Lady Ann s greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Six
- 2 years ago
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One Thursday in mid January Helen and the kids take a trip to Melbourne to do some shopping and visit a few places. Mack pays for the fares because it’s for his benefit and he needs Helen to go along. This means the other kids also go because it’s an overnight trip. To make time for some shopping Helen wants to do it becomes a three day trip with two nights in Melbourne after they travel down by train.
They leave on the Thursday morning and arrive in the afternoon. A visit to a few shops in the Melbourne Central Business District then go to the hotel to get organised for the night. Since it’s only two nights the boys have backpacks with the clothes for everyone, the bulk of it being for the ladies. That night they see a new release film they want to see.
Friday morning they’re up early and go to a specific car sales yard. Mack ordered a special vehicle some time back and it’s now ready for him to collect. There was some delay because they had to organise New South Wales registration and the car agency is in Melbourne, Victoria.
Mack passed the test for his learner driver’s licence at the start of the week and he wants to do his learner hours in his own vehicle. He’d done the research then made the selection months ago, so he ordered it then because it’s an imported one. He also wanted more than a few of the available accessories fitted.
At nine-thirty in the morning they walk into the showroom of the car yard as a group. While the others look at the range of large cars and trucks on display Mack seeks the woman he’d been speaking to on the phone at the time of placing the order. He spots a likely suspect and he approaches her. He asks, “Excuse me, are you Janice Howard?” She turns and smiles at him while she nods yes. He holds out his hand, “Mack Dean, come to pick up my new truck.”
“Good morning, Mister Dean. I was expecting someone a bit older. Your vehicle’s nearly ready. There was a delay in getting the accessories fitted so your truck’s being detailed as we speak.” She leads him over to where the new truck is standing in the workshop area. They watch while two men finish polishing it to a mirror shine.
A few minutes later it’s being driven to the dealership’s front yard, ready to go. While one of the mechanics does that Janice takes Mack into her office to hand him all of the papers. “Here’s your registration, receipt, the insurance with the company you asked for, and the list of approved mechanics in the Canberra and Wood Valley areas. It’s all paid for, has a full tank, and is ready to go.” He smiles when he accepts the papers as the truck was paid for when he ordered it. “Mister Dean, I’m curious, most of the people who buy this model this well done up also order the Captain’s chairs for the front two or four sitting positions because they’re more comfortable, why did you specify bench seats?”
Mack’s grin widens a lot, “It all comes down to your definition of comfort.” She half frowns at him. “Look, let’s go sit in it and I’ll show you.” They walk outside to find Helen and the others looking over the brand new car with NSW registration MCK 777 as they figure this is the car they came to get. “Janice, I come from a country area up in the mountains. It doesn’t matter where we go, it’s a long drive. Twenty minutes to town and another hour to the city for a film. So we spend a lot of time on the open road. Out there you get up to speed, turn on the cruise control, and sit back while the road goes by. If you’ll get in I’ll show you all about car comfort.” He opens the door and she sits in the front passenger position. Mack walks around and sits in the driver’s seat. “I want you to imagine you’re with me and we’re on our way to the city for the afternoon and evening, that’s well over an hour’s drive. We just got out of town and we’re all set for the long cruise.” She nods her understanding. The others are listening to him as well, so are a couple of customers looking over the nice truck. “This is how we’d be with the Captain’s Chairs. But with the bench seat it’s different.” He lifts his left arm and places it on the back of the seat, saying, “Now slide over and snuggle up close like I’m your boyfriend.” She slides right over and snuggles into him with her head on his shoulder. He drops his hand to rest on her left breast. He says, “Now, isn’t this a lot more comfortable?”
She laughs, “OK, I can see your point. I agree, it’s a matter of your personal perspective and intended use.”
“Another thing. In the long-term I’ll be using this on a working farm that includes a lot of logging. With the capacity to carry nine adults I can carry a crew and our personal gear with space left over for others.”
