Andee Returns to Las Vegas
- 3 years ago
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I had little time for contemplation on matters of the heart because when I arrived back at CCC I found the prairie ablaze, and it was literally all hands to the pumps.
The area affected was just to the east of where the Medicine Man Exercises were taking place, and it needed so much man power to contain the inferno that the exercises were put on hold, and the current BG attending Exercise Medicine Man, along with Canadian fire crews and OPFOR, were deployed. After a week of non-stop flailing at burning grass the fires were extinguished.
It was never established how ithe fires had started; it wasn't anything to do with the exercise as the area was well away from the location being used, and, according to one of the Canadian fire crew, this had been one of the largest conflagrations for ten years. It may have been a lighting strike, although there hadn't been any major thunderstorms. It could have just been some discarded cigarette from someone driving through; some parts of the training area were close to a main highway.
"We should be having some rain in a few weeks' time; that will damp everything down and end the fire hazard period," the fireman had said thankfully.
We were was so shattered after fire fighting practically non-stop for a week that the current Medicine Man exercise was postponed for several days, to allow the men of the BG and OPFOR to recover. During that time we spent our time at CCC, just resting up and re-hydrating.
"You look as if you enjoyed your holiday, Dewey." Rumpole and I were queuing for breakfast two days after the fires had been extinguished. I told him how peaceful and tranquil my holiday had been.
"It looks as if you enjoyed your break as well." His eyes looked like piss holes in the snow, and were black rimmed like a Panda. His face was drawn, and deadly pale, as if he had been locked in a darkened room for days, and he looked absolutely knackered, although Rumpole had arrived back at CCC only the day before and had not been present at the fire fighting.
He grinned. "I spent two weeks in Las Vegas, I need at least two months rest to recover from the experience."
He, and a couple of others from the section, Chaz Bowyer and Tabby Catesby, had gone to Las Vegas, intending to stay there only for a couple nights before moving on to explore the Grand Canyon. On their second night in Las Vegas Rumpole had won nearly $500,000, playing roulette in Caesar's Palace Casino.
"It was damned amazing; every number I covered came up." Rumpole had been to Monte Carlo with his father several times and so he knew his way around a roulette table. As I tucked into a breakfast of scrambled eggs, and that naff bacon you get in North America – what breed of pig do they use over there for bacon? – Rumpole sipped his tea and told me his adventures in Las Vegas.
"We were staying in a TravelLodge several miles away from The Strip, and took a taxi in to see the sights. We only went to Caesar's Palace because Chaz wanted to see inside the place. Tom Jones was appearing at Caesar's for the season, and each evening some lucky punters are chosen to sing with him. Chaz was hoping to be one of those invited up on stage, although I wouldn't have thought he stood much chance, as he isn't a blonde female with big boobs and legs up to her armpits, the usual sort of partner that Tom chooses."
After collecting his winnings Rumpole and the other two were invited, politely but firmly, into a room where they were interviewed, by the manager of the casino and the owner of the firm responsible for the security of most of the casinos in Las Vegas.
"They were very polite, but after winning such a large sum of money they were suspicious that we might be a gang hitting the casinos with some sort of device for stopping roulette wheels. We were searched, and then questioned on who we were and where we were from. When we told them we were in the British Army, and visiting from Canada, I don't think they believed us, but they must have checked and found that we were telling the truth, as about an hour later we were released. To make amends for detaining and searching us they invited the three of us to spend the rest of our time in Las Vegas in a Caesar's Palace penthouse suite, free of charge."
Rumpole finished his tea. "From then on we lived like high rollers. Of course the Casino management hoped I would go back down to the tables and lose the lot – no way. But I did spend a load of my winnings on wine, women – and more women, and even more women."
He had actually won $494,700, but he had given the croupier and table staff $4,700, and then split the $90,000 between Chaz and Tabby. It was no wonder Rumpole looked so shagged out; he had spent the rest of the fortnight up to his balls in females, a lot of females, even more than he had gone through during his tour guide days in York.
Chaz used some of his money to gain an audition in front of Tom Jones, and after amazing the Welshman with his singing ability, joined him in a duet on stage that same evening. Chaz was kept in ladies knickers for a year from the amount of lingerie thrown onto the stage; Tom of course got the lion's share – or should that be the dragon's share? Whatever, Chaz spent the rest of his stay in Las Vegas appearing on stage with Tom Jones during the evenings, and shagging knickerless females by night, and most of the next day. He was so knackered when he got back to CCC he didn't make it to breakfast.
