Kleine Versaute Biester (Teil 2) free porn video

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Sonja konnte sich jetzt nicht mehr zurückhalten. "Komm schon, leck mir die Fotze du Sau!" Erst jetzt merkte Nicole, dass Ihre Freundin eben so ein geiles Biest ist wie Sie selbst.

"Zieh dich aus, setzt dich auf den Sessel und spreiz schön die Beine für mich."
Erst jetzt konnte Sie Sonjas Körper in ganzer Pracht sehen. Schlank und durchtrainiert, kleine feste Brüste mit harten, beidseitig gepiercten Nippeln und einer glatt rasierten Fotze. Als Sie ihre Beine nach oben streckte konnte man schön den Plug in Ihrem Arsch sehen.

"Wow das sieht gut aus. Könnte es sein, dass es auch nicht dein erstes lesbisches Erlebnis ist?"
"Quatsch nicht und steck mir endlich deine Zunge in mein feuchtes Loch" grinste Sonja."

Das ließ sich Nicole nicht zweimal sagen. Noch ein Schluck aus der Sektflasche- dann kniete sich Nicole immer noch teilbekleidet vor ihre Freundin und begann das Spiel.

Sie zog die Schamlippen ein wenig auseinander und schleckte erst einmal den reichhaltigen Saft. "Mann bist Du nass, schmeck wirklich vorzüglich". "Los saug an meinem Kitzler, dann zeig ich dir mal was wirklich nass bedeutet."

Nicole tat wie ihr befohlen wurde. Saugte fest an dem Kitzler und merkte dabei wie dieser in Ihrem Mund anschwoll. " Jaa, fick meinen Kitzler mit deinem Mund." Sonja drückte mit der einen Hand Nicoles Kopf gegen Ihre Lenden und zog mit der Anderen fest an ihrem Piercing der linken Brust. Fest Atmend konnte man hören wie die Geilheit weiter in ihr hoch stieg.

Nicole hingegen ging es nicht weit genug. "Wollen wir doch mal sehen ob wir dich nicht auch zu abspritzen bekommen" dachte Sie und schob im gleichen Moment zwei Finger in die feuchte Grotte ihrer neuen Fickschwester.
Die Reaktion erfolgte sofort. Nicole stöhnte auf. " Mach weiter, ich komm gleich" Immer mehr Saft verteilte sich auf Nicoles Hand, so dass es einfach war einen dritten Finger hineinzustecken. Immer wieder schob sie diese hinein.
"Ob du wohl meine ganze Hand vertragen kannst?"
"Glaub mir, ich kann" stöhnte Sonja in voller Extase. " Los fiste mich du Sau. Ich will, dass Du mich fistes und zwar feste." He Du gehst ja richtig ab- gefällt mir"

Finger vier ließ die Brunette gleich aus und schob mit einer leichten Drehbewegung ihre Hand in die heiße Fotze. Dieses Gefühl ließ jetzt auch bei Nicole alle Grenzen einstürzen.
Auch Sie merkte, dass sich Saft in Ihre Fotze sammelt, aber auch der Sekt auf Ihre Blase drückte. An Toilette war in diesem Augenblick aber nicht zu denken.

Immer wieder stößt Sie die Hand hinein. " Mach ´ne Faust Du Sau. Ich sagte dir doch Du sollst mich fisten und zwar feste."Na gut Du Luder, wirst schon sehen was du davon hast!"

Sie zog die mittlerweile völlig verschmierten Finger heraus, ballte eine Faust und drückte diese fest zwischen die angeschwollenen Schamlippen. "He ich will dir nicht wehtun."

"Du tust mir nicht weh!" In diesem Augenblick glitt die komplette Faust hinein. Sonja schrie vor Geilheit. "Fick mich, Fick mich feste!"

Und Nicole fing an, erst langsam und behutsam und als sie merkte wie leicht es ging, schneller und mit etwas nachdruck. "Los zieh sie ganz raus und ramm sie dann wieder in meine Fotze". befahl der mittlerweile vollkommen aufgelöste blonde Wuschelkopf.
Von Frisur war bei dieser Extase jedoch nicht mehr zu sprechen- auch war das Gesicht durch Tränen der Geilheit vollkommen verschmiert. Sonja wollte nur eins. Gefickt werden und zwar bis zum heftigsten Orgasmus ihres Lebens.
Nicole fistete fleißig weiter immer wieder zog sie Ihre Faust komplett heraus und drang in Folge wieder feste in die weit geöffnete Fotze ein.

Sonja schrie" Ich komme- mach weiter... schneller!"
Beim letzte herausziehen der Faust geschah es dann. Ein fester Strahl traf Nicole mitten ins Gesicht und ein zweiter hinterher. In etwas kleineren Schüben trat weiter Flüssig aus dem weit geöffneten Fickloch heraus. Völlig fertig und völlig durchnässt schauten sich beide an und fingen heftig an zu lachen.
"Siehst Du Kleine, Du kannst auch spritzen." "Und wie, hab´dich ja ganz schön eingesaut. Danke für das tolle Erlebnis. Jetzt bist Du dran." Hier hast Du erst mal den Plug zurück. Schieb in dir in den Arsch, ich komm glich wieder. Muss was holen gehen."

