Kleine Feier Eskaliert free porn video

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Ich versuche hier mal eine Entwicklung mit tatsächlichen alternativen Handlungssträngen. Dazu wünsche ich mir von Euch Beiträge oder Vorschläge. Die Ausgangslage ist inspiriert von einer Story hier auf English. Leider finde ich sie nicht wieder und kann darum nicht darauf verweisen.

Einleitend wird geduzt, in den späteren Kapitel wird Dein POV eingenommen. Ich werde Vorschläge für Verästelung machen und Texte leer lassen. Bitte macht über Kommentare oder Favoriten deutlich welche Handlungsstränge ich weiter entwickeln soll. Ihr könnt gerne eigene Ideen einbringen. Es reicht eine Alternative und [...] als Text. Bei leeren Texten will ich die Überschrift in [eckige Klammern] setzen. Schreibt eigene Kapitel. Ich freue mich darauf.


Du triffst dich mit fünf Freunden um zu feiern. Ihr habt viel geredet, seit entspannt und von den guten Cocktails etwas enthemmt. Der Ort ist ein abgeschiedenes aber gut eingerichteten Ferienhaus, das Bekannten gehört.

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Kleine Netzwerkparty

Es war wiedermal Freitag Nachmittag und ein Kumpel rief bei mir an ob wir uns nicht bei ihm zu einer kleinen Lan-Party treffen könnten. Meistens sind wir dann zu dritt oder zu viert und obwohl ich dieses Wochenende eigentlich keine Lust hatte, meinen Rechner ab und aufzubauen und Treppe rauf und runter zu schleppen, sagte ich zu, was tut man nicht alles für seine Freunde. Bei ihm angekommen, war alles schnell aufgebaut und wir spielten erstmal zu dritt ein bisschen Battlefield irgendwann musste...

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Kleine Variation bei der Zeugung

Endlich gingen Tom und ich in einem Urlaub. Na ja, Art von einem Urlaub. Es war eine fünftägige Konferenz in einer größeren Stadt, und er musste jeden Tag von 9 a.m. bis 4 p.m. bei Besprechungen sein. Aber die meisten Abende waren wir für uns, und es war wundervoll, die Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt zu sehen und einige gute Mahlzeiten zu genießen. Es musste jedoch an zwei Banqueten teilgenommen werden. Die Konferenz war riesig und schloss Leute von Gesellschaften aus dem ganzen Unternehmen ein....

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Kleines Einmaleins der Abspritztechniken

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Empfngnis nach Hochzeitsfeier

Meine Geschichte spielte vor fast drei Jahren. Mein Name ist Lisa, und mein Mann heißt Bob. Ich gelte als attraktiv und habe mich immer gepflegt. Ich bin stolz darauf, dass die Freunde meines Mannes ihm immer gesagt haben, dass sie auf ihn neidisch wären, mich zu haben. Die meisten Männer finden mein hübsches Gesicht attraktiv, aber meine großen Brüste, der flache Bauch und besonders mein fester Hintern und meine muskulösen Oberschenkel bekommen die meiste Aufmerksamkeit, obwohl ich zugeben...

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Ein schner Feierabend

Ich bin wieder dermaßen geil...von morgens an habe ich mir vorgestellt, was wir heute abend tun werden. Es kommt mir vor wie eine Ewigkeit, aber schließlich kann ich mich auf der Arbeit bis zum nächsten Tag verabschieden, nichts wie weg. Du hast uns Essen beim Chinesen bestellt, keiner von uns hat Lust, sich nach Feierabend noch in die Küche zu stellen. Ich sehe, wie du ins Badezimmer gehst und von dort in euer Schlafzimmer. Ich springe schnell unter die Dusche. Als ich unbekleidet die...

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Abgefeiert Steffi hat einen Filmriss

[Infobox - Bitte alle Threads in der ersten Person-Gegenwart schreiben. (Einheitlichkeit und so...) Sollte jemand einen Geschichtsstrang aus der Sicht eines anderen Beteiligten schreiben wollen und dieser männlich sein, so wird das von mir nachträglich in der Story-Info vermerkt. Freue mich natürlich über jeden eurer Beiträge zur Story. Kommentare und Feedback sind gern gesehen und ich werde es versuchen zu beherzigen. Auch Schreibfehler dürfen gerne angemerkt werden, damit ich diese...

