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This story contains adult material. If you are under 18 or offended by such, read no further. Then again, if you're under 18 or offended by that, you shouldn't be here anyway. Recruited By Morpheus It was with a feeling of extreme relief that I opened the door to my apartment and stepped into its welcoming safety. Only once the door was locked behind me did I start to relax, letting the stress of the day slowly drain away. As I closed the shudders on my window, I stared out at the darkness and neon lights beyond, thankful that I was no longer out there. I always hated coming home at that time of night, though my job often left me little choice. My name was Benjamin Cross, or Ben as I preferred to be called. I worked for a company called Neotech as an engineer. Specifically, as a weapons designer. My latest project had been working on the next generation Star Wars missile defense system since the old one was getting a bit outdated. It was challenging work, but rather satisfying at times. "Now to check the mail," I muttered, pulling up my E-mail and quickly scanning through it. "Only 2 offers?" I muttered, feeling a little offended. I was used to getting a few more job offers than that, not that I had any intention of accepting them. I was paid extremely well by my current employers and given a great benefit package. Of course some of the frequent offers promised more, but they couldn't give the trust and confidence that I'd built up for Neotech who had always done right by me. Highly skilled professionals such as myself were in short supply. As a result, companies had to compete against each other for any of these personnel, especially the best ones. They'd become more and more aggressive in their recruitment tactics as well, struggling to outbid and bribe people away from their companies. Sometimes even using less pleasant forms of encouragement, though very rarely. After quickly glancing over the latest offers, I frowned, noticing that one of them was from X.T.S. They'd been pestering me a bit lately, though they hadn't really offered anything more than any of the others. I suspected that their tactics were just to keep bombarding me with offers of employment and hope that I'd eventually give in, just so that they'd stop coming. "What does X.T.S. even stand for?" I muttered, deleting both offers and then moving on to the news. I stared at the news for a moment, frowning as I scanned through it. President Rodriguez and his running mate Chelsea Clinton were going for their second term in office. The Seattle Sasquatches beat the L.A. Shakers for the gyroball championship. China was still in the middle of their civil war and NASA was planning a third manned mission to Mars. That last is what interested me since there was a possibility that I might get some work on their equipment. Once I was done with the news, I turned my attention to my video phone and thought about giving Alyssa a call. Our relationship wasn't serious in a romantic way, but we did have something of an... understanding. We just met up occasionally to satisfy our mutual needs, and I thought that tonight just might be one of those times. "Let's see," I mused, glancing over to a small mirror on the wall and running a hand through my light brown hair. I was 37 years old and still in fairly decent shape, though a little too thin perhaps. "Close enough." A moment later, I was on the vid phone talking to Alyssa, relieved that she didn't already have something else planned for the night. "I'll be over in a few," she finished, making me smile and wink at her as we cut communications. "Hot damn," I exclaimed, hurrying towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready. About fifteen minutes later, I nearly jumped with excitement as I heard the doorbell ring. In fact, my equipment was already doing just that in anticipation. "Hello cutie," I announced as I swung the door open, freezing suddenly when I realized that it wasn't Alyssa. Instead, there were two large men standing there. "What..." I started to say. However before I could even finish my demand to know who they were, one of them raised what looked like a small canister of pepper spray right in front of my face. That, and a faint bluish mist coming from the canister was the last I saw before everything suddenly went dark. --- With a groan I opened my eyes, then quickly shut them again to protect myself from the bright lights above me. My senses seemed to return slowly, though even then I could tell that something was wrong, though not quite what. Blinking I squinted against the lights above me, the memory of the two men at my door slowly coming back to me, along with feelings of confusion and fear. "What?" I mumbled weakly, attempting to sit up but somehow unable to. Suddenly a man's voice said, "I see that you're finally awake." I groaned and turned my head towards the sound of the voice, blinking several more times while my eyes adjusted. There was something about that voice, something that tickled the back of my mind with recognition. At the moment, I was terrified and confused, though managed to keep it from overwhelming me. "Who..." I started. "How long have you Ben Cross?" the man asked, making me groan at the familiar joke. Then I finally got a good look at the man, just as I recognized the voice. "Gerner," I spat, shuddering faintly with the knowledge that this was definitely NOT good. Charles Gerner was a tall man in his mid thirties with a stylish haircut. That on top of the suit that he wore made him look like some sort of business executive rather than the scientist that I knew him for. Gerner used to work at Neotech with me, though in a slightly different division. His specialty was in designing invasive technology, though he was a lot better at taking other peoples discoveries and adapting them than in creating his own. Still, I had to admit that he was rather brilliant in his way. Unfortunately though, 3 years ago, I had discovered that he was misusing company recourses, stealing other peoples work and even secretly doing human testing on unknowing individuals. Even a company that was starving for skilled scientists couldn't tolerate that kind of behavior and he was promptly fired, which was almost unheard of in these times. "I'm glad that you remember me," Gerner responded with a smirk. It was only when I tried getting up to strangle him and couldn't that I realized that I was strapped down. I could barely move my arms and legs at all, certainly not enough to get away. "Let me go," I demanded, trying to cover my fear with anger. "In just a minute," Gerner responded with a smile. However the predatory look in his eyes made me less than enthusiastic. Something was up. "After all, I did go through some effort to bring you here." I glared at him for a moment, both terrified and furious. Though I didn't know what was going on or why, I suspected that my best choice for the moment would be to wait and find out what I could. Not that I had much other choice. If he'd just wanted me dead, then he'd already have killed me. However that didn't make me feel any better about my situation. "Your interference caused me to be blacklisted," Gerner told me in a cold but calm voice. There was barely contained hatred in his eyes, for somewhat obvious reasons. It was nearly impossible to get blacklisted with the need for scientists. "Do you have any idea how humiliating that was?" Gerner bent over me until his face was mere inches from mine. "No? You will." "What do you want from me?" I demanded, freezing as I realized for the first time that my voice sounded wrong. Very wrong. Gerner stood straight and turned around, showing no sign that he'd heard me as he announced, "I did eventually find a corporation willing to give me employment." He smiled faintly, adding, "And with my... talents, I quickly rose to a more... influential position." Then Gerner turned back towards me with a chilling smile. "I am not usually a vengeful person," Gerner told me quietly, "but when our latest project required an engineer with specialized skills, I immediately thought of you and knew that we had to recruit you." "You could have given me an offer," I responded slowly, forcing myself to remain in control. I'd learned long ago that it never did any good to let my emotions take control and I certainly wasn't about to do so now when it mattered most. "Ah," Gerner said, "but I did. I sent numerous offers, none of which you responded to." I looked at him blankly and he sighed, "X.T.S." "X.T.S." I whispered in recognition. "As you can tell," Gerner commented, "I do not take no for an answer. You are going to work for us whether you want to or not, and in the process, I'm finally going to make you suffer for the humiliation that you caused me." I snorted before I thought about it. "You were the one experimenting on people." Gerner just laughed at that. "And that has not changed," he told me with an almost evil grin. "As you will soon notice." With that the two large men that had been at my door were suddenly standing beside me, grabbing at the straps that held me down. A moment later, they'd undone the straps and then backed up, remaining well in view though. Probably to make sure that I didn't try to strangle Gerner. Giving a nervous glance at those two, I sat up, gasping in horror as I finally realized why I'd felt so strange. There were two weights hanging from my chest, at least that was my first impression. But as I looked down, I was shocked to see that it was actually a pair of breasts. "What..." I started, blinking in surprise and grabbing at the large woman's breasts that were growing from my chest. However only an instant after the breasts had registered, I noticed that the rest of my body had obviously changed as well. Changed drastically and impossibly at that. "Imp... impossible," I gasped out, too overcome with shock to think things through rationally. All I could do was sit there and stare at myself. Breasts were not the only thing of a woman that I now had. To my horror, my whole body seemed to be a woman's. Every inch of it. My fingers were thinner and with long nails. My hips were wider, my waist was thin and firm, while my butt seemed huge, making me feel as if I was sitting on a pillow or something. And with a gulp, I looked between my legs, already knowing that I would find a vagina instead of my usual penis. A moment later, I was proven correct. "What the hell did you do to me?" I demanded, more than just a trace of panic creeping into my voice. I'd never been more stunned in my entire life, but still, I managed to keep some semblance of self control. Gerner stood back, smirking at me. "I ensured your cooperation... and my revenge at the same time." I looked down at myself in confusion, easily seeing where that would fit into his scheme of revenge, but not about ensuring my cooperation. "As you can tell," Gerner commented, almost as if he was talking about the weather, "I have made several breakthroughs in nanotechnology. In fact it was this, or specifically the fact that I alone control the technology that allowed me to advance so rapidly in X.T.S." "Interesting," I responded with a scowl, my mind quickly trying to race through the sludge of my fear and confusion. I hoped that I could stall him long enough to figure things out. With a faint smile, Gerner said, "There is of course one minor flaw with the technology." Then he chuckled, stepping towards me with a hateful look in his eyes. "It is irreversible. Any attempts to reverse the process result in complete failure... and 100 percent fatality." I gasped in horror as Gerner finished that. "You bastard!" Then I looked down at myself, knowing that Gerner could easily be lying, but somehow suspecting that he wasn't. Otherwise he probably would have held the cure out in front of me like a carrot... not to mention to taunt me with. "You're insane." Gerner suddenly slapped me across the face, knocking me backwards just a little. But as soon as I regained my balance and started to clench my fists, the two large men advanced towards me. I grimaced but backed down, knowing that I was helpless. At least for now. "You should be proud to be the first large scale human test," Gerner told me, stepping backwards again. "Especially since your treatment cost over 3 million dollars." I grimaced at him, not feeling the least bit of pride in being his guinea pig. "I don't think so." "The cost does rather limit the usefulness of my nanotechnology," Gerner admitted, "but I thought that it would be productive to use for your recruitment." "And how is this supposed to be recruitment?" I spat. Gerner just laughed, along with the two men though they kept their