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Reparation (re-pə-rā-shən) n. : replenishment of a previously inflicted loss by the perpetrator to the victim through amendments, apology or giving satisfaction


The bells rang over the murmuring of people around her who took a collective sigh. The captain announced that he was beginning his descent. She admonished herself for being nervous, she had been on many flights with smooth landings, but she couldn’t stop her heart from picking up a stronger beat. She squeezed her eyes and grimaced as the plane made jarring sounds below her.

She knew it was more than the landing that was giving her anxious jitters. It all started six months ago, in the dead of winter when a little ‘save the date’ postcard arrived in her mailbox. It was for that time of the season, summer, which meant reunions- family reunions, club reunions, college picnics. And now her friendly postman put an innocent little postcard that was more dreadful than the envelopes of bills…her high school reunion. She remembered laughing with her work mates about going back to the States for this rite of ‘real’ adulthood passage. A ritual that she really wanted to skip and loathed the idea of facing the people that had ridiculed and taunted her, and the boys she had crushed on who wouldn’t be caught dead talking to her. It was her best friend who convinced her to fly back home to her rinky-dink small town, where there seemed to be more farmland than inhabitants. She cursed Maddie for talking her into this as the plane finally skidded loudly onto the O’Hare tarmac.

She peered out the small window taking in the Midwestern scenery. The sun was shining bright, she couldn’t help but smile. She loved summer. She realized how much she had missed having an unhindered sun living in London. She sat peering out of the window for awhile in deep thought, remembering her first trips from this airport to London while she studied at Oxford. Her parents were so proud and had mustered up a lot of courage to let her go far away for school. Realizing that she had indeed left the nest after graduating and became an expat, her parent moved to Florida for a year round sunny climate.

The stewardess, eager to clear the plane out to do whatever flight attendants do, came up to her breaking her reverie, and she quickly un-crammed herself from the seat to grab her carry-on to depart the plane. She grabbed her luggage and hunted down the rental car desk to get her car for the second leg of her trip.

Driving through her hometown in her luxury car, she made sure to rent a high end car to make the best of the weekend, she heard the familiar sounds of her childhood during the summer months. The frogs and grasshoppers still made an eerie buzzing sound as their songs mashed together in the wetlands and corn fields along the highway. The occasional car that drove the opposite direction was not as welcoming as the fireflies in the distance that blinked red, green and white lights. The city limits did not look as sleepy as they had when she left the town, new national fast food chains lite the night and a few chic coffee shops, had blossomed in the downtown area.

Pulling up to the mid-level hotel, the idea of bed was beckoning her through the bricks and topiaries outside. A young woman, listening to her ipod swayed to a beat. She stood behind the counter, the television on the wall flashed announcements of town events. Lo’ and behold it said, Welcome Alumni Class of 1994. Go Knights!!

She let her bags drop loudly to get the young woman’s attention but she kept swaying to her music and busied herself texting on her phone. Irritation and the bed screaming for her, made her patience wane completely. She rang the bell on the desk and the girl snapped to attention with a scowl.

She rolled her eyes at the ipod girl and said under her breath, Unbelievable!

‘How may I help you?’ the young woman scoffed. Her head tilted to the side and she stuck her hip out to the other.

‘I have a reservation, it’s under Mananger.’

The young woman began typing her name into the system. ‘Ma-Nan-Ger.’ The girl stopped and looked up, her mouth dropped. ‘Paige? Paige Mananger?’

‘Yep,’ Paige rolled her eyes. ‘That’s me.’

‘You don’t remember me, do you? We had business club together. Sue, Suzy Swanson?’

Paige stood with an awkward blank mind. She was already feeling she would have many moments like this over the weekend as people would remember her but she not them. She shook her head apologetically and smiled kindly.

‘No problem, I was an underclassmen. Class of 1996, Baby!’ Sue, Suzy Swanson finished typing Paige’s info into the computer. ‘Ahh! Executive Suite, you must be moving up in the world.’

Paige sheepishly grinned, the room was another attempt to make the best of the weekend and feel superior over the people she would see again who gave her much grief. Maddie had convinced her not to worry.

