D?terminisme Naturel-5 free porn video

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Marc ?tait dans un ?tat second en pr?parant le caf? r?clam? par Amandine. Il ?tait sous le choc de l'exp?rience qu'il venait de vivre. Etre autoris? par la femme de ses r?ves ? lui donner du plaisir en caressant et en l?chant sa douce intimit?, c'?tait mieux que ce qu'il s'?tait autoris? en imagination. La situation ?tait de plus terriblement excitante, lui dissimul? sous le bureau de sa d?esse, elle essayant de faire abstraction du plaisir pour essayer de travailler. Et mon dieu, c'?tait donc ?a un orgasme f?minin? Cette onde ?lectrique qui s'?tait empar? d'Amandine pour son plus grand plaisir? Il se sentait combl? d'avoir satisfait celle qu''il aimait, non ador?, apr?s tant d'ann?es ? l'?voquer dans ses r?ves les plus fous. Le point noir ?tait que lui n'avait pas ?t? soulag?, et qu'il ?tait plus que jamais mis au supplice par le chatouillement impossible de son gland gonfl? et humide. Il se d?p?cha de faire le caf? d'Amandine, les mains f?briles d'excitation, pour pouvoir ensuite se r?fugier aux toilettes et enfin laisser ?clater son sexe dans un ?clair de plaisir. Amandine le remercia avec un grand sourire quand il lui apporta son caf?, puis se replongea aussit?t dans l'?tude de son ?cran d'ordinateur. Marc, aussit?t sa mission ex?cut?e, se h?ta de sortir du bureau de sa patronne pour rejoindre les wc mais il croisa Cl?lia qui elle allait voir Amandine. La jeune femme fron?a les sourcils et se passa rapidement un doigt sur les l?vres en dessinant un sourire. Marc se souvint qu'il devait afficher un sourire en toute circonstance, et il fit de son mieux pour en forcer un sur son visage. Il d?plut ? Cl?lia qui exigea quelque chose de mieux: -?Il est trop crisp?. Cindy, ton sourire doit ?tre large et naturel. On doit comprendre que tu es d'humeur joyeuse et l?g?re, m?me si ce n'est pas le cas!? Marc s'aga?a int?rieurement que Cl?lia lui fit perdre son temps avec sa le?on. Il n'?tait pas l'une de ses caissi?res du temps qu'elle travaillait dans la grande distribution! Mais Marc avait tant envie de soulager son envie insoutenable qu'il ?tait pr?t ? s'ex?cuter de son mieux pour contenter Cl?lia. Il s'effor?a alors de lui offrir le sourire le plus naturel et le plus radieux possible, en priant int?rieurement que cela suffise. -?C'est mieux Cindy. Tu peux disposer.? Marc n'oublia pas de garder son sourire pour ne pas commettre de nouvel impair en se dirigeant vers les toilettes. Il entendit malheureusement la voix d'Aur?lie le h?ler alors qu'il ?tait sur le point d'ouvrir la porte. -?Cindy, tu vas te retenir un peu ma fille. J'ai besoin que tu m'imprimes les dossiers que je t'ai envoy? sur ta boite mail et que tu les mettes sous enveloppe, pr?ts ? ?tre exp?di?s.? -?Mais Aur?lie, ?a peut attendre deux minutes je fais pipi et je te fais ?a...? -?Tssss tsssss le courrier va passer dans moins d'une demi-heure et il faut que tout soit pr?t d'ici l?. Alors tu te retiens comme une grande fille et tu me fais ?a s'il te plait.? Marc s'avoua vaincu. Il savait qu'Aur?lie ne renoncerait pas, et il connaissait ses propres limites. Il ?tait incapable de tenir t?te ? quelqu'un si celui-ci se montrait ne serait-ce qu'un peu insistant. Il se rendit alors ? son bureau pour pr?parer au plus vite les dossiers demand?s par Aur?lie. C'?tait une vraie torture car sa libido persistait ? le tourmenter cruellement. Il avait un furieux besoin de se masturber, et il ne pensait qu'? ?a. Si seulement il ?tait un vrai homme il aurait pu s'imposer aupr?s d'Amandine et lui demander qu'? son tour elle s'occupe de ses besoins ? lui. Mais il ne se faisait pas d'illusion, un tel sc?nario ?tait au-del? de toutes ses capacit?s. Pas besoin de se mentir, selon sa nature, il attendrait patiemment qu'Amandine ait elle-m?me l'initiative d'une telle chose. Malgr? sa d?licieuse souffrance Marc parvint ? faire les dossiers juste avant que le coursier arrive pour ramasser le courrier. C'?tait un grand jeune homme brun bien fait de sa personne, au teint mate et au sourire franc qui plaisait beaucoup aux filles du bureau. Comme ? son habitude il flirta un peu, provoquant quelques rires amus?s chez M?lanie et Aur?lie qui avaient le b?guin pour lui. Marc fit mine de se diriger vers les toilettes mais M?lanie le rattrapa par le bras. -?Mais attends Cindy, c'est impoli de partir comme ?a alors que Hugo a pos? une question et que tu es la seule ? ne pas avoir r?pondu!? le taquina la p?tillante rouquine.? Marc se mit ? rougir comme une pivoine. Le coursier avait interrog? les filles sur leur type d'homme, et Marc n'avait pas song? une seule seconde participer ? un tel d?bat. Il maugr?a int?rieurement, n'allait-on pas le laisser tranquille une seule minute? Tous les yeux ?tant tourn?s vers lui il comprit qu'il ne pourrait pas s'?clipser avant d'avoir donn? un semblant de r?ponse. Marc bredouilla quelques mots, rougissant encore plus si possible. -?Je n'ai pas de type d'homme, ?a ne m'int?resse pas ces choses-l?, d?sol?...?. Les filles rirent devant autant de maladresse. Le jeune livreur avait apparemment d?cid? de le taquiner un peu et n'en resta pas l?. -?Bah, m?me s'il a fait des progr?s le jeune gar?on n'est pas encore une jeune fille. Il a autant de poitrine que ma petite s?ur de 10 ans. Une fois qu'il ressemblera plus ? une vraie fille avec de belles formes alors il courra aussi les gar?ons comme vous mes ch?ries.? Toutes les filles ?clat?rent de rire alors que Marc ?tait mortifi? de honte. Dans un ?clair de lucidit? il comprit qu'il ?tait connu des gens travaillant dans l'immeuble, et comment cela aurait-il pu en ?tre autrement? D?s son premier jour il avait crois? des personnes ?voluant dans les bureaux d'autres soci?t?s, et