A Visit to a Swinger Party
- 4 years ago
- 28
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"Linds, don't forget you guys have to go out tonight!" My mom shouted from downstairs before heading out the front door.
It was that time again that I never understood. My parents threw a party once every couple of months and would kick my brother and I out of the house. They never told us anything about it, but the house always smelled funny after and was usually a mess. Covered in weird masks and shit.
They used to send us to stay at our grandparent's place, but since they moved to a retirement home that was no longer an option. The last few times mom even booked us a hotel for the night. At first it was kinda fun. My brother Dylan and I would order a bunch of crap from room service including some booze and make the best of it.
Dylan was getting weird though. Last time I woke up with him spooning me. I didn't really mind that much, but it felt a little weird. Especially because we were naked… We drank way too much that night, and I didn't even remember what happened. All I knew was it was an awkward morning. Dylan said he didn't remember anything either but… I could always tell when he was lying and he was most certainly lying about that.
Whatever though, I didn't want to make a big deal of it though so I let it go. I kept thinking about what would happen the next time. I decided not to drink the next time… or at least not as much. Seems though my brother had a different idea.
Knock knock
"Linds you up?" Dylan shouted from the other side of my door.
I groaned and rolled over covering myself with my pink down blanket, ignoring the unwanted visitor.
Knock knock
"Linds!" Dylan shouted again as he opened my door.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I shouted as he peeked in. I held the blanket tight against my naked body so as not to expose myself.
"Well… sorry but this is important," Dylan replied as he cautiously continued to make his way through the door.
"I'm naked! Get out!" I shouted, reaching for a pillow and throwing it at him.
"So what? Nothing I haven't seen before," he said as he dodged the projectile flying at his head.
"Ugh fine, what do you want" I said, flopping back onto my bed in defeat.
Dylan always had some new ambitious idea, whether it was getting fake ids or crashing a wedding and pretending to be "Ned's" kids. I can't lie, most of his ideas led to a pretty fun time. He was nineteen and taking a "break" before starting college. I call it not having direction. I wasn't complaining though. It was nice having him around.
I was seventeen and in my senior year of high school. I often thought of the idea of him and I going to college together. It would make the transition easier. Sometimes I wondered if he was waiting for me.
Dylan finally walked into my room wearing a tight black tank top and a pair of white shorts. He was super fit, and I always kind of admired that aspect of him. He was probably one of the best looking guys at our school.
"So, I had an idea," Dylan said as he sat on the edge of my bed.
"Oh god… should I be scared?" I said as I relaxed a bit, finally releasing the eagle grip on my blanket.
"Umm… maybe actually," he replied.
Oh god, if he says that then this really is going to be crazy.
A moment of silence passed as I waited for him to speak. He seemed nervous which wasn't like him, and it got my mind racing wondering what he could actually have in mind. The thought racing through my head was that maybe he wanted to do something with me. I know it's wrong and crazy but there has always been a bit of sexual tension between us. Ever since he found out I had an affair with my third-period science teacher, he has been looking at me very differently. Almost like he had a thirst for me. I won't lie… it excited me sometimes. Not that I would ever act on it. I mean, he's my brother after all.
"So?" I replied sitting up in my bed letting my blanket slide down over my perky breasts and down to my waist...
Dylan gulped and stared for a moment before shaking his head clear and finally speaking up.
"You ever been curious about these parties?
"Well… ya. I think that's pretty obvious," I said thinking even that's an understatement. I used to imagine my parents were part of some weird cult or something.
"Ya, me too…" Dylan replied as his gaze finally broke from my erect nipples and went to the ceiling.
"Ok so tell me something new? We have talked about this a lot before. I don't understand why you are bringing it up now."
"Well… I was thinking we could crash their party. Just like the wedding that one time," he said with a lot of uncertainty.
"Are you crazy? Mom and dad would kill us, and you know that car you love so much would be gone. They take these parties so seriously."
"Ya I know but… let's think of what we do know." He said as he slid closer to me and looked directly at me with that look like this was happening no matter what. "They all wear masks right?"
