D?terminisme Naturel-5 free porn video

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Marc ?tait dans un ?tat second en pr?parant le caf? r?clam? par Amandine. Il ?tait sous le choc de l'exp?rience qu'il venait de vivre. Etre autoris? par la femme de ses r?ves ? lui donner du plaisir en caressant et en l?chant sa douce intimit?, c'?tait mieux que ce qu'il s'?tait autoris? en imagination. La situation ?tait de plus terriblement excitante, lui dissimul? sous le bureau de sa d?esse, elle essayant de faire abstraction du plaisir pour essayer de travailler. Et mon dieu, c'?tait donc ?a un orgasme f?minin? Cette onde ?lectrique qui s'?tait empar? d'Amandine pour son plus grand plaisir? Il se sentait combl? d'avoir satisfait celle qu''il aimait, non ador?, apr?s tant d'ann?es ? l'?voquer dans ses r?ves les plus fous. Le point noir ?tait que lui n'avait pas ?t? soulag?, et qu'il ?tait plus que jamais mis au supplice par le chatouillement impossible de son gland gonfl? et humide. Il se d?p?cha de faire le caf? d'Amandine, les mains f?briles d'excitation, pour pouvoir ensuite se r?fugier aux toilettes et enfin laisser ?clater son sexe dans un ?clair de plaisir. Amandine le remercia avec un grand sourire quand il lui apporta son caf?, puis se replongea aussit?t dans l'?tude de son ?cran d'ordinateur. Marc, aussit?t sa mission ex?cut?e, se h?ta de sortir du bureau de sa patronne pour rejoindre les wc mais il croisa Cl?lia qui elle allait voir Amandine. La jeune femme fron?a les sourcils et se passa rapidement un doigt sur les l?vres en dessinant un sourire. Marc se souvint qu'il devait afficher un sourire en toute circonstance, et il fit de son mieux pour en forcer un sur son visage. Il d?plut ? Cl?lia qui exigea quelque chose de mieux: -?Il est trop crisp?. Cindy, ton sourire doit ?tre large et naturel. On doit comprendre que tu es d'humeur joyeuse et l?g?re, m?me si ce n'est pas le cas!? Marc s'aga?a int?rieurement que Cl?lia lui fit perdre son temps avec sa le?on. Il n'?tait pas l'une de ses caissi?res du temps qu'elle travaillait dans la grande distribution! Mais Marc avait tant envie de soulager son envie insoutenable qu'il ?tait pr?t ? s'ex?cuter de son mieux pour contenter Cl?lia. Il s'effor?a alors de lui offrir le sourire le plus naturel et le plus radieux possible, en priant int?rieurement que cela suffise. -?C'est mieux Cindy. Tu peux disposer.? Marc n'oublia pas de garder son sourire pour ne pas commettre de nouvel impair en se dirigeant vers les toilettes. Il entendit malheureusement la voix d'Aur?lie le h?ler alors qu'il ?tait sur le point d'ouvrir la porte. -?Cindy, tu vas te retenir un peu ma fille. J'ai besoin que tu m'imprimes les dossiers que je t'ai envoy? sur ta boite mail et que tu les mettes sous enveloppe, pr?ts ? ?tre exp?di?s.? -?Mais Aur?lie, ?a peut attendre deux minutes je fais pipi et je te fais ?a...? -?Tssss tsssss le courrier va passer dans moins d'une demi-heure et il faut que tout soit pr?t d'ici l?. Alors tu te retiens comme une grande fille et tu me fais ?a s'il te plait.? Marc s'avoua vaincu. Il savait qu'Aur?lie ne renoncerait pas, et il connaissait ses propres limites. Il ?tait incapable de tenir t?te ? quelqu'un si celui-ci se montrait ne serait-ce qu'un peu insistant. Il se rendit alors ? son bureau pour pr?parer au plus vite les dossiers demand?s par Aur?lie. C'?tait une vraie torture car sa libido persistait ? le tourmenter cruellement. Il avait un furieux besoin de se masturber, et il ne pensait qu'? ?a. Si seulement il ?tait un vrai homme il aurait pu s'imposer aupr?s d'Amandine et lui demander qu'? son tour elle s'occupe de ses besoins ? lui. Mais il ne se faisait pas d'illusion, un tel sc?nario ?tait au-del? de toutes ses capacit?s. Pas besoin de se mentir, selon sa nature, il attendrait patiemment qu'Amandine ait elle-m?me l'initiative d'une telle chose. Malgr? sa d?licieuse souffrance Marc parvint ? faire les dossiers juste avant que le coursier arrive pour ramasser le courrier. C'?tait un grand jeune homme brun bien fait de sa personne, au teint mate et au sourire franc qui plaisait beaucoup aux filles du bureau. Comme ? son habitude il flirta un peu, provoquant quelques rires amus?s chez M?lanie et Aur?lie qui avaient le b?guin pour lui. Marc fit mine de se diriger vers les toilettes mais M?lanie le rattrapa par le bras. -?Mais attends Cindy, c'est impoli de partir comme ?a alors que Hugo a pos? une question et que tu es la seule ? ne pas avoir r?pondu!? le taquina la p?tillante rouquine.? Marc se mit ? rougir comme une pivoine. Le coursier avait interrog? les filles sur leur type d'homme, et Marc n'avait pas song? une seule seconde participer ? un tel d?bat. Il maugr?a int?rieurement, n'allait-on pas le laisser tranquille une seule minute? Tous les yeux ?tant tourn?s vers lui il comprit qu'il ne pourrait pas s'?clipser avant d'avoir donn? un semblant de r?ponse. Marc bredouilla quelques mots, rougissant encore plus si possible. -?Je n'ai pas de type d'homme, ?a ne m'int?resse pas ces choses-l?, d?sol?...?. Les filles rirent devant autant de maladresse. Le jeune livreur avait apparemment d?cid? de le taquiner un peu et n'en resta pas l?. -?Bah, m?me s'il a fait des progr?s le jeune gar?on n'est pas encore une jeune fille. Il a autant de poitrine que ma petite s?ur de 10 ans. Une fois qu'il ressemblera plus ? une vraie fille avec de belles formes alors il courra aussi les gar?ons comme vous mes ch?ries.? Toutes les filles ?clat?rent de rire alors que Marc ?tait mortifi? de honte. Dans un ?clair de lucidit? il comprit qu'il ?tait connu des gens travaillant dans l'immeuble, et comment cela aurait-il pu en ?tre autrement? D?s son premier jour il avait crois? des personnes ?voluant dans les bureaux d'autres soci?t?s, et