Doomed Dynasty Pt. 08 free porn video

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Fifteen months later when Reece returned home with Courtney from her lawyer, he was a very rich man, subject to transfers of titles and some other routine documentation. He felt pleased, but not elated. In fact, except for a slight feeling that he could now afford to be more decisive in life, it was quite remarkable how unchanged he felt. He shrugged, and went into the office while Courtney busied herself with her thoughts while preparing a celebratory meal for two. Patricia was in Christchurch staying with friends.

Smiling as he sat down, Reece thought of his irrational thought some time ago when he’d speculated that Courtney might be going to tell him that she was about to re-marry.

‘She’s only fifty-four, and still thinks like a younger person,’ he said aloud. ‘She should marry again but this time to a warm, loving man.’

Since Matt’s death Courtney had told him that three gentlemen as she called them, had come calling, but after a polite conversation with each of them in the sitting room, drinking tea or coffee, they had gone off with, as Courtney put it, ‘with a clear hint never to return.’

‘They give me the creeps,’ she had told Reece. ‘None of them had called on me in the past when I may well have welcomed the company of gentlemen.’

Reece laughed, ‘And dad would have welcomed the opportunity to plant his boot in the asses of three tom cats.’

Courtney had admonished him for being so vulgar but then broke into laughter, the thought obviously amusing her.

Reece was aware his own love life was not firing. There were women, of course, and he and Cilla exchanged visits every eight weeks or so but that relationship appeared stalled because she didn’t wish to give up her job right now as she was completing university studies and the company was generous about giving study time to its junior executives.

Reece checked his diary, writing Cilla/7 to indicate Cilla would be arriving on the 7th of next month. He’d received a lengthy letter from her the previous day in which she confirmed her arrival. She only wrote occasionally. Reece had noticed she began the first letter with ‘Darling’, then that became ‘My Darling’ start to the second, ‘Dearest Darling on the third or fourth and in yesterday letter he’d been downgraded to ‘Dear Reece’.

He was an excellent letter writer, according to his mother. But although his prose was descriptive he’d noticed how much more vibrant Cilla’s letters were. He deduced the difference lay in emotion, Cilla’s letters personified her.

Slipping back into business mode, Reece sat back in the leather chair, his elbows resting on the chair arms and his fingertips lightly touching the point of his chin, very much in the manner of three previous heads of the Curtis family had done over the years. He had access to money now and ought to pay off his gambling debts in Christchurch but he shuddered, wondering what the totals would be like now with those creeps adding interest at ridiculous rates. He had a more immediate use for the money, he’d attend to those debts once he had attended to one important matter.

He selected a quick-dial number from a short list his father’s had stuck to the side of the desk phone and Vikki answered.

‘Reece Curtis here Vikki. I was wondering if I could come and see you in the morning on business, at a time to suit?’

Vikki sounded apprehensive. Her suggestion of 11:30 was accepted and she was probably left thinking he’d be wanting to rack up her rent now that he managed the holding company on behalf of Courtney.

Sitting opposite Vikki and sipping a cup of her coffee, damn fine coffee in fact, Reece studied his late father’s mistress. His first thought was below the belt, he wondered which woman had his father humped the most. He’d pick Vikki, she looked as if she would be big into that sort of thing.

And his mother? Whoa there Reece, he told himself, accepting that it was not the done thing for any son to dwell on his mother’s sex life. An image of his mother flicked through his mind and he was relieved that she was fully dressed and smiling as he remembered her when he was quite young.

Vikki’s face was lightly lined. He guessed her plumpness had helped to preserve her good looks. These days her red hair had turned to something he thought some people called ‘strawberry blonde’. Who knows? His father would have described her hair the colour of a roan, a roan horse that is. Her breasts looked massive, and he’d noticed when entering the café that her ample backside had not gotten any smaller.

Considering the bombshell Reece had dropped on her, Vikki studied him. He’s the spitting image of Courtney, thought Vikki, though he carried his head like Matt did and his colouring was very similar. Quite a cute young man really. Some lucky girl will get her teeth into him. Pity he’d never liked her even as a small kid.