distance. "It would be difficult to keep you imprisoned and forcing you to work for us, not to mention too costly. Instead you are free to come and go." "Free to go?" I repeated skeptically. For some reason, I didn't really think so. "Well," Gerner said, "there is the minor fact that you no longer have any form of legal identity whatsoever. Your fingerprints and even DNA no longer match anything on the governments file." "No..." I whispered, suddenly realizing what he meant. My eyes went wide with horror at just how right Gerner had been. I looked down at myself, knowing full well that I could go to Neotech and claim to be Ben Cross as much as I wanted, but it wouldn't do me any good. They wouldn't believe me in the slightest. In fact I'd never get beyond security and into the building without being arrested as an intruder. Even worse though, the government wouldn't recognize me either. There was no doubt in my mind that I was a legal non-entity now. As far as they were concerned, I didn't exist. That meant that I couldn't get any jobs at all, not even for the cheapest fast food restaurant. I couldn't get any housing, nor any medical treatment. No legal identity meant that even the police wouldn't pay attention to me, or if they did, it would be to deport me or something worse. With ever growing horror, I realized that I would be forced to live on the streets, begging, stealing... or even worse to survive. And the whole time, I would be without protection from the predators that lived there. "Dear Lord," I gasped, even though I'd never been a religious man. Gerner just laughed. "I see that you understand. As long as you work for us, all of your needs will be accommodated. However should you try leaving, you know what awaits you out there." I glared at Gerner, never having felt that much hatred towards anyone in my life as I did for him right then. Then I looked down at what he'd done to me in shame and anger. I would be trapped in my changed body and in near slavery to X.T.S. But even worse, there was nothing that I could do about it but go along. Nothing. "What do you want?" I asked quietly. Suddenly one of the big guys burst out, "Tell her the rest boss." Gerner glared at the man, then looked at me with an even nastier gleam in his eye. "Oh yes," he said slowly. "That was all for your recruitment," he told me, "more or less." Then he chuckled, making me shudder in dread. "The rest however is purely for my personal satisfaction." With a gulp I quietly asked, "The rest?" How could it possibly get any worse than having been transformed into a woman? However I had a sinking feeling that I was about to find out. "Yes," Gerner told me, still smirking. "Something to truly humiliate you. To remind you what your place is." That only made me even more apprehensive, which I hadn't thought possible until that moment. "If we didn't need your mind so much..." "What... what did you do?" I demanded, quickly glancing down at my large breasts. One of the large men started chuckling at that while the other one just smiled faintly. Gerner just straightened his tie, obviously wanting to make me suffer for a minute more before he finally answered. "You are very fortunate that we require your continuing ability to complete our project. If we did not..." his eyes narrowed, "your fate would have been far worse." For a moment, Gerner just stared at me before he continued, "I arranged several alterations within your biochemistry to give your body another requirement." Then he smiled faintly. "From now on, your intelligence will slowly decrease while your libido increases until you become nothing more than a near mindless sex machine. The ultimate bimbo." My eyes went wide in horror, and confusion since he said that he needed me to work on a project and there was no way that I could possibly be of any use if what he said was true. Gerner nodded faintly. "This process can only be prevented by a very particular biochemical reaction. Specifically, by your having sex... with a man." Then Gerner chuckled wickedly before adding, "Approximately once a day." I just stood there and stared at Gerner in complete shock for a minute. There was no way that such a thing was even possible, even though the weight on my chest argued otherwise. "No..." He just laughed. "Oh, yes indeed. If you don't have sex at least once a day, your mind will rapidly start to degrade while your body will increasingly demand sex. Only after you give in will you return to your..." he chuckled, sarcastically finishing, "normal state." Without consciously deciding to, I suddenly jumped forward and hit Gerner as hard as I could, my hands closing around his neck. I was filled with the burning desire to strangle the life right out of him. However his bodyguards quickly pulled me off of him, slapping me several times across my face. Gerner glared at me and rubbed at his neck, finally telling his guards, "Let her go." They hesitated a moment before doing just that. I just stood there helplessly while Gerner sneered, "I am sure that there will be numerous male employees eager to accommodate your needs in the housing section." "You bastard!" I spat, shaking with emotions and helplessness. However that only seemed to please Gerner more. "As long as you are useful to our project..." he let it hang there, the threat clearly implied. Then he turned to the guards and told them, "Take her to her new room in the housing section." Then, as the guards started to escort me out of the room, while I was still completely naked, Gerner told me, "Get used to your new body now, because tomorrow you start work." --- A short while later, I was inside of my new room, looking around in dread. It was small more or less just a studio apartment, worse than what any real employee living in the housing section received. At least anyone with a position greater than janitor. I shuddered in humiliation as I sat on the bed, trying not to think about the walk to the housing section. About the fact that they'd marched me through the halls and down an elevator, without my having a single shred of clothing on. The guards had taken a perverse delight in my situation, vocally volunteering their services for my for new needs as well, much to my disgust. "No modesty," I told myself, trying to convince myself that it was unneeded. Especially now. I had to control myself, to keep my shame and humiliation under control. To keep my fear and anger buried. "Control yourself," I ordered, trying to regain the calm control over my emotions that I'd always had. Finally, once I was more or less back in control, I stood back up, deciding to take a good look at my new apartment. There was little doubt that the room was bugged, probably filled with tiny cameras too. Still, my first order of business was to familiarize myself with my surroundings... and my new body. I slowly looked around the apartment, finding that it was actually a little larger than I had first though, though not by much. There was even a small bathroom and shower attached. Still I had to admit that it was rather nice for a prison. But in spite of all the subtlety and comfort, I wasn't deluded about the fact that a prison was indeed what my apartment was. For a moment I just stood there, then grimaced, dreading what was to come next. Knowing that I still had to face the worst... or at least one of the worst, trying not to think about what Gerner had said that I would need. Taking a deep breath, I stepped in front of the telescreen that covered a large portion of one wall. Like most telescreens, it was a computer system and large monitor built directly into the wall, providing communication, data retrieval, decoration and even entertainment. And at the moment, it showed pictures of brightly colored fish swimming across it, making it look just like a large aquarium. "Mirror mode," I ordered bitterly. With that the screen started to shimmer, turning all silvery. A moment later, the aquarium was entirely gone, replaced instead by a large mirror. "Let's get this over with," I spat, almost as if daring the mirror to do its worst. Then I looked into the mirror and let out a gasp of surprise. I stood there frozen, staring intently as my eyes slowly soaked up every detail from my changed reflection. She stood in front of me with an unbelievable hourglass figure. Her... my breasts were large, round and firm, while my waist was slender and I had long shapely legs. My body was gorgeous and with a figure that nearly any woman would kill for. However I wasn't a woman, in spite of what my reflection said. After staring at my body, I finally looked up into my face and long golden blonde hair. My large eyes were a sparkly blue and my lips were full and luscious, nearly begging for a kiss. Overall, my face looked around 21 and very beautiful. In fact it practically screamed out sex. However there was little sign there of the intelligence that I possessed. It was the face of a bimbo. There was even makeup on my face already, amplifying the effect. I rubbed at the glossy red of my lips, the same color as the nail polish that was on my longer and feminine looking nails. However it didn't smear at all. Nor did it even feel as if I was wearing anything. I quickly rubbed at the rest of my face, finding that none of it smeared in the least. Instead it seemed to actually be my skin, tattooed to look like makeup. Gulping I finally whispered, "Impressive." Gerner obviously knew what he was doing. He'd designed my entire body to keep me trapped there, and especially to humiliate me. And it was working. "Damn him," I spat, stepping back and glaring at my reflection with a strange mixture of lust and disgust. "Blank mode." With that the screen shimmered once again, changing to the same color as the rest of the walls. For a moment I just stood there, staring first at the blank wall and then down at my naked body, burning with barely contained anger and shame. It wasn't easy to choke those back and focus on my situation. On what I needed to do next. "Clothes," I muttered, remembering my walk through the halls, "that's what I need." A minute later, I'd looked through the dresser and closet, finding a large amount of clothes that looked like they were the perfect size for my transformed body. Unfortunately though, they were all... revealing. All of the clothes looked like they belonged on a bimbo, just like the kind I appeared. "Damn Gerner," I muttered, wishing things upon him that I'd never even considered wishing upon another human being. Like my body, all of the clothes were designed to humiliate me. To remind me of what I would become if I didn't get what Gerner said I needed. And unfortunately, it was already working. After staring at the clothes in disgust for a minute, I grimaced stubbornly, deciding that I wasn't going to give Gerner the satisfaction of seeing my shame. At least for as long as I could hold it. With that I reached out for some panties. The panties went on without any difficulty, and I had to admit that they did feel rather nice. Very soft and smooth. There was no sign of any bras, but that wasn't too surprising at all. They weren't even in fashion much anymore, especially since a lot of women's clothes had their purpose sort of build in. I had to stare at the short skirt and what passed for a shirt for a minute, wondering how to get them on. "Damn it," I spat bitterly, "I'm an engineer. I can figure this out." A few seconds later I figured out the trick to the clothes. The skirt and shirt were both made with instaseal seams. Instead of buttons or sippers, the edges would connect and chemically bond, not even leaving a visible seam in the clothes. They were also very easy to undo, if you knew where the hidden seams were. Finally I was all dressed, even if only in a short black skirt and a tight little shirt that revealed quite a bit of cleavage. I looked at myself in the telescreen mirror again, not happy about looking like I was going out for a night on the prowl, but at least satisfied that it was better than being naked. Then, I looked down at the high heels, which were the only type of shoes that I'd found in the apartment. And unfortunately, I knew that I couldn't walk around barefooted so they were all I had... and suspected, all that Gerner would allow. I let out a sigh and shook my head faintly, accepting them as yet another humiliation and challenge to overcome. "I suppose I'll need some practice," I muttered, reaching over for the shoes. I'd be damned if I was going to give Gerner the satisfaction of seeing me fall flat on my face in public. So, as much as I might dislike it, I knew that I'd better practice walking around the room in them. "Not like I have anything better to do at the moment." "Damn," I spat, glaring