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"Are you going to book the tickets" she replied through email. He had sent her a link, Subject Line: Rope- Fun NSFW. The body cryptically said: "I think this might be interesting..." a link was provided and when she surreptitiously clicked it, she discovered that he was suggesting a live bondage stage show.
The image and the thought of attended it excited her. A few weeks back, she had been hesitant to mention a secret fantasy she had when he had prompted her. It was only because of the years of trust and love that in a moment of weakness and trust, she revealed to him one of her fantasies. What would he think of her? She had wondered as the words slipped out of her mouth. Would he find her disgusting and perverted? That seemed hardly the case as over the last few years he had led her down a path of lust, passion and looking back at it now, perversion. She had remembered the day he had shared his deep fantasy. It took a lot of courage for him to do that, just like she had just done.
Their marriage had grown stale and truth be told, they were more roommates than husband and wife most times. She had almost given up hope when he sat behind her in bed one night and wrapped his long arms around her. Embraced and in his grasp, with shaky voice, he voiced what they both knew: What they had was not working.
He was tired of how they had drifted apart and more importantly, how he was not being true to himself.
Everything he said rang true, deep within her. Things needed to change, or else she could easily see them divorcing.
She hoped that he would take her confessed fantasy as well as she did, with an open mind and a hint of excitement.
"I want to watch other people have sex ... live..." she said the last part softly; barely a whisper and he asked her to repeat it. When she did, he smiled and held her to him. It was a warm smile and he thanked her for sharing with him her fantasy. He wasn't disgusted with her, he was excited!
They spoke for a little while and he asked gentle, clarifying questions. The matter was dropped and she had felt good about the conversation. He hadn't judged. He still accepted her as a person, partner, and wife. He accepted her as a woman that night as well, as both of them were unusually quiet while making love. Both were wrapped up in their thoughts and fantasies.
Back to the present, in front of her glowing computer screen she hurriedly typed in a reply: "can we get tickets?" After she had hit send, she felt the finality of the situation. She had committed to who knows what. Sure she could always call him and cancel, but that would be chickening out.
"I got the tickets," he said when he picked her up from work. Her stomach dropped a little in fear.
"Oh?" she replied. That should keep him talking for a few minutes while she regained her composure.
He explained about getting her email and immediately purchasing the tickets, before she had a chance to wimp out. She had nodded at that, her throat dry from fear, or excitement?
It was an industrial part of town. They passed warehouse, after warehouse, traveling the streets as the sun slowly descended past the hills. There was an orange glow that reflected off the large walls of broken windows, as they circled the block and spotted a small crowd of people waiting outside the address that had been given them after the tickets had been purchased. It was all so secretive!
Parking, they made their way to the address. There was a bite of cold in the air, rare in most places during the summer, but in San Francisco, all too common. They made eye contact with a number of people hovering around on the sidewalk, and glanced up at the building address. "2594" it read, not
Puzzled, Michael looked to the next building. Its sign had "2590" on it. He turned to his wife Christina and shrugged. "Well, everyone else is waiting, so we must be in the right place..."
They waited, hugging each other for protection from the cold and the weird people that stumbled along the streets in this area. Not as bad as downtown, there was no stench of human urine permeating from the streets, but as they looked closer to the group of people waiting, there seemed to be a disconnect.
Most of the group didn't seem to be the type to go to something like this.
A few minutes later a truck pulled up and the guy jumping out was apparently the guest of honor as the group embraced him. Moving towards 2594's locked gate, they promptly unlocked it and started carrying party supplies in. A club meeting was what Michael and Christina overheard them say. Looking at each other, they turned their attention back to the other building.
It was an auto-body shop, the large address numbers in black clearly read 2590. Scanning the building, Michael found a small door, matching the plain tan color of the building walls. Scrawled out in what looked like a black Sharpie magic marker were the numbers: 2592.
He checked the door handle to find it unlocked. Opening the door, he was greeted by a middle aged man dressed in black with matching fedora. Wrapped around his waist, over his black "stage-crew" t- shirt was a small rope weave design. They were in the right place after all!
Michael breathed a sigh of relief when he gave the man his first name (first name only!) and he checked him and his "plus-1" off the list. It was going to be a few minutes so they had to wait outside until everything was ready.
Outside, the club was starting up a barbeque on the sidewalk. Christina spotted a couple, a little older than them walk across the street and head in towards them. She noticed the purple long coat and fashionable beret the woman wore. Touching Michael on the arm she motioned to the approaching couple.
