Casablanca II free porn video

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Casablanca II Adriana Ovelar Los sucesos de esa noche me confundieron todavia mas. Por una parte, me acostumbre a usar el vibrador, a entenderlo como una fuente de gozo, a pensar en el cuando me aproximaba a la casa. Tambien me gustaba y me preocupaba el hecho de que, apenas pocos dias despues de la primera vez, ya queria yo tener dentro algo mas grande, algo mas vibrante y vivo. Acaso ya estaba deseando un hombre? Acaso era tan puto? Por la otra parte, sentia con cada vez mayor claridad que el deseo de Elsa por independizar a Victoria era tambien su deseo porque Victor desapareciera y le diera libertad y conciencia limpia para continuar su aventura amorosa con Rick. Me daba miedo que Victoria siguiera creciendo, porque significaba que Victor estaba condenado. Sentia mucho enojo hacia Elsa, pero tambien una suerte de agradecimiento. No me habia abandonado, como hacen algunas mujeres llevadas por la pasi?n, sino que habia buscado una salida alternativa, un camino que no me pareciera tan doloroso. Pero me humillaba. No podia dejar de sentirme humillado cada que ella tenia una cita y yo le deseaba, de dientes para afuera, que la pasara bien. "Ella esta en los brazos de el", pensaba, "y yo aqui, con mi peluca y mi corset, consolandome con este vibrador". Luego sentia que el vibrador estaba delicioso y entonces ya no pensaba. Solamente deseaba verga. Pero normalmente mi cerebrito seguia trabajando para recuperar a Elsa. A cada rato me decia que el florecimiento de Victoria no era solamente para mantener tranquila a mi esposa; era parte de una estrategia. Dentro de la estrategia, una clave era utilizar a Victoria como agente e informante de Victor. Las cosas que ella se enterara como amiga de Elsa las transmitiria al instante al marido celoso. Mientras menos razones diera Victoria para sospechar ?es decir, mientras mas apareciera seducida por su feminizaci?n-, mas facilidad habria para averiguar quien era Rick, cuales eran sus intenciones y por d?nde se le podria atacar. Asi fue que Victoria y Victor se enteraron por boca de Elsa, entre otras cosas, de que Rick tenia 42 a?os, era divorciado, habia estudiado finanzas y algo muy importante, habia sido miembro de las Fuerzas Especiales britanicas, un grupo de elite entrenado para la supervivencia en terrenos y condiciones hostiles. Gente capaz de infiltrar un pais sin ser vistos, entrenada para guiarse por el sol o por los astros, magnificos paracaidistas y escaladores, gente entrenada para entrar a un cuarto ocupado por varios hombres armados y matarlos a todos con una ronda de 13 disparos de su Browning 9 mm. Habia dejado las Fuerzas unos a?os atras y vuelto a las finanzas. Ahora investigaba posibles fraudes que pudiera sufrir el banco. Me imagine que, entre su conocimiento de restaurantes elegantes, sus finos modales, el olor del dinero, sus aventuras de guerra, que lo hacian todavia mas enigmatico, Rick tenia totalmente embobada a mi esposa. Pero mi instinto me hizo poner mucha atenci?n a las caracteristicas que tiene todo miembro de esa fuerza de elite. Gente silenciosa, a menudo desconfiada, que prefiere mirar sin ser vista y que valora su invisibilidad. En otras palabras, un espia perfecto. Esto queria decir, a su vez, dos cosas. Una es que era un rival formidable y peligroso. La otra, que muy probablemente el, a su vez, me estaba investigando a mi y a Elsa. * Una tarde, llegando de la oficina, me encontre a Guillermo Ugarte sentado en mi sill?n, con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja. -Ya te tengo toda la informaci?n sobre el piloto, jefecito. -Siempre voy mas adelante que tu, Ugarte ?respondi, a sabiendas de que no era cierto. -No hay ningun Richard Deckard que trabaje para Banca Activa o que tenga un puesto relevante en ninguna empresa del grupo Strasser. -Obvio. No se llama Richard Deckard, ese es el nombre de un personaje de pelicula. -Pues no. No se llama Richard Deckard, pero si tiene nombre de personaje de pelicula. Se llama Richard Blaine. -De que pelicula? -De Casablanca. Se llama igualito que el personaje de Humphrey Bogart. -Ah caray! -Fijate que yo tambien me llamo como un personaje de Casablanca. El de Richard Lorre, el que le vende los papeles a Victor ?y me gui?? el ojo. Solte una carcajada. Exactamente como Casablanca. Elsa (o Ilsa) estaba escindida entre Victor y Rick. Mi esposa estaba viviendo una de sus fantasias: pas? de su vida aburrida y mon?tona a ser la estrella del film mas romantico de todos los tiempos. Hasta Ugarte tenia un papel. -Y en que trabaja este tal Richard Blaine? Es propietario de un cafe? -Es el jefe de seguridad del corporativo. De el dependen todos los guardaespaldas de los Strasser, todos los sistemas internos de seguridad del banco y quien sabe cuantas otras cosas mas. -Hmmm. Si. Es l?gico. Era miembro de las Fuerzas Especiales britanicas. -Tambien fue miembro del M16, el Servicio Secreto. "Semper occultus" es su lema. -No me digas que lo checaste con los amigos de la Firma. -C?mo crees, jefecito. Yo tambien semper occultus. -Y ya dej? el servicio de Su Majestad? -Al menos oficialmente. La ultima actividad que tuvo con los amigos fue en Sierra Leone, en los noventa. Despues se fue a vivir adivina ad?nde. -A su casa solariega en Manchester. -Negativo. Se fue a vivir a Colombia. -Huele a polvo. -Es lo que digo. A polvo blanco ?volvi? a gui?ar Ugarte. -Eso nos da, grosso modo, dos probabilidades de lo que esta haciendo ? conclui-. O se pas? al lado de los malos y ahora se dedica a dirigir el lavado de dinero. O hace como que se pas? de su lado y sigue trabajando para la Firma. -O se pas? de su lado y hace como que sigue trabajando para la Firma. O la Firma se pas? del lado de los narcos. En este mundo no podemos descartar nada. -Nada. -Lo mas probable es que la Firma este trabajando con sus verdaderos amigos, que son los de la Compa?ia. La CIA y el FBI estan ya sobre los Strasser. Acaban de multar con 10 millones de d?lares a una de las sucursales de sus empresas en Estados Unidos. Estan recolectando datos por todos lados. Dicen que son una amenaza para la seguridad nacional gringa. Los quieren atorar. -Y nosotros les vamos a dar una empujadita, Ugarte. Necesito averiguar de que lado esta el tal Blaine. No lo podemos seguir directamente: esta entrenado para detectar pajaros en el alambre. Y si esta del lado equivocado, a quien nos va a atorar es a nosotros. Esos cabrones son peligrosos. -Ya sabes, jefecito, que cada secretaria es una informante en potencia. -OK. Pero mantengamos la cosa en 15. Total discreci?n. -Entendido y no anotado, jefecito. Ugarte sali? de la oficina y me quede pensando en c?mo iba yo a derrotar a ese hijo de puta. Se me ocurrian mil escenarios. No en todos salia yo bien librado. Confieso que tuve miedo. En casa, la nueva normalidad se apuntalaba. Mi capacidad de transformaci?n estaba llegando a su limite. Los cambios en mi figura empezaban a ser notorios; mi habilidad al peinarme y maquillarme ahora era practicamente natural. Eso hacia mas evidentes las carencias: el delineado de la ceja era imperfecto, y hacer unos arcos pronunciados hubiera sido visible en el trabajo. Las u?as se mantenian largas para un hombre, pero no escandalosas. Habia que estarlas limando a menudo. Los pechos