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Sometimes the Bad Guys Win

She cried in her sleep sometimes. Actually, she cried in her sleep a lot of the time, but some nights were worse than others. She never really woke up when she cried, and she didn't exactly sob, not so as you'd really hear her, but it always woke him up. He'd roll over and look at her face; the shadows on her skin were always different depending on the phase of the moon or the clouds in the sky or the number of cars driving by their suburban home, but she was always beautiful.

Tears shown on her cheeks in the faint light that drifted through the bedroom curtains. He never knew exactly how to help her, how to calm her and settle her restless, sad thoughts, so he did what he could. He would stroke her hair, pushing the sweat-dampened locks from her forehead. With his fingertips, he would gently wipe the tears from her cheeks, and he'd murmur nothing noises and soothing sounds to her. His voice was always soft but intense in the otherwise-silence of their bedroom. Eventually she would make a last hicoughy sob and relax against him, her breath slowing to the more gentle rhythm of dreamless sleep.

They'd finish the night like that, her body curved into a "c," her hands tucked between her knees, and her forehead pressed to his chest. On these nights his arm, protectively wrapped around her shoulders, was usually asleep long before he was. Lying there in the dark, listening to the now-calm in and out of her breathing, he would sometimes imagine all the ways he could fix it, the ways he could make it better.

The best ways were the ones she would never find out about. The commando raids late at night, sitting with a sniper rifle, watching through the scope. He had it planned down to the most minuscule of details, what he'd be wearing, what the weather would be like, and the movement of the wind over the dulled-blue barrel. He could feel the grass brush against the heavy cotton of his field BDU's as he lay propped up on his elbows, his cheek pressed to the smooth stock. He imagined her efforts to hide her delight as she read the report in the morning paper about an unexplained shooting. He'd sit across from her and smile, never letting on that he knew why she was suddenly so happy, why her dark moods had finally passed. Those were the best, and those thoughts were what kept his mind from the painful pinprick tingling of his fingertips as his hand fell asleep.

The problem was that he never knew where his sights were to be centered. Charlotte had resolutely refused to tell him any specific details about where she'd come from. "Oregon," she told him whenever he'd asked. "Outside of Portland." Then she'd change the subject with that manner of hers that said, "I've changed the subject, let's keep it changed." Unfortunately, "outside of Portland" encompassed most of the state, which was, more than likely, her point.

So he'd let the subject stay changed and tell himself it was because she loved him that she'd never be more specific. "It's your karma, Robert," she had said on more than one occasion. "I'd hate to think I put that temptation in front of you." She loved him, and that was good enough for him - most of the time.

The other scenarios were good too. He'd intercede for her, stepping in front of her monster, doing battle with her demon. She'd be so grateful that she'd never be able to dream of a life without him. Of course that was the problem with that dream. There had to be something from which he could rescue her, which meant putting her back in the position that she left. No, as good as it is to be the hero, he couldn't risk that for her.

But there were other nights. There were nights when he was just plain tired. Nights when he knew that unfinished work tasks filled his desk in box, or nights when dinner had burned and his stomach was unsatisfied. Nights after days of long meetings and longer commutes and bumper-to-bumper traffic through smog-filled streets. On those nights he would lie in the dark next to her and find that all he could focus on was the numbness moving from his shoulder to his fingertips. He'd lie next to her and wonder how it would be if he'd never met her. If he'd never fallen so hard for her charms. If her laugh had never drifted into his soul and sent roots so deep into him that the thought of being without her, the thought of losing her was physically painful. He'd wonder if perhaps he wouldn't be better off without her. He imagined life without the hassles, life without the difficulties, life without the constant walking on eggshells and tiptoeing around her moods.

He always felt guilty the morning after those nights; he'd find himself lavishing her with affection after those nights and inwardly cringing when she laughed about his sudden "amorè." She'd pour his coffee and giggle as his hand not-so-innocently brushed her robe and teased open the satin collar for an early morning peek. She'd flick the dishtowel at him as she wiped toast crumbs from the countertop. And then he loved her all over again.

The day they met started out for him like most other days. Early morning meetings to discuss whatever the business catch phrase of the week was, followed by some minor bullshitting around the burnt remains of the morning's coffee, then back to his office to wade through memos and e-mails and other, sundry details of the commercial real estate world. The phone was propped between his chin and his shoulder, and he swiveled in his desk chair to gaze out the window. His office, although a corner office as befitted his status as senior-junior partner, overlooked the frontage road aside the highway. The lack of view wasn't worth complaining about though; it was a massive step up from his former next-to- the-stairwell office he had shared with two other office drones before he took off in the enchanting world of commercial real estate development. Pushing a basket of files to the side with his foot, he propped his heels on the metal windowsill and leaned back in his "relaxed executive" pose.

That's when he saw her.

Actually, he saw her car first. Ditched cars weren't all that uncommon in late October. The first snow always seems to catch people off guard. No one has snow tires ready, and the auto/tire shops do a brisk business for the first couple of weekends after the white stuff starts to fall. This year the snow came early, even for Anchorage standards, and a car nose- or tail-first in the ditch was settling into one of those sights that quickly became commonplace.

However, it's not often that one actually sees a car take the nose-first spin-and-dive. The driver must have hit his breaks too hard or too fast, because it was a spectacular glide across the highway. It quickly became obvious that traffic wasn't going to stop, and when no one emerged from the ditched car, he grabbed his cell phone and coat and headed downstairs to see if the driver was hurt. If nothing else, he'd earn his Good Samaritan points for the winter, and it gave him a good excuse to step away from the office for a bit.