"Well… we found masks, doesn't mean they all wear them."
"Really? Why would only some of them be wearing masks."
"Well… I don't know… ok fine, they wear masks… what else," I replied eager to get this idea over with and dismiss it.
"And… we found a heel that one time so they probably dress up right ?"
”I'm in!"
"Wait what really?" he said, seemingly shocked by my eagerness.
"Yes! So what's the plan?"
Dylan being a master schemer, of course, had already thought this through. He had swiped some of the masks from a previous night and decided we should hide out in the house till the party starts and then just try to blend in. He got some friends of ours to go to the hotel so mom and dad would think we checked in already. It wasn't the most elaborate plan in the world but it didn't have to be.
The day went by and Dylan and I got dressed up and hid in the closet of one of the guest rooms. It felt like forever and our phone quickly died leaving us without entertainment. We ended up falling asleep until.
"Oh fuck yes!" A woman moaned.
I slowly opened my eyes realizing we overslept.
"Oh my god, that feels so good!"
My stomach sank as I realized what was happening on the other side of the door. I started shaking Dylan to wake him up.
"Psst, Dylan, wake up," I whispered aggressively.
Just then Dylan sprung up and out of the closet obviously startled.
So much for being low key.
The closet doors flew open as I quickly rushed to put on my mask.
"Oh shit!" Dylan gasped.
I slowly stood up behind him and peeked over his shoulder to see a naked blonde woman with massive breasts staring at us while she sat on a masked man below her.
"You guys don't have to spy on us. Come join in," the woman said as she held out her hand to Dylan.
"Oh uh no sorry wrong room!" Dylan spattered almost incoherently as he grabbed my hand and rushed us out of the room closing the door behind us.
"What the fuck was that," I said to him feeling a little anxious.
"I don't fucking know," he replied looking panicked.
"Ok just calm down," I said as I fixed my tight blue spaghetti strap dress.
"Ok...ok… I'm calming,"
"Okay good, now put on your mask and act as if we belong here." I tried calming him down as I fixed up the black suit he stole from dad's closet and handed him the mask. "Put this on before mom and dad find us."
"Okay thank you. Since when did you become the relaxed one," Dylan asked.
"I don't know, maybe I'm just getting used to your crazy ideas," I giggled. "Let's go explore"
I took Dylan's hand as we wandered through the house. We headed downstairs and were shocked to see so many people. Everyone was very nicely dressed but we were shocked to notice that some of the people were half naked. We scanned the room further and noticed a woman giving two men head on the couch while a group of people watched. Then it finally dawned on us.
"It's a swingers party!" We both exclaimed looking at each other.
"We have to get out of here!" Dylan said.
We started heading for the door when suddenly our path was blocked by our mother wearing a black lace bra that perfectly cupped her luscious breasts and matching panties. For some reason though mom was not wearing a mask.
"Well I don't recognize this tight young body," mom said as her eyes wandered up and down my figure. "You must be the new couple?"
She doesn't recognize me!
I was frozen with fear, unable to move or speak. I clenched Dylan's hand hoping that he could save us from this really awkward situation.
"Umm…" cough cough "yes we are," Dylan said, trying to make his voice deeper.
What the fuck are you thinking
"Well fantastic!" Mom said as she took a peek around Dylan. " Well I'm Nicole and I'm one of the hosts of tonight's festivities and oh," mom stopped as she raised her hand gesturing for someone to come over. "This is my husband David."
I gasped as I felt a hand grab my ass. I quickly snapped my head to the left to see dad standing there.
"Well this looks like quite the treat," dad said before giving my ass one more big squeeze and moving to stand beside mom.
"Uh, hi," I whimpered shyly, feeling so incredibly awkward that my dad had just groped me.
"It's nice to meet you," Dylan said as he shook our father's hand. "I'm uhh…. Ben and this is my wife…. LLLLLLy-di-a," he said, sounding very unsure.
Dylan was usually really good at lying on the spot but this situation was obviously getting to him. I knew at this rate it was only a matter of time before we got caught.
