So klein ist die Welt
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Hello ISS readers. It is Rohit back here, M 20 Chennai. Thank you for your overwhelming response to my previous story, ‘Mom’s One Night Stand After The Party’. I got a lot of appreciation through my mail and hangouts. Thank you, ISS. This story is also about my mom. This one is partially true, and the rest of the events are fictional. If you haven’t read my first story, kindly check it in my id and then read this one for a better experience. I’ll add my family details, mom’s looks, and body...
IncestIntroduction: This the story of Chloe and how she slept with her bestfreinds boyfriend… This is the story of Chloe…I posted this before in the forums and now Im reposting it here cause Im finally getting around to making a continuation to this story….Hope you guys enjoy… I was always the shy and quiet one of the group. Chloe The insecure one. The unexperienced one. The one that all the guys called best friend or friend. Never really the girlfriend. At least not as much as I wanted. Out of all...
I was always the shy and quiet one of the group. Chloe' The insecure one. The unexperienced one. The one that all the guys called best friend or friend. Never really the girlfriend. At least not as much as I wanted. Out of all the girls I hung with Rachel, Shannon and Tara I was sad to say the least experienced of all my friends when it came to sex having just lost my virginity a couple of years ago. Dont get me wrong Im not an ugly girl. I have long naturally curly black hair and...
Teil 1 = wird eingerittenIhr Chef hatte zwischenzeitlich die Wohnung ganz betreten, ging von Tür zu Tür, zum Schluss auch in ihr Schlafzimmer. Ohne Hemmungen öffnete er Türen, Schränke, Schubläden. Beatrice wurde es ganz heiß, denn sie bewahrte im Schlafzimmer ihre ganze Ausstattung auf: Dessous, Kleidung, und vor allem auch Sextoys. Ihr Chef fing an, die Schubläden ihrer Kommode herauszuziehen, griff in die...
Hello everyone.. I’m Raj 21;) from Bangalore , I’ve been reading here from a few years and now I’m writing down my 1st story .. This happened recently i,e on 26th of March (And yeah this story is going to be a bit long so that you get that same exact feeling .. I’ll try to narrate wit all the details possible, so if you’re here for a quickie then I’m sorry buddy this story is not for you .. And if you want real pleasure stay tuned) Without wasting anymore time on introduction I’ll come to...
Why was my best friend telling me this? God, why couldn't he keep his mouth shut?I sat back against the hood of his car and sipped on a beer. On Javier's front lawn was a grill and flames were shooting up from the charcoal we'd just lit. We were both nineteen. I don't remember how the topic got started, but the sentence I've committed to memory was:"She really wants me to fuck her in the ass. Last night was like the hundredth time she'd asked me. She's been bugging me a lot about it lately."...
Amy was a young girl who I'd had the pleasure of assisting during a special maths afternoon. She was bright, happy and most of all very sexy.She had short dark hair, with breasts much larger than you'd expect from such a youngster. Her legs were long and she wore the shortest allowed skirt, which meant that she often showed glimpses of her official white school panties when she moved or sat down. Her breasts really filled her regulation white blouse which I was sure she'd opened by an extra...
Meine kleine Freundin Sandra Traditionell verbrachten Sandra, meine kleine hübsche Freundin, und ich den letzten Sonntag im Monat in der Therme. Öfters hätte es unser Geldbeutel , wir studierten beide noch, nicht hergehalten. Sonntags war für uns auch ein besonderer Tag da ich abends immer nach Frankfurt reisen musste, da ich nicht wie sie in Kassel studierte. Im Gaststättenbereich, wir hatten gerade eine Kleinigkeit gegessen, gesellte sich eine, zugegebener Maßen schöne Frau zu uns, die Sandra...
Mind ControlWas für ein Abend! Nach einem anstrengenden Tag war Bea zu Hause angekommen. Erschöpft, das Wochenende stand bevor, war ihr nur nach einem: Raus aus der Alltagskleidung und in die Badewanne. Sie hatte heute nichts mehr vor. Genüßlich lag sie in der Badewanne, massierte ihre kleinen Titten, die sich aufgrund von Hormonen gebildet hatten und es dauerte auch nicht lange, bis sich ihr Mädchenschwanz meldete. Behutsam und zugleich hart fing sie an, ihn zu massieren. Aber sie wollte nicht abspritzen,...
