Kleine Versaute Biester (Teil 2) free porn video

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Sonja konnte sich jetzt nicht mehr zurückhalten. "Komm schon, leck mir die Fotze du Sau!" Erst jetzt merkte Nicole, dass Ihre Freundin eben so ein geiles Biest ist wie Sie selbst.

"Zieh dich aus, setzt dich auf den Sessel und spreiz schön die Beine für mich."
Erst jetzt konnte Sie Sonjas Körper in ganzer Pracht sehen. Schlank und durchtrainiert, kleine feste Brüste mit harten, beidseitig gepiercten Nippeln und einer glatt rasierten Fotze. Als Sie ihre Beine nach oben streckte konnte man schön den Plug in Ihrem Arsch sehen.

"Wow das sieht gut aus. Könnte es sein, dass es auch nicht dein erstes lesbisches Erlebnis ist?"
"Quatsch nicht und steck mir endlich deine Zunge in mein feuchtes Loch" grinste Sonja."

Das ließ sich Nicole nicht zweimal sagen. Noch ein Schluck aus der Sektflasche- dann kniete sich Nicole immer noch teilbekleidet vor ihre Freundin und begann das Spiel.

Sie zog die Schamlippen ein wenig auseinander und schleckte erst einmal den reichhaltigen Saft. "Mann bist Du nass, schmeck wirklich vorzüglich". "Los saug an meinem Kitzler, dann zeig ich dir mal was wirklich nass bedeutet."

Nicole tat wie ihr befohlen wurde. Saugte fest an dem Kitzler und merkte dabei wie dieser in Ihrem Mund anschwoll. " Jaa, fick meinen Kitzler mit deinem Mund." Sonja drückte mit der einen Hand Nicoles Kopf gegen Ihre Lenden und zog mit der Anderen fest an ihrem Piercing der linken Brust. Fest Atmend konnte man hören wie die Geilheit weiter in ihr hoch stieg.

Nicole hingegen ging es nicht weit genug. "Wollen wir doch mal sehen ob wir dich nicht auch zu abspritzen bekommen" dachte Sie und schob im gleichen Moment zwei Finger in die feuchte Grotte ihrer neuen Fickschwester.
Die Reaktion erfolgte sofort. Nicole stöhnte auf. " Mach weiter, ich komm gleich" Immer mehr Saft verteilte sich auf Nicoles Hand, so dass es einfach war einen dritten Finger hineinzustecken. Immer wieder schob sie diese hinein.
"Ob du wohl meine ganze Hand vertragen kannst?"
"Glaub mir, ich kann" stöhnte Sonja in voller Extase. " Los fiste mich du Sau. Ich will, dass Du mich fistes und zwar feste." He Du gehst ja richtig ab- gefällt mir"

Finger vier ließ die Brunette gleich aus und schob mit einer leichten Drehbewegung ihre Hand in die heiße Fotze. Dieses Gefühl ließ jetzt auch bei Nicole alle Grenzen einstürzen.
Auch Sie merkte, dass sich Saft in Ihre Fotze sammelt, aber auch der Sekt auf Ihre Blase drückte. An Toilette war in diesem Augenblick aber nicht zu denken.

Immer wieder stößt Sie die Hand hinein. " Mach ´ne Faust Du Sau. Ich sagte dir doch Du sollst mich fisten und zwar feste."Na gut Du Luder, wirst schon sehen was du davon hast!"

Sie zog die mittlerweile völlig verschmierten Finger heraus, ballte eine Faust und drückte diese fest zwischen die angeschwollenen Schamlippen. "He ich will dir nicht wehtun."

"Du tust mir nicht weh!" In diesem Augenblick glitt die komplette Faust hinein. Sonja schrie vor Geilheit. "Fick mich, Fick mich feste!"

Und Nicole fing an, erst langsam und behutsam und als sie merkte wie leicht es ging, schneller und mit etwas nachdruck. "Los zieh sie ganz raus und ramm sie dann wieder in meine Fotze". befahl der mittlerweile vollkommen aufgelöste blonde Wuschelkopf.
Von Frisur war bei dieser Extase jedoch nicht mehr zu sprechen- auch war das Gesicht durch Tränen der Geilheit vollkommen verschmiert. Sonja wollte nur eins. Gefickt werden und zwar bis zum heftigsten Orgasmus ihres Lebens.
Nicole fistete fleißig weiter immer wieder zog sie Ihre Faust komplett heraus und drang in Folge wieder feste in die weit geöffnete Fotze ein.

Sonja schrie" Ich komme- mach weiter... schneller!"
Beim letzte herausziehen der Faust geschah es dann. Ein fester Strahl traf Nicole mitten ins Gesicht und ein zweiter hinterher. In etwas kleineren Schüben trat weiter Flüssig aus dem weit geöffneten Fickloch heraus. Völlig fertig und völlig durchnässt schauten sich beide an und fingen heftig an zu lachen.
"Siehst Du Kleine, Du kannst auch spritzen." "Und wie, hab´dich ja ganz schön eingesaut. Danke für das tolle Erlebnis. Jetzt bist Du dran." Hier hast Du erst mal den Plug zurück. Schieb in dir in den Arsch, ich komm glich wieder. Muss was holen gehen."