They get out of the truck and she points out all of the accessories to show they’ve been fitted as ordered. She names them as she goes, “I’m sure you realise this is not a standard package and it cost a lot to do the mix of accessories you wanted: the six litre hybrid motor gives you great fuel economy and is also environmental friendly, the trailer package is the heaviest we can fit to this, off-road suspension, heavy-duty battery, ten speaker surround sound system plus headphone jacks, all of the air bags that can be fitted, skid plate pack, recovery hooks, fog lights, luggage rack, assist steps, sunroof, power windows, remote start, the special shape nudge bar with the extra driving lights, parking camera and mirror. A lot of that stuff is not supplied in the same packages and the factory people weren’t happy to provide the gear for us to put it all on the one truck. That makes this a very unique GMC Yukon. I do like your choice of the light titanium interior with the silver metallic exterior. You surprised one of our mechanics! He’s from Ryan’s Ridge and knows how cold it gets up there, so he wonders why the large sun roof?”
Mack smiles at her, “Extra safety feature. If I ever manage to roll it so it ends up on its side I can open the sun roof and get out that way. It’ll be a lot easier and quicker than trying to climb out the side.”
“Damn! I never thought of it as a safety feature.”
They stand and look at the large silver SUV for a few minutes. With a sigh Mack slips the learner driver ’L’ plates into the plate holders put on the truck at his request and climbs into the driver’s seat. Helen and the kids load up then Mack is driving down the driveway. A few of the customers migrate over to Janice to discuss the truck since they’re now interested in looking at buying something similar after seeing Mack’s.
Diane asks, “Mack, for someone who’s just got their learner’s permit are you sure it’s safe for you to drive this big thing.”
“I used to drive the utes and trucks about the forest at home for a few years. This is a lot easier than the four and ten tonne trucks we use in the forest.” Not much to be said on driving after that. The rest of the trip is a lot of fun for them. The next afternoon Mack drives them home.
Keeping FitThe Monday after returning from Melbourne Mack visits a local gym. After looking over the equipment he asks about the membership options. The personal fitness instructor speaking with him is amused a mid-teen boy is looking at a fitness gym membership. In the end Mack signs up for a three month trial period of the top level membership at a discounted rate as it gives him access to the two swimming pools and all of their equipment. He can also attend any of the aerobic classes that are on; he can book for a class or just join in one that isn’t full. The top membership card allows him to enter personal programs into some of the equipment like the top end treadmills that can be programmed to adjust the speed and angle of the level at various times during the plan.
On his walk home he stops to buy some of the recommended gear to wear while training. They have rules about what you can and can’t wear there, and about other support equipment like drink bottles and bags they allow into the facility.
Mack arrives at home in time for a late lunch. When he walks in Helen asks, “Do you want me to cook you something for lunch?”
He smiles as he replies, “No, I’ve got a craving for a particular lunch, so I’ll cook it myself.” Helen finds the idea of a teen boy cooking an odd one. On reflection, the idea of Mack cooking isn’t that odd as he’s that self-reliant he would’ve made sure he can cook. Diane and Mary hear this exchange so they wait around to see what he does.
Mack takes a moment to open cupboards and drawers to see what’s there. He notes where the various implements, pots, pans, and other equipment are as well as what foods are on hand. He soon has a bowl, a medium sized fry-pan, a whisk, and six eggs out. He puts a pat of butter in the fry-pan and sets it on the stove at a medium setting. The eggs are soon broken and in the bowl. He adds some salt along with a bit of a few spices and some diced ham from the fridge. A good whisking then a check of the butter in the pan. He picks up the pan and moves it about to spread the butter all over it. Another moment and the contents of the bowl are being poured into the pan. In a few minutes he flips over the thick omelette he’s making. Fifteen minutes after starting to cook he’s eating an omelette.
All three watching females are surprised at his competency and the speed at which he prepares the food. They can’t help themselves as they have to know, so they grab forks and cut a bit off to try. They like it, and Helen says, “Damn, that’s better than any omelette I’ve ever made.”
Mack smiles at them while he eats it. After he finishes eating he surprises them again by cleaning up everything he used. While he cleans up he says, “I was down at the NeuYou Gym and I got a membership. They gave me three free trial visit cards to hand out. They’re in my coat pocket if you want them.” Helen checks the pockets of his coat on the chair and she soon has them out on the table, so they take one each.
Helen asks, “Isn’t a membership there expensive?”
