Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4 Part 68 QUAGMIRE BOG
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"Husten!" Obwohl er einer der engsten Freunde von Floyd war, kicherte der Arzt immer, wenn er Floyds Genitalien erwähnte. "Du willst das nicht wirklich tun, oder?" "Nein." Floyd war zu einer körperlichen Untersuchung gekommen und hatte den Auftrag, eine Vasektomie zu besprechen. "Und weißt du was, scheiß auf Jess." Floyd sah auf seinen Penis in der Hand des Arztes. Floyd war ein muskulöser Typ, der aussah wie ein Filmstar, aber das Schicksal hatte ihn mit einem kleinen Penis betrogen. Es sah...
InterracialGestatten, dass ich mich vorstelle. Mein Name ist Antonio Herrmann, ich bin 53 Jahre alt, verheiratet, zwei Söhne und ich arbeite als Rechtsanwalt in Santo Domingo / Dominikanische Republik. Mein Vater war Deutscher, daher spreche und schreibe ich akzentfrei Deutsch. Das ist auch meine „Lebensversicherung“, denn ich bin der einzige Rechtsanwalt in Santo Domingo, der Deutsch kann. Somit mandatieren mich alle deutschen Firmen, wenn es in Santo Domingo etwas zu tun gibt. Da ich nach „deutschen“...
Name: Nylonsasha Geschlecht: MannAlter: 34Augenfarbe: blauHaarfarbe: DunkelblondGröße: 187cmGewicht: 130kgPenis: 16x5Schuhgröße: 46Familienstand: halte meine Optionen offen Bundesland: Baden-Württemberg / HeilbronnStadt: UlmBist Du dominant: manchmal ja, manchmal neinBist Du sadistisch: JainBist Du devot: manchmal ja, manchmal neinBist Du masochistisch: leichte Schmerzen sind okWelche sexuelle Gesinnung hast Du: bisexuellWen würdest suchst...
FragebogenName: Fitschi 41Geschlecht: MannAlter: 32Augenfarbe: BraunHaarfarbe: Dunkel BlondGröße: 196cmGewicht: 92kgPenis: 28 x 7Bist Du dominant: unterschiedlichBist Du sadistisch: neinBist Du devot: neinBist Du masochistisch: neinWen würdest Du suchen?:FrauenBist Du rasiert: JaWie rasierst du dich: NassWie oft rasierst du dich: täglichBist du gepierct: neinBist du tätowiert: neinRauchst Du: neinWelche ist deine Lieblingsstellung: Doggy,ReitenWo hast du am liebsten Sex: unter der DuscheWo...
Mein FragebogenName:ChrissGeschlecht: MannAlter: 18Augenfarbe: GrauHaarfarbe: BlondGröße: 188 cmGewicht: 94Penis: 14x3,5Bundesland: Nordreihn Westfalen, Krefeld Bist Du dominant: neinBist Du sadistisch: neinBist Du devot: Sehr/StarkBist Du masochistisch: nur leicht Welche sexuelle Gesinnung hast Du?: Bi/mehr SchwulWen würdest Du suchen?: MännerBist Du rasiert: JaWie rasierst du dich: NassWie oft rasierst du dich: 1 mal die WocheBist du gepierct: neinBist du tätowiert: nenRauchst Du: neinWelche...
FRAGEBOGEN FÜR FRAUEN Alter:21Familienstand:ledig Kinder: 0Körpchengröße:75b Kopf Haarfarbe:rot manchmal blondKopf Haarlänge:lang Schamhaar Farbe: braunSchamhaar länge:mittelWenn Rasiert wann das erste mal:13 Wie sieht deine Pussy aus?schön Augenfarbe:braunGröße:156Gewicht:50Tatoos:jaPiercing: jaWas hast du beim Schlafen an:ShirtWas gefällt dir an deinem Körper am Besten?Po Wie viele feste Beziehungen hattest du:5Wie viele sexuelle „Partner“ hattest du:genugWie alt waren deine jüngsten/ältesten...
Geschlecht: Mann Alter: 36Augenfarbe: BlauHaarfarbe: Braun Größe: 190 cm Gewicht: 99 kg Penis: 16x4 Schuhgröße: 45Familienstand: Single Bundesland: BWBist Du dominant: manchmal Bist Du sadistisch: nein Bist Du devot: manchmal Bist Du masochistisch: nein Welche sexuelle Gesinnung hast Du?: Hetero, aber TS / DWT interessiert (sollte aber feminin sein)Wen würdest Du suchen?: Frauen, Shemale, DWTBist Du rasiert: Ja Wie rasierst du dich: Nass Wie oft rasierst du dich: alle paar TageBist du gepierct:...