"They're here for the show," she confirmed with absolute certainty.
Sure enough the couple seemed to be about ten years older, but aside from their age, the two couples were very similar. Both upper-middle class, childfree, good looking, and all four wore a gleam of adventure in their gazes.
"Here for the show?" Michael asked the couple. The woman, quite pretty had appraised the crowd working the grill beside them and there was a startled look to her eyes. Michael, as Christina had noticed many times before, took charge and soothed her fears.
"Don't worry, the little club next door is having a party. We're waiting to be let in over here." He nodded his attention to the small, barely noticeable door that read 2592. This was of course part of the adventure of going underground!
Christina was having fun as she kept trying to guess which pedestrians walking by were meant to join them for the show, and which were either passing by, or headed towards the club party next door.
"The show, for sure!" she whispered to Michael. He looked up and saw a skinny girl, long brown hair walk towards them. What stood out was the little plaid school girl outfit she wore; the skirt way too short to be allowed in any school they had ever attended!
"No fair!" he whispered back to her. "That was an easy one!"
Sure enough she entered through the door. Their own group grew and soon, once again, Michael took initiative and opened 2592 to see if they were ready to admit everyone. Fedora man nodded and they climbed the dark stairs one flight to find themselves in a makeshift space. A hallway led to a closed door.
Off the hallway was the glow of soft red lights. They took a step in to find a small bar, some small tables and two women smoking behind the bar.
The women, in their twenties had that rough-girl look. Torn stockings with runs in them, skimpy shirts and tight tank tops. They had chosen their non-outfits to proudly display their series of tattoos on their bodies. Designs, slogans and tribal patterns proved to on-lookers that they were indeed "alternative".
The nose rings were subtle and not altogether unattractive. With cheerful friendly faces they took his drink order.
Sipping a Newcastle, the two of them lingered at the bar. Michael asked a few questions and chatted with one of the girls. Christina clung next to Michael with wide eyes as she scanned the crowd that was filling up the room. Her eyes locked on one woman who strode up to the bar. Tray in hand she turned out to be the waitress, serving guests who had started to wait in the hallway. What stood out to Christina was her outfit.
"Didn't you two get the memo?" she told the two women behind the bar. "The theme for tonight was Too Cool for School!"
The waitress was dressed in a school teacher outfit. Formfitting black pencil skirt, with cross lacing tracing her shapely rear, stockings and patent leather black heels, she towered over the shorter girls behind the bar. She wore a white button up shirt and a black matching vest. Her hair was in a tight bun, with a wisp of it loose, dropping over her face. Tiny glasses hung on her nose as she seemed to sneer over them at the girls. Christina noticed the metal drafting ruler on the waitress' tray. Just long enough to spank a naughty school girl with!
They again engaged in polite small talk with the first couple. The woman had shrugged off her purple overcoat and was wearing a form fitting black dress, showing just a tad too much cleavage to be respectable. The man, kept his leather jacket on, but carried himself with a quiet strength. The topics were tame and normal. What does one say at events like this?
Michael noticed another couple come in. They were Hispanic. The woman wore a long rain coat. It took about ten minutes before they got acclimated to the scene and also warm enough for her to remove her coat and hand it over to her partner. This time it was Michael's turn to notice and whisper to Christina.
"Check out her outfit!' he said excitedly.
Christina swiveled and looked. The woman, shorter than her, had on a nice black and red dress. It wasn't shiny, so Christina assumed that the outfit was of cloth, not leather or latex. In the dark, she could just make out the wide black and red leather collar with the large "D" ring set in the front. This was in case there was ever a need to attach a leash to the collar, or perhaps tie something to it, like the wearers bound hands! Christina smiled and within she imagined how it would feel like if she were wearing that collar. What might Michael do with her while she wore that? Would he attach a leash to it and lead her around like a prized pet?
"See her wrists?" he whispered.
On each wrist she sported a matching black and red leather wrist cuff. Looking further down, Christina noticed matching ankle cuffs as well. When she brought her eyes back up the small lithe body, the woman caught her gaze. The two of them communicated something in that stare. Christina turned away first, the other woman smiled. "How would you like your own set?" Michael asked. Christina looked at him in shock at what he proposed and then smiled a little as she blushed. "I don't know ... could be interesting," she admitted.
A few minutes later, both of them were surprised to see a well dressed man in a blue business suit pull out a black gas-mask and don it in front of his two friends. "Oh my!" Christina whispered.