Was dann geschah in der nächsten Folge.
Jetzt hat mich das schreiben meiner eigene Geschichte so geil gemacht, das ich selbst unter dem Schreibtisch abgespritzt habe. Brauch nen großen Lappen und ne Pause. Danke fürs lesen.

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4 Days Of Sex With A Beautiful Indian Wife 8211 Day 1

Hi readers, this is Vikram again. I hope all of you enjoyed my previous story ““. I got so many appreciations after publishing that story. In that story, I mentioned that I will be sharing the experience of how I spent 4 days at her home when her hubby was out of town. This is the story of the first day and I am going to publish the experience of the next 3 days in the upcoming stories. So, the story starts here. We planned everything for our meet. I told her to buy 4 new lace bras for our 4...

1 year ago
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(Aka: Battling semes and a lemon) For Mi-chan, because she asked, and I'd do anything for her. We meet for lunch, a quiet little sushi bar. You sit at the bar, I can see you from the big floor to ceiling windows as I stand on the street outside. Sunny day, even in the centre of Tokyo, and the sky is bright and clear. I wore the pale blue shirt that you're so fond of, with tight black leather trousers from my recent trip to America. A present to myself. I have my necklace on as I always do,...

1 year ago
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Disney Girls Dont Have Sex ndash Part 2

DISNEY GIRLS DON'T HAVE SEX – Part 2"So, what's wrong?"Blinking a few times Demi Lovato awoke from her thoughts to see her best friend and secret girlfriend Selena Gomez reflected in the mirror that the younger girl was sitting in front of."Nothing," Demi said unconvincingly."And by nothing, you mean?" Selena questioned as she pulled a stool up so it was behind the one Demi was sitting on, thus allowing her to sit down and gently slide her hands around her girlfriend's stomach.Demi closed her...

2 years ago
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Seduced By Sexy Neighbor For Erotic Sex

Hi everyone. My name is Seenu (real name), aged 28yrs staying in Andhra Pradesh. I am a regular reader of ISS since I was 20 years old. I love aunties a lot and had many encounters. This is all about how my neighbourhood lady, of age 27 years seduced me and finally ended up in bed. I lived in a five-storied apartment consisting of 20 flats, with each floor having four flats. Most of the people are job holders, so during the daytime, very few people will be at home. My neighbour there is a...

2 years ago
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Perfect Wife Diary of a bad time

Perfect Wife – Diary of a bad time 8-9 Aug 2009 I was in a central Manchester hotel celebrating a business success with my husband Paul. Wed had a bottle of wine with our meal then headed to the bar where we downed a couple of shorts before ordering champagne. Paul doesnt drink much so I was feeling pretty good after two vodkas and most of the wine and bubbly. I blame the alcohol, it made talk about how I longed for my ex lovers big hard dick right now. My husband had set me up for an affair...

3 years ago
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Mene Or Meri Gasti Behan Shelly

Hello, mere dosto kaise hain ap sab log main apka apna raj jo punjab se hu aj fir apke liye ek nayi story le kar aaya hu jise pad kar apke lund esse khade ho jayenge ki muth marne ke baad bhi nahi bethenge or chutain bina lund liye nahi rah payengi per sabse pehle main ap sab logo ko thanks karta hu jo ap meri stories ped kar muje main kar rahe hain or mera or meri pyari gasti behan shelly ka hosla bada rahe hain aj main apke liye ek nayi sachai le kar aaya hu jismain mene or shelly ne mil kar...

3 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 12

The Greatest Lie Chapter 12 Copyright 2003 By Alexandra Rios My Own Worst Enemy Let's face facts. The so-called the "War On Drugs," "Just Say No," and all the other anti-drug campaigns are complete failures because they ignore reality: getting high is fun. College students drink and take drugs to break a boring...

4 years ago
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Interview With A Submissive

I was sitting in the lounge connecting some audio equipment when something nudged at my senses. I stopped fiddling with the audio cables and listened carefully with my head cocked to one side and my eyes scanning the room in all directions.I heard the knock again, it was so faint that it was hard to know where it came from. I walked to the door but kept listening in case the direction of the sound had fooled me. I heard it again but louder this time. I opened the door and saw, Emma, who was...

2 years ago
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Shama Ki Pehli Chudai

Hi dosto im sameer me ISS ka bohat zyada fan hu jab se mene stories read ki hai tab se mene bhi socha apni kuch yado ko aplogo tak share karo pehle me apne bare me bata do me Mumbai me rehta hu or meri age 29 hai hight 5.5 rang natural fare hai body average hai lund normal jiase ek mard ka hota hai natural or shadishuda hu ye story meri or meri cousine shama ki hai shama ka rang bohat gora hai body full n fit matlab bade breast kadak pink tight nipple or kamar choti gnad bahar or golmatol hai...

2 years ago
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Trust is very important in a relationship. If you’re with the right person you should have no doubts in your relationship. Jayden and Steve are high school sweethearts, they fell in love when they were freshmen and have been together for 7 years. They have never been with anyone else and as far as they are concerned they don’t care, they are deeply in love. In fact, they just got engaged! They are both extremely happy to start planning their wedding and spending their lives together. Jayden...