"Well you look younger and more supple than our usual guests," dad said as his arm wrapped around my mother and his hand began caressing her body. "How old are you both if you don't mind me asking.
"I'm 20," I blurted out without even thinking.
"Me too," Dylan said, seeming to be in a trance as his eyes followed my dad's hand that was slowly making its way into my mom's panties.
Mom seemed to be melting at dad's touch. I started to wonder what she was feeling at that moment. I didn't even realize as my own hand started running over my stomach.
"Do you like what you see?" Dad said to Dylan as he noticed his obvious interest. "You can touch her if you like."
I almost fell over as I heard those words come out of my father's mouth. If only he knew that he just basically offered his wife to her own son.
"Uhhh…..," Dylan stumbled almost as if he was considering it. "No that's ok, maybe next time,"
"Suit yourself," dad said as his hand finally dove into mom's panties, catching some of her wetness before retreating so he could suck his finger clean.
Mom gave him the most seductive look before returning her attention to us.
"Well since you are both new, we have a little tradition," mom exclaimed as she took both our hands and led us to the middle of the living room.
"Attention everyone!" mom shouted." We have a new couple tonight and you know what that means. Please, everyone, help me welcome Ben and his wife Lydia."
Suddenly the room roared with applause as everyone turned their attention towards us aside from a few stragglers too enthralled in a lustful situation to be bothered.
My heart started beating heavy as nerves took over me. I was horrible with crowds and even worse being the centre of attention. Dylan must have been feeling the same as I clenched his sweaty hand.
The room started to quiet down as mom got ready to speak again.
"So, as usual, we like to start things slow with new couples. Since the easiest intimacy is that which you share with each other, we would be honoured Ben, if you take your wife right here for us to see," mom said.
"Wait what?" I exclaimed as my stomach sunk.
What have we gotten ourselves into?
I almost felt like crying, being trapped in this super awkward situation. My breathing got heavy and my mouth started beating out of my chest and then…
I felt a soothing warmth as Dylan pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me.
"It's ok," he whispered into my ear before bringing his lips to mine.
I opened my eyes in shock as my brother kissed me. It was such a strange feeling but so calming and sensual. My eyes closed as I opened my mouth for him and allowed my tongue to meet his.
The room and the people started to melt away as I clenched onto him. His hands started sliding over my back and up to my shoulders. I felt his gentle touch as he slipped off the straps to my blue dress and slowly encouraged it to fall to the floor.
I broke our kiss and took a step back standing only in a black thong in front of him. I reached up and pulled off his tie and started unbuttoning his shirt. My brother pulled off his blazer and started undoing his pants, letting them fall off him. I pulled his shirt off him and ran my fingers down his muscular chest.
"What are we doing?" I whispered as my hand reached down and grabbed his already erect cock.
"Nothing we haven't done before little sis."
My eyes went wide as I looked at him. The memories flooding back from our last night at the hotel. I didn't really drink that much, I must have just blocked it out of my mind. Everything I remembered was so vivid and… wonderful!
I dropped to my knees and looked up to my brother,and I stroked his cock and brought it closer to my mouth. I licked my lips before wrapping them around his glorious member. His deliciously salty taste filling my mouth as my tongue danced around the head of his cock. I worked my hand and mouth over it taking in as much as I could. I could feel it throbbing, encouraging me to go faster and deeper.
The reality of everything started to flow back as I felt fingers run through my hair and a warm breath on my shoulder. I maintained my focus though, pleasing my brother to the best of my ability.
"You do that do well," my mom's voice whispered into my ear as I felt her warm hand cup my breasts. Gently squeezing and massaging them. She rolled my nipples in her fingers making me whimper on my brother's cock.
Her hands started sliding down my stomach, over my abdomen, and into my panties. Her soft finger slipped easily between my wet pussy lips. Tracing up and down my labia before gently teasing my clit. Exciting me more than I ever thought possible.
"I think you are ready for him," my mom said as she grabbed my waist and guided me to stand.
