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???? by Zebulon



This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is

intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery

and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it.


This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper

credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted,

and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is

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???? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected]


???? (MF, FF, NC, Bond)


*?? *?? *?? *?? *?? Start of Story?? *?? *?? *?? *?? *


I was tied up - literally.? I was naked and kneeling and

locked into some kind of strange construction.? My

hands were bound behind me and my mouth was

gagged.? I'm sure I looked a sight.? But Kyra told me

this is what Bill liked, so there I was.? And I didn't

know whether to feel humiliated, or scared, or excited.

Maybe a little of all three.? I know part of me was

thinking this was amazingly bizarre.? But the rest of

me was hoping against hope that this was the answer

I'd been praying for.? Everything was ready.? Kyra

was going to meet Bill when he got home and bring

him to me.? And oh yeah, my name is Allie.


All I really wanted was to make Bill happy.? We had

been married almost a year and I knew that something

was very wrong.? But until I talked with Kyra, I had

no idea what it might be. . . .? I suppose I'd better start

at the beginning.


I first met Bill at a party.? It wasn't a great 'love-at-

first-sight' moment, but I did find him attractive.? And

it wasn't just physical.? Oh, Bill was handsome

enough but he wasn't particularly tall.? That is to say

we're almost exactly the same height.? But I was very

attracted to his personality.? And the more we talked

the more I liked him.? He was smart and attentive and

funny.? He made me laugh and I liked that a lot.? And

there was something else about him.? Something I

wasn't able to put my finger on at the time.? But I

think there was a kind of lost puppy-dog quality about

him.? It made me want to take care of him.? Three

weeks after the party Bill proposed and I didn't have

to think twice before saying 'yes.'


I suppose you'd call that a whirlwind romance.? So I

didn't really know that much about him.? But I did

know about Kyra.? She'd been his long time girlfriend

before me.? In fact, they'd broken up shortly before

the party.? It had been an amiable split and they had

stayed good friends.? But there was nothing more

between them.? Really!? I mean I have never, ever

been bothered by Kyra.? Bill never gave me any

reason to be and neither did she.? He didn't talk about

her unless I asked.? And when I did ask he answered

all of my questions without looking the least bit

evasive.? The only thing he wouldn't talk about was

their sex life.? At first I thought he was just being

considerate of Kyra's privacy.


Bill didn't even invite Kyra to our wedding but I

figured they'd been together for such a long time she

deserved the courtesy.? So I found her address and

sent her an invitation.? Bill was a little surprised when

she came to the wedding.? I guess so was I.? But it was

no problem.? That was the first time I met her.? She

was half a head shorter then me and quite pretty.? But

there was also something powerful and intimidating

about her.


Almost surprisingly, Kyra and I became friends.? Not

close friends, but we'd talk from time to time.? And

she never imposed on our marriage.? She was never a

threat.? She never acted like she objected to me or that

she had any designs on Bill.? I really respected her for

that.? And that might have been all there was to it if

there hadn't been something wrong between Bill and



Our first year of marriage was good.? In fact it was

wonderful in most ways.? But there was definitely

something missing as far as sex was concerned.? I

could never seem to please him.? Oh, he was good

about it.? He never complained or asked me for

anything.? But I felt like a miserable failure.? In fact I

really wished he would have asked for something.

Maybe that way I would have been able to figure out

what was wrong.? But Bill just wouldn't talk about it.

He'd discuss anything else, but not that.


And I knew the problem wasn't me.? At least I was

pretty sure it wasn't me.? I'm not bad looking.? But

looks aside, I really love sex.? Oh, I know women

aren't supposed to.? At least not women who have

been properly brought up.? But I do.? I love it and I'm

responsive, and I'm appreciative.? I moan and cry out

when making love and I almost always have an

orgasm.? I never have to fake anything.? Men are

supposed to like that and I'm sure Bill did.? But I just

couldn't do the same for him.? And it was driving me

crazy.? I finally got the idea of asking Kyra.? Bill had

once said that sex had been the best part of his

relationship with her.?


So I called Kyra and we met for lunch.? At first I did

most of the talking.? And I kept talking without

getting to the point.? She didn't interrupt and she

didn't try to hurry me.? She just listened.? But I didn't

want to leave without an answer.? So I finally screwed

up the courage and asked her point blank, "Did you

and Bill have good sex?"


Kyra gave me the strangest smile like she knew this

was why I'd wanted to meet.? "Why do you ask?" she

said innocently.


I don't think she was trying to make me squirm.? I

think she just wanted to be sure of my reasons for

asking before she answered.? But I couldn't seem to

find the words.? I guess I looked pathetic.? Anyway,

she finally volunteered an answer.? "Great.? Our sex

was always great."? Then she paused thoughtfully and

went on, "But sex wasn't enough.? He wanted

something which I couldn't give him, and you

obviously could."? And as if to deflect any wounded

feelings she added, "I'm not unhappy about the way

things turned out.? All I ever wanted was for William

to be happy.? And if he's happy with you, I'm



I stalled.? "What did I have that you didn't have?? I

mean what was he looking for that I gave him?"


She gave me another funny, knowing look.? "Oh I

don't know, respectability maybe.? Or conventionality.

But that's not why you wanted to talk to me.? So tell

me, why are we here?"


I couldn't bring myself to put it into words and must

have just looked miserable again.


"He's not happy, is he?" Kyra asked.? "I mean he may

be happy with you, but there's something missing

when it comes to romance, isn't there?"


I just nodded.


"He pleases you, but you can't please him. ?Is that

about it?"


"Yes," I admitted with considerable relief.? I was

embarrassed but glad to have it out in the open.? And

I was very encouraged.? Kyra had guessed what was

wrong.? That would also mean she knew how to make

things right.? Wouldn't it?


"You want to please him," Kyra said, "don't you?"


"Yes I do."


"How much?" she asked.


"I beg your pardon?"


"How much do you want to please him?? How far are

you willing to go??


What was this?? I had no idea what she was talking

about.? But I knew Bill's happiness was my only

concern.? "I'll do whatever it takes," I said firmly.

"As long has he's happy, I'll be happy."


"And you'd do anything to make him happy?" she

asked with that amused expression.




She thought about that for a few silent moments.

Then she looked at me with a totally new expression.

It was like a combination of seriousness and

compassion.? "Don't answer too quickly.? Think about

it.? I'll think it over as well.? We'll talk again.? And if

you're still this serious, I'll help you with what you



And that was the end of lunch.? I went home baffled

but hopeful.? Bill and I made love that night but it was

worse than ever.? Sweet, romantic, and with

absolutely nothing to suggest he was enjoying himself

at all.


Two weeks passed.? Bill was at work when the phone

rang.? It was Kyra.? "You still want to know how to

turn William on??


"Yes," I said, "are you going to tell me?"


By way of answer she said, "He's going out of town

on business soon, isn't he?"


How did she know that?? "Yes he is."


"How'd you like to surprise him when he gets back

with something that will make him hotter than you've

ever seen him before?"


"You know I would."


There was a long, thoughtful pause.? "And you'll do

whatever it takes?"




"You've given this careful thought?"


"Yes, I have.? Why do you keep asking me that?? This

isn't going to involve anything dangerous, is it?"


She laughed.? "That depends on what you mean by

dangerous.? William and I had great sex and I'm still

here and in more or less one piece."


More mystery.? "Are you going to tell me?"


"No, but I'll show you."


"I beg your pardon?"


"It's not something I can 'tell' someone with no

experience.? But I'll come over and help you prepare

a surprise for him on the day he gets back.? I can

guarantee you'll really turn him on.? Would that be





"You answered too quickly.? I'm not convinced. . . .

Would you do exactly what I tell you?? No questions.

No arguments.? Just do whatever I say for the



This was definitely strange, but the whole situation

was strange.? And maybe it was some kind of test on

her part.? So I said OK.


Afterwards I wondered what she'd meant by

'someone with no experience.'


I didn't hear another word from Kyra until the

morning Bill was scheduled to return.? She called

early and told me to pamper myself.? She said to go

out and get my hair done, have a manicure, whatever.

Then I was to take a long hot bath in the evening and

to not get dressed afterwards.? Just throw on a robe

and be dry and ready for her at 8:00 pm sharp.? That

was only an hour or so before Bill was supposed to

get home.


"Should I eat first?"


"Please yourself."? And the phone went dead.


I went through the entire day in a kind of trance

wondering what was going to happen that evening.

And when the doorbell rang, precisely at 8:00, I was

in quite a state of excitement.? I hadn't even touched

myself the whole week Bill was away.? I wanted to be

really ready for him.? And like I said before, I'm

somewhat oversexed.? I generally bring myself off at

least once or twice a day when Bill is gone.? So

between my horniness and the mystery I was primed

and ready for anything.? Well, I thought I was ready

for anything.


When I opened the door there was a young man with

Kyra.? She called him Rick.? He was tall and blond.

And he must have been very strong because he was

carrying a large rectangular contraption like it

weighed nothing.? It looked like a conductor's podium

with a padded top and straps.? Kyra just smiled at me.

I pulled my robe tighter and let them in.? She went

directly to the den with the man following.? She

closed blinds, rearranged furniture, and had the man

set the platform down in the middle of the room.

Then she thanked him, kissed him on the cheek, and

sent him away.


I breathed a sigh of relief.? I thought the big secret was

going to involve some kind of three-way sex with the

young stranger.? I wasn't ready for that.? So maybe I

should have taken Kyra's warnings more seriously.

What *was* I getting myself into?


"Let's have a look at you," she said, after Rick left.


I was suddenly reluctant, but I removed my robe and

let Kyra appraise me with a critical eye.


"I can see one of the reasons why William finds you

so desirable.? You've got a much better body than



That may have been something of an exaggeration, or

perhaps just flattery.? I'm sure men found her at least

as attractive as they found me.


"OK," she said, "we don't have a lot of time so let's

get started."? She carefully positioned the podium

thingy and opened up the hinged board at the back.

The platform was a padded square and the hinged

business on the back was a stock kind of arrangement.

You know the stocks you see in woodcuts of old time

American punishments.? Pictures where some guy is

penned up for public humiliation with his head and

hands trapped between two planks of wood with

notches in them?? Well it was kind of like that, but the

wood was bolted to one side of the platform.


I swallowed hard and then got down and into position.

I knelt on the platform and put my ankles in the

notches.? Kyra lowered the top board and my ankles

were suddenly fixed in place.? I heard a lock snap

shut.? But the holes were padded just like the top of

the podium so it wasn't uncomfortable.? Well, not too



I swallowed again and waited to see what came next.

She cuffed my hands behind my back.? The cuffs were

padded too.? Then she positioned my knees so they

were well apart and she strapped each one down to the

platform.? I was totally exposed and helpless and had

never felt so vulnerable in my life.? I wanted to ask

what this was all about, but I already had half a

notion.? And besides, I'd promised, no questions.? A

moment later I couldn't have asked any questions if

I'd wanted to.? She came up behind me and pinched

my nose closed.? My mouth almost automatically

opened and with her other hand she pushed some kind

of gag into it.? She buckled the gag in place behind my

head and then moved around in front of me to have a



"Beautiful," She said.? Then she leaned forward and

kissed me on the forehead.? "William is going to love



That gave me encouragement.? During the whole time

we'd known each other I had no idea Bill was into this

kind of kinkiness.? But if this is what it took to really

turn him on, then so be it.? I just wanted him to be

happy.? He was wonderful and deserved it.? Besides,

in a very strange way all this was kind of turning me

on as well.


Kyra rearranged a few other things in the room; she

adjusted the lights.? Then she glanced at the clock and

walked off to the bathroom.? I heard her tinkering for

a long time.? A toilet flushed.? Water ran.? Then



Just as I was starting to get uncomfortable, I heard a

car pull up.? Bill's voice paying off the taxi driver.

Footsteps and a key in the front door.


"Hello, William."


"Kyra!? What are you doing here? . . . Like that?"


"Don't blame me.? It was your darling wife's idea."




"Allie.? You think she hasn't noticed something

missing in your sex life??




"Kyra, listen . . ."


"No William, you listen.? When you decided to break

things off, I didn't whine and I didn't complain.? I

knew it was a mistake, but I knew you weren't going

to learn until you found out for yourself.? Well it's

been a year now.? Are you happy??




"Do you think she's happy??


More silence.


"Well she contacted me and just about demanded to

know what it takes to get you excited."


"And you told her?"


"Better than that."






I heard the sound of footsteps approaching.? Kyra

entered first.? I was startled.? She was wearing some

kind of black leather outfit that left very little to the

imagination.? And there was something about it that

was almost frightening.? She looked like the guy in an

old roman movie who flogged slaves.? And she was

carrying one of those small whips that jockeys use on



Bill came in right behind her and didn't seem

surprised at all.? But Kyra was right.? He looked

hornier than I'd ever seen him.


Kyra let him look at me for a few moments and then

said, "OK then.? What's it gonna be?? It's your call

William.? This is Allie's idea, but it's your decision.

Do you want me to leave and you can work this out

between yourselves?? Or do you want me to follow



I had no idea what she meant by this, but Bill

obviously did.? He seemed torn.? He looked into my

eyes.? "You're doing this for me?"


I nodded.


"To make me happy?"


I nodded again.


"And you know what you're getting into?"


I really thought I did so I nodded once more.


Bill shrugged.? I could see an enormous bulge in his

pants.? "Well then . . . OK, Kyra.? You're in charge."


That surprised me.? I thought he was going to tell her

to leave.


"Strip!"? Kyra said in a firm tone.? And Bill quickly

removed his clothes.? Who would have guessed he'd

be turned on this way?? But he looked great.? His

member was standing harder and firmer than I'd ever

seen it.


Once he was naked Kyra moved over to him and

grabbed his penis with one hand.? That made me a

little jealous.? And for the first time, too.? She began

stroking him and was looking at me.? "Nice isn't it?"


I gulped and nodded.


"You're going to suck this for him, aren't you?"


I nodded enthusiastically and with relief.? So she was

just there to order us both around.? I guess Bill was

turned on by strong women.? Well I was going to be

his strong woman after Kyra was gone.


She moved toward me pulling Bill along by his penis.

She put her little whip under my chin and tilted my

head back so that I was looking directly into her eyes.

"You're going to suck him real good until he cums,



I had to swallow hard on that one before I nodded.? I

hated the idea of Bill coming in my mouth.? But if I

needed to do it to satisfy him. . .? I guess that's why

Kyra was so insistent that I agree to follow all her

directions before she'd help me.


She released his penis and squatted down by my side.

She grabbed by chin with one hand and swatted me

very hard on the thigh with her whip.? I yelped

through my nose with pain and surprise.? "You're

going to let him cum in your mouth and you're going

to swallow it all down, aren't you?"


I gulped again and didn't know what to say.? The idea

sickened me.


She swatted me again with her whip.? "Aren't you?"


And I nodded quickly and emphatically.? I didn't want

to get whipped anymore.


Kyra held the whip in front of my face.? "When I take

your gag out all you're going to say is 'please let me

suck your dick Master William.'? Got it?"


I quickly nodded.


?If you say anything else, I'm going to be very

unhappy.? And if I become unhappy I'm going to start

whipping your tits."


I was trembling as she undid the gag.


"Please let me suck your dick, Master Bill."


Kyra swatted my leg again.? "William!"


"Master William," I corrected.? "Please let me suck

your dick Master William."


And Bill stepped forward and put his penis in my

mouth.? His penis isn't that long, but it's very thick.

I like it, especially when he's inside of me.? He held

my ears almost like handles and literally started

having intercourse with my mouth.? I'd always sucked

his penis before.? This was different.? But he was

definitely hotter than I'd ever seen him.? And

somehow this didn't surprise me.? What did surprise

me was that while Bill was doing this, Kyra reached

down between my legs and started massaging my

private area.? My first instinct was to protest, but my

mouth was full.? And besides, I'd agreed to anything

without question.


So I continued to lubricate my mouth as best I could

and tried to help as Bill plunged more and more quickly

into me.? And very quickly Kyra started getting results

from her manipulations.? She was very good at this.

I found that I was getting as hot as Bill seemed to be.

I was thinking that maybe it had been a mistake not to

play with myself for a whole week.? There was

something about the situation.? It was weird, but I

couldn't deny my reactions.? I could feel my cuffed

hands against the base of my spine.? My armpits were

starting to perspire.? The sounds of Bill's passion were

thrilling to me.? The feel of his leg hair against my

breasts was an incredible turn-on.? I was on the verge

of cumming.


But Kyra seemed to sense this and stopped what she

was doing.? She pinched one of my nipples hard.? My

orgasm died before it erupted.? I was still hot, but I

wasn't about to cum.? But Bill did.? He exploded in

my mouth.? And it wasn't as bad as I thought it would

be.? I gulped as quickly as I could and tried not

thinking about what it was I was swallowing.

Besides, Kyra had me so horny, I wasn't that bothered

by it.


After a minute or so, Bill was finished.? His semi-

flaccid penis slipped out from between my lips and he

backed off on trembling legs and fell into a big chair.


He was happy.? And so was I.? I wasn't sure how all of

this was supposed to work once Kyra was out of the

picture.? But I knew we'd think of something.


Kyra had stopped fingering me when Bill had cum.

But I still hadn't cum and could feel drops of my own

moisture running down the insides of my legs.? Kyra's

hand came up, drenched in my own fluids, and

grasped me with slippery fingers by the chin again.? I

was panting with exertion and lust.? She held the whip

up in front of my face and then extended one finger

and held it to her lips in a shushing gesture.? "Not a

word.? Understand?"


I almost said, 'Yes' but instead nodded.


"Good girl."


"Well William?"? Kyra said.? "It's your call.? Allie

wants you to be happy?"


Bill looked over at me with more love and

contentment than I'd ever seen in him before.? "Are

you sure?" he asked.


'Sure about what?' I wondered.? But I had to make an

answer and I wasn't supposed to talk.? So I just

nodded again.


William shrugged and said, "OK, Kyra.? You were

right and I was wrong.? You win."


'Win what?' I wondered.? What exactly had just



Kyra stood up.? "OK . . . ."? She looked down at me

and holding her whip for me to see said, "Not a

word."? Then she looked at Bill and ordered him to,

"Get cleaned up.? It's been well over a year for you so

I know one little blow job isn't enough."? They both

laughed.? "Wait for me in the bedroom and I'll be in

soon and take good care of you."


What the hell was this?!? "But, Bill . . .," I blurted out.


A blinding pain came over me as the hot lash of her

whip slashed across my chest.? I started to scream and

a moment later I felt the gag rammed back in place.

I tried to fight, but I was helpless.? But I kept

protesting as best I could.? Kyra held up the whip

again.? But I didn't stop yelling behind the gag.? That

is I didn't stop yelling until she started whipping me

some more.? It was horrible.? But I quickly learned and

was silent.? Well, I was crying and sobbing, but no

longer screaming.


"Better," said Kyra.


Bill was standing at the door and looking back at me.

Why hadn't he come to my rescue?


"Get," said Kyra.? Bill, looked troubled and undecided

for a moment, but then turned and left.


I groaned but didn't otherwise protest.


Kyra got up and looked thoughtfully into my face.

Then she found her bag and pulled out a cell phone.

She punched some buttons.? "OK, Rick" she said.? "It

looks like we're going to need the van after all. . . .

Uh huh, same address. . . ."? She looked back at

me and then at the clock.? "Oh, say about half an

hour. . . .? Right.? I'll let you know where to take her

when you make the pick-up. . . .? Bye."? She pushed

another button and put the phone away.


Kyra pulled a small chair over and sat right in front of

me.? "Well, Allie," she said, "you wanted William to

be happy and he's happy.? And he's going to stay that

way."? I was weeping over and around my gag.? I

looked down.? Kara swatted me on the top of my head

with the whip.? "Look at me."? I looked into her eyes.

They were amused, but cold.


"Now *you* have a decision to make.? And it will be

the last decision you will ever have to make."? A cold

chill ran through me.? "You can go one of two ways.

I can have you sent to work in a brothel in some third

world country.? You'll probably end up hooked on

drugs and will definitely find the work taxing."? She

paused for me to think about that.? "Or I can have you

trained as a sex slave and placed with a good owner.

Your training will bind you more thoroughly than

drugs, but you'll have a cleaner, nicer environment,

and the work will be more . . ." she paused to think of

the right word and then said with amusement, ". . .



"If you chose the brothel, all you have to do is sit

there.? Sit and wait quietly or sit and fight.? It won't

make any difference.? But if you want to become a sex

slave nod your head.? I'll remove your gag and you

can practice your new career by licking me until I

cum."? Then she said with menace in her voice, "But

if you nod your head and then give me any shit at all,

the gag goes back, I'll whip you silly, and the brothel

it will be.? So what would you like?"


How did this happen?? What had I done wrong?? What

was I supposed to do?? The seconds crawled by.? I

lowered my eyes and nodded once.


I felt Kyra pat my head.? "Good girl."? She reached

down and removed my gag.? I was careful to remain

silent.? I heard something snap and looking up saw her

panties were off.? I could see her pubic area right in

front of my face as I kneeled before her.? Her hair was

thick and silky and slick with her own juices.? I could

smell her scent.? She rubbed her clitoris for a few

moments and then carefully spread her pubic hair

away to the sides so that I would have good access.


I'd never done this before.? Never.? What choice did

I have?? I carefully leaned forward and brought my

mouth down to her wet flesh.? My mind was racing

furiously but going nowhere.? My tongue was moving

slowly.? I felt Kyra reach down and give my earlobe a

hard pinch.? "Come on, Allie, you can do better than

that."? So I closed my eyes and tried to do with my

tongue what I usually do to myself with my fingers.

Kyra sat back and sighed.


As I got into a rhythm, I could hear water running in

the bathroom.? William was taking a shower.? Kyra

hadn't lied.? I knew he would be happy.


*?? *?? *?? *?? *?? End of Story?? *?? *?? *?? *?? *



???? by Zebulon


This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper

credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted,

and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is

being posted.


???? by Zebulon



This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is

intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery

and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it.


This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper

credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted,

and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is

being posted.


???? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected]


???? (MF, FF, NC, Bond)


*?? *?? *?? *?? *?? Start of Story?? *?? *?? *?? *?? *


I was tied up - literally.? I was naked and kneeling and

locked into some kind of strange construction.? My

hands were bound behind me and my mouth was

gagged.? I'm sure I looked a sight.? But Kyra told me

this is what Bill liked, so there I was.? And I didn't

know whether to feel humiliated, or scared, or excited.

Maybe a little of all three.? I know part of me was

thinking this was amazingly bizarre.? But the rest of

me was hoping against hope that this was the answer

I'd been praying for.? Everything was ready.? Kyra

was going to meet Bill when he got home and bring

him to me.? And oh yeah, my name is Allie.


All I really wanted was to make Bill happy.? We had

been married almost a year and I knew that something

was very wrong.? But until I talked with Kyra, I had

no idea what it might be. . . .? I suppose I'd better start

at the beginning.


I first met Bill at a party.? It wasn't a great 'love-at-

first-sight' moment, but I did find him attractive.? And

it wasn't just physical.? Oh, Bill was handsome

enough but he wasn't particularly tall.? That is to say

we're almost exactly the same height.? But I was very

attracted to his personality.? And the more we talked

the more I liked him.? He was smart and attentive and

funny.? He made me laugh and I liked that a lot.? And

there was something else about him.? Something I

wasn't able to put my finger on at the time.? But I

think there was a kind of lost puppy-dog quality about

him.? It made me want to take care of him.? Three

weeks after the party Bill proposed and I didn't have

to think twice before saying 'yes.'


I suppose you'd call that a whirlwind romance.? So I

didn't really know that much about him.? But I did

know about Kyra.? She'd been his long time girlfriend

before me.? In fact, they'd broken up shortly before

the party.? It had been an amiable split and they had

stayed good friends.? But there was nothing more

between them.? Really!? I mean I have never, ever

been bothered by Kyra.? Bill never gave me any

reason to be and neither did she.? He didn't talk about

her unless I asked.? And when I did ask he answered

all of my questions without looking the least bit

evasive.? The only thing he wouldn't talk about was

their sex life.? At first I thought he was just being

considerate of Kyra's privacy.


Bill didn't even invite Kyra to our wedding but I

figured they'd been together for such a long time she

deserved the courtesy.? So I found her address and

sent her an invitation.? Bill was a little surprised when

she came to the wedding.? I guess so was I.? But it was

no problem.? That was the first time I met her.? She

was half a head shorter then me and quite pretty.? But

there was also something powerful and intimidating

about her.


Almost surprisingly, Kyra and I became friends.? Not

close friends, but we'd talk from time to time.? And

she never imposed on our marriage.? She was never a

threat.? She never acted like she objected to me or that

she had any designs on Bill.? I really respected her for

that.? And that might have been all there was to it if

there hadn't been something wrong between Bill and



Our first year of marriage was good.? In fact it was

wonderful in most ways.? But there was definitely

something missing as far as sex was concerned.? I

could never seem to please him.? Oh, he was good

about it.? He never complained or asked me for

anything.? But I felt like a miserable failure.? In fact I

really wished he would have asked for something.

Maybe that way I would have been able to figure out

what was wrong.? But Bill just wouldn't talk about it.

He'd discuss anything else, but not that.


And I knew the problem wasn't me.? At least I was

pretty sure it wasn't me.? I'm not bad looking.? But

looks aside, I really love sex.? Oh, I know women

aren't supposed to.? At least not women who have

been properly brought up.? But I do.? I love it and I'm

responsive, and I'm appreciative.? I moan and cry out

when making love and I almost always have an

orgasm.? I never have to fake anything.? Men are

supposed to like that and I'm sure Bill did.? But I just

couldn't do the same for him.? And it was driving me

crazy.? I finally got the idea of asking Kyra.? Bill had

once said that sex had been the best part of his

relationship with her.?


So I called Kyra and we met for lunch.? At first I did

most of the talking.? And I kept talking without

getting to the point.? She didn't interrupt and she

didn't try to hurry me.? She just listened.? But I didn't

want to leave without an answer.? So I finally screwed

up the courage and asked her point blank, "Did you

and Bill have good sex?"


Kyra gave me the strangest smile like she knew this

was why I'd wanted to meet.? "Why do you ask?" she

said innocently.


I don't think she was trying to make me squirm.? I

think she just wanted to be sure of my reasons for

asking before she answered.? But I couldn't seem to

find the words.? I guess I looked pathetic.? Anyway,

she finally volunteered an answer.? "Great.? Our sex

was always great."? Then she paused thoughtfully and

went on, "But sex wasn't enough.? He wanted

something which I couldn't give him, and you

obviously could."? And as if to deflect any wounded

feelings she added, "I'm not unhappy about the way

things turned out.? All I ever wanted was for William

to be happy.? And if he's happy with you, I'm



I stalled.? "What did I have that you didn't have?? I

mean what was he looking for that I gave him?"


She gave me another funny, knowing look.? "Oh I

don't know, respectability maybe.? Or conventionality.

But that's not why you wanted to talk to me.? So tell

me, why are we here?"


I couldn't bring myself to put it into words and must

have just looked miserable again.


"He's not happy, is he?" Kyra asked.? "I mean he may

be happy with you, but there's something missing

when it comes to romance, isn't there?"


I just nodded.


"He pleases you, but you can't please him. ?Is that

about it?"


"Yes," I admitted with considerable relief.? I was

embarrassed but glad to have it out in the open.? And

I was very encouraged.? Kyra had guessed what was

wrong.? That would also mean she knew how to make

things right.? Wouldn't it?


"You want to please him," Kyra said, "don't you?"


"Yes I do."


"How much?" she asked.


"I beg your pardon?"


"How much do you want to please him?? How far are

you willing to go??


What was this?? I had no idea what she was talking

about.? But I knew Bill's happiness was my only

concern.? "I'll do whatever it takes," I said firmly.

"As long has he's happy, I'll be happy."


"And you'd do anything to make him happy?" she

asked with that amused expression.




She thought about that for a few silent moments.

Then she looked at me with a totally new expression.

It was like a combination of seriousness and

compassion.? "Don't answer too quickly.? Think about

it.? I'll think it over as well.? We'll talk again.? And if

you're still this serious, I'll help you with what you



And that was the end of lunch.? I went home baffled

but hopeful.? Bill and I made love that night but it was

worse than ever.? Sweet, romantic, and with

absolutely nothing to suggest he was enjoying himself

at all.


Two weeks passed.? Bill was at work when the phone

rang.? It was Kyra.? "You still want to know how to

turn William on??


"Yes," I said, "are you going to tell me?"


By way of answer she said, "He's going out of town

on business soon, isn't he?"


How did she know that?? "Yes he is."


"How'd you like to surprise him when he gets back

with something that will make him hotter than you've

ever seen him before?"


"You know I would."


There was a long, thoughtful pause.? "And you'll do

whatever it takes?"




"You've given this careful thought?"


"Yes, I have.? Why do you keep asking me that?? This

isn't going to involve anything dangerous, is it?"


She laughed.? "That depends on what you mean by

dangerous.? William and I had great sex and I'm still

here and in more or less one piece."


More mystery.? "Are you going to tell me?"


"No, but I'll show you."


"I beg your pardon?"


"It's not something I can 'tell' someone with no

experience.? But I'll come over and help you prepare

a surprise for him on the day he gets back.? I can

guarantee you'll really turn him on.? Would that be





"You answered too quickly.? I'm not convinced. . . .

Would you do exactly what I tell you?? No questions.

No arguments.? Just do whatever I say for the



This was definitely strange, but the whole situation

was strange.? And maybe it was some kind of test on

her part.? So I said OK.


Afterwards I wondered what she'd meant by

'someone with no experience.'


I didn't hear another word from Kyra until the

morning Bill was scheduled to return.? She called

early and told me to pamper myself.? She said to go

out and get my hair done, have a manicure, whatever.

Then I was to take a long hot bath in the evening and

to not get dressed afterwards.? Just throw on a robe

and be dry and ready for her at 8:00 pm sharp.? That

was only an hour or so before Bill was supposed to

get home.


"Should I eat first?"


"Please yourself."? And the phone went dead.


I went through the entire day in a kind of trance

wondering what was going to happen that evening.

And when the doorbell rang, precisely at 8:00, I was

in quite a state of excitement.? I hadn't even touched

myself the whole week Bill was away.? I wanted to be

really ready for him.? And like I said before, I'm

somewhat oversexed.? I generally bring myself off at

least once or twice a day when Bill is gone.? So

between my horniness and the mystery I was primed

and ready for anything.? Well, I thought I was ready

for anything.


When I opened the door there was a young man with

Kyra.? She called him Rick.? He was tall and blond.

And he must have been very strong because he was

carrying a large rectangular contraption like it

weighed nothing.? It looked like a conductor's podium

with a padded top and straps.? Kyra just smiled at me.

I pulled my robe tighter and let them in.? She went

directly to the den with the man following.? She

closed blinds, rearranged furniture, and had the man

set the platform down in the middle of the room.

Then she thanked him, kissed him on the cheek, and

sent him away.


I breathed a sigh of relief.? I thought the big secret was

going to involve some kind of three-way sex with the

young stranger.? I wasn't ready for that.? So maybe I

should have taken Kyra's warnings more seriously.

What *was* I getting myself into?


"Let's have a look at you," she said, after Rick left.


I was suddenly reluctant, but I removed my robe and

let Kyra appraise me with a critical eye.


"I can see one of the reasons why William finds you

so desirable.? You've got a much better body than



That may have been something of an exaggeration, or

perhaps just flattery.? I'm sure men found her at least

as attractive as they found me.


"OK," she said, "we don't have a lot of time so let's

get started."? She carefully positioned the podium

thingy and opened up the hinged board at the back.

The platform was a padded square and the hinged

business on the back was a stock kind of arrangement.

You know the stocks you see in woodcuts of old time

American punishments.? Pictures where some guy is

penned up for public humiliation with his head and

hands trapped between two planks of wood with

notches in them?? Well it was kind of like that, but the

wood was bolted to one side of the platform.


I swallowed hard and then got down and into position.

I knelt on the platform and put my ankles in the

notches.? Kyra lowered the top board and my ankles

were suddenly fixed in place.? I heard a lock snap

shut.? But the holes were padded just like the top of

the podium so it wasn't uncomfortable.? Well, not too



I swallowed again and waited to see what came next.

She cuffed my hands behind my back.? The cuffs were

padded too.? Then she positioned my knees so they

were well apart and she strapped each one down to the

platform.? I was totally exposed and helpless and had

never felt so vulnerable in my life.? I wanted to ask

what this was all about, but I already had half a

notion.? And besides, I'd promised, no questions.? A

moment later I couldn't have asked any questions if

I'd wanted to.? She came up behind me and pinched

my nose closed.? My mouth almost automatically

opened and with her other hand she pushed some kind

of gag into it.? She buckled the gag in place behind my

head and then moved around in front of me to have a



"Beautiful," She said.? Then she leaned forward and

kissed me on the forehead.? "William is going to love



That gave me encouragement.? During the whole time

we'd known each other I had no idea Bill was into this

kind of kinkiness.? But if this is what it took to really

turn him on, then so be it.? I just wanted him to be

happy.? He was wonderful and deserved it.? Besides,

in a very strange way all this was kind of turning me

on as well.


Kyra rearranged a few other things in the room; she

adjusted the lights.? Then she glanced at the clock and

walked off to the bathroom.? I heard her tinkering for

a long time.? A toilet flushed.? Water ran.? Then



Just as I was starting to get uncomfortable, I heard a

car pull up.? Bill's voice paying off the taxi driver.

Footsteps and a key in the front door.


"Hello, William."


"Kyra!? What are you doing here? . . . Like that?"


"Don't blame me.? It was your darling wife's idea."




"Allie.? You think she hasn't noticed something

missing in your sex life??




"Kyra, listen . . ."


"No William, you listen.? When you decided to break

things off, I didn't whine and I didn't complain.? I

knew it was a mistake, but I knew you weren't going

to learn until you found out for yourself.? Well it's

been a year now.? Are you happy??




"Do you think she's happy??


More silence.


"Well she contacted me and just about demanded to

know what it takes to get you excited."


"And you told her?"


"Better than that."






I heard the sound of footsteps approaching.? Kyra

entered first.? I was startled.? She was wearing some

kind of black leather outfit that left very little to the

imagination.? And there was something about it that

was almost frightening.? She looked like the guy in an

old roman movie who flogged slaves.? And she was

carrying one of those small whips that jockeys use on



Bill came in right behind her and didn't seem

surprised at all.? But Kyra was right.? He looked

hornier than I'd ever seen him.


Kyra let him look at me for a few moments and then

said, "OK then.? What's it gonna be?? It's your call

William.? This is Allie's idea, but it's your decision.

Do you want me to leave and you can work this out

between yourselves?? Or do you want me to follow



I had no idea what she meant by this, but Bill

obviously did.? He seemed torn.? He looked into my

eyes.? "You're doing this for me?"


I nodded.


"To make me happy?"


I nodded again.


"And you know what you're getting into?"


I really thought I did so I nodded once more.


Bill shrugged.? I could see an enormous bulge in his

pants.? "Well then . . . OK, Kyra.? You're in charge."


That surprised me.? I thought he was going to tell her

to leave.


"Strip!"? Kyra said in a firm tone.? And Bill quickly

removed his clothes.? Who would have guessed he'd

be turned on this way?? But he looked great.? His

member was standing harder and firmer than I'd ever

seen it.


Once he was naked Kyra moved over to him and

grabbed his penis with one hand.? That made me a

little jealous.? And for the first time, too.? She began

stroking him and was looking at me.? "Nice isn't it?"


I gulped and nodded.


"You're going to suck this for him, aren't you?"


I nodded enthusiastically and with relief.? So she was

just there to order us both around.? I guess Bill was

turned on by strong women.? Well I was going to be

his strong woman after Kyra was gone.


She moved toward me pulling Bill along by his penis.

She put her little whip under my chin and tilted my

head back so that I was looking directly into her eyes.

"You're going to suck him real good until he cums,



I had to swallow hard on that one before I nodded.? I

hated the idea of Bill coming in my mouth.? But if I

needed to do it to satisfy him. . .? I guess that's why

Kyra was so insistent that I agree to follow all her

directions before she'd help me.


She released his penis and squatted down by my side.

She grabbed by chin with one hand and swatted me

very hard on the thigh with her whip.? I yelped

through my nose with pain and surprise.? "You're

going to let him cum in your mouth and you're going

to swallow it all down, aren't you?"


I gulped again and didn't know what to say.? The idea

sickened me.


She swatted me again with her whip.? "Aren't you?"


And I nodded quickly and emphatically.? I didn't want

to get whipped anymore.


Kyra held the whip in front of my face.? "When I take

your gag out all you're going to say is 'please let me

suck your dick Master William.'? Got it?"


I quickly nodded.


?If you say anything else, I'm going to be very

unhappy.? And if I become unhappy I'm going to start

whipping your tits."


I was trembling as she undid the gag.


"Please let me suck your dick, Master Bill."


Kyra swatted my leg again.? "William!"


"Master William," I corrected.? "Please let me suck

your dick Master William."


And Bill stepped forward and put his penis in my

mouth.? His penis isn't that long, but it's very thick.

I like it, especially when he's inside of me.? He held

my ears almost like handles and literally started

having intercourse with my mouth.? I'd always sucked

his penis before.? This was different.? But he was

definitely hotter than I'd ever seen him.? And

somehow this didn't surprise me.? What did surprise

me was that while Bill was doing this, Kyra reached

down between my legs and started massaging my

private area.? My first instinct was to protest, but my

mouth was full.? And besides, I'd agreed to anything

without question.


So I continued to lubricate my mouth as best I could

and tried to help as Bill plunged more and more quickly

into me.? And very quickly Kyra started getting results

from her manipulations.? She was very good at this.

I found that I was getting as hot as Bill seemed to be.

I was thinking that maybe it had been a mistake not to

play with myself for a whole week.? There was

something about the situation.? It was weird, but I

couldn't deny my reactions.? I could feel my cuffed

hands against the base of my spine.? My armpits were

starting to perspire.? The sounds of Bill's passion were

thrilling to me.? The feel of his leg hair against my

breasts was an incredible turn-on.? I was on the verge

of cumming.


But Kyra seemed to sense this and stopped what she

was doing.? She pinched one of my nipples hard.? My

orgasm died before it erupted.? I was still hot, but I

wasn't about to cum.? But Bill did.? He exploded in

my mouth.? And it wasn't as bad as I thought it would

be.? I gulped as quickly as I could and tried not

thinking about what it was I was swallowing.

Besides, Kyra had me so horny, I wasn't that bothered

by it.


After a minute or so, Bill was finished.? His semi-

flaccid penis slipped out from between my lips and he

backed off on trembling legs and fell into a big chair.


He was happy.? And so was I.? I wasn't sure how all of

this was supposed to work once Kyra was out of the

picture.? But I knew we'd think of something.


Kyra had stopped fingering me when Bill had cum.

But I still hadn't cum and could feel drops of my own

moisture running down the insides of my legs.? Kyra's

hand came up, drenched in my own fluids, and

grasped me with slippery fingers by the chin again.? I

was panting with exertion and lust.? She held the whip

up in front of my face and then extended one finger

and held it to her lips in a shushing gesture.? "Not a

word.? Understand?"


I almost said, 'Yes' but instead nodded.


"Good girl."


"Well William?"? Kyra said.? "It's your call.? Allie

wants you to be happy?"


Bill looked over at me with more love and

contentment than I'd ever seen in him before.? "Are

you sure?" he asked.


'Sure about what?' I wondered.? But I had to make an

answer and I wasn't supposed to talk.? So I just

nodded again.


William shrugged and said, "OK, Kyra.? You were

right and I was wrong.? You win."


'Win what?' I wondered.? What exactly had just



Kyra stood up.? "OK . . . ."? She looked down at me

and holding her whip for me to see said, "Not a

word."? Then she looked at Bill and ordered him to,

"Get cleaned up.? It's been well over a year for you so

I know one little blow job isn't enough."? They both

laughed.? "Wait for me in the bedroom and I'll be in

soon and take good care of you."


What the hell was this?!? "But, Bill . . .," I blurted out.


A blinding pain came over me as the hot lash of her

whip slashed across my chest.? I started to scream and

a moment later I felt the gag rammed back in place.

I tried to fight, but I was helpless.? But I kept

protesting as best I could.? Kyra held up the whip

again.? But I didn't stop yelling behind the gag.? That

is I didn't stop yelling until she started whipping me

some more.? It was horrible.? But I quickly learned and

was silent.? Well, I was crying and sobbing, but no

longer screaming.


"Better," said Kyra.


Bill was standing at the door and looking back at me.

Why hadn't he come to my rescue?


"Get," said Kyra.? Bill, looked troubled and undecided

for a moment, but then turned and left.


I groaned but didn't otherwise protest.


Kyra got up and looked thoughtfully into my face.

Then she found her bag and pulled out a cell phone.

She punched some buttons.? "OK, Rick" she said.? "It

looks like we're going to need the van after all. . . .

Uh huh, same address. . . ."? She looked back at

me and then at the clock.? "Oh, say about half an

hour. . . .? Right.? I'll let you know where to take her

when you make the pick-up. . . .? Bye."? She pushed

another button and put the phone away.


Kyra pulled a small chair over and sat right in front of

me.? "Well, Allie," she said, "you wanted William to

be happy and he's happy.? And he's going to stay that

way."? I was weeping over and around my gag.? I

looked down.? Kara swatted me on the top of my head

with the whip.? "Look at me."? I looked into her eyes.

They were amused, but cold.


"Now *you* have a decision to make.? And it will be

the last decision you will ever have to make."? A cold

chill ran through me.? "You can go one of two ways.

I can have you sent to work in a brothel in some third

world country.? You'll probably end up hooked on

drugs and will definitely find the work taxing."? She

paused for me to think about that.? "Or I can have you

trained as a sex slave and placed with a good owner.

Your training will bind you more thoroughly than

drugs, but you'll have a cleaner, nicer environment,

and the work will be more . . ." she paused to think of

the right word and then said with amusement, ". . .



"If you chose the brothel, all you have to do is sit

there.? Sit and wait quietly or sit and fight.? It won't

make any difference.? But if you want to become a sex

slave nod your head.? I'll remove your gag and you

can practice your new career by licking me until I

cum."? Then she said with menace in her voice, "But

if you nod your head and then give me any shit at all,

the gag goes back, I'll whip you silly, and the brothel

it will be.? So what would you like?"


How did this happen?? What had I done wrong?? What

was I supposed to do?? The seconds crawled by.? I

lowered my eyes and nodded once.


I felt Kyra pat my head.? "Good girl."? She reached

down and removed my gag.? I was careful to remain

silent.? I heard something snap and looking up saw her

panties were off.? I could see her pubic area right in

front of my face as I kneeled before her.? Her hair was

thick and silky and slick with her own juices.? I could

smell her scent.? She rubbed her clitoris for a few

moments and then carefully spread her pubic hair

away to the sides so that I would have good access.


I'd never done this before.? Never.? What choice did

I have?? I carefully leaned forward and brought my

mouth down to her wet flesh.? My mind was racing

furiously but going nowhere.? My tongue was moving

slowly.? I felt Kyra reach down and give my earlobe a

hard pinch.? "Come on, Allie, you can do better than

that."? So I closed my eyes and tried to do with my

tongue what I usually do to myself with my fingers.

Kyra sat back and sighed.


As I got into a rhythm, I could hear water running in

the bathroom.? William was taking a shower.? Kyra

hadn't lied.? I knew he would be happy.


*?? *?? *?? *?? *?? End of Story?? *?? *?? *?? *?? *



???? by Zebulon


This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper

credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted,

and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is

being posted.


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Wednesday morning found me waking up earlier than usual. I felt the bed move and, when I opened my eyes, I saw that it was not as light outside as it usually is when I normally wake. My bedside clock also read an hour earlier than I normally awaken. My cock was just as stiff as normal mornings, though. Except that this morning, as I looked down, I saw Penny holding it in her mouth gently as she just lay there with her head propped against my left thigh. She smiled up at me as much as she...

1 year ago
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The Lesson Plan Part Two Supply Teacher Episode Five

The Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Friday: After-school Activities Chapter 22 I have a spring in my step and a bounce in my stride as I go into school the next morning. The soft curls of my long hair jump and twist around my face in rhythm with the wiggle of my hips and the increasingly familiar jiggles of my body. Today's dress swishes around my ankles, with a loose flare at the skirt and a tight-fitting top, long sleeves and a keyhole back fastening. It's light blue...

2 years ago
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Sex With Alien Females

I looked around and saw these two women looking at me from thier camaro. One was blonde and the other one was blonde. I felt a sexual urge as I made eye contact with them. I desired them, but I also sensed that these feelings were not the usual feelings I would get by looking at a woman. I drove home and got ready for the next day. As I laid in bed, I sensed that strange feeling again that I was being watched. I remembered the two women at the gas station and began fantasizing about them. I...

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The Minister Ch 04

Hey Guys. This story has started moving more slowly than I originally intended but I keep seeing opportunities I can’t resist to take. This will definitely end up being a long story but if you like that and stick with it, I will make it worth it. I appreciate your support. PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK AND COMMENTS BELOW. DON’T FORGET TO VOTE AND RATE THANKS – TheStarryEyedDreamer ***** Ivy woke up with her head resting on his chest. She was freezing cold still but she had slept soundly all...

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Dare YouChapter 10

I rested against the wall for a couple of minutes before I staggered upright and headed past the desk reserved for Ms. Chandler's assistant and the safety of the exit. I was still shaking as I stepped out into the sunlight and paused to allow my eyes to become accustomed to the brightness. I glanced guiltily to the place the girls had peed before taking a step forward. That was as far as I got before I was hit by two girls who wrapped their arms around me and squeezed tightly. "What...

2 years ago
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Finding ExWife and Girlfriend on A Porn Site

My ex-wife Kim was a 43 year old nurse with short hair and could be seen as having a somewhat lesbian appearance. Apparently, the wealthy doctor she worked for learned from her female co-workers that Kim was a great cocksucker. In order to keep her job she was blowing him during the lunch hour and after work. Then she began accompanying him to medical “conferences”. Her friend told me on one trip she got drunk and as a favor to the Doc she blew three of his doctor friend’s one right after the...

1 year ago
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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 2

On Saturday morning I woke up early and went out for a run, I did a steady three miles, then showered and changed into my normal clothes. I then decided to go next door and see what my girlfriend had planned. I knew she had a voice class this morning, but I wanted to see if we could do something in the afternoon. When I walked in she and her Mum were sat at the kitchen table talking. “Good morning beautiful,” I announced my arrival. “Morning sweetie,” Cal replied. “Actually I meant your...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Virgin Girlfriend In Surat

This is Daksh Kashyap, a student of IIT Mumbai. My age is 21 and height is-5’7″. Any comments and feedback you can send on . Any girls for sex chat and real sex can contact me through Gmail. So I got admission in IIT Bombay. I was enjoying my life fully at college. Then one day I got a friend request on Facebook. Her name was Sakshi and she was from Jaipur. There was no picture on her Facebook page, still I accepted it. Then we chatted a bit. She was in class 12 and was preparing for IIT-JEE in...

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Mom and dad

Mere ghar mein teen log rahte hain . Main , maa aur papa .hamare ghar mein 1 bedroom hain . Main, papa aur maa ek sath sote hain . Ek raat ko maine dekha ki papa maa ko kiss kar rahe hain. Main chupchap dekhne laga . Ab papa ne maa ki saree utar di . Wo unki kamar ko kiss karne lage. Unki navel me ungli ghusa rahe the . Ab unhone maa ka blouse khol diya aur bra bhi utar di. Wo maa ke stano ko chumne chatne lage. Ab unhone maa ka petticoat phi kamar tak chada diya. Fir woh mummy ke dahine chuchi...

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Maa Ki Chudai Ki Adbhut Dastan

Main rajesh UP ke chote se goan se. Maine 26 saal ka hoon. Aur mer maa 47 year ki hai uski ht 4’5-4’6 hoga chota kad tha magr chuchiya 38 se to kaam nahi hai ha ek special cheez jo uski gaaand hai wo 43 hai jiseee nanga dekha kar meri dil main mom ke bare main bure khyal aane lage . Aur phir main incest story padhni suru kardi aur mom and son story padhte hi mano lund patthar sa haard hojata hai. Main ab dirty se dirty story padhne laga jo maa bête ke bare main hota tha aur to aur maine...

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Room Service

A fantasy revolving around Rachel Dane, myself and my rubber wife.The roof-top bar overlooks the Charles River and even at a distance the noise of students enjoying a Saturday night drifts on the warm breeze. Downstream, the lights of Boston dominate the skyline. In the far distance fireworks streak skyward, celebrating a marriage, a graduation, who knows? Waitresses with fixed smiles, sore backs and aching feet dart from table to table. We sit at one of the quieter tables, my wife, myself and...

1 year ago
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FamiliesTied Cadence Lux Victoria Voxxx Vampira Moderna

Cadence Lux is the picture of radiant beauty as she enters the home of her new suitor Seth Gamble for the very first time. The sun is shining and his gorgeous modern Californian bungalow is filled with fresh flowers and promise. Even when Seth makes a confession that he has a long-term illness Cadence is not deterred. She has fallen for the oldest trick in the book, and fails to notice that all of Seth’s new age crystals and hippy nonsense is actually an elaborate altar designed to...

3 years ago
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A Lovely Time in Valley County Chapter 1

Chapter 1 “I hope you’re not tired of the beautiful weather we’ve been having because there’s going to be another sunny day in Valley County…” The forty-two-year-old Alan Westerman looked out through the window of his radio studio from atop the hill. The glimmers from the sun as it rose over the Valley was quite a thing to behold, a sight that Alan had been fortunate to experience for almost twenty years being the local weatherman and radio host. “And now here’s a song by the Simmons, Let...

1 year ago
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My First Time

The first time I got a blowjob was from the girl next door. I was in my garage one day after school playing with my horny cock. I loved jacking off and did it every chance I got. While I was flogging my meat and groaning as the pleasure was building, I heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see Melody, the cute blond from next door, watching what I was doing and smiling. I said "hi, when did you come in?" " A couple minutes ago," she replied, "what are you doing with that lovely...

First Time
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Bhabhi8217s Humiliation Turns In To Sex

Hi, everyone, it’s me Abhilash(wrong name obviously) again came with a new story. First of all to my all new readers search for my previous stories. And as usual it’s a bit lengthy and don’t be impatient and I guarantee you a satisfying ending. So without any further delay let’s come to point. As we all know the every business family has a business class mentality, they try to put their children into their own business as early as possible and same thing happened to me also. My dad is a...

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Sorkanas Rise New Discoveries

Sorkana's Rise, New Discoveries By: Malissa Madison As Shalarra was getting to know her new Queen, her parents were making a new discovery. In an attempt to try and capture a few of the Earth similar species, LtCmdr Ta Tsong was leading a flight of three science skimmers trailed by one of the shuttles. The sudden burst of static followed by an electronic Colony Ship Identifier, was almost disregarded before Ta realized it wasn't just static bleed over from their...

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The Neighbors in 3BChapter 2

I awakened the next morning with wine breath and a stale beer taste throughout my palate. My head was a little stuffy and I had a slight ringing noise in my right ear. Between the beer and spaghetti from last night, I'd somehow acquired a mild case of killer flatulence. I just knew I wasn't going to be particularly popular in my nest of 6 foot by 7 foot cubicles at work. I worked in customer service for a large international banking conglomerate. The customers I handled were ones who had...

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Precious Gem Twin Sisters Ch 7 Daughters first time

Our vacation was non-stop sex with all sorts of girls and some guys. The first week passed by as a blur of bodies in our cottage, mostly naked. Sapphire was fantastic to have around, as sometimes I'd fuck her holes while we watched Ruby and Diamond with whoever they brought back to the cottage. One time we had a nice orgy of all girls going on while keeping the blinds open on the window and we had all of the boyfriends and husbands watch. The girls also tried out several cocks, and we...

1 year ago
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Melissa Gets More Surprises

“So, sweetheart, what are we going to do while the house is a man-free zone?” Robert had to visit his parents for the weekend at short notice; too short for the three of them to go together. Melissa had some commitments at college on the Saturday morning, and Sarah was reluctant to leave her by herself. It was not that she was not capable, but a lot had happened this last few weeks, and they all thought that some serious ‘girlie’ time was overdue. “Mummy, can we talk about sex please? Can we be...

2 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Chapter 7 DwarfQueens Hot Demands

Book Four: Song's Passion Chapter Seven: Dwarf-Queen's Hot Demands By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Xerathalasia – Ruins of Khan, Kingdom of Haz I smiled as I led my party into the ruins of the dwarven fortress of Khan. The wide entrance that pierced the thick, stone wall led to a courtyard. The ground had been covered by paving stones, yet despite that plants and trees had grown. The tree roots buckled up the thick paving stones. Swaths...

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A Bizarre Corporate Takeover Ch 01

Authors Note: I wrote this story based on another request. I requestor provided me with a detailed list of talking points to use in the story. Since the story covers so many aspects of sex I decided to list in under the novels and novellas category. I changed all the names of the characters and all characters are at least 18 years old. The story will be submitted in several chapters as it would be too long for one read. * INTRODUCTION Sharon Harding was a successful business woman at the age...

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Danville Divorced Bitches ClubChapter 8

We all saw Indhira on her knees with Melinda’s dress pulled up to her waist. Always amazing me, Indhira was eating out the sister’s pussy. This little Indian woman had to be seen to be believed. I have long labeled her a cocksucker extraordinaire. But that started with her being able to deep throat her own son, Ravi of the monster cock. Her technique was amazing, she took her time and made love to the cock in her throat. Her technique when it came to eating pussy was wholly the opposite....

1 year ago
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PrincessCum Rosalyn Sphinx Lets Make A Baby

Rosalyn Sphinx is sitting on the toilet doing a pregnancy test. When it comes back positive, she shares the results with her stepbrother, Logan Long. She’s over the moon about it, but Logan is devastated because the baby is also his. He flashes back to a few weeks earlier when the big event occurred… Rosalyn and her stepbrother Logan Long share a bedroom, so it’s no surprise that they’re both pretty knowledgeable about each other’s business. Logan knows that...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed Into SwappingChapter 14

Mavis freshened her body and dressed while Terry lay sprawled in the middle of the bed, the huge dong protruding from her snatch, one end still buried in her body. "Mick isn't going to like me having that T-Bird," Terry frowned, "but I'm going to keep it, anyway!" Mavis watched the little sex-pot slowly fucking the dildo in and out of her snatch. "I should go down to the store with you and get a fast fuck from Willie," Terry panted. "I don't think he'll fuck anyone for a few...

4 years ago
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Cornsilk By JDG Her name was Rebecca Ann Simpson. She looked to be all of seven years old. She wore a worn blue gingham dress with tattered little Red Ball Jets tennis shoes. Her eyes were a sun washed blue, and her hair was that rare yellow/white. Like cornsilk. It was from her hair that she got her nickname. Cornsilk. Not many of the people from the sleepy South Georgia town of Wellsville knew her nickname, or much else about her. She lived on an ol' ramshackle farm on the...

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E091 Labor Day

Donald and Emma undress and lie close together in the bed.  The only option that's possible in this narrow cot.  They talk about what Dorothy and Maude revealed and their on-going relationship with David and Bobby. All through their quiet chatting, they caress each other’s privates, enjoying the leisurely, gentle touch each is feeling as slowly the heat rises in them both. Around three in the morning, both now perspiring a good bit, Donald suggests, “Let’s go down to the beach to sleep, it is...

Love Stories
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Sexcapades with Sarah 1

Like any true story I will write, this one has the names changed... Sarah was a girl I had met just a week before. She had beautiful blonde hair and eyes that I could get lost in. As strange as it seems, we met at a Boy Scout camp where we both worked. And having to live nine weeks in the woods without very much contact with women takes a toll on a man, but luckily Sarah was happy to help. We had taken every chance we would risk to sleep together overnight in the tents at the staff area. This...

Straight Sex
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Chrissys UnveilingChapter 6

Before beginning this chapter, some background info. Most of the content of the first five chapters is fiction - born of my fantasy riddled creative mind. Chrissy, however, is real. I married her 43 years ago when she was 19 and been blissfully happy ever since. In our late twenties through to mid thirties we were into the swinging scene. Not parties or orgies or stuff like that. Just threesomes and foursomes with couples, single males and females or two males. This was well before internet...

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UnfaithfulChapter 6

In the years that have passed since Rebecca and I decided to end our affair, my life has taken many twists and turns, as probably has anybody else's life. Some of the things that transpired were good, and others not so good. I guess we take what life sends our way, hoping for the best, but knowing that sometimes things just don't go the way we want. For the first five or six years, I kept track of Rebecca, looking up her address and phone number on Internet web sites. The place where she...

4 years ago
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Dommy mommy

I’m horny, horny and frustrated, it’s been 12 hours since I last fucked somebody but it might as well have been 12 years. It was a far too long dry spell for my liking and something had to be done about it. I should introduce myself, my name is Margret and I’m 50 years old. I’m also a dome, that’s not the same as being a rapist, some people think it’s what we do but let me assure you it’s not. It’s all perfectly legal and quite consensual, all my clients are consenting adults over the age of...

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The Reprimand

When you wake up 30 minutes late, your car won't start, and you show up to work soaked, you know it is going to be a bad day. I am totally irritated with this day! To make matters worse, I have to work with my uptight, boring, by the rules boss, Malcolm. I mean he is so uptight, that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, you would have a diamond in about 2 days. I trudge into the office, glaring at any and every body that dared to look sideways at me. Even my best friend, Valerie, stayed...

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More Sex Education From Marie Boys School 4

I was heading back to the Boys' School, accompanied by my sexy young assistant, Lyn. After her last visit there as my demonstration model, she was not being deprived of a second encounter with the class of horny teen boys, even though I had warned her that I had much more in mind for her this time.Still not yet seventeen, she was again clad in school cardigan, blouse, school tie and skirt, although on this occasion she seemed to be wearing black stockings with a white suspender belt. The boys...

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How Do You Want Me

"How do you want me?"There. She'd said it. Through trembling lips and in a voice that was barely her own, she'd finally said the words he'd wanted her to say.How do you want me. An invitation, a submission. And yet a statement at the same time. Tell me how you want me….and if you're lucky, you can have it.That's what he'd wanted, this incredible man of hers. This new lover who had so swiftly, so easily, banished every ghost of her past, had chased away all the demons lurking in her soul. This...

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Sea KingChapter 26

They were in no particular hurry getting down to breakfast the next morning. Although Nesho hadn't been stricken with the morning sickness to any great extent, Sosho wasn't quite so lucky. They stayed with her until she felt somewhat normal and then made their way down to the dining area. Marie was there bustling around in a particularly chipper mood although she did complain long and loud about the Great Red Villain. Complaining about one's Master was undoubtedly a favorite pastime for...

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My First Tinder Date

Hello friends, this is AK. I am 21 years old and I am from Mumbai. I am doing my MBA as of now. I am also a a fitness enthusiast and exercise and gym regularly. The girls name is pooja name changed) and I am writing this after taking permission from her. She is a really pretty girl and I must say I was really lucky to meet a pretty and open minded girl like her. So coming back to the story, tinder is a dating app whose popularity has grown leaps and bounds in the past one year. Unsurprisingly...

3 years ago
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Train me ajnabi

Mera naam Bushra hai aur mein us samay 18 saal ki thi sex mere tan man mein basa hai. Uperwale nei shareer bhi sundar diya jiska mein bharpour anand leti haun.My figure is 34-24-36 With wheatish complexion and short in hight(sex bomb).I wore cotton skirt and blouse as it was Hot and humid in Varanasi and I had to reach Delhi for my exams but had no reservation. Train Me bahut rush tha.Abhi rat ke 8 baje the.Yeh Train Delhi morning me pahunchne walithi. Being a holiday season no reservation was...

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More intimate confessions of a girl daddies love

As a girl I know I had experienced 'Wet Dreams', I orgasmed, and vividly remembered, what my mind was doing when I had my orgasm.Of course the body itself does it and the brain lets you act out your thing, giving you the purest of orgasms, that's why it's difficult to attain that level of pleasure again, no matter what you try.I had an orgasm during rough play in a park, I wont say how old I was at the time, but three boys sat close to where I was lying, but they started horsing around, and...

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Visit at a hypnotist

This is a story that I write together with a member a long while ago. It has an open ending -- so if anyone wishes to fill in the blanks, you are very welcome :)It is Saturday and I am on my way to a hypnotist. This is quite extraordinary for me since I don't usually believe in this hocus pocus, but two things came together. First, I really want to get rid of my smoking habit [disclaimer: I don't in real life], but I didn't manage to do so with normal means and second, a good friend of mine...

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Taffy Tales

TaffyTales! Don’t you nerds wish you could just turn off your anxiety, shyness, and all of that embarrassing shit at will and become an ultra-Chad who plows pussy like it's nothing? Yeah, I bet you do. Sadly, I’m not some genie who can grant you three wishes and give you all of that and a big cock to go along with it. You’ll have to work on being less of a pathetic incel on your own time. What I do have for you horny fappers is a welcome escape where you play as a hung nerd who unearths a...

Free Sex Games
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Forced to Fuck His Daughter in Front of Wife

“She’s still not over it yet?” Annoyance in his voice. Sandra shook her head. The soft golden curls fluffed in the air. “How long has it been? Two days?” He threw the wet towel into the laundry bag by the door. “It’s not like it’s a big deal or anything.” “Don’t let her hear you say that.” Sandra warned. “Being rejected is a big deal.” “Please.” He snorted. “Life is full of rejection.” “She’s still young.” Sandra shrugged as she began to unbutton the white cotton blouse she’s wearing....

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Once Upon an AlienChapter 17 Welcome to Egypt

"They took off from Beirut over three hours ago," Juno Baccus pointed out to the Imam, the worry clear in his voice. "Maybe they went to a different airport. Or maybe the jet shot them down, and they've already crashed." "Their aircraft did not crash, and they are coming to an airport in Egypt." Imam Niu Almasi replied calmly. "But they should have been here by now," Juno protested. "They could have already landed at another airport." "Sons, and soldiers loyal to the Islamic...

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My Wife Her Brother And Myself 8211 Part 2

Dear readers, this is in continuation with the story I wrote before, My Wife, Her Brother And Myself. This is part II of the story As I mentioned previously, my wife’s relationship with her brother continued for long time even after his marriage, initially they lived in another flat which is close by but every day we used to meet for some or other reason. My wife missed him for initial days since she was not getting enough sex and she also started looking alternative with my friends whom we...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 15

"Good grief, girl, no. You surely have heard about foreplay? Stand up and show yourself, still in bra and panties, and invite him to come and kiss you, to fondle you, to run his hands all over your body, and then let him take off your undies. Make it a pleasure for him; a few soft gasps of pleasure from you, real or simulated, would also help, my dear. Allow him to run his hands over your breasts, and your pussy – I assume you bathed this morning – and let him excite your clit with his...

4 years ago
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PortalsChapter 6

"When they were through torturing her, and Gran was dead, the warlords cut her throat and drained all the blood into a large iron bowl"--The Story of Gran Ch. 25 lines 13 &14 Krinan strode into the anthropology building with clenched fists and gritted teeth. How dare Dahra disappear off the face of the planet for ten days without notifying her. She was her superior, damn it! It was especially despicable, since Dahra had promised to give her a full accounting of her activities, the day...

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Mercis Bad Night

Clark Kent, Star reporter for the Daily Planet newspaper had gotten a juicy tip about corruption at a new construction site in the uptown section of Metropolis. The firm doing the work happened to be a subsidiary of Lex Corp. So he knew it was most likely true from past history. He was all to familiar with the types of people Lex Luthor liked to hire. He went not just because it needed looking into, he also enjoyed being a thorn in Lex Luthors side. The building was to be a twenty story steel...

1 year ago
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Surviving the Boring Meeting

She is in a beautiful tropical paradise yet stuck inside a frigid, dark hotel meeting room. What a waste of good warm sunshine. Her body craves warmth and she longs to lounge by the pool with a tall, refreshing drink and a good mystery. She pulls her sweater tighter around her shoulders to block the chill from the air conditioning and tries to concentrate on the speaker's droning voice. It's no use, her mind drifts off again, as her eyes roam around the room - scoping out the variety of men....


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