Kleine Versaute Biester (Teil 2) free porn video

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Sonja konnte sich jetzt nicht mehr zurückhalten. "Komm schon, leck mir die Fotze du Sau!" Erst jetzt merkte Nicole, dass Ihre Freundin eben so ein geiles Biest ist wie Sie selbst.

"Zieh dich aus, setzt dich auf den Sessel und spreiz schön die Beine für mich."
Erst jetzt konnte Sie Sonjas Körper in ganzer Pracht sehen. Schlank und durchtrainiert, kleine feste Brüste mit harten, beidseitig gepiercten Nippeln und einer glatt rasierten Fotze. Als Sie ihre Beine nach oben streckte konnte man schön den Plug in Ihrem Arsch sehen.

"Wow das sieht gut aus. Könnte es sein, dass es auch nicht dein erstes lesbisches Erlebnis ist?"
"Quatsch nicht und steck mir endlich deine Zunge in mein feuchtes Loch" grinste Sonja."

Das ließ sich Nicole nicht zweimal sagen. Noch ein Schluck aus der Sektflasche- dann kniete sich Nicole immer noch teilbekleidet vor ihre Freundin und begann das Spiel.

Sie zog die Schamlippen ein wenig auseinander und schleckte erst einmal den reichhaltigen Saft. "Mann bist Du nass, schmeck wirklich vorzüglich". "Los saug an meinem Kitzler, dann zeig ich dir mal was wirklich nass bedeutet."

Nicole tat wie ihr befohlen wurde. Saugte fest an dem Kitzler und merkte dabei wie dieser in Ihrem Mund anschwoll. " Jaa, fick meinen Kitzler mit deinem Mund." Sonja drückte mit der einen Hand Nicoles Kopf gegen Ihre Lenden und zog mit der Anderen fest an ihrem Piercing der linken Brust. Fest Atmend konnte man hören wie die Geilheit weiter in ihr hoch stieg.

Nicole hingegen ging es nicht weit genug. "Wollen wir doch mal sehen ob wir dich nicht auch zu abspritzen bekommen" dachte Sie und schob im gleichen Moment zwei Finger in die feuchte Grotte ihrer neuen Fickschwester.
Die Reaktion erfolgte sofort. Nicole stöhnte auf. " Mach weiter, ich komm gleich" Immer mehr Saft verteilte sich auf Nicoles Hand, so dass es einfach war einen dritten Finger hineinzustecken. Immer wieder schob sie diese hinein.
"Ob du wohl meine ganze Hand vertragen kannst?"
"Glaub mir, ich kann" stöhnte Sonja in voller Extase. " Los fiste mich du Sau. Ich will, dass Du mich fistes und zwar feste." He Du gehst ja richtig ab- gefällt mir"

Finger vier ließ die Brunette gleich aus und schob mit einer leichten Drehbewegung ihre Hand in die heiße Fotze. Dieses Gefühl ließ jetzt auch bei Nicole alle Grenzen einstürzen.
Auch Sie merkte, dass sich Saft in Ihre Fotze sammelt, aber auch der Sekt auf Ihre Blase drückte. An Toilette war in diesem Augenblick aber nicht zu denken.

Immer wieder stößt Sie die Hand hinein. " Mach ´ne Faust Du Sau. Ich sagte dir doch Du sollst mich fisten und zwar feste."Na gut Du Luder, wirst schon sehen was du davon hast!"

Sie zog die mittlerweile völlig verschmierten Finger heraus, ballte eine Faust und drückte diese fest zwischen die angeschwollenen Schamlippen. "He ich will dir nicht wehtun."

"Du tust mir nicht weh!" In diesem Augenblick glitt die komplette Faust hinein. Sonja schrie vor Geilheit. "Fick mich, Fick mich feste!"

Und Nicole fing an, erst langsam und behutsam und als sie merkte wie leicht es ging, schneller und mit etwas nachdruck. "Los zieh sie ganz raus und ramm sie dann wieder in meine Fotze". befahl der mittlerweile vollkommen aufgelöste blonde Wuschelkopf.
Von Frisur war bei dieser Extase jedoch nicht mehr zu sprechen- auch war das Gesicht durch Tränen der Geilheit vollkommen verschmiert. Sonja wollte nur eins. Gefickt werden und zwar bis zum heftigsten Orgasmus ihres Lebens.
Nicole fistete fleißig weiter immer wieder zog sie Ihre Faust komplett heraus und drang in Folge wieder feste in die weit geöffnete Fotze ein.

Sonja schrie" Ich komme- mach weiter... schneller!"
Beim letzte herausziehen der Faust geschah es dann. Ein fester Strahl traf Nicole mitten ins Gesicht und ein zweiter hinterher. In etwas kleineren Schüben trat weiter Flüssig aus dem weit geöffneten Fickloch heraus. Völlig fertig und völlig durchnässt schauten sich beide an und fingen heftig an zu lachen.
"Siehst Du Kleine, Du kannst auch spritzen." "Und wie, hab´dich ja ganz schön eingesaut. Danke für das tolle Erlebnis. Jetzt bist Du dran." Hier hast Du erst mal den Plug zurück. Schieb in dir in den Arsch, ich komm glich wieder. Muss was holen gehen."

