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Sometimes the Bad Guys Win

She cried in her sleep sometimes. Actually, she cried in her sleep a lot of the time, but some nights were worse than others. She never really woke up when she cried, and she didn't exactly sob, not so as you'd really hear her, but it always woke him up. He'd roll over and look at her face; the shadows on her skin were always different depending on the phase of the moon or the clouds in the sky or the number of cars driving by their suburban home, but she was always beautiful.

Tears shown on her cheeks in the faint light that drifted through the bedroom curtains. He never knew exactly how to help her, how to calm her and settle her restless, sad thoughts, so he did what he could. He would stroke her hair, pushing the sweat-dampened locks from her forehead. With his fingertips, he would gently wipe the tears from her cheeks, and he'd murmur nothing noises and soothing sounds to her. His voice was always soft but intense in the otherwise-silence of their bedroom. Eventually she would make a last hicoughy sob and relax against him, her breath slowing to the more gentle rhythm of dreamless sleep.

They'd finish the night like that, her body curved into a "c," her hands tucked between her knees, and her forehead pressed to his chest. On these nights his arm, protectively wrapped around her shoulders, was usually asleep long before he was. Lying there in the dark, listening to the now-calm in and out of her breathing, he would sometimes imagine all the ways he could fix it, the ways he could make it better.

The best ways were the ones she would never find out about. The commando raids late at night, sitting with a sniper rifle, watching through the scope. He had it planned down to the most minuscule of details, what he'd be wearing, what the weather would be like, and the movement of the wind over the dulled-blue barrel. He could feel the grass brush against the heavy cotton of his field BDU's as he lay propped up on his elbows, his cheek pressed to the smooth stock. He imagined her efforts to hide her delight as she read the report in the morning paper about an unexplained shooting. He'd sit across from her and smile, never letting on that he knew why she was suddenly so happy, why her dark moods had finally passed. Those were the best, and those thoughts were what kept his mind from the painful pinprick tingling of his fingertips as his hand fell asleep.

The problem was that he never knew where his sights were to be centered. Charlotte had resolutely refused to tell him any specific details about where she'd come from. "Oregon," she told him whenever he'd asked. "Outside of Portland." Then she'd change the subject with that manner of hers that said, "I've changed the subject, let's keep it changed." Unfortunately, "outside of Portland" encompassed most of the state, which was, more than likely, her point.

So he'd let the subject stay changed and tell himself it was because she loved him that she'd never be more specific. "It's your karma, Robert," she had said on more than one occasion. "I'd hate to think I put that temptation in front of you." She loved him, and that was good enough for him - most of the time.

The other scenarios were good too. He'd intercede for her, stepping in front of her monster, doing battle with her demon. She'd be so grateful that she'd never be able to dream of a life without him. Of course that was the problem with that dream. There had to be something from which he could rescue her, which meant putting her back in the position that she left. No, as good as it is to be the hero, he couldn't risk that for her.

But there were other nights. There were nights when he was just plain tired. Nights when he knew that unfinished work tasks filled his desk in box, or nights when dinner had burned and his stomach was unsatisfied. Nights after days of long meetings and longer commutes and bumper-to-bumper traffic through smog-filled streets. On those nights he would lie in the dark next to her and find that all he could focus on was the numbness moving from his shoulder to his fingertips. He'd lie next to her and wonder how it would be if he'd never met her. If he'd never fallen so hard for her charms. If her laugh had never drifted into his soul and sent roots so deep into him that the thought of being without her, the thought of losing her was physically painful. He'd wonder if perhaps he wouldn't be better off without her. He imagined life without the hassles, life without the difficulties, life without the constant walking on eggshells and tiptoeing around her moods.

He always felt guilty the morning after those nights; he'd find himself lavishing her with affection after those nights and inwardly cringing when she laughed about his sudden "amorè." She'd pour his coffee and giggle as his hand not-so-innocently brushed her robe and teased open the satin collar for an early morning peek. She'd flick the dishtowel at him as she wiped toast crumbs from the countertop. And then he loved her all over again.

The day they met started out for him like most other days. Early morning meetings to discuss whatever the business catch phrase of the week was, followed by some minor bullshitting around the burnt remains of the morning's coffee, then back to his office to wade through memos and e-mails and other, sundry details of the commercial real estate world. The phone was propped between his chin and his shoulder, and he swiveled in his desk chair to gaze out the window. His office, although a corner office as befitted his status as senior-junior partner, overlooked the frontage road aside the highway. The lack of view wasn't worth complaining about though; it was a massive step up from his former next-to- the-stairwell office he had shared with two other office drones before he took off in the enchanting world of commercial real estate development. Pushing a basket of files to the side with his foot, he propped his heels on the metal windowsill and leaned back in his "relaxed executive" pose.

That's when he saw her.

Actually, he saw her car first. Ditched cars weren't all that uncommon in late October. The first snow always seems to catch people off guard. No one has snow tires ready, and the auto/tire shops do a brisk business for the first couple of weekends after the white stuff starts to fall. This year the snow came early, even for Anchorage standards, and a car nose- or tail-first in the ditch was settling into one of those sights that quickly became commonplace.

However, it's not often that one actually sees a car take the nose-first spin-and-dive. The driver must have hit his breaks too hard or too fast, because it was a spectacular glide across the highway. It quickly became obvious that traffic wasn't going to stop, and when no one emerged from the ditched car, he grabbed his cell phone and coat and headed downstairs to see if the driver was hurt. If nothing else, he'd earn his Good Samaritan points for the winter, and it gave him a good excuse to step away from the office for a bit.