m?me s'il ?tait tr?s eff?min? on n'avait pas pu le prendre pour une vraie fille. Quelqu'un comme lui devait immanquablement ?tre un sujet de conversation pris?, et il devait faire l'objet de diverses sp?culations. Sa f?minisation rapide avait sans aucun doute ?t? interpr?t? comme le clair d?sir de sa part de passer pour une vraie fille. Sonn?, Marc tourna le dos ? Hugo, se retrouvant nez ? nez avec M?lanie qui riait de bon c?ur. Il y avait bien de la moquerie dans les yeux de la jeune fille, mais aussi une certaine empathie pleine de douceur. Finalement, Marc se dit que ses coll?gues n'?taient pas anim?es par une quelconque malveillance, mais qu'elles s'amusaient simplement de la situation. Soudainement Marc sentit une grande main se coller contre ses petites fesses bomb?es pour les lui presser avec force comme on tripote vulgairement les fesses d'une fille. Compl?tement surpris Marc ne put s'emp?cher de lever ses deux mains et de pousser un petit ?Ouuu? de surprise, ses l?vres formant un parfait ?O?, dans une mimique tellement f?minine qu'elle en ?tait caricaturale. Du coin de l'?il il saisit son reflet dans un petit miroir: il ressemblait ? une pauvre fille ?cervel?e qui s'est prise une claque sur le cul... M?lanie se mit la main devant la bouche pour ?clater de rire devant son expression, des larmes commen?ant ? couler au bord des yeux. -?Mon dieu Cindy, tu es une vraie dinde! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire de toi?? Les rires peu discrets finirent par attirer Cl?lia affichant une mine contrari?e, les sourcils fronc?s. Le coursier se carapata rapidement tandis que les filles se remettaient au travail, comprenant que la r?cr?ation ?tait finie. L'assistante d'Amandine avait peu go?t? tant d'agitation. -?C'est toi Cindy qui nous met un tel bazar?? Marc baissa la t?te et murmura, tel un petit enfant grond?. -?Je suis d?sol? madame.? Le visage de Cl?lia ne montrait aucune indulgence. -?? ton bureau. Je ne veux pas entendre le moindre rire de b?tasse de tout ce matin! En fait, je ne veux entendre que le bruit de ton clavier, aucun bavardage ni gloussement d'oie!? Marc releva timidement la t?te. Malgr? toutes ces humiliations son sexe ne le laissait pas tranquille, palpitant du besoin d'?tre soulag?. Marc essaya de plaider timidement son envie d'aller aux toilettes. -?Mais madame je voulais...? -?On ne discute plus! On n'est pas au lyc?e ici, ou plut?t au coll?ge vu votre chahut! ? votre bureau mademoiselle, il me semble que le courrier ne va pas se taper tout seul!? Une nouvelle fois vaincu, tortur? par son p?nis qui r?clamait d'?clater dans un orgasme devenu vital, Marc se mit ? son bureau et commen?a ? s'activer sur son ordinateur malgr? l'obs?dante envie qui le tenaillait. XXXXXXX L'esprit embrum? par l'insupportable d?sir sexuel Marc se montrait gauche ? ex?cuter ses t?ches. Aussi, il ?tait frustr? par tant d'injustice. La vie semblait vouloir le provoquer sans fin pour ensuite mieux le frustrer. Il d?sesp?rait de trouver un jour son ?panouissement, que ce soit sur le plan personnel, professionnel et sexuel. Pourquoi ?tait-il n? avec un physique si peu viril et un caract?re si peu masculin? Les deux ?taient sans doute li?s, et s'alimentaient l'un l'autre. Peut-?tre que s'il avait ?t? homosexuel les choses auraient ?t? plus simples pour lui, mais voil? il ne d?sirait que le beau sexe. Il n'avait pas choisi sa nature ambigu? pas plus que son orientation sexuelle, et n'avait d'autre choix que de les subir sto?quement malgr? toutes les d?convenues. Aur?lie avait d? se rendre compte de son ?tat morose car elle engagea une conversation priv?e avec lui sur le serveur skype de l'entreprise. Moumoune: Je suis d?sol?e ma belle, Cl?lia a ?t? une vraie peau de vache pour le coup. On ne faisait que rire un peu. ?a va tu n'es pas trop en col?re? Pepette: Non non, ?a va. Je suis frustr? oui, mais bon, j'imagine ne pas ?tre le premier ? subir l'humeur de sa chef. Moumoune: Non mais c'est important la bonne ambiance dans une ?quipe. Et ?a fait du bien de se d?tendre toutes ensemble en plaisantant, c'est pas m?chant. Les filles pensent comme moi, Cl?lia a abus?. Pepette: Les filles??? Moumoune: Oui, Emilie et M?lanie, elles sont d'accord avec moi pour dire que c'est d?gueulasse de te traiter comme une gamine pour rien du tout. Attends, je les associe ? la conversation. MagicGirl: Comme te l'a dit Aur?lie on est de tout c?ur avec toi. C'est compl?tement naze de la part de Cl?lia de t'avoir parl? comme ?a! MissPink: Carr?ment, elle est trop nulle parfois ? jouer les petites chefs! Cindy, sois pas tristounette, on est solidaires avec toi. T'es g?niale et on aime bien rigoler avec toi. Pepette: Merci les filles, ?a fait du bien de vous lire. J'?tais un peu triste en effet M?lanie, mais gr?ce ? vous ?a va mieux. Ne vous inqui?tez pas, Cl?lia ne se montrera pas tous les jours aussi dure. En tout cas merci vous ?tes chouette les filles:) MissPink: H? on n'est pas les "filles" mais les "copines" ;) MagicGirl: Yes, on est toutes des copines! C'est une putain de chance de s'entendre aussi bien toutes ensemble. Et Cindy tu es quelqu'un de bien, pour ?a on t'a adopt? tout de suite ma puce. Tu peux compter sur nous pour pas te l?cher!!! Moumoune: Oui on est les girls de M?dia-Sky et on d?chire tout toutes ensemble! MissPink: Et Cindy et M?lanie sont les deux meilleures secr?taires de la mort qui tuent!!! || Moumoune: Bon Cindy a encore des progr?s ? faire c?t? secr?tariat, mais j'avoue le caf? tu ma?trises ma ch?rie. C'est quoi ton secret??? MagicGirl: Cindy a fait un Master Cafeti?re hihihi || MissPink: lollllll Pepette: Non mais vous ?tes b?tes! || Mais ?a fait trop du bien vos b?tises, je me sens bien mieux gr?ce ? vous. Je sens que je vais ?tre particuli?rement