Holidy on Foy
- 1 year ago
- 18
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Tony Nash, was now seventeen years of age,. He was a fit active teenager and enjoyed the outdoor life. He stood on the cliff right at the edge looking eagerly at the vague shadowy outline of the island of Foy in the far distance, between bursts of spray thrown up by the howling wind. Unfortunately, it was blowing half a gale, and no boatman, would risk the hour long passage until the weather moderated. In his pocket was a letter written to Mrs. Kate Deehan on the Isle of Foy from his father. He had no idea what it said.
It had been many years since he had last visited his fathers friends family on Foy. He remembered the lovely Auntie Kate well From memory he was about seven years old. He had fond memories of the Isle, and Kate's twin daughters. This visit was a dream coming true for him, as he had planned this unannounced visit for the past year with the help of his father. His father had at times talked about retiring to Foy but now he was a widower, and if his friend Ron had still been alive he probably would have done.
Aunt Kate had been his fathers friends wife, who he had first met at University. She had also been a close friend of his now deceased mother.
He stood there using his new binoculars looking out to see if he could get some idea of what had changed on the distant isle of Foy, since his last visit so many years ago ... He had to lean forward slightly against the wind, to be able to stay upright. The clouds rushed across the sky, with the wind carrying little flecks of rain or maybe sea water spray into his face. The light was fading, and so he reluctantly made his way back to the dingy boarding house in which he was lodging,
His father talked incessantly about his holidays on the Isle, he had first visited Foy in his teens with his friend Ron Deehan, until his marriage and a growing family put a stop to his expeditions. But his friend Ron had carried on visiting the Island and eventually married a girl called Kate. and after the twins were born, and they had finished their education gone to live on the island. They had never lost touch, and he knew that Ron and his wife had raised their twin daughters Zoe and Tammy on the island, the girls must be well into their teens by now. he reflected...
However, he was looking forward to visiting the distant island of Foy, and to explore the island all on his own for a few days. His father had told him that Mrs. Kate Deehan his friend Rons wife still lived on Foy. Together with a widower who lived next door. The rest of the population had over the years defected to the mainland. and the comforts of modern living
Between them, the two families, his fathers friend who had passed away a year previously, and his neighbour, now a widower a Mr. Bill Patterson had continued to live on the Island. They made a living from breeding Sheep Chicken and Goats and growing their own vegetables. His father had never gone back although they had kept in touch by post, and was eager to hear from Tony about Kate and the girls and what the island was like now
The island also had a reputation as a bird sanctuary, and was very occasionally visited by ornithologists carrying out research, and once quite recently by a television crew making a documentary film.
Tony had finished school with five A levels. He was well ahead of his year, and his father had agreed to let him have a year off, and then apply to go to University. The year perhaps two, if he insisted, was to be spent doing his own thing, going and doing what he felt like doing. The only restriction, was that he was to keep in contact with his father, and tell them where he was and what he was doing. Money was no problem, and he had a bank account with ample funds for some months to come.
His older brother was married with a family. and had no interest in returning to "That bloody desolate rock" as he termed it...
The next day the weather had moderated sufficiently for a brave, but very well rewarded boatman to attempt the crossing ... The boatman knew the island well, and he warned Tony not to stay too long, when the weather changes, we can't get across for nearly three months at a time sometimes."
The island had a rough but very solid serviceable jetty, and the boatman helped him ashore with his gear. Tony found a place to camp, sheltered from the wind, and not too far from the beach, and in sight of the village street, which was lined on both sides with stone built crofts to camp. It was late by the time he had settled in and darkness was falling ... That night he slept soundly, awaking early in bright sunlight, to the sound of screaming gulls, and to the sight of two young blonde teenage girls, who had lit a fire in front of his tent, with a pile of driftwood, and had boiled a fanny of water, and who had obviously raided his food box, and were cooking some of his stock of bacon. They had brought some eggs with them, and some home baked bread.
Tony stuck his head out of the flap and said "Good Morning Zoe and Good Morning Tammy." Which took the girls by surprise, as they said almost in unison "How did you know our names?."
Tony looked very wise and said "I am right aren't I?"
"Your mothers name is Kate is it not?"
By now the girls were looking rather bewildered, until Tony burst into laughter.
"My father is a friend of your mothers, and he asked me to come and see you, and I knew that their could not be any other beautiful girls on Foy so I knew who you two were."
