Kleine rasierte Ehefotze
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Ich versuche hier mal eine Entwicklung mit tatsächlichen alternativen Handlungssträngen. Dazu wünsche ich mir von Euch Beiträge oder Vorschläge. Die Ausgangslage ist inspiriert von einer Story hier auf English. Leider finde ich sie nicht wieder und kann darum nicht darauf verweisen.
Einleitend wird geduzt, in den späteren Kapitel wird Dein POV eingenommen. Ich werde Vorschläge für Verästelung machen und Texte leer lassen. Bitte macht über Kommentare oder Favoriten deutlich welche Handlungsstränge ich weiter entwickeln soll. Ihr könnt gerne eigene Ideen einbringen. Es reicht eine Alternative und [...] als Text. Bei leeren Texten will ich die Überschrift in [eckige Klammern] setzen. Schreibt eigene Kapitel. Ich freue mich darauf.__
Du triffst dich mit fünf Freunden um zu feiern. Ihr habt viel geredet, seit entspannt und von den guten Cocktails etwas enthemmt. Der Ort ist ein abgeschiedenes aber gut eingerichteten Ferienhaus, das Bekannten gehört.
Es war wiedermal Freitag Nachmittag und ein Kumpel rief bei mir an ob wir uns nicht bei ihm zu einer kleinen Lan-Party treffen könnten. Meistens sind wir dann zu dritt oder zu viert und obwohl ich dieses Wochenende eigentlich keine Lust hatte, meinen Rechner ab und aufzubauen und Treppe rauf und runter zu schleppen, sagte ich zu, was tut man nicht alles für seine Freunde. Bei ihm angekommen, war alles schnell aufgebaut und wir spielten erstmal zu dritt ein bisschen Battlefield irgendwann musste...
Endlich gingen Tom und ich in einem Urlaub. Na ja, Art von einem Urlaub. Es war eine fünftägige Konferenz in einer größeren Stadt, und er musste jeden Tag von 9 a.m. bis 4 p.m. bei Besprechungen sein. Aber die meisten Abende waren wir für uns, und es war wundervoll, die Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt zu sehen und einige gute Mahlzeiten zu genießen. Es musste jedoch an zwei Banqueten teilgenommen werden. Die Konferenz war riesig und schloss Leute von Gesellschaften aus dem ganzen Unternehmen ein....
Kleines Ein-mal-eins der AbspritztechnikenProfessionelle Spritzer sind mit der Theorie der Cumshot-Techniken vertraut.Für alle anderen möchte ich hier eine kurze Einführung in die angewandtenAbspritzmethoden geben.Straight-CumshotGeläufigste Art eine Frau anzuspritzen. Man zielt direkt auf die Stelle, die vollgespritzt werden soll.Sprinkler / rain CumshotDie Theorie hinter einem Sprinkler Cumshot (auch bekannt als cum rain) ist, dass man nicht gezielt auf die Stelle spritzt die man treffen...
Meine Geschichte spielte vor fast drei Jahren. Mein Name ist Lisa, und mein Mann heißt Bob. Ich gelte als attraktiv und habe mich immer gepflegt. Ich bin stolz darauf, dass die Freunde meines Mannes ihm immer gesagt haben, dass sie auf ihn neidisch wären, mich zu haben. Die meisten Männer finden mein hübsches Gesicht attraktiv, aber meine großen Brüste, der flache Bauch und besonders mein fester Hintern und meine muskulösen Oberschenkel bekommen die meiste Aufmerksamkeit, obwohl ich zugeben...
Ich bin wieder dermaßen geil...von morgens an habe ich mir vorgestellt, was wir heute abend tun werden. Es kommt mir vor wie eine Ewigkeit, aber schließlich kann ich mich auf der Arbeit bis zum nächsten Tag verabschieden, nichts wie weg. Du hast uns Essen beim Chinesen bestellt, keiner von uns hat Lust, sich nach Feierabend noch in die Küche zu stellen. Ich sehe, wie du ins Badezimmer gehst und von dort in euer Schlafzimmer. Ich springe schnell unter die Dusche. Als ich unbekleidet die...
[Infobox - Bitte alle Threads in der ersten Person-Gegenwart schreiben. (Einheitlichkeit und so...) Sollte jemand einen Geschichtsstrang aus der Sicht eines anderen Beteiligten schreiben wollen und dieser männlich sein, so wird das von mir nachträglich in der Story-Info vermerkt. Freue mich natürlich über jeden eurer Beiträge zur Story. Kommentare und Feedback sind gern gesehen und ich werde es versuchen zu beherzigen. Auch Schreibfehler dürfen gerne angemerkt werden, damit ich diese...