He knocked on the window first, but when the driver didn't respond he opened the door, simultaneously reaching for his cell phone to dial 911. She was slumped forward, her head leaning on the steering wheel, both hands gripped on the cracked vinyl covering. When he reached in to touch her shoulder, she raised her head and turned to face him.

She wasn't pretty. She might have been pretty, even beautiful, at other times, but her face was now a swollen symphony of purple, red, and blue. Swelling obscured her cheekbones, and her nose had the telltale lopsidedness of a recent break. His first thought was that she had hit the dashboard; that for some reason her seat belt had failed to lock when she impacted in the ditch. But once the surprise passed, he could see that the bruises marring her face were well set, deeply colored, and at least several days old.

He let out a low whistle then reached his hand down to meet her opened one. With his other hand he unclicked her shoulder belt. "Can you move, or would you rather I call an ambulance?"

She took his hand and stepped gingerly from the car. "Some Good Samaritan you are. Don't you know you're never supposed to move an accident victim?"

He opened his mouth to chastise her for being ungrateful when he saw the teasing glint in her eye. Whatever comment he planned was cut short. As she stood, she paled and swayed.

"Look lady. Be careful. Maybe you should sit back down."

Her eyes were glazed and there was a flush of fever under the paleness of her skin. "Yeah. You're probably..."

She fainted.

They spent a year getting to know one another. She had come to town with no apparent plan. He didn't have any direct reason to trust her, but he went with his gut, or some other place that inspired instinctive trust. He had a client who needed someone to watch a small summer cabin. Instinct or not, she turned out to be the perfect tenant. In exchange for keeping the home clean, the rodents out, and the pipes running, she got a place to stay until the owner came back up for summer hunting and fishing.

He took her out for coffee and they met for lunches. She was reluctant to talk about where she had come from. The look in her eyes whenever he asked bordered on panic, so he didn't push. But she was a near-perfect companion otherwise.

It took months for him to move past coffee. She used to laugh and quote movies to him whenever he looked at her for more than a friendly few seconds.

"Oh, Robert. You know, relationships that start under intense circumstances never last."

"Sandra Bullock in 'Speed,' Charlotte. Too easy."

"Maybe." Sip, pause, laugh, subject change.

They met three mornings a week before work. Always for coffee, always at the same place. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, lattès and bagels, and increasingly friendly conversation. He'd talk to her for as long as possible, then realize that she'd not said more than two or three sentences the entire morning. She was like that. She drew him out, and he found himself telling her things he didn't know he still cared about. Frustrations at work became trivial once she had laughed at him for taking them too seriously.

She found work quickly. She started working through the temporary agencies, taking whatever office position was available that week. Soon companies were requesting her specifically for blocks of employee vacations and holidays. Within a couple of months she no longer had to take the low-level front desk, look- pretty-and-answer-the-phone jobs, the jobs that didn't question her apparent lack of office background. By January she had been offered, and was able to take her pick of, back office jobs at salaries that, although not stellar, were high enough to let her start picking up the morning coffee tab on occasion.

It was as though her growing independence helped her relax personally as well as professionally. By March they were meeting for dinner as well as coffee, and she started making off- handed references to her life before Alaska. Nothing specific, just a peek behind her curtain. Dinner was, more often than not, something cooked together at either his apartment, or the cabin she was still staying in. They'd eat sitting at the counter or in front of a movie, wash the dishes together, and maybe share a bottle of cheap wine, doing their critical impression of whatever old film was showing on A&E.

He found himself expanding his entertainment circle at her gentle insistence. She'd skim the morning paper as she nibbled her bagel, making small hinting comments about whatever production the symphony was producing, or about the relative merits of the ballet the Miami touring company was bringing to the city that month. He found that he actually enjoyed opera, at least he did when he attended with Charlotte.

By April he knew he loved her.

His apartment lease came up for renewal, and the cabin owner was coming up for fishing season. They were both looking at housing upheavals, so it made sense for them to start looking together. They found a small house for sale. It wasn't hard to figure out why it hadn't sold. Too big for a single person, too small for a family, but situated in the middle of a family neighborhood. His name on the mortgage, hers on the contract for deed between the two of them.

They moved in the last week of May. As moves go, it was an easy one. She hadn't had a need for new furniture living in the cabin, so her move was finished in one cram-packed car trip. The furniture was his, and like most moves, it was hectic-fun. Too many people from the office helping out, getting under each other's feet. Lots of noise and confusion. But they were finished and their helpers had all gone home by the end of Sunday evening.

They collapsed on the sofa together in mock-exhaustion, feet propped on boxes, the last of the "thanks for helping" beers in their hands.

"Here's to a successful move, Charlotte." They clinked the bottlenecks together in salute.

"Here's to friends with strong backs, Robert." Clink.

"And here's to..." Robert's voice trailed off as their eyes locked. "Here's to you, Charlotte. Here's to the best friend I've ever had. Thank you for doing this with me."

Charlotte pulled back, sitting sideways against the arm of the sofa. She took a long swallow of her beer before answering.

"Thank you, Robert. For everything."

They moved into a routine quickly and easily. She in her room, he in his, meeting for breakfast, dinner and movies together in the rest of the house. They shared food in the refrigerator and did each other's laundry. She picked up his shaving cream at the grocery store; he remembered her mint cookies and cream ice cream. They both grumbled until the coffee finished brewing in the morning, and they fought for control of the television clicker in the evenings. And each night they went to their separate rooms, their intimacy ending at "good night." His room shared the wall with hers, and he listened to her at night, settling for sleep. He knew the sound of her bed creak as she shifted over to turn out her reading light, and he listened for the change in her breathing that said she had fallen asleep. Some nights he'd get out of bed and stand in her doorway, watching the rise and fall of the blanket across her chest as she slept.

