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Doomed By Margaret Jeanette Edna and Jerry Hoeft were on their way to work. They had a realty office and were starting to really grow. Jerry was president of the company and Edna was shown to be executive vice president. They had five agents working for them. Edna said, "With the two sales yesterday I know this will be our biggest month yet! We are going to have to look for more help soon." Jerry agreed. "Yes, I know. The least we can get by with is someone to do the filing so the agents don't have to do that themselves." "I know a couple of people who might be interested in a job. Do you think I should contact them?" "Do whatever you think is best. I think you can do the hiring better than I can." They arrived at the office and soon were in their daily staff meeting. Their best agent said she was three days back on her filing and because she'd had appointments galore the last three days it was going to get worse. Edna said they were looking into getting an office girl to do the filing. This met with a lot of comments about how badly they needed someone like that. At noon Edna was having lunch with Nancy Fields, who was an old friend. They talked about old times and laughed at some of the happy memories they enjoyed together. Edna looked at Nancy and wished she was as pretty as Nancy was. She knew Nancy usually had about three boyfriends at the same time. "Nancy I have a favor to ask. We need an office girl real bad and I am wondering if you can help us out. Also, you have never met my husband, Jerry. I don't like to say this, but I think he may be having an affair with one of our agents. I can't put my finger on it but it's a gut feeling I have. Maybe you could try to seduce him and make sure I find out about it, so I'd know for sure? I have several ideas what to do about it if so, but I don't know yet what path I'd take. He is a great guy but I know he has a wandering eye. I just have to know if he can be unfaithful or not. Do you think you can do that for me?" "Sure it will be no problem. What will I have to do on the job?" "Mostly just filing things. You know your alphabet so it shouldn't be too hard. I will make sure you have enough contact with Jerry to give you an opportunity to do your thing with him if it comes to that." "This really sounds exciting. I think I can seduce any man, so that's not a problem. Let me at him!" They both laughed and agreed Nancy would start the next day. Edna knew she was taking a big chance that her husband would stray, and she wondered if she should really go through with it. Then she decided she had to know for sure. Back at the office she told Jerry that she had found an office girl and she would be starting tomorrow. Jerry congratulated her on getting someone so fast. The next morning it was raining hard when they were on their way to work. By the time they got inside they were both soaked. At the staff meeting Jerry noticed Edna had a different outfit on. Edna introduced Nancy to everyone and they all welcomed her. Edna noticed Jerry looking at Nancy a lot and knew Nancy was having an effect on him already. After the meeting Jerry asked how she had on a different outfit and she told him she always kept three or four different outfits in her office for emergencies. She said she could offer him one if he wanted to get out of his wet clothes. He declined. But back in her office, she couldn't get the idea of Jerry in a dress out of her head. She chuckled at the image in her mind of him standing there in a dress. She then thought about how that would never happen. Through her open door she saw Jerry talking to Nancy. It looked like they were having a very friendly conversation, and she wondered how long it would take for Nancy to seduce him, if she could. "Jerry is there a good place to eat lunch in the area?" Nancy asked him. "There is Mom's diner a couple of blocks over. They have delicious noon specials." "I've never been there. Could you be a dear and take me there this noon?" "Sure that'll be no problem. I'll see you at noon." Jerry returned to his office thinking about how he was going to have lunch with a beautiful woman. He would never kick her out of bed. At lunch Nancy said she didn't even know this place was here and she only lived six blocks away. They had a delightful lunch and after lunch as they were getting into his car she asked him if he could stop by her place as she had forgotten something. He said that would be no problem. When they arrived she invited him in and he went with her. Inside she asked him if he wanted a drink and he said a drink would be fine. She said all she had was whiskey and he told her he loved whiskey. She poured him a whiskey, adding a powder to the drink and stirring it in well. She went into her bedroom while he enjoyed the drink. He drank it down and immediately felt sleepy. She led him to her bedroom and had him lie down for a minute. He dozed off almost immediately. Ten minutes later he awoke and she was lying naked next to him. As he was waking up she French kissed him and he became fully awake. She rubbed his crotch and he got hard fast. She slid his pants down his legs and soon along with his under shorts they were on the floor. They made delicious love and he was lying there enjoying the afterglow. "Any man I make love to has to wear something of mine after sex. Here, put these panties on." In the afterglow he didn't argue and put them on. They were on their way back to the office when she said if he wore the panties tomorrow she would give him a special treat. He wondered what that would be but didn't think anything more about it, just that the lay had been wonderful. Back at the office Edna noticed the change in Jerry right away. Last night she had left him hanging and horny. She knew he would do anything for relief and saw that he must have gotten some relief. She was sure of it. That night he took his pajama bottoms into the bathroom with him so Edna wouldn't see the panties. He hid the panties in the bathroom closet for the night. In bed Edna asked him if he felt like a little loving and he said he did. She got him real hard, then faked an orgasm and had him slide off. She knew he was horny and would stay horny until he got some satisfaction. He fell asleep with a raging hard-on and wondered why she had to cum so fast. The next morning he was up before Edna and got his under shirt and shirt on, then took his slacks with him into the bathroom. He put the panties on and then his slacks and congratulated himself on his great move. At the office he saw Edna leave but thought nothing of it. She returned almost two hours later carrying a lot of bags. He figured she had done some shopping. When he stopped in her office she showed him a fancy dress with lace trimmed ruffles and a pencil skirt that had a ruffle at the bottom. He had never seen her wear something that feminine before and looked forward to seeing her in it and told her so. At lunch Nancy asked him if he was wearing the panties and he said he was. She told him he was going to experience the loving of a lifetime today. After lunch they drove to her apartment and she gave him a whiskey while she went into the bedroom to prepare. He had downed the whiskey when she came out wearing just a pair of bikini panties. He undressed in record time, leaving just the panties on per Nancy's instructions. In the bedroom Nancy felt his penis through the fabric of the panties, asking him how he liked wearing them. He said they felt sexy to wear. She had him lay on his back on the bed and slowly mounted him. He was really getting into it when she produced a black long line bra which she told him to put on. He rapidly got it on. She fastened the front hooks as she rode his manhood telling him he was now going to wear the bra and panties as a sign that she had let him enter her. In his passion he agreed to it. She slowly worked his manhood in her pussy then speeded it up a little. Soon he came in a large gush of fluid and laid there breathing hard. Nancy got up and got a camisole for him to put on telling him it was what you wore over a bra. He didn't argue with her. He finished dressing and Nancy told him tomorrow would be greater than today. She gave him a lingering French kiss before they left. He was ready to go when she said she first had to get something from the bedroom. She returned a minute later carrying her purse. Back at the office he checked himself in the mirror in the bathroom. He couldn't tell he was wearing a bra under his shirt, thoigh it felt so tight he knew all the time he had it on. An hour later Edna called him and asked him to come to her office for a few minutes. This was not unusual as she asked his advice regularly. He entered and sat in the chair in front of her desk. She was writing something and he didn't say anything until she finished, then held her hand up for him to be quiet. "I found a tape on my desk a while ago, I didn't know what it was so I watched it. Having this VCR-television set-up to show people virtual tours of houses is a Godsend. I thought it was another tour but you will be surprised at what it is. First I have to ask you something serious. Do you want a divorce?" He was shocked that she would ask that. He had no idea what she was talking about. "I don't know what you are talking about. I don't want a divorce. Why do you ask?" "Let me show you." She hit the button on the remote and on the screen he saw himself yesterday in Nancy's bedroom, and their love-making. Then came today's session. He saw himself in the black panties and bra and camisole. All that lovemaking had made his manhood get hard. Edna switched off the VCR and television then looked him straight in the face. "First I thought a divorce was in order then I thought of something else. Seeing you in the bra and panties, I am wondering if that is why you were making love to her. I am giving you a choice. I don't think there is a woman who is going to make love to you if you are completely dressed as a woman. You can agree to start dressing as a woman or we can get a divorce. It will mean the end of this company if we get a divorce, but I cannot have you going around screwing every skirt you come across. I figure you won't be trying to bed any females if you are wearing a dress or women's clothes. If you decide to dress as a woman then I won't divorce you -- otherwise you are history as far as I am concerned. What do you want to do?" He sat quiet for over five minutes. Edna meanwhile called Nancy into the office, and they talked in low voices, so he couldn't hear what was being said. Finally Edna said, "I want an answer and I want it now. Which is it- a divorce or not?" "I don't want a divorce. I love you." "Here is a paper with the new arrangement then. I want you to read it and sign it. I'll have Nancy witness your signature. It's how I expect things to be from now until I decide otherwise. If you think you can go by it then sign, it otherwise it is divorce time." She handed him the sheet. It read- I will wear dresses and everything that goes with them all day everyday. I will wear nightgowns to bed every night. I will wear make-up at all times along with perfume. I will wear only heels approved by my wife. I will act as