The next thing he knew he had the two girls jumping all over him and kissing him. Then Zoe said "Of course I recognise you now Tony from the photograph your daddy sent last Christmas." Over a shared breakfast the girls told him quite a bit about the island and themselves. They were four years old the last time Tony had come to Foy with his parents, and the girls and Tony had spent a lot of time playing together...
They told him that their mother was managing with their help, since their father had died a year before, the only man on the island was Bill Patterson who was an aged widower and lived all alone, next door to them...
The girls seemed highly delighted with Tony's arrival, as they told him that they had not been off the island for a few years, and Tony guessed they had no previous meaningful contact with boys of their own age. They were young slim sexy and vivacious, dressed in white shirts and blue jeans, which showed off their young figures to perfection. They were both wearing red.anoraks over their shirts, with knee high boots.
They all crushed into his tent for breakfast while they told him that they had been educated by their mother, who taught them to read and write and do sums, and their father had taught them how to survive on the island. They knew all about sheep, goats and chicken, and how to fish, and he soon gathered that they knew all about the facts of life. In fact Zoe asked him straight out that morning, whether he had ever fucked a girl. Tony blushed, and said that he had previously had a number of girlfriends, gallantly adding but none so charming as you two.
"What's it like?" Zoe persisted in asking.
"It's probably the best feeling in the world, especially with someone you are fond of." Tony answered.
Tammy then said "If we become fond of you, can you do it with us?".
Tony blushed, but Zoe broke in and said "Never mind Tammy she is always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. But would you?"
Tony shyly said "I might"
After breakfast they had taken him home to meet their mother who Tony remembered, and who was still a lovely looking woman. She was still as charming as he remembered her. "Call me Kate." he found it odd that she lived all alone on the island ... after her husband had died, somehow he sensed that like her daughters she seemed to be showing a more than usual interest in him...
Tony with the girls later investigated the main street which consisted of a about twenty stone crofts adjacent to one another. They lived in one of the stone crofts on what used to be the main street of the village and near the only well which supplied fresh water ... Bill Patterson the only other islander lived next door and Tony was briefly introduced to him. He seemed a nice friendly man, and welcomed Tony. The crofts had been built to last, and most were still in reasonable condition, but some few were the worse for wear, and in poor repair. Some of the roofs were showing signs of wear, but were repairable...
The girls offered to take him with them, when they went to inspect the live stock, and as they trekked over the hills did not hesitate to ask a lot of personal questions, to get to know him better, and they soon found excuses to hold his hand, as they explored the island, and then getting bolder, each of them demanded to be kissed, as they told him they had never been kissed by a boy, in which case he had to kiss each girl in turn. several times. An experience which they were eager to repeat on any excuse, creating, a problem for Tony as his erection became very noticeable...
Then on their third morning the girls took him to the far side of the island to repair some sheep shelters, and they had taken their lunch with them. Once they had finished eating, they relaxed in the brief morning sunshine ... When Zoe looked meaningfully at Tammy, and then turning to Tony asked "Tony we have been talking, and I hope we don't offend you, but can we see your cock please. We have never seen a proper mans cock only in pictures?".
Tony quickly realised that the girls were serious, but also looking slightly embarrassed at having to ask him, so he just smiled and lay back as he unzipped his Jeans. Zoe quickly took the initiative, and fished inside his pants for his cock. Then she pulled it into the open, and the girls out of curiosity started playing gently with it. He could see they were genuinely interested. Zoe said 'Its not always as big as that is it?"
"No girls only when its around pretty girls who want to play with it and it get it excited,"
But they soon found that Tony's cock was not built for unrestrained fondling by two sexy girls, and before he could do anything, but turn partly away, his seed shot up in the air in an arc, before dropping on to the grass. nearby
The girls giggled, but Tony was a little embarrassed, and apologized saying. "I am sorry, but that always happens when a man has two beautiful young ladies playing with his cock."
Tammy said "You think we are beautiful then?."
"I do, I think that you have both inherited your mothers beauty, and her charm."
The girls blushed, but thanked Tony profusely.