Reece had shocked her. A rent increase wasn’t on his agenda. He’d tabled a copy of her latest lease agreement with the holding company and a copy of Matt’s shareholding in her café.

She cleared her throat. ‘I gather your mother would have seen that Matt had money in my business and I had a bit in the holding company?’

Reece nodded and said, ‘Yes she knew and in fact warned me not to get upset when she handed over the books to me.’

‘Well,’ Vikki said. ‘I have money out on short-term mortgages that I can call in and a bank manager who rather likes me and so I guess a big fat loan is likely to be approved. I’ll get back to you and thanks for being a gentleman, and giving me first option.’

‘Matt would have approved of my action Vikki.’

Ten days later Vikki and Reece met in the offices of the Curtis family’s new legal firm, Crown and Partners. Phil Crown presented them with the documents he’d prepared for signing.

Vikki walked out as the pending sole owner of Southern Star Holdings Ltd and also the pending sole owner of the Riverside Café, subject to routine legalities to be completed. She stood outside the café and looked with pride at the building she now owned. She also smiled. That morning she’d given notice to Chief Fire Officer Merv Arnold after their final bedtime together. He seemed relieved, quite surprised really that he’d gone so long without a word of his affair reaching the ears of his possessive wife.

Two days later his successor, bank manager Archie Hampton, entered the side-door and joined Vikki for lunch in her apartment above the café. They toured the spacious premises and in the bedroom Archie looked interested when Vikki told him that it was a king size waterbed.

‘I’ve not tried one of those, are they any good?’

‘Well, Archie,’ said Vikki, running a finger slowly down the front of her dress between her breasts. ‘You are welcome to try it out. Before or after lunch?’

Archie began removing his tie, signalling he was intent to find out right then what Vikki had that had attracted Matt Curtis to her side so regularly and loyally all those years.

Vikki began pulling her dress over her head, probably wondering if Archie had a big dick and would be in for the long haul. Being a big woman it took a big dick to give her what she required.

* * *

Drawing money from the farm account, pushing it into overdraft, Reece paid off his debts to gambling syndicates in Christchurch, sending bank cheques by courier. He was called by representatives of both syndicates and declined to meet their demands to pay interest, saying illegally acquired money by syndicates was not legally interest-bearing so they could ‘stick it’ and the should simply be pleased the slate with him was clean. He was abused and threatened but cut both calls, knowing no one in New Zealand was ever assassinated to non-payment of gambling debts. He didn’t bother wondering if that belief was based on fact.

He felt a great weight lift from his mind and wondered who he could take out to dinner
and then fuck to truly celebrate. Unfortunately his friends in Miranda were all male. Ah Phil’s birth mother Alice was back from Queensland in the summer. She still had a tight body for a women her age and a lively manner. He called her apartment but there was no reply.

* * *

On Phil’s desk lay a bank cheque to be paid into the account of Reece’s recently formed company, Curtis Investments Limited. It was for $1.376 million. Reece had decided that he wouldn’t try to squeeze every dollar he could out of Vikki. The selling price was on the high side of the difference between the figure reached by the assessor he engaged and the lower figure submitted to Vikki’s assessor.

‘You’re a gentleman Reece,’ Vikki had lied. ‘I have new respect for you.’

When she’d left, Phil said slyly, ‘Mum (Alice) talked to Cilla on the phone the night before last and is pretty excited to be seeing her so soon again. Only I don’t think she’s going to see a lot of her.’

‘She’ll do what she wants. I’m only an add-on.’

‘Don’t bet on it buddy. For some reason I just cannot understand, and with Cilla it won’t be your money, she has a radar fix on you. She’s admitted that to mum, so happy days while they last. Oh, by the way, so that your mother can get some sleep, our place up at the lakes is available to you guys while she’s here. Take my spare set of keys. Catch!’

Watching TV that night, Reece told Courtney about the transactions he’d completed that day.

‘We no longer have a financial connection with Vikki. What I can’t understand is how you tolerated the connection dad had with her all those years. If it had extended beyond a business connection it would have broken your heart.’

‘It hurt me to think that they were undoubtedly sharing a bed Reece. Matt would probably have married Vikki but I slipped in between before their reunion all those years ago was cemented, Well that’s all history and as you very well know she was brilliant in helping me through my grief and we have become good friends.’

Reece covered over a developing scowl.

Courtney continued: ‘I remember my first and almost my only face to face meeting in earlier times with Vikki. I’d expected to be dealing with a small-town tramp. Instead found her to be friendly, intelligent and to my astonishment, totally able to handle me when I confronted her over our wedding reception. Matt had given her the job without consulting me. It was an inspiring performance. I was put through the wringer and hung out to dry so gently that I scarcely realised what had happened. I went home feeling that I’d neither lost nor won. I then felt ashamed that I’d behaved so badly.’

‘Water under the bridge mother.’

‘Are you going to start calling me mother again?’

‘Sort of slipped out. Sorry mum.’

‘I believe it will not be necessary ever again to talk about Matt and Vikki in the same breath and rarely have I done so and now it belongs to a bygone era.’

‘I does indeed. Thinking back I reckon dad belong to a past era whereas I would describe you as being something of a crossover. In some ways you seem to become younger as I was growing up and look at you today. You look young for your years, your painting style is absolutely contemporary and your clothes are quite fashionable.’

‘Quite fashionable?’

‘Ooops, I’m into dangerous territory am I? Tell you what, when Cilla comes over I’ll get her to go shopping with you. She’s really up with trendy stuff mum, but just don’t let her persuade you to buy a thong.’

‘Matthew Curtis, you disgusting… Oh, what’s the use? In that respect you are exactly like your father, an unrelenting tease. Be a good boy and get me another brandy.’



‘Are you going to look around for another man?’

‘Yes and no.’

‘What does that mean?’

‘It means that mothers don’t talk intimately to their sons about such a thing, and the answer I’ve just given you means I don’t have to lie.’

‘Then I take it you really mean yes.’


‘Oh mother! You are confusing me.’

‘Why don’t you just run along and fetch my brandy.’

Matt looked at his mother, her eyes were sparkling. He knew she thrived on repartee, but rarely had the opportunity to engage. Yes and no, what a bloody idiotic answer!

After long thought and talking at length to his accountant and Archie at the bank, Reece decided to focus on local investment and would hire an experienced property manager to run the day-to-day operations. Both advisers said they’d produce some names for him to consider.

For two days he worked on developing a business plan that really was an investment strategy. Then he went out looking for possible acquisitions. He ended up with a list of nine prospective projects, and rated only two of them for immediate attention: the Town & Country Club and after that was completed to restart Matt’s stalled department store project that had not passed beyond preliminary planning stages.

He also had decided to quit the hotel. It was the only holding that seemed an ill-fit with his investment strategy. Besides, it needed upgrading if its accommodation business was to compete with the flash new motels with their beautiful swimming pools and the possibility of a seafront resort being built at the end of the reserve on the western side of the river, where a failing 9-hole golf club was situated.

Reece decided to sell the hotel immediately and to commence negotiations with the developer of the proposed resort about the possibilities of a joint partnership. He’d have to rely on Phil’s expertise to take care of any suggestions that the prospective purchasers of the hotel might make about inserting a restraint clause preventing him from trading in any competitive venture within a certain period, probably two years. Well if it were only two years that could be okay because gaining building consents took so damn long. It would easily be two years before the doors of a resort hotel would open.

‘In dad’s day he just went and did things. Now we have to get our lawyer’s approval together with umpteen other layers of approval before development can commence,’ fumed Reece, at the club on Friday evening.

Alton nodded sympathetically but Phil complained, ‘Are we here to drink or what?’

They’d messed around on the badminton court, taking turns to sit out a game until a schoolgirl aged about seventeen, asked if she could make up a four.

Alton recognised her as Jenny something, but hadn’t known she played badminton, so he elected to partner Reece. Phil and Jenny creamed them, walking off the court with $20 each. Jenny was the region’s junior girl badminton champion.

‘Funny how she goes to the school where you teach and yet you didn’t know she played badminton,’ Phil said.

‘There are several lawyers in this town whom we all know, but which are the good ones?’ Alton replied darkly.

While the two continued sparing, Reece looked around the member lounge and though, what a hovel. The town needed better than this. The building, a former wool store, was separated from the Riverside Café by a roadway on to the wharf.

As they were walking out of the building, Reece said to Phil, ‘I’d like you to make an offer on this building at current valuation less 15% for cash, without disclosing my name. Tell them it’s a buy and lease back proposal until the replacement building proceeds.’

‘Jeeze mate. That’s a good idea. I may have some clients who’d like to invest in it providing your figures stack up.’

‘No-o-o-o. But I would consider a recommendation from you about making shares available privately in Curtis Investments.’

‘That’s even better. We have clients looking for that sort of vehicle, mainly farmers, but dad’s also looking around. I think I’ll draft up a proposal and get you in to talk to both of us.’


‘Cilla arrives tomorrow.’

‘I know… been th
inking little else today.’

‘You old ram. I wonder what she sees in you?’

At the airport Reece got quite a shock. He raced over to Cilla as soon as she walked into the small inter-city terminal, hugged her and smothered her with kisses. She kissed him once, only once, and then seemed to be resisting her embrace.

He released her and taking her hands said, ‘Let me look at you.’

She appeared to be quite shy. He was taken aback.

Her next comment absolutely floored him, ‘What a lovely day.’

It was just the sort of thing his grandmother said whenever he met her off an aircraft. He’s been expecting her to say something like, ‘Let’s call in to a motel on the way to your place’ or ‘Take me somewhere fast where I can tear the clothes off you’.

Bloody hell. What does a guy do? Try again, that’s what. ‘Are you feeling okay?’

‘Perfectly well thank you.’

There’s nothing for it, go for the jugular to see if she’d turned into a zombie. ‘Are you wearing a thong?’

She actually grinned at that, but before Reece had time to think of a suitable follow-up, Cilla said, ‘Listen, Reece, I think we ought to talk. Let’s get a cup of coffee.’

God, she going to tell him the baby’s been found, thought Matt, pleased that he’d worked it out all by himself.

It was a long wait in the short queue as an incompetent woman slowly filled plates, poured drinks and adding up orders on a calculator before accepting money and counting out the change and handed it out piece by piece.

‘Two coffees and quickly,’ Reece said, almost snarling. He looked at Cilla sitting alone in a slight slump, looking out to the distant brown hills.

‘We don’t tend to rush in the provinces, sir,’ chided the serving lady.

In his mind Reece vaulted the counter, poured two brilliant coffees and vaulted back over the counter without spilling a drop, all in ten seconds flat and to the applause of those behind him in the queue. Cilla looked up adoringly at him.

The woman gave him two overfilled coffees. Matt thrust a note at her and said, keep the change.

‘Sorry sir, but that will put the till out. I have to give you your change.’

‘Donate it to the friggin’ SPCA then,’ said Reece, through gritted teeth.

‘I say, steady on. The poor woman is doing her best,’ commented the next person in the line, an elderly man. Those standing immediately behind him looked ready to boo Reece. He slunk off to where Cilla sat, spilling even more coffee into the saucers. He sat opposite her. He wanted to press against her knees but thought better of it.

‘Look,’ she began. Matt was looking.

‘In Queensland I was overcome by lust. You we so charming and lovely and I hadn’t been with a man for such a long time that I just lost it. I pulled you away from Phil and Alton, spoiling their holiday.’

‘I don’t think that’s quite true.’

‘But I was consumed by lust.’

‘No I mean my fellow golfers. Alton won back the $150 the next day and took $150 off Phil in each of the next three days. Then after arriving back home I transferred all of my legal work to Phil’s firm, and he says I’m their largest client apart from the local freight and bus company .’

‘Well that’s nice to hear.’

‘Thank you. Anyway that’s a long time ago and I’ve shared lusty visits with you since then. Now let’s get back to this other thing. You are not confident to be meeting me again because you believe I may think of you as a … a…’

‘Say it!’

‘A whore!’

‘Yes, that’s one word for it’ Cilla said, bottom lip quivering.

‘Well, that’s a surprise considering I don’t even know what one really looks like or how they perform in the sack. You, Cilla are the most exciting woman I’ve ever held in my arms. I’m glad that I turned you on because that’s exactly what I’m supposed to do. It’s Tarzan meets Jane stuff Cilla not something nasty or degrading. You obviously enjoy sex when the right person hits the right buttons, and that’s great. Immerse yourself whenever you can because sure as hell will freeze over those moments won’t last forever. If you care to remember, our mutual behaviour remained unchanged in our subsequent meetings. There is nothing wrong about liking to fuck.’

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COVID-19 or not, the shopping still had to be done. Phyllis said she had a headache: would I mind going on my own?So I went shopping.It didn't take as long as I thought - there was no queue at the supermarket, so I got back quite quickly. I noticed a large white van parked on the street outside the house, but paid it no mind - people were often getting courier deliveries from Amazon and the like.Strangely, I found the front door wasnt closed properly. Slightly curious, I stuck my head inside. I...

3 years ago
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Audrina and Serena Part 1

Also: This is a rather slow paced story. If you want something different, read something else. - - - - - - I'm Audrina. 15, with red curly hair, brown eyes. I'm short, only about 5'3. I'm curvy, with big breats and a round, firm ass. But my middle has a bit of flab, and my thighs are bit meater then I'd like...but whatever. I look better then most. This story is about me and my bestfriend Serena's first sexual encounter together. It was a sunny, hot summer afternoon....

2 years ago
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Crisis at IshtarChapter 29 Meeting Visitors

I left the teleport room and headed back to the command post. When I reached the doors we once used to keep Ruth and Manuel away from our homes, they were shut tight. Each set remained closed until I was no more than ten yards away and then opened, allowing me into the colony. Once I passed the third door, I ran to the command post. The tapestry had moved to conceal the door, and I had to lift it away from the wall in order to enter. Inside I found that Candi and Randi had relieved my...

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Perennial Lover

She was leaving him. Again. And there was nothing he could do about it. They were caught in this endless cycle of renewal to slow decay. He hated it – and still he yearned for her. Every time. He smoothed a hand over the soft length of her back, as she lay besides him, hovering in that insouciant peace between waking and sleep. It made him smile. She had not been this relaxed, this calm in a long time, the last few weeks a constant parade of violent reassertions of her power, followed by timid...

2 years ago
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Afroza Part Five

Afroza Part Five: So I opened the door to the Ladies changing room. I stood there for a moment. I was upset. "Afroza, I can't go back out there again dressed like this. I don't want Steve groping me again. I need you to help me put on my Burqa." For the first time since I was a little boy I was crying. Men don't cry do they? But how could I, dressed as a playboy bunny, in the Ladies changing room, think of myself as being even remotely Male? I had permission to cry and it...

3 years ago
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The Broken WatchChapter 12

Sekhmet was right ... there had been some modifications. Wendy was eighteen ... at the height of her femininity ... and the heights she reached were more than I imagined ... and, believe me ... I have a superb imagination. Wendy passed superb like Richard Petty lapped the field twice in the 1973 Daytona 500; Way out front. She was standing in her altogethers in front of a mirror. Her no sag no crease breasts were cupped in her ivory palms while her index finger and thumb on each of those...

1 year ago
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Twelve CondomsCondom 4 Carly Talking to Strangers

Taking advantage of the warm weather Sam strolled through the park with his binoculars in hand. There were a number of potential victims about. Curvy milfs watching their children, tone joggers, and fresh faced teens. All complete strangers of course. Sam didn’t know the name of a single woman in the park and even a man armed with magic condoms requires at least that much familiarity with a woman before knocking her up. To Sam the most approachable hottie looked to be a blonde teen loitering...

4 years ago
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Anime Dot Com

This story hit me one night as I sat at my computer reading Fictionmania stories I archived on my computer while listening to some Anime soundtracks when I ran across one of Bill Hart's DC Universe Stories. The combo was just the thing to get the motivations for writing another short story for posting before my move out of state. I hope you enjoy this little late night Snack I whipped up for you. Oh and by the way, if you're Under 18, shut this window down now. And to Quote another story...

3 years ago
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MaudeMadeleine Part 2

You may care to read the first part of this story before embarking on this episode. It will explain the context. The following morning as instructed I found myself in Mistress Pickles’s bedchamber. 'Jenkins reports that you learn well and quickly. I knew you would. Come, girl, undress and show me what you have learned at her hands. I hastily removed my attire but slowed when she told me to take more time and to give her the pleasure of a slow revelation of my body. She had me stand quite naked...

2 years ago
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ConflictedChapter 7

I was wide awake more than an hour before my alarm was set to go off, and I was utterly unable to get back to sleep. Over and over again I'd thought about the real possibility that my sister had been drugged at the college party, yet I had failed to find any evidence. I'd called Katie again, and she'd told me that Jennifer didn't really remember much of the sex, but she'd admittedly been pretty drunk by that point. With that lead a dead end I'd convinced Kelsey to finally call Stacey...

1 year ago
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another surprise

At Home bored I get up to go to the gym I open the door & my home girl is walking up. I we hug & say are hii I told I said "u cought me at a good I was going to the gym". I tell her to come in we sit in the living room I sit on 1 couch nd she sits on the other we start doing some catching up talking bout the old days. She then says "I always had a crush on & I was to scared to be with you cause you always had a girl" I laughed & said "I aways liked you to I just didn't try to...

4 years ago
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Young Son8217s Lust For His Mom 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, this is my first story at this site. I was interested in this type of story when I started studying ISS stories. Let me start the story of a son lusting for his mom. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Sam, and I am the youngest son in my family. My family consists of four people – me, my dad, my mom, and my elder sister. My father is a businessman, and my mother is a housewife. My sister is studying in a college in 1st year. Let me start the story now. In this story, I’ll...

4 years ago
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New Office Secretary

Kamala never thought that she will ever have to go back to work. Her husband Sri was well employed as an engineer with a foreign firm and was handsomely paid until the economic downturn affected the apple cart. His firm had to shed some highly paid employees and he was one of the unlucky few who had been made redundant. Even though he was given a good termination package, it was a concern how long they will be able to manage on that, being accustomed to a certain quality of living. She was also...

2 years ago
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Just For LaughsChapter 6

Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham entered the Briggs house for Sunday dinner. Gabrielle went upstairs to pack the things she wanted to take back to her new home in Michigan. She hugged everyone, including the four apes showing everyone there how happy she was. She still stayed on the pill as Peg advised her. Chris sat with the males watching the Cubs playing the Brewers from Milwaukee. The Whitesox, everyone in the house including Chris, hated with a passion. Matt had taken a lot of ribbing from from...

4 years ago
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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 2 A Man Dead

The declaration was followed by a silence of some length. The Secretary of the American Embassy and the Peruvian attache had followed the conversation with eager interest. Major d'Astrignac nodded his head with an air of approval. To his mind, Perenna could not be mistaken. The Prefect of Police confessed: "Certainly, certainly ... we have a number of circumstances here ... that are fairly ambiguous ... Those brown patches; that doctor ... It's a case that wants looking into." And,...

3 years ago
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Texas Gal Part 2

Texas Gal - Part 2 by C. Sprite copyright 1999 Chapter Four Despair & Hope I was sure that somebody had just punched me in the stomach. I couldn't get my breath. I got dizzy. I would have fallen but for my sisters holding onto me long enough for the police officer to reach me from where he had been standing a few feet away. I thought, 'Daddy dead. Mommy dead also, maybe?' The world started to spin. The police officer picked me up and carried me to the...

