A Fantasy Dynasty
- 3 years ago
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—Set in New Zealand—
The gnarled-faced woman, hair white and thinning without a hint of waves to give relief to her aged appearance, sat at ease, her pale violet eyes looked permanently saddened as if life had treated her cruely.
The widow resident of the retirement home bearing her name, pulled out a cheque from her dressing gown pocket. It was signed and dated, the amount correctly entered as $38,000.
‘Thank you Mr Drummond,’ she said to the novelist. ‘Well done and spend your earnings wisely.’
Mark Drummond looked into those steady violet eyes for the final time, his job done.
‘Thank you, Mrs Curtis,’ he said, almost bowing. ‘It has been a pleasure listening to you and helping you to preserve the history of your distinguished family.’
‘Go,’ was all she said.
Well she looked tired and he had money to bank.
Mark wished Courtney Curtis a comfortable and long life in her twilight years, knowing she’d only commissioned this book because she regarded it as her duty. Her son had disgraced the family name land perhaps even worse had lost the family’s fortune and not fathered a son. That failure had doomed the survival of this Curtis Dynasty into which she’d married and had influenced the family significantly.
Mrs Curtis had been a pain to deal with but after the third and really fiery row he’d emerged the victor. Sullenly she agreed that she was to tell the stories, fill in the gaps as requested, and he’d write the book anyway he wished. She’d buckled to his ultimatum that he’d walk unless she pulled in her horns and left the writing to him.
Mark drove away thinking Mrs Curtis was one of the most impressive women he’d ever met. It was a magnificent story and virtually had told itself. He’d learned that morning the paperback edition of ‘Doomed Dynasty’, already out, had won the historic category in the Pfeiffer-Mc Higgins New Zealand Book Awards.
Before turning away he saw Mrs Curtis open her copy of the book, the newly produced hard cover version he’d collected as part of the deal to earn his payment.
Dressed in a baggy grey tracksuit and pink fluffy scuffs, Courtney Curtis stood at the window, nursing an empty coffee cup. She looked at the solitary figure down on the beach. Her husband Matt was gazing out to sea, standing motionless.
After watching a runabout disappear from view around the headland The gnarled-faced woman, hair white and thinning without a hint of waves to give relief to her aged appearance, sat at ease, her pale violet eyes looked permanently saddened as if life had treated her cruely.
The widow resident of the retirement home bearing her name, pulled out a cheque from her dressing gown pocket. It was signed and dated, the amount correctly entered as $38,000.
‘Thank you Mr Drummond,’ she said to the novelist. ‘Well done and spend your earnings wisely.’
Mark Drummond looked into those steady violet eyes for the final time, his job done.
‘Thank you, Mrs Curtis,’ he said, almost bowing. ‘It has been a pleasure listening to you and helping you to preserve the history of your distinguished family.’
‘Go,’ was all she said.
Well she looked tired and he had money to bank.
Mark wished Courtney Curtis a comfortable and long life in her twilight years, knowing she’d only commissioned this book because she regarded it as her duty. Her son had disgraced the family name land perhaps even worse had lost the family’s fortune and not fathered a son. That failure had doomed the survival of this Curtis Dynasty into which she’d married and had influenced the family significantly.
Mrs Curtis had been a pain to deal with but after the third and really fiery row he’d emerged the victor. Sullenly she agreed that she was to tell the stories, fill in the gaps as requested, and he’d write the book anyway he wished. She’d buckled to his ultimatum that he’d walk unless she pulled in her horns and left the writing to him.
Mark drove away thinking Mrs Curtis was one of the most impressive women he’d ever met. It was a magnificent story and virtually had told itself. He’d already learbed the paperback edition of ‘Doomed Dynasty’, already out, had won the historic category in the Pfeiffer-Mc Higgins New Zealand Book Awards.
Before turning away he saw Mrs Curtis open her copy of the book, the hard cover version he’d collected as part of the deal to earn his payment.
Dressed in a baggy grey tracksuit and pink fluffy scuffs, Courtney Curtis stood at the window, nursing an empty coffee cup. She looked at the solitary figure down on the beach. Her husband Matt was gazing out to sea, standing motionless.
After watching a runabout towing two water-skiers disappear from view around the headland, Courtney went to the patio and began clearing away the remains of breakfast. She hurried, wanting to get back to her studio. It was times like this that she missed having a housekeeper.
Matt should be up here doing this because it was largely his mess. She immediately regretted thinking that about the person who was her landlord, her shared lover and father of their only child.
Minutes later her married life ended.
Well to the south on that Sunday morning, the general manager of Mayfield Investments Ltd, Matt and Courtney Curtis’ son Reece, was at his office dressed in a green and blue shot silk shirt, blue jeans and white boat shoes, filling in time before taking his wife Chase to brunch at the Slaughter House.
She was out shopping.
Chase liked going to the Slaughter House, as most of the regulars were her kind of people, young, stylish and ‘cool’, and because the entertainment was unique.
