Pt 2 5 Angel gangbanged at Joes the LAST time
- 4 years ago
- 40
- 0
???? by Zebulon
This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is
intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery
and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it.
This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper
credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted,
and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is
being posted.
???? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected]
???? (MF, FF, NC, Bond)
*?? *?? *?? *?? *?? Start of Story?? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
I was tied up - literally.? I was naked and kneeling and
locked into some kind of strange construction.? My
hands were bound behind me and my mouth was
gagged.? I'm sure I looked a sight.? But Kyra told me
this is what Bill liked, so there I was.? And I didn't
know whether to feel humiliated, or scared, or excited.
Maybe a little of all three.? I know part of me was
thinking this was amazingly bizarre.? But the rest of
me was hoping against hope that this was the answer
I'd been praying for.? Everything was ready.? Kyra
was going to meet Bill when he got home and bring
him to me.? And oh yeah, my name is Allie.
All I really wanted was to make Bill happy.? We had
been married almost a year and I knew that something
was very wrong.? But until I talked with Kyra, I had
no idea what it might be. . . .? I suppose I'd better start
at the beginning.
I first met Bill at a party.? It wasn't a great 'love-at-
first-sight' moment, but I did find him attractive.? And
it wasn't just physical.? Oh, Bill was handsome
enough but he wasn't particularly tall.? That is to say
we're almost exactly the same height.? But I was very
attracted to his personality.? And the more we talked
the more I liked him.? He was smart and attentive and
funny.? He made me laugh and I liked that a lot.? And
there was something else about him.? Something I
wasn't able to put my finger on at the time.? But I
think there was a kind of lost puppy-dog quality about
him.? It made me want to take care of him.? Three
weeks after the party Bill proposed and I didn't have
to think twice before saying 'yes.'
I suppose you'd call that a whirlwind romance.? So I
didn't really know that much about him.? But I did
know about Kyra.? She'd been his long time girlfriend
before me.? In fact, they'd broken up shortly before
the party.? It had been an amiable split and they had
stayed good friends.? But there was nothing more
between them.? Really!? I mean I have never, ever
been bothered by Kyra.? Bill never gave me any
reason to be and neither did she.? He didn't talk about
her unless I asked.? And when I did ask he answered
all of my questions without looking the least bit
evasive.? The only thing he wouldn't talk about was
their sex life.? At first I thought he was just being
considerate of Kyra's privacy.
Bill didn't even invite Kyra to our wedding but I
figured they'd been together for such a long time she
deserved the courtesy.? So I found her address and
sent her an invitation.? Bill was a little surprised when
she came to the wedding.? I guess so was I.? But it was
no problem.? That was the first time I met her.? She
was half a head shorter then me and quite pretty.? But
there was also something powerful and intimidating
about her.
Almost surprisingly, Kyra and I became friends.? Not
close friends, but we'd talk from time to time.? And
she never imposed on our marriage.? She was never a
threat.? She never acted like she objected to me or that
she had any designs on Bill.? I really respected her for
that.? And that might have been all there was to it if
there hadn't been something wrong between Bill and
Our first year of marriage was good.? In fact it was
wonderful in most ways.? But there was definitely
something missing as far as sex was concerned.? I
could never seem to please him.? Oh, he was good
about it.? He never complained or asked me for
anything.? But I felt like a miserable failure.? In fact I
really wished he would have asked for something.
Maybe that way I would have been able to figure out
what was wrong.? But Bill just wouldn't talk about it.
He'd discuss anything else, but not that.
And I knew the problem wasn't me.? At least I was
pretty sure it wasn't me.? I'm not bad looking.? But
looks aside, I really love sex.? Oh, I know women
aren't supposed to.? At least not women who have
been properly brought up.? But I do.? I love it and I'm
responsive, and I'm appreciative.? I moan and cry out
when making love and I almost always have an
orgasm.? I never have to fake anything.? Men are
supposed to like that and I'm sure Bill did.? But I just
couldn't do the same for him.? And it was driving me
crazy.? I finally got the idea of asking Kyra.? Bill had
once said that sex had been the best part of his
relationship with her.?
So I called Kyra and we met for lunch.? At first I did
most of the talking.? And I kept talking without
getting to the point.? She didn't interrupt and she
didn't try to hurry me.? She just listened.? But I didn't
want to leave without an answer.? So I finally screwed
up the courage and asked her point blank, "Did you
and Bill have good sex?"
Kyra gave me the strangest smile like she knew this
was why I'd wanted to meet.? "Why do you ask?" she
said innocently.
I don't think she was trying to make me squirm.? I
think she just wanted to be sure of my reasons for
asking before she answered.? But I couldn't seem to
find the words.? I guess I looked pathetic.? Anyway,
she finally volunteered an answer.? "Great.? Our sex
was always great."? Then she paused thoughtfully and
went on, "But sex wasn't enough.? He wanted
something which I couldn't give him, and you
obviously could."? And as if to deflect any wounded
feelings she added, "I'm not unhappy about the way
things turned out.? All I ever wanted was for William
to be happy.? And if he's happy with you, I'm
I stalled.? "What did I have that you didn't have?? I
mean what was he looking for that I gave him?"
She gave me another funny, knowing look.? "Oh I
don't know, respectability maybe.? Or conventionality.
But that's not why you wanted to talk to me.? So tell
me, why are we here?"
I couldn't bring myself to put it into words and must
have just looked miserable again.
"He's not happy, is he?" Kyra asked.? "I mean he may
be happy with you, but there's something missing
when it comes to romance, isn't there?"
I just nodded.
"He pleases you, but you can't please him. ?Is that
about it?"
"Yes," I admitted with considerable relief.? I was
embarrassed but glad to have it out in the open.? And
I was very encouraged.? Kyra had guessed what was
wrong.? That would also mean she knew how to make
things right.? Wouldn't it?
"You want to please him," Kyra said, "don't you?"
"Yes I do."
"How much?" she asked.
"I beg your pardon?"
"How much do you want to please him?? How far are
you willing to go??
What was this?? I had no idea what she was talking
about.? But I knew Bill's happiness was my only
concern.? "I'll do whatever it takes," I said firmly.
"As long has he's happy, I'll be happy."
"And you'd do anything to make him happy?" she
asked with that amused expression.
She thought about that for a few silent moments.
Then she looked at me with a totally new expression.
It was like a combination of seriousness and
compassion.? "Don't answer too quickly.? Think about
it.? I'll think it over as well.? We'll talk again.? And if
you're still this serious, I'll help you with what you
And that was the end of lunch.? I went home baffled
but hopeful.? Bill and I made love that night but it was
worse than ever.? Sweet, romantic, and with
absolutely nothing to suggest he was enjoying himself
at all.
Two weeks passed.? Bill was at work when the phone
rang.? It was Kyra.? "You still want to know how to
turn William on??
"Yes," I said, "are you going to tell me?"
By way of answer she said, "He's going out of town
on business soon, isn't he?"
How did she know that?? "Yes he is."
"How'd you like to surprise him when he gets back
with something that will make him hotter than you've
ever seen him before?"
"You know I would."
There was a long, thoughtful pause.? "And you'll do
whatever it takes?"
"You've given this careful thought?"
"Yes, I have.? Why do you keep asking me that?? This
isn't going to involve anything dangerous, is it?"
She laughed.? "That depends on what you mean by
dangerous.? William and I had great sex and I'm still
here and in more or less one piece."
More mystery.? "Are you going to tell me?"
"No, but I'll show you."
"I beg your pardon?"
"It's not something I can 'tell' someone with no
experience.? But I'll come over and help you prepare
a surprise for him on the day he gets back.? I can
guarantee you'll really turn him on.? Would that be
"You answered too quickly.? I'm not convinced. . . .
Would you do exactly what I tell you?? No questions.
No arguments.? Just do whatever I say for the
This was definitely strange, but the whole situation
was strange.? And maybe it was some kind of test on
her part.? So I said OK.
Afterwards I wondered what she'd meant by
'someone with no experience.'
I didn't hear another word from Kyra until the
morning Bill was scheduled to return.? She called
early and told me to pamper myself.? She said to go
out and get my hair done, have a manicure, whatever.
Then I was to take a long hot bath in the evening and
to not get dressed afterwards.? Just throw on a robe
and be dry and ready for her at 8:00 pm sharp.? That
was only an hour or so before Bill was supposed to
get home.
"Should I eat first?"
"Please yourself."? And the phone went dead.
I went through the entire day in a kind of trance
wondering what was going to happen that evening.
And when the doorbell rang, precisely at 8:00, I was
in quite a state of excitement.? I hadn't even touched
myself the whole week Bill was away.? I wanted to be
really ready for him.? And like I said before, I'm
somewhat oversexed.? I generally bring myself off at
least once or twice a day when Bill is gone.? So
between my horniness and the mystery I was primed
and ready for anything.? Well, I thought I was ready
for anything.
When I opened the door there was a young man with
Kyra.? She called him Rick.? He was tall and blond.
And he must have been very strong because he was
carrying a large rectangular contraption like it
weighed nothing.? It looked like a conductor's podium
with a padded top and straps.? Kyra just smiled at me.
I pulled my robe tighter and let them in.? She went
directly to the den with the man following.? She
closed blinds, rearranged furniture, and had the man
set the platform down in the middle of the room.
Then she thanked him, kissed him on the cheek, and
sent him away.
I breathed a sigh of relief.? I thought the big secret was
going to involve some kind of three-way sex with the
young stranger.? I wasn't ready for that.? So maybe I
should have taken Kyra's warnings more seriously.
What *was* I getting myself into?
"Let's have a look at you," she said, after Rick left.
I was suddenly reluctant, but I removed my robe and
let Kyra appraise me with a critical eye.
"I can see one of the reasons why William finds you
so desirable.? You've got a much better body than
That may have been something of an exaggeration, or
perhaps just flattery.? I'm sure men found her at least
as attractive as they found me.
"OK," she said, "we don't have a lot of time so let's
get started."? She carefully positioned the podium
thingy and opened up the hinged board at the back.
The platform was a padded square and the hinged
business on the back was a stock kind of arrangement.
You know the stocks you see in woodcuts of old time
American punishments.? Pictures where some guy is
penned up for public humiliation with his head and
hands trapped between two planks of wood with
notches in them?? Well it was kind of like that, but the
wood was bolted to one side of the platform.
I swallowed hard and then got down and into position.
I knelt on the platform and put my ankles in the
notches.? Kyra lowered the top board and my ankles
were suddenly fixed in place.? I heard a lock snap
shut.? But the holes were padded just like the top of
the podium so it wasn't uncomfortable.? Well, not too
I swallowed again and waited to see what came next.
She cuffed my hands behind my back.? The cuffs were
padded too.? Then she positioned my knees so they
were well apart and she strapped each one down to the
platform.? I was totally exposed and helpless and had
never felt so vulnerable in my life.? I wanted to ask
what this was all about, but I already had half a
notion.? And besides, I'd promised, no questions.? A
moment later I couldn't have asked any questions if
I'd wanted to.? She came up behind me and pinched
my nose closed.? My mouth almost automatically
opened and with her other hand she pushed some kind
of gag into it.? She buckled the gag in place behind my
head and then moved around in front of me to have a
"Beautiful," She said.? Then she leaned forward and
kissed me on the forehead.? "William is going to love
That gave me encouragement.? During the whole time
we'd known each other I had no idea Bill was into this
kind of kinkiness.? But if this is what it took to really
turn him on, then so be it.? I just wanted him to be
happy.? He was wonderful and deserved it.? Besides,
in a very strange way all this was kind of turning me
on as well.
Kyra rearranged a few other things in the room; she
adjusted the lights.? Then she glanced at the clock and
walked off to the bathroom.? I heard her tinkering for
a long time.? A toilet flushed.? Water ran.? Then
Just as I was starting to get uncomfortable, I heard a
car pull up.? Bill's voice paying off the taxi driver.
Footsteps and a key in the front door.
"Hello, William."
"Kyra!? What are you doing here? . . . Like that?"
"Don't blame me.? It was your darling wife's idea."
"Allie.? You think she hasn't noticed something
missing in your sex life??
"Kyra, listen . . ."
"No William, you listen.? When you decided to break
things off, I didn't whine and I didn't complain.? I
knew it was a mistake, but I knew you weren't going
to learn until you found out for yourself.? Well it's
been a year now.? Are you happy??
"Do you think she's happy??
More silence.
"Well she contacted me and just about demanded to
know what it takes to get you excited."
"And you told her?"
"Better than that."
I heard the sound of footsteps approaching.? Kyra
entered first.? I was startled.? She was wearing some
kind of black leather outfit that left very little to the
imagination.? And there was something about it that
was almost frightening.? She looked like the guy in an
old roman movie who flogged slaves.? And she was
carrying one of those small whips that jockeys use on
Bill came in right behind her and didn't seem
surprised at all.? But Kyra was right.? He looked
hornier than I'd ever seen him.
Kyra let him look at me for a few moments and then
said, "OK then.? What's it gonna be?? It's your call
William.? This is Allie's idea, but it's your decision.
Do you want me to leave and you can work this out
between yourselves?? Or do you want me to follow
I had no idea what she meant by this, but Bill
obviously did.? He seemed torn.? He looked into my
eyes.? "You're doing this for me?"
I nodded.
"To make me happy?"
I nodded again.
"And you know what you're getting into?"
I really thought I did so I nodded once more.
Bill shrugged.? I could see an enormous bulge in his
pants.? "Well then . . . OK, Kyra.? You're in charge."
That surprised me.? I thought he was going to tell her
to leave.
"Strip!"? Kyra said in a firm tone.? And Bill quickly
removed his clothes.? Who would have guessed he'd
be turned on this way?? But he looked great.? His
member was standing harder and firmer than I'd ever
seen it.
Once he was naked Kyra moved over to him and
grabbed his penis with one hand.? That made me a
little jealous.? And for the first time, too.? She began
stroking him and was looking at me.? "Nice isn't it?"
I gulped and nodded.
"You're going to suck this for him, aren't you?"
I nodded enthusiastically and with relief.? So she was
just there to order us both around.? I guess Bill was
turned on by strong women.? Well I was going to be
his strong woman after Kyra was gone.
She moved toward me pulling Bill along by his penis.
She put her little whip under my chin and tilted my
head back so that I was looking directly into her eyes.
"You're going to suck him real good until he cums,
I had to swallow hard on that one before I nodded.? I
hated the idea of Bill coming in my mouth.? But if I
needed to do it to satisfy him. . .? I guess that's why
Kyra was so insistent that I agree to follow all her
directions before she'd help me.
She released his penis and squatted down by my side.
She grabbed by chin with one hand and swatted me
very hard on the thigh with her whip.? I yelped
through my nose with pain and surprise.? "You're
going to let him cum in your mouth and you're going
to swallow it all down, aren't you?"
I gulped again and didn't know what to say.? The idea
sickened me.
She swatted me again with her whip.? "Aren't you?"
And I nodded quickly and emphatically.? I didn't want
to get whipped anymore.
Kyra held the whip in front of my face.? "When I take
your gag out all you're going to say is 'please let me
suck your dick Master William.'? Got it?"
I quickly nodded.
?If you say anything else, I'm going to be very
unhappy.? And if I become unhappy I'm going to start
whipping your tits."
I was trembling as she undid the gag.
"Please let me suck your dick, Master Bill."
Kyra swatted my leg again.? "William!"
"Master William," I corrected.? "Please let me suck
your dick Master William."
And Bill stepped forward and put his penis in my
mouth.? His penis isn't that long, but it's very thick.
I like it, especially when he's inside of me.? He held
my ears almost like handles and literally started
having intercourse with my mouth.? I'd always sucked
his penis before.? This was different.? But he was
definitely hotter than I'd ever seen him.? And
somehow this didn't surprise me.? What did surprise
me was that while Bill was doing this, Kyra reached
down between my legs and started massaging my
private area.? My first instinct was to protest, but my
mouth was full.? And besides, I'd agreed to anything
without question.
So I continued to lubricate my mouth as best I could
and tried to help as Bill plunged more and more quickly
into me.? And very quickly Kyra started getting results
from her manipulations.? She was very good at this.
I found that I was getting as hot as Bill seemed to be.
I was thinking that maybe it had been a mistake not to
play with myself for a whole week.? There was
something about the situation.? It was weird, but I
couldn't deny my reactions.? I could feel my cuffed
hands against the base of my spine.? My armpits were
starting to perspire.? The sounds of Bill's passion were
thrilling to me.? The feel of his leg hair against my
breasts was an incredible turn-on.? I was on the verge
of cumming.
But Kyra seemed to sense this and stopped what she
was doing.? She pinched one of my nipples hard.? My
orgasm died before it erupted.? I was still hot, but I
wasn't about to cum.? But Bill did.? He exploded in
my mouth.? And it wasn't as bad as I thought it would
be.? I gulped as quickly as I could and tried not
thinking about what it was I was swallowing.
Besides, Kyra had me so horny, I wasn't that bothered
by it.
After a minute or so, Bill was finished.? His semi-
flaccid penis slipped out from between my lips and he
backed off on trembling legs and fell into a big chair.
He was happy.? And so was I.? I wasn't sure how all of
this was supposed to work once Kyra was out of the
picture.? But I knew we'd think of something.
Kyra had stopped fingering me when Bill had cum.
But I still hadn't cum and could feel drops of my own
moisture running down the insides of my legs.? Kyra's
hand came up, drenched in my own fluids, and
grasped me with slippery fingers by the chin again.? I
was panting with exertion and lust.? She held the whip
up in front of my face and then extended one finger
and held it to her lips in a shushing gesture.? "Not a
word.? Understand?"
I almost said, 'Yes' but instead nodded.
"Good girl."
"Well William?"? Kyra said.? "It's your call.? Allie
wants you to be happy?"
Bill looked over at me with more love and
contentment than I'd ever seen in him before.? "Are
you sure?" he asked.
'Sure about what?' I wondered.? But I had to make an
answer and I wasn't supposed to talk.? So I just
nodded again.
William shrugged and said, "OK, Kyra.? You were
right and I was wrong.? You win."
'Win what?' I wondered.? What exactly had just
Kyra stood up.? "OK . . . ."? She looked down at me
and holding her whip for me to see said, "Not a
word."? Then she looked at Bill and ordered him to,
"Get cleaned up.? It's been well over a year for you so
I know one little blow job isn't enough."? They both
laughed.? "Wait for me in the bedroom and I'll be in
soon and take good care of you."
What the hell was this?!? "But, Bill . . .," I blurted out.
A blinding pain came over me as the hot lash of her
whip slashed across my chest.? I started to scream and
a moment later I felt the gag rammed back in place.
I tried to fight, but I was helpless.? But I kept
protesting as best I could.? Kyra held up the whip
again.? But I didn't stop yelling behind the gag.? That
is I didn't stop yelling until she started whipping me
some more.? It was horrible.? But I quickly learned and
was silent.? Well, I was crying and sobbing, but no
longer screaming.
"Better," said Kyra.
Bill was standing at the door and looking back at me.
Why hadn't he come to my rescue?
"Get," said Kyra.? Bill, looked troubled and undecided
for a moment, but then turned and left.
I groaned but didn't otherwise protest.
Kyra got up and looked thoughtfully into my face.
Then she found her bag and pulled out a cell phone.
She punched some buttons.? "OK, Rick" she said.? "It
looks like we're going to need the van after all. . . .
Uh huh, same address. . . ."? She looked back at
me and then at the clock.? "Oh, say about half an
hour. . . .? Right.? I'll let you know where to take her
when you make the pick-up. . . .? Bye."? She pushed
another button and put the phone away.
Kyra pulled a small chair over and sat right in front of
me.? "Well, Allie," she said, "you wanted William to
be happy and he's happy.? And he's going to stay that
way."? I was weeping over and around my gag.? I
looked down.? Kara swatted me on the top of my head
with the whip.? "Look at me."? I looked into her eyes.
They were amused, but cold.
"Now *you* have a decision to make.? And it will be
the last decision you will ever have to make."? A cold
chill ran through me.? "You can go one of two ways.
I can have you sent to work in a brothel in some third
world country.? You'll probably end up hooked on
drugs and will definitely find the work taxing."? She
paused for me to think about that.? "Or I can have you
trained as a sex slave and placed with a good owner.
Your training will bind you more thoroughly than
drugs, but you'll have a cleaner, nicer environment,
and the work will be more . . ." she paused to think of
the right word and then said with amusement, ". . .
"If you chose the brothel, all you have to do is sit
there.? Sit and wait quietly or sit and fight.? It won't
make any difference.? But if you want to become a sex
slave nod your head.? I'll remove your gag and you
can practice your new career by licking me until I
cum."? Then she said with menace in her voice, "But
if you nod your head and then give me any shit at all,
the gag goes back, I'll whip you silly, and the brothel
it will be.? So what would you like?"
How did this happen?? What had I done wrong?? What
was I supposed to do?? The seconds crawled by.? I
lowered my eyes and nodded once.
I felt Kyra pat my head.? "Good girl."? She reached
down and removed my gag.? I was careful to remain
silent.? I heard something snap and looking up saw her
panties were off.? I could see her pubic area right in
front of my face as I kneeled before her.? Her hair was
thick and silky and slick with her own juices.? I could
smell her scent.? She rubbed her clitoris for a few
moments and then carefully spread her pubic hair
away to the sides so that I would have good access.
I'd never done this before.? Never.? What choice did
I have?? I carefully leaned forward and brought my
mouth down to her wet flesh.? My mind was racing
furiously but going nowhere.? My tongue was moving
slowly.? I felt Kyra reach down and give my earlobe a
hard pinch.? "Come on, Allie, you can do better than
that."? So I closed my eyes and tried to do with my
tongue what I usually do to myself with my fingers.
Kyra sat back and sighed.
As I got into a rhythm, I could hear water running in
the bathroom.? William was taking a shower.? Kyra
hadn't lied.? I knew he would be happy.
*?? *?? *?? *?? *?? End of Story?? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
???? by Zebulon
This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper
credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted,
and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is
being posted.
???? by Zebulon
This is a work of fiction.? No
reference to real persons is
intended.? It contains strong,
non-traditional sexual imagery
and language.? If you don't like
this kind of thing, don't read it.
This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper
credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted,
and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is
being posted.
???? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected]
???? (MF, FF, NC, Bond)
*?? *?? *??
*?? *?? Start of Story?? *??
*?? *?? *?? *
I was tied up - literally.? I was
naked and kneeling and
locked into some kind of strange construction.? My
hands were bound behind me and my mouth was
gagged.? I'm sure I looked a sight.? But Kyra told me
this is what Bill liked, so there I was.? And I didn't
know whether to feel humiliated, or scared, or excited.
Maybe a little of all three.? I
know part of me was
thinking this was amazingly bizarre.?
But the rest of
me was hoping against hope that this was the answer
I'd been praying for.? Everything
was ready.? Kyra
was going to meet Bill when he got home and bring
him to me.? And oh yeah, my name
is Allie.
All I really wanted was to make Bill happy.? We had
been married almost a year and I knew that something
was very wrong.? But until I
talked with Kyra, I had
no idea what it might be. . . .?
I suppose I'd better start
at the beginning.
I first met Bill at a party.? It
wasn't a great 'love-at-
first-sight' moment, but I did find him attractive.? And
it wasn't just physical.? Oh,
Bill was handsome
enough but he wasn't particularly tall.?
That is to say
we're almost exactly the same height.?
But I was very
attracted to his personality.?
And the more we talked
the more I liked him.? He was
smart and attentive and
funny.? He made me laugh and I
liked that a lot.? And
there was something else about him.?
Something I
wasn't able to put my finger on at the time.? But I
think there was a kind of lost puppy-dog quality about
him.? It made me want to take
care of him.? Three
weeks after the party Bill proposed and I didn't have
to think twice before saying 'yes.'
I suppose you'd call that a whirlwind romance.? So I
didn't really know that much about him.?
But I did
know about Kyra.? She'd been his
long time girlfriend
before me.? In fact, they'd
broken up shortly before
the party.? It had been an
amiable split and they had
stayed good friends.? But there
was nothing more
between them.? Really!? I mean I have never, ever
been bothered by Kyra.? Bill
never gave me any
reason to be and neither did she.?
He didn't talk about
her unless I asked.? And when I
did ask he answered
all of my questions without looking the least bit
evasive.? The only thing he wouldn't
talk about was
their sex life.? At first I
thought he was just being
considerate of Kyra's privacy.
Bill didn't even invite Kyra to our wedding but I
figured they'd been together for such a long time she
deserved the courtesy.? So I
found her address and
sent her an invitation.? Bill was
a little surprised when
she came to the wedding.? I guess
so was I.? But it was
no problem.? That was the first
time I met her.? She
was half a head shorter then me and quite pretty.? But
there was also something powerful and intimidating
about her.
Almost surprisingly, Kyra and I became friends.? Not
close friends, but we'd talk from time to time.? And
she never imposed on our marriage.?
She was never a
threat.? She never acted like she
objected to me or that
she had any designs on Bill.? I
really respected her for
that.? And that might have been
all there was to it if
there hadn't been something wrong between Bill and
Our first year of marriage was good.?
In fact it was
wonderful in most ways.? But
there was definitely
something missing as far as sex was concerned.? I
could never seem to please him.?
Oh, he was good
about it.? He never complained or
asked me for
anything.? But I felt like a
miserable failure.? In fact I
really wished he would have asked for something.
Maybe that way I would have been able to figure out
what was wrong.? But Bill just
wouldn't talk about it.
He'd discuss anything else, but not that.
And I knew the problem wasn't me.?
At least I was
pretty sure it wasn't me.? I'm
not bad looking.? But
looks aside, I really love sex.?
Oh, I know women
aren't supposed to.? At least not
women who have
been properly brought up.? But I
do.? I love it and I'm
responsive, and I'm appreciative.?
I moan and cry out
when making love and I almost always have an
orgasm.? I never have to fake
anything.? Men are
supposed to like that and I'm sure Bill did.? But I just
couldn't do the same for him.?
And it was driving me
crazy.? I finally got the idea of
asking Kyra.? Bill had
once said that sex had been the best part of his
relationship with her.?
So I called Kyra and we met for lunch.?
At first I did
most of the talking.? And I kept
talking without
getting to the point.? She didn't
interrupt and she
didn't try to hurry me.? She just
listened.? But I didn't
want to leave without an answer.?
So I finally screwed
up the courage and asked her point blank, "Did you
and Bill have good sex?"
Kyra gave me the strangest smile like she knew this
was why I'd wanted to meet.?
"Why do you ask?" she
said innocently.
I don't think she was trying to make me squirm.? I
think she just wanted to be sure of my reasons for
asking before she answered.? But
I couldn't seem to
find the words.? I guess I looked
pathetic.? Anyway,
she finally volunteered an answer.?
"Great.? Our sex
was always great."? Then she
paused thoughtfully and
went on, "But sex wasn't enough.?
He wanted
something which I couldn't give him, and you
obviously could."? And as if
to deflect any wounded
feelings she added, "I'm not unhappy about the way
things turned out.? All I ever
wanted was for William
to be happy.? And if he's happy
with you, I'm
I stalled.? "What did I have
that you didn't have?? I
mean what was he looking for that I gave him?"
She gave me another funny, knowing look.? "Oh I
don't know, respectability maybe.?
Or conventionality.
But that's not why you wanted to talk to me.? So tell
me, why are we here?"
I couldn't bring myself to put it into words and must
have just looked miserable again.
"He's not happy, is he?" Kyra asked.? "I mean he may
be happy with you, but there's something missing
when it comes to romance, isn't there?"
I just nodded.
"He pleases you, but you can't please him. ?Is that
about it?"
"Yes," I admitted with considerable relief.? I was
embarrassed but glad to have it out in the open.? And
I was very encouraged.? Kyra had
guessed what was
wrong.? That would also mean she
knew how to make
things right.? Wouldn't it?
"You want to please him," Kyra said, "don't you?"
"Yes I do."
"How much?" she asked.
"I beg your pardon?"
"How much do you want to please him?? How far are
you willing to go??
What was this?? I had no idea
what she was talking
about.? But I knew Bill's
happiness was my only
concern.? "I'll do whatever
it takes," I said firmly.
"As long has he's happy, I'll be happy."
"And you'd do anything to make him happy?" she
asked with that amused expression.
She thought about that for a few silent moments.
Then she looked at me with a totally new expression.
It was like a combination of seriousness and
compassion.? "Don't answer
too quickly.? Think about
it.? I'll think it over as
well.? We'll talk again.? And if
you're still this serious, I'll help you with what you
And that was the end of lunch.? I
went home baffled
but hopeful.? Bill and I made
love that night but it was
worse than ever.? Sweet,
romantic, and with
absolutely nothing to suggest he was enjoying himself
at all.
Two weeks passed.? Bill was at
work when the phone
rang.? It was Kyra.? "You still want to know how to
turn William on??
"Yes," I said, "are you going to tell me?"
By way of answer she said, "He's going out of town
on business soon, isn't he?"
How did she know that?? "Yes
he is."
"How'd you like to surprise him when he gets back
with something that will make him hotter than you've
ever seen him before?"
"You know I would."
There was a long, thoughtful pause.?
"And you'll do
whatever it takes?"
"You've given this careful thought?"
"Yes, I have.? Why do you
keep asking me that?? This
isn't going to involve anything dangerous, is it?"
She laughed.? "That depends
on what you mean by
dangerous.? William and I had
great sex and I'm still
here and in more or less one piece."
More mystery.? "Are you
going to tell me?"
"No, but I'll show you."
"I beg your pardon?"
"It's not something I can 'tell' someone with no
experience.? But I'll come over
and help you prepare
a surprise for him on the day he gets back.? I can
guarantee you'll really turn him on.?
Would that be
"You answered too quickly.?
I'm not convinced. . . .
Would you do exactly what I tell you??
No questions.
No arguments.? Just do whatever I
say for the
This was definitely strange, but the whole situation
was strange.? And maybe it was
some kind of test on
her part.? So I said OK.
Afterwards I wondered what she'd meant by
'someone with no experience.'
I didn't hear another word from Kyra until the
morning Bill was scheduled to return.?
She called
early and told me to pamper myself.?
She said to go
out and get my hair done, have a manicure, whatever.
Then I was to take a long hot bath in the evening and
to not get dressed afterwards.?
Just throw on a robe
and be dry and ready for her at 8:00 pm sharp.? That
was only an hour or so before Bill was supposed to
get home.
"Should I eat first?"
"Please yourself."? And
the phone went dead.
I went through the entire day in a kind of trance
wondering what was going to happen that evening.
And when the doorbell rang, precisely at 8:00, I was
in quite a state of excitement.?
I hadn't even touched
myself the whole week Bill was away.?
I wanted to be
really ready for him.? And like I
said before, I'm
somewhat oversexed.? I generally
bring myself off at
least once or twice a day when Bill is gone.? So
between my horniness and the mystery I was primed
and ready for anything.? Well, I
thought I was ready
for anything.
When I opened the door there was a young man with
Kyra.? She called him Rick.? He was tall and blond.
And he must have been very strong because he was
carrying a large rectangular contraption like it
weighed nothing.? It looked like
a conductor's podium
with a padded top and straps.?
Kyra just smiled at me.
I pulled my robe tighter and let them in.? She went
directly to the den with the man following.? She
closed blinds, rearranged furniture, and had the man
set the platform down in the middle of the room.
Then she thanked him, kissed him on the cheek, and
sent him away.
I breathed a sigh of relief.? I
thought the big secret was
going to involve some kind of three-way sex with the
young stranger.? I wasn't ready
for that.? So maybe I
should have taken Kyra's warnings more seriously.
What *was* I getting myself into?
"Let's have a look at you," she said, after Rick left.
I was suddenly reluctant, but I removed my robe and
let Kyra appraise me with a critical eye.
"I can see one of the reasons why William finds you
so desirable.? You've got a much
better body than
That may have been something of an exaggeration, or
perhaps just flattery.? I'm sure
men found her at least
as attractive as they found me.
"OK," she said, "we don't have a lot of time so let's
get started."? She carefully
positioned the podium
thingy and opened up the hinged board at the back.
The platform was a padded square and the hinged
business on the back was a stock kind of arrangement.
You know the stocks you see in woodcuts of old time
American punishments.? Pictures
where some guy is
penned up for public humiliation with his head and
hands trapped between two planks of wood with
notches in them?? Well it was
kind of like that, but the
wood was bolted to one side of the platform.
I swallowed hard and then got down and into position.
I knelt on the platform and put my ankles in the
notches.? Kyra lowered the top
board and my ankles
were suddenly fixed in place.? I
heard a lock snap
shut.? But the holes were padded
just like the top of
the podium so it wasn't uncomfortable.?
Well, not too
I swallowed again and waited to see what came next.
She cuffed my hands behind my back.?
The cuffs were
padded too.? Then she positioned
my knees so they
were well apart and she strapped each one down to the
platform.? I was totally exposed
and helpless and had
never felt so vulnerable in my life.?
I wanted to ask
what this was all about, but I already had half a
notion.? And besides, I'd
promised, no questions.? A
moment later I couldn't have asked any questions if
I'd wanted to.? She came up
behind me and pinched
my nose closed.? My mouth almost
opened and with her other hand she pushed some kind
of gag into it.? She buckled the
gag in place behind my
head and then moved around in front of me to have a
"Beautiful," She said.?
Then she leaned forward and
kissed me on the forehead.?
"William is going to love
That gave me encouragement.?
During the whole time
we'd known each other I had no idea Bill was into this
kind of kinkiness.? But if this
is what it took to really
turn him on, then so be it.? I
just wanted him to be
happy.? He was wonderful and
deserved it.? Besides,
in a very strange way all this was kind of turning me
on as well.
Kyra rearranged a few other things in the room; she
adjusted the lights.? Then she
glanced at the clock and
walked off to the bathroom.? I
heard her tinkering for
a long time.? A toilet
flushed.? Water ran.? Then
Just as I was starting to get uncomfortable, I heard a
car pull up.? Bill's voice paying
off the taxi driver.
Footsteps and a key in the front door.
"Hello, William."
"Kyra!? What are you doing
here? . . . Like that?"
"Don't blame me.? It was
your darling wife's idea."
"Allie.? You think she
hasn't noticed something
missing in your sex life??
"Kyra, listen . . ."
"No William, you listen.?
When you decided to break
things off, I didn't whine and I didn't complain.? I
knew it was a mistake, but I knew you weren't going
to learn until you found out for yourself.? Well it's
been a year now.? Are you happy??
"Do you think she's happy??
More silence.
"Well she contacted me and just about demanded to
know what it takes to get you excited."
"And you told her?"
"Better than that."
I heard the sound of footsteps approaching.? Kyra
entered first.? I was
startled.? She was wearing some
kind of black leather outfit that left very little to the
imagination.? And there was
something about it that
was almost frightening.? She
looked like the guy in an
old roman movie who flogged slaves.?
And she was
carrying one of those small whips that jockeys use on
Bill came in right behind her and didn't seem
surprised at all.? But Kyra was
right.? He looked
hornier than I'd ever seen him.
Kyra let him look at me for a few moments and then
said, "OK then.? What's it
gonna be?? It's your call
William.? This is Allie's idea,
but it's your decision.
Do you want me to leave and you can work this out
between yourselves?? Or do you
want me to follow
I had no idea what she meant by this, but Bill
obviously did.? He seemed
torn.? He looked into my
eyes.? "You're doing this
for me?"
I nodded.
"To make me happy?"
I nodded again.
"And you know what you're getting into?"
I really thought I did so I nodded once more.
Bill shrugged.? I could see an
enormous bulge in his
pants.? "Well then . . . OK,
Kyra.? You're in charge."
That surprised me.? I thought he
was going to tell her
to leave.
"Strip!"? Kyra said in
a firm tone.? And Bill quickly
removed his clothes.? Who would
have guessed he'd
be turned on this way?? But he
looked great.? His
member was standing harder and firmer than I'd ever
seen it.
Once he was naked Kyra moved over to him and
grabbed his penis with one hand.?
That made me a
little jealous.? And for the
first time, too.? She began
stroking him and was looking at me.?
"Nice isn't it?"
I gulped and nodded.
"You're going to suck this for him, aren't you?"
I nodded enthusiastically and with relief.? So she was
just there to order us both around.?
I guess Bill was
turned on by strong women.? Well
I was going to be
his strong woman after Kyra was gone.
She moved toward me pulling Bill along by his penis.
She put her little whip under my chin and tilted my
head back so that I was looking directly into her eyes.
"You're going to suck him real good until he cums,
I had to swallow hard on that one before I nodded.? I
hated the idea of Bill coming in my mouth.? But if I
needed to do it to satisfy him. . .?
I guess that's why
Kyra was so insistent that I agree to follow all her
directions before she'd help me.
She released his penis and squatted down by my side.
She grabbed by chin with one hand and swatted me
very hard on the thigh with her whip.?
I yelped
through my nose with pain and surprise.?
going to let him cum in your mouth and you're going
to swallow it all down, aren't you?"
I gulped again and didn't know what to say.? The idea
sickened me.
She swatted me again with her whip.?
"Aren't you?"
And I nodded quickly and emphatically.?
I didn't want
to get whipped anymore.
Kyra held the whip in front of my face.?
"When I take
your gag out all you're going to say is 'please let me
suck your dick Master William.'?
Got it?"
I quickly nodded.
?If you say anything else, I'm going to be very
unhappy.? And if I become unhappy
I'm going to start
whipping your tits."
I was trembling as she undid the gag.
"Please let me suck your dick, Master Bill."
Kyra swatted my leg again.?
"Master William," I corrected.? "Please let me suck
your dick Master William."
And Bill stepped forward and put his penis in my
mouth.? His penis isn't that
long, but it's very thick.
I like it, especially when he's inside of me.? He held
my ears almost like handles and literally started
having intercourse with my mouth.?
I'd always sucked
his penis before.? This was
different.? But he was
definitely hotter than I'd ever seen him.? And
somehow this didn't surprise me.?
What did surprise
me was that while Bill was doing this, Kyra reached
down between my legs and started massaging my
private area.? My first instinct
was to protest, but my
mouth was full.? And besides, I'd
agreed to anything
without question.
So I continued to lubricate my mouth as best I could
and tried to help as Bill plunged more and more quickly
into me.? And very quickly Kyra
started getting results
from her manipulations.? She was
very good at this.
I found that I was getting as hot as Bill seemed to be.
I was thinking that maybe it had been a mistake not to
play with myself for a whole week.?
There was
something about the situation.?
It was weird, but I
couldn't deny my reactions.? I
could feel my cuffed
hands against the base of my spine.?
My armpits were
starting to perspire.? The sounds
of Bill's passion were
thrilling to me.? The feel of his
leg hair against my
breasts was an incredible turn-on.?
I was on the verge
of cumming.
But Kyra seemed to sense this and stopped what she
was doing.? She pinched one of my
nipples hard.? My
orgasm died before it erupted.? I
was still hot, but I
wasn't about to cum.? But Bill
did.? He exploded in
my mouth.? And it wasn't as bad
as I thought it would
be.? I gulped as quickly as I
could and tried not
thinking about what it was I was swallowing.
Besides, Kyra had me so horny, I wasn't that bothered
by it.
After a minute or so, Bill was finished.? His semi-
flaccid penis slipped out from between my lips and he
backed off on trembling legs and fell into a big chair.
He was happy.? And so was I.? I wasn't sure how all of
this was supposed to work once Kyra was out of the
picture.? But I knew we'd think
of something.
Kyra had stopped fingering me when Bill had cum.
But I still hadn't cum and could feel drops of my own
moisture running down the insides of my legs.? Kyra's
hand came up, drenched in my own fluids, and
grasped me with slippery fingers by the chin again.? I
was panting with exertion and lust.?
She held the whip
up in front of my face and then extended one finger
and held it to her lips in a shushing gesture.? "Not a
word.? Understand?"
I almost said, 'Yes' but instead nodded.
"Good girl."
"Well William?"? Kyra
said.? "It's your call.? Allie
wants you to be happy?"
Bill looked over at me with more love and
contentment than I'd ever seen in him before.? "Are
you sure?" he asked.
'Sure about what?' I wondered.?
But I had to make an
answer and I wasn't supposed to talk.?
So I just
nodded again.
William shrugged and said, "OK, Kyra.? You were
right and I was wrong.? You
'Win what?' I wondered.? What
exactly had just
Kyra stood up.? "OK . . .
."? She looked down at me
and holding her whip for me to see said, "Not a
word."? Then she looked at
Bill and ordered him to,
"Get cleaned up.? It's been
well over a year for you so
I know one little blow job isn't enough."? They both
laughed.? "Wait for me in
the bedroom and I'll be in
soon and take good care of you."
What the hell was this?!?
"But, Bill . . .," I blurted out.
A blinding pain came over me as the hot lash of her
whip slashed across my chest.? I
started to scream and
a moment later I felt the gag rammed back in place.
I tried to fight, but I was helpless.?
But I kept
protesting as best I could.? Kyra
held up the whip
again.? But I didn't stop yelling
behind the gag.? That
is I didn't stop yelling until she started whipping me
some more.? It was horrible.? But I quickly learned and
was silent.? Well, I was crying
and sobbing, but no
longer screaming.
"Better," said Kyra.
Bill was standing at the door and looking back at me.
Why hadn't he come to my rescue?
"Get," said Kyra.?
Bill, looked troubled and undecided
for a moment, but then turned and left.
I groaned but didn't otherwise protest.
Kyra got up and looked thoughtfully into my face.
Then she found her bag and pulled out a cell phone.
She punched some buttons.?
"OK, Rick" she said.?
looks like we're going to need the van after all. . . .
Uh huh, same address. . . ."?
She looked back at
me and then at the clock.?
"Oh, say about half an
hour. . . .? Right.? I'll let you know where to take her
when you make the pick-up. . . .?
Bye."? She pushed
another button and put the phone away.
Kyra pulled a small chair over and sat right in front of
me.? "Well, Allie," she
said, "you wanted William to
be happy and he's happy.? And
he's going to stay that
way."? I was weeping over
and around my gag.? I
looked down.? Kara swatted me on
the top of my head
with the whip.? "Look at
me."? I looked into her eyes.
They were amused, but cold.
"Now *you* have a decision to make.? And it will be
the last decision you will ever have to make."? A cold
chill ran through me.? "You
can go one of two ways.
I can have you sent to work in a brothel in some third
world country.? You'll probably
end up hooked on
drugs and will definitely find the work taxing."? She
paused for me to think about that.?
"Or I can have you
trained as a sex slave and placed with a good owner.
Your training will bind you more thoroughly than
drugs, but you'll have a cleaner, nicer environment,
and the work will be more . . ." she paused to think of
the right word and then said with amusement, ". . .
"If you chose the brothel, all you have to do is sit
there.? Sit and wait quietly or
sit and fight.? It won't
make any difference.? But if you
want to become a sex
slave nod your head.? I'll remove
your gag and you
can practice your new career by licking me until I
cum."? Then she said with
menace in her voice, "But
if you nod your head and then give me any shit at all,
the gag goes back, I'll whip you silly, and the brothel
it will be.? So what would you
How did this happen?? What had I
done wrong?? What
was I supposed to do?? The
seconds crawled by.? I
lowered my eyes and nodded once.
I felt Kyra pat my head.?
"Good girl."? She
down and removed my gag.? I was
careful to remain
silent.? I heard something snap
and looking up saw her
panties were off.? I could see
her pubic area right in
front of my face as I kneeled before her.? Her hair was
thick and silky and slick with her own juices.? I could
smell her scent.? She rubbed her
clitoris for a few
moments and then carefully spread her pubic hair
away to the sides so that I would have good access.
I'd never done this before.?
Never.? What choice did
I have?? I carefully leaned
forward and brought my
mouth down to her wet flesh.? My
mind was racing
furiously but going nowhere.? My
tongue was moving
slowly.? I felt Kyra reach down
and give my earlobe a
hard pinch.? "Come on,
Allie, you can do better than
that."? So I closed my eyes
and tried to do with my
tongue what I usually do to myself with my fingers.
Kyra sat back and sighed.
As I got into a rhythm, I could hear water running in
the bathroom.? William was taking
a shower.? Kyra
hadn't lied.? I knew he would be
*?? *?? *??
*?? *?? End of Story??
*?? *?? *??
*?? *
???? by Zebulon
This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper
credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted,
and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is
being posted.
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Wife fucked by three giants Hello friends i m rocky from mumbai I found this story on net hope u all will like it. plz reply my id is n if any girl or bhabhi wanna chat with me they can also contact me I am regular reader of humandigest and I have read fantastic stories and today I am going to narrate a real incidence, which I hope will definately will be liked by everybody. First of all I would like to introduce my self, my name is Anil and I am 41 years old averagely built guy. I am...
Brody checked the lasagna while he waited for Ryan. He hoped she hadn't gotten stuck in traffic, although he figured she'd call if something like that happened. It seemed strange that the six weeks were over. The only thing wrong was that he wasn't still playing hockey. Not that he would be even if the team was still in the playoffs. He was improving and would try skating again the next week. Still, he chafed at the restrictions. The knock at the door jerked him out of his thoughts and he...
Love StoriesMick walked me to behind the counter and grabbed some measuring tape. I asked him "Do you measure over my dress, or do I need to remove it?"... I knew he could do it over my dress... I just wanted to see what he'd say...I was giving him an opportunity to take advantage of me, and I wanted to see if he would take it. He looked at my dress, and I'm sure he could tell I wasn't wearing a bra... he said "well... I could do it over the dress... but we'd get a much better measurement without...
--- I can't believe it. I just can't fucking believe it. That was going through everybody's mind as we walked back to our bus. It was pouring down rain, and the sky was as dark as we felt. We just lost in the third round of the playoff's. To a city school. Not only that, but a city school who uses Freshmen as their starters. We were up 14 points at the half, and we lost by 22 points. Isaac was crying on the coaches shoulder, Adam was throwing up in the corner, Tanner...
My name is Tom and I am your typical 30 year old married guy. What is atypical about me is my wife, Tara of 10 years. She is a feisty little blonde that keeps me on my toes in many ways. We are not exactly way out there when it comes to sex, but we've tried some different things over the years. Tara is usually more cautious than I am. We were recently out shopping for some new clothes. I was hoping to find a new shirt for work and she was hoping to buy lot's of stuff, because...
I met a new friend the other day and invited her over for the weekend . Well she spent the weekend, we went swimming in the pool, she was a little taken back that I went in naked and after a bit she took off her suit, she had breasts just a bit bigger than mine, her nipples were light pink and not as big, she was shaved but had an assume landing strip. I asked her if she had ever had sex with a girl and she replied I have never had sex with a woman but have always wanted to. I moved over to her...
“Arun, you have sent him the address, na?” Kavita asked, getting ready for Ayushi’s birthday party and the sexy plans later. I looked at my beautiful wife wearing a salwar suit. On the pretext of getting ready for Ayushi’s birthday, Kavita was getting ready for Reddy. I could see her excited. I couldn’t understand how my wife became crazy about Reddy in a matter of few days. I know that I started all this, but I never expected things to go this far. All I could think was how Reddy was again...
Hello Everyone: About Me: To introduce me; this is Raj (30 years) currently living in Dombivli, Mumbai. Working as a Senior IT profession in Mumbai. I am from Chennai due to my profession I live in Mumbai. I am 6 feet and average built guy. Please use this email id to submit your comments and also if anybody interested for a secret relationship and I welcome but with a high degree of secrecy to be maintained. This is my first story and real incident about my sexual relationship with my cousin...
“You trained him to do what!?” Will demanded.Bella was sitting on the edge of the bed trying to coax her monkey back inside. “Well, I was ransacking your room for your clothes. I pulled your drawers out and started stuffing as many of them as I could into a duffel, and then you called me down. Jack must have thought we were robbing the place and kept going after I left.”“You trained him to commit larceny?” Will was simultaniously amused and horrified.Bella gave a small guilty shrug. Janie...
Fantasy & Sci-FiAfter several years of futile attempts at maintaining gainful employment, my husband, Tommy, and I decided to try to make a living as truck drivers. We thought of it as an opportunity for adventure since we were both young and had never traveled farther north from our home in Florida than Tennessee or farther west than Louisiana. We quickly adapted to the lifestyle. Living, eating, sleeping, working and fucking in the crowded confines of our seventy-two inch sleeper bunk. We had only been on...
Group SexThere were only two days of summer left before John Doe had to attend his first day of school at Yale and one of them was nearly over. "John, there's something I need to talk to you about." Said Mrs. Doe, John's mother. John and his mom were eating dinner and his mom sounded serious. "Did you hear about the new punishment laws involving nudity?" asked John's mother "Yeah, they went over it in school before summer started. It's a total load though, there's no way they can legally do that." said...
The Virgin 'Punter'As he walked along the quiet Brighton street Andrew Hunter was feeling unusually nervous, during his successful business career he'd been in many situations where he was unsure how he would control a meeting, but then the nervousness was accompanied by the thrill of challenge. Today was entirely different. Over one shoulder was slung an expensive overnight bag, over the other a leather suit bag. He considered this the minimum amount of luggage that would persuade a hotel...
John was just going to graduate from high school and I was in my sophomore year in college. John had called me about coming to tour our campus and spending the weekend to find out about college life. I live on a coed floor with my roommate, Kami, so I talked to her about how we could arrange to have John stay with us. "He can sleep in my bed with me!" Was her first response. "I don't think I would be able to sleep in this room with my brother screwing you and you moaning and...
Lana Rhoades gets her tiny pussy stuffed by Isiah Maxwell’s BBC. Lana is wearing an amazingly sexy white lace lingerie with a see-through feather shawl over it and matching stockings as she teases us with her perfect curves. She tosses her shawl to the side as she runs her hands across her tight, young body then removes her top so she can play with her perky nipples. Isiah comes in and immediately starts to kiss every inch of her perfect skin then makes his way up to her lips. Lana feels...
xmoviesforyouAhma woke to the same routine. But Ahma did not feel the same. She was usually able to go through her days with a surprising measure of cheer and grace for her station. Her stomach felt as if it had half devoured itself. She had never gone to eat after yesterday’s unpleasant events. Despite the gnawing of her belly not a tingle of appetite came to her this morning. She felt heart-sick with loneliness and misery, sitting upon her bed while Hannah’s deft fingers worked her hair into a braid as...
Erotic FictionIt was early morning. The sun was just rising on the horizon. The beach was empty of people. The white sand, soft and untouched. The waves of the ocean gently touched upon the sands and retreated. It was a secluded beach behind the huge rocky expanse which separated it from the civilization. Not visited by many, the beach was a nice get away for a stray couple once in a while.Today though, Becky strolled down the beach in the dark early hours of the morning. She needed to get away from people....
Group SexWatching Monica fucked so well by James was so erotic and such a turn on, she cum 2 times in just the first round. His stamina along with his staying power was simply awesome to say the least.After he finished fucking my wife and dumping a good load into her he sat at the headboard of the bed, Monica moved to his right side after a little while of laying there with her legs spread, regaining her composure from receiving what must have been the fuck of her life, at that stage we didn't realize...
It was Saturday. My favorite day of the week. I was thankful that I didn't have to go to class or work on Saturdays. That meant a lot more free time and a lot more time for fun. And no other day of the week allowed me to spend more time with my amazing girlfriend, Becca. Becca used to be a cheerleader for Rasington University, but her horniness and refusal to abide by school policies got her kicked off the squad. She refused to return her cheerleader uniform and was subsequently expelled....
Group SexMy wife is a stunning redheaded MILF, and judging by the looks she gets when we go out, others agree with me. A good friend of mine stayed at our home for a week one summer while broken down on his way somewhere and after a night of drinking, one thing led to another and the two of us took out sexual frustrations out on my wife. The following story is of what occurred on his last day staying with us that time, written by her.Anticipating an afternoon of play outside with my man and our young,...
An Italian man enters his favorite ritzy restaurant and while sitting at his regular table, he notices a gorgeous woman sitting at a nearby table. ...Alone. He calls the waiter over and asks for the most expensive bottle of Merlot to be sent over to her, knowing that if she accepts it, she will be his. The waiter gets the bottle and quickly takes it to her saying who it came from. She looks at the bottle and decides to send a note over to the man. The note said "For me to accept this bottle,...
I walked back to my camper, thinking about Ellen, and that healthy ‘softball player’ body; those muscular thighs, and all those fucking freckles; they were just about to drive me fucking crazy thinking about them. I remember reading a story once about a boy and girl. I like remembering stories like that. The girl was virtually covered with freckles and the boy was blindly in love with her. She didn’t see how anyone could love her with all those freckles. They were close and she finally...
"A private session? Private, as in--""One-on-one," Professor Williams said, leading the way into the university's atelier-and-drawing-studio multipurpose room. It was somewhat hidden in the back, behind many corridors and rooms full of workbenches, supply shelves and closets, arts projects, sculptures, busts, installations and paintings stacked upon paintings. Normally the halls were full of activity, but it was Friday evening just after 10 and everyone except Professor Williams seemed to have...
VoyeurThe Fraternity Drag Ball by Elrod W Bill frowned, for perhaps the tenth time in the past ten minutes. "How in the hell am I supposed to get ready for this party on such short notice?" he demanded of his roommates, Jim, Tony, and Marty. "I mean, the party is tonight. Tonight!" Tony laughed, but secretly sympathized with Bill's plight. If it weren't for him and Marty, Bill wouldn't be in this predicament. It wasn't his fault that Bill was so reserved, while he and Marty were...
Petite, young Gia DiBella looks scrumptious in a tight bikini, teasing in preparation for a wild backdoor fuck. The sassy dirty blonde poses and strips playfully, soon introducing herself to viewers. She spreads open her holes for the camera, and MILF director Francesca Le shoves a dildo into Gia’s sphincter. Ms. Le offers lesbian fingering and anal probing. Francesca’s husband, porn pro Mark Wood, brings his jumbo boner for Gia to enjoy. She welcomes the hung stud with a messy...
xmoviesforyouDuring the weekend I had discussed with my husband Victor about my new black cock whore condition. A few days before we had gone to Paula’s home, where she had introduced us to Jamal, her brand new black stud and boyfriend.After a while chatting during the party, Jamal had noticed my wild arousal for his black cock and he had ended fucking me in front of all our friends, including his girlfriend and my hubby.Victor ended quarreling so bad, until he yelled at me I could do whatever I wanted. So,...
I borrowed this story from a friend of mine (with his permission of course) who also has a xham profile page. He decided his stories would be better suited for my page since they are about two high school guys who experiment with each other.Please read and enjoy and PLEASE comment. Thanks!Jason and I became friends in junior hi school but didn’t start fooling around together for a few years. We both had a thin build, me a little taller than Jason and both of us had medium brown hair. I didn’t...
Lucy's Revenge Part 4 I should have called in sick the next day but thought by concentrating on work I could take my mind off the previous two days' events. My jaw was sore from keeping my mouth open most of yesterday afternoon giving blowjobs and my ass hurt so much from being fucked at the truck stop I could hardly sit. But that's what I had to do to pee since Lucy left my cock securely locked up in the chastity device. Despite all this I was horny as hell as was willing to do just...
John, Jillian And Me ContinuedJillian, John and I continued fucking three or four times a week until my family returned. Then it was on any occasion that was available after that. I was still able to fulfill my own wife’s sexual needs as well as my own need for lots of extra marital fucking.Viola had gone through an extremely hard menopause after having two sets of twins, boy and girl each time and a single girl between. She said that she had told her mother that she had lost much of her sex...
Wife LoversHello friends i m nirmal frm jalandhar mai student hu aur sab log mujhe pyaar se jaggi bulate hai mai bohut h handsome aur good looking ladka hu mere lund ka size 8.5inch lamba aur 3 inch mota hai meri umar 19 saal hai aur mai school main parh tai hu yeh meri first storu hai es site par…. Agar koi galti hue ho toh maaf kijie ga toh ab mai apko jyada borr nah krte hue apni story par le jata hu Yeh us samay ki baat hai jab mai 12stnd main tha tab hamare class main 1 science teacher hoti thi usko...
At the age of thirty, Inez worked as a fitness instructor in a Northern Florida city which was progressively getting more sophisticated. Originally from France, Inez moved to the city for a lucrative opportunity as a fitness instructor. Inez had toned abs, dark hair, and looked exactly like former pornstar Cecilia Vega.Inez held her fitness sessions at her house and she came to the clients with a plan for making them more fit. Most of the times, Inez succeeded. For Inez, life was good but her...
SeductionHi all. Story goes back to my day of marriage. Brief flashback: I was fanatically sex craze with my cousin from my teenage and we had good relation and understanding. Mostly I used to tease her by patting/pressing her Butts or find ways to touch her heavily protruding Breasts. STOP. Now coming back to my marriage, it has been a total flop from day 1. To put in context, complete confusion and misunderstanding. So after tying knot, I ran into Cousin (I call her Putt) climbing down the stair and...
THE SIGNIFICANT OTHER'S DILEMMA by enduringshades I found a parking place near the place. The neighbourhood is now familiar as I have been here several times observing the house before finally plucking up the courage to ring the doorbell. The neighbourhood consists of townhouses, once the homes of proud upper middle class Victorian households, but now accommodating multiple occupancy flats and bedsits. I got out of my car and made my way to the house, but when I got to the front door...
Hi, ISS readers. This is Mandy from Navi Mumbai, 22 years old with a 6.5-inch cock and more than an average body. It’s my first story so sorry for the mistakes in advance. Let’s begin the story. I had recently shifted to the new neighborhood and it was bungalow colony. It was a quite wealthy and good area. I had set up my bedroom on the first floor. After a few days, I went to play cricket at the ground nearby. I found out there were very few people in the area of my age. There were mostly...
Nancy ,my elder sister have once tasted my penis as it's not inside her cunt but in her mouth as our first oral sex session doesn't meets eachother's expections but Nancy will be with her brother Garry again , unbelievable ! See what happened there ........ It's the beginning of our sexual relations as elder sister Nancy and younger brother Garry have had a brief oral sex session a week ago and as my elder sister Nancy is of 20 years with a hot slim figure her round small sized breasts are sexy...
TeenageDEE'S DIARY TUESDAY, MAY 7th (Continued) Suddenly, I was sitting between Martha and Mommy. I had to look up at them because I was very small, but that was perfectly normal. All three-year-olds are small. And this was when Martha was my nanny. Of course it was! And now I was leaning slightly against Mommy and playing pat-a-cake with Martha, and I was laughing and giggling, and thinking "They look so YOUNG!" but I didn't seem to have any control over my actions. And that made sense, too....
It was last year I happened to visit New Delhi for a office work when I came across this lady, her name is Shreya (name she requested me to call her). Firstly my name is Abhiraj and work for mnc in Pune and often visits Delhi for a office work since most of my clients are from capital city. For initial couple of visits it was short and sweet, not more than a week, but last year when I visited Delhi it was for a month. First week was fine but it got real boring and then my mind started wandering...
Investigative Journalism by patricia51 Dawn Garth took a deep breath and pushed open the door. She took the five or six steps down that led through a curtained archway and into the spacious room. Nervously, the blond woman scanned the entire area. Her eyes swept over the bar, where a few stools were occupied, to the couples on the dance floor. She took in the row of tables on the far side as well as the booths scattered against the back wall. In spite of her nervousness, her foot twitched...
I was driving along a country road bordered by a wooded area near to a small village, when I saw a young girl cross the road into the woods walking a small dog. I realised the possibilities of the situation and drove on a couple of hundred yards until I came upon an unmade access road to a field where I could park my car out of sight of any traffic passing on the main road. I left my car and hurriedly walked into the woods back towards the direction where I had seen the girl. I saw her ahead...
In My Cage By Joanna Maguire I did as I was ordered to by my Mistress. Completely naked I went down the hallway and locked myself into the small metal cage consisting of parallel bars space about 6 cm apart. It was situated just outside the front door. The cage was on the ground but a chain ran from the top of the cage and was attached to a tree near the front door of the house. The cage was so small all I could do was sit on my bottom with my legs folded. The cage was...
After my divorce following nearly twenty years of marriage, I settled into a condo in Central New Jersey. The combination of not having a wife and the freedom of condo living gave me newfound opportunity. The time saved by not having to maintain a house combined with the free time afforded me by being single was something I really made use of. It gave me the chance to do things I had always wanted to do but never had the time. Travel and time for my hobbies such as my guitar playing were no...
ExhibitionismIntroduction: Part 3 After Amiee left to go get cleaned up the phone rang. I answered the phone and it was a friend of mine, Jay. Hey Jay what is going on I heard about your party, think i could come Of course you can come, I didnt invite you because you are married, I didnt want to cause tension Ya that was the other thing, Kirsten wants to come too Of course, bring anyone you want, I am sure my wife will eat pussy too Well, she doesnt want to use your wife, she wants to be used Are you ok...
Hello everyone! This is my second time on this platform and I am again introducing myself as Abhimaan, a young Delhite Punjabi guy with roots from Jaipur. I am currently placed with a government company in New Delhi. I am lively and passionate for movies, booze and sex. I look good and fuck better. You can always contact me on my email id: I have published my first story “Life is a one time affair”. I would request you to read that since it contains all my real life incidents uptill I...
Gay MaleIntroduction: A girl and her kidnapper share a strange relationship. I was waiting patiently. He was never this late coming down. I had been sitting there for hours-infact Id been there for two years. I remember it like it was yesterday, hed bundled me into the car. Id just left my friends house and the air was warm and the sun was just setting in its lazy British mid-summer way. I was looking forward to getting into my cosy bed at home. I was terrified, I cried, I fought. I was 17. Things...
Hazel smiled at her audience as she walked into the bedroom. She’d just changed in the spare bedroom and the outfit she’d chosen was designed to impress and it certainly seemed to be working on the man sitting watching her. She was wearing a short, red satin robe, open at the front, exposing the matching red bra and pantie set she had on under it. The outfit was completed by a matching suspender belt and black, lace topped stockings. Her watcher was already stripped down to his boxers and Hazel...
My wife of six years, Shreya, was a marvelous lover. We had had two children, who were, at the time of this story, ages five and four. She had regained much of her voluptuous figure. Sex was fun. We tried new things. Even though I traveled perhaps five days out of each month, the days I was gone were rarely more than two at a time, so we had several passionate homecomings plus enough regular lovemaking to average about 20 times a month. We made love in the car, in the living room, in the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Let me start by telling you a little about my family. its just my mom, my sister and me, my dad left when i was young. my mom never really seemed to care that there was no man in her life. I am 18 and built like the average guy 5'11, brown hair and eyes, and about 190 pounds. my mom is about 5'6, brownish blonde hair, brown eyes and close to 130 pounds. Anyway, one night around 7 pm my sister left to spend the night with a friend like she normally...
IncestHi mera naam chandan hai sab log muze chandu bulate hai aur mai engineering ke 2nd year me hu.Aur mera 9 inch ka land hai. Mai jab puna me aaya engineering ke liye to maine bhade se ek room kiya 2nd floor pe aur vo 3floor ka ghar tha.Makan malik ek retired 60 saal ke budhha-budhhi the aur unki family america me rehti thi.Unke ghar ek naukrani thi uska naam asha tha vo 42 saal ki thi lekin dekhne me maal thi uske boobs aur gand dono aise hilte the jaise lagta tha ki abhi inhe pakad ke chod...