“Yes, but I’ve got few options if I wish to stay fit. I’ll be going back for my first full visit this afternoon. I’ve got a three month trial Ultimate membership with unlimited visits to see if I like what they have.” All of them are surprised at him getting such a top end membership.
“If you don’t mind, I think I’ll come too. You can drive down to get some time in your learner’s log book and I can check them out.”
First VisitAt three o’clock that afternoon the four of them walk in the door of the NeuYou Gym. The girls are busy looking around, until one of the staff comes up and greets them. Mack says, “Hi, Merry, these ladies are my cousin and guardian, Helen, with her daughters, Mary and Diane. They wish to use the trial visit cards you gave me earlier. I’m not sure if the girls can afford to be regulars but I’m sure Helen can.”
“I’ll have Bert show them around while I have a word with the boss to see if we can qualify you for a family plan. Since they’re now your family I think it should work.”
“It’s worth a try. I want to go enter a program for the ’Grandmaster’ walker. I want it to mimic a walk I used to do all of the time at home.” Mack heads to the equipment room for the Ultimate members only while the girls follow one of the male trainers on a tour of the facilities.
Merry walks to the main office and sits at her desk. Picking up the phone she calls the other owner, her brother. When he answers she says, “Hi, Bro. I’ve got a policy change I need to pass by you. It’s about the family membership. So far we allow for full family, step family, and adopted family on a family membership. What about where a person is a ward of blood kin? We’ve a recently orphaned teen who now lives with his cousins. He’s got a trial Ultimate. His cousin and her daughters are now doing a tour with the intent of using his trial visits. I’m inclined to offer them the mixed family discount, but I need your OK to do so.”
John Neumann thinks for a while then replies, “Yeah, I think we can expand the policy to do that. We can do it for the families with a ward on long term stay with them, but not the short term ones.”
“Thanks, Bro, I’ve got a good feeling about this kid and his family. So I’d like to get them signed up.” She hangs up and goes to the main gym.
In the restricted access equipment room another member of staff, Andi, is helping Mack with his program. She smiles and says, “First, we have to work out the distance of your stride and the speed you want to walk and run at.” She starts the treadmill so Mack starts walking. “Nod when it’s at the walking speed you want.” He works his way up until he reaches a comfortable pace that feels the same as when he’s out and about the farm. He nods. Andi checks the speed read out, it’s just under eight kilometres per hour. She looks at Mack and is surprised because he seems to be ambling along. She writes down 8 kph while saying, “Mack, I’m going to set it a touch higher. Let me know if you can’t handle it.” He nods yes and she changes the speed to 8 kph. This is comfortable so he nods again. “Right. When I push the button I want you to take twenty normal strides, then we repeat all this with you running, OK?” Another nod from Mack. She pushes the button and he counts out the strides. On the twentieth she hits the button again. This gives her an average distance for each pace. “Right, now we work out your running speed and stride. I’ll speed it up until you wave for me to stop.” He nods and she speeds up the treadmill. He waves at just under fifteen and a half kph so she notes it as 15.5 kph and sets that. Mack watches her at work and keeps running. A moment later he nods his agreement to the speed, so Andi does the running pace measurement process.
Happy she now has the critical operating parameters Andi sets the system to slow down and stop over a three minute period. Mack stays with it and slows his pace while the machine slows down. When he finishes he asks, “Got all we need to do the program now?”
“All but the distances and angles.”
“Right, we’ll have to work on the angles but I know the distances I want between each change of angle. Can we program all that and then enter the angles for each change while I walk it out?”
“Sure can.”
“Good. I’ve got two programs I want to save. One is at a walk all the way while the other is part walk and part run. Let’s do the walk first.” She nods yes. They start to program distances and checkpoints into the system. Each checkpoint is where he’ll change the angle. The default is for level walking and changes of angle to happen over five strides as there’s no way they can change that part. The same for speed changes. Once all of the distances and checkpoints are put in Mack selects the first point for the change of angle up and Andi starts the front rising until Mack is happy with the angle. She notes the angle. Mack says, “That’s the angle we want for all of the up angles and we want the reverse as the one for all the down angles. OK?” Andi nods yes. Mack lists the points where the up angles are to be started and she enters them into the program. They do the same for the down angles and where they return to level. Andi adds the few minutes of slow down to the end, and she finds the program is a minute short of forty-five minutes so she extends the slowdown to make it forty-five minutes. Mack checks the work and smiles while he nods his approval.