They’re probably all fat,divorced and with three screaming bratty children, they can’t even handle. Maddie’s words ran through her mind. You’re the junior exec of a huge London marketing firm. No kids, no baby-daddy-mama-drama, ehh?

‘I’m sorry I just flew in,’ Paige apologized to Suzy and regretted saying that much as the woman leaned in eagerly.

‘Flew? Wow, Paige where are you living now?’

Paige sighed, the feeling of wanting to gloat about her international success was too premature for the weekend now. ‘I’m in London.’

‘Wow,’ Suzy said in more of a fake nasal lion roar. ‘You dig the accents don’t you. Just don’t do the Madonna thing, you won’t fool anyone here. You still hick as us.’

‘Miss Swanson,’ Paige said firmly, lack of patience had turned into irate annoyance. ‘I need my keys to my room. Thank you. I want a wake up call at 10am.’

Suzy quickly handed her keys to her suite and gave the spiel of where the amenities were and the time breakfast would start. She helped her carry Paige’s bags and said it was nice seeing her again.

The room wasn’t as luxurious as an executive suite in a major metropolitan city but her small hometown made the best with a country style motif and chocolate pieces on the floral pillow.

She flopped into the ultra soft bed and immediately jet-lag won as she drifted off to sleep.


‘One, two, three We’re here to fight we’re here to win. We want to hear you Knights SCREAM.’ The cheerleaders cheered and clapped in unison as the crowd at the assembly screamed as loud as they could. ‘Freshmen, Ninety-Seven, let me hear you scream! Sophomores, Ninety-Six, let me hear you scream! Juniors let me hear you scream!’

The junior section of the gym screamed their cheers, it sounded heftier than the underclassmen. The cheerleaders moved to the seniors section, which were already chanting Ninety-Four and rumbling their feet in the bleachers.

‘Seniors, Ninety-Four, Seniors, Ninety-Four, let me hear you scream.’

The seniors roared loudly and the cheerleaders departed in jumping jacks and high kick splits.

Paige was glad this was the last school assembly of her life. She was excited to leave this school when she finally got her letter of acceptance into Oxford. Her whole entire school experience in the small town was unrelenting. She was one of the few honor students in her class that didn’t fit the majority demographic. With cocoa skin she was always the single black student in her honors courses and often ridiculed by the other black girls for her good girl attitude where she managed to stay out of trouble.

She had crushes on a lot of boys and when one, Mitchell found out that she had a small crush on him, the rest of her class would often gang up on her. She was ridiculed for her tight curly black hair. They made faces at her, whispered cruel things in front of her, and even barred the way for her to enter into the classroom. Mitchell gloated at the fact that she liked him and was very quick to toss it in her face that he would never be even seen with an ugly black girl. The worst of all the ridicule that she faced was how they had changed her name, they taunted her by calling her Piggy Manigger.

She was on her own most of the time and defenseless. Whenever her name was called a boy or girl was quick to cough, Manigger under his or her breath and the teachers did nothing. It would take her years to see herself in her own mirror just as she was and see that nothing was wrong with her. Even so, most times she still had a hard time gazing at herself in the mirror.

It was the last assembly, the prom assembly where the prom royals were announced and came to the middle of the gym floor to be sashed. That year the school had adopted a teacher vote policy in order to not make the entire prom court based on popularity, so the teachers choose one boy and girl to be on court with the rest of the three couples.

‘The votes have been counted and we are going to announce the four couples to be your prom court. Tennessee Chavon and Mitchell Greene, Theodore Winslow and Michelle Owens,’ The crowd clapped as each couple came down from the bleachers. The girls squealed as their friends names were call. ‘Benjamin Vonseal and Paige Mananger’

Her eyes shot open in shock. She could barely hear her name being massacred by the crowd, Manigger they chanted. Then dread snuck in. She was one of the teacher’s picks, it was obvious and everyone would know this was the fact. She was paired with her latest crush that had lasted all throughout her junior and senior year, Benjamin Vonseal. It was evident that he was not a teacher pick. The second teacher pick was a bulky Korean kid that most of school could not find fault to tease. She came down from the bleachers and Benjamin seemed to instantly recoil away from her.