m?me s'il ?tait tr?s eff?min? on n'avait pas pu le prendre pour une vraie fille. Quelqu'un comme lui devait immanquablement ?tre un sujet de conversation pris?, et il devait faire l'objet de diverses sp?culations. Sa f?minisation rapide avait sans aucun doute ?t? interpr?t? comme le clair d?sir de sa part de passer pour une vraie fille. Sonn?, Marc tourna le dos ? Hugo, se retrouvant nez ? nez avec M?lanie qui riait de bon c?ur. Il y avait bien de la moquerie dans les yeux de la jeune fille, mais aussi une certaine empathie pleine de douceur. Finalement, Marc se dit que ses coll?gues n'?taient pas anim?es par une quelconque malveillance, mais qu'elles s'amusaient simplement de la situation. Soudainement Marc sentit une grande main se coller contre ses petites fesses bomb?es pour les lui presser avec force comme on tripote vulgairement les fesses d'une fille. Compl?tement surpris Marc ne put s'emp?cher de lever ses deux mains et de pousser un petit ?Ouuu? de surprise, ses l?vres formant un parfait ?O?, dans une mimique tellement f?minine qu'elle en ?tait caricaturale. Du coin de l'?il il saisit son reflet dans un petit miroir: il ressemblait ? une pauvre fille ?cervel?e qui s'est prise une claque sur le cul... M?lanie se mit la main devant la bouche pour ?clater de rire devant son expression, des larmes commen?ant ? couler au bord des yeux. -?Mon dieu Cindy, tu es une vraie dinde! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire de toi?? Les rires peu discrets finirent par attirer Cl?lia affichant une mine contrari?e, les sourcils fronc?s. Le coursier se carapata rapidement tandis que les filles se remettaient au travail, comprenant que la r?cr?ation ?tait finie. L'assistante d'Amandine avait peu go?t? tant d'agitation. -?C'est toi Cindy qui nous met un tel bazar?? Marc baissa la t?te et murmura, tel un petit enfant grond?. -?Je suis d?sol? madame.? Le visage de Cl?lia ne montrait aucune indulgence. -?? ton bureau. Je ne veux pas entendre le moindre rire de b?tasse de tout ce matin! En fait, je ne veux entendre que le bruit de ton clavier, aucun bavardage ni gloussement d'oie!? Marc releva timidement la t?te. Malgr? toutes ces humiliations son sexe ne le laissait pas tranquille, palpitant du besoin d'?tre soulag?. Marc essaya de plaider timidement son envie d'aller aux toilettes. -?Mais madame je voulais...? -?On ne discute plus! On n'est pas au lyc?e ici, ou plut?t au coll?ge vu votre chahut! ? votre bureau mademoiselle, il me semble que le courrier ne va pas se taper tout seul!? Une nouvelle fois vaincu, tortur? par son p?nis qui r?clamait d'?clater dans un orgasme devenu vital, Marc se mit ? son bureau et commen?a ? s'activer sur son ordinateur malgr? l'obs?dante envie qui le tenaillait. XXXXXXX L'esprit embrum? par l'insupportable d?sir sexuel Marc se montrait gauche ? ex?cuter ses t?ches. Aussi, il ?tait frustr? par tant d'injustice. La vie semblait vouloir le provoquer sans fin pour ensuite mieux le frustrer. Il d?sesp?rait de trouver un jour son ?panouissement, que ce soit sur le plan personnel, professionnel et sexuel. Pourquoi ?tait-il n? avec un physique si peu viril et un caract?re si peu masculin? Les deux ?taient sans doute li?s, et s'alimentaient l'un l'autre. Peut-?tre que s'il avait ?t? homosexuel les choses auraient ?t? plus simples pour lui, mais voil? il ne d?sirait que le beau sexe. Il n'avait pas choisi sa nature ambigu? pas plus que son orientation sexuelle, et n'avait d'autre choix que de les subir sto?quement malgr? toutes les d?convenues. Aur?lie avait d? se rendre compte de son ?tat morose car elle engagea une conversation priv?e avec lui sur le serveur skype de l'entreprise. Moumoune: Je suis d?sol?e ma belle, Cl?lia a ?t? une vraie peau de vache pour le coup. On ne faisait que rire un peu. ?a va tu n'es pas trop en col?re? Pepette: Non non, ?a va. Je suis frustr? oui, mais bon, j'imagine ne pas ?tre le premier ? subir l'humeur de sa chef. Moumoune: Non mais c'est important la bonne ambiance dans une ?quipe. Et ?a fait du bien de se d?tendre toutes ensemble en plaisantant, c'est pas m?chant. Les filles pensent comme moi, Cl?lia a abus?. Pepette: Les filles??? Moumoune: Oui, Emilie et M?lanie, elles sont d'accord avec moi pour dire que c'est d?gueulasse de te traiter comme une gamine pour rien du tout. Attends, je les associe ? la conversation. MagicGirl: Comme te l'a dit Aur?lie on est de tout c?ur avec toi. C'est compl?tement naze de la part de Cl?lia de t'avoir parl? comme ?a! MissPink: Carr?ment, elle est trop nulle parfois ? jouer les petites chefs! Cindy, sois pas tristounette, on est solidaires avec toi. T'es g?niale et on aime bien rigoler avec toi. Pepette: Merci les filles, ?a fait du bien de vous lire. J'?tais un peu triste en effet M?lanie, mais gr?ce ? vous ?a va mieux. Ne vous inqui?tez pas, Cl?lia ne se montrera pas tous les jours aussi dure. En tout cas merci vous ?tes chouette les filles:) MissPink: H? on n'est pas les "filles" mais les "copines" ;) MagicGirl: Yes, on est toutes des copines! C'est une putain de chance de s'entendre aussi bien toutes ensemble. Et Cindy tu es quelqu'un de bien, pour ?a on t'a adopt? tout de suite ma puce. Tu peux compter sur nous pour pas te l?cher!!! Moumoune: Oui on est les girls de M?dia-Sky et on d?chire tout toutes ensemble! MissPink: Et Cindy et M?lanie sont les deux meilleures secr?taires de la mort qui tuent!!! || Moumoune: Bon Cindy a encore des progr?s ? faire c?t? secr?tariat, mais j'avoue le caf? tu ma?trises ma ch?rie. C'est quoi ton secret??? MagicGirl: Cindy a fait un Master Cafeti?re hihihi || MissPink: lollllll Pepette: Non mais vous ?tes b?tes! || Mais ?a fait trop du bien vos b?tises, je me sens bien mieux gr?ce ? vous. Je sens que je vais ?tre particuli?rement