He knocked on the window first, but when the driver didn't respond he opened the door, simultaneously reaching for his cell phone to dial 911. She was slumped forward, her head leaning on the steering wheel, both hands gripped on the cracked vinyl covering. When he reached in to touch her shoulder, she raised her head and turned to face him.

She wasn't pretty. She might have been pretty, even beautiful, at other times, but her face was now a swollen symphony of purple, red, and blue. Swelling obscured her cheekbones, and her nose had the telltale lopsidedness of a recent break. His first thought was that she had hit the dashboard; that for some reason her seat belt had failed to lock when she impacted in the ditch. But once the surprise passed, he could see that the bruises marring her face were well set, deeply colored, and at least several days old.

He let out a low whistle then reached his hand down to meet her opened one. With his other hand he unclicked her shoulder belt. "Can you move, or would you rather I call an ambulance?"

She took his hand and stepped gingerly from the car. "Some Good Samaritan you are. Don't you know you're never supposed to move an accident victim?"

He opened his mouth to chastise her for being ungrateful when he saw the teasing glint in her eye. Whatever comment he planned was cut short. As she stood, she paled and swayed.

"Look lady. Be careful. Maybe you should sit back down."

Her eyes were glazed and there was a flush of fever under the paleness of her skin. "Yeah. You're probably..."

She fainted.

They spent a year getting to know one another. She had come to town with no apparent plan. He didn't have any direct reason to trust her, but he went with his gut, or some other place that inspired instinctive trust. He had a client who needed someone to watch a small summer cabin. Instinct or not, she turned out to be the perfect tenant. In exchange for keeping the home clean, the rodents out, and the pipes running, she got a place to stay until the owner came back up for summer hunting and fishing.

He took her out for coffee and they met for lunches. She was reluctant to talk about where she had come from. The look in her eyes whenever he asked bordered on panic, so he didn't push. But she was a near-perfect companion otherwise.

It took months for him to move past coffee. She used to laugh and quote movies to him whenever he looked at her for more than a friendly few seconds.

"Oh, Robert. You know, relationships that start under intense circumstances never last."

"Sandra Bullock in 'Speed,' Charlotte. Too easy."

"Maybe." Sip, pause, laugh, subject change.

They met three mornings a week before work. Always for coffee, always at the same place. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, lattès and bagels, and increasingly friendly conversation. He'd talk to her for as long as possible, then realize that she'd not said more than two or three sentences the entire morning. She was like that. She drew him out, and he found himself telling her things he didn't know he still cared about. Frustrations at work became trivial once she had laughed at him for taking them too seriously.

She found work quickly. She started working through the temporary agencies, taking whatever office position was available that week. Soon companies were requesting her specifically for blocks of employee vacations and holidays. Within a couple of months she no longer had to take the low-level front desk, look- pretty-and-answer-the-phone jobs, the jobs that didn't question her apparent lack of office background. By January she had been offered, and was able to take her pick of, back office jobs at salaries that, although not stellar, were high enough to let her start picking up the morning coffee tab on occasion.

It was as though her growing independence helped her relax personally as well as professionally. By March they were meeting for dinner as well as coffee, and she started making off- handed references to her life before Alaska. Nothing specific, just a peek behind her curtain. Dinner was, more often than not, something cooked together at either his apartment, or the cabin she was still staying in. They'd eat sitting at the counter or in front of a movie, wash the dishes together, and maybe share a bottle of cheap wine, doing their critical impression of whatever old film was showing on A&E.

He found himself expanding his entertainment circle at her gentle insistence. She'd skim the morning paper as she nibbled her bagel, making small hinting comments about whatever production the symphony was producing, or about the relative merits of the ballet the Miami touring company was bringing to the city that month. He found that he actually enjoyed opera, at least he did when he attended with Charlotte.

By April he knew he loved her.

His apartment lease came up for renewal, and the cabin owner was coming up for fishing season. They were both looking at housing upheavals, so it made sense for them to start looking together. They found a small house for sale. It wasn't hard to figure out why it hadn't sold. Too big for a single person, too small for a family, but situated in the middle of a family neighborhood. His name on the mortgage, hers on the contract for deed between the two of them.

They moved in the last week of May. As moves go, it was an easy one. She hadn't had a need for new furniture living in the cabin, so her move was finished in one cram-packed car trip. The furniture was his, and like most moves, it was hectic-fun. Too many people from the office helping out, getting under each other's feet. Lots of noise and confusion. But they were finished and their helpers had all gone home by the end of Sunday evening.

They collapsed on the sofa together in mock-exhaustion, feet propped on boxes, the last of the "thanks for helping" beers in their hands.

"Here's to a successful move, Charlotte." They clinked the bottlenecks together in salute.

"Here's to friends with strong backs, Robert." Clink.

"And here's to..." Robert's voice trailed off as their eyes locked. "Here's to you, Charlotte. Here's to the best friend I've ever had. Thank you for doing this with me."

Charlotte pulled back, sitting sideways against the arm of the sofa. She took a long swallow of her beer before answering.

"Thank you, Robert. For everything."

They moved into a routine quickly and easily. She in her room, he in his, meeting for breakfast, dinner and movies together in the rest of the house. They shared food in the refrigerator and did each other's laundry. She picked up his shaving cream at the grocery store; he remembered her mint cookies and cream ice cream. They both grumbled until the coffee finished brewing in the morning, and they fought for control of the television clicker in the evenings. And each night they went to their separate rooms, their intimacy ending at "good night." His room shared the wall with hers, and he listened to her at night, settling for sleep. He knew the sound of her bed creak as she shifted over to turn out her reading light, and he listened for the change in her breathing that said she had fallen asleep. Some nights he'd get out of bed and stand in her doorway, watching the rise and fall of the blanket across her chest as she slept.