Was dann geschah in der nächsten Folge.
Jetzt hat mich das schreiben meiner eigene Geschichte so geil gemacht, das ich selbst unter dem Schreibtisch abgespritzt habe. Brauch nen großen Lappen und ne Pause. Danke fürs lesen.

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MyPervyFamily Violet Gems Prankin8217 My Stepsis With My Personal Sausage Pizza

Having a stepsister means… well, many things… we’ll get there. But it definitely means pranks, and boy oh boy does Parker Ambrose have one in store for his cute stepsister Violet Gems. Parker plans to use an empty pizza box with a carefully situated hole in it so that he can distract Violet with a movie and get her to grab his dick! The ol’ cock in a box prank, ya know?? Anyway, Parker sets up his naive stepsister perfectly – she feels around for a slice but gets...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Kianna Dior DVP And Bukakke Surprise

Poolside in a sheer purple bikini, Asian cum slut Kianna Dior teases. The busty MILF narrates a kinky intro, spreading her sweet holes to initiate a decadent threesome. In the pool, Kianna welcomes director Jonni Darkko and stud Rob Piper with slobbering blowjobs. Indoors, the guys have their way with her, culminating in a furious double-vaginal penetration! Intense action includes big Black cock, crude cunt gaping, messy ball lapping, and a surprise climax: Five more studs show up to slather...

3 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 2 Thursday

The next day, I am ready again, sitting with ill-concealed anticipation at my computer, the camera still pointed at Anna's bed. This time, when she gets home, she starts immediately. After putting her school stuff in a corner, she deftly grabs the hem of her blouse, and in one swift movement pulls it over ... she is not wearing a bra! Her small but pointy breasts spring free before she even has the garment over her head. I am sitting up (very up) and at attention, not wanting to miss a...

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The last days of spring semester were impossible to manage. Between grading final essays and exams, delivering lectures and setting up a curriculum for the summer students, the able-bodied members of the faculty were tortured by a constant parade of freshly tanned skin, ripened breasts and an intoxicating spirit of freedom that seeped through every fold of the campus fabric.Hopelessly distracted by the sexual shopping mall the campus became, I was forced to employ a monklike focus to these...

College Sex
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The Champions Companion 22

The Warrioresses were quiet and satisfied. Janis sat among them, and laid back appearing to rest. Saucrem and Ein giggled in the pygmy’s gibberish. Marcos and Kaarthen sat with Metacari. Of the people on the boat, they were the most alert as they lay back. Kaarthen spoke up. Her unbraided white hair was pooled over Marcos and Metacari as she reclined over them. She was starting to get the ‘glow of pregnancy’ and seemed luminescent. “Where are the women going to stay?” “In...

2 years ago
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His Pregnant Lover Ch 04

Dave lay in bed watching Helen move around the houseboat in the nude. His prick stirred as he watched and remembered how hot she had been last night, their first night together. He toyed with his prick as he studied her fit muscular legs and the round cheeks of her arse. As Matron of the Maternal and Child Welfare Clinic she was constantly on her feet giving her legs that athletic look he loved so much. As his prick grew harder in his hand he thought back to how he had met Helen when he...

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Raunchy sex and crossdressing

Marcella and I were a perfect match. I was in my 40s and just out of a 20 year marriage with all sorts of sexual fantasies She was divorced, in her 30s and scaring guys off with her sexual desires, fantasies and needs. On our first date she was very touchy with her hands. We were out eating and she rubbed my leg and gave me a boner. There was something special (weird?) about her that grabbed me. When we got back to her place she gave me a women’s book showing pencil drawings of sexual...

3 years ago
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The Grim Reaper Reaper Security ConsultingChapter 8 Scholar

Tuesday, January 7, 2019 The rest of the semester was a bitch, a stone-cold cast-iron bitch. I don’t know what I had been expecting, but it was just unrelenting work. Maybe it was because I had taken a lot of time on the two consulting jobs or maybe it was because of the time taken up with Tolley’s book project. More likely it was because I didn’t know what the hell I was doing trying to get a doctorate in history. I mean, I knew there was a lot of reading that was going to be involved....

2 years ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Loren Minardi Love At First Bite

What use is being immortal if the person you love stays human? Ever since being bitten during her passionate affair with Byrana, our newly born Vampire is so thirsty, so full of lust, unable to rest until she’s satisfied. As her boyfriend arrives home, she leads him to a jacuzzi surrounded by candles. Kissing in the water, his eyes close and she takes her opportunity with both fangs, biting down hard on his neck. Dazed and confused, he is soon distracted as she takes him in her mouth, masking...