Now prom was ruined, her last rite of passage in this horrible town.

All day she tried to calm herself and focus on what was most important and that was the fact that she was leaving for London in less than three months. She just had to get through these last three weeks and she would never have to see these people again.

She was pretending not to listen while putting her books in her locker when she heard people apologize to Benjamin for having Paige Piggy Manigger as his prom court princess. She liked Benjamin because he didn’t tease her as much as the other students in her class. He was in almost all of her classes and really never said a word to her. He was probably going to succeed and go to Illinois to attend Northwestern University or somewhere far away. He always had a girlfriend and when he didn’t the girls loved to fawn on him. He was exceptionally handsome, not too tall, had a great smile like a Trident commercial and seemed so confident. She had been crushing on Benjamin for two years but was very careful to not let anyone know. Instead she sat in class trying to seem unappealing to everyone less she be teased but also to not draw attention to her lust for Benjamin.

She had dreamed that he would feel her attraction for him. And in great desire he would take her on the cafeteria floor in front of everyone, stripping her naked and pounding away at her virginity with an animalistic lust. She wanted him to desire her so much that he wouldn’t care if she dripped for him in front of the entire school and he would suck her tender nether lips unashamed that he wanted her, needed her, lusted after her.

‘So, Benjamin,’ Paige turned away from her locker to Benjamin stuffing his books into his own. ‘I guess we are a prom couple.’

‘Yeah about that, look, it’s tradition that I take you but I am seeing Carrie. And I bet you’ve got some guy that you want to take. But we’ve already got a limo booked and we’ll pick you and your date up, so that we are technically keeping tradition.’ Benjamin stated matter-of-factly, his blue eyes were intense and she couldn’t believe she was having her very first conversation with him.

‘Yeah that sounds like a plan. Pick me up around six,’ Paige stuttered.

‘Who are you taking?’

‘Um someone from a Des Moines high school, you probably wouldn’t know him’ she lied, she didn’t have a date, no one would be caught dead with her on their arm.

‘Really?,’ Benjamin coughed and choked in evident disbelief. ‘That’s good. I wouldn’t have thought that you could have gotten one. Good for you, Paige.’

‘You really think that there is something wrong with me, that I couldn’t get a date?,’ she asked hurt.

‘No it’s just that,’ he stopped himself from digging an even deeper hole. ‘You’re a nice girl I bet. You take a lot of flack from these kids. You just need to be confident in yourself.’

‘Are you really taking Carrie to the prom?’ she asked daringly, she had nothing to lose. ‘I mean if you haven’t asked her yet, you could go with me.’

Benjamin laughed abruptly, his whole entire body shook with laughter and tears fell from his eyes. ‘Better luck in your next life time Mananger. I’ll pick you up at six.’

Paige found a beautiful red dress, red was for power and confidence. It meant look at me, I am meant to be seen. Her father put a corsage onto her wrist and her parents praised her for looking so beautiful. She waited for Benjamin to walk up to the door and take her to prom.


‘Mananger!’ a garish woman screamed, her makeup was caked on her face to hide her wear and tear. ‘I didn’t think you of all people would come . Here’s your badge, fill out this questionnaire, put it in this box and vote on this card for reunion king and queen.’ The woman with long red fake fingernails pointed to the boxes on the table at the welcome table. ‘No teachers this time to rig the voting system, huh, Mananger.’

Paige rolled her eyes, walked into the old school gym filled with people already drinking and dancing to the cover band playing all the great tunes of the Nineties.

Mitchell was the first to spot her and came over to her already swaying in drunkenness. She had hoped that he would have a receding hair line and a beer gut but he didn’t, he looked just a little out of shape but he was not attractive to her anymore as a scowl lines had creased his face.

‘Well if it isn’t you. I would have thought that you would have had three screaming babies and two different baby daddies by now. What are you doing with your life?’ he asked slurring slightly.

‘I’m a junior exec at a large London marketing firm. I probably will make partner in three more years.’