Soon the door at the end of the hallway was opened and everyone entered. The stage was one corner of the room. The room itself, surrounded by dark black curtains was maybe fifty feet, by fifty feet. Small café tables were set up around the stage, with plastic folding chairs placed around them. The back of the room had taller bar-type chairs, and the two of them chose to sit there so that they could see over the rest of the crowd up front, but also so that they wouldn't be too close to the action. Michael wanted to make sure that Christina would be comfortable and not feel threatened. She was always shy, and it took a little while for her to warm up to social settings.
Christina's eyes keep following the sexy school-teacher waitress as she wove her way through the crowd to get and serve drink orders. Perched atop those tall black heels, Christina always had a healthy respect for any woman who could move in them gracefully. She had never been successful with heels and it was a source of frustration between herself and Michael. She knew that he found heels extremely sexy, but she had never been able to master them. She noticed that he was watching the waitress as well.
"That's a hot outfit!" she mentioned to him.
"Yes it is," he replied as he wrapped his arm around her.
"I think I would look good in an outfit like that!"
He nodded his agreement. "You would look much hotter." He told her and she smiled at that.
This evening was a rare event for her to actually put makeup on. Never mind the fact that they were apparently running late and he had only given her two minutes to do it, she had held her ground and was able to put on her face in only ten minutes. Still too long for his liking, but she was proud of the fact that he kept staring at her face. She would look back at him and ask him, "What?"
"You just look great tonight! Very beautiful!"
That warranted a kiss from her, even though she was normally against PDA's (Public Displays of Affection). Michael was a "bulk-talker". He said a lot of things. His wonderful mind was always working a mile a minute. Sometimes what came out of his mouth was wrong, or inappropriate, but he always seemed to make things up with his showered appreciations on her. He made her always feel special, and wanted. He had a knack for making situations seem like it was the two of them against the rest of the world. It was a special club membership with a limit of two members only.
There wasn't so much a dimming of the lights, which were really just an assortment of home track- lighting with colored bulbs in them, as there was a softening of the music. A young woman dressed like a chick from the seventies strolled out arm in arm with a short plump hipster guy. He wore thick-plastic framed glasses, had mutton-chop sideburns and of course was dressed all in black.
A little scene was played out with a soundtrack of great seventies rock songs blaring in the background.
The girl, wearing blue-jean shorts pulled out some Japanese bondage books and began showing them to her would be boyfriend. As they scanned the pictures, the audience grew quiet. Looking around, Michael saw all eyes focused on the small makeshift stage. Christina, he noticed, was also very interested in the show.
Next the girl pulled out from her purse a coil of rope and started showing and kissing her boyfriend.
Soon, he got the hint and started tying her hands behind her. The coils of rope wrapped around and around her chest, first over and then under leaving two channels of rope framing her large soft breasts.
Michael had pointed out a large metal ring hanging from the ceiling earlier, and the "boyfriend" now made good use of it as he started feeding the rope through it. Soon, the girl was naked, helpless and hanging from the ring. Rope wrapped around parts of her body making anchor points from which to distribute her weight as she now acted unsure of her predicament. Christina watched fascinated as the man put the girl through a few positions, her leg dangling to her side, and a web of rope coming down from the metal hoop like some macramé triangle of deviant bondage.
The man had spanked the girl's bare bottom and Christina could see a glowing red handprint fade into focus on the pale girl's freckled backside. Christina's breath quickened as she remembered all the times that Michael had spanked her in sexual play. She felt Michael's arm tighten around her, he too was excited!
After the spanking, the "boyfriend" pulled out a rubber phallus and rubbed her body with it. She struggled in her bonds but could not escape the clutches of her captor. He had tied her well and her legs had been pulled away from each other, exposing her delightfully red haired womanly folds for him to abuse. Grabbing some lube, he slowly inserted the foreign object in her and flipped a switch. The bound redhead's face switched from one of pain and discomfort to one of shock and happy surprise! The heavy guitar twanged away as the soundtrack beat in rhythm to the strokes that he was giving her. She swung around and around as the audience saw all sides of her and the insistent hand that built her moaning up to a fevered high pitch. Despite the loud music, her screams of pleasure were audible and unmistakable.
Soon she collapsed in the webbing of her rope prison and he expertly lowered her down and untied her.
The music cut off and they skipped off the stage to disappear behind a curtain. The audience erupting in cheers and the music returned to a soft level. It was intermission.
As some of the crowd bolted for the single restroom, Michael and Christina stood up and stretched.
