considered the idea, and actually did some trimming, but she hadn't taken it all off. She wasn't sure why; maybe she'd be too exposed.
Her next discovery had been what went on in the break room. She'd never been much for a break. She'd grab some tea and carry it with her. And lunch was usually eaten outside. But one day, as she was pouring a cup of tea, she heard some gasping and moaning from a partially-closed door in the break room.
She'd eased it open, and was surprised to see a couple on one of the beds in there, and they were having sex. There wasn't anything hidden or furtive about it either. They were both naked, and she could see them on the bed clearly going at it. It was both the most exciting and the most disturbing thing she'd seen.
She'd watched for a couple of minutes. The woman's moans had gotten louder and louder, and finally she caught her breath. The man had moaned, his bottom moved up and down rapidly, and then he'd relaxed.
Feeling as if she'd violated their privacy, she started to close the door. She froze when she saw the woman's face. It was her mother, and the man with her most definitely wasn't her father.
She deliberately sought out her mother after break. "What's going on here?" she asked. "I saw you during break."
"You did?" Her mother smiled instead of blushing. "That's Bob. He works in Receivables, and he's pretty good. Or at least I think so."
"But you were..."
"Having sex?" Her mother nodded. "That happens a lot around here. Didn't you know that? Evidently not," she added after looking at her daughter's face. "This has been going on for several years. I don't know how it started, but one day things just started happening."
"Does Dad know?"
"Of course not. This is ... what happens here stays here. I'm not sure he'd complain too much, though. We've been a lot more intimate these last few years."
"You mean you two..." Try as she could, she just couldn't picture her parents in bed having sex. Okay, her mother was, she'd seen her. But her father? Her overweight, balding father? Somehow she just couldn't picture him as sexy.
"It's like when we were on our honeymoon," her mother said.
"But here, strangers... ?" She shook her head. "I don't understand."
Her mother sighed. "I wouldn't call us strangers, not any more. And this is for fun. Haven't you ever seen some guy and wanted to have sex with him?"
She had, especially lately, but... "Well, a couple of guys I've seen are pretty hot.'
"Around here you can."
"But aren't you afraid of getting some yucky disease?"
"Not here, we're all careful. It's not like I'm getting picked up in bars or anything. People here only have sex with their spouses, so there's no worry about that. And we're all on birth control, so nobody's getting pregnant. So why not?"
"But ... I thought sex was, you know, like when you're really close to someone, and you know, you do it."
"Ever just have it because it's fun?"
She hadn't, she hadn't ever gone to bed with a guy, but she couldn't come out and say that, could she? "But this is ... I don't know, slutty."
Her mother laughed. "That's a joke around here. Personally I think a girl should let her hair down once in a while. She should do it in a safe environment, though, and that's what we have here. I can go with Dave, or Tony, or any of the other guys here, and for a few moments we can share some passion. It's not love, though Wendy did marry Brian from Accounting, and the private reception after..." Her voice trailed off. "That was a lot of fun. Anyway, this is just for fun. Try it."
"And it's relaxing. A woman's body isn't meant to be so celibate. Good sex makes you happy, it relaxes you, and it gives you a great cardiovascular workout. You did notice, didn't you, that there's no Exercise Club here."
She hadn't, and said so.
"Why spend 15 minutes on a treadmill when 15 minutes in bed with a guy will give you the same workout, but is a lot more fun?
"Now think about it. I've got a ton of work to do, and we can talk later if you want to."
She did want to talk, but that reminded her of what she still had to do. She mumbled some excuse and went back to what she'd been doing.
What her mother had said made sense in a weird way, and the following weekend she went over to her parents' house. She could see the way her parents were acting: there was a lot of touching and smiling; it was like what she pictured happening on a honeymoon, and she began to see some of what her mother must have seen in her dad.
Now that she was looking for it, she could see the little signs of affection around her, fingers lingering on a shoulder, or a quiet, shared smile. In other companies that might have let to a harassment suit. Here it just seemed to be the way things were.
That afternoon she saw another problem: she had crawled under a desk to do some work. There was an air vent there, and it kept blowing her bangs over her face. She wanted to brush them out of the way, but she needed both hands to wire in the junction box. Her mind kept flashing back to her mother, and the way her hips had pushed up against the man. She'd always thought the guy did all of the moving, but obviously not. And her mother seemed to be enjoying herself. She kept making little 'um' noises and gasping.
She could picture herself doing that, especially if she moaned like her mother had. Like mother, like daughter people had always told her. And the image of a hard dick down there kept flashing through her mind. It was hard to concentrate on the job with that image constantly replaying.
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Author's Note: While I have a fairly definite idea of where I'd like this story to go, it's possible you might have some better ideas of how certain choices may go. I encourage you, if you'd like to see a certain path explored to add a chapter at the appropriate decision point, and write whatever choice you'd like explored in the Answer text field, and write, "This is a stub for future content." in the content area and I'll consider writing something in that vein. Genres I enjoy writing include...
