Monster (3) free porn video

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It was early evening when I arrived at the crappy little house, a three bedroom shithole with half the siding off and a sagging front porch. I could hear children crying, and a muffled, but loud voice yelling as I walked past three Harleys toward the front porch of the battered place. As I walked across dead grass and weeds, two oversize men – one with a wild head of shaggy dark hair and a matching full beard, the other bald as a cue ball - in “Purple Pranksterz Motorcycle Club” jean vests stood up to block the torn screen door.

Shaggy spoke “Gotta wait, man, Cooler is straightening out his old lady.”

He was a big guy, and for a moment, I wondered if he was actually one of those big teddy bear types where the gruff exterior hid a kind heart. The small black “1%” patch on the front of his vest spoke otherwise. Cueball moved up beside him, looking bored.

I dropped my eyes and looked down at my feet for a second. The voice from inside the house grew louder and clearer: “I’ll teach your fucking brat to mouth off to me!”

A child’s wail grew louder.

At that, I raised my head, locking eyes with Shaggy and letting him see the destroyed side of my face. He paled for a second, then shifted his feet into a serious defensive posture; somebody, my oldest boy probably, must have been telling tales.

I kept my mask up and put on my friendly voice “Sorry big guy, she may be his old lady, but those are my children.”

It was Cueball’s fault – Shaggy looked like he wanted to at least talk for a second, maybe even come to an agreement. On his forearm he had a Ranger Regiment tattoo – maybe I could find some common ground, maybe negotiate. Cueball, though, he had to throw that chance away. Cueball was on my right; he didn’t see the ragged, ruined skin, the permanent, twisted, half-grin and the cloud-filled left eye. He lunged, grabbing for my shirt.

“We toldya to fukkin wait, Asshole!”

I prayed for patience, but was granted none. As usual. Not that I expected any. I hadn’t had any prayers answered for a long time.

Nobody was out there for me anymore.

The moment his hand touched me, I pinned his wrist to my chest with my left hand, twisted, pulled, and stomped. He was curled up on the ground, unconscious before Shaggy could react. When his reaction did come, it was far too slow. I tried not to do him any permanent damage – I really did think he was hoping to be reasonable, and from the look on his face he could sense how it was going to end; but he just had to try out of a sense of obligation.

And I knew all about obligations. They’re all I have left.

I stepped over his unconscious body and pulled the screen door open.

Cooler – aka Brian – had his back to me with his fist raised threateningly. Anne, my ex-wife, with one eye swelling shut and a bleeding split lip, was standing defiantly between him and the three children. With a bit of pride I noticed my oldest son, Patrick, who was 7, had pushed the 4 year old twins, Danni and Finn, behind him. Whichever of the younger ones had been wailing stopped at my entrance. Anne was thinner after two years, a little too thin. She wore no makeup and her hair looked stringy, just tied back out of the way, a sharp difference from the carefully cared for look I remembered. All in all, she looked like hell.

Anne’s unswollen eye widened as she saw me. While the children had seen the scars and damage to my face when my brother had brought them out, I’d simply refused to see or talk to her again after the injury. Part of that was to buy time. She had known me too well. So she got the full effect of seeing me, right along with the shock of my disfigured face. I knew what I looked like, with the ruined face and the deeply ingrained tan of years under a tropical sun.

I looked, more or less, like what I really was.

Although nobody would want to believe that.

“Cooler” noticed her shock and spared a glance over his shoulder at me. We’d never met, but I could see sick realization wash over him. I closed with him as he turned around and I hammered him to the ground – like most big guys he assumed being taller, heavier, and smellier was some kind of advantage. Which it could have been if any of them had any real training.

Once he was down, I looked at Anne – and decided to deviate from my original plan of just taking the children. She’d been taking the beating defending the children, so maybe she wasn’t a complete loss.

“Get your ass, and the children, in the car. Now.” I’d kept the mask up. With any luck, all she saw was an angry ex-husband.

If she argued, she could stay.

She chose to go.

As she stepped forward I stopped her with a raised hand. She tried, but failed, not to stare with horrid fascination at the ruined side of my face.

“Give me the vest.”

She was wearing cut off jean shorts, a blood speckled white tank top and boots – and a miniature jean vest with a Pranksterz logo on the back with a patch that said “This Bitch is property of the Pranksterz MC. If Lost, Return to Cooler”. Still unable to take her eyes off me, she pulled it off and thrust it at me like it was scalding. The children smiled at me as she herded them past.