That's when he realized that she cried in her sleep.

In June she started going to a doctor. A therapist, she told him. "Just to work out some old issues. Sort of cleaning out the old attic." He worried, but she kept it to herself, so instead of asking, he started to watch her.

For the first few weeks she pulled away from him, became withdrawn. Then, in late July, it was as though a veil lifted. She started to laugh again during the day, touching him as they passed in living room, standing perhaps a bit too close as they prepared dinner together in the kitchen, letting her hand linger on his for a fraction of a second too long to be merely friendly. But she still went to her own bedroom at night, and she still cried in her sleep.

They spent the month of August wringing the last bit of sunlight our of the long summer days. She stretched his leg muscles dragging him on long hikes through the semi-marked trails of the Chugach State Park, and he taught her how to combat fish for salmon on the Russian River and the various creeks along the Seward Highway.

They had spent the day fishing the Kenai River. They came home hot, sunburned, and smelling of fish bait and river water. They dropped the cooler on the kitchen floor and headed to their separate bathrooms for showers. He had just lathered his hair and face when he heard the bathroom door click shut.

"Charlotte? Is that you? Don't worry, I'm not going to take all the hot water. If it's bothering your water pressure, I'll be out in a minute." He started to rinse.

"Don't bother, Robert." She pushed opened the shower door and stepped in with him, hugging her body close to his as she closed the door behind her. She took the cloth from the hook and traced a soapy line across his chest, down his sternum to his pubic hair.

He put his hand under her chin, turning her face up to meet his gaze. "Charlotte? Are you sure?"

She nodded and brought the cloth lower, wrapping her hand around him, feeling him harden at her touch. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he drew her against his skin, feeling her breasts flatten against his chest. Suds slicked the space between them, making her slippery in his embrace. "If you're sure, let's do this the right way."

He took the cloth from her and gently soaped her back and shoulders, letting the water wash away sweat and river smell. He turned her so her back was against him. As she leaned into his body, his hands stroked over her shoulders, down her chest, painting the swelling of her breasts with the white foam.

With deft fingers, he lathered her hair, scritching softly against her scalp, watching her face relax as her eyes closed. His hands gathered her hair gently, pulling the shampoo through to the ends, letting the water fall down her back, along the curve of her spine. He bent his head and kissed the wetness of her neck. Encouraged by her small moan, he bent further, his lips making trails in the water along her shoulder blade, brushing his lips down her back to the curve of her buttocks. His hands wrapped around her waist, and he tasted the mixed flavors of soap and sweat on the smooth, taut skin of her ass. With one hand, he brought the soapy cloth down the length of her leg to her foot, then up between her thighs, cleaning her gently.

She arched her back, pressing her thighs against his hand, drawing him up with her fingers. Turning to face him she whispered, "I'm clean. Did you say something about doing this right?"

She slept in his arms that night, and for the first time he was able to hold her when she cried.

Charlotte never moved back into her room. They slowly converted the space to an office, and the unspoken agreement of relationship grew between them. He explored her body at night, tracing scars without asking about their origins. Waiting for her to open to him. And, gradually, she did.

"Marry me, Charlotte."

She laughed. "Robert, unless you know something happening in the legislature that I'm unaware of, we both know that can't happen."

"Charlotte, I'm serious. There's nothing to stop you from divorcing him. I've got lawyer friends in Oregon. Let me make some phone calls in the morning. This could all be over, and we can start fresh."

"I don't know, Robert. I don't want to go back there for any reason. Things are so good right now. I don't want to tempt fate. What's wrong with what we have?"

"No, Charlotte. I'm tired of living in his shadow. Until you've cut those ties he'll always be a part of our lives."

"I don't know," her voice faded before he cut her off.

"Unless you think you might want to go back to him."

An icy silence filled the room. He could hear the wind blow through the bare trees outside the window, and there was a soft 'crunch' as if something big, probably one of the moose living in the woods skirting the neighborhood, nosed through the trees, searching for an overlooked leaf. It had been a hard winter, and there was a feeling of hungry desperation pushing creatures into less secure environments.

In that space between two halves of a second, a cloud passed behind her eyes and he saw her as she was beside the road, a year and a lifetime ago. Worn and hollow. His stomach lurched with guilt, and he knew that had hurt as much as if he had raised his hand to her. He knew that in doubting her resolution to be away, that in accusing her of wanting to return to her painful past, he had gone too far.

Then it passed, and he saw the cold anger reflected in the glint of her eyes. She gritted her teeth and steeled herself with a breath drawn through a clenched jaw. Her eyes locked with his, and he silently begged her to tell him off, to draw on the strength she'd spent the last year developing.

She shook her head slowly, twice, before she silently picked up her pillow and the blanket from the foot of the bed. She closed the door softly behind her and he could hear her settling in on the sofa. The television clicked on.

The night grew colder.

She was back in the bed when he woke up that morning. She didn't mention their argument, he didn't bring it up again, but it was there. Silently hanging around the house with them. They weren't always aware of it, but it popped up when they least expected it. She began to drift away from him, and from whispered phone calls and surreptitious shuffling of the afternoon mail, he knew that she was making plans without him. He began to wait.

"How'd you get out?"