at the telescreen in frustration. "Not again." I stepped back and rubbed at my temples for a moment before looking around the apartment where I had been waiting for some hours. Exactly how long I had been in there, I wasn't sure. Nor did I have any idea at all how long it had been since I had actually been changed much less kidnapped. I could have been out anywhere from hours to weeks before Gerner had woken me. Taking a deep breath, I looked back at the telescreen, trying again. "Open channel to Robert Dutton at Neotech." A moment later, a soft feminine voice replied, "External communication unauthorized." It was the same response that I'd already received numerous times. That and similar responses, ever time that I tried to contact someone outside. For the past half hour, I had been trying to contact anyone that might be able to help me. I'd tried just about everyone that I knew, all to no success. I'd tried just about everything that I could think of, none of which had done any good. And at the moment, I was getting tired of it and wasn't able to come up with any new ideas. "Damn," I spat again, rubbing at my temples again. After trying to think of something that I hadn't tried for another minute and coming up blank, I quietly ordered, "Blank mode." For a moment, I just stood there, looking at the blank wall and then down at myself before sighing in defeat. It was obvious that Gerner had made sure that I wasn't going to get a message out to anyone. Then I paused with a frown, realizing almost in surprise that I was hungry. As much as I disliked the idea, I knew that I was going to have to leave the relative safety of my apartment. At least if I had any intention of getting something to fill my empty stomach. After silently debating with myself for a minute, it wasn't the grumbling in my stomach that decided me but the thought of Gerner sitting back and laughing. I couldn't could him the satisfaction of seeing my discomfort. With that decided, I straightened my shoulders and started for the door, relieved when it actually opened. As I walked down the hall, trying to find the cafeteria, I was extremely aware of the clicking sound from my heels. Of the way that my hips and butt seemed to swing back and forth with every step and the shifting weight on my chest. But most of all, I was aware of the stares. Of all the people that suddenly stopped and stared at me as I walked past. "I hate enclaves," I muttered, remembering why I'd never moved into Neotech's. They were self contained living areas for company employees, usually located at the site of their employment. It not only provided close access to their work and co-workers, but security for the people who lived within as well. Of course it also had the purpose of keeping other companies away from the employees so that they couldn't be hired away. And at the moment, I deeply regretted the fact that I'd never moved into Neotech's enclave like they'd wanted. If I had, then I wouldn't be in my current situation in the first place. "But no," I spat sarcastically, "I had to have my space." I snorted at that, deciding that it would have been a good trade to avoid being kidnapped. Suddenly I was startled to find a man standing in front of me, his eyes locked firmly on my chest. "Hey honey," he started with a smirk, "you look a little lost." I grimaced at the look on his face, not to mention the tone in his voice. "I'm looking for the cafeteria," I told him, trying to remain as calm as I could. "My name's... Bill," he told me, sounding extremely cocky. Somehow, I doubted that his name was really Bill. More likely, he had plans to get try getting me in the sack and forgetting me in the morning. Not like I had any intention of cooperating. "The cafeteria," I reminded him impatiently. 'Bill' gave me a faint scowl before gesturing down the hall, "Just down the hall and to the left. Here, I'll show you." I quickly shook my head, "No thank you. I'll be fine." With a shrug Bill continued on his way down the hall, leaving me to find the cafeteria on my own, much to my relief. Fortunately I had no trouble finding it a minute later, though a part of me wished that I hadn't. There were several dozen people in there, and all of them turned to stare at me, making me extremely uncomfortable though I refused to show it. A minute later, I had grabbed a tray of food and sat down at an empty table. However it didn't stay empty for long as several men whom I didn't know sat down next to me, acting as if they were good friends that I'd just invited. I just grimaced, keeping myself calm and pretending that they weren't there, which wasn't easy. It was obvious that all of the men at my table had the assumption that I was some sort of secretary, though I didn't really blame them. At least not much. After all, at the moment I certainly didn't look the part of an engineer. Not with the body and clothes that Gerner had fixed me up with. I quickly finished eating and stood up, pausing for a moment as the men continued to stare at me as if I was a piece of meat. Still I refused to let Gerner win. I refused to let them see my discomfort. Instead, with a great force of will, I smiled pleasantly at them then started to walk away. Just as I was leaving the cafeteria, I paused and shuddered uncomfortably. My nipples were starting to get hard and my crotch was beginning to feel a little warm and wet. I slowly turned back towards the men who'd been sitting at my table and were still looking at me, feeling a slight... twinge inside of my crotch. "Oh no," I whispered, my eyes going wide in horror. Then, I snapped back around and hurried back towards my apartment as fast as my high heels would let me. As soon as I was back inside, I sat down on the bed and turned the telescreen onto news mode. I grimaced, focusing all of my attention on that, trying not to think of the strange sensations that were starting to build in my body. At first it wasn't too difficult to ignore the fact that I was becoming horny, though it slowly grew much harder. I was slowly getting more and more horny and had to fight back the urge to play with myself. Every few minutes, my hands started to stray, moving to my nipples and vagina. It was only with a lot of willpower that I was able to keep pulling them back and looking at the news. "Boring," I muttered after some time, almost yawning at the news. It seemed so... stupid. The people on there kept talking and talking about all sorts of stuff and they weren't really making a lot of sense. "They must be dumb," I told myself, knowing that there was something else but having a hard time remembering exactly what. Then I pulled my hands away from my boobies, frowning slightly as I did so. I knew that it wasn't good to play with them, but I couldn't remember how come. They felt really nice when I played with them too. "I know," I exclaimed, jumping up and running to the telescreen, wondering if there was something yummy in the cafe... cafe... lunch room. Maybe chocolate cake. "Oooh yummy," I sighed at the thought. Then another thought flashed through my mind, adding 'Or cute men'. Suddenly there was a picture on the telescreen of some sports people playing a game and then tripping. I burst into giggles, thinking that it was the funniest thing that I'd ever seen, though I didn't know why. "How do I make it tell me what's for des... des... snack?" I muttered, staring intently at the screen. After a minute, I gave up in frustration, exclaiming, "Stupid screen." Then I stood there, absently playing with myself and moaning at how good it felt. A moment later, I jumped on the bed and tried tearing off my clothes, horrified to realize that I couldn't get my skirt or shirt off. "Stupid clothes," I complained, fingering at my pussy and moaning. Fortunately I was able to get my fingers in around my panties, making me moan even more as my fingers went inside of me. It felt SO good. After a minute of this, I finally pulled my panties off and kept fingering myself, knowing that I needed something inside of me... bad. Suddenly I exploded from inside me and shook all over, even screaming at how good it felt. My whole body felt REALLY good, especially my pussy. But as good as it felt, it didn't make my need go away. I was still really, really horny. "Need sumptin," I mumbled, barely able to form the words. They were so hard to remember. Without any conscious thought, just a burning need, I moved to the door, struggling with it for a minute and trying to figure out how it opened. Somehow, I knew that what I needed was on the other side and I just had to get to it. While scrambling around, my hand hit the blue square on the side of the door, and to my relief, the door started to slide open. I giggled in delight and immediately started forward again, rubbing at my pussy with my free hand and determined to find someone to fuck me. Almost immediately after stepping out of the room, I bumped into someone and nearly fell backwards. I caught my balance and looked at the person in my way, my eyes going wide as I recognize Gerner, though I couldn't remember his name at the moment. I did know that I hated him and that he was a bad man, but even more so, I knew that he could give me what I needed. "You stupid little slut," Gerner laughed, smirking as he looked down at me. "This is going to be fun." I just nodded enthusiastically, nearly drooling as I stared at his crotch. I was already drooling from my pussy. Without any conscious decision, I had jumped straight at him, my hands frantically grabbing for his crotch. "Stop that!" Gerner snarled, grabbing my arm painfully and throwing me back into the room. "Stupid bitch." A moment later, he was inside the room with me, slapping me across the face before throwing me onto the bed and ordering, "Strip." I stared at him in confusion before he grimaced and shook his head, calling me stupid again. Then he reached over and put his thumb on the edge of my skirt, holding it there for a moment until a slit split open. A moment later, he'd grabbed the edge and pulled down, making the slit bigger until the skirt fell right off. Then he did the same with my shirt. "Oooh," I gasped, impressed. However I was a lot more impressed by the bulge that I saw in the front of his pants. I just HAD to have it. Gerner just stared back for a moment before tearing his own clothes off and climbing on the bed. Then, as I moved towards him to get fucked, he pushed me back and pointed down at his dick. "Suck it," he ordered. For a moment, I just looked at him in confusion but then he grabbed my hair and pulled my head down, "Give me a blow job. Suck it. Lick it. You'd better make it feel good too." Then I nodded in understanding, realizing that he wasn't going to fuck me until I did it. Without any further hesitation, I went down on him, sucking and licking as best as I could. He moaned and told me what I needed to do. And after a minute, I started to really enjoy it, getting even more turned on, though it still wasn't quite what I needed. Still, it was very close. I didn't know how long I was sucking on Gerner before he finally pulled my head back and then splooged all over the bed. "Not yet," he growled, then ordered, "get on your hands and knees." I was a bit confused by what he said and had to really concentrate to make out what he meant. However once I figured it out, I did as he told me, eager for him to give me what I needed. I was so horny that I thought I was going to blow up if I didn't get what I needed NOW. "I'll have to thank the makers of Viagra 9," he announced with a laugh. "This wouldn't be possible without it." Most of that didn't make any kind of sense to me at all though. With that Gerner rammed his dick straight up my ass, making me let out a gasp of surprise and then a moan of pleasure. It hurt a little but also felt really good when he started pounding it in and out. He kept doing that for some time, saying things to me but they didn't really make much sense to me. Besides, they were just stupid words. I came several times while he fucked me, then he finally pulled back and came all over my backside. "Turn over bitch." The man had stopped fucking me, to my intense frustration. Instead, he just sat back and made strange sounds at me. Finally he yelled some more strange sounds before turning me over. That I understood and immediately spread my legs, filled with an indescribable need and no thought save that need. Then he finally stuck his cock inside me and started ramming in and out, making more of those same noises while he did so. However I didn't pay any attention to the stupid noises, only how great I felt. I was bursting with delight to finally get fucked, though I didn't think of it that way... or in any way at