productif gr?ce ? vous les "copines":D Moumoune: Par contre Cindy, arr?te de parler de toi au masculin. D?j? c'est vraiment ridicule, et en plus ?a fait trop bizarre, ?a colle pas avec toi ;) MissPink: Carr?ment chelou oui! Parles comme une nana vu que tu r?ussis bien ? assumer ta nature de nana ma belle! MagicGirl: En plus une cafeti?re c'est de genre f?minin:p Moumoune: mdrrrr MissPink: Tu m'as tu? Emilie:xxxxx ptdrrrrr Au fur et ? mesure de la conversation Marc prit peu ? peu confiance en lui. Il avait toujours ?t? quelqu'un de plus ou moins solitaire, rejet? par les autres ? cause de son identit? sexuelle trouble, et avait terriblement souffert de ?a. Il ne s'attendait pas ? que ses coll?gues de travail le trouvent sympathique, et leur gentillesse ? son ?gard, chose totalement nouvelle pour lui, le toucha ?norm?ment. La chaleur de leurs mots lui r?chauffait le c?ur et contribua ? calmer peu ? peu son envie sexuelle. Il se sentait ? l'aise et en s?curit? avec la solidarit? des filles, et il savourait ces ?motions avec grand plaisir. Et pour ce qui est de son r?le de fille, autant le jouer ? fond, ce n'?tait qu'un r?le apr?s tout! Et si celui-ci lui permettait d'avoir des aventures sexuelles aussi torrides que celle de ce matin avec sa patronne, et lui apporter de vraies amies, autant l'embrasser pleinement. Il valait mieux ?tre un gar?on qui jouait ? la fille et ?tre heureux que rester un gar?on qui n'arrivait pas ? convaincre les autres de sa virilit? et rester malheureux! Pepette: D?sol?e les copines, c'est pas encore automatique pour moi. Promis, je ferais des efforts pour ne plus me tromper, et ?tre la meilleure copine possible ;) Moumoune: On l'esp?re bien Cindy! Et de toute fa?on tu peux compter sur nous pour rectifier le tir quand tu te trompes! MissPink: Et puis les gar?ons c'est b?te, ?a comprend rien ? nous les filles, et nous on se comprend toutes Cindy:) MagicGirl: Et si on sortait ce soir toutes ensembles pour f?ter Cindy comme nouvelle coupine ? nous??? Pepette: Aie les filles je suis d?sol?e, mais ce soir une amie ? ma logeuse vient pour faire quelque chose avec mes cheveux, donc je ne suis pas disponible:s Moumoune: Tu plaisantes tu n'as pas ? t'excuser! Au contraire, c'est g?nial! Tu vas enfin avoir une vraie coupe de cheveux! L? c'est n'importe quoi on dirait un Dartagnan qui se fait une queue de cheval:p MissPink: Non mais voil?, Cindy se faire belle c'est une priorit?! J'ai trop h?te de voir quelle coiffure tu vas te choisir, tu as d?j? une id?e? Pepette: Non pas vraiment M?lanie, j'imagine que l'inspiration viendra ce soir... MagicGirl: Non mais arr?tez de la harceler lol Moi je serais contente d'avoir la surprise, et je suis certaine qu'elle sera tr?s mignonne! Moumoune: C'est clair! Mais ?a nous emp?chera pas de sortir entre coupines!!! Voil? chacune mange chez soi, comme ?a on perd pas de temps, et une fois que la miss s'est faite belle elle nous le dit et on se retrouve en ville pour prendre un verre, ?a marche les girls? MissPink: Oui oui oui j'ach?teeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! MagicGirl: On se calme mademoiselle G?n?reux lol Voil?, on fait comme ?a! J'ai h?te d'?tre ? ce soir et de boire ? la sant? de Cindy:p:p:p Pepette: Ok ok ?a marche les filles, on fait comme ?a || XXXXXX Le reste de la journ?e se passa particuli?rement bien. Marc profitait de la bonne humeur des filles, de leurs taquineries et de leurs b?tises. Et les fois o? il se rendait dans le bureau d'Amandine pour lui apporter un caf? ou accomplir une petite t?che la rayonnante blonde se distrayait de son travail pour lui offrir un petit sourire ou quelques mots charmeurs. Marc se pliait ? sa discipline du sourire mais cela devenait de plus en plus facile et naturel, surtout avec tant de choses agr?ables qui ?gayaient sa journ?e. En fait, faire du sourire un r?flexe contribuait ? am?liorer en profondeur son humeur et de le rendre plus ouvert, lui qui s'?tait toujours enferm? dans une timidit? renfrogn?e. Marc se sentait de plus en plus ? l'aise ? ?voluer dans son travail, comme il avait appris ? appr?cier peu ? peu le confort de ses v?tements f?minins. Pourtant, tout en souriant, il n'oubliait pas qu'il jouait un r?le, donner le change ? sa patronne et ses coll?gues, et qu'au fond de lui il ?tait un gar?on. Certes, il avait une ?motivit?, une sensibilit? et des gouts f?minins, de m?me qu'il n'avait pas ? se faire beaucoup violence pour laisser ses gestes mani?r?s s'?panouir avec plus de f?minit?, mais il se r?p?tait qu'il ne fallait pas enfermer les genres dans des clich?s ?cul?s. On pouvait tr?s bien ?tre un vrai gar?on ?a n'emp?chait pas de vibrer pour un tube de Katy Perry, marcher en faisant de petits pas, une main pendante au bout d'un bras un peu tendu, ou encore ne pouvoir se retenir de pouffer b?tement. Et un jour, se disait- il, il montrerait ? tous que bien qu'acceptant ses c?t?s f?minins il ?tait un homme comme les autres. Le retour dans le m?tro fut assez p?nible ? cause d'un incident. Pour la seconde fois de la journ?e il se fit peloter les fesses. La rame ?tait bond?e, les gens se serraient, et ? l'occasion d'une station un nouvel afflux de voyageurs empira la chose. Alors que Marc se retrouvait coinc? de mani?re plus qu'inconfortable il sentir une grande main lui palper ses petites fesses rondes sans aucune retenue. Mortifi?, Marc se sentir rougir de surprise, de honte et de frustration. Pendant de longues secondes la man se balada sur ses fesses et se permit m?me de les pincer, et Marc restait interdit, n'osant rien dire, ne pouvant pas bouger d'un centim?tre. Il dut subir ce traitement pendant 3 longues stations, et enfin l'inconnu lui pressa l'index contre sa petite rondelle comme pour lui dire adieu. Rouge comme une ?crevisse