She hadn't expected that question to be the one they opened with. Such a simple question, with such a complicated answer. But it was one that she was prepared for. She and Robert had practiced her presentation for seemingly endless hours. It had taken all of her reserve courage to make this presentation. To agree to stand before this group of pre-service counselors and recount what life as an abused wife is really like. Her audience was filled with social workers, Ph.D. program candidates. They had already spent an hour going through the process, how abuse starts, how it builds. She had walked them through the first years of her marriage. The small fights, the first slap, the tearful apologies and heartfelt promises that it wouldn't happen again. Flowers and jewelry, and simple-sounding explanations. They had nodded wisely as she explained her feelings of guilt and responsibility, as she recounted his careful explanations delineating how it was really her fault. She knew better, didn't she? And since she knew how he liked things, it was really her fault if she did things differently, thereby making him hit her.

She had shared a little of her past with them, just to give them a feel of what it takes to set a woman up for such a marriage. The early death of her parents, the string of foster homes. The unsettling years between five and eighteen. A serious lack of parental guidance, and way too much independence at an early age. It was all so step-by-step, almost textbook. He professed to love her, he lavished her with gifts and attention. He showed her what he called love. She hadn't seen it before, and on the surface it seemed like love. So she met and fell in love with her Prince Charming, and for the first few months everything was beautiful. They entertained, they looked good together. He dressed her in finery, and decorated her in shiny, expensive baubles, and he trotted her out as his little hostess. They were "such a delightful couple." They threw wonderful parties, and they were seen where they needed to be seen. She glittered and sparkled and laughed. He was suave and charming. It all seemed ideal.

Of course, that was the problem. He "seemed" instead of "was." He had mannerisms instead of manners. He believed that etiquette could substitute for breeding. And, despite rising economically above his more-than-humble beginnings, he never really left behind his trailer-trash upbringing. He married looking not for someone to love, but for someone to blame. Be careful of the true believers; they only become more extreme as time goes on.

She reached for the water glass on the table beside her and sipped, giving herself a few extra seconds. She cleared her throat softly and began.

"It's not short answer, so you might want to get comfortable." That was good for a small chuckle from her 'audience.' "I used to do the grocery shopping every Friday afternoon. Part of my 'job' was to plan the meals for the house and for any events we were hosting that week, and when the grocery ads came out in the Friday newspaper I compared prices, made up shopping lists, and spent the day at whatever stores had the best deals. In retrospect, it was significantly less efficient and more time consuming that it should have been, considering that we didn't save that much money by driving from store to store, and frankly, saving twelve dollars a week on groceries shouldn't have been a high priority. But it was yet another form of control--he could keep my day fully occupied and accounted for if I had to spend it at 4 different grocery stores, 2 dry cleaners, the dog groomer, and his office. Remember that I still had a couple of hours or so of paperwork to do for him at the end of the week in addition to the household management chores. So I'd leave with him on Friday mornings, armed with my to-do list for the day and enough blank checks to cover each stop--no more, no less."

She paused and took a deep breath. Her hands, still holding the water glass, had begun to tremble again.

"Anyway. Friday evenings after work he'd compare my shopping lists, the grocery receipts and the checkbook to ensure that all the numbers matched up. For a long time this made sense to me. After all, he was the architect, and he was the one who paid attention to details, and I was just a girl. And, as he frequently reminded me, one prone to making mistakes.

"About 18 months before I left, I decided that maybe I needed to figure out a way to get some unrecorded funds of my own. Given the way things were set up at the time, there wasn't a chance in hell I could skim from the grocery or household funds. We had one checkbook for our joint account--like so many things it made sense at the time. He said that it made it too easy for mistakes to get made if we were running two different series of check numbers. So he held on to the checkbook and pulled out however many checks I'd need for whatever I was doing. He gave me credit cards for everything else I needed; I carried a gas station card to take care of the car, and a Visa for places that didn't accept checks or for unscheduled stops. I didn't have an ATM card, and even if I did I couldn't very well go withdraw funds from our account without him knowing about it. It took me about a week, but one Friday morning as I was going through the sale ads it came to me. It wasn't going to be fast, but it would be doable.

"After the cashier rang my grocery purchases, I had written the check, and she had given me my receipt, I would "discover" two or three extra coupons that I had "forgotten" to give her. Silly me, so sorry. Since they rarely added up to more than a dollar or two, it wasn't a big deal for her to simply ring them separately and give me the cash back. I figured that I averaged about a dollar a week at each store, three stores a week. It wasn't much, but knowing that I had a tiny reserve fund building up bolstered my spirits more than I can describe. I cut a small hole in the seam of the mattress and hid the cash there each week. It was simple enough to sew up the hole and cover it with a bed sheet, and there wasn't any reason for him to even notice the mattress as long as I kept the bed made correctly. Periodically I'd take out the singles and exchange them at the grocery store for tens or twenties, to keep the bulk from becoming noticeable. The only real risk of discovery I took was the overnight bag I kept packed and stashed under the center of the spare-tire in my trunk. I was afraid that Mark would have a reason to check the car someday, and I had no idea how I'd explain it. But by that point, I figured I could take just about anything he'd dish out. If he had wanted to kill me, he'd have done it by now. I knew that he valued his playthings too much to do any permanent damage to one of them." Her face grew impassive, and the audience could see the revulsion in her posture. She shook it off. "Anyway. In eighteen months I had a little more than $200. Like I said, it wasn't much, really, but it was enough to give me some peace of mind. It wasn't enough to give me the push I needed, the confidence to leave though.

"That took something else."

