Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 18 CES Las Vegas
- 3 years ago
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“You have totally corrupted my daughter!” Karen stated, but the corners of her mouth were turned up in a slight smile. “I thought you’d help solve the problem, not make the whole situation a hundred times worse.”
Bridget sat beside Alice as they talked to Karen. “I am not inexperienced, mother. This isn’t even a problem. There’s nothing bad about any of this ... well, except for us being the living room when you came home.”
“Oh, I’m ‘mother’ now? Lay it out for me.”
Alice said, “Face reality, Sis. Your daughter is a horny adult just like you and me and Julie and Candy. Sure she’s still in high school, but look at her. She’s not your little girl anymore. She’s built like a brick shithouse. She’s got boobs that put us to shame. Her hormones are peaking and telling her to ‘go for it’. She has been discreet and been having intimate relations with a couple of boys her own age for years. By her estimate, there are only two virgins left in her whole graduating class, and she’s not one of them.”
“But you want to introduce her to the Circle,” Karen said in an exasperated tone to her sister.
“Karen, why do you love the Circle? Why do you like to come to Florida?”
After a long silence, Karen replied, “Because I feel so loved in so many ways, and the sex is positively fabulous.”
“I guess. I recall there were other daughters in the Circle, but right now my mind is blank about who they are. I’m too focused on my own daughter.”
Alice replied, “There’s Rachel Anders, daughter of Grace and Jack; and Erin and Ashley Steckler, daughters of Megan and Paul. Of course, my husband’s mother is also a Circle member.”
“And they’re all intimate together as well as with the Circle?” Bridget asked.
Alice nodded, “Yes, actually. All those bridges have been crossed now – even with their own parents. Once you’re an adult and not an innocent to be intimidated into doing something like incest by a misguided parent, there’s no concern among the Circle. Remember what I told you, ‘Consenting adults can do anything they want about sex’. We didn’t talk about the definition of ‘consent’ but we can and will, especially in the context of the Circle and the more open and permissive sexual atmosphere compared to what you’ve been used to.”
Bridget asked further, “Did you really mean what you said about how egalitarian things are in your Circle? Do the women really ask the men?”
“Yes, more often than the men approach the women – or maybe it’s about equal. We’re all just so comfortable together, I’m not even sure a lot of our couplings result from one person asking for one from another. They just blend together so comfortably; they know what will happen with each other and they follow through.”
Karen spoke up, “So the bottomline from this is that Bridget is going to come to Florida with me over her February break from school.”
Alice and Bridget both nodded.
Karen rolled her eyes. “At least I have seven weeks to get used to the idea.” She turned to her daughter, “Baby, I owe you an apology. I really panicked when I found you and Todd together. I reverted to treating you like a twelve-year-old, and that was so wrong of me. I was just shocked. I guess we needed something like this, and your ‘loosened up’ Aunt Alice to help hit me in the head with a two-by-four so I redefine my relationship with you.”
Alice was laughing, “Of course, Bridget has about seven weeks to get used to the idea that her mother is going to be jumping from bed to bed while she’s in Florida fucking one guy after another. You both need to redefine your relationship as well as how to you see the other person. Dave says that he has to stop taking somebody for granted; meaning that he just assumes they’ll act a particular way or think a particular way about something. You two are now going to think completely different about sex for yourself, and about how the other person sees that same issue. The staid and proper mother persona is long gone. The virginal and pure thinking daughter is gone, too.”
Bridget perked up, “Yeah. My image of my mother as a saint is shattered. I’ve got a promiscuous and slutty mom, and to tell the truth I like the idea. I guess Candy got into all this, too. Alice told me about her antics in Florida, fucking five guys at once and sending the pictures to my father to get him pumped up. I want to see them.”
Alice thought aloud, “Maybe your whole ‘family’ ought to come to Florida. It would give Daryl the chance to see you and Candy getting loved by the other men and women, and we might be able to enfold him into our Circle a little more. It would get him in a new way of thinking about his wife, his mistress, and his daughter. Somehow, I think that’d be healthy. Could you ditch your two younger kids.”
Karen broadly grinned, “I’ll talk to him and see about the kids. In the meanwhile, what are your plans for him tonight?”
Alice grinned, “Oh, he’s going to get some serious sister-in-law loving and pussy until he’s as limp as a wet dishrag. You and Candy can help, too. Hell, Bridget could help.”
Bridget looked shocked. “Errr, I think I might only watch again, if that’s all right?”
“AGAIN?” Karen spouted. “What do you mean again?”
“I’ve watched you and dad, and then you, dad, and Candy making out – fucking each other. I’ve seen you all interact, even you and Candy after you’d wiped out dad and were cleaning each other. I even oiled the latch and door hinges so you wouldn’t hear it open when I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.”