‘Ohh, impressive,’ he said sarcastically. ‘Any men try to brave a relationship with you.’

‘You know what. You were an ass as a kid and growing up didn’t fair for you either!’ Paige yelled.

She immediately went to the cocktail table and grabbed a drink and gulped it down. This was not what she thought this day would be like. All her horrible memories were coming back strongly. Why did she let Maddie convince her into coming.

Thankfully, not everyone was as unkind. Many had asked her what she was doing and they showed her pictures of their children and houses. They remembered who she was but had grown up enough to not call her Manigger or piggy. The night was becoming salvageable.

Word quickly got around that Paige had grown into a beautiful woman with a great career in London. A lot of her former bullies had been impressed but rather not ask too many questions they just talked about themselves, their happy marriages, wonderful children and happy low-level jobs. Reunions were more about talking about yourself than connecting with others she finally realized.

‘Bitch you ruined my life,’ a woman approached her angrily, interrupting her one-side conversation with a business club alum.

At first she didn’t recognize the woman but then realized it was Carrie, Benjamin’s high school girlfriend. ‘Excuse me?’

‘You are trying to impress everyone with your big fancy job but I can tell you are still the same!’ Carrie yelled.

‘Enough!’ a man’s voice broke through the crowd and before she could make heads or tails, the man swooped his arm around her waist and ushered her to the dance floor. ‘Dance with me.’

She danced awkwardly, staring in disbelief as she saw Benjamin. He held her so close as they danced, she tried to dance elegantly through her clumsiness.

‘You?’ Paige whispered. ‘You stood me up at prom.’

All the feelings of excitement that had waned into utter disappointment had struck her again. She remember sitting on the top of the stairs staring at the door, making excuses to why he did not come to pick her up as he had promised. She was totally embarrassed.

‘That is a long story. Carrie would not let me pick you up and I was shallow enough to go along with it. I am sorry.’

‘I don’t know why I came back to this stupid racist hick town. I would have thought that you all would have gotten with the times and would have changed,’ she spat and pushed at Benjamin but he held her tighter.

‘Most people have. You know Mitchell over there.’ He swung her around so that she could see Mitchell propping himself up against the wall, drink in hand. ‘He is the owner of the tractor company now. He had problems with drinking since his pop died six months ago.’

‘And that means what? He’s always been an asshole and I should feel sorry for him. He tormented me.’

Benjamin swung her around again pressing his body closer to hers, it made butterflies erupt in her stomach. He was so intense, as he gazed into her eyes, so close to her face she felt nervous to look away.

‘Mitchell had a black girlfriend for two months his freshman year in college.’

Paige’s mouth dropped in shock and Benjamin’s smiled curled as he simply nodded. He was melting her as his eyes smiled along.

‘What about Carrie?’

‘What about Carrie?’ he echoed indefferently. Paige could see Carrie over his shoulder. She was surrounded by her friends and they glared at her.

‘How has she changed?’

‘She’s my ex-wife,’ he said matter-of-factly. ‘But she is right about one thing though.’

‘What?,’ she spat her eyes squinted incredulously.

‘You may have a fancy job in a fancy place but you haven’t changed.’

Paige gasped and then pushed Benjamin hard, ‘and neither have you!’

She tried to storm away but he grabbed her hand bringing her back to him, so close, she could smell his wonderful spicy cologne. ‘Shhhhh.’ Paige rolled her eyes and he chuckled sinisterly. ‘Before prom, I told Carrie I found you attractive. She never could get past the fact that I found anyone else attractive let alone you.’

He lifted her chin with his fingers delicately. His lips were close to hers and he leaned in closer, her heart pounded so hard.

Instead of a kiss he said, ‘but you haven’t changed. You still haven’t found your own way. You look down upon yourself. I bet you don’t even look at yourself in the mirror longer than you have too. You let others tell you who you are, an ugly black girl, fancy smart junior exec, partner in three years.’ Paige’s brows furrowed she had not told him anything about her life. ‘Word gets around, Paige. I bet you even came here with newly purchased London designer clothing just so you could put up the appearance of all those things, but inside you are not. You let the kids label you and then you believe them.’