productif gr?ce ? vous les "copines":D Moumoune: Par contre Cindy, arr?te de parler de toi au masculin. D?j? c'est vraiment ridicule, et en plus ?a fait trop bizarre, ?a colle pas avec toi ;) MissPink: Carr?ment chelou oui! Parles comme une nana vu que tu r?ussis bien ? assumer ta nature de nana ma belle! MagicGirl: En plus une cafeti?re c'est de genre f?minin:p Moumoune: mdrrrr MissPink: Tu m'as tu? Emilie:xxxxx ptdrrrrr Au fur et ? mesure de la conversation Marc prit peu ? peu confiance en lui. Il avait toujours ?t? quelqu'un de plus ou moins solitaire, rejet? par les autres ? cause de son identit? sexuelle trouble, et avait terriblement souffert de ?a. Il ne s'attendait pas ? que ses coll?gues de travail le trouvent sympathique, et leur gentillesse ? son ?gard, chose totalement nouvelle pour lui, le toucha ?norm?ment. La chaleur de leurs mots lui r?chauffait le c?ur et contribua ? calmer peu ? peu son envie sexuelle. Il se sentait ? l'aise et en s?curit? avec la solidarit? des filles, et il savourait ces ?motions avec grand plaisir. Et pour ce qui est de son r?le de fille, autant le jouer ? fond, ce n'?tait qu'un r?le apr?s tout! Et si celui-ci lui permettait d'avoir des aventures sexuelles aussi torrides que celle de ce matin avec sa patronne, et lui apporter de vraies amies, autant l'embrasser pleinement. Il valait mieux ?tre un gar?on qui jouait ? la fille et ?tre heureux que rester un gar?on qui n'arrivait pas ? convaincre les autres de sa virilit? et rester malheureux! Pepette: D?sol?e les copines, c'est pas encore automatique pour moi. Promis, je ferais des efforts pour ne plus me tromper, et ?tre la meilleure copine possible ;) Moumoune: On l'esp?re bien Cindy! Et de toute fa?on tu peux compter sur nous pour rectifier le tir quand tu te trompes! MissPink: Et puis les gar?ons c'est b?te, ?a comprend rien ? nous les filles, et nous on se comprend toutes Cindy:) MagicGirl: Et si on sortait ce soir toutes ensembles pour f?ter Cindy comme nouvelle coupine ? nous??? Pepette: Aie les filles je suis d?sol?e, mais ce soir une amie ? ma logeuse vient pour faire quelque chose avec mes cheveux, donc je ne suis pas disponible:s Moumoune: Tu plaisantes tu n'as pas ? t'excuser! Au contraire, c'est g?nial! Tu vas enfin avoir une vraie coupe de cheveux! L? c'est n'importe quoi on dirait un Dartagnan qui se fait une queue de cheval:p MissPink: Non mais voil?, Cindy se faire belle c'est une priorit?! J'ai trop h?te de voir quelle coiffure tu vas te choisir, tu as d?j? une id?e? Pepette: Non pas vraiment M?lanie, j'imagine que l'inspiration viendra ce soir... MagicGirl: Non mais arr?tez de la harceler lol Moi je serais contente d'avoir la surprise, et je suis certaine qu'elle sera tr?s mignonne! Moumoune: C'est clair! Mais ?a nous emp?chera pas de sortir entre coupines!!! Voil? chacune mange chez soi, comme ?a on perd pas de temps, et une fois que la miss s'est faite belle elle nous le dit et on se retrouve en ville pour prendre un verre, ?a marche les girls? MissPink: Oui oui oui j'ach?teeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! MagicGirl: On se calme mademoiselle G?n?reux lol Voil?, on fait comme ?a! J'ai h?te d'?tre ? ce soir et de boire ? la sant? de Cindy:p:p:p Pepette: Ok ok ?a marche les filles, on fait comme ?a || XXXXXX Le reste de la journ?e se passa particuli?rement bien. Marc profitait de la bonne humeur des filles, de leurs taquineries et de leurs b?tises. Et les fois o? il se rendait dans le bureau d'Amandine pour lui apporter un caf? ou accomplir une petite t?che la rayonnante blonde se distrayait de son travail pour lui offrir un petit sourire ou quelques mots charmeurs. Marc se pliait ? sa discipline du sourire mais cela devenait de plus en plus facile et naturel, surtout avec tant de choses agr?ables qui ?gayaient sa journ?e. En fait, faire du sourire un r?flexe contribuait ? am?liorer en profondeur son humeur et de le rendre plus ouvert, lui qui s'?tait toujours enferm? dans une timidit? renfrogn?e. Marc se sentait de plus en plus ? l'aise ? ?voluer dans son travail, comme il avait appris ? appr?cier peu ? peu le confort de ses v?tements f?minins. Pourtant, tout en souriant, il n'oubliait pas qu'il jouait un r?le, donner le change ? sa patronne et ses coll?gues, et qu'au fond de lui il ?tait un gar?on. Certes, il avait une ?motivit?, une sensibilit? et des gouts f?minins, de m?me qu'il n'avait pas ? se faire beaucoup violence pour laisser ses gestes mani?r?s s'?panouir avec plus de f?minit?, mais il se r?p?tait qu'il ne fallait pas enfermer les genres dans des clich?s ?cul?s. On pouvait tr?s bien ?tre un vrai gar?on ?a n'emp?chait pas de vibrer pour un tube de Katy Perry, marcher en faisant de petits pas, une main pendante au bout d'un bras un peu tendu, ou encore ne pouvoir se retenir de pouffer b?tement. Et un jour, se disait- il, il montrerait ? tous que bien qu'acceptant ses c?t?s f?minins il ?tait un homme comme les autres. Le retour dans le m?tro fut assez p?nible ? cause d'un incident. Pour la seconde fois de la journ?e il se fit peloter les fesses. La rame ?tait bond?e, les gens se serraient, et ? l'occasion d'une station un nouvel afflux de voyageurs empira la chose. Alors que Marc se retrouvait coinc? de mani?re plus qu'inconfortable il sentir une grande main lui palper ses petites fesses rondes sans aucune retenue. Mortifi?, Marc se sentir rougir de surprise, de honte et de frustration. Pendant de longues secondes la man se balada sur ses fesses et se permit m?me de les pincer, et Marc restait interdit, n'osant rien dire, ne pouvant pas bouger d'un centim?tre. Il dut subir ce traitement pendant 3 longues stations, et enfin l'inconnu lui pressa l'index contre sa petite rondelle comme pour lui dire adieu. Rouge comme une ?crevisse