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I guess I’d had too much to drink, or never would’ve gotten in the situation. My name is Marty and I’ve been married about 10 years to a pretty decent guy. Our sex life is infrequent and kind of boring and that had a lot to do with a decision I recently made. It was Friday after work and some coworkers persuaded me to go bar hopping. My husband was watching some big ball game or other so he was fine with it. Some decent looking guy from another company latched onto me and I was enjoying the...
Tam and I unpacked in our stateroom after leaving mom in her room to unwind and get some sleep before dinner. Our room was more like a cabin than a stateroom. It was at least a third of the size of the hotel room we'd stayed in during our Paris stop. It came with a queen bed instead of a king so, Tam and I were going to be very close, which wasn't a bad thing.After unpacking, we took a stroll around the ship. Most of the vessels in the cruise line we prefer are relatively the same so, I knew...
LesbianI love my job and I love the work I do. I think that's helped by the fact that I have one of the biggest crushes on my boss. I feel the need to please him in everything I do and so in the last couple of months, I've really delved into my work and became insanely focused on that. I often work late at night and all weekend, just so I had could give my boss some positive news.My boss could see how hard I was working and would often comment, saying that whilst it's always great for progress in the...
Office SexThere stood Mrs. Pertwee. She looked perfect, each of her features showing off her intense beauty. She was wearing a pink blouse and a pencil skirt, both of her long, sexy legs being covered by a pair of elegant stockings. For a teacher, she looked surprisingly young. Her face had no wrinkles or imperfections. Perhaps she truly was perfect. In comparison to you, at least. Your name was Mark, your age: 19. You had an average height, average weight and average body. There was literally nothing...
Mind Control18 SANDY a sluts day outGot to Germany around 11am, I was wearing a denim skirt white vest with jacket, G string in black and my black bra with my high heel flip-flops. Our host, Ralf, picked us up, made me sit in front of the car with him, no sooner had I shut the door, than he started kissing me. Steve, really surprising me, by telling Ralf; “Go for it matey she begging for it!” This made my mind up straight away so peeled off my G string and I opened my legs Ralf took no time in sliding his...
I should have checked for the Geek’s Email before I went to bed. It would have stopped me from second guessing the Hammer all night. I was getting anxious to know whether I was going back into the information business or not. If I did get into the business, I would be walking that line again. One slip and I would be extremely dead. There was no way for me to know whether or not if the next time I had to run, it would be for my life. I thought it was the thing that kept my head in the game of...
What makes for a good model? Mia Markova’s convinced that it’s her friend’s photographer husband, Preston. She’s so impressed with the photos he took of her that she can’t get over it. But since Preston’s a firm believer that Mia’s positive energy is what made the shoot so good, she decides to keep that energy rolling by seducing him! Present’s no match for Mia, as he’s unable to resist her juicy bubble butt and sloppy-good blowjob skills. Soon enough the subject overtakes her photographer...
xmoviesforyouHow it all beganIt´s been a while back, i was young and very curious about sex, porn and all this stuff. I started wanking about a year ago, mostly on stolen Playboy magazines. Back than we had a a bookstore in the station, with a adult area behind a curtain, they hat real hardcore stuff there and i decided instead of steeling another playboy to slip behind that curtain. I need to steel,because i was not of age to buy them.It took a few days and tries, but someday i slipped in without been...
Unbeknown to Joey at the time, Constance Blum as a high school senior was voted homecoming queen. She was offered a modeling job with a prestigious modeling agency, but she turned it down to join her high school boyfriend. Garrett Fagan was two years ahead of her at the university. While attending the university, and just after her twentieth birthday, Constance got an offer to pose nude for a prominent men’s magazine. However, she quickly and categorially turned down the offer. In fact,...
This is the continuation of my story please read the part I first:Mom was so horny that time so by saying fuck me, choood mujhe, zawa mala, thokoon taka majhi puchhi made him hornier and when they stood up the watchman came to them and arranged the separated grass in a bunch and this time he slept on the grass and Swati on his cock for pushups. Swati was pumping in his tower and he was lifting his ass to give her pleasure by touching her womb. He was pressing her boobs and used to pull her on...
Bodacious pornographer Cherry Kiss introduces five crazy, natural-breasted beauties in lovely lingerie: Slender Tiffany Tatum wears aqua blue; Amirah Adara’s yellow bikini shows her fleshy butt; dirty blonde Alexis Crystal is stunning in off white; dramatically tattooed, pale Anna De Ville wears black, as does deeply tan, hot-assed Alyssa Reece and brassy, blonde Cherry. With big smiles and fun attitudes, they’re ready for a rambunctious lesbian orgy, but first, some synchronized...
xmoviesforyouthe story which reveals about real incest relationship..... [email protected] Please share your views regarding my story and how I can improve it. Your good advice is appreciated.
TabooA story about ravaging lucky Dan's hairy pussy wife. . . Chapter Two of Helen’s Slutty Hairy Cunt: Bound and helplessIt was now fuck Dan’s wife day. The two weeks had surpassed and I was very pleased they had flown by so quickly as I really could not wait to be inside Helen’s hairy pussy. It was Dan that had taken the initiative and had managed to identify and book an ideal hidden away remote cottage for the weekend, for him and Helen to rent out. And so here I was, waiting inside my car,...