I hit Brian again, hard enough to keep him down for a few minutes, then dragged Cueball and Shaggy into the house and dropped all three of them on the ratty couch. As I went out and dragged them in, I could see that Anne was sitting in the passenger seat of my car, trying to calmly talk to the children. She was now desperately avoiding eye contact with me. The children, on the other hand, appeared to be enjoying the whole event. There was obviously no love lost between them and ‘Cooler’. I’d brought zip strips and secured their hands carefully.

It took a few minutes, but all three of my guests woke up. I concentrated on keeping the mask up. When they were fully awake, I stood and very deliberately snapped the little finger on Brian’s right hand, just to make sure I had their attention, then walked over and stood in front of them.

“She’s out. You have nothing to do with her or the children anymore. You see them coming down the street, you go another direction. I see, hear of, or smell any of your pack anywhere near her or the children it’s all over. If that happens, there is no stopping it. Anyone with Pranksterz affiliation disappears forever.”

Brian glared at me, with tears of pain in his eyes, still not fully understanding his predicament. “She left you, you ain’t her husband anymore.”

Good. They were buying the “vengeful husband” act.

I nodded. “She shouldn’t be my fucking problem. But those are my children and they need their mother. She’s still acting like it. Hell, you should appreciate that; if she hadn’t stopped you from hitting them, you’d be dead already.”

On my right, Cueball shook his head “You gotta buy her out. Bitches get gangbanged in and bought out.” He said it like “Bitch” was some kind of title.

I finally turned so he could get the full effect. And grinned – I knew the effect that had.

“Sure, Cueball, how many broken bones will that be? Let’s start with fingers.”

He turned an interesting shade of green.

They didn’t negotiate that hard; Hell, they must have had at least 20 unbroken fingers between them before they agreed to my terms. I burned her vest in front of them.

We had a nice long talk. Long for them.

I grabbed an expensive pair of Oakley sunglasses off a wobbly end table as I walked out and Brian actually tried to object, albeit weakly.

“Hey, take the cunt, but those are mine.”

I stopped and looked at him. “Sorry ‘Cooler’ – do these guys know you got the nickname because you repaired air conditioning in the Army? – I’m taking them for Anne to wear. I don’t want anyone to think I’m the kind of little shit that would hit a woman. I’ll send them back to you in the mail or something.”

I paused again at the door and looked back. “I don’t know if she’s using, but just in case: anyone who sells her anything – grass, pills ... fucking aspirin, whatever – will deal with me. Then I come for you. No warnings, no negotiation. Spread the word.”

As I walked back to the car, I reviewed everything. That had been the longest conversation I’d had with anyone in months. It looked solid, the mask had never slipped. They thought I was human.

I sat down in the driver’s seat of the car, handed Anne the sunglasses and headed out to the highway. Anne said nothing, she just put on the sunglasses and stared wretchedly at her feet. I listened to the children talk, but, relieved of the stress, all three of them fell asleep within a few minutes. Anne didn’t even ask where we were headed, apparently just silently soaking in her own misery for the next two hours. She was holding her own arms, hunched over, seemingly trying to hide the old bruises on them. That made me a little concerned, so when she wasn’t watching I looked over her arms as best I could. There were no needle tracks, so at least she hadn’t fallen that far.

She’d left me over two years before – I was gone too often, too many late night calls and departures. Training all the time to be the best.

I was the best. Everybody has a role on the team. I wasn’t Control. Or Demo. Or the team Sniper. I was the best at point blank work. The close combat specialist. On many teams they’d call me the Tank, an echo of the games so many of us grew up with.

But on my team we had a different name. A name for the thing that left no survivors.


Anne had tried. I could see that now, but I was never home, and even when I was, my head was somewhere else. We tried counseling, but I was what I was. So after nine years of marriage, she filed. She could have waited six months and had half my Army pension, but she didn’t want to be “that wife”. She’d been faithful the whole time. It wasn’t about some other guy, it was about us not working. She’d even tried to minimize child support. The state had a formula for that, so she couldn’t do much. She picked up the children and moved back to our hometown. The Army would likely move me in the next few years anyway, so I could hardly argue about that. Besides, to be perfectly honest, while I’d loved them, they hadn’t been my priority.

Sometime after we’d parted ways, she’d met Brian. A great guy who planned to open his own Harley Davidson shop.

That never happened. And it turned out he was more interested in running his own little version of Hell’s Angels. Sort of a start-up OMC. Sooner or later, one of the bigger OMCs would notice them and either absorb them or smash them, but it hadn’t happened yet.

Despite his promises, they’d never gotten married.

I’d managed to get myself shot and blown up about a year ago; spend enough time in combat and the law of averages will eventually find you. While the majority of the damage was cosmetic, the combination of nerve damage and lost vision put paid to my career in the Army. I figured the real reason for my discharge was the scarring on my brain; they weren’t exactly sure what it meant and weren’t taking chances. So after hospitalization, therapy and transition, I was out.