"Lay down Ben so your wife can enjoy you," mom said as she organized a few pillows on the tan carpet.
Dylan did as instructed, resting his head on one of the carefully placed pillows. Mom held out her hand to me and guided me until I was standing over top of him.
"May I?" Mom asked looking at me and then down to Dylan's glistening member.
So lost in the moment I nodded not even fully understanding what I was agreeing to. Without hesitation, my mother bent over and took her son's cock into her mouth. Only a cheap black masks covering our eyes and maintaining our deception. Mom almost effortlessly devoured the full length of Dylan's very sizely shaft. I watched as Dylan closed his eyes and groaned with delight.
Mom finally sat up, a thin string of saliva hanging from her lip. Her hand pulled on mine as I came down to my knees, straddling my brother. Mom gripped my ass as she guided Dylan's cock to my wanting sex. My body tingled as I lowered myself slowly onto him. My pussy stretched as his wonderful cock slipped deeper and deeper inside me until I enveloped his entire length.
I began rocking my hips as I started to ride my spectacular brother. Looking at him with a whole new perspective as I placed my hand on his firm chest to brace myself.
"I love you," I lipped to him without speaking.
"I love you too,” he replied, as he placed his hands under my ass. Helping me to keep my rhythm.
I felt a rush sweep over me as an energy started building deep inside me. My body instinctively picked up the pace sliding up and down his cock.
"I think I'm going to cum," I moaned as Dylan started matching my movements. He gripped my waist tighter as he shoved his cock in and out of me. My body trembled as I gripped into my brother's chest.
"Oh fuck!" I screamed as my orgasm exploded, rushing through every nerve in my body. The orgasm felt like it lasted forever as I painted and squirmed. My pussy clenching onto the tool that made me feel so wonderful.
Suddenly the room erupted with applause once again. I looked around to see many people had a lot less clothing and more masks on the floor. Many men including my father were standing naked stroking themselves as they looked upon my brother and me.
My mother, now topless, leaned over and kissed me. Her tongue entered my mouth and I could taste the semen from whoever she blew last. That flavour didn't detur me though, as I grabbed her arm and kissed her back. Still feeling my brothers cock inside me.
Mom broke the kiss and looked at me, "Would you mind if I have a turn before you milk him?" She said with such a wanting look in her eye. I couldn't say no to her. As hard as it was, I got up letting Dylan cock flop out of me. I sat on the grey sectional couch right beside as mom slipped off her panties and mounted her son.
Dylan look more enthusiastic than I expected as he wrapped his hands around our mother's athletic body. She bounced on his cock much more aggressively than I did as other men approached her with their cocks out. Without hesitation, she grabbed onto them and began taking turns sucking each one as she expertly fucked Dylan.
A tingle shot through me as a masked redheaded woman crawled between my open legs. Without even waiting for permission she dove right into my wet pussy, running her hands up my body and kneading my tender breasts. I was shocked and confused until the euphoric sensation hit me when her warm tongue rubbed against my clit.
A man I recognized took position behind her. I felt her warm gasp on my pussy as he buried his cock deep inside her. Her mouth jolted on me every time his balls slapped against her.
"I'm gonna cum!" I heard Dylan cry out as mom rode him with no intention of getting off. She just continued working on sucking two men off as Dylan groaned and shook, shooting his seed deep inside our mother.
I threw my head back, on the verge of cumming again as I felt the couch move beside me. An uncircumcised penis appeared before me and following in my mother's footsteps, I opened my mouth to receive it. The man was not as gentle as my brother, and shoved it down my throat. My body exploded again as I gagged on the strange man's cock. The orgasm making the experience feel more enjoyable than I would have thought.
The man grunted as his cock exploded in my mouth. The salty-sour taste overwhelming me as I swallowed it down. I tried to catch my breath as another person worked their way between my legs. I looked up to see my dad staring down at me, and before I could even react he entered my lust with his massive cock.