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AllGirls in College

I hope that if you’re reading this, you’re too old to use this piece of advice. However, here it is anyway. If you’re just out of high school, and thinking about going to a women’s college, don’t. I did, and while it’s true there are some nice things about it, there are some major disadvantages. In fact, there’s mostly just one big disadvantage: there’s no men. I guess there are plenty of ways to meet guys, but I don’t seem to have much luck...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 43 Best Laid Plans

"So, I had something to ask you." His tone was strange, but I couldn't place it. I stepped across the room, gathering up the pile of clothes I'd left at the foot of the bed when I'd unpacked earlier. "Keep talking. I'm going to change my clothes. Why don't you change out here?" I ducked into the curtained area, forcing myself to take a deep breath to calm my nerves. As if spending my first night in a bed with a man wasn't enough to make me anxious, the plans I'd hatched with...

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Nurse Nancy

Jack's eyes felt heavy but he managed to open them anyway. From his vantage point he knew that he was in a bed of some sort but there seemed to be bars right in front of his face. Was he in a jail? As his thoughts dwelled on that eventuality he drifted back off to sleep. The next time Jack was able to open his eyes he was a bit more oriented as to time and place. He now realized that his body was shaking off the effects of the anesthesia he was given for his operation and he was probably in...

4 years ago
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African Prince 4

Chapter 4When someone finally stirred it was Mikey. "Mom?""Yes, honey?" She said in her sweetest voice."Hmm," Mikey paused. "I've got to take a leak."With these words his Mom began to laugh and through herlaughter, "Yeah, me too."With their laughter they regained the will to separate.Mikey rolled off his mother and stood up. Still facingher, with her watching him, he tried awkwardly to puthis still hard dick back into his white underpants. Herlaughter intensified and he couldn't help but join...

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Late Night Phone Calls

It was about two o’clock in the morning and I was texting my friend Jason. We’d been friends for almost two years and I knew I could depend on him. We’d joke around, exagerrating about how horny we were and talking about anime conventions and other things we were both into, tonight being no different. That night, my fiance had left me in the cold again because he had school the next morning, leaving me so hot under the collar I could hardly stand it. So I was complaining about it to Jason....

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District Nurse

She gets middle stumpThis is a true story from some years agoI had always been an active guy, playing many sports and always played to win. No point in doing any sport if you just wanted to take part.Well this story all began when I shattered my ankle and hence an operation to have the ankle removed. After quite a few stays in hospital I finally got to do the rest of my recover at home, unfortunately I needed help until I could be fitted with a prosthetic so I moved in with my parents for 3...

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Yahmils Wedding Part One

"yahmil" (I wo'nt reveal his real name) and I had been friends on xHamsterfor quite a long time, we shared similar interests in porn etc. And he'd posted some pictures of his lady, which were a real turn-on! (She has a fantastic figure! Mmmmm)Anyway! He was marrying the lady in question, and had invited me along, which was a really nice thing to do. A couple of days beforehand, he e-mailed me, and said if I had any mates who were 'up for a good-time', to bring them along too.I was intrigued,...

3 years ago
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Blood of BrothersChapter 3 The Hunter Soars

That same night in Los Angeles, Lisa got home from work at the Denny's at ten. It was raining, though it was not even cloudy when she had gone to work at eight that morning. She was wet and exhausted. All she wanted was to sleep and forget the bills that needed to be paid with the pennies she got paid from her two jobs. She opened the door, threw her purse at the kitchen slash living room slash dining room table, and locked the door behind her. Kicking off her shoes, she began taking off her...

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Preachers WifeChapter 6 Solution

The next day Janet called a family meeting and explained to the girls her intention that John wear rubbers when he fucked them during their fertile days. She told them that she believed that they were too young to have children of their own, and besides, it would cause talk if such young girls turned up pregnant. The plan was not popular with the twins. May especially objected, but after June whispered in her ear for a few minutes she calmed down and accepted her mother's plan as better...

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Hottest weekend ever Complete version

There was this big concert in Copenhagen this weekend, so I went to this AMAZING sex club, because I thought it would be busy.Normally there always come a lot of young, horny and drunk guys when there are big events nearby.Well, there weren’t many people at the club, like there normally is, but around midnight, this super cute young, semi drunk guy and his friend comes in.We end up talking and before I know it he buy's me a drink.We go to the smoking area/room of the club, sit on a couch and...

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The Quarterback and MemdashPart 2

This is a true story of what happened to me during college. Go back and read part 1 (The Quarterback and Me) to hear how Joe and I hooked up. I'm Sam. I work in the college Activity Center. It's a place where students can come work out, play intramural sports, and just hang out. Joseph was our college football quarterback. Standing at 6'3", 180 pounds, abs of steel, tanned skin--he was perfect--and totally straight up until that night I found out he wasn't! (But again, that's for the first...

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The Battle for Carnal DelightsGetting Lucky

A new day dawned and there was no alarm clock to wake us from our sleep. I woke up, laying on my side, to the feel of a warm and very naked female body curled into me. My cock was hiding away stretched out between her thighs and against the outer lips of her pussy. My lower arm was stretched out and being used like a pillow while my upper arm was across her warm body with a nice handful of all natural, firm breasts in my grip. Her arm and hand had my hand clasped firmly to her breast. The A/C...

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