‘They were just words. Kids say mean things.’

‘Yes but you let them become who you are now. I bet now you are so freaked out of being left out, betrayed by a silly boy standing you up for prom that you don’t know how to do anything but push anyone away from getting to know the real you. Because you don’t know who the real you is and you want to control who you are.’

‘That’s not true,’ she stuttered.

Benjamin chuckled and brushed his check against hers committing more to the dance, dipping her and twirling her around. ‘I’ll prove to you that you cannot give up control and that you are embarrassed of who you really are.’ He stopped dancing with her, her heart raced and her body froze the sensuality coming from Benjamin was entrancing. He kissed her with a small peck that made her want more. ‘Come with me if you want to prove me wrong.’

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SadaMy company finally transferred me back home from our operation in Thailand. It had been a long two years away from family and friends but I made the best of my time out of country… both in business and in my personal life. The special person I introduced to everyone upon my arrival was my new wife… my beautiful Sada.The k**s in the family instantly fell in love with her. She was so petite that the k**s felt like she was already one of them. Sada was incredibly beautiful. Her smile was...

1 year ago
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Little Miss Pig

Rob Lavender, who was a college buddy of mine, invited me to spend a weekend at his folks farm one summer; “Jeb ‘ol buddy, come stay the weekend and experience some life on the farm. We’ll even be roasting a suckling pig by the poolside! How does that grab ya!” I eagerly looked forward to it as I’d never spent much time out off town. As it turned out, his folks’ place wasn’t really a working farm. But there was a barn still standing which housed some breeding boars and pigs! The family...

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Scrolller Pee

There’s nothing like busting a fat nut on some dumb cunts face. Watching the surprise take over her body as I pressure wash her face with baby batter gives me butterflies. Women get longer and stronger orgasms, which I understand. It’s the universe’s way of making up for childbirth and periods. On the other hand, men get to see evidence of their accomplishments. That accomplishment is the ability to convince a woman to fuck you. I suppose it makes up for having to carry these sensitive ass...

Scat Porn Sites
3 years ago
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My 14 Year Old Goddaughter

We met while I was 15 and still at school and as a result she knows all of my oldest friends, John James, Martin, Sue and Kate. We would all socialise together and Gail was welcomed as part of my group and together we enjoyed many wild nights out. Over the years we watched as various friends dated and started more serious relationships. Our careers developed and took us to various parts of the country, but we always kept in touch and met up regularly. Gail and I were the first to marry, but...

2 years ago
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Picked up on a train

I had been divorced about a year, and while I was still dating girls, I found sex with men much more fun and found myself going to saunas in a semi regular basis. The visits would always follow the same format, get a train into London, have a couple of beers in a bar to give me the Dutch courage to go into a gay bar in Soho, a few more beers there and finally to a sauna for some fun.. On one occaision, I just missed a train and had a twenty minute wait at the station for the next one, not a...

2 years ago
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The Courier Ch 17

Chapter 17 — The Royal Estate As she exited the main chamber of the Central Courthouse, Criminal # 101025 cast a final forlorn look over her shoulder at her former Spokeswoman and her former housemate. That moment was just as she had envisioned, but she could not have foreseen how jealous the Royal House was of any contact between its property and the outside world. The moment Maria Elena’s escorts had her outside the main door, they covered her head with a cloth bag. One of them snarled into...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Lover

Late one night I got a message from a guy Brock. Unlike most of the guys, he was my age and appeared to be somewhat decent, so I started talking to him. I kind of, surprisingly, liked him. Just friends, obviously, though. I mean, I AM straight after all. Weeks go by and I find myself caught up in classes and the social aspect of clubs, especially after becoming president of a small social group on campus. Up until now, I haven’t liked coffee, as it makes me spaz out, and I really like...

1 year ago
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Traped by boyfriend

It was a warm evening in August. The evening was going just as planned for me and for my boyfriend Jason and as we had gay sex often as possible. We two would do everything to be as close as possible. And since Jason spent a good deal of time out of town on business, he wanted to make-up for lost time whenever he could work it into his busy schedule. At 29 years of age, Jason looked very good for a mature, middle age man. He was trim and fit and his wife was a pretty lady of the same age as...

2 years ago
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Nothing is free

Nothing In Life is FreeAs the taxi drew into the hotel car park I knew things weren't right. Ihad been promised a five-star vacation but this hotel looked more like apoor motel with faded signage and a complete lack of character. Havingtaken an age to check-in I made my way to the room, opened the door andwas met with a sea of beige and windows looking on towards brick wallsthat cut out all the light to the room. As I walked into the room thefloorboards creaked and I was met with a pungent...

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Iam Her Bitch Now

Right when we were in the middle of great sex, I told her how good I thought her pussy would taste after I came in her and told her I'd love for her to make me her bitch and insist I eat her to orgasm and clean her messy pussy out. She was grossed out by the idea and wouldn't let me do it. I don't know why I have the urge to eat cum from my wife's pussy, but I know I'm not the only man to have this desire.A number of drunken nights later, my wife learned that after I came I really didn't want...

1 year ago
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In The Woods

This happened when I was still in High School. I dated this girl named Tiffany for a few months. I got her hooked on me in every way possible. When ever I wanted to have sex she would be willing. After we stopped dating, we still continued to have sex. After a while we kinda stopped. I started to date a new girl and she was not as good. Well me and the new girl broke up. I still wanted to be with her, but I pushed her away. Anyway, one day I asked Tiffany to hang out and talk about what I was...

3 years ago
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Kamuk Anjali Ki Chudai Story 8211 Part 2

Hi, dosto mai anjali ek baar fir maine aapko bataya ki pahle part mai mujhe kaise abid ne choda tha. Aap logo ka kafi accha response mila. Thanx all of you, ab mai age story start kartu hu koi galti ho to plz maf kar dena. Abid mujhe chodne ke baad dubai vhala gaya or mai gir akeli pad gayithi pati mostly tour pe hi rehte thai ghar pe bhi unka koi fayda nahi hai chota sa lund hai ot 5 mints mai hi zhar jate hai mai garam hoti hun or woh thande hojate hai. Kher jaise ki aap ko pata hai ki...

1 year ago
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Fucking A New Recruit In The Office

There was this girl called Malti working on the same floor where I am. The very first day when I saw her, I lost my breath, top to bottom she was a sex bomb, dressed in a red Punjabi she gave me a instant boner. I started dreaming about her, I just wanted to hold her and kiss her juicy lips. However it wasn’t that easy to get close to her as she was always surrounded by the other new joined girls. One day I met her at the canteen and said hi with a smile, she smiled in return and I lost it....

3 years ago
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Meri Gf K Sath Pehli Date Park Me

Hi dosto mera naam Kabir hai aur yeh meri pehli story hai iss pe. Pehle mai apko apne bare me bta dun. Mai Delhi ka rehne vala hun aur B.Com 2nd year kr rha hun. Mai ek simple sa dikhne vala age 20 saal, normal body and normal average dikhne vala ladka hun. Mere lund ka size 6inch hai jo ki kisi ko b satisfy krne k liye kafi hai. Kisi anty bhabhi ya ladki ko mere sath sex krna ho ya sex chat krna ho toh zrur btaye. Agr apko meri meri story achi lage toh please ladies only mail zrur kre. My mail...

2 years ago
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Memoirs of a Bull Part II

Jim turned out to be more nervous than I was. Mary formally introduced us and we shook hands. His handshake was limp despite having large calloused hands. “How about getting us a drink darling?” Mary asked him, “Bill will have a red wine.” Jim edged away nervously looking at us standing there holding hands. I could hardly imagine just how it might feel to see your wife standing there holding hands with another man. I knew how good it felt to be in my position as I held her hand and watched...

