Doomed Dynasty Pt. 03 free porn video

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By the end of May work on reconstruction of the Curtis homestead was underway.

Three weeks earlier, Matt had returned from the farm early on Monday afternoon after he was advised by phone the building permit had come through and work would start immediately. He found building contractor Max Mead already seated inside the house rolling a cigarette after having completed a walk-through. Houses in the country were rarely locked when occupants left the property. Matt had used Max and his men on the conversion of part of his building into the Riverside Café and before that Curtis had Max built the new house on the farm.

‘The Rover’s a bit flash for you, ain’t it Matt?’

‘Want to try it out?’

‘Nah, some other time. If we are going to rebuild this rundown relic you call home we’d better get into it. You said you wanted it finished and us out of here a full month before the wedding so we’d better not waste time.’

‘You could build a couple of new houses in that time,’ laughed Matt.

‘That’s exactly right, and that’s what you are asking us to do here. The renovations and extensions are massive, and being the bugger that you’re are you’ve screwed me down to agreeing no cost over-runs be passed on to you. If you hadn’t given me the café job when I was going through a slow patch, really in need of work to keep my men on, I would have told you to go to hell. You’re such a nice bloke, all grins and no heart,’ Max cracked, removing a bit of loose tobacco off his tongue. ‘I better light this thing up and look busy. Here come the boys.’

An old Bedford had turned into the access track and was grinding up the rise to the house. It was loaded with timber, bags of cement, builder’s mix, other odds and ends and tarpaulins.

Perched on top of that load were two labourers with another inside the cab driving who was ‘Misfit’ Jones, a retired shearer.

‘Good morning Matt.’ he called, as he pulled up. ‘Me and the boys are here to turn this dump of yours into a palace.’

Looking at his boss he turned again to Matt and cracked, ‘I see our tea-maker and bottle washer is already here.’

Misfit whistled and a young Border Collie jumped from the floor of the cab and dived over Misfit’s knees and out the open cab window.

‘I told you not to bring that flea bag on to jobs as it’s a bloody nuisance,’ shouted Max. ‘In fact I’ve told you that a hundred times, haven’t I?’

Misfit’s total deafness had returned.

He turned his back on his boss and called, ‘Get movin’ youse lay-abouts. Let’s get this truck unloaded. The boss looks as if he’s working up a real paddy.’

‘You’d better put the kettle on and get the cake out Matt. Sorry your mother’s not here. We heard her scones are legendary,’ said the Max, scratching his butt.

‘I’ll try to get an hour’s work out of them before smoko. Bloody Misfit he’s so insolent but if it weren’t for his humour we’d die of boredom. He’s also my bloody wife’s older brother, so sacking him would be the end of my you know what.’

Hands on hips, the builder looked at the house. ‘Misfit,’ he yelled. ‘Where should we start?’

‘Wait your turn, Max. Can’t you see I’m busy?’

Matt headed to the kitchen to do what he’d been told, to get morning tea ready.

It was a local tradition on country jobs that the owner’s provided lunch and all other refreshments. When they had been negotiating the building contract Max had tabled a list of the perks due to them.

‘Bloody hell, Max you can’t be serious. We must be the only district in the whole of the country where this queer practice exists.’

‘Matt,’ Max had said patiently. ‘Flood, hail, fork lightening or even an invasion of foreign troops we’ll get your job finished on time and to your satisfaction. But we have to draw the line somewhere, if you don’t…’

Grinning, Matt had interrupted, saying that he’d only been testing to find out how far Max could be pushed. ‘With no cost over-runs to pay we’ll have enough in kitty to pay for morning and afternoon teas, lunches and a few crates of beer as well. You’ve got the job, let’s shake.’

When he arrived back home after closing the deal on a simple handshake, with the builder being responsible for all sub-trades, Patricia was eager to hear all the details.

Matt told her what he thought she should know.

‘I don’t think you should have agreed to us providing free refreshments Matt,’ she said sternly.

‘Mother negotiating contracts is men’s business. Now tell me, will scones freeze well?’

Patricia was horrified. ‘I’m not making scones for freezing even for those men. My reputation would be ruined.’ She looked quite upset.

‘Only joking. I’ll go to town each morning and get fresh tucker.’