Marc rentra et retrouva Solange avec son amie coiffeuse qui ?tait d?j? l?, ? prendre le th?. Le rappel de sa coiffure chassa un peu le souvenir de la mauvaise exp?rience et il envoya un texto ? Aur?lie pour lui dire qu'il la biperait une fois qu'il serait coiff?. L'amie de Solange, Paulette, se montra charmante et ne cessa de le complimenter sur ses magnifiques cheveux ch?tains, clairs, soyeux et d'un si beau volume. Encore une fois, ce fut plus fort que lui, Marc savoura ces compliments et rougit de plaisir. Depuis toujours il aimait ?tre flatt? mais depuis qu'il d?veloppait une apparence de plus en plus f?minine il avait tendance ? ?tre encore plus r?ceptif au moindre mot gentil sur sa ?beaut??. Quand Marc annon?a qu'il sortait avec ses coll?gues de bureau pour un verre de l'int?gration les deux retrait?es s'activ?rent en disant qu'il n'y avait pas de temps ? perdre. Paulette assura qu'elle ferait de son mieux pour lui faire quelque chose de tr?s joli, en expliquant ? Marc que toutefois elle ne pourrait pas obtenir le r?sultat d'un salon de coiffure. Il ne tiendrait qu'? lui de s'offrir un vrai passage en salon le jour o? il serait d'humeur. Devant son incapacit? ? choisir un type de coiffure Paulette et Solange s'agac?rent. Ce n'?tait pas la faute ? Marc, il n'avait tout simplement pas d'inspiration, et manquait d'imagination. Solange trancha en disant ? Paulette d'?couter sa muse et de faire ce qu'elle pensait ?tre le mieux, et Marc dut se taire quand Solange le morig?nera: ?Ma petite ch?rie quand on a une t?te vide on fait confiance et laisse faire celles qui savent!? Apr?s un rapide shampooing Paulette joua des ciseaux. Evidemment, pour parer ? d'?ventuelles protestations de Marc, Solange avait mis une serviette pour cacher le miroir, ainsi le jeune homme ne pouvait pas voir l'?volution de sa coiffure. Na?vement, voyant des m?ches de cheveux tomber peu ? peu par terre, il se rassura en se disant que plus de cheveux ?taient coup?s et moins sa coiffure serait f?minine. Il savait qu'il ne pouvait pas ?chapper ? une coupe de femme bien s?r, mais esp?rait quelque chose de pas trop outrageusement f?minin. C'est apr?s presqu'une heure que Paulette, visiblement heureuse d'elle, annon?a qu'elle avait fini. Solange admirait Marc en lui disant que la coiffeuse avait fait un travail d'artiste. La serviette ?t?e Marc pu enfin se contempler dans le miroir. Comme ? son habitude, lorsqu'il ?tait particuli?rement surpris, Marc resta bouche b?e, l'air un peu stupide. Il avait ce qu'on appelait, il lui semblait, un magnifique et long carr? plongeant avec une belle frange. Jamais il n'aurait pu penser avoir une coiffure si fille. Ses cheveux lisses suivaient avec un joli effet ses mouvements de t?te. Le carr?, particuli?rement bien coup?, lui arrivait presque ? hauteur du bas du cou et mettait en valeur toute la gracilit? de ses ?paules et de son port de t?te, ainsi que toute la douceur f?minine de son visage aux traits fins et r?guliers. Surtout, avec cette coiffure il savait avoir franchi un cap: il ?tait ?vident que spontan?ment la tr?s grande majorit? des gens ne verraient en lui qu'une fille comme une autre, particuli?rement mignonne en plus. Il n'eut pas le temps de plus tergiverser que ?a, Aur?lie le harcelait par un flot de textos. Il eut ? peine le temps de remercier Paulette et de la payer qu'il s'?chappa dans sa chambre pour se changer. Pas de doute pour lui, les filles ne comprendraient pas de le retrouver habiller avec ses v?tements de la journ?e. Sa fiert? virile, bless?e par sa toute nouvelle coiffure, se rebellait en lui. Il crut faire preuve d'un bel ?lan d'orgueil masculin en d?cidant de ne porter, pour ce soir, que des affaires de fille qui faisaient unisexes. Pourtant, il avait une jolie moue boudeuse tr?s f?minine en cherchant ce qui le ferait paraitre le moins fille possible. Il opta pour un jean d'un bleu d?lav? qu'il jugeait tr?s sobre malgr? les petites broderies aux poches un entre-jambe tr?s serr?. Il se choisit un t-shirt kaki strecht qui ne faisait que souligner son corps tr?s menu, et par-dessus une chemise ? carreaux rouge et noire. Si une chemise de ce type chez les hommes pouvait faire viril, sa petite chemise femme faisait sur lui un effet tr?s ?mignon?. S'il avait pris la peine de se regarder plus en d?tail il aurait compris qu'il avait le look d'une ?tudiante d?contract?e mais coquette. Se sentant d'humeur belliqueuse contre sa f?minit? il se choisit son petit blouson en faux cuir, bleu ?lectrique, cintr?, qui l? encore ajoutait ? son aspect de jeune femme moderne qui a envie de s'habiller ? l'aise pour sortir boire un verre avec ses copines, mais qui n'en restait pas moins ?l?gante. Assez ind?cis il finit par se choisir sa paire de converses bleu clair et pris ? la vol?e une l?g?re ?charpe beige, bouffante et faiblement paillet?e. En fait, la seule chose qui ne faisait pas ?fille? dans son apparence, ?tait l'absence de poitrine. Mais avec l'?paisseur de ses v?tements on pouvait simplement imaginer qu'il ?tait une fille qui avait la malchance d'?tre plate. Il ne put r?sister longtemps ? Solange qui lui passa ? l'?paule un de ses sacs ? main noir o? il fut oblig? de fourrer son porte-monnaie, ses papiers, son portable et ses clefs. Se d?p?chant pour ne pas ?tre trop en retard Marc trottinait vers la station de m?tro du plus vite que lui permettaient ses petits pas. Deux jeunes hommes qu'il croisa se retourn?rent sur lui quand il passa, ses grandes joues rougies un peu par l'effort. L'un d'eux dit ? son ami: ?Tu vois, une fille simple et fraiche comme elle, un petit gabarit tout mimi, c'est quand m?me le top.? ?Ouai, c'est tout ? fait mon genre aussi, une jolie petite nana, surtout avec un beau visage comme elle a, je dis oui tout de suite!?