habian crecido un poco: intentar que lo hicieran mas era arriesgado. Tampoco era facil abusar del perfume entre semana y, en la oficina, habia que cuidar los movimientos: mas de una vez me capture con manierismos delatores. Mi feminizaci?n era una tarea bien hecha. Tambien era una tarea hecha con placer. Pero habia llegado a un punto en el que era tan dificil regresar como continuar con la doble vida. En tanto, Elsa seguia estimulando a Victoria. Yo hacia casi todas las tareas domesticas y ella las alababa: resultaba, segun ella, mejor ama de casa. Elsa compraba revistas femeninas y las dejaba por la casa, en un azar que a menudo incluia mi recamara. Me recomendaba articulos. Platicaba conmigo de maquillaje, de moda, de chismes de amigas, de sentimientos, de actores de cine, de cirugia cosmetica. Tambien la hacia de psic?loga, sobre todo cuando notaba que en mi, a pesar de todo, se traslucian la tristeza o el enojo. Su intenci?n era muy clara. -Victoria, entiendo que estes confundida, pero te tienes que alivianar. Estamos viviendo una transici?n y es normal que a veces estemos deprimidas. Se que durante mucho tiempo te prohibi que salieras de casa, pero es que me daba miedo lo que pudiera pasarte. Ahora veo que no es asi. Puedes salir, y hacer vida social. -D?nde? En un bar gay? ?respondi con sorna. -Podrias ir ahi, tomar una copa y no faltara quien te invite. Eres guapisima. Aunque ya se que no quieres un gay, sino un hombre de verdad. Pero por algun lado hay que empezar. Y a final de cuentas no es necesario que salgas a ligar. Puedes ir de shopping, o al cine. No tienes que ir conmigo a todos lados. Bien que te dabas tus escapadas antes, cuando yo iba a visitar a mi mama. Bien que salias, pero ahora que tienes mi permiso, y hasta mi bendici?n, te haces la martir. Lo que quieres es hacerme sentir mal. Gozas con eso. -Oye, tu sales cuando quieres con tu galan. Acaso yo he dicho algo? -No, pero te quedas con cara de perra sin amo. Y ademas, atropellada. En vez de gozar algo con lo que siempre habias so?ado, te quedas aqui tristeando y haciendome sentir culpable de algo por lo que no tengo que sentir ninguna culpa. Me le quede mirando fijamente. Ella reaccion?, agresiva: -Ninguna culpa, babosa. Ninguna. Obedecer al coraz?n no crea ninguna culpa. Entender que tu siempre quisiste ser mujer no crea ninguna culpa. Al contrario, siento la desaparici?n de Victor como si me quitara una carga. Que tu seas pendeja y no te des cuenta de eso, porque nunca te has fijado verdaderamente en mi, es otro asunto. Que tu seas pendeja y pienses que Victor va a poder reconquistarme algun dia, es otro asunto. Que seas pendeja y no te des cuenta de que Rick es el hombre de mi vida y lo trates con desprecio? -Que te pasa? No me insultes. -Puta, ahora eres Maria Delicadeza! A la se?orita le duelen los oidos porque le dijeron pendeja. Por favor. En vez de sentirte herida, deberias ponerte a pensar un poquito. Un poquito nada mas. Tienes dos oportunidades: o regresas a ser el hombre mediocre y soso que eras, te olvidas de mi para siempre y te buscas una pendeja antes de que te hagas viejo, o te conviertes de plano en la mujer deslumbrante, inteligente, buena onda y gran amiga mia que eres: una mujer con vida propia, con otro trabajo, con un novio y que vive, por ahora, con su roommate. Quedarse a la mitad es lo mas estupido que puedes hacer. Se que no es facil tomar la decisi?n, por eso te estoy ayudando. Pero que una cosa te quede clara: Victor se puede olvidar de mi para siempre. Si no te queda clara, eres una pendeja. Y no es insulto. Es la pura verdad. Me calle. Elsa me miraba con un semblante tranquilo, pero sus ojos destilaban una especie de furia desesperada que jamas le habia visto. -No seas tonta. Para que veas que mis sentimientos hacia ti son buenos, te invito ma?ana en la noche al teatro. Ponte guapa. Pude esbozar una sonrisa para decirle que si. -Que bueno. Paso por ti a las siete. Ahora ponte tu pijama, tus cremas y diviertete con tu vibrador, amiga. Se dio la vuelta y se meti? en su cuarto. * Me pase buena parte del sabado planchando y escuchando a Gloria Estefan. Elsa habia salido al gimnasio y despues, seguramente, con Rick. Hubo un momento en el que me mire al espejo y vi, totalmente, a un ama de casa. Tenia tubos en la cabeza: dos de ellos, muy grandes, jalaban los cabellos de la parte superior de la peluca hacia atras; muchos, de tama?o mediano, se ce?ian sobre las partes laterales del craneo y de la sien. Era una suerte de casco que, a esas alturas de la tarde, ya no me pesaba nada. Tenia puestos unos aretes dorados, lisos, de cuadro hueco, que me entraban facilmente por los hoyitos de mis l?bulos. Mi rostro tenia una muy tenue capa de maquillaje, pero lo percibia nitidamente como femenino. Llevaba puesta una blusa rosa muy sencilla; sobre ella, un mandil. La forma de mis senos y mi talle, moldeados por el relleno y la cinturilla que me apretaba los flancos, indicaban con claridad que yo era una mujer delgada. Llevaba puesta una falda de algod?n blanca, recta, a la altura de la rodilla, con una ligera apertura lateral. No tenia puestas medias, pero la piel de mis piernas depiladas era suave y sensible. De mis sandalias de tac?n se asomaban unos deditos pintados de rojo. Mis brazos eran poco musculosos, sin vello, con sendas pulseritas y un reloj de cinta estrecha. La mano derecha, de u?as pintadas del mismo tono rojizo, sostenia la plancha. Me quede absorta en la imagen que devolvia el espejo y sonrei muy ampliamente. Yo era un ama de casa que esperaba el regreso de su pareja, que la iba a invitar al teatro. Un ama de casa que se acompa?aba con musica mientras planchaba. Una mujer que iba a terminar sus tareas, tener la casa perfecta y quedar muy bonita para salir. No es que me sintiera reducida por la situaci?n especial que estaba viviendo. Me sentia extra?amente limitada, pero muy contenta. Decidi ser un poco mas atrevida para esa noche. Tuve particular cuidado en acomodar mis senos y maquillar de un tono oscuro el estern?n y de un color claro el inicio de mis pechos, para dar una impresi?n de maximo clivaje. Hice un gran esfuerzo para apretar mi corset al maximo, ya que s?lo un talle muy peque?o podria disimular las caderas estrechas. Tome prestada ropa de Elsa: una blusa de color verde floral con una cremallera en medio: si la cremallera se abre, ense?a el inicio de los senos; tambien unos pantalones negros de cuero, muy ajustados, que me pudieron entrar s?lo gracias a las pantimedias negras de seda, y unas zapatillas mias, algo viejas, pero elegantes, de tac?n de punta. El cabello me qued? regio. Intente no exagerar en el maquillaje: lograr un look menos artificial, pero inconfundiblemente femenino. Me puse s?lo unos toques de Tresor. Cuando acomode las cosas en mi bolsa, me la colgue al hombro y termine de ver mi obra, el espejo restituia una imagen muy diferente a la de hace unas horas. El ama de casa se habia transformado en una mujer atractiva y sensual. Quede complacidisima. Elsa se tard? en llegar. Apenas si nos daba tiempo para llegar al teatro. No se disculp?, pero igual yo estaba feliz de salir con ella. Feliz, tambien, de que todo mundo me dijera se?orita y de que algunos hombres se voltearan a vernos, no con curiosidad sino con deseo. Feliz de notar que entre mis pantalones no se veia bulto alguno. Excitada con la sensaci?n de ser libremente Victoria. La obra estuvo para morirse de risa y en esta ocasi?n no hubo manera de contenerme. Supongo que todos estaban igualmente relajados y carcajeandose, porque nadie pens? que mi risa fuera un poco extra?a. Como la vez anterior, del teatro pasamos a un bar. Fue hasta entonces que Elsa hizo algun comentario sobre mi apariencia: -Caramba, que guapa, me estas empezando a dar envidia. Hasta te queda bien mi ropa. Ves c?mo si funcion? el menjurje? Sonrei, halagada. Incline ligeramente la cabeza, en se?al de agradecimiento. -Pero mas vale que te compres un poco mas de ropa, no quiero que me la andes pirateando ?amonest?. El bar tenia una iluminaci?n tenue, pero suficiente. No estaba retacado, pero logramos obtener una de las ultimas mesitas. La musica era suave y variada: raggae, jazz, musica etnica. Senti que la bebida me relajaba todavia mas. Fue entonces que empece a mirar a los demas clientes. Uno de ellos era un hombre de blazer azul, con el cabello negro un poco largo y dientes que me parecieron blanquisimos cuando me sonreia. Me le quede viendo unos cinco o seis segundos. Cuando me di cuenta de lo que estaba haciendo, volvi a sonreir y baje la mirada. Segui platicando con Elsa, muy quitada de la pena y, de repente, saque el lapiz labial de mi bolso, me retoque los labios mirandome en el espejito y lo volvi a meter. -Que coqueta! ?dijo Elsa, con evidente expresi?n de gusto. Volvi a agachar la cabeza, no sin antes pasarme brevemente la lengua por los labios. -No te apenes. Esta guapisimo. Lo dijo y lo volvi a ver a los ojos. Un segundo apenas, para luego voltear, espantada y tomar un sorbo de mi mint julip. Empece a sentirme inc?moda. Cruce las piernas. Las descruce. Lo volvi a mirar. Sonreia mientras platicaba con Elsa, pero le estaba prestando menos atenci?n de la acostumbrada. Tenia ganas de voltear a ver al hombre de nuevo. Temi estar sonrojandome. Era muy masculino y francamente me miraba como a una mujer. Yo le gustaba. Me percate de que, tras unas cuantas miradas, yo ya sabia perfectamente c?mo iba vestido, ya habia comparado nuestras estaturas y hasta empezaba a imaginarme si tenia pelos en el pecho. Guau: tenia que admitir que el me gustaba a mi. Me acomode el cabello, dejando por un segundo mi cuello al desnudo. Percibi, entonces, que Elsa sonreia hacia la direcci?n en la que el estaba y que, instantes despues, ella se acomodaba hacia atras en la silla. -Podemos sentarnos con ustedes? Ya no hay lugar ?nos dijo otro hombre, mas joven, de barba estilizada. Ya Elsa, con su lenguaje corporal, les habia dicho que si. Se present? y me present? como Victoria. Salude al joven de barba, escuche su nombre y voltee hacia arriba a mi derecha. Ahi estaba el, de pie, con las piernas muy separadas, los hombros un poco echados hacia atras y una grandisima sonrisa, que se hizo mas amplia cuando acomod? una sillita junto a la mia. De inmediato me di cuenta de que ellos se habian puesto de acuerdo. El barboncito se ligaria a Elsa; yo era para el galanazo. Mi primera reacci?n fue de orgullo: el mas guapo me habia escogido a mi. La segunda fue de preocupaci?n, que pasara si la voz me delata? C?mo reaccionara? La tercera fue interpretar el lenguaje corporal de Elsa: se habia dado practicamente la vuelta para mirar de frente al barb?n, se inclinaba ligeramente ante el. Habia dejado el espacio para que Luis se dedicara a mi por completo. Por fortuna, el volumen de la musica ayudaba a disfrazar los sonidos y Luis ha de haber pensado que yo era mas bien timida, que hablaba en voz muy baja, pero nunca sinti? que yo no fuera una mujer. Le dije que trabajaba en el gobierno, que Elsa y yo compartiamos un departamento, que veniamos del teatro, que me gustaba todo tipo de musica. El me dijo que tenia 36 a?os; yo le menti acerca de mi edad. Me platic? de su trabajo. Anestesi?logo, trabajaba con varios doctores en distintos hospitales privados. "Un trabajo en el que no esta permitido fallar", me dijo. Yo lo miraba fascinada, asentia a lo que el me decia y le hacia preguntas que a mi misma me sorprendian, porque el tema nunca antes me habia interesado: si algun paciente habia despertado antes de tiempo, si el objetivo de la anestesia era solamente evitar el dolor, en que tipo de cirugias era mas comun que trabajara. El hablaba de su trabajo, muy contento, con alguna que otra frase hecha: "nuestra tarea es proteger a un paciente indefenso del peligro". Me sonreia, orgulloso, y yo le devolvia la sonrisa. En un determinado momento, me di cuenta de que estaba totalmente enfocada a el. Tome otro sorbo y senti que su mano me rozaba el antebrazo. -Sabes que eres muy guapa, Victoria? ?me dijo. -Gracias, ?respondi, y luego, sin pensarlo-: tu tambien eres muy guapo. Asustada por lo que acababa de decir, hurgue en la bolsa para sacar un cigarrillo. Result? peor, porque apenas lo hice, el ya me estaba ofreciendo la llama de su encendedor. Lance una bocanada y sonrei, alegremente derrotada. Me habia ligado un hombre y tenia que relajarme. A instancias de su amigo, salimos del bar y nos fuimos a bailar. Elsa fue con su cita en el auto; yo, en el carro de Luis, un Infiniti color plata. Era la primera vez que salia asi con un hombre. Era una sensaci?n muy agradable, pero cuando entre al coche senti un poco de miedo. Estaba haciendo algo muy arriesgado y no queria que me descubriera. En el camino me pregunt? sobre mis estaciones favoritas de radio, y coincidimos en la gran mayoria. Me pregunt? si me gustaba el cine y le dije que si. Que cual era mi genero favorito y le dije que todos, menos las peliculas de horror. Luego me pregunt? si me gustaba mucho bailar. -La verdad bailo mal ?respondi sinceramente-, me dejare llevar por ti. Volvi? a mostrar una sonrisa segura, que me embruj?, y puso su brazo en mi hombro. Recline un poco la cabeza. El carro lleg? a un semaforo y el pos? suavemente su mano izquierda sobre mi muslo; pas? la derecha tras mi oreja, que roz? muy ligeramente. Me estremeci. Cerre los ojos. Cuando los volvi a abrir, el ya estaba muy cerca. Entreabri los labios y nos besamos. Habia algo de normal y algo de extraordinario en ese beso. Los labios de Luis no eran en realidad tan diferentes a los que yo habia besado antes. Pero adverti en ellos una consistencia ligeramente distinta. Tras los pocos segundos del primer contacto, roce su labio superior con la parte interna del mio. Senti los pelos que nacian en la zona del bigote. Lo volvi a besar, suave y brevemente. La luz del semaforo se puso en verde. El me tom? la mano y le sonrei. Aprete la suya. En la discoteca, con la musica tan alta, era dificil platicar. Senti algo especial cuando Luis me ofreci? el brazo para que fuera a bailar con el. No nos podiamos mover mucho, pero yo experimentaba toda una gama de nuevas sensaciones, era como si me fuera mas facil seguir la musica con el cuerpo, como si, parad?jicamente, se me hubiera despojado de un corset. Mis manos flotaban y caian con gracia. Mis piernas interpretaban el ritmo de manera casi intuitiva. Me habia dejado ir: era como si bailara por primera vez. -Mentirosa ?me dijo la primera vez que regresamos a sentarnos-, bailas muy bien. -Es que estoy a gusto ?respondi, y le di un enorme sorbo a mi bebida. Estaba acaloradisima. El ambiente de la disco, el corset y la peluca estaban cobrando factura. Me levante y le dije a Luis que iba al tocador. -Te acompa?o ?dijo Elsa. -Que calor! ?fue lo primero que dije al entrar al ba?o. -Que barbara, Victoria, ya ligaste galan! ?fue lo primero que dijo ella. -Me dan muchos nervios. -Pero te gusta. No lo puedes negar. Te gusta mucho. Sonrei, y me mire en el espejo. No estaba mal, el maquillaje no se habia corrido y tenia s?lo unas gotitas de sudor. Pero por dentro sentia un horno, sobre todo en la cabeza. -El mio es muy soso. La verdad estoy aqui por hacerte el quite, amiga. -Gracias. Pero cuando quieras nos vamos. Ni creas que pienso continuar esta aventura por mucho mas. -En el fondo de tu coraz?n te lo quisieras encamar ya. Hice una mueca. -Estas loca? ?trague saliva tras decir la frase, es la que menos le gusta. Esta vez Elsa sonri?. -Siempre dices que estoy loca cuando digo una verdad. -Permiteme, voy a hacer pipi. Regrese a retocarme. A secar con cuidado el sudor, darme una pasadita de rimel, volverme a pintar los labios, ponerles brillo. Coqueteria pura. A nuestro retorno, la musica habia cambiado. Era mas calmada. Luis me volvi? a sacar a bailar. Le di la mano, me tom? del talle y nos dirigimos a la pista. Era una sensaci?n maravillosa, que se hizo mas exquisita cuando deposite mi mano izquierda en su hombro. Permiti que me acercara mas a si, pero puse una minima resistencia ?sobre todo interna- para que el baile no se transformara en un abrazo. Desee ser menos alta, para poderme recargar en su hombro, pero eramos de la misma estatura. Mi coraz?n latia con fuerza. Toda una suerte de sensaciones er?ticas pasaron por mi mientras mi mano bajaba lentamente de su hombro al pecho y el guiaba mis pasos. Descubri que era sencillo seguirlo. Que era muy agradable sentir a su mano fuerte mover mi cadera, que era muy placentero mirarlo mientras girabamos, que percibia un peque?o shock electrico cada que mis pechos rozaban su cuerpo. Quise que la pieza no terminara nunca, pero termin?. Regresamos a nuestra mesa y Luis me pas? la mano por el rostro. De nuevo entrecerre los ojos. Juguete? un segundo con el arete. Yo movia el cuello, como buscando que su contacto fuera mayor. Me tom? la cara con las dos manos, se inclin? y nos volvimos a besar. Lo hicimos con ternura y con exaltaci?n. Luego pas? su dedo por mis labios, mirandome fijamente. -Eres una mujer excepcional, Victoria ?dijo. -Soy una mujer con algo especial ?repuse, pensando tambien un poco en lo que llevaba en medio de las piernas. -Yo tambien siento que eres especial. -Muchas gracias. Llegaron Elsa y su acompa?ante. Apenas se sentaron, Elsa dijo que ya estaba cansada y que mejor nos ibamos. -Quedense otro rato, apenas es la una y media ?dijo Luis, pero Elsa lo fulmin? con la mirada. -Si ustedes quieren quedarse, esta bien. Yo ya estoy agotada. Pense que mas valia irme con Elsa que arriesgar cualquier cosa con Luis y con su amigo, asi que dije que yo tambien me iba. -La hemos pasado muy bien ?comente. -Dejame tu telefono ?pidi? Luis. Elsa, ni tarda ni perezoza, sac? de su bolsa un postit y una pluma. Apunt? nuestro telefono y, abajo, los nombres "Elsa y Victoria". Dibuj? la "o" de Victoria en forma de coraz?n. Le entreg? el postit a Luis. -Les hablaremos ?prometi? el, y se despidi? con un beso en la mejilla. El frio empezaba a calar afuera de la discoteque, y mientras esperabamos el carro me cerre la cremallera. -Vaya, hasta que dejas de mostrar tus senos ?coment? Elsa, sarcastica-, los presumiste toda la noche. -Es que hace frio. -A veces hace mas frio cuando una esta mas caliente. No dije nada. No sabia si seguia siendo mi c?mplice o me estaba rega?ando. Apenas ech? a andar el auto, Elsa me pregunt?: -Que tal besa? -Rico. -Parecian tortolitos. Me da gusto por ti. Tu primer romance. -Fue algo extra?o ?trate de componer. -Los romances siempre son extra?os. De seguro tambien fue extra?o que te dieras cuenta de que en verdad eres una mujer. -Bueno, fue como una aventura? una experiencia. -Una primera experiencia ?corrigi?-, no busques pretextos. Es clarisimo que te gustan los hombres. -Me gust? como me mir? y como me trat? el, pero los hombres en general es otra cosa. -No te rindes ante la evidencia, verdad? Alla tu si no lo haces, pero podrias tener a muchos hombres rebotando por ti. Eres el tipo de mujer que mas les gusta: sensual y sumisa. De las que ya no hay. En ese momento me dieron ganas de decirle a Elsa que yo la amaba a ella, pero supe que lo arruinaria todo, incluso la sensaci?n de placer que llevaba dentro de mi. Seguimos un rato en silencio. Ella lo rompi?. -En que piensas? -En nada. -Seguramente estas pensando en el. En sus brazos. En sus besos. Efectivamente, pensaba en eso, pero conteste que no, que pensaba en tonterias. -Una piensa en tonterias cuando esta en las nubes. Y este cuate te puso en las nubes. Por que tenia yo la costumbre de escuchar a Elsa como si fuera el oraculo? Por que siempre le creia? Por que admitia, en mi fuero interno, que Luis me habia puesto en las nubes? Porque era verdad. En la casa, cada quien entr? a su recamara. Me quite los zapatos y senti que los pies me ardian con un dolor mucho mas punzante que cuando estaba bailando. Me quite la blusa, el pantal?n y las pantimedias y me puse el camis?n sobre el corset. Me desmaquille, me puse crema de noche y me quede, otra vez, viendo al espejo. Que es lo que veia? Veia a una mujer contenta, que llegaba a su departamento luego de bailar con un hombre muy guapo y cortes, que se habia prendado de ella. Una mujer que habia sido besada por el, que habia disfrutado de los besos, del tacto, de la compa?ia. Una mujer que lo habia escuchado con atenci?n y que habia notado c?mo los ojos de el se iluminaban al sentirse admirado. Una mujer que queria volverlo a ver y tenia miedo de que no fuera asi. Una mujer cansada, pero deseosa. Me meti en la cama y empece a fantasear. Yo volvia a salir con Luis y nos enamorabamos. En un cafe, mientras teniamos las manos enlazadas, le confesaba que era un hombre, pero estaba tomando hormonas. El me decia que no importaba, que me ayudaria a cambiar de sexo. Para demostrarmelo, me llevaba a su departamento y haciamos el amor. Me conseguia doctores y el mismo se encargaba de la anestesia en la operaci?n final. Luego me proponia matrimonio. En mi boda llevaba un vestido de crepe, muy fluido, con un escote de barco. Y en casa me dedicaba de cuerpo y alma a hacerlo feliz: en la cocina, en el cuidado de la casa y de sus cosas, en la cama y en el alma. Yo era su mujer; el era mi se?or. Regresaba a rehacer la fantasia, para agregarle detalles y ya no pude mas. Tome el vibrador, lo lami, abri las piernas y me lo meti con fuerza. -Luis! Luis! Luis! ?gemi- C?geme papito! C?geme siempre! Tenme contigo! Dame tu verga! Damela siempre! El vibrador estaba en el fondo y yo no tenia suficiente. Era casi como un dedo. Yo queria mas, necesitaba mas. Yo queria algo mas grande. Yo queria una verga pulsante. Yo queria a un hombre que te tomara. Yo queria tener a Luis adentro. -Lo quiero adentro! Lo quiero adentro! ?solloce sobre la almohada- Quiero que me coja! Quiero que me llene! Quiero que me ame! Mi culo estaba calientisimo, pero por mas que lo intentaba, no me podia venir. Extenuada, me rendi al sue?o. Pase varias horas con el vibrador adentro. Ya para entonces era un consuelo peque?o.

Same as Casablanca II Videos

2 years ago
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Waiting III

I watch her struggle on the ground. She sits up and reaches down and feels her ankle. I see that her ankle is swollen, even from my vantage point. I see blood on her chin and on her shirt. She starts to turn over and is on her hands and knees. She is crawling back the way she came. I have no idea where she comes from each day. I have been watching her all summer and into this fall. I think, does she have a car parked somewhere? Does someone drop her off? Does she live nearby and run to the path...

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Private Hazel Moore Gonzo Anal Debut

Today on Private, we have the pleasure of introducing you to Hazel Moore, a smoking hot brunette who has come to Private Specials, Kick Ass Kitchen for an interracial anal debut with Jesús Reyes that she’ll surely never forget! So watch this sexy girl in action as she masturbates her ass with her favourite toy and shows off her gorgeous tits whilst she waits for her stallion to arrive. Then experience this nympho’s true form as she gets a taste of BBC with a deepthroat blowjob before putting...

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Return From The Dark SideChapter 12 Rehab

Henry groaned under his breath and concentrated on relaxing his muscles. This hurt a lot. The woman who manhandled his leg had bent his injured knee as far as it would go and apparently that was not far enough for her. So she bent it some more. She saw the perspiration on his forehead. "Jesus, Major, why don't you tell me if it hurts that bad. You know, I can't help you if you play the hero." He looked at her guiltily. Ever since joining the regiment sixteen years ago, he had...

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The Day the Cliche Stood Still

Jack woke up from a deep yet disturbing sleep. His dreams had been stranger than usual. Where he typically dreamed of some hot girl at school, or the latest and greatest video game, this dreams last night were more broad. Things shifted constantly. At one point he was kissing Allison Moody behind the bleachers, only to find himself running from aliens while dressed like a barbarian warrior. In another he'd invented some fanciful machine that could warp reality, only to end up flipping burgers...

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TeamSkeetSelects Tiffany Watson Jazmin Luv Lily Lou Charma Kelly Best Of Freaky Fembots

What’s up, Team Skeet fans? We’ve had a lot of fun with our hit series, Freaky Fembots, so far, and we can’t wait to keep the good times rolling for future videos. The thought of having an ultra-realistic sex robot who bends to your every whim and fucks like a maniac is just incredible – what could be better?! We’ve put together some of our favorite moments from the series for this Selects update. You’ll see the hottest lineup of fembots sucking and fucking, whose greatest ambition is to please...

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Attention to the Mrs

It was an early night when my hubby and I decided to go to bed. He was not in the mood to have sex, which was not surprising since of late he just was so tired he just crashed. I on the other hand was very horny and I really needed to feel his cock deep in my pussy. I was starving for a good fuck. I decided that I was going to ease him into having sex. I usually go to bed with a night shirt or short nightie, but tonight I was going to put on some white cotton bikini underwear that I knew he...

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Madge Gives a Gift

Betsy had been my wife's best friend all through high school and college and Madge had taken it pretty hard when Betsy had married and moved to New York. The two had kept in constant touch, but Madge had not seen Betsy in almost five years. Last Saturday Betsy had called to say that her husband Rick would be coming to town on business and she had talked him into bringing her along. Madge naturally insisted that they stay with us and for the next two days she bustled around the house getting...

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Pseudo Cindy

"Pseudo Cindy" It was another Friday night and after my hot bubble bath I found myself once again going through my meager clothing and lingerie collection trying to decide what to wear. That's what I usually did on the weekends. It was a strange hobby to be sure, but since I wasn't bothering anyone and kept to myself I figured it wasn't anybody's business. I just wish I had more money to spend on my wardrobe. I had been living in my townhouse for nearly three...

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my dear sex friend part 1

she came much later in my life and did and our dating relationship did not last long... our raw and inhibited mutual sexual attraction actually manifested itself after we broke up... it had developed into unplanned more occasional encounters, but somehow more physical... after we parted ways from the dating relationship our interactions seem to become more open and natural... through a remaining friendship we slowly rediscovered our mutual ability to arouse one other virtually... exchanges...

3 years ago
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A Winters Night

A Winter's Night by katelyn michelle The bar was a lot emptier than I had hoped. There were no crowds standing around, and no one on the dance floor. I had hoped to meet other t-girls and make some new friends like I'd done the last time I came here. Apparently the crowds had been drawn that day by some special event. Tonight, my only company would be the few gay men sitting around the bar. Hoping the party was just late getting started, I pulled up a stool at the end of the...

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MagicianChapter 104

Oberon’s appearance and speech was the final nail in the coffin of Oonagh’s claim to be ruler of the Sidhe. The Daoine Sidhe were forced to commit to fighting a retreat in the few areas in which they retained control. Those that they did hold though were held strongly and with an iron fist. They did manage to hold onto a few of the fortresses including Niðavellir as well as the ancient Sidhe capital of Keldravan. Elsewhere though the lands reverted to the throne of house Skarlett and there...

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Sausage for Breakfast

Friday night I rented a hotel room, hoping to get fucked that night and the next morning. I got my room, set my things up and went to the store for some munchies and drink. I looked for a cute nighty, but didn't find anything to jump at me. I got back to my hotel, walking up the steps to get to the second floor and passed a few hot looking guys. We shared some eye contact and went on our way. When I got to my room, I looked over the balcony and seen the guys were parked right next to my car. As...

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Project Epsilon A Sexual Fantasy

30th October, 2012 22:05Prague Centre for Astro Surveillance, Czech Republic For Tomáš Dusek his shift at the PCAS started normally enough. The bank of lights and screens, which monitored the night sky were on stand by. No UFOs had been reported for over two weeks. A meteor shower at the end of September had caused some interest, but that was about it. Tomáš was enjoying a cup of coffee when his phone rang. It was the information desk. “Tomáš, you might want to check this out. It could be...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Step Dad gave me an orgasm

This really doesn't fall under incest but I didn't know where to put my first post. There was no taboo section. My step Dad met my Mom when I was 13. My mom was a train wreck of a woman, she failed me as her daughter and failed herself. Through circumstances I will never understand she met a completely wonderful guy that had the tenacity to take on a broken family unit. You know, he could have walked away but he stayed and made it work. My step Dad is a great guy. He always supported my dreams...

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The After Party episode 13

Introduction: The party got off to a good start in the back seat of Teds stationwagon… The scene, in 1974, is at a US military housing complex in Southern Germany. Some of you might be familiar with the area near Ramstein Air Base. Anyway, the military usually houses dependent families in fairly decent quarters. If youve ever had any experience in the military you know that government quarters were not spacious but adequate and always clean and well maintained. This complex is located off base...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Abigail Mac Kenna James Lexi Luna Lifeguard Instructor

Kenna James and Lexi Luna are ready to learn how to become lifeguards! They arrive at the poolside, donning their sexy bikinis, but are confused when they don’t see their instructor anywhere on the property. Then their eyes fall on the pool as Abigail Mac majestically rises from beneath the surface, rivulets of water cascading over her beautiful body. Kenna and Lexi are entranced as Abigail stands before them, energetically greeting them. After introducing herself, Abigail invites them to...

2 years ago
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Wiccan Vengeance

I reached out to grasp my love's hand, the only connection I had to him now was here, in this enchanted lake. They would all pay for our separation, after I was finished no one would ever stand between us again. Laughing I delighted in the dark power as I felt it flow through me. Ummm it felt so deliciously wicked! To think that I had denied the darkness all these years, now I embraced it as if a lover with love starved senses. Soon this world would feel the power of denying me my happiness,...

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This Couple Is MineChapter 2

It has been an eventful evening, and a very enjoyable one much to my surprise. But it’s getting late. I stood up, intending to dress and return to my suite. I no sooner got to my feet, however, than I thought, “What the hell am I thinking!” I ordered Don to clean up the bottles and glasses and then join us in the bedroom. I pulled Kylie to her feet, picked up her diaries and ordered her to lead the way to her bedroom. I followed her upstairs, a very pleasant experience in itself. The way her...

2 years ago
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Hot tub

My friend in the house maintenance business offered me another day’s work, unfortunately it was not at the house I had worked at before. When he told me, it was installing a hot tub, I told him I could not do it just not my line of work. He said not to worry as he would be doing it just needed someone to help. I thought the extra cash would come in handy, even though it would not prove to be as much fun as the last job I did. So, I spent the day working with him and we got it installed and he...

4 years ago
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For Amanda

Amanda is a very generous lover, she knows exactly how to please her Papi, that's what she calls me. We met on a social network and gradually became lovers, how could I not, she's a soft and sexy woman thru and thru. We enjoy exchanging erotic messages, in great detail she tells me how she wants to please me and I responds in great detail how she leaves me happy and satisfied. Amanda is a very oral lover, she enjoys sucking Papi's long thick cock with her sweet, sexy, red lips......

2 years ago
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Family affair Bathroom mommy

Note : This is part two of a family's journey into i****t. In part 1 (Backseat Sister), Phillip, unbeknownst to his sister Tanya, caught her masturbating... about him. A few days later the serendipitous stars all lined up and she ended up sitting on his lap in the backseat during a lengthy ride... a ride that ended with the almost silent taking of his sister's virginity with his mom and dad in the front. Although the father was none the wiser that his daughter had been deflowered by his son as...

3 years ago
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Sighs MatterChapter 4 Bosoms over Braazaville continued

"Much better, " she nodded. "The garlic and somewhat noxious foods those men must have been eating left a sour taste in my mouth for days." We didn't even bother reporting the gang rape, as there was no way the authorities could have identified the group, and they didn't appear to be members of either side of the conflict. That happens some times. Gangs of men who hold no allegiance to either side use the strife to let their baser emotions run wild. We'd had her checked, of course, for...

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Hailey Gets Pulled Over

This is a continuation of my previous story "Cleaning Up By Getting Dirty" that you can find on my profile. Enjoy! - VivicaI was driving home from getting my hair done thinking of my sexy black neighbor Mr. Chapman. I showed up to my appointment late because of traffic and almost had to give up my spot, but the appointment after me arrived early so my hairdresser took care of her first and then did me after. I got myself a cute bob with bangs, like Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim Vs. The...

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The Tree of Mystery

All know the tale of of the World Tree whether it be by the name of égig érő fa, Ağaç Ana, Modun, Irminsul, Finnish, Iroko, Jianmu, Ashvattha, or The Oak but here we call it Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil is the oldest tree there is nobody today knows its origin or its true name but what we do know is that it has been here throughout the ages and it has stood ever vigilant over the world. Over the years Yggdrasil has given many gifts and tokens to people some good some evil and some down right lewd no...

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The Lesson

The Lesson By GSElvis Jeff was happy with his life--almost. He was a mechanic at a new car dealership, and was good at what he did. His job gave him a comfortable life. He lived in a good apartment in a large apartment complex. His assigned parking spaces contained a shiny, new pickup truck and a big, powerful motorcycle that he enjoyed driving on weekends. The people he worked with liked him. But he was unmarried, childless and alone, and that ate away at him. He had no...

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The Road to ChaosChapter 2

As soon as we were headed south, the sails went up, the diesels shut down and JW sent lures out over the stern. The reels were PENN as were the 7 foot rods. Mom ... bless her heart ... had stocked the Basilisk with four rod combos and good line. JW had light fingered a pair for Sailbait. We had learned to appreciate fish early in life ... but it can get a little old. Due to the weather it was two and a half days to make Bluff. There was a five hour calm ... well ... as calm as the southern...

2 years ago
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Coustumer Ki Chudai Ki Kahani

Hie this is kabeer khan from bhopal hight 5/7 athletic body cock size 6/2 ye meri pheli story hai iss pe hope you all like it Choti si family hai hamari yaha me mobile ki shop chala ta hu ye to hui meri baat ab apko zyada bor na karta hue story pe ata hu agar ap logo ko meri story thodi se bhi achi lage to mail zarur karna. Meri mail I’d hai Ye kahani 1 month pehle ki hai me apni shop pe betha hua tha ki ek dum ek coustumer shop pe recharge kar wane ayi hamari shop main market ke andar hai to...

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The Calendar

It came into being at the same time as humanity. God thought that the best way to go about his plan for humanity would be to create a magical Calendar to help him plan, create, edit and keep track of the holidays and events that he created. Then, after remembering his omnipotence, he chucked it down from the heavenly realm to earth and promptly forgot about it. This Calendar that has taken many forms through the ages, and passed through many hands. Though through all that time it's power has...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Memories of a Cock and Cum Pig

I have been a submissive cock and cum pig for as long as i can remember. Some of my hottest memories are of sucking cock and getting face fucked at glory holes in a college town in Wisconsin. ( i have written out this story on a few different sites if this looks familiar) i would kneel for hours and suck cock after cock and i always loved the thicker cocks and the more aggressive men who liked to pussy fuck my mouth. One guy i sucked off in a glory hole lasted at least 45 minutes. He was a very...

2 years ago
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Best of Both Worlds

“Surprise!” Ginny yelled. Sally startled awake from her nap in the sunshine, outside the pool house of her multimillion dollar mansion. She looked up, but her gaze drifted downward. I must be having a wet-dream, she thought. “I brought two friends,” Ginny said. “I thought you might need cheering up.” The cheering up referred to Sally’s husband dying. It wasn’t a tragedy—the man had been in his nineties, but he had been good to Sally, taking her in and becoming a bit of the father she never...

3 years ago
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Bowling for HeartsChapter 85

I wanted to destroy the alarm clock when it woke me but I knew I had to keep myself in shape. I untangled myself from the array of arms and legs. After my morning ritual in the bathroom, I put on my shorts and running shoes. I made my way to the patio to begin stretching. Roy was waiting for me and Michael came out a couple of minutes afterwards. Mike even showed up as I was finishing my stretching. We jumped the back fence and began jogging through the golf course. We ran at a nice pace...

3 years ago
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Rubber Sissy Panties Part 1

Rubber Sissy Panties Part I Clark was as usual on his late shift at work, enjoying the free Internet of the company to surf his favorite subject on the information superhighway... porn. Of course he didn't see any problems on porn on the Internet, as long as it's free. Clark didn't bother thinking if the images he jerked off secretly under his workplace desk were stolen from a pay website or what... he just wanted more and, if possible, without anyone knowing about it. And for that...

4 years ago
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my sisters 2

Things were better than ever at my house, and I couldn't be happier. Ever since Elisa and I had expressed our love for each other, we spent almost every single minute together. During the night, one of us would sneak into the other's room and we would make sweet love in the darkness, and during the day, we would kiss for hours on end. But not only had my relationship with my youngest sister improved, but my relationship with the twins had improved as well. For as long as I could remember, Jenny...

4 years ago
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Misguided Nina DebChapter 1

These are my recollections, as I've put them down on paper. I'm Nina Mercado, a former stripper and porn actress from Vegas who decided to make a better life for myself. I was born in the southwestern part of Texas and my family migrated north to Dallas where I went to school. I've always been an attractive woman and with my Native American dark hair and brown, smooth skin I was a natural on the strip where I worked for too many years. I've always been athletic and swim as much as I can...

4 years ago
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Katie Cooper and the Goblet of Fire Chapter 3

Professor McGonagall stood towering over the two students, with her lips pursed, and her eyes narrowed. Hermione was shaking, her wand held loosely in her fingers, Kyle could tell she was about to burst into tears. Kyle on the other hand, was still groping himself as he stood, awkwardly in clothes that were suddenly too big for him. "I shouldn't need to repeat myself, ladies," the Professor said in her strict and tense voice. "What are you two girls doing? You should be off to your...

2 years ago
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The Fundraiser Part 1

The Fundraiser Part One Note: This story does have sex…it just comes near the end. No one under 18 involved. Every January for the past 15 years I have blocked out the fourth weekend of July to participate in a two hundred mile bike ride to raise money for medical research. Starting at one end of the state and ending at the other, thousands of spandex clad men and women of all ages, shapes and sizes come from all over the country to further the cause. The event has been going on for almost...

3 years ago
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Apollo 20

Michael let Schtopaugh hold her as she cried herself our over the seeming hopelessness of Earth's situation. The choice seemed to be either allowing Earth to be exploited with impunity by this sexless race of cold-blooded monsters, or make Humankind beholden to a race of Galactic enforcers who may or may NOT be honorable. The next morning as Michael went in her black tunic and skirt with white pillbox cover the Uniform of the Day, Michael's sleeves now had four gold bands adorning then...

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JIMS wanking gets him in trouble part 6

Amanda walks into jim's room jim is still asleep amanda reaches under the covers takes hold of jims cock and slowly strokes it , jim groans in his sleep and rolls towards amanda as she strokes his cock harder and faster , jim opens his eyes 'wh wh what are you doing he asks'Amanda carrys on stroking his cock harder and faster not saying a word jims cock is rock hard now and dribbling precum amanda stops stroking and rubs her hand all over the tip of jims cock coating her fingers in precum then...

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swingers House party

When this story took place Linda and I were not new to the lifestyle. That being said we were also not what you would call hardcore swingers either. I would guess we had been involved in foursomes with maybe three different couples. Two of which were strangers that we had met through swinger publications. With both of those couples we had sex on the first date. The sex that we had with those couples was started by Linda and the male half of the other couple being the first two naked. We had...

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Sam and Amy Vegas BabyChapter 4

Amy's eyes came open and her nostrils filled with the pleasant scent of the woman next to her. Not just the smell of their sex from the night before, that was pleasant also, but the smell of Sam herself. She loved Sam's scent. During the night, they had turned to face each other and encircled each other in their arms. Amy's head was curled up to Sam's soft breasts. With a sigh of reluctance at leaving this warm embrace, she carefully extracted herself from Sam's embrace and crawled out...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 31 His Beloved Anet

The door to the Soul Tempering Chamber opened abruptly. Nikita who waited outside, pondering if she should stay or go as nothing else that was not related to obtaining the Sky Blooming Orchid seemed worth doing, jumped in fright and stumbled backwards. “Senior sister Anet?!” She looked at her hastily departing figure. “He training session isn’t over. Did something happen? Should I tell cousin?” She picked up her Caller and typed the number. She might not be able to tell Grent where Anet left...

3 years ago
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Mind the Gap

John was on edge with excitement. The girl he had corresponded with for months in America was coming to see him in London. Her name was Beth, a name that evoked a number of thoughts in him – exotic, sexy and passionate. They had bonded well from the start of their e-mails which had got very steamy even early on and there had been photo exchanges and phone calls. But meeting was something else, and here he was at Terminal 4, Heathrow, waiting for her arrival. His heart was pounding as the crowds...

1 year ago
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Arranging to meet Sarah in the new pub was a waste of time she text as I arrived to say she was delayed somewhat I thought I'm here now no harm in a small glass of White was there I went inside for an afternoon it wasnt empty but not heaving I got my drink and headed for a table by the window I was thirsty and the first glass went down too quick so I headed to the bar for another I just sat back down when he walked in I blushed as his eyes clocked mine looking at him my god he was fit i looked...

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WIfes birthday party at her salon

Introduction: wife gets what she wants My birthday I was turning 33 tomorrow I thought as I drifted off to sleep. My life has been good so far as I have two great kids and a good husband of going on 14 years. I awoke to a birthday breakfast in bed with my two kids and hubby. My husband kissed me softly and told me happy birthday as the kids bounced all over the place. As the morning progressed a shower and getting dressed my Husband told me to dress a little slutty for work today as he was...

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Riley Maya

Riley & Maya By: James Stryker [For me to do this story, I cannot write about Riley and Maya having lesbian sex at the age they are in the show because it's just not right. So I am going to age them up to 18. In this story, Riley and Maya decided to have a little experimentation to see what it's like to have lesbian sex.]"Come on, Riley. It'll be fun." Maya said to her best friend."I don't know about this." Riley said looking shy.The two best friends were now 18 years old and they were in...

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Pure Strip Poker 5 Final

or fifth time, I decided to sleep on the floor. Those romantic pictures of couples sleeping in each other arms look good in the movies, but you can't really sleep that way. I thought about sleeping in Beth's bed, but wasn't sure what Mary would think about that so I dragged the blanket off Beth's bed and went to sleep on the floor next to Mary's bed. When I woke up Mary was standing next to me in a bathrobe. "Good morning sleepy head," Mary said with a...

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There Oughta Be a LawChapter 3

Saturday Afternoon I found the paper with Carolyn's number and called her. She answered on the first ring. "Hello." "Hi, Is this Carolyn?" "Yes it's me. Hi Don. How was the dancing?" Dancing?? Oh yeah, I remember, I suggested dancing. "Uhhhm, Ellen and I kind of skipped the dancing." "Oh, you did, did you? I hope you had a nice time together?" "You could say that," I replied. "Would you like to get together for drinks this evening?" "Sure. Where and when?" "How...

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Chance Meeting

For months they had chatted and written to each other over the internet. Both had grown fond of the other with a special kind of closeness not normally found among just friends. There meeting in the first place was just by chance while both were online. Before long they were regularly looking for the other almost on a daily basis. Pictures had been exchanged and she had even, a couple of times, called him on the phone. During all this time there was never and sex by phone nor online, but he...

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8 Simple Rules for dating my teenage daughter

The Hennessey Family Paul: 55 years old Father of 3, and sports writer. Is very protective of his family and especially his oldest daughter Bridget. Cate: 49 Year old wives of Paul and nurse. A lot more easily going with the kids then her husband. Bridget: Eldest of the Hennessey children at 19 years old. A blonde bombshell, and bit of a bimbo. Bridget doesn’t do so well at school grades wise but is leader of the High School cheerleaders and the most popular girls in School Kerry: Middle child...

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Gwen And Mavis Get A Visit From Alan

Although when she first said it Gwen Mitchell did not really mean that perhaps Alan Mills would spank and fuck her and Mavis Tompkins on the same occasion the more that she and Mavis thought about it the better the idea seemed.With Mavis's husband Mike due to be away all the following week for work Mavis was going to contact Alan to visit her for her semi-regular spanking and sex session and now that Alan had given Gwen her first, very memorable, session Gwen was keen for a second meeting.The...

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Total Woman Security 02

The jumbo jet bumped from feather smooth to rumbling wheels as it touched down at Philadelphia National Airport. Tatyana saw the surrounding river and marshlands beyond the runways. They reminded her of the Belarus countryside where she had lived her mediocre life of 20 years. The reverse engines lurched her forward in her seat, jostling her breasts, but she was anchored by the lapbelt. The airplane rolled along the ground for a long time, finally finding its berth among the myriad of...

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How to Eat Pussy and have fun

How to Eat Pussy and have funHey, I have a lot of respect for all you guys who like to eat pussy because there are too few of you out there. AndI'm not the only woman who says this. Furthermore, some of you guys who are giving it the old college try are notdoing too well, so maybe this little lesson will help you out. When a woman finds a man who gives good head, she'sfound a treasure she's not going to let go of too quickly. This is one rare customer and she knows it. She won't eventell her...

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Gf Ke Jor Kore Shobai Korlo

Amar naam jisan. Ami akhn university te 3 yr e pori. Ajker golpoti prai bochor khanik ager ghotona. Ami jokhn 2nd yr e, amar gf tasnuva 1st yr e pore. Tasnuvar birthday cilo ak din por. To ami r amar 2 jon friend or birthdayr jonno party plan korchilm amar bashai. Tasnuva o er bapr janto. Amadr plan cilo amra 12 ta bajai bashai drinks korbo , music r dance ettadi. Prai jokhn 11 ta baje, amra drinks nie ferot ascilm. Prai 3-4 bottle cilo amader kache. Porichito cilo , to ana ta shomossha cilona,...

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Intruder Laura Vandervoort 38

Chapter 3Laura looked up at Jan in disgust and turned her face away. Quick as lightning, he grabbed her chin and forced her head back to face him. “I don’t think you heard me,” he said smoothly. “Suck my cock, Laura.” “Go to hell!” she spat. Angered, Jan used his heavy penis to slap her in the face. “That’s not a nice thing to say, Ms Vandervoort,” he said, hitting her cheek over and over with his cock till her skin reddened. “First you break into my house, and now you insult me in my own...

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The nighttime is the right time

Sacramento California , was a beautiful place to visit.. And right now heading home in my dust bucket of a Volvo I sat back enjoying the rest of the view..The skyline was in front of me..And a lovely sunset was slipping down behind the horizon behind me with me leaning back with my gospel music blasting!..Oh yeah baby I was set!..I did have to check my map only once before the moon replaced that beautiful sunset in the sky.. I don’t care what you say Megan girl I couldn’t do...

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SexyLaurie on Display

The room was still cloaked in gloom despite the shard of bright afternoon sunlight that poured in where the edges of the heavy d****s failed to meet. The gloom was soft with sounds of slumber, a muffled sigh, and the silken rasp of chiffon sliding across satin. Slowly, the occupants of the oversized bed drifted from their dreams through the layers of sleep and into the gentle awareness of waking. No shrilling sound of an alarm or piercing ray of light dragged them abruptly from sleep.Carolyn...

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First Time Gay BBC Pt 2

As you may have read in part one, when I was a teenager, and recently turned 18, I met a friend of the family, named Bill, who worked at a movie theater in the maintenance department. My life would change forever. Until I met him, I had lived a very sheltered life. My mom kept me in church and always reminding me that sex outside of marriage was a sin and I would go to hell for all time. I was so afraid that I rarely masturbated. And afterwards I was so guilt filled that I confessed to God my...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Gianna Dior Anything For My Clients

Chuck answers a knock on the door to find stunning real estate agent Gianna Dior, of Dior & Dior, waiting for him. Having just sold the neighbor’s house, Gianna tells Chuck that she could get him upwards of a million dollars for his property. Chuck invites Gianna in for a visit, and she tells him how she became so successful: she does everything she can to keep her clients satisfied. With this revelation, Gianna pulls her pink panties to the side and shows Chuck her wet pussy. Gianna...


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