all. After a long time, and lots of orgasms later, I felt him cum inside me and fill me with a warm sticky stuff. However he kept at it, cumming several more times before he finally pulled out, looking tired. I just lay there in bed, gasping for breath and filled with the most incredible sensation that I'd ever felt. My entire body was burning with raw pleasure, the unlimited need to be fucked finally having been filled. As I lay there, soaking up the afterglow, my mind started to flicker faintly as it started to work again. Gerner put his clothes on and then bent over me, twisting my face so that I was looking him in the eyes. "This is your place now," he spat viciously. "You're nothing more than a stupid slut, even if we can use you for other things. Remember that. You're mine, anytime that I want you. Remember, I can always lock you in here and let you become like this again." His words started to make sense and flickered into my expanding mind. Then he grabbed one of my tits and squeezed before turning and leaving the room. I just remained where I was, all of my senses completely overwhelmed and my emotions running wild, at the moment blanking out my returning mind. I remained that way until sleep overcame me. --- The next morning, slowly walked down the hall towards my first day at work, feeling as if I was on death row and being led to my execution. That impression was only enhanced by the fact that one of the two men who'd kidnapped me was walking by my side, acting as both escort and guard. I slouched and stared at the ground, hating the feel of my body as I moved. Hating the fact that I looked like a slut of the worst kind, and hating the fact that Gerner had won. The night before had certainly proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Thoughts of the night before filled me with humiliation, worse than any that I'd ever imagined possible. I could scarcely believe how quickly I'd succumbed to my needs, even throwing myself at Gerner in desperation. I'd become exactly what Gerner wanted, a stupid slut who would have fucked any man who happened to be there. But what was even worse than that, was the fact that I'd enjoyed it so thoroughly. That I still couldn't stop thinking about how fantastic the series of orgasms had made me feel. Not to mention the fact that I knew that it was going to happen again. There was nothing that I could do to prevent becoming that sex starved little whore again, other than have even more sex. "Hopeless," I whispered, knowing that there was no way out. Even if I managed to escape the X.T.S. compound, which I suspected wouldn't be too difficult, I could never escape the trap that they'd truly put me into. I'd never escape my drastically transformed body or my horrible new needs. I barely glanced up at my escort when we finally stopped, being too flooded with shame and despair. Still, after he grunted, I looked up and glanced around me, seeing that I was in an engineering lab similar to what I'd worked in for Neotech, though a little smaller than what I was used to. "You work here," the big man grunted. "At least if you want to eat that is. The boss says that if you don't complete the project, he'll let you go bimbo permanently... or worse." I shuddered at that, looking around a little more intently, gulping as I quietly asked, "What am I supposed to work on?" The big man grinned, obviously satisfied with my surrender. Then he pointed to a computer console and a stack of folders. "None of that is to leave this room," he told me, "or you'll get punished. If you don't make any progress, you'll get punished." For a moment he just stood there with a smug grin before adding, "But if you keep the boss happy, you'll be treated pretty good. The boss said that everything you need for the project is in there." And with that, the big man turned and left the room, leaving me all alone. After staring around me for a minute, I noticed the cameras in the corners. They weren't hidden at all, obviously to make sure that I knew that I was being watched so not to try anything. Not that there was anything that I could do, I thought with dread. With a grimace I reached down and grabbed at my oversized tits, wondering how the hell I was supposed to possibly do any work with those things. However again, I knew that I didn't have a choice. Somehow I didn't doubt what the big man had said. If I didn't cooperate, things would get even worse for me, as impossible as that almost seemed at the moment. Then I sighed, and slowly started towards the console in the middle of the room and the papers, muttering, "I guess I should see what I'm working on now." I spent the next half an hour reading through the files, seeing what the instructions for my project were. Almost to my surprise, the project was very similar to what I was working on for Neotech, though going in a few different directions that I hadn't looked into yet. I was going to be working on another satellite weapons system, though some of the requirements didn't really make much sense to me. Then I spent the next several hours reading through the files in much more detail, seeing that there were a number of things that they hadn't given me, obviously other peoples projects that I didn't have the 'need to know' for. I just grimaced, shaking my head at some of the things that didn't make much sense and trying to get as familiar with what I was going to be working on as possible. Around lunch time, I decided to take a break and get something to eat so started towards the cafeteria, relieved to find that my lab door wasn't locked, and was even set up to open when it tested my hand print and DNA on the door plate. "Just like I was a regular employee," I muttered as I stepped into the hall, "instead of a slave." A minute later, I stepped into the cafeteria for that area, gulping as all the eyes in the room started to lock on me. Most of the men were staring with undisguised lust while the women were giving me looks that varied mostly between envy and disgust. I just gulped, trying to force my shame to the back of my mind and act as if they weren't watching. Once again, as soon as I sat down at an empty table, men started to fill it up around me. Most of them immediately started flirting and hitting on me, much to my annoyance. However I forced a few smiles and quickly at my small lunch, finding that what normally would have been a snack had filled me up. "Bye bye boys," I cooed on an impulse as I got up and left, not completely sure why I'd done it except to find something amusing in my situation. After this I went to the bathroom, barely remembering to use the women's. It was just another humiliation when I looked into the mirror, seeing the bimbo that looked back. Especially since the sight of her started to turn me on again. Several women... other women came in and out of the bathroom, giving me quick glares before doing their own thing. I sighed, realizing that they were all avoiding me. The few women that I'd ran into since my change had avoided me almost completely, obviously afraid of what being seeing with someone who looked like might do for their reputations. As if being a bimbo slut might rub off on them. "Alone," I whispered, choking back tears, knowing that I'd never be able to really get close to anyone like I was. Men would only see me as a sex object while women would most likely see me as a rival or someone to avoid. "No," I took a deep breath, reminding myself that I was a scientist and willing myself to keep it contained. A short while later, I returned to the lab, ready to get back to work. Not that I wanted to, but I had to admit that I was becoming a little curious about the project, not to mention there was what Gerner might do if he didn't think that I was actually doing my best. That was something that I definitely didn't want to find out. I continued to work on the project for some time more though I slowly started to make less and less progress, though I didn't even notice it at first. It had only been after I read through a paragraph 3 times, trying to make out what it meant that it dawned on me. "Damn," I spat, stepping back and rubbing at my eyes. I still wasn't stupid yet, but I knew that I didn't have my normal intelligence. If anything, I suspected that I was about average intelligence now. However I knew that it wouldn't be too much longer. Especially since I realized that my vagina was already wet, having been that way for nearly half an hour. I'd just been so busy that I hadn't paid much attention to it. Cursing again, I just sat back, wondering what I was going to do. I certainly couldn't keep working like that, especially since it was only going to get worse. This was one of those situations where the cure was just as bad as the disease, though both led to the same result. Still, even though I knew that I wasn't going to make any progress, I continued to struggle with my work in the lab for another hour, too stubborn to just give up. Finally though, I had to admit defeat. Another defeat. And with that, I started back towards my apartment on the other floor, fighting back the urge to play with myself and wondering what I was going to do about it. Less than two hours later, I came back out of my apartment, horny as hell and looking for relief. I licked my lips in anticipation, slowly moving down the hall, hoping to find some hot stud with a big dick to fill me. Earlier I had decided to hold off as long as I could each time, that way I wouldn't have to have sex nearly as often. However at the moment that didn't really mean much to me, only that somewhere out there I could find someone to fuck. A moment later, my eyes shot wide as I saw someone walking down the hall. Someone vaguely familiar though I had to concentrate to remember. "Bill," I purred, stepping forward and giggling. Bill, the man from the night before stopped and stared at me in surprise. "Oh, it's you." He smiled and winked at me. "Ready for some action honey?" I nodded eagerly, "Uh huh." And with that, I quickly undid my shirt and showed him my tits, knowing that men like tits and if he liked mine then he might want to fuck me. "I wanna fuck." The words didn't come out easily, but they were definitely what I meant at the moment. With a grin, Bill put his hands on my titties and started rubbing them, making me giggle at how good it felt. And that he liked my boobies. A minute later, Bill put his hand around my shoulder and licked at my neck, making me giggle again. "My apartment is just over here," Bill told me with a cocky grin, glancing up and down the hall. A minute later, we were inside Bill's apartment and fucking like animals. It didn't last nearly as long as with Gerner, and Bill did like it a little rougher, but I was happy to at least be getting fucked. And when we were finished, Bill immediately fell asleep next to me while I lay in bed savoring my afterglow and then slowly letting myself fall asleep as well. --- With a long sigh, I started back towards my apartment, tired from the hours I'd put into working on the 'project' and frustrated to know that I wasn't going to get any more done. Not with my I.Q. dropping already. "Damn," I muttered, then bit my emotions back and continued my walk through the halls, refusing to give anyone the satisfaction of seeing my humiliation. It had been a week since my 'recruitment' and I was already well known around the area as the company slut, though almost no one knew that I was an engineer as well. As far as everyone was concerned, I was just the stupid nympho who would put out for anyone with a dick. That had been proven well enough just the night before as I had woken up that morning, surrounded by 5 naked men. I shuddered at the memory, not only from the humiliation but from the fact that I'd enjoyed it as well, even if I wasn't quite myself at the time. The orgy had continued until the early hours of the morning, leaving me little time to sleep before returning to the project. As I reached the door to my apartment, I muttered, "At least I had a productive day." I had made a great deal of progress that morning, though that did me little good in the long run. Whenever the project was completed, I knew that Gerner would either have me working on something else, or would just continue to humiliate me for his petty revenge. Locking the door behind me, I turned on the telescreen and sat down to relax and watch the news, awaiting the inevitable need. It was coming a little later than previously, due no doubt to later hour of the orgy, but it was indeed coming. I could already feel it beginning. While my lust grew and my intelligence dropped, I fought back, trying to keep myself under some control, knowing even then that it was futile. Still I