2 years ago
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Where Will It EndChapter 6 Practice Hospitality

This is fiction. No part of this story is true nor do I wish it to be true ... If you are not 18, you should not be reading this. If you believe this is real, you should not be reading this. It all comes from an overactive imagination. She woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. Her bed was a mess, she was a mess. She felt someone in bed beside her and realize it was Jon. He was using her thigh for his pillow; she could feel his breath right next to her pussy. She just about...

4 years ago
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Ginas Life Ch 09

We lasted just two weeks after that night. I reckoned it was my fault in a way. Maybe I didn’t love Martin enough in the first place. Maybe the whole marriage was wrong from the start. So off he went to tell his mum and dad. The vicious bitch was on the phone an hour later. She was spiteful and so bloody infuriating, and then she dropped the bombshell, she wanted me out of the flat by the end of the week. I just sat there and cried, which started Kelly off too. My options were limited, wrong...

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The InterviewChapter 6 Somebodys Gonna Hurt Somone

This is fiction. Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental. The information about what was happening in Dallas surprised Philip. The people responsible on paper for what happened to Marsha's brother were being eliminated. Philip instructed the AI to insert the record of an anonymous letter sent to the attorney's private residence. An unsent email from the dead attorney was...

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A Remarkable Haircut

I had been in the city for two months on a consulting contract and had literally no spare time. The money was fantastic but I barely had time to eat, let alone sleep. I was desperately in need of a haircut so decided to find one those quick, no appointment shops and get a trim. I drove into one of those mega malls and quickly found a place called “The Clip Joint”. I could tell they were not busy so I parked and walked in. I was greeted by a perky blond who asked, “ I am assuming you are in...

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OVERBOARDChapter 21 The Thanksgiving Meal and Weekend

The Thanksgiving meal was amazing! The only time I think I ever saw more food on a table was at the Golden Corral buffet restaurant and that was on the serving line. We sat down to the meal and everyone was nicely dressed. We could have stepped into any restaurant and not looked out of place. Thank goodness Kay had warned me in advance. The three farmers didn't look comfortable in coats and ties but the ladies looked nice in their dresses. They were both even wearing pearl necklaces, Janice...

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My First Tgirl Deepthroat

Before I, start, I will tell something of myself. My name is John, I am 48 Yrs old, I never thought I would attracted to Tgirls, I am average built, 5ft 10in tall, 190 lbs, I am Hawaiian, Phillinino, Chinese Nationality.Well 2yrs ago I was cruising in town (Honolulu) and went to a bar to chill for awhile a had two beers just cruising, when this beautiful Asian girl sat down next to me, She was hot smoking hot, damn.We started talked, simple confersation. I kept staring at her full lips and I...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 20

Early next morning... Earth time: Saturday, 6:18 AM, November 27, 2010 Central Standard Time Aina time: 6:25 AM, day 45 of 1408 H.E. (mid summer) A'moth completed her eighteenth lap on the underground jogging track and glanced at her watch. The track was very springy and a delight to run barefoot. A'moth was pacing herself to one lap per minute, a nice easy run for her. The diameter of the vast cavern was 132 meters, and A'moth was running about 1.5 meters from the wall. Each lap was...

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Going Home with a Lonely Teacher

Hey everyone, this is the third story in the ‘Lonely Teacher’ series, and unlike last time I made sure this was my edited version. A couple reminders before we see what Nathan and Lyla are up to. First while you don’t have to read all the ‘Lonely Teacher’ series, it helps to know the full story line, and the stories are told from different character’s points of view. Second, All people in this story who get a little naughty are at least 18. Have fun and enjoy! ***** I sat in my chair, while...

1 year ago
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You Slip is Showing Soldier

YOUR SLIP IS SHOWING, SOLDIER Chapter 1 By: Victoria Elaine Riley Authoress note: Although this story very closely parallels a part of my life, it is by no means completely true. More a wish on my part, than even a fantasy. Life is about choices, we all make what we consider to be the best choices, under the current circumstances, and with our magnificent gift of hindsight we berate ourselves for not being able to...