Marc rentra et retrouva Solange avec son amie coiffeuse qui ?tait d?j? l?, ? prendre le th?. Le rappel de sa coiffure chassa un peu le souvenir de la mauvaise exp?rience et il envoya un texto ? Aur?lie pour lui dire qu'il la biperait une fois qu'il serait coiff?. L'amie de Solange, Paulette, se montra charmante et ne cessa de le complimenter sur ses magnifiques cheveux ch?tains, clairs, soyeux et d'un si beau volume. Encore une fois, ce fut plus fort que lui, Marc savoura ces compliments et rougit de plaisir. Depuis toujours il aimait ?tre flatt? mais depuis qu'il d?veloppait une apparence de plus en plus f?minine il avait tendance ? ?tre encore plus r?ceptif au moindre mot gentil sur sa ?beaut??. Quand Marc annon?a qu'il sortait avec ses coll?gues de bureau pour un verre de l'int?gration les deux retrait?es s'activ?rent en disant qu'il n'y avait pas de temps ? perdre. Paulette assura qu'elle ferait de son mieux pour lui faire quelque chose de tr?s joli, en expliquant ? Marc que toutefois elle ne pourrait pas obtenir le r?sultat d'un salon de coiffure. Il ne tiendrait qu'? lui de s'offrir un vrai passage en salon le jour o? il serait d'humeur. Devant son incapacit? ? choisir un type de coiffure Paulette et Solange s'agac?rent. Ce n'?tait pas la faute ? Marc, il n'avait tout simplement pas d'inspiration, et manquait d'imagination. Solange trancha en disant ? Paulette d'?couter sa muse et de faire ce qu'elle pensait ?tre le mieux, et Marc dut se taire quand Solange le morig?nera: ?Ma petite ch?rie quand on a une t?te vide on fait confiance et laisse faire celles qui savent!? Apr?s un rapide shampooing Paulette joua des ciseaux. Evidemment, pour parer ? d'?ventuelles protestations de Marc, Solange avait mis une serviette pour cacher le miroir, ainsi le jeune homme ne pouvait pas voir l'?volution de sa coiffure. Na?vement, voyant des m?ches de cheveux tomber peu ? peu par terre, il se rassura en se disant que plus de cheveux ?taient coup?s et moins sa coiffure serait f?minine. Il savait qu'il ne pouvait pas ?chapper ? une coupe de femme bien s?r, mais esp?rait quelque chose de pas trop outrageusement f?minin. C'est apr?s presqu'une heure que Paulette, visiblement heureuse d'elle, annon?a qu'elle avait fini. Solange admirait Marc en lui disant que la coiffeuse avait fait un travail d'artiste. La serviette ?t?e Marc pu enfin se contempler dans le miroir. Comme ? son habitude, lorsqu'il ?tait particuli?rement surpris, Marc resta bouche b?e, l'air un peu stupide. Il avait ce qu'on appelait, il lui semblait, un magnifique et long carr? plongeant avec une belle frange. Jamais il n'aurait pu penser avoir une coiffure si fille. Ses cheveux lisses suivaient avec un joli effet ses mouvements de t?te. Le carr?, particuli?rement bien coup?, lui arrivait presque ? hauteur du bas du cou et mettait en valeur toute la gracilit? de ses ?paules et de son port de t?te, ainsi que toute la douceur f?minine de son visage aux traits fins et r?guliers. Surtout, avec cette coiffure il savait avoir franchi un cap: il ?tait ?vident que spontan?ment la tr?s grande majorit? des gens ne verraient en lui qu'une fille comme une autre, particuli?rement mignonne en plus. Il n'eut pas le temps de plus tergiverser que ?a, Aur?lie le harcelait par un flot de textos. Il eut ? peine le temps de remercier Paulette et de la payer qu'il s'?chappa dans sa chambre pour se changer. Pas de doute pour lui, les filles ne comprendraient pas de le retrouver habiller avec ses v?tements de la journ?e. Sa fiert? virile, bless?e par sa toute nouvelle coiffure, se rebellait en lui. Il crut faire preuve d'un bel ?lan d'orgueil masculin en d?cidant de ne porter, pour ce soir, que des affaires de fille qui faisaient unisexes. Pourtant, il avait une jolie moue boudeuse tr?s f?minine en cherchant ce qui le ferait paraitre le moins fille possible. Il opta pour un jean d'un bleu d?lav? qu'il jugeait tr?s sobre malgr? les petites broderies aux poches un entre-jambe tr?s serr?. Il se choisit un t-shirt kaki strecht qui ne faisait que souligner son corps tr?s menu, et par-dessus une chemise ? carreaux rouge et noire. Si une chemise de ce type chez les hommes pouvait faire viril, sa petite chemise femme faisait sur lui un effet tr?s ?mignon?. S'il avait pris la peine de se regarder plus en d?tail il aurait compris qu'il avait le look d'une ?tudiante d?contract?e mais coquette. Se sentant d'humeur belliqueuse contre sa f?minit? il se choisit son petit blouson en faux cuir, bleu ?lectrique, cintr?, qui l? encore ajoutait ? son aspect de jeune femme moderne qui a envie de s'habiller ? l'aise pour sortir boire un verre avec ses copines, mais qui n'en restait pas moins ?l?gante. Assez ind?cis il finit par se choisir sa paire de converses bleu clair et pris ? la vol?e une l?g?re ?charpe beige, bouffante et faiblement paillet?e. En fait, la seule chose qui ne faisait pas ?fille? dans son apparence, ?tait l'absence de poitrine. Mais avec l'?paisseur de ses v?tements on pouvait simplement imaginer qu'il ?tait une fille qui avait la malchance d'?tre plate. Il ne put r?sister longtemps ? Solange qui lui passa ? l'?paule un de ses sacs ? main noir o? il fut oblig? de fourrer son porte-monnaie, ses papiers, son portable et ses clefs. Se d?p?chant pour ne pas ?tre trop en retard Marc trottinait vers la station de m?tro du plus vite que lui permettaient ses petits pas. Deux jeunes hommes qu'il croisa se retourn?rent sur lui quand il passa, ses grandes joues rougies un peu par l'effort. L'un d'eux dit ? son ami: ?Tu vois, une fille simple et fraiche comme elle, un petit gabarit tout mimi, c'est quand m?me le top.? ?Ouai, c'est tout ? fait mon genre aussi, une jolie petite nana, surtout avec un beau visage comme elle a, je dis oui tout de suite!?