Kate Marsh their mother had looked at Tony with interest when she was first introduced to him. She had felt the stirrings in her body at seeing a young man for the first time for many months. However, she was glad that Tony had come to the island for the sake of the girls. They had no previous contact at all with boys their own age, and she worried about their future. But above all seeing the young clean cut Tony brought back memories and secret longings from her past
She had worried and discussed their future with her friend and neighbour Bill Patterson, who suggested she move back to the mainland. But the problem was money, and being able to afford to live on the mainland. They did make some money from their farming when they could get their surplus stock to market, but that was usually spent on tinned food, medicines, clothes and essentials. They were in many ways self sufficient on Hoy ... The girls and Kate did a lot of knitting in their spare time using wool from their own sheep which they died and spun, which sold well in mainland shops. But they did not have the level of income to live on the mainland and no other source of income...
That particular morning Kate was thinking long and hard about the future for herself and the girls. She stood and looked out of the window, her eyes fixed on Tony, as she watched the girls, and Tony kicking a ball around in front of the Croft. Tony was a perfect specimen of a boy – lithe and almost girlishly beautiful, with his long blonde hair. He was just 5' 6" tall and about 90 lbs in weight. She could see the girls were obviously already half in love with him, and he seemed just like his father was at that age. She remembered that brief affair with him before she had met Ron...
Kate stood for about fifteen minutes as she watched Tony through the window, concealed only by a thin net curtain ... Her mind flicking back to a few years before her marriage, bringing back wonderful memories of her passion for teenage boys, then she had met her late husband, fallen in love, married, and settled in this lonely isle.
But since her husband Ron had died she badly missed male company.
She personally was very happy on Foy, they could, when the weather was fair cross to the main land for a few hours shopping, sometimes stopping overnight, but that did not give the girls a real chance to meet other teenagers, and that worried her...
On the island they made a reasonably good living with selling their knitting, the lambs, chicken and goats, as well as being able to provide for their own table. They grew most of their own vegetables, and a boat called once a month when the weather was good with groceries and a few extra's.
She knew that in the past few days the girls had fallen for Tony, but she was also sure that apart from a few kisses and cuddles, nothing more had happened between him and the girls ... It was hard to be private, on such a small island for more than a few moments, and she knew her girls...
Kate had been a very pretty women in her earlier years, And age had matured her kindly, and she still had a good figure. Her marriage to Ron had been a happy one, but when he was struck down by a heart attack, their was no doctor on the island to help him. They had been sexually very compatible, and had a good marriage undiluted by temptation and outside distractions...
But now Tony had resurrected her fantasies and the yearnings she had long pushed to the back of her mind. One of her own very intimate and special secret fantasies, was that she had when she was younger, was a yen for very young boys, and she often thought about her earlier conquests, in seducing teenage schoolboys, as she played softly with her wet tingling pussy in bed at night, to her it seemed that Tony had arrived to taunt her, and had re awaked all those dormant desires...
This morning as she stared at Tony through the window, her hand lifted her skirt and she moved her hand to her pussy, she touched it softly feeling it moisten to her touch as her eyes devoured the youthful Tony. The sight of Tony, with his young cock seemingly always in a permanent hard, bulging gently against his tight denims as he talked with the girls, was so tempting. Oh god – she thought – what she wouldn't do to be able to have Tony in her bed for a while – to make his cock hard, to suck it, and perhaps even feel Tony inside her as she guided his cock into her sex starved pussy
Kate's boy fantasies had first started when she babysat young boys, as a teenager, and she had even played with some of the older boys in their beds. Since those days she thought she had outgrown her desire for young boys. But she realised as she watched Tony through the window, that if anything, her desires were even more demanding now.
She fingered herself to a wild orgasm at the sight of young Tony in her garden, and then she went outside, just as it looked as though he was preparing to leave to go back to his lonely tent. "Come in for a nice cool drink Tony before you go " she invited him.
Turning to the twins, she said will you go and bring Daisy and the new heifer in for milking, and see that there is enough feed for the flock in the top meadow. The girls reluctantly left Tony to their mother, as they grabbed their coats and left.
Tony sat down on a kitchen chair, and she made him a cold lemon drink with water from the well, still devouring his young teenage body with her hungry eyes. She noticed his cock was still bulging out his jeans. Kate being bold said "Tony. I know you find the girls attractive, and that is only natural, but that bulge in your pants should have gone by now unless... ?
Tony blushed "I am sorry Kate but I do find the girls lovely, and very sexy, but I think you are also very beautiful as well, and I am sorry, but I do have some bad thoughts about you. I am so sorry I will go, and not stay and embarrass you..." With that he made to stand up.