Christina was quiet as she tried to take in what she had just witnessed. Michael watched her, but decided to give her some time alone with her thoughts. Music played in the background as people wandered back from the toilets and the bar. Soon the waitress appeared coming around for drink orders. Her ruler was still balanced on her oval tray.
Christina eyed her and after some time she leaned towards Michael and asked, "I wonder if she would spank you with the ruler?"
Michael looked at her and there was a wild gleam in his eyes. The waitress passed by them and got some drink orders from Gasmask man and a slightly chubby blond girl with a burgundy and black corset.
Their seats were arranged so that all traffic actually had to squeeze past them, and Christina wondered whether Michael was enjoying himself each time a costumed pretty young thing would squeeze by him.
Funny how each of the girls would push their shapely tushies out just a little farther while passed by him!
The intermission seemed to last forever, and Christina was getting a little thirsty. "Sir, might I have a bottle of water?" she asked him.
Michael nodded and scanned the room for the waitress. Finding her he made eye contact and motioned that he wanted to place an order. She sauntered over. Her button up shirt had been unbuttoned and her soft pale bosom threatened to fall out each time she leaned forward to serve drinks. They both noticed some of the customers placing dollar bill tips in between her breasts.
Reddit Old School Cool NSFW, aka r/OldSchoolCoolNSFW! Everyone knows about the Old School Cool subreddit. It really shows you how nice it must’ve been to live back in the day when there were pinup girls, and fedoras weren’t considered retarded. Well, if you’re more into the pinup girl side of things, and you’re looking to get into it a bit more explicitly, then it might be time to check out vintage nudes. Where can you find those? Well, there’s a sub pretty similar to the one I mentioned on...
Reddit NSFW ListIs there still anyone out there (of legal age) who has not heard about imgur.com at least once? I mean, it does not even have to be the section I will mention, since this place is quite well-known as it is filled with loads of fucked up, cute, innocent, sexy pictures and of course, memes. Now, if you do not know what memes are you must be new to the Internet, and I am not here to explain that shit. I am here to mention my favorite section, the imgur.com/r/nsfw.When you look at the URL I just...
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Imagining herself, for a moment, in the half-light of the evening, Rachel is standing on the balcony of my penthouse blindfolded...the warmth of a little delectable morsel radiating from her soft belly, as I slowly lower her top from her shoulders, my firm hands massaging her arms and breasts into relaxation, as the garments fall away....The natural ease of my touch makes her weak in the knees, but she is not permitted to lie down just yet: I place her hands on a polished mahogany railing,...
We met in a bar. Where else? The Castellano serves real Spanish cuisine and very good whiskey. That Jennifer Randolph was cruising the boulevard and looking for something or someone was obvious: her glance was everywhere. I was dateless, into my second round, and I decided to gamble and offer my services. "Miss, would I be out of line to offer to buy you a drink?" I said. She looked me up and down. And, apparently, decided that I wasn't a total loser. She took another look around, turned...
Last night’s fun began with some beautiful rope bondage. Master began by tying my hands behind my back with my fingers interlaced and pointing away from my body. He wove the rope around my hands and my arms, building pressure on my fingers. At first, it felt like a strong handshake, but intensified as He worked. By the time He finished binding me, I was wet. He asked me to test the bond and I was able to break it with some pain and effort. My fingers throbbed in the most exquisite way,...
This story is for you, Sara ... we've shared a lot and you've shown me a curiosity about some of the edgier things I like to do with a lover. Do you remember when I said we should go on an exotic trip and explore ... ourselves together? You loved the idea ... so I sent you a list of what I would bring with me ... clothes, toiletries, personal items and jewelry ... and ... a length of rope and 3 clothespins! For months you've been asking me what the clothespins are for ... but I do like to...
My name is John Sibly. I'm five foot eight and live in Surrey not very far from the great City of London. I am a divorced millionaire, with two children: Rebecca, who is seven and Paul, five. My children's nanny, Sheila, is more like a daughter than a nanny, and my housekeeper, Jenny, who was my secretary until she retired, is more like a grandmother to the children than a housekeeper. Both Sheila and Jenny own a share in my company and sit with me on the board of directors. My ex-wife...
A message from the AuthorPlease note these events are all true to the best of my knowledge. Only the Names, places and years have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty.It is the year 1923 in Scotland that this story begins. Stella Brown was sat in the Mother Superiors office at St Augustine Catholic school for Girls.And she was in Big trouble!Stella new that she was going to be punished severely, which of course meant that she was going to be caned. She sat thinking back on all the...