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Cassie babbled on the drive to the beach where the party was being held. It was the nude beach which was technically closed for the evening but the authorities looked the other way as long as things didn’t get out of hand. “Ooooo, my pussy is tingling with anticipation!” said my date in an excited voice. “I’m so glad we ran across each other last week. This may be like that spring break between a few years ago when I was dating your buddy and you went with us to Florida. You two guys screwed...

2 years ago
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Doing Judy Threesome Au Naturel

Judy and I had been sexually invovled since that summer I'd been her escort at her coming out and Debutante Ball. She was a physically sexy and maturing young woman at that time, but she was still somewhat immature and I didn't mind taking advantage of her and letting her seduce me whenever we had the chance to be together. In fact, you can read all about my affair with Judy in the 5-part series on "Doing the Debutante". And, for that one reader a couple of years ago who said it could never...

1 year ago
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Little Esme in Nasty Natureland

Esme tried to understand the world. It was so complicated. She tried to understand herself and she seemed even more twisted and weird.Today she was wandering through the woodlands near her family home feeling lonely and confused. She was barefooted, her sandals dangling from a finger, as she walked the well-kept trails. They lived on the edge of a protected nature area open to the public. Her home was where she and her grandparents had lived all of her life. Actually, their homestead was really...

2 years ago
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kidnapped and enslaved pt one

Introduction: teasing bitch learns her lesson Wendy walked slowly down the narrowly lit hallway of her office building, her heels clacking on the freshly waxed floor. Her damn boss had made her work late again. Did the bastard think she didnt have a life of her own? She knew he just enjoyed torturing her to no end. Now shed have to walk home to her condo since her car was in for a servicing. Her skirt swished around her thighs as she walked out the glass doors of the brightly lit building....

2 years ago
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Asha OIiver the acting retreat part 1

We all settled in as a big noisy mess. Me and Kathlyn snagged seats in the middle of the bus, with me on the window side. Everyone around us was busy chatting or yelling to the others around them, but from the moment we sat down Kathlyn was intent on only speaking to me. I licked my lips at one point because they were dry, and I saw her eyes follow the movement of my tongue. "Cold?" She offered, spreading her fleece throw-size blanket over the both of us. I smiled appreciatively, but...

4 years ago
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Another Time

Lord Tariff looked across the long table at his wife, Lady Patricia. Her uninspired face twisted into a frown as she sawed roughly into the steak on her silver plate. ‘I would like for you to have the cook killed by morning. This is third time he has ruined my dinner by over coking my food.’ She looked up at him as she finished her sentence. ‘I want his head on the wall.’ ‘M’lady he has a wife and three children. Would you really have me kill him over a little tough meat?’ ‘Yes my love, I...

3 years ago
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Kill or Be KilledChapter 7

Evening was coming the sun had already passed the top of the mountains and it would be dark very soon. We could see the warehouse and the people walking around it. It looked like three or four people but we were trying to make sure we knew exactly how many before we made ourselves known. They seemed to know what they were doing, as only one would move at a time while the others watched. They had circled the warehouse twice before stopping at the main entrance. We had carefully moved closer...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Kristen Scott Joy Ride

Kristen Scott is trying to concentrate on her homework, but the feel of her landing strip pussy between her miniskirt is very distracting. Her stepfather Ryan Driller confronts her about taking the car out without permission, and after anger and begging don’t work Kristen resorts to seduction. Lifting her miniskirt to show that she’s not wearing underwear, she adopts a do me attitude that Ryan can’t resist. After delivering a spanking, he takes her to the bedroom to give her...

1 year ago
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Private Julia Parker A Cure For Everything

Stuck in a hospital bed injured and alone? Private has just the girl for the job! Julia Parker, a wild brunette who has come to Private Specials, Kinky German Nurses in her sexy uniform to fuck the lucky Don Diego back to health. Julia knows exactly how to speed up the recovery process as she gets hands on with her patients cock before getting her tongue involved and warming up with a sloppy blowjob. The enjoy this German babe’s hot body in action on www.private.com as she rides, grinds and...

1 year ago
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Now Ms Jessica Seduces Me

Hello Readers, This is a continuation of my story – Thanks, Ms. Nancy. It seems that Ms. Nancy had discussed about us and later Ms. Salma seduced me and we had sex. One day I had last period of accounts and the accounts teacher was Ms. Jessica, she was an Anglo Indian, about 35 years old, she was good looking woman with a nice round face and big black eyes, I came to know later that her husband was working in a big IT company and was away to the US for training for 6 months. I guess he was...

3 years ago
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You read about these things, you see them on TV and hear of them on the news so often now days that it's become just another component of the world's background noise, yet you never expect to experience it first hand. And then you do. Someone's misplaced sense of moral outrage and perverted sense of justice finds the tiny pocket of planet Earth you happen to be occupying at the moment and is made manifest. It was another terrorist bombing. I had no way of knowing that at the time, but it's...

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Teaching Carol Ch8

http://forum.xnxx.com/showthread.php?t=175534 and send me a PM if you're interested.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Carol told me that she was going to have to make a presentation on Parent’s Night at her school I knew I’d have to do something to make it memorable for her. I didn’t tell her I was planning to attend; I simply arrived at her room about half an hour before the meeting was supposed to begin. She...

2 years ago
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Knowing My Destiny

Knowing My Destiny By Mistress X This is the story of one Halloween when a long held tradition changed my life. I was laying on the couch on Halloween afternoon when I heard shuffling at the door. "I got the costumes!" yelled Mike as he finally wrestled his way inside. "Well it's about time," Steve complained as he came down the stairs. "Hey Pete, get in here so we can see what he got." I rolled off the couch and shambled over as Mike pulled three adult Halloween costumes from...

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Boardroom Stalemate

Melissa was a winner. Leaving the boardroom without a deal was not an option and two of her three adversaries were leading her down a path that would have ended in a stalemate.It was not her style.Brian, the younger of the two businessmen and Amy, the technical guru were the most awkward and kept stalling on every technical point that Melissa had a resolution for. The older gent, Mathew Davies, the one with the salt and pepper hair and moustache was more or less on her side all the way through,...

Office Sex
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Four In the Car

One night we were at the bar. (You, a couple of friends and myself.) We had a lot to drink and were getting a little flirty at the bar. You and I were talking dirty to each other. My two friends also joined in on the fun, teasing with you. We were all telling stories about different sex experiences and what we liked about them, it was getting us all very excited. We all decided to leave the bar and go somewhere else. You were wearing a skirt, a sexy top and some very sexy heels. As you got into...

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“You chose well, good sexy body, not shy posing naked for you. I want to hear every little detail Julie,” he tells me as he licks my erect nipples as I have one hand on his now flaccid cock. “I invited Kay around for coffee and as women do we compared our sex lives. She told me it was two years since she fucked a man, though she has strong lesbian interests, lipstick lesbians. When I told her we have sex almost every day and threesomes and even foursomes she was fascinated. “I told her we...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Skylar Snow Squirt And Anal Gaping

Blonde bombshell Skylar Snow teases in lacy fetish attire, pantyhose and clear heels. Her massive, natural knockers hang seductively for lucky stud Zac Wild to ravenously suck. Skylar spits on her areolae as Zac fondles her huge handfuls with gluttonous glee. He kneels to worship her voluptuous, round ass and rim her tight butthole. Skylar takes his boner in her mouth for an engorging blowjob. Zac stuffs his big cock between her big boobs, absorbing a robust titty fuck. He skillfully eats her...

2 years ago
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Under The Weather

It had turned into one of the more trying times of my life. I had developed a problem in both lower legs that required treatment twice a day and as much elevation as possible between times. Since I lived alone and I could not under normal circumstances bend my legs enough to apply the treatment, I had to have help. My doctor had arranged for a visiting nurse to come to my house early each morning and in late afternoon or early evening to take care of applying the dressings. For the first...

2 years ago
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Christmas chapter two

Chapter two As i started to wake up,my mind immediately went back to the previous evening,everything was just like a dream.Wow,that really happened,i thought as i opened my eyes.I looked over to Karen's side of the bed,but no one was there.When i went to sleep she was between me and Dustin,her hand stroking his cock.I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom,figuring they were out in the kitchen having coffee before he left.As i opened the door from the bedroom to the shower,i heard a...

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A Shave and a Strapon

This story is a continuation of my previous story "A Buzzcut and a Strapon". Unlike the previous story which  was TRUE, this story is just a fantasy. My deal with Linda was more than a success: every week I would give  her a buzzcut and she would fuck me with her strapon. We were both very happy with it and had great sex. One Sunday, Linda woke up in the morning and she looked worried. "Ed, I have something to tell you. Listen to me." "What happened ?", I asked. "well, yesterday night I got...

2 years ago
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Ori WarHedge Mage

The war started with Kane invading to find and seize the ancient Ori emperor's mage diamond mine. Since then it has expanded to them trying to seize the whole country and invade Sax. Most of the fighting has been in the north but recent sightings have some of their army moving south. Even as an apprentice mage I knew I would never be that strong. Even a minor mage had more magic than me. I was only a hedge mage and barely above the simple tricks of a witch. My master was very smart so...

3 years ago
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RansomeChapter 7 Third Time Lucky Very Lucky

He was not surprised the following Saturday when Anne Lucas accepted his invitation to have lunch at the Lisboa. It all went well and they chatted about mutual acquaintances at All Saints and commiserated about the tactlessness of the new Vicar. When it came to coffee David used his well tried line, “I would suggest coffee, but it is cheap and nasty here. Normally I go home and make my own, but I don’t suppose...” “As you introduced me to this excellent restaurant, I’m not going to doubt...

3 years ago
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Hot Incest Affair With My Mom8217s Younger Sister

Hi readers, this is Kannan back with another story which happened recently in my life in the first week of February. It was a festival time in our village. Once in 2 years, it used to take place. I am gonna narrate how this year’s festival turned led to a hot incest affair between me and my chithi (mom’s younger sister). Let me give a short opening for her. She is a 40 years old woman with good assets in her body. Her sizes are 38-36-38 – a chubby fair skinned chithi (even now). She has 2...

4 years ago
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Good Neighbors 3

The next morning was awkward to say the least each of us unsure of the others intentions or desires but knowing something had shifted in the hours before. The wine had taken its toll and we where sluggish to get much of anything done. The day dragged on and in the afternoon Jen’s phone rang it was Beth. I answered it hello. Well well well you little bitch what you thought of last night. Beth I would appreciate it if- Shut the fuck up I will bet she was hot as hell and you shot your load in less...

2 years ago
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Little Lissa Ch 02

I want to thank everyone for the positive comments and encouragements. I especially want to thank aussie_101 for all his time spent editing and talking me through this process. All mistakes within this work are mine and mine alone. And a big ‘thank you’ sleeplessgurl for introducing us. I owe you guys! Anyway here is Chapter Two, I hope you enjoy it! For those of you new to the story or cursed with a really bad memory like mine, Melissa has manufactured an excuse to come to ‘Uncle’ Robert’s...

3 years ago
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Hard As A Rock

Your Red Viper with tinted windows speeds down Hummer Ave. In the immaculate high performance car with you are two of your closest drinking buddies. You had not intended to come to this part of town earlier tonight, but you and your friends had got to talking about how all the best sexual experiences you’d ever had were always with older women, rather than naïve waifs with no idea what to do with your hard meat. Talking yourselves into a lustful frenzy, you knew there was only one place you...

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Kiara Lord Busty Blonde Hungry for BBC

Home visits are a must for an exchange program coach such as yourself. You think you already experienced everything there is in observing the house of potential exchange student-athletes, but nothing has prepared you for a situation involving a sexy blonde bombshell. Kiara Lord is the sister of the one you are scouting. She is a gorgeous hottie with big tits and a big ass. You appear at the house just as soon as Kiara finishes her workout. The naughty bunny can’t help but tease you and...