That's when he realized that she cried in her sleep.

In June she started going to a doctor. A therapist, she told him. "Just to work out some old issues. Sort of cleaning out the old attic." He worried, but she kept it to herself, so instead of asking, he started to watch her.

For the first few weeks she pulled away from him, became withdrawn. Then, in late July, it was as though a veil lifted. She started to laugh again during the day, touching him as they passed in living room, standing perhaps a bit too close as they prepared dinner together in the kitchen, letting her hand linger on his for a fraction of a second too long to be merely friendly. But she still went to her own bedroom at night, and she still cried in her sleep.

They spent the month of August wringing the last bit of sunlight our of the long summer days. She stretched his leg muscles dragging him on long hikes through the semi-marked trails of the Chugach State Park, and he taught her how to combat fish for salmon on the Russian River and the various creeks along the Seward Highway.

They had spent the day fishing the Kenai River. They came home hot, sunburned, and smelling of fish bait and river water. They dropped the cooler on the kitchen floor and headed to their separate bathrooms for showers. He had just lathered his hair and face when he heard the bathroom door click shut.

"Charlotte? Is that you? Don't worry, I'm not going to take all the hot water. If it's bothering your water pressure, I'll be out in a minute." He started to rinse.

"Don't bother, Robert." She pushed opened the shower door and stepped in with him, hugging her body close to his as she closed the door behind her. She took the cloth from the hook and traced a soapy line across his chest, down his sternum to his pubic hair.

He put his hand under her chin, turning her face up to meet his gaze. "Charlotte? Are you sure?"

She nodded and brought the cloth lower, wrapping her hand around him, feeling him harden at her touch. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he drew her against his skin, feeling her breasts flatten against his chest. Suds slicked the space between them, making her slippery in his embrace. "If you're sure, let's do this the right way."

He took the cloth from her and gently soaped her back and shoulders, letting the water wash away sweat and river smell. He turned her so her back was against him. As she leaned into his body, his hands stroked over her shoulders, down her chest, painting the swelling of her breasts with the white foam.

With deft fingers, he lathered her hair, scritching softly against her scalp, watching her face relax as her eyes closed. His hands gathered her hair gently, pulling the shampoo through to the ends, letting the water fall down her back, along the curve of her spine. He bent his head and kissed the wetness of her neck. Encouraged by her small moan, he bent further, his lips making trails in the water along her shoulder blade, brushing his lips down her back to the curve of her buttocks. His hands wrapped around her waist, and he tasted the mixed flavors of soap and sweat on the smooth, taut skin of her ass. With one hand, he brought the soapy cloth down the length of her leg to her foot, then up between her thighs, cleaning her gently.

She arched her back, pressing her thighs against his hand, drawing him up with her fingers. Turning to face him she whispered, "I'm clean. Did you say something about doing this right?"

She slept in his arms that night, and for the first time he was able to hold her when she cried.

Charlotte never moved back into her room. They slowly converted the space to an office, and the unspoken agreement of relationship grew between them. He explored her body at night, tracing scars without asking about their origins. Waiting for her to open to him. And, gradually, she did.

"Marry me, Charlotte."

She laughed. "Robert, unless you know something happening in the legislature that I'm unaware of, we both know that can't happen."

"Charlotte, I'm serious. There's nothing to stop you from divorcing him. I've got lawyer friends in Oregon. Let me make some phone calls in the morning. This could all be over, and we can start fresh."

"I don't know, Robert. I don't want to go back there for any reason. Things are so good right now. I don't want to tempt fate. What's wrong with what we have?"

"No, Charlotte. I'm tired of living in his shadow. Until you've cut those ties he'll always be a part of our lives."

"I don't know," her voice faded before he cut her off.

"Unless you think you might want to go back to him."

An icy silence filled the room. He could hear the wind blow through the bare trees outside the window, and there was a soft 'crunch' as if something big, probably one of the moose living in the woods skirting the neighborhood, nosed through the trees, searching for an overlooked leaf. It had been a hard winter, and there was a feeling of hungry desperation pushing creatures into less secure environments.

In that space between two halves of a second, a cloud passed behind her eyes and he saw her as she was beside the road, a year and a lifetime ago. Worn and hollow. His stomach lurched with guilt, and he knew that had hurt as much as if he had raised his hand to her. He knew that in doubting her resolution to be away, that in accusing her of wanting to return to her painful past, he had gone too far.

Then it passed, and he saw the cold anger reflected in the glint of her eyes. She gritted her teeth and steeled herself with a breath drawn through a clenched jaw. Her eyes locked with his, and he silently begged her to tell him off, to draw on the strength she'd spent the last year developing.

She shook her head slowly, twice, before she silently picked up her pillow and the blanket from the foot of the bed. She closed the door softly behind her and he could hear her settling in on the sofa. The television clicked on.

The night grew colder.

She was back in the bed when he woke up that morning. She didn't mention their argument, he didn't bring it up again, but it was there. Silently hanging around the house with them. They weren't always aware of it, but it popped up when they least expected it. She began to drift away from him, and from whispered phone calls and surreptitious shuffling of the afternoon mail, he knew that she was making plans without him. He began to wait.

"How'd you get out?"