An Early Excursion to the TheaterFor Wifex & CelineCeline enjoyed some of our outings to a porn theater, but was still a bit reticent in going very often and was a bit shy in what she would wear to the theater. She was a bit more afraid of what she actually wore to walk from the parking lot to the theater entrance.I was a bit surprised then, when I came home and Celine was dressed in a new, and fairly slutty outfit. She was in a short skirt, black hose and heels, displaying lots of her...
Copy right,[email protected] Another story by Pagan.The Perils of Pauline Carpenter. You Promise "Don't get in the way, you hear me, I'm telling you," the skinnytall man picked up his coat as the nice but plain looking woman fussedround trying to help him, "Get off woman, now you understand?"The woman smiled nervously, "Yes, yes I understand," her fingerswent to her lip nervously touching her mouth, mean while he buttoned uphis coat, "I don't want to hear that you have been talking or...
One Wednesday evening, as I was sitting at the bar in a coastal city that renowned for its humidity, I was enjoying the balmy atmosphere as I sipped on a beer. I was very happy that a colleague had recommended this ‘arty’ area to me.The guest lodge I was staying in was charming, and all the shops and restaurants in Roper Road, as the area was referred to, had a lovely vibe. Of course, of special interest to me was the gay flag that I had observed hanging from the first floor of one of buildings...
Gay Male‘Where are we going? We’re not leaving already, are we? Where’s Amber?’ ‘I just need to get something from the truck,’ Nick answered. He was coming close to herding Emily out of fairgrounds entrance and into the increasingly darkened area of the parking lot, out toward the outer fringe where he’d parked the double-cab Dodge Ram truck. He hovered over her, seemingly twice her size in his Nordic muscular bulk. ‘We’ll be just a bit. Amber saw Tony, and she’s gone off with him for a while.’ Tony,...
Rope at the top of the Stairs by John Young The cups of my basque had been pushed down when he bent me over the table and my nipples were pinched between the stiff lacy fabric and the cool, grainy oak. My arms were tied behind my back, wrist to elbow, wrist to elbow, and from there the two tails of the rope led over my shoulders and the far side of the table and then under it and around the outside of the legs. He took one end of the rope and wrapped it twice around my leg just above the knee...
“One more thing Darren,” Agent Palmer told me, “Do play nice with Sherry and Celine. As tough as they will appear on the outside, both are extremely fragile on the inside. Losing their parents was hard on them both. They still regret what they had to do to survive until we brought them into the fold. I know from firsthand experience that you have a very unique ability to slide under people’s defenses without even trying. The four star general at Area-51 is known to be a tough son of a bitch....
A Devils Tale: Jacqueline's descent Part OneJacqueline stared at the bruiser of a man sitting across from her at the table. He appeared to be in perfect shape and a man who took care of himself. Probably in his mid-30s but could've been much older for he had an aura of real self-confidence not the false bravado of the young. She wondered if he was some sort of professional athlete but if so she did not know him. He was the only one still in the game and she had just raised him everything she...
Now Jacqueline with her amazing smile and sexiest dick rising figure went straight up in bollywood very fast. She took many awards and became a nationwide dick-throbbing masturbation queen. Now, Like every other actress, She also started to think big and so, She asked around on how to get in hollywood film. Her source said that In secret bidding takes place between actresses for a good director's film and it reaches upto 250 million dollars. She became sad and went to her father for...
Madeline in Oregon She hadn't seen her Aunt Margo in many years but she wasn't feeling guilty. Her family had made it clear. They did not agree with two women living together. The telephone call had to be dealt with immediately though. Margo was her mother's sister and had received the lion's share of the estate at the probate three years earlier. The call wasn't from her Aunt, rather from Margo's younger 'partner' Allen. Aunt Margo had been married but after nineteen years they had...
EROTIC ESSAY FOR FINE FEMMES GREAT GIRLS AND ANY INTELLECTUALEXOTIC ESSAY ON A RELATION IN REAL LIFE - BETWEEN MAID & MASTERINTELLECTUAL INTRODUCTION IN INTERNATIONAL GROUNDS: GO-GAMESMIND GAMES 1 - BRIDGEIntellectuals speak at least three or four languages, and often love games like BridgeIntellectuals love Bridge as a game of challenges at every freshly dealt hand of cardsIntellectuals love Bridge as well for the metaphorical bridge it provides to meet peopleIntellectuals love Bridge as...