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Morgan MckennaChapter 2

I came out of the bathroom, with a little bit of the tension in my crotch relieved, to find her sleeping on the couch, leaning against one of the arms and cuddling a pillow. I picked her up and took her to the back bedroom, laying her in bed and tucking her in. She said, "G'nite" rather sleepily as she rolled away from me and buried her head in the softness, wiggling her small frame to get comfortable. I sat on the edge of the bed for a few moments, listening to her steady breathing....

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 More Questions Are Answered

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride" The Vicar of St Wulfrum's reached the culmination of the marriage ceremony and Gurney and Zinnia embraced. The church bells chimed, the choir sang an anthem, and most of the ladies in the congregation cried while the men stared stolidly to their front. I accompanied the chief bridesmaid – a cousin of Zinnia who possessed an equally prominent bosom but little else of Zinnia's warmth, intelligence or wit – following the happy couple...

1 year ago
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Kristens Big Mistake Redux by Millie Dynamite

by Millie Dynamite © copyright 2014, 2019, 2020 by Millie Dynamite Kristen’s trip went well, she’d bought dozens of new outfits, spent a fortune on all kinds of indulgences, and enjoyed herself indulgence in the resort getaway. She felt satisfied and only wanted to get home to her husband to play the part of a loving wife. He’d be happy, she returned two days ahead of schedule, and she would satisfy his every whim, the old fart had always been an easy mark. Passing over the exchange, she...

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The Way BackChapter 20

We sat in the living room on that Saturday evening after the inevitable walk in the sunny afternoon, the purpose of which in my mind was to build a relationship between Jenny and Greta. I have to say it was very successful; they were close buddies by the time we got home. I began to feel outnumbered once more and I was grateful for that. I had decided it was time to clarify what Greta might be suspecting. Then the phone rang and it was Colin. "Allan," he said, "Can I rely on your...

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adamb wants to lick me

I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of writing up a special thank you for you for adding me. I hope it does not offend you and I am not trying to disrespect you in anyway either. Just getting bored with telling people HEY THANKS FOR ADDING ME! Hope you enjoy it....I want to satisfy you. I want to make your pussy ache and throb.. the more you feel my breath, with each tender press of my lips against your mound. I want to remove your panties with my teeth... letting you feel your...

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The Void Manual

Welcome to The Void, John, an infinite universe of my own creation to be used in upcoming stories. The premise is simple, The Void is the name of an infinite expanse of open air in which float individual islands ranging in size from small rocks to continents hundreds of kilometers wide. On these islands exist various races of humanoids and creatures that constantly challenge their ability to survive and adapt, some which bear resemblances to others in fantasy some you may never have heard of...

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Bonded and BredChapter 5

The double patio doors stood open to the night air, and their father held on to his human form as he watched his daughters transform into their wolf like shapes. It was not a painful shift for them – something that he was deeply thankful for. Often with humans or half humans, the breaking of bones and stretching of tendons was an agonising experience, but his daughters when they made the change they did not fight it, and so it lessened the pain. He saw the emotions twirling in their eyes,...

1 year ago
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Making Pregnant My Sister In Law

Hi friends and this is Sameer and I am going to narrate u my story which is real incidence which had changed my real life. I myself Sameer or Sam I’m from Cuttack. I am a student and 18 years old and my height is 5ft 8 inches. I a strong muscled body as I go to gym sorry I forgot to introduce my bhabi her name is Priya. She does not have any child since 2 years of her marriage with my cousin brother and presently she has 2 girl children and who have got birth because of me. She is fair she has...

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White World Order

Like all other great conflicts, the third world war started as a result of a combination of ideological shifts, expansionism, petty grudges, and unavoidable events. In the year 2044, the migrant crisis had reached its peak, due to the sudden and simultaneous collapse of multiple countries in Africa and the middle east hundreds of millions of poor and desperate people were suddenly displaced from their homes, having nowhere else to go they fled in droves to western Europe and the US causing...

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My version of the 12 days of Christmas

On the second day of Christmas, I gave my true love two black eyes and a bloody nose to go along with that divorce decree. Why, because he called me a lazy ass bitch, adding the divorce was my fault. I’m usually not a violent person honest. On the third day of Christmas, I told my true love, three curse words in French words. He still had two black eyes, and the divorce decree! On the fourth day of Christmas, I told my true love, oh hell, why am I calling him my true love, because he...

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Tinder date like no other

You are Ricki. You are 19 years old and desperate to loose your virginity. Your shy and lazy demeanor has never been appealing to women and for years you have failed to get a date or even kiss a woman. You have been on Tinder for two years now, giving likes to almost every woman you see there but you never get any responses. You think that you are too ugly or that you are too boring and just can't seem to impress anyone. You lie in bed, scrolling through all profiles on Tinder. You...

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Secret Sex in the Stacks

One look at the library floor plan by the door told Reese it would take a while to find what he was looking for. He didn’t have much patience with the Dewey decimal system. By the nearest stack, a young woman in a long skirt and a tight t-shirt stood next to a cart of books. She pushed a volume into its appropriate spot and then selected another from the cart, pushing up her glasses and tucking her hair behind her ear at the same time. Reese smiled to himself and started towards her. “Hey...

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My mother

100% fiction! my mother is sexy woman with a shape body. Her dress up is a sexy just like transparent dresses color of black and white. Due to of it my mother was first attracted by my teacher in his home. I always go to tuition to study bcoz i am weak in the subject . At night my mother always pick me up, but at that time i was so shock of seeing my mother dress because she was wearing black transparent dress where her inner dress were seen .she was wearing pink bra and white panty. And she...

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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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First and second experience with an older man

This is a true story of my first and second experience with an older man.When I was 18 back in the early 1970s I use to hitchhike a lot to save money on bus fares, I would hitch a lift most days. On one cold, wet and dark winters night I was trying to get home I had hitchhiked in the same spot for about 20 minutes, the road seemed busy and I started to think I was never going to get a lift home. then all of a sudden a car came from around a corner and stopped, I was so relieved.I had been...

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Mistis Adventures Part 203

Scott and Rhonda had bought a house that was in yelling distance of Melody and Bob. He had money enough, but didn't pay it off in cash, as Melody had done. He explained that the tax credit for mortgage payments would make up for most of the expense. He had bought the house at the bottom of a depressed market, so he got it for much less than it was worth. His was a 2 story home, with 6 bedrooms and each with a private bath, a 4 car garage, in ground pool, and sitting on 2 acres of land. It was...

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Hanging Out Together Again

Donovan sat on the sofa with his legs curled underneath him and to one side. He could hear Ray doing something in the kitchen which was out of his line of sight. He was so caught up in the TV show that he was startled when Ray returned and sat on the sofa right next to him. He glanced over and saw sitting there with his arm extended offering him a glass of tea. Donovan took the offered cup with his left hand and gently moved his legs so he was sitting normally. Ray scooted closer and leaned...

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Assassin Learning the TradeChapter 12

Seven said, "I know you don't know what I'm talking about, so I'd better explain. I have been maintaining to the Galactic Council that you people were resourceful enough that you could handle problems on other planets. My argument was that we were wasting a great resource if we confined your work just to the Earth. You have just shown that you could work effectively on other planets. "You people have the ability and the initiative to adapt to changing conditions and make the right...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 28

The treaty had been intended from the start as a gesture of peace from the Monarchists to the rival Republicans. Despite the fact that the Monarchists had already earned general support from the people under their rule (thus, in effect, were not obligated to offer the opposition anything), it was felt that this would be a further sign of reconciliation. Admittedly, the treaty did not leave much room for Republican ideology. The Monarchists felt then, as most scholars do today, that the ideas...

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