A Fantasy Dynasty
- 3 years ago
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In the spring of 1986 local body elections were held throughout the country. There was more than usual interest in the mayoralty contest in the Miranda District, a two-candidate race.
Anyone coming into the town could have been forgiven for thinking the incumbent mayor was being elected unopposed. Posters of an artist-enhanced photo of him were visible throughout the commercial area and were scattered around the rural district as well. A huge banner of Mayor Rowlands was stretched between the two-storey dry cleaner’s shop, that he owned, and the three-storey office building opposite, that he also owned.
There was nothing promoting Matt’s campaign anywhere in sight.
To the dismay of his self-appointed campaign committee Matt asked them ever so nicely, to disband. ‘Please, just do what I ask. You’ll read about my reason for this request in my one and only advertisement in The Bugle.’
‘But Matt,’ whined Josie Landers, committee convenor, ‘Rowlands is spending all day and into the night phoning folk, calling in old favours. And his campaign committee has people organising a door-knocking campaign to extol his virtues and emphasising why he needs another three-years to complete the initiatives he began introducing two terms ago. And yet you’re insisting we do nothing.’
‘Absolutely. Do nothing.’
Matt was going to add, gently, ‘Or else.’ But thought it best not to say that. It didn’t matter, though. The stern look on his face gave the message loud and clear.
He was very aware everyone knew manipulations occur at election time, and then general apathy sets in until its election time again. People do some stupid things as election campaigns enter their final stages, like throwing missiles at speakers or toppling candidates’ ‘Vote For Me’ signs.
Late one Friday evening, a week before polling day, someone fired two rifle shots in the middle of town. A parked taxi driver hopefully waiting for a fare to appear, heard the shots and called the police. They rushed to the scene, batons, handcuffs and their notebooks at the ready.
Nothing was found. That is nothing until Sergeant Chivers happened to look up at the man he despised Mayor Rowlands, depicted on the banner gently moving overhead in the night breeze.
‘Cripes,’ he said. ‘Hey everyone, I found where the bullets went through.’
‘Everyone’ consisted of Constables Ted Jakes and Alan Hunter plus Sam Smith, who slept above the hardware store and who had rushed up to join them, swinging a pick-axe handle and the night watchman at the timber yard, Phil Dumpster accompanied by his ugly brute of a dog. Silently the men admired the precise execution of the rifleman. Both eyes of the depicted mayor had been replaced by neat circles, bullet holes.
As one, the men looked beyond the scene of the ‘assassination’ and saw that the bullets would have travelled on to harmlessly fly into undeveloped land on the rocky outcrop across the river because the main street veered left at that point where the river curved towards the town wharf.
‘Bloody great shooting,’ commented Constable Jakes. ‘Think it was Matt?’
‘Don’t believe so,’ replied the sergeant. ‘Matt fights fair unless he’s out-numbered. There are only two candidates in the election for mayor so he’s not exactly out-numbered, is he?’
‘Matt’s wife. Can she shoot?’ inquired Constable Hunter.
‘She’s too much of a lady to do this sort of thing,’ replied Sergeant Chivers.
‘Whose Vikki and what’s her connection?’ inquired Constable Jakes, who recently transferred to Miranda.
Sergeant Chivers made a direct order: ‘Put a sock in it Jakes.’
‘Misfit Jones?’
‘A likely suspect Phil and his boss Max more likely so. But let’s leave sleeping dogs lie.
A photographer from The Bugle arrived out of nowhere and seemed to be remarkably well briefed. He conferred quietly with Sergeant Chivers.
‘Boys, stop any traffic that comes along,’ he said to the two constables.
The photographer moved his vehicle into the middle of the street, parking a little back but parallel to the banner. He limbed up on to the roof-rack and exposed half a film taking shots.
One hour before The Bugle was to come off the press, the Mayor stamped into the editor’s office and slammed the door behind him. Shouting could be heard.
Minutes later the editor called in the news editor and chief photographer and said to hold the front page. He wanted the photo of the gunshots through the Mayor’s image pulled.
‘But Tony, we’ve only got crap left,’ said the news editor.
‘Well pick the best piece of crap to replace it with, ‘ snarled the editor. ‘If we’re more than ten minutes late you’ll be held responsible.’
The photographers gathered around their chief, searching through rejected photos and looking for something useful that had come in from overseas. But there was nothing of relevance.