I had never felt something so big before, not that I had a ton of experience before this point. I clenched onto the couch as I allowed him to start fucking me. He lifted his legs over my shoulders as he ravaged me like a savageTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
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[Story] Swinger Sex Party at the Robert's House by Melissa RobertsYesterday evening my mother said to me, "Melissa, my br*other Paul, his wife Cindy and their son Andy are coming over at nine o'clock for another swinger sex party like we had last month. Make sure there is plenty of ice in the recreation room bar because you will be making drinks for everyone again. Your br*other Michael has already put several video cameras on tripods so we can make another DVD."Mom, can we switch partners this...
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My wife and I stayed at the Rooftop Swinger Resort in Hollywood Florida over the Memorial Day Weekend 2010. Anyway, we arrrived Friday afternoon and went up to the pool late in the day. There were these two tall, black men with huge uncut penis’s laying on the side of the pool. My wife sensually rubbed sun protection allover her sexy MILF body as the two black gentlemen suddenly became aroused at the pleasant sight they just viewed. She then waltzed to the lady’s room in her high heels and...
I have been swinging with my husband Gary for several years and we both love the extra dimension it gives to our marriage. There have been a couple of little difficulties along the way but we both enjoy involving others in our sexlife as much now as we did when we started. We like to swap with other couples at a club we use in the Midlands and have attended a few swinging parties. It really turns both of us on particularly when I am with other men with definitely the favorite for both of us me...
Part 1 of two part series This is a story about how I met my swinger friends. A 26-year-old man; one, I have attended a Tantra session with a couple. Anyone who understands the concept of Tantra might know how it works. It's a "Pink" Tantra, so no nudity lol. Women will form a circle inside, and men will circle the women you should move from one woman to another. I got paired with a beautiful mature (in the '40s) Woman. The task is to kiss women on the place she points you with her consent. The...
SwingerIt was a few weeks before Halloween, my girl and myself was looking for some sexy costumes and something to do this year. One of us was looking for costumes and the other was… It was a few weeks before Halloween, my girl and myself was looking for some sexy costumes and something to do this year. One of us was looking for costumes and the other was looking for something to do. She yelled out and said I know what we can do for Halloween, but it will be expensive. She didn't say anything...
StraightIndian wife, tells her first swinger experience. I m now a pro ;) Part 1. If you are looking for action, you may jump to part 2, but I highly recommend reading this background, it will only make you enjoy part 2 3 months after marriage I and my hubby came from india to the US. I was house wife, and my hubby was working as a sales officer. He had been in US for a while and has always been very open minded. On the other hand I was a shy narrow minded girl, whose world was just her husband and...
SwingerEverybody growing up and wondered about their parents sometimes and most of us have NEVER even seen ours naked, much less fucking everybody! My life was MUCH different growing up and this is my story, which is totally true by the way, about how I became the swinger I am today!First of all, I'm a female and I have been blessed with a nice body, pert tits and a nice pussy and ass from what I've been told. My story started one day when I was at my grand mothers house for the weekend while my...
My friend invited me to a party. So I said I’d go. I met him at this club. He met me outside and we went in. I was shocked to see so many naked men everywhere. My friend left me and said to have fun. I didn’t know it was gonna be this kind of party. I grabbed a drink and kinda stood awkwardly in the corner.
GayIntroduction: A man gets more than he bargains for at a party. Swinger Dad From the time I was in my mid teens, I always imagined I would get married and have a lot of kids. I wanted to get married young and have as many kids as my wife and I could afford, I just felt like being a dad was in my blood. When I was 19, I met a beautiful girl named Jessica and we were fast friends. We fell in love and got married within just a few months of meetingshe was still 18. Barely a month after we were...
Last weekend was one of many firsts. James and I decided to go to a couples party. Up to this point we had met couples before and ended up playing with our respective partners in the same room. As those that have read our submissions know, I’m a huge exhibitionist. I love dressing up as slutty as possible and parading around naked and teasing people. So a swingers party was the perfect opportunity for me to wear a new sexy top James had recently purchased. The top was cut low and showed off a...