"I was a klutz. I know that becomes the most common trait associated with beaten spouses because we're constantly 'tripping,' catching ourselves when we 'fall,' which of course explains the three broken wrists during any given year, right? And the several facial bruises from when we run into door frames, or cabinets, or when we smash our fingers in the car door a couple of times each season is most often attributed to our lack of Ginger-Rogersesque abilities. So I realize that it sounds like I'm still making excuses.

"However, I really am somewhat of a klutz; my parents had some foresight when they chose not to name me 'Grace.' I worked for a friend of his, in a law office, four days a week. Our office was set up like, well, an office. Two rows of cubicles down the center of a room for the secretaries and clerks with offices around the edges. As a documents-manager, I rated a step up from a cubicle. Not a corner office--those were reserved for associates--but one of the middle, inside offices. It would have to be either be a junior employee's office or a file room because it completely lacked natural lighting, and it was too far from the senior partners' offices to be politically strategic. So, I had this habit known throughout the firm of coming out of my office door in a hurry, rounding the corner, and smacking my hip on the corner of the first desk in the row. Poor Sandi. It got so that she couldn't keep anything on the edge of her desk; I was sure to knock it over.

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My Husbands first time 1 This is a true story

Hello and thank you for stopping by.I am Gabriel and my mission is to explore and try to understand my own sexuality and the sexuality of others, and have fun while doing that.My very first memory of anything remotely sexual or that gave me some weird but pleasurable feeling was while actually playing on the kitchen floor with my toy cars. Of course.... One of my older female cousins walked over me to grab something from a counter and I looked upwards candidly.What a surprise when I realized...

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Sex rooms

Hey, I had this sexy dream about you last night. I’m naked, wondering around this dusty old empty house from room to room. It‘s pretty boring, but then I open next door. It‘s a large room; warm, Victorian and kinda falling apart but comfortable enough. There are no windows but there’s a sofa and on it is you, looking at me. You‘re also naked and you have a large, pink dildo in your hand. Your legs are spread wide and you are fluidly sliding the dildo into your cunt, your other hand stroking...

1 year ago
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The Fantasy Club Part 1

Jessie Gets Ready 'Fuck it,' she thought to herself. Jessie looked at the clock on the wall. 4.45pm, only another fifteen minutes in the office on a day that had dragged by. She looked out of the window at the torrential rain pouring from a black-clouded sky. It had been warm and sunny when she left home in the morning and the forecast had not mentioned rain. Jessie had left her coat at home on the hanger and silently cursed to herself again. She knew she wouldn’t be able to get a cab....

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Staceys DaydreamsChapter 3

This chapter is written in Stacey's words. I hope that you can accept and enjoy the change of perspective. I woke up horny again on Sunday morning. This was due to the fact that I lost my temper with Walter and never got around to actually taking care of my needs. We had a long fight and ate a quick supper without saying anything to each other all night long. He bristled at my claim that he was a "useless" drunk. I spoke a little too harshly, but the essence of my statement was still very...

2 years ago
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At the doctorrsquos office ldquoPart Twordquo

The time came for my second medication appointment, I made sure I was dressed in very sexy clothes, panty less and braless, I walked in the clinic, she invited me in, closed the door and gave me one of the biggest intimate hugs and lips to lips passionate kisses.I asked her if the doctor was gone, she nodded yes, she took me by hand to the exam room where we had one of the loveliest sex sessions any two women would have, it was marvelous, and we were done and chatted for a while.I was brave...

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My first experiences with men part 2

Not really sure where I am going to take this story next, there are plenty of options. Thanks to all those who left comments about the first chapter of my first experiences with men. I shall try and make this chapter a little longer for those who thought it finished too soon and were just getting excited when the story finished.Now let me see we could go with experiences in a gay sauna, but I think I shall save that for a later date. Sorry I know I'm teasing a little but, building the...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Lily Larimar Jazmin Luv Learning To Love Yourself

Lily Larimar arrives home from school. Her older sibling Kayley Gunner is hanging out in the living room with her friend, Jazmin Luv. Kayley and Jazmin both greet her, but Lily seems down and quickly runs off to her room. Kayley is concerned about Lily and wants to help her, but she has to go to work soon. Jazmin reassures Kayley that she can have a talk with Lily. After all, Jazmin has been friends with them for so long that she’s almost like an older sibling to Lily too. Jazmin goes to...

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Teen Dreams Book 1Chapter 30

I woke on Sunday to the sun streaming through my bedroom window, and the sound of Mum shouting me for breakfast. I climbed out of bed, went across to the bathroom and relieved myself and then, still dressed only in my sleep shorts went downstairs, where, as usual, my Dad had cooked our Sunday morning fry-up for breakfast. “What time are we setting off?” I asked as I began to shovel forkfuls of food into my mouth. “Well, it opens at ten,” Dad replied, “I thought we’d set off about ten...

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mom son

wuld like to here some feedback.add me on msn at [email protected] it was hot outside, really hot. It was the 4th of July and Mom and I were relaxing in the pool. We had decided that this year we would just stay home and enjoy our vacation week, hanging out in the pool and watching movies. No work, no schedules, and since we were staying home, no crowds or traffic to contend with. Lying there on the pool float I was thinking how this was just about perfect. The only thing better would be if I...

3 years ago
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Husband Ny Chodwaya Kisi Or Sy

By: Maha143 Hi mera name maha hai or mai Lahore ki rehne wali hoo colour fair size 32-26-31 buhat slim or sexy hoo 1 month sy story perdh rahi hoo socha ajj apni life ki kuch hakikat ap logo sy share karo meri age 22 year hai or mere husband ki age 23 hai hum dono ny love marrige ki hai woh bhi bhaag k to gher mai khali mai or mere husband hi hote hai mere husband ko sex ka buhat shuk hai or gandi gandi baton ka kehte hai k chodne sy pehle mujhe sy gandi gandi batain karo. To mai unse gandi...