Kate's heart beat faster s she recognised the implied invitation. "No Tony. Don't be embarrassed," said Kate. "Having an erection is perfectly natural for a boy – you don't need to hide it, not from me anyway. I think it's a kind of compliment" Tony smiled, feeling relieved that Kate was so understanding and so nice. He relaxed.
Kate wondered whether Tony could be trusted. But she knew she had to take a chance, she needed what he could do for her, standing up as she moved round behind him, and then boldly, she bent down she put her arms round his neck, and pulled his head round and kissed him on the lips, as her right hand moved down to his crotch, squeezing his cock gently as she whispered to him. "Do you mind Tony, I don't have a husband any more?."
Tony smiled and said "No I don't mind." Standing up he turned round and grabbed Kate and kissed her back...
"I'm sorry." He said breaking the kiss. "But I also think you are lovely!."
"No Tony don't be sorry."
"Would you like us to... ?" she asked.
"Yes – I'd like that."
She took his hand, and led him next door to the large bedroom she shared with the girls. Quickly they undressed, and as soon as they were both naked, she pushed him gently back on to the bed ... She lowered her head until her tongue flicked the tip of his cock.
"Are you okay," she enquired.
"Sure," he said, Kate stared at his cock – harder than her ex husbands – almost like steel, she thought as she softly flicked her tongue against the head of his cock. She felt as if she was in some kind of heaven, as her most secret desire lay on the bed before her. Her mouth moved to take the full cock into her mouth. She felt it against the back of her throat, and felt her lips against Tonys balls Her hands moved all over worshipping his young body as she worked on his cock hoping that she had the rhythm right, and that she could make him shoot his seed for her. She felt her own pussy juices flowing. She heard a soft moan from Tony, and released his cock just long enough to say "Cumm for me sweetie – don't be shy – shoot your stuff into my mouth okay."
She continued sucking him – and at the same time aiding her efforts with her thumb and index finger at the base of his cock – at last after about two minutes, she was rewarded. She felt him tense and spasm and then her mouth felt the first thick gob of cum as he moaned aloud and shot his small creamy load into her hungry mouth. It tasted so good – almost neutral, a little sweet – much nicer and purer than anything she could remember
She swallowed every drop – licking him clean, and slowly ceasing her wild sucking.
She move her head up his chest again, and asked him if he had enjoyed it.
"Yes Kate, " said Tony.
"This is our little secret," she reminded him.
"Yes," he nodded.
She lay down beside him on her bed – toying with his cock until it was rock hard again – "Tony you would make me very happy if you came inside me – Tony dear – I need you so badly," she whispered in his ear, and without waiting for his response she gently pulled him over and on to her. She opened her legs, bending her knees to accommodate his body ... Tony's cock slid into her pussy easily – her wetness making it easy and engulfing him. His cock filled her pussy with a long forgotten sensation, and his lack of size was easily compensated by the solid hardness of his erection – like steel inside her.
They started to move as they settled into a rhythm. He obeyed, and she wallowed in the pure lustful forbidden sensation of fucking Tony. She touched her clit lightly, as he moved in and out of her – increasing her feeling and sensation, as she neared her own orgasm, feeling it mounting deep inside her loins. Nothing could stop it now she thought as she moved against him, and then the pulse deep within her pussy moving to her clit, as she erupted in spasm after spasm of orgasm, feeling her wetness gushing and her pussy walls clamping against his cock inside her. Her hands were all over his body, clutching at his buttocks and back, and pulling him deeper ever deeper ... and then Tony cried out as he shot his seed deep into her waiting womb, as he writhed and bobbed up and down on her, until he was finished and he lay still – his juices mingling with hers deep inside her.
Oh god she thought – that had been so wonderful, so intense. She had to have more of it, and she wanted it from Tony. But then she suddenly thought this was her most fertile time, but hell, another baby might be just wonderful.
"That was so beautiful," she whispered to him.
She knew then that he had resurrected her old longings, she knew that somehow she must keep Tony on Foy, not only for herself, but for the girls as well. How she was going to do it, she did not yet know, but her brain started to work overtime.