feminine as possible at all times. I will do anything my wife asks of me without argument. I realize this agreement may be modified at any time by my wife and agree not to argue any additions made to it. Edna agrees to not have Jerry do anything illegal or immoral. She also agrees to review his behavior once a week to see if further punishment or rewards are in order. She further agrees not to divorce him as long as he lives up to this agreement. He couldn't believe what he was reading but he felt he had no choice but to sign it. He signed it and she signed it then Nancy witnessed their signatures. "You might as well start undressing so you can change. I have clothes in my closet you can wear. He was stunned. He didn't expect it to start right now. She took out the new dress and said, "Well you liked the looks of this dress so now it is yours. Here is a slip to put on first, since you already have your bra and panties on. Nancy do you have anything to help him look more feminine?" "I don't think so. Let me think. I do have nail polish and matching lipstick if that will help." "Yes that will definitely help. Go get it and you can do his nails. Start with his toenails." Nancy left to get the stuff and Edna said, "You will name me president and chief operating officer at the staff meeting tomorrow. I will take over immediately, like right now!" Nancy returned and looked at him standing there wearing the dress and laughed at the sight of him with his head hung down. He looked totally defeated and submissive. She had him sit so she could do his toenails. They looked so bright red and shiny to him. He wished he could just get up and walk out. Nancy finished his toenails and started on his fingernails .He didn't even look at them. All he could think about was what he could say to Edna to get her to change her mind. He wondered what he was going to do if she was president now. Would he take over her vice-presidency? Nancy put on three coats of polish and while each coat was drying she applied layers of lipstick to his lips until they shone like his nails. When she was done Edna said he looked very pretty in his new dress and with his nails done. Edna produced a pair of strappy sandals that had four inch heels and allowed all of his toes to stick out. He could hardly walk in them. "I called the beauty parlor down the street and they will be ready for you in fifteen minutes. You better start waling down there so you aren't late. They know what to do. Now get going!" He left and Edna motioned for Nancy to sit down. They were both giggling. "He was the second easiest victim I have ever come across. The easiest has to be Tim Stern in school. He was afraid of his shadow and did whatever I said. He even wore lipstick for a whole day in school because I told him I would beat him up if he took it off. He was a real wimp." "What about Jerry? He's the one I'm interested in." "He was so horny he didn't know what he was doing. It was like all he was looking for was relief." "He was looking for relief. I started making love to him and faked an orgasm early before he came and I knew he would do anything to relieve himself. I know I am just as much at fault as he is in this but I just want to be in control for a little while, to see what it's like to have the power in this company. In a way he's a victim of my power struggle to get control of this company, and now he will just have to do as I say for awhile." "You are one mean dude, you know that! I would never have thought that was what you were after when you asked me to see if I could seduce him. I thought you just wanted to see if he was faithful to you or not. I'll tell you something else, and that is he wasn't a bad lay. He was right up there with some of the best I have ever had. You should appreciate what you have." "I know that and I do appreciate it. If he wasn't so horny all the time he wouldn't be in this predicament. Maybe in two or three weeks I'll tell him I forgive him and let him go back to his men's clothes. Until then he'll have to do what I tell him." "What are you going to do with him around here? He seemed to be on top of everything from what I saw in the little time I have been here." "Maybe I'll make him your assistant. How would you like to have someone to boss around? He could be the assistant office girl. You know, make the coffee and do the little things." "You're the boss. A mean boss but still the boss. I'm sure I could keep him busy " "Good then it's settled. How long can you keep working?" "I think I'm going to stay to see how this plays out. I wouldn't want to miss anything. Do you want me to comment on what you're doing or not? What if I think you are being too hard on him?" "Nancy, I value your advice. Definitely if you see something I want you to say something to me. I know sometimes I can get carried away." "Good, then it's settled. I feel better about what I did already. I may tell him he was set up but he won't be able to do anything about it anyway." Meanwhile Jerry was seated in the chair at the salon and the woman had shaved his head then put some lotion on it then something else followed with a dark black wig that had curls that rested on his shoulders. Then she thinned his eye brows to a fine arch followed by inserting three studs in each ear. She did up his eyes showing him how to do them himself. She acted like she did a man everyday and it was nothing unusual. She was real friendly to him and he was enjoying it a bit. She pronounced him done and showed him the mirror. He didn't believe it was him. He looked so different from the face he was used to seeing in the mirror. He even thanked her before he left. When he got back at first Nancy didn't recognize him. Then she let out a gasp. She told him he looked very pretty. She told him Edna wanted to see him as soon as he got back. He slowly walked toward her office. He opened the door and she wasn't there. He sat down and waited for ten minutes. Then he decided to go see Nancy. When he said she wasn't in her office Nancy told him she had taken over his old office. He went to his old office. Edna was on the phone when he entered. He sat down and waited. He could tell from the conversation he could hear it was a problem with a closing. He knew it could easily be solved but Edna had never faced this type of problem before. She finally hung up. "Well, how was your trip to the beauty parlor? Did you enjoy it?" "Actually I did. It was kind of nice in a way. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. All the title companies have a trailer they can put on the deal. It entitles the buyer to get a government backed loan to fix up the property and have a study done at government expense. You can call them back and ask them." "Now you can see I have taken over your office because as the president I should have the biggest office. Here is a copy of the agreement you and I signed for your records." "Am I getting your old office now?" "No, I have decided you can help Nancy as her as sistant. I know you can keep busy helping her and making sure the coffee is always ready. There is so much filing and reports to do and I know you can do a great job on them." "Then you feel you can run this company without any input from me? You think you can come up with all the answers to the associate's questions? Is that what I'm hearing?" "Yes, I do. You are now just the new assistant office girl, that's all. Now go get to work!" He left the office and wondered if he shouldn't have taken the divorce instead. He went to Nancy and asked where she wanted him to start. She said there was less than an hour to go so he should do some filing to finish out the day. He knew the filing system so well that he was filing over twice the amount Nancy was. He finished the two desks with the least amount of filing things on them before it was time to leave. They left with Edna driving. He was surprised when she parked in front of Carlson's Women's Wear. Their sign read 'If we don't have it, a woman doesn't need it'. Inside she immediately found him five of the most feminine dresses he had ever seen. Then it was bra and panty sets followed by nightgowns. Everything was overly feminine. Edna found him a woman's watch that came with a matching necklace and bracelet. She told him to go find some heels to wear for work telling him they should have at least three inch heels. He found four pair and the saleslady recommended that he get a pair of flats to wear if he didn't already have a comfortable pair. He told her that was a great idea. He did explain to her that his wife was making him wear these clothes to punish him for being unfaithful. The saleslady said she understood perfectly. Edna returned by him and he saw she had the cart full of things. He could tell she meant this to last for some time from the look of all the things in the cart. She said she thought they had a good start and when she saw the flats she said he was doing fine at adapting to his new role. They left and she drove to their favorite supper club. He didn't want to get out but she told him he had to eat and he had two minutes to get out and go inside or start walking home. He accompanied her inside. Only one man gave him a second look and he was the town's Don Juan. They were seated and Edna was obviously enjoying herself. "This is my congratulations supper on being promoted president. I just had to do something to celebrate. Now I know Jerry can be thought to be short for Geraldine but you don't look like the Geraldine type. What feminine name would you like to be called?" "I have never thought about being called any feminine name. Why can't we just leave it at Jerry?" "You need a feminine name to go with your new outfits. If you don't suggest something I'll pick one for you." "Go ahead; you want to be in charge of everything else you might as well pick some name for me to make you happy." "Who's the sexiest movie star you can think of? Who do you think is the prettiest?" "Well, I think Jessica Simpson is pretty in that pizza commercial. You have to admit she looks hot in it, with the boots and all." "You are right. From now on your name will be Jessica. How do you like your new name, Jessica?" "Any name you want is all right with me. If that makes you happy then so be it. I have my own ideas about things but I know we don't agree." "What are your ideas? I want to hear them." "Well first off I think I was set-up. You didn't give me a chance to come the last few times we made love and you had everything handy in your office and had to have it before you had me come in. Nancy moved awful fast and she knew I was desperate for release like she had been coached. The fact she had a video camera set up to record everything tells me she knew I would be ready for anything. There was no love between us, just sexual release. You know that and I feel you knew what was happening or going to happen." "You may be right or you may be wrong. Right now it doesn't make any difference, as I have enough evidence against you for a divorce that I will surely win. You signed the agreement and I intend on you living up to what you signed. Now, tomorrow at the staff meeting you will announce that I am taking your place as president and COO. Then you can leave the meeting and get your