3 years ago
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Cross Burning For Dummies

To “Hardcore” Hardaway’s way of thinking, the three snot-nosed young farts standing just inside the door to his cluttered work shed didn’t look good for much, most of all a Klan job.At first, they’d tried to act cocky, like this wasn’t no big deal. But none of ‘em said a word after seeing the cross he’d put together that afternoon. Now he was back out here trying to teach these whelps a thing or two while the half-finished can of beer he’d left inside went flat.Why in hell did Jack Tidwell, who...

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576 Shadow Oak Drive Part 1

I met Molly on a seemingly random day. How could I ever have known she would change me forever? It was late April and I was working behind the cash register of a local department store. I was eighteen, just out of high school, and didn't have any sort of plan for my future. I figured that I would take a least a year off before applying to any universities. I liked working at the department store not only because of the discounts, but because I had figured out a way to sneak some of the clothes,...

3 years ago
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I Had My First Fuck in the Bus

Hi, my name is Jose. I am a 24 year old from Garden city. I am an ardent fan of this site since I started to read the erotic stories 5 year ago that is since 16.So I thought of sharing an experience of mine also with the readers which I was quite interesting. Let me describe you myself, I am a normal guy with a decent built. Not a rock solid man but my penis makes the difference. I really enjoy the sex time. This happened about a week ago when I was coming back from the office. After seeing...

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The Farmer Gets A Wife chapter 7 The Future

DAY 7. THE FOLLOWING DAYS. THE NEXT DAY JOHN I fucked her again during the night in the spoon position so that I could hold her belly as I filled it with my sperm for the third time. My fourth orgasm came early the next morning when I awoke about 6am or so? Not wanting to over use her cunt and cause her any lasting damage I settled on a rough deep blow-job. I "Wake up bitch, Master still has a hard-on." I slapped her panty-clad ass. She let out a pathetic little whimper as...

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Cruise Ship Hypnosis Pt 02 Ch 03

They found Tony sitting in the sports bar, idly holding an alcoholic drink of some kind and staring blankly at a screen on which some kind of game was being played. Certainly, he would have been totally incapable of describing either the drink or the game. He jumped when Katie touched his shoulder and he came back to earth. His blank stare gave way to a harried and conflicted look as he realized that his wait was over. ‘Everything is fine, Tony. Jane is asleep down in your room, waiting for...

2 years ago
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Is Being Used Always a Bad Thing Part III

I turned away from the window quickly, but my face grew hot as I thought about what Mandy was doing. There was a fascination in it as well, so open, so sexy. I should have turned immediately before she caught me looking. I felt mortified, but there were other feelings as well. I retreated, and I was also slightly ashamed knowing I was retreating. I went into my bath and turned on the shower, trying to think.I slowly stripped off my top and bra, then my panties, which displayed an...

1 year ago
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Crazy Twin Sister Final Chapter and Epilogue

Crazy Twin Sister Final Chapter and Epilogue Crazy twin sister tricks her twin brother who got the family inheritance to go to a costume party dressed as each other. She has him drugged, checks him in to a mental hospital as her and pays off the doctor and staff to feminize and condition him to be a bimbo whore. Does Brian escape a life as Leroy's trashy whore? Does Brianna keep the family riches? Private detective Sam Splayed is now on the case. Categories refer to entire story, not...

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The Cuckolded Reviewer Part I

Trish closed down the cover before lifting the laptop off the bed and placing it on top of her bedside cabinet. “You need a rest darling,” she said, turning back around to me. Her eyes fell on my groin. It was summer and I was lying naked on top of the bed next her. Trish wore a short, red top that masqueraded as a nightdress. It served little purpose, as she was naked underneath. Trish always preferred the freedom from the restraints of underwear in bed. I never complained. I always slept...

1 year ago
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Hyderabadi brother cums inside married sister

Hello readers, I am Mohit from Hyderabad. I am 28 years old. We are 4 in my family. Me, mom, dad and my sister. The queen of the story is my sister. Her name is Vidya and she is 2 years elder to me. I and my sister are extremely close to each other and we love each other a lot. She is my best friend at home. We used to share everything even personal Vidya got married when she was 25 years old and has a child now. She has an extremely white complexion and is fat in the right places....

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Altered Fates To Heal a Soul

Altered Fates "... to heal a soul " by Olivia Evans James watched Karen Short, the cute blonde who lived next door, through her bedroom window. He had been climbing the tree next to her window to retrieve a crashed kite belonging to the young kid across the street when he noticed the young teenager standing in front of her dresser. What on earth was she doing? James thought. Karen slipped a medallion over her head. Reaching into a plastic bag she pulled a bra out and...

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Just a SecChapter 33

Jennifer’s hearing was slowly returning as the man in front of her finished putting a Steri-Strip over the cut in her left cheek. He also put some ointment and Band-Aids on other hurts that he found on her breast and face. ‘Funny,’ she thought as the fogginess still continued to clear in her brain, ‘he does not look like an EMT. And why is he wearing a hooded mask?’ Someone had thrown a very oversized coat over her nakedness after cutting the ropes that had tied her to her bed and before...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 6 Queen Takes Rook

Mistress Superior and Francis were at the kitchen table, passing a joint back and forth between moves on the chess board. The kink fueled former nun and clergyman had established a routine that Jessica loved. Upon waking up, she fucked him in both holes. Then Francis made them breakfast and they enjoyed a game. Once he lost, she “punished” him with another round of deep dicking which the eager butt slut was only too happy to endure. Jessica wore a latex bra and skirt that draped down to just...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 16

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1991 My Sundays are my own. Well, my Sundays are supposed to be my own. Oh well. My family actually skipped church. Mom and dad were hosting their annual Memorial Day party the next day. I had to do some cleaning up around the yard, and set up the volleyball poles and net for the party. At lunch, I got to catch some of the Indy 500 on TV. I missed the end of the race, but Rick Mears won his third Borg-Warner Trophy. Dad had plans for me in the afternoon. The weather had...