Mein FragebogenName:TorstenGeschlecht: MannAlter: 41Augenfarbe: BraunHaarfarbe: BraunGröße: 167 cmGewicht: 89 kgPenis: 14x3,5Bundesland: Thüringen , Bad TennstedtBist Du dominant: neinBist Du sadistisch: neinBist Du devot: leichtBist Du masochistisch: neinWelche sexuelle Gesinnung hast Du?: BiWen würdest Du suchen?: Männer/FrauenBist Du rasiert: TeilweiseWie rasierst du dich: NassWie oft rasierst du dich: 2x die MonatBist du gepierct: neinBist du tätowiert: nenRauchst Du: neinWelche ist deine...
The VCR 2 - Laney Boggs It happens every year. First semester of classes, the dorms are packed. Even seniors can't get a private room for any price. Then the holidays come and grades arrive, and there is the sound of much bitching and whining in the land. After the dust clears, people start to spread out. Most every senior that wants a solo room is lucky enough to get one. In my senior year, I almost didn't get that lucky. Sure, my roommate for the first semester was a boozing frat...
BoGo Crossdresser's wife tells the story of her efforts to buy clothing for her herself and her husband entirely through "buy one, get one" promotions. Husband does not cooperate, and suffers severe consequences. My husband told me about his crossdressing early on in our relationship. I was confused at first, but I eventually came to terms with it. His desire simply was a part of him, and I loved him, "quirk" or not. He only liked dressing up as a part of lovemaking, so no one...
I’d plowed and shoveled a few more drives over the winter, the small riding tractor (it seems silly to call it a mower when it doesn’t have a real mower) with its blade helped me get to more jobs and get them done quicker. It was really pretty handy for plowing as long as we didn’t get too much snow. It was maneuverable and, picking the right gear, it went about the perfect speed. We had a lot of snow that year and besides plowing and shoveling it, I did quite a bit of sledding and tobogganing...
Seeking Enlightenment through Bondage I'm not sure if this is a uniquely US thing or if it happens all over the world, but marketing specials where you buy an item at whatever price and get to take a second one home with you for free are pretty common around here. Certainly in the grocery stores with cheap stuff like a can of beans, and occasionally in other places too. The ads refer to the offer as 'BOGO', for "Buy One Get One". It's usually done for product awareness with items that...
Copyright© 2005 "Cough." Despite being one of Floyd's closest friends, the doctor always snickered when he cupped Floyd's genitalia. "You don't really want to do this do you?" "No." Floyd had come in for a physical and was under orders to discuss getting a vasectomy. "And you know what, screw Jess." Floyd looked down at his penis in the doctor's hand. Floyd was a fit, musuclar guy that looked like a movie star, but fate had cursed him with a small penis. It looked like a little...
Bogus By Holly v I never got on with my twin sister, she was the good girl and I was the bad boy always in trouble but we pretended to be friends especially for mum and dad. We were both blue eyed, blonde haired 5foot 10 tall, and that's where the similarities ended. My sister Catherine joined the police force I must admit she looked sexy in the uniform; I became a con man, thief all round crook. It was on one of my con jobs when things started to move on towards a big score. It...
March 14th, 1995, 10:51 PM EST; Mile 369; 3 miles west of Johnstown, PA Inside the compartment, it was noisy. Outside, the countryside flashed by in the dark, streetlights sometimes causing the shade to brighten. The clattering of the wheels over the tracks was a raucous din, while the car’s age- 45 years- and unbelievable mileage allowed some creaking and shuddering of the car’s ancient and abused structure. The cacophony included such things as the rooms door constantly rattling in its...
Hello, everyone! I am a 21-year-old guy from Ahmedabad. I study at a reputed engineering college here and I don’t wish to reveal my name here. The story which I am going to tell you all happened this Diwali. I have been a frequent reader of this site and felt like sharing my experience with all of you. And above all, the story is my real experience which has pretty much changed my entire perspective towards relations. My aunt (mother’s youngest sister) is 40 years old and has two children, a...