Group SexI am sexy looking, 34, with enhanced 34ee breasts, long waist length blonde hair and a good figure. I am from South America, on my second marriage to a pervert English guy.I love my hubby but he is a pervert. He is 61, and we married 6 years ago after knowing each other for 4 years. We met in London, I liked his sense of humour, we had a few dates and we fell in love. He gets off on getting me to dress real slutty, taking pics of me, and going out places where friends wont spot us, as I will...
I recently attended a naturist spa which has private rooms. I have been many times before but often couples just disappeared into these rooms after having a sauna or Jacuzzi. Last week was different. I had decided to go along for the afternoon just for a relaxing sauna, not really expecting anything. When I arrived it was the usual thing, a few of single guys and no females apart from the topless staff. I went into the sauna for 15 minutes and when I came out there was no one else about. I went...
Being Friday afternoon, my wife and I wanted to do something fun, erotic, sexually charged. We decided to post an ad on our local website to see if we could drum up another man for our sexual appetite. Tonight we were looking for a man with a very large cock. So I wrote up an ad, put in the pictures, and had my wife approve it. This is what we said, “We are a couple in search of a third for sexual fun. She is 40wf, BBW, redhead, 42DD's, shaved smooth, and loves oral (giving and receiving. I am...
“Where exactly are we going?” Melanie asked as she followed her boyfriend Floyd around the corner. They had been traipsing through back alleys for a while, looking for a place neither of them was sure existed. “You’re the one who said you were getting bored and wanted to spice things up,” Floyd grumbled. “I didn’t think you’d suggest a swinger’s club,” Melanie chuckled. “You used to say you loved me so much and that you’d never...
Since I am new to this forum, I thought I ought to make a contribution. In addition, I would hope that there are some people out there who would enjoy playing these kinds of games with a 50’ish-tear-old man. I’ve changed names to protect us all, but “Jane” was really someone special! Several years ago, I ran an ad on a swinger’s website that started “Voyeur’s delight. I’ll please your lady as you would like to see her please.” I made...
My wife Beth is living the swinger lifestyle. She has had sex with multiple guys and posted her encounters on the internet. She is very popular, not only because she is willing to do this, but also because she has a smoking hot body for being 35. It seems if she is not fucking some guy she is working out. Her legs and ass are toned and tight. Her stomach is flat and has lots of definition. She has been tanning and it’s obvious that she does it nude. Her firm large 36D breasts are the same...
How It All Began I retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...
How It All Began I retuned home early from work than my husband expected I thought id surprise him, I opened the front door and strangely he wasn’t downstairs so I headed up stairs, when I got nearer the top I heard a bitch moaning loudly, Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah, yeah baby she cried, what the fuck I thought as I stood in the door way there was my husband fucking some big titty rock bird doggy style, I stood at the doorway in rage, I was shaking with anger seeing my husband cheating with some...
After I found my husband cheating on me I had told him I was becoming a swinger and was going to fuck as many guys as I wanted as his punishment, however I feel he didn’t think I actually would go along with it, so when I brought two young studs home from work with me his face was a picture, who are these he cried, these are going to be my lovers for the night meet Jason & Mark, this is my husband guys the cheater I told my love doves, you must be mad to cheat on such a fine woman Jason told my...
My loving Victor finally accepted to join me in a quick trip to Jacksonville.An old girlfriend, Jennifer, was having some marital troubles and she wanted me there to comfort her. Hubby said he had no problem; a couple of vacation days would fit fine to him.Jennifer was delighted to have me there at her house.During the second day, I was trapped on one of my naughty moods. So I begged Victor that we could go to a swinger club that Helena had told me in Jacksonville. After a couple drinks at a...
After moving to Savannah, my sexy Ana and I soon started swinging with a couple called Sean and Tamara.They were black and both about our age, late thirties…Sean and I worked for the same company though not in the same department. I was even his senior.He and his sensual black wife had swinger experience and they always seemed ready for everything and uninhibited. One night, after we had met them in the pub for some drinks, Anita asked them if they would like to come home for another last...