Three weeks after seeing Patricia off on her flight from Wellington to Auckland to catch her Pam-Am connection to Los Angeles, Courtney caught a flight across Cook Strait, excited about seeing progress on her new house. Already in her mind it was ‘her’ house.

At the airport she saw the Land Rover and walked around it, pleased that there were yet no dents or missing bits on the new vehicle. But it was dreadfully dirty and the outside of it was grey with coated dust. When last she’d been driven back to the ferry terminal it was pristine green.

Where was Matt? A lanky youth walked up to her and said curtly, ‘Are you Miss Sterling?’

‘And if I were?’ she replied stiffly, thinking that he needed a bath, some decent clothes and his hair combed. Perhaps a doctor should look at his watery eyes.

That response made the 20-year-old straighten up. He’d been born and bred in the area and knew that even the Curtis women were tough. Here this one was not even married to Matt yet and she was talking to him bossy-like.

‘I’m Art and that’s short for Arthur. I do odd jobs for Matt and work on the farm when he doesn’t need me in town. He’s asked me to be here to meet you and to take you back to the house. I was told to be very sure that I warned you to expect a big mess, a very big mess.’

‘Well thank you Art. Please put my bag in the back and let’s go.’

‘Yes ma’am,’ said Art, bounding to her side to pick up the bag. ‘A nice trip over?’

Courtney smiled. Already she had one of them to heel. The toughest one, of course, would be Matt. He acted as if he had wolf in him.

‘Matt is taking you out to the farm on Sunday.’

Good gracious. Do even the worker’s know one’s personal business? ‘Thank you for that information Art. Now, what else do you know?’

As it turned out, Art knew quite a lot. One surprising disclosure was that while she learned about Matt’s friends, all appeared to be men with two exceptions, Elsie at the bakery and Vikki at the café. She’d better look into that.

‘Matt seems to have a lot of men friends. Why’s that?’

‘Men run this world Miss Sterling and Matt is a great sort of guy. Guess who catches the biggest fish and rides the fastest horse and who’s never been knocked down to stay down? Matt, of course. Other farmers around here live on their farm and work their guts out, but not Matt. He’s one of the few to treat farming like a business and pays someone else to do the non-brainy stuff. Matt told me that.’

‘But there must be women around him as well?’

‘Not really, except for his mum. Oh, sorry. And you.’

‘How strange. But you did mention earlier that woman at the baker and the one at the café?’

‘Oh, them. Well Elsie Thomas’s my mum and Vikki was the girl that Matt slugged at school and got drummed out for it.’

‘So she’s Matt’s age’

‘Nah a year younger I believe.’

‘Why is he friendly with her if she was the person who got him expelled at school?’

‘He saved her life, but you’ll have to ask Matt for details. Because of the way he did that he was called a hero.’

They drove up to the house. The cor
rugated iron roof had been removed, replaced with tarpaulins ready to be rolled over the bared trusses each evening. Mess was everywhere.

A black and white dog bounded out of the old green truck on the lawn and circled them as they got out of the Land Rover. It looked cautious and friendly, with intense eyes. Courtney moved up to pat it. It headed away from her at blinding speed and circled her again. Just like Matt, she thought, surprised that she could think such a thing. And where was Patricia’s cat with a dog around? She guessed that the Spaniel would be inside dripping saliva into its basket. She was later told that that Matt had ‘taken the Spaniel for a walk across the paddock and only one of them came back,’ whatever that meant.

Patricia’s Samantha had taken refuge in the Whitehead’s home. She was told when phoning them they were happy to have her stay there until the builders departed.

The cat came visiting some evenings, only to smell dog everywhere. These appeared not happy days for Samantha who probably was forced to be last in line at the Whitehead’s who had two neutered tabbies, whose method of accepting her intrusion would be to totally ignore her, Courtney speculated, she knew cats.

Matt ran up to Courtney quite excited. He wore only boots, socks and brief khaki shorts and was wearing an awful old hat. He was carrying a hammer, was brown and his arm muscles rippled.

What a specimen, she breathed.

Earlier that morning Misfit had said to Max as Matt approached carrying some dressed timber on his shoulder, ‘Matt’s lost some of that flab since he’s be working with us. Bet his girlfriend will be licking her lips when she sees him strutting his stuff like this.’