‘What about this one?’
The group looked at the photograph of Matt, the white of one eyeball showing vividly, as he looked up entirely devoid of expression from under his cupped hand.
‘Great photo Spud. Could win you an award,’ said a colleague.
The chief photographer took another thirty seconds, drumming his fingers on the table.
‘Let’s go with it,’ he barked.
‘It’s our replace. Go, go! Matt will kill us for using it, but our blasted editor will kill me if I publish crap. I’ve decided to postpone my execution!’
‘Bugger me,’ said Mayor Rowlands, looking at the big photograph on the front page.
‘My photo was removed but they have replaced it with this awful one of Curtis. Bloody awful of him, isn’t it? It will cost him the election, although I have it won already.’
The executives gathered around him obediently nodded in unison.
At that stage none had read the caption, written by the news editor who once worked on a London tabloid newspaper where everything was written with a twist.
Ten minutes later Isobel from the hotel reception counter delivered Matt his copy of The Bugle.
‘Bloody hell,’ he thundered. ‘I’ll personally castrate that bloody photographer and tar and feather the frigging editor.’
‘It isn’t a great photo of you Matt,’ said Isobel nervously. ‘But I suggest you take a look at the caption first before completely getting off your bike.’
She turned and fled.
Although not accustomed to doing what he was told by females, especially one from reception who was all lipstick and little else of note, Matt started reading the caption. He winced at the typos (he called them spelling mistakes) and being unaware they resulted from the replaced page being rushed into print.
The time saved by not reading and correcting any errors allowed the newspaper to just make the scheduled services waiting to deliver the country edition to outlying areas. Corrections were made in the 2nd edition, commonly called the town edition.
The uncorrected first version read:
‘Mayor candidate Matt Chj-urtis completes a prayer, a request to his Maker that, if elected, the good people of Miranda will not crucify him for getting things done, reforming the way in which the council relates to its ratepayers, and kicking butt if Council staff fail to measure up.
Matt has a reputation for spilling blood and guts when he’s angry. He’s angry and ready to spill his own bllllood and guts for the people of the Miranda Dustrick.
We on the Bugle would like to root for Matt, but understandably our management does not allow us to express political opinion. Never mind.
We also cannot express the opinion that his lovely wife Courtney has the qualities to be an outstanding mayoress.
But what we can say is that we on the Bugle believe absolutely our communityii can spot a White Knight when they see one. – Peter Reynolds, News Editor.’
Matt’s mouth fel
l open. ‘Read this, he said to Courtney, who had just walked into his office, ready to be taken to a cocktail party at 5.30 at the library sponsored by the Universal Travel Agency that was pushing a ‘Visit Marlborough’ promotion.
She reacted instantly, ‘God, what a horrible photo of you, Matt. You ought to be able to sue them for thousands for this.’
‘Read what it says underneath the photo.’
Courtney read some of it, glanced up at Matt, and quickly returned to devour every word. ‘This is great, in fact marvellous except for the typos. This Peter bloke has a delightful cynicism to his style.’
Matt phoned The Bugle and asked to be put through to Peter Reynolds. He wanted to thank him for his sly piece of writing.
‘Why thank you, Mr Curtis but we shan’t be speaking again. I’m presently cleaning out my desk. I have been fired for acting in complete disregard to editorial policy, insubordination and using the newspaper to achieve my own naked ambitions, whatever that is suppose to mean. I’m history Mr Curtis.’
‘Listen Peter, stay at your desk. Just give me one hour and I’ll have a rescue effort underway.’
‘But Mr Curtis er Matt. I’ve been told to clean out and clear out as quick as I can.’
‘Stay at your fucking desk Peter. The cavalry is on its way.’
Not waiting for Peter’s confirmation, Matt phoned his own solicitor but he was away in Nelson and his backup man who occasionally dealt with Matt was home with a migraine.
‘Another lawyer? Another lawyer?’ fumed Matt.
‘Why don’t you try Liz’s husband, he works in law,’ offered Courtney, fascinated to watch Matt acting like this. He was acutely focused and she could almost feel kinetic energy radiating from him.
‘Who the hell’s Liz?’
‘The woman I told you about who has entered on of my paintings in a national awards competition. Reggie King’s wife.’
‘Bingo, he’ll do, although he isn’t the best at watching his back when engaging in a courtroom stoush.
‘Here it is, found his firm’s phone number.’
