Spreading Seeds Chapt 6 Dinner with Mom
- 3 years ago
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Prachee shivered slightly as the muggy sidewalk gave way to the climate-controlled foyer. The cool air felt refreshing against her bare legs, and she was glad she’d chosen to wear a skirt. She had wanted to dress up a little, anyway. Though this was primarily a test of her mental acuity and general knowledge, she had to assume that the staff of Times! Also had their eyes open for potential contestants who looked beautiful, cuddly, or stylish.
Prachee didn’t think of herself as ‘beautiful,’ and she was more the skinny than the ‘cuddly’ type but on a good day, she calculated that she could manage ‘stylish’. So she’d donned an elegant, mid-length floral skirt, and a teal jersey that flattered her sharp shoulders and small, pointed breasts. She had crowned herself with a pair of retro-chic sunglasses that she knew would stay in place astride her auburn bangs, if she avoided sudden head movements.
Prachee’s elegance was a bohemian sort of elegance, and stockings were usually out of the question on some days even panties were out of the question but today being a sticky one, Prachee had thought better of that option. After all, it might not impress the game show staff if she showed up for her test with her nice floral skirt glued to the crack of her ass, courtesy of the relative humidity. May I help you? asked the receptionist.
Yes, I’m here for the 4:00 test for Times!’ said Prachee. She projected confidence, but she had to admit to herself that she had a few rare and exotic butterflies in her stomach. She hoped she’d be able to relax sufficiently for concentrating on the test. She wondered if she ought to have made a point of masturbating that morning, instead of spending quite so much time boning up on history geography and basic science.
She knew that all her cramming wouldn’t do her any good if she couldn’t approach the questions in the right frame of mind, and she further knew that a good twenty minutes of self-pleasuring usually kept her relaxed and happy for hours afterward. You’re early,’ said the receptionist and you can have a seat in the lobby until they call you early Prachee reflected as she took a seat.
She noticed that there were restrooms right along the far wall of the lobby in the familiar company of a payphone and a water fountain. She wondered if perhaps it wasn’t too late to redress her neglect. It wouldn’t be a leisurely pussy-pampering session like at home but she had done some lovely things for herself in bathroom stalls in the past and doing her own oyster in a strange almost public place made everything happen faster and sometimes even better.
She squeezed her thighs together, involuntarily as she considered the prospect. She was startled out of this train of thought when a tall young woman crossed into her peripheral vision from around a corner. The woman, a magnificent-looking twenty something in a sleek, navy-blue skirt suit, wore a staff badge on a lanyard and carried a clipboard. The woman seemed to break her stride for just an instant, as if looking
Prachee over before making her way across the lobby as she drew near, Prachee could see that she had a friendly smile on her face. May I have your name, please? The woman spoke softly but crisply. Prachee noticed that she had some sort of becoming northern European accent. Prachee felt the butterflies flutter again as she answered. I’m Prachee and the woman made a check mark on her clipboard. Hello, Prachee. I’m Sneeta.
I think they’ll be ready for you shortly. Sneeta smiled pleasantly again before walking briskly out of sight. Prachee knew at this point that she had better not disappear into the ladies’ room for that quick treat. It was really too bad, because her brief consideration of this option had already had an effect on her intimate physiology. She could feel the resulting wetness in her panties, which were now clinging against her pussy.
It was a nice feeling, though, and in its own way it made her feel less nervous while she compulsively reviewed her state capitals and multiplication tables one more time, the hint of wetness down there was a soothing reminder that life is not all in the brain. Prachee’s heart jumped, because she hadn’t seen him approaching her. The suave, handsome man extending his hand had evidently entered the lobby while she had been looking in the other direction.
I’m Piyusa he said, as she rose to shake his hand. She saw herself smoothing her skirt down in that fidgety manner she could not help assuming sometimes. Wow, he was gorgeous, she noted as she met his charismatic glance. His features were perhaps a little too quirky to make him look like a model or movie star, but they embodied a charm that set him apart from all the ordinary-looking guys. His thick, straight black hair curled seductively under each ear and his strong eyebrows were softened by laughing eyes and a sensitive mouth.
Like Sneeta, he wore a name badge and I’ll be giving you your test today,’ he told her. There was something about the way his eyes lingered over her face and her body that sent a chill not unpleasant from her ankles up to her clinging panties whereas Sneeta had seemed to be sizing her up from a distance, Piyush’s assessment was done from less than a foot away, and felt almost tangible. Prachee’s balance of mind and matter was now veering away from its midpoint.
The soft, wet matter between her legs was increasingly drawing her concentration away from the mental challenge ahead. We’ll be in the first conference room on the right,’ Piyush said his eyes twinkled at her for a moment. Then he began to escort her down the short corridor in the conference room, he ushered her to a seat at the far end of a long wooden table in front of her were a manila folder and a pencil.
Her chair was comfortably padded and the perfectly air conditioned climate of the room felt delicious. Piyush closed the door and walked to the end of the table nearest him and any questions before you begin? He asked, kindly Prachee wanted to ask him all sorts of questions, questions about whether she could undo various parts of his clothing and touch him in all kinds of placesbut she merely shook her head to indicate
No, go ahead, then, whenever you’re ready said Piyush with trembling fingers, she opened the folder. Ten questions jumped out at her, ten easy questions ten questions whose answers she knew yesterday, knew this morning and could not, for the life of her, bring up now. What is the capital of India? What is the atomic number of calcium? What is meant by the term in musical notation? Prachee simply could not concentrate.
Her pussy was throbbing for attention, her focus had been totally diverted by the presence of this appetizing guy, and her legs were tingling from the kisses of the air-conditioned air for five intense minutes, she struggled to call up the information she should have had at her disposal. She filled in every blank, but she knew most of the answers were probably wrong. Okay, Prachee, your time is up said Piyush.
Prachee welcomed this announcement. Clearly, this was a lost cause and she stood up and walked to Piyush’s end of the table. I’m afraid I did not do as well as I should have, she confessed. She handed him her folder and it only took him seconds to scan her answers and score her performance. His face seemed to sag then he looked up, and his eyes met hers. This happens sometimes he said would you like another chance? I think we have an opening tomorrow.
She eagerly accepted and her heart was fluttering as she scurried back through the lobby and just as she approached the exit, Sneeta caught up with her and I am so glad to know you’ll be back said Sneeta, touching Prachee very lightly on the elbow. Piyush was so disappointed that you did not qualify today. Prachee knew what she had to do when she arrived at the studio the next day, almost everything was the same. She had sweated her way through similar weather, wearing a similar outfit.
This time, however, one article of clothing had been left at home and, just as she had predicted, her thin skirt was clinging to the crack of her panty free ass. Yet today she did not mind. It felt sexy another difference was that where she had arrived empty handed yesterday, today she was clutching a manila folder in the lobby, Sneeta greeted her like she was an old friend.
Welcome back, Prachee. Piyush will be ready for you in a moment. Will he really be ready for me? Prachee wondered as she waited for her cue, she sizzled with a different sort of nervousness from her pre exam jitters of the day before. Today she had no thoughts of a quick fingering in a bathroom stall. She was horny, all right but she had higher aspirations than a date with herself in the John when he came to collect her,
Piyush’s face struck her as even kinder and, if it was possible, more handsome than on the previous occasion. Prachee hoped she wasn’t imagining it when she noted that he looked genuinely glad to see her. He led her to the same conference room, and she took her place at the same end of the table then, she pushed aside the manila folder that awaited her there, and substituted her own. Oh, I’m sorry, Prachee said Piyush.
You’re not allowed to bring any materials into and she felt her nervousness evaporate as she interrupted him, and she delivered her words with a mischievous smile. This was it. I brought my own test today,’ she explained and she laughed inside when she saw the look of boyish confusion crossed Piyush’s adorable features your own test? I don’t
Prachee put her finger to her lips and opened her folder. This will just take a minute she assured him while she quickly filled out the form she had prepared, she was aware that Piyush was watching her. A glance in his direction revealed that his mouth hung open in an expression of perplexity but his eyes seemed to burn with something else something intoxicating, something that made her acutely aware of the rude but sensuous way her skirt was caressing her ass crack
And the titillating breath of the climate-controlled air around her bare ankles and she finished in just a minute, as promised, and handed him the form. Since she knew it by heart, having rehearsed it over and over in her mind last night while stroking herself under the covers, she could follow along as he silently read.
1. Do you find your examiner sexually attractive? Yes
2. Are you wearing panties? No
3. Do you have to be anywhere in a hurry after this test? No
4. Do you have any aversion to undressing handsome men in conference rooms? No
5. Do you have any aversion to sprawling across conference room tables while you’re brought to thunderous orgasms? No
Piyush let the document fall to the floor. He seemed frozen for a moment, his face a cartoon of incredulous anticipation. It was the work of a moment for Prachee to take him in her arms and I realize anyone can walk in here and claim not to be wearing panties,’ she breathed in his ear. ‘So of course I understand that the staff must verify any such claim. She took his hand and guided it under her skirt verify baby verify she urged.
She felt his fingers begin to explore her, sending sparks in every direction. This was all it took to instigate a delicious mini-climax, and she sighed as her cunt showered Piyush’s fingers with honey and he looked in her eyes. He seemed concerned. ‘Please understand no matter what we do now, it doesn’t mean that I can get you on the show. I don’t do those kinds of favours and she almost thought she would cry, he was so sweet instead, she laughed.
I’m not thinking about the show. I want favors from you, all right, but not the kind you’re talking about. Piyush’s face relaxed into an expression of delirious joy. She pulled his weight toward her and let herself slouch onto the table. Her sunglasses fell off her head, but she didn’t care and do me a favour Piyush,’ she coaxed do me a big favor, right in my sweet spot, right here on the table.’
If this had happened yesterday, she might have proceeded more slowly, by delicately offering her nipples to his lips but after twenty-four hours of dripping with lust for this man, she wanted his cock up her skirt as soon as humanly possible. So she found his zipper, and, within seconds, she was guiding his warm, firm flesh inside her and I wanted you yesterday Piyush confided as they began to squirm together but I was afraid that a little manila folder would keep us apart.
Prachee giggled as I see it, the only things that are going to be kept apart are my legs.’ She closed her eyes as the deepest thrust yet set her tingling. He leaned into her, grabbing gently but passionately at the undersides of her knees, and she felt him dotting her nose and cheeks with the softest of kisses each little peck nudged her upwards, raising her closer to ecstasy on silken layers of joy, which she writhed upon like an animal and his breath was warm and pleasantly nutty across her face.
They must drink flavoured coffee here, she thought, just as an orgasmic tide surged through her and pushed all thoughts away. Piyush’s hot brew kissed her insides in gorgeous, pumping spurts, and she boiled with pleasure as he shuddered against her. Eventually Prachee sat up and began to tidy herself. Piyush was grinning. Sneeta will be happy he said. Prachee thought of the friendly lady, the gorgeous woman who had gazed at her smiled at her, and welcomed her.
Sneeta? Yeah, she sort of looks out for me and like a sister. She could tell right away that I was longing for well, this for reasons she could not account for, Prachee suddenly wondered if Sneeta’s relationship with Piyush was always entirely sisterly and she wondered if Sneeta’s warmth toward her had been tinged with anything besides natural friendliness and concern for Piyush perhaps, Prachee reflected, her next conference with Piyush could include the alluring Sneeta as well and what are you thinking about?’ Piyush asked about the next time I take the test Prachee replied, with a sparkle in her voice.
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(సుష్మకి చాలా కృతజ్ఞతలు. తన అనుభవాలన్నిట్నీపూస గుచ్చినట్టు వివరంగా చెప్పినందుకు, అవి రాసేందుకు ప్రోత్సహించినందుకు. ఆమె అనుభవాలు ఆధారంగా చేసుకు రాసినా, నా కల్పితాలు, ఫాంటసీల మసాలా కూడా జోడించాను. ఏది నిజంగా జరిగింది, ఏది కల్పితం అన్నది ఆమెనే డైరెక్ట్గా అడగండి. మీ అదృష్టం బాగుంటే ఆమె రిప్లై ఇవ్వడమే కాకుండా, మీతో chat కూడా చెయ్యవచ్చు. ఆమె మైల్ మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) నేను అదిరి పడ్డాను, ఆమె తమ్ముడి లాగే. “అక్కా, ఏమంటున్నావు?” అని అడిగాడు, తేరుకున్నాక. ” నిజంరా. నేను గుడికి...
Mai aap sab ko bata dun mera naam jai mittal hh age 18 hai mai 12th standard mai padhta hun. Mere lund ka size 7 inces hai. Mera ghar ek chote se sheher mai hai. Time barbad na karte huye mai story par aata hun actually vaise to mai gay nahi hun mai bisexual jarur hun mje hamesha se mardon ki jockey dekhne ka shauk hh aur uske upar se uske andar chupe hathode ka ubhar dekhkar to mere muh mai paani aa jaata hai. Mje bhut shauk hh chaddi k upar se lund sehlane ka. Mai jab bhi bore hota hu ya man...
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My loving Victor was arriving late that night to the airport; he was coming from a near town after a three days business trip.It was too late, because I had to stay at my office completing some heavy paperwork before going home. When I left the office, I thought the worst thing that night was the heavy rain outside, but I was wrong…Some minutes later I could not believe my luck. The fucking car just stopped in the middle of nowhere and I could not start the engine again. The rain spattered...
- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age. Also this story features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories or are one of those individuals that can’t distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are...
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the movies in the Cabin Fever franchise, nor any of the characters in it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. Author's Note: This chapter is just plot bridge with no sex. Sorry. The tears streamed silently down Marcy's cheeks as the glossy black casket descended into the earth. While members of Karen's immediate family broke down in grief, Marcy maintained a stoic dignity. A stereo set up near the grave played a...
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Krissy Lynn loves a good massage and today really sets the bar for one of the best! Her masseuse Seth really knows how to get to all the deepest kinks in her body and has a special tool that really penetrates her deep! After rubbing his hands all over that gorgeous ass he lets a finger slide right into that pussy and Krissy can not contain herself! She flips over and soon she has his cock in her mouth and lets him put it wherever he wants if he can ease her tension! Seth fucks her hard and soon...
xmoviesforyouChapter Three: Sleepover Bondage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I wanted to skip as I walked down the street to Sun's house. I wanted to throw my arms wide and skip, my body bursting with joy. Such excitement burned inside of me. Tonight was Friday. Tonight, Sun was spending the night and Daddy would make her into a good girl, too. We would go down into the basement and see Daddy's workshop. My eighteen-year-old body trembled in delight. I loved being Daddy's good girl. I was so...
This is my 2013 Holiday contest entry. I hope you enjoy it, and don’t forget to vote! A special thank you goes to Kitty9Tail for editing. *** Brylyn Hawthorne was determined to make Christmas the best one ever. It would definitely be a tall order, but it had to be done. She would plaster a fake smile on her face even if she did not feel very festive. Her plan was to decorate a real tree, bake sugar cookies, and hang so many Christmas lights that the place could be seen for a mile. She...
Adorable Brenna McKenna wears pink undies and a matching fetish harness for her threesome with married swinging libertines Francesca Le and Mark Wood. Dominant MILF Francesca fondles the longhaired brunette’s natural tits, smacks her jiggling butt cheeks and fingers her holes, pressing a hammer-shaped toy against the chick’s clit. Francesca gives Brenna lesbian cunnilingus. Mark pries his big cock into Brenna’s tight slit, and she gives him a blowjob. The women share his meat...
xmoviesforyouIt had been three weeks since the apartment opposite mine became vacant. The previous tenant, a middle-aged single man, had left on short notice.Curious as I was about who might become my new neighbour I had kept half an eye on the place during my off days, but those tended to be few and far between and when I’m working my days are long.Tuesday evening I got home from work, mid-evening and nipped in off the street pausing only for the automated gates on the garage to open before slipping my...
LesbianIt was the long weekend and I agreed to babysit my sisters 2 k**s for her while her and her hubby went away, by Sunday afternoon I was running out of things to do with them so I decided to take them to the wave pool, I had bought a new bikini and thought it would be a great chance to try it out, Im 33 but look pretty good for my age,I run at least 4 times a week and eat well, im short but well proportioned with ( thankfully) still nice firm c cup breasts, The girl was 6 andthe boy was 8, i...
Reddit TrueFMK, aka r/TrueFMK! We have all played the game called Fuck/Marry/Kill, and this subreddit is made for that game as well. Welcome to r/TrueFMK/, and in case you did not know what FMK stood for, now you do. You are welcome to check out all that this website has to offer since Reddit is a free site, to begin with. So, you can browse on your own, or you can read to see what the4 fuck I have to say.One of the main reasons I love Reddit is simply because it offers a little bit of...
Reddit NSFW ListThis story happened in 2006 on college annual day. I was 18 yrs old then and studying my diploma in mechanical engineering. Her name was sarayu (name change). As it was mechanical department there were only few girls and sarayu is an angel in our class.I was the class topper then and everyone had a good impression on me. At that time I was a virgin and those were my early masturbation days. I used to jerk off daily 4 times and believe me my dick was really hungry ;).Few people in our college...
Look, David knew that this was changing, across Britain the most beautiful and intelligent white women were choosing black men. If you walked through any maternity depts the evidence was obvious. Now population pressure was making the govt legislate. Only some people should breed. The women, well, they knew who. I remember when David had the tongue stud put in...despite the local anaesthetic, he yelped. Ambrose and I took him down, checked of course that he was ready to go through with it, and...
CuckoldHello ISS readers this is your SJ Swapnil(name changed) and i am going to share you my story of fucking my own sister. It was though very different for having incest relationships but this shit changed my life. . . . Now about myself, i am 5’11” with a semi-heavy musculature (have been going to gym for 2 years) having 6.8 inches lund.Waise to mujhe koi aisa ehsaas to tha nahi ki kabhi aisa bhi hoga par wo 6 day din mere din ke sabse behtareen din the. I just completed my class 12th and was...
Hi, this is Rahul; you would have read my indian sex story “Spectacular Massage experience in Singapore” about massage with a shemale, when I was in Singapore, on Business. After that massage with Anna, I was kind of hooked and went to a different place for massage. I went in and paid the charges, I was led to the massage room and as usual, asked to strip and lie down. The Masseuse was Lucy, She had a hot body with big tits, She wore a white blouse with 3 buttons open, showing Her awesome...
Gay MaleIntroduction: My love, my liberty, life Chapter one My Inception means my Beginning…………….. When I was 12 I got a job delivering milk to households in an area not too far from my home in the small west coast town that I grew up in. Id done this job for four years, delivering the milk in plastic sachets six mornings a week, on one evening a week I would go round all the houses on my route and collect the money for the cost of the milk plus delivery. Being the mid-seventies the pay wasnt that...
As a construction worker, i have had fantasies of certain customers and locations. I have always enjoyed working at peoples places, and making their homes updated. The homes i have worked at, the customers I have worked for have always been pleasant and enjoyable, even at times, flirtatious. This is where the story begins... I was in this brand new house we were building for this woman. She was short, shoulder length blonde hair, c cup, and always wore these tights that were black and so tight,...
The instant that her orgasm subsided, Kay climbed up on the couch with her brother. He moved his hands to her tits, squeezing her nips and rolling them between his fingers. Then, he bent his head and sucked one large, hard nipple into his mouth, biting it gently with his teeth. "Ohhhh, yessss, Nick!" the girl groaned with excitement as she felt herself turning on all over again. Her cunt was slippery with pussy-juice and her clit grew hard again with hot fuck-lust. Her nips were so hard...
Hana put her cell phone down on the table and sat on her bed for a few minutes. For the past six-month her and Oji chatted online, on the phone and even in person, but to her Oji was only a friend. At the time she was dating someone else, but the guy broke up with her and now she sat there on the bed unsure about her feelings towards Oji. He had cheered her up when she was down, she always had a great time hanging out with him and she found that she was comfortable talking to him on the phone....
Playmate was contacted early that morning by Madame X. Eager to please, she dropped everything she was doing and set out for Madame's house. The drive to her new Domme's place took about 30 minutes, giving her time to wonder if Madame was finally going to use her body or was this to be another getting to know you chats. It was a good thing that the afternoon was sunny and warm. Madame had instructed her to wear a light weight sun dress. Her full, C cup breasts were contained by the snug halter...
BDSMSo if we have ever made classy porn here at ExCoGi and exploited innocence, then this girl is the closest thing to it. How can I describe 18 year-old Maria. This girl’s a young lady in the streets, and a little whore in training in the sheets. Just the way every guy likes his girls and after doing all of this girl’s firsts all I can say is wow. Just WOW! And if I’ve ever said a girl doesn’t look like she should be doing this… It’s Maria. This girl is well spoken, on her way to being...
xmoviesforyouYou rub your temples, thinking of all the stressful work you have to do today. You sit in your office, at the top off the 20 story skyscraper, and tap your table. In front of you used to be a putting hole, but golf is for old people. You remind yourself of why you got here. You, 21 year old John Doe inherited Doe Corporations, a billion dollar company owning a world-wide branch of hotels, after your parents died in that car crash. It didn't really bother you though, since they sent you to live...
It was just over a week since the incident with Chris and Frankie had received a phone call to say her car was ready and if she wanted they would deliver it.Frankie asked the caller if Chris could deliver it and the caller agreed he would deliver it that evening.After what had happened with Chris she decided she was going to get her own back.Frankie dressed carefully taking her time, making sure she was spotlessly clean, her pussy was cleanly shaved, she was really going to get her own back on...
What an amazing night! From the perspective that I was truly responding to your Craigslist Ad with the expectation of:A.) No responseB.) a "Fuck Off" response, or at bestC.) A meet for drinks as suggested and nothing more.Imagine my surprise and delight with how it developed!When I stepped into the bar area and glanced around... looking to see just who I was supposedly meeting, I Immediately set eyes on you two. Al, well dressed, good looking guy. And then... I rested my gaze upon D......
* based on a true story.i am Jessica woman 30 yrs I was siting home when aunt kim Came in the house. Of course she doesn’t knock. I was reading in bed when she came siting by me. Whispered..’ hi,,’ softly rubbing me between m legs. Kissing me softly. I gave her a hug. And a kiss. She was happy to see me. We talked about the past and future. A good talk. She was really emotional. I a favourite neice. I hugged her tight., kissing her on her breast, leaving cool breaths on her nipple. She got...
You are a 23yr chem. major on the verge of making a incredible find. Your father sent you a rare plant from the Amazon Jungle and it's sap's chemical compound is nothing like you have ever seen. For all reason it should not be. As you test the sap in numerous test you find some strange affects.
He seemed to drop the subject and I was relieved that he had gone cold on the idea. He did continue to ask me to dress up for him and we would go to a restaurant for dinner. He loved watch the waiters trying to take our order while looking down my top. On one accession even a waitress was giving me the once over. That really got him horny. I admit I was intrigued as well. I wasn’t into women but having one checking me out was an interesting experience and got hubby going. Of course all this...
So, it's been awhile since we talked, what actually happened was that, we got into a fight again, another physical altercation and we hadn't talked because you called the cops on me, and I caught a D.V. case. I spent 3 months in jail , in the San Jose main jail. When I got released I went straight to J.S.I aka The Julian Street In recovery house, the one behind the San Jose Shark Tank SAP Arena. I waited maybe 2 weeks to call you, bc of the protection order- I stayed clear of contacting you, I...
Introduction: Jasmine gets involved in a new situation. Okay, this is my first attempt at an erotic story, so please be kind and enjoy! If I get enough positive feedback I may write a second part. <,3 The Sixth Prince Light grey, knee high boots treaded along a roughly beaten path in the bush. Steadily breathing in the crisp morning air, Jasmine picked up her pace, wanting to arrive as soon as possible. Ferns that bowed into the side of the trail brushed against her exposed thighs while her...