4 years ago
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Met her online

I was online checking to see if i could find a Mistress that was looking for a sissy slave, well a few days later i got a e-mail from a lady said she was looking for a new boy bitch an over the next 4 or 5 months she knew all my little secrets, she mailed me a locking cock cage that a note said put it on an lock it i did without thinking thats when i noticed that the key was missing , i sent her a e-mail asking her where the key was , she said that i didn't need the key ..... wow only met her...

3 years ago
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For her

I'd start by pulling you down onto your bed with me as I lock my mouth onto yours in a deep kiss. I'd roll half on top of you tangling the fingers from one hand in your hair pulling you deeper into the kiss, as I slide my other hand under your shirt and massage your breast through your bra, lightly pinching your nipple through it. After I've teased and tweaked your nipples rock hard, I'll move my had around and deftly unhook your bra before sliding the accursed thing off you and out of my way...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My Unholy Desire To Fuck My Wife8217s Sister 8211 Part 2

I stretched myself to get the TV remote and a sound went through my mouth. I held my back and sat on the bed. Sana quickly asked me, “Jiju kya hua?” I said, “My back is hurting. This has happened 2nd time this week. Main jab bhi suddenly stretch karta hoon toh it pains. Then subsides after some time.” Sana closed the door and went out. Then again came in saying, “Do you want a painkiller or Moov to apply?” I was waiting to hear this. My drama was getting the results. My dream would now become a...

1 year ago
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Amber Gets Anal

Amber stood nervously before the apartment door. She had just moved to Chicago from a small town in Indiana little less than a year ago and her new group of friends had been frequently telling her over the last few weeks that they had a tradition whenever someone in their group turned twenty one. They wouldn’t give any details and only laughed mischievously when she asked about it. Tonight was Amber’s twenty-first birthday, and even though she had her reservations about their...

1 year ago
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Steamy Windows

His lips touched hers and she submitted to him totally. His tongue pushed its way into her mouth and slid over hers; around her gums, her teeth. His hand slid down to her knee and then up her skirt, caressing it’s way up and down her leg, over and over again. Her hands were at his collar, franticly undoing buttons. He shrugged the jacket off and worked at her buttons, all the while intensifying the oral assault on her senses. The windows of the car were well steamed up now from the perspiration...

4 years ago
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Loving Mom and Sis

Here I am, 16 years of age, a year before I am on my own with no I idea of what I am going to do. Mom says college, but, there is no way that would be possible financially. She says that she has raised me and my younger sister alone and that she would finish the job. My sister Sonia, 14, is herself reaching her point of maturity. As her brother I never did think she was all that hot, but lately looking more closely I am seeing things that I never realized about her before. I had seen her one...

4 years ago
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The Greatest Gift From Didi 8211 Part I

Dear Readers, I have been an avid reader of ISS since a long time and I have enjoyed so much from it. But I never thought to write my own life story, story of my own sweet and beautiful relation with my brother. It is my own younger brother who is writing this story today for me, as I sit caressing him and playing with him. He calls me Didi, I am just two years elder to him and he is the best brother any sister can ever have in this world! From here I leave it to my brother to write the story,...

2 years ago
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Karens Orientation Session

Karen sat at the breakfast table and quietly ate her fresh fruit while she attached a small disc to her temple and began mentally interfacing with her digital assistant. Every day it provided her with updates on relevant daily news stories and reminded her about her schedule for the upcoming day. Karen went over in her mind how her schedule would look as she glossed over the images in her head; a note that read "The Eden Center's Orientation session for Mothers" caught her eye: The Eden...

3 years ago
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October Ki Barish Humko Kareeb Le Aai 8211 Part I

Hi friends, this Sahil 27 year old guy from Agra I am smart handsome with 5 feet 9 in height. This is my first story which I’m posting on this site. Hope you guys like it. So coming on to the story, it’s about a mom of my student and me. Now let me describe My sex tutor first, her name is Sharda, She was born n brought up in small city (town) even she was n in a town, she was very moderate and hungry for sex and sex it’s a true experience of my life Chalo apka time waste naa karke seedhe stori...

4 years ago
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My Sexy MotherInLaw Ch 02

We barely had time to get dressed as John came in the door. “Hey Matt do you think we can get an early start tomorrow? The office is a mess. I really need to get organized.” “No problem, what time do you want me to get up?” “How about 6 am?” “Sure no problem. Well I am beat after all the traveling; I think I will head to bed. Goodnight guys.” “Goodnight Matt.” I climbed into bed exhausted physically and emotionally. What a roller coaster of emotions. I just finished fucking my beautiful mother...

3 years ago
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Johns Little Family Affair 3

was livid. Judy was still at work, and the girls were with friends. Joy met John at the door. He took one look at her icy countenance and said, "I know, I know, I fucked up." "You're damn right you fucked up." John dropped his books on the sofa and let himself be led to the dining table. Joy sat him down and took a seat across the same corner, saying, "You did some things very right, but too many that were very wrong. If you're going to freelance, tell me now so I can...

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