Scratch n Dent Kid
- 3 years ago
- 27
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It turned out that the big bed wasn't really for sleeping in. The girls had realised that Frank and I needed to be led fairly gently into a four-way marriage, and had arranged two normal-sized beds in two other bedrooms. I took Sue into one, Frank went into the other with Jill. I suspect the girls swapped over several times during the night, but couldn't tell with the lights out. Anyway, sex wasn't really on the menu - it was just touch & talk, with plenty of sleepy cuddles.
The following morning, I excused myself after breakfast, and went to the labs. Came back; administered the cures, and then had a lazy day with my new family. The girls took a few telephone calls, but didn't say what they were about. When I asked Sue, all she said was "just business, love. Nothing exciting."
Late in the evening, the phrase came back and hit me between the eyes. Business? The world that she inhabited, and Jill as well, was nothing at all to do with business. She had always been proud of the fact that nothing she did at work had anything to do with sordid commerce. I had a terrible suspicion, and tackled her about it.
"Uh - Sue? These 'business' calls. Is there anything I need to know about them?"
"Actually dear, yes. We've been getting quite a lot of requests for your services. We've booked the first one for ten o'clock tomorrow morning, here."
"What? But I have to be at work."
"But you have to come back again, don't you? To give Jill and I another of your little magic capsules, remember? So, while you're here, you might as well earn us some money. Any objections?"
"Um. Not really, I suppose. Who is it?"
"Shelley Ford. You know, the film actress. Any problem with that?"
Far from it, I thought. Perhaps this little 'business' that the girls had set up had its good points, after all. I tried to dampen my enthusiasm, just for form's sake.
"I wish you'd told me", I grumbled.
"Come off it, Jack - your little friend jumped to attention as soon as I said the name, didn't he? Admit it!"
"All right, all right. If that's the calibre of client you're going to get, I'll be happy."
"We can't promise they'll all be in that league, of course. But you never know - some of the others might surprise you."
I thought of Jackie, and silently agreed with her.
The following morning, I went to the labs early. I hadn't enjoyed being imprisoned there for a week, but being permanently on the premises had had its advantages - the work was going very well indeed. And two nights and a day away from the place had revived my enthusiasm.
Hilary was in early as well, so we caught up on our news. Jackie had confessed to her about our night together, and its happy outcome. She was now fairly definite that she swung both ways, and Mike had decided to join the household on a permanent basis.
"Lucky him!", I said. "Two gorgeous women, both wealthy. He's got it made!"
Hilary smiled. "It's looking good so far. I still prefer Jackie in my bed - I can swing the other way, as I found out with you, but I like women a lot better than men. Still, Jackie's so much better with this arrangement that I can't help but be happy. And yes, Mike seems to be doing all right. We're planning on sending him back to university for his doctorate - he couldn't afford to stay on after his BSc before."
We discussed my 'timetable' of cures, and I told her that the girls had found me a cash customer for that morning.
"So, should we put you down for one 'workmate' cure today, or none?"
"As far as I know, I have two free slots, not one."
"And suppose this cash customer wants it both ways?"
A vision came over me of Shelley Ford's delectable ass, naked and wagging in my direction. "Er... good point...", I stammered. "I don't know."
"Well then," she said, "the best thing is if I just keep a roster of who's asked for a cure, and I'll call one in every time you let me know you're available. As long as you guarantee me six in the week, it doesn't really matter when."
"It might to the women concerned, I suppose," I said.
"It probably does! But they've been getting by, for a month or more. An extra day or two won't hurt. And how are you fixed on the 'charity' front?"
"I don't know. Mike's not in yet, but I suppose she's organising it."
"One category you don't have to worry about is the very young girls. I know it bothered you."
It had bothered me a lot. I know, I know. None of them were virgins, otherwise they couldn't have caught it in the first place. But, especially after hearing Jackie's story, there was no way that I would want to fuck a nine-year-old. I might stretch a point for a fourteen or fifteen, but that was all. And I'd been worried that the Health authority would line up a load of little kids for me.
"So, why don't I have to worry?"
"You've heard the story about the eleven-year-old and her stepfather? And the boy next door?"
"Yes. She was one of the ones I was worried about."
"She's cured. Turns out that the boy has his own 'magic beanstalk'. So, the authorities have hired him to cure all the underage victims they can find."
"Hired him?"
"Oh, yes! They're paying him quite a lot of money, and he's making even more on the side. His mother and the little girl's mother are acting as his agents, and they reckon he'll be able to make enough money to set the two kids up for life."
"So they're staying together, are they?"
"They want to at the moment. And even if it doesn't work out long-term, both families agree that the two kids should share the money equally. After all, she's the victim. And if she hadn't needed treatment, he'd never have known he was a curer."
"And a glittering career might never have happened?"
"Yes. Funny how things work out."
My lab work didn't take long. I finished up, and left the building shortly after nine, with the two gelatine capsules that my wives were waiting for. I applied them, and both girls promised to stand upside-down for five minutes every hour. Sue left, eager to carry on with her interviews. Frank had already gone out, but Jill stayed behind to help me with my visitor.
"Nervous, dear?", she asked.
"A little, I suppose. I mean, she's every man's wet dream, isn't she? What's she like, really? You've spoken to her, haven't you?"
"Actually, no I haven't. This one was set up through her agent, who sounded a bit hard and pushy. But I suppose all Hollywood agents sound like that. We'll just have to wait and see for ourselves whether she lives up to her billing."
We waited. Ten o'clock, no show. Eleven, still nothing. I got up to leave.
"Sorry, Jill. I have better things to do."
"Better than sitting with me? Surely not?"
"You know what I mean. She booked me for ten o'clock. I was here in plenty of time. So where is she?"
The telephone rang. "Is Shelley there?", demanded a loud male voice.
"I don't know who you mean," I replied.
"You know damn well! Put her on!"
"Now look here you, whoever you are. Listen carefully. There is no-one in this house called Shelley. Nor has there been for the past week. I can't say about before that, because I've only just moved in. Got that? Goodbye."
I put the phone down, quite hard. Seconds later, it rang again.
The same voice. "Listen to me, guy. I'm Shelley's agent, and you can tell her from me that if she doesn't call me in five minutes her tits are going to be in the mangle. Got that? Goodbye." A click at the other end demonstrated that I wasn't the only one who could slam a phone down.
"Now there's a guy who likes to have the last word," I said mildly.
I decided to wait around. Things were getting interesting. Eventually, at about half-past eleven, the lady herself arrived, in a large chauffeur-driven car.
Jill opened the door to her. Shelley swept straight past, ignoring her completely.
"Right. Here I am. Now, can we get this over with? I'm booked solid with interviews, all day."
"Good morning, Miss Ford," I said. "I'm Jack Harper. This is my wife." I gestured at Jill, still standing by the open door.
"Never mind the pleasantries - I told you, I'm in a hurry!"
"In that case, Miss Ford, you've come to the wrong house. Goodbye."
"What?", she shrieked. "I've made a special trip over here for this, and you're telling me I'm wasting my time? Come off it - I've paid good money for this."
"I don't know whether you're wasting your time, Miss Ford, but you're certainly wasting mine. And my wife's. As for your money, it will be refunded."
"Oh no you don't! You've advertised a service, you go through with it. Otherwise my agent will sue you for everything you've got, including the shirt off your back. And believe me, he knows where to find the best lawyers."
"The contract was for ten o'clock this morning," I said, keeping my voice level. "It's now nearly mid-day. You broke the contract, not I. Incidentally, talking of your agent, he rang some time ago, wanting to speak with you. I thought he was particularly rude - but after hearing you, I think maybe I misjudged him."
"Geoffrey rang? What did he want?"
"All he said to me was that he needed to speak to you, and that if you didn't call him in five minutes, quote, your tits would be in the mangle, unquote. That was over half an hour ago. Doesn't your car have a phone he could have called you on?"
"It does. I have a mobile on me as well. But I make damned sure that neither one is turned on before noon. Everybody wants to talk to me!"
"Everybody but me. I suggest you go back to your car, point it in the direction of all your precious interviews, and phone your agent on the way. Goodbye."
I touched her arm, trying to encourage her to leave.
"Get your goddam hands off me! I'll go when I'm good and ready."
"Jill, call the newspapers," I said. "Tell them that Shelley Ford has arrived here, demanding a fuck that she's nearly two hours late for, and won't leave until she's had it. Tell them that she sounds as if she's either drunk, or on drugs. Possibly both. Ask them to send a photographer."
"Sure thing," Jill replied, her eyes dancing. She picked up the telephone.
"Get away from that phone!", demanded the film-star. "You can't say that!"
"Why not?", I asked. "It's true, isn't it?"
"They'll break me! They mustn't know I've been here!"
"Then why, Miss Ford, did you come here in a flashy chauffeur-driven limousine? Why have you been shouting at the top of your voice since you arrived? Not exactly discreet, I'd have said." I raised my voice slightly. "I'm getting rather bored with this. If you don't leave NOW, we'll call the press." I gestured again at the open door.
"All right, I'm going. But when Geoff hears what you've done, there's going to be trouble." She swept out, ignoring Jill again. I closed the door behind her.
"Whew!", said Jill. "Sorry about that, but I didn't know."
"That's a side of her personality that never makes it on to the silver screen," I grinned. "Pity about the money, but there's no way that I could manage an erection with that harpy screeching at me."
We sat down with a coffee, and I thought about going back to work. The curse of Monday mornings, I thought. Nothing ever goes as planned.
A few minutes later, the telephone rang again. Jill answered it, listened for a while, then put her hand over the mouthpiece.
"It's Shelley Ford, Jack. I think she's trying to apologise, but she's not very good at it. Keeps forgetting herself and shouting."
I took the phone out of Jill's hand, and put it back on the rest. Then unplugged it at the wall. A few seconds later the upstairs extensions started ringing, but they were faint enough not to bother us, so we ignored them. Eventually, they stopped. She'd obviously given up.
Wrong! I'd only just plugged the main handset back in, when it rang again. Against my better judgement, I answered it.
"Mr Harper - Jack - I'm sorry for my outburst." A vibrant, sexy voice, in the low contralto register. It pushed buttons, and I found myself thinking of her screen image rather than the ranting virago I'd pushed out of the door.
I managed to resist. "Miss Ford, I don't know why you keep telephoning me like this. I've already made it quite clear that I'm not interested. Why can't you take no for an answer?"
"I'll make it worth your while. I'm desperate. Please - if you only knew!"
"I'm sorry, but no. I'm sure you could find someone else just as qualified. If he's one of your fans, you'd go straight to the head of the queue, and he'd probably do it for nothing. Why me?"
"You were recommended. Guaranteed discreet, I'm told. And now I don't have time to find anyone else. I was also led to believe that you were a fan of mine."
"Was, Miss Ford, was. Not any more, after your disgraceful exhibition earlier. Until then, I was looking forward to meeting you."
"Look, will you let me come in? I'm parked up outside, and I promise to behave myself."
I looked at Jill, who had been sharing the earpiece with me. She shrugged, leaving the decision to me.
"Very well, you can come in. My wife and I will listen to your story, but I have to tell you that you will have to convince both of us to help you. I'm frequently told that I let my gonads get the better of my judgement, so her wise head will help keep me straight."
I put the phone down, and we headed to the door.
"Why did you say that, love?", asked Jill.
"Because last time she treated you like a piece of furniture. I'm proud of you, and I won't see you ignored. If she has to convince you, she might be just a little bit more pleasant. But just in case she isn't, start looking up phone numbers for a few newspaper offices. Ok?"
"I think I'm falling in love with you all over again, my wonderful semi-husband."
"Again? And what about Frank?"
"Him too. Don't worry - Sue and I can keep things straightened out. Now, let's see to our visitor."
She opened the door, and Shelley came back in, playing a different role this time. I deliberately forced myself to see it this way, otherwise I'd be bedazzled by her all over again. This time, she was playing 'scared little innocent'. I tried to think which movie she'd played this character in, and came up with a couple. We sat her down, and sat side by side, facing her.
It was a Friday night. I bought my one scratch ticket. Son-of-a-bitch. This was the first one that I didn't at least get my money back on. Had my luck changed? Well I have had a hell of a run. I told Henry about it when he drifted down to my end of the bar and how he laughed. "All down hill from here, Jack. How much have you won, say in the last three or four months?" I have never totaled it up. At least $2,000 and maybe a bit more. I'll total it when I pay my taxes." "Damned fool...
I didn't go over to the bar on Saturday. Sunday I went in and bought new tickets, one for the state lottery, and one for the powerball. Henry didn't work this early, so he still didn't know whether Jane was going to be with me or not. I headed out Monday morning. I was driving today as I didn't have as far to go, but I still wouldn't be home until Wednesday evening at dinner time. Jane had asked for the keys to the house, just saying she was going to stop by to dust. I never gave it...
Trying to Scratch that Itch PT3 Thanks for all the reviews and some of the ideas! Please read the first two installments because this is an ongoing story. Please enjoy Tabitha's adventures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I pick up my martini up and do it like a shot, stand up, grab my purse and take Marcel by the hand and lean into him real close and slide my hand over his cock and tell him to lead the way. He looks at Jenna and she just...
[This is a long story. My longest to date. There is plenty of sexual content and a few twists and turns along the way. If it was shorter it could have been in ‘Loving Wives’, or ‘Erotic Couplings’ or ‘Group Sex’. There will be another version of this tale posted soon (one or two days), that takes a slightly more traditional ‘Loving Wives’ approach. It will be called ‘Scratching Deeply.’ Please vote and leave me either a public or private comment. My intention is to improve as a writer, your...
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Carol was drunk, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t her fault, a bottle of Chardonnay and two rum cocktails did that to a girl. Jack and Gary promised it wouldn’t turn into a business dinner but that’s what they always said. Carol usually spent dinner gossiping with Gary’s wife, Tina. But the babysitter had cancelled at the last second, and Tina stayed home instead. So Carol was all alone with two would-be global tycoons. Who could blame her for drinking a bit more than usual? “If we go for...
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Finally, the laboratory work was completed. It had taken six months of frantic work, from my first look at the strange purple nodules in Sue's ass, to get to the situation where we could begin to mass-produce a cure. Everybody said we'd achieved miracles, and most of the team agreed. And if I didn't join in the general rejoicing and back-slapping, I had my reasons. I was going to lose my 'special' status, along with my eighteen random fucks per week. Not to mention the money I'd made....
Eventually, the long night was over. I went home, gave Sue a wake-up kiss and a coffee, and made breakfast. She came into the kitchen, looking mussed and sleepy. "Good morning, my love", I chirped. "Why are you sounding so cheerful?" she grumbled. "Because the sun's out and the birds are singing, my darling wife." "Nothing to do with last night, then?" "Partly, I suppose. I've taken the first steps on the road to a Nobel Prize. Probably a knighthood as well. That's enough to...
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Carol was drunk, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t her fault, a bottle of Chardonnay and two rum cocktails did that to a girl. Jack and Gary promised it wouldn’t turn into a business dinner but that’s what they always said. Carol usually spent dinner gossiping with Gary’s wife, Tina. But the babysitter had cancelled at the last second, and Tina stayed home instead. So Carol was all alone with two would-be global tycoons. Who could blame her for drinking a bit more than usual? “If we go for...
Carol was drunk, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t her fault—a bottle of Chardonnay and two rum cocktails did that to a girl. Jack and Gary promised it wouldn’t turn into a business dinner—but that’s what they always said. Carol usually spent dinner gossiping with Gary’s wife, Tina. But the babysitter had cancelled at the last second, and Tina stayed home instead. So Carol was all alone with two would-be global tycoons. Who could blame her for drinking a bit more than usual? “If we go for...
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How should these poor girls be exposed?
My wife and I had a fun session a couple of evenings ago. We were in our lounge watching TV on our sofa. We started getting amorous, beginning as usual with a kiss, her leg rubbing against mine, then my hand on her nylon clad knee creeping up her thigh and under her skirt. A few minutes later we were wrapped round each other on the big rug in the middle of the floor slowly undressing each other. My wife had a sex bomb figure when we married. Now in her thirties, apart from being a bit plumper...
This happen a month ago and I still don?t believe it. My wife Kelly and I have been in the lifestyle for a few years now and really enjoy the times we have had. Our sex life is great but we like different things once and a while. Kelly may be 30 but has the same tight body as when we married 10 years ago. She has waist length blonde hair 36C breasts that are still plenty firm with large nipples. She loves to keep her pussy shaved which is ok with me and most others. My name is Bill 35 years old...
Loosey Lucy When I was in the fifth grade I was eleven years old, flat chested and I didn’t even have hair on my pussy yet but that didn’t stop Billy Bradley from inviting me to go skinny-dipping with him. I couldn’t wait to see what a penis looked like so I said okay. I knew that I didn’t have anything that he wanted to see. So we walked along the shore until I felt safe enough then we undressed. He was sure in a big hurry and just took everything off all at once. I took my clothes...
This story is about how I had sex with my best friends mom. I went with my best friend to Delhi to stay with his family for 10 days. His family consists of his mother, father, and a younger sister. Since I am a teenager, I considered his mom as mine. I was enjoying my time over there. We used to get up in the afternoon every day. On the 3rd day, I got up in the afternoon and realized I was alone in the room. My friend wasn’t there. I thought maybe he got up early and sitting outside in the hall...
Kim hatte sich nach ihrer Meinung eine Auszeit verdient. Sie hatte fast zwei Jahre ohne Urlaub für eine Agentur gejobbt, etwas Geld zur Seite gelegt und auch von dem kleinem Erbe ihre letzten Verwandten, einer alten Tante, war noch einiges übrig. Sie hatte Wagen und Trailer bei einer kleinen Tankstelle am Rande der Einöde abgestellt, ihre Lieblingsklamotten angezogen und war losgeritten. Quer durch die Prärie. Ein Handy, ein GPS-System, ein Colt an der Seite, eine Winchester im Scabbard und...
I awoke early the next morning finding that both my mates were still sound asleep. As deftly as possible, I slid upward out from under the sleeping fur. They had worked very arduous last night slaving over me and I did not wish to disturb them. I quietly exited the hut and stood in the cold morning air stretching out my limbs. A faint light illuminated the eastern skies where the sun would eventually rise. Finches and meadowlarks announced the impending dawn, while small rodents rustled...
Maine ISS me bahut sari khaniyan phadhi hai aur ab jakar mai apni khud ki kahani batane jaa raha hun. Mai 21 saal ka hun aur apni mummy aur papa ke sath rehta hun papa job karte hai aur wo kam ke liye jadatar bahar hi rehte hai mai meri maa saath me rehte aur ye kahani tab ki hai jab papa kam se lucknow gaye hue the aur mai aur meri maa ghar par akele the. Ab mai aap logo ko apni maa ke bare me batata hun mujhe hamesa se lagta tha ki meri maa ek number ki randi hai uska badan gora hai height 5...
Comecei a trabalhar num armazém de ferro com 17 anos, antes de vir para a tropa, estamos de falar dos anos de 1990/91/92, ou seja era pouco mais do que um mero adolescente, franzino ainda, mas a minha mente(malandra) já A Patroa estava feita.Na altura ainda antes de ter começado a trabalhar, não tinha feito sexo com nenhuma rapariga apesar de ter 17 anos, eram só curtes, e amassos, estamos a falar de 22/23 anos atrás, eram tempos diferentes, não havia internet, nem facebook, nem sites porno e...
————————————————- The evening had started innocently enough. At least on her side. Kean sighed grabbing the round of drinks, and moving through the crowded dance floor, checking out bouncing breasts and wiggling asses as he did. He liked what he saw, but he had better at home, or he would especially after this week,hopefully as early as tonight. His cock lurched in his jeans, and he had to slow his pace the let himself adjust. The waitress behind him carrying the order of beers, looked at...
Brenda had asked me to phone her at seven, but Gerta informed me that we were sitting down to dinner at seven. I decided to try to phone her before dinner, but I still didn't have her phone number. I could either go in and disturb Mr. Parsons again, something I didn't want to do, or else wait and ask him at dinner if he'd get me her phone number. Gerta noticed me just standing there, trying to decide. "What? Why are you staring at nothing?" Gerta had a superstitious nature, believing in...
As the Wolves emerged, they encircled the startled man and paced around them in curiosity. "Oh Crap!" He gulped. The Wolf Pack gingerly circled the man, ignoring the presence of the sprawled woman nearby, though their sense of smell had picked up on the scent of an aroused bitch nearby. Already their penises were showing and growing at a phenomenal rate. James noticed this and decided to add the wild canines arousal to his video clip. He slowly aimed his camera and tried to catch their...
I got so out of hand... Literally... That I hit send too soon. Sorry if I left you hanging. ;-) So where were we? I'm trailing kisses down your body and my hands are gently stroking your arms, your chest, and making their way to that throbbing cock that has invaded my dreams for far too long. The tip is dripping and I take it in my mouth. I've waited so long to taste you, I am about to explode. I'm so hungry for your cock, but I want to make this last forever. My mouth closes around your head...
“WE HAVE HAIR APPOINTMENTS tomorrow,” Kate said on Friday night. “Tony, you could stand a trim, too. Could you drop us off at the hairdresser before you go to Pilates tomorrow morning? We’ll meet you at the barber after you’ve gotten your trim and then we could go to lunch.” “We?” I asked. “Kate and me,” Melody confirmed. “Oh. And Bree.” Hmm. Bree was going with the girls to get her hair done? I was beginning to wonder what they were all planning. “Not Lissa?” “We’ve got the boys and we...
"You are now Husband and wife," A voice coaxed softly behind them. With every thing going on it took Tenchi some seconds realizing it was Masaki addressing them. "There is no longer a need to restrain yourselves!" Ayeka's mother smiled. Responding to the gentle urging Tenchi opened his hand shifting his grip. Only just aware of the last of the vines still entwining their fore arms falling away. Noting in its passing the delicate patterns now indelibly there understandable more livid...
"I'm not pretty, not a bit-- Thin and sallow-pale; When I trudge along the street I don't need a veil: Yet I have one fancy hit. Jess and Jill can trill and sing With a flute-like voice, Dance as light as bird on wing, Laugh for careless joys: Yet it's I who wear the ring." -Christina Rossetti, A Ring Posy With an awkward jolt, eyes wild, visage pained, the Darkbitch awakened and searched frantically among the tangle of bodies scattered around the huge, disarrayed, semiunduvetted...
One evening at a corporate event held by the company Hamish worked for, Hilary became concerned at the amount of money Hamish was spending on drinks. “Look, I need some kind of escape from all this money worry” He would retort. “Will you be saying that, when we don’t have a roof over our heads?” Hilary asked, almost tearfully. “You didn’t have to come here. I almost wish you didn’t come!” Hamish angrily snapped. Hilary ran off in tears, her pale auburn high pony tail neatly bouncing as she...
It was early evening when I arrived at the crappy little house, a three bedroom shithole with half the siding off and a sagging front porch. I could hear children crying, and a muffled, but loud voice yelling as I walked past three Harleys toward the front porch of the battered place. As I walked across dead grass and weeds, two oversize men – one with a wild head of shaggy dark hair and a matching full beard, the other bald as a cue ball - in “Purple Pranksterz Motorcycle Club” jean vests...
Marc ?tait dans un ?tat second en pr?parant le caf? r?clam? par Amandine. Il ?tait sous le choc de l'exp?rience qu'il venait de vivre. Etre autoris? par la femme de ses r?ves ? lui donner du plaisir en caressant et en l?chant sa douce intimit?, c'?tait mieux que ce qu'il s'?tait autoris? en imagination. La situation ?tait de plus terriblement excitante, lui dissimul? sous le bureau de sa d?esse, elle essayant de faire abstraction du plaisir pour essayer de travailler. Et mon dieu, c'?tait donc ?a un orgasme f?minin? Cette onde ?lectr...
So to catch you up from part 2....Bonnie and I were at our friends house attending a bbq. The part was an opportunity for my wife to show off her new swimsuit and pinup look...and boy did she. She looked incredible and garnered almost all of the attention from the male party goers. In particular, a neighbor of our friends named Hank...who Bonnie and Sharon had run into two weeks prior but Bonnie had left out that detail. Hank was a few years older than us and was a pilot for a local airline. He...
Melissa was going to get married the next day , And she wanted to celebrate with her girlfriends. They went to a club, partied, And gossiped about how handsome and nice her fiancé was.As the evening went on, Melissa and Kaley were the only ones still up for fun while her other friends had long since gone home. 6 Black men had been eyeing the hot, young blondes all night."Damn! Those bitches be fine as hell, b*o!" one said to the group"I'd bang that shit all day!" Another said."I bet we could...