Within two minutes the two men had exchanged pleasantries and were down to business.
‘Know anything about unjustified dismissal and other employment stuff, especially where to find loopholes?’
‘Y-e-s. I once specialised in contract law. But why do you ask?’
‘I need you to help a gutsy journo from getting bowled out the door. Can you meet me outside The Bugle in fifteen minutes?’
‘Well, no. I’m sorry, but I have a client waiting outside my office right now and two more appointments after that. I could fit you and your distressed person here at, say, 6:00.’
‘Look Reggie. We don’t really know each other and I recently beat the crap out of your in the courtroom.’
‘You did not,’ said Reginald, indignantly. ‘I was aware that three of the charges were shaky, but the Mayor insisted we go with them. But we lost because we faced a Judge known for coming out a batting for the little guy.’
‘Reggie, that’s crap, and you know it. Cancel your appointments and get the hell over to The Bugle. You have enough grey matter in that handsome head of yours to know that you sure as hell cannot afford to refuse me on this. Need I say more?’
‘See you in fifteen minutes. Bye,’ said Reginald King, picking up the phone again and telling his PA to come in with his appointment book.
Shaking her head, Courtney looked at her husband. ‘Matt, you cannot roll people over like that. People have feelings and there has to be give and take in business.’
‘You are so right, dear. But I find that rolling people over, as you put it so suggestively, works best for me. I’ll be back inside thirty minutes and that gutsy fellow at The Bugle will be sitting safely at his desk again.’
‘Well, good luck Matt. And something tells me that you’ll be back here within thirty minutes with a big smile on your face. You’re in your element Matt. But I don’t understand why you operate your business dealings when you come into town from this rather grotty old building. Why did you shift your town office from the hotel?’
‘Some of the stuffy people I deal with don’t like going into hotels.’
‘Oh, I can understand that. My you do have a hidden streak of sensitivity plus sensibility don’t you?’
‘Huh? Oh, didn’t I tell you. I now own this block of buildings, having taken up old options dad negotiated when taking over the mortgages. Take a look at the file over these while I’m away. It came in yesterday from the architects. We’re going to clear the site and rebuild a department store, just a small one, with a men’s outfitters, women’s dress department, women’s lingerie, china department, kitchenware department and baby and child’s department. It will be three floors with the town’s first lifts being installed. I was going to ask you to take charge of the décor and furnishings. The architectural team seem to think we’re a Wellington suburb and their sketches are crap. We’re small town and over here and need design to reflect that. Would like your ideas. Must rush.’
Courtney regained her composure. Matt Curtis owning the hugely valuable site without saying a word to her until now and having the foresight to pick exactly the type of retail development so lacking in this town. ‘Your secrets, your secrets Matt,’ she mused. ‘What else should I know about you, your habits and your dealings, dear husband?’
She fetched the file, got behind the desk, hitched her black cocktail dress above her knees and sat down.
‘Courtney Curtis, interior decorator and furniture and fittings consultant to the rich and famous.’ She repeated those words that should be on her business cry again out aloud.
She regretted that Matt hadn’t taken her out, wined and dined her and to the sound of some romantic music had gently asked her if she would consider adding her considerable talents to his growing business empire. He would have ended that proposal, kissing her hand, by saying that she would be on a considerable salary with a guaranteed five per cent, no make that ten cent, of gross profits Matt’s company made on projects in which she was directly involved.
‘But oh no. He simply says, ‘Here, take a look and see what ideas you can come up with’. He adds, ‘By the way, I own this entire site since heavens knows when. Was going to tell you about it but it just slipped my mind. Bye’.’
‘Blasted men,’ snapped Courtney, picking up the file and throwing it at the door.
The door opened, and a surprised young woman in one of the jackets they wear in reception of the hotel looked at the mess on the floor, and looked at Courtney with concern.
‘Everything all right in here Mrs Curtis.’
‘Oh, yes, oh hi Isobel,’ smiled Courtney sweetly. Matt asked me to look over this file. I picked it up and it fell from my grasp. Silly me.’
‘Here, Mrs Curtis. Let me pick these plans and papers up for you. I really like your dress. Are you taking Matt out somewhere?’
Are you taking Matt our somewhere? ‘You’re my kind of girl, dear,’ said Courtney, giving Isobel a dazzling smile.
Matt trailed by Reginald King stormed into the editorial offices of the Bugle at 4:30 pm.