And that was wise of them. I knew more than they did – when I woke, my emotions about nearly everything were gone – no anger, sorrow, nothing. At first I thought I was still in “trigger mode”, that place an operator goes mentally to suppress emotion, rely on reflex and training, and survive. But it wouldn’t turn off.

Empathy for nearly everyone and everything had evaporated. I couldn’t identify with them at all. Only my children seemed to bring out any feelings. Compared to the dead grey space all around me, the children were spotlight of color. I don’t know if it’s love, but it’s what I have.

They were my obligations.

I’d had to invent “the mask”, the pretend “me” I wore in public. Because if they ever figured out what was left of me, somebody would realize how dangerous it was.

I still had the training and reflexes they’d pounded into me. But little in the way of any human restraint. Basically a bundle of combat reflexes. But little else.

Nobody realizes how dependent humans are on emotions. How much humans use them to interact with others. Human faces reflect them constantly. I had to constantly try to figure out what a real human would do. How to hold my face. Until I perfected the mask, the doctors all thought I had residual nerve damage. I was lucky that the psychs used tests centered on family – my children – to gauge emotion response.

But I was out. With no direction, no goals and no meaning. Except my children. My obligations.

Two months ago, my child support payments had gotten screwed up when I went from active duty to medically retired, and I had had to wire money to Anne’s account to make sure she got it on time. When I tried to contact her directly to get a receipt, I’d ended up talking with her grandmother instead and gotten an earful of the hell my children had been sucked in to, and how it had spiraled into freefall the last 8 months. I made a few phone calls and learned about “‘Cooler’. I considered legal action, but it didn’t sound like there was time for that option.

In any case I’d always been an ambush predator. Even before.

In looking for the isolation necessary to protect my secret, I’d taken a job as a history teacher at a community college about two hours away.

Nobody pays attention to a history teacher at a technical college.

I bought a three bedroom cabin with a mostly finished basement on the edge of a state forest. The cabin had been built on the walkout basement of a much larger house that had burned down, and the owner had all but finished the basement with several rooms before he had a heart attack at his desk at work. My brother had taken care of the details while I finished out-processing the Army. I stayed away from him as much as I could, though. He’d known me too well before.

That house gave me options now. I had decided that the boys could share one bedroom and Danni would have another for the first couple of nights, and when I got the huge basement repainted, everyone could essentially have their own room and there’d be an extra kitchen, big pantry, workshop and TV room as well. I’d initially planned on just scooping the children up and leaving Anne where she chose to be, but when it happened I realized I couldn’t leave their mother, because it would send the wrong message to the children. They would want me to take her to safety. They wouldn’t know her odds were better with Cooler.


I can still appreciate irony.

I wasn’t sure how long I was going to let Anne “stay”, but the children were going to have a stable, safe life. I had obligations.

After we got to the cabin, I showed the boys where their room would be, and then showed Danni where her and “Momma” would be. Anne kind of hung back, but encouraged the children to settle in. That done, I announced I was going to get pizza and groceries and left them to look around. I stopped at Walmart, picked up some clothes for all of them - I knew the children’ sizes, but had to guess at Anne’s; I knew what her sizes used to be, but she’d lost more weight than she could really afford. I also picked up the aforementioned groceries and pizza.

The pizza was gone in minutes, and Anne got the children cleaned up and ready for bed. She wasn’t meeting my gaze, and seemed to be fighting an urge to cringe whenever I walked too close.

She still hadn’t said anything directly to me, she’d just returned to the table after putting the children to bed, and found that I’d already cleaned up the pizza boxes and put away the other groceries. She might have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. I decided to leave it – I really hadn’t planned on bringing her here, and I wasn’t sure how much leeway her protection of the children had bought her. It was a variable I hadn’t calculated. At least dealing with her for a long term wasn’t. She knew me too well for the mask to hold for long. And if she couldn’t accept what was behind the mask, I would have limited options. None of them good for her.

I needed time to assess the options.

I pointed at the bathroom.

“You can have that one. I’m headed down to shower in the basement.”

She opened her mouth to say something, but it was obvious she had no idea what. I just headed down the stairs. By the time I got cleaned up and went back up to the main floor, she’d finished and was in Danni’s room.

Even with my emotional distance, there had been a chance that seeing Anne would open up a lot of old wounds, but I’d felt nothing. No anger no sadness; she just seemed like a stranger. I could logically remember everything that happened, but the emotional impact of what had happened was simply gone. Not faded, not repressed; just gone. I knew that I had had feelings of anger and loss, but they were gone now. I couldn’t even remember what anger felt like.