Eine nach der AnderenEiner der Samstagnachmittage an denen ich allein zu Hause sa?. Um nicht wieder so einen einsamen Abend zu verbringen beschloss ich in das Cafe um die Ecke zu gehen. W?hrend ich meinen Kaffee trank sah ich der H?bschen am Nachbartisch zu. Ihre blonden Haare hatte sie zu einem Pferdeschwanz gebunden. Sie war etwa 1,60 gro? schlank aber mit ganz netten Br?sten. Meiner Phantasie freien lauf lassen dachte ich ?Komm zu mir?. Also h?tte sie mich geh?rt stand sie auf, lief in meine Richt...
Hast du dich rasiert frage ich als ich nach Hause komme. Sie spielt mit mir und hält mich hin. Das wir ihr nach her leidtun. Abends im Bad, beim ins Bett gehen schaue ich mir meine kleine Fotze mal genauer an. Schon recht ordentlich stelle ich fest. Dabei geht es mir weniger darum ob ordentlich rasiert ist sondern ob alles schön wund und am allerbesten leicht angeschwollen ist. Schnell schlage ich unter dem Vorwand "Sauberkeit ist wichtig" Kernseife zu Schaum auf und wasche die rasierte Muschi...
Dear Readers, I would like to first thank everyone for sharing your comments, experiences, and love for my story till now even though I posted it a long time back. Because of some personal reasons, I couldn’t continue my stories at the time. Only because of your comments and interest I have planned to continue it from now. So welcome back everyone to this erotic ride. I would kindly recommend everyone the first and second part of the stories. You will understand and experience the complete...
It had been four months since I came home early from a business trip with the multi-million corporation I founded only to find my forty-three year old suburban housewife Debbie getting ass fucked by her young biker boyfriend in our basement. After that I began to notice my wife’s whole demeanor changed. She started swearing a lot, every other word out of her mouth was fuck, asshole, or bitch. She began to drink a lot at home and on occasion you could smell the aroma of pot around the house. ...
It had been four months since I came home early from a business trip with the multi-million corporation I founded only to find my forty-three year old suburban housewife Debbie getting ass fucked by her young biker boyfriend in our basement. After that I began to notice my wife’s whole demeanor changed. She started swearing a lot; every other word out of her mouth was fuck, asshole, or bitch. She began to drink a lot at home and on occasion you could smell the aroma of pot around the house. She...
You have this look on your face of intense concentration as you lock the door to the apartment, like a man on a very serious mission. This makes me giggle because I know what we're about to do, and knowing our dirty little secret makes me giddy. You catch my eye:"What are you giggling about?"But that's a silly question. We both know. You crack a smile and grab my hand as we walk out.The bar is only four blocks away but my ass and legs are starting to shiver under my skirt as the cold air hits...
Two months before my marriage to my wife my best friend fucked her ass. My wife one night while drunk told me the story of her and Donny having sex 15 years ago .She told me this story while we were talking about things we regretted doing in our lives. She said well, I have a story for you. But I don't regret it. Why, how was the sex we had on our honeymoon? It was awesome. Why? Did I promise you anal sex on the honeymoon? Yes and we had anal every night and not since. Why is that I asked?...
Meine Familie besass ein Ferienhaus. Eine kleine Holzhütte, im Bergland, eine Stunde von der grossen Stadt entfernt. Ich glaube sie gehörte meinem Onkel. Es ist auch nicht wichtig. Jeder Familienzweig besass einen Schlüssel und wir waren als Kinder fast jedes Wochenende da. So begab es sich, dass wir in diesem Ferienhaus eine Silberhochzeit eines Onkels feiern wollten. Samstag sollte die Feier steigen. Freitag Mittag hatten wir schon alles vorbereitet. Zapfanlagen, Getränke und Stereoanlage,...