Reece thought it was miraculous a restaurant called Slaughter House attracted any custom at all. Three weeks ago he’d tried to book a table for two and had to agree to go on the waiting list. A cancellation that secured a table for them came only two days ago.
It was the restaurateur rather than the top-rated chef that produced the establishment’s enormous popularity. Perhaps it was not surprising that someone who’d named his restaurant after an abattoir that once had occupied the site would be nicknamed Mad Willy. He would be no more insane than most of his clientele, but he knew a thing or two about marketing. At an appropriate moment when many of the diners had their food in front of them, Mad Willy would dash from the kitchen shouting and carrying a meat cleaver in his hand.
‘Who ordered spare ribs!’ he’d yell. ‘Gotta tell you, I chopped off one of my wife’s fingers, she now wants it back. So who’s got it?’
The fun for regulars came from looking at the reaction of newcomers, who’d be watching Mad Willy, mouths agape.
The more nervous of them would be picking through their plate of chicken or spaghetti looking for a severed finger.
Others would have their eyes fixed on the cleaver, swinging menacingly as the terrible man approached their table.
It was sheer theatre, always with some variation.
The last time Reece was at the restaurant on a business lunch a woman just finished stripping her spare ribs and was wiping her mouth when Willy did this act. She’d burst into tears with fright. Willy tossed his cleaver behind the bar and went over and gently apologised to the woman.
Then stepping back he sang ‘Oh My Beloved’ in a beautiful voice, clearly that of a trained tenor. On that occasion the loudest applause came from his victim and her husband.
‘Don’t worry, my love,’ Mad Willy told the woman loudly. ‘My wife has eight fingers on each hand, so she has fingers to spare.’
No surprisingly, Reece was looking forward to returning to the Slaughter House to enjoy the uplifting atmosphere. He was at a low, his marriage was failing, he was struggling to perform in his high profile management job and only by his nocturnal activi
ties was managing to keep his debtors at arm’s length.
While waiting for the report to print out he looked at the smaller of two photographs on his desk, a close-up of his parents.
Reece lightly touched the image of his mother, running a finger down the side of her face. It was a lovely gesture, performed almost sub-consciously. He barely glanced at the image of his father, and when he did so it was with the hint of a scowl.
Reece’s printer spat out the last page of the report, the dull humming of the motor stopped.
At about that moment on a Sunday in mid June, the man on the beach Matt Curtis collapsed. An incoming flow from an exhausted wave stopped just short of his lifeless body.
Three days later, Reece walked towards the crowded Miranda Valley & District Presbyterian Church on a grey afternoon, his arm around the shoulders of his white-faced but smiling mother Courtney. Walking on the other side of Courtney and holding her hand was his wife Chase. Behind them came his grandmother Patricia.
Two fire engines were parked opposite the church and ten volunteer firemen of the small brigade formed in two lines on the side of the path to the church saluted when Courtney, widow of their chief fire officer, walked with her family between their lines.
Sympathetic eyes fell on the widow briefly. Involuntarily, most gazes drifted to her stunning daughter-in-law Chase.
As Chase Ireland, the Australian had gone on from winning a South Pacific beauty pageant to become an internationally famous swimsuit model, based on Paris. She had retired almost three years ago on the eve of her marriage. However the late Matt Curtis was at the centre of eulogies and later conversations.
Comments made by the Rev Chong and other speakers at the church service would later be amplified and even exaggerated in the church hall, with tea and coffee largely being ignored. Some of the best red and white wines from Matt’s cellar would sluice down Thai finger food, club sandwiches, pastries and meringues.
Acting chief fire officer Merv Arnold found to his surprise that townspeople were greeting him with new recognition. He was enjoying this elevated status as head fireman and hoped that a call out to a fire or some other emergency would not ruin his afternoon.
After the gathering ended and most people had dispersed and Merv was about to order crews to return the two fire appliances to the station, he heard the clatter of high heels on the concrete behind him.
‘Hullo, Merv,’ came a soft greeting from just below his right shoulder.
He turned, and looked straight into the baby blue eyes of Vikki Armstrong, proprietor of the Riverside Café. ‘It’s a very sad time for us all.’
Merv nodded, being almost tongue tied as Vikki presented her cheek to be kissed. Everyone knew, and he knew better than most, she’d been Matt’s girl… er mistress.
Merv was aware that although Matt and Vikki had meticulously tried to keep their secret life their secret, nonetheless tongues found reason to waggle among groups on street corners, in bars and at sewing circles.
Something Vikki was saying jolted Merv back from his musing. Her words excited him. ‘Come and have a coffee with me one morning. Park under the big pohutukawa tree at the side of the building, if you phone beforehand I’ll leave the side door unlocked.’
Merv moistened his lips that suddenly had dried. ‘Right, I’d love to pop in sometime and chat over coffee.’
He wondered if Vikki wore black underwear. He grinned, knowing he was the man to kept Vikki’s fire stocked as Matt’s hand-picked successor.