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Whilst holidaying abroad last year I had a fantastic experience. My husband and I had gone on a lovely holiday around the South of France. Just the two of us went for a 10 day break, the kids going away with their grandparents on another family holiday.As part of the holiday we had signed up for a bus tour for a 4 day period. Our driver was a middle aged British guy called Alan. The rest of the bus was full of mainly middle aged couples, a couple of families with young children and a few...
Holiday in the South of France Unlike most of our trips abroad when Jon doesn’t tell me that we are going until about 3 or 4 hours before we climb on the plane, Jon gave me 3 weeks notice of this holiday. I had to let the manager of the Hair Salon where I work know that I wouldn’t be there. When I told them where I was going Debbie (one of the girls that I work with) kept pestering me to ask Jon if she could go as well. There’s no way that I would say that she could come with us without first...
Author’s Note: ‘Holiday Wishes Upon the Wind’ is my entry for Literotica’s – 2011 Winter Holiday Contest. This is a Romance story through and through, but there are strong paranormal elements present, which made categorizing this story difficult. I have been blessed with some amazing people in my life who have lent their life experience and inspiration to the story. But it really is all about the lovely, impish Spirit who guided it along. I hope she is pleased with ‘her’ love story. The...
Introduction: Kathys guide to a good holiday We were staying at one of those caravan holiday parks, for once we did not have the kids with us so we had a lot of time to ourselves. I couldnt get enough, wanting to be shagging all the time where ever we were, on the beach, cliff top, Chas even fingered me to a climax in the back of a taxi giving the driver a good eyeful of my shaven cunt. By the middle of the week I had exhausted Chas and still craved more, and that night I wanted to go down to...
The holiday hadn't started well-- no rep with a hire car to meet us at the airport, so we had to get a rental car. And then we had to ring the holiday company back in the UK for the combination lock code for the villa. They were very apologetic and promised us compensation on our return. But it was fine now. We were determined to enjoy this treat to ourselves, celebrating my retirement. The villa stood some way above and overlooking the little Spanish seaside town, with the mountains soaring...
OutdoorWe have a holiday home, we go on holiday. It is a beautiful place, by the sea and mountain views. Pool on the terresen.It is a great place to relax.After Christmas my boyfriend has had a new girl to fuck one day a week. Normally he comes home after having sex, but lately he has more often stayed. After becoming a father, his dick has become harder, leaking more sperm during the act and making it horny. He invites this girl on holiday this summer. It's a sweet, kind, Spanish girl, pretty much...
We came to that time in our life when the ki ds are to growing up to come on holiday and it falls to you to start and take your parents away with you instead. We decided to take the mother in law Jenny away, seeing she was newly widowed from Kelly’s step dad and couldn’t face going anywhere by herself.It was one of those late arrivals at the hotel, time the bus travelled around the island a few times by the length of the journey. A quick drop off of bags in the apartment and change of clothes,...
I married Helen when she was nineteen, she is twenty now. Helen is five feet nine with long legs, firm 34 inch breasts and dark, curly hair which hangs well down her back. My name is Dave, I'm twenty two and five feet seven. Helen and I have a good sex life most of the time. Although Helen is normally a quiet girl, not shy though, she is very lively and dominant in the bedroom. She loves sex and can be very noisy during our encounters. Helen likes to tease me about the size of my penis. When...
I married Helen when she was nineteen, she is twenty now. Helen is five feet nine with long legs, firm 34 inch breasts and dark, curly hair which hangs well down her back. My name is Dave, I'm twenty two and five feet seven. Helen and I have a good sex life most of the time. Although Helen is normally a quiet girl, not shy though, she is very lively and dominant in the bedroom. She loves sex and can be very noisy during our encounters. Helen likes to tease me about the size of my penis. When...
Michelle was looking forward to her holiday after having such a bad year; she had always wanted to go around Ireland see if she could find her family ancestry, she had worked out her route and set off she landed in Dublin and got to her hotel, she relaxed and then went to eat, as she sat at her table a young waiter approached “good evening madam and what would you like to drink” Michelle went weak at the Irish accent she loved it and could feel the wetness of her pussy, she gave her order and...
Holiday Romance ? by: Rachel Edwards Part 1 The sun was scorching as I stepped off the plane with my parents. I was now 18 years old and my parents were treating me to one last holiday abroad before my, the best way to put it, coming of age. They were now resigned to what I was undertaking and were becoming more and more supportive of me. Thinking back to that first time trying on a few of my older sisters clothes all those years ago I had no idea what world was opening up...