She hadn't expected that question to be the one they opened with. Such a simple question, with such a complicated answer. But it was one that she was prepared for. She and Robert had practiced her presentation for seemingly endless hours. It had taken all of her reserve courage to make this presentation. To agree to stand before this group of pre-service counselors and recount what life as an abused wife is really like. Her audience was filled with social workers, Ph.D. program candidates. They had already spent an hour going through the process, how abuse starts, how it builds. She had walked them through the first years of her marriage. The small fights, the first slap, the tearful apologies and heartfelt promises that it wouldn't happen again. Flowers and jewelry, and simple-sounding explanations. They had nodded wisely as she explained her feelings of guilt and responsibility, as she recounted his careful explanations delineating how it was really her fault. She knew better, didn't she? And since she knew how he liked things, it was really her fault if she did things differently, thereby making him hit her.

She had shared a little of her past with them, just to give them a feel of what it takes to set a woman up for such a marriage. The early death of her parents, the string of foster homes. The unsettling years between five and eighteen. A serious lack of parental guidance, and way too much independence at an early age. It was all so step-by-step, almost textbook. He professed to love her, he lavished her with gifts and attention. He showed her what he called love. She hadn't seen it before, and on the surface it seemed like love. So she met and fell in love with her Prince Charming, and for the first few months everything was beautiful. They entertained, they looked good together. He dressed her in finery, and decorated her in shiny, expensive baubles, and he trotted her out as his little hostess. They were "such a delightful couple." They threw wonderful parties, and they were seen where they needed to be seen. She glittered and sparkled and laughed. He was suave and charming. It all seemed ideal.

Of course, that was the problem. He "seemed" instead of "was." He had mannerisms instead of manners. He believed that etiquette could substitute for breeding. And, despite rising economically above his more-than-humble beginnings, he never really left behind his trailer-trash upbringing. He married looking not for someone to love, but for someone to blame. Be careful of the true believers; they only become more extreme as time goes on.

She reached for the water glass on the table beside her and sipped, giving herself a few extra seconds. She cleared her throat softly and began.

"It's not short answer, so you might want to get comfortable." That was good for a small chuckle from her 'audience.' "I used to do the grocery shopping every Friday afternoon. Part of my 'job' was to plan the meals for the house and for any events we were hosting that week, and when the grocery ads came out in the Friday newspaper I compared prices, made up shopping lists, and spent the day at whatever stores had the best deals. In retrospect, it was significantly less efficient and more time consuming that it should have been, considering that we didn't save that much money by driving from store to store, and frankly, saving twelve dollars a week on groceries shouldn't have been a high priority. But it was yet another form of control--he could keep my day fully occupied and accounted for if I had to spend it at 4 different grocery stores, 2 dry cleaners, the dog groomer, and his office. Remember that I still had a couple of hours or so of paperwork to do for him at the end of the week in addition to the household management chores. So I'd leave with him on Friday mornings, armed with my to-do list for the day and enough blank checks to cover each stop--no more, no less."

She paused and took a deep breath. Her hands, still holding the water glass, had begun to tremble again.

"Anyway. Friday evenings after work he'd compare my shopping lists, the grocery receipts and the checkbook to ensure that all the numbers matched up. For a long time this made sense to me. After all, he was the architect, and he was the one who paid attention to details, and I was just a girl. And, as he frequently reminded me, one prone to making mistakes.

"About 18 months before I left, I decided that maybe I needed to figure out a way to get some unrecorded funds of my own. Given the way things were set up at the time, there wasn't a chance in hell I could skim from the grocery or household funds. We had one checkbook for our joint account--like so many things it made sense at the time. He said that it made it too easy for mistakes to get made if we were running two different series of check numbers. So he held on to the checkbook and pulled out however many checks I'd need for whatever I was doing. He gave me credit cards for everything else I needed; I carried a gas station card to take care of the car, and a Visa for places that didn't accept checks or for unscheduled stops. I didn't have an ATM card, and even if I did I couldn't very well go withdraw funds from our account without him knowing about it. It took me about a week, but one Friday morning as I was going through the sale ads it came to me. It wasn't going to be fast, but it would be doable.

"After the cashier rang my grocery purchases, I had written the check, and she had given me my receipt, I would "discover" two or three extra coupons that I had "forgotten" to give her. Silly me, so sorry. Since they rarely added up to more than a dollar or two, it wasn't a big deal for her to simply ring them separately and give me the cash back. I figured that I averaged about a dollar a week at each store, three stores a week. It wasn't much, but knowing that I had a tiny reserve fund building up bolstered my spirits more than I can describe. I cut a small hole in the seam of the mattress and hid the cash there each week. It was simple enough to sew up the hole and cover it with a bed sheet, and there wasn't any reason for him to even notice the mattress as long as I kept the bed made correctly. Periodically I'd take out the singles and exchange them at the grocery store for tens or twenties, to keep the bulk from becoming noticeable. The only real risk of discovery I took was the overnight bag I kept packed and stashed under the center of the spare-tire in my trunk. I was afraid that Mark would have a reason to check the car someday, and I had no idea how I'd explain it. But by that point, I figured I could take just about anything he'd dish out. If he had wanted to kill me, he'd have done it by now. I knew that he valued his playthings too much to do any permanent damage to one of them." Her face grew impassive, and the audience could see the revulsion in her posture. She shook it off. "Anyway. In eighteen months I had a little more than $200. Like I said, it wasn't much, really, but it was enough to give me some peace of mind. It wasn't enough to give me the push I needed, the confidence to leave though.

"That took something else."

"I was a klutz. I know that becomes the most common trait associated with beaten spouses because we're constantly 'tripping,' catching ourselves when we 'fall,' which of course explains the three broken wrists during any given year, right? And the several facial bruises from when we run into door frames, or cabinets, or when we smash our fingers in the car door a couple of times each season is most often attributed to our lack of Ginger-Rogersesque abilities. So I realize that it sounds like I'm still making excuses.