3 years ago
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Mind Games Book 2

Mind Games Book 2 By Paradox Americamps RV Resort, Ashland, Virginia Something pretty. Something pretty. That was the mantra, in Daddy's voice, that was going through my head as I stood in front of my open wardrobe wrapped in a towel. When I'd suggested we go out to eat tonight and maybe take in a movie he had eagerly agreed to the idea and sent me off to shower and change with a loving pat to my rear that had made me giggle and wiggle my hips saucily as I skipped into my...

2 years ago
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Unexpected ConsequencesChapter 4

I was still lying on the bed in a semi-stupor half an hour later when I heard another knock on the door. I felt too wasted to get up so I just said, "It's open; come on in." I thought it would be Julie coming back, but to my surprise, it was Lisa. I said, "Hi, beautiful. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" She looked startled as she replied in a small voice, "Do you really think I'm beautiful?" "Lisa," I said, "You're one of the prettiest girls I know. I just don't...

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MylfLabs Stacy Bloom Concept Rimming

ALERT: We need your help! These TS Labs updates are our way of putting out new stuff for you. Your feedback drives everything, so if you love it, please tell us. If you hate it, please let us know what we can do better. We’re counting on you so please tell us! On that note, here’s the latest scene. Gorgeous MYLF Stacey Bloom models her sexy lingerie as she undresses to show off her incredible attributes. When lucky stud Maximo Garcia joins her, he will make sure to take full...

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Hot Leak

I’ve got a couple Hot Leak issues right now. For one thing, my landlord needs to get off his ass and come take a look at my fucking sink before the steam takes all the paint off the ceiling. My other leak problem is just as obnoxious, with an end result of blue balls and sticky shorts. The good news is that I’ve found a potential cure for the latter inconvenience, and it's something I think you perverts are going to enjoy just as much as me. You are into naked girls, right?That’s right, folks....

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Geeta Unti Ko Choda Jamke

Apka time ma vest karte huye story par ata hu.Hamare ghar ke baju me ek bhabhi marage ya tyoharo par ati jati reheti he kyo ki vo uske bhai ka ghar he.Wo dikhne me enti khash nahi hai but uske ball(boobs)bahut bade hai Me akshar uske boobs dekha karta tha.Unko bi pata hai ki me uske boobs par meri nazar rehti hai vo bhi jan buch kar kabhi boobs dekha deti hai jab aspas koy nahi hota.Me uske name ki akashar muth marta tha. February ke mahine vo apne bhai ke ghar ayu hui thi.Ek din wo mere ghar...

3 years ago
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High School Class Reunion

The last time I had seen Rose was at our ten-year high school class reunion. In high school, Rose had been the one girl I wanted to date, but she barely even knew I existed. At the ten-year reunion, I confided that I had always had an immense crush on her and that if I had to do things all over again, I would have said as much.To my surprise, Rose told me she had a crush on me as well, but that she had been too shy to approach me. Both of us had gone out separate ways, married and started...

1 year ago
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Thank you Daddy Ch 4

They agreed to all go to the restaurant in Tom’s car. Ella squeezed in the middle at the back between a Peter and Steve, Cathy in the front beside Tom.Ella was wearing a mid thigh, pleated tartan skirt and a halter neck top tied behind her neck, the only other item of clothing she wore was a pair of high heeled sandals which had the effect of making her bum stick out and her braless boobs to jiggle when she walked.Cathy was also in a short skirt, also pantyless, and a thin top with a deep V...

2 years ago
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The Availability Law

A few years ago, a new species of plants was discovered in various locations around the world. Scientists weren't sure how such a plant hadn't been discovered before, with some opining that it must have evolved recently, or perhaps has even been engineered by humans. The latter is now a popular conspiracy theory, especially given the fact the finding occured in multiple places around the world, and within a short period of time. The plant, now commonly called the Rod Plant, has three distinct...

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Husband and Wife

The evening had fallen, and everyone had decided to head to bed after a day of getting "busy" in different forms and roles. Damien and Jeremy had been assigned a room each while Mr. and Ms. Creneth retired to their luxurious bedroom. Markus had already crashed down onto the bed as he started to undres. For once he did it to just head off to bed. But of course, the nymphomaniac Andrea was not yet satisfied even after a day of getting nailed and used for her husband's pleasure. She was...

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Vacation Time Ch 02

*Note: I have been asked several times if this story is based on an experience that I have had. The answer is no, this is purely fiction. Thank you to everyone for your interest in Nikki and Dave. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I am already working on the next chapter… I flashed him a flirty smile, turning as I murmured, ‘Of course not, just give me the rest of my time and I promise to make this robe look like an old rag… feel free to turn on the tv…’ I began shuffling through my outfits...

3 years ago
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Wife Stories Lisa

IntroductionThis hot tub feels amazing. The warm water, bubbling, gurgling all around my naked body. I close my eyes, lean my head back, hearing the sounds of my three beautiful daughters loving on a black man. They are sitting across from me, Angela, Alice, Jules, along with TJ.I hope my eyes, watching them run their hands over his huge black muscles, kiss at his face, shoulders, chest, and take turns sucking and stroking the monster cock poking out of the bubbling water. I moan, thinking...

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The Real Little Red Ridding Hood

Little red riding hood approached her grandmothers cabin in the middle of the woods. The old cabin looked the same as it always did and she walked towards it completely unaware that her grandmother had company. "It's just me grandmother" she called out as she walked in through the front door.   She looked around the cabin and saw the fire lit and bread dough resting on the side by the stove, then her search was disturbed by a noise she heard from her grandmother’s bedroom so she...

First Time
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TRESChapter 29

"Good morning, Dot," I said into a cell phone. After checking on her, I thought it wise to call and relieve her anxiety. She'd correctly assumed that I was the victim in the shootout at the Italian restaurant yesterday. I heard all the air whoosh from her lungs. "Are you all right?" "Fair to middlin'. Your thug plays rough." "He's not my thug." I laughed, which made me wince. "You're hurting, aren't you?" "Bullets do that. Where are you?" I'd called her cell phone when...

