Casablanca II free porn video

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Casablanca II Adriana Ovelar Los sucesos de esa noche me confundieron todavia mas. Por una parte, me acostumbre a usar el vibrador, a entenderlo como una fuente de gozo, a pensar en el cuando me aproximaba a la casa. Tambien me gustaba y me preocupaba el hecho de que, apenas pocos dias despues de la primera vez, ya queria yo tener dentro algo mas grande, algo mas vibrante y vivo. Acaso ya estaba deseando un hombre? Acaso era tan puto? Por la otra parte, sentia con cada vez mayor claridad que el deseo de Elsa por independizar a Victoria era tambien su deseo porque Victor desapareciera y le diera libertad y conciencia limpia para continuar su aventura amorosa con Rick. Me daba miedo que Victoria siguiera creciendo, porque significaba que Victor estaba condenado. Sentia mucho enojo hacia Elsa, pero tambien una suerte de agradecimiento. No me habia abandonado, como hacen algunas mujeres llevadas por la pasi?n, sino que habia buscado una salida alternativa, un camino que no me pareciera tan doloroso. Pero me humillaba. No podia dejar de sentirme humillado cada que ella tenia una cita y yo le deseaba, de dientes para afuera, que la pasara bien. "Ella esta en los brazos de el", pensaba, "y yo aqui, con mi peluca y mi corset, consolandome con este vibrador". Luego sentia que el vibrador estaba delicioso y entonces ya no pensaba. Solamente deseaba verga. Pero normalmente mi cerebrito seguia trabajando para recuperar a Elsa. A cada rato me decia que el florecimiento de Victoria no era solamente para mantener tranquila a mi esposa; era parte de una estrategia. Dentro de la estrategia, una clave era utilizar a Victoria como agente e informante de Victor. Las cosas que ella se enterara como amiga de Elsa las transmitiria al instante al marido celoso. Mientras menos razones diera Victoria para sospechar ?es decir, mientras mas apareciera seducida por su feminizaci?n-, mas facilidad habria para averiguar quien era Rick, cuales eran sus intenciones y por d?nde se le podria atacar. Asi fue que Victoria y Victor se enteraron por boca de Elsa, entre otras cosas, de que Rick tenia 42 a?os, era divorciado, habia estudiado finanzas y algo muy importante, habia sido miembro de las Fuerzas Especiales britanicas, un grupo de elite entrenado para la supervivencia en terrenos y condiciones hostiles. Gente capaz de infiltrar un pais sin ser vistos, entrenada para guiarse por el sol o por los astros, magnificos paracaidistas y escaladores, gente entrenada para entrar a un cuarto ocupado por varios hombres armados y matarlos a todos con una ronda de 13 disparos de su Browning 9 mm. Habia dejado las Fuerzas unos a?os atras y vuelto a las finanzas. Ahora investigaba posibles fraudes que pudiera sufrir el banco. Me imagine que, entre su conocimiento de restaurantes elegantes, sus finos modales, el olor del dinero, sus aventuras de guerra, que lo hacian todavia mas enigmatico, Rick tenia totalmente embobada a mi esposa. Pero mi instinto me hizo poner mucha atenci?n a las caracteristicas que tiene todo miembro de esa fuerza de elite. Gente silenciosa, a menudo desconfiada, que prefiere mirar sin ser vista y que valora su invisibilidad. En otras palabras, un espia perfecto. Esto queria decir, a su vez, dos cosas. Una es que era un rival formidable y peligroso. La otra, que muy probablemente el, a su vez, me estaba investigando a mi y a Elsa. * Una tarde, llegando de la oficina, me encontre a Guillermo Ugarte sentado en mi sill?n, con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja. -Ya te tengo toda la informaci?n sobre el piloto, jefecito. -Siempre voy mas adelante que tu, Ugarte ?respondi, a sabiendas de que no era cierto. -No hay ningun Richard Deckard que trabaje para Banca Activa o que tenga un puesto relevante en ninguna empresa del grupo Strasser. -Obvio. No se llama Richard Deckard, ese es el nombre de un personaje de pelicula. -Pues no. No se llama Richard Deckard, pero si tiene nombre de personaje de pelicula. Se llama Richard Blaine. -De que pelicula? -De Casablanca. Se llama igualito que el personaje de Humphrey Bogart. -Ah caray! -Fijate que yo tambien me llamo como un personaje de Casablanca. El de Richard Lorre, el que le vende los papeles a Victor ?y me gui?? el ojo. Solte una carcajada. Exactamente como Casablanca. Elsa (o Ilsa) estaba escindida entre Victor y Rick. Mi esposa estaba viviendo una de sus fantasias: pas? de su vida aburrida y mon?tona a ser la estrella del film mas romantico de todos los tiempos. Hasta Ugarte tenia un papel. -Y en que trabaja este tal Richard Blaine? Es propietario de un cafe? -Es el jefe de seguridad del corporativo. De el dependen todos los guardaespaldas de los Strasser, todos los sistemas internos de seguridad del banco y quien sabe cuantas otras cosas mas. -Hmmm. Si. Es l?gico. Era miembro de las Fuerzas Especiales britanicas. -Tambien fue miembro del M16, el Servicio Secreto. "Semper occultus" es su lema. -No me digas que lo checaste con los amigos de la Firma. -C?mo crees, jefecito. Yo tambien semper occultus. -Y ya dej? el servicio de Su Majestad? -Al menos oficialmente. La ultima actividad que tuvo con los amigos fue en Sierra Leone, en los noventa. Despues se fue a vivir adivina ad?nde. -A su casa solariega en Manchester. -Negativo. Se fue a vivir a Colombia. -Huele a polvo. -Es lo que digo. A polvo blanco ?volvi? a gui?ar Ugarte. -Eso nos da, grosso modo, dos probabilidades de lo que esta haciendo ? conclui-. O se pas? al lado de los malos y ahora se dedica a dirigir el lavado de dinero. O hace como que se pas? de su lado y sigue trabajando para la Firma. -O se pas? de su lado y hace como que sigue trabajando para la Firma. O la Firma se pas? del lado de los narcos. En este mundo no podemos descartar nada. -Nada. -Lo mas probable es que la Firma este trabajando con sus verdaderos amigos, que son los de la Compa?ia. La CIA y el FBI estan ya sobre los Strasser. Acaban de multar con 10 millones de d?lares a una de las sucursales de sus empresas en Estados Unidos. Estan recolectando datos por todos lados. Dicen que son una amenaza para la seguridad nacional gringa. Los quieren atorar. -Y nosotros les vamos a dar una empujadita, Ugarte. Necesito averiguar de que lado esta el tal Blaine. No lo podemos seguir directamente: esta entrenado para detectar pajaros en el alambre. Y si esta del lado equivocado, a quien nos va a atorar es a nosotros. Esos cabrones son peligrosos. -Ya sabes, jefecito, que cada secretaria es una informante en potencia. -OK. Pero mantengamos la cosa en 15. Total discreci?n. -Entendido y no anotado, jefecito. Ugarte sali? de la oficina y me quede pensando en c?mo iba yo a derrotar a ese hijo de puta. Se me ocurrian mil escenarios. No en todos salia yo bien librado. Confieso que tuve miedo. En casa, la nueva normalidad se apuntalaba. Mi capacidad de transformaci?n estaba llegando a su limite. Los cambios en mi figura empezaban a ser notorios; mi habilidad al peinarme y maquillarme ahora era practicamente natural. Eso hacia mas evidentes las carencias: el delineado de la ceja era imperfecto, y hacer unos arcos pronunciados hubiera sido visible en el trabajo. Las u?as se mantenian largas para un hombre, pero no escandalosas. Habia que estarlas limando a menudo. Los pechos habian crecido un poco: intentar que lo hicieran mas era arriesgado. Tampoco era facil abusar del perfume entre semana y, en la oficina, habia que cuidar los movimientos: mas de una vez me capture con manierismos delatores. Mi feminizaci?n era una tarea bien hecha. Tambien era una tarea hecha con placer. Pero habia llegado a un punto en el que era tan dificil regresar como continuar con la doble vida. En tanto, Elsa seguia estimulando a Victoria. Yo hacia casi todas las tareas domesticas y ella las alababa: resultaba, segun ella, mejor ama de casa. Elsa compraba revistas femeninas y las dejaba por la casa, en un azar que a menudo incluia mi recamara. Me recomendaba articulos. Platicaba conmigo de maquillaje, de moda, de chismes de amigas, de sentimientos, de actores de cine, de cirugia cosmetica. Tambien la hacia de psic?loga, sobre todo cuando notaba que en mi, a pesar de todo, se traslucian la tristeza o el enojo. Su intenci?n era muy clara. -Victoria, entiendo que estes confundida, pero te tienes que alivianar. Estamos viviendo una transici?n y es normal que a veces estemos deprimidas. Se que durante mucho tiempo te prohibi que salieras de casa, pero es que me daba miedo lo que pudiera pasarte. Ahora veo que no es asi. Puedes salir, y hacer vida social. -D?nde? En un bar gay? ?respondi con sorna. -Podrias ir ahi, tomar una copa y no faltara quien te invite. Eres guapisima. Aunque ya se que no quieres un gay, sino un hombre de verdad. Pero por algun lado hay que empezar. Y a final de cuentas no es necesario que salgas a ligar. Puedes ir de shopping, o al cine. No tienes que ir conmigo a todos lados. Bien que te dabas tus escapadas antes, cuando yo iba a visitar a mi mama. Bien que salias, pero ahora que tienes mi permiso, y hasta mi bendici?n, te haces la martir. Lo que quieres es hacerme sentir mal. Gozas con eso. -Oye, tu sales cuando quieres con tu galan. Acaso yo he dicho algo? -No, pero te quedas con cara de perra sin amo. Y ademas, atropellada. En vez de gozar algo con lo que siempre habias so?ado, te quedas aqui tristeando y haciendome sentir culpable de algo por lo que no tengo que sentir ninguna culpa. Me le quede mirando fijamente. Ella reaccion?, agresiva: -Ninguna culpa, babosa. Ninguna. Obedecer al coraz?n no crea ninguna culpa. Entender que tu siempre quisiste ser mujer no crea ninguna culpa. Al contrario, siento la desaparici?n de Victor como si me quitara una carga. Que tu seas pendeja y no te des cuenta de eso, porque nunca te has fijado verdaderamente en mi, es otro asunto. Que tu seas pendeja y pienses que Victor va a poder reconquistarme algun dia, es otro asunto. Que seas pendeja y no te des cuenta de que Rick es el hombre de mi vida y lo trates con desprecio? -Que te pasa? No me insultes. -Puta, ahora eres Maria Delicadeza! A la se?orita le duelen los oidos porque le dijeron pendeja. Por favor. En vez de sentirte herida, deberias ponerte a pensar un poquito. Un poquito nada mas. Tienes dos oportunidades: o regresas a ser el hombre mediocre y soso que eras, te olvidas de mi para siempre y te buscas una pendeja antes de que te hagas viejo, o te conviertes de plano en la mujer deslumbrante, inteligente, buena onda y gran amiga mia que eres: una mujer con vida propia, con otro trabajo, con un novio y que vive, por ahora, con su roommate. Quedarse a la mitad es lo mas estupido que puedes hacer. Se que no es facil tomar la decisi?n, por eso te estoy ayudando. Pero que una cosa te quede clara: Victor se puede olvidar de mi para siempre. Si no te queda clara, eres una pendeja. Y no es insulto. Es la pura verdad. Me calle. Elsa me miraba con un semblante tranquilo, pero sus ojos destilaban una especie de furia desesperada que jamas le habia visto. -No seas tonta. Para que veas que mis sentimientos hacia ti son buenos, te invito ma?ana en la noche al teatro. Ponte guapa. Pude esbozar una sonrisa para decirle que si. -Que bueno. Paso por ti a las siete. Ahora ponte tu pijama, tus cremas y diviertete con tu vibrador, amiga. Se dio la vuelta y se meti? en su cuarto. * Me pase buena parte del sabado planchando y escuchando a Gloria Estefan. Elsa habia salido al gimnasio y despues, seguramente, con Rick. Hubo un momento en el que me mire al espejo y vi, totalmente, a un ama de casa. Tenia tubos en la cabeza: dos de ellos, muy grandes, jalaban los cabellos de la parte superior de la peluca hacia atras; muchos, de tama?o mediano, se ce?ian sobre las partes laterales del craneo y de la sien. Era una suerte de casco que, a esas alturas de la tarde, ya no me pesaba nada. Tenia puestos unos aretes dorados, lisos, de cuadro hueco, que me entraban facilmente por los hoyitos de mis l?bulos. Mi rostro tenia una muy tenue capa de maquillaje, pero lo percibia nitidamente como femenino. Llevaba puesta una blusa rosa muy sencilla; sobre ella, un mandil. La forma de mis senos y mi talle, moldeados por el relleno y la cinturilla que me apretaba los flancos, indicaban con claridad que yo era una mujer delgada. Llevaba puesta una falda de algod?n blanca, recta, a la altura de la rodilla, con una ligera apertura lateral. No tenia puestas medias, pero la piel de mis piernas depiladas era suave y sensible. De mis sandalias de tac?n se asomaban unos deditos pintados de rojo. Mis brazos eran poco musculosos, sin vello, con sendas pulseritas y un reloj de cinta estrecha. La mano derecha, de u?as pintadas del mismo tono rojizo, sostenia la plancha. Me quede absorta en la imagen que devolvia el espejo y sonrei muy ampliamente. Yo era un ama de casa que esperaba el regreso de su pareja, que la iba a invitar al teatro. Un ama de casa que se acompa?aba con musica mientras planchaba. Una mujer que iba a terminar sus tareas, tener la casa perfecta y quedar muy bonita para salir. No es que me sintiera reducida por la situaci?n especial que estaba viviendo. Me sentia extra?amente limitada, pero muy contenta. Decidi ser un poco mas atrevida para esa noche. Tuve particular cuidado en acomodar mis senos y maquillar de un tono oscuro el estern?n y de un color claro el inicio de mis pechos, para dar una impresi?n de maximo clivaje. Hice un gran esfuerzo para apretar mi corset al maximo, ya que s?lo un talle muy peque?o podria disimular las caderas estrechas. Tome prestada ropa de Elsa: una blusa de color verde floral con una cremallera en medio: si la cremallera se abre, ense?a el inicio de los senos; tambien unos pantalones negros de cuero, muy ajustados, que me pudieron entrar s?lo gracias a las pantimedias negras de seda, y unas zapatillas mias, algo viejas, pero elegantes, de tac?n de punta. El cabello me qued? regio. Intente no exagerar en el maquillaje: lograr un look menos artificial, pero inconfundiblemente femenino. Me puse s?lo unos toques de Tresor. Cuando acomode las cosas en mi bolsa, me la colgue al hombro y termine de ver mi obra, el espejo restituia una imagen muy diferente a la de hace unas horas. El ama de casa se habia transformado en una mujer atractiva y sensual. Quede complacidisima. Elsa se tard? en llegar. Apenas si nos daba tiempo para llegar al teatro. No se disculp?, pero igual yo estaba feliz de salir con ella. Feliz, tambien, de que todo mundo me dijera se?orita y de que algunos hombres se voltearan a vernos, no con curiosidad sino con deseo. Feliz de notar que entre mis pantalones no se veia bulto alguno. Excitada con la sensaci?n de ser libremente Victoria. La obra estuvo para morirse de risa y en esta ocasi?n no hubo manera de contenerme. Supongo que todos estaban igualmente relajados y carcajeandose, porque nadie pens? que mi risa fuera un poco extra?a. Como la vez anterior, del teatro pasamos a un bar. Fue hasta entonces que Elsa hizo algun comentario sobre mi apariencia: -Caramba, que guapa, me estas empezando a dar envidia. Hasta te queda bien mi ropa. Ves c?mo si funcion? el menjurje? Sonrei, halagada. Incline ligeramente la cabeza, en se?al de agradecimiento. -Pero mas vale que te compres un poco mas de ropa, no quiero que me la andes pirateando ?amonest?. El bar tenia una iluminaci?n tenue, pero suficiente. No estaba retacado, pero logramos obtener una de las ultimas mesitas. La musica era suave y variada: raggae, jazz, musica etnica. Senti que la bebida me relajaba todavia mas. Fue entonces que empece a mirar a los demas clientes. Uno de ellos era un hombre de blazer azul, con el cabello negro un poco largo y dientes que me parecieron blanquisimos cuando me sonreia. Me le quede viendo unos cinco o seis segundos. Cuando me di cuenta de lo que estaba haciendo, volvi a sonreir y baje la mirada. Segui platicando con Elsa, muy quitada de la pena y, de repente, saque el lapiz labial de mi bolso, me retoque los labios mirandome en el espejito y lo volvi a meter. -Que coqueta! ?dijo Elsa, con evidente expresi?n de gusto. Volvi a agachar la cabeza, no sin antes pasarme brevemente la lengua por los labios. -No te apenes. Esta guapisimo. Lo dijo y lo volvi a ver a los ojos. Un segundo apenas, para luego voltear, espantada y tomar un sorbo de mi mint julip. Empece a sentirme inc?moda. Cruce las piernas. Las descruce. Lo volvi a mirar. Sonreia mientras platicaba con Elsa, pero le estaba prestando menos atenci?n de la acostumbrada. Tenia ganas de voltear a ver al hombre de nuevo. Temi estar sonrojandome. Era muy masculino y francamente me miraba como a una mujer. Yo le gustaba. Me percate de que, tras unas cuantas miradas, yo ya sabia perfectamente c?mo iba vestido, ya habia comparado nuestras estaturas y hasta empezaba a imaginarme si tenia pelos en el pecho. Guau: tenia que admitir que el me gustaba a mi. Me acomode el cabello, dejando por un segundo mi cuello al desnudo. Percibi, entonces, que Elsa sonreia hacia la direcci?n en la que el estaba y que, instantes despues, ella se acomodaba hacia atras en la silla. -Podemos sentarnos con ustedes? Ya no hay lugar ?nos dijo otro hombre, mas joven, de barba estilizada. Ya Elsa, con su lenguaje corporal, les habia dicho que si. Se present? y me present? como Victoria. Salude al joven de barba, escuche su nombre y voltee hacia arriba a mi derecha. Ahi estaba el, de pie, con las piernas muy separadas, los hombros un poco echados hacia atras y una grandisima sonrisa, que se hizo mas amplia cuando acomod? una sillita junto a la mia. De inmediato me di cuenta de que ellos se habian puesto de acuerdo. El barboncito se ligaria a Elsa; yo era para el galanazo. Mi primera reacci?n fue de orgullo: el mas guapo me habia escogido a mi. La segunda fue de preocupaci?n, que pasara si la voz me delata? C?mo reaccionara? La tercera fue interpretar el lenguaje corporal de Elsa: se habia dado practicamente la vuelta para mirar de frente al barb?n, se inclinaba ligeramente ante el. Habia dejado el espacio para que Luis se dedicara a mi por completo. Por fortuna, el volumen de la musica ayudaba a disfrazar los sonidos y Luis ha de haber pensado que yo era mas bien timida, que hablaba en voz muy baja, pero nunca sinti? que yo no fuera una mujer. Le dije que trabajaba en el gobierno, que Elsa y yo compartiamos un departamento, que veniamos del teatro, que me gustaba todo tipo de musica. El me dijo que tenia 36 a?os; yo le menti acerca de mi edad. Me platic? de su trabajo. Anestesi?logo, trabajaba con varios doctores en distintos hospitales privados. "Un trabajo en el que no esta permitido fallar", me dijo. Yo lo miraba fascinada, asentia a lo que el me decia y le hacia preguntas que a mi misma me sorprendian, porque el tema nunca antes me habia interesado: si algun paciente habia despertado antes de tiempo, si el objetivo de la anestesia era solamente evitar el dolor, en que tipo de cirugias era mas comun que trabajara. El hablaba de su trabajo, muy contento, con alguna que otra frase hecha: "nuestra tarea es proteger a un paciente indefenso del peligro". Me sonreia, orgulloso, y yo le devolvia la sonrisa. En un determinado momento, me di cuenta de que estaba totalmente enfocada a el. Tome otro sorbo y senti que su mano me rozaba el antebrazo. -Sabes que eres muy guapa, Victoria? ?me dijo. -Gracias, ?respondi, y luego, sin pensarlo-: tu tambien eres muy guapo. Asustada por lo que acababa de decir, hurgue en la bolsa para sacar un cigarrillo. Result? peor, porque apenas lo hice, el ya me estaba ofreciendo la llama de su encendedor. Lance una bocanada y sonrei, alegremente derrotada. Me habia ligado un hombre y tenia que relajarme. A instancias de su amigo, salimos del bar y nos fuimos a bailar. Elsa fue con su cita en el auto; yo, en el carro de Luis, un Infiniti color plata. Era la primera vez que salia asi con un hombre. Era una sensaci?n muy agradable, pero cuando entre al coche senti un poco de miedo. Estaba haciendo algo muy arriesgado y no queria que me descubriera. En el camino me pregunt? sobre mis estaciones favoritas de radio, y coincidimos en la gran mayoria. Me pregunt? si me gustaba el cine y le dije que si. Que cual era mi genero favorito y le dije que todos, menos las peliculas de horror. Luego me pregunt? si me gustaba mucho bailar. -La verdad bailo mal ?respondi sinceramente-, me dejare llevar por ti. Volvi? a mostrar una sonrisa segura, que me embruj?, y puso su brazo en mi hombro. Recline un poco la cabeza. El carro lleg? a un semaforo y el pos? suavemente su mano izquierda sobre mi muslo; pas? la derecha tras mi oreja, que roz? muy ligeramente. Me estremeci. Cerre los ojos. Cuando los volvi a abrir, el ya estaba muy cerca. Entreabri los labios y nos besamos. Habia algo de normal y algo de extraordinario en ese beso. Los labios de Luis no eran en realidad tan diferentes a los que yo habia besado antes. Pero adverti en ellos una consistencia ligeramente distinta. Tras los pocos segundos del primer contacto, roce su labio superior con la parte interna del mio. Senti los pelos que nacian en la zona del bigote. Lo volvi a besar, suave y brevemente. La luz del semaforo se puso en verde. El me tom? la mano y le sonrei. Aprete la suya. En la discoteca, con la musica tan alta, era dificil platicar. Senti algo especial cuando Luis me ofreci? el brazo para que fuera a bailar con el. No nos podiamos mover mucho, pero yo experimentaba toda una gama de nuevas sensaciones, era como si me fuera mas facil seguir la musica con el cuerpo, como si, parad?jicamente, se me hubiera despojado de un corset. Mis manos flotaban y caian con gracia. Mis piernas interpretaban el ritmo de manera casi intuitiva. Me habia dejado ir: era como si bailara por primera vez. -Mentirosa ?me dijo la primera vez que regresamos a sentarnos-, bailas muy bien. -Es que estoy a gusto ?respondi, y le di un enorme sorbo a mi bebida. Estaba acaloradisima. El ambiente de la disco, el corset y la peluca estaban cobrando factura. Me levante y le dije a Luis que iba al tocador. -Te acompa?o ?dijo Elsa. -Que calor! ?fue lo primero que dije al entrar al ba?o. -Que barbara, Victoria, ya ligaste galan! ?fue lo primero que dijo ella. -Me dan muchos nervios. -Pero te gusta. No lo puedes negar. Te gusta mucho. Sonrei, y me mire en el espejo. No estaba mal, el maquillaje no se habia corrido y tenia s?lo unas gotitas de sudor. Pero por dentro sentia un horno, sobre todo en la cabeza. -El mio es muy soso. La verdad estoy aqui por hacerte el quite, amiga. -Gracias. Pero cuando quieras nos vamos. Ni creas que pienso continuar esta aventura por mucho mas. -En el fondo de tu coraz?n te lo quisieras encamar ya. Hice una mueca. -Estas loca? ?trague saliva tras decir la frase, es la que menos le gusta. Esta vez Elsa sonri?. -Siempre dices que estoy loca cuando digo una verdad. -Permiteme, voy a hacer pipi. Regrese a retocarme. A secar con cuidado el sudor, darme una pasadita de rimel, volverme a pintar los labios, ponerles brillo. Coqueteria pura. A nuestro retorno, la musica habia cambiado. Era mas calmada. Luis me volvi? a sacar a bailar. Le di la mano, me tom? del talle y nos dirigimos a la pista. Era una sensaci?n maravillosa, que se hizo mas exquisita cuando deposite mi mano izquierda en su hombro. Permiti que me acercara mas a si, pero puse una minima resistencia ?sobre todo interna- para que el baile no se transformara en un abrazo. Desee ser menos alta, para poderme recargar en su hombro, pero eramos de la misma estatura. Mi coraz?n latia con fuerza. Toda una suerte de sensaciones er?ticas pasaron por mi mientras mi mano bajaba lentamente de su hombro al pecho y el guiaba mis pasos. Descubri que era sencillo seguirlo. Que era muy agradable sentir a su mano fuerte mover mi cadera, que era muy placentero mirarlo mientras girabamos, que percibia un peque?o shock electrico cada que mis pechos rozaban su cuerpo. Quise que la pieza no terminara nunca, pero termin?. Regresamos a nuestra mesa y Luis me pas? la mano por el rostro. De nuevo entrecerre los ojos. Juguete? un segundo con el arete. Yo movia el cuello, como buscando que su contacto fuera mayor. Me tom? la cara con las dos manos, se inclin? y nos volvimos a besar. Lo hicimos con ternura y con exaltaci?n. Luego pas? su dedo por mis labios, mirandome fijamente. -Eres una mujer excepcional, Victoria ?dijo. -Soy una mujer con algo especial ?repuse, pensando tambien un poco en lo que llevaba en medio de las piernas. -Yo tambien siento que eres especial. -Muchas gracias. Llegaron Elsa y su acompa?ante. Apenas se sentaron, Elsa dijo que ya estaba cansada y que mejor nos ibamos. -Quedense otro rato, apenas es la una y media ?dijo Luis, pero Elsa lo fulmin? con la mirada. -Si ustedes quieren quedarse, esta bien. Yo ya estoy agotada. Pense que mas valia irme con Elsa que arriesgar cualquier cosa con Luis y con su amigo, asi que dije que yo tambien me iba. -La hemos pasado muy bien ?comente. -Dejame tu telefono ?pidi? Luis. Elsa, ni tarda ni perezoza, sac? de su bolsa un postit y una pluma. Apunt? nuestro telefono y, abajo, los nombres "Elsa y Victoria". Dibuj? la "o" de Victoria en forma de coraz?n. Le entreg? el postit a Luis. -Les hablaremos ?prometi? el, y se despidi? con un beso en la mejilla. El frio empezaba a calar afuera de la discoteque, y mientras esperabamos el carro me cerre la cremallera. -Vaya, hasta que dejas de mostrar tus senos ?coment? Elsa, sarcastica-, los presumiste toda la noche. -Es que hace frio. -A veces hace mas frio cuando una esta mas caliente. No dije nada. No sabia si seguia siendo mi c?mplice o me estaba rega?ando. Apenas ech? a andar el auto, Elsa me pregunt?: -Que tal besa? -Rico. -Parecian tortolitos. Me da gusto por ti. Tu primer romance. -Fue algo extra?o ?trate de componer. -Los romances siempre son extra?os. De seguro tambien fue extra?o que te dieras cuenta de que en verdad eres una mujer. -Bueno, fue como una aventura? una experiencia. -Una primera experiencia ?corrigi?-, no busques pretextos. Es clarisimo que te gustan los hombres. -Me gust? como me mir? y como me trat? el, pero los hombres en general es otra cosa. -No te rindes ante la evidencia, verdad? Alla tu si no lo haces, pero podrias tener a muchos hombres rebotando por ti. Eres el tipo de mujer que mas les gusta: sensual y sumisa. De las que ya no hay. En ese momento me dieron ganas de decirle a Elsa que yo la amaba a ella, pero supe que lo arruinaria todo, incluso la sensaci?n de placer que llevaba dentro de mi. Seguimos un rato en silencio. Ella lo rompi?. -En que piensas? -En nada. -Seguramente estas pensando en el. En sus brazos. En sus besos. Efectivamente, pensaba en eso, pero conteste que no, que pensaba en tonterias. -Una piensa en tonterias cuando esta en las nubes. Y este cuate te puso en las nubes. Por que tenia yo la costumbre de escuchar a Elsa como si fuera el oraculo? Por que siempre le creia? Por que admitia, en mi fuero interno, que Luis me habia puesto en las nubes? Porque era verdad. En la casa, cada quien entr? a su recamara. Me quite los zapatos y senti que los pies me ardian con un dolor mucho mas punzante que cuando estaba bailando. Me quite la blusa, el pantal?n y las pantimedias y me puse el camis?n sobre el corset. Me desmaquille, me puse crema de noche y me quede, otra vez, viendo al espejo. Que es lo que veia? Veia a una mujer contenta, que llegaba a su departamento luego de bailar con un hombre muy guapo y cortes, que se habia prendado de ella. Una mujer que habia sido besada por el, que habia disfrutado de los besos, del tacto, de la compa?ia. Una mujer que lo habia escuchado con atenci?n y que habia notado c?mo los ojos de el se iluminaban al sentirse admirado. Una mujer que queria volverlo a ver y tenia miedo de que no fuera asi. Una mujer cansada, pero deseosa. Me meti en la cama y empece a fantasear. Yo volvia a salir con Luis y nos enamorabamos. En un cafe, mientras teniamos las manos enlazadas, le confesaba que era un hombre, pero estaba tomando hormonas. El me decia que no importaba, que me ayudaria a cambiar de sexo. Para demostrarmelo, me llevaba a su departamento y haciamos el amor. Me conseguia doctores y el mismo se encargaba de la anestesia en la operaci?n final. Luego me proponia matrimonio. En mi boda llevaba un vestido de crepe, muy fluido, con un escote de barco. Y en casa me dedicaba de cuerpo y alma a hacerlo feliz: en la cocina, en el cuidado de la casa y de sus cosas, en la cama y en el alma. Yo era su mujer; el era mi se?or. Regresaba a rehacer la fantasia, para agregarle detalles y ya no pude mas. Tome el vibrador, lo lami, abri las piernas y me lo meti con fuerza. -Luis! Luis! Luis! ?gemi- C?geme papito! C?geme siempre! Tenme contigo! Dame tu verga! Damela siempre! El vibrador estaba en el fondo y yo no tenia suficiente. Era casi como un dedo. Yo queria mas, necesitaba mas. Yo queria algo mas grande. Yo queria una verga pulsante. Yo queria a un hombre que te tomara. Yo queria tener a Luis adentro. -Lo quiero adentro! Lo quiero adentro! ?solloce sobre la almohada- Quiero que me coja! Quiero que me llene! Quiero que me ame! Mi culo estaba calientisimo, pero por mas que lo intentaba, no me podia venir. Extenuada, me rendi al sue?o. Pase varias horas con el vibrador adentro. Ya para entonces era un consuelo peque?o.

Same as Casablanca II Videos

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I was sitting in my office going over a few notes I had taken after having met with the last scheduled appointment of the day. Working as a marriage counselor had its interesting moments to say the least. And this one had proven to be just that. I suppose we're not supposed to get too emotionally involved with the people we meet with, but this couple had proven to be a harder challenge than any I had come up against. Mrs. Stacy Evens was an outlandish flirt, obviously part of the problem,...

3 years ago
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Clich 3 the Hotel Bill

Thanks to Barney R for the editing. As always, I had to mess with it some more. Therefore all mistakes and omissions are on me. All of the cheating stories have their clichés – I came home unexpectedly – she (or he) stopped or slowed way down on sex – he (or she) started using anything for an excuse to start an argument – bills from hotels that you had not been to – gas receipts from areas that your spouse wasn’t supposed to be in. They are clichés because any and all of them have happened...

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Teen Males Special Examination

I was very anxious as I got off my bike in front of Dr. White's office. It was time for me to receive a basic checkup from him. The last few times I had been examined by him, I had to fight back the urge for my young cock to harden when he would pull down my jeans and white cotton briefs. My Doctor was an older man, maybe in his mid fifties. He had gray hair, and wore these old fashioned half rim glasses. His eyebrows were bushy and thick; he would peer down at me, as he would examine my young...

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Caught shop lifting and punished part 2

I opened the door to the corner shop and the fresh air hit my cum covered face making the cum feel dry and sticky. I turned to my left and started to walk down the street heading towards home. I noticed an old Asian man sitting on the opposite side of the road, he was on his door step just sitting there looking at the world go by. I tried to look forward hoping he wouldn't notice my current state. As I got halfway down the road the young assistant from the shop stepped out in front of me and...

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Lyndias Biker AdventureChapter 3

I had dropped Lyndia off at the biker clubhouse, still blindfolded, and driven away with my heart pounding in my throat and my cock leaking all over the inside of my pants. She hadn't known I was even in the car with her!! Watching her being led across the gravel driveway, her dress unbuttoned all the way down the front and the scarf tied over her eyes almost made my heart break. It was all I could do not to jump out of the car, take her in my arms, and drive her home. When the door slammed...

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The Convention

I took another sip of wine and gazed at Sandra over the rim. I was contemplating whether I should continue on and divulge the whole story to her or not. "Oh come on honey ... this is me Sandra ... you're best friend. Kinder garden, school years, teenage years ... university, through thick and thin, we've confessed everything about everything to each other ... is this thing really that bad that you can't tell me" Everything she just said is true ... we have confessed everything to each...

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Eternal Awakening Chapter Four

Just so everyone knows, I am posting 2 stories at a time, it takes about two days for it to go through the system. I am posting them the same day the two before it come out. That way I can verify there is no problem with each chapter. Now, on to chapter Four. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As always please rate and comment. This is part of a double post so if you...

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"Your father has had an accident!" Mom said as she threw her coat on after hanging up the phone in the kitchen. "What?" I shrieked as I jumped up from the sofa scattering all my homework across the floor. I rushed to grab a jacket as Mom told me that we were heading to the hospital. The nurse that called didn't give us any information so we didn't know what to expect until we got there. I had to calm Mom down as she almost ran a stoplight which would have gotten us into a collision with...

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AllGirlMassage Tiffany Watson Scarlet Skies Fine Print

Scarlet Skies snoops in her parent’s room, looking for some money to use to go to the mall. She doesn’t find any money in a purse but DOES notice something else in there that piques her interest. Nestled within the purse is a coupon for a free massage. After some debate with herself, Scarlet decides to use the coupon since it’s only going to expire soon, anyway! A little later, Scarlet arrives at the massage parlor. She is greeted by Tiffany Watson, a cheerful masseuse who...

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Kean was in shock, happy, delightfully horny, shock. Pax was still looking at him wide-eyed, awaiting his reply. If she had looked down, she would have been able to tell. Just moments before …  “I’ve meant to tell you something… Not so much as ask, but tell you because I already agreed to it and…” Pax was rambling nervously, trying to tell her boyfriend Kean some of her plans for their vacation.  “Hm… What is it, baby…?’ Kean was distracted trying to make sure they got all their luggage from...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 11 The Truth Will Set You Free

April 22, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “How can they do that?!” Maria Cristina demanded, completely outraged. “The same way they could murder the Branch Davidians,” I replied. “After burning 76 people to death, including women and children, I’d say kidnapping a child at gunpoint and forcing him to return to a totalitarian country is nothing.” “That woman is pure evil,” Elyse said. “I don’t call her ‘Janet Sterno’ for nothing,” I said. “America should really reconsider its policy towards...

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Wife fucked watched by young man

During the working day a young guy past by the guest room when the door was wide open, the guy was fucking my wife on the bed dressed in scanty underwear and long black leather boots, her legs were high up around his back and they were both about to cum, the young guy stopped, looked and walked in to the side of the bed, my wife was alarmed and hastily covered herself, the young guy left the, actually if she hadn’t jumped up he may well have joined in, later when she told me what had happened,...

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What The Time Traveler Fears

It happened one morning while I was at work, yet it did happen later. And at the same time much earlier. Something had changed. Not the desk in front of me or the meaningless workload on it. Not the co-workers milling around like aimless ants. No. Something had changed within me. A vibration buzzed through me that no one else noticed. And then, even though I had never been blind, I could suddenly see. Details blossomed around me. Lifting my hand I saw it in all its details. The smooth...

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Comfortably Numb Adventures And This Was Just Day One

I have lived in California most of my life. Now I live on my sailboat in Greece and Turkey. It’s 44 feet, strong aluminum hull. I had it custom built as a sort of midlife crisis before I stopped working 10 years ago. After a life of boardroom meetings, lots of frequent-flier miles and high blood pressure, I sold the house, trashed the suits and moved onto the boat that I named “Comfortably Numb”. For those of you from another planet, it’s the name of a Pink Floyd number from ‘The Wall’ that...

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Country Girl part 1

My Mom lived about 10 miles away from the nearest town, which only had a population of about 4500. I went to stay with her at first, until I could get on my feet, and find my own place. She was retired by this time, and stayed at home most of the time. She lived in a big farm house she was renting, and the owner had all his cows and horses on the property. His farm hands would come over and feed them, clean out the barn, or whatever else needed to be done. I hadn't found a job yet, so I...

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Bianca and the AmnesiacChapter 9

MARCO'S DISTRACTED MIND WAS brought to attention by the ringing of the front door bell. He walked down the wide marble-floored entrance hall, his heels making echoing clicks. He sipped coffee from a china cup as he walked. Who was calling so early? Opening the front door he greeted the Carabinieri officer standing stiff and formal. "Signore Lucchese, scusatemi per chiamare così presto, ma..." Twenty minutes later Marco fumed, anger boiling up like liquid lava, acidic and painful. Aldo...

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Summer Band Camp

I would like to tell you a story about some things that happened to me years ago. This happened while I was still in high school and before I went into service (And YES, they even had airplanes back THEN!). One of my buddies and I were in the Explorers and had taken a Life Saving swim course for another merit badge. I never thought I would ever use the course for anything else but I sure am glad I was wrong. My buddy Brian's family ran a summer camp and most of the campers were members of...

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Cardonali the magical imp Part 3

The cell phone rang. It was Kevin's mother she had finally arrived. From now on, I'll refer to her as Mom. "Boy am I glad to hear from you. They're crazy. You have to get me out of here." "No problem, Dear." "Mom, Terra is here with me," Kevin broke in. "You have to take us both." "I kind of expected that," she said. She didn't explain how or why she knew and Kevin didn't pick up on that. "I'm waiting outside right in front of the building at the side entrance. Come...

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The next day was Thursday. Brian took us for a tour of the property next door. He first took us to the antique shop that also served as the office. "This room and the smaller bedroom were once filled with teddy bears," he said, as we stood in what had been the living room of the small house. "We lived here when I was three years old," Amanda said. "Did I live here?" Phillip asked. "We brought you home to this house when you were born, but it wasn't long before we moved next...

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My Best Friends Girl She used to be mine

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The Wife Next Door Part II

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Bikeweek To Remember

I sat on a bench on the board walk that faced the ocean, and stared out over the Atlantic. My name is Brian, and since my extremely nasty break up 6 months earlier, I spent a lot of time at the beach. Truth be told, I spent quite a bit of time at the beach any way. There was something both soothing and exhilarating about the surf, and sea. I knew I had been in a funk since my break up. Janet had been my world, and she had turned it completely upside down. Now Bikeweek was coming back to...

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Theres A Babysitter in my bed

It has been too long since I’ve touched a woman…. I thought as I walked in the front door, stumbling a little from the few drinks I had at the bar after work. Continuing inside I look at my kitchen clock its 8:55PM past my son Bens bedtime. Looking down I see the babysitter Carmen reading on the couch and I couldn’t help noticing what she was wearing, a pink mini skirt and a white tank top, with no bra! Just looking at her long brown hair and perfect body was giving me a hard on. I turn around...

Quickie Sex
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Kimmy Nipples An Adult Story

Written for a friend on another websiteMy list of things to due today. Morning wood - check. Big breakfast - cold pizza a beer - check. Put on old AC/DC black t-shirt and tan baggy cargo shorts - check. Remove old copies of Bodacious Magazine, Juggs, Score, XL, BBW, Voluptuous magazine and old D-Cup when they had stories and cartoons off couch in bed room - check. Log on PSP and PC computer in back room - 2 computers at same time - check. Upload galleries - check.I just got done down loading...

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Compulsions Ch 03

-13- FRIDAY Jennifer opened the backyard garage door and entered the dusty building. She didn’t usually come back here. In fact, she didn’t think that she had even been in here since her husband died a few months back. It was his place, and since his death, her son, Michael, had taken care of things. Jennifer watched as the dim morning light pierced the darkness and fell across a stunning red and black monster of a vehicle. Hearing something behind her, Jennifer spun. Michael was right...

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Scratch My ItchChapter 12

It turned out that the big bed wasn't really for sleeping in. The girls had realised that Frank and I needed to be led fairly gently into a four-way marriage, and had arranged two normal-sized beds in two other bedrooms. I took Sue into one, Frank went into the other with Jill. I suspect the girls swapped over several times during the night, but couldn't tell with the lights out. Anyway, sex wasn't really on the menu - it was just touch & talk, with plenty of sleepy cuddles. The...

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An Ultimate Adventure With My Sweet Gf

Hi I m Akhi and I m from Roorkie. This is my true story about my gf and me about our sexy adventure. Her name is Sonali and her figure is 32-28-34. We used to have sex on phone on many times and also in real. . on phone I became her very horny and fuck her over phone. We talk a lot over the phone about sex. One night we both were very horny and we talked about some sexy adventure like do fingering in balcony, over the roof. . Next day we decided to meet, there were no one in her house. I went...

2 years ago
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When I opened the door, the first thing that hit me was the blaring sound of rock music. Even as I shook my head, my lips turned up in a big smile. That music could mean only one thing. Sharon, my young daughter, had come to pay me a visit. Sharon was my only daughter. She had left for college two years ago. I only got to see her when she graced me with a rare visit. She had been very bitter after the divorce and had stayed with my ex. Since she had a key, she would let herself in and make...

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Double TearsChapter 133

“Beware of more powerful weapons. They often inflict as much damage to your soul as they do to your enemies.” —Greg Cox, The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh Over the next few days, I spent intense loving time with each of my girlfriends. It wasn’t all spent in bed, but a lot of it was as I focused on reconnecting with each one. I spent some quality time with Cindy, too, some of which wasn’t even about music. I took her to get a burger for lunch one day just for a chance to talk where...

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Mom had no idea

I am in college and I barely meet my mother in person. This summer I decided to give her a treat. She had been sounding quite down when I heard her last. I decided to call her on the phone. "If you need a break," I said into the phone, "Why don't you come down here for the weekend?" There was silence on the line for a long moment. I could almost hear my mom considering my proposal and could visualize her biting her lower lip as she mulled it over. "Come on, mom," I...

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My first time

This guy is nuts about his friend’s mother, although she is much older than he is, he can’t imagine that any girl is hotter than this old, horny lady…Fucking friends momClick here to view the galleryMy name is Thomas and I want to tell you the story of my first time. Though it was over 15 years ago, I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was 19 and still a virgin. It was something frustrating which I didn’t like at all. All of my friends had girlfriends and had already their first sexual...

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Just Good FriendsChapter 3b

Part 2 Sunday Alan stirred. The room was illuminated by the rays of the early morning sun. "Keep your eyes closed for a minute!" he heard Sarah say and he dutifully obeyed her command. "—Okay, you can open them now." Sarah was standing near the bed and she was wearing one of what Alan assumed was one of Ellen's winter nightdresses. It covered practically all of her body from her lower neck to her feet; including her arms down to her wrists. She did a little twirl and the material...

3 years ago
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The Bet

The Bet 1. The Wager It all started a few summers ago, in August, at my friend Lauren's house. Lauren had been a friend, and sometimes a little more, for many years. She had long red hair, a beautiful face, an athletic body, and she was wild. She was always the fun one who pushed me out of my comfort zone to do "bad" things. She teased me, she led me on, and I loved it. Anyway, Lauren and I were at her place with some friends of hers that I knew as acquaintances. Sally was Asian,...

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Getting Physical with a guy Doctor

Introduction: Hey this is only my first few stories so, rate me easy:) Lillian glanced at the clock for about the hundredth time in the last twenty minutes. She was supposed to get her physical at 4:00, but it was 4:20 and her doctor hadnt appeared yet. She wished the doctor would show up soonshe was kinda nervous, honestly. Her friends had all told them their tales about how you had to take off their clothes and put on a paper robe/covering that had no sides. Its like a long piece of...

2 years ago
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Dusty church lady and her lover

I was home one afternoon when I was called by one of the wives I knew at church asking me if I could come over and do her a favor. When I got there she opened the door. She had just gotten out of the shower and had a towel wrapped around her. Her hair was wet and hung down around her shoulders in thick strands, framing her beautiful face. “Come in,” she invited me, standing back from the door. “What can I do for you?” I asked as nonchalantly as I could. ...

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Milwaukee cuckhold vacation 2

As the maid came in Judy came even harder. When the maid walked in far enough, she said, “Oh I can come back later.” Judy said, “No please stay and do what you need to do.” I could hear the maid going around the rom doing things. Judy kept pounding my face with her pussy and pinching and playing. I could hear the maid move into the room we were in and Judy started telling me about some of the things she had done.It sounded like the maid was still milling close by and Judy said, “by the way this...

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Tyler Part 1 Cleaning Up

Tyler… a friends daughter is a very sexy 17yr old, (and she knows it!) with short dyed blonde hair, lovely looks and a gorgeous body. With sparkling blue eyes and full lips, she’s developing nicely! Tyler helps to clean our house sometimes. It was on such a day , with the rest of the family out and me working from home that she came round to do the cleaning. As usual Tyler just walked straight in to the house shouting ‘Hiya’ as she closed the door. One of these days that sort of abrupt entry is...

4 years ago
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Kindling A Cuckold Part IV

Sara wasn’t due to go into work until lunchtime next day so it gave her more time with Brian’s Kindle. Last night he had been reading John Grisham’s Gray Mountain so she made a mental note of the last read page number and then went through his library. He had a quite an extensive range of erotica and she noticed that many were of the Cuckold and Wife Lovers genre. It intrigued her. Going back to his bookmarks she opened up the next one. ‘Jane remained seated at her dressing table as a knock...

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Smitha Ke Bdsm Khwaais Se Choot Mai Hue Baarish

Hi dosto, I am Pankaj or aap sab toh mujhe jante he hai. Agar apko meri yeh dastaan pasand aaye toh mujhe KiK pe msg jarur karna @pkgargxx ya fir email bhi kar sakte ho Yeh sexual incident meri life ka sabse exciting incident hai and I am sure aapko bhi bohot pasand aayega. Meri story padhne ke baad mujhe ek American Indian ladki ka mail aaya uska naam Smitha hey. Woh Bangalore mai koi MNC mai kaam karti thi. Usne mujhe kik mai bhi msg kia or hamara interaction chaalu hogya. Jaise ke mujhe...

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Daddy's Girl Ever since my wife took off it has been just me and Tammy at home. She was 12 when her mom left us. I still call her my little girl but she has blossomed into a beautiful young woman now at 19. She still likes to call me daddy. She has shoulder length red hair and he body has filled out in all the right places. Daddy or not, I would have to be blind not to notice how sexy she looks.We have always been close and she still comes up and gives me hugs for no reason at all. Sometimes...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Odyssey Part IV From Slut to Whore

The next day as I went to work, I wondered what adventures lay before me. In a sense, it was up to me, in that I just had to put myself out there, not to mention put out. Still, the outcomes are unpredictable: I had no way of knowing ahead of time that a coffee date would turn into such a wild experience. When I arrived home I called Tom, and told him everything that happened the previous day. He seemed pleased for me, and encouraged me to continue with my adventures. I resolved to call another...

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Consequences April

Edited by Angel Love. Thanks as always Consider: In most major events, it is the little things that can make or break them. In 1986, the Challenger space shuttle was lost due to a cheap O ring that probably cost less than a few dollars. Because of that, seven lives and hundreds of millions of dollars were lost. Consider: It is often mentioned that a blood clot, sometimes so small that it takes a microscope to see it, can kill someone. Blood flow to a critical part of the brain is blocked and...

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Just Lucky I guess

I cannot remember the first time I thought of sucking cock but I can remember a time. I was a teenager and had some guys that I knew. One was a beautiful golden skinned Lebanese 15 year old that every knew was gay. Although I never approached him I would masturbate furiously thinking about his cock in my mouth. I never thought about a guy sucking me. I always wanted to be the guy that got the load in my mouth and eventually my ass. It wasn't until much later I realized I was a bottom. I am...

4 years ago
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Strange Relationship Chapter 5 Version VI

(Author’s note: this is an early version of a much longer erotic novel. It’s been through a lot of edits, but I really like some of the early versions that got canned. I hope you don’t mind me reproducing them here. Of all the stories I’ve written – which is a lot! – Caitlin is one of my favourite creations, and I’m always looking to giver her greater exposure, as are the men (and women) in her life! You can follow her continued adventures in the different versions of the story called ‘Strange...

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Thursdays ChildChapter 26

Doug's mother met him outside the prison gate. Even though when he graduated from borstal to adult prison and had been transferred south so that she could visit him she had not done so. The journey home appears to have been in silence since the following conversation was picked up by the recorder once they got home. "I think you know why I did not visit you in prison, Douglas. The same reason that I divorced your father. What you were convicted of was disgusting and inexcusable. The only...

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Gwyneth stood on the balcony waving goodbye to her husband. It would be a week before the Lord returned. She didn’t know why he was leaving, the most he would tell her was that it was for important business. Nothing for a woman to fret about, especially one of her stature. For years, she had been Lady Terras. She had been betrothed to Lord Terras when she was a young girl. She was happy with the arrangement. After all, wasn’t it every young girls dream to be married to a Lord, and bear his...

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Office mai masti

Hi friends me Anish from Kolkata I work in a private office in Kolkata. The office is located in a really old building. We normally don’t work on Saturday’s, but as there was some work that had got postponed too much, my boss asked me to come on a Saturday and finish it off. He also asked the secretary of our department who was a girl called Anju to come and finish off some correspondence. Anyway being a Saturday, I took my own time to come to work and I arrived at around 10.00 am. Our office...

2 years ago
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Na Nirmala Aunty

Dear all, I am Ashok varma from Hyderabad is a true story,i be son of a bitch if i do lie in this matter.Nirmala was my real aunt, we are still very much in love. this incident happened in 2009. my uncle was in UK & seeking for immigration chance to get settled there. i did a lot for Shakeela’s ailing brother those day. i donated blood to him, i took Nirmala long way to see her brother twice a day. Her brother got able to start his job in a month. i never had any bad feeling towards...

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An Old Friend Comes to Visit

Five o’clock finally arrived and it was all I could do to stop myself from doing  handsprings out to my car. I’d really done nothing but fidget in my chair all day anyway. The only thing on my mind from the moment I woke that morning was my plans for the following week. An old friend would be arriving to stay with me and I’d taken the following week off so we’d have nine lust filled days together. Actually, Rob was more than a friend, he not only, had the biggest cock I’d ever taken, at nine...

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HobyBuchanon Kitt Lacey Newcomer Kitt Lacey Wants Rough Face Fucking

Hot porn newcomer Kitt Lacey tells us she wants to get face fucked hard! I walk up and slap her face and kiss her. I put my cock all the way down her throat and hold it there. I put my fingers down her throat and spit in her face and fuck her face roughly. I tell her to stand up and slap her tits and face and gag her with my fingers. I bend her over the couch and spank her ass with a whip. I put my cock in her and pound her fuck box hard from behind. I turn her around and fuck her face then...

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The Necklace

It was a dark and stormy night... No, wait, that's another story. It was a sunny day, and you are Karen Mullins. You're the average, typical college co-ed, with brown hair, B cup breasts, and a cute little ass. Well, maybe not totally average, as you have thus far focused on studying and school work, leaving you a virgin at age 20 whose last date was a friend of a friend at your senior prom. It's not that you're ugly or a bitch or anything like that. You literally haven't made time for much in...

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Long Distance LoveThe Final Chapter

Those of you looking to find sex in this story, will be disappointed, but it is the final chapter, one that needed to be written, to end the story for the readers who liked the first three chapters, and for the characters, who also needed their own ending.   This is the final chapter of this story, and the final chapter of this part of my life.  To Jack, who was a wonderful lover, who is a wonderful man, and who will always be a wonderful friend.  Thank you.   Jack and I had been trying to make...

Love Stories
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Dad Son in the Basement

Its been awhile since I posted, but here is another time with dad.I was younger in my teens and had found dad's stash of porn in the basement in his workshop area. He had some hot shit even for back in the 70's. lots of group porn 4somes and more. I was down there got one of my fav's and had pulled the cock out jerking, I was going thru the pages and jerking harder and harder. Listening to hear if anyone is coming down the stairs. But must of been going at it pretty hard when I looked up and...

3 years ago
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Sisters Hoe

My sister?s sissy I?ve always hated my sister and my sister has always hatedme.? Ever since my sister was a yearolder than me I hated her, though I never challenged her because she was farstronger than I was.? My sister, Carmen wasa 17 year old princess that had huge, plump tits and a huge, apple bottomass.? She was a captain of thecheerleading squad of the school, most popular girl in school and had aboyfriend.??????????? Carmen wasalways favored over me as a child and she was always...

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AEBN Lesbian

I fucking love lesbians! I know that these chicks are not into dicks, but there is something about cunt slurping that makes my blood boil. A dirty confession I had to make! All dudes dig lesbians, right? Lesbians dig lesbians, straight chicks like them, and men love them. Double standards at their best. Gays are noooo, but lesbians are ok. You know me, I don't care for that all equality shit. Lesbians are hot, gays are not! At least in my world. Deal with it!I don't know why I brought all of...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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Watching Anita with another man

Watching Ana with another manOne warm afternoon on June I was finishing my day at the office, when I received a phone call from Anita: "Please come home quickly" She cried into the phone.I heard the click on the phone and started to get worry, so I raced home. As I walked through the door I saw my wife sitting quietly on the coach. Everything seemed to be right at home."What's so urgent?" I asked her.Ana took my hand and led me to our bedroom. "I'm in charge now" she said "You just shut up and...

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BadDaddyPOV Karma RX Heals Step Daddy With Her Pussy

Karma RX is a perfect looking babe! She has all a man can ask for: a pretty face, very sexy lips, amazingly big and hot boobs, a lot of tattoos all over her athletic body. Most importantly, this super-attractive babe has a great eager for the big dicks. One day, she heard her step dad was hurt at work. She decided to check on him. As soon as she entered his room she knew it was a great opportunity to fulfill her life long dream. Karma RX wants to fuck her step daddy. Wearing only panties and...

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Home gym

"You don't mind working out at my place tonight, do you," asked Frank? "No, that's no problem," Denny replied, "as long as I get my reps in, I really don't care where I do it!" "Good," Frank said, "then let's get to it!" Both men were serious weight lifters who spent much more time and energy working out than the average ever "joe" would, and it wouldn't be unusual for either of them to spend four hours a night lifting and pulling the iron plates that gave them the heavily muscled appearance...


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