“What’d you think?”
Bridget grinned, “I thought it was very hot. I jilled off while I watched the three of you. I wanted to join in several times, but I figured it would freak you all out. The next day I’d jump Todd and fuck his ever-loving brains into the ground.”
Karen laughed, “I have an idea. You watch us from the doorway or even come and sit in a chair in the room. Let him see you naked, and after he’s shot his wad, get up on the bed and kiss him goodnight. Be really sexy about it. Wear something sexy or better yet nothing at all, and jill off if you want. You’ll get him so worked up he won’t be able to speak or sleep for days.”
Bridget grinned. “I like that idea. Will you tell Candy ahead of time?”
Karen smirked and said, “No, I don’t think we should. She knows Alice is here and will be a bed partner; that was assumed going into tonight. Your role in any of this has not been talked about. I didn’t tell your father about catching you and Todd three days ago either; I did tell Candy but asked her to not say anything.”
Dev walked into the Circle at cocktail time carrying his mail. Dave could see that part of it was a legal looking envelope that Dev had torn open and was reading. He sat at the bar and Dave set an IPA in front of him. “What’s up?”
Dev said, “My Uncle John, mom’s older brother, died up in Maine. It seems he left me some money and property up there. He was a bachelor his whole life so I guess in some ways I was his nearest relative. He was a great mentor to me when I was growing up and after I went into the military. So, in a way, it’s good news, bad news. I haven’t exactly been in touch with him.
“Yeah, I’ll miss the old coot. On the other hand, it seems I’ve inherited a million dollars and what he always called a ‘camp’ or ‘cabin’ on thirty acres of lakefront property. He was a sportsman – mostly a fisherman. He had that house and another in Massachusetts that from a quick read that he gave to my sister.”
“Any idea what the place is like? Were you ever there?”
“My parents took me up there when I was about three, but we didn’t go up after. I really don’t remember. Time has distorted all the images I have of the place. It’s on a lake – a big one, but that’s as seen by a three-year-old; it could have been a puddle. He told me in letters or cards several times that he renovated the place since I’d been there and made additions to it so I don’t know what it’d be like today, in any case. It sounds small and woodsy. He’s had his friends come up and stay during the summer or to ski in the winter. He had a long-term girlfriend for several decades, too; and she was often with him up there. I think she passed away four or five years ago. I know it’s colder than a witch’s tit in the wintertime. I think the winter temps can be like forty below zero. I’m a warm weather dude; those scare me.”
“Maybe at the start of summer you should go up and check it out.”
“Good idea. I could get a group together and we could go explore the place. In the meanwhile, I have to process all sorts of paperwork with the attorneys to transfer the title and such. Maybe I could get somebody to check out the place and take some pictures and send them to me. It’s probably locked. I wonder how one gets a key or whether I’ll have to break in when I finally go up.”
“I bet the attorney has a key for you.”
“I hope so.” Dev looked around at the tables on the patio that had other Circle members sitting at them chatting. “Where’s Cricket? I haven’t seen her for several days.”
Dave responded, “She went back to Hollywood to work on the script for the first of the two movies based on her books, and she’s also talking to her book publisher getting all that lined up for a big launch. They’re coordinating the release of the book and movie now; they’re not going to time the book release to next Christmas. She’s staying with Scarlett. Scarlett is going to play the lead female in the movie – Crystal.”
Dev said, “How long does it take to film a movie? I never thought about it, but since Scarlett hung out with us, I find I’m more interested in that end of things.”
“She told me about forty-five to sixty days, typically. It depends on the intricacy of the plot and all. The hard part is then all the editing. That can take six months to a year or more depending on the film, the special effects, the stunts, and so on. She said even after the studio says they’re finished filming, she might get a call to come back in for a few days of retakes or add-ons to bridge between clips that they have.”
Dev chuckled, “I have a new admiration for Kat and her editing for Mike. I hope she wins her award.”
“She can sure take some of the lurid camera work from Mike and the photographers and turn it into films with erotic impact on the viewer. She has a unique way of seeing things, even when she’s got a camera in her hand. She told me she likes to be sure she’s one of the camera people because she sees angles and frames that the others don’t see, and those often make the difference in the type of film that results.”
“Are they all going to Vegas next week?”
“Yep. Everybody that was nominated is going, plus Clarisse, Sean, and me – three guys and four women. We worked a deal with Owen and his company jet. The seven of us will each donate at least twice the cost of the round-trip ticket to Vegas to his foundation and he’ll have us flown there nonstop and then pick us up on Sunday and bring us back. It saves us oodles of wear and tear, and there are enough of us that it makes use of the jet by us plebeians economical.”