Als Sonja wenige Minuten wiederkam stockte es Nicole den Atem.Der kleine Wuschelkopf hatte nun ein hautenges Latex Oberteil an wo nur ihre steifen und durchgestochenen Nippel raus standen. Sie hatte sich einen Strapon umgebunden und hielt in der einen Hand einen riesigen schwarzen Gummi Penis in der anderen eine Dose Vaseline."Ich dachte jetzt verwöhne ich dich mal- 30cm sollten auch für dich reichen". "Wow, das sieht ja mal vielversprechend aus" grinste Nicole und merkte, das dieser Anblick...
Thought I'd share something that my ex and I tried that was hot fun. When I was with my ex, once, I had him go online and talk to a best bud of mine who I thought was hot and would have my man tell him that I was out of town and that he shouldn't be meeting anyone, that we've always been monogamous, but that he was horny and asked him to come over and hang out. Of course, my best friend, knowing that it was his best friend's man he was talking to and had met before at a get together, he was...
Hey everyone! My name is Chandni and Im from Mumbai, India. I live by myself in Bandra, and am 27 years old. I am 5 ‘ 9, long brown hair, fair in skin, hazel green eyes, and my figure is 34A- 24 Waist – 36. I have a boyfriend whose name is Raj, and I have been with Raj for now almost 2 years. One night Raj called me, and said “Hey Chandni, Wanna go to a club tonight?” ” Uhm, I don’t know Raj, Im busy and really tired, but i’ll try” I said. I heard a little grunt from him, and I figured that...
IncestThe best friend and the boyfriend We met on the first day of seventh grade in the girl’s washroom. She told me she liked my headband and asked me where it was from. I gave her the name of the store, a snobbish little girl look through the bathroom mirror, and walked out through the swinging door. Lauren Styles and I had been best friends even since. It was a friendship based on similar tastes, similar backgrounds, and rivalry. Both natural blonds, when we turned 16 Lauren convinced me to dye...
Oral SexMyra and Hank had gone to the same college. The attraction between them was strong and near-instantaneous. They found they had a lot in common and were practically inseparable. However, they discovered something else that they both had in common. Despite loving one another and being committed to the relationship, both of them had very strong sexual appetites and couldn't remain monogamous. For a time it looked like this would separate the two, but in the end they chose to remain together...
Sonja konnte sich jetzt nicht mehr zurückhalten. "Komm schon, leck mir die Fotze du Sau!" Erst jetzt merkte Nicole, dass Ihre Freundin eben so ein geiles Biest ist wie Sie selbst."Zieh dich aus, setzt dich auf den Sessel und spreiz schön die Beine für mich." Erst jetzt konnte Sie Sonjas Körper in ganzer Pracht sehen. Schlank und durchtrainiert, kleine feste Brüste mit harten, beidseitig gepiercten Nippeln und einer glatt rasierten Fotze. Als Sie ihre Beine nach oben streckte konnte man schön...
Zwölf wohlhabende Männer Ende dreißig gründeten einen Verein, mit der Absicht, jeden Monat eine Party im Haus eines anderen Mitglieds zu veranstalten. Diesen Monat sollte die Party bei Cepheus sein. Cepheus 'Haus war ein typisch römisches Haus, ein zweistöckiges Ziegelrechteck, das mit Gipsstuck verziert war. Ein einziger Eingang führte durch ein Atrium zu einem Peristyl, einer Öffnung in der Mitte des Gebäudes, die von einem überdachten Gehweg umgeben war. Alle großen Räume hatten Türen zum...
FantasyThe following Monday morning, Susan Bunkers dressed in front of the mirror. Her husband had already left for work, and her ass muscle was feeling considerably better. She had her panties on and she was inspecting her long pendular titties. The cherry ripe nipples, for some reason, were fully extended. She looked closely and noted that the big brown caps of her breasts were covered with tiny chills. She'd only thought about the possibility of a little anal stimulation with her finger for an...
The phone call started out pretty bad, then it got real good. At first we talked about how unhappy he was with her. He was talking about my best friend Abi, they had been dating for six months now. Mason had confided in me that he and Abi were not getting along, but he did not want to hurt her by leaving. I wanted to try and cheer him up, so I changed the subject to Places You Would Want to Have Sex. Between the two of us we both had come up with some good places, like in a cemetery during the...