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Cassie babbled on the drive to the beach where the party was being held. It was the nude beach which was technically closed for the evening but the authorities looked the other way as long as things didn’t get out of hand. “Ooooo, my pussy is tingling with anticipation!” said my date in an excited voice. “I’m so glad we ran across each other last week. This may be like that spring break between a few years ago when I was dating your buddy and you went with us to Florida. You two guys screwed...

3 years ago
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Doing Judy Threesome Au Naturel

Judy and I had been sexually invovled since that summer I'd been her escort at her coming out and Debutante Ball. She was a physically sexy and maturing young woman at that time, but she was still somewhat immature and I didn't mind taking advantage of her and letting her seduce me whenever we had the chance to be together. In fact, you can read all about my affair with Judy in the 5-part series on "Doing the Debutante". And, for that one reader a couple of years ago who said it could never...

2 years ago
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Little Esme in Nasty Natureland

Esme tried to understand the world. It was so complicated. She tried to understand herself and she seemed even more twisted and weird.Today she was wandering through the woodlands near her family home feeling lonely and confused. She was barefooted, her sandals dangling from a finger, as she walked the well-kept trails. They lived on the edge of a protected nature area open to the public. Her home was where she and her grandparents had lived all of her life. Actually, their homestead was really...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 356

I’m sorry to send such a gloomy message at a time like this, but this is something we all have to face up to. In these troubling times and especially what we are now learning about the treatment of the elderly in care homes, we have to give serious consideration to the following suggestion. When we have far more miles behind us than ahead of us, this is something we all should consider. Dying With Dignity. I have already informed my family that I will not be able to afford an expensive...

4 years ago
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one last fucking thought

One last fucking thought…[/image]The stink of the room hung like wet velvet from everything. The days of unbridled lust still burning bright as Sadie the Cunt and Peter the Prick made their way through their own debauched bucket list. Now on the second hotel…well actually the third if you include the London tryst, where in fact the room was a virtual stank fuck toilet by the time they were done…~I sat straddling the luggage rack again…my half prolapsed very used holes hung low through the...

3 years ago
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Journey From West Side To Love Couch

Hey, Guys, this is Vikram back again with a new sex story of my life. I should thank each and everyone for valuable suggestions and wonderful chats. Please do comments and feedback and your valuable suggestions at or , of course, you can message me at any time for friendships and more. BDSM and Dominant people are most welcome for the actual action and they will be heaven. Especially, Delhi and Hyderabad women and all over India girls and aunties who wish to have some memorable experience in...

2 years ago
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BadAss Days

CHAPTER 1 Struggling for a break in his chosen career of commercial photographer, having gained basic academic qualifications but lacking experience and an influential person to get him through the door, Col Cully sat at a bar, having worked eight hours as a security guard standing outside a bank. The pay was sufficient to keep him housed and fed with something left over for a few drinks. The good-looking skinny babe was bent over a near empty glass, two bar stools down. ‘Bad day?’ Col...

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The Princess Backpack Diaries

October is breast cancer awareness month. With that noble cause in mind I invite you to come along on this whimsical journey during which you will learn how two very lucky guys discover the true magic only Princess Diaries backpacks can possess. The Princess Backpack Diaries By: Simonne Danielle [email protected] © 2010 All Rights Reserved "Now here's a story that ought to put every guy's sense of masculinity to the ultimate test," anchor woman Alycia...

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Kingdom Hearts 5 Floors of Oblivion

Let's start this story. Are you male or female? (A note to all writers who wish to add stuff into my story: Basic knowledge of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Kingdom Hearts I and II, Chain of Memories/Re: COM, 358/2 Days and Coded/Re: Coded is required to write the story, and any threads that do not meet my requirements will not be accepted.)

2 years ago
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Danielle Bound

For Daniella all was darkness. The sleep mask he had slipped over her eyes encased her in velvet black. Every other sense was heightened. She heard the soft whirr of the fan and the rustle of his clothing, as perhaps he crossed his legs or shifted in his seat. She smelled the honeysuckle through the open window and the sharp tang of cologne whenever he drew close. She felt the prickling of cooling sweat on her exposed skin every time the fanned air brushed her. And she felt the tautness of the...

4 years ago
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The Loan Shark in Our LifeChapter 3

Craig went upstairs. I went out to the pool. Trey blushed when he saw me. I thought he'd gotten past that. I went around behind him, leaned down and gave him a hug. I said goodnight to him and sent him to his room. He seemed all too happy to go. After he left I asked Piper, "Want to talk?" She nodded her head and asked, "Do you?" I shrugged and said, "It all depends. Let's see how it goes." She nodded. After an uncomfortable pause in which she stared into my eyes looking very much...