"However, I really am somewhat of a klutz; my parents had some foresight when they chose not to name me 'Grace.' I worked for a friend of his, in a law office, four days a week. Our office was set up like, well, an office. Two rows of cubicles down the center of a room for the secretaries and clerks with offices around the edges. As a documents-manager, I rated a step up from a cubicle. Not a corner office--those were reserved for associates--but one of the middle, inside offices. It would have to be either be a junior employee's office or a file room because it completely lacked natural lighting, and it was too far from the senior partners' offices to be politically strategic. So, I had this habit known throughout the firm of coming out of my office door in a hurry, rounding the corner, and smacking my hip on the corner of the first desk in the row. Poor Sandi. It got so that she couldn't keep anything on the edge of her desk; I was sure to knock it over.

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My girlfriend 1st experience : her name is Darshna she is from Rajkot, I was very much attached with an old age couple at my native and usually stay with them and sometimes sleep with them since I was 4years. This continued even after his wife’s death. When I was about 9 yrs, One noon, I felt the touch of his finger moving inside the slit of my pussy when I was slept on his bed. I can’t stopped him, Why I don’t know but I felt sweet pleasure. The very first sensual touch I experienced on my...

4 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 4 Two Telephone Calls

I spent the next week or so racking my brain, trying to figure out what to do. I finally decided that the direct approach was probably the best. I certainly didn't want to confront her at school, so I waited until I could get the nerve up to call her one evening. After pacing my room nervously, I finally called Molly. "Hello?" "Molly, it's Sean. Can I talk to you for a minute?" She chuckled softly, a throaty sound even over telephone wires. "I thought I'd hear from you...

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Caught looking through my window

Caught looking through my window.My girlfriend caught my little si(st)er looking through my window at us fucking. Hi I'm John average looking, brown hair, eyes average dick?My girlfriend Vanessa is also average looking little bit bigger girl. Brown shoulder length hair, green eyes. Not every girl can be a size four. She's not exactly a PAWG she has a bit of a muffin top and a small roll of belly fat. With that comes some big fuckin' tits, massive nipples that cover the whole front of her tits....

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A new day at the university

To begin the story, I'll explain the situation shortly. It's about John 21, an ordinary university guy that isn't so popular around the girls. This is the beginning of a new day at the university... The bus stops in front of the university and I step out onto the sidewalk. It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining on a cloudless day. I make my way slowly to registration while surveying the landscape. When I reach the registration desk, I see Jennifer. Jennifer is an arrogant girl who doesn't...

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The Making of a Fuck Toy 4

Chapter Eleven – Claiming Her AssThe next several weeks went without much incident. Eric spent much time as he could at home teaching protocols and rituals to Cass. But there were still times when she was at home alone for her to practice. It went well for the most part. He gave her encouragement and praise when she accomplished a task well, and punished her when she made mistakes or breaches in the things she’d learned. They both fell into a smooth rhythm. Eric continued to be amazed with his...

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A Clockwork Pink

A Clockwork Pink (With apologies to Anthony Burgess) By tame tom "Who's it to be then, eh?" There was me, that is to say, Cole, and my three moogs, Wall, who was as his name jexed, a true wall, as in, "", and, "", Tame, who plucked his true name from the ol' flickerbox, a quiet, sinny, giggly sort, and Malevick, the wicker baddy who might well be pointer of our little gang had Your Humble Narrator not been. "Who's it to be then, eh?" We were sitting in the Lactos Marvo,...

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my man again

was talking to my fuck buddy awhile ago my regular guy he said he could do with a good fuck I said will have to see and he said he wanted me to  fuck him I said I will try I asked him to put a photo up of his bum bent over showing his big balls I wanted something for me to get going he sent his pic it was nice I was just fantasising about putting my cock into his crack we started sexy chatting for awhile he said could we meet this was Wednesday he said can we meet tomorrow I said ok he said he...

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A Letter To My Love

My dearest love, It is not everyday that someone can experience a joy as unique as the one that we share everyday. A few years ago, as we both met, we were involved in our relationships, with two separate lives. You seemed happy and content, as did I. Little did we know at the time that deep inside each other, we longed to be apart from them, and be together you and I. As I look back to those moments of time when we exchanged glances across the room, I can still remember the laughter in your...

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Blacked Wife Cuckolded Husband

I stood before my dressing mirror, heart racing, as I inspected myself. When smoothing my dress over my hips the glint of my diamond and wedding band caught my attention. I considered taking them off, but remembering Carla’s comments about the popularity of married women, decided to leave them on. I was pleased by my sexy, inviting reflection. Having ample breasts, I seldom wore a bra, and the thin fabric of my dress seductively outlined my breasts. I had spent more time than normal...

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Not Myself Tonight

I'm not usually the type of girl that goes out to bars or clubs a lot. Last Friday was an exception to that rule. I had a bad week last week. I got fired from my job, I was fighting with my best friend, and to top it all off, right after storming out of the job I was fired from, I broke my favorite pair of heels on the way to my car in the parking lot. Not a good week at all. On Friday, after I got home early, since I had been fired, I decided to try to relax and take the rest of the day and...

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Fucked My Colleague Come Friend Come Fuck Buddy Divya

This is a real story. There was a girl named Divya. We used to work in the same office in Ahmadabad. She was from Baroda and used to live in a rented apartment here with some girls. We were working in a clinical KPO company and were doing night shifts. She has a very attractive body; a bit small in height but good assets. The moment I first saw in office I wanted to fuck her brains out. Slowly and slowly I became friends with her. She was a bit dumb and had a lot of doubts and by helping her...

