Shadows in the Storm Part 3 of 5 People Shuffle In and Out
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Chapter 4
Chris stood in Sarah’s kitchen as she looked at him. She was taking the news fairly well seeing as how he had just told her he was going to Chicago for a while, and an NSA agent would be following her while he was gone. He also was leaving his pistol with her. For one he couldn’t get it through the airport, and also he wanted her to have some form of protection. She had nodded through his whole explanation, not quite getting the whole story, but he was able to tell her the gist of it. She stood across the room from his smoking what was her first cigarette in years taking it all in. Before he left she told him to be careful and had given him a drawn out kiss as if tempting him to stay with her.
He took a cab to the airport boarded a plane and fell asleep shortly after take off.
Across the country Karim was headed to LAX to catch a plane to Ireland, from there he would board another plane which would take him back to Saudi Arabia where he would return both a hero and a wealthy man. He had succeeded in striking a great blow to the American people. The drive to the airport had gone by fairly quickly, the streets had since been emptied. Fear he thought was the most effective weapon in his arsenal, and it had been wielded expertly today. He pushed a button for short term parking and found a spot. He flashed his high beams twice and waited. After a minute a man opened the passenger door and sat down.
‘You did good Karim.’ The man said handing him an envelope, here is everything you need.
Karim beamed as he opened the envelope expecting a plane ticket and a good amount of money. He found only a piece of paper with a prayer scrawled on it.
‘What is this? It is only a prayer.’ Karim asked still looking at the paper.
‘I will give you time to read it brother, but tonight you must become a martyr.’ The man said which brought Karim’s eyes up only to see a pistol gripped in the man’s hand. The pistol had a suppressor screwed onto the barrel.
‘And the others, will they all die to?’ Karim asked referring to the other bombers of earlier.
The man nodded. ‘You will meet them in paradise.’
Karim gave a weak smile and folded his hands in his lap. He looked up at the ceiling of his car and silently said his final prayer. ‘Will you stay with me father? Until I go?’
‘I will.’ The man said as he reached across Karim’s body and placed the barrel of the pistol above his heart and pulled the trigger.
Karim jumped in his seat as the round penetrated his chest and struck his heart. He took a breath and relaxed as he felt the life leave his body.
‘Go in peace my child.’ The man said as he tilted Karim’s head back to make it look like he was sleeping to anyone who passed by. He put the pistol on the floor of the car, and stepped out quickly making sure no one had witnessed what he had done. When he was satisfied he walked into the airport, and handed the man behind the ticket counter his Passport. The tickets Karim thought were his were actually this mans.
‘How was your visit to LA?’ asked the pimply faced man behind the desk.
‘I’m afraid I had to bury my son.’ the man said.
‘Oh I’m sorry, well uh have a good flight Mr. Barraick’ the ticket man said as he handed him the boarding passes.
‘Thank you.’ If only the ticket man had known how literal his words were. Although it brought him pain, Malik Barraick had to kill his youngest son. It brought him relief that he had died like a true Muslim. He had completed his task though, and in the war machine Karim was but a small cog. His son had been brave to his death and that’s all he could have asked for. The similarities between the two didn’t stop at their ideologies though. Karim had inherited his fathers features, and when Malik looked in the mirror he swore he could see his son. Yes he had a few extra pounds on his son and had started balding, and sure his skin was worn from his 52 years of jihad, but he could see his son in his own reflection.
Karim looked forward to returning to Saudi Arabia. His job here was done, but his war with America was not close to being done. The cell in Chicago still had one more job to do. One final blow to America’s heartland that would be symbolic in more ways than one.
chapter 5
As the day was coming to a close in America, It was just beginning in Riyadh. Sheik Riahl Mohammad had just finished eating his breakfast and was seated at his desk in the office provided to him by the mosque he preached at. He was in his early 40s, but looked good for his age. While he had lived a life fighting the infidels he had never picked up a weapon in battle. His father had been the leader of the United Islamic Brigade. Rather than acknowledge the growing rift between Sunnis and Shiites, his father had understood that a united following that focused on the non believers would be more powerful than a group divided by differences of sects. His father had been right to, over the last 15 years he had grown the group into a world wide connection with different names, some less militant than others, but the same message. In France they were the United Islamic Front, in America the United Brotherhood, and in England they called themselves the Nation United. Each group though fed directly into the United Islamic Brigade.