filing and reports. We have that one empty desk and I will see to it a computer is set up there for you to do your reports on. Do you understand?" "Yes, I think I understand completely. You are the one and only one to make all the decisions from now on." "Good, you do understand, Jessica." At home Edna had him strip naked and applied lotion to his skin then wait before getting into the shower. In the shower he gasped as all of his body hair disappeared. He wondered what she would do next. When he stepped out she had him rub a soothing lotion all over his body. It felt very nice to him and he enjoyed the feeling of the scented lotion. When she came back into the bathroom carrying a box he wondered what was going to happen next. She expertly glued gel-filled breast forms on his chest telling him now at least he would look like he had a more feminine figure. He gasped as she knelt down and attached a chastity belt to him, telling him that was what got him into trouble in the first place and it would keep him from tenting his dresses. She handed him a dark red fancy nightgown and when he had it on he found it did feel nice on his hairless body. Then she led him into the bedroom where she removed his wedding ring and put five rings on his fingers. He thought they looked a bit gaudy but didn't say anything. The next morning over breakfast she reminded him that he was to make his speech announcing her as president. He told her he knew that. She said that after he made his speech he could go right to work as an assistant office girl wouldn't have anything to add to any discussion they might have. At the meeting the first thing was for him to make his announcement. He made a brief speech, then Edna took over. "I know each of you will help him explore his feminine side. His new name is Jessica and he will function as assistant office girl under Nancy's direction." He left the meeting and started filing the things on the desk that had the highest stack of things to be filed. He saw the meeting was over and Doris Budwit came by him. "You were always such a big help to me. I hope you can continue being that help. You are the only one who knows all those little ins and outs that are out there. I am having a problem believing you want to explore your feminine side like this. If that is true I will help you in any way I can." "It isn't true. Edna caught me being unfaithful and gave me the choice of this or divorce. I still love her and don't want to lose her but she has to find out that running this company can be frustrating sometimes. She, it seems, wants to be in complete control, and she's got what she wanted." "I could see before that she wanted more say in this company and now she has it. I do wish her luck. Will you still help me if I come on something unusual, like you did before?" "I'll have to see about that. She said I am only the assistant office girl and as such I don't know much. I suggest you try her first, then see what she advises." "That's what I will do. By the way I think I have a good lead on that 15 acre Dunning property. Tom Watson who is the owner of Halpoint Industries is interested in it. I imagine he feels like he deserves a mansion like that as long as he has the money for it. He is willing to pay cash for it and they are pretty close to coming to a deal on the property." "Good for you! I know you can do it. I know Tom and if he wants something he will get it. You might point out that that property has a beautiful tennis court on it, as I know he loves his tennis." "I never thought about that. Those are the little things that you know that are the things that sell properties. Those are the things I rely on you for. Thank you very much. If you need someone to talk to keep me in mind." Thank you for that. I may need someone to talk to and it is good to know someone is available." She had left and he got back to the filing. He was busy when he heard Edna, "Jessica, I just got he last cup of coffee. You need to make more. You should be keeping an eye on it.!" He went and made another pot of coffee. Then it was back to filing. At noon Nancy came by him and asked him if he would go lunch with her. He declined, telling her he was in enough trouble already from going to lunch with her. She told him he wouldn't get in any more trouble if he went with her. Besides that, she said, she wanted to talk to him. He agreed and wondered what she wanted to say to him. They got their orders and were sitting in a corner booth. Nancy started. "I have been doing some deep thinking and I think I shouldn't have done what I did to you. I am sorry but when Edna hired me she asked me to test your fidelity to her. I didn't think at the time it was anything strange but I realize I took you by surprise and you didn't know what you were doing. I feel so bad about the whole thing. I know I can come on strong and it isn't the first time I have enjoyed complete control over a man. This time however I have regrets and I am not sure why but I know what I did was wrong." "It takes two to tango. I am as much or more responsible for what happened. I know Edna knows when I am frustrated sexually I don't think straight. Don't blame yourself for this. We are equally to blame. I am not so dumb as not to see it was a set up. I will have to see what Edna does with what she has now. If she wanted control that bad, so as to set me up, then I guess I'll have to ride out the storm. I don't think any of the women believed that story about me wanting to explore my feminine side, and we'll see where that leads. In the meantime I am just going to see what Edna does." Lunch was over and when they returned he saw a man setting up a computer at the empty desk. He continued to file the things on the last desk. On one trip to the files he checked and saw there was still a half pot of coffee. He got to thinking this job wasn't half bad. There was no stress to speak of and he was getting a sense of pride in how fast he was accomplishing the filing duties. He finished the filing and went to the empty desk and booted up the computer. There were no surprises except that it was a faster one than the one he had in his office. He had to get the program from his old office to put on the computer. He saw Edna step out of the office and go to the rest room. He quickly entered and got the program. In no time he had it installed on the computer. He set up the network connection and entered his old password. Edna had not changed or cancelled it. He doubted she knew how to do that. He knew everyone's password and checked Edna's E-mails. He saw one from Sherry that asked for some help and Edna had answered she didn't know what to do. He knew what should be done and was tempted to E-mail Sherry with the answer, then remembered he was only the assistant office girl now. It just wasn't the same for him and he missed the need to make decisions and set strategies, but then thought about how that was Edna's problem now. It was close to quitting time and he shut down his computer. When Edna collected him he quietly walked behind her a bit. He had a feeling she was troubled about something and figured she would say something but he didn't know when it would be. On the way home Edna finally asked him about Sherry's problem. She asked him if he had ever had the same problem. He said he did. She asked him if he had gotten a satisfactory settlement of the problem. He said he had, three times in the past. She asked him what he did. "That was in the old days, not today. I am just an assistant office girl who knows nothing about that high powered world you live in now. I am afraid I can't help you." Edna was crushed that he wouldn't at least give her some hint as to what to suggest to Sherry. She also remembered what she had said to him about her having the complete say-so on everything in the office. This was the first time he had ever refused to help her. She felt saddened that he didn't even give her a lead on which way to look for the answer, especially when he knew what to do. "You do realize you are still an owner of the company don't you? You could tell me for the good of the company." "You wanted to run the company. You are running the company now. It is up to you to make all the decisions concerning everything. I am a lowly assistant office girl, remember? You got what you wanted and now you want me to give you all the answers. You are just going to have to learn the way I did, by trial and error." She knew him and knew he wasn't going to help her out of this. He knew she was miffed but he didn't care. She'd set him up and now she wanted him to do something for her. It wasn't going to happen. It was Saturday and the office was only open until two. Sherry came to him and explained her dilemma with a potential sale. She said she went to Edna but she couldn't help. She was desperate and needed some advice. He told her he was only an assistant office girl but then relented and told what to do. She said she was grateful and thanked him. She asked if he was really finding his feminine side and he honestly told her the true story why he was wearing dresses. She was surprised when she asked how he liked wearing dresses and he told her it wasn't so bad but he wished he could wear slacks once in awhile. Nancy had stopped in and overheard his remarks. She went to talk to Edna. Edna was surprised when she asked to get him some slacks as a favor to her. Edna couldn't believe how bad Nancy felt about the whole affair. Nancy was blaming herself for him having to wear dresses. Edna finally said she would consider it and Nancy thanked her. Nancy said he really wasn't a bad person and she didn't honestly know any other man who would go through what he was going through to stay married. Edna knew she had a good man -- she just had to get him trained not to look at every woman like a conquest to be gotten. When they locked up she took him to Carlson's and got him two sets of blouses and matching Capri pants. One was a bright floral pattern and the other was a red and black pattern that she knew would stand out in a crowd. She also got him a bright lime bikini swim suit telling him he would look delicious in it. He just blushed when she said that. He didn't know the Capri's were for him. In the car Edna finally said something positive to him saying, "Sherry said you helped her with her problem. Thank you for that. She also told me you regularly help the agents with hints for sales. She said she knows you have helped every one of the agents at one time or another. She surprised me when she said no matter what I did to punish you all of the agents still respect you and look to you for advice and help. It seems none of them believed it when I said you wanted to check out your feminine side. Sherry said she wished she could find someone to love her like you love me. Anyway it does make me think about what is happening. I am not saying it changes my mind but it does make me think." "I have not lied to anyone. When any of them asked me if I really wanted to find my feminine side I told them I was unfaithful to you and that you set the conditions for us to stay married. I am ashamed of what happened but I will not lie about it. I know what I did was wrong and I should be punished but it is not up to me what