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Jenny Melissa and Me

I’m watching you on the screen, Jenny, as you pull down your pretty nylon panties with the floral prints and spread your legs. Your brunette hair hangs down around your lovely eighteen year old face, smiling as your labia open wide and you begin to rub your clitoris, all the while smiling, and gazing at me with yearning through your computer camera. In front of my camera, so you can see me, I put on a pair of sexy pink panties over yellow nylon stockings and a pink garter belt. I put my hand...

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A Planet Is TornChapter 14

Elizabeth's warning had at first fallen on deaf ears. She hunted down Fergus and Isaac and tried to get them to listen to her. "I'm telling both of you that a Woden space ship has arrived and it has put down troops on our planet who are even now planning to attack us!" she snapped. "How could you possibly know that?" asked Isaac. "Just send somebody out to look, would you? If I'm wrong then I'll be embarrassed, but if you're wrong people could die." "Okay, okay. I'll send a...

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Trailing Home Ch 13

Over the next several weeks, Selena settled into life on the McKenzie farm with joyous ease. She developed close relationships with her in-laws, and her fondness for all of them increased with each passing day. Liam took her to visit her sister who lived about a half-day’s drive from their farm. Selena was thrilled to be reunited with her sister and was pleased to see firsthand that Diana was so happy with her own husband that their two young sons. It was nice for both sisters to be close...

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Town Of Passion

TownOfPassion! Let me ask you horny fuckers a question. If you lived in a town called "Passion" that was full of nothing but hot, sexy ladies and you were the only male, how would you see your situation? Like you have been blessed to live in a village where you don’t have any male competition? That’s not even mentioning that the women are hot as hell, too.If that happened to me, I would think that fate was shining down upon me for some reason. I would also become ridiculously suspicious that...

Free Sex Games
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Lust Desire and Intrigue

I knocked on the door for the first time and a woman answered. She wasdressed like any other person you might see shopping at the mall. Likeshe could be anyone's mother or aunt.She softly told me to undress and to fold my clothes, then turned towalk out of the room. I am uncomfortable and ponder if I am even at theright place. I did imagine a six-foot stiletto-heeled vixen withleather and whips hanging from her corset."Now!" I heard and I was slapped back to reality. I stripped, folded...

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I am nervous. Actually I am nervous, excited, apprehensive and damn near scared to death. Sitting in my father's chair on top of the dais, I can see most of the audience chamber. Since I was little I was always fascinated by this room: the high ceilings, lavish tapestries and the cool marble floor. It was designed to impress, to be the public face of my father's power. It demonstrated to his people that their leader was a man of substance, a man to be obeyed, a man to be feared. Its grandeur...

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Meet You Half Way

As the alarm on your phone goes off at 6am, you reach over to the night stand to silence it. You lay in the darkness for a few minutes, not wanting to get out of bed - you would much prefer to stay burrowed under the covers....Quietly, you make your way to the bathroom, closing the door and turning on the light. You pull down your red briefs, stepping out of them as they fall to the floor.You turn on the shower and adjust the temperature before stepping in, and as you lather your naked body...

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Bachelorette Party

My wifes Goddaughter(Liz) was getting married and wanted to have a mini Bachelorette party with my wife and 3 other friends. Since I have a 10 passenger van my wife volunteered me as the chauffer for the night. All the girls are in thier twenties and my wife and I are in our fourties.My wife has stayed in great shape and can put most 20 year olds to shame . In the past we have done some swinging and MFM threesomes. And for Liz's 21st Birthday I had sex with her after a night of...

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ClubChapter 2 The Show is On

I had joined Level 4 the previous week, thanks to sponsorship from my friend, Ted, who had been a member for several months. My membership card arrived in Wednesday's mail, and I was eager to try it out. I called Ted, and we arranged to meet in the bar at 9 p.m. on Friday night. After a few moment's conversation, we went up the stairs to the topless club and headed for the restrooms. Nobody paid any attention to us, not with dancers on stage. Ted knocked on the door marked "Manager" and...

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my first sex expirience

I am a 19 yrs old girl sharing my first sex experience with readers. ….I lived in Delhi……. Two years back when I was in the 2nd year of graduation, one day I went to my friend’s house to pick up some study notes at about 3 PM in the month of hot July………. Since I was a regular visitor to my friend’s house I entered the house without knocking the door. ………The door was open and I just opened it entered in the room…… I found nobody in the house……. Suddenly my friend’s brother came out of bathroom...

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The FreshmanChapter 16 A Change of Plans

Cecilia's the Halloween party Burnside treated Cecilia in a completely normal manner, as though the entire test incident had never happened. It was as though she had purged the entire affair from her mind, as though she had forgotten it entirely. Cecilia knew that Burnside never forgot anything, but she realized that the professor was capable of disconnecting an offense such as the test incident from a relationship once the offender had submitted to punishment. Burnside's thoughts were not...

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Faith Hope Charity and CheatingChapter 4

Lisette had no objections to that because she had gotten on bad terms with her mother and quit her job at the printing business. Her mother had gotten furious when Lisette had claimed her remaining salary, refused to pay her anything and went totally mad when Lisette sued her. Lisette won the case and the enforcement service succeeded in getting her money two weeks before the printing company went bankrupt. The bank had objections but Niclas had fixed her a good lawyer who persuaded the bank...