It had been so successful in part because of the departmentalization of the operation. The Brigade never carried out any missions themselves. Instead the group in the host nation would carry out the attack. Also funding didn’t come from the Brigade, but rather individual donors who rather than give to the Brigade gave to the three other groups as it was needed. Mohammad’s father was a genius in creating an autonomous group like this, but Riahl felt like his picture wasn’t quite large enough so he had taken action against him. One night while he was sleeping Riahl had walked into his room and injected his contact solution with a poison. It had taken several months to work, but that meant less attention would be drawn to him. His father after all was an old man at 72. When he had finally passed control of the Brigade had been passed down to Riahl.
Once in power Riahl had wasted no time in scaling up the tactical operations of the Brigade. His efforts now played out over CNN’s website which he browsed from the laptop sitting on top of his desk. Riahl ran his hands through his long beard and straightened his tie on his western style suit. As he leaned back in his chair to revel in his recent victory there was a knock on his door.
‘Enter’ Riahl said.
A large man entered the room. He wore a prominent scar under his right eye that he had gained while fighting the Americans in Afghanistan. The mans name was Darrel Hawkins, and unlike almost all of the members of the Brigade he was white. He had been born in Dearborn, Michigan, and converted to Islam in high school. He had joined the Army and been deployed to Iraq where he said he ‘witnessed first hand the war crimes perpetrated by the United States. When he had gone home on leave he went back to say good bye to his parents and flown to Saudi Arabia. It had been tough for an American soldier to gain acceptance into the brigade as they had been skeptical at first, and by Darren’s own admission rightfully so. He had proven himself as a true Muslim through months of attendance at Riahl’s mosque, and that’s when Riahl had started to give him menial tasks. Then one night Darren had been taken to an old building down the road from the mosque. He had been strapped to a chair and tortured for hours by Riahl’s men. They demanded to know who he worked for. At first he thought they actually believed he was a traitor but when they cut him loose he realized it was a test, or at least the first part of a test. When his blindfold was removed he saw another white man strapped to a chair. Riahl approached him and held out a pistol.
‘Brother Darren this pistol holds one round. In that chair sits a British MI5 ag
ent, he was caught snooping around my mosque. Your knowledge of your faith, and your innocence as a traitor has been proven, but your devotion has yet to be proven.’ With that Riahl stepped back from Darren.
Darren walked confidently toward the man sitting in the chair. The man wore no blindfold and his eyes wore a determined look, but there was a hint of fear hiding behind the façade. Judging by the marks on the man’s body he had been tortured as well, but Darren didn’t know if he had broken and given them Intel. It wasn’t his job to know though it was only to do what was expected of him. He brought the gun up to the mans forehead.
‘Allah Akbar.’ Darren pulled the trigger and watched the mans head fly back than slump forward. His body slumped in the restraints. The slide from the gun locked back as the shell ejected from the chamber and hit the concrete ground with a soft ping.
Riahl remembered that day fondly. Since then Darren had proven to be a most loyal follower and Riahl entrusted him with the position of chief of security.
‘Sheik Mohammad all the handlers are on their way back, and we have ten more brothers who have martyred themselves for our cause.’ Darren said showing no emotion on his face. ‘Are we still going forward with the rest of our plans?’ Riahl just nodded. ‘Very good the two cells in Chicago have gone into lockdown and are awaiting the president’s arrival within the week.’
Riahl smiled at the predictability of America’s leaders. The weak emotions made his job easier. They had made sure the shooting at the football field had been the bloodiest. Riahl knew the president would no doubt make an appearance in the aftermath. He had taken a gamble hedging his bets on Chicago, but the presidents predictability would be his own undoing.
No one had successfully killed an American president since JFK, and this one would be monumental to their cause. President Farad was the first Muslim president elected in America, but he had downplayed his faith, and that was a great injustice. Riahl felt shamed that a fellow Muslim would continue the unjust wars in Islamic lands, but soon America would be sent a message.
Riahl smiled and motioned toward Darrel that he could leave. ‘Thank you brother Hawkins.’
Hawkins nodded and walked out of the room.
While Malik Barraick and Chris were flying towards their destinations, millions of television sets were showing the same image of President Farad making his way to the podium. Behind him hung the American flag. The president wore a black suit and tie with an American flag pin on his lapel. He was one of the first modern president to opt for eyeglasses instead of contacts. His brown skin was slightly wrinkled. And his hair was a fine color of white. He took a sip of water from the glass sitting on the podium and cleared his throat as he prepared to address the nation.
‘Fellow Americans, over the last two days this great country has come under attack from a group of treacherous cowards. They refuse to meet our men in uniform on the battlefield, and instead opt to attack innocent civilians. They attacked Americans of all ages and races at a football game in Chicago. Innocent shoppers in Indianapolis and Minnesota lost their lives while doing nothing but shopping for Christmas gifts for their families. In Ohio college students were gunned down on their way to classes. The future leaders of this nation had their lives ended prematurely. In Detroit a rally of protesters exercising their first amendment right, which our enemies hate so much, were murdered in cold blood. Today 22 Americans were murdered on their way to work, schools, sporting events, or just driving home. In all 290 American lives were ended violently at the hands of men who hide in the shadows. Well the shadows will soon give way to light as we search for them wherever they may hide. As of right now all agencies are working round the clock to bring those responsible to justice. The military has been placed on high alert, and I will be sanctioning several special operations around the globe. To our friends, we ask for your support. To our enemies, stay out of our way or fall with those responsible.’ The president took a break for another drink of water, and adjusted his glasses.
‘As a Muslim man I have had to defend my religion many times to many different people. It is because of men like these that I must have to defend it once more. Many Muslims despise acts like these, there are many Muslims who serve honorably in our armed forces, and many work in our intelligence agencies. To those looking for someone to blame I beg you do not blame your neighbors whose skin may be a darker shade than yours. If you blame anyone blame me. I have failed this country and allowed these acts to happen. I will not fail again though, and I will not allow them to go unpunished. As we mourn those who have died let us praise those whose heroic efforts put an end to this madness before it claimed more lives. From the police that ended the attacks, to the medical workers who saved many people, to the man in Indianapolis who single handedly put an end to the attack at the mall. They are all American heroes.’ Another sip from his glass.
‘Finally America I ask that, regardless of your religion, you pray tonight. Ask your god look out for the 290 families that will never be the same. Pray for our men and women over seas who risk their lives so that we can be free. Pray for those who work in the deepest shadows of our enemies lairs. Risking their lives to gain intelligence and thwart future attacks. And pray to whatever god you pray to that he gives me guidance of these next few weeks, for I will surely need it. Good night and God bless America.’ The president stepped back from the podium to a smattering of flashes from cameras and questions from reporters.
An aide stepped to the podium to tell the news core that the president would not answer questions at this moment, and would be issuing a more in depth statement at a later time.
Riahl leaned back in his chair behind his desk, watching the press coverage on his computer. He smiled ‘you will need more then a prayer Mr. President’ he thought to himself. ‘You will need a miracle.’