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The Awakening of Katie II

Tara crawled up to me and collapsed on the bed next to me. We hugged and tenderly kissed and licked each other. No words were spoken. No words were necessary. Tara and I had known each other our whole lives. We knew each others hopes and dreams. I realized at that moment that we were sole mates. We would be best friends and possibly lovers for the rest of our lives. We pulled the covers over us and fell asleep naked in each others arms. Mom knocked on my door and yelled get up. We both...

2 years ago
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Chapter 2 The Life and Times Of Phyliss Subra

Chapter 2 The Life and Times of Phyliss After camp with my wife and Teresa for the whole weekend dressed as a woman I was feeling a bit used to say the least? They used me for all of there pleasures and a few that I was not sure of. I was keep dressed most of the time in hose and heels with short skirts. My makeup was on at all times and I had to keep my lipstick perfect at all times. Our camp was really a horse trailer with living quarters in it. This is my...

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If I cant have you Ill take the next best thing

How did I get myself into this, I wondered, sitting on your bed waiting.  Even now, despite the feeling of lust and horniness that is taking over, I know I shouldn't be here doing this.  This is wrong; you and I have been friends for years. Close friends, even, who shared so many secrets and desires, except the one I needed most. I don't blame you for not wanting me in the same way, but that doesn't change how I feel about you or why I'm doing this.I hear the bathroom door open and watch as...

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CherryPimps Brenna Sparks Loves Fucking That Cock

Busty Asian babe Brenna Sparks loves having Alex D’s hard cock in her mouth but she really wants to feel it deep in her tight little shaved pussy! Alex gets her all excited and begging to get fucked after his tongue works some magic on her clit getting her all wet for that cock! She gets on top taking every inch slowly and grinds down loving how his hands feel all over her tits while she takes control and fucks him until she cums all over that shaft! She just can not wait until he cums...

4 years ago
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Educating AnneChapter 3

Anne looked in astonishment through the open door at the huge room beyond. It was so big, she could not see the far wall. Low-ceilinged, hung with silks and lanterns, a pall of smoke was shifting lazily around, propelled by massive slow-moving ceiling fans. And the room was packed. There were no tables or chairs. Everyone was standing, or sitting in little groups on brightly-coloured rugs. All along the right-hand wall stretched a bar counter, where the crowds were five or six deep, and a...

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Kali kalotee chaloo randi bahbi

Hi dosto its suresh from USA 27 year old a professional photo grapher, running my business in USA california living with my uncle and aunt from last 25 years they dont have any kid so they addopt me. This was happend when i was just 23, 4 years back. Mai india apni bhabi sa milna aeya huva tha. Bhabi ki shadee ko 2 saal ho chuka. Maina jab 1st time bhabi ko dekha to mai samja koe nokrani hai ghar ki bhabi ka figure 30 26 30 ka hayin kali kalotee saree hue gandee dakhna ko be dil nahi kar raha...

1 year ago
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To Hell and Back Book One SurvivalCH 13 Interrogation

Beauty was gone again by the time Logan woke. It was still early morning, judging by the weak rays of light spilling through the ceiling crack. She could not have been gone for long. The shape of her body could still be seen where she had been lying on the moss. Hunting, he assumed. Or just avoiding me. On the other side of the now cold, dead fire, Karen still lay in an uneasy sleep. Seeing her lying there, naked and dirty, on the cave floor reminded Logan of his first night in Hell. It...

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A Trip To Video Store

A Trip To Video StoreBy: Londebaaz ChohanI glance at the digital clock on the side table of my bed to see, it is only 7. 00 AM. I look out the window with d****s pulled about 3 inches and I see it is still dark out there like it was supposed to be in early December morning. My erected cock is pressed under me into the bed and aching for attention as much as my overfilled bladder. Having no choice, I growl and roll over to the side of the bed remembering that fucked up Steve did not show up last...

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Better The Second Time

In high school, I was a good girl and wanted to save myself for the right guy. Um, well, I guess the honest truth also includes the fact that I never knew any guy in high school who I either wanted or trusted to take my cherry. Mom always said to be honest. I was a junior and it seemed that most of my friends had lost their virginity well before now. I couldn’t help but hear so many of my friends talking about how wonderful sex was, how great it was to have your boyfriend eat you out, then fuck...

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