‘Just a minute, sir, You can’t go in there,’ cried a young blonde woman behind the reception desk. ‘You need an appointment.’
Ignoring her, Matt pounded once heavily on the door conveniently marked ‘Editor’, flung the door open and walked in.
The startled editor, writing his editorial for the next day’s paper at a side desk, swung round in his swivel chair to face the intruders.
‘Mr Ludlow, I’m Matt Curtis …’
‘Yes, I know who you are. Good afternoon Reginald. Now, perhaps you can explain the reason for bursting in here like this?’
The receptionist called from the doorway, ‘Do you need assistance Mr Ludlow?’
‘No thanks Penny. Please shut the door.’
Penny sat nervously at her desk, the shouting behind the thick door gave littl
e clue about what was being discussed.
Five minutes later the two men emerged and walked off, both smiling at her.
Outside the building Reginald said to Matt, ‘Well, he folded pretty quickly once he accepted that he was on shaky ground over that dismissal. You’ve got what you came for Matt, reinstatement for Mr Reynolds.’
‘I guess so.’
‘You guess so? Couldn’t you be a touch more enthusiastic,’ laughed Reginald.
‘Play a lot of poker Reggie?’
‘Goodness gracious no. I’m not into that sort of thing. Why do you ask?’
‘That editor prick had the look of someone who thought he was holding a winning hand.’
‘Oh, come on Matt you can’t read people like that.’
‘Whatever you say Reggie. Let’s grab a cup of coffee. There’s something I want to talk to you about. it will only take ten minutes,’ said Matt.
Reginald looked at his watch. ‘Right but only for ten minutes.’
That late afternoon and evening, readers of The Bugle mostly mirrored the reaction of both Matt and Courtney, recoiling at the picture of Matt, but chuckling when they read the caption.
Inside readers found a half-page advertisement about Matt and his election policy.
‘If you vote me in as your new Mayor I promise to eliminate procrastination from all Council activity and that the Council will publish its own quarterly newspaper to inform ratepayers of recent developments and regularly provide an updated schedule of upcoming areas of Council spending.
The time had come to convert the Council from being a political gathering of mostly old yes men by voting in men AND women candidates AND some younger candidates to create the Council into a model business operation with emphasis on performance and giving ratepayers good value for their dollars paid to the council.
Change and progress will not occur overnight, but it will occur: I promise you that.
Promises are one thing but one person alone cannot maximise Council performance. It takes a team. I urge you to elect a team of councillors that have the desire to take administration and the delivery of works and services in this neck of the woods into a big leap forward.
I leave it to your judgment, as voters, of which of the two candidates seeking the mayoralty position is best qualified and focused to lead that renaissance.
Other than this sole election notice, I will not be wasting time and money becoming involved in waging a mayoralty election campaign.
If you want me, elect me.
Matt Curtis, known for widening the river mouth and saving the town of Miranda.’
Shortly after dark that evening Matt received a telephone call from Peter Reynolds, thanking him for arranging ‘a stay of execution.’
‘What do you mean?’ demanded Matt. ‘When King and I left your editor’s office less that four hours ago we had an assurance that you would be reinstated.’
‘I’m afraid it’s not quite like that, the editor’s cancelled his instant dismissal after taking me back on as he had undertaken to you that he’d do. But an hour later he issued me with the required one month’s notice, declaring me redundant.
‘The position of news editor will no longer exist from that time and I’ve been informed that no suitable alternative vacancy exists and so I’ll be paid off along with redundancy pay.’
Matt’s voice went husky as fury gathered within him. ‘I’ll call Reggie King now we’ll fight this.’
‘I’ve already been to see Mr King and handed him the letter of termination. He told me we can fight it but it will be a long fight with probably only a slim chance of winning.’
There was a long silence. ‘Are you there Matt?’
‘Yes Peter. Sorry I was thinking. There’s something else to try. I’m really going after that lily-liver editor of yours.’
‘He’s been around the traps Matt. He’s no push-over and always has lawyers in sorting out problems.’
Matt laughed. ‘Lawyers tend to get in the way of finding a quick resolution Peter. They are basically conservative and concentrate too much on not losing, which is not quite the same as concentrating on winning. I’m about to try to fire a rocket up the trouser leg of your Mr Swanson Ludlow.’
A fortnight later Matt called on the owner of The Bugle at her home.