Tabby hired a helicopter to fly him up and down the Grand Canyon for the day. Next he hired a mule to take him down into the Canyon, and then hired a raft to go white water rafting. For the rest of his leave he hired a chorus line of Vegas showgirls to fuck his brains out, which they duly did. He too never made it to breakfast.
"You know, Dewey, I'm going to buy myself out the army when we get back to the UK." Rumpole suddenly blurted out.
I was a bit surprised at that. "What will you do? You've no experience other than the army, and I don't see you as a security guard or car park attendant."
"I've been offered a job by the owner of the security firm who questioned us. He wants a lawyer, with what he calls 'class'. He says I look, and sound, like Peter Lawford, and has offered me a position in his firm."
"Who the fuck is Peter Lawford?"
"I've haven't the faintest idea, but if Peter Lawford is what Carlos Mendez wants then Peter Lawford is who I will be."
"Hold up a minute – Mendez? That sounds like a Mexican name; don't they deal in all sorts of drugs? Anyway you're not a lawyer – you failed your law exams."
"Senor Mendez is a well-respected local businessman; the only drugs he has dealings with are those you take for a headache. And for your information I didn't fail my law exams. I never actually sat them."
By now we had walked from the cook house back to our billets, and I sat on his bed as he gave me the full s.p. – the complete story – on his life before he joined the army.
He had been up at Oxford reading law – his father was an eminent Queen's Counsel in London – and it was assumed that Russell (Rumpole's given name) would join his father in his chambers after graduating.
"I found the course work at Oxford relatively easy. I have a retentive memory, a logical mind, a working knowledge of Latin, a questioning and combative nature, and a deep appreciation of fine wines, which are all necessary attributes for a successful lawyer."
Well into his third year at Oxford and Russell was on the way to be graduating with a double First. He had a beautiful girlfriend, Valerie, whom he adored, a wide circle of acquaintances who would be useful in his career, and a father with an office and desk waiting for him in chambers near Lincoln's Inn. Everything in his garden was lovely, just like in the Garden of Eden – and we know what happened there.
"I used to turn out for the university rugby club, and played for Oxford University's fourth team; we didn't play at too high a standard, but we could certainly party after a match. We were due to play a team from Essex University, but they came down with food poisoning and cancelled the game. We were already at the pitch when we got the message, so we just did a bit of training before going home. I decided to call in on Valerie; we were due to go to the theatre that evening, and I thought we could go out earlier than planned and have a meal."
Rumpole's face grew dark with anger, and I could see that whatever had happened still rankled. "Val and I used to sleep over at each other's flats several nights a week, but we didn't intend living together until graduating; in fact I was going to ask her to marry me on Graduation Day. I'd had plenty of girlfriends before I met Val, but after our first date I dropped them all."
He sighed as he recalled the memories. Regret; resignation; revenge?
"I had a key to Valerie's flat and let myself in, then walked into the lounge to find my best friend energetically rogering my girlfriend. Val was making enough noise to drown out the Hallelujah Chorus, although her face was half buried in a pillow muffling her shrieks. Ralph Townsend, who had been my best friend since we met at prep school when we were both eight years old, was bonking her in the doggy position, which was why they were completely oblivious to my presence. I just stared at them, completly stupefied. It was if I had been kicked in my testicles; my best friend and my girlfriend screwing each other's brains out – what a cliché. I left the room without them even knowing I had been there, with them still going at it like knives. I closed the door behind me and dropped Val's flat key through the letter box. I went back to my flat and packed a suitcase, wrote a letter to the Dean of Faculty telling him I was leaving, and went home. My parents were appalled when I said I had left college; I didn't tell them why. That evening I stood on the Albert Bridge and believed my life to be over. I even contemplated jumping into the Thames, but the thought of my father or mother having to identify my body persuaded me not to. The next morning I went along to the Army recruiting office in Regent Street and signed on. That was eight years ago, and I've not spoken to Valerie nor Ralph since."
I'd known Russ for several years when we were both in 3RGJ at Aldershot, and since meeting up with him in the ERB I suppose he had become a close friend, taking the place of Wurzel Colcott. But I had no inkling of what his life had been like before joining the army. In fact, I knew nothing of him other than he looked, and talked like an officer, that he knew some law, and that he was a bloody good soldier.
"You must have a strong character, Russ. Neddy Claypole had something similar happen to him, and it festered in his mind until he blew his brains out."
He grinned. "I hope I've more about me than the late Sergeant Claypole; but it does make one wonder about ones self. A girlfriend whom I loved, and a friend whom I trusted with my life, screwing each other behind my back. I wondered how long it had been going on, of course, and did any of my so called friends know, and if they had known why they hadn't told me."
"So, what will you do when you leave the army – take the law exams, and then go out to America when you pass them? Don't you have to have a green card or something to work in the States?"
Russ smiled broadly. "My green card has already been issued, thanks to Senor Mendez, and I have a bank account in my name in the First National Bank in Las Vegas with what's left of my win at Caesar's Palace, a quarter of a million dollars, safely ensconced therein;. I will use the cash to pay to study for the Nevada bar examination, as Nevada accepts Oxford law studies as equivalent to those of US law schools. The US have specialised lawyers, and Senor Mendez wants me as a litigation attorney. All the casinos take those who have scammed money from them to court, and demand full restitution if they have gained their money by fraudulent means. This includes using card counting devices, or other illegal methods, to beat the house. I shall only practise in Nevada, working solely for the security company owned by Senor Mendez – it shouldn't take too long before I'm hanging up my shingle in Paradise."
"Paradise! You ain't thinking of topping yourself once you get over there?"
This time Russ let out a full belly laugh, and tears streamed down his face. Eventually he regained his breath and told me that Paradise was a part, in fact a separate township, of Las Vegas.
"Not only will I be living in Paradise but I will be surrounded and serviced by angels. I discovered Latino ladies, especially Mexican girls, in Las Vegas, and wow – hot and spicy as chilli. Forget Japanese girls, Dewey, and if you come across any Mexican señoritas get a grip of one, or as many as you can. They are the best – muy bueno!"
The rest of our stay at BATUS passed by swiftly, and eventfully, as had been forecast, rain came in mid-September, and the prairie became a sodden, damp, muddy battle ground for all the wheeled vehicles, including our LWB Land Rovers, but at least there was no more fear of fires.
We flew back to the UK on November the first.
That feeling of calmness, tranquillity, and of being comfortable within myself, persisted when the exercise in Canada finished and we returned to Catterick. This was just as well as I soon faced some life changing experiences.
Two weeks after our return from BATUS the ERB was disbanded. There was a brief ceremony, when some brass hat from MoD came and issued UN medals for service in Bosnia, before addressing us. He thanked us for the 'sterling work you chaps have done, in Bosnia and at BATUS' and that, 'MoD have learned many things, and would be introducing many new initiatives, thanks to you chaps trying them out'. All a load of bollocks, as we knew by then that ERB had been a garbage bin just waiting to be emptied.
As Big Ben had forecast most of the officers and SNCOs were discharged, but many of the JNCOs and riflemen were returned to their original units - if they still existed - for both the RGJ and The Light Infantry had been reduced from 3 battalions to 2 during the time ERB had been at BATUS. This meant I returned to the battalion I had been in prior to ERB, but it had changed its number from 2nd Battalion to 1st Battalion. The 'original' 1st Battalion had been disbanded, and its riflemen distributed amongst the remaining two battalions of the regiment – is that complicated or what?
Not that this new reorganisation affected me, as I was posted onto recruitment duties about a week after the disbandment of ERB, and my next billet was to be the Army Recruiting Office (ARO) in Reading.
Russ 'Rumpole' Stilkins was one of the few riflemen who weren't retained, thanks to him volunteering to be made redundant, but little did MoD know that Rumpole had been prepared to purchase his discharge if they hadn't allowed him to go free of charge. He was a real loss to the army, for although he could be somewhat insolent – especially to those officers who thought themselves above squaddies, by virtue of their education and birth – and he never accepted promotion, as he was not prepared to take on any responsibilities, Russ was a bloody good soldier. On the evening before he left the army we went into Richmond for a farewell drink.
"You know Dewey, when I found my girlfriend and best friend bonking I thought my life wasn't worth living, but actually it was the beginning of a much better life. I only chose Law as a career because my parents expected me to join the family firm. Becoming a squaddie was hard work at first – my 'posh' accent didn't help, nor my attitude to my superiors, but I met some really good chaps." He grinned, "And I don't think I would ever had been a tour guide at York if I'd remained as a lawyer, and think of all that naughty but nice Nipponese nookie I would have missed out on." He then became serious. "The worst thing of Valerie and Ralph betraying me was that I never spoke to Ralph again, and in fact I missed him more than I missed Valerie. You can always pick up a girlfriend, but a real man friend, that's a different kettle of fish. I didn't think I'd ever get as close as anyone than to him again, but you have filled the gap he left, and I thank you for it."
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TrueLAS VEGAS The ClubThe next day we hung around the hotel and relaxed. Neither of us enjoys gambling that much, although when I do play, I like playing Blackjack because of the odds while still tilted in favor of the House, afforded the best opportunity to make some money. Being a numbers kind of person and I will count cards but avoid getting caught. Las Vegas casinos are not keen on card counters. They consider them cheats. Anyway, after last night we were both felt ‘used up’ and wanted to...
ExhibitionismThis a continuation and maybe the last story in the Jessica series. Stories are not stand alone so please read the series in sequence for cast of characters and events. ***On Wednesday afternoon, the doorbell rang and I walked over and opened the door to see a messenger service man with a thick envelope. "Ma'am, I have a delivery for Jessica Summers." "I'm Jessica Summers," I said taking the envelope. "Thank you." I looked at the return address, it was from the travel agency I use. I opened it...
InterracialJan was ecstatic with the news! Her husband, Terry, had just called and told her that his company was having its annual corporate business meeting in Las Vegas and that he, as a senior manager, was allowed to bring her along on the trip. Jan and Terry had been married just over ten years and they hadn't had a vacation in the last seven - and Vegas was going to be the perfect place to renew their sagging sex life. There had been subtle changes over the past two years, their once imaginative...
Me and my partner have decided to write all our experiences down, a bit like photos to look back on. So all True stories I wrote this oneThis is a true story which happened a couple of years ago on holiday in Las Vegas, It was our first threesome experience.I’m 49 years old and my partner is Pam 62 a little older than me, We checked in to our hotel, and after seeing all the scantily clad women we got talking about sex, and I asked would Pam have a threesome if there was any one she fancied, I...
Slut Puppy’s Las Vegas Fantasy – yet another part of the ongoing training of a real life member of BDSM Library Part 1 This fantasy began with several short chat exchanges two weeks ago, we’re co writing it as we go: Slut Puppy: *Sneaks in and tip toes over to Sirs chair, tickles the back of his neck and whispers in his ear... I'm back Sir* Jay Mac: and is you pussy wet he asks? Slut Puppy: It is now... Have some interesting news Sir Jay Mac: what is that? Slut Puppy: Have a trip planned in...
Andee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked "Just For You." She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...
Wife LoversLas Vegas is world famous for gambling. Secondly for all the various exhibitions, and thirdly for famous artist performances. And then the sex. Prostitution is forbidden within city limits, but in the local phone book you will find about 100 pages solely for “private dancers”. A euphemism for female entertainment anyway you like it. Just outside city limits, you will find the famous chicken farms, large legal brothels, where almost every sexual desire can be satisfied. Almost. There are...
One of largest trade shows in the United States takes place each January in Las Vegas – the Consumer Electronics Show. Any innovation or upgrade to a product line that can remotely be called ‘electronic’ is often introduced at the show: computers, televisions, cellphones, speakers, headphones, ear buds, electronic assistants, computers and accessories, drones, robotics, autos loaded with electronics, and more. Even sex dolls with some modest artificial intelligence have been touted there....
Four months had passed since Jennifer had her fling with Gary. We had stopped discussing that subject about two and a half months ago. Now it was pretty much a distant memory. I still hadn't decided what I wanted from Jennifer. She stopped asking me about it and I didn't bring it up. It was July and time for a vacation. Jennifer and I talked about several possible places we could go and ended up deciding to take our vacation in Las Vegas. We had never been there and the airfare and hotel...
Introduction: Joan has a new bikini. What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas My wife Joan has been traveling with me on business trips. While I work Joan scouts for possible sexual adventures. The next business trip was to Las Vegas. Las Vegas is a wonderland of adult fun: Casinos, Showgirls, famous performers and wonderful hotels and resorts. The hotel we were staying at was the Cosmopolitan. We had a Lanai suite. It was a two level suite with a private plunge pool and direct access to...
"Rodney, Rodney, I won, I won!" It was my wife screaming into the phone so loud that I thought everyone at work could hear her. Not that it made much difference. We lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone and I worked at the family feed store with my brother and sister. "I won a week in Las Vegas on that radio show! I was the ninth caller and I won us a vacation."Little did I know what a change that was going to make in our lives. We'd been married three years and had been...
Xenia walked across the hotel room, swaddled in the thick terrycloth robe that the hotel provided. She and Clarence were going out on the town in Las Vegas! She was excited, eager to get her drink on and her groove on and her fuck on. She turned on the shower, letting it run to get hot. She grabbed her toiletries bag, pulling out the small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving lotion, and a razor. She was going to be a while, she’d told Clarence, so he took off down to the casino...
Love StoriesI went to Las Vegas over a holiday weekend to spend some time with a few of my buddies I served with in Iraq. Over the course of the weekend we consumed a lot of alcohol and spent a lot of money, but this was the highlight of my weekend. It started on Saturday afternoon. One of my friends who I was sharing a room with was still passed out. We had drank heavily until 6 in the morning, so I figured it would be a while before he woke up and wanted to go for another round. My other friends were...
I went to Las Vegas over a holiday weekend to spend some time with a few of my buddies I served with in Iraq. Over the course of the weekend we consumed a lot of alcohol and spent a lot of money, but this was the highlight of my weekend. It started on Saturday afternoon. One of my friends who I was sharing a room with was still passed out. We had drank heavily until 6 in the morning, so I figured it would be a while before he woke up and wanted to go for another round. My other friends were...
Once Upon A Time In Las Vegas by The Rebel Adam Hughes checked into the Starglow Hotel in Vegas and he found his room dull, and without charm. Two Double beds, TV set chained to a bureau, bathtub, bathroom and a couple of nightstands. Done in a tacky turquoise shade of blue green, God. "All the rooms in rooms in this town look alike," he sighed as entered. 5'11" and just a little overweight at 32 he felt his body complaining about the weeks constant on- the -go activity. He...
Before I start, I think I should give a brief description of myself. My name is Sue, I’m 44 yrs old, 5’6” tall, 140 lbs, natural redhead (I can prove it), blue eyes, 36b, smallish boobs just asking to be sucked & squeezed, proper housewife with 2 k**s and married 23 years (Joe). I have a set of pouting red-lips made for cock sucking and my husband loves it, but I don’t swallow. My pussy is meticulously trimmed to expose my soft and tender lip and I also enjoys giving head to my husband...
Before I start, I think I should give a brief description of myself. My name is Sue, I’m 44 yrs old, 5'6” tall, 140 lbs, natural redhead (I can prove it), blue eyes, 36b, smallish boobs just asking to be sucked & squeezed, proper housewife with 2 k**s and married 23 years (Joe). I have a set of pouting red-lips made for cock sucking and my husband loves it, but I don’t swallow. My pussy is meticulously trimmed to expose my soft and tender lip and I also enjoys giving head to my husband...
The first pic is of my sorority Big, Katie, and me in Las Vegas where we attend school at UNLV. We are pictured at one of our hotel room engagements (more on that later). She and I have become good friends but not in any way that I would have predicted. No we are not lesbians. On the contrary we love men and started our own business in Las Vegas performing together for mostly visiting businessmen and convention goers. We are lucky to be going to school here as I know of no other city like it...
ExhibitionismLas Vegas (m/f)I met Selene online on a porn site. We were both horny, liked porn and loved to masturbate. The big difference was that I was 46 and she was 18. I think I commented on her pictures which I thought were gorgeous. Red hair, big boobs, curves. Very hot.I wasn't too concerned with the age difference as she was an adult with wit and intelligence. She was also fun to talk to. I've been attracted to younger and older than me over the years so I can't say that I have a type. The female...
Wednesday morning, Terri and I finished packing and were getting dressed to go to the airport and head to Las Vegas. I told Terri I was going to wear shorts during the day because it gets rather warm in Vegas in the summer. She said, “Shorts are fine during the day but you will dress nicer when we go out at night.” Terri had always been the fashion police in our family; she often accused me of being colorblind. When she had gone shopping on Monday, she bought me several pairs of shorts that...
Wife LoversViva Las VegasIt was a great early summer day. Oh the weather was hot and humid as usual in Atlanta, and my husband was out of town for a couple of weeks, again, but it was a great day anyway. My best friend Sara and I were going to Vegas! School was finally out, how sick I had gotten of chasing six graders! I started calling the boys sex graders, just trying to figure this idea out, and so obnoxious as they did. In addition the home situation was not very good that year. My husband was...
I’ve been encouraged to tell some of my stories. It never occurred to me that someone might be interested, but I’m happy to pass along some of my adventures in Las Vegas.I’m known as Lisa Viva. You know, like Viva Las Vegas. I’ve lived in Vegas most of my adult life and love it here. I don’t know how people can stand living in calm places like Dallas, Chicago or even New York. Life is exciting here every minute and twenty-four hours a day. We have everything you could want or imagine here in...
Wife LoversWell the time has finally come. I am headed to Las Vegas to pick up my baby. He don't know it yet but I have a weekend full of orgasms planned for him. I hope he can handle 3 women and 3 tiny blue pills lol. It has been awhile since I've seen him so he's all mine on night one. I pick him up at the airport as usual dressed in heels, low cut blouse, skirt, and no panties so he can taste how much I have missed him. I greet him with a hug and a long kiss and he pays me back with the usual pat on...