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Love in the Woods Part 1

Introduction: A girl finds a love, and a master, in the darkest part of the woods I was just walking in the woods, rocking out to the Black Veil Brides. I was in my classic Goth look. Black tank top, cargo pants, fedora, Converse, socks, and even my nails were painted black. From under my tank top you could clearly see the straps of a black sports bra and from the top of my cargo pants, you could just see the top of a pair of black panties. On my head sat a black fedora and around my neck was a...

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How Kim Humiliated Me In Drag

HOW KIM HUMILIATED ME IN DRAG By Cissy Gaye Copyright 2000 This is the story of the first time I dressed in drag in front of a GG (genuine girl) and how I inadvertently put myself in the position of being humiliated in public. This was the early 1970's, when glam rock was big and magazines like Creem regularly featured guys in very feminine attire if not outright drag. Among my friends was a girl - Kim ? a mischievous brunette with a wicked sense of humor. I was in a record...

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Slut in last birth

Hi friends . Nikunj here with one more story.. This story deals with a black magic that show u what was u in last birth. I hope many people r crazy to know what they were in their last birth. On e of them was Ms. Rajul. She was so crazy that she one day brought a book of black magic. The book had a trick of knowing what the people were in last month. One more trick Rajul thought because she had tried many trick from many other books. She was very low of confident abt the book. She brought the...

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Ana Foxxx 500 323000

Ana "Fuckin" Foxxx was born in Rialto, California, on October 29th, 1988, to a conservative household. Her father was both a minister and served in the airforce.Thanks DadYou know what I say about conservative religious parents if you read my articles often. They always produce porn stars. And not regular porn stars, either. They create the nastiest porn stars in the world. Bitches willing to take anything a dick can throw at them.I almost want to figure out where Ana's dad lives and go shake...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Depression Heaven

I had been depressed from the age of eight. Ever since my mum was murdered my mind was crushed. I had been so close to my mother, we had a mother and daughter bond that I thought and wished to never be broken. But it was taken away so quick I didn’t know what hit me. I didn’t want to know about life anymore. Even though the killer was found- a desperate lowlife mug, I felt that justice was still unfulfilled. When her killer was sentenced to life and the feeling of more revenge remained in my...

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Erotic Education 5 Chrissy Comes

CHRISSY COMES TO STAY ALL HOT HOLIDAY IN OUR TENT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chrissy comes unexpectedly to my tent, around midnight, in full moon lightHave I slept, or was I still day-dreaming at night of cute Chrissie at my lap?Right hand under my head, gazing the twinkling stars, left hand in my tent"I need to take a leak, pappa Peter! Will you help me & kiss my cunny dry?"She seems to wear only a long wide white T-shirt &...

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Doomed Dynasty Pt 07

CHAPTER 14 In the spring of 1986 local body elections were held throughout the country. There was more than usual interest in the mayoralty contest in the Miranda District, a two-candidate race. Anyone coming into the town could have been forgiven for thinking the incumbent mayor was being elected unopposed. Posters of an artist-enhanced photo of him were visible throughout the commercial area and were scattered around the rural district as well. A huge banner of Mayor Rowlands was stretched...

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People Crakers II Family Affair

People Crackers II: A Family Affair by Troy "MMMM" said Jerry, "I love animal crackers." as he noticed what appeared to be a box. However, on closer examination he saw it was labeled People Crackers. "Shapes are shapes, it's the taste that counts." he reasoned. He decided to take them home to share with his family. Jerry got home and saw his older brother, Mike. They started to talk and Jerry showed him the box he had found. Mike was intrigued. "I have never heard of people...

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Snow on the RoofChapter 6

Tom was just walking back into the condo building after purchasing a paper when he met Rachel and her husband as they were walking out of the building. Rachel introduced Tom to her husband as the man who gave her the training on investments. Her husband thanked Tom for doing it but he didn’t seem to want to engage in conversation with Tom and said they needed to be going. Rachel just rolled her eyes and gave Tom a nice smile. As they left him, Tom turned and watched Rachel and her fine ass...

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Bipartisanship a West Wing Story

(An Alternate Version of In This White House) Leo McGarry, White House Chief Of Staff, walked down the halls of the West Wing. Stopping in front of the Office of the Press Secretary, he took a long deep breath before stepping into the doorway. Inside he found Sam Seaborn, the Deputy Communications Director having a conversation with the owner of the office, C.J. Cregg. “The two of you,” he said as he got their attention, “come take a walk with me.” “What’s going on?” asked Sam as he followed...

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Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 11 ReIssued

Introduction: Further dreams of Gregs Family Beach Party Turned X Rated Part 11 xnxx is now being re-issued as Part 11-Revised. by gregorthegrant True Story, Anal, Ass to mouth, Authoritarian, Bi-sexual, Black, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cuckold, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Extreme, Gay, Group Sex, Humiliation, Interracial, Male Domination, Males / Female, massage, Oral Sex, Prostitution, Wife Authors infos Gender: male Age: N/A Location: N/A Report: Now Family Beach...

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White PussyBoy PT2 Blacken Gay

After the second day with Jay when I agreed to the reduced rent, I waskind of in a state of shock over what I had let him do to me. I was evenmore shocked by the fact that I had been a willing participant. However, Idecided that would be the last of my encounters with him of a sexualnature. I dated women. I fucked women. I'm not gay. I couldn't keep letting a guy useme like that. With my new resolve, I didn't call Jay and even avoided thebuilding in which he lived as much as I could. Wednesday...