Met a nice couple in a generic online forum, he said they were interested in finding a nice guy for a fantasy fulfillment, which piqued my interest. We chatted a bit more and exchanged pics and he dropped the bomb on me....his hot girlfriend wanted to try dvp, which is double vaginal penetration. It only took a moment for me to figure out that would require my cock to touch his...uggh. That seemed like a pretty advanced precedure for a newbie like me. He must have sensed my hesitancy and said...
Couples swinger party true storyThis story starts a good sometime after Sara . I had got married sometime after that I found out my wife was fucking a guy at work so I decided if she was going to that we would start swinging so I could have fun to . One week I decided to host a couples party . So I looked into hotels I found one that had two bedrooms a livingroom and a small kicthen . I reserverd the room in indianapolis indiana and sent out party invites . I had 5 couples and one single male...
There I was under a blanket reading again trying to escape from my reality of cleaning, cooking, refereeing and the constant frustration of being a stay at home mom. I was reading another sci-fi romance novel when I heard the rumble of my husband Ryan's car coming down the hill toward our house. It was the first day in a long time that the sun was out, it was winter in Seattle and sunshine was a welcomed change after months of overcast and rainy weather. I heard the door shut and Ryan's voice...
So I was officially now a swinger...I had fucked, and I mean, fucked a total stranger in front of my hubby. As you can see in my pics I am a hot uninhibited blonde and usually the centre of all the lustful attention in the club but I soon learnt how "up for it" I had become. After that first fuck I couldnt wait until our next visit...I still didnt want hubby fucking other women..he could kiss and feel them but that was it...but thats all he wanted too. He had let me fuck another guy, and so I...
Visit to a club in ViennaI have to confess that I have not been having a quiet time lately. The other day, for example, I was visiting Vienna, and I was horny, with my mind full of sexy thoughts. I knew that my cock was going to be too hard to let me relax and I did not feel like masturbating myself to sleep, so I decided to go for a drink at a swinger's club.It was pretty quiet, because it was a Monday evening, and I thought the evening was going nowhere. I had a beer and was thinking about...
I am a member of a swing site and organised a little party at my place with some friends from the site one of the woman arrived and asked if there was space to park in the underground car park so i said i would pop down and see and buzz her in when she parked i was beside her door and she looked up at me smiled and pulled her coat open to show me she was nearly naked she pulled her tits out and started to play with her nipples I just had to get my cock out at such a beautiful sight She opened...
My First Swinger Experience Part-2After we laid in bed together, the three of us. Jean-Luc asked me which hotel I was staying at, since it was obvious that I was not staying at their nudist resort, I told him that I was staying at the hotel just up the breach. Then he shocked me by inviting me to come stay with them, he said, you should check out of your hotel and come spend the rest of the week here with us, give us a chance to transform you into a true nudist. I laughed as I seriously...
My first swinger experience, Part-1This is a true story, I was visiting a French Caribbean island, it was beautiful, clear blue waters and a lovely beaches. I enjoyed long runs on the beach in the early mornings and at sun set, this day I unknowingly happen to come across a nude beach, it is called Orient Beach.www.orientbeach.comIt was not until I was half way down the beach that I started to notice that some people were walking naked along the beach, I tried to stay focused on my run but as I...
Visit to a club in ViennaI have to confess that I have not been having a quiet time lately. The other day, for example, I was visiting Vienna, and I was horny, with my mind full of sexy thoughts. I knew that my cock was going to be too hard to let me relax and I did not feel like masturbating myself to sleep, so I decided to go for a drink at a swinger's club.It was pretty quiet, because it was a Monday evening, and I thought the evening was going nowhere. I had a beer and was thinking about...
After I found my husband cheating on me I had told him I was becoming a swinger and was going to fuck as many guys as I wanted as his punishment, however I feel he didn’t think I actually would go along with it, so when I brought two young studs home from work with me his face was a picture, who are these he cried, these are going to be my lovers for the night meet Jason & Mark, this is my husband guys the cheater I told my love doves, you must be mad to cheat on such a fine woman Jason...