IncestI used another two of the sovereigns from my money belt to obtain seats for Samuel and myself on the night mail coach to London. "Do I continue to call you 'Samuel', or should I revert to your former name of Patrick?" I asked as we made our journey south. "I was born Samuel Braithwaite, and feel I should honour my birth parents by retaining the name. However, I owe much to my adoptive parents and should also honour their name." He pondered silently for a second or two. "Then there is...
Fran, nice to read your last email. I am very happy that you and Marge finally got together. I ran into her last week. Sorry I missed you. I was only in town for a day. She is very happy. You know I was friends with her before I met you.This may shock you, but Marge has been in love with you for years, you are probably the only person she would leave Jimmy for, if you gave her the least encouragement. She would shack up with you without a second thought.But I digress and am going places that...
All the women came out ta he'p me remove the bodies from our front yard. There wuz way too many ta bury, soz we decided ta burn the bodies, instead. We looted whatever we could use, which wuz mostly silver an' copper coins, muskets, powder an' shot, an' knives. I did take some boots what would fit me an' a couple of shirts. The rest we just burned in the pyre. Yep, they wuz British, all right. I found markin's on every one of the shot pouches showin' British Army issue, an' that wuz...
He stood in the hotel lobby looking hot as hell; his suit perfectly tailored to his muscular physique like a second skin. His gorgeous white teeth popped against dark chocolate skin as he smiled and joked with what appeared to be a male business colleague. I moved further down the counter, close enough to hear that they were waiting on an Uber to a nearby restaurant for a business dinner with their associates. He was the kind of man whose sexiness oozed from every pore and with every movement....
Chapter 26 Jason woke up the next morning and felt an unusual pressure on his chest. It took him a moment to realize that he was sleeping on his stomach, and what he was feeling was his new breast forms pushing into his chest. He just laid there for a while enjoying the sensation. Eventually though he got up, put on his bathrobe and headed out to the kitchen. He found his mom sipping on her morning coffee. "Good morning, Kelly." "Good morning, Mom." "So, what did you think...
ANCM Part 6: What is a Fulfilling Life? (Dec 12-19 2018) "What is a Rich Fulfilling life?" she pondered...... Diana Princeton sat on the bar stool in her kitchen, finishing out a small afternoon snack of crackers and a side salad. She spotted Jane over by the dining table, busy with her work. I am so proud of her, she thought, such a studious young woman. She tapped her long ruby nails upon the countertop as she then got up to put away the dishes to start that up in time for dinner...
The following story is full of all sorts of sexual antics of many proclivities. If you are reading this, enjoy it and give it a score. All feedback welcome. For those of who have read my previous stories, you pretty much know where I’m coming from but for those of you who haven’t, let me introduce myself. My name is Ray. I am a mature man living in the resort paradise of the Hamptons. I am also bisexual having been turned out about ten years ago, not long after my divorce. I do not publicize...
One Yank and they’re off I have been asked to publish this story by the lady concerned, we had previously agreed to keep it private. The incident happened in September of 2008, the lady concerned, Jane lives in Paris, Texas and I live in the Midlands in the UK. Jane and I “met” on the internet; she had read a story of mine about spanking in a sex story forum and then contacted me to discuss the story. Jane expressed an interest in being spanked and we started to chat about it starting on the...
SpankingHi, guys Komal here. This is the part-2 of my story “Forced to become a CD Slut”. I ran to Anita’s apartment after dressing and barged into her living room. Anita was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper. I screamed at her asking why she did this. Suddenly I felt a burning pain on my cheek like something just struck there. I also heard a muscular voice saying “Shut the fuck up slut, you should only open your mouth if you are asked to speak”. I felt like my head was spinning. Then I heard...
Gay MaleHello to all horny guys and girls of this lovely site. I am Simraan, a young Bengali girl living in Delhi who is enjoying life to the full, before getting married one day. I love dominating guys in the bed and due to that, you could call me a BDSM-lover. I have a lot of such erotic experiences in my life which I will be telling you in my stories. I have achieved various things in life which I can openly speak of. But what I love to speak out but I don’t do it in public, are my bondage ventures....