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Die Schulfeier

Ich liege auf diesem Tisch in einer Ecke, meine enge schwarze Kordschlaghose hängt tief auf meinen Hüften, meine Spaghettiträger sind längst über meine Schultern und mein Top über den Bauchnabel gerutscht. Um mich herum tobt die Schulfete anlässlich des Beginns der Sommerferien aber davon bekomme ich nix mehr mit. Die zwei süßen Boys aus der Oberstufe, Patrick und Tim, die mich den ganzen Abend angegraben haben und die mich wohl absichtlich ein bisschen abgefüllt haben, sind vor und hinter...

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Spa nach der Betriebsfeier

Seit ein paar Monaten bin ich in einem mittelständischen Betrieb beschäftigt. Am heutigen Abend sind wir von der Firmenleitung zu einer Betriebsfeier in ein Gasthaus eingeladen. Nach dem Abendessen hält der Chef zunächst die üblichen Dankesreden an seine Mitarbeiter. Nach dem offiziellen Teil unterhalten wir uns zunächst recht angeregt miteinander, obwohl ich meine Kolleginnen und Kollegen noch nicht so gut kenne. Da sind auch ein paar sehr hübsche Mädchen dabei, allerdings sollen diese wohl...

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Die Silvesterfeier

Eigentlich wollten wir, meine Feundin und ich, eine große Silvesterparty schmeissen, aber leider haben im laufe der Vorbereitungen immer mehr Gäste abgesagt. Schließlich blieben nur noch ihre beste Freundin, Sabrina, ihre Schwester, Michaela und wir beide übrig. Meine Freundin ist für ihre 21 Jahre noch sehr jugendlich,hat braune schulterlange Haare, ist eher klein, hat aber einen schönen festen Busen und einen wunderschönen Knackarsch. Ihre jüngere Schwester ist größer als sie. Hat lange...

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Die Geburtstagsfeier

Da mein Vater und ich fast zur selben Zeit Geburtstag haben, fand die Feier von uns beiden an einem Tag, naemlich an meinem Geburtstag, der dieses Jahr auf einen Samstag fiel, statt. Eigentlich dachte ich das wird wieder so eine langweilige Familienfeier, aber es wurde doch noch was besonderes, da einige hüebsche Maedchen (Cousinen, Freundinnen etc.) mit vorbei kamen. Was da so besonders war koennt ihr dann in den naechsten Geschichten lesen.

4 years ago
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Ein heiszliger Fick nach der Betriebsfeier

Es war mal wieder soweit. Wie jedes Jahr findet am 1. Donnerstag im Juli in meinem Betrieb eine Feier statt. Es gibt jede Menge zu Trinken und Essen, Zeit für private Gespräche. Hierbei kommt man auch mit Kollegen und Kolleginnen von anderen Abteilungen zusammen und lernt diese kennen. Hierbei lernte ich Satomi kennen. Eine hübsche Japanerin, 24 Jahre, mit ihren 1,65m nicht gerade die Größte, schwarzes Haar, dunkelbraune Augen und eine tolle Figur. Kurz gesagt eine tolle Frau und für Asiaten...

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Bei der Familienfeier gefickt

Wer kennt sie nicht diese nervigen Familienfeiern? Mit Mama. Papa, Opa, Oma, Allen Onkeln, Tanten den Cousins usw. Und genau das stand mir am diesem Wochenende im letzten Jahr wieder bevor... es war eine Art Tradition sich jedes Jahr für ein paar Tage zu treffen und diesmal waren alle bei uns eingeladen zu einer riesen Feier... na toll ! Es war Mitte Juli und die Temperaturen sprengten die Quecksilbersäule beinahe. Natürlich durfte ich bei dieser Sauhitze nicht mit meinen Kumpels zum baden...

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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 70 Sorting Things Out Part I

April 4, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “Mishka!” Tasha squealed, hugging me tightly, but quickly releasing me because we were in the narthex of the church. “Hi, Tasha!” I said with a smile. She grabbed my hand and led me to the church hall where we got some food and coffee, then sat down by her parents. “Michael, how is school going?” Deacon Vasily asked. “All A’s so far, and I should finish the semester with a 4.0 average.” “Very good. And you’re attending church regularly?” “Yes. Every...

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Sisters Surprise Chapter 3

It was not a restful sleep. Haunting questions of my own sexuality plagued my dreams. In one such consuming dream, I was Michael again, bigger, stronger, more masculine than I had ever been before, or could imagine myself being. With this physique, I easily brought woman after woman to my bed. Each succumb to my sexual prowess, each removing their clothes as they fall backwards on an oversized bed, then spreading their toned legs to invite my powerful cock inside of their womanhood. Each...

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Moms Stroll Through the Dungeon

I’d been building a dungeon in my house for my new girlfriend, being that she was leading me down the decadent path of a little light BDSM now and again. Nothing heavy or brutal, just some fun bondage here, a little spanking there, and a lot of hot, steamy sex everywhere.The tricky part was hiding our little den of debauchery from my eighty-five-year-old mother who was a full-time resident in my home. Fortunately, my aunt took pity on me and would take my mother every other weekend. Also,...

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danny phantom series 2 by jay rich

As Ember’s hair begins to flare up into flames, Tucker thinks quickly, trying to find a way out of this situation. “WAIT! You don’t want to kill you’re biggest fan, do you?” Ember begins to loosen her grip, as she looks at Tucker strangely. “You’re…my biggest fan?” “Yeah, you Rock…out loud!” Tucker says, trying to appeal to her vanity side. “That’s why I was onstage singing one of your songs.” Ember’s a little wary of believing him. “So why do you hang with the Snow-Haired Pinhead?” “Uh…so I...

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Karen Seduces the Limo Driver

Karen was a slim, short-haired blonde – a southern girl who was raised in Georgia. She came to Texas for college and then never got around to leaving. She didn't think of herself as being all that pretty, but most men would not agree. Karen was exceptionally attractive, and she always paid a great deal of attention to her appearance. She began working as a home health nurse. Her duties included taking care of a Mrs. Wilson, who happened to be the mother of one of the more successful trial...

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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 19

January 22nd, 2007, Sunday Carol There were things she wanted to tell her family about their protector – things far more worrisome than Nick’s mob involvement had been. They accepted Minerva’s ghost, but Lanier ... that was orders of magnitude more hard to swallow. Besides, she didn’t know anything, just suspected a lot. So, she said nothing. And worried, despite all of Nick’s assurances she had no reason to. “What, sir, I’m sorry?” “I asked why this Lanier person called us,” Harry...

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Davids Story

This story has been written to run parallel with ‘Cathy and Sharon Ch2.’ It doesn’t matter in which order the stories are read but to see the whole picture you should read both. In any case both of them follow the original part of ‘Cathy and Sharon’ and this should be read first. David’s Story David waited at the barrier with a small card in his hand. It simply read ‘ Sharon’. He had been waiting for over two hours for her flight to arrive, departure delays at Adelaide had made it late...

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Mommy makes me bring home my boyfriends and lesbia

If I didnt get to cum so much like I need to, I would think moms a crazy person. Since we took our own place across town from the guys I miss daddy cuz he had a big warm dick, and stepbro, even kinda slow, can lick a pussy good. Mommy got us kicked out by bringing a bunch of Korean business men home, and daddy couldnt stand that.Mommy always keeps pimping me out to hookup clubs and bring all sorts of people back home for her amusement. Take this week. Monday she had me get an older gentleman so...

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Gloryhole Education

It was summer the year I turned 18. I had just gotten my driver's license two weeks before and I couldn't get enough of the freedom a car allowed. As a horny teenager, not yet knowing I was bisexual but knowing that anything to do with sex made my dick spring to attention, I was always on the look out for something, even if I didn't know what that something was.In the previous year, I'd had sex with an older neighbor couple, so I knew that you could get it from both. I had also found a little...

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Painful ParadiseChapter 7

They gave her just twenty hours to herself. Minus those short periods in which she was brought food, and the times they answered her summons to shut off the floor current and let her go to the toilet. And minus the few naps she managed. It wasn't easy to sleep knowing how helpless she was, and the very real danger she was in -- to say nothing of the imagined dangers and punishments she was able to conjure up from a fearful and shocked subconscious mind. She woke from the few periods of...

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Mother and Daughter 2 The Shower

It had been over a month since that day when Angela joined in with me and her daughter Jenny. So far it had remained as a one-off thing and was left at that. I was surprised by how comfortable we all were about it afterwards. I guess it was a sign of the sexual maturity of the three of us since both of them knew that while I was attracted to Angela it was her daughter Jenny I was interested in pursuing a relationship with and it was left at that. Although I had enjoyed the experience thoroughly...

4 years ago
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An Adventure in Home Depot

Introduction: Jonplaythings Master Gives Her An Assignment Not long after my Master and I first met, he gave me an assignment. I was to go to Home Depot and buy the rope he would use to bind me. While there, he wanted me to put in my anal plug and cum in the store, in front of all the clerks and tough construction guys. He wanted me to feel how much he owned me, even when we werent together. It was still raining and windy when I left my house at about 4:30, and it was just getting dark. I was...

3 years ago
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A Moment of Early Morning Horniness

I want you to close your eyes and imagine you are looking out of your window. It's a dull day, a winters day, with the skies a steely grey, threatening, and windy, very windy.A door opens and a teenage girl steps out, she is in her dressing gown, as it's still early morning, and she is carrying a plastic clothes carrier, full of a recent wash, and she starts to hang her washing.She stops momentarily and looks up, directly at you and raises her hand, she waves and smiles, you return the...

3 years ago
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The Red Lights of Amsterdam

This is a true story, the names have been changed. Callie and Rich had been travelling Europe for just over two weeks by the time they rolled into Amsterdam. Rich had been years before when he was 18 but it was Callie’s first time abroad. A psych and sociology student, she immediately fell in love with the old city. Between the architecture, the museums, the many different coffee shops and of course the red light district. The first few days were spent walking around, dodging the many...

3 years ago
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Egyptian Princess Fantasy

Ever since I saw her in a layout years ago, I've had a thing for Egyptian princesses. There is just something so exotic about them, a beauty that words can not do justice.My fantasy unfolds like this. I stand in a hall filled with priceless vases, paintings, and a red rug with gold trimmings. Red, the color of loyalty. Standing several feet away from me are men dressed in loincloths. Hard bodied men that might make even the most straightest of men give in to their curious desires. The hall is...

3 years ago
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Strange Love

The train started moving from the station. I was sitting near a window seat and thinking about my unsatisfied married life. It was before 10 years. I married Krishnan who is a government employee. I had never enjoyed the 10yrs with him. I was bearing the life only for my cute 8 yr old daughter Nithya. I don’t know how I got pregnant by his small 3 inches cock. Despite his lack of interest in sex, he also never cared about me. This had lead to many quarrels and fights between us. But the...

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My first time with married woman

A new family came to stay in our colony a few months ago. As they were new and I happened to be passing by uncle asked me for some help with unloading his luggage. We had a brief introduction and found out that his name is Mr. Rohit, he was married and his wife’s name was Sujata and they had no k**s.While I was talking with him suddenly a lady came towards us from behind the tempo which had their stuff. She must be around 35. Not so thin, not very fat just perfect, the best part about her was...

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A Little Money on the SideChapter 4

I turned and headed for the door. I knew that it was inevitable. At some point between here and my house someone was going to see me like this. I can’t really say why. But I was determined to leave those streamers of cum on my face. Those were my orders. I was half way to the gate when the door opened behind me. I turned to see Stan hurrying to catch up to me. I stopped to see what he wanted. He stopped when he reached me. He looked over his shoulder to make sure Mr. Todd wasn’t watching or...

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TouchMyWife MJ Fresh Unexpected

My wife MJ Fresh is a real dirty girl. She has confided her fantasy of getting fucked by 2 men to me before. When we got back from a party late one night, I had a surprise in store for her. I brought back 2 studs to fuck her hot brains out. Brian OMally comes out behind her and puts his hand over her mouth, shocking & exciting her! Danny Steele starts feeling her up, they both grab her tits & smack her ass. She starts sucking Danny’s cock and then asked to get fucked from behind....

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Jimmy the Average Teenage BoyChapter 13

After supper I rushed to get dressed in dark clothes and grab my camera. I left the tripod at home. I thought it might look suspicious carrying it down the street even though the Brown's only lived a half block from our house. It was already dark as I slinked into their yard already smiling because I could see light coming from Maddie's bedroom window. I was a little disappointed that I had missed the beginning of the father daughter scenario. I wanted to enjoy watching Maddie strip off her...

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A Shemale Fantasy and my wife Part 3

Their was so many areas I wanted to explore with her. I felt like a teenager again. I couldn't stop thinking about how naughty Carol was being. It was Sunday, and my only day off so I decided I would do something nice and bring Carol breakfast in bed. I went to our kitchen and made our favorite breakfast, bacon and eggs. As I began to walk up the stairs I could hear moans coming from our bedroom. They weren't Carols. I walked into the room to see Carol totally nude, with her...

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And So I Held Her

***** Author’s note: I would have preferred to submit this to the BDSM category, because while it is not an erotic story, it is an element of D/s, just not a sexual one. The feelings and memories on which the story is based are real, while the scene itself is not. I’d love to know what you think of this piece. ***** The setting sun outlines her stunning figure. God she drives me crazy. The way she moves, the way she talks, everything. She’s so beautiful standing there – wait, is she...

2 years ago
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Another Surprise Gloryhole Visit

“So, uhhh… that happened,” I said.“Yup,” my dad replied.We sat in silence for a moment, both staring out the window at the hood of his truck. He shifted into gear and pulled out of the parking lot of the sex shop without a word. Recently I had taken to attending the glory hole at said shop, and things were going well until my dad came in for a blowie. I didn’t know it was him when I started. That’s kinda the whole point of glory holes, you don’t know who you’re sucking or getting sucked by....

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My Death The Prequel

I never heard the round that day that slammed into my chest. I felt the icy pain take hold as it totally missed my vest. Slapped right down upon the rocks as I rolled up off my side. I couldn't get up off that field no matter how hard I tried. I feel the blood loss draining me, seconds before I die. The scent of cordite lingered about as I looked up in the sky. Lazy clouds dot my perception, drifting in a cobalt blue, my armor and...

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Homeschooled by loyalsock

Becky and Ben's parents stood off to the side, proudly watching as Ben knelt down on one knee. A flutter went through Becky's chest. They'd only met a little over a month ago, but she'd known this was coming. It was the way things were done in their church, and her parents had homeschooled her and kept her mostly shut away from the rest of the world. Sure, they'd let her keep up her classes even after she'd gotten her equivalent of a high school diploma, but they'd expected her to get a job...

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With the Blink of an Eye The Boyfriend

Amongst some the new memories that I now possessed, I knew that I had biology next. With a skip of my heart beat, I also knew that John would be in that class. I cursed to myself, internally hating myself for reacting so girlishly to the thought of some teen guy. Even the very thought of John made my shrunken penis tingle and harden a bit. "Ugh... damn teen hormones! Like, what the fuck?! Why can't I stop myself from thinking like this?" I thought aloud to myself. "I...

4 years ago
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Talak Ammi Bani Randi

Hie guys I’m Wasim writing my first story hope you enjoy it. Toh boys chaddi hai haath daal lo aur ladkiya apni panty mai So I belong to a Muslam family.. Hamari family mai mai.. Mom dad and meri behen afreen reheti hau. Afreen padai ke liye put of station hai currently Ammi : name shabana Height : 5’3 Figure: 34-24-36 Gand : chubby n curvy Colour : fair To ye baat tab ki hai jab mere abba ne ammi ko Talak Talak Talak bolke kisi dusri aurat ke saath chale gaye…ammi bechari Bohot sad reheti thi...

2 years ago
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RansomeChapter 6 Back To Work

It was the following morning when Amanda rang David again in the office. Her opening sentence was, “I have done my duty. Now it’s your turn, preferably today What time can you come to my place and sort out Yvonne’s punishment?” David thought and then said, “I have a couple of things to do here first. I could be at your place about half past three or four o’clock, will that do?” “Fine, and thanks again in advance.” I’d better take my old slipper with me, otherwise my hand may hurt like hell...

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I Seek a Toy Boy The Preliminary I Didnt Expect

  I am a woman of forty-six and was married at twenty-one to a man of twenty-seven.We lived and loved for twenty-five years before he had a heart attack and died. He was a successful businessman and left me very well off.After he died I abstained from sex. I was not enjoying the life I had led with my husband.I decided to join the golf club again and renew my interests in golf and joined the women's circuit.I got my handicap down to a reasonable level and then began to enter a few tournaments...

3 years ago
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A Viewpoint You Cant Judge By Its Cover

I have an older sister, Julia who's 24 this year and I'm 18. Julia has this innocent look that you can't even think in any possible way that she'd go for discos and pubs. Well I've seen her there with a bunch of guys (lucky she had not seen me). I find Julia very sexy and attractive. She's 5'2, nice curved tight buttocks, long sexy legs and natural rounded big boobs. I've started investigating her personnel activity to find out what she is and was. The outcome results she goes for...

4 years ago
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Cocklust Ch 10

Chad and I loved the vibrator so much that we started looking for other toys to play with.  I was tempted to go to an actual sex shop, but we didn’t know of any nearby, and we didn’t want to be found out.  So we did the next-best thing, and we went shopping online.We found most of the online sex shops were straight, like Liberator, Lover’s Lane, or Adam & Eve.  But there were also a few gay ones like Adonis, Boyzshop, or MaleQ.  Some of them had reviews and blog posts and other kinds of tools,...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The She Male Club part 3 Spending the day with Bo

Thursday Night was so busy and full of sex, I am taking tonight off. Faith and Paula can handle the club alone. I was sitting in my living room in my sleep pants thinking about what I am going to do with my day when my doorbell rings. I wonder who would be here this time of day. I look at my phone and see that if is Bonnie, my best friend and also a friend with benefits. I unlock the door and tell her to come in and that I am in the living room. When see come into the room and sees me in just...

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Real desi 28 year old big ass and big boob bhabhi

Hello friends, My online name is DON, and I am an avid reader of various sex sites. Since I can read Hindi and English both, I have read various fantastic sex adventures stories on global websites. However, this is the first time I am writing one of my true affair I had with a married woman in Delhi. I generally travel with car to office, but sometimes to touch some nice asses (my fantasy is beautiful ass, slim tummy and big boobs), I travel with metro. So, one fine day I was returning from...

3 years ago
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Golden Maid 2

Hi all – In the first part I have described the preamble and environment about the real story and the run up to the scenes that unfolded in part 2. Now further…..She poured couple of mugs of water on her beast cleaning them also of my saliva. She twitched her face in pain. I asked do they hurt? She showed the nipples which were ripe and swollen. I said no more touching them tonight. She pulled my hand to her breast and started squeezing my hands on them. “They may swell and bleed. You will keep...

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Second Time Camping

so you all remember my first time camping right, well a couple of months later i went camping again with some more friends zack didnt go to this one but a guy who i thought might be gay was going. So i thought i might try and get with him and to do this i had to pretend to be straight. The guys name was fred and he was about 6ft slim and ginger.we got to the camp and then everyone split up to do jobs such as tents and food me and fred got paired and we had to go wood collecting for the massive...

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Her Mouth

Looking down at my girl, her lips stretched around my throbbing manhood as she swallowed my cock. I’m always amazed at her ability to take my entire length but her mouth was made for fucking. That much I’m sure of. Those plump lips and skillful tongue were made to suck cock and god, she was a pro. She was always eager to take me into her warm wet orifice and worship my stiff organ. She was my cock sucking whore and though I’ve taken every other hole her body had to offer, I always enjoyed her...

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Reddit XSmallGirls, aka r/XSmallGirls! I feel like such a pervert just checking out this sub. Yo, fuck that, these petite girls had it coming, and I’m about to be cumming to their nude pics for as long as I want! That’s right, today we’re talking about the /r/xsmallgirls community where small babes reign supreme as opposed to other subs where you usually see busty sluts with huge jugs. Here, as the community eloquently states in the description of /r/xsmallgirls, it’s a place where you can see...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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I Think Youre Right Ch 2

Chapter 2 A week later, Shaun lay on Amanda’s bed while she rode his cock. As sexy as his girlfriend looked, his mind was on her mother and the scene that would play out with the doctor later that day. As the possibilities entered his mind, his urgency increased. He rolled Amanda over and began pounding her hard. She buried her face in his shoulder, biting his muscles to muffle her screams. This time when she came, he came with her. He fell on her body shortly after.“Oh my god,” she said. “That...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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My Wife the Model Slut

When I first met my wife she was very reserved mainly due to her catholic upbringing. We also live in New Zealand which can be a very conservative country.My wife is a very beautiful lady who is tall with a nice proportioned figure with large firm boobs. I often caught guys staring at her. Slowly she came round to the fact that she turned guys on and they loved looking at her.She was starting to become a real cock teaser after about 2 years of marriage cause she knew it turned me on.She started...

2 years ago
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Susan Takes a Drive

Susan was in a rental car driving from NY to the Cabelas in Reading, PA after being persuaded to hand deliver one of her thongs to Sean. She didn't know what made her agree to meet Sean, especially since she had to take time off from work. It was something in Sean that got her to say yes. She kept thinking "What the fuck did I get myself into?" Susan drove a bit fast because she was late to meet Sean and she wanted to get back to work.Susan would daydream every so often on the drive when her...

2 years ago
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A Day At The Beach

The sunlight streamed in through Rosie Lancaster's bedroom window. She sat up in her bed, rubbing the back of her head, and stretched. "and the summer holidays begin!" she exclaims, punching the air with joy. "no college, no homework, and loads of free time to do whatever I please." Swinging her legs out of bed, she got to her feet. She was dressed in a loose-fitting tank top and short shorts. Pulling the curtains back, Rosiesquinted and groaned. "too bright!" she cried, closing them again. She...

3 years ago
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Sexretary 8211 Expert In Different Positions

Hey I have been reading ISS for some time now, and I find the stories shared by people quite stimulating. Am here today to share a story from my life, I am a divorced guy and got separated recently. Most of the time I am busy with work so don’t really get the time to date anyone, but recently a girl came for an interview to my office. She had already given two rounds of interviews and was waiting for the final round with me, and I came after 3 hours so she was tired of waiting and a bit...

2 years ago
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My First Time

This a fantasy of mine and my first story that I am submiting. For a long time I had thought about oral sex with another man. I was married a few times and it never really satisfied me completely, I loved sex with them but I longed for sex with a man. I had wondered what it would be like to find a man looking like a woman, I talked to female friend and she helped me to dress up like a sexy hot woman. She helped me to shave my legs and she picked out some hot looking clothes. As I put on the...

2 years ago
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My nerdy exwife Aileen gets anal

Aileen. What a bitch. But you know what else she was? She was hot. She was young, she was a nerd. A real nerd. A dungeons and dragons playing, computer using, glasses wearing nerd with a huge library of fantasy and sci - fi books that she was always reading. She was also a big girl, five ten and one hundred forty five pounds, solidly muscled and toned (I have pictures). She was also a martial artist. In fact we met when she visited my martial arts school. She was sexually aggressive but lacked...

2 years ago
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Rally Girls

A special thanks to Linda2953 for editing this story and making it a much better read. Chapter 1 I never knew what a rally girl was until I watched a TV program called 'Friday Night Lights'. The rally girls are followers of the football team. They help the starting lineup with anything they want or need. They are some of the prettiest gals in the school and for some reason will do anything for the players from making cookies to helping or doing their homework for them. Needless to say, they...

2 years ago
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The Slutting Of Alice Jameson Pt 2

Alice woke to a fine day. She was relieved that she did not have the cramps that had troubled her for the last few days. No, today she felt very much alive and wanting to get on with her life again. Looking outside she saw it was a fine warm day, just perfect for her garden club gathering.Alice showered and then slipped on a long summer dress. It was one of her favorite dresses, yellow, pink and patches of red. It hugged her upper body, leaving her arms bare, then flared out from her hips, and...


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