the punishment should be. I will make it through all of this. The only thing I wonder about is if you will make it." "I know what I want and how to get it. You are more emotional than I am but I balance us out by being more business oriented." "I have found that even business has emotion. You may think you are masking your emotions but they are showing through to anyone who wants to see them. When you were making your speech about me wanting to find my feminine side you were going er and ah more than usual. That was a tip off to everyone who wanted to notice you weren't sure of what you were saying." She hadn't realized she had done that. She started to wonder about what was happening to them. He wasn't reacting to her punishment the way she thought he would, and she wondered if she had done the right thing. At home she suggested they swim in the pool for some relaxation. She had him wear his new bikini. To him the pool felt wonderful. It was re-invigorating and relaxing. He was in the pool for close to a half hour before getting out to rest in the poolside recliner. In the recliner he dozed for awhile, then woke up and dove back into the pool. He got out and went into the house. Edna was already changed and picking up some things in he living room when she heard him gasp real loud. She went to see what was wrong. She found him in the bathroom staring at the mirror. When she asked what was wrong he said the bikini outline on his skin. She laughed and asked him what he'd expected. She told him to come into the bedroom with her. He followed her and she told him he could put on the floral Capri set. She said his ruby heels would go best with it. He got dressed and they went in for supper. It felt different wearing pants of any sort now. At supper he was surprised at Edna's reluctance to speak. It was the quietest meal he could ever remember. She was obviously thinking about something important. After supper she cleaned up and he went in to read the paper. He was reading the paper when she came in. "Jessica, it's time to review your behavior this week. This is serious. As I see it there were good and bad things you did this week. I am only talking about the time since you became Jessica. First the bad things. One-when any of the agents ask you for help I expect you to help them in any way you can and that includes giving them advice. Two-when I asked you for help with Sherry's problem, you would not help me. This is unacceptable. What do you have to say for yourself?" "You made me an assistant office girl. Need I remind you an assistant office girl knows nothing about selling properties? You want me as an assistant office girl then you will have to be satisfied with what you get. If you don't like it then you will have to fire me. You may control what I wear but you can't control my feelings or how I deal with others." "I now understand where you are coming from. Now for the good points. First you are doing a great job with the filing. You got it done in an efficient manner. Second all of the agents still like you and aren't holding your wearing dresses against you. Third as far as I can tell you are being honest with me about things. That is about all I can think of right now. We will review your behavior every Saturday night for the foreseeable future." "If that is all then I am going to take a bath and go to bed." "Jessica, aren't you going to tell me how you feel about all of this?" "No, I don't think you would understand or really care how I feel about it." He got up and left the room. Edna sat there feeling a bit hurt that he didn't think she cared about how he felt. She did care and wanted him to open up to her. She thought he would at least ask to be allowed to wear his men's clothes again. Sunday morning and she told him he could wear the red and black Capri outfit with his red flats. She gave him a red purse she had picked up for him. They were having their usual cup of coffee. It was unusually silent and each one wondered why the other wasn't talking. "Jessica, get your purse and we can go" "Where are we going?" "Every Sunday morning for over a year now we have gone to Baker's for their Sunday brunch. Today should be no different. Now, come on, let's get moving!" Minutes later they were on their way. At Baker's Edna was greeted by name and escorted to a table. They had just started eating when a young man came over to them. "Good morning, ladies! I was wondering if you would like to go for some fun after eating?" Edna quickly said, "I am married and I don't think my husband would like that." The young man turned to Jessica, "How would you like to go? We can go to the zoo or I'll take you to see Simpson's Falls. I know we can have some fun!" Edna said, "She's married also and her husband is a body-builder. I don't think you want to anger him." "I'm sorry; I just thought maybe you two were available to have some fun." He left and both of them laughed. It was all that was needed to break the ice. "Jessica, I am hurt that you don't think I care about how you feel. I do care and want to know how you feel about all of this. I know at times you are happy because I have seen you laughing when talking to one of the agents or Nancy, and I've heard you laughing even when I couldn't see what was going on. It makes me happy to see you happy." "Most of the laughter was when I was talking to Jenni. She has the best sense of humor and tells the funniest jokes. She told me she would help me in any way she could. All of the agents basically told me that. I have told all of them who asked that I know I deserve to be punished and they all understand how I feel. I will ride this out no matter how long it will take because I do really love you and I don't want to lose you." "I am glad to hear that. I wish I had the connection you have with all of the agents, but I have to tell you I am still hurt over how easily you gave in to Nancy. I cannot end this right now. I do enjoy the power I now have in the company and am not ready to give it up. I hope you can understand that." "I guess I can. Like I said I know I have to be punished but it can't last forever. Before we had a great relationship and I know I've damaged it. I hope we can get back to what we had and the regular lovemaking we had." "Speaking of lovemaking, you impressed that young man. Maybe we should get you a boyfriend, one who will take care of the lovemaking." "Don't get carried away. That was not part of the agreement. I do not want to go out with any man." "I was only kidding. I know that you don't want that." "Good, just so we understand each other." "I want to stop and get a new pantsuit when we are done here." They finished eating and stopped at Carlson's. Edna was trying on three different pantsuits and Jessica was looking around. He saw a dress that was ultra feminine that looked like it had a week's worth of lace trim. The top was a cascade of lace-trimmed layers and the bottom of the skirt had a two-sided lace-trimmed ruffle. He told Edna after she had decided to get two of the pantsuits about seeing a pretty dress. She asked him if he wanted to get it and he said he did. When she saw it she raised her eyebrows and said it was the most feminine dress she had ever seen. He was all smiles when she said to get it in his size. In the car she wondered about him, how now he was looking for dresses to wear. She never thought she would see the day he would ask to buy a dress for himself. She wondered if he did that to throw her off or what. They stopped at a grocery store to pick up a few items. He saw a woman in a dark print dress and said the dress just wasn't her. Edna had to agree and wondered now if he was noticing what a woman was wearing not how pretty she was. Another woman in a pair of flip-flops he said they didn't go with the rest of her outfit. Edna was impressed with his sense of style and how he was seeing other women now. At home Edna teased him about trying on his new dress. He tried it on and found a pair of heels that matched it perfectly. She was impressed with how good he looked in it. When he said he was going to go take it off she asked why and he told her he was going to wear it tomorrow. She said it was kind of fancy for office work but he said he liked it and it made him feel different. She didn't argue. When he came back wearing the Capri set she asked if he wanted to go swimming. He said she just wanted for him to get a darker bikini tan and they both laughed. Fifteen minutes later they both were swimming. They spent the afternoon swimming and relaxing. He made chicken on the grill for supper without changing out of his bikini. That night when he went to take a shower he saw he had gotten a considerably darker tan. The bikini top outline stood out like a bright light in the night. It didn't bother him like it did before. The next morning he put on his new dress. For some reason he felt really nice in it. He walked differently in it and he was happy with how he looked. He told Edna this and she said it was probably just because he had picked it out by himself. On the way to work Edna told him he was part of the company and she expected him to attend all staff meetings. The way she said it he knew he'd better attend. At the staff meeting Edna said last week was a very good week. She said sales were up and to keep up the great work. She announced that an agent from one of their competitors was coming to work for them. Then she dropped what she thought was her bombshell. "I have decided to make a personnel change. I am promoting Jessica to my assistant. She will assist any agent who needs advice or help and be in charge of the office. I am sure this will meet with everyone's approval." He was flabbergastedk, not expecting this at all. The meeting was over and most of the agents came and told him Edna must be getting over her anger with him. Sherry, Doris and Toni each gave him a congratulatory kiss on his cheek. Sherry asked him where he got that beautiful dress and he told her. Nancy came and congratulated him and told him she was taking him to lunch to celebrate his promotion. He laughed and accepted her invitation. He changed the computer on his desk with the one in Edna's old office, as this one was faster and had more features. He just had everything changed and the computer booted up when his phone rang. It was Edna asking him to come to her office. "I promoted you because I felt it was for the good of the company. It doesn't mean I am over being angry with you. Now you can feel right in giving advice and help to the agents. I am wondering if we can set up a track record of our weekly sales. I am wondering if we ever set a record or not." He knew it was already set up because he had kept track of them. All he had to do was put in the last two weeks and it would be ready. He left her office and got to work. It felt great to be back doing what he did before. An hour later he had prepared a report. It showed last week had been a record breaker and he also added a yearly report with each year showing an improvement in sales and projecting this years sales at their current rate. He took it in to Edna and when she looked it over she was very pleased. She told him this was excellent. He said he had to leave as Nancy was taking him to