‘Right, but you watch your tongue when she’s around. They say in town she’s a high-class dame, who’s never worked and lived the life of Reilly with her parents circling the world. Her dad’s a diplomat.’

‘Struth what does a diplomat do?’

Max pretended he didn’t hear the question because he didn’t really know the answer.

Though particular about her appearance, Courtney dashed into the arms of Matt, knowing that his sweat would soak in to her white cotton dress printed with big red poppies. The workmen stood by, grinning, Max looked at them sternly, putting an upright index finger over his lips to forestall any inclination for an outburst of cheering. Max’s message was clear, because his next movement was to pull the same finger, now vertical, across his throat.

Standing dutifully behind Courtney, who had one lower leg raised off the ground, was Art, with her sunhat that had fallen into the dust when she rushed at Matt… ‘Just like a cat on heat’ he told other workers all agog at the farm the next day. ‘Initially I though she’s was a cold bossy bitch, but she showed none of that when she rushed up to Matt.’

At mid morning on Sunday Matt and Courtney walked hand-in-hand from the Land Rover to where the farm manager stood with two saddled horses.

Matt had already asked Courtney could she ride, and the reply was ‘a bit.’ That modest reply should have alerted him.

‘I’m not riding that,’ Courtney said, when the manager Dick Rogers went to hand her the reins of a solid farm hack, standing quietly, with its head down. It was dealing with flies with a lazy rhythmic flick of its tail.

The farm manager looked at Matt, who shrugged.

‘Perhaps you should take your own pick Miss Sterling.’

‘Thank you, Dick. Please call me Courtney. You have a position of authority.’

Matt grinned, knowing that Dick would now treat Courtney with utmost respect.

Dick beamed, probably thinking that little Miss Wellington seemed to be a rather nice lass. The stories about her must be just that, stories.

Courtney stood at the fence, squinting against the sun, looking at the horses in the home paddock. ‘You said any one of them?’

‘Not the roan and not the little black over there, it’s a bit lame.’

‘What’s wrong with the roan?’

‘Nothing, but it’s a bit of a jumper Miss … I mean Courtney. ‘It can catch an unwary rider out by going over the fence when he’s expecting to go through the gate.’

‘Then I’ll have that one.’

That little exchange made Matt smile. It brought back memories of his introduction to a horse in Wyoming that became his Chinook.

The manager glanced at him, waiting for support. But Matt simply said, ‘Get the roan, Dick. She’s ridden a bit and I’ll keep an eye on the horse. Sorry about this.’

‘No trouble, boss,’ said Dick, glad that Matt had assumed responsibility. He was confident that Matt wouldn’t sit by and let Courtney be turned into dog tucker. He grabbed a halter and rode off on the hack to bring in the roan.

The horse turned out to be a hand higher than Courtney had estimated from the distance. As Dick was saddling it up she walked to its flank and ran a hand down its rump. The flesh rippled but the horse made no attempt to lash out its leg. ‘Seems quiet, what’s its name?’


‘Unusual name for a horse?’

‘Yep name of a villain in a paperback I was reading at the time we named him when he was gelded. He was a playful cuss and almost kneecapped me when he was freed. It was a malicious act of revenge, so Boris seemed a perfect name.’

‘Oh, I like that story.

‘Matt, Dick… if Boris and I get on well today, can he be my horse?’

The two men looked at each other, Dick shaking his head slightly to signal no.

‘Of course, darling,’ replied Matt. ‘If it kills or mains you, I’ll know that it was your choice.’

‘Matt! Don’t be so awful.’

‘Dick, I haven’t ridden for a while so could be please hold Boris steady. It seems a long way up there.’ But in an instant she was in the saddle, bending forward to catch the reins.

The men watched he as she walked then trotted then broke into a canter down the farm track.

‘She can ride, rather well in fact,’ Dick said approvingly.

Matt didn’t answered. If Courtney said she could ride he hadn’t expected that she wouldn’t do anything less than ride quite well.

She returned towards the men at a fast lope, horse and rider looking as one. Courtney than dug her heels in and leaned forward in the saddle, raising herself slightly.

‘Struth she’s going for the fence!’ cried Dick.