This is my first attempt at writing a full story, I hope you enjoy it. The events are unfortunately not real, but the desire definitely is. I watched in absolute awe and disbelief as my lovely wife Elaine writhed in sheer sexual lust as her neck and face were nuzzled by the man in whose arms she now was. As she arched her head and neck backwards to meet his lips and tongue I watched as shed moved her left hand slowly over and up and down the very pronounced bulge in his suit trousers. ...
InterracialHoliday changes Sandra Synopsis Sandra and her husband decide to go on a summer holiday to Turkey, where the sun shines hard every day (40?C). But they take the wrong taxi and are both kidnapped to a deserted place in the woods. 10 days later, she will be transformed into a depraved slut doing what she is made for: being a whore. The gang lets them go home but life will never be the same? Story It’s over midnight. Sandra and her husband D. are sitting in the plane to Turkey. Married...
At the end of my first year of college, my best friend Samantha and I went backpacking in Sydney, Australia. It was a great place to holiday, with plenty of sun, glorious beaches and lots of things to see and do.We had been there a month staying at a backpackers’ lodge near the beach and although we were out nightly at the pubs and nightspots, we were not meeting any guys.We are attractive girls and at the time we dressed up sultry and sexy in the Sydney summer fashion, with really short minis...
SeductionThe continuing adventures of our happy threesome of Dave, Kelly and Lorraine. It's Kelly's birthday soon, a cause for great celebration, so Dave decides a few days holiday are just the ticket. At the end of the week Kelly gets some bad news that will lead to a profound change their lives. Kelly's 16th birthday in a fortnight, I had to figure out a suitable way to celebrate. I had a few ideas, but I decided to ponder it over for a few days. Besides last night had been exhausting, my cock...
The time has finally come and I am throbbing all over with excitement. I am going on holiday with my Master, 9 days and nights with him, alone, vulnerableand submissive. I receive my email on time, the evening before we leave. The instructions areclear... be shaved clean, wear no underwear, wear t-shirt top with a collarand trousers and meet at the money exchange counter at the international terminalat a set time. The mid afternoon time engaged my curiosity as I was aware thatwe were on an 8pm...
During the summer holidays following my college exams my family took a holiday abroad to Portugal for two weeks. I was really looking forward to this particular holiday, partly as a reprieve from the stress of exams but also because it presented a great opportunity to check out some bulges up close. I also saw it as the next step in my developing adventures as a freeballer, something I picked up whilst looking at cocks on tumblr. I was already spending days out with friends sans-underwear and...
I’d finally done it. I’d saved enough money to go to America for a holiday. I’d always wanted to holiday at a working ranch and learn how to ride. After a long-haul flight, an internal flight and transfer by car I finally arrived at the ranch feeling jet lagged and very tired. On arrival it was late and there was a brief introduction to other guests. There were a number of other people holidaying at the ranch, mostly Americans, and they were all couples. I was the only guy on his own and I...
I have just come back off Holiday from Turkey. Three weeks sat by the pool watching the world go by. Well I say watch the world but I mean watch all the girls. That's the great thing about holidaying abroad. You can sit by the pool and ogle the girls and nobody cares or even notices. The first week I found my favourite spot which had views across the pool, over to the bar and the Jacuzzi. It was a prime spot and I was a serial Towel Fiend and was up early every morning to secure my spot. The...
"Hi Bobby. Don't be afraid, I won't bite..." Oh god. She had a friend from school, Abby Wilson, built much the same way. Abby also knew how to tease. She sat in my row in the auditorium for study hall, one empty seat between us. She had a habit when leaving to need to go in the opposite direction from me. So she'd squeeze by in front of me, letting her tight ass rub across the front of my pants. Then I'd have to hide the hardon during my next class. One day an upper classman in the row...
It was the last day of the summer term and I was full of the holiday spirit. In less than a weeks time my parents and I were off to the Caribbean for a two-week break. For the last few days I have been talking about nothing else. Friends in my form must have been getting fed up with me; I am sure Cora was and told me as much.“Anna you might think the holiday sounds great, but you could have as much fun on an English beach.”Jealous or what?The bombshell was dropped during one of our rare family...