lunch. At lunch Nancy told him she was glad he was promoted, that it meant Edna wasn't as angry with him as she was. He told her what Edna had said to him. She said that didn't matter that it still showed Edna wasn't as angry as she was. She asked him if he was going to celebrate his promotion by getting something special. He said he never thought about it. She suggested he get false nails or something. He said he didn't know anything about that and she said she had a good friend who worked as a manicurist. She told him she was going to take him there right after lunch. After lunch she took him to the Nail Palace and introduced him to Tammy. They decided on long silk wraps and soon he was sporting the longest nails he had ever seen. Tammy talked him into getting a bronze polish with little red roses on is nails. When she was done he said he thought they looked too feminine but Nancy and Tammy said they looked wonderful. Back at the office he found it took some doing to type on the keyboard but soon had it down-pat. He stopped frequently to look at his nails and got to liking how they looked. He was surprised when Edna said it was time to leave. She didn't notice his nails until they were in the car. She was so surprised she didn't know what to say, finally asking why he had them done. He explained that Nancy had suggested it to celebrate his promotion and how she knew this manicurist. He said he got caught up in Nancy's enthusiasm and before he knew it he was done. "You sure are taking to your new found femininity. I don't know what to expect next. I must say your nails do look very nice but can you work with that length?" "Yes, it took some doing but I am already used to the length with the computer keyboard. At first I thought they were too much but the more I look at them the more I like them." He knew this was working on her and he delighted in the thought. He was happy he could still do something she didn't expect and looked forward to doing more. She in turn wondered about what he was going to do next and if she could change it. She was losing control of him completely and it bothered her. The next day at the staff meeting she announced they had indeed set a weekly record and to celebrate they were throwing a swim-cook-out starting at two on Sunday. Every one of the agents said they would be there. After the meeting Sherry asked him what kind of swim suit he had. He told her it was a lime bikini. She asked if he had a bikini tan yet and he said he had a dark tan. She giggled and said she just had to see it. He laughed and said that wasn't possible. She said don't be so sure about that. He wondered what she meant. He got to work and was soon lost in it. He was surprised at how fast he was typing with the long nails. He really liked them now. The day seemed to zoom past so fast for him. On Wednesday he had to make two phone calls to help Deborah with a closing. He got it all set up for her and she was grateful, telling him he was just a Godsend. Thursday he asked Edna to stop at Carlson's on the way home. He found a multi-colored sundress that was trimmed with a lot of ruffles. Edna teased him that it didn't have any lace on it. He said it caught his fancy and he wanted to get it. She told him if he liked it that much to get it. In the car he said he wanted to wear it Sunday for the cook-out. Edna was surprised at how he was now planning ahead more than he used to. He never planned what he was going to wear ahead of time before. He was changing so fast she couldn't keep up. Friday went faster than any day that week for him. At supper he said for the first time in ages he still wanted to do something when it was quitting time. Edna laughed and said everyone has days like that. After supper she said she wanted to talk to him. He knew she had something important on her mind. When she came in by him he saw her sitting there for a long time before she said anything. "I have come to some important decisions. First I have to tell you I hired Nancy and told her to seduce you. I knew she could do it. So it is as much my fault as yours. Second, tomorrow you can go back to wearing your men's clothes. Third, you can have your presidency back. It isn't at all like I thought it would be. You have taken this a lot different than I ever thought you would. You are a different person now and I am still getting to know the new you. Welcome back Jerry!" He paused, then spoke. "This is a complete surprise to me. First, you can stay as president. You run the staff meetings a lot better than I do and I always felt the title of president was just that-a title. You are doing a good job of it and I am happy where I am so we will just leave it where it is. Also, Nancy already told me she was expected to seduce me and she felt bad about it afterwards. I knew you had set it up but I am as much the blame for it as you are. We both learned something from it. Third, how will it look with my hair-do and nails wearing men's clothes? I will put on a dress tomorrow even though I know I can wear men's clothes again. I know you now forgive me and I thank you for that. I do really love you." They went to bed and before he put on a nightgown she removed the chastity belt from him. They made love and it was exquisite for both of them. Saturday morning at coffee Edna told him she was taking him to the beauty parlor to get the wig and nails off. They arrived and the lady said it was a shame to take such a nice wig and such beautiful nails off but got the wig off and had him at the nail station. He was still wearing the wig but now he could just take it off. She got his nails off and asked if he wanted a manicure and he agreed and asked if she could add color. She did his nails and when she was done he had pretty pink nails. In the car Edna asked him why he got his nails colored and he told her he just felt like it. When she asked why he didn't pick a more masculine color he said when she showed him that color he thought it was a pretty color. Back at home she told him he could go change now. He said he was comfortable in what he had on. They decided to go swimming and he came out wearing the bikini. She didn't say anything but wondered about him. At supper she said tomorrow he would really surprise everyone in his men's clothes. He stunned her by saying, "I got that new sundress to wear tomorrow. I intend on wearing that. It hasn't been worn yet but I know I will look good in it." Edna started to feel worried. She had put him in a dress, now how was she going to get him out of a dress. He looked at her and somehow he knew what she was thinking. He felt like laughing but held it in. He had left the room and Edna felt like crying. She never thought it would be like this. She had to find some way to get him to change back. She never meant for him to like wearing dresses and now she couldn't get him to war anything but dresses. Now, she wished she could go back in time and change things. Sunday morning they went for the brunch. He was wearing the sundress and did indeed look nice in it. Sunday afternoon all of the agents told him he looked stunning in the dress. When he came out in the bikini everyone said he looked smashing. He swam for a while then got out of the pool. He was standing talking to Nancy when Sherry came up behind him. Before he knew it she had his top off. In a loud voice she said, "Look at that bikini tan. Can anyone top that?" Everyone looked and laughed. He went to grab the top but Sherry tossed it to Jenni who tossed it to Deborah. He gave up trying to retrieve it and went into the house and changed back into his sundress. As he was cooking the marinated chicken quarters Nancy cornered Edna alone. "Edna, we have been friends a longtime and you did say to let you know if I thought you should do something different about your husband. I think it is time to let him go back to being a man. I know it's completely up to you but I feel I have to say something." "For your information I told him Friday night he could go back to his men's clothes Saturday. He said with the wig and long painted nails it wouldn't look right. Saturday I took him and got the wig unglued and the long nails removed. He got them painted the color they are now. I told him today he would surprise everyone in his men's clothes and he said he was wearing his new sundress. I don't know what to do with him." Nancy laughed hard for a few minutes then added, "You did it. You created a monster! You made him like wearing dresses. Now you are going to have to live with it. This is hilarious. I never thought this would happen. I'll tell you what, would you like me to talk to him and see if I can get him to at least try to wear men's clothes?" "I would appreciate any help you can give me. This has me worried to no end. I wanted to give him his presidency back and he wouldn't take it, saying he's happy where he is now. He is a completely different person that I don't know now." "I will talk to him and see what I can do." She gave Edna a reassuring hug. They all ate an excellent meal and afterward started leaving. Nancy held back, finally being the last one there. She asked him if she could talk to him for a couple of minutes and he agreed. "I talked to Edna and told her it was time to let you go back to your men's clothes and she said she told you Friday night you could go back yesterday. She is very worried about you. Will you do me a favor and switch back to your men's clothes. Edna is a dear friend of mine and I will do anything for her as you well know. I am curious as to why you are continuing to wear dresses when you could be back in slacks and a shirt." "I'll tell you if you promise not to say anything to anyone, especially Edna." She promised and her continued, "I know it's bothering Edna. I am doing it on purpose to make her stop and think about what she did. I know I am going to go back to wearing slacks and shirts but she doesn't know that. At least she doesn't know when that will be. She laughed the first time I got this bikini tan and she has one coming. She did finally tell me it was all a set up and she was as much responsible as I was. I am just having some fun with her." "Well, for her well-being and my sanity please wear men's clothes tomorrow. I am sure everyone will not mind if you let Jessica come out once in awhile if you want to, but let Jerry be in charge. Please for me if nothing else let Jerry come to work tomorrow." "I do believe you really care. I will take your comments under serious consideration. Remember, no one is to know about his conversation." She agreed and she went inside to say good by to Edna. As she was going out the door she shot Edna the OK sign. The next morning he dressed in his slacks and shirt, Edna saw the nail polish was off and he looked like the Jerry she knew and loved. At the staff meeting they all welcomed Jerry back. After the meeting just about all of the agents came up to him and said it would still be nice to see Jessica once in awhile. He told all of them he was sure that was possible. Both Nancy and Edna heard him tell them this and both of them knew he was back and in style. Edna had thought he was doomed to wear dresses, but he had worked out his own plan of attack and resolved the problem. (c) 2006 by Margaret Jeanette