found myself masturbating frantically on the bed, growing more and more desperate for a man to fill me. Finally my mind was gone, replaced almost entirely by the overwhelming need for sex. I staggered off the bed, looking around and sniffing at the door, knowing that there were men beyond. That I could get fucked. However I had waited too long and could no longer remember how to open the door. I spent some time at the door, scratching and howling, even screaming at it, all to no effect. My needs grew even more and I was soon nothing more than an animal, filled with lust and frustration, desperate for sex but helpless to do anything about it. Eventually, though I had no idea of how much time had passed, my hand slipped over the square plate of the door just right, causing it to slide open. Without conscious thought, I charged through the door, lost in the hall with absolutely no idea of where to find a man, but knowing with an absolute conviction that I HAD to. It didn't take long to find what I was in search of. I ran into a man in the hallway and attacked him, nearly raping him in the middle of the hall. At first he seemed about to run, but the opportunity proved too much to resist so he pulled me into a room. The man made strange gibberish sounds the whole time, though none of them made any sense to me. All I was interested in was sex, which only made me even more frustrated when he couldn't get it up. I tore at him, desperate for what he couldn't quite give me. After some time, the man finally got hard and started to fuck me, much to my enthusiastic delight. Once he was ready though, the strange man proved to have an amazing endurance, fucking me for a long time before he finally came inside of me. By this time, I had already had several orgasms, but when he finally came, I had another one at the same time that was ten times as strong as any of the others. A minute later, the man plopped down on the bed, looking like he was going to go to sleep while I just lay there, still fingering myself and wanting MORE. But at the same time, my mind began to tingle as life slowly returned to my brain. "Goooood," I purred, fingering myself to another orgasm. "Feels good." With this, I slowly started to become fully aware of my surroundings, especially the man in bed next to me. For a moment I just stared at him, absorbing his tanned skin and blonde hair. He was definitely cute and I giggled for a moment as I stared at him, tempted to shake him up for another round. Then I grimaced, my mind still tingling as my thoughts continued to rush in. "Not again," I sighed at that, knowing that it wouldn't be the last time. I was even beginning to become unconcerned about it, though couldn't help wondering if it might not be a good idea to change my tendencies and take care of my needs before I got that bad. After an extremely short period of time, I climbed off the bed and looked around, feeling embarrassed. "At least he was good," I mused, both blushing in embarrassment and feeling rather warm at the memory. Looking down at my naked body, I frowned, realizing that I hadn't brought any clothes at all with me when I'd left my apartment. However I knew that was easily rectified so quickly went to the strange man's bathroom and grabbed a large towel, wrapping myself up somewhat tightly before leaving the apartment. I paused for one more look at the man, shaking my head before leaving. Once I was back in my own apartment, I tore off the towel and tossed it to the side, looking down with a frown. "I must be losing my modesty," I muttered. I'd barely flinched at walking through the halls in nothing but a towel. But then again, the towel covered more of my skin that my 'usual clothes' did. "I suppose that being a slut doesn't afford one the luxury of being modest." I let out a yawn, deciding that maybe it was time that I followed the example of my latest one night stand and went to bed. However as I looked over at the clock, I let out a groan. It was almost time for me to get up anyway. "Damn," I spat, glaring at the cameras in the ceiling and just knowing that Gerner would be laughing at my situation. Then I took a deep breath, reminding myself not to give him the satisfaction. I pushed my emotions back to the side, reflecting that I'd been gaining a great deal of practice doing that as of late. And a moment later, I went to the bathroom, swallowed several 'wake-up' pills from the cabinet and then climbing into the shower to clean up before work. --- "Interesting," I mused, sitting at the computer console in my lab and glancing through my designs for the project. "I believe that I could improve efficiency there with a minor modification..." It had been only an hour since I had come in to work, but I had been quite productive in that time. Much more so than I normally would have been before lunch, especially considering the fact that I was running on caffeine tablets rather than sleep. I paused for a moment, absently noticing that everything seemed a little... sharper this morning. A little clearer. I shook my head at that, deciding that maybe some 'wake-up' pills would be a good addition every morning, whether I needed them or not. A moment later, I picked up the files and glanced at them, remembering all of the oddities in the information that I'd been given. Once again, my curiosity started to rise, especially as I gave even more thought to what some of those oddities were. With that, I quickly started going through the files again, this time looking specifically for the oddities. After I'd gone through the files again, I sat back and stared at them in horror, realizing what all of those oddities meant. As I'd gone through them, they had become more and more obvious, making it apparent as to what the missing parts were... and what the project really was. "No," I whispered, gulping as I thought about what I'd just discovered. The Star Wars satellite system that I had been working on for Neotech had been designed to take out missiles in the upper atmosphere. However the system X.T.S. was building was much, much more. The satellites in the new system were all to be armed with some sort of high powered energy weapons. But whereas the Star Wars systems took out high altitude missiles, the new satellites could reposition themselves so as to destroy other satellites in orbit as well. "Dear lord," I whispered, barely able to believed the scope of what I was involved in. They hadn't given me all of the pieces, but once I'd started looking at them, I'd been able to see the big picture. The new satellite system Gerner was having me work on could not only take out missiles and anything in orbit, but anything being launched into orbit as well. That meant the ability to obliterate any and all competing satellites. The ability to prevent any replacements or even spacecraft of any sort. "The complete and total domination of space," I whispered, knowing that they'd be able to threaten nearly all communications in the world. And much, much more. They could easily hold the world hostage. Control over space meant one thing. "Control of the world." For a long time, I just sat there, staring at both the files and the computer console, wondering what I should do with what I'd learned. Or for that matter, what could I do? I was still a prisoner, with little choice except to continue helping them. Finally I gulped, deciding that for the moment, I was going to have to keep working on the satellite system while looking for another option. I knew that there was little, if any hope at all of finding a solution, but it was all that I had. "Damn Gerner," I spat, cursing him even more. I couldn't believe that I was stuck in the middle of a plan to take over the world. "As if THIS wasn't bad enough," I snorted, glancing down at my huge breasts. After another minute, I sighed and went back to work, making a mental point to limit my progress to where I would get just enough done to keep Gerner off of my back. It was all that I had the freedom to do. --- Several days after discovering the secret of the project, I was sitting in the lunch room, trying to eat the chicken salad that was my lunch. I sighed as I took another bite, deciding that I definitely would have preferred something a little more... solid. However it did help me to keep up appearances, if not my weight. It also seemed that gaining weight wasn't one of my problems, especially not with the amount of calories I burned every night getting what I needed. As I had grown used to, a number of men managed to surround me while attempting to make it look coincidental. The women on the other hand were still mostly avoiding me, giving me jealous or disgusted looks, though I didn't particularly care, even if there were a few of them that I wouldn't mind sleeping with. That did make me think of Alyssa though and wonder how she would have reacted towards me. Finishing up with my meal, I didn't even have to make a move towards my tray as one of the men immediately jumped on it, quickly offering to take it to the bin for me. I just smiled faintly at that, almost having grown used to the way men did things like that for me. "Hello," a tall and athletic looking man announced with a confident smile. "The name's Tanner." I paused for a moment, suddenly wondering what I should respond with. No one had asked me my name since I'd changed into... well, I guess that they just don't care about the names of sluts and bimbos. And as far as everyone was concerned, that was exactly what I was. Then I slowly answered, "Bambi," feeling a little embarrassed, though not too much. There were so many worse things going on in my life to be embarrassed about. Tanner nodded. "Sexy name for a sexy lady." However his eyes were sizing me up, just as every man's did. That didn't really even bother me quite as much anymore. "Maybe we can hook up some time." "Sure thing handsome," I cooed back, knowing that it would be a good idea to keep him interested, just in case I needed him one of these nights. I couldn't afford to chase off any men that were interested in me. Besides, I added silently, he was kind of attractive. "I'll see you later," I told him suggestively before I hurried off. Once I was out of the cafeteria, I paused and took one more glance back at Tanner, sighing as I did so, embarrassed to realize that I actually was attracted to him. I was even beginning to feel a little turned on, and it wasn't anywhere near time for that yet. "Oh no," I moaned, closing my eyes as I realized that I'd been changing more than I realized. I didn't know if it was my new hormones or the fact that I had already slept with a bunch of men and enjoyed it, but I was definitely beginning to like them, even when not forced by my needs. And I really wasn't sure what to think about that. Shaking my head faintly, I turned and started the walk back to my lab, looking down as I did so and silently marveling at just how quickly I'd gotten used to walking in high heels. Then again, I had gotten used to a great deal of new things in a relatively short period of time. "Oh well," I muttered bitterly, "back to work." --- I leaned back in my chair, staring at the computer screen and then looking up at the clock, frowning intently as I saw the time. I already knew that my I.Q. was starting to drop, though the clock made it more visible. "Damn it," I growled in frustration. For the past three days, ever since I had discovered what I was really working on, I had been looking for something. What that something was, I wasn't certain, only that I'd know it when I found it. I wanted to find anything that would let me sabotage the satellite systems without it being noticed. Without it being traced back to me. Once I'd known what the project really was, I couldn't help but being extremely interested. It was beyond anything ever before attempted and the technologies involved aroused my curiosity as an engineer. However I couldn't let them succeed. Though whether that was because I knew that I wouldn't be able to live with my part if they took over the world, or if I just wanted to spite Gerner, I didn't truly know. Nor did I really care. Perhaps it was an equal amount of conscience and vengeance. "It's close," I muttered, feeling that there was something, just beyond my reach. It had been there all morning, though now it was moving further and further away from me with each passing minute. The curse of my dwindling intelligence. "And they expect me to work like this?" It would have been ludicrous if it hadn't been happening to me. I knew that all I had to do was wait until the next day and I could work on it again, but I didn't like that idea much. I'd have to start over again, on top of taking care of what I was supposed to. It