The next day was a Saturday, and I figured there was a lot to do before I started preparing for the semester on Monday. I’d already pulled the paint sprayer and cans of paint out of the barn storage room before anyone else woke up. I also had an adjustment to make on the car.

The boys came out quietly and were drinking tea and waiting patiently for their bacon and hash browns before Danni and Anne came out of their room, blinking sleep out of their eyes, Finn, the younger of the two boys, and Danni’s twin grinned. Anne and Danni’s “pajamas” – loose shorts and T-shirts that I’d picked up for them to sleep in – matched. I was sure I hadn’t done it on purpose, but they were both wearing pink shorts and oversize T-shirts with big grey; kitten faces on them. And both of them had the hair on the left side of their head standing almost straight up. Both Patrick and Finn began laughing, much to Anne’s confusion. I just reached up and lightly patted the left side of my hair. Anne slowly reached up and felt the mess of her hair realized what was going on and dashed into the bathroom with Danni.

It was several minutes later when they came out, with their hair fixed and Danni giggling. I’d already put plates of bacon and hash browns down at their places at the table. I watched everyone as we ate – the children seemed to be less the worse for wear than I’d expected, and they were eating like starving wolverines. Anne, on the other hand, was still avoiding my eyes and acting cowed. She did eat though, and took over clearing the table and doing dishes before I could do anything.

After the dietrus from breakfast was cleared and everyone had changed, I sent the children outside. I motioned Anne over to the kitchen counter. She walked over like a condemned woman and waited for me to speak.

I pulled out my extra debit card, car keys and a piece of paper.

“I’m writing the PIN on this paper, take the children and go school clothes shopping. School here starts Thursday for them, so you will have to get them registered on Monday – I’ll be stuck at the college all day, but I’ll take the truck and leave you the car. Get yourself stuff to wear too. There’s about two thousand in that account. I need to finish painting the basement – it should take about six hours – about four hours to tape and dropcloth everything, an hour to paint with the sprayer and the rest to clean up, so take your time, take the children to lunch or whatever. The basement should be livable by tomorrow evening, and the children can each have their own room.”

She looked numbly at the card and keys while I wrote the PIN on the paper. She finally spoke.

“So why did you take me too? You could have left me. After ... everything, you might have thought that was a better idea.” Sadly.

“I wasn’t planning on bringing you out of there. But you were protecting them. And children need a mom. Since you were still acting like it in there, it seemed like the logical choice. For now.”

“What if ... what if they say I have to come back?”

“They won’t, you’re out. For good. They wouldn’t take you back if you showed up on the front step naked with 10 kilos of coke. We have a deal”

She looked pensive. “What kind of deal.”

“it’s a simple one: They never have anything to do with you or the children again, and in return I don’t exterminate everyone wearing purple for 100 mile radius.”

She already looked sick and off balance but I decided put the rest of the cards on the table. I had to let her think she had options, otherwise she’d play along for time. “I need to make some things clear. I don’t own you, and I don’t want to. If you decide to run by yourself, I won’t come after you. I’ll even leave the debit active, but won’t put any more money into that account once you run, so once it is gone, it’s gone. If you take the children, though, I will follow you to hell and back – I intend to watch over them until they can make their own decisions from now on. You really, really won’t like it if I have to come after you to retrieve the children. You can stay here until they all graduate, and all I will ever ask you to do is to help take care of them. This is solely in the interest of protecting them. According to studies, children from a stable home with two parents are happier and more likely to be successful.”

“This part is important. You need to know the truth.”

I dropped the mask. And from her expression, she could see the change, but she didn’t run. Good. Maybe she’d survive this after all.

I could use help to maintain the mask.

“After this happened” I pointed at the scarring on the side of my head “I’ve lost nearly all capacity for emotion. I have no feelings about you at all, good or bad, except concern for what you’ve put the children through. Your decision making for the last year or so has been ... less than optimal.”

I paused as she considered the meaning of that. Now to give her the choice.

“The only real emotions I seem to have at all now are ones directly connected to my children. I will not tolerate anything that negatively impacts their life. I could use help taking care of them.”

That was a lot to take in and I could see her pondering her options.

She made her choices rather more quickly than expected.

Shaking her head “I don’t have anywhere else to go. My parents ... they don’t want anything to do with me.”

At the time she may not have realized how close she was to death. I had a handgun – a piece of shit Glock. Unlovely things, Glocks, all the feeling and warmth of a staple gun. Brutally functional though. Like me.