The wind whipped about wildly outside the window of his dorm room, causing the trees to sway back and forth. It was a miserable night outside, cold, rainy, and just a bit creepy. Tyler stared out the window wishing he were anywhere but at home on a Friday night. Class was out for Christmas vacation but the roads were all closed due to the weather and it was impossible to get anywhere.His room mate was at his girlfriends house just off campus probably getting drunk, and he was stuck here...
The princes proposal By Kellen This was another harebrained idea that kept nagging at me. I am not sure if this will be a good story at all, but this is a small part. Does anything think this can be made into a larger story? I would like to know 1485 The boy had just outlined his plan to the imposing figure before him. The trip there was arduous and fraught with danger. Braving the storms and a typhoon to cross the channel to meet this man in Bristol. It had to be done and then...
Prologue Out of breath. Out of options. Out of time. Out of luck. The silver and blue gateway fizzled out of existence as Erzulie was dragged out of the room. She fought and struggled against the stonelike grasps of her captors. It was futile. The motherly figure was blessed with assets that could barely be covered by the light silver silk robes that covered her body, and collided with her long, wavy, hair. Besides those robes, she wore nothing. She wasn’t allowed to, due to her established...
FantasyWell this was not at all what I expected when I took the assignment. First off I’m a collections man for those that can afford me. I take half! Half of whatever it is that they want! This businessman got into debt with one of the Las Vegas Casinos to the tune of two million dollars. I was given the contract to recover the money in anyway necessary. It would be a cool million for me! I tracked him for a whole week to get accustomed to his routine and then sprang my trap. However when...
NIS Punishment Programme: 3 St. Catherine’s ? Synopsis ? The ruling military Junta changed the laws to give males back their superiority and introduced corporal punishment to curb crime. The changes have their effect on school life. A second sequel to Naked in School Punishment Programme 1: New Laws (NIS PP 1: New Laws). ? Naked In School Punishment Programme: ? 3 St. Catherine’s ? by obohobo ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly...
Sometimes Alex De La Flor can come off as being a little shy. Let’s not be coy here, after viewing her first double penetration scene, any idea of her being a quiet one goes right out the window. Following a short tease, we find Miss De La Flor in a room with Steve Holmes and Jules Jordan. Holmes plays with Alex then tongues her asshole, fingers it and sniffs. Alex goes from one side of the room to the other to suck cock, then gives a five star “back bender bj”. As mascara drips, Holmes fingers...
xmoviesforyouHi guys, I am Shan this is my nick name and I’m 21 yrs. Old, very handsome guy I live in Kolkata. I’m a big fan of ISS and want to share my sexual experience I had with my sexy, 30 yrs. Old aunty. She is married to a business man and lives in Hind motor. She is 5’6″ inch height, perfect figure with big, round and firm boobs of 38D and a sexy large ass her name is Nida (changed) .Couple of months ago, she came to our place with her hubby for some business purpose, i was seeing her after 3 years,...
IncestThis is the story of my first sexual experience with another female. I was 27 married for six years. We had a great sex life at first. We had sex several times a week. As time went by our sex life diminished in quality and quantity. My husband Dave began spending more time with the guys than me. He went out with the guys and I got to stay home with our daughter Arielle.One Friday night when Dave was out playing cards with the guys, I put Arielle to sleep and went online. Out of a combination of...
2070 was turning out to be an amazing year so far! Edward looked down at the cum-covered slut that he owned and grinned. He had watched his friends use his Privately Owned Sex Toy like a fuck doll and made quite a mess out of her. Now his cock stood at attention, harder than steel, as he prepared to fuck her dirty little body.He couldn’t believe that Daniel had agreed to sell her to him. But then, Daniel had considered Seven a thing, not a person. He recalled the conversation yesterday as...
Fantasy & Sci-FiChapter 9: FridayFriday morning when searching through my collection, I could not find any pairs that weren't thongs. I could have sworn there were more bikinis and briefs but I guess I was mistaken. And I guess today's the day I wear a thong all day. Up to this point I had been choosing pairs that seemed the least feminine - something I could maaaayyybe pass off as European mens or something - but today something in me had switched. I was tired of trying to pretend to myself that I wasn't in a...
THE WHITE APRON DID IT - 2 By Monica Graz PART 5 During the next few hours, Lita realized the hard way what serious housework means. She also realized how easy her job was in the Arnellos family house where she had to practically take care of an empty place. They started their cleaning from the bedrooms in the first floor. She instantly understood that cleaning the four occupied and heavily used bedrooms was a different story altogether. After they finished the master bedroom and...
This is the second part of Golden Punishment, for now on this series will be named ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Linda thought about all the crazy things that happened to her last night as she slowly sat down at the breakfast table. “Mom,” Linda looked at her mother and slowly lowered her hand to her lap, “my underwear are making me really itchy.”Linda’s mother looked up from her coffee, “You’ll get used to it. Why...