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London River is so fed up with her worthless husband. He should be looking for a job but he’s sitting around watching sports again. She wants to shake things up and shock him a little and her stepson wants that too. So they do the most shocking thing they can think of, they wake him up from his nap by having London suck her stepson’s cock right in front of her worthless cuckold husband! He’s shocked but what can he do? He knows what a bad husband he his so he just sits and takes it while London...
xmoviesforyouUmar me bari, to phir maza dekho Ye baat hai navabo k shahar lucknow ki aur un dino ki hai jab mera selection medical me nhi hua tha aur maine ek school me job kar li thi, tab mujhe 10000 milte the aura b mujhe 30000 milte hain kyunki main bhut active rehta hun aur iska sabse bara raaz hai sex. Sex is love love is sex sex is fun and fantastic. Aur haan ek baat aur ye asli kahani hai islie 10 inch k lund ki khwahish mat karna aur na hi yahan koi mu k andar jhadega kyunki asli kahaniyo me aisa...
Ben embraced Molly as they stood outside the TSA checkpoint at the entrance to his gate's concourse. He kissed her lips. "I'm really sorry you're not coming with me," he said. "I am, too -- but duty calls." He kissed her lips again. "I'll miss you." "I'll miss you, too." "I'll text you with my room number when I get to the hotel," he said. "Just in case you need to be in touch with me." "You'll have your Treo -- right?" "Right; and my laptop so you can send me...
(Mandy) It was the usual struggle to get up and about come Monday. It seemed like after the weekend getting up was even harder than it usually was. I loaded my PE kit in with my normal school stuff ready for the club this evening. I had my breakfast a cup of tea and was off as soon as D knocked on the door. Once I was out in the air I began to feel more awake and happy, another day out and about with my friends and then as a treat at the end the club where I could cut loose and use my...
Ding Lisa took up her phone. It showed she had a message from Jenn at the Futanari Club. “Miss you and want to see you. Are you free tonight?” Lisa got excited. She was free and she really wanted to see Jenn. The plan had been that Lisa would meet up with Maria and Jenn over the weekend as Jenns husband would be gone on a business trip. This was one day earlier than planned. She sent a message back. “I am free and want to see you. Is it really possible tonight?” “My husband leaves at 7...
104.PIECING GRAN Well we had just got back to rights after the first momentous whipping of Rose (see story 103) and rose was sitting on her chair again in chains, when the Butler arrived, he suggested I should put May on the bed in the afternoon in the chain collar for him or the driver. I did as suggested May whispering to me that “She was not looking forward to having the little man all over her” sadly she was right, he having her savagely and with no mercy, leaving bites, and scratches...
It was 20 years ago that it happened. It was like a dream or a male version of that old movie "Starman". When I was about 30 years old something or "Someone" strange happened to me. I could only find time in my busy job to run or walk for an hour a week. I had recently bought myself a pick-up truck as a treat. I decided to go looking for a quiet place to walk or run in and I remembered a place called 'Heber Downs Conservation Area' where I had taken, my now wife, Joan on a few picnics and...
I woke up the next morning under the covers next to a very warm body. I could smell the scent of her shampoo, and something faintly musky. I felt her arm around my shoulders, and her hand was grazing my bottom. Someone had closed the window and the shade, but I could see daylight. I eased myself out of the bed and went to the bathroom and peed. As I wiped and flushed, Nollie entered and smiled at me. She promptly sat down on the spot I'd vacated, and began to pee. I felt a little awkward; I...
We found that not only was there a fence around the building's rear, it also surrounded the rear parking lot. We couldn't even drive up and scope it out. But fortunately for us the bag in the rear of the SUV was equipped with a hell of a nice Zeiss spotter scope. With the scope anchored to the dash, I found out that the walk in door had only a pad lock. The overhead door must have had a wireless remote since there was no lock visible. Also I noticed that there was a camera aimed at the...
While the waiters circulated with the champagne, people gathered around us to offer their congratulations. The first were Stacie's school friends. The tall black girl, Latoya, was the first. She was, as my granny would say, "a piece of work." Her hair was in small tight braids. She was dressed in a very tight yellow crop-top and a matching miniskirt, which reached just below her crotch. And she was wearing lots of what the kids called "bling" -- flashy jewelry. She swept over to Stacie...