Stella was slightly smashed, but there was a hot glow in her eyes and a dampness to her lush mouth. "Never thought I'd be discussing my husband's sexual prowess--or lack of same--with you, Regina. But here we sit, getting loaded and I'm not ripping your eyes out. In fact, I'm kind of tickled at the whole thing. I'm excited, too. It's all so wild and crazy." Regina reached out and touched her friend's hand. Stella's skin was like olive-colored velvet, that soft and smooth. She said,...
In the normal course of events even the most uncomfortable menstrual flow comes to its natural conclusion and the girl in question; Josette, resumes a normal life. Similarly, the tedious and anxiety provoking business of putting a house up for sale with an Estate Agent can be taken as read. Recounting the 900 mile journey from the English Midlands to the Languedoc in a heavily loaded Volvo estate car would be as tedious for the reader as it might have been for the occupants. Even the large...
It is the story of my girlfriend jazzy. She was a beautiful virgin of 18. She has been my class fellow for a long time. There developed a strong relationship between us. She was sexy and has a nice body. I like her boobs very much. One day I talked to her on telephone. I came to know that she is alone at her home. So I asked her to allow me to come to study with her at her home. She responds positively. So I think that this a chance that I can taste her pussy and can fuck her. So within no time...
Okay, I have to warn you Okay, I have to warn you. This story is really different from my other stories. I think you will be surprised at the bitch in this one. Like the Janeway story I wrote it for my own amusement. I apologize to X for taking liberties with Brenda Wade, Lydia Willis and Dragon Queen. ???????????????? ??????????? ???????????? TURNING THE TABLES. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????? By ???????????????????????????????????????????????...
Mary Solaris is a saucy redhead who has come to Private Specials, Anal Loving Teens 2 as horny as ever and this is one threesome you won’t want to miss! This wild tattooed nympho is bored of her boys playing Damas and she’s looking for something much more thrilling as she pulls apart her panties and lures them in for some fun. Deepthroat, anal, DP and much more, this threesome truly has it all and you can watch all the action on where Mary sucks and fucks her way to a couple of...
xmoviesforyouThat evening, my wife called me, saying she was going to be a little late; some guys from the office had invited her to a local pub for some drinks; so she would meet me later at home…Ana arrived very late that evening. I was at the kitchen, opening a wine bottle. She was smiling and I guessed she was in a good mood…I offered her a glass of red wine and then grabbed her from behind.She moved to the back yard and I walked behind her grabbing her soft boobs. Then I put my hand under her skirt and...
It was Friday which was her day off. After the boys had left the house to go to school Debby quickly took the dog out for a walk. Underneath her jeans she was wearing lacy top hold ups and a thong. The thong felt tight against the crack of her bottom and she liked the rough feel of the material of her jeans rubbing against the cheeks of her backside as she walked along. She also liked how the tops of the hold ups felt against her thighs. Normally she would only wear ordinary knickers when she...
MasturbationPlease read the story Clare first or this will make no sense to you............It was still early in the morning and I was so pleased Clare had managed to get the rest of the day with me, she told me earlier that she had to go away for 10 days soon and I knew I would miss her badly, we must make the most of the time we have I thought. I got up and made us breakfast, then returned to the bedroom with it, Clare was snuggled up in the big duvet, her hair all messed up with a very happy and...
Adam was lying on his bed. His eyes were closed, the house was quiet, and he was locked deeply onto his usual fantasy subject … Cynthia Morales. Every encounter with Cynthia over the years had been carefully cataloged in his sense memory … every touch, every smell, every sight. Adam may have been working on his doctorate in biochemistry, but his real expertise centered on two things: Cynthia and masturbating. Adam was a champion pole polisher. He masturbated so much that he once had a...
The night started innocently enough. My wife had invited a friend from work over to spend the weekend. Our youngest daughter was over at a friends house for the weekend, and the oldest was expected home from college on Saturday morning. Suffice it to say, we decided to let loose.Ray arrived home from work with her friend Sara at about 4pm. I had just made a batch of margaritas when they walked in the door. Ray, my wife and best friend is the sexiest woman I know. At 5'4" and about 140lbs, she...
ManagerArby's Restaurant2398 N. Myrtle StreetEverheart, ND Dear Arby's:My name is Amanda Featherbottom and I am writing to complain about what is going on at your Arby's restaurant located at 2398 N. Myrtle Street here in Everheart, North DakotaThere are these two boys who come to your restaurant every day between 2:30 and 2:45 in the afternoon after they get off work at the chicken processing plant. One is named Jason Tiberson, and the other is Orville Gast. Jason is the taller one with dark...
