Sociopath versus Psychopath
- 3 years ago
- 46
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A Twisted Path to Happiness
Meeting Her:
I suppose you could say our meeting wasn’t typical. In fact I think it is pretty unique. No other guy I know can say they met their wife while bound, chained to a man’s chariot and pretending to be a horse.
It was the annual ?Race Weekend? and Steve wanted to enter Mike and myself in the chariot class. So here we were, side by side, a matched pair. We both had our arms bound behind us. Mike in a single glove. I was too muscular for that, so Steve had made do with leather restraints and the wrists and above the elbows. We wore leather strap harnesses that were connected to the chariot. We were further decorated with the standard, required cock and ball harness. The tight, biting straps imprisoning our cocks prevented any embarrassing ?stallioning? as it was called. Further straps around the scrotum pulled the balls down, squeezing them and displaying them prominently, while also providing support during our equestrian exertions. They were deviously designed so any ?stallioning? caused not only great discomfort to the penis, but tightened the noose strap between the balls. Indeed, it was both stimulating and uncomfortable.
We also both wore the requisite ?tail? that was a large fake horse tail hanging between our legs. This was accomplished by mounting it on a truly monstrous butt plug that was also held in place as part of the strap harness. Between the plug and the cock and ball harness, we could exert ourselves fully, but we were constantly reminded of our status at this event.
Steve had just finished warming us up with a canter around the paddock area. Our race was to begin in about 20 minutes. He was walking us to cool us down and let us catch our breath when I noticed her walking towards us. We were sweating in the warm midmorning heat of the summer day as I spotted her through the haze of dust and pollen typical on a farm.
She was beautiful, of course. She was striking in her costume for the day, the omnipresent tight riding breaches on her powerful thighs, knee high riding boots with silver spurs. Her white blouse was buttoned about 2 buttons low to be the proper country lady she was dressed as. Of course, she was carrying a riding crop.
It wasn’t the beauty that struck, me though, it was her presence. Her self-assurance, confidence, and genuine joy she was taking in this spectacle. She was amused by this without being scornful of it. I immediately got the feeling that she would be exactly the same at a conservative cocktail party as here at human chariot races. I should have been embarrassed to meet such a beautiful woman like this. I was trussed, plugged, strapped and a human horse for a gay man and his lover. As I stood there, dripping sweat, my chest heaving, I was not embarrassed, but I felt very conspicuous and self-aware. I felt like there was a giant arrow pointed to my cock and balls saying ?look at me!?
But, instead of being embarrassed to be seen by her, her manner made me almost proud. Everything about her demeanor made me feel like in her eyes, I was exactly where I should be, dressed completely like she would expect me to be.
She coolly strode up to us and smiled up at Steve in the chariot. It was poor etiquette at Race Weekend to address the horses, and so she looked right over us and greeted Steve warmly.
?So, you’ve got two this year?? She said taking a step back to look us over. First she walked to Mike, and patted him on the head. ?This is the same old nag you’ve had for a while? she looked at Steve with a mischievous grin, ?But this one?? she sidestepped over to me and cupped my chin in her hand, her sharp, glossy red fingernails digging slightly into my neck, ?this one is neeeeew.? Her gloriously shiny red lips stretched out the last syllable.
I should say that at these events, handling of steeds is not considered rude. One wouldn’t have any issue walking up and petting a friend’s dog, and the etiquette is same here. The breach would have been treating us as anything but property. The illusion, as much as possible, shouldn’t be broken during the weekend.
Just her standing that close to me and touching me with those red, red fingernails had me testing effectiveness of my harness. If I wasn’t wearing it, I would have been ?stallioning? like crazy. Instead, I was straining against the already tight straps, and because of the devious design of the harness, it pulled my scrotum even tighter and squeezed my balls out even further.
Her nails (attached to her hands) moved down to my nipples as she was talking to Steve. ?Oh, where do you find them?? She said wistfully. ?How come all the big, dumb boys like this are gay??
Steve laughed, ?Oh, he’s not gay, not dumb either, actually.?
She took a step back and gave a mock calculating glance ?Well, from where I’m standing, he looks kind of gay.? They both laughed.
?No, he’s my little straight boy. He’s a bondage freak. He is just so naturally submissive. I just tie him up and play with him.That’s what he really digs.?
?Reeeallly? she purred as she reached down and grabbed my tightly constricted balls, ?you don’t say.?
I stood up on tiptoes as those nails began digging in, and breathed a hiss of pain.
?His balls are quite nice, but I’m disappointed you would present a stud so poorly groomed.? She ran her nails through my chest hair and then raked them up and down my hairy arms. ?If he was mine, he would be so much smoother!?
Her nails moved back to my nipples and idly played with them as she and Steve exchanged small talk for several minutes. She never stopped pinching, pulling or teasing them, but never once overtly acknowledged my existence. Much like you would scratch behind the ear of a friends dog while chatting.
Eventually Steve informed her that we needed to continue our warmup. She waved, but as she turned to leave, she paused and slapped my ass.
?You wouldn’t mind lending him to me so I can enter the horseback race tomorrow, perhaps??
Steve laughed, ?Tanya, get your hands of my straight boy!?
?Oh, I think he likes the idea? she said glancing down at my cock. Parts of skin were bulging through the straps. The thought of her riding me like a horse was causing me no end of agony due to that harness!
?I thought you had a mount, anyway. What happened to him??
Tanya got a rueful look on her face as she cupped my balls and pretended to closely examine my harness. ?Ohh, let’s just say he couldn’t keep the pace to be at this race. He just didn’t measure up? She laughed and hefted my package signifigantly.
?Oh, well, see you later, good luck in the race.? She called as she turned and walked off. She was clearly showing me her ass in those skin tight riding pants. Her ass was everything you would expect from those powerful, athletic legs. And the boots. Good lord, the boots! Twice she turned her head, coquettishly, to glance at me staring at her as she walked away.
Like I said, a hell of an introduction to your future wife.
The race was a challenge, but we won. Our main competition was a fiery little mistress with two incredibly fit slave girls. I found out later that the blond, short haired one, who I cleverly nicknamed ?Bob? for her haircut, was an ex college track star. Her massive sprinters legs and thick round ass rippled with muscle. The other one, a ponytailed brunette, was a Cat 2 bicycle racer and had thighs that looked like she could crack coconuts between them. My clever name for her was ?Ponytail?.
The race started out as a dead heat between us. The other competitors fell away quickly. If Mike had been my equal, we probably would have pulled away from the girls. He wasn’t, though, and with me doing all the work and Steve being much bigger than their tiny owner, it turned out to be quite even. We were all sweating and breathing hard as we came to the last turn, no effort was being spared. The event was unorthodox, but we were three highly trained athletes. The little dominatrix was whipping the girls frantically with her crop to drive more effort, while Steve just gave me my head gave Mike and occasional swat to motivate him to help me out.
On the last turn, we were neck and neck and Ponytail was right next to me on my left. I saw her slip in a little patch of mud and that was all the advantage we needed on the final stretch. I could hear Spitfire’s crop smacking over and over again and the girl’s grunts of pain as we passed the finish line. The words that she was directing at her slaves were not ladylike!
Steve was pleased. After he took us back to the stables, he washed us down in our stall. Our hands bound together and pulled up to hooks in the ceiling. Our bare feet were pulled wide apart on the cold concrete floor, secured with more rope to some handy barn support posts.
He had removed all of our harness and straps, and, oh so thankfully, the tail. As he rinsed me down with warm water from a hose he told me that as a reward, he was going to let me do ?corral night?. This caused Mike to laugh out loud, which earned him a dirty look.
Of course, I was a horse, so I did not dare reply. It’s a mistake you make only once, at least with Steve.
I could hear shrill screaming in a female voice down the hall and the repeated slapping of leather on flesh and feminine squeals of pain. I guess poor Bob and Ponytail were getting quite the workover for their performance.
Corral Night, as Steve explained, is always held on Saturday night of race weekend. Masters may choose to turn the slaves loose in the breeding corral. They are free except their hands tied behind their backs, and harness gags. There is to be no speaking between livestock. The illusion is to remain, blah blah.
?Whatever happens in there, happens.? Steve said. Aside from actually injuring another slave, a stallion was free to almost take whatever he could. Animal rules of dominance were in force. Responding to the (of course) unspoken question in my eyes, he ruefully told me that yes, a stallion could take anything he wanted, even other stallions.
I started to squirm in my bonds. He told me I could choose not to go, but the little dom we had just beaten had told him that as punishment her mares would certainly be out in the corral. He thought there would several others as well.
I also said that, despite everything it was still a game. No one would get injured, nothing like that.
I had not actually had sex with a woman since kicking Tracy out 2 months previously. The thought of getting between the muscular thighs of Bob or Ponytail was very stimulating. From the instant and very enthusiastic ?stallioning? I displayed, he knew my answer.
With my hands tied behind my back, and my collar chained to the eyebolt, I was left in relative comfort to rest, while Steve took Mike back into the breeding stall, locked him into the breeding stocks and took care of his own needs for the rest of the afternoon.
The sun was just setting as Steve led Mike and I out by our leads to the Corral. Mike was dressed in his shiniest harness, tail in and cock harness in place. He was washed and oiled and his hair was perfectly slicked back. A show pony. I was naked, except for my wrists bound behind my back, my harness gag and the big dollup of lube Steve had worked into and around my ass. ?Just in case.? He had said with a smile.
I looked around through the soft light as we ambled down to the breeding corral, a large enclosure demarcated with painted white board fencing. There were many more stallions than mares, and we were all proudly presenting. I could see Bob and Ponytail being roughly led in front of us by their still obviously angry mistress. A few other mares were present. Steve had told me that almost none of the other stallions would be interested in them, however. Most female owners did not like watching their stallions breed, even with slaves.
What did worry me was the looks some of the other stallions were giving me. I put it aside and concentrated on Bob and Ponytail. Their legs and asses were so beautiful and muscular. They were grace in motion.
As we were all put in the corral, the masters, mistress and non-participating slaves retired to nicely appointed tables and chairs surrounding it. Tiki torches were being lit to replace the dying sun. Candles burned on all of the tables. Mike and the other slaves not in the corral began bringing food and drink to their masters and mistresses.
Once in the corral, several of the stallions had already gotten started on each other. One was on his knees presenting his ass to another. Over in the corner, two were standing and rubbing against each other in foreplay. Several gave me questioning looks but I turned away. There were four large guys, almost my size all standing together, looking around like predators. All four swiveled their heads as I entered. I ignored all of it. I had my targets in sight.
The spectators started laughing and clapping as two guys attacked a third. They knocked him to the ground and one sat on him while the other forced himself between his legs and started trying to work his turgid cock in. ?What happens, happens? Steve had said. To be honest, the victim didn’t look all that upset about it.
I walked, no strutted, over to the corner where Bob and Ponytail were hanging out. Another stallion was already there, displaying for them. He was a skinny little guy with a pot belly, thick glasses and pale, pockmarked, white skin. The girls seemed unimpressed, almost hostile, in fact. Both turned to watched me walk up. I was much bigger than the other guy and pretty much just pushed him aside and presented myself to them.
Bob turned her nose up to me but Ponytail walked up and nuzzled my chest. I nuzzled her hair and she looked up at me and nodded. That was all the invitation I need. I gently, but insistently used my chest to push her back against the fence and into the corner. She backpedaled frantically to keep up with my pressure, but she didn’t resist.
I ground myself against her and she ground back. She lifted her leg and set her foot on the lower log of the fence. I entered her roughly and took her hard and fast. God it felt so good to be inside a woman again!
She rode me back, wrapping her heals around my waist as I pushed her against the fence. I held on to them with my bound hands and continued to pound into her. I slowed for a minute and could see that we had quite an audience. Her mistress was seated a few feet away and was watching raptly. But, I sensed something else and turned to the right and saw HER, my future wife, focused on me, with a sardonic, but very amused, smile. We locked eyes and the sight of her and the eyes was all I needed to send me over the edge.
I came with an actual horse like groan, and I came long and hard. Ponytail went over the edge with me and high pitched squeals came from her gag as she pushed off the fence and drove herself into me relentlessly.
As we both caught our breath I felt warm skin on me back. I could tell it was female by the breasts and nipples pressed up against me. Bob. They worked together to turn me around and pushed me up against the fence. For a while the two of them just rubbed themselves against me. Their small breasts rubbed on my chest and arms. I bent me knees and braced my legs and they each mounted a thigh and started grinding.
The product of our first coupling was leaking out of Ponytail onto one thigh, but my other thigh was becoming nearly as moist from Bob’s obvious building excitement.
The feel of these two fit, muscular women, and especially feeling their powerful legs wrapped around mine had a quick effect on me. What a site the three of us must have made! My own tall, muscular body being climbed on by these two beautiful specimens of fitness must have looked amazing.
I was ready for Bob now! The two of them pushed me down to the ground with their shoulders. I rolled over on my back and ignored the pain of laying on my hands as Bob straddled me. Her leg and ab muscles rippled as she lowered herself on me. Her small, perky breasts jutted proudly from her shoulders being pulled back.
She threw her head back as she rode me, her hips grinding on mine in a front to back motion. Ponytail lowered herself on my chest facing Bob and ground herself into me as she leaned into Bob. The nuzzled each other and rubbed their breasts together. I had a spectacular view of her sprinters ass as she rubbed her pussy on my chest. I was amused by the many red marks on it from her punishment for losing to me. Oh well!
Soon enough, Bob clenched her powerful thighs and drove her pelvis into me as she came with a powerful groan. Of course, with my hands tied and the two of them sitting on me, I couldn’t even move to help her out, and she used me like a dildo as one orgasm after another racked over her.
Finally, she was finished and they both rolled off of me. I was now ready for my fun, and thought to turn the tables on Bob. Just as I started to get up, I was surprised. A large, hard cock was in my face as a large, hard man straddled and sat on my chest. I was again pinned down with my bound arms underneath me.
Two other stallions straddled my feet and forced them wide. Finally the 4th worked himself between them and took me, roughly. I submitted to the inevitable and relaxed into the fucking. He didn’t finish quickly, but finally he pulled out and shot all over my cock, balls and stomach. Leaving me a sticky mess. That’s when I again glanced over to see if SHE was watching this. She was. We locked eyes again and I could see her hunger, her joy at my humiliation. My deflating cock went back to full stallion from the look of unbridled desire she gave me.
They tried to shift positions so another one could have a go at me, but I was ready for them and fought them off successfully. The all shrugged and sidled off, looking for other victims.
I stood up and looked around. My cock was still turgid and I needed a place to put it! I saw Bob and Ponytail being led off by their mistress. Damn. I scanned around and there were only a few mares left. The closest one was a mousy, slightly pudgy little girl with some bad tattoos and piercings. She was sitting, indian-style, in a desultory fashion on the ground. I walked over to her and looked down on her, my cock practically slapping her in the face. She saw me covered in sweat, grass, cum and other women’s juices. She made a shaking motion with her head, making her face piercings jingle slightly. The distasteful look on her face was obvious even with her gag in.
I was feeling very aggressive, especially after being taken like that, and I really wanted to come. ?Whatever happens in there, happens? Steve had said.
?Take her!? I heard a woman scream. Another tattooed, pierced woman in a latex dom outfit was seated on the outside of the fence, watching raptly. Clearly she wanted her little slave girl to get bred tonight.
I figured that was all the permission I needed. I kneeled and drove my shoulder into her roughly. She went onto her back, pinning her bound arms. I was on top of her and between her legs before she could roll away. She fought a little, but I didn’t care. I took her hard fast, driving her into the hard ground with each thrust. By the third thrust she was driving back and screaming. We both came quickly and hard. I rolled off her and left her panting and dripping. I walked away quickly before I shared her fate again!
I needn’t have feared. The gang had found another victim. He was the skinny little guy I’d pushed out earlier. He was fighting wildly but was vastly overpowered by the goons. A very large woman spilling out of a black latex dress stood right on the other side of the fence clapping wildly and cheering them on. I found out later that he had somehow displeased his mistress greatly. She had arranged with the owners of these stallions to make him pay. The 4 of them took turns on him well into the night while his mistress shared a few bottles of wine with their masters.
As Steve walked up to the fence to put my lead on and lead me out of the corral, I again noticed HER watching me. She was chuckling, and her eyes were gleaming. She smiled her bemused smile and gave me a little golf clap. At that moment, Steve jerked my lead and I had to turn and follow.
That was my first and only Corral Night. I would be back to Race Weekend again, but with a different owner, and Corral Night was not on the table.
Discovering Bondage:
The first time I got tied up, it was almost accidental. My girlfriend and I were over at the new neighbors for dinner and drinks. They were a gay couple, both in their 30’s who had moved in a few months before. We had chatted with them a few times and grown friendlier until one night they invited us over.
After dinner, I had gone looking for the bathroom. I mistook ?first door on the left? with ?first door on the right?. I walked in, and found the light switch and did not see what I was expecting!
Instead of the overly decorated gay man’s bathroom I was expecting, I had walked into the room of my own wildest fantasies! Their guest bedroom looked like something from my craziest masturbation sessions. The only thing missing was a 6ft tall, stern mistress in PVC boots holding a whip.
Along the right hand wall was an x-frame from floor to ceiling. At the joint was a belt, obviously for the waist. There were similar, but smaller leather restraints, along the appendages. Again, they were pretty clearly meant for arms, legs, wrists and ankles.
This faced a full length mirror on the other wall, so whoever was unlucky enough to be wrapped in those belts would have an excellent view of themselves.
But the truly amazing wall was the back wall. It was the classic dungeon implement rack. There was a shelf with dildos and plugs. There were harnesses, gags, chains, cuffs, hoods, whips, floggers and some just plain unidentifiable stuff made of steel and leather. All clean, shiny and neatly arranged. It looked like a fetish store.
The polite thing to do would have been to shut off the light, back out and find the bathroom. I was incapable, though. You see, I had fantasized so many times about this exact kind of gear. That’s putting it mildly. Literally hundreds of times I had pounded myself raw thinking about having this gear used on me. Sometimes with my girlfriend, to finish up, if things were taking too long, I would fantasize about having a plug just like THAT one forced up my ass, and clamps just like THOSE on my nipples while my screams were muffled by a gag exactly like THAT one.
So, you see why I didn’t do the polite thing. I was drawn to the rack like a kid to his first Playboy. I was so entranced that I didn’t realize I had long since passed the time it would take to go to the bathroom. I jumped about a foot of the ground when I heard the male voice behind me say ?OOPS!?
I turned to face the voice, beat red with embarrassment and trying to cover my very rigid cock nonchalantly. Of course, Steve was embarrassed as well. ?Mike was supposed to lock this room! I’m so sorry. The bathroom is across the hall.?
?Oh, I’m the one that’s sorry! I shouldn’t be snooping around, I just have never seen stuff like this, I, ah, got a little carried away.?
Just then I heard footsteps and my girlfriend laughing at something coming down the hall, and in no time, she and Mike were standing behind Steve.
She stopped in mid laugh and said ?what the??
Mike threw his hands to his mouth and said ?Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I was supposed to lock this door.?
Tracy looked at me disapprovingly, ?Were you snooping? That’s so rude!?
?No,? I stammered, still red and still very firmly erect, ?I was looking for the bathroom, and I, ah took a, uh, wrong turn.?
?Wow, you guys are really into this stuff!? I could tell Tracy was feeling her wine. She usually got a lot more direct with a few in her.
Steve answered, ?Yes, we like to play, we don’t really hide it, but it’s not fair to put it on display.? His voice dropped into a menacing tone. ?Believe, me, it will get used later!? He gave a very meaningful look at Mike.
Tracy laughed and sipped her wine. ?He’s is always trying to talk me into playing tie up games. Why don’t you make his night and strap him into that contraption, I’m sure he’d love it.?
Steve looked surprised. ?Oh, do you guys play too??
Tracy got a twisted smile, I could tell for sure now she really was a little drunk. ?Oh, he begs me too, but it’s just not my thing. The poor guy. Really, do us both a favor and strap him up, I can tell he’s dying for it.?
Steve was laughing a little, but also looking sideways at me in a calculating manner. Still beet red, and my hands very cleverly covering my bulge, my breath had caught at the thought of being strapped into the St. Andrews.
?Sure, what the hell!? He said with a sudden, aggressive move, quickly closed the distance between us. He grabbed my unresisting shoulders and pushed me back into the cross.
?Raise your hands!? He commanded in what I’m sure Tracy thought was a mock command, but I could hear the authority behind it. Almost without thinking, I raised my arms up. In no time flat, he had my wrists cuffed to each upper leg.
All of us were laughing a little now, but Steve worked quickly and had the waist belt down.
?Spread ‘em buddy!? Tracy laughed, anticipating what would happen next. I tried to play cool, ?Sure honey, anything for you.? And spread my legs far enough for Steve to kneel down and put the ankle cuffs on.
Steve relaxed ?well he’s not going anywhere now.? He said. But he still finished off with the straps around my biceps, forearms, thighs and calves. I was strapped into a St. Andrews cross!
Tracy was really enjoying this, though. ?Come on, strap him in for real. This is his fantasy come true! Give him the full experience.?
Mike quipped ?Oh honey, he’s wearing his clothes, he’s not ready for that!?
But Steve was getting into it now, and he went through and methodically pulled each strap very tight. I was well and truly tied up now.
?Well, what do you think?? Steve asked with a smirk.
I was trying to be cool ?oh, haha, this is interesting. I really am stuck, hehe?.
Tracy wasn’t having it though. She walked over and grabbed my crotch lewdly. I was so excited that I audibly groaned despite my trying to play it cool. I almost blew right there just from her touching me through my jeans!
?Oh he’s into it. Do some something else!? She said, laughing. I had never seen her like this, publicly embarrassing me.
Steve was getting into it, too. ?How about a gag?? He asked me, looking me in the eye.
Mike piped in ?No, Steve, enough fun for one night!?
Steve looked at me with a smirk ?What do you think? Up for it??
I was still playing cool. ?Sure, do your worst.? My nonchalance was barely covering how badly I wanted to be gagged at that moment.
?Steve, no, let’s just go have some more wine.? Mike pleaded again.
Steve walked over to the wall and selected a ball gag on a strap. He showed no hesitation as he aggressively grabbed my jaw and stuffed the ball in my mouth with a wry grin. He reached behind me, and I felt a sharp tug as he pulled the buckle very tight with a quick, confident pull.
Looking me in the eye, he said ?What do you say we go have a glass of wine??
My drunk girlfriend raised her glass and shouted ?YES, LETS!?.
With a shrug Mike walked down the hall, followed by Tracy and Steve. Steve closed the door as he walked out.
I pulled and twisted, but could not move at all in the cross. I was living my wildest fantasy, almost. There was no sadistic mistress in boots, no whips. But the way Steve had taken control without hesitation had excited me and had me churning. I could feel the growing wet spot in my underwear, I was so turned on. But I was also embarrassed and humiliated, and mad at them for leaving me.
I started to struggle, but the cross was unforgiving and Steve had strapped me tight! I tried to yell for them to come back, but opening my mouth more just forced the ball deeper. Arggh!
Suddenly the door opened and the three of them came back in, laughing. ?Okay, fun is fun? Steve said as he and Mike quickly unstrapped me. I stepped off and reached behind my head to remove the gag. Steve laughed and patted me on the shoulder companionably. ?Never dare me to tie you up, because I won’t hesitate.?
Mike laughed and said ?That is so true!?
I laughed thinly, trying to hide how shaken and affected by the whole experience I was. Of course, my cock was still rock hard and very visible under my pants.
I looked over smiling at Tracy and she was giving me an odd look.
We retired to the living room to finish the evening. I knew it would be a while before I could actually use the bathroom! The rest of the evening went pretty normally, except I couldn’t wait to leave so I could fuck the living shit out of Tracy. She kept looking at me funny, like she knew what would happen when we walked home.
At one point, just before we left, I made a quip about Steve. He stood up, laughing and yelled ?DON’T MAKE ME TIE YOU BACK UP!?
Tracy stood up, also laughing and declared an end to the night at that point.
I barely remember leaving or the walk home. As soon as we walked in the door, I slammed it, locked it and spun Tracy around. Two thumbs under her sundress to snap the waistband of her panties and I threw her on the floor. I took her instantly with an animal growl. Her excitement was obvious, and she was more than ready for me. She screamed in lust as I roughly invaded her.
I was animal, uncontrolled, and she responded. It was short and brutal and both of us came to screaming orgasms almost instantly.
I took her twice more before we went to sleep. The first time in a long time for that.
The next day was pretty normal. We hadn’t really discussed what had happened. I mean, it was really just a 5 minute interlude out of an otherwise suburban evening. The fact that that was the best, rawest sex we had, maybe ever, was sort of glossed over.
Tracy was becoming friends with Steve, as they seemed to have similar schedules and saw each other a lot. Both popped over a few times for a quick chat, a cup of coffee, whatever.
The next Saturday, we were invited over to play Monopoly. The wine flowed and we were laughing and having a good time. I was on fire, and was winning the game, mostly from a lot of lucky rolls and several sets of doubles early on. There came a time when I rolled doubles, then rolled doubles again. Steve said, ?dammit, if you roll doubles again, I’m just going to tie you up again.? It was the first time that had been mentioned all night and we all laughed.
?Haha, go for it, dude.? I replied sarcastically, ?it’s a bet!? I rolled and double 4’s came up.
We all exploded in hoots and shouts of ?UH OH!? and Steve got up and marched ceremoniously back to the back room. We were still giggling when he came back in with a big armful of rope.
?I think he’s really gonna do it, buddy. You’re in trouble now!? Tracy was almost falling out of her chair laughing.
Steve was laughing too, as he approached my chair with a piece of rope. ?Hands behind your back, cheater!?
I thought this was pretty funny so I crossed my wrists, not to be a welcher. I could not believe how fast he had my wrists tied, with a loop through the middle. He pulled that loop under the chair crossbar and cinched it down with quick confident motions. All of this before I even realized what was happening.
We walked around and although he was smiling, I thought I saw a predatory look in his eyes. He could see the realization dawning that he had really tied me up good. ?We can’t have our cheater making a break for it can we guys?? He asked.
?Oh no, here we go.? Mike put his head between his hands with a groan.
Steve came back with a much longer length of rope and before I could even protest, or think about it, he had my torso and elbows practically welded to the back of the chair. This guy knew how to tie!
?Haha, okay, you got me, but I get to roll my way out of jail, right?? I asked, now a little unsure of myself, but again, growing hard very quickly from the bondage.
Steve walked back from the pile with the same ballgag he’d used the week before. ?The witness will be silent!? he said in a loud stage voice, laughing. He stopped and looked me in the eye and said in that commanding voice ?Open!? I don’t know why, but I didn’t hesitate. I automatically opened my mouth and accepted the gag. It was again quickly and confidently pulled tight.
I was stunned. It was literally less than 2 minutes since I’d rolled that fateful double and now I was truly tightly bound and gagged.
Steve looked around the room theatrically and said ?See what happens to cheaters in my house??
I looked to Tracy for help, but she was practically falling out of her chair laughing. She continued howling as Steve grabbed 2 more lengths of rope and lashed my ankles to the side of the chair. Between snorts she said ?Yeah! That will teach him.?
My head was spinning now. It started as a joke, and the others were treating it as such, but it didn’t feel like one. I was completely unable to move or speak. The look in Steve’s eyes told me it was no joke to him either. On top of it, the act of being tied had made me rock hard again. A fact I could tell was not lost on Steve, or Tracy.
?Well, let’s keep playing.? Steve said, sitting down. ?I’ll play for the prisoner.?
The game went on, with Steve playing my turn and making the worst decisions possible, trading and selling all my properties very quickly. I was not consulted at all, and in fact the party was going on without me. The others kept drinking and playing, and having a joke at my expense every time it was my roll.
Tracy was again staring at me the way she had the other night, with that little cockeyed smile. I was embarrassed and humiliated, especially being the butt of the joke, but my god I was excited. A wet spot had developed on my pants from the leakage.
Once in while, especially when my property was traded away, I would try to pull free or shake my gag loose. It was fruitless, of course, but it sent the others, even the somewhat sympathetic Mike, into hysterics. Finally, I just accepted my fate and quieted down.
Eventually the night came to an end, the last wine was drunk and Mike won the game, which earned him his own predatory look from Steve. I was untied, ungagged and was finally able to finish my glass of wine.
Of course when we got home, I practically raped Tracy again. She wasn’t even a person to me at that point, I was so horny. I just threw her down and used her. She loved it! Clearly my predicament had turned her on, too.
So, believe it or not, we accepted two more invitations over there. At this point, it is probably not shocking to reveal that I ended up helplessly tied and gagged both times. A pattern was starting to emerge. The second time I ended up in a very strict hogtie with a head harness gag pulling my head back and my incredibly hard cock grinding on the floor. They left me like this for almost 2 hours while they watched Sex and the City 2. Apparently it was decided that I would not agree to a chick flick, so I must be bound and gagged so as to not disturb them.
Of course, again, Tracy was sopping wet when we got back and once again we had wild, animal sex.
I came home from work the next Friday a little late. Tracy was in the bathroom getting dressed up, as if to go out. A little skirt, top and her spike heeled boots, which drove me crazy. I have a serious boot fetish, but she never realized it.
?What’s up honey, I thought we were going over to Steve and Mike’s tonight?? I asked.
?Ohhh, Shelley called. She had and extra ticket to the concert and invited me. I hope you don’t mind, it’s too good to pass up!?
?Umm, well, okay.? I didn’t want to let on how disappointed I was. I figured that it would take about 5 minutes at Steve’s and he would have me trussed up tight. I also was looking forward to the afterward sex that Tracey and I were sure to have.
?So, I called Steve, and he said you could come over by yourself.? She said, a little coyly.
?Hah, I’m not sure I want to without you to protect me.? I said with a wry grin, trying to hide my butterflies.
?Well, it’s up to you. If you want to hang out here, that’s cool, too. There’s just one thing, though.?
?What’s that??
?Well, here’s the thing,? She hesitated as she leaned forward and pursed her lips to apply her red lipstick, ?Steve said there’s some conditions.? She looked at me with an evil grin.
?What conditions?? I asked, hesitantly.
?He said he’s been too nice to you. He said you are welcome to come over tonight, but he wants to have a little fun with you.? She was acting casually, but I could tell she was bursting.
?What kind of fun?? I played my part.
?Wellllll, he said that he thinks you are a submissive and he wants to test it out. I told him you wouldn’t come, but he says you will. So, if you go over, you need to be ready to submit.? She was working her eye make-up now, but I could tell she was torturing me on purpose.
?Wha, what does that m mean? I asked, suddenly very nervous.
?Haha. We wanted my permission to play with your body, and give you orders and punish you if you don’t obey. I told him you weren’t gay. He said that would make it more fun for him to play with you.?
I should have laughed and said ?no fucking way?, but of course, I didn’t. ?So, like what does that mean, fun for him.?
She was enjoying this, I could tell. She knew I was hooked. ?Oh, we negotiated the whole thing. I told him no gay stuff, I’m the only one who gets to suck your dick, and that you definitely wouldn’t be cool with doing anything to those guys. Right?? She looked over at me, sideways in the mirror.
?Oh definitely!? I replied sincerely, ?I like being tied up and all, but I NEVER want that.?
?Well, I told him that if he wants to play with you, it has to be by my rules. Right now, my rules are that he can only use his hands on you. I told him that pretty much nothing else is off limits.?
?Let me get this straight. You are sending me over to a gay guy’s house, and you’ve negotiated with him to tie me up and fondle my stuff, but nothing else. ?
?Noooo. I said he could only use his hands on you. I think he plans on doing a lot more than just fondling you. I just told him, no fucky, no sucky.? She said in a singsong, fake Asian voice, giggling.
?And you are okay with this?? I asked, throwing my hands up.
?Hey, I know what a little pervert you are. Ever since we started hanging out with Steve, you’ve been great in bed, and you don’t bug me to do those things to you.? She leaned to the mirror, puckered her lips to check the lipstick and then put the cap back on.
?Besides, I don’t know why, but watching Steve tell you what to do and control you turns ME on. It’s like I enjoy seeing a guy humiliate your or something.? She turned her head back and forth to have one last look at her makeup. ?Whatever. I’m going to have fun tonight, and I think I will come home VERY horny at the thought of you tied up in a corner while I’m out dancing with my friends. What you do is up to you, but Steve was pretty clear about not showing up if you aren’t cool with the new rules.?
With that she gave me a kiss, a butt squeeze and a ?See ya, honey? and clicked out the door in her spike heeled boots.
I could go into detail about the next hour of indecision and questioning of my sexuality and everything else. But what it all boiled down to was that from the second she told me the arrangement, I was hard as a rock.
So, there I was, at 8, precisely, knocking on the door.
Mike opened the door with a laugh. ?Well, hello! I didn’t think you would come. Please come in, said the spider to the fly.?
I walked in to see Steve standing just inside, legs spread, hands on hips. ?So, you came. Did Tracy explain the rules??
?Uhhh, yes.? I said hesitantly.
He smiled an evil smile and looked me in the eye. With a low, dangerous voice he said ?Yes, SIR. From now on I am to be called sir.?
I smiled back a little ?Yes SIR!?
?Now, get on your fucking knees with your hands behind your back!? His tone of authority again had me obeying instantly before I even realized what I was doing.
Mike quickly had my hands cuffed and a collar around my neck. He handed the attached leash to Steve.
?Well, come along, boy!?Said Steve, as he led me back to the playroom with Mike following close behind.
Once in the playroom, I was ordered back on my knees. The cuffs were removed and Steve ordered me to strip down to my underwear.
I was quickly tied on my stomach, with my hands behind my back and my legs tightly lashed together above and below the knee and at the ankle.
The harness ballgag was unceremoniously stuffed into my mouth and strapped very tight.
?Let’s make a bet, shall we?? Steve said holding up a pair of scissors.
?I’m going to put these scissors over here.? He placed them across the room. ?I’m going to come back in 20 minutes. If you haven’t used them to escape by then, I can only assume that you want me to use them to cut off the rest of your clothes.?
He smiled, ?Now think about this. A man is going to play with your hot cock, fondle your ass, toy with your little nipples. Do you really want that??
With that he turned and walked out, closing the door behind him.
Now that I was tied up and helpless, the thought of letting a dude have his way with me like that didn’t sound so appealing. I layed there enjoying my bondage for a while, but then suddenly, more than anything, did not want to be there anymore and did not want Steve to see me naked or touch me.
I struggled mightily to wriggle over to the scissors, now desperate for release. Steve, of course, knew his business, and I was thoroughly and tightly immobilized.
Finally, my heart racing, my chest heaving from the effort, I gave up. I could not fight the ropes and the scissors were too far away. A sense of almost relief washed over me. I was helpless, and had no responsibility for what was about to occur. My fantasy of being truly helpless and giving up control was now coming true. Yes, it wasn’t a hot dominatrix in leather boots, but the thought still made me so very hot and I started grinding on the floor, struggling in the ropes in a different way.
I have no idea if it really was 20 minutes or not, but soon enough, Steve and Mike came back in the room. Steve said, laughing ?I guess he wants to stay!?
Steve picked up his scissors and proceeded to keep his promise. He had been aching to get his hands on my young, muscular, jock body, and he did. Nothing went unexplored on my body. He kept his promises to Tracy about limits, but I was exploited, objectified and degraded. Hours later, after my first orgasm at the hands of a man I was released and sent home by a very self-satisfied Steve and rueful looking Mike.
To say I was confused and conflicted was an understatement. I was honestly not attracted to men. But, I had willingly put myself in a sexual situation and then brought to a screaming, nut busting orgasm by a man. How was this possible, and why was the thought of the session already getting me excited again?
Tracy came home late, and with several drinks in her. Still, she wanted to hear every detail of my visit with Steve. I reluctantly told her, and as my story continued I saw her slide her hand down between her legs and when I told her about my final climax at Steve’s hand, she came with a whimper.
She turned to me with an animal look and said ?Fuck me. Fuck me right now!?
I did. Twice.
Time went by, and I found myself submitting to Steve and Mike with regularity. I learned a lot about them between their abuses. They were part of a larger scene of bondage and domination enthusiasts. Mike was Steve’s ?slave?. To the community they belonged to, this mostly meant that at events or parties, Mike was to be treated as a slave and was Steve’s property. They often played these roles at home, as well, but not as a ?lifestyle?. They both still had jobs and friends and had to do laundry and took turns cooking, all of that stuff.
Steve was naturally dominant and loved to dominate truly straight men. That’s why he had clued in to my submissive desires right from the start. He told me later that he was honestly surprised at how easily he dominated me and how I just automatically responded to his commands. He just kept seeing how far he could take me, and I just never balked like he expected me to. Much to his delight!
Steve loved to put me in predicaments. Since he couldn’t just use me for his pleasure, instead he made me suffer for his amusement.
A typical session with them would usually involve me being tightly, helplessly, bound of course. Steve knew that I was happiest when I was helpless. Many times Mike would be involved. For example, once Steve tied us face to face, arms bound behind our backs. A rope was tightly tied around my balls, then run through an eyehook in the ceiling and then tied to Mike’s. The tension on the rope was such that one of us had to stand on our tiptoes at all times. This led to a long battle of wills between us that involved much angry grunting through ball gags and much amusement to Steve as he beat us both mercilessly with paddles and crops.
Finally Steve could take it no more, and he untied Mike’s balls, replacing them with a 25 lb dumbbell that stayed on the floor as long as I stood on my toes. The dilemma from this was an interesting distraction from the sight of Steve forcing Mike to his knees and fucking his face mercilessly.
Oh yes, Steve loved to make me watch them. He especially loved to do it while keeping me stimulated. Once I was tied in a standing spread eagle position at the foot of their bed. A series of vibrating rings were running, one right at the base and one right under my glans. These were turned to low and rigged on me so that I couldn’t shake them off, no matter what. They then proceeded to have a long, and very graphic encounter while I watched, the vibrators keeping me hard, but not allowing me to come.
Of course, Tracy seemed all too happy to set these up for me with Steve. I never had a say about when they would happen. Tracy and Steve would always decide. She would use the opportunity to go out with friends, or sometimes just catch up on her girlie TV shows. We would still all get together, of course, and when that happened I would almost always ended up tied up somehow, but they never did anything sexual with Tracy around.
That didn’t stop Tracy from being fascinated with every detail on what would happen. It started to become apparent that the more humiliating for me and especially the more gay sex involved, the more it turned her on. I was loving being submissive and having someone tie me up so completely, but for her it seemed to make her horny to have me in humiliating situations.
One night she had been out drinking with friends and I had spent the night dragging a sandbag around Steve’s house using a rope attached to my balls. Lap after lap I had done, with Steve and Mike encouraging me with riding crops if I slowed or stopped. The game had been to determine the size of dildo I was going to get fucked with, with me earning a smaller dildo for every lap milestone I met.
My balls had given out on the 3rd milestone, which still left me a dildo of daunting thickness. I came home with a purple scrotum and my ass on fire. I felt beaten, and pushed past my limit. I was actually thinking that I had had my lest session with them.
She on the other hand was entranced. She fondled my sore balls as I told her the story and I could see her eyes light up as I told of the cropping I had received.
Then as I told her about getting dildo fucked she grew visibly flush and I think had an orgasm right there.
She rolled me over on my back and started riding me and talking dirty. ?Ohhh, what if that was Steve’s cock up your ass? How would that feel??
I played along because I could see it was working for her ?Oh, it would feel so good!?
?God, the thought of Steve fucking you makes me so hot, uhhh!? She came again just from mentioning it.
?Yeah,? I whispered, lamely.
?You want to suck his cock, don’t you, want him to come in your mouth, lick his balls!? She threw her head back.
I knew the answer she wanted to hear in in her little fantasy, so I gave it to her ?Yes, I want to suck it, lick it, swallow his cum!?
Just that statement sent her on such a wild ride. She came over and over again, just riding me like a dildo until we both finished and she collapsed on me in exhaustion. My sore balls were now even sorer from coming and her jumping up and down on me.
It was a few weeks before I was told to again report to Steve’s house. Tracy was actually going out of town for the weekend, and I was told to show up on Saturday morning.
It wasn’t very long before I was naked and tied over Steve’s very stout coffee table, with my knees on the floor and chest welded down to the surface by the feature of about 200 feet of rope. My arms were pinned to the front legs.
I was a little confused, because instead of the usual ball or penis gag I was forced to wear, I had a ring gag in. I found the large ring wedged behind my teeth very uncomfortable and even more degrading than the ball.
The final touches had just been put on my bondage when I could hear the strains of ?Shook Me all Night Long? playing on a tinny speaker. My phone was ringing.
?Oh, don’t get up, I’ll see who it is.? Steve laughed and picked up my phone. ?Oh, it’s Tracy. I guess she wants to say ‘hi’. Hi Tracy! Yes, he’s right here. Yup, just got him all strapped down. You should see him, just like we talked about.. Hmm, ok, do you need me to ungag him? No? Ohh, you are evil! Ok, I’ll just have Mike hold it up to his ear then.?
Tracy’s voice came through the speaker ?Hello? Just grunt if you can hear me? I could hear the typical airport sounds of announcements and people in the background. She was probably just about to board. ?Gaaach!? I grunted.
?I just wanted to tell you to have a fun weekend. But there’s something I forgot to tell you. I told Steve all about how you’ve been dying to suck his cock and get fucked. I told him about your fantasy of him forcing you to take it up your ass and down your throat. He knows how much you’ve begged me to let him fuck your tight little ass and come in your mouth! I told him we wanted to play like you really didn’t want it and your fantasy was for him force you. So you just enjoy honey! I literally cannot wait to hear every detail.
?Oh, one more thing, I told him that you had begged me to let him keep you tied up and use you all weekend!?
As she had been talking, I felt lube being dribbled on my ass. Suddenly I felt something pushing and I knew it wasn’t a dildo!
?Gaaaaaaaaaaaa!? I tried shouting through my ring gag until it was cut off, and the phone was pulled away. The last thing I heard from it was Tracy’s giggling.
?Hi Tracy, it’s Mike. Yes, I’m afraid he can’t talk to you anymore. Well, you see, his mouth is full of cock. Okay, you have a good trip, and we’ll keep him out of trouble! Bye, sweetie.?
Oh they used me. Then they took breaks and used me again, and again a third time. I was so angry, violated and confused. But, somehow, I also trusted Steve and Mike. I also had never, ever felt more helpless and out of control. This was bondage! There was nothing I could do about this anyway, so I started to enjoy it. Not the cock, I didn’t like it then, and I still don’t. But she was right, the being forced, the being taken, used, and humiliated was a giant turn on for me. Feeling someone driving into me, and knowing that someone else was using me for their pleasure and that I had no say in the matter whatsoever was thrilling. While painful and humiliating, it was erotic and freeing to me in a way I had never felt.
During their third round, Mike was pounding me from behind and Steve reached underneath and grabbed my cock for the first time in hours. All it took was that touch and the feeling of Mike unloading in me to set me off. I was ashamed that I could keep coming like that from a guy fucking my ass, but it didn’t change the fact that the orgasm that rolled over me was long and intense.
They finally decided to give me a break and removed my gag. Even though I had come, I was still a guy who had just been anally raped and had cum dripping out of my mouth. Coming had knocked my hormones down, and I was no longer excited, just very, very angry.
?You let me the fuck up, right fucking now!? I screamed.
?’Fraid we can’t do that, little slave boy, we’ve got you for the whole weekend.? Steve stood in front of me.
?Are you in on this, or did she really tell you this was my fantasy??
?I don’t know what you are talking about, we are using you however we want. You can’t stop us, and you can’t talk your way out of this.? Steve was clearly mugging the heavy here. That told me what I needed to know. He was not in on it.
?Tracy told you this was my fantasy, but she lied. I don’t know why she would do this to me, but she lied.? My voice had gone from anger to sadness, and I was on the verge of crying. The betrayal that had been committed on me was just started to hit home.
Steve started looking nervous. ?Okay, let’s break out of character for a minute. I’m happy to rape you all weekend if that’s what you want, but this is freaking me out. If you are for real right now, just say ?stop, let me go? and I’ll untie you.?
I looked him in the eye, aware of the drops running down my thighs, and down my chin. The my mouth was scuffed from the leather gag strap and hurt as I worked my jaw a little to make sure I could speak clearly.
I said very slowly and carefully, in a hoarse voice ?Stop. Let me go.?
My breakup with Tracy was a quick and painless affair. Mike and Steve felt horrible about what had happened. Steve was a sadistic Dom with evil on his mind, but he was no rapist. They were both almost as angry at Tracy as I was. They were eager to help me get her out.
To this day, I honestly don’t know if she thought she was giving me something I wanted. Maybe she just wanted it so badly, and figured I would be alright with it. Maybe she just hated me and decided I deserved it. I don’t know, and she never got a chance to explain.
Steve and Mike had spent the rest of the weekend helping me pack her stuff. When she got home from her trip, her stuff was all moved out, into a storage unit. She came through the door, ready, I’m sure, to hear all about my sexual degradation, but instead found the three of us waiting for her. I simply handed her an envelope with the key information to the storage unit and said. ?Never talk to me again.? She looked startled for a moment, then looked ready to cry. But one look around the room at the stone faces of the three of us made her think better of any reply. She turned and walked out of my life forever.
This looks like the beginning of a Beautiful Friendship.
It wasn’t very long after Race Weekend that she contrived our meeting. She had a party at her little house and invited Steve. According to Steve she ?insisted he bring the big, dumb, straight boy?.
Ironically, I was much more self-conscious meeting her wearing jeans and a shirt then when I met her wearing a horsehair butt plug. There were a few others I recognized from Race Weekend there, but seemed mostly to be non-fetish people.
She was stunning in a tight black knee length skirt and, of course, black spike heeled boots. She greeted us when we arrived, by otherwise seemed to completely ignore us in favor of her other guests. She seemed to need to walk by me, or was forced to accidentally brush my arms with her breasts or her rear against my groin when reaching for glasses or ice.
Finally I found myself alone with her in the kitchen.
?Hmm, you look good with clothes on, too.? She said. I could tell she had few drinks in. Not enough to be drunk, but like me, she was loosened up and enjoying herself.
?Yes,? I replied, ?I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage. You’ve held my balls, but I have not returned the favor.?
She laughed, ?Too bad I don’t have any balls for you to hold.?
?I’m sure there must be an equivalent.? I said drily.
She sipped her drink and over the top of her glass, said ?I’m sure we can find one. Don’t you dare go away!? She said, squeezing my arm before walking out. ?Ohhh, muscles. Me likey.?With that, she breezed out of the kitchen.
Of course we ended up in bed that night. The party didn’t break up for hours, but finally it was just the two of us. I was the nervous one, this time. But as I sat on her bed, she slowly undressed for me. Soon her naked body was draped in my lap and we began kissing. My hands roamed her body, her pert breasts, flat stomach, round muscular ass. She didn’t touch me, except to keep her arms around me as I explored her. Eventually, my hand found it’s way between her legs, feeling the wetness there. I g
I was awakened the next morning with a cup of coffee and some toast served by a very naked Tanya. ?Ahh, I see my stallion is an early riser!? She said, reaching down to take my reaction to her nudity in her fist.
?So, do you have any plans today, my little straight boy??
?Not really.?
?Sooo, no place to be??
?Nope, I’m free all day.?
She chuckled and ran her fingernails through my chest hair ?Oh, not for long, not for long.?
I would find out later that to tell her I had no plans for the day was the surest way to spend an extended period tightly bound and suffering some form of pain, humiliation, or both.
?Oh, are you going to turn into the big bad dominatrix I’ve been hearing about??
?Oh, we’ll see. But I do want to play with you today. I’ve been dying to play with that body since I first saw you pulling Steve around.?
?Mmmm, okay, I’m yours.?
?Not yet, but you will be. But first?? She slapped me on the chest and jumped up, ?We have to get you shaved. I will not have a hairy boy. In the shower with you.?
Luckily, she had a shower more than big enough for two. I was thoroughly shaved from neck to toes. It was intimate, and sexy, but she never let it get out of hand.
Soon enough, I found myself spread eagled on her large bed. The clean white of the cotton rope stretching my arms and legs contrasted starkly on the dark wood of the head and footboards. The morning light from the large open window behind her silhouetted her face and breasts so deliciously as she pulled my left leg taut, completing my imprisonment. I was now completely at her mercy.
She had worked quickly and efficiently, but her rope work was sheer artistry. I looked like something out of magazine. I was perfectly centered on the crisp, cr?me colored sheet. My now smooth, hairless body was nicely tensioned, with my legs spread wide. My cock and balls seemed so vulnerable in this position, and the now predatory smile on her face did nothing to lessen this feeling.
In the days and months to come, I would feel pain at her hand many times. She would inflict exquisite, imaginative, excruciating suffering on my body for hour after endless hour. But that was in the future. This morning was about pleasure, and control.
It started with her lying on top of me. Kissing and nibbling me, always under her control. She worked on my ears, then my neck. Then she moved down to some light, pleasurable swirling of her tongue on my nipples.
She sat up, straddling my stomach. She started lightly running her fingernails up and down my chest. The touch was all the more intense from being so light. I was transfixed by her breasts, and the way the backlighting sun came through the little gap between her thighs, making her labia appear beautifully engorged.
The teasing continued forever. She worked my whole body, but carefully never touched my cock or balls. I was so desperate, I was thrusting my hips in the air as much as my tight stretching allowed. This just caused her to chuckle. ?Soon, little straight boy? she whispered, the first words spoken by either of us since she started.
Finally, she turned her attention to my groin. She delicately walked the tips of her nails up and down from the base of my balls to the tip of cock. The only touch was just the tip of the nail lightly digging into my sensitive skin. The long buildup of such lightness made even this seem so intense.
I begged ?please touch it? and she just chuckled again and started grazing the nails up and down the shaft.
Her hands went to my balls and she started pressing the points of the nails from both hands into my hypersensitive scrotum. There was pain, but nothing compared to the agonies she would later inflict upon my balls. I don’t know what balls ever did to her, but this woman takes a special pleasure in making them hurt and ache. That was for a later date, tough. Today was just to build sensation.
I have never wanted anything so badly as I simply wanted a firm grip on my penis at that moment. Of course, she wasn’t ready for that. She took the tip of one finger and gently spread the drop of cum leaking out of the tip around the head. Oh, sweet agony!
Finally, oh god, finally, she leaned forward and opened her mouth. I thought for sure this was it, but she just started planting gentle kisses up and down and on the tip. Her tongue started flicking out, and it turned into longer and harder licking. Then, after a pause to look me in the eye, she took me into her mouth.
The feeling of her warm mouth was so intense, so wonderful. I see now, in hindsight, how masterfully she was playing my body. At the time, such thoughts do not enter. The pleasure I felt at that moment was like a wash of color being spread over my body.
She began sucking me with a slow but relentless rhythm. Her thumb and finger encircled the base as her soft lips moved up and down. She sensed that I was getting close and sped up, working me with more intensity with both her hands and her mouth. I felt my scrotum contract and felt the rush of a tremendous orgasm build. My body started to shake and I pulled hard at my bonds as I began to go over the edge.
She stopped. She had timed it so perfectly, one more stroke and I would have gone. I screamed, and humped the air, desperate for that last stroke.
?Remember when I asked you if you had anywhere to be today?? She said with an evil grin. Even now, I couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. Hair still damp from the shower, no makeup, her freckles highlighted in the morning sun, she was a vision of girl-next-door wholesomeness. How ironic.
?Well, you’ve got a long day ahead of you!? She said as she gripped my shaft and began rubbing the palm of her hand on just the head of penis. At first it felt good, but soon built up to unbearable intensity and started struggling to get away. Just that light touch and I was pulling wildly at my bonds, rolling and shaking.
Of course, her bondage was too good. I wasn’t going anywhere.
Oh god did she torture me with pleasure that morning. The cycle continued, sucking me to the very edge, followed by stopping and teasing. I can’t even begin to guess how long she did this. I was frantic, exhausted, and desperate to get loose, get away, get off. I was beyond speech, beyond begging. Nothing but guttural moans and a shrill agonized squeaking was coming from me at this point.
Over and over again she relentlessly and mercilessly brought me to the edge and kept me there. She was like a master musician, playing her masterpiece.
Finally, mercifully she stopped. Not by letting me come, of course. She jumped off me and walked slowly around the bed and said in a sultry voice ?This is not fair. You’ve been having all the fun. I think it’s my turn, don’t you??
Happy for the respite, but also desperately needing to come, only a somewhat illiterate ?ung? came from my dry lips.
She gave me a sip of water out of a fitness bottle she had and said ?Now, I’m afraid that I’m getting all worked up. I won’t be able to stop myself from just taking you pretty soon. I think instead I will use YOUR mouth for a while and maybe that will relax me enough to continue this fantastic blow job I’m giving you.?
With that she climbed back on the bed and lowered herself to my face. Her need seemed to be almost as desperate as mine. Fluid ran from her and down my face as she desperately rode me. I used my tongue, my lips, my teeth, following her directions. She ground on me, rode me, used me for several desperate and intense orgasms.
She collapsed, exhausted next to me on her big bed, resting her head on my tautly stretched bicep. ?Ahh, I feel much better now. That should take care of me for HOURS.? I groaned in frustration.
?Oops! Look at the time!? She jumped up. ?I’ve got a little toy for you.? She said, laughing. She reached into the drawer next to the bed and pulled out a fairly large butt plug, with a wire and control coming off of it. She ignored my grunts of discomfort as she clinically and quickly stuck it up my ass with nurse like efficiency.
She gave me a twisted smile as she held up the control, paused for a moment then turned the knob. ?AAAGGGH!? was all I could articulate as the vibration hit my prostate like a wave of electricity. She smiled, set the controller down and walked out of the room.
Now my universe was my stretched and full ass! The plug was not coming out and the vibration was relentless.
She walked back in the room. Her hair was in a tight ponytail, and she was wearing a pair of very sexy, tight, yoga pants and a sports bra. Silly me, I assumed that this meant she would untie me and we would go to breakfast or something.
Instead, without a word, she jumped back between my legs and took me back in her mouth. She worked me quickly and firmly, driving me toward orgasm. The vibration on my prostate became more intense and my hips bucked as I approached what would be a Richter scale measurable orgasm.
Again, with her uncanny timing, she stopped! ?Fuck!? I yelled in frustration.
?There, there, my little straight boy.? She said in mock sympathy, ?You didn’t think it would be that easy, did you??
She gave me a deep, tongue exploring kiss. Then she jumped up, pulled on a t-shirt and starting tying her running shoes on. ?Okay, that should hold you for a while. I have to go, I’m late. You see, I told my friend Steph I’d meet her at Starbucks. We’ll pick this up when I get back!? She said in cheery voice. ?Enjoy your little friend.? She laughed as she reached between my legs and pushed on the plug.
As she walked out the door I cried ?Wait, you can’t leave me like this!?
She stopped and turned slowly ?Oh, can’t I?? She put her finger to her lips. ?Perhaps you are right.?
?Damn right I am!? I said indignantly.
Without a word, she walked into the bathroom and came out with a tube of Ben Gay. She quickly spread a large glob of it on my cock and scrotum. Throwing the tube on the dresser she stood, legs spread apart, hands on hips and said ?Anything else to say??
I wisely kept my mouth shut.
She walked to the doorway and turned, looking at me with a serious expression on her face. The burning on my cock and balls was starting as she said ?You have no idea how much I will enjoy my coffee knowing that you are at home, desperate for release, waiting so long for my return, suffering for my pleasure. Thank you.? Her ponytail flipped through the air as she turned quickly and walked out.
As I heard the front door close, the key in the lock and the starting of her car in the driveway, the intensity of the burning reached it’s peak and I started to cry out.
Time blurred. I had no idea how long she was gone. The buzzing in my ass was unrelenting, the burning was almost unbearable, but amazing stimulating as well. Between the two, my cock stayed absolutely rigid. A small puddle of clear pre cum had oozed out, accelerated by the prostate stimulation, I’m sure. The vibrating plug was having another unexpected affect. I started having ?orgasms?, but not coming. They were intense, almost painful and started coming one after the other. Then they would subside and suddenly I would be hit with a whole new wave of them. After the 3rd or 4th wave, it was almost unbearable when it hit. It was causing me to go in to a frenzy, thrashing wildly to get free, to drive the plug deep, to do anything.
Finally, after a while, the batteries wore down, and the burning subsided. My poor cock finally took a break, and I would have dozed if not for the pain in my balls. I mean, you can’t get more blue balled than I was at that moment. She really did a number on me!
That’s how she found me when she came back. At least she brought me a coffee! She set it on the table and said ?Did you miss me?? I gave her a weak look, not even sure if I could speak at this point.
She looked at me appraisingly and started undressing, her yoga pants becoming a black puddle on the hardwood floor. Soon enough, she was naked and seated indian style between my legs, looking at my quickly returned erection. She reached down and with a wink pulled the plug out with one solid yank. The stretching of my anus made me cry out in pain and surprise. She giggled and dropped it on the floor. ?We’ll clean that up later.?
She sat there, idly stroking my cock and pulling on my balls while talking to me in a normal tone of voice ?Oh, I had the nicest time. We had the table by the door and you wouldn’t believe what we saw??
She continued on, all the while working me, but not hard enough to finish me off. I didn’t hear a word she said, of course. I just tried to hump into her hand, get some more pressure. This was absolutely the most desperate, horny and erotically excited I had ever been in my life. What she had done to me was cruel and horrible and just the thought of it made me even harder.
She finished her story and said ?You know, you’ve been tied up a long time. You must be sore. Would you like me to let you go??
?YES! PLEASE!? I replied.
?hmmm, I could do that, but wouldn’t you rather come first?? She asked in a mock surprise tone of voice.
?YES! Oh please, please, please let me come. I’ll do anything for you, just let me come, PLEASE!? I meant it. I had long since passed the state of any rational thought. My need for release was the center of my universe, and I would have gladly signed everything I owned over to her for that one extra stroke.
?Hmmm?, she put her finger to her lip, as if thinking, ?You know, if you squirt that huge load, it’s going to make a huge mess. Do you promise to clean it up??
?Yes, sure, anything.?
?Okay, my dear? her tone got serious as she straddled my stomach and leaned forward, hands on my chest, looking me in the eye. ?Here’s the deal. I’m going to fuck you silly, and when we’re done, I’m going to sit on your handsome face again, and you are going to suck your mess out of me. You will swallow every drop. Agreed??
I hesitated for only a moment. I certainly didn’t want to eat my own load, but I was so desperate, and the humiliation of eating it just added to my excitement.
?Yes,? I whispered, defeated, ?please, I’ll do it, just finish me.?
?Oh, the fun thing, for me anyway, is that you most certainly will not want to do it after you come. ? She laughed, ?I’ve seen it before, you will fight tooth and nail. I’m going to make you do it anyway. I might have to hurt you to get you to do it, but you WILL do it. Agreed??
?Yes, agreed, please, just fuck me!?
She slid back and easily slid down on me. Her warmth squeezing me was bliss and she slowly ground on me, finding a nice rhythm. I was so afraid she would stop again, but she didn’t, she just kept that slow, relentless rhythm, building me up, never changing as my entire body stiffened against the ropes and the most intense orgasm I have ever experienced washed over me. It kept going on and on, just when I thought it was subsiding, it built again and I continued to pump more and more into her.
Finally it was done and I was limp and exhausted. My balls ached enormously, and all the muscles in my arms and legs were starting to cramp.
?And now, my dear, time for you to keep your promise.? She rose up and with a ?pop? and my still hard cock slapped on my stomach.
As she started to lower her pussy, dripping with my white load, it hit home what she was expecting me to do. As she said, this suddenly was not a good idea to me and I started shaking my head back and forth ?No, no, I don’t want to do it!?
She sat down on me hard, and I turned my mouth away from it.
?Ohh, I guess you need to learn who is in charge here!? She said. The snap retort as she open hand slapped my balls echoed through the room.. My howl of pain was muffled by her thighs squeezing my head, but even so it must have been loud enough for the neighbors to hear. My world went white with pain for a moment.
?Now. EAT. YOUR. CUM.? She commanded. I turned my face upwards and tentatively put my tongue out. It met warm sliminess, and I pulled it back and turned my face away again.
?Ok, I see you still don’t learn, so now you get 5.? She delivered the blows in rapid succession and the pain was almost making me nauseous. ?I don’t want to hurt you today, I thought this would be a day for pleasure. So, I will give you one more try before I really hurt you.?
I took her for her word and turned back. I surrounded her lips with mine and started working my tongue in. I had felt helpless throughout the morning, but it had been a game. With this, forcing me to eat my own come out of her dripping pussy and hurting me badly, this made me truly feel helpless and out of control for the first time. I honestly felt powerless. There was no choice but to do what I was told, and a wave of acceptance washed over me.
I started sucking it out and licking her, almost greedily. She began driving herself onto my face, making it difficult for me to breathe, and just started screaming as she peaked again and again. This final humiliation, for her, was enough to send her into an ecstasy that paled everything else we’d done so far.
The pain, humiliation, and just straight up submissiveness of this act was getting to me, as well. Despite everything, my cock started to grow hard again.
She started yelling ?YES, suck that cum, suck it out, suck that cum you little slave fucker. SUCK IT BITCH!? as she fucked my face.
Finally, just when I thought I would pass out from not being able to breathe, she subsided. Her pussy was squeaky clean, and I had swallowed most of it, except what was smeared all over my face.
She climbed off and now had a sweet, angelic smile on her face. She pecked me right on the tip of the nose and said playfully ?I’m going to go take a shower, and then maybe I’ll untie you and you can take me out for our first date.?
A Domme is Born
Her entry into the world of restraining and torturing men had come in high school, when she and a boyfriend had been playing with a pair of handcuffs. She described the feeling to me as ?electric? when she snapped the cuffs onto his wrists and realized that he couldn’t get them off and was at her mercy.
She had been scared by these feelings, and at his demand, immediately uncuffed him. This was immediately followed by her instigating even more rushed and athletic sex than is typical of teenagers. She had her first realization that there was something there for her. She wasn’t sure why that had made her so ?fucking horny!? but it did.
She pestered him to let her tie him up for real, but he just wasn’t into it and finally moved on.
Her next boyfriend was willing, and she tied his hands to the headboard with an old pair of tights she had. Then she climbed aboard and rode him for all he was worth, and it was the best feeling she’d ever experienced.
Unfortunately, that feeling ended when he ruined the game by slipping his hands out of the loosely tied hosery, grabbing her and rolling her onto her back to finish the act. It was at that moment that she vowed to herself that she would learn to tie men up properly!
And learn she did. With her varsity soccer toned body and girl next door innocent looks, she had no problems finding subjects to practice on! Her innocent looks and sweet, intelligent public demeanor also made her a favorite among the boys’ parents. Many a mother told their son strongly that they should ?treat her right, she’s a keeper!?
Of course, mommy had no idea what she was doing her boy behind closed doors. As she got better and better and restraining them, she started to see rope bondage as her art.She started to see not just the control and restraint, but also each tied boy as a creative expression of her control.
Her intensity always scared them off after a short time, though.
Victims were becoming scarce by the end of her senior year, as word about her unique desires got around. There were still very willing victims, of course, but they were needy little nerds mostly and she was not attracted to them. This is a problem she would have all her life.
College, at a large state university, of course opened up many new possibilities and also allowed her to find some friends with similar interests.
Like all college students, she experimented with many things. She tied up and was tied up by several girls and even let a couple of guys tie her up. While she mostly enjoyed it, she still preferred to be in charge. She found that she didn’t really enjoy eating pussy, and pretty much had to be tightly restrained to be forced to do it.
Her full, slap in the face, introduction to the ?lifestyle? happened when she agreed to spend Spring Break with one of her professors as his slave. This was on a very private island retreat that was by invitation only. She won’t speak too much about it, except to say she came home stiff, sore and the least horny she’s ever been. She had literally had the bottom beaten out of her.
It was in her junior year that her love of restraint became a love of domination. She was sharing an apartment with 2 other girls, who had similar interests. They had found out through trial and error that one was a bottom and one was a switch. This meant that on many an evening when other girls in similar living conditions were painting each other’s toenails or whatever it is they do, she and her friends were up to other things.
It also meant that she generally got to watch what she wanted to on TV, as 50 feet of rope and a cleave gag wielded by a determined top will end most arguments. According to her, watching ?NOVA? on PBS while her roommates squirmed on the floor and protested missing ?Real Housewives of Wherever? through their tight gags was pretty typical on a Sunday night.
Forgive me if I digress from the story, as the thought of those three hot young co-eds tightly restraining each other on a regular basis is pretty hot, and perhaps worth digression. Either way, that wasn’t her path down the road to domination and sexual torture.
She told me about this one evening during a ?working session?. We were going to a party in the coming weekend and she was always expected to have her boy in a cock and ball tie of extreme complexity. It was just her signature. So, she was experimenting and inventing.
So I was strung from the ceiling, with a spreader bar doing what it does, with the subject of her experimentation quite accessable. For her part, she was sitting comfortably in a kitchen chair, which put her work right at a comfortable working level. She was comfortably dressed in a sexy little pair of boy shorts and one of my t-shirts, with no bra.
The conversation was extremely one sided. The very strict gag she liked me to wear at that time allowed little speech beyond an expressive grunt or squeal.
?I really wanted to take somebody, you see. I didn’t want to just be in charge, just tie a guy down and have my way with him. I wanted to tie a guy and then do something to he didn’t want. I wanted to embarrass and humiliate and rape somebody. That’s domination, THAT’S control. Of course, I needed to figure out how to do it.?
?Lucky for me, my friend Toni had a boyfriend, well she thought he was a boyfriend, he did not, apparently. He was just my type, too. Big and dumb, just like you. Very manly, lifted weights, all that jock stuff you like.?
?Well, after weeks of waiting for the phone to ring to get summoned over as a booty call, she decided to just show up at his place. I guess she was all tarted up, you know the Victoria’s Secret under a long coat. Of course, the guy was in there just screwing the hell out of some other girl. Toni was heartbroken and spent about the next week crying on my couch.?
?During that week, I learned a lot about him that made me like him less. He was a misogynist of the worst kind. Always putting down women, and he would flirt with everything in panties. He was just a piece of work. As the week went on, Toni started to realize more and more how much he had used, lied to, and abused her. She got less sad and more angry.?
?I got very, very happy, though. I had a perfect victim! I knew all about him, and the way he always stared at my tits, I was pretty sure he’d be easy prey. On top of that, he was such a scumbag that I wouldn’t feel the slightest bit guilty about it!?
?So, a few weeks later, I heard that he was going to be out with some buddies at one of the hangouts. I put my evil plot into motion. I got dressed up, short little skirt, tight low cut top, my tallest, sluttiest heels. Hell, I looked gooood!?
?It certainly wasn’t hard to get him separated from his buddies. A few drinks some booty shakin’ and letting him stare down my shirt, and he was ready to fuck me right on the dance floor. We were grinding on the dance floor and I could feel his hard cock through his jeans. I leaned up and whispered to him that if he came back to my place I would fuck him like he’d never been fucked before.?
?We got back to the apartment, and the girls were gone, of course. We started smooching on the couch and I took all his clothes off. He was ready to go! But I leaned in close and whispered as sexy as I could that I had idea, had he ever been tied up? He said no. I told him that if he let me tie him up I would give him the fucking of a lifetime.?
?God, you men are so fucking easy. You get a hard on and your brains go away. Letting a strange girl tie you up with no negotiation or anything? Stupid. But there you go, without that hard on, I would never have any fun. Look at you right now, that has GOT to hurt, but because your dick got hard you let me tie you up, and now I can do whatever. I. Want.
?Anyway, l got him down on the floor and tied his hands together and pulled them over his head. I think he was expecting me to use a little string or something, but you know how I tie. He was tied good! I tied his elbows together, and then, just for fun, his thumbs. The whole time, I kept talking sexy to him, telling him how I couldn’t wait to fuck him. Like all you big, dumb boys, his dick just got harder.
?Now, this was the part I had to be careful. I wanted his legs in the air, but I didn’t want him to clue in on what I was up to. So, I brought out a silk scarf and blindfolded him with it. I told him this would make everything sexier. He called me a kinky bitch, but let me do it.
?I was free, now, to work my rigging. I used some leather cuffs and ran some chain up to these hooks in the ceiling. I know, who has hooks in the ceiling, right? Well, have you met me? Anyway, by just moving fast and not giving him enough time to figure it out, I had his legs straight up and spread wide. With the chain I was using, even this big lunk couldn’t get free.
?So dumb was this guy, that he still had no idea what I was up to. I pulled the scarf off of his head, and I think he was starting to wonder what I had in mind. He was still thinking that he was going to get lucky, though, and he was still ready for action!
?I told him I needed to change into something more comfortable. He just gave me his stupid grin, he thought I was going to put on some lingerie or something, I’m sure. Haha, was he wrong.
?As soon as I left the room, I texted my roommates that he was ready and it was time for them to make their entrance. They had been around the corner, having some drinks, and they were in a good mood. The came crashing in as I was changing clothes and they pretended to be shocked by what they saw! I could hear them giggling and as I was finishing up, I could hear them spanking and slapping him and laughing. They were making fun of his cock, saying how small it was, saying it was no wonder Toni had to fake her orgasms, no one with a cock that small could ever satisfy a woman.
?That’s when I made my grand reentrance. I had changed clothes to a comfortable pair of sweats, an old ratty t-shirt, and a giant, and I mean giant strap-on. You know the one that you hate so much, the one that made you cry a few weeks ago? Yeah, this thing was waaaay bigger. Really too big to use on anyone, but I was new at this and didn’t really know.?
?He saw that and starting fighting his bonds like crazy. Of course you know that when I tie someone up, they don’t get loose until I’m ready, right? He started yelling and calling me names. I told him that he was going to get fucked, just like I promised. One of the girls took his own underwear and stuffed it in his mouth to shut him up, I think she used a sock to tie it.
?Oh, did we have fun with him. It was glorious! The power I had. I tell you, nothing says ‘I’m in charge’ like shoving a cock up someone’s ass! He begged, he cried, I mean literally sobbed. The girls were chanting ?Fuck that ass, Fuck that ass!? God that cock was huge, I honestly don’t know how it fit in his ass. Oh fuck, it felt good to use him, he was so humiliated, and is ass must have been on fire. Knowing that he didn’t want this to happen, god that just made it hotter. If I didn’t dislike him so much, I might have ridden his cock right there, I was so friggen’ turned on.
The girls laughed and slapped him, and took lots and lots of pictures. The funny thing is that his cock stayed hard the whole time. For someone who hated it so much, he sure was turned on!
One of my friends, this girl Schoolgirl. You’ll meet her. She was fascinated with the strap-on. She insisted that she take a turn with it. So I let her have it at.
Holy shit she reamed him. I have never seen anybody wreck ass like she can. This was her first time, but it was like she found the thing she’d been looking for her whole life. Oh man, he howled and blubbered even more, but that just egged her on and she just kept pounding!
Finally we got bored with him. One of the girls took the camera and showed it to him and left with it. We told him that when we let him go, any trouble from him and those pictures would be all over everywhere. I know, not original, right? Well it worked.
Well, I still had one more surprise for him, plus I was a little worried about him raping us. He hadn’t come yet. I could tell he wanted too, even if he wouldn’t admit it. I took an ice pack and put it on his dick. Hoo boy did it shrink in a hurry! I had this plastic pipe, conduit, like for water or something, it was just big enough for his shrunk up little cock to fit in. I took a bunch of superglue and squirted it all around the inside and then shoved his cock as far as it would go. It looked sooo funny, it was still like 2 inches longer than his cock. We laughed at him and I told him that he was lucky, not only did he get fucked, like I promised, he got fucked twice in one night. He wouldn’t be using that dick for a while.
Well, we put zip-ties on his hands and feet before releasing him. Then we put a little knife in his pants pocket and threw all his clothes out the window. We marched him right the front door and pushed him out. Oh my god was he pathetic, with this little tube hanging where is wang should have been and waddling out as fast as he could before someone saw him, with his underwear shoved in his mouth. Goddamn it was funny! Who knows how long it took that tube to fall off, but I bet his dick was too sore to beat off.?
I was so horny that I gave in to Schoolgirl and let her eat me. She literally got on her knees and begged. I rode her face until she begged me to stop so she could breathe. Oh what a night.
That was my last rape, though. I actually did feel very guilty about it afterwards. Sure he was a jerk, but he didn’t deserve that. See, you should feel better that the chick who has you tied up right now isn’t a total sociopath right? Anyway, only consensual non-consensuality from then on. Haha.
Don’t feel too bad for the meat head, though. You know my friend Erin, right? The pro-domme? He’s a regular of hers, sees him like every 2 weeks. Guess what he pays her to do? That’s right, fuck him with a strap on and laugh at his little dick.
Hmmm, that looks really nice! So painful! Let’s leave it like that for the next 3 hours to see if you can survive the party like this.Oh, shut up. It won’t do any good to beg, now. God, telling this story has me so worked up, but I can’t release you now. I guess I could just sit here and put on a show for you??
Even though she didn’t want to rape anyone, she now had a taste for abusing unwilling victims. But that didn’t keep her from having some semi-nonconsensual fun. She and three of her friends went on a little reign of terror in their local scene. They became known as the ?Handmaids?.
They would get dressed to the teeth, as slutty and hot as possible. Then they would go out to whatever the hottest local place was. They never had to buy their own drinks. They just set up shop and let the dummies come to them. After an hour or two, they would pick the cheesiest, creepiest, player that would approach them. Spray tans went right to the front of the line. Of course, the four of them had no problem getting the dummy to take them to his place.
They would take the dummy home and talk him into letting them tie him up. After that, it was hours and hours of them of them taking turns holding him at the edge and humiliating him. The funniest thing is that none of the victims ever even got to see so much as a boob, and they never touched him with anything but their hands. That’s why they called themselves the ?Handmaids?.
After they had tortured the dummy until they were bored, they would ice him down and superglue the chastity tube on him. Think about how cruel that is, he would get held on the verge of orgasm by three of the sexiest creatures you could imagine for hour after hour, and then superglued into a tiny little tube so it would be days to weeks before he would be able to have an orgasm. That is blue balls!
After a while, it was getting so easy that they would dare each other. They made bets that if any of them went too far and let the dummy climax, she would pay some penalty. That only happened once and the penalty was the girl got tied down and they let the dummy free to use her as he wished. That evening ended with the victim actually a happy, satisfied stud and one thoroughly fucked and humiliated Handmaid. Much to my satisfaction, when I heard the story, she happened to the one with a penchant for Catholic Schoolgirl uniforms.
Schoolgirl said she wouldn’t do it anymore after that. They were getting bored with the Handmaids anyway. Word had gotten around, and true victims were getting harder to find. There was no shortage of guys approaching them to get the treatment, though. This was against everything they stood for. With that incident, the Handmaids officially retired.
Things had gotten weird with Schoolgirl, too. She had apparently developed quite a crush on Tanya. Often, after a session working on a dummy, Tanya would be so horny that she would respond to Schoolgirls advances. But, she was never into it.
Tanya felt it was for the best, the Handmaids had run their course, and she needed to let things cool off with Schoolgirl.
From it though, she found her a love for teasing and denial. The practice made her and her friends very, very good at it. Possibly the best at it in the entire world. Lucky for me. Or not.
Marking Her Territory
So anyway, this was the woman who I had fallen in love with. She had seen from that first moment I was what she was looking for. She wanted someone willing to let her be the sadist she craved to be, but not someone who would beg for it.
So we dated. Like normal people. Movies, dinners, dancing.Nights snuggling on the couch.Meeting each other’s parents.The full meal deal. Of course we had a connection in that she liked to dominate, restrain and abuse men, and I liked to be dominated, abused and restrained. It was more than that though. She found me hilarious, and so did I. We didn’t totally agree about politics, but we could have respectful debates. On movies, we stood divided, but willing to accommodate each other.
To sum up, we were falling in love.
After 3 or 4 months, she asked me to move in to her house. I was spending almost every night there, anyway, and her house was much nicer than my condo.
She had rules though. When we discussed my moving in the rules of the relationship, there were some things she was very firm about.
?You can never ask me to tie you up.? She said firmly, taking a bite of the pasta we were having for dinner. ?That is rule number one. I control that. If you ask me to do it, it takes all the fun out of it for me.?
?Uhhh, ok.? I pointed my fork at her, ?But what about my needs. I mean, I’m a man. I might need to get laid.?
?Oh, you can get laid!? Her voice went high. ?I like to get laid! You can jump me anytime. I’m not saying you can’t initiate sex. In fact, ? she gave me a leering look ?You had fucking better. But when it comes to domination, I decide. You see,? she put the fork down and folded her hands over her plate, in classic professor lecture mode, ?When I dominate you, hurt you, torture, tease, whatever, I am not doing it for you. I’m doing it for me. If I do it for you, it ruins it for me. The whole thrill of it is that I am in control, and it is for my pleasure, my amusement, not yours.?
She smiled, ?Now, I’m not stupid. I know you love it. You wouldn’t be with me if you didn’t. I mean after the things I’ve put you through already, you must be a freak. I frankly find it weird that anyone would let me do the stuff I do to you. But one thing I cannot stand is those pathetic losers who are always begging ‘Oh mistress, spank me, oh mistress let me serve you.’ If you WANT me to do it to you, it’s not domination!?
?Haha, like Groucho Marx, I would never marry someone who would marry me?? I replied sarcastically.
She smiled. ?Yes. But, I forgive you for being a freak. It works to my advantage.?
?So, agreed? You will never, ever, ask me to tie you up or dominate you??
?Agreed!? I stuck my hand out to shake hers.
She held her hand up. ?Not so fast, mister. There’s one more rule.?
I pulled my hand back and folded my arms, leaning back in my chair. ?I promise, I’ll put the seat down.?
She laughed out loud at that. ?It’s not that, goof. You can never say ‘no’ to me.?
?Oh, so this is a slave thing. I need to snap to your orders all the time.?
She held her hands out defensively. ?No, I mean about domination. If I want to tie you up, strap you down, whip you, spank you, even make you suck a cock, you can never say ‘no’?.
I thought about this. I admit, I was growing hard at the thought of this, even though the practical matters seemed dicy. ?Well, what if you decide to say lock me in a cage for the weekend, but I’ve already promised my mother we would visit??
?Well, you would inform me of that fact. I MAY decide to postpone your cage time.? She smiled. ?Seriously, this takes communication. If you make plans like that I need to know, so I don’t get frantic calls from a buddy of yours wondering where you are, when I know very well you are hanging upside down from a rafter somewhere.?
?Ok. I can live with that, as long as you promise that I still get to have a life. I’m not looking to be a 24/7 slave and call you Mistress Tanya while I bring you coffee on my knees every morning.?
?Oh sweetie, believe me, that is not what I’m looking for. I’ve had a 24/7 slave. It lasted about 2 weeks before I kicked his ass out. You would not believe how much work that is.?
?But, I do want you ON CALL 24/7. When the mood strikes me to abuse you, your job is to get abused. Agreed??
Something she had said before came back to me. ?Suck a cock??
?If the mood strikes me. Do you trust me?? I nodded. ?Good. If I want you to suck a fucking cock you will get on your goddamn knees and suck a fucking cock. Those are the rules, not negotiable. Agreed??
I stuck my hand out again, and this time she grabbed it and we shook. ?Agreed.? I smiled and finished with ?Mistress Tanya?.
?Oh, little straight boy. You are very bad. You will pull your pants down and present yourself over my lap for a spanking.
There was a twist, however.There always is, in our relationship. She had set me up. Of course. She said she wanted things to be official, and she still felt like it was a little weird with Steve.
So, our first guests after I moved in were Steve and Mike on a sunny Saturday afternoon. The plan was to have a little bbq in the back yard, and have some fun.
It was a beautiful sunny summer day. Our backyard was a typical urban house. It was a rough square of white painted high wooden fence. The small lawn was more dandelions than grass.
Tanya had a nice quality outdoor patio sets and a decent quality gas bbq. I may be a bondage bottom, but I was still the only straight man present, which meant that grilling duties fell to me. I cooked the hell out of some steaks and corn and we had a nice meal, with several bottles of cabernet to wash down my (perfectly prepared) steak.
As the meal wound down and the wine flowed more, Tanya suddenly turned to me and said ?Okay, let’s get to why we’re here. Why don’t you stand up and take strip down??
Confused, but of course unable to resist her commands, I obeyed instantly. Soon I had my shorts and t-shirt off and was standing naked in front of them.
?Silly boy, why aren’t you on your knees?? She asked, in a reasonable tone.
Steve was sitting in his chair, smiling expectantly. I guessed he was in on whatever was happening now.
?Crawl over to Steve.?
I obeyed.
?Now, Steve has been very good to you. He introduced you into our lifestyle. He helped us meet each other, and has been your supportive friend, right??
I nodded. She was right, but I had an inkling now where this was going, and I did not like it.
?Don’t you think he deserves a thank you??
?Yes.? I said reluctantly.
?And what do you think a fitting thank you might be?? She asked, in tone mocking a teacher.
?I don’t know.?
?Oh, I think you do.?
?Please, I don’t want to do that.?
?Don’t be ungrateful. Tell us how you are going to thank him.?
I glanced at the growing bulge in Steve’s pants. He definitely knew where this was heading.
I said in a quiet voice ?By offering to suck his dick?? I was beet red with shame from head to toe, as I looked down at the ground.
?Oh, what a great idea! I didn’t think you would want to do that, but since you suggested it, that sounds like a great idea!?
All three of them were laughing at my predicament now. It was obvious the last thing I wanted to do was that. I knew that this kind of dilemma was meat and potatoes to both Steve and Tanya. The more humiliated and uncomfortable I was, the hotter it made both of them.
?Well, offer it to him!?
?Do, do you want me to suck your dick?? I asked sheepishly, hoping against hope he would say no.
?That’s not an offer!? He laughed. He looked me in the eye and said in that commanding voice I’ve never been able to resist ?Beg to suck your master’s cock. Beg me to come in your mouth, and beg to swallow it.?
Tanya giggled, but was looking at me with an expectant raised eyebrow. I could see the familiar flush of excitement on her skin. ?Oh man,? I thought, ?She’s really going to make me do it.?
I looked up at Steve and said ?Sir, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. May I please suck your cock. Will you please come in my mouth, so I can swallow it.? The words were ashes in my mouth, but at the same time, it felt good to let go, to submit to Tanya’s wishes. I knew that for her, me sucking a man’s cock at her command, begging for it, was the ultimate turn on. My humiliation and discomfort were strictly for her pleasure, by needs or wants completely abrogated. I was fully in the space now. In no way did I want to suck a cock, but the need to submit, to be used for their amusement, drove me to eagerly take him into my mouth.
My discomfort was not lost on him, and he made me go slow and made it last. For all the times that Steve had bound me, dominated me, raced me, this was the most mastery he’d had over me.
Finally it was over, as Steve grabbed the back of my head, thrust himself deeply into my mouth and came with a loud groan. They watched as I swallowed his load, a fitting metaphor for my shame and my ability to resist any command Tanya gave me.
As the sun started to set, the soft light of early evening found me stretched on the lawn on my back. White rope at each limb pulled my naked form taut to large stakes driven into the dirt. Mike was stretched out next to me in a similar predicament.
The dommes were standing over us. Steve, legs apart, hands on hips was at Mike’s feet. Tanya next to me, explaining what was to happen.
?Steve, the whole reason I wanted you come over was to clear up any weirdness left over from taking your little straight boy.? Steve smiled at that.
?I believe he has thanked me for his training. He’s all yours!?
Tanya said ?Well, not yet. There is one thing I think I must do to let all of you bitches know who he belongs to.?
With that, she lifter her dress, turned her back to me and squatted over my chest. Before I could figure out what she was doing, the warm wetness started covering my chest. She was peeing on me!
Steve started laughing out loud. ?Well, you are an alpha bitch! I better mark my territory, then.?
Mike looked up in horror as whipped his dick out and started walking the line of piss up and down Mike’s body. Tanya started laughing uncontrollably.
?I think this calls for a drink!? Tanya said, throwing her arms up.
?Indeed!? Laughed Steve as they turned to walk into the house.
I turned to Mike and said ?I cannot fucking believe they just pissed all over us.?
He quipped back, ?I’m the lucky one, I was afraid Steve was going to make me lick her pussy. Ewwww!?
Some time later, after a quick hose off, Mike was released and dressed and the evening was over.
It was fully dark, a starry clear night, as Tanya approached me. I was still strung out on the prickly, weedy lawn. Luckily, I had been rinsed off, along with Mike.
She was a vision walking across the lawn. The full moon backlighting her. It reminded me of that first morning I spent with her when she had been so fetchingly silhouetted in the morning light. She was naked, of course. Padding barefoot on the dry grass, she stretched luxuriously, almost catlike, as she approached me.
She lay on top of my stretched body. Her body’s posture matching mine, so our lips met, and every possible inch of bare skin was shared between us.
She kissed me gently and whispered ?Thank you?.
?For what?? I replied
?For your submission, for doing what you did, even though I know you didn’t want to. It meant so much to me that you would do that just because I told you to. It was so, god, I don’t know, I just felt so, powerful. It was like all of my domination desires met at that one moment. Thank you.?
With that, she reached over and untied my wrists. She slid back and released my feet. She then kissed her way down my stomach and gave me a long, incredible blow job. She looked me in the eye meaningfully as she swallowed the fruits of her labor.
It didn’t take long for me to be ready again, and I rolled her on her back and took her. I needed that. I needed to feel like a man, taking his woman. She was happy to be taken!
As we lay in the afterglow, on the prickly, damp, weedy lawn, she turned her head to mine. I could see her face in the moonlight, a look of serious concern was on it. She looked me in the eye and said, in as serious a tone as I’ve ever heard her use ?I love you. You know that, right??
I smiled and gave the only reply possible. ?Yes, Mistress.?
After a pause, I turned back to her and said ?Never make me suck a cock again.?
She giggled and settled her head back into the grass, looking at the stars. ?No promises, sweetie.?
It’s hard to believe that the night we realized we were in love was the night she made me give a blow job and then urinated on me. But there you go, that’s who we are I guess.
The Ultimate Bridezilla
She proposed to me one night while we were watching TV. Well, she was watching TV. I was watching her pussy, when my face wasn’t being buried in it. She was laying comfortably on her bed, and I was laying somewhat less comfortably between her legs, on my stomach, very firmly hogtied. I had a collar around my neck with rings on each side. These rings were attached to leather straps around her thighs. This allowed her to precisely control the position of my face to her pussy by spreading or closing her legs.
She was channel surfing and making me lightly lick her. Then as an orgasm built, she would spread her legs hard and drive my face into her. This was the signal that I should use my tongue inside her. The trick was to get her to finish before I passed out from lack of oxygen.
Anyway, it wasn’t a proposal, so much as a declaration. After a particularly powerful orgasm, she had relaxed her legs and was catching her breath. I was recovering from oxygen debt and waiting for the signal to start lightly licking again.
?I think I’m going to collar you.? Was what she said. With that, we were engaged. That meant that we would be bound together in the eyes of her (and now my) friends and community. If I accepted her collar, I was her slave. Actually, accepted isn’t the right word. The ceremony involved me begging her to put it on me.
I started to answer her, with an enthusiastic ?YES?, but as soon as I opened my mouth, she spread her legs and drove my face into her crotch, very hard.
?I didn’t ask your opinion. Of course you are going to beg for my collar.? She scolded me, playfully.
She relaxed her legs and I wisely kept silent. She did have a riding crop next to her, and I knew she would not hesitate to use it.
?But I think we are going to do this ceremony right. I think we are going to have a ?fireworks show? and then a collaring! Oh yes. Ohh, you may begin, but lightly?.ahhhh?
I started slowly nibbling and kissing the outside of her pussy. Of course, I was carefully avoiding the clit until she gave me the signal.
?Oh, yes. The greatest fireworks ever put on! I think we should give them quite a show! The biggest load they’ve ever seen!. There’s an experiment I have been thinking of for quite some time, this could be awesome!?
With that she grabbed her phone and started calling some of her friends to discuss the plans. What I was hearing as I continued my duties was confusing, but also sounded very, very bad for me.
I do know that as the plans continued, she got hotter and hotter until finally I heard ?Kim, dear, I’m going to have to call you back, my soon to be slave has me ahh, so close, ohhh to an unbelievable mmm orgasm. Yes, uhhhI’ve got him in the neck strap. MMMMM, Ok, bye sweetie!?
With that she pulled her legs wide open and forced me in to facilitate the seemingly endless, shuddering, screaming climax. Unfortunately for me, it was so good it put her to sleep before she remembered to release me.
So it was a little over six weeks later that I found myself greeting our guests. You could say that the guests were greeted by the sight of me.
The spectacle of me was the first thing a guest would see as they walked in the door. The foyer was black flagstones with a small fountain up against a wall about 10 feet from the door. The gleaming, polished black X-Frame was setup right in front of the fountain. Two spotlights on the side and one from above displayed my plight in sharp relief. I found it ironic that I was back on an X-Frame, where it had all started.
I was naked, freshly shaved from head to toe and oiled down. I had been training and dieting like crazy for the last 6 weeks and, to be frank, looked amazing. The position showed my rippling muscles and well defined stomach to great advantage.
I was strapped tightly to the cross at the wrists, elbows, chest, waist, thighs, calves and ankles. In addition to this, my hips were thrust forward by a bump behind my back and fixed there by a board that I was straddling and was supporting some of my weight. Of course, that board had a relatively thin stainless steel phallus attached to it, but that wasn’t visible from the outside, and the wire coming out of it was discreetly tucked away as it went othe control box on the back of the frame. This was Schoolgirl’s addition to my predicament. Yet another notch against that bitch, and I vowed I would get her back. Attached to the end of this board was a large, polished stainless steel cylinder about 2 inches long, that was bolted around my scrotum. On the bottom side, my painfully compressed balls were squeezed out.
This had the effect of making my giant, oiled hard on and my stretched and very full balls the center and most prominent feature of the display that I was.
My erection was guaranteed by several factors. First off, as a fail-safe I had been given a huge dose of Viagra, or Cialis or something like that. This was on top of the ?health shakes? Tanya had been making me drink. We joked that this sport required performance enhancing drugs!
This little help was probably unnecessary, though. The fact that 3 beautiful, sadistic, women, the ?bridesmaids? were trading shifts sitting on the padded stool next to me so they could slowly and methodically stroke my aching oiled cock. They were holding me achingly short of orgasm, of course, but certainly keeping me well stimulated.
But even that was not the true reason that my cock was in no danger of deflating. The real reason was the orgasm training regimen I had been put through over the last 6 weeks.
The first 3 weeks started off as heaven. The goal was to get my semen production as high as possible. To that end, it was declared that I would have 5 orgasms a day, day in and day out.
I certainly brightened when I heard this news, but by the 2nd day I was already dragging. The ?health drinks? Tanya started giving me certainly helped a lot. I was already doing things with my cock I never thought possible. I don’t know fully what was in them, Tanya still won’t tell me, but get the impression that the active ingredients were expensive and illegal. They were quite effective, though.
But I wasn’t the only one who was tiring quickly. Tanya decided that pulling 5 orgasms a day out of someone, especially since each one required at least an hour of foreplay was just too much work for one girl. So she called in help.
She happened to be friends with Mistress Millicent, the owner of my old competitors Bob and Ponytail. Well, Millicent was out of town, but she agreed that Bob and Ponytail could help out. She was apparently still mad at me about the chariot races and felt Bob and Ponytail could get even for her.
In addition, Tanya had called one of her oldest and most sadistic friends, Schoolgirl. Schoolgirl had been one of the original ?Handmaid? crew and to be frank, really hates men. Her nickname comes from her penchant for wearing Catholic Schoolgirl uniforms all the time. It’s her look. I must say, she did look damn sexy in that little skirt.
What most men didn’t find out until it was too late was that under that skirt, Schoolgirl like to pack. Looking at the cute little blonde with her heavy lidded brown eyes and her sweet smile, few would ever suspect what she had under that skirt. She often went around with a strap on belted on under there. She liked to jokingly brag that ?many is the man who has taken me home and woken up the next morning with a hard on and an ass the size of the Lincoln Tunnel?.
I had only briefly met Schoolgirl once before. The next 6 weeks would herald the beginning of a long, strange relationship with her. We will never be friends, you might say it is more on the order of ?respected enemy?.
A typical day would start off with Tanya and I waking, and having long extended foreplay, sometimes with me bound to the bed, sometimes just like regular people. I would usually have my first orgasm of the day inside of her, leaving us both with a smile and the warmth of new love. This was, without a doubt, my favorite time of the day.
Schoolgirl’s place, conveniently, was only a few miles from my office, so lunch would be spent under her not so tender ministrations. I never once saw her naked, or even with her shoes off. She would just lift her skirt and show me her ?cock?. Typically, I would be tied over the table or a chair and she would angrily fuck my face with the strap-on before moving behind me and ramming it into me over and over. Eventually she would get tired and reach down with and none to gently wankme to the requiredorgasm number two. She loved to ruin the orgasm by stopping just as I was finishing, taking away most of the pleasure while still milking it out as she was instructed.
I never got away without having to eat the result. Usually she would just catch in her hand and force feed me. There were variations, of course. Like the time she made me cum into her hand and then rubbed it all onto her ?cock? and then face fucked me, not stopping until she was sure it was clean.
I wouldn’t always be tied, she loved to just make me get on the floor and she would laugh at me and call me a little sissy fag and make me beg for her cock. Complaining to Tanya did no good. She listed this as one of those things I promised not to say ?no? to.
Visits to Schoolgirl’s house were not my favorite, but I had agreed to take Tanya’s collar and I wanted to prove to her that I was worthy of it. I know Tanya loved hearing about my degradation at the hands of that tiny little bitch.
Evenings were when it got serious. I had to go right home from work where either Tanya or the girls would be waiting for me. If it was the girls, we would often just end up in a big sweaty pile of muscular young bodies as they would pull, by sheer athleticism and force of will, at least one, usually two orgasms from me, and God knows how many for each of them.
Then it was gym time for me, as Tanya was very strict about how she wanted me to look at our ceremony.
After getting home, it was time for the final milking. Tanya liked to tie me up tightly and take forever to get me hard. Despite the days events, I would usually be ready to come again. Often I would be spread eagle on the bed and she would just sit or straddle me and we would discuss the day’s events, while she would idly, almost casually, keep me hard and work me close to the edge. Finally, when she was ready for bed, she would mount me and finish me off. Of course, as was customary, I was expected to clean my mess up with my mouth afterwards.
Like I said, it sounds like every teenage boys fantasy, having 4 young, hot women devoted to making you come, all day every day. Let me tell you, be careful what you wish for!
By day two I was already exhausted. But by Friday of the first week, I was desperate to NOT come anymore. Boy, if only I had known what the weekend would have in store!
Saturday was milking day. I was started with a double dose of ?health drink?. Milking day consisted of me being strapped down to a bench and having orgasm after painful orgasm pulled out of me by hand, mouth, pussy, toy, you name it. I have no idea how many times I came that first Saturday, but by the afternoon, I was crying, begging not to come again.
That’s when Tanya pulled out her next trick. Of course, it was Schoolgirl’s toy. Just another one of the unpleasant ways to torment men she loves so much. It was a shiny steel want, shaped like a thin dildo with a wire and control box coming out of it.
With little ceremony, this was inserted up my ass. Schoolgirl then gave a clinical lecture on how it was designed to the nerve nexus right by the prostate and that by varying the levels of stimulation the subject could be brought to almost any level of excitement, right up to being forced to orgasm.
Schoolgirl being Schoolgirl, she couldn’t just ease me into it. Oh no. She proceeded to turn the dial to ?11? which caused me to instantly convulse and have what I will call, for lack of a better term an instant orgasm. It was really an intense, but painful convulsion that resulted in me ejaculating.
?FUCK!? I yelled. ?DO.NOT.DO.THAT.ANYMORE!? I gasped for breath. Sweat was pouring off of me.
?What sweetie?? Asked Schoolgirl in that mocking tone of hers. ?Didn’t you like your nice cummie??
?Noooo? I moaned.
?Ohhhh soon enough, you will begging us to come. You should count yourself lucky that we are treating you so well!? She turned the knob again and the fire ripped through me and I strained to shoot a single, painful, drop out.
?You fucking cunt!? I yelled, my chest heaving. My balls now had an ache as if I’d been kicked, hard.
?You aint seen nuthin’ yet, sweetie.? She said, and turned the knob a little bit.
She then played it up and down to hold me on the edge for minutes at a time. It wasn’t like normal edging where you pray for that extra little bit to take you over. No, this was like having a loaded gun pointed at you, where you hope the trigger won’t get pulled.
?Ok, that’s enough.? Tanya finally said, firmly. I could see concern in her face.
?Fine!? Said Schoolgirl, and she threw the knob to maximum. My body responded, but there was just nothing left. The muscles all contracted to ejaculate, but nothing more came out, causing me to spasm uncontrollably and scream in a high pitched voice.
?I SAID ENOUGH!? Tanya was using her top voice. The voice you can’t ignore.
Schoolgirl petulantly turned the knob back and I briefly passed out.
I came too, groaning. Tanya leaned over and kissed me and said ?shhhh, we’re all done sweetie. You can take a rest now if you want.? With that, the girls walked out of the play room and turned out the lights. They went out to dinner, and left me an exhausted, broken, shell of a man.
I slept. Sometime later I awoke to the feeling of warm wetness around my shriveled cock. I opened my eyes, but still saw darkness. I had been blindfolded.
I fought my bonds, trying to get away. ?Please,? I begged in a low, raspy voice, ?no more!?
A finger was placed over my lips and all I heard was ?shhhh?.
The lips and mouth of my assailant were skillful. Despite everything I started to respond. As soon as I became fully erect, I felt her climb up on the bench and she mounted me.
She rode me for a long time. It was clear that this was for her pleasure, not mine. She ground herself on me until she came with low moan. She patted me on the chest, dismounted and I heard the sounds of her walking out, flipping the light switch off and closing the door behind her.
To this day, I could not tell you who it was that used me that night. I suppose it was Bob or Ponytail, but I never found out.
Sometime later, Tanya came in and untied me and took me to bed.
Sunday was rest and recovery day. I only had to produce in the morning and again right before bed.
Monday came and the cycle started up. I must say, it seemed to be working. My production was already significantly higher! A week before, number 3 was hard and number 5 was torture. Now, just a week later, I could be up and ready for number 3. I’m sure the supplements I was taking helped, but I guess like anything, your body adapts to stress.
I still hated going to see Schoolgirl everyday, as she was growing even more vicious with her tool. Plus my coworkers must have notices me squirming in my seat during the afternoon, my ass too sore to sit on normally.
No matter how much I begged Tanya, though, she would not relent. ?It makes my day, during lunch, to stop and think of Schoolgirl reaming your ass. I know how much she loves it. You wouldn’t want to take that away from us, would you?
By the end of the week, I was frankly amazed at my prodigious output and was starting to enjoy it a lot more.
Of course, Milking Day came again on Saturday and once again I was reduced to a broken, drained shell of a man as the four of them took load after load from me. Finally, my body drained of semen, tears and any sexual desire whatsoever, I was left to rest.
?One more week? I thought. If only I understood.
For week 3 I was stepped up to 6 a day.
The last Milking Day was brutal. I honestly was hoping to never have another orgasm again when it was over.
Once again, be careful what you wish for! As I lie in my bonds, exhausted and hoping to just be let go so I could drink a beer and watch some TV by myself, I could tell that the 4 women standing over me in a circle had other ideas. Bad ideas, based on the evil looks they were exchanging.
?So, little straight boy, that ends phase 1 of your training!? Said Tanya. The rest of the girls started clapping.
Tanya turned and was rummaging through a bag on the nearby table. She turned around with something in her hand ?Now it’s time for phase 2! We have a little training tool for you.?
The rest of the girls started laughing and clapping again. I finally focused on what was in her hand. A small plastic tube with a ring attached. It was a chastity tube. I hate chastity tubes! Tanya had gone on a 2 week business trip a few months previously. As she was hurrying to prep to leave for the airport, she had nonchalantly called me into the bathroom and put that tube on me before I even knew what it was all about. She had clicked the lock in place and kissed me goodbye almost in one motion.
It had been a long two weeks, and I had learned how much I hate chastity tubes.
?No!? I squirmed in my bonds and tried to get away.
?Oh, relax, it’s only for 3 weeks until the ceremony!? The laughter continued. ?I’ll be nice and won’t put the spikes in.?
Schoolgirl chimed in ?Oh, don’t be so nice, put them in! I want his cock to HURT!?
?Haha, no. Besides, little straight boy, don’t worry, we’ll take it off every day.?
With that, the chastity tube was slipped on to my tired, flaccid penis, and locked in place. My cock no longer belonged to me.
?Your semen production has improved so much during the last three weeks that I almost feel like you could be ready now. But, now that you are in full production, let’s save some up. Soooo, no more cummies for you until the ceremony!?
?Awww, you mean I don’t get him anymore?? Schoolgirl said with a pout.
?Oh, of course you do, my dear. Now you just can’t let him come!?
Schoolgirl clapped and literally squealed in delight. ?Ooooh goody! Pain without pleasure, my favorite! Now I don’t have to touch his cock at all!?
?Sorry, sweetie. I’m still going to ask you to stroke him and wank him everyday. Just DO NOT let him come!?
?Can I at least abuse his balls a little?? She said as she delivered a gut wrenching slap to the balls in question, making me see white with pain and causing a loud ?FUCK!? to come out of my mouth.
?Of course you can, dear. Just don’t damage them, or slow their production down. As for you, young man, I’ll have no language like that in front of my friends!? With that, she gave me an identical ball slap.
I wisely bit my tongue, as all the girls laughed at my plight.
The first day of denial was almost nice. Especially after the brutal milking I’d received the day before, a day of recovery felt almost peaceful. The chastity tube stayed on all day. That didn’t stop the girls from keeping me stimulated though. They did everything they could to keep me hot that Sunday.
Sexy outfits, kissing, snuggling, lap dances. I got to watch Schoolgirl whip and then fuck Bob and Ponytail. The two of them then put on a world class lesbian live sex show for me, licking and sucking each other to orgasm after orgasm. Of course, I could only watch, impotent and locked away.
Of course, knowing my fetish, they all wore super hot boots all day. I was forced to worship all of their boots on several occasions.
Oh, did I become reacquainted with how uncomfortable a chastity tube can be! By the end of the day, I was ready to go back to the way things were. I was starting to feel like one of those cranky dairy cows who hadn’t been milked. My body was used to producing enough semen for 6 loads a day, and now it wasn’t going anywhere!
On Monday, the true teasing started. Where I had been forced to orgasm 5 times day, now I was teased to the edge for 5 HOURS a day.
It was a similar schedule. Tanya would wake me up and tie me to the bed, where she would remove the tube and then proceed to suck and stroke me on the shuddering, begging edge for an hour. I don’t know how, but I still held hope everytime I approached that she would have mercy on me and let me go over. Silly of me.
Re-caged, I would then go to work, and of course report to Schoolgirl’s house for lunch and my requisite ass fucking. Oh, how Schoolgirl loved this tormenting. She would leave me locked up while she fucked me. She took great joy in taunting me and laughing at my useless cock. Of course, I would be straining against the unyielding plastic.
Then, she would take the tube off and work and abuse my aching cock and balls until I was begging for release again. She would toy with me and pretend to bargain.
?Will you trade 5 shots to the nuts from my riding crop, if I promise to let you come?? She asked me once. ?YES! Please! I’ll take the 5 shots!? Of course, at some level I knew I was being tricked, but my desperate, hormone addled brain was not fully firing.
Without a word, she retrieved the crop and proceed to deliver a hard, stinging blow to my balls. I almost puked from the pain. After about 30 seconds for me to recover, shot number 2 came. I was not regretting my decicsion. ?No more, please, I’m sorry, no more!?
?Ahh, too bad. A deal’s a deal.? She said in a mocking voice.
Shot 3 came and I screamed and struggled to escape. I blubbered for her to stop. 30 seconds later, with unrelenting timing, Shot 4 came with an echoing thunderclap and more stars in my vision.
Tears of pain were coming, now, and there was a roaring in my ears. I begged her again to stop. I saw her lift the crop up as she said ?Too bad you are such a pussy! One more and I would have had to let you come!? She laughed as she threw the crop to the corner. ?Okay, back in that tube for you, limpdick!?
Of course, she always put the spikes in when she locked me back up. That made for a long afternoon at work every day. I was really starting to dislike that fucking bitch.
My drive home every afternoon was filled with anticipation and dread. Getting that goddamn tube, and especially those spikes, off was something to look forward to! The tube was never taken off unless I was bound, though.
But, I also knew that every evening would be a marathon of unquenched desire, sexual torment and humiliation, until finally, I would be locked back into that painful tube and allowed to try to go to sleep.
I guess I could give you long descriptions of the incessant edging and teasing that I received every evening for those 3 weeks. There was always at least one tormentrix there to keep me excited and making sperm. Sometimes more.
It became like a slumber party every night for those 3 weeks. Of course they would wear the sexiest lingerie. Boots, of course, were derigueur. I would be tied down, so the tube would be taken off, and then there would be hour after of sucking, licking, kissing, stroking, but never ever coming. Of course I was used for their pleasure, and I got to know each ladies’ pussy very, very well. Except Schoolgirl, of course.
Friday and Saturday nights we would all go out. Dinner, and dance clubs. Every guy in the club would look at me in envy. I mean, with these stunning women, all dressed up in full slut mode with tall boots and tiny little skirts, how could I not be the luckiest guy in the club? We would go on the floor and they would grind, grab, and kiss me. They were doing everything to drive me crazy. If only those other guys could know that hell I was in.
Of course the ?health drinks? continued, which made me even more hormone and desire addled.
By week two, I was almost insane with the desire to climax. By week three, I couldn’t function as a human being. Between the last 5 weeks of almost constant sexual stimulation, and the pent up desire from the last two weeks, I was now just walking around in an erotic haze. My balls, penis, and now greatly bloated prostate were the center of my universe.
It got so bad that all concerned decided I needed to take the last week before the ceremony off from work.
That just meant 8 more hours a day that I could be restrained and tormented.
So, finally the day of the ceremony came and none too soon.
We all pitched with the typical preparations for a party, such as food, ice, vacuuming, etc. A few hours before the festivities, Bob and Ponytail were told to get me ready. They quickly had me stripped and handcuffed and I was led into the large shower. I was slowly shaved and bathed, those little vixens made it a long, enjoyable, but of course frustrating process. No area was spared a good soaping and scrubbing.
Of course, they took the time to soap each other down liberally, and to multiple orgasms. It was fun for them, and they loved the look of stricken desperation on my face as they put on the show for me.
So here I was. Locked into the frame, greeting our guests, being held in a state of pre-orgasmic suspension by the rotating shifts of ?bridesmaids?.
Schoolgirl was an ordained minister from one of those internet deals, so she would be the one actually performing the ceremony and signing our marriage certificate. She had recently married two lesbians in a ?strap-on ceremony? and had offered something similar to us, but we declined.
The guests were a veritable who’s who of the fetish community. I knew many of them from the parties we’d been to, and recognized others from Race Weekend.
Steve and Mike were there with bells on. Literally. Mike was wearing nothing but a collar, a harness and bells hanging from his balls by little, painful looking clover clamps.
I recognized the little mousy guy with glasses from corral night and his mountain of a mistress. She was stuffed into a corset and skirt. The corset was such that literally pounds of her breasts were spilling out the top. He was following her, never allowed to get off his hands and knees, naked but for a pair of lacy panties as she pulled him along on the leash.
She asked Tanya for permission for him to kiss my balls. Tanya looked at me and politely refused. ?Pity, ?said the large woman, ?I like little Shithead here to see up close what a man looks like.?
Poor Shithead. Much later in the party I happened to see him tied over a hassock, sobbing uncontrollably as he was being taken up the ass by a very large African American gentleman. Said gentleman was also shoving his head down into the ass of a compatriot, presumably so Shithead could earn his nickname.
Millicent, Bob and Ponytail’s owner, was there of course. She did not care for me, still bitter about the races, I suppose, but she was good friends with Tanya. She still gave me a good hard scrotum flick when no one was looking. Tanya gushed in praise of the girls’ performance in getting me trained and prepared for the ?fireworks? tonight.
So the party commenced. At first, the bridesmaids were just keeping me hard, showing me off to the guests. But as the time for the fireworks show got nearer, they began getting a little more serious. They started bringing me closer and closer to the edge. With an hour to go before ignition, the true edging started.
Again and again I was held right at the tip of orgasm. The bridesmaids had taken me over, through and to the edge of orgasm so many times over the last 6 weeks that there would be no mistakes. They knew my bodies’ reactions better than I did. Plus, the big steel cylinder pulling my balls down made actually orgasm unlikely.
Much of the crowd had congregated to watch my torture. The women, especially the domes, shouted tips and encouragement ?Uh oh, almost slipped up there, honey!? ?Choke up on that bat a little more.? Witty clips like that.
My sexual desire was at a peak. The bridesmaids had worked me perfectly. I felt like if I didn’t get off right that second, I would go insane, or explode or something. I was beyond speech, beyond resistance, beyond hope. I could only make incomprehensible high pitched noises, especially when head work was being done. You would think that after all the attention it had received, my cock would be a little desensitized. In fact, just opposite. Because of the ?performance enhancing drug? regimen I had been on, maybe, and because the bridesmaids were really working the head, it seemed hyper-sensitive. The slightest touch would cause ripples to run through my body.
Finally, through my haze, I perceived that the time for the fireworks was almost near. Tanya walked over, slowly. Even through my blurred vision of sexual torment, she was a spectacle.
All lights had been turned off now, leaving the warm flickering of the many candles as the only source of light. The tricks of light and shadow lighting her from all angles made her seem even more of an dark, ethereal vision.
She had a leather corset, beautifully hand made that showed her muscular curves of perfectly. The black leather pants were also custom fitted to her powerful lower body were like a second skin, without a sag or wrinkle. Her knee high black leather boots on tall stiletto heels were polished to a mirror finish. Her hair and makeup were professionally done. She looked like she was straight from a fetish fashion magazine photo shoot.
She knew it too, as she strode confidently into the circle around me. I had been the center of attention, the room focused on my plight. Now all eyes were turned to her. I was merely a sideshow compared to the raw power, confidence, and sexuality she was projecting to the room. Silence fell.
Not just the silence that was the absence of noise, like in an empty room. This was a profound silence. A group holding of breath. Not a shuffle, not a cough or throat clearing. The whole world had stopped, stunned, bludgeoned, into silence by the raw power and beauty she presented it with.
Finally the silence was broken by the clicking of her long heels on the flagstones echoing through the large foyer as she strode around me, slowly. Her eyes turned to me and focused completely on mine. I could see the sparkle in them and could tell that it was all worth it. She was happy, and that’s what mattered to me.
She clicked slowly up to me, hamming it up for the crowd a little by drawing her gaze up and down my bound form, that predatory look back on her face.
She came to within touching distance and leaned forward with her bright, glossy, red lips right next to my ear and whispered, very quietly, so no one could hear, ?I love you, little straight boy. Thank you for this and our life together.?
She then kissed me, hard, on the lips, and turned with a flourish back to the crowd.
?Friends, dominants, slaves, thank you for coming to our collaring ceremony. I’ve talked to many of you over the past two hours and I know you are excited for tonight’s events. First off, let me tell you how honored I am that each one of you would be here to share this special time with us.
?Next, l would like to thank my soon to be slave for what he has endured for me, for us, over the last 6 weeks. We spent 3 weeks making him climax a minimum of 5 times per day, if you can believe it. He actually begged to not come!? Laughter went around the room.
?But oh, let me tell you, it worked. You would not believe the volume we were able to achieve. Well, maybe you will. But that was the easy part. For the last 3 weeks, he has been on a strict chastity, tease and denial program.? A murmur went through the room. ?Yes, after getting his body used to coming 5 or 6 times a day, we then stopped it. Can you imagine the amount of fluid he must have built up? He did this simply because I told him to. That, among many other reasons, is why I love him, and why I want to make him my slave.?
There was some applause. While she had been giving the speech, the current Bridesmaid, Ponytail, had taken me one stroke away from finishing twice, and I was now sweating profusely. My ass was clenching around the steel intruder and my balls were unsuccessfully trying to climb their way through the steel imprisoning them.
Tanya walked over and put her hand gently on Ponytails hand that was stroking me. ?Thank you, honey. I’ll take it from here.?
Ponytail smiled and got up.
Tanya grabbed my cock in a hard grip and stood up on her tiptoes. She gave me a tender, loving kiss and whispered again ?I love you.? Again, no reply was expected, or even allowed from me.
?And now friends, before I take him as my slave, it’s time for the fireworks show. At precisely midnight you will see the single greatest male orgasm any of you have ever witnessed!Schoolgirl?? She gestured with her other hand.
Schoolgirl handed her the allen wrench necessary to remove the stainless tube. I heard her heels click as she walked around behind me. ?Oh god? I thought, ?she’s going to the control panel.?
Tanya looked around, ?Mistress Katie??
?Yes Mistress Tanya.?
?You mentioned earlier that you would like your slave to be the recipient of what I think will be the largest single ejaculation ever witnessed? Is the cum bucket ready??
Mistress Katie tugged on the leash of the girl she had with her. She was very young, very wide eyed and very ball gagged. It was pretty obvious she wanted nothing to do with me, but she obediently went to her back on the flagstones in front of me. Her head was directly under my now freely hanging balls.
Suddenly I felt a tingle up my ass! Schoolgirl! There was 2 minutes left until midnight.
?Then let’s begin.? Tanya said.
She started stroking my well-greased cock faster. This was no tease, this was now someone relentlessly driving me to orgasm. I could have almost cried, the relief was so near.
60 Seconds.
The current was raised in my ass and I started moving my head from side to side and groaning. I was so close. Tanya’s relentless pace didn’t relent.
30 Seconds.
Every muscle in my body was firing off. My head started shaking back and forth and I could feel my balls start to contract up.
15 seconds
My whole body was on fire, I was pulling against every restraint, and my groans were in rhythm with Tanya’s hand.
As the crowd ticked off the last 10 second, I would have come anyway from Tanya’s skillful hands, but at 2 or 3 seconds left, Schoolgirl went to full power and my entire body convulsed. The world went white, my ears were filled with a roar and I think I was shouting.
It seemed as if every muscle in my body got short circuited. It was almost like being electrocuted. I have heard tantric sex aficionados claim they left their body. I now knew what the meant. I could swear I was watching from the ceiling myself as began pumping semen out.
Even though I felt disassociated, I also felt very present. I had no vision except for a bright light. My hearing was filled with a roar, even my senses of taste and smell were firing off.
Over and over again I felt my cock pump. Tanya never stopped driving her fist up and down, and current in my ass only intensified it.
It was, without a doubt the most intense, amazing, longest orgasm I have ever experience, before, or since. It was painful. It was wonderful. It was powerful.
Finally it was over. I went limp and hung in my bonds.
My first memory of the return to senses was the sound of Tanya sharply commanding?Schoolgirl!? The tingling in my ass went away.
I hung in my restraints for what seemed like forever. My head pitched forward, my chin on my heaving chest. I focused on one large drop of sweat as it hung on the end of my nose for one seconds before finally disappearing into space below me. Through my returning senses, I heard a clapping sound, then more, and suddenly the whole audience was clapping and whistling.
I looked up to see a sea of smiling faces. I glanced back down to see the poor girl underneath me. I could not believe the sheer amount of semen that covered her, literally from head to toe. She looked like she had been at an orgy. Rope after rope was running down her face, her hair, tits, belly, her thighs, even her toes. The idea that all that came out of me seemed ludicrous.She tried to smile at me around her ball gag, also with a little stream of white fluid running off it and down her cheek.
Tanya grabbed my sweaty head and put another kiss on my lips and just looked into my eyes lovingly. The applause died down. It was indeed the greatest fireworks show any of them had ever seen.
The cum bucket got up and went back to her mistress. Schoolgirl and Tanya undid my restraints quickly. I knew the script from here.
I fell to my knees at Tanya’s feet, and kissed her boots.
Schoolgirl took on a loud official tone. ?Worthless slave, do you have anything to ask Mistress Tanya??
?Yes. Mistress Tanya, I beg you to let me wear your collar and allow me to be your slave for the rest of my life.?
I bowed my head and felt the leather around my neck as Tanya buckled the collar around me. She said for all to hear ?I take you as my slave. You belong to me now.?
?So let it be known!?Schoolgirl shouted.
The applause was now thunderous. We were now married. I now belonged to her.
The next morning, Tanya and I woke up and made love.Just plain randy, newlywed fucking. We went out and had a nice breakfast, saw a movie, went shopping. We’d been gone most of the day.
As we rolled up to the house, late in the afternoon, Tanya turned to me with a wicked little smile and said ?I’ve got a little wedding present for you. I think you’re going to like it.?
?Oh? What is it?? I asked.
?Come with me and find out.?
She led me into the guest bedroom. I was not prepared for the sight of a naked woman, tightly spread eagled on the bed. Her pale white skin almost blended with the sheets. The smell of female arousal filled the room. The reason became obvious as I could see and hear the vibrators on her clit and in her pussy.
She heard us come in and raised her head as she was fruitlessly grinding her hips into the air. She was tightly ball gagged. She was trying to communicate her desperate need anyway.
That’s when I recognized her. I had never seen her naked before. ?Schoolgirl?!? I gasped.
?Hmmmm, yes.She’s for you. You may do anything you want to her.?
?Really? But how??
?Shhh? She put her finger to my lips. ?Don’t question. Just enjoy.?
I had similar experience that soured me to a scene like this so I walked over to Schoolgirl. ?Schoolgirl, what do you say? I’m not a rapist. I’m not going to fuck you unless I know it’s what you really want. Do you agree, or should I just walk out and let you enjoy your vibrators. I’m sure Tanya will set youloose.? I laughed a little. ?Eventually, anyway.?
She had obviously been worked up for quite a while, but the vibrators were not taking her over the edge. She snorted through her nose in disgust as she stared daggers at me. Finally she dropped her head back down and nodded in submission.
I exchanged amused glances with Tanya and started stripping down. She surreptitiously slipped me a bottle of lube, knowing exactly what I had in mind.
As I climbed on the bed, between her legs I started talking to her. ?Schoolgirl, do you know what the last 6 weeks have done for me?? I said as I started pouring some lube on my fingers.
She looked up at me pathetically. ?mmmmmm? was all she could answer through the shiny red ball jammed into her mouth.
I pulled the vibrator out of her pussy, and tossed it on the floor.
?Thanks to you guys, I’ve been turned into a bit of a sexual superman.?
I took some of the lube and started spreading it liberally on my fully excited cock.
?With your help, I’ve gained the ability to stay hard for HOURS and control my orgasm. What that means is that I can fuck you all night without stopping.? I said this to her as climbed on top of her. She was thrusting her pussy up and my cock briefly strayed into it.
I reached down, and with some willpower, pulled my cock out of her sopping pussy. Her eyes widened as she realized what I was doing as I guided my cock lower. I pushed through the resistance, and her eyes grew wide. Was it pain, or fear? I didn’t really care. She pulled hard at her bonds, knowing that her fate was sealed. Her scream of protest was easily muffled by the gag as I buried myself as deep into her ass as I could with one hard thrust.
Oh, did she have this coming. Unfortunately she is not one to forget something like this. But that is another tail.
Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Mall By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over...
Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Right By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned...
Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path to the Left By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned...
Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path Ahead By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over all...
Hi I am Kahif. Aap sab ka buhut buhut shukria aap nay meri story Foji say gand marwai pasan ki aaj jo main story sunany ja raha hun bilkul true story hai aur foji say gand marwany kay kuch time baad ki hai. Foji kay moty lund nay meri gand zakhmi kar di thi aek hanta tak main rozana apni gand par cream mallam lagata raha. Hoa yunaek din mai school say ghar aaraha ha jun ka maheena tha garmi buhut sakht thi achanak aek honda accord car mery pas akar ruki main nay car kay andar dekha tao aek koi...
Mera naam Amjad Aala hai…aur mein Nawabshah-Pakistan ka rehne wala hoon…parhne ke liye mujhey mere parents ne Karachi ke aik college mein daal dia tha….aur mein idher hostel mein rehta tha….mere gher walley tau bahut door rahtey thay…..mein iss waqt first year inter science mein parhta hoon…..meri age isswaqat 18 saal hai….. Mein 5’8″ lamba….dubla patla larka hoon….meri class walle muhe “chikna” keh ker chairte bhi hain….Ek din mein humare kooch doosto ke saat unke gher birthday party per gaya...
Yeh bilkul sach story hai jab main sal ka tha aek din main bus main ja raha tha aek pathan mery peechy aakar kar khara ho gaya bus main kafi rash tha aksar bus ko jhatka lagta wo pathan ka lund seedha meri gand par aa lagtakafi der pathan rash ka faeda authaty hooy apna lund meri gand par pherta raha kuh der baad pathan nay mujs say poocha tum kahan jati hai main nay main sadar watch khareedny ja raha hun pathan kaha hamra watch ka dukan hai hum tum free mai watch day ga tum hamary saath chalo...
His days settled into a routine over the next few weeks. Up at dawn, calisthenics and a shower before heading to school. Zoe continued to pop up at the most unexpected times of the day, and of course in their three common classes. She had even, how exactly he still wasn't sure, had arranged it so they had the same lunch hour and drew him, inexorably, into her circle of friends. Her friends were all very nice, he thought, but Zoe was most definitely the point about which all others orbited....
When he arrived at school the next day, ready to start his in-school detention, Zoe was waiting for him on the front steps. When she saw him walk up, she grinned and ran to him hugging him and giggling. "So what happened? Is your mother angry? What did your dad say? Are you getting punished?" Zoe seemed to have a thousand questions. "We talked, no, not much, no..." James said, smiling at her confusion as she tried to link his answers to her spate of questions. "Awesome!" she yelled,...
When he got home, his mother and father were eating breakfast and called to him when he came in. His mind on Zoe, he didn't think about how he was dressed and he entered the kitchen. "Morning mum, dad. Sorry about spoiling your date night last night." "My god son, when did this happen?" James looked around, not understanding at first, then saw his father staring. "I know it had been a while since we both worked out together, but ... wow. You are in amazing shape!" "Oh ... um,...
He stayed in the hospital for three days, test after test were done and getting any real information out of the staff was almost impossible. He resorted to pushing, forcing the doctor to trust him, that he was his friend, his confidant, before he could overcome the man's professional reticence. The tests all came back normal except for a cat scan that showed an abnormal swelling in his occipital lobe, just over his left eye. Where the pain had been, both in the hallway fight at school and...
Their return to school was greeting with whispers and looks, stories having circulated, though most of them were way off base. Still, they were the subject of much debate and even more gossip. Zoe's friends were ecstatic to have her back smiling again, maybe not back to her old self, but on the way. There were cool around James at first, not sure how things had developed but when Zoe plopped down in his lap at lunch, they were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. The only downside...
At Zoe's house, he insisted on carrying her inside and placed her on the living room couch. They had been carrying on a silent conversation the whole trip, mostly reassuring each other, swapping apologies and endearments. James smiled at her, hating that it had happened this way but feeling closer than ever, better grounding and better connected. 'I think we might have to show this to your mom, Zoe.' "Oh! Maybe you are right. But what about dad? Stacy?' 'I don't know your dad well,...
It had something to do with the tattoos. What, exactly, he didn't know, but the tattoos were stuck in his mind. The ink, the design, the placement ... what? He made his way to the weight room, stripping off his shirt and stretching, trying to let his mind wander. He did some of his best thinking in here, barring that whole dark stretch after the mall incident. The concentration on the weights, on his form, his focus on each muscle group and, eventually, each muscle. The feeling of his fists...
Since they needed an adult to sign off on Zoe getting a tattoo, they decided that Stacy would go first. Before they could make that happen, there were several things that needed to be accomplished, not the least of which was getting their hands on the right kind of ink and making sure it would actually take a 'charge'. Stacy thought she had the right person to talk to. James had been a bit shocked, and saddened, when he realized that his link with Stacy would prevent her from returning to...
The next three days were filled by experimenting with the various inks. Each free moment James had between their new home-school classes, working out and eating, he was in his room, researching and examining the various compounds. He found that some seemed to be more responsive than others and, when he had Zoe ad Stacy in gestalt with him, he even found a couple that looked as if they would be ideal. The remaining problems were easily laid out, but the solutions were a bit harder to come...
Getting time to talk was easier than James had thought. Ailene and Stewart said they wanted time to think about the situation with the three of them, discuss it among themselves. Stacy grabbed James's hand and pulled him up from the couch, gathering Zoe and Sally, and they all went upstairs to Stacy's room "Guys? Can I ask? I know that this is all private stuff, but I thought for sure that Zoe was pulling my leg this morning..." Sally let her question tail off, her eyes still wide from...
(Thanks to Gordon for his editing suggestions!) "I understand, Zoe. I am not part of you, of your family, but I had so much fun last night." Sally was grinning, looking much more relaxed today and she snuggled with Zoe in the middle seat of the SUV. They were on their way to meet with the tattoo artist, Angie. Zoe and Sally were discussing the group dynamic, the relationship between Zoe, Stacy and James. "I would really like to, well, spend more time with you guys." she said, looking...
Zoe was convinced that the crisis had been adverted and that Sally was going to be fine now, but James wasn't as sure. Together, the trio had managed to pull Sally out of the downward spiral, but there was still a maelstrom brewing in her head. He had the feeling that there was a lot more going on in her mind than her father abandoning her and her mother's drunken, but still tragic, death. She was going to need professional help, not just the loving support of her friends, though she would...
'Master... ' 'Baby girl?' 'I did a bad thing.' Zoe's tone was more playful that remorseful though, so James had to wonder what she was up to. 'Oh? something that might rate, oh, I don't know ... a spanking?' he sent, playing along but curious to see where this would go. He had a moment confusion though, wondering when he had stopped just looking into her mind whenever he wanted, instead waiting to let her share what she needed to share. It had been a subtle change, but not one of...
Zoe was stretched out on the bed, stark naked, her skin flush with desire. She had one hand slowly diddling her clit and the other was tweaking her nipples, pulling and twisting first one, then the other. Sally was laying there on her side, her head propped up on one arm, her shirt nowhere to be seen and her panties pulled partially down, one hand snaked between her legs and obviously busy with her own pussy. Except where Sally had one leg crossed over and resting on Zoe's ankle, they...
"On one condition." Sally grinned, her eyes bright with mirth. "And that is... ?" 'That sometimes, in here, where no one else can hear ... I can call you Daddy.' "What!?" James's eyes shot wide open, his face pale. 'Well?' 'No, no, no, no, no! Why would you ask that?' James's mental voice was sputtering, balking at the idea. Sally kept her forehead in contact with his, their eyes locked. She smiled softly. 'It doesn't matter why. It is my only condition.' James just...
(Thanks to PapaKilo14 and Gordon Johnson for their editing help) The four of them stayed around to help the twins cleanup after the party, picking up the inevitable litter, storing the supplies and left-over food and collapsing tables for storage. With six sets of hands, it didn't take long and when they were done, they piled into their SUV with the grateful thanks of their hostesses. They were all worn out, a long day of sun, swimming and dancing had taken its toll, so the ride home was...
When James got up to run in the morning, waking before Zoe for once, he extracted himself from the pile of sleeping girls and stood there for a moment looking fondly at them. He couldn't help but admire the sight, three sexy, sleepy woman and he had half a mind to dive back in. He had been horribly lax in his exercise regimen though and, with a sigh of regret, he threw on some shorts, a shirt and his shoes and headed out. As he ran on the treadmill, his mind wandered back to his discussion...
James had reservations about 'performing' in front of a group. It was different when it was him and the three lovers, that was a group activity in which they all participated. This was going to be a performance, and in front of three relative newcomers, one of them who may be completely innocent. He paused before he reached the bottom of the stairs and cast his mind out, reaching into the minds of Doris, Angie and Scarlett. Doris was watching the porn video with avid interest. She was...
The first Board of Directors meeting of the Oculus Group Inc. was set for Monday at one in the afternoon. It was late enough for James and the girls to get back from school, but early enough for them to have plenty of time to cover all of the topics that needed to be discussed. The first order of business was for Donovan Manning to have them all review the mountains of paperwork he and Stacy had generated! In addition to the business license, the consultants certifications, insurance forms,...
Sally had been pretty quiet throughout, except for mentioning her father, but she broke in to the conversation sounding excited. ‘James look! It’s easy to see which memories are the newest.’ James tried to shift his point of view to hers, but he saw the same thing he had been seeing. The vast shifting field of emotional ‘ribbons’, the interlocking lines of thoughts and the pulsing trails of the processes that represented the body’s physical makeup and function. ‘I’m not sure what you’re...
Sally, full of fury, was red-faced and screaming at the top of her lungs, her hands curled into claws. James, unable to think, reacted instead. He sent a burst of power down that slender thread that remained, forcing every erg of his being into Sally’s mind. There, wrapped around her emotions, tangled in the fibers of her very being, was a mass of emerald threads, all tying into a single emerald-colored cable that stretched off through the wall, out of the hotel and into the city. Without...
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Crossdressing‘There is a title’, Zax’s voice quivered. The first thing that popped up from the minimal information he could gather from the second subject was a five words title, brimming with immense excellence as if it was part of a divine existence. ‘Legacy Of The One’s Path. Zax said in trepidation. He clearly could not calmly handle the bits of the decrypted second subject in his possession. Merely staring at the information floating in his sea of consciousness aroused a sense of obeisance, in a...
OFF THE BEATEN PATH My name is Toby and I am a 29 year old gay forced bisexual 24/7 collared sex slave, I have been owned by Master T and Mistress N, for 5 year 7 months and 9 days. They are a newly young 50's retired D's couple. Every second of my servitude has been greatly explored and tested and very much enjoyed. This is a story of just one of my many adventure with exploring bondage with my Master and Mistress. I met Master Tom while working in an area hospital, he was a continuing...
It was the start of summer break from college and the weather had finally started to get nice out. Just before the Spring semester ended, I had overhead a couple of gay dudes whispering in the library about a cruising spot not too far from campus. They were describing the bike path that ran along the river just a little past the apartment building complex and before bus transit station. I knew the area pretty well because the bus I usually take to get home from school crosses over the bike...
It was the start of summer break from college and the weather had finally started to get nice out. Just before the Spring semester ended, I had overhead a couple of gay dudes whispering in the library about a cruising spot not too far from campus. They were describing the bike path that ran along the river just a little past the apartment building complex and before bus transit station. I knew the area pretty well because the bus I usually take to get home from school crosses over the bike...
This story takes place in the same world as my story Twisted. Twisted Pink "Go long," I called to my friend Cody as I threw a football as hard as I could. Cody ran down the length of the long yard beside my house, missing the ball and earning a few good-natured insults. "What's the matter?" I teased him. "Wash your hands with butter again?" "No Mark, you just need to learn how to throw better," Cody called back with a broad grin. Cody and I were best friends, having known each...
Twisted - The Milky Way ElrodW A young man, stuck in an orphage, suddenly twists into a girl, and not just any girl, but a girl with special powers and compulsions with infants.and an embarrassing condition. Because the order running the orphanage hates Twisted, he's thrown out to a crisis shelter. Worse, a doctor starts to suspect that she's twisted and has a special trick. Now, she has to figure out how to escape a web of intrigue and blackmail, and hopefully, find someplace safe...
Twisted By Morpheus I stifled a yawn, hoping that my English teacher didn't see how bored I was with his lecture. I couldn't help it though because he had one of those monotone voices that just burrowed into your skull and forced you to fall asleep. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford to antagonize him since I'd gotten a D in this class on my last report card and my parents would skin me alive if I got another one. Even though I tried to pay attention, my mind continued to wander....
=== Twisted Throwback === by Trismegistus Shandy This novel is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Twisted universe. It's set about a generation later than his "Twisted," "Twisted Pink," etc. A somewhat different version was serialized on the morpheuscabinet2 mailing list in January-April 2014. Thanks to Morpheus, Maggie Finson, D.A.W., Johanna, and JM for beta- reading earlier drafts. Thanks to Grover, Paps Paw, and others who commented on the earlier serial. This work...
Clifford Sutton had been dead for over four days now, and he was not enjoying it. He had died at the hands of a man and woman in an airport restroom in Baltimore, Maryland. Since then he had been given some simple instructions and a cell phone, flown all the way across the country, left the airport while his luggage endlessly rode the carousel, and was now walking along the city streets of Los Angeles, California in the early hours of Monday morning, waiting for the call to end his...
Kara walked into the kitchen before dawn, the smell of coffee and eggs and sizzling bacon rich in the air. Ellen walked over to her without speaking and gave her a very prolonged and fierce hug. Mark's father Tom looked slightly surprised at the intensity of the emotions his wife was showing, but otherwise just nodded his greeting at Kara and smiled. Kara caught Mark's eyes, and she realized Mark had found the time to tell his mother about the horrors in Kara's childhood. Kara felt...
Hello all iss readers.Thanks to all those who read my last stories and those who mailed me.Aap loko ko malum hai ki muje sardar lok bahuth pasand hai.Wo sab meri pathi army me dhe thab ki bath hai.Fir wo muscat me kam karne gaya udhar fi meme sardar ko doond nikala aur unse chuthuwayi. Ab meri pathi muscat se wapas ghar aagaye.Unka age 60 hogaye aur kuch beemari fi hai.Meri age 47lambayi 5ft 7 inch moti hum.Mem 38 ki bra aur 42 ki panty pahanthi hum.Savle rang lambi bal aur moti lips fi hai.Mem...
The Summerland Path "Y caead llwybr, Na Sidhe, Na Dynol, Geni daear, Geni Tir na Nog Medru dro Cyd-rhwng" "The path is closed, no Sidhe or man born of Earth or Summerland will bear memory of the linking roads." -Eremon's curse I. The Gwaun Valley, Wales, Late evening, February. The old one rested her white wispy haired head in the crook of the overstuffed chair and closed her eyes. Kerrdia's cheeks were warmed rosy by the crackling fire in the hearth and...
Nat and the Telepath (c) 2008-2010 by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or mailing list. You can also create derivative works, including adaptations to other media, or new stories using the same setting, characters and so forth, as long as you mention and point to the original story and release your own adaptations or new...
Over five hundred years ago, the Andromeda galaxy collided with the Milky Way, causing the near destruction of the human race. A series of tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornados ripped the Earth to pieces. Those who were unable to get to the shelters perished in the cataclysmic natural disasters. The small number of humans who managed to seek refuge underground struggled to exist in the dark caverns miles below the irradiated surface. In order to adapt, several genetic mutations...
SupernaturalHiding behind the bushes, I thought to myself: " FUCK!!! Where the hell is that bitch?" It was 5:15 am and the sun would be up soon. In another 15minutes I would lose my cloak of darkness. It had been a week since I last buried my cock in some pussy. My nine inch black cock throbbed with anticipation as I looked down the path through the bushes waiting for my prey. I was on another one of my hunts, and my prey was the white man's most treasured asset, the white woman. How I love white women!...
The following is based in Morpheus' `Twisted` universe, written with permission. I'm classing this as non-canon but if Morpheus were to declare otherwise, I would be chuffed to bits. Twisted Princess - Part 1 In a world where superpowers are common place and anybody could gain them, who could be trusted? How would you fight the ones who used their powers for selfish deeds? Would you be able to trust the ones who claimed to do good? In a world where anybody could have...
Hello I am Tasha as it is my sissy name.I am 18 and fair color with big kinda butts and a kind of breasts when I lie sideways. Will tell the story in Desi language. Ye kahani h meri m school m thi(tha) un dono. Main yhan apni maa aur baba k sath rehta tha and humaray yhan aik pathan kaam kartay thay kafii salon se. Aikdin papa mulk se bahar chalay gayeee job k liye 5 ssaaal k lite. Meri Ammi Koi Bari sexy hain unki Bari ass hai aur boobs b.tight saari phnnay ki shoqeen kafii.khair pathan uncle...
Hi friends, meri first story ko pasand kerke mujhe dher sare mails bhehne ke liye aap sab ko thanks a lot. Ahmedabad ki kisi bhi bhabhi ya ladki ko real afghani pathan ka lund test kerna ho to mail me at Now ab story per aata hu. Ye baat he un dino ki jab me apne finance k buissness me bahot buzy tha buissnes acha chal raha tha ek din me apni office me betha tha aur mere ek agent ka call aaya ki bhai aap kaha ho mene kaha me office per hu to usne bataya ek costomer he jo aap se milna cahta...
Ye meri pehli story he aur ye sirf Ahmadabad ki un bhabhiyo aur ladkiyo k liye he jinhe asli pathan ka lund apni bhose me lene ki khwaish ho or jo koi ladki ya bhabhi ye cahti ho wo mujhe mail ker sakti he per Now coming to the story Ye takriban 4 sal pehle ki baat he me ek muslim area me rehta hu city me so waha sare ghar kafi pas pas hote he aur mere pados me ek ladki nayi nayi rehne aayi thi usdin me 12 baje utha tha aur apni maid ko nashta banane k liye bola aur me apni balcany me khada...
HAPPINESS ???? HAPPINESS???? by Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ??????? ???? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected] ???? (MF,...
The Telepath Chronicles Part Two:-Above All Else Do No Harm By Hypatia I had asked for your views as to continuing this story in the introduction to the first one?but due to other responsibilities, proofing has taken a little longer than normal. Authors take note here those people we rely on ?The Proofers? are real people, with real lives. Send them a note to say how much you appreciate them?go on they deserve it. Anyway, to get back to my introduction, I began to listen to...
The life of a black man living in the United States of America is never easy. Trust me, I know. It’s one of a few things I can truly speak of with experience. However, it can be done. No need for bitterness when faith, courage and intelligence can get us through most of life’s tribulations. Let no one tell you otherwise. My name is Jackson Saint Michel and this is my story. Many people make assumptions when they meet me. I stand six feet six inches tall, broad-shouldered and muscular, with...
Clinic of happiness julie I read about possibility of attractive work the notice on one of islands of Caribbean Sea. I wrote E - mail and waited impatiently on answer . She came quickly .I was invited on preliminary conversation already in tomorrow's day. I waited on this what impatiently it has to happen tomorrow. I got up morning dressed in favourite skirt and blouse .I on foot put my new sandals on small heel .I got to taxi...
She made her way into the seat where she always sat. It was behind and a few over and given the nature of the desks in the room I couldn’t see her legs. That drove me even further of the edge and I had made a decision. It was a bit reckless, but I needed to. This girl’s name is Jocelyn. She’s 20 years old. She has short red hair and wears those glasses with the big frames that hipsters like to wear. Besides the maroon tights, she was wearing a white button up top with a gold pattern on...
Melinda was a single mum whose life had been average — at least, as she defined average — until she met her new partner, Shane. Everyone around her had typical relationships where the man does his thing, the woman does hers, and the only interaction is part of daily routine. Shane brought a passion and excitement to her life; he wanted to share in every part of her life. She had never had a lover so intense.Shane was an intellectual who had a high-pressure job with a lot of responsibility, who...