So why should a girl this hot and with such an accomplished background be doing this you ask? Well today’s ExCoGi hottie is very well spoken and speaks more than a few languages fluently. She plays numerous musical instruments and teaches her skills to aspiring youngins in order to give back to her community. This girl’s very well educated and… Wait, I’m not making a very strong case as to why am I? Let’s just say this girl’s got an appetite for sex and anal at that. She’s done DP a...
xmoviesforyouJenny Three weeks has passed since Douglas and I had made it official between us. It has also been a month since my last encounter with Jacob too. Since that day when I had lost control and kissed Jacob, I started to avoid him. But it seemed that the more I ignored him the more I dreamt of him. It was starting to drive me crazy. I was also starting to feel a bit guilty because it literally felt like I was cheating on Douglas. In real life I would be kissing, hugging, doing intimate...
It was 7pm at the Camden household and Simon's girlfriend Dena was just dropped off at their house, to stay the night, since her parents were going out of town. Rev. and Mrs. Camden were very willing to let Dena stay over. They let her stay in Simon's room, while he stayed with Matt. Everyone went to sleep pretty early that night. But around 3am Dena heard a noise, that scared her, so she decided to sneak into Matt's room to see Simon. Both Matt and Simon were sharing a big bed and both guys...
A year passed. Emma gave birth to an eight pound girl. She got the daughter she wanted. Tim all but abandoned his life long dream of sailing around the world. They named their girl Stephanie Irene. Of course Irene being after Tim's famous mother. Emma stood in Lena's place as Lisa's brides maid. She never seen such a more beautiful bride as Lisa Limpa. Her hair was pulled up into a French bun and makeup was impeccable. No one but Emma knew that Lisa was in the back crying her eyes out...
Don and I married young - we were both eighteen and I'm not sure if either one of us had ever had another sexual partner. So it was unsurprising that Don, like a lot of men, had a fantasy to engage in a threesome - with another woman, I should add. "That sounds good to me, but on one condition," I told him.His eyes lit up, but at the mention of my caveat, his smile dissipated. "I think you should be a gentleman AND treat this in an equal manner. So I propose we do a threesome with a guy...
Dear Friends. I am Aryan i am a regular reader of the stories of ISS. I am a 27 Yrs old young bachelor with good build & very cute face. Any girl/woman can contact me at now i am going to narrate my first sex experience of my life, as it happened about 10 years back. those were very recent days to my graduation. i got admission in a private college of chandigarh for my Bcom. i was lucky because in my class there were 34 girls and only 19 boys. Although as you people already now, Punjabi...
The power of a people reside in how they tell their stories. For descendents of slaves, African Americans, we don’t have many written records of the powerful stories our ancestors. The voices of those whose blood courses through our veins were effectively silenced by the system of chattel slavery. Slavery isn’t even something we as Black people want to talk about; it’s something we want to place in its own little compartment and reference it when we’re talking about racism and put it right...
The area around the abandoned warehouse was nearly silent but for the sound of footsteps that went silent for a few seconds before there was a loud pop sound as the city's SWAT Team blew the door and rushed the building. The sound of officers yelling "down! down!" Echoed from the open door before officers began escorting the victims inside out. The first person brought out was a woman, Sarah Miller, a 23 year old wife of the missing John Miller. She looks like a preppy but disheveled...
IncestShe was so god damn cute I nearly ejaculated in my pants every time I saw her. Her apartment was close to mine where she lived with her husband, dammit! The thought of him between her legs made me jealous but he was her husband, after all. Her short red hair and cone shaped tits reminded me of an early love of mine that had been hot but ended abruptly when she found someone else. I was thirty years older than she so it was just a jack-off fantasy, albeit the best one that I had. I made every...