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Closer Than You Think Part 2

Part 2: Wake Up Call May woke up at 7am lying naked in bed. She often had a habit of losing clothes in her sleep, but it was something she never felt ashamed of. She slid out of bed and walked up to the window pressing her tits against the glasses and looked for her new toy. She could see Megan lying naked in bed. The light on her body made her pussy glitter. May could feel herself getting damp from the torture of her new submissive being only a walk away and unable to touch her. So she decided...

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Something New Part 1

The rope is cutting in to the soft skin on the back of my knees. I have to be really still for it to not hurt. The right side of my face is resting on the mattress. There is still some light outside. The sun was up when he told me told me to shower and then get onto the bed. Sitting on my knees, hands resting on my thighs, he braided my long dark, still damp, hair. He did it tight this time. The slightly open window is letting in colder air now. I feel gentle breezes over my spread legs, up...

1 year ago
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Home Economics Chapter 01

Miss Jordan had been trained as a Home Economics teacher. She watched that career crater around her as it became unfashionable to learn to cook, sew and take care of babies. She got her masters in education and drifted into counseling, and, continuing got her PhD in Education. She was one of the first women in her school district to achieve this milestone. Which was fortunate because, as politics went at the time, the school district was looking to promote women to leadership positions....

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Playing Tennis Fing Big Penis

Last couple months I am learning to play tennis in order to be in better shape for summer. Recently, I asked my tennis coach to teach me extra hours and he proposed to me that we have it at his house on his private court, I immediately accepted since I knew it will be good chance to enjoy in watching and teasing him.After I came into his house, I went in dressing room to prepare for lessons. In that moment he got phone call and asked me to meet tim on tennis court. 10 minutes later I was on...

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European Nightmare Part III

Author’s Note: I would like to ask for any feedback whatsoever, it would be much appreciated. Whatever it is, be it criticisms, praises, suggestions for the characters or plot, queries or requests I would be delighted to hear them. Enjoy. Greta’s shoes echoed on the stone floor as she walked slowly and purposefully down the stairs. She had showered, eaten and rested, and now was ready to continue. It had been only a couple of hours since she had been down in the basement, but she was...

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You Are Mine

“I am going to claim you now.” The stranger told me after I opened the front door. That was all he said and I had no idea who is this fine man.“I beg your pardon?” I said, with confusion written across my face.“You heard me. You’re mine now. I’ve known it from the moment I laid my eyes on you. You. Are. Mine!” He enunciated those three words very slowly. I gasped.“But... How? What? I don’t know you... You don’t know me!” I struggled to say something. My mind is a complete blank. I stood there,...

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Senior High

Finally, the prom is here. Its your senior year at Senior High School. You've been waiting so long just for this event. You are really looking forward to the prom, and what comes after. First, Are you a chick or a dude?

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Sister Time TravelChapter 4

I awoke with my morning piss prick in the crack of her ass. I got up and headed to the bathroom, then crawled back into bed with my pretty sister. Asleep she was still beautiful. Kirsten came into my arms even asleep and I held her. I thought about my new life, a second chance really. I had been a successful in life, earned a substantial income, but lived alone. There had been girlfriends but no wife or children. I thought about alternative realities and God. Here I was in bed with my older...

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The Days Before My Wedding

The Days Before My Wedding by Britney Hoglund MMM look at that tight little ass. Todd said Todd you got to be kidding me she is like 12 years old. I said, as a cute girl walked away she was wearing tight sweat shorts and a pink shirt, and long blondish brown hair. Yea but she was really hot. he said. Does your wife know what a pervert you are? I asked. No, your not going to tell her are you Britney. he said laughing. Todd and I work at an airport fixed base operator, the jobs really boring, its...

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The SocietyChapter 4

"Hi Sondra, it's Brenda. Have i caught you at a bad time?" "Not really. There just don't seem to be many good times lately." "Whoa, sounds like someone could use some cheering up." "I... yes! How about lunch?" "Great! Rommany's okay?" "I'll see you in an hour." Sondra hung up the phone and hurried upstairs to get ready. It had been several days since her disappointing confrontation with Brad and she was still smarting to think he would even have to consider making a...

4 years ago
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Seduction of a Sports Widow

Wanda Ward Williams was born forty years before to the very day when I met her. I walked into the Holiday Inn on Wrightsville Island around 9 P.M. It was not the optimum time, at least that was the myth. It was Thursday though not Wednesday again not the optimum time. The myth went that by Wednesday night the mommies left with the kids, by the high powered daddies, were horny enough to stray a bit. The daddies went home to work or to play with the secretary during the week, then came back on...

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Private Helena Valentine Debuts With Interracial Anal

Helena Valentine has come to Private Specials, Black Desires and marks her debut as a Private girl with a great interracial anal scene. Flaunting her sexy lingerie she has no trouble enticing the stud Joachim Kessef to eat her pussy and ass. He can’t resist and soon gets to fucking her, warming up in her wet pussy and then straight into that tight little ass. She wants a taste of big black cock but only briefly and gets that thick shaft right back inside her. After an intense anal fucking of a...