Merry is waiting to speak with Mack as she’s already checked the ladies are happy with their tour and are trying some of the resources the gym has available. Seeing they’ve finished this program she steps forward and asks, “Mack, got a moment to talk?” He nods yes. “The boss has agreed to allow long term wards to constitute part of a family for the purposes of a family plan. Earlier I got the impression you’ve got more money than they do and you would like them to be members too. Is that right?”
“Correct on all counts! Can you give me a moment to just try part of this then we can discuss things in more detail.” She nods to agree. Mack sets the machine to run part of the program that mimics the approach to a gully and the walk through it for about eight minutes of exercise. The machine starts and he walks through it. The routine ends and he steps off the treadmill. Having tried the fancy treadmill he’s happy it does what he wants and this gym will suit him in his efforts to keep fit in a way that he’s used to keeping fit.
Mack looks at his list for the next program. He hands it to Andi while saying, “Here’s the list of the number of paces. It’s all running, except where it says ’walk’ beside the figure. After this is entered add the program we just entered, but in reverse because that’s how I return to the house after checking the camps. Can you do that, please, while I talk to Merry?”
“Sure can. This should be straight forward. It looks a long one!”
“It is, it usually takes me a few hours to check all of the camps on foot.” He turns to Merry. “Now we can talk! Having confirmed the treadmill will do what I want I’d like to convert my membership to a longer one now I’m happy to work here on a long term basis.”
Merry smiles, “The owner has approved offering our family deals to a family with a blood kin ward on a long term stay. So we can offer your household a full family membership, if they’re interested. How many members in the family because that affects the discount levels?”
“OK, Merry. There’s Helen, her husband John, the kids, Diane, Mary, James, and myself. I’ll need the Ultimate membership because I need access to the Grandmasters while the others will only need a general one. I’m not sure how frequently John and James will be coming. But Helen and the girls will likely visit once or twice a week, or more. I’ll be here for the next three years then I’ll go to university, maybe in Sydney.”
Merry smiles and pulls out a notebook. She looks at some things in it and makes notes on a piece of paper. Looking up she asks, “Mack, do you know what university you may be attending?”
“At the moment I plan on going to Sydney Uni, why?”
We’ve outlets in Melbourne and Sydney. The main one in Sydney is very near the University of Sydney and we’ve quite a few students as members. If you’ve an Ultimate membership you can access all of our facilities in all three of the cities when you’re there. It’s the only plan we recognise at all the gyms. With the various discounts available I can offer you a five year deal for the family that’s equivalent to an Ultimate with a Basic for the period. The rest of the family will get a Basic Plus account.”
Mack thinks for a moment then says, “OK, set it up and I’ll put it on my card when I’m finished here. On a related issue, can a group other than a family get a discount of some sort for their members?”
“I’ll have to ask about that. Why?”
“I come from the mountains and the local tribal elders up there have asked me to take on the job of being the welfare officer for their people down here and in Sydney. I was wondering if we can have them sign up and get a discount for being members of the tribe. It may give some people more of an incentive to attend and to also recognise their tribal membership. It’ll help with them feeling they’re part of the tribe again.”
“Hmm, I like the concept. I’ll have to discuss it with the owners. Any idea of the numbers we’re talking about?”
“Here in Queanbeyan and Canberra, probably only about six or ten of the twenty or so tribal members here. It’ll vary as people move house. In Sydney and Melbourne we’ve about sixty tribal members in each of the cities. On a related issue, how many members would you need in an area to justify opening up a gym there?”
“A minimum of about three hundred full-time basic memberships to cover the baseline operating costs. Why?”
“Oh, I was wondering what I’d have to work out to see if you’d set up in Wood Valley or Ryan’s Ridge. I’ll see what I can sort out and get back to you about it. I may even be able to get you a cut on rent.”
“Can’t promise anything, but we’ll be happy to look at anything you can come up with.” Mack nods his agreement.
Andi finishes the program and adds a seven minute cool down at the end to make it an even three hours. She reads the statistics and asks, “Mack, you said you run this on a regular basis! How often?”