I’d taken it from Brian. Trapped scared people look toward what they believe is salvation. In his case a much abused Glock 19 in the television stand drawer. I’d made sure his prints and blood DNA were on it. Just in case. I couldn’t afford for her to leave with my secret.

Best to change the subject.

“We apparently do have to get one of your tattoos removed. According to the ‘negotiators’ yesterday, it is mandatory when a woman leaves their social club for any reason. Removal is customarily done with a belt sander, but unless you have your heart set on that, I think we can just get laser removal.”

She paled and her hand shot down to her pubic mound. The tattoo, according to my negotiation discussion, was a small Purple Pranksterz emblem located about an inch above the vagina, overlaid with the number of guys involved in “ganging” the woman in. Apparently, according to Cueball, in Anne’s case, the number was 15. She started to visibly shrink in on herself as she realized I probably knew all about the meaning of the tattoo.

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I still can't believe what I just experienced 2 days ago..I still feel my clit extremely sensitive and I can not stop thinking about it..I am a 43 years old married woman, having an affair at this moment with a 39 years old man. I could be probably judge as a bad wife for cheating my husband, but I like to think that I am not..for reasons that I don't think is relevant at this moment to say why I am cheating, what I can't wait to share is my amazing story about two days ago.I always hear that I...

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Introduction: Tender moments with my sister I had no idea my sister liked her sex kinky. She told me all about it in one of those girlie chats where all the fruity details about your sex life get revealed. She described how shes very sexually submissive to her man, how she lets him control her and use her when and where he wants. She said he called her his fuck toy and that hed spank her hard if she didnt slut herself to his satisfaction. She told me how she loved playing at being his whore,...

1 year ago
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Lily Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Ab to saaf-saaf sab dikh raha tha. Aisa lag raha tha, jaise bhabhi transparent plastic ka raincoat pehan ke nude khadi ho. Bas unke nipples nahi dikh rahe the. Kyuki blouse ki wo patti thodi zyada thi. Baaki sab zara sa dhyaan dene par dikh raha tha. Saamne se chut ke upar ke thode baal bhi saaf-saaf dikh rahe the. Aakhir-kaar is baar jab bhabhi jhuki, to fatt se left nipple baahar aa gaya. Oh my god! Pink colour ka bada sa pointed nipple. Bhabhi ne fir meri taraf dekha, aur thoda sharma kar...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 393

Ada and Charlotte insisted that Jeff fire off more of the steel balls. After he had done so a few times, they then asked him to rapid fire a string of them. Jeff had played with a string of the balls circling above his head before, and had become fairly efficient with them, but had never fired a large number of them in rapid succession at a target. After thinking for a moment, he eased a string of balls out of the box, each seeming to play follow the leader. As each came to a momentary stop...

2 years ago
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Everything I Ever Wanted Side AChapter 3

I never had sex with Jennifer after that. She started to get more clingy, and Brian was giving even more possessive glares. Look, buddy, it wasn’t my fault if you wanted to get into her panties and she won’t give it up to you. She cried a few times about how I was just “using her”. Believe it or not, that hurt. See, before we slept together, Jennifer and I were friends. Yeah, I wanted to do her. Come on, let’s admit it: every guy wants to do his female friends. More if they’re hot. But we...

1 year ago
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Jazmins Worn Panties

If you have a fetish for buying worn panties or real amateur pictures and video you need to read this! I have bought worn panties from many different buyers some good and others not so good. I came across and decided to order a pair of her worn panties. I soon found out how what worn panties were really all about!The experience was unlike the others I had bought from! When I opened the zip lock bag the sweet and VERY strong scent was such a turn on, it was like she just took...

2 years ago
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Down The Rabbit Hole Part IV

I managed to get through with the farm boys, shower, and make my way back to work by dawn. Granted, I was wearing the same clothes I had on yesterday and everyone knows what that means and, they were right. Still, it wasn't a 'walk of shame' for me. The whole point of this was to move past that minutiae. Waiting on my desk was a white box containing a black, skin-tight mini dress with matching high heels, and a ticket to a private plane at the airport. My phone rang. I put it on speaker,...

3 years ago
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In Which I Confess She Changed

How did I get so lucky to be married to a naughty wife? I don’t know. I do know she loves me with her heart, her body, and anything else her naughty little mind can think of. I am truly blessed.She wasn’t always naughty. In fact, she was prudish and mildly Victorian when we married. Sex was in our bed, under the covers, and typically in the missionary position. This went on for decades. Occasionally, she would dress up, or we would have sex in the living room, but these events were too rare...