Mrs Ingledew enquired about how his election campaign for the mayoralty was going and asked if he was seeking financial support. His negative responses to both questions surprised her, making her curious why then had he sought the appointment to call on her.
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Luckily it was a sunny afternoon, and Tony had been waiting for this day for months. He was making his way to the tv studios to be in the audience of Countdown, his favourite game show. He waited outside the train station to hail a taxi, why was there never one around just when you needed one? He checked his watch, he wasn't going to be late but he wanted to get in early and maybe have a drink before recording started. 'Damn you cabs', he thought. 'Come onnn....'. And just as that thought...
Adjustments Author's Note: When I heard what Will Smith said about Jaden wearing skirts or doing other things it got me thinking. This story started to form. Jimmy turned toward the bathroom door and slowly opened it. He peered out into the hallway and listened. He knew he was alone in the house, his mom had gone off shopping trying to score some of the Black Friday deals and Dad had to work. She finally agreed to let him stay home by himself for the first time since there was...
Last night was simply amazing. I am so sore today, I can hardly walk!It all started when I ran into a friend of mine at the grocery store. He said that a couple of his old college buddies were in town and wanted me to meet them. I had nothing to do so I went to his house to meet his buddies.Turns out there were actually 3 of his friends there and they all looked pretty good. I sat on the couch and started talking to his friends and before long one of them was rubbing my leg. I had on a denim...
My nephew and I had returned home from our 3-day rendezvous, and things had obviously changed. No longer were we merely Uncle and nephew. How could we be? Over the course of 3 days, we had fucked and sucked each other with abandon; in our cabin, while hiking in the woods, in the car… Nearly getting caught a few times, I might add. And now, it was hard to look at each other without…getting hard. For when I looked at him now, I saw an ass that my cock sought a welcome home in, a mouth...
Tuesday morning was spent with Andy’s group going over all things Mexico. The logistics plans were complete; MRAPS, trucks, food, the sleeping buses, the 802s, water, fuel. The men were given times for assembly and locations. We had been working on logistics for the security zone and getting materials and equipment ready for it. We had everything ready to go including three staging points near troublesome border areas. Our agreement said that we had to complete part one before starting on...
Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Ye kahani hai mere dost ki hot mom ne mujhe sex ke liye seduce kai aur mujhe first time sex kamaja diya. Mera ek dost tha ashok naam ka. Woh mera close friend tha. Mera hamesha uske ghar aana jana tha. Uske ghar me khali woh or uski maa rahte the. Uski maa such me bahut sexy thi. Her age was near about 34. Most of the time, woh sleeveless blouse waali saree hi pehanti hai. Lekin ghar me woh jada tar, top and leggins he pehanna pasand karati thi. Uski...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers the slutty mom starts her hungry for her own son’s cock read the erotic seond part. I couldn't sleep, so I got up in the middle of the night to get a glass of milk. I passed Bethovan's room in the hallway and paused, wondering if he was awake, wondering if he was thinking of me. Wondering what would happen if I went in. But I moved past. And stopped at Beckin's room, wondering again what would happen if I went in. I wondered if he wanted...
Incest“Um, sorry, Mrs. Vandekamp. I thought that you wouldn’t back so soon. In my defense, Martin is of age. This must be your gentleman caller,” Lola did her best at damage control, albeit nervously. “Yeah, that’s pretty clear! Look, damn, I know that I’m not Miss Popular Mom at home. I’ve done some ... harsh things and even crazy ones. I’m well aware of my failings. I think that I’ve been a bit too hard on Martin, for instance. I’ve been far too quick to blame him and other guys and punish them...
Recently while I was on a business trip for a few days I had what was a rather unexpected but delightful experience. I was staying in one of the new suite hotels and was traveling alone planning on spending my time at company meetings and watching tv in my room. I went down to the lobby to get a drink as the hotel offered free cocktails between 5:00 and 7:00 . As I had little to do and knew not a soul I began to wander around the lobby watching the people as they milled around and socialized....
September, 1980, Milford, Ohio Things with Bethany seemed normal on Thursday. After school, I helped Mrs. Seime with the YFU Exchange Program presentation. There were six sophomores who participated, and I spoke for about five minutes about my experiences and answered questions. In my judgment, only one of the students was truly a serious candidate, a Sophomore girl named Jo Filmore. I talked to her after the presentation a bit and she said she’d fill out an application. I told her I’d be...