“Every month I went to check the camps are OK and no one is stealing trees. I’ve been doing that for five years. It takes about three hours now. I also take a shotgun and do some hunting on the way. Why?”
“These statistics say this is just over forty kilometres and you do it at a run and walk in a time many adults would like to run a marathon. The short routine is a forty-five minute walk for six kilometres. Based on your running speed, if you kept it up for forty kilometres it’d take you about two hours and forty minutes for a marathon. That’s well up there amongst the top times for adults.” The figures surprise Merry.
Mack shrugs, “I don’t know about that. However, the short program is the common hunting walk I did two to four times a week and the long one is the camp check I did every few weeks. Mum used to drive it but never caught anyone doing anything wrong. Mainly because you can hear a car coming from a long way off and she had to approach along the tracks. I walked or ran through the forest to come upon the camps in absolute quiet from a different angle. Four times it allowed me to catch thieves stealing trees and take photos of them at work then I’d sneak in and disable their cars. By the time they got help to leave the police were on hand and they were all arrested. Their equipment got sold to pay compensation to us for what they did. After a few well publicised cases no one tried to steal our trees. The real fun was all of the equipment they used belonged to another person who claimed he had no idea they were using the gear. The equipment was sold because he couldn’t account for how they got the gear. So he lost a lot of gear that way, including a couple of utes. I never ran in races at school because I got plenty of exercise on the farm doing chores etcetera, like hunting and checking the camps.”
Merry has an idea and says, “Mack, later this year there’s a marathon being run around the city as a fund raiser. If I sponsor you will you run in it wearing a t-shirt to advertise the gym?”
Mack shrugs, “I suppose so. I’m not sure how I’ll go in an actual race. But I’ve no trouble with it as long as it doesn’t clash with anything else I’ve got planned. When is it?”
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If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
Introduction: Title is pretty self explanitory, Jazz has new experiences Max woke up to find his bed empty, making him wonder for a moment if the night before had all just been a dream, he glanced at the alarm clock on his night stand to see it was nearly noon. It wasnt unusual for him to indulge by sleeping in on the weekends, but certainly not this late. He got up, going into his bathroom to take a shower, before shaving and doing the rest of his morning grooming rituals. He slid on a pair...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi Friends, I am Suri 26 yrs form Pune. today, I decided to share my first experience. Let me tell me about myself. I’m tall, average built, with 6 1/2″ inches peter under me. Let me tell u the sweetest incident of my life now. I was 21 at the time and after completing my Exams, I came for vacation, to my auntie’s house in Bangalore. Since I have no other relative in the town, I have to stay with my beautiful aunt who was a widow and was about 32...
Incest"You have a very lovely home here, Tom" Evelyn said to me after I had taken them on the tour. I was proud of this place. Both of them had been wide eyed when we had arrived, having crossed about half the world in the blink of an eye. They kept coming back to the southern view, with the lake in the distance. I told them Canada was south of us a short distance as the crow flies. I told them of my plans to have a small barn constructed here next year, so that I could go exploring and...
After a night when most of the participants had had enough one-on-one time to satisfy them, they ate breakfast together. Bob and Lori arrived last, coming in the door that came from the parking lot. Roberta raised an eyebrow, but Lori didn't catch her meaning and just chattered like normal. They never even made it to the conference room. "I was wondering," said Jane, during a lull in the conversation. "Since we're not your normal group... and since we seem to be doing very well in the...
HI! I have been crossdressing since I was about 7-years-Old. Just the other day a lady friend of mine, (who knows I'm a crossdresser), anyway, she asked me how I first started dressing. She also wanted to know what made me put on a dress in the first place? It's funny, I haven't told that many people how I started out. I would just say that I was hooked with this great feeling I had as soon as I put the dress on. I was hooked so bad that I would steal and hide one of my sister's party...
DEBAUCHERY IN ACADEMIA by Long Tall MaryThe husband and wife bore a striking resemblance to the fictional Dean Wormer of Faber College, and his wife, depicted in the movie Animal House.Dean Varth, a fictional name of course, was the president of a small liberal arts college in upstate New York. Fifty five years old he was preoccupied with the business of running the college, which included dealing with amorous male professors seeking sex from coeds, as well as an outlaw fraternity.The Dean’s...