Wife Lovers
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DeepLush Kylie Page Craving It All

Kylie and I have immediate chemistry together and wanted to indulge in every part of each other. We make out and look in each others eyes as I go down on her, licking her pussy and asshole. We fuck and I use a hitachi on her clit multiple times throughout the scene helping her orgasm. She gives me an incredible blowjob and rides me while shot in POV. The scene ends with us fucking in missionary until I have an intense orgasm deep inside of her and there’s a close up of the cum dripping...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jesse Pony Flashy Anal Pantyhoser

Dirty blonde beach girl Jesse Pony entices in pantyhose, clear heels and tiny top. The flashy California girl doffs her top to reveal natural, 34-C mouthfuls. She slinks on the floor, arousing pornographer Mick Blue’s camera to linger on her sun-kissed bod. ‘Do you like anal sex?’ queries the director. ‘I love it’ she predictably replies. She rubs slippery lotion into her ass cheeks. Mick coats her covered cunt in more potion as her soaked feet stroke his feet. The...

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Alivia Pt2

Room 1707 Here I am. I let a co-worker fuck my ass in the office and now my boss, Gordon, the fat maniac, is using me as a complimentary gift for his new clients. Five guys I just took a professional meeting with are waiting behind the hotel room door to ravage my body in celebration. It is better than being an intern though. I hope I enjoy it. Never done this kind of thing before, one of the guys, Dan, is black, thatd also be a first for me. I can hear someone opening the door. Gosh! I dont...

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drunk dad 2

By the end of the next week my anger towards my hubby was starting to bubble over, because I knew what he was missing and that he most likely didn’t seem to care. The bastard had not touched me in years and I had a hormonally enraged teenager enraptured with me. Now after two weeks of my son staring at my breasts I guess that I started to emotionally snap a little. I finally said something. As we were walking Mr Drunk up the stairs I said to Ricky “I do have eyes you know” my god he...

1 year ago
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Fit To Be TiedChapter 10

Laurine simply lay on the floor for several minutes. She was hot and sticky and tired. And she felt as if she'd been robbed. The dancing had been hard work for her. She'd poured every ounce of her sexuality into it--and what had it gotten her? She finally stood and sought out her panties. She slipped into them and found where she'd tossed her skirt and blouse. Robbed was the only real emotion she felt. She went to the door and opened it and was amazed to find it didn't lead into the...

2 years ago
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The Sea Cave Submerged Desires 2Part 2

“Where are you taking me?” Only the waning moon and stars lit their path down the seaside cliff. Cass’s stomach fluttered in anticipation, and fear. One wrong step, and she could go tumbling down. “Just wait. You’ll see.” He was subdued, and held her hand firmly, apparently unruffled by the darkness and the rocky shore beneath them. They hadn’t spent more than a few hours apart over the past several days, and it had been one of the best weeks of her life. Javier had shown Cass around the small...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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accidental fantasies pt5

All the time Jennifer and I were talking, I was working on my plan. She had a big advantage over me since I hadn't been aware of her so called training program. Not that I was complaining about the results, but if my efforts to give her a memorable day were to succeed, I'd need some help and fast. Code may have mentioned that I had some toys, but not the fact that I have a collection in a box under my bed. Almost every month for a long time, I'd been buying toys on line and having...

1 year ago
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Ambient Night One

100% fiction!It was three A.M. when I awoke hearing noise in my kitchen. I got up wearing my usual bedtime attire, pajama bottoms with no top, and sleepily made my way to the kitchen. I seemed to smell bacon—how odd! As I came through the living area of my apartment I saw with amazement my sister standing at the stove frying bacon—and she was totally naked! Her round fleshy ass moved very slowly from side to side as if she were hearing music. My first thought, I swear to God, was “You don’t fry...

3 years ago
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The Train

I worked for a telecommunications company in their support division. It was a hectic job and could be somewhat frustrating at times, but the pay was good. One of the positive aspects of my job that I particularly liked was that being one of those people who hated getting up early, my shift was from eleven a.m. until eight p.m. I took the train to and from work daily and lived twenty stations away from the office where I was employed. My apartment was conveniently located close to my station,...

Gay Male
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The Newtons

Part Three CHRISTIANA Thank Christ the x-rays showed that my pelvic bone and my leg were now mended for I could now have this damned plaster cut off and I can scratch myself. That was the worst part of being in plaster to get an itch that you couldn’t scratch. I’m sure I was to claw my skin to ribbons when it finally comes off. I didn’t, but came close to it when they got the damned thing off and I was able to walk. Well, stumble as I was helped along back to my bed after it was off. I was...

4 years ago
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Bad Bad Boy

My asshole had been itching and aching for something to be put in it. My mouth had been hungering for some cock. I crept into the dark public bathroom. My sexual appetite had reached epic levels and I was to the point of being manic. I was alone but had that eerie feeling that something was present in the bathroom with me. I walked into a stall. There was garbage everywhere. Pieces of used toilet paper and empty toilet paper rolls littered the floor. Some old magazines and newspapers. As my...