“I bet you’ll have a ball. You are going to get so laid from one end of that city to the other.”
“We all just got our tests today, as recommended by the expo organizers. Apparently, some of the larger sites and commercial organizations put on parties that are real orgies. Ask Mike. He talked to some of his other friends in the industry that have gone the Adult Entertainment Expo and they said it was big fuck fest with a lot of the name adult stars participating. The way he put it was that some of the women that appear to be sluts on screen really are sluts, and they’ll fuck just about anybody.”
“Do you have any favorites picked that you hope to score with?”
“I’m keeping an open mind and not getting my hopes up. Alice, Kat, and Emily are the same way. I didn’t ask Mike. We feel there’s some tough competition.
The Adult Video News held the Adult Entertainment Expo once a year in January at the Las Vegas Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. Splurging for the three nights they were going to be there, the seven Circle members had reserved a suite that contained three bedrooms, a pool table, two stripper poles in living room areas, and other amenities. Although none of them were heavy gamblers, they were going to live like high rollers.
Dave checked the group into the hotel and made sure all the luggage got to the room. Mike ran off to see what condition his booth on the exhibition floor was in. He and Kat had sent the the booth contents ahead and hired someone to set it up in the exhibit area. He also wanted to run his eyeballs over what else was happening.
Mike came back about thirty minutes later, after everyone had finally gotten settled. Mike said, “This place is the wildest. One thing I can see I need is some pussy manning the Circle-X booth. Could I prevail upon one of you fair maidens to go and represent all of us. It means you sit there, look sexy, give autographs, and make pretty for all the muggles attending.”
Alice laughed, “I’ll take the first shift. It’ll be fun. Maybe I’ll meet someone interesting.”
Dave said, “Well, let’s all go down to the exhibition and see what it’s like. I definitely want to meet a few of the other porn stars.”
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Dorothy Clark looked around herself as she stepped into the Sagebrush Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The sound of slot machines and other gambling activities seemed magical and new to the small town housewife. She looked in every direction and was constantly awed by the glitz and glamour of her surroundings. Though the Sagebrush was a newer and smaller casino, they had spared no expense in making the place seem magical. "Come on Dor," called the voice of her friend, Terri Stevens. "Good lord,...
The trip was unexpected but the gift my husband gave me for the trip was even more unexpected. Brent and I have been married for eight years and have had a wonderful marriage for the most part. The only major problem being an affair Brent had on a business trip five years ago. Brent felt terrible about cheating on me and told me all about the affair when he got home. He said that he and his boss had been out drinking and met a couple of girls. Brent's boss insisted on taking the girls out to...
Brander Sharpe sat alone at a cocktail table in the middle of the lounge. He didn’t feel conspicuous, though. This was where he liked to be. It allowed him to survey his surroundings, his opportunities. It also allowed him to be clearly seen. He was the hawk on the treetop.Just beyond the confines of the quiet lounge, the casino buzzed. The chimes of the slot machines, and the rare cheer of some guys hitting it big --or modestly so-- at the tables seeped into the room. It reminded everyone of...
Straight SexDr. Bruce Banner/The Hulk are copyright to Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The She-Hulk is copyright to Stan Lee and John Buscema. Both characters are property of Marvel Comics, the Walt Disney Corporation and their associated partners and license holders. Characters depicted here are the property of the author, and are fan creations. Betting on Green in Vegas Of all cities in the world who live a steady reputation, be that great or not, the United States can confidently boast of many...
Viva Las VegasIt was a great early summer day. Oh the weather was hot and humid as usual in Atlanta, and my husband was out of town for a couple of weeks, again, but it was a great day anyway. My best friend Sara and I were going to Vegas! School was finally out, how sick I had gotten of chasing six graders! I started calling the boys sex graders, just trying to figure this idea out, and so obnoxious as they did. In addition the home situation was not very good that year. My husband was...
Joe and Mary were looking forward to their 30th anniversary. The plans for a week in Las Vegas were all coming together nicely. Three months ago, the plane tickets, shows, and car was rented. It seemed the time would never get here! They both looked forward to the fun times Vegas offered! “Sin City”! Where “What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas” had the happy couple looking forward to the exciting week alone, with nothing but the glitter and lights of the famous city adding to the thrill....
Susan said, “This sounds a bit like a cult.” Dave chuckled. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard the accusation about the Circle. In a way, every unique group was a cult in his mind. His old Christian church had been more of a cult than the Circle because of how they restricted everyone’s thinking to only the rules and such they wanted the congregation to adhere to, but then again, the Circle tried to select its members based on their own set of beliefs about life and love. Alice nodded at...
KOLCHAK: THE NYLON STALKER. (Based upon characters created by Jeff Rice.) By Way Zim. FINALE; WINKING OUT IN VEGAS. August 4th, 2006 Cleveland, Ohio Karen Foster Klein's Journal; Let it be said it from the start, 'I'll miss that sweet old bastard.' Thanks to him, I'm stunning in my wedding dress, still waiting for Mom to fix her raccoon eyes before helping with my makeup. While handing her another tissue, I can't help but smile,...
1A Vegas EscapadeKim & James StoryChapter 1 My friends James and Kim where coming to Las Vegas for 10 days vacation. They asked me to make the arrangements for them as they had never been here before. I was happy to take care of their needs while here. We have a saying here, ?hat Happens Here, Stays Here.” James and Kim planned to do some gambling, partying and generally let loose and have a good time. Every thing had been arranged and was ready for their arrival. The Limo...
It was Monday, the day after the incredible sex-filled party weekend my husband Dave and I attended in San Francisco. A lot happened, including a significant change in my job status that included a nice increase in my income.Before leaving the hotel yesterday, Amy had taken me aside and said she had some news about my first assignment as the new “Executive Analyst” and wanted me to have more background information before I departed. I had a good laugh at that title, which I thought was a clever...
ExhibitionismChastity is curable, if detected early. -- Anonymous I was walking along the promenade looking at all of the overpriced stores when I saw her. I'm not sure exactly what about her caught my attention. In many ways, she was a typical teen, dark hair, cute face, and a nice little body, but a typical teen. Maybe she looked like I felt; alone and bored. I strolled up next to her as she too looked into one of the store's windows. "Too expensive, huh?" I said. "Yeah," she agreed. Then she...
It was Friday night, Jill was a bit restless, and for that matter so was I. We had been married almost six months, the relationship looked like a winner, both jobs were going well, but our social life, for want of a better word, sucked. The thing is, we got married when we did because I had a promotion that took me to a new town, a new state for that matter, and getting established in two new jobs had taken precedence over networking a new web of friends. We were really starting to feel old....
SwingerThe Game ... first time sex: Part 20 Gaming in Las Vegas Please read chapters 1 - 19 in order understand the context for this chapter. From the feedback that I receive, I promise that the preceding chapters are worth reading. I send a very sincere thanks in advance for to all of the loyal readers for leaving comments. The title of the first chapter is "The Game First Time Sex rev 1" for anyone just finding my diary. Please use the search feature to find all of the chapters. There are several...
First TimeThursday just after five o’clock and as expected Dave brought Pam back to the house along with her luggage. He ‘officially’ situated her in the guest room, but they’d already talked about her staying in their bed. Alice had come home a half-hour early to be there to greet Pam. After their initial greetings, she told Dave she had also arranged for Owen to join them at dinner at a restaurant, and then for dessert at home. Dave smirked because Alice and he had started using the term ‘dessert’...
Introduction: Master takes his slave to Las Vegas for new experiences Monday, 12 days later It was almost two weeks later and Brenda kept daydreaming about Mistress J. She wondered if she would ever get a chance to see slavesuzis video. She really wanted to. Brenda was distracted from any thought of Mistress J when she received a text. Slave, were going to Las Vegas on Friday, returning on the Sunday afternoon. Meet me at the American Airlines ticket counter at 1000 AM sharp. Ill tell you...
My wife, Pamela Smithe, and I, Daniel Smithe, had always been fairly open about our sexual fantasies. But I thought she was holding back on me a bit. There was nothing I could specifically point to, just a feeling I had whenever I watched her when we discussed our fantasies.Our tenth anniversary was coming up, and one night as we were laying in bed after making love, Pam asked, “Do you trust me to plan something special for us to celebrate our tenth anniversary? I really want to surprise...
BisexualThis is a follow up to World's Best Diet Plan - Jingle Bells. If you want to see how the characters reached this point in their story, you can read the first story, however, this does stand on its own.*True to her word, Marcia did begin working out with me. She had no time to do so before going to work, so I would go in the mornings and work on my aerobics and swimming. Instead of walking on the treadmill, I was now able to do light jogging. On the bikes, I could now get between 15-20 miles in...
The Tuesday after Memorial Day when I got home from work Terri was in the kitchen preparing dinner.I walked in there and said, “Let’s talk about the last few days and what direction we want to see things go from here.”Terri responded, “I think that is a great idea, what are your thoughts?"“Terri I am going to be honest with you, thinking about what has happened recently excites the hell out of me and makes me feel younger than I have in years,” I said.She said, “I am so glad you feel that way...
Wife Lovers