‘Stay still, you might spook the horse,’ Matt said calmly.

Boris cleared the fence with ease and within yards was being ridden into a full gallop.

Dick looked at Matt, ready to apologise for being too edgy. But knew he needn’t bother. The look on Matt’s face was if Christmas had arrived.

On Monday morning Courtney returned to Wellington on the first ferry, pleased that the house reconstruction was reportedly on schedule, though it certainly didn’t look like it to her. She was also pleased that Matt had been so lovely to her and that she now had a horse called Boris.

She smiled recalling the look on the faces of Dick and Matt when she had commenced her run at the fence. She knew it had been a bit risky taking a strange horse in a jump that high, but she had been told it liked jumping fences. As for experience, she’d ridden in hunts in Britain and had played social polo in Buenos Aires so she was not exactly a novice horsewoman. In fact she’d be riding since she was seven.


Friends and neighbours were invited to Milly’s ranch to meet her sister-in-law Mrs Curtis, the woman whom had come from afar, being the wife of Collier and mother of Matt, two New Zealanders who seemed to adapt very quickly to life in Wyoming and were remembered fondly.

Some of the women heaped compliments on her, saying they couldn’t believe that someone as feminine and slight could have been Collier’s wife or was old enough to be Matt’s mother.

Patricia enjoyed these folk dropping in, recognising some of the names that her own menfolk had told her about
, and whom Milly sometimes referred to in letters.

Cody was back at his own place during Patricia’s visit and Ponto now had his own kitchen/sitting room and bedroom attached to the stables. Builders had completed the frame and roof and Ponto and Cody finished off construction, becoming good friends in the process.

Patricia spent hours talking to Ponto. He told her what his own father and grandfather had told him about life in the old days.

Ponto also recounted the times he experienced with Curtis when they chased after haymaking jobs and then taking any work they could find when Milly had run out of jobs for them. He drove Patricia about in Milly’s pickup, a new Chevrolet financed from her brother’s large bequest. They visited some of the places Ponto had spoken about.

His memory for detail was so good that Patricia began to feel that it was almost as if she had been there during those times. Never did Ponto mention anything about Martha, so Patricia resisted the temptation to ask about Martha and Collier. She was itching to meet the woman.

Milly had already met Martha in town and one afternoon said she was going over visit her. Patricia jumped at the offer to accompany her. As they drove off Patricia said: ‘Milly, after all these years I still regret you stayed on here like you did. At times I have felt so terrible, thinking that I failed you as a sister-in-law, knowing I should have come and fetched you home. It was a shocking way for your marriage to end and you were just a young girl. But when I learned how determined you were at rebuilding your life and how happy you had become I felt nothing but admiration for you. Tell me dear, how do you feel, do you feel that I failed you?’

‘Just a moment, Patricia,’ Milly answered. She drove carefully beside a small number of approaching cattle being driven on the side of the road, her mind reeling at what Patricia had just said. Patricia and indeed everyone back home apart from Collier had only heard the ‘cock and bull’ story of her so-called failed marriage.

Milly’s mind went back to 1946 when a Department of Agriculture external relations officer had written to the Miranda Valley Business and Professional Association seeking a sponsor for a farm study exchange student arriving from near Arrowhead, Wyoming. Her aged parents, Charles and Sarah, had jumped at the opportunity to host a foreign student, and Amos Durham arrived at the Curtis’ home two months later.

The three-month programme was a great success, and Amos went home praising the hospitality of the Curtis family. Shortly afterwards Charles receive an invitation from Amos’ father Dean for Milly to stay with the Durham family during that New Zealand summer. Milly, who’d been Amos’ constant companion during his stay, begged to be allowed to go, and finally her parents consented, virtually pushed into it by Milly’s big brother Curtis.

She had just celebrated her eighteenth birthday when she left for America for twelve weeks, at least that was the plan.

It was a typical winter in Wyoming, with successive heavy dumps of snow. One afternoon when Amos had taken his mother to a medical centre, his father Dean went into the bathroom where Milly was in the bath. He asked if he could join her and for some reason she could never fathom in later bouts of self-incrimination, Milly said just two words, ‘Jump in.’