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Road Warrior Ch 1

They never thought it would be like this. They promised us flying cars. Robots to do all of our dirty work. A whole meal in a pill that you only need to add water to. No, they never said it would be like this. In the late 80’s, a war began that would spell the destruction of life as we knew it. A small country in the Middle East had gotten its hands on some sub-nuclear weapons. Instead of making idle threats to a government that they knew wouldn’t listen, they launched them at the US. They...

3 years ago
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Gillian and Herbert Miller

Gillian Crowley and I met at a wedding reception for a friend of hers, Margaret Tilly; that was twenty-three years ago; we were both twenty-five and single. At any rate, I was actually a distant cousin of Margaret's. I was just adding my congrats card—with a crisp new C-note in it—to the pile of other gifts and cards, when a very pretty and sweet smelling woman doing the same bumped into me almost dropping her gift. Hers was a large box—I immediately thought microwave oven. She bumped me,...

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I must’ve stared at that mirror for a good ten minutes before someone began knocking on the door, wondering what was taking so long. I just couldn’t shake the feeling that something was very off. I left the bathroom, ignoring the guy who was glaring at me as he rushed past, desperate to use the bathroom now that he’d waited so long. I sat back down at my table in the restaurant, my brother, Micah, downing another beer. I had something of a weak stomach, and I couldn’t handle alcohol well at...

3 years ago
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HotWife Amber The Clients The Finish

The rest of the morning went smoothly. They somehow were able to get on with the day's business and interact, almost as if nothing had happened. Nobody seemed to detect any thing out of the ordinary during any of their meetings or throughout the working lunch. Amber was relieved that there was no awkwardness. After the last meeting of the day, Jesse asked Amber to hang back until the rest had left the conference room. Amber was thinking that Jesse was going to say a standard, "We won't say...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Sensual Pune Woman 8211 Part 1

Hello everybody I am from Pune the city which has most amazing women in the country. This is a real story which did occur around 15 days back. I wont disclose the name so please do not expect the names. I had gone for a party with my friends to a very famous club in Pune on a Friday night with group of friends and was enjoying my drinks. As I went to a bar to get myself a drink I saw a gorgeous lady sitting at a bar all alone. While taking a drink from the bartender the drink spilled slightly...

3 years ago
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Movie Voyeurs

It's Saturday night and we're on our way to go to the movie theatre. You are driving and I am a passenger. The outfit you are wearing is casual, just a sun dress, open top, and sandals. I have worn a pair of slacks and a dress shirt. Perfect attire for a warm summer night. We enter the lobby and have a couple of laughs as we order popcorn and drinks. Then head to the theatre where the lights are still on and the previews are playing. The movie has been out for a while and there are just a few...

1 year ago
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You wake up in a blank white room. No doors, no windows not even a bed. You notice as you sit up the dull ache of your body. Your hard sensitive nipples aching to be touched. Straining against your thin shirt. Your swollen pussy lips brushing against your silky panties with each movement. It's like you've edged all week but you don't remember. Somehow, a copy of your mind ends up in the hands of One of 9lives processors.

3 years ago
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The Train Trip

A shudder ran through the carriage signalling that the train was beginning to pull away from the platform. Rachel and I waved frantically to our parents where they were standing watching us depart and the frightening thought that this could be the last time we saw them together passed through my head. Rachel is my sister and we were travelling to stay with our grandparents for an undetermined duration while our parents tried to sort their lives and their marriage out. For some time we had been...

3 years ago
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Woes of a High School Senior

At the sound of his alarm, Ryan rolled over and hit the 'STOP' button. With a yawn and a big stretch, he grudgingly pulled the sheets over and swung his legs over the side of the bed. His toes curled into the soft carpet of his bedroom floor and he, still half asleep, stood up and walked over to the adjoining bathroom. After relieving himself and a quick shower, he brushed his teeth, and washed his face. Ryan took a quick look at his hair in the mirror, figured it was fine, and walked back into...

1 year ago
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Cabin Lo Dengulata

Hii..Na peru divyaa na anubhavanni meto share cheskovali anukuntunna..Meku nachinattayte vini enjoy cheyandi. Ippudu asalu kathaloki vadam .Chepaga na name divyaa ani nen b.Tech chesa .Na age 22 .College lo kothaga join ayinapdu ma faculty vaka atanni chusa .Atani age 26 chala nachevaru vakasari chuste malli malli chudali anipinchedi..Roju chusedani faculty kada matladaniki bhayapade danni. Ala 4 yrs wait chesa.Last semister lo atanu ma cls ki vachevallu .Apudu kuda atanu avarito matladevaru...