1 year ago
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SS NerdChapter 15

It wasn't six yet, but I was bouncing around like a kid wanting to get into the pool. It took me less than ten minutes to shower and shave again. Out in the kitchen, I put coffee on before finding a note from Mom, "We stayed up very late with the other people who went to the show with us. Don't wake us up. Tiny gave us a cart, so don't worry about us." There were a couple of damp towels on the back of the barstools. "I wonder what that's about?" I was too excited to do much of...

1 year ago
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Lord Hort Part 4

Hello to all of you out there in internetland. This will likely be the last piece I will ever psot to Fictionmania. To be honest the admins don't answer my e-mails excpet once where they did so with as short a message as was humanly possible to get thier message across, so I'm moving to a different location. When I post any new parts of the story it will now be at the Yahoo! group I have created for that purpose. This will also allow me to respond to comments and criticism from...

2 years ago
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GhostChapter 5

Tears were streaming down Marek’s face as he held Heather tightly. “Jesus honey, I don’t know how you came through that. How can some one do that?” “I didn’t come through it love,” A pair of cool lips brushed his own, “I died, remember.” Marek grimaced as his mind conjured up images based on Heather’s description of the final hours of her life. His couldn’t even imagine the torture that she had endured at that woman’s hands. “Okay love so you want revenge, I can understand that. So how...

1 year ago
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Salvation At Last

Salvation At Last By: Lorraine B. (c) 2003 All Rights Reserved Chapter 1 The sun was going down it was fall, yet winter was quickly approaching, the wind was picking up and the temperature was dropping. The current of the river was running fast below the old railroad swing trestle bridge called Suicide Bridge, the bridge was named by the locals due to all the people that took their own lives from it. I for one almost became a statistic when I first came here. It took forever to...

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It Isnt Always So Easy

“You’ll find the right one some day,” mom said. “That’s what everyone says,” I retorted, and they did, especially the sweet girls who liked to keep me safely in the friend zone. Mom came to my room that night. I didn’t understand what that was all about. She never did that, and she was only wearing a disturbingly thin nightgown which left the bumps of her dark nipples clearly visible through the fabric at the point where her saggy breasts were hanging down near her stomach. My gaze quickly...

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Lost at SeaCast List

Author’s Note: Because this story takes place in a fantasy analogue of the Age of Sail, I am using the Imperial measurement system in all it’s outdated glory. For most of you, that will mean it’s hard to figure out what the weights mean. It’s a way to give a rough idea of how much someone weighs without being locked down to a particular number. The ambiguity is purposeful. As for the bust sizes, well, those are modern. You’ll just have to deal with the anachronism. Because this story is an...

1 year ago
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Hot Threesome

Note : This story is completely fictional! Through my high school years, there was one who always got me hard - Ms. P. She used to be my home-ec and english teacher years ago, and she also taught the girls' basketball team. She must have been around 20-something and 5'5". She had blonde hair which went down to a bit past her chin, and had a slight wave in it. Ms. P was so sexy and had big tits, helping her become one of my biggest fantasies. It started on a sunny, warm Friday afternoon at...

First Time
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Annual Doctor Exam Version Two

When I started the Annual Doctor Exam story yesterday I entered it with a very different idea. I like how that turned out yesterday, but here is the way I had planned it originally.I drove the 50 miles to my doctor's office for the annual exam that would include, of course, checking for hernia and checking of my prostate. This doctor knows that I am open to having student doctors examine me because I believe that education of future doctors requires having some citizens willing to undergo...

1 year ago
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After coffee Kay helped me strip naked to try on some new clothes in an upmarket boutique. She had never seen me naked before and I do like flaunting my naked body to tease another woman to gauge their reaction. “New clothes always feel better on my naked body,” I tease as she watches intently. “Is my ass big?," I ask her as I look over my shoulder and glance at it in the mirror. “It is big, but it is magnificent, beautifully proportioned, no dimples, must me forty-one inches.” “Good guess...

3 years ago
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For nicole

Sometimes the past acts as a mirror where the present with all its insecurities are displayed. In the worst and the best of times, the daily grind remains the same, food has to be bought, bills have to be paid, rooms cleaned and dusted and the body eased to make ready for the next day. Perhaps, such drudgery is the cause of all vice, that the root of sin is not in the excess, but for the escape from it. But then again, the definition of sin itself did emerge from hallowed halls skirts of...

2 years ago
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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 2 of 7 Jeff and Allie

Aftermath Confessions: Chapter 2 of 7- Jeff and Allie Author's note: It was hard picking a category for this one. It's a wife loving, voyeur, masturbation straight sex story about a man telling his wife about his past experiences with another couple. Send me an email at if you would be interested in an illustrated version. __________________________________________________________________________ “You tell me yours and I tell you mine. Nothing held back.” She squeezed my cock into her pussy...

Straight Sex
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Without You I Have Nothing Ch 27

‘Friends of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra request the pleasure of Mr. & Mrs. P. O’Brien.’ The invitation had arrived weeks earlier and reluctantly Peter had accepted. Immediately after Christmas, they flew to Sydney and Jennifer went shopping for an evening gown by herself. She adamantly refused to tell Peter what she had purchased or to model it for him. He tried to entice her to reveal her secret as he stood with her on the balcony with his hands slowly massaging her neck and shoulders,...

4 years ago
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lustful sin closest kin part 2

I walked by my neighbor’s trailer and observed that he was gone. I returned to the trailer a few minutes later and in the darkness I pried open one of the small windows in the back door and was able to unlock the door from inside. My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness in his trailer and I went to his bedroom. There I took two of his pillows and laid them on the middle of his bed. Using only a lighter for light, I placed mom’s panties on the end of the top pillow as if they were being...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 39

It was another one of those aftermaths where she could barely walk. God, it's a good thing she and I don't fuck often, Laura thought as she walked painfully down the hall toward her apartment. It's like being raped by a hundred marines. I hope she feels this way too. But once inside, she couldn't help leaning back against the door and smiling as she remembered how they had gone at each other. As usual, they were insatiable, brutal, demanding. And caring, tender, skillful, loving. Their...

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Sister helps out with my promotion

living with mother and father about six years ago.She wanted to become a journalist and travelled around for a couple of years. When she returned home she got mixed up with some very unsavoury characters and eventually took off again with this guy, a real low life who was into everything...drugs, booze, you name it, he was into it. Pooja when young was a very sweet, beautiful girl, looking at her sat opposite me I realised she still was beautiful only now the look of innocence was gone and...

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