Dean stripped and joined her in the bath. He later carried her to her bedroom and seduced her, Milly happily consenting. It was as if she was rewarding herself for the fact that never had Amos shown any physical interest in her, although he clearly regarded her as a close friend.

The liaison between Dean and Milly continued. Her thoughts about that experience were interrupted with the need to converse with her sister-in-law.

‘No, Patricia, you and Collier were far away, my parents were not up to long journeys. What I did was of my own making and I went into it with my eyes open. Of course I had no idea of the terrible events that were to follow.’

Milly had said that deliberately, deciding it was time to tell the truth.

‘Thank you for saying that Milly,’ Patricia said, still unaware that she was about to be told everything, nothing withheld. ‘I tried to express my feelings in my letters. I should have come with Collier to give you support.’

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I would almost sprint home from my buddies house. Checking to see if her and mom were back from their next bender. I never really knew when they would be back. Sometimes it would just be my mom.  Other times , I assume they were passed out at their friend or dealers house . But finally. Finally. I came home , and the pieces were all layed out . A quiet trailer. Mom out cold on the couch . A devilish grin passing my lips I'm sure as I tipped down the hall to my room. "Creeeeek" the...

3 years ago
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Sharing Mom 8211 One Happy Family

1. After the first time, fucking mom again About two weeks after I had fucked mom, I had another chance to do it when she wasn’t drunk and sedated. I was alone in the house with mom and she was in the bathroom. I decided then that I had to make sure she knew I wanted to fuck her regularly. I stripped completely, my cock standing out erect and proud and walked into the bathroom. My mother had her back to me as I walked in. I walked up and embraced her fondly, my rock hard penis pressing up...

3 years ago
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Horny Wife Horny Life 8211 Part 3

Hey Guys! Thank you for the appreciation that you all are giving to my stories. I hope my stories keep you charged up all the time. A short recap. Amisha is the character from my previous story series . This is the story before she left for the US with her husband. Madhu had cheated on her husband and she was feeling guilty. Even though she knew she was tricked into sex. She had enjoyed it. She decided to talk this with her friend Amisha. Madhu called Amisha and decided to meet Amisha at her...

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Daddy helps

My name is John Ruby. I am married to a cold, but attractive woman named Beth, and have a beautiful daughter named Susan. I guess it's not a new story. Beth and I met when we were 15, fucked often, and got pregnant. We thought we were in love, well sort of, and I wanted to do the right thing. Our parents refused at first, but 3 weeks before the due date, gave their consent, and we were married. Beth and I had both planned to go to school. But we could not afford it on our own. Her parents were...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 25 Le Quattro Stagioni

October 18, 1996, Rutherford, Ohio My first reaction was surprise, followed almost immediately by a clear understanding of exactly how I’d gotten myself into this particular predicament. I’d told Winter what it took to keep me centered and balanced, made it exceedingly clear that I was open to the idea of other young women, and even told her about the ‘dose of virgin blood’ which Elyse had said was required for my mental health. The girl in front of me certainly bore a resemblance to Phoebe...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 55 Whos The Mother

Tuesday Week 30 continued "What? I take it that Jill's not the mum?" Peter asked incredulously, as Dave had told him that he was going to become a daddy. "No darling, I'm not pregnant yet, but it's good to know that Dave's not firing blanks" she laughed and then explained to Peter about Kellie and how she and Wendy had convinced Dave to try and make Kellie pregnant during the three nights he was in Brisbane for their wedding. Jill went on the explain how pleased she was that Dave...

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Meri Kahani

Hi I am Raj. Yeh meri jindgi ki real story hai, jab me apne ghar puna se bhagkar delhi pahucha tha, mere pass koi job nahi thi or nahi itne pase ki me business kar saku, me naukri talashne laga mere age karib 17 ki thi , ek din mujhe ek aadmi mila use kisi naukar ki talash thi, mene uske yaha naukri kar li jab me uske ghar pahucha to dekha uska bhoot bada ghar tha aur uski wife or wo dono hi rahte the Usne mujhe bataya ki uska canada me bada buiness hai or delhi me uski wife business dekhti hai...