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Der Flaschengeist Teil 9

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

2 years ago
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Debbie and Marsha Dancing in Their Bikinis

About two weeks after Steve moved to town, before he had fucked her my wife, Debbie, bought herself a new bathing suit for sunbathing. Both the bottom and top were unlined. It was really skimpy, exposing an inch of the bottom of her tits, and two inches of the outsides and three inches insides of her tits. The top part went clear down to the edges of her aureoles. It was really soft and stretchy and molded perfectly to her tits and nipples, without distorting her nipples. The...

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Brooklyn 99

Thank you for 10 thousand views! I can't thank you all enough Introduction Jake Peralta is a Brooklyn detective dedicated to locking up the bad guys. He's scheduled to go on a mission with Santiago tonight. The girl he likes. Well likes the wrong word. He loves her. (I suck at intros and this is my first story feel free to comment and help me out. I promise the storyline is much better. Also I've never tried writing a gay story. Well I've never written a story in general but I have more...

3 years ago
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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Emma

This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons at...

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Time MachineChapter 12

I completed the installation of the security devices and after that I made a trip back to Fritz. I needed his advice, and there was a question nagging me that needed an answer. I was welcomed with open arms by the whole group, or was it family? They didn't want to hear anything about my troubles until we'd all had a light lunch and when I asked if they had any more of that ham they served me last time, I was double welcome. It turned out that Sabine, who was the only one that spoke French...

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Small WorldChapter 14

They buried Michael on a knoll overlooking the orchard of which he had become so proud. Each day both Sheila and Jan would visit the grave, sometimes together, sometimes individually. Gradually the grief turned to sorrow and that to emptiness. Both were determined to continue, to forge ahead with a life they knew they could make together, yet they also knew it would never be the same. Michael had meant too much. There would always be a void that would remain unfilled. "Sometimes, it just...

3 years ago
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Cum Pooled on a Tiled Floor

‘Oh no you didn’t!’ Becky yelled as I filled her honey pot with my man juice. ‘Really, Blade? Please tell me that you didn’t just cum!’ All I could do was just smile at her as I pushed her slender body into the bed. ‘Damn, Blade, you just entered me! You didn’t even give me time to enjoy it! I can even feel you going soft inside me. And I am dripping wet! Geez!’ ‘What can I say? Becky, you just have that effect on me.’ ‘You didn’t even thrust! You just slid it inside and popped! I didn’t even...

2 years ago
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Fallen Angel Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Life as an Outcast Once outside, Cal dropped the shopping bag and stepped away from the glass window. Althea noticed a very pained expression on his face. "Evan," Cal began, "why are you doing this?" "Doing what?!" Evan asked offensively. "You're being stupid, Cal." "Stupid?!" Cal repeated, planting his right foot for a speedy lunge if Evan decided to throw the first punch. "You called me an idiot for no reason and we've not spoken in two months! What the fuck have I...

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No Holes Barred

Paul was surprised when the woman who had contacted him, regarding rental of his warehouse space, turned out to be a pretty 19 year old blonde girl. He was even more surprised to find out she had the requisite funds, a substantial amount for such a young lady, to facilitate such a deal. But sure enough, the teenager had the cash, the transaction went ahead and the warehouse was the property of the young blonde for the next 24 hours. Whilst the deal was in the process of negotiation, men across...

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Butcher Ch. 1. One last warning: This containts EXTREME violence and gore. Do NOT keep reading if you are faint of heart or can't deal with snuff! I hope you enjoy it, I had a lot of fun with it lol."Just..jut tell me..why..." The words garbled out of the girl's throat, more blood coming out then sound. Traces of sperm glistened on her cheeks amid flecks and globules of blood. A few fragments of teeth lay littered on the concrete a few inches below her suspended body. Her neck was stiff to the...

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Mai Manai Meri Chachi Ko Choda 8211 Part 2

Hi friends wapis apkai liya agai ki story laikr aaya hu… Any girl, woman, aunty, bhabhi ji secart sex and chat krna chahti h to mujh mail kr skti h pr humari bate secart rahai gi you are trust me…. Wo to aise tadap rahi thi jaise water bina fish uski body mai cautent sa lga or uska pani nikal gya wo dhili pad gyi mai pura pani pi gya bhut testy tha thodi der mai wo phir garam ho gyi manai usko bola mai ab gand maruga phele to wo mana krne lagi phele kbi nh krvaya manai waha bhut pain hoga…...