The marshal who replaced Tom Jenkins on her detail was a woman named Jessica Snow. Len Thomas had chosen her as his partner because they had worked together in the past and it had gone very well. Len had a girlfriend and Jessica was married, but there was just enough attraction between them to make working together stimulating. Protective details were invariably boring, unless, of course, you were being assaulted by criminals or the Russian mob. But those kinds of things were pretty rare, and...
Well i posted one on the mother in law her name is Mary just yesterday i went to her house to help her move some boxes from garage to the house.So i wwalk in and she said bring them to my bedroom so i walk in there she was naked sitting on the bed i just drop the box and she laughed and said i need a back massage.So strip down to nude she layed on her back and i was hard as rock so i hope on her with dick right in her ass.She just moan little started real slow rubbing her back legs and toes and...
As we got closer to her building, though, she began to talk a little more nervously, saying that I didn't have to see her all the way up to her room, that men weren't supposed to be in the building after ten P.M., and so forth. I wondered what was bothering her, then it struck me that she was afraid that if I came up to her room I would want more of what we had done by the reservoir. I hadn't been planning on it, but now that she'd given me the idea I couldn't resist. So when we...
Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki ek aur sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main apne padosi bhaiya se chudi ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sab mujhe mail kariye aur main apko aur bhi apni chudai ki kahani bataungi. Main bahut hi fashion me rahne wali ladki hu aur mujhe mere pados ke lakde bahut gande gande comments karte h. Mujhe pata h mujhe sab log chodne ke liye bhi line marte h. Mere pados...
If Nina and I hadn't been such good friends, if we hadn't been so deeply in love, I don't believe our relationship would have made it through our first few years in Seattle. There was no conflict between us during this time, don't let me lead you to believe there was, but we simply had a very limited amount of time together. We spent our first year there in the college dorms, seeing each other only on nights I didn't have to work and on the occasional weekend. When we did get to see each...
When my husband first admitted to me that he wanted to watch me have sex with other guys he had no idea of the Pandora's box, or should I say Cassandra's box he was opening!Over the last 5 years I have transformed my husband from a dominant and jealous man into a totally submissive cuckold. He used to get angry whenever another man so much as looked at me and now he is completely trained and willingly submits to watching me getting fucked by other men. This is because he knows it is only when...
Waking, Summer felt the morning sunlight filtering into her bedroom. Listening as she climbed out of bed, she smiled to herself when she realized she was the first one up in the house. Quietly closing the door to the bathroom, she took a pee and brushed her teeth. Amused by the wild lioness look of her messy bed-head, she ran her hands through her auburn hair, fluffing it up while playfully growling at herself in the mirror. She considered padding out naked into the kitchen; dismissing the...
"Fucking hell" shouted Billy "that was amazing!" Reggie, stepped back and dropped to the floor, Jackie slumped back on to the bales ... she coughed, and then spat out some creamy white spittle. Reggie snorted and walked back to the stables ... he'd done his bit, now it was time for some food! Billy now jumped about, dancing around Bernie. "That was good weren't it Bernie" he chanted. "Can I now Bernie?" he asked "You did say, you did promise" he pleaded. "Ok Billy, she's all...
I woke early next morning with Jenny snoring softly on her back. My arm draped across her belly with the fingers of one hand resting on the gentle swell of her breast. Unconsciously, I toyed with the nipple, a plump stub of flesh that fascinated me until my mind suddenly allowed waves of guilt to wash over me. I groaned and closed my eyes as I realised how, despite the soul destroying scenes I'd witnessed at home, I'd fallen into the same trap. Jenny opened her eyes and placed her hand over...
I finally got out of bed, the thoughts of mum's sexy body still in my mind. I couldn't go down stairs just yet, I needed to calm down a bit, I flicked on the TV and then played the Xbox for a bit. Just as I was about to go down stairs I got a text. It was from my step-mum. "Are you OK?" "Yeah, I'm great. I just got the best blow job of my life. Are you OK?" "I'm okay, I feel a bit guilty though. Are you coming downstairs?" "Yeah, I'll be down in a few minutes. Aww, don't feel guilty. Would you...