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Friends With Many Benefits

I hasten to clean up my room and neaten up my bed. I look at myself in the mirror, trying not to think too hard about what’s to come. I head back to my room and sit on the edge of my bed, my hands held in my lap. My whole body is shaking, but I’m so excited.The doorbell rings, and I practically jump out of my skin. I run downstairs and open the door. You’re on my doorstep, smiling at me. You’re wearing a grey skirt and a light blue shirt. I look down at my pajama pants and white shirt, and you...

3 years ago
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the young girl down the road part 2

"mary kate?" said adam. "yeah i am over here" replied mary kate. mary kate was in her bedroom changing into something a little less wet. "can i come in yet?" asked adam. "jeez give me a friggin minute will you? i am changing." "what?? why are you changing? we are just going to..." mary kate walked out of her room and it became apparent to adam that she had lied to him.. a lot. she was no innocent little virgin girl... she was a full grown woman, and she knew how to do some crazy...

3 years ago
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Wild Sex With My Junior

Hello friends. It’s been a long time since I posted about my sexual adventures. This incident happened when I was in the second year of my degree. I was passing time on Facebook as every youngster does. Fortunately, a friend request came from a girl. I was shocked to see a request from a girl. Her name was Sherin(name changed). I saw that she was from the same school and accepted her request. At first, I was doubtful and thought it might be a prank made by friends. I thought let’s try my luck....

3 years ago
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The Collector

I have always loved celebrities. Although, who doesn't am I right? Models, actresses, singers, doesn't matter who. All that matters is their bodies. Elegant sexy bodies like that should be naked and on display, right? I'm what you might call a 'collector of goods', so to speak. The goods I collect are sexy women. It took years to develop the formula for my serum, but I finallgly have it perfected. The serum, when sprayed, can freeze a person in place. It stops their metabolism, and lowers their...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Deception By Cassandra Morgan I held them up to gaze at them in the morning. They were soft. They were smooth. They were a pair of yellow panties with a small bow on the front. They were so light, so slinky. So out of bounds. A pair of Katie's, no doubt, lying in the folds of the bedspread. I looked at them, and I felt that long-ago memory gnaw at me. I exhaled. I thought the feeling had passed, to be honest. This wasn't me. Not anymore. I took the...

1 year ago
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my oatmeal story true story

My name is Daisy, I'm from Houston Texas and I'm going to share one of my most embarrassing stories ever, if you guys like it, I'll share more of my adventures. I got sexually active at a young age, by the time I was a freshmen in High School I was already experienced with sex, by the time I was 16, i preferred older men to guys my age, they can handle me really good.This story has to do with one of our neighbors, he does NOT get along with my dad, they're both around the same age, he's 53 and...

2 years ago
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Helen 4 Mail Call

It was on the good side of six am that Helen locked the car door, yawned and sauntered to the garage elevators. She had arrived at the office super early - at least for her - so that she would feel less guilty about leaving early for her vacation. She was looking forward to the resort; sun drenched beaches, tall cool drinks and a week with nothing but sunscreen and sandals. Her luggage was in the trunk so all that remained between her and the airport was whatever last minute office issues that...

4 years ago
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Dodo ka maja

This is the story of bhupesh.wah ek sarkari daftar me kam karta hai.ek din sham ko jab wah gahr pahucha to uski beti hema ne darvaja khola.hema bees sal ki javan ladki hai.wah keval gawn pahne thi.vah janta tha apni maa ki tarah hema bhi gawn ke niche kucha nahi pahanti hai.hema ki amrud jaisi chuchia gawn me se dikh rahi thi.bhupesh ne chuchio ko pakad kar thoda sa masala aur puchha. Tumhari maa kaha hai. Hema ne kaha -maa to bhai se chudva rahi hai.itna sunte hi usnne hema ki gawn me hath...

3 years ago
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Gangs Girls

GANG'S GIRLSby Mogollondog???????????????   ??????????????? It started when I was 15.? I lived with my mom because she'd divorced my dad.? To this day I thank my lucky stars that my dad didn't live with us.? If he had he would have fought them and we would probably all been killed.??????????????? My mom and I returned from shopping about 6 p.m. and when we got to the front door, it had been broken open.? My mother turned to run but both of us were grabbed and taken into the house.? In...

1 year ago
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Fucking Ashley

I'm so ready for tomorrow baby, I can't wait! Ill be there around 1. I love you. I could barely sleep Friday night. I made sure I had plenty of condoms and anything else I could need. As my alarm woke me at 11 on Saturday, I jumped out of bed and hopped in the shower. I cleaned up, then got ready for my big day. As I left my house, I was almost shaking in anticipation. I pulled in her driveway, and saw her peaking through the front window. I smiled to...

4 years ago
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Kathys Diner

KATHY’S DINER  Sisyphus It was late and I had been driving for hours through the fog and drizzle. I was getting drowsy and in the middle of nowhere, it seemed. Nothing but trees and an occasional dark house were barely visible. The static on the car radio made listening to the jazz station annoying and the only other station that came in was preaching about the end of time and we better give our souls to Jesus to be saved, something like that. I turned the radio off and drove in the dark...

3 years ago
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Bonding With Her StepBrother Part 2

Please note that this story is part 2 of a series. It is recommended you read part 1 first. Ryan slowly walks over to Mer. He stands in front of her for a moment, stroking his slick cock and pinching at her erect nipples through her thin tank top. She throws her head back in pleasure as he continues to tease her, twisting them slightly before stepping away. He then goes towards his closet, slides a small bin out and starts to rummage through it. After a few moments, he throws the lid back on...

3 years ago
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Third Times the CharmChapter 17

December motoring from Holland to Pentwater is pushing ones luck ... idiot is more like it. We shipped the mast and boom by rail but the boat was just too much. US 31 is two lanes, curvy and heavily festooned with power lines, low overhanging trees and lots of traffic. Many of the Lake Bulkers were tying up in Ludington and their crews were heading home ... Holland is shipping and there's not any really good places for a boat the size of the K5 to sit on the hard and undercover. The Weather...

4 years ago
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The Ramon Vargas Affair

Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. A Silk Stalkings Adventure The Ramon Vargas Affair * Chapter 1: Preparing To Enter The Fray Rita turned off the warm spray, squeezed the surplus water out of her hair, squirted a generous helping of shaving foam over her crotch, and rubbed it well in, before stepped out of the shower cubicle. She sat down on the fluffy lavatory seat...

2 years ago
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This is a true storyAre you familiar with blackberry messenger?Its a chat i guess.anyway You add pins and make friends..anyway i got chatting to this girl.London girl.very flirty but a bit prim and proper..Anyway she was drunk one night and pinged dirty to me she said..fucking hell i thought..she was that nice i couldn't bring myself to do itso i just said "i want you"..omg came the reply..whats up i said..Ive cum! she repliedyour joking i saidno i live with a pig of a guy...

3 years ago
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My Bhabhi Sofi And I Had Sex

Hello, this is my first sex story as it never happened to me before until my brother got married to this woman called sofi. It was a arrange marriage and my bhabhi was very sexy with long hair big boobs and jiggly ass that moves while she walk and seduce your dick. I am 22 and my bhabhi is 30 and my bro is 32. So she used to be very comfy with me maybe because of my age. Everything was good between her and my brother and that time I wasn’t thinking to fuck her but then my brother had to go...

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The ArrangementChapter 9

The next few days seem to fly by for Denise. She spent every available moment with her daughter and husband. The nurse they hired came highly recommended and her salary requirements were quite high, but since money was no object she was hired and, luckily, hit it off right away with Mineena. Denise had been told to pack lightly. She held the suitcase tightly in her hand as she and Kevin saw the limo pull up out front and the chauffeur approach the front door. She had said her goodbyes to...

1 year ago
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Just me and my sister

100% fiction! I just got home from school and it's the first day of spring brake. I make it in time to say goodbye to my & dad for spring brake. Me and my smoking hot twin sister Kimy (who has large C boobs and long blond hair with hot pink highlights she stanst just 5'6" and waghs just 106) and me just turned 18 so we go out to celebrate. We get back home at around 11:30 that nite and started dinner we finish at around 12:45 we clean up and go to bed. The next day we are playing the wii well...

3 years ago
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The Spirit of EcstasyChapter 7

Wednesday 14 January 1976, 7pm Gina and I were ready for an all night vigil, with just the two of us being present when Eric’s life support was turned off, but Eric slipped away in a matter of minutes. It was a relief to us and also to the hospital staff who had looked after him for so long and for so little reward for their efforts. It had taken Gina about five days to recover from whatever Micky Finn had been given to her, with the hospital saying that chloral hydrate was the principle...

1 year ago
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Do Muslim Bheno Ko Choda

Hello, everyone of indian sex stories dot net my name is Akshay m basically from Mumbai. So let me give my gf introduction here name is Heena as we all know Muslim girls are hot her figure is 32 34 32 she is truly a dick erective piece. Her sister who is 4 years older she has a figure of 34 36 38 . Now coming up to the real story. So as u would have come to know by my name I am Hindu and my GF is a Muslim. Toh ye baat hai jab mai aur heena sath mai the par woh phone par lagi rehte thi har waqt...

1 year ago
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Charlotte part 13

"To Viks!" The five of us toast, clinking our glasses of champagne (or in Charlotte's case, non-alcoholic champagne) together. "Seriously, you guys," Viks complains, "my birthday isn't until tomorrow!" "Yeah, but we've got to share you with a BOY tomorrow," Hannah giggles. "Tonight it's all girls, girls, girls!" "And on that topic," Mary giggles, "Jamie, where the hell did you get those amazing nails?" I laugh as I wave my extra-long fingernails for the girls, highlighting the...

4 years ago
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our first time together

Sarah was at her friend Nicole’s house to watch a movie and spend the night. The girls were in the middle of watching their favorite horror movie when Sarah told Nicole that it was warm and that she was going to take her tank top off. While the girls watched the movie Nicole started to notice how nice Sarah’s size 30 d boobs looked in her white bra. Nicole put her hand near her vagina, on the outside of her pajama bottoms. She started to rub her vagina through her pajama bottoms. Sarah noticed...

1 year ago
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High School Experiementing PART 1

Dale, a 6" something jock was always getting on my nerves. No matter how annoying I found his stereotypical jock personality and actions, I found myself putting up with him as he was usually talking to people in my circle of friends. It could be the fact that he was blonde hair, green eyes, and an almost perfect all-body tan were some of his many amazing features. At 6"2, I was rather tall for my age, but still slightly chubby. My blue eyes and brown hair always seemed to attract girls, but I...