First TimeI glanced to make sure my friend was still asleep, she was. I lifted my shirt up so that my bare flesh was visible and my hard nipple was pointing up So to start this story I should tell you that I didn’t lose my virginity until I was almost 20 years old. I was raised by a very conservative mother and I had a healthy fear of pregnancy. Once I lost my virginity on a very drunken July 4th weekend I kind of went a little sex crazy and did things that 18 year old me would have never believed....
ExhibitionismMein Name ist Michael und ich bin 21 Jahre alt. Ich studiere und lebe noch immer aus Finanziellen Gründen bei meinen Eltern zu Hause da ih mir nichts anderes leisten kann. Ich habe mein eigenes Zimmer und wie jedes Jahr feiere ich mit meinen Eltern und meiner Schwester Weihnachten. Meine Schwester ist 2 Jahre älter als ich und ist bereits vor einem Jahr ausgezogen. Sie heißt Christine und auch sie kam dieses mal wieder zu uns um mit uns zu feiern und wollte bis Neujahr bei uns bleiben. Da wir...
And also my only anal. We were (and still are friends) and there had always been some sexual tension. MSNs started to get dirty, he told me that he liked to be in charge in bed and I told him that I was absolutely the opposite and for the first time since we'd known one another, we were both single. We lived in different parts of the country. One thing led to another and I had found myself on a train and we spent the weekend fucking. Bliss. Fucking and friendship. We knew nothing more should...
AnalHello everyone, I am new here and this is my first submission (definitely not my last). I got to know about this sex story site from my ex-boyfriend, who is a frequent reader and blogger here. Also turns out, he is the main reason I am submitting this today. A little something about me. My name is Fiona, I am 24 years old and live in Mumbai. I am a girl with average height but with a good figure (at least that’s what guys say). My measurements are 36-28-36. I love to keep myself fit so I guess...
This is the story of when i fucked my girlfriends insanely hot younger sister up the arse.My name is brad 28 6.3 and built. My gf Alison is 23 blonde small tits but nice body. The girl loves to fuck and anal but recently not so much where i have a 9inch cock and it hurts her. When i saw her sister Rachael who is 18 i fell into a state of lust for her. Hotter in everyway! Her tits are massive probs a GG and she aint affraid to show them off. Her legs are so natuarally toned and she knows it....
I am NOT the simply sharingA true story.And also my only anal.We were (and still are friends) and there had always been some sexual tension. MSNs started to get dirty, he told me that he liked to be in charge in bed and I told him that I was absolutely the opposite and for the first time since we'd known one another, we were both single.We lived in different parts of the country. One thing led to another and I had found myself on a train and we spent the weekend fucking. Bliss....
Kleines Ein-mal-eins der AbspritztechnikenProfessionelle Spritzer sind mit der Theorie der Cumshot-Techniken vertraut.Für alle anderen möchte ich hier eine kurze Einführung in die angewandtenAbspritzmethoden geben.Straight-CumshotGeläufigste Art eine Frau anzuspritzen. Man zielt direkt auf die Stelle, die vollgespritzt werden soll.Sprinkler / rain CumshotDie Theorie hinter einem Sprinkler Cumshot (auch bekannt als cum rain) ist, dass man nicht gezielt auf die Stelle spritzt die man treffen...
When my wife Anne and I met she was 28 years old, and was just divorcing her first husband Keith. I had just returned from the U.S. where I had lived for two and a half years. In that time I dated four women, Anne had split with her husband six months ago when she found he had been unfaithful with a mutual friend. Anne had been with Keith since she was 19 and had only been with two other men besides Keith at the time. Anne and Keith lived downstairs from me for 3 years in the UK. I worked away...
EroticIt all started when my mom was moving to California with her boyfriend , I didn't want to go so I moved in with my best friend, her mom, and her grandfather. It took my months to pack but finally I was out! (My best friends family and my family ed me pack.) I'm 23 and I'm basically always horny. I'm a straight A student and everything. I have huge juicy 36DDD boobs. A big fat ass. Hips to die for. Long blond & brown hair (up to my fat or skinny , I'm nicely thick with light Carmel skin. Well I...