1 year ago
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Soiree at Lady Ts

Her name was Casey Fernandez. She was 34, shoulder-length hair the colour and sheen of a horse-chestnut fresh from its case, deep dark eyes, high cheek bones, a mouth that promised much and (as I discovered) delivered more. We were not exactly living together all the time, which explains how it came about that we had been fucking several times a week for more than three months before she told me about the soirées at Lady T’s. Fernandez was a name she had acquired from a husband who was...

Group Sex
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A Mother Pleases Her Loving HusbandMaster Part IV

In my first three stories you may recall that my loving husband/Master had given me two tasks to complete during the week while he was gone. I love my husband so much and have enjoyed doing the hot sexy tasks he has assigned me for over 32 years and knew that completing these tasks was not going to be a problem, in fact, they would be a total and sexually satisfying pleasure. Here is part four of how, being the obedient mother, wife and sub I continue to please my loving husband. Thursday -...

4 years ago
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This story in fact is based on real events, but it is quite heavily diversified and embellished. This is so, for information. My name is Marina. I recently turned 19 years old and this year I graduated from school, it so happened that I went to the first grade late. I studied well and, therefore, by results of examinations I was able to enter Moscow. I lost my virginity in the 10th grade, then I tried to suck, and in 11th I began to practice anal. With sex, I was all right, but there was a...

3 years ago
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Lust in a hostel

Mark Anderson was a 18-years old handsome boy. He studied in Green Laas College. He had joined it last month and on his second day another student came into his form who was a girl. Her name was Liva. Liva was an amazing and beautiful girl who was also a student in the Green Laas College where Mark also studied. Green Laas College was a hostel college. It had 5 hostel buildings and Mark and Liva lived in the Building no. 3. Liva lived in Room no. 25 and Mark lived in Room no. 27. Both's...

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Subject Line Ropefun Nsfw

"Are you going to book the tickets" she replied through email. He had sent her a link, Subject Line: Rope- Fun NSFW. The body cryptically said: "I think this might be interesting..." a link was provided and when she surreptitiously clicked it, she discovered that he was suggesting a live bondage stage show. The image and the thought of attended it excited her. A few weeks back, she had been hesitant to mention a secret fantasy she had when he had prompted her. It was only because of the...

2 years ago
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Did I Get The Job

I'm originally for Long Beach CA, but I was in Houston on business. The company I work at had a position open and I was there interviewing potential employees. While out driving through Houston on my daily errands, I noticed that there are a lot of guys standing on corners selling roses.One day as I drove I came to the intersection of Little York and Hardy Toll Road. The guy on the corner was SO hot. As he walked down the curb holding up his roses I rolled my window down and asked if he wanted...

4 years ago
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Well That Was Fun

WELL THAT WAS FUN!As I sit here typing with no clothes on, the fan feels great cooling me down after my shower. A few minutes ago I was drenched in sweat. I didn't realize that having fun could be so tiring. Or messy! Let me tell you all about it. While making lunch I heard someone at the door. I was fully dressed so I went to answer it. I saw two people I had not seen in months! I had met them on a CL ad for a guy to join them for sex. We had a really great time for about six months but then...

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The Jersey

Leah was sitting at the bar of her favorite drinking hole, the Double Deuce, watching game three of the NHL playoffs, Chicago Blackhawks versus Phoenix Coyotes. She was pissed when the game ended as Mikkel Boedker slipped the puck in during overtime, ending yet another exhausting (third) overtime in three games, and sending the Coyotes to a 3-2 victory over the Hawks in the first-round Western Conference playoff series. It seemed her new Chicago Blackhawks jersey emblazoned with her last name,...

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Mikes Young Flirty Girlfriend

Many years ago, when I was about 20, I had a friend who started bringing his young new girlfriend to parties. She was kinda trampy, from a different school (wrong side of the tracks) but was funny, pretty and sexy... in that “wouldn’t take her home to meet my mother” kind of way. I recall after meeting her a few times, the three of us were sitting together on a couch at a party, drinking, joking around and telling stories, and I noticed she kept staring at my crotch. Suddenly, right in front...

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The Mayors Wife Wants a Taste Too

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... Part 14... The Mayors Wife!Ethan pulled his socks up and slipped his feet into his shoes. He stopped to rub his cock in his pants. The fresh memory of what he had just done with Mrs. Turner still had him turned on. What and incredible woman she was. She had worn him out. He had to rest after they finished to recover. He was, however, growing stiff again as he reflected back on the sight of her terrific body writhing and thrashing uncontrollably beneath him....

2 years ago
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The Home Family Pt 03

Chapter Ten Dakota and Luke stayed in the bed for a little longer before getting up to make their return trip back to the bed and breakfast. Dakota dressed first, as Luke laid in bed and watched her every move. Then she threw his clothes at him and laughed as she crossed the room. While packing up their stuff from the kitchen area, Dakota said, ‘We need to head back. We still have to go to supper with Marshall and Linda Jane.’ By the time Dakota finished packing up their various things, Luke...

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Stranger At The Door

It was Thursday evening about six o'clock, and I was in my living room just watching TV thinking about what my plan will be for the upcoming weekend. Suddenly the door bell rang and I shot up and went to the door to see who it was since I was not expecting any company. I got to the door and opened it up to see this young girl, she had on a pink tank top with lace that showed just a little of her cleavage of her small - but perky tits - and a pair of black short shorts. She wasn't drop dead...

Quickie Sex
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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 54

Luck was on my side. Or fate. Or God. The Goddess, Odin, Isis, whatever. Things worked out. Kenny was gone until after New Year's visiting friends, so I didn't have to worry about breaking my promise to Kelly. And Tami was busy with her grandma, so I didn't have to worry about her. I spent almost every waking moment with Kelly. Mikee gave me some strange looks, and so did their mom, but I think they both figured out it had something to do with Kelly's mood, so neither said...

2 years ago
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Getting Lucky In A Bus

Hi to everyone..handshake to boys,boobs shake to girls..I’m here to narrate another story of my new adventure..This story has no fucking involved,but purely intense foreplay and experiencing powerful orgasms.. It so happened that I had to shift from bangalore to chennai on official work..Things went pretty well in chennai..I go home to bangalore every alternate weekends..One such weekend turned out to be lucky for me..Usually my friend and I travel together..Every time we used to get seats next...