2 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 11 The Power of Friends

It was still early, so Gail gave us directions to a place to go for some refreshments. We all pulled up to a place called "The Abbey". It seemed both pleasant and quaint, hardly a fitting structure for its name since it looked like a small, unimposing building. As we trooped in we found it to be a nice quiet place with several tables, a few big couches, and I noticed a bar along one wall. I didn't worry about it because I assumed Gail knew of any restrictions. Besides, most restaurants had...

2 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 6

"Are you sure about this?" asked Quince. "Enough to know we have a severe security breach." The other man was small and wiry. He wore an ill-fitting suit and was carrying a folder. From the folder he produced several photographs. Quince scanned each one. They clearly showed one of his security guards, Jeff Stockwell, in a bar with another man. "Do we know who this other guy is, Simonds?" "He's a cop. We don't know if Stockwell is a cop as well or just an informant." replied...

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Tammys Prom Date

My wife Tammy works as a secretary in a small school district, we live in the country on a farm and have one daughter. Tammy is in her early 40's and is very beautiful, my friends often tell me how lucky I am to have such a hot wife. Tammy is 5'5" and 125 pounds with shoulder length naturally curly brown hair, dark brown piercing eyes and 34D's with nipples the size of mini marshmallows, she has a flat tummy and a gorgeous ass. One day last spring Tammy told me that she had been ask to prom by...

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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 19

"Mother, please." Janet Woodrow spun around, her wavy black hair spilling over one shoulder. She brushed a few errant strands out of her eyes with a swipe of her hand. "I said no, Diane, and that's final." Her voice was more tired than angry. She was at a loss as to her daughter's recent streak of recalcitrance. She liked to think that she had a better relationship with her daughter than most parents had with their teens. Now Diane had become a stranger to her. Janet let her stern...

4 years ago
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Being JackPart 2

That first morning when Jack became a significant part of Jackie, he kept stroking that cock in front of the mirror until the sun shone in through the bedroom window and he heard stirrings from the room behind that mirror. It was Sophia, Jackie's sister, getting out of bed. He could hear her moving about in her room for a little while, probably laying out the clothes she would wear that Saturday and then he heard her door open and close, footsteps moving past Jackie's room towards the...

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Booze Cruise

Caleb owned a boat that offered booze cruises up the river, in the small town where he lived. He made a reasonable good living and enjoyed all the free time this occupation allowed. Mostly, he did not operate from Mondays to Thursdays, unless a special booking of no less that ten people was chartered. On Fridays the booze cruise left at three in the afternoon, and on Saturdays and Sundays there were two cruises, one at eight in the morning and the other one at three in the afternoon. The...

Straight Sex
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Babs and Mike

Babs and Mike had reached the seven year mark. In fact they’d celebrated their wedding anniversary. No kids though. Babs was eager but Mike wanted to wait, for them just to enjoy being a couple for a little more time. They were well into their mortgage, having bought their first home during their engagement eight years ago. They lived in a comfortable semi-detached two bedroom house in the suburbs of Guildford. They both worked: Mike as a telephone engineer and Babs was a shop assistant on a...

2 years ago
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JapanHDV Koto Shizuku Yume Mizuki Have a double date that ends in an orgy

Yume Mizuki and her lover are waiting for Koto Shizuku are boyfriend to go out on a double date. Yume and Koto are good friends and enjoy spending time together and this is the first time they decided to also bring along their significant others. They stay in at Yume’s apt to have lunch together and after eating Yume is feeling a little horny and slides up to her boyfriend to cuddle. She wants some attention and starts to kiss him. The couples sit down to have some snacks and coffee and stat to...

2 years ago
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All tied up and no where to go

Your back is up against the headboard, legs spread apart, as you have me sit with my back to you, resting on your chest. My head resting on your left shoulder as you look forward into the mirror, gazing at your work.You have my forearms tapped to the sides of my body using the black bondage tape; the tape creating a corset for my lower torso. It extends from just about my pussy mound to just below my breasts. My hands are free but unable to do much but flinch. My breasts bulge out from my...

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BadDaddyPOV Cherie Deville Begs For Your Cum

Giggly babe Cherie Deville looks absolutely stunning in a red dress. The stunning bombshell is feeling a bit horny. She is craving for her stepdaddy’s big cock for quite some time now. Cherie can’t hold in the burning lust deep inside her any more. She wants to have a cock right now, so she decides to tease the man of the house with her enticing body. Cherie teasingly takes off her dress, revealing her gorgeous tits and tight pussy… She sits on the edge of the bed with her...