"Shades," Ransom said as soon as we were inside the condo he shared with his girlfriend. The ceiling became transparent then, like it was wide open under that bright blue sky and I looked around. It was an average place, I guessed, and typical for a citizen even though I didn't have a lot of experience with those people. Mostly all I knew was what I heard and saw on the H.V. from time to time. There was always a sitcom or a soap opera playing at the missions. People would rather watch...
Repetition Webster’s New World Dictionary defines ‘repetition’ as doing something again and again. My thesaurus adds duplication, redundancy, and repeating to the list. All I know is that my mother makes me do it over and over and over until I get it right. It doesn’t matter if it’s brushing my teeth, washing the car, or even butt fucking my sister. Yes! Butt fucking my sister! Well mom caught us doing it for the very first time and I though that she would kill us both. Not my...
This story contains adult material. If you are under 18 or offended by such, read no further. Then again, if you're under 18 or offended by that, you shouldn't be here anyway. Recruited By Morpheus It was with a feeling of extreme relief that I opened the door to my apartment and stepped into its welcoming safety. Only once the door was locked behind me did I start to relax, letting the stress of the day slowly drain away. As I closed the shudders on my window, I stared out at...
Big Boy was 6’10’’ tall and weighed more than 300 pounds, most of which muscles. Until ten years ago he was a professional weightlifter but his results were not very good, maybe because he wasn’t patient in his training. He just hated working hard and that was by nature. So he became a bodyguard of one of the richest people in the neighborhood. On the whole the boss treated him well but sometimes joked with him. The case was obviously the same now. The girl was in her early twenties, very...
"What?" Katie shook her head. A moment ago, she had been tonguing heavenly pecker nectar off Ms Moreno's chest. Now she was in a tall glass cubicle slowly filling with water. Paul was piled naked against the side of the cubicle, pressing his face and hands against the glass, repeating, "But my love! My love!" David stood beside his mother, sporting a four foot erection, looking at Katie. "What? What did you do, David?" David shrugged. "I don't know. I just wished to find out the...
Chapter 1 Jerome Halleck was a powerful captain of industry, with some 34 companies in his comglomerate of petroleum interests. He even owned some natural gas companies, and was looking ahead, investing in alternative fuels, so that his family would be ready for the change of fuels when oil ran out. He was 76 years old and 4 times divorced, with a track record of womanizing a mile long. Since he had warned the women in advance that he would sleep around, he did not much like their jealous...
It was late in the Florida summer afternoon and Jalisa and Jay were walking on the footpath of theDesoto memorial park. Tomorrow was their wedding day and tonight was the bachelor party. It hadbeen a quick engagement after only 6 months of dating and most of that living in separate states but itwas a case of love at first sight. It was a very open and trusting relationship where they shared thoughtsand feelings easily between each other so they decided to combine the bachelor and bachelorette...
Jessa Rhodes got a taste of the BBC and is back for more! Let’s face it, Jessa is porn royalty and it’s going to be hard to take that crown away from her, especially after this display of filth. She shows off her sexy body in a sheer white bodysuit looking hot as hell with her pouty lips, flowing blonde hair, juicy tits, and that tight ass. Jessa gets right to work and wraps those perfect lips around Prince’s BBC, gagging as she jams it deeper and deeper down her throat....
xmoviesforyouSteven and Lyndsey had a great sex life. No complaints from either of them, but they liked to try new things and keep it fun and interesting. One day Steven asked if she would like to go for a drive in the evening. He had a look in his eye that she knew meant more than just a nice evening drive. She was intrigued and of course said yes. She found it very hard saying no to Steven. All day she tried to get clues from him as to where they were going. Each time the reply was the same, "It’s a...
Quickie SexI found a girl on tinder that was all about getting fucked. I was really into meeting her as soon as possible and after a bit of talking was able to meet her. We met at a local Applebee’s. I recognized her right away and went straight for her. We hugged and I sat sown and began small talk. As we are talking a guy just sits next to me. I was taken back by the random stranger sitting next to me until she said, this is my husband. Slightly nervous I played it off and shook his hand. On the spot I...