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Betrayed Chapter 2

Betrayed Chapter 2 By Carolyn Collins Sunday: I awoke to the pleasurable sensations of having my already swollen and very sensitive nipples being suckled, a long male finger stroking my moist vagina and a thumb massaged my clitoris. My female body was responding even before my mind had awoken. As Jill swung her male body up over my petite form, my legs opened of their own accord. She had no trouble settling between them and alining her stiff erection with my already lubricated...

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Babysitting for the Ulichnys

* Hey everyone, this is a long WIP, and i'm willing to let people contribute, feel free to add or write a chapter, and if the quality is good, it will stay.* The Ulichny's had always been good clients. Their three kids were well behaved, quiet and always seemed to be ready for bed. Babysitting for them was always fun because it usually meant plenty of free time to just relax, and get paid for it. Chantal was a good looking woman, at best. She wasn't skinny, but wasn't big either. Around your...

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Last One To Know

My name is Bobby. I have one sister, Tammy, 13 months than me and one sister, Beth, 11 months younger than me My Dad is a career Army Officer so that would make us what people call military brats. No matter where Dad is stationed we have always lived off Post in mostly middle upper class neighborhoods. As long as I can remember we have always been a very close family. Dad has to go TDY from time to time but when he is home he spends most of his time is with the family. We have always...

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The Sexy And Gorgeous Spanish Latina

My name is Penny Evans, I’m twenty eight years old and I’m a professional photographer. I live a one bedroomed apartment on the outskirts of East London. Oh, and I’m a full – blown lesbo. Short for lesbian if people didn’t know what it was short for. The amount of times I’ve had to tell men that I wasn’t into them that I was into girls made them more interested in pursuing me. They can try their hardest to get my attention. But quite frankly, I prefer pussies to big, hard cocks. But saying...

3 years ago
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Mick and KeriChapter 18 Keri and Mick Go To A New Years Party

When we first met Sarah’s boyfriend, Danny, he seemed to be a very nice pleasant guy. Sarah was smitten by him right away and on Christmas he and I ended up having sex with our lovers on the couch in the living room while we watched a movie on TV. A few days later Danny invited us to a naturist New Years Eve party at his parents’ house. Danny’s parents were naturist. Keri and I talked it over and after she calmed my nerves several times we agreed to go. We dressed casually and when we...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 17

It had been a very busy evening, what with removing the various leaders of every nation on Earth. At various points, I had decided to teleport each of my Companions and Sages into my presence, for moral support, backup, and intimacy, of course. That didn’t even count assistance with seducing anyone I wanted seduced. I also added more half of my classmates as I went along, growing my posse with each strike into new territory. In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, I even added six teenage princesses who I...

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Sex With Mother By Blackmailing Her

Hello sex lovers and this is my first story in ISS and I will share my most wonderful moments in life with my mother. My name is Karan and her name is Preeti, 35 years and a sexy lady with a nice figure of 36 C 30 38. She is a housewife and she was really gifted with an inviting and voluptuous body in addition her assets were pink lips, black wide open eyes, black long soft and silky hair a round large deep cut navel. A milky white physique which are able to drive any perfect man crazy sexually...

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Annie and the Junk ManChapter 5

Annie sat on the sofa while Hollis paced. Ten minutes passed that felt like thirty. The phone rang and he answered. "Hello ... yes..." Hollis listened. He nodded. "I understand ... when?" He listened some more. "Yes, I'll drive up there first thing in the morning." He set down the handset. "Hollis -- what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!" "I can't believe it." "Believe what?" Annie asked. "Is she better?" Hollis shook his head. "She's dead." He looked at...

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City Guardsman Chapter 6

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER SIX ---------------------------------------------------------------- We were sitting with Peter and Mona in front of the tavern. Mona was feeding the baby as Sam tried to get our son to eat. I turned at the approach of a woman, she looked like one of the poor but the look in her eyes was what drew me. I nodded as she bowed, “My lord Kristin, I came to beg your...

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The Temple Priestess Ch 01

Chapter 1: A temple priestess Anouk’s initiation as a temple priestess This story is set around 5,000 years ago, in Babylonia. In pre-Christian times, just before the patriarchal Hebrews invaded places like Canaan, goddess worship was widespread and sex was connected to spirituality. Here, in Babylonia, sex is considered a sacred act to honour fertility. All women are regarded as an embodiment of the Goddess. To serve as a temple priestess or temple priest is an honour. Our main form of...

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I had just returned from a two week vacation with the bastard better known as my husband. It was really just a last ditch attempt to reconcile our sham of a marriage, but to my thinking, it was just an excuse to get drunk and fuck a lot. To be honest, my husband was great in the sack. It was how he got me to marry him (because he wasn't the best looking guy in the world), but the man certainly knew his way around a woman's body. The problem was that was all he was good for. He couldn't hold...

2 years ago
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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 2B Stranger Danger Going with the "lighten up" theme you decide to go back to the room to catch Wendy before she leaves. You drop the lost and found box off hurriedly with the pool guy and head toward the main hotel on the beach. There are a lot of well lit paths on the way, but it's a tourist trap so they tend to wind toward every where imaginable to get you to spend your money on little key chains with your name on them along with...

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The picnic The beginning of an amazing friendshi

This is a story of how CC and H got started. My company had an announcement to make to all the employees and wanted to do it with a picnic. H and I somehow got nominated to put this all together. A few had past and I was really busy again and H was kind of stuck doing most of it . So I decided to talk CC into helping. She is a great planner. H is our office manager and had all of that to deal with to plus she was going through a rough divorce . CC and I have both been down that...

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The OutsiderChapter 14

Merie was waiting beside her car for Brock in the parking lot. “So, did you learn the difference between real and pretend?” she said with a laugh when he got out. “Is she live? Or is she Memorex? My dad always says shit like that. Does that make sense to you?” “Not a lot, no,” Brock answered. “Sorry. But to answer your question... “Are you free this weekend? If you are, perhaps we might spend some time together.” Merie pumped her fist. “Yes,” she said triumphantly. “I was praying for...