SpankingThis is a true story that happened last October during a wonderful holiday in Turkey with my wife and our best friends.We went on holiday to celebrate my sixtieth birthday away from the cold and damp days at home to spend some time in the sun eating and drinking fine wines and excellent food. We stayed at a wonderful five-star hotel that had its own spa and massage centre onsite, which was owned and run by a group of beautiful ladies from Bali.Over the first few days of our holiday, we dropped...
Oral SexHi my name is Mandy and this is my story of when my friend Lucy and I was gang banged by six men on holiday. I am 26 years old and have jet black hair and have an hour glass figure with size 34DD tits. My pussy is fully shaved and is pierced. I was on holiday with my friend Lucy who is 24. She is a size 10 figure with 36D tits and has a neatly trimmed pussy with a runway strip. We were on holiday in Cyprus and it was our third day there and we had been chilling out in the sun...
This time Sally had gone too far, and her parents were furious with her for getting expelled from school. It's not even my fault, the fifteen year old, grumbled to herself, as she sat alone in her bedroom. Neither the school principal nor her parents would believe that it was Sharon and Tessa who had stolen the wine. One mistake, she thought bitterly and I'm branded a thief for the rest of my life. Just because I took a bar of chocolate from a sweetshop last year, they always think I'm...
Welcome to the Holiday Anthology! From New Year's Day to Christmas Day, each and every holiday carries a feeling of happiness and magic with it! Some lose their minds to it, while some get filled so much with it, they have no choice but to grow! So come, read a tale or two and enjoy the holiday hijinks!
FetishHoliday Adventure with Paula. Exhibitionism, Group Sex,Threesome Part 1Paula and me, Tom have been together for a year, both of us after unsuccessful marriage’s, this was to be our first holiday together although we had been away for weekends and I unleashed Paula’sexhibitionist side.I am 5’8”, shaven head and no body hair with a 7” cock, Paula is 4’11”,slim, Blonde with 36c tits and no pubic hair just a few wisps of short blonde hair.We were booked on flights to Callela, stopping in a hotel by...
This is a true story of a chance encounter from a holiday trip to TurkeyI was 24 years old and on my first package trip holiday with a group of girlfriends. We were staying in the mountains in Hisaranou, near to the beautiful Olu Deniz lagoon.We had booked onto an Islands boat cruise which in short was a mixture of cruising around the local islands, sunbathing, and swimming with food and drinks thrown in for good measure.Being exceptionally hot down by the coast it was a relief for the six of...
Quickie SexHoliday surprise part3On return to our suburban life style, we spent the first week, catching up on everything. I had a commission to complete as well as my Monday to Friday work as a bus driver and that of course had to come first. Before I started I had the frames made, as I did not want to send the completed work to the framers, the men there knew both me and my lady wife and there`s no point in inviting a reputation is there, and giving my local carpenter a cheap thrill is not what it`s...
I went on holiday years ago with a girl I lived with at university, she was going out with a mate of mine and I was going out with a mate of hers so no risk of anything happening. After an OK flight the transfer seemed to go on forever in the old taxi on 3rd world roads. Needless to say we were relieved to finally arrive at the hotel until checking in to find they had lost our booking and were fully occupied. After much discussion, showing e- mails and general frustration we were upgraded to...
I hadn’t been away with my mum and dad for ages, not since years before I graduated, but after an unfortunate break up a few months ago and virtually no social life, they thought a couple of weeks in the sun would do me good. It was, I have to admit, nice to be away even if the pace of daily life was slow.They got friendly with a few people at the hotel and one older couple in particular. The man was a bit of an old letch but flattery is good. But then he started touching me, at first a stroke...
I was on holiday with a few friends and one day we saw this guy taking photos of his wife in the grounds of the hotel. She was a gorgeous bit of stuff and we’d been watching her in her bikini round the pool and on the beach and all agreed we’d love to fuck her given half a chance. Well, this particular day I asked the guy if he’s like me to take a photo of them together and then got chatting to him and he was telling me how hot his wife was and that she wore him to a frazzle on holiday...
Holiday CheerleaderbyBella_Seni©The end of the first quarter of Julie's freshman year at college couldn't come fast enough for her. The anxiety that existed in September had not faded much by the middle of December. She and a dozen or so of her former high school classmates who all attended the same college were anxious to get back home and into the more familiar surroundings of their friends and families.The small group had hung together during the fall quarter, urging each other on when...