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I Need To KnowChapter 3

A few days had passed and I wasn't any farther ahead in drawing any conclusions. I got a listing of all real estate that was for sale within a twenty mile radius of the accident. My God, so many places for sale. I remember Connie had said that Derek had mentioned possibly buying a cottage, so I started there. It narrowed the list considerably. I jumped in my pickup and started driving by these cottages. I had a picture of Lydia with me to see if she was trying to sell any of the properties....

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My older cousin Carolyn

step cousin but i didnt care i always check her body out. I stood by the window and watched her walk up the steps I rubbed my penis trying to get it hard so i could jerk off while looking at her . I stared at her long tan sexy legs imagining how they would feel to rub up and down them. I  was getting harder and harder stroking slowly on my penis. She sat down on the porch next to my mom . When she sat in the chair her shirt rose up slightly revealing her beautiful lower back and some of her...

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Zaks FoundationChapter 4

It had been four days since the crash, and the Princess Nanissa still had not awakened. If the condition of her crown when the humans had found it in the shuttle's wreckage was anything to go by, her head wound had been severe, though it seemed to be healed now. Two of the Princess' young ladies-in-waiting, Annima and Camilkoita, stood silent vigil, their blond and white hair cut in identical styles--straight, with bangs and ends so square they could have been cut with a...

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Deja VuChapter 4

I pulled in to Umatilla about 6 pm. I had actually gone to school there several years ago. It was a very small town. I got to Tom's place about 15 minutes later. Suzy ran out of the house and hugged me. "Uncle Fluke, I have missed you so much, where is Aunt Evelyn, why wasn't she with you last night?" Hugging her again I told her, "Let's go inside, and talk to your Mom and Dad." When we got inside I told the story of how my sweet Evelyn was killed by a drunk driver. I said I sent...

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Journey Of A Slut In Search Of Money

People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all my stories, this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect Girls, I do. It all started after my masters in business administration, I studied in not so reputed college to start with, which made me a bit disadvantaged in the job market, however I did know the tricks to a job, a sexy lady willing to play with...

3 years ago
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A guy and his 33 Ally

------------------------- Jake Freemon - Main character Gen – Jake’s first Jinn Jinn - What the genies are called Tommy - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker Mary - Boss's daughter Juno – Jake’s big Boss and Mary's Father Jinn Council - Council of major Jinns Yasmen - Gen's mother Doctor - the Jinn doctor (Hime) Rasmir - Gen's father Rosalinda - Jake's second Jinn – Once called Dreama Rashala - Gen's niece and Jake's 3rd Jinn Tankena -...

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PA Goes the extra mile part 2

I was speechless. Here I was, well and truly caught with my pants down in front of my female boss. “I see you have started the interview process,” Amy said with a wry smile. Mia continued to lie there, not saying a word, not moving a muscle, except the little contractions her tight little tunnel continued to make around my still swollen cock. I wasn’t sure if Mia had been sent here to seduce me or it was just opportune that she was exceptionally horny and took the chance that I was as well. It...

Group Sex
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The Undercover Detective part 7

The Undercover Detective part 7 June 8th Friday and we were back in the shop. Another hair removal session and my beard almost gone. There was nothing to shave now, worth talking about. My mornings and evenings had included a hair brushing and skin care routine now for some time. The routines were starting to pay off. I was getting fast and expert at my make up and female behaviour was becoming second nature. The day flew by, with me helping several, want to be, cross dressers....

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Nanbargaludan Azhagiya Kaamam 8211 Part 1

En vaazhvil naan oru projanaamana vishayam seithu irukiren endraal athu en thozhi aarthi udan pazhagiyathu thaan. Naan Vasanth, vayathu 25 en thozhiku vayathu 22 ippozhuthu thaan aval kalluri padipai padithu mudithaal. Naangal iruvarum ippozhuthu thaan en nanban mulaiyamaaga santhithen pinbu engal iruvarukul thee patri kondathu. Ennaku iru inbha athirchi kaathu kondu irunthathu, naangal mothamaaga 5 per irunthom athil en namban dinesh pinbu avanathu kaathali vishaali. Ivargal oru pakam iruka...

2 years ago
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In the Shower

My name is John. I’m nineteen years old and in college living away from home for the first time in my life. I've dated the same girl since I was fifteen and Wendy is thrilled that I’m now home for the summer. The problem is, I had my first gay experience while away and as much as I love her, these experiences were hot as hell and I get hard just thinking about them. It all started in late October. I’m going to school on a wrestling scholarship and after our first practice the coach picked a...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 10 Romance

A week after my birthday I got new casts. That took me most of a day, because they had to do a bunch of X-rays first, and then cut the old casts off and fiddle with everything. My foot cast wasn’t all that much different, but I was fitted with a walking cast, a boot that strapped around it and fastened with Velcro. That made it bulky, and I needed to put it on after I got dressed. Still, anything was better than the wheelchair! That got sent back to the rental company, along with the crutch,...

4 years ago
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I was recently married to the loveliest 18 year old girl you could ever wish to meet. Our Honeymoon was one weeks cruise and one weeks stay at a holiday resort. On the cruise we had become friendly with a middle-aged couple. The wife was very friendly (they both were) but I suspected that the guy was lusting after my bride. My wife would hear nothing said against them and readily accepted their invite to visit them as their home was only a couple of miles from our holiday hotel. We enjoyed a...

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