--- Jacqueline & Heidi (MF, mc, nc, impreg, rape, slow, snuff, f-solo, viol) by Krosis of the Collective --- "Doctor Jacqueline Stevenson recording, May 30th, 1995. The hypothesis of my experiment: Use radiological techniques to alter a subject's brain wave oscillations in order to induce a trance state. This procedure has many potential applications, from greater clarity in police interviews, to helping victims of violence to overcome resulting negative psychological effects. With...
By: B.Z. Caroline Hauptman was an up and coming lawyer with a prestigious Boston Lawfirm. She had everything; money, looks and brains; an attractive 5'6" thirty-somethingbrunette with 34D, 26, 36 measurements. Many of her male cohorts would haveloved seeing Caroline modeling swimwear for Sports Illustrated. Her law firm sponsored many networking parties, which as a Junior PartnerCaroline was required to attend. The main purpose of these "get-togethers" wasto entertain current clients and to...
It was a lovely warm spring evening, and I had organised to meet my new girlfriend Jacqueline for dinner at a restaurant in the local hills. We both agreed on meeting at around 7.00pm. I'd arrived a little earlier, as I was waiting in my car I had a look around the surrounding scenery. At what I estimated of being around a 150 metres away from the restaurant, was a lovely looking shelter with its opening facing away from the building. It looked to be built from old river bed stones, with a...
HardcoreA Trampoline And Teenage Girls I have two beautiful teenage daughters. Bethany is fourteen years old and Chloe is thirteen years old. My lovely wife is thirty-five years old while I am thirty-eight. We live in a development where almost everyone is our age with children about the age of our children. Our daughters are very pretty and very popular so we have an abundance of teenage girls around the house constantly. Then I bought the best trampoline that money could buy. It was huge...
Author note: This is the first part of a tale that might or might not be continued. It is set some time in the mid 18th century (so not strictly Victorian, but that category seemed closest). Corsets and Cutlasses, Part I: Madeline and Elizabeth's Ocean Voyage. 1. Cabin transformation "Hold still silly," Elizabeth chided me, "this is tricky and I'll have your eye out if you move like that." She waved the dark kohl pencil threateningly. "But it wasn't me!" I protested...
Aunt Caroline's Girdle by Pamela ([email protected]) "Where did you get that?" "Get what?" I said to my wife Linda. The tone of her voice caused me to become instantly anxious. "This girdle." I looked up at her and she was holding a white panty girdle. "Oh, shit," I said to myself with an awful nervous flash running down my spine and into my stomach. "I found this in your suitcase Blake, wrapped up inside your dirty laundry." We had just returned from a visit...
"I'm swingin' in the rain! I'm swingin' in the rain!" I sang as I swung through, well, the rain. Sure, my suit was incredibly wet, but it was still fun to swing through the rain, on my way to beat up some bad guys who thought a thunderstorm was the best time to rob liquor stores or gas stations or... Apparently, comic book shops. I landed on the wall of the building, which the two crooks took no notice off and watched as they loaded up their van with boxes upon boxes of comic books....
I held back and watched my lover stalk his prey. There was no mistaking Gabriel for anything other than a predator. Tall and lean with a catlike grace, he moved silently through the darkness waiting patiently for the furtive young man he followed to wander far enough into the shadows to be taken. We followed him silently for several blocks before he paused at the edge of a circle of light cast by a street lamp. He was only several feet from the entrance to an alley. and He withdrew something...
Pauline Manson smiled as she wiped the cups and plates, which she took from her dishwasher, with a tea towel. The seventy-year-old retired School Mistress tried to keep herself busy in order to help the time pass a little quicker before Zofeya and her boyfriend arrived. She hummed to herself as she placed her things back in the cupboard. Pauline Manson was looking forward to spanking Diane’s eighteen-year-old daughter that afternoon. It had been far too long since she had smacked the...
SpankingThe Perils of Pauline - Trannie at The Truck Stop By Michele Nylons Paul sat behind the wheel of his Mustang, the windscreen opaque with heavy rain. It had been raining hard for the last hour and he was hoping it would have stopped before he reached the truck stop. He looked through the windshield as the wipers lazily swept back and forth across the glass. The sodium vapour lamps bathed the parking lot in an orange hue. The blacktop was slick with rain and puddles had...
Taming the Lineman By J R This is a fantasy work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental and the use of real company names or products is for literary effect only and definitely without permission of any kind. Part One Jeff was really struggling to drag himself awake for some reason. He felt to be drifting out of sleep as usual, but his arms and legs just didn't wanna move like normal. His rough palm refused to rub over his drowsy eyes or to stroke...