Was dann geschah in der nächsten Folge.
Jetzt hat mich das schreiben meiner eigene Geschichte so geil gemacht, das ich selbst unter dem Schreibtisch abgespritzt habe. Brauch nen großen Lappen und ne Pause. Danke fürs lesen.

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The Pool Table Part Three

A lick here, a swirl of my tongue there, her reactions directed how long a would stay in that place. Her breathing, the sound she made, fueled the fire in my soul. Just knowing that the touch of my tongue was exciting her excited me even more. By the time I had reached the top of her black thong bikini bottom she was giving Fred the blow job of his life. I could see her head moving slowly up and down. With each movement Fred was letting her know how much he was enjoying her lips on his...

2 years ago
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Changes in Lattitudes

After a day of fishing off Key West I head over to a local bar for tequila, a cigar maybe a steak and whatever else I can find (visualize wicked leer here). I get to the bar and stake out a spot; its still daylight and I’m chilling. I light up my i*****l Cuban and down a shot of Patron Silver. The bartender is a young blonde and the guy next to me says “Dude. She has been checking you out since you got here.” I laugh and order another drink. She pours and lingers for a while. We talk...

3 years ago
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Daddy is the Best Part 3

She had just told me that it was my turn to do with her what I wanted to but I didn’t have the faintest idea where to start or what to do or even if I wanted to do anything. I felt flustered and confused and was about to say so, when she leaned over on top of me and gave me a warm kiss on the lips. I kissed her back and before I knew it my hands were on her back and I was feeling to unfasten her bra. She scooted up on me as I undid it with both of my hands and as it fell away from her...

4 years ago
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Book 9 The HatchlingsChapter 6

Virlane and DeClan quietly entered the bedchamber, both Zara and Kat looked up quickly, DeClan looked at Zara with Tabby cradled in her arms sleeping and just wanted to wrap his arms around his little one and his children and cry, Zara seeing the look on DeClan’s face got up and tucked Tabby in the cradle next to a sleeping Mal and TeeLinn. Zara put her hand on his arm “what happened?” Zara found herself crushed in DeClan’s arms, Kat glanced at Virlane waiting for someone to say something,...

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My Wife and My Life Have Sure ChangedChapter 3

The day-long drive to the Fellowship Center was far from boring. The big SUV had a spacious second seat and darkened windows so various combinations of male + female could enjoy the scenery sans lower items of clothing with the female sitting on the lap of the male, erection nicely inserted in its favorite place. The motion of the vehicle on some roads frequently provided all the movement necessary for a delightful way to feel the miles roll by. We pulled up to the large home a couple of...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 7 Speaking the Truth to Power

July 10, 1992, Chicago and Glencoe, Illinois “Be very careful, Tiger,” Jessica said on Friday afternoon. “I will,” I said. “I just want answers to my questions.” “Will you be able to trust those answers?” “That’s a good question,” I said. “All I can do is see what she has to say, if anything.” “You said that her dad thought she’d talk to you.” “But he wasn’t completely sure. She didn’t tell him ‘no’ outright. It’s as we discussed - she’s an emotionally immature seventeen-year-old. Jesse...

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New Friend Benefits Part 1

Hi, guys, this is Vishu again from Hyderabad with another experience. After my adventurous experience, I posted a sex story and I got so many emails from ladies and gents. Many wonderful ladies emailed me for my service. In this sex story, I’m going to narrate the sex story between me and another new friend from the same company I worked in the past and how I fucked and satisfied her to the core. Any unsatisfied women, divorced women, girls, and lonely needed sex please feel free to contact me...

4 years ago
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Monster World 1

Welcome to the world. Natasha Mendeleev was a nursing student who paid for it by stripping. When the world crashed in such a drastic manner her town fell to the gangs. She got out as fast as she could. Taking a couple guns, one being a glock 17 and stiletto blade she went to the road with as much food and gas as she could buy with what was left of her college fund. She went through the desert going from town to town. Whenever she needed money she could always do her exotic dance routines. And...

4 years ago
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Bill and Amber The Reunion

I hope you will enjoy the story, and as always, your feedback is welcome. Thank you. Now, the fourth and final chapter. Bill and Amber The reunion It was so warm and peaceful. A bright light shown through the clouds and seemed to bathe his whole body with a quiet calm. He had never felt so safe, so relaxed. He could hear a voice coming from far off in the distance, it seemed to be calling to him. He could see the image of a man approaching, but it was so far away it was hard to...

3 years ago
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Taboo masturbationpart 2 With Company

The week went by quite quickly and before I knew it she was home and my fun with her toy was over. Or, so I thought....She invited me over for dinner when she got back to thank me for doing the house sitting. I had left the place imaculate, not a thing out of place and cleaner than when she left. We shared a lovely dinner and she talked non stop about all the exciting things she did while away. We had a few glasses of wine while we ate and visited. She got very animated in her stories and...