Erotic FictionHello friends my self sanjubaba. I am 23 years old. This is my first story on Indian Sex Stories. For feedback and any girl or aunty wants to have fun mail me at secrecy is guaranteed. About my self I’m 23 year old single guy who enjoys and obsessed to sex.i can satisfy a girls and aunties with my 6.5 inch tool. I live in ahmedabad. Girls and aunties from ahmedabad as well as from other city can contact me for sexual fun. so coming to story during my college time i had many friends who were...
Reddit FunWithFriends, aka r/FunWithFriends! Is there any sex that’s better than with friends? I’m not talking about the weird sex that ends friendships because the bitch couldn’t compartmentalize and, ‘accept what this was.’ I’m referring to the kind of sex where friends want nothing more than to fuck one another’s brains out, clean up, then go out and grab a beer before going home, taking a giant whiskey dump, then going to sleep. The kind of friend sex where everyone fucks because they want...
Reddit NSFW ListAugust, 1984, Chicago, Illinois The rest of the week proceeded as expected - class on Wednesday, as well as the usual visit from Penny, work on Thursday, and class on Friday. Kara and I had lunch together at IIT, Sofia practiced her driving and parking, and I hung out with Mark Agnini after class for beers. Staci and I got into a couple of interesting debates about the Old Testament that Mark had to break up to allow others in the class to participate. She was very much of the ‘directly...
Introduction: 13 year-old redhead gets her ass plundered! Jake and I always had a pretty lax relationship. It was definitely something that was for monetary gain, hed pay for the movie tickets, the tacos, and all that, and he also had a car. I had the advantage of being pretty good-looking and having a good personality, charisma, intelligence. But besides money, there was something else that had always kept us friends, and that was his sister. Jakes sister, Kaitlyn, was the only redhead in...
My first anal and easily the best sex of my life...I got the room and was waiting inside when he arrived. I was a littleirritated. He was late and I have a rule about that and about gettingthe room too. I don’t do it. I texted him with the room number and toldhim he’d now broken several of them. I have rules – No sex without acondom, no cumming in my mouth, I don’t get the room and you have to beon time. I’ve broken most of those rules with this man. What is it abouthim?He knocked on the door...
July, 1984, Stockholm, Sweden Sitting at the gate at Arlanda airport, I thought back over the final six days of my trip to Sweden. They had been filled with sightseeing, talking, and dinners, both in the apartment and out, with Karin’s parents. And of course, making love. I did, finally, on the last evening, take a trip, alone, to see Birgit. I put flowers on her grave and knelt there, imploring her for answers to the difficult questions that were swirling around my head. She, like the...
"I don't know about this honey. I mean I know you have always been keen on anal sex.""And I know you think Faith is sexy, but do you really think she would be up for a threesome with us? I mean just cos you have always perved over her body and particularly her tight muscular ass. And I know I told you, in confidence, about my suspicions that there might be a kinky side to her.""But do you really want me to call her and ask if she would be up for anal fuck with you, and tell her that you want me...
August, 1983, Chicago, Illinois Friday went by quickly at school, and we were starting to get into the routine again. I talked to Julia and Stephie at lunch about dinner that evening, and Julia said that she’d take care of it. I had all the ingredients and a recipe, so she was totally comfortable. I hadn’t quite figured out the logistics with cooking dinner for Anala, though I had put up a note saying I needed the ‘Indian’ room that evening. In the end, I figured that Anala and I could do a...
my first threesome i was 18 at the time just moved back to my home town with my father, he interdosed me to the rest of my family that i had never met, well i did but when i was just a baby anyway, a cuple months after i started to chill with these 2 guys but i didnt no what to do cuz both of them were my bestfriends for a long time but at the same time were like my play mates. one night when i was just hanging around talking with scott he asked me if i would have sex with...