HumorThe twins were at the airfield in their new white convertible limo. That limo was a sweet ride, especially from all the buttons. I love buttons. The twins had been using my dad’s convertible while I had been gone, so having the top down was nothing special for them or our friends. I was momentarily a little jealous of how they had spoiled our friends with that without me, but it was to help cheer them up rather than show off. We rode with the top down. I thought it was cool, and not just...
I was in Bodrum, Turkey, assisting to the opening of a brand new art gallery. I took the plane from Brussels to see that because a friend of mine was working at the Turikish ambassy and gave me the invitation and plane ticket. He expected an article in European papers. The gallery itself was located at the ground floor of a huge hotel of 12 stages full of rooms. It was nearly the night, around 9PM. Inside it was crowded: artists, journalists, critics, politicians, and a lot to eat and drink....
Grace had insisted that Axel and Rayner travel with the caravan heading towards the dungeon even though it would have been faster for them to travel on foot. Instead, they plodded along with hundreds, if not thousands, of travelers. But she’d been right in her recommendation for many reasons. Traveling with the caravan allowed them to see the might of the Coalition gods. A massive gaseous wall of blue bordered the entirety of the caravan, a blessing from a traveler god of the Coalition. The...
Roger Trent was once again closing down the health club on a Friday night, and as usual, it was for the wrong reason. It was great that he had the discipline to keep working out regularly, and he should have been proud to see how good his sixty-year-old body looked. The problem was, he came to the club late at night because he could not sleep. Pills or alcohol had never been acceptable insomnia remedies to him. Sex was the perfect remedy, but therein lay the heart of his problem. He had...
This story was motivated by the sight of a very pretty Indian college girl in an atrocious bikini at the pool this summer. Once it started though, it became an exploration of power exchange.All characters in this story are completely fictional.I welcome all suggestions and comments on the story. It’s not what might be considered ‘hot’ just yet. It’s because the explosive scene I have in mind will now appear in the 2nd chapter. It’s not written yet, but I will certainly work on it if there is...
VoyeurHi readers, this is yet another story from my side. I house is near a famous gals school in my area. Every morning this street will be packed with gals of upto 18yrs in all sizes. Every day it will be show for me, except when i start early. I dont remember anyone faces, but jus everything else. I used to see all sizes and shapes. Its a day to remember. Once i started from my place early morning, and i was cleaning my car which was parked jus opposite to the school. By that time a person came in...
Upstairs in the offices, Jacqui and Wendy notice that face two windows away......Wendy: Look, it’s him again, the creepy little git from the stores.Jacqui: I’m not looking thanks.Wendy: that’s every day he’s been up here, gazing through the window at you. Jacqui: stupid little tosser.The girls carry on with their work, but Wendy realises he’s not going away this time.Wendy: d’ya know what?! Silence. You’re not going to believe this, but I think........still silence...I think he’s gonna do it in...
“Hi.” Julia looked up from staring at the glass. She’d zoned out, the kind of zoning out you do when you look at something long enough and start to not look at it anymore but look through it. The kind of zoning out we all do when we need a short brain nap, like the brain is cozied up under blankets and it’s raining outside and it’s watching a Lifetime movie but ... not watching it. Yes. We all need brain naps. “Hi?” She said, more to wake herself out of her mental break than to acknowledge...
I hope you all liked the previous part. If you are interested in connecting with me, I can be reached on gmail at or on Yahoo at Continuing from the previous post at After a couple of days, Linga receives a Skype request from a person called Shyam. Linga knows that Shyam is Sanjana’s husband. So he accepts the request. On Saturday night, Linga usually chats late in the night. He gets a ping from Shyam. Shyam: Hi Linga. I...
"Jesus Christ Tom, can you do nothing right? I am sick and tired of you doing everything half-assed." Dad wasn't home for five minutes and he was already screaming. "Do you have any reason why I asked you to clean the dishes this morning and there are more than there were this morning?! One thing! I ask you one motherfucking thing and you slap me in the face with this shit." "Dad, chill. I lost track of time, I'll do it rig-" "NO!" he screamed. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE. I'M...