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Lessons at Poolside

Chapter 1 I was out on a chaise poolside one warm afternoon, thinking about how much my life had changed in the last year. The changes had started with my coming home and finding Harry fucking his partner's wife in our bed. Well, you can imagine. It all hit the fan and I kicked his sorry ass out. The divorce was handled by lawyers; I had a real shark. Sorry, guys, but the bastard deserved it. He has a hell of a lucrative business, so I ended up with a very nice settlement and ongoing alimony...

First Time
3 years ago
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Do you trust me

My thighs feel all sticky, as if I have been swimming in salt water, and it has dried on them. I start to scratch, and realize my hands are bound to the chair arms. Suddenly fully awake, I remember where I am. Your last question comes back to me, all in a rush. “Do you trust me?” I had replied, a little too quickly, “Completely.” Though that wasn’t strictly true. I had some misgivings at totally relinquishing control. But I had quieted them, saying to myself, it’s only for the weekend, and...

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The Seventh SensePart 15

I went to the bar and picked up a salt shaker. I pulled out a chair at the table and sat down. I put the salt shaker in the middle of the table, where poker chips usually lay, and indicated to Bobby and Eric that they should sit on opposite sides of the table. Once they were seated, I said, “This is a game. Gator, your objective is to grab that salt shaker. Bobby, your objective is to stop him.” Eric lurched instantly. His hand described a wide arc, but he missed, because the salt shaker...

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Fucking My Sexy Aunt And Her Sister 8211 Pt 8 My Suhagraat

Author’s note- this part is a continuation of the previous part. For a better understanding of the whole story and to enjoy it to the fullest, kindly read the previous parts. Story:- For those who don’t know me, my name is Jay (changed) currently 30 years old. Now well settled in my own business from Mumbai. More about myself. I was 150 kgs. Then somebody from my business friends motivated me to get fit and be healthy as he had faced the consequences of being overweight. So I started my...

3 years ago
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Bay Area One Night Stand

Hello, everyone, my name is Deepa and I live in San Francisco bay area.My husband casually introduced my to an Indian porn video website about 7 years back when we were newly married and I found Indian sex stories link in that. He never knows I still follow porn and read these romantic stories here. As many of you may not know, the life in the bay area for women does not go as smooth as one would think, as we are forced to stay home due to visa restrictions. Indian men here do just fine as they...

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Maid to be his

Maid to be his by Caitlyn Masked Android technology in the mid-21st century revolutionized almost all industries. At first the only thing limiting their use was the limit of artificial intelligence. Simple but dangerous manufacturing was regulated to the droids. Repetitive tasks were perfect for them. Next came putting androids in the place of non-humanoid robots because having a 'person' to look at was more comforting. Self-driving cars never picked up even though there were...

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We Arent Twins

We Aren’t Twins: Introduction; Andrea and Anna’s parents had fallen in love as teens, and had gotten married while still in college. They held off on having children until both had graduated, and each had good jobs. Both taught school but on different campuses within the same school district. Bethany, or Ann for short, taught at the Junior High. Andrew taught High school, both taught biology, but he also taught social studies and geography as well. They had been teaching for two years before...

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In the Family

When we sat down for an evening meal on the first evening my father wasn’t at the table, so l inquired where he was, there was an awkward silence, Davina and Sarah grinned at me and looked at Sylvia who said she will chat with me after dinner. As we ate l gathered what Sylvia was going to tell me by the things l hadn’t noticed earlier such as the amount of wine she was drinking before dinner and her red eyes also how quiet Davina and Sarah had been when l arrived. After dinner Davina and...

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Surprise 4way with a twist part 4

Stephani, formerly Stephen, had been perfecting her oral kills and had become quite proficient at sucking me off, even as her sister and my wife watched. I felt that the day had cum and that she was ready for what I had instore for her next, so I set a plan into motion. On one particular weekend, my wife announce that she wanted to take Britni shopping and spend some girl-time with her new little playmate. I used the opportunity to invite Stephani for a day’s outing in the back on my Harley. My...

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I Had to Get AwayChapter 8

Whether from Melinda's orders when I departed or the transformation she brought my life, I did meetings and collaborated and worked alone all at the top of my game. Over a relentless and efficient week and a half I never felt exhausted until I went to bed and essentially passed out, feeling completely revived in the morning. Exhaustion waited for the last period of my message to Melinda. Then I used the song she sent via WAV file every night sung a cappella as a lullaby. The night before I...

4 years ago
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The Addicted NaturalChapter 2 In Her Own Words

(The following is transcribed verbatim from tape. I have added my own observations, as well as my own voice from the transcription, in parentheses.) (When I returned, she was studying the titles of the books in one of the floor-to-ceiling bookcases. "Here's the tea," I said) If there was a fire, and you only had enough time to save one of these books, which one would it be? (The question caught me entirely off guard, but I answered honestly. "This one." I took down the autographed...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 13

Our life revolved around the movie for the next two months. George ended up loving Abby’s thoughtful and skillful script corrections, and once the screenwriter realized George didn’t care how he felt about it, he turned over a new leaf and stopped whining like an idiot. The one dark spot of the movie was the unexplained accidents that kept occurring. It was like the movie had its own gremlin causing trouble for the producers. Sometimes it was a special light that failed in the middle of...

4 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 100 Let the Show and the Games Begin

As with the rush of the previous weeks the two weeks following that second night of the Teen Beauty Pageant for Jessie Harper went by in a whirlwind of activity that compressed up into, again, what seemed like just a few minutes. One minute she was walking off stage at the end of that second night then the next minute she was walking back on again for what was to be the fourth and final night of the Redsands Teen Beauty Pageant ... and what a night it was promising to be. Jessie and the...

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"I need to find someone to take me camping," she said while standing in my cubicle. We'd just been talking about how much we enjoyed camping and the outdoors and I'd been showing her some of my nature photos. I can't even remember what brought it all up, but it was fun to open up with a coworker like that. I like to feel the intimacy that comes from opening up to others and having them accept me. It's even better when we have similar interests and I can feel that rapport growing almost...

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Law of the BloodChapter 10 Like A Virgin

They were taking a north-west direction to a town called Notabir. According to Annys it would be the last town before a huge wilderness and it would take about two weeks to reach it. Only small settlements and farms could be found north of that town. She never went that far north nor did the other villagers, but sometimes a trader from Notabir came through Rhagneyr. It was still winter and cold, but their new clothes provided a new level of comfort for the girls. Traveling was now much...

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Before we left England we lived next door but one to a married couple that was probably five years our senior, they had three c***dren on was a half caste Debbie said it was a throw back and Andy tended to agree with her. I don't think Andy was that naive as they had a friend that was from Jamaica, but he never said anything. We used to go round to Debbie and Andy's occasionally for drinks and a couple of laughs occasionally we would play card games on a couple of occasions strip poker but it...

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Sister Catherines Nighmare CAW 13

This was such an exciting time for Sister Catherine. She was a newly initiated member of the Sisters of The Divine Blood. She had always felt herself drawn to a life of worship and service. Her devoutly religious Roman Catholic parents had instilled in her a love of the Church at a very young age. A beautiful and intelligent young woman, she had been sheltered from many of the temptations of youth and this gave her a innocent quality others found endearing. She had been posted to the...

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Horsecock 101

When she had explained being too overwhelmed by stress to retain anything she was studying for an upcoming Calculus exam, her friend Emma's eyes had lit up, She had been so enthusiastic about telling her to be at Arthur Hall at eight that he had scampered away before Linn even had the chance to ask why. Why did she tell me to come here of all places Linn thought to herself as she carefully padded barefoot across the campus lawn. Arthur Hall rarely had classes during the day, let alone...

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Virtuous Vices

Virtuous Vices This is the first part of a story of innocence I’d like to share with you. The story is quite long and becomes intricate at parts and I do not wish to reduce it by trying to squeeze all the happenings in one short story. Please bear this in mind. I was sixteen. Studious, sensible and growing up quickly. Those were my good points. How I’d be described by someone else. Shy, easily embarrassed and blushed at the merest mention of anything sexual. Those were obvious points too. I had...

First Time

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