I grabbed my phone off the nightstand as I started getting dressed. I knew it was Tara. She had been calling me non-stop for almost an hour. I shot her a quick text to let her know that I was okay. Just as I did John’s phone went off. I went into the bathroom to finish getting dressed. I knew who it was. Of course it was Tara. I tried to busy myself with washing my face to drown out the conversation that they were having. As I walked towards the door John turned around but I just shook my head...
lisa is a slim and petite brunette,she stands at about 5’5′.She has a chilren to my best friend donald,they have been on and off for years but they always get back together.i met lisa through donald,we would have drinks on a friday night together and myself and donald would work out during the week.she would always find an excuse to watch me work out as donald had gotten lazy and prefered to be in her company and have a drink instead of working out. i would be working away lifting weights...
This is a true story Shizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...
I sat in class Friday afternoon waiting for the bell to ring. It was sooo boring just sitting here in my last period. I just wanted to get out of there so I could meet up with my two best friends. My best friends names were Daniel and Rachel. Mine is Jason. I had known them since I was 8. I was now 17. Rachel and Daniel were 16. We always hung out with each other after school and I expected today to be just like any other day. Finally the bell rang! I immediately grabbed my books, dashed out...
This is part 2. Id recommend reading the first one before this one. Enjoy. Before reading, this I would recommend reading the first story. -We walked up the stairs then I realized how tired I was. Austin, I understand if you say no but I was wondering… can I sleep in your room tonight? I just dont want to sleep in the same bed as Kailyn He smiled a devious smile and his eyes lit up. Of course you can he replied. I smiled at him. I couldnt believe in anything that has happend. Im kind of glad...
"What a neat little doll, Ashley!", Corrina exclaimed."Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little dollaround into the light to get a better look at it.Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh, **that**old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation with myfolks. Its older than dinosaur shit, I've been told"."Lemme see it", requested Zenobia, reaching out her hand forthe little statuette. Corrina passed it to her. "It doeslook kinda old", she commented. Ashley's little...
lisa is a slim and petite brunette,she stands at about 5'5".She has a chilren to my best friend donald,they have been on and off for years but they always get back together.i met lisa through donald,we would have drinks on a friday night together and myself and donald would work out during the week.she would always find an excuse to watch me work out as donald had gotten lazy and prefered to be in her company and have a drink instead of working out.i would be working away lifting weights...
Caught By Bestfriends MomWell it was the middle of the week and my friend had to show us something. Promised not to tell anyone. We were 16 and hormones rising. Curious how the female body works. Sure we've seen porns and stuff but it wasn't enough that we just masturbated to them. We went over to analyze some videos he had found in his parents room. We were all pretty excited. Three of us made a bet, who will get to lose their virginity first? We were all sitting around the TV right before the...
My best friend Steve,invited all the boys round for a forth of July party.Just the seven of us,drinking beer outside by the pool.It was a hot day,and the drink was flowing.Every year we have a little party for the guys,and the wives get together next door and do there own thing.were there,as we always are every year,talking shit,about cars and women,as we always do.Eventually,the subject came back to Nancy,Steves wife.We all want to fuck her,its no secret,even Steve jokes about it.She is way...
It was a typical Friday night. Amber and I were hanging out at her house like normal. It was our last weekend before school started. Our senior year it was going to be the best year yet. Amber’s older sister Jessica was in town for the weekend as well so we all were sitting around watching a movie and eating popcorn. I hardly ever seen Jessica, and kind of liked it that way. I had always been attracted to her for some reason. I wasn’t a lesbian at least I didn’t think I was. I had a boyfriend,...
It was a nice spring day. My 2 friends Jack, and Kevin and I went to a baseball game. We do everything together from fishing to watching movies and camping. But this day was different. After a great game we all went to Jack's house to spend the night. Jack is about 5 feet 10 inches tall a little chunky and he is hairy and tan. Kevin is about 5 feet 7 inches and is pale and thin. While at Jacks house we made some food watched some movies, played some video games and decided to go to bed. We were...
ok this is the most weird day i had and its true. one day me and my friend planned a sleepover at her house, we got to her bed room and she said she forgot something down stairs and she left me upstairs. im thinking "what a ass" and i hear the door across the hallway opening and their he was, her dad sexy,strong,six pack,young, and had cute brown hair,hotter then hell i blushed when he seen me and he smiled and said "oh you must be my little girls bestie" and laughed i laughed to and said yes,...
I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...
I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...