4 years ago
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Neighbours wife

Sarah was my friend's wife. She was in her early 30s, fair, buxom, full of fun. My friend was a boring man who viewed life very seriously and was regularly traveling. I have no idea how they were in bed together but watching her I think she would be the more active partner. My friend's travels drew me closer to Sarah. There were weekends together and even a few weekdays. I could not put my finger on it but I thought she had the hots for me. Our friendship was platonic and we had many good...

2 years ago
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Susan gives in to sexual temptation

Susan's 34 and has three lovely k**s with Sam, her husband of 10 years, but something happened recently which she will never ever forget and it's going to haunt her for a very long time indeed. She'll probably never trust another man again after this nightmare. Why did she give in to temptation?Susan's very attractive, just over 5ft tall and has worked hard to keep her slim shapely figure despite her three pregnancies. She has long dark hair in a frizzy perm.She's well used to all the men...

4 years ago
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The Island SMC part 4

The preface to the story is in part one. The discreet summer modeling camp for budding beauties continues. Almost two weeks after Amy's birthday, the camp was coming to an end. Amanda was longing to leave, after feeling a bit guilty for what she got her 10 year old sister for her birthday. Amy was starting to show a slight bulge in her tummy. Amanda was in denial, attributing her own swollen belly to just putting on weight. Emily was showing the most, as she was at least 6 weeks...

4 years ago
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Waiting for Dawn

Dawn led Dan by the hand back inside the house just as the rain really started to fall, the young pair stood in the doorway and waited for chewy to come bounding in. He thought about his hands exploring Dawns body moments ago. He watched her shrug off the coat revealing the cardigan over her dress and the Nylon tights on her long legs and how good her bottom felt while they kissed outside. His hands on her body, hers on his, and their lips pressed together. His thoughts were suddenly disturbed...

4 years ago
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We were sitting across from each other, so I would have to turn around to look. I didn't want to be too conspicuous so I stood up and walked slowly to the restroom, which was in the girl's direction. On the way I discreetly eyed her; she was pretty, looked to be in her early twenties, and was with a big party of friends. I continued past her to the restroom, took a quick piss, and returned. "Well?" Jake asked. "She's hot," I said quietly. "I'm sure she would be fun but she's...

3 years ago
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My New Friend

It had been a very busy week and I needed to relax for the evening. It was Friday night and Keith had invited me to a party at his apartment. Just a few friends he said, a few drinks, finger food and music. It sounded very inviting so I decided to go. Keith and I had once had a relationship, but once it ended we became good friends so I was looking forward to seeing him. Life had been a bit lonely since I split up with Don. Don and I had been together when ever he could get away from his wife...

2 years ago
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MAU Slayers Keeping Everything Shiny

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency and trying to help any user they find. Little do they know, that these users are being hunted by the...

2 years ago
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Intrusive DelightsPrologue

The Emirate of Kobekistan is one of those wonderful places where a visitor feels that they have stepped back into a more leisurely, more dignified era of history, but without sacrificing any of the more useful gadgets of modern civilisation. Air-conditioning protects the inhabitants from the rigours of a sub-tropical climate. Motor cars whisk them from one building to another. Desalination provides ample water. The most modern medical advances are practised in the hospitals. Television shows...

2 years ago
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Revealing Afternoon with Donna

His cock was so thick that my cunt was stretched to the point of tearing. I could feel every vein along its rigid rubbery surface as it tore deep into my womanhood. My juices eased the assault on my cunt somewhat but his powerful strokes where relentless and he fucked deep into my very being. He held my hips in his powerful grip as his cock bore deeper and deeper into me. His cock was so very big. It was longer and thicker than any cock that ever split my pussy lips previously. It was...

2 years ago
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My mom is a true hottie. She had me when she was sixteen, the result of a wild drunken weekend with her friends. She was never sure who the father is. Anyway she is now thirty two, long blonde hair down to her dynamite ass, nice "D" cup tits, big blue eyes and a banging body. And when she has a couple of drinks she will spread her legs wide. Don't get me wrong, she is a great mother but she does like to have sex. So I spent many nights listening to her fuck threw the wall. Every so often I...

4 years ago
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my first time

    I’m 28 now. I have been interested in women’s clothing as long as I can remember. I can remember when I was around 7 my sister caught me trying on a pair of her panties that I stole out of her room, I don’t think she ever told on me about that. As I grew I was always stealing pantyhose, dresses, skirts and etc from mostly my family and my friends sisters. I wasn’t really turned on by guys, but when I would slide those sexy pantyhose over my legs, I would find myself fantasizing a friend...

4 years ago
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Schoolboy retitled from a novella

Turning 18 didn't change anything!Sure, he was older... He had graduated from high-school (decently in the middle of his class), but nothing had really changed! He was still stuck in a house with a bunch of women... He still didn't know what he was going to do with his life....And he still found himself trying to contain/ control his ever-growing cock, that seemed to plague him regularly!Petey (That was what his mom, sisters, and everyone else in his predominate-female family called him!) His...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Inna Innaki Smoking Hot Glamour Fuck

Smoking hot Inna Innaki is here today to show off her glamour body to the DDF Network world! This stunning brunette bombshell with sexy brown eyes and enhanced titties seduces Teo and sucks his hard veiny dick until it’s lubed up perfectly for her wet pussy. The two start making out by the pool and after extinguishing her cigarette, the two shift into the pool house where they get some Hands on Hardcore started! Sit back and watch how he gently fingers her hot clit and soon indulges into...

3 years ago
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Twentyfive Year Old Virgin part two

My sweet Debora had left for Israel. I was still here in my high rise apartment. Alone again, but much wiser. She had taught me so much and I had learned well. I was ready to put my lessons to good use. In the meantime I was still using my binoculars to scope out the lady across the parking lot who loved to work out in the buff. She always did it after a man had left the apartment. I didn’t know if he was a boyfriend or a husband. One day I was standing in the nude as always waiting for her to...

4 years ago
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The Scents Of Sex

As I lay eye level with her armpit watching her enjoy her man for the evening, thoughts and emotions rushed through my head. All of my senses are in overdrive. It seems I can see, taste, hear, smell and feel the things going on around me better than ever before, and I’m soaking it all in because I don't want to miss a thing. I want to be able to remember this night for a long time. I'm buzzing from the emotions I’m feeling. The feelings of jealousy, the fears that he is bigger, or better...

3 years ago
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A Gardening Affair

I had a little demon in me that constantly tempts me, whispering in my ear, ‘Go on, enjoy yourself Sal, no one will know.’ The demon always calls me Sal, and I hate it because my name is Sally. I also had an angel, an annoying little cherub that constantly counters the demon’s temptations, telling me, ‘Even if others don’t know, you’ll know, and your conscience will punish you with the torments of Hades, Sally.’ The one thing I liked about the angel was that it used my proper name. I’d...

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Andys Little Story

Real life isn’t perfect, Real men aren’t perfect, they don’t always have giant penises and a rock solid hard on to be proudly waved in front of your face and therefore sometimes there are less than perfect stories. This is Andy’s story. “Don’t worry about it” I say as you huff and puff before rolling over. “It happens to everyone” I tell you as I stroke your shoulder reassuringly. What I’m really thinking is ‘For gods sake, I really needed a really good fucking, and you’re not up to the task’...

2 years ago
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Lust for hot shopkeeper

Hi I am ravi with nice physic. I have gone through many of the ISS stories but I had never written any story. This is my first story, after reading many story. I love to read ISS story and I am a very good fan of ISS and savita bhabhi. Well I am mostly attracted towards nice married ladies with big milky boobs and nice round ass with saree. I am mostly visiting the women crowded places like pune’s tulsi baug bazaar, malls, and crowded bus etc. I like to visit ladies bazaar and like to touch...

3 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 3

Roxie sank into the bucket seat of Cal’s new Mustang. It occurred to her that it was more comfortable than any chair in her aunt’s house. The air conditioning was such a welcome relief from the summer heat. “I could sure get used to this” “You’re so nice to come pick me up, Cal,” she said aloud in her sweetest voice. “I love your new car.” “No problem,” Cal grunted. “I wasn’t busy. I don’t know why I bought this car. It’s a lot more car than what I need.” “I like it a lot,” she...

3 years ago
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Cousins Are We In Too Deep Part Two

Danielle had told me after dinner that she started using birth control pills two years ago due to having excessive monthly cramping which, I guess, the hormones are supposed to reduce. Anyway, she had said quietly that it was perfectly OK to cum inside her and that was a fact that I was liking quite a bit thinking about how the night was going to go. As we neared the bed, Dani climbed up on it, staying on her knees and facing me. The height adjustment was perfect as I now was looking...