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Honeymoon And Subsequent Escapade

By : Sushmit Patel I’m Shusmit Patel, aged now 27; handsome dark, working as a Marketing Manager in a Chennai-based multi-national. And my loving wife Sudeshna is 3 years junior to me in age; very beautiful to look at, endowed with a voluptuous figure (34 C/29/35), very fair in complexion, tall in height (5’7”), and a happy housewife. Ours was an arranged marriage, held only two years ago. But she’s not a Gujarati girl; She is a Bengali girl whose father had been my father’s colleague and...

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EpigraphyChapter 2 Back in Office

There were over 200 e-mails waiting for me in the office. I did not go through all of them before my first office hours of the year. As usual, there were last minute course changes, questions about last semester's grades, and so on. None of those were as annoying as department memos. As in "all computer equipment and supplies over $25 has to be approved in advance by the department head or his assistant". Argh! I had been a bit of a prodigy, and was currently the youngest Assistant...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 336 New Homes

I’m not even asking why that happened, but I suspect Mary, Skylar, or both. The next two weeks were hectic for me and those in my Sultan’s apartment. Children arrived from all over the state. They didn’t all have the same backstory, but the majority were physically, mentally, or sexually abused. Their parent(s) were undergoing long-term psychiatric care or were in jail. Others were great kids, from great families, who ended up on their own, sometimes along with other siblings, when things...

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my 1st time as a cuckold

i always wanted to see my wife/gf getting fucked by a big cock. maybe the fact that my cock is not quite 5 inches has something to do with it... anyways, i asked my 1st 2 wives to do it with no luck, then i met Bonnie. with long slim legs and 38DD's she was a knockout! after dating for just 2 weeks i confided my fantasy of watching her getting fucked by a guy with a huge cock. she looked at me , smiled, and told me she knew just where to go- a seedy adult theater. i told her that i'd go in 1st,...

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A time to come

As I was sitting in my livivng room, there was a knock at the door when I answered it there stood a beautiful women no more than 23/24 she asked if I could help her as her car had broken down.As we sat talking warming her up with a cup of coffee with a shot of brandy in it, I looked at her car and found it was a small problem, I fancied a crack at her and made up a story about it to dark and suggested she stay over until the following morning when I could look at it in the daylight.I topped up...

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Merry Christmas My Love

This story is dedicated to my dear friend, Trish Patricia stood by the open doorway, looking out through the storm door at her small, snow covered front yard, and the street beyond. Her front porch light illuminated the heavily, but silently, falling snow which prevented traffic on the street. Her heart felt heavy and a tear slid down her cheek because she knew the storm would prevent Tom from coming to see her tonight. He probably would not come tomorrow either because the forecast was for...

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Yesterday, I was at home washing my car, when my next door neighbour’s daughter, Danielle, stopped by. I have known her, and her parents for 18years now, and she has blossomed into a totally, hot girl. She told me her car was overheating, and asked if I could look at it. She was dressed in short shorts, that showed those perfectly, tight, ass cheeks, and a loose white top with low cleavage. I was in my sweat shorts, and a T-shirt. Like I said, she was now 18 years old, 5”2, with long, brown...

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How Did This Happen Johns Story

This is John's Story. It can stand alone as it's own story as well. There's no need to read Shayne's Story if you haven't, but obviously I want you to. Thank you to everyone who read Shayne's Story, voted and commented on it. It's greatly appreciated! * Shayne was working at the mine on the outskirts of town on an internship from a neighboring state. But here's the kicker - she's only here until the end of the summer and it gets better, she also has a fucking boyfriend! And - as if it couldn't...

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My Shemale Stepmother

My Shemale Stepmother by Richard-to-Rachel My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 36 Corrections

May, 1984, Chicago, Illinois Bethany and I said our goodbyes and I walked her out to her car. We kissed before she got into her car, and after she drove off, and I went back inside. My housemates were filtering out, along with my friends, and the house would soon be empty. I let Kara and Jackie know that I was going to pick up Anala. They disappeared together, and I headed out to my car to drive to Bridgeport. Other than a brief greeting, and a question about her final project, Anala and I...

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Genshin Possession

Introduction Welcome to the land a of Teyvat… a mysterious land full of mystery and supernatural happenings. What mysterious circumstances await you or the people of the land of Teyvat. Guidelines: Must be a possession story. Can be by Ghost, Parasite, Slime, Body Swap, etc… It can can include anything from Mind control to Hive minds, brainwashing and anything you want as long as it is a possession story for Genshin Impact. Can be set where ever even in real world as long as it is about...

3 years ago
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Charming Darling Indian Aunty

Hello dosto mai hu yogu abhi abhi maine meri engineering puri ki hai aur job kar raha hu. Mai ek sexy handsome jawan ladka hu meri age 24 hai. Aur mai bahut flirt type baate karta hu jo ladies ko hamesha acchi lagti hai, muze mast bhari huyi mature indian aunty,bhabhi ,ladies bahut pasand hai. Mera lund aise ladies ko dekhate hi khada ho jata hai. Agr koi bhabhi aunty girl ya ladies mere sath secret sex karna chahti ho. To muze mail karna ya pr aur google hangout par bhi msg kar sakti ho. Aaj...

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Casper takes me to Heaven

Casper takes me HeavenI moaned low in my throat as the plum sized dark head of Casper’s black dick reached my wet, swollen pussy lips. I begged him to fuck me as he teased me with the head of his hard cock. "Are you ready for me, bitch? I am going to tear that pussy up…”I moaned and nodded my head as his cock starting pushing into my tight hole. Casper’s hands held onto my thighs as he pushed my body down on his cock. My tight cunt stretched as his huge cock impaled me, my juices dripped down...

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