The head waitress/manager at the Riverside Café, Muriel Jones, saw her boss talking to Merv and concluded that Vikki was wasting her time. Merv the plumber’s nervous little wife kept him on a very short lead, it was a wonder he’d been allowed to join the fire brigade that had him rushing out and about at all hours of the day and night.
The unmarried Muriel knew she would feel Matt’s departure for a while. She’d often though the café seemed to light up when he walked in. She’d become used to the horsy smell of him when he had arrived straight from the farm. He would kiss her, sometimes before he kissed Vikki, and she’d brace herself for the occasional friendly slap on her butt.
Women had been attracted to Big Matt.
* * *
Miranda Valley starts high in a mountain range and runs out like a mouth of a funnel onto coastal flats.
The town of Miranda of some 4000 people lies on both sides of the river and ends at the start of a narrow coastal reserve on the beachfront. Beyond that is a bay reaching out into Cook Strait, the watery gap between the South and North Islands that link the South Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea.
William Curtis was one of the three British immigrants who purchased land from the native Maori in 1847 and cleared the first grazing areas in the region for their cattle and sheep. In an act of generosity, during a period of high farm prices, those three pioneering farmers jointly gifted a strip of land to the Government to form a reserve in perpetuity. They handed across that land while retaining a small block at it’s centre for themselves.
The wisdom of holding on to that small piece of land privately with superb ocean views went unnoticed at the time but over the years its exclusivity became apparent after the block was subdivided into three dwellings sites. The homes built there by the Whitehead and Thompson families, descendants of the original settlers, to abut the existing Curtis home were the only properties for a almost a mile on either side of that block to have direct access to the beach.
Matt’s grandfather Charles built a replacement grand home in the 1920s on the Curtis’s one acre home site. He named it Aberdeen, after the birthplace in Scotland of his mother Amelia.
Over the years usually a Curtis, Whitehead or Thompson was the chairman of the Town Board, or following local government reforms, chairman of the County Council, then later mayor of the Borough Council and more latterly mayor of the District Council.
At the time of his death Matt Curtis was ending his second term at mayor.
Several communities in the district, ranging in size of between 50 to 300 people are situated on beaches to the north and south while the largest of them developed where isolated supply shacks were built by traders to service the first European settlers and small tribes of Maori whose ancestors arrived several hundred years earlier.
* * *
At least one discussion at the function after Matt Curtis’ funeral touched briefly on the subject of his successor as mayor.
‘Deputy Mayor Ivan Whyte will be an adequate fill-in until the next local body elections,’ Ewan Major said to his brother, Steven. ‘But he won’t get things done like Matt did.’
Steven nodded, commenting, ‘Although old Charlie Whitehead doesn’t say much as a councillor, he could toss his hat into the ring. You know, the town expects a Curtis, Whitehead or a Thompson to be the leading citizen, and I reckon Charlie will waltz in if he goes for the top job.’
‘You’re probably right, but Matt’s boy could upset things if he chooses to come back to live here. The rumour is that he will. Anyway, we’ve not here to get too involved in discussing politics. Pass the bottle will you.’
Similar conversations about Matt and his loss to the community were beginning to decrease as people dropped into their customary patter of commenting the weather, blocked drains and pot holes and, of course, rugby, food, television programming and ‘the impossible’ younger generation.
Merv Arnold was talking to two of his firemen while keeping one eye on Vikki across the room expressing her condolences.
Newly widowed Courtney had stepped forward to give Vikki a long hug, much to the amazement of those who knew that this was a significant public meeting between h
er and her late husband’s grieving mistress.
‘Matt was a hero, he really was,’ Vikki sniffed, astonished at Courtney’s embrace in public.
‘Yes indeed, he gave so much of himself,’ Courtney smiled without apparent malice.
‘Mum sorry to interrupt but Mrs Martin is leaving and wants to say goodbye,’ said Reece, totally ignoring Vikki. He couldn’t understand what his father saw in that woman who was all breasts, tum and bum and talked excessively. But at least he agreed with her on one thing, his father was a hero, as well as what she didn’t say… an adulterer and a flawed husband and inadequate father.
Chase, becoming bored by the ritual and mindless conversations, looked at her husband. She wondered why Reece had neither the build nor the aggressiveness of his father Matt, whom she had rather fancied. Whenever she’d been around Matt there was always a feeling of excitement, if nothing was happening, he would make something happen. Matt had been like a second father to her. In contrast, her own father had never allowed her to take risks, calling her ‘My Princess’ just as her mother did. Her parents had treated her protectively, as if trying to shield her from harm to preserve her good looks and an incredibly unblemished skin.
In contrast, her father-in-law had been uncompromising towards her and she revelled in his attention. It had been Matt who had taught her to ride a horse, to catch salmon and to drive his four-wheel-drive vehicle on bone-jolting journeys across paddocks to ford rivers and climb mountains… at least the hills looