- 2 years ago
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Linnet was extremely quiet – almost withdrawn – on the journey back to Essex and for some time after. It was Erica who made the biggest difference to her; on the journey she spent most of trip curled up on Linnet's lap or snuggling against her, with a sensitivity that might have been remarkable in an adult. Linnet, in response, held her; occasionally stroking her hair or absently kissing her head.
It took a couple of weeks but Linnet gradually returned to her 'old' self; not that she neglected her share of the household tasks or Erica, but that she returned to her previous one hundred percent focus. In due course the sailing season was in full flight again. Grace by that time was about five months pregnant and with a very active seventeen month-old Erica to look after declined to go sailing, even in Serendipity. Linnet and Ted took turns in staying home to support Grace, though Ted took the lion's share of that, saying, "I need to sort things out for our barge and the new business."
The whole 'family' were together at Felixstowe for the delivery and launch in May of the new barge. Almost complete, she lacked only spars, rigging and fittings specific to Thames spritsail barges, a few internal items and the electronics Ted wanted to satisfy his proposed business customers. They watched with varying degrees of trepidation as she was lowered into the Orwell and taken in charge by one of the harbour tugs for the short journey up-river to the boat-yard at Pin Mill.
Although Linnet was involved in the discussion about a suitable name for the vessel, the argument was really between Grace and Ted; Ted pointing out that most privately or individually owned barges were named after the wife, daughter or sweetheart of the owner; he wanted her called 'S.B. Grace'. Grace ... eventually ... gave in in time for her formal launch once she was fitted out.
Before that, though, Ted formally asked Linnet to be Mate in her, though he didn't tell her his intentions regarding the Third Hand he hoped would eventually take the slot, or his intentions for Linnet herself.
Despite her experience over the previous two years, Linnet was uncertain of her ability, but Ted managed to persuade her. In early June, then, Linnet rode with Ted to Pin Mill. They had a look round the almost complete vessel, then went to the 'Butt and Oyster' for lunch. Ted had told her he was expecting the new Third Hand to join them for lunch and they sat, Linnet sipping at a glass of wine and Ted drinking rather more deeply of a pint of beer. He'd about finished when he saw the man they were waiting for and stood to greet him. Linnet looked and, for several moments, wasn't sure she could believe her eyes.
"Welcome to Pin Mill, Jamie," Ted said, "I think you've met our Mate for the first few voyages of S.B. Grace, haven't you?"
Jamie MacAllan smiled, "I believe I have. It is indeed a pleasure to meet again, Miss Masters."
Linnet stood, slowly, and looked at Ted. "Ted Quinton ... you swine. You ... you..." her voice failed her.
"Why, Linnet ... do you not approve of my choice of crew?"
She ignored him, moved slowly out from the table and went to Jamie. "Jamie?" She reached out and laid her hand against his cheek. "Jamie?"
"It's me. I couldn't stay away." He captured her hand and lifted it to his lips.
Then they were moulded together, arms around each other. Ted looked on, a slight smile on his face. He took a note out of his pocket and slipped it into Jamie's before leaving quietly. He could get something to eat on the way home; no need to be a gooseberry.
The landlord disturbed them. Initially he tried clearing his throat and coughing, eventually resorting to shaking Jamie's shoulder.
"Sorry, but would you be ready to order? If not, perhaps you'd like to take a walk along the foreshore and think about it?" Linnet and Jamie both blushed and it was readily apparent even through their tans.
"I am a little hungry..." said Jamie, "how about you, Linnet?"
She looked up at Jamie, then at the landlord. "I'm sorry. It amused my boss to surprise me. We'll have a look at the menu and order in just a minute." Then after a pause, added, "You're not off the hook yet, Jamie MacAllan! Not a letter, not a call or an email for six months..."
They decided quickly on their choice of food and sat to wait as it was prepared. Jamie reached across the table and covered her hand with his.
"I'm sorry, Linnet. I didn't know I'd be able to get a job down here, and I wasn't really expecting Ted's invitation. The longer it went on, the more unsure I was that you'd still want to even know me. I took the job Grace's uncle offered because it was one step nearer you. I kept telling myself I was a fool, that a girl like you would have forgotten me by now..."
"A girl like me?" Linnet scowled. "What do you mean by that?"
"Oh, nothing bad, honest! You're beautiful; I couldn't take my eyes off you when I first saw you. You're clever; I loved talking to you. You're caring and thoughtful and brave. I was a coward not to say something, not to say I'd come, not to tell you..." he trailed off.
She turned her hand palm up under his and laid her other hand on top and spoke softly. "Tell me what?"
He coloured and swallowed, took a deep breath and looked into her eyes, "That I was falling ... that I had fallen in love with you."
Linnet sighed in her turn. "You are forgiven, Jamie. I'm telling you now, I left a large part of my heart behind when I came back here and you've just brought it back to me. But if you walk away, I think it would tear me apart even worse."
"I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; tread softly because you tread on my dreams," Jamie quoted quietly. "It goes both ways."
"Yeats," commented Linnet. "I'd have thought you'd quote Burns."
"My grandmother was Irish," he explained.
It was getting late by the time they thought about where they would be sleeping; they'd eaten lunch, talking, continued to talk over assorted drinks, eaten tea, supper or dinner, depending on where you come from, continuing to talk and, over a cup of coffee realised they hadn't given a thought to anything beyond themselves all afternoon.
Jamie stuffed his hands in his pocket and found the note from Ted; they followed his directions to the cottage a little way above the pub and were shown two rooms; one larger with a double bed and another smaller with a single, both of them pleasant enough.
"Breakfast between seven and nine," the lady of the house told them. "Captain Quinton said to tell you it was up to you which room you used and not to worry about getting up too early." She had a twinkle in her eye as she spoke, which Linnet picked up on and wondered what else Ted had told the woman. "Oh, and there's only you staying tonight, so you don't have to worry if you want to sleep in, or get up early; I'll cook when you appear."
They stood outside the double room and Linnet reached for the door-handle; Jamie turned away as if to go next door to the other room, but Linnet's hand flashed out and snagged his sleeve. "Where do you think you're going?"
"Don't you dare tell me you were heading for the single room. There's a perfectly good double bed in here and I'm not letting you out of my sight, Jamie MacAllan."
"But..." he was about to argue, but he saw determination in her eyes ... and love ... and he caved. "Are you sure?"
"Oh yes, I'm sure, aren't you?"
"Well ... since you put it that way ... Aren't you bothered about Mrs. Broughton?"
Linnet smiled, "You didn't see the look in her eyes when she passed Ted's message on, did you? I think she will carefully not notice. Jamie, whatever we do – if we do nothing but sleep – I want to be in your arms tonight."
"Are you sure? You hardly know me..."
"I know I love you, Jamie – I knew when I first saw you. 'Across a crowded room' – trite, isn't it? But even if ... I don't want to think about ... no. We're meant to be together, Jamie..."
"That's why I'm here ... my love."
The grip on Jamie's sleeve became irrelevant as they embraced; they moved gradually towards the bed removing, with some difficulty, clothing one garment at a time while separating physically as little as possible. By the time they reached the bed they were down to panties and boxers, clambering into bed to continue kissing and exploring one another's bodies horizontally.
Being June, it was still light and they hadn't bothered drawing the curtains or turning on a light. There was little in the way of external distraction, either. Sleep surprised both of them before they could consummate their love...
Linnet woke with the dawn, the half-familiar sensation of having company in bed at first worrying, but then reassuring as she woke fully and was able to make out Jamie's sleeping features. Her pulse, which had begun to race, steadied and she experienced a peace beyond anything she'd known before, knowing her relationship with this man was light-years away from the attachment she'd felt towards Ted Quinton. She was happy and complete for the first time in years, possibly in her entire life. Well ... almost complete. Her hand wandered over his torso. The slight movement of his chest as he breathed rubbed her nipple gently, producing an ache behind it and elsewhere. He moved slightly and his erect penis contacted her thigh. 'Why am I still wearing knickers? Why is he still wearing boxers? How come we fell asleep without making love? Well, for sure I'm not leaving this room without today... '
She gently took hold of him. 'Mmm ... hard. Smooth. Just right; not too big, not too small'.
"Just right, said Goldilocks," she didn't realise she'd spoken aloud.
He opened his eyes and a smile touched his lips. "'And there's someone sleeping in my bed, said Baby Bear.' Hmmm. Goldilocks! Yes. Very appropriate." His hand found and cupped her breast. "I want to make love to you, Goldilocks..."
"Mmmm ... but..." her hand tightened on him.
"Yes, but ... it'd be nicer if we were to clean our teeth first, don't you think?"
She couldn't disagree with that so they made use of the cramped en suite facilities, noting that a joint shower might be possible, but it was going to be a tight fit ... then returned to the bed to carry on where they'd left off when they fell asleep.
Linnet knew she was very ready; Jamie's proximity and the anticipation was all the foreplay she needed right then, but Jamie insisted on tasting her and made appreciative noises as he did. Kissing his way up from her vulva, he paused at her breasts to gently worry her nipples with his teeth then, as they kissed some more he ... just ... naturally slid into place. For some time ... seconds? Minutes? they stayed like that, linked, coupled, together then nature took over. Linnet started climaxing moments after that along with her chirruping and when, not much later, Jamie came too, she passed out.
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We started living together when we were not yet married. I was working nights at a computer processing center as a computer operator. My name is Jim. My girlfriend is Amy. We had met earlier in college and had formed a couple. Our sex life was good for me, but Amy always seemed to have problems cumming. She had been abused by a boyfriend in high school when she first started dating at 16 and she had never seemed to overcome the fears she had of going all out in the sex department. Since I was...
this started last weekend when i was at a do and chatting to a pal of mine when his wife arrived a slim very attractive black girl with the biggest bubble butt you have ever seen, my pal aksed me do u fancy her or something, i said sorry but i couldnt take my eyes of her butt, she had leggings on which were so tightly stretched you could see her thong,my pal said i dont care if you do because we have a little fantasy/ bet going on, really what is is it i said, come with me and he led me to the...
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My first Bi experienceAt the time we were very new in swinging. Megan said she really was not comfortable with swinging, but would do it for me. There was no Internet and we met people by placing ads in the swinger magazines. We would get replies by mail, and when we would get a letter it was like Christmas. If she was home and got the mail she would call me at work and let me know we got mail. That was the end of my concentration for the day. Megan and I would open the letters together read...
Davey by Caroline J Bradley © 2007 Updated 2020 Chapter 1 Day 1 - first steps "Davey, come on, get up." Davey's eyes opened slowly, who the hell...Caroline..oh yes.. His slow waking was the normal habit borne of long late nights, no real job and no real drive. Hang on, his brain, kicked in again... Caroline, what... He remembered last night and the unusual call from his twin sister, Barbara; he'd agreed to meet her in exchange for a meal and a beer or two. They were...
Faye awoke to the sound of metal of metal, clunks and clashes coming from somewhere in the darkness. Faye sat up and rubbed her eyes. Someone approached the metal bars of her cell. She could clearly see the out-line, and at once she knew who it was. "Link!!" She shreiked. "Shhhhh!!" Link said. "Oh.. sorry" She said as Link opened the door. Faye threw her arms around him and kissed him, but he didn't kiss her back, her unwound her arms quickly. "Umm... we don't have much time we...
James Thurbers 1939 classic "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" was about an elderly inefficient husband having heroic daydreams. In 2002, Pretzelgirl published a wonderful pastiche, "The Secret Life of Willie Malter", about an elderly inefficient husband daydreaming of womanhood. But times keep changing - so I hope there is still room for another story about a quite young and efficient husband who has, nonetheless, problems which set him daydreaming in a third way... (Since here the...
Rachele and Ghok stand facing each other on the footpath directly in front of the restaurant’s entrance. They have finished up with even Ghok having the presence of mind to down the cup of coffee he had ordered. Though neither one of them feels like the matter of Rachele’s secret pregnancy has been resolved, it seems that between them they have said everything that needs to be said. “So...” Rachele says in an uneasy tone that has a sense of finality to it. This is all so familiar to her. It...
Hello to all ISS friends. First of all thanks for the hot emails you gave me for my previous three stories. Sorry I wasn’t able to keep up with my promise of continuing my last story ahead with my elder sister Mehak as was tied up with some work. Anyways, just to re-cap of the story am jotting down the last part of it, when my elder sister Mehak caught me and my cousin younger sister Guddu red-handed. I quickly go up, collected my clothes and ran towards the bathroom. From the bathroom, I could...
IncestBzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt! Yuan blearily pawed at his night stand till he hit the snooze on his alarm clock. The green 5:45 AM shone far too brightly from the black LED display as Yuan dragged himself from his bed. His zombie like meander carried him to the bathroom where he began his waking routine. He hated having to get up this early, but he could not complain. For an 18 year old he was living the life. Yuan was a war orphan, his parents both died in the war, and to make matters...
Mr. Burns is teaching the class about the brain system and how the right side of the brain tells the left side of the body what to do, and vice-versa. Sophia is sitting front row, in her school uniform she had tailored to be shorter, and she can’t stop thinking about how sexy Mr. Burns looks. She is not paying attention one bit but she is imagining him and what he could do to her. Mr. Burns is teaching and notices Sophia just staring at him and can’t understand what she is looking at. He...
Time to move on. The flight to Barcelona took longer than expected due to bad weather and air traffic delays. We still made it to the hotel in time to get lunch and change into lighter-weight clothes than we had in Belgium. “Can we go see a bullfight,” one of the kids asked. In Basque, one of the staff came over to say, “I’m sorry, but Barcelona banned bullfighting back in twenty-ten. Even when the ruling was overturned, we didn’t resume the practice. There is a lot more to see in Spain...
Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 3 & 4 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific region known as the Desert and more than one thousand miles from the nearest known habited land and located between New Zealand and South America,...
Very crazy evening I just had.. So today I’m just chilling out watching some old DVD movies in my living-room. Only reason I was watching old movies was because it was Saturday and today every channel was playing College Foofball.. Ugh. I can watch Professional Foofball, but I just can’t stand College level. Anyway, I’m into my 2nd movie when there’s a knock at my door. I wasn’t expecting company, so it was a bit of a surprise. I opened the door and my neighbors 12yr old daughter is on my front...
Author's note: My stories generally featured a lot of forced femme, bondage and kinky sex--you know, the stuff that I keep hoping will someday happen to me. That is still true for this story, but this time around, the author in me decided to spend a bit more time developing the characters before commencing the full-on sissy sex orgy. I also wanted to write a story where the characters are well intentioned instead of simply being a rogue's gallery of perverted bastards. With that in...
“Colonel, do you really expect us to believe no one in the Air Force is willing to have a frank conversation with Saudis about this?” Alison asked a very nervous Colonel Conright from the Office of Strategic Security. We had flown to the labs in Nevada, our most secure home in Alison’s mind and made some calls. At first, people had denied any contract or risk. Then Alison had revealed some of her team’s intelligence and applied a little pressure to some MI-6 friends to get further...
I was just sitting back after lighting the fire as Karyn walked into the den with a drink in either hand. She had a glass of white for herself and a glass of scotch and soda for me. Karyn stooped down to hand me my drink, and I could see the fire light reflecting off of her warm brown eyes. We had just gotten home from a formal dinner given by her company and we were both still dressed up, and stressed out. Karyn looked stunning in her tastefully tight formal gown, hose, pumps and...
Part 1: Innocent Curiosity.Being two years older than my little sister my “seniority” compelled me to protect her at all times. So much so that I would often let her have my favourite chocolate or biscuit when there was only one left. I was her hero. Even my parents acknowledged that. She watched me like a hawk. She knew more about me than my parents or closest friends did, especially if it involved my ‘willy’.She loved my ‘willy’ and I loved my little sister!As kids we got on so well together....
IncestAUTHOR’S NOTE (It is too much to expect readers to pick up a story almost two full years since it was first introduced. That is why I am inserting this story re-introduction for Part II. I wrote this story at a time when I was spending a lot of time in hospitals for a serious illness. When I completed my treatments, I resumed my writing with an emphasis on some of my longer stories and completely overlooked this story and another called “Swimming in the Jury Pool” that was quite close to my...
At the gymI’d just finished my workout and was getting undressed to shower, sitting in my usual spot in a remote corner of the locker room. As I sat taking off my shoes, I was aware of the warmth and the musky-sweaty aroma of someone standing nearby.Looking up, I saw him standing a few feet away, naked, and sporting an erection that stood up nearly vertically against his toned belly.“There you are,” he murmered, a slight threat implied in his tone of voice. “You’ve been ogling me on the gym...
This was going to be a long night. It was a beautiful spring day, and I’d spent as much of it outside as possible. The only problem with that, was that now I had to go to work. I had been working at the hotel for just over a year, and the last few months doing the night audit. The job wasn’t hard. I was responsible for balancing the books each night for both the hotel side and the restaurant. I also was responsible for running the front desk from 11 PM till 7 AM. On an average night, I could...
Mary and Bob had been open about their fantasies from the beginning of their relationship. After four years of marriage they decided to act on one of them.Mary had a fantasy where she would suck another guy's dick while Bob fucked her from behind. they had role played with her sucking a dildo while he fucked her and she had even fucked herself with a dildo while sucking him off, but it just wasn't the same.The fulfillment of her fantasy would come true on a weekend getaway to the beach. Bob had...
I have only ever felt Lust at First Sight once in my life. By that I mean a desperate, frantic, overwhelming, irresistible, almost obsessive need to fuck a particular person.If my friends are to be believed or at least taken literally, they all seem to experience it regularly which no doubt contributes to their success with one night stands, something I have never been very successful with.Despite, the usual immediacy of Lust at First Sight we didn't fuck until four years after I first met him....
We made love together often over the following days. I let Dex cum in me whenever he wanted. I knew it was risky, that I still had my period and could get pregnant, but for those moments, I didn't want him to pull out and I definitely didn't want him to wear a condom. He and Kira made love a few times on their own while I gave them some privacy. I wanted them to get to know each other that way, without me there, though I admit I was thrilled anytime they invited me to join them. I called...
Ashley Young is, in your eyes, the perfect woman. She's smart, funny, eccentric, caring, and absolutely beautiful. She's also very open with you about her submissive fantasies about being someone's human kitten, a fantasy you'd give anything to take part in. Everything about her is perfect... Except for her taste in men. Through what can only be described as a cosmic fuck up, Ashley ended up with the biggest asshole in your home town, Darius Ramono. Darius has been a thorn in your side since...
LesbianMeghna sat at her desk, tired and stressed from her overwhelming work load. It was around 9:30 and she thought the office was completely empty. Meghna sighed as she looked around, feeling lonely. Just as she started to get back to work, her imagination started to wander. That day Meghna was wearing a short black skirt and a tight, light blue shirt that outlined the voluptuous curves of her body. She purposely walked past my desk and as she turned around she noticed my eyes moving up and down...
Chapter 10 New Clients, New Determination I got up late and didn’t make it to the office until just before noon. Rachael was waiting for me with a stack of phone messages and a sweet smile. ‘Good morning sir. Would you like some coffee?’ She was chipper as always and given how tired I was I found it just a touch annoying. ‘Coffee would be good. Bring my messages as well’, I barked. I headed into my office and settled down behind the desk. This was going to be a very busy day. Rachael...
The day of skiing had been long and exhausting and I had returned to the lodge with the rest of the school group ready to relax and relive the tension of the day. Ten college girls and seven guys, including myself, were sharing the lodge together for this ski trip. After a quick dinner the couples slowly disappeared, leaving the ‘singles’ group, including myself, watching a TV movie. As the night went on the muffled sounds of the couples drifting from the bedrooms started to raise the sexual...
At fifty, I decided that it was time to retire from my part-time law enforcement career. My biggest concern was keeping my certification from going to inactive status. Fortunately I had made friends with the director of the local police academy, who clued me in to the fact that instructors at the academy were granted active status on their certification from the state. While I wasn’t able to instruct at the regular academy due to my day job, I had my nights and weekends free so took a position...
TabooRobby Benson hated his name; all of his fellow freshmen made fun of it. Apparently there had been some child actor back in the dark ages with that name. It seemed that no one would ever let him forget it. He looked at his watch and quickened his pace. Only ten minutes until school starts, he thought. He was glad to be going to school that day; it was a really big day for him. 'Yeah, man, he was going to get some tutoring from the 'Angel' of the junior class.' For once he almost liked...
Hi mera naam harman hai aur me chandigarh ka rehne wala hoon. Me 6′ ka hoon well built body aur mera lund 7.5 inch ka hai aur mota bhi bahut hai. Kisi bhi ladki/bhabhi ko bade aur mote lund k mazze chahiye toh email kro: Iss story ki randi hai monica. Uski umar 18 saal ki h aur woh allen meh padhti hai 34 sector m. Uska figure 32-28-32 h aur ek number ki sex goddess hai. me ek din vaise hi allen k bahar khada hokar ladkiya dekh raha tha k meri nazar monica pr padih. Mast moti gaand aur bade...
I had met Dana (not her real name of course since this event is just in my mind) for lunch one day and she is so cute and sexy. Our discussion was easy and fluid and could have gone on all afternoon but I did not want her to get in trouble for getting back to work late. I walked her to her truck we talked a bit and finally she turned her head up to me so that I could kiss her. MM light to start but that didn't last long since I was getting excited and gently moved my tongue to her lips and...
"Where did you and Jeff sneak off to last night," Sabrina said as they waited for the school bus the next morning. "I didn't see either of you out on the dance floor." She was a thin girl of medium height with natural strawberry blonde hair. She had practically grown up in the nudist resort her parents owned and operated. Some of the kids at school thought that made Sabrina a slut or something. A lot of the girls in school had learned otherwise. Devlin was the only one who knew that a...