3 years ago
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Crystals QuestionsChapter 5

"I was just as bad," her mother said quietly. "You took time off to work." Crystal put down her sandwich. "should I ask?" "It doesn't matter," her mother said. "They were ... They were just temporary passions." "How long did you stay there?" Candace asked. "And what did you do?" "I'm a manager," their mother said. "There was one other person from management on the 9th Floor, and one manager on the 10th. We teleconferenced every day and handled whatever came up." "Was...

3 years ago
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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 9 Time marches on 1

January 1826 – October 1828. Flanders and England Between 1826 and 1831 Mimi and I, with our children, made two visits each year to England. On each occasion, we were invited to Kensington Palace for afternoon tea. I deemed it impolite, possibly even lese–majesty, to refuse such a Royal Command, and consequently Mollie and Caroline became close friends with Princess Alexandrina. At first the princess thought herself too old to play with the twins, but over time the three girls would play,...

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Cathy DouglasChapter 7

Cathy looked at the blank screen in surprise, 'What had happened?' she wondered and then she spoke into the microphone, "Hiram? Is there a problem?" She asked. There was a chuckle in her headphones, "I calculated that a stray shell exploded near your jeep, forcing it to roll over, you were protected by the Private but knocked out, the Sergeant is also recovering, but you are unconscious at the moment ... you will recover in 30 seconds." He said. Cathy pondered this and then asked,...

1 year ago
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Read Cherish And Feel Reignited

Hi, Vinay here from Chennai, people who have read my previous post “ Read It, cherish it & feel it “, would understand how I got my sex life back with Pallavi and how badly I missed Pallavi after she shifted to Dubai. She was like a madness inside me, a fever that could never cure, the flower in the garden at the center of my desire. Hope you enjoy the same way as you enjoyed earlier and sent me your comments @ It was the 6th month of Pallavi being away and I was missing her….missing her...

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Arkham Asylum Audio Logs

While housed in the dark cells of Arkham Asylum. Doctors try to get confessions, out of the most hardened criminals of Gotham. Some succeed, while others fail. Doctors who fail to aquire information, suffer the consequences of attempted murder, or the torture of repeating the session. Those who confess, are given leniency, until their release. Those who resist procedure, remain as permanent residence of Arkham Asylum.

2 years ago
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Kuni Vauja Kuni Belu Nuaa Raija

KUNI VAUJA ! KUNI BELU DELE NUAA RAIJA Mu Manas Goswami, from Odisha, Age 25 .5 ft.6”. Color white, slim also. My penis size seven inch. I have read number of stories from ISS which are very interesting & hot due to private.As well as It contained personal feelings So maximum time, I spend in this site. Already I have written some stories in oriya & I got some interesting responses. Basically it is very amusement topic for me , oriya brothers & sisters are call/mail maximum time who stayed out...

4 years ago
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Its Just a Game

(A game of seduction that goes awry)Chapter One - The BeginningMy name is Megan. My first marriage went bad because our sexual appetites conflicted; I was always suspicious of his ever increasing need for kinky sex."Don't I excite you anymore?" I'd ask. I never understood my husband's need for variety.After the divorce I started dating Trent, It wasn't long and we were married. I suppose everyone suffers the banal existence of married life if they don't find a way to introduce some excitement...

3 years ago
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The Long Hot Summer

It was already hot,so hot that Jim felt as though he might melt into the pavement the one thing that kept him feeling half way cool was that he was going to see his girlfriend May at the Soda Fountian. Jim arrainged to have the next two weeks off from work and he couldn't wait to tell May that they could go on a trip that she dreamed about. When Jim arrived at the Soda Fountian May was there waiting for him. Hurring in Jim sat down accross from May and told her about the two week vacation that...

2 years ago
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Baby Bump0

My sister Paula smiled broadly “Already have, I'm almost five months gone now and none of my regular clothes fit me. My boobs are bigger, my ass is spreading and my tummy is inflating like a fucking balloon.” “God, that must suck.” Paula showed even more teeth as she gushed “No Way, this is so cool, I'm having Tad's baby. I thought having a kid would be torture but I like what is going on, I like being pregnant.” “Too bad he isn't here to share your enthusiasm, when does he get...

1 year ago
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A Maid for Mistress

Ariele shopped for weeks looking for the perfect outfit. Heels of black leather boots that rose above her knees almost to her thigh, clicked rhythmically on the light oak floor under her feet, as she made cat liked strides towards Alex. She swings the riding crop up in the air before she stops dead in front of his handsome face.. Looking down at him she says sternly. "Are you ready to serve your Mistress, in the manner to which she deserves? " "Yes My Goddess," he says to her respectfully....

3 years ago
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the fun had just begun

I walked down the stairs with only one thing on my mind, my brothers’ dick. I wanted him so badly and I knew all his weaknesses. I walked into the living room where John was sitting on the couch watching TV. I stood in front of my brother in my small towel I took from a hotel. It was just long enough to cover my body. He stood up and just looked at me with his sexy eyes. His hand slowly crept up on my waist and pulled me close. John leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. I giggled before turning...

2 years ago
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The Booty Call

I inhaled nervously as I debated whether to send the text. “You up?” it said. I know, literally the most cliche booty call on the planet, but I couldn’t help it. It was two in the morning, I was a bit drunk, we’d been broken up for about four weeks and, quite frankly, I was horny as fuck.Oh, it hurt at first. It hurt worse than anything I’d ever felt in my life. Getting dumped. There’s a reason they call it ‘dumped.’ He was the first boy I’d ever really had feelings for (maybe it was love, but...

College Sex
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Fucking my landlord she never gets satisfied

Hey, all my name is sohil Johnson love in NY and is of 24. Well, I live with my mom in a small house, but it's more than enough for us. My mom works as a senior nurse and is very satisfied with her job, she sometimes works in double shifts but still, she loves it.This story that I'm going to tell is of time when it was still in college in Utah. I had was done my 2nd year and was on way back to college after a well satisfied semester break, I went early as I had to practice for basketball games...

1 year ago
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Martha Space MadamChapter 15 A Friend

The middle of the following morning, Jill had gone to the Policebot Station to see what she could find out and the girls were talking about what had happened and what might happen next. They were sitting in the Choosing Room wearing their off-duty clothes, mostly tunics and trousers, though one or two had dresses on, and having a drink from the House of Joy's customer drinks, rather than the innocuous imitations they were more used to. Suddenly, and unannounced this time, more policebots...

4 years ago
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Sister In Law Above The Law 8211 Part IV

Both the ladies turned to me and started to make me undress. As Sheeba pulled down my shorts, My seven incher sprung out of its confinement. Sheeba looked amazingly at my cock and said, “Wow, Is it real? You have to be careful while fucking me because It’s so thick and so long for my tight cunt.” I asked Vijaya Bhabi if Sheeba planned on using protection with me. We talked about that.” Bhabi said. “Sheeba feels like me. That too much feeling is lost with rubbers.””Anyway, Sheeba wants to feel...

1 year ago
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Saturday Night at the Nudist MotelChapter 7

Author's Note: This story was produced over a period of three years. The original story which was heavily incestuous in theme was revised for publication in e-book format. This chapter will return to the original concept but will be restrained to only "In-Law" incest between the two principal characters. If you have read the version that has Nora as the former housekeeper and not as the Sister-in-Law, please understand the revision was done to conform to a publisher's requirement. The...

1 year ago
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Pink HairChapter 5 Bill

It was gloomy, with black clouds looming. I didn't doubt a thunderstorm was threatening; we'd had a hot weekend. ' Three fine days and a thunderstorm' – typical English summer weather. Perhaps I should say 'stereotypical'. Lexie stood clinging to my hand like a drowning man to a life-raft and we half watched the ducks ignoring the bread thrown to them by enthusiastic children. Her harshly indrawn breath alerted me to their approach and we both got to our feet and walked round the pond...

2 years ago
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Ahmedabad maid

Hi my name is Jagdip (name changed). I live in Ahmedabad and my email id is . I am 26 now. The story I am going to tell you is real and happened when I was 17. We have a made in our house from last 15 years. Her name is Radhabai. She is really a very good made and very honest. She was almost 35 at that time. I never looked at her as a sex object as she is very average looking female but with a great body as she worked physically for long time. I was a teenager at that time and had started...

1 year ago
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In the Office on Friday

In her modern-style office Jennifer was standing at her desk. The young woman was still working at a document for a new order and wanted to finish this before heading home in about two hours. It was a friday afternoon and all colleagues had already left for the weekend. Her tight little ass was stucked into a short black skirt. Normally she is always wearing short clothes, it was summer and very hot outside. Jennifer can afford to wear tight dresses. Her young body was nothing you better hide....

3 years ago
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Trip to the clothing store

It was summer brake in the mid 70s and mom said I needed new clothes for school. We went to the department store and mom picked out some pants and shirts to try on. I went to the dressing room and found and empty cubicle. I went in and took off my clothes and tried on a shirt. It didn't fit well so I took it off and put on the pants she picked out for me. They were a bit loose and I had to hold them up. I went out to show her. She said I'd grow into them and gave me some more to try on. I was...

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