2 years ago
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The Future of Miss PowersChapter 4

In war, allies can mean the difference between winning and losing. In life, allies can mean the difference between success and failure. A good ally is hard to find, particularly when the battle is completely lopsided. Underdogs are admired, but rarely helped. As much as everyone cheers when an underdog wins, no one wants to be on the losing side and underdogs seldom win. Then again, sometimes an ally appears in a place where one least expects to find one. A small herd of boys made their way...

4 years ago
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Life Times of Perville

Life & Times of PervilleChapter 1Waking Up in PervilleI wake up in our large bed in the manor, comfortably ensconced between Daddy's legs, my head on his thigh, sleepily and contentedly suckling his soft cock (which I like to think of as my pacifier). Daddy is not awake yet, but the house sluts are stirring on the floor, all of us so attuned to his rhythms that we naturally begin to awaken a few moments before daddy, so we can be alert and ready to attend to him in whatever capacity he will...

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The ExWife Adventure 1821

The Ex-Wife Adventure 18-21 ------------------------------ by Amelie Fortescue copyright c2020 Amelie Fortescue. 18. Wolf Pack They both suppressed their grins as they returned. "The recorder is operating ... you must now tell all the details of the new banking data system - This is your very last chance!" Sheila hammed into my face. "Never!" I screamed after Barbara finished ungagging me. "I'll never betray my secrets to the KGB - Not even to their most...

1 year ago
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RapeLust fake

Rape Lust has a slightly different adults-only warning out front than most free porno tubes. Your average free lesbian site warns you that you’re going to see girls scissoring, loving on each other and having a good time. Around here, that disclaimer warns of “Highly Explicit and Excessive Sexual Activity, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Rape, Torture and Gore, which may be offensive or disturbing to some viewers.”Damn. Those are strong words, but I bet you’re a strong viewer, aren’t you?...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Indian porn is one of the underrated categories of sexy smut that you can look at. People think of Asian porn, but they don’t often remember to look up Indian girls too. Sex Tube Desi is a site that has the hottest Indian honeys doing the nastiest things that you can think of. Of course, there are hot pornstars like worldwide famous Mia Khalifa, who is actually Lebanese and not Indian, but hey, she will pass, and Sunny Leone, there are tons of drop dead gorgeous models who are total amateurs....

Indian Porn Sites
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Young Explorations Part 2

The next morning when Helen got on the bus, she said hello as every morning. In reply I just said: “now it’s your turn”. You looked at me questioningly and I explained that now that she has seen and touched my cock, it’s only fair that I see and touch her pussy. She said it’s impossible, not in the bus. She went to a strict convent school and her uniform went down to well below her knees. Then she suggested something. “I can cut my pocket for you.” It took me a few seconds to understand how...

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Chachi ka dard durr kia

Hi friends, mera naam Niket hai aur mai Mumbai ka rehne wala hu. Mai ISS ka bohot bada fan hu aur frequently stories padhta hu. Maine bhi pehle mere sex experience ISS par likhe hai. Mai ek professional body and mind therapist hu aur special body massage and mental healing therapy mei specialize karta hu. Isliye bohot se ladies mujhse khush rehti hai aur contact banakar rakhti hai. Meri build achi hai aur penis bhi kafi strong hai. Ye story meri ek dur ki chachi ke bare mei hai. Unka naam...

2 years ago
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Meeting Master at the airport

Introduction: I hope you enjoy this small vacation.~_~ I woke up early and leaned out the front door to grab the paper. My breast juggled and my nipples harden in the morning air. I look up to see our neigber, Mr. Pete, stairing at me from his door. I imagen I must looked a sight. I hadnt gone to wash my hair, I had bruses from rough handleing and I was still wearing a suede collar. I smiled wide and waved as I bent to pick up the paper. As I turned around I saw you were still asleep and I...

3 years ago
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The Love God

“Gods should be exempt from human passions.” -Euripides, “The Bacchae” *** Eros arrived. He could already tell he had quite a mess on his hands. There were two of them, a man and a woman, both in love with the other, though neither knew it yet. Eros plucked the string on his bow over and over (an idle gesture that annoyed friends, but helped him concentrate) while the two humans slept and the red numbers of the clock glowed in the dark. Why did he always show up for the hard...

2 years ago
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Family Research Project

The phone rang several times and I was about to hang up when James rather than Mary finally answered. He picked up as a video call rather than a voice call which did nothing to help my nerves. James said, “Hey sis, how’s it going?” I responded with your basic friendly banter which helped calm my nerves a little bit allowing my excitement to become dominant. I asked after Mary, and their kids and he said he thought they were really enjoying themselves. Speaking of the ladies, I said, are they...

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