Mike went out for a while that day to see his friends and play some soccer. While he was gone I went online and found my friend. She was the lady who had seen her son naked in the shower and was desperate to fuck him, she had watched on webcam while I gave my son his first blowjob a few days ago.I told her all about what my son and I had been up too, how he had been fucking me senseless and how I had left him tied to the bed. She was fascinated by what I was telling her. She said she was...
Merton pinched the bridge of his nose as Brash snored atop his head. “Run this by me again,” he said. “Okay,” Lisa said. “Dragons originated on Earth as weapons of warfare and magical creations made by human wizards. One wizard decided to use them against his enemies, and the resulting war devastated the planet. It’s probably what’s behind pretty much every ancient flood and story of Atlantis and why every human culture in the world has art and legends about dragons. In the end, the wizards...
I was starting out 8th grade somewhere between the popular kids and the normal kids. My lack of social skills and severe acne kept me out of the “cool” group although I was friendly with a few of them. Being a teenager I had a crush on multiple girls and had to keep it secret, because teens. The one that had my eye since 6th grade to be honest was Ashley. She was a very petite Native American girl with nice breasts and an unbelievably beautiful face. She had the attention of every boy in the...
Sean had actually come down to get me. Juicy and Nosey had gotten impatient and started without me. When Bunny and I got to my room, Juicy was laying on the bed and Nosey was holding a small digital camera on a close up of Juicy stroking himself. "Steady. Not too fast. Wait for Boss." Happily, they were both naked. "Oy, mate! I can't! That bloody camera!" Juicy gasped, but he managed not to come. "I'm waiting too." Nosey admitted. "As hot as watching you is, with the Boss it's...
I looked stunned but was I really stunned? Kelly took the look on my face as a sign of elation. She had a big smile on her face and had I been a lesser man I would have punched her right in the kisser. "Rog ... this is so unbelievable. I wanted to tell you sooner but I wanted to pass my 11 week mark first." Kelly then started prattling on about a nursery, baby shower and maternity leave. By then I had zoned out. There is nothing worse than being played for a fool except when you realize...
The inquiring reader must, I fear, be informed that this humble offering cannot be understood without some knowledge of Miss Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride & Prejudice. If you have not read that novel, why are you wasting time with my work? Pride & Prejudice is not just a romance; it is the romance in the English language. On the Storiesonline scale, it scores two hundred ... at least. Go read it forthwith! It's available online, if you so desire. If reading gently paced...
Back in their camp, a disused warehouse which had a dirty concrete floor and little furniture other than the bedrolls the men had carried from Kobekistan, the six men surveyed their nine captives. It was almost nightfall, so the two children were put to bed in one of the bedrolls. Tired and confused, but with the resilience of all small children, the little boys quickly fell asleep. The seven women were lined up and Abdur started a discussion about the sharing of the profit they would make...
It was 5:42 which left Kavya two hours to sleep and sweep off this night. She let her body fall on the cold bed and closed her eyes. Soon, everything came back… She was in her room, combing her silky hair while contemplating her exposed body in the mirror. She loved the way her long hair covered her full breasts and deliberately parted her legs to look at her insides. She has never been a shy girl and love wandering au naturel in her room with her windows wide opened. She never mind closing...
It was three in the morning and Will was bone tired, almost too tired to climb out of his truck and climb in his comfortable bed. Finally, he crawled out of his truck, stretched, and headed inside. First order of business was to get him a Mountain Dew and then it was shower time to wash all the oil and glitter from his body. Once he accomplished both goals on his mental list, he fell into bed and was soon asleep.After only what seemed like minutes to him but had been several hours, he was...
HardcoreCopyright© 1997-2003 A clever young man named Eugene Invented a jack-off machine. On the twenty-third stroke The fuckin' thing broke And beat both his balls to a cream. Lora knew she was being followed. It was evident to me, as she became nervous and crashed into more objects and people. Her cane snapping back and forth seemed to help her little from the small accidents she had. The long curly mane of blond hair whirled about as the woman seemed to try to get a fix upon me while...
Aurora Xandra – Unmik, Asunow Princedom, The Princedoms of Zeutch The alarm resounded through the cell, my delicate ears flinching from the piercing reverberations while the smile grew and grew on Princess Adelaide’s face. The strawberry-blonde woman shuddered on Chaun, eyes casting to the ceiling of his cell. My stomach twisted with fear and anger. She triggered an alarm. She had just alerted the entire castle to our presence. Minx and I had spent the last hour sneaking into this place. I...