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FamilyStrokes Rosalyn Sphinx The Sex Crazed Stepkids8230

Rosalyn Sphinx has the best stepmom ever. After school one day, her stepmom informs her that shes been helping her stepbrother with a particular problem, but she needs some help. Turns out, their stepmom has been helping him jerk off. She enlists Rosalyns help in tutoring her stepbrother and introducing him to all the pleasures of pussy. They open his bedroom and barge in on him jerking off. Rosalyn wastes no time taking his dick in her mouth and sucking him off while stepmom watches...

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Faerie Bloom

‘The Faeries should be pleased,’ Patrick Davidson said to himself, gazing at the tiered garden he had spent years building and maintaining. He turned to his favorite part of his creation – the sculpted stone fountain that sat at its center. Two meters high, it was crafted from pale gray stone. A custom carved statue depicting a trio of winged Faeries holding an upturned jar. Water poured steadily from the pot, falling into the pool beneath it. Patrick frowned. The normally clear water in the...

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Lovers ShadowChapter 20

I always imagined that being tried for a capital crime would involve many witnesses called before Balance and a trial focused on the facts of the case. However, once Lady Elizabeth determined that there were no disputed facts in our claim, our disposition was entirely a matter of law. Neither Lord Morgan nor I represented our houses in matters of law, so our presence was not required. As the days dragged on, we waited behind the grate. I worsened. Stone mocked me from my dreams. I felt his...

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Babs Meets Brian

Brian had been working with me for about a month and we had gotten friendly. For some reason that I couldn't understand no one else in the office seemed to like him. It could have been because he was black, but that didn't really make sense because from time to time we had other blacks working with us and the crew had always gotten along with them. Brian had moved to our city from Atlanta to take the job and he had no friends or family in town and he was always after me to tell him where the...

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Little Jamie

Little Jamie by Tiffany Scott 96' Part I I was having trouble keeping a job and while my wife, of three years, progressed up into management I got fired a third time. Depressed I laid around the house and for some reason I tried on a pair of my wifes panties. I was shocked at how nice they felt and almost every day I would put a pair on and them masterbate into them. I...

4 years ago
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My First Hot Video Call Experience With A Horny Babe

Hey guys, this is Yogs. I like to introduce myself. I am from Tamil Nadu and I am preparing for exams. I am 6 feet 3 inches with a normal body (not a gym freak) with a 6-inch dick. The heroine of my story is from another state. She looks like a next-door girl with a cute voice. She has a structure of 32-28-32. My age is 22 and her age is 21. This is my first story, so forgive my mistakes, guys. This incident happened during the second lockdown. I was preparing for the exams and so, I had joined...

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Chapter 5 Discoveries with my Brother

Chapter 5 – Discovery with my brother: Gary mounts me. Gary had pushed me over the edge, and now he was keeping me there. He would not allow me to come down. He kept forcing wave upon wave of orgasmic spasms through my core despite my pleas to allow me to stop. I was exhausted having endured the series of massive convulsions from my first multiple orgasm. My sides and abdomen hurt. But I could not stop cumming as my brother continued to stimulate me. I was forced to endure convulsion after...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 16

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Family is what counts My Dear Donna, Your offer to bear my children is nearly too tempting to resist. But as much as I would like to populate the city with future journalists, I fear we can never meet. It’s probably for the best. I have a medical condition that has disfigured me. My form is no longer recognizably human. Since I admire you as much as I do, it would hurt too much to see the...

3 years ago
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Once inside, I start to shut the door, but there's man behind it. Seeing that I see him, he slams the door shut and steps forward. I step backwards and trip, falling on my butt as I ask "Wh- Who are you?" He reaches down and grabs me by the neck with both hands and lifts me up. I can't breathe. I'm used to having my breath held like this during sex with my bf, and can't help but be somewhat aroused by this. I struggle to pull his hands off, but with the lack of air and holding up the...

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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 14

  Chapter XIV   Back on deck Carol and Lori were exchanged small talk about everything from cloths, men and sex.   Lori was the first to bring up the subject of marriage and sex. ‘Are you and Don married, Carol?’ Lori asked.   ‘Oh no, we’re not married!’ Carol replied. ‘I’ve been divorced for two years and I met Don about six months ago. I was out looking to buy a new car and we meet at the car dealership where he works and have been dating since.’   ‘How about Mike and Terri?’ Lori asked...

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So excited Really happy

So excited really happyThe man comes home tonight. I can’t wait. He has been gone for almost a week. All I can think about is when he comes home I will be sitting here on the couch naked or semi naked waiting for him to walk in the door and see me playing and caressing my sweet wet pussy. I want nothing more than to jump up and run into his arms, but instead I force myself to stay on the couch sliding down more so my night gown rides up and everything is exposed more.This is our...

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Becoming a little cocksucker

My pal Rick and I had been friends since elementary school and, as luck would have it, reached puberty at pretty much exactly the same time. We'd been so close for so long that it seemed quite normal to discuss what was happening to our bodies.In those days there was no internet so the whole thing was a mystery and we didn't even know how to masturbate. We both had wet dreams for a few weeks before admitting to each other that it had happened. Rick said he'd been told by a bigger boy that if...

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D is for Deira

When Deira was 18 her family introduced her to her distant cousins, the oldest boy she was going to be engaged to marry when she got out of college. She thought he was cute, but she thought she was too young to be thinking of marriage. Her fiancée's younger brother never looked up from playing video games. They went on a few dates after that. He took her to the mall, to a movie, and twice he kissed her, putting his tongue in her mouth, not very good at it yet she thought. Deira would sometimes...

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Jimmy and Jaclyn

Jimmy Parker sat on the massive John Deer tractor, watching his younger sister, Jaclyn, walking just in front him and the tractor, looking for her bracelet that she'd dropped earlier in the day. ster at on the massive John Deer tractor, watching his sister Jimmy had a good idea that it was lost forever. He'd been plowing that section of the field with the plows set to the deepest setting and they dug in at last four feet down. Jaclyn loved the bracelet that Jimmy given her for her eighteenth...

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My cousin showed me how

When I was 16 I was attending my third year at the local high school. Summer was already at its best. June condemned school to an end and me to study hard with necessary private lessons in math and Latin. My mother decided to send me at my aunt’s house. At that time she was a teacher and she could help me out with my homework and my preparation for the repair exams. At the bus station my cousin picked me up. She was somehow better looking than the last time I saw her. She looked more...

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