3 years ago
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Mountain Time

Thunder in the distance and a steady rain lulled us to sleep the night before. We’d opted to sleep in the king bed on the screened back porch where the cool, crisp night air assured peaceful sleep.Morning broke with blue skies and the promise of another pristine day in the mountains. Cloudless skies allowed the sun to bathe the mountain top with bright warmth. Yes, it would be a day to whatever we wished, or nothing at all.With my eyes still closed and my mind debating whether to wake or drift...

2 years ago
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Life Is a Soap OperaChapter 13

Andy woke up on Saturday morning promptly at six o'clock. He had never needed an alarm clock. Rolling out of bed, he threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt then went outside to feed the animals. He played fetch for a little with Bucky, the family's black lab. When he smelled bacon, he went inside. Joanne was in the kitchen. He walked up behind her and grabbed a handful of her backside. She playfully swatted his hands away and prepared two plates. He poured a glass of milk for himself and...

2 years ago
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Episode 107 the real sub

IntroductionWhen I first started writing this episode it was a mixture of conjecture and fantasy; my ‘virtual’ Mistress Anna Dominatrix and her real sub Dave have confirmed that most of it actually happened last night.All characters are real users here on xhamster (their profile names in brackets), except for Gillian who as my teenage avatar is able to go places I never could.Stockbridge, HampshireSunday morning Dave (used_sub) collapsed into the softest armchair in his Stockbridge pub after...

1 year ago
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The Whole Weekend

It was Friday night just after the football game. I had permission from my parents to stay the night with my best friend Jason. As usual after every football game we would end up at his house or mine for a sleepover. We would spend the night watching porn and cutting up. This was not an unusual night or so I thought. We got to Jason’s house around 11 pm to find his parents still up waiting on us. This was normal and we quickly found the remote and tuned in to the news to catch up on...

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My CockPriest

My friend and I spent my baptism night together, where he told me what my first encounter with the congregation was going to be like. He was my sponsor and would be by my side as our priest introduced me to the congregation. The ritual that followed obligated me to surrendering myself completely to their every desire and I would have to commune on their sacred Nectar....taking all off their holy Cum inside my entire body! When I realized that I would have to take Cock in my ass, I was seriously...

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As you read in my previous story on here, I suspect that my GF is cheating on me. One of the major reasons I believe this was after a curious delivery came to our house that she tried to hide from me. It was a pair of skimpy thongs and sexy bra from Ann Summers. I thought this would be for my benefit, but apparently not. She wore it the next day with no attempt at having me observe it. But I will start this second installment by explaining further why even the very fact that she would wear...

2 years ago
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From Sister8217s Saari To Bed

Hi this is abhi, i m a young boy my age is 28 and i am too hot. You can contact me on all the girls and hot aunties who love sex can contact me but you should be hot… Ab zyada time waste na krte hue mai apni ek story app logo ke sath share krna chahunga.. Meri life me kayi sex encounters ho chuke hai jinme se kayi bhut dilchasp rhe hai aur kayi kaafi dangerous ab mai aapke saamne wo kahani rakhne ja rha hu jo meri aur meri badi behan ki hai Meri behan priya(name changed) jo ki mere se 2 saal...

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The Bimbo Games

You nervously shift in your seat on the bus as you make your way to the bimbo games area. this year you were drafted into the games and after years of watching you can't help but be a little excited. As you stare out the window you arrive at the arena, it's bigger than you thought but then again you've only ever seen this on tv. You start to think of the previous games and how great it would be to win your very own bimbo slaves, as that's what happens to your opponents when they lose. you start...

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My Mother8217s Blessings

I am Nirmal of age 20, a typical rural Bengali boy from Nalhati, a small town of Birbhum district in West Bengal. I am a science student, studying at Rampurhat college. I am the only child of my father and mother. This place, Nalhati is well known for the temple of famous Nalateswari, a mystic form of Goddess Kali and also one of the 51 Sati Pithas in India. It is an important centre for Tantric Hinduism. In previous days human sacrifice was regular here, but after the decade of 1960 it...

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Blues for C Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of 2. This follows directly from Pt 1. The continuation and conclusion of the tale. Two people form a relationship that takes a few turns from where either of them expected things to go. There is a bit of violence here, but not too graphic. A few expressions and phrases may be unfamiliar to some. Where I thought appropriate I have marked with an asterisk and a meaning is placed at the end. Thank you to Dimelza Cassidy for much needed advice on 'Blues' bike....

3 years ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 38 Spilling It Out

June 30, 1983 (continued) The three of us, seated around the tiny dinner table, picked away at our food. Both Evie and Inez, sensing that I wanted to discuss something, had remained mostly silent. They were clearly affording me the chance to open up to them. But when I didn't immediately seize the opening, Evie decided to speak up. "Pat," she said in a voice that was soothing yet firm, "you're being unusually quiet. In fact, you seemed a little off last night at practice, too. What's...

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ChameleonChapter 11

Genie's first effort was to follow up on the man who had hired Alvera. He turned out to be a soldier in the local gang. Genie put Alvera back on the streets, since he was too much of a small-timer to worry with. The soldier was picked up and interrogated. Komodo did the question asking, and there was almost no delay in getting answers. When we had all of the answers we needed, Genie simply vaporized the soldier. He was a murderer and rapists who could not be allowed back on the streets of...

1 year ago
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My second time

Introduction: Some people wanted a part II so heres the 2nd time Josh and I got intimate. Almost a week after Josh and I first had sex, we were at it again… Josh and I had spent the entire day at the local mall. Shopping really wasnt my most favorite thing to do on a Saturday afternoon, but Josh insisted since he had the money. If it was my choice, Id be at home locked in my room, either playing Xbox or sleeping. (Im not really a social butterfly.) We stayed at the mall for a good while up...

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A Night in the Cabin

The day was passing slowly for Sarah and Mike. The last few hours of driving to their destination in the scorching heat made the idea of a relaxing cottage in the middle of a shady forest sound much more inviting than it had been a few days before. Of course- neither of them knew what to expect from their trip away to the summer camp. It was simply convenience that both of them were going, but a few changes to the weekly plan ended up making the two of them hire external accommodation in two...

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Reddit Dildo, aka r/Dildo! We’ve all heard the phrase ‘Everything is a dildo if you put your mind to it’… and while that is a joke on its own, this subreddit basically quotes. I can see why, since r/dildo/ is a subreddit with a straightforward name that already tells you what the fuck you can expect. Basically, you have a subreddit dedicated to women who love to use dildos and shove them deep inside their love tunnels.What the fuck you can actually expect from r/dildo/ is a whole different...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 45

As it turned out, getting the price demanded by Tako wasn’t a big problem. Lottie had spotted a herd of wild cattle a few miles up the valley we were in, to the east of our big grassy meadow. She’d spotted the animals as she’d been looking around for some place to put the helicopter down. It only meant that we needed to hoof it cross country for a bit to get to the herd. If she’d been one of my women, I’d have given her a kiss. Instead I just thanked her for the information and gathered my...

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Porn Chil! The porn industry is in constant flux. There are always new genres, actresses, websites, and studios pushing the limits and breathing fresh life into the art form. That was always the case, but the internet increased the rate of change exponentially. I’ve been in the business a long time and have seen more than my fair share of development in that period.It can be hard to keep up with all the new happenings. Besides things moving so fast, many people just get caught up visiting the...

Free Porn Download Sites
2 years ago
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LovingChapter 5 Four Becomes Six

Things went really well with the addition of Charley to our group, it was great, he was easy to live with for all of us. Everyone had their fill of great sex at what I thought was it's absolute best. My lovely Carol had picked up a strange preference however. If I were at home, she always wanted me to help start Charley's cock in her sweet cunt or ass when he fucked her. She told me that it helped her to be sure I still approved of her fucking Charley. Sort of symbolic, if I put Charley's...

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