TabooMy plan for the time between the dossier hitting the web, and therefor became public knowledge, was to simply run. Find a good spot and wait for the other shoe to fall. After that happened, then go home and deal with the fallout. I just needed to know when the other shoe would fall. “So Janet, it’s time for a short vacation. How about a trip to the beach?” I asked. “Just the two of us how romantic,” she said sarcastically. “Actually I was thinking about Thia as well,” I suggested. “Have...
Self taught daddies little cumslut.My name is Ashley and I honestly never remember a time when I wanted to be with anyone else. I remember when I was mabye 6, I used to sit in daddys lap and just hang all over him. He would get uncomfortable and put me down and say "go get your mom". Well mom would come in and suck daddy off and then I could get back in his lap. I remember being aggravated, cause why couldn't I do it and stay in daddys lap. So one day mom was sucking dad off and I said "I can...
Thomas Youngblood had just turned 21. He was a full time physics major at UCLA and worked part time helping take care of a retired professor who had Alzheimers. He was tall and thin, with sandy blonde hair, a big Roman nose and a long face. He was socially awkward and spent most of his free time gaming and watching and reading porn involving male on female bondage, hypnosis, time stop, and embarrassed naked females (ENF). One day while helping Professor Jenkins from the professor's dinging room...
Got Milk? Mission Impossible inspired Steve's antics which found him, on this particular night, in the kitchen of Dr. Brooks home. Steve was sitting records, if anyone was keeping records, and he was sure the police were, at least on the number of homes he'd broken into so far. He was also beginning to love the coverage by the news media. Even better this night, because he found a fresh baked, five layer, dark chocolate cake as he opened the refrigerator for a glass of milk. Steve...
Harmony was almost beside herself. Jack swallowed the rest of the bean he had nibbled on, and she gawked when she saw the result, as Dinah tossed pieces of her clothing this way and that. The giantess had pulled Jack up, lifting him to stare at his huge erection, below which hung huge swollen balls. Harmony’s first thought was that she needed to figure out how not to be horny anymore, because if he came near her with that thing her strings would all snap for sure. However, the sound Dinah...
Friday, December 18, 2009 “Ok Emma, your computer is now clean,” Brian smiled. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at the Christmas party.” He blushed as my hand gently grazed his. I smiled and nodded as I took a seat and got back to work. I relied on Brian quite a bit. I can’t lie… I love porn, and the Internet provides me with a good variety. Sadly, it also provides me with bugs and viruses. When this happens, Brian is my knight in shining armor. He never makes me wait, and he’s discreet,...
Sera is just so playful in the mornings and cannot stand being ignored. Her boyfriend Mazee is trying to handle some business but she cannot help herself and starts playing a little footsie under the table with his cock. She has the prettiest little feet and really knows how to work them. She pulls his sweats down and starts rubbing his cock and balls with her feet. Rock hard he is very turned on and is having a difficult time dealing with his worker on the phone. Soon he gets off the phone and...
xmoviesforyouIt was a beautiful sunny summer morning and I got up early, even though it was a Sunday. I spent about 15 minutes (as I did every morning) with a pair of tweezers, searching for and removing pubic hairs that had started to emerge since the previous day's plucking. Even though I'd been doing this for a few years, there were still about 20 hairs to remove each day. While my bath was running, I shaved my face and my underarms. Then, in the bath, I used the razor to shave my bottom and the...
my aunty betty was to say the least a total hottie.okay she was over 40 something but hey have you seen some of those women.she always had a soft spot for me.i dont know what it was but i always seemed to get on with the more mature ladies.not that i didnt get on with younger girls.this summer i went to stay for a few days.she needed the house painting and as i was off to college she figured i could do with the money and also help her out.in the end it was she who helped me out.i dont know how...
From the airport in Denmark, I boarded a bus for Sweden. There was a long bridge across the channel and the only highlight was seeing the Isle of Saltholm. We stopped in the city of Malmoe in Skane county. We were told the city had 5 districts and each had points of interest. I took out my camera and started clicking away at the architecture. Soon I was thirsty and found a bar, inside was impeccably clean, and I soon found myself chatting with the bartender. I mentioned it would be nice to have...
This sexual encounter took place about 7 years ago and it was the first time I had ever cheated on my wife. I had planned a backpacking trip into a remote corner of a National Park here in Western Canada. My wife did not want to do this trip and we had arranged that she would be going back east to visit her parents for two weeks while I took six days to backpack into a remote backcountry lake and back. At that time I owned a guiding business in the National Park in which we lived and was...