3 years ago
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341 a day in the life ofhellipJAM Tart

341 a day in the life of…J.A.M. Tart, Fellow of the school of skiversIt was a Wednesday, James, Albion, Martin, Tart, (one of the Yorkshire branch of the Tart family,) known to every silly bugger as ‘Jammy’, hated Wednesdays, well it was neither fish nor fowl, it was a long way from the coming weekend and a drag from the last and Jammy lived for weekends. The rest of the weekdays was a drag for him, and Wednesdays were the worse. He was waiting for the post, out of work he had tried (at least...

2 years ago
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A Soldiers Tale

It had all the makings of a good night out, the beer was going down like water, the jokes were flowing, the bullshit was being kept at a minimum and the women were nice to look at. I was in a local pub back in my home town. I was on leave and I was making the best of my short spell of freedom. I noticed a couple walking into the pub, she was rather short and a little rough looking around the edges, and he looked hard as nails, he was dressed all in black, with a top coat on,he walked in with...

3 years ago
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08 TogetherChapter 119

Present – Liz, Bernie, Jens, Ben and Ira – At the hospital Jens walks into the room right as I go into another contraction so I begin my Lamaze breathing. Bernie smiles and greets them, “Good that you guys could make it in time.” Jens smiles and replies, “I’m glad that we were in time.” The contraction finishes and I comment, “That was a pretty damn strong.” Jens replies, “It seemed like it from the look on your face.” I smile and answer, “I’m not sure a woman my age should be having...

4 years ago
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Little Miss

The inevitable happened and I saw Brad (the turd) loading his SUV one morning with all his belongings. I hated him from what little I knew of his exploits shared by Angie. In my wicked mind I was delighted. I really didn't think I stood a chance with her because I am twelve years her senior and felt she had probably had her fill of older men. I didn't rush over and try to console her or inject myself into her life in any way, yet. Angies yard was desperately in need of cutting and...

3 years ago
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Dekhi Mardon Ki Mardangi

Traveling in a crowded bus in a rainy season, and that too alone by a young lady is a experience that I would like to share with my readers.It was a dark rainy night with lots of lightening and sounds. Our electricity boards were quick enough to shut down all the street lights that plunged the city into darkness. I stood at the bus stop desperately wishing that I get a seat in the bus. I’m a young housewife of about 24 years with a super sexy figure of 36-26-38. Due to heavy rains I was...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Classmate

Hi each and everyone of ISS am a great fan of this site for the past 6 years I have been reading each and every story in this site and this is my 3rd story. Coming to me I am from rajahmundry in andhra pradesh my age 23 years height is 5.11 with a weight of 78 whitish in complex and my Brinjal (Dick) size is 6 in long and 3 in diameter and I completed my Btech in Vizag and now doing job in a reputed hotels as a manager and please forgive me if any mistakes are there and mail your feelings to...

4 years ago
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Lust On The Beach The Start of the Affair

Introduction: Gaynor is a 49 year old mature married woman with two full grown daughters who has gone to the coast for a relaxing few days, a chance meeting with a familiar younger man leads to so much more……… Lust On The Beach (The Start of the Affair) Gaynor Day Out Gaynor Day was in her 40s and had blonde bronze like hair with a slim athletic body which for her age of 49 was impressive. At this present time the office secretary was laying down on the beach reading a book entitled...

3 years ago
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First experience

I want to tell you about my first experience in cross-dressing and what happened afterwards.First some explanations. When I was 12 or 13 years old I was a slim and tender boy with long hair (early 70’s it was normal for boys to have long hair). I lived in a neighborhood with a lot of c***dren my age (some a few years younger or older). So I had a lot of friends to play with. One of our favorite games was “cowboy and Indians”. We played this in the woods not far from our street. It had most of...

2 years ago
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Cheer "Hey babe." "Yes, Andrew?" Jennifer looked up at Andrew with her big blue eyes. "You, uh... You make me feel really good." "Really?" "Yeah..." Jennifer simply nuzzled up to Andrew, laying her head against his chest. They were different, and she liked that. Andrew was so tall and broad, and muscular too. But he had such a cute smile, and his laugh was infectious. She loved his sense of humor and adventure. "There's a way you can make me feel...

3 years ago
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Spoils of War Cold as Ice

Snowflakes melt on my face as I numbly trudge through the ever deeper cover of cottonlike snow. I give a silent prayer to the Gods for the cold. Else I would never have gotten this far.I reach a patch of windswept land and up my pace. A backwards glance tells me my pursuers are lagging behind. This is my territory. My terrain. I know how to make friends with the spirits of ice and rock.Not far now. The glacier sits just on the far side of these craggy spires. Her body a vast mass of white,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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My first Black dick Part 1

I was just on my way out of my neighborhood Rec center, when I heard a voice behind me call out: "Excuse me, Sir?". I turned around, and a black teenager came walking towards me. He was slim, but already an inch or two taller than me. It looked like he had just separated himself from a group of teens in the basketball court, for he was transpiring a bit, wearing basketball shorts and a Denver Nuggets jersey. Still panting, he asked: "Sir, could I ask you a question?".I replied, "Sure, how can I...

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