Sandra, a very nice looking 23yr old girl, wasn't sure why she was going to see Vera today, other than because Vera told her she should come back. She certainly didn't look forward to these "appointments", if that's what you could even call them at this point, and her back was feeling much better. Yet here she was, walking slowly towards Vera's house for another treatment that she didn't really need or want. Sandra wondered if perhaps she did like the treatments, but simply wasn't willing to...
Playmates. Human children need playmates. Because of careful planning, the Harrad Colony had plenty of children of all ages, but from his earliest moments, Caleb had three self-selected companions. On the day he was born, his sister, Chloe, and the twins, David and Julia, were toddlers who bonded with him at first touch. The twins were the offspring of Corporal Jaime Jesús Hernández of the planetary security detachment and his daughter Lisa Marie. Having been severely crippled from birth...
I walked out of Chemistry and right into a bunch of footballers. "Hey, Randahl, you did quite a job on Jay yesterday." Oh, shit. Well, it was a nice life while it lasted. "Uh, I never touched him!" Lame, Tommy, lame. "No, but thanks to you our quarterback is out for two weeks." I couldn't argue with that. Well, I suppose I could say he started it, but that line of reasoning stopped working in first grade. "Do you know what's going to happen Friday?" Chuck Miller, our star end,...
Lost in the Woods Ch. 2 © 2011 All Rights Reserved Willow woke the next morning and was disoriented by the blue-gray ceiling. Then Ivy snored and Willow looked over at her friend, wrapped in her sleeping bag, and remembered. The park. Earth Day. Lost in the woods. No, she hadn’t been lost, she corrected herself. She’d been less than a hundred feet away from a dozen people and could have called for help. When she’d stepped out of the portable bathroom, she’d been stunned to find herself alone....
Gina Santo had lived on her own for several years. She left when she was sixteen because her mother’s boyfriend always put his hands on her. She told her mother, but she never believed her. At first, she liked the attention, but it was becoming a lot, and she had a boyfriend, but her mother’s boyfriend ruined that when he told her boyfriend, she was sleeping with him.He broke up with Gina and called her a slut. Gina’s mother found out that she was sleeping with her boyfriend. She threw her...
TeenI've done some pretty nasty things today, diary. The situation had gotten completelyout of hand, and one thing had led to another... I'm a reasonable man, usually,but there's only so much I can take before I snap. Today, I think, has beenproof enough of that. I don't know why I'm writing this down; if I'm caught,this is journal's going to be my passport to prison. I have to collect my thoughtssomehow, though. You can't write legibly if you're insane, can you? I could plead temporary insanity,...
Alex Coal, sex therapist, is here to help you out in the bedroom. She goes through the core things that make a relationship really tick. Communication is Alex’s first point: She can’t read your mind, so you have to tell this hottie what you want. For example, if you want her to remove her clothes, all you’ve got to do is ask. Trust us, you’ll want to see that sheer bra and matching thong she’s hiding underneath her dress. Wearing just her lingerie, Alex gives back...
xmoviesforyouHi readers I am Aniket from Pune &this is my first &the real story. I am 21 year old. I am doing my engineering & I am 5’10 tall average built & I have got 8’ inches tool. This incident happen last year when I was of 20 years old &my mom was 40 years old. Her size is 38b,28,36. I never saw my mom in that aspect before as I am form a rich & reputed family. But don’t know how I started thinking about her in such a bad manner. I was grown up and had fantasizing about ladies and girls. Once by...
IncestI guess it all started when I was twelve. I'd just became friends with my best friend, we'll call her Jess. I spent so many nights staying over at her house. She came from a broken home so it was just her and her mom. After a few months of friendship her brother, we'll call him Zac, moved into their mothers house. I guess I never really put much thought into things, he was just my friends big brother. There was always that naughty older brother fantasy playing at the back of my...
The work day was winding down and everyone was getting ready to go home. Amber was waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up and bring her home. “Amber, do you need a ride home”, Tom asked her. “No, Justin will be here any minute, but thanks for asking”, she replied. “OK, I am going to finish some work, so if you change your mind I will be in my office.” About a half hour later Amber walked into Tom’s office and asked for a ride home. As they walked to Tom’s car they made small talk. ...