Ich liege auf diesem Tisch in einer Ecke, meine enge schwarze Kordschlaghose hängt tief auf meinen Hüften, meine Spaghettiträger sind längst über meine Schultern und mein Top über den Bauchnabel gerutscht. Um mich herum tobt die Schulfete anlässlich des Beginns der Sommerferien aber davon bekomme ich nix mehr mit. Die zwei süßen Boys aus der Oberstufe, Patrick und Tim, die mich den ganzen Abend angegraben haben und die mich wohl absichtlich ein bisschen abgefüllt haben, sind vor und hinter...
Seit ein paar Monaten bin ich in einem mittelständischen Betrieb beschäftigt. Am heutigen Abend sind wir von der Firmenleitung zu einer Betriebsfeier in ein Gasthaus eingeladen. Nach dem Abendessen hält der Chef zunächst die üblichen Dankesreden an seine Mitarbeiter. Nach dem offiziellen Teil unterhalten wir uns zunächst recht angeregt miteinander, obwohl ich meine Kolleginnen und Kollegen noch nicht so gut kenne. Da sind auch ein paar sehr hübsche Mädchen dabei, allerdings sollen diese wohl...
Eigentlich wollten wir, meine Feundin und ich, eine große Silvesterparty schmeissen, aber leider haben im laufe der Vorbereitungen immer mehr Gäste abgesagt. Schließlich blieben nur noch ihre beste Freundin, Sabrina, ihre Schwester, Michaela und wir beide übrig. Meine Freundin ist für ihre 21 Jahre noch sehr jugendlich,hat braune schulterlange Haare, ist eher klein, hat aber einen schönen festen Busen und einen wunderschönen Knackarsch. Ihre jüngere Schwester ist größer als sie. Hat lange...
Da mein Vater und ich fast zur selben Zeit Geburtstag haben, fand die Feier von uns beiden an einem Tag, naemlich an meinem Geburtstag, der dieses Jahr auf einen Samstag fiel, statt. Eigentlich dachte ich das wird wieder so eine langweilige Familienfeier, aber es wurde doch noch was besonderes, da einige hüebsche Maedchen (Cousinen, Freundinnen etc.) mit vorbei kamen. Was da so besonders war koennt ihr dann in den naechsten Geschichten lesen.
Es war mal wieder soweit. Wie jedes Jahr findet am 1. Donnerstag im Juli in meinem Betrieb eine Feier statt. Es gibt jede Menge zu Trinken und Essen, Zeit für private Gespräche. Hierbei kommt man auch mit Kollegen und Kolleginnen von anderen Abteilungen zusammen und lernt diese kennen. Hierbei lernte ich Satomi kennen. Eine hübsche Japanerin, 24 Jahre, mit ihren 1,65m nicht gerade die Größte, schwarzes Haar, dunkelbraune Augen und eine tolle Figur. Kurz gesagt eine tolle Frau und für Asiaten...
Wer kennt sie nicht diese nervigen Familienfeiern? Mit Mama. Papa, Opa, Oma, Allen Onkeln, Tanten den Cousins usw. Und genau das stand mir am diesem Wochenende im letzten Jahr wieder bevor... es war eine Art Tradition sich jedes Jahr für ein paar Tage zu treffen und diesmal waren alle bei uns eingeladen zu einer riesen Feier... na toll ! Es war Mitte Juli und die Temperaturen sprengten die Quecksilbersäule beinahe. Natürlich durfte ich bei dieser Sauhitze nicht mit meinen Kumpels zum baden...
The two figures on the bed rolled around. The man with the handsome face and toned muscles groaned as the woman with large wings and pointy tail rested her body on his while squeezing his testicles with her fingers. No words were exchanged between them, but they both knew what each other wanted and both wished to gain the most from each other. He kissed her lips. His hands roaming all over her body. As his hands grabbed her buttocks, she cooed in delight. Her own hands busy rubbing and...
Staying home with my stepmom, Alexis Zara, is driving me crazy. Watching her walk around the house has me dreaming of fucking her juicy MILF pussy. But the way I show affection is by playing pranks on her. I snatch her keys and shove them down my pants, I drop stuff on the floor to watch her pick it up, I even grab her stimulus check before she can get her hands on it! The only way she’s getting it back is if she lets me smash her MILF cooch like I’ve always wanted. I guess she doesn’t need to...
xmoviesforyouThat testing sucked. Am I being allowed to take a hot shower with Anna as a reward? Is Anna here because she wants to be, or are they paying her to babysit me? Do I even care? She is a seriously hot older girl that just gave me her virginity right before my testing. Me filling up Anna’s energy just before the shower made her extremely horny. She told me she needed to do it to her from behind. How exactly is that going to work with my three-inch dick and her being taller than me? She didn’t...
Andy is 23. He is an assistant manager for a local small business. In the past, he has switched from girlfriend to girlfriend, but he has now found his one true love. Liz is 22. She too works in business, as a departmental manager. She has the most beautiful body, long brown hair and the most gorgeous eyes that Andy had ever seen. Despite the apparent ease of such a romantic relationship, the formation of their love was not so easy. They met one winter afternoon and were instantly attracted to...
EroticDR. CARTER AND ANGELA By Joanna Michelle Angela pushed a shopping cart across the aisle of the grocery store. Her high heels clicking against the floor. Save for her shoes, she was dressed simply, as any conservative farm girl might be. A leaf green blouse and soft yellow skirt made up her outerwear. The skirt drooped over her knees, not quiet hiding her shapely legs. She stopped in front of the magazine rack and looked at the cover of Cosmopolitan Magazine. The girl on the...
So, I gathered up some gas money and headed off in my van...and found nothing. TV be damned, a lot of places I stopped at just sent me packin' and the stuff I did get to look at was real junk. I mean real junk. Whatever this game was, I sucked at it, but I kept at it more out of stubbornness than anything else. Lately I had taking to sleeping in the van to save money and went farther and farther out from the bigger towns, hunting for that jackpot of rusty rareness. I wasn't exactly lost...
The Hidden Base Around seven, Robertson awakened and went to use the bathroom. Their original cell had disposable razors, but there weren't any in this one. Fuck it, I guess they're still playing the 2214 game. No razors on some sort of supposed prehistoric planet, so no reason for us to shave this morning, either. Just more of their bullshit trying to convince me that this planet shit is real. Well, I'm not buying it. Back in the main cell a few minutes later, he walked over to look at...
An 'Our Bodies, Our Selves' Series Story My fuck-buddy Gloria shaved off all my pubes before casting my dick for her collection. My main girl-friend Susan couldn't help but notice, but she just looked at my pube-less state and said, "Me too, Please." When Susan got a feel of my new oral technique she raised her game bringing sex toys into the fucking competition. Gloria wanted me to help her make a strapless double dildo to use on her girlfriends. We wondered what's the inside of a...
Author's note:I got a fair bit of feedback on Chapter 5, stating that the chapter were too short and that the description had been lacking.I know this will end up being under a page on here, but it is the second-longest chapter yet. I hope you all enjoy the work I put into it.It's not been easy to keep this story going for so long, so I think I'll likely only write one or two more chapters to wrap it up. I'm not sure how it'll end, so please, don't ask me.Once again, thanks you too everyone...
Author’s Note: this story has a little bit of everything… hot sex, a little bit of alpha-male, a little bit of BDSM, a little bit of spanking, a fair amount of exhibitionism/voyeurism, a little bit of anal play, etc. etc. Because of its length and the fact that it’s hard to categorize, I put it in the novella category. Please don’t forget to vote by indicating the star level at the end of the story! Thanks and Enjoy! ****** ‘Bye! Goodbye!’ Bradley and Christine waved out the window as they...
In the moment I felt a very odd surge of gratefulness. For every sexual event I bared to witness, I got to enjoy many moments gleefully. Innocently. Maybe this was what Salvador was getting at - maybe I was biased given the weekend, but my God, sex was becoming just ... stupid. You know what? It was stupid. Comically stupid. The teacher, who had adult responsibilities, thought it was actually okay to have intercourse with an underage student. Mr. MacDonald had some fucking nerve. I got...
My Parents split up when I was 4. My Dad and I floated around a while before we settled down in a nice neighborhood. I was 5 by that time and really glad that there was a boy next door my own age. His name was Ian and his Mom was really nice. Mrs. J made cookies and lemonade for us and would even help us build forts in the backyard. When I was 11, I remember seeing her on her back porch from my bedroom window. She was taking off a t-shirt to reveal a bikini top. I saw her...
Katie Jackson counted out loud as she crunched her stomach, “49,” as she exhaled and laid back onto the floor only to return as she strained her tight stomach, “50.” She breathed heavily as sweat ran down her face. She breathed deeply again and exhaled past her lips. She glanced at the clock on the wall and knew she needed to get ready to go downtown. As with her workouts recently she ultimately ended up unbelievably horny. She had used her sex toys nonstop in hopes of supressing her desires....
Auditioning For A Master by Unknown From time immemorial, I have enjoyed and fantasized about dressing like a girl and living and feeling life fully as a woman. Like so many other "girls", I love being feminine, silky, feeling sexy and yes, submissive. Endless lonely nights have been spent dressing in secret, trying to forget a deep need and secret fantasy longing to be fulfilled. I had never served or exposed my needs to a man. It had always been a dark dream in the...
Kayla Braddock stood in line at the store, juggling three gallons of paint. Her dusty blonde hair was pulled back into a low pony tail, and any make up that had been on her face earlier in the day was gone. Her jeans had holes in the knees and at the corners of the pockets. Not to mention paint smeared all over them. Kayla glanced down at her black tank top and grimaced. White paint was speckled over the entire garment, as well as her arms. She even thought there might be a smudge on her face. ...
It was early June. Bill was sitting in a chair reading when Ali came out of the bedroom bare to the waist wearing only her Levi's. He looked up and smiled at her while she looked at him with a question in her eyes. "What's the trouble, hon?" he asked. "You're bothered by something." She came over to him and knelt on the floor. She leaned forward slightly so her breasts hung free. "Darling, how big do you want my breasts to be? I've been working for months. Am I getting there? Are...
Dave woke early and after showering, he went to the Tim Horton's. He was surprised how busy the street was for the early morning hour. He thought about both B.C. and Quebec and how both of those places had been much quieter. He briefly thought about the Asian triplets two years earlier and then about Jennifer the previous year. Finished reviewing the warm memories, he got his mind back on the Canadian Amateur and got focused on his upcoming round. After having a hot chocolate, he met his...
"Don't get my seat all wet," Stacy told me, giving me a little look and I smiled innocently. "I'm not!" I had my feet on the dash of her Mercedes, keeping my legs up as I pressed a wad of damp paper towels against my pussy. "God!" she giggled. "How many guys did you fuck, Erin?" "Ummm..." I shrugged. "All of them, I think." "Heh!" "Except that Chinese guy in the dress," I said with a laugh. "He just wanted to eat me out mostly." "He's weird," Stacy...
"In our time was the normal second or two turn around." Vee was 'explaining' to Mother, "In Sol time it was 2500 years." Gary hung his head. "You have to understand, I don't need a watch and Gary had used his 'Emergency Only' maybe twice and the lesson book WAS a trifle vague ... so the planned 250 years got a little long," Vee hesitated overlong and mother made that circular hand motion that tells one to get a move on. "The place was inhabited." When mother laughs ... it's...
Copyright © 2004 Victoria waits for my arrival anxiously, while she prepares my favorite dinner. She can't believe this is the day we are finally going to meet. We've been waiting for this day to come. Four months, but it felt more like a lifetime. The ringing of the doorbell sets her pulse racing. Victoria rushes to fling open the door. The smile that greets me makes me shiver with excitement. I open my arms, and Victoria gently embraces me. We hold each other and kiss. The first...
mf,mff,mmf,teen,oral,anal,interrac,incest - everything Ya, I know this is to wild to ever be true but it was fun to write and I hope you find it fun to read. It was a snowy February day in Boston and I was on my way home from work. My office was on the North side of town out by the I-95 outer loop and I lived farther north in a fairly rural area or at least as rural as you can get in this part of the country. I had driven about 45 minutes, a trip that usually takes about 30. As I...
While in thailand with a firend a few years back i had my first sexual encounter with one of those fasinating ladies known as LBFM ( little brown fucking machines ) . my firend had been talking to a girl from the local shopping center and we arranged to meet her one night when she finished and she would show us around her home town. after drinking for a few hours we headed into a nightclub where my friend and his new found girl startd getting hot and heavy. the club started to fill and soon i...
When they arrived back at Linda’s house, they once again got her out of the car and made her walk to the door. She waited for them to let her in, and they finally came up to unlock the door, after they discussed some things for later on. They took her into Linda’s bedroom and unhooked her hands from her belly chain. “Ok slut, time to clean up before bed. Get your whorish ass into the shower and get clean. Shave your cunt tonight, because you won’t have time tomorrow. And be sure it is just...
New characters introduced in this chapter: Calisa Jill’s friend, Magic user, 5’-4’’ tall, a bit chunky, 40 years old, brown hair, blue eyes Melany Jill’s friend, Magic user, 5’-5’’ tall, thinner than Calisa, 39 years old, blond hair, hazel eyes Jillian’s kiss startled me more than I can say. I had lost my wife and children only some four weeks or so ago, and I hadn’t even thought of women in more than a general way. Of course, I had been upset by the abuse of several young women by the...
Cassie Del Isla was hired to clean Sean Lawless’ house. Strangely he was filming her while she was cleaning. But on the other hand she was gorgeous girl and deserved to be filmed all the time. So she cleaned the mess in this bedroom, then she was scrubbing the bathroom. And oh boy, this girl actually knew how to clean. So in the middle of her scrubbing Sean all of a sudden was waving around with a wad of cash. Some would be hers if she would clean naked. Obviously she said no!!! But this guy...
xmoviesforyouLaurie sat her desk in the empty classroom attempting to get up the nerve to go through with it. Her online friend had dared her to do something naughty in her empty classroom. He wanted her to prove to him that she really was a daring, sexy lady. The thoughts of what he had dared her to do had been going through her mind all week. As she sat at her podium, or behind her desk, she had to keep crossing and uncrossing her legs. As she attempted to teach the lesson, she would look around the...
Day 1Our journey has just begun and I am already tired, feeling that I could sleep for a week. It’s no surprise, considering I haven’t slept much last night, filled with anticipation of the day to come. Going through the launch from Cape Canaveral was so exhausting, from the few hours of preparation to the excruciating two hours of waiting, and the intense hour from the ground to low Earth orbit. This was followed by the very colorful welcome that the crew has given me, from the very relaxed...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe wagon train started up again the next day. It was painful for the injured, but all agreed that they should put some distance in, in case the bushwackers came back. Hank didn’t call them bushwackers, he called them frigging, mother-fucking, cock-sucking, minge-loving, shit-eating, pissheads. A description that turned a few women’s ears bright red. Others nodded. These women were starting to become independent. They did all hustle their children out of earshot though. They turned up the...
Kylie sat on the chair with tears running down her cheeks trying to do up her unbuttoned blouse. A practiced eye would have detected the signs of sexual arousal in her flushed chest and neck and her outrageously pointed pink nipples. "What on earth have you done to this girl?" Gabrielle shrieked. She moved towards Kylie as if to embrace her. Kylie stiffened and Lyn grabbed Gabrielle's right arm and twisted it up her back, preventing the outraged step-mother from contacting her errant...
Hi all nenu oka kotha real life story rasthunanu(I am writing new real life story) already nenu 3 stories rasanu na sex story modalaindhi ani (actually I have written three stories that is na sex story modalaindhi) kani unfortunate ga adhi madyallo apesanu manchi appreciation vachina (but unfortunately I have stopped writing that story which was appreciated well by you guys thanks for that) chadavani vallu chdivi continue cheyamante chesthanu( if anybody didnt read it please read if you wanna...
Hey there, brother! I'm your sister, or I guess will be. Before we get to that step you have some options about what you want me to be like.
Incest20 Sissy farm List of Characters. Me. Michelle A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice My Younger sister Aunty Bev Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet Headmistress of the young lady's academy Doctor Shirley Williams. My endocrinologist. Miranda. A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine AKA Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James AKA Auntie Jamie Peregrine's...
I met my cousin, Tim, at a family reunion this summer in Wisconsin. He gave me a call a few months before the reunion after he found me on Facebook. We talked for a couple of hours and he told me about his family ancestry. It turns out that we had a maternal grandmother in common, but other than that, I didn't know any of the relatives that he spoke of. Tim described himself as having never married, but born and raised in Racine, Wisconsin. And as he spoke, I detected a slight lisp in his...
The sun was beginning to set, and for Valerie Walker, it couldn't be soon enough. She was not a normally superstitious woman, but this was the thirteenth time doing this. The mission was simple enough: sneak in to the Blaine Corporate Headquarters, download as much information as she could from the main computer, then get out again. It would be the thirteenth time the Samurai system she was carrying would be used. "Relax, Walker," she whispered to herself. "It's just like any other...
Copyright 2012 Nora Quick Author’s Note: This is the first of 10 stories set in the future after World War III. They are very short (8-10 pages double spaced in MS Word each), non-erotic, and follow a few POVs. It deals with polytheism heavily and there is a lot of violence and fighting. I hope you enjoy these stories, they are being developed into another project soon. As always, I welcome comments and feedback. ___________________________ You would think that after almost three thousand...
Thine Own TattooA Collection of Written Thoughtby Hugo Carlos ArreolaCopyright 2018------Thine Own Tattoo(fictional, sequel to my novella, 'walking with scars')…and then, it happenedLucy woke up on Mondayafter the night she had had celebrating the new yearshe should have been hungover andgenerally feeling shitty all overbutfor whateverthegodfuck reasonshe felt finein factLucy, felt insanely wellas though on a cloud somewhere between eight and tenshe might as well been on meth or some other...
Claire Rooz is on the pedestal and is about to get six cream pies loaded up into her ass. All the men make sure her pussy is ready and lubed up for landing. Rico is the first to lube himself up and enter Claire’s sweet ass. She seemed so quiet, but once a few dicks got in her and her inner freak was coming out to play! The cocksmen take turns on Claire’s tight ass. The cocksmen take Claire for a ride as they fuck her in all kinds of positions, even using a hitachi on her pussy until they’re...
xmoviesforyouI never did get much sleep. Being a nurse in the busiest hospital in town can do that to you. Sleeping next to a bear doesn’t help either, tossing and turning, snoring, hogging the covers, how was I to get any sleep!? Of course sex was always known to help but there wasn’t much of that lately with me working and him being sleep all the time. When it did happen there wasn’t much to look forward to. He wasn’t much of a romantic and forget about him wanting to please me. It was all about him....
It’s a lonely fall night,I’m walking down a fairly empty street in town. Not the best part of town,but it’s my only way to get home. I am in my grey business suit. Grey jacket,grey knee length skirt,black blouse,black pantyhose,black panties and bra,brunette wig and black heels. As I walk, the people that are out,glance my way,checking me out as I go through their neighborhood. Run down row houses,old abandoned buildings,adult bookstores on almost every corner. It’s pretty seedy. As I...
Introduction: Brenna is a hot sexy 23 year old Bride-to-be who is so horney in the first part taht she fucks he3r 12 year old cousin. Brennas first conscious thought was of the pain in her head. Immediately, her brain changed directions and went back to sleep, hoping that relief would be found there. She was spared for a few minutes, before the sunlight came in her bedroom window and hit her square on the face. If she had any energy, she would pull down the shade, but she had none. She tried...
It was a day later that the 4th and 5th Fleets launched their attacks into the Reton system. The news from the planet itself was grim, with a lot of shelters having been breached and others about to be. There had been no contact with the Ground Force Battalion since the enemy had launched a major offensive against them. The worst was feared. Also of note had been the enemy turning their attention to the off-world settlements and installations, though these had, in a sense, held their own by...
### Short Story by DrKaBouChudnewala ### ####################################################### Doctor's wife at Floreat Beach! Blackmail Alena started crying she just couldn't tolerate anymore! Her husband and his few friends started a project and now she is facing the trouble. Anthony is having sex with her and this is the third time he blackmailed her husband to brought her here for convict's pleasure. Sex at floreat beach Now, it is just...
Our house was just north of the campus at 117 Cider Lane, a small dead end road that hooked like a candy cane. We were about three quarters of the way around the handle of the cane, in a two story cottage. The three bedrooms upstairs were not all of a size. The back bedroom was the largest, about half again as large as either of the front bedrooms. The front bedrooms however had huge dormer windows with awesome window seats and a view towards campus. The back bedroom had smaller windows,...
I am Kamal again. You have read so far… Mother signaled me and asked me to send Debu in after some time. I was dumbfounded. How to tell him to fuck mother. I thought to be straight. I asked him whether he has fucked any one. He felt embarrassed. Then I told him to go inside make mother nude and fuck her hard. He was shocked to here this. He could not speak a word. I told him that she loves him a lot so he must satisfy. Finally I forced him into the room and bolted it from outside. I wanted to...
I watched Candace and Cassie sit on the couch of the condo and talk for several hours. I couldn’t bring myself to turn on the audio, though I was dying to. I could tell by their body language that the conversation was quite animated. In the end, I was unable to take the tension any longer and turned it off. I walked slowly through the house, poking my head into Candace and Cassie’s rooms and savoring the smell of the girls. I wandered to the workroom and admired Cassie and Samantha’s...
"The Time Had Arrived" By Jenna Watson Let me preface this story by telling all that the following is a true account and accurate to the best of my memory. My name is Jenna. I am a 30 year old, submissive, closeted T-girl that has been dressing for over 20 years. When I say submissive I guess what I really mean is that I am, in the truest sense, a wannabe TV slut- slave. I have ventured out a couple times and had met a few men over the years but had always been afraid to go all the...