One beautiful sunny day I just felt like being pretty and being seen. I'd just done a fresh shave all over and washed and combed my shoulder length hair. I put on my favorite short shorts and my Betty Boop T shirt and went for a ride. I pulled into a rest area on the highway, went to the picnic area table and just walked around licking a tootsie pop and hoping some nice older gent would notice what a sissy I am and make a pass at me. Well I made sure that a few got a good look at me, but all I...
I decided not to face the music alone, though the trio of secret-blabbers didn't see the wisdom in coming with me to confess all. Unfortunately for them, the adopted alien baby with mutant powers who came to earth in a space radioactive meteor that landed in a vat of Earth radioactive waste was not having it. Candice did not kill us. I would have preferred she wet her blood lust with one of my friends. She scared Ahmo out of her morning shows, pointing out that Catherine only needed to get...
I have always been able to go down on my wife after cumming in her but I admit that for many it can be difficult to do having to eat your own cum from your partner immediately after you orgasm. It's something I learned to do when I was with my first female sex partner at the tender age of 15, she was much older and it made up for my premature ejaculation I experienced in my early years of sexual activity. I would cum so fast it left my partner hot and bothered so at her urging and near...
Introduction: A good story to share This is a story that seems to always get me hard and wanting to jack off every time I recall it, so I hope it does the same for you. It is something I cant explain but I have always wanted to watch my wife suck and fuck another man while I lay beside them and wait my turn. Call me a pervert I dont know but the story goes as follows, A friend Ill call R used to come by and he and I would watch races, football games etc, drink and bullshit. My wife who Ill call...
REk here my story continues..... mom was worried about me as I had become a teen and she knew my intentions and she wanted me to be anormal male but my intenstions were different so Ileft my home and had rented a small room and i was living by own self I was working in a company now I had a close friend of mine with me . He was bisexual he knew me very well and shared my room and expences with me . Jason is a gay in particular, whom I like because he was bisexual and knew all about me and my...
GayAfter class, Sue took the commute over to the state library. Working as a part-time librarian, Sue got the best of both worlds: reading and being invisible. Reading was the love of her life. The library consisted of people who were too immersed in their work to notice her, or they were too distracted by the sheer volume of books to look at her. She was contented. Stepping across the tiles to put her things in the locker, she tidied up herself and got started. Today, she was in charged of...
Two different stories in one! (Hey you, yes you with the brain. If you like something here hit that thumbs up, otherwise I will never know what people want more of. So like rate 5 stars, comment, subscribe, follow me in the cool cult, and donate to my kick starter for a giant dick to be sent into space or something. Or just like it please)
FantasyMy Wildest Fantasy & My Worst Nightmare While I have pursued femdom relationships in the past, and have even enjoyed a cuckold relationship with a wonderful woman, nothing prepared me for what I find myself in now. It all started with an ad I put on a gay website. I was looking for even more humiliation then any of the relationships in my past had brought to me. I was looking for the ultimate in humiliation and degradation to spark my libido. And want it or not, I...
????????????? The Bad Samaritan By: Alice Parker ????? "I'm just not sure Alice, are you sure it's safe?? I mean for us.? I don't want us to get in trouble" ????? "Joe, did you get in the account and see an email in there every day?? I found her in a chat room just for that" ????? "Yeah but still...? I'm just not sure.? Having you along is not something I would have envisioned before you brought it up either.? The whole thing is just weird." ????? "You like it when we do with...
‘Oh no you didn’t!’ Becky yelled as I filled her honey pot with my man juice. ‘Really, Blade? Please tell me that you didn’t just cum!’ All I could do was just smile at her as I pushed her slender body into the bed. ‘Damn, Blade, you just entered me! You didn’t even give me time to enjoy it! I can even feel you going soft inside me. And I am dripping wet! Geez!’ ‘What can I say? Becky, you just have that effect on me.’ ‘You didn’t even thrust! You just slid it inside and popped! I didn’t even...
My First Try at Escorting1 ESCORTI see Sue in her final preparations tugging that tiny G-string between her cheeks then stepping into her little black cocktail dress, it thrills me and shames me in equal measures. Yes, I know it’s my fault entirely, but I wanted to feel in control; it’s crazy really, we are a loving and wealthy couple so why did I talk her into doing this? We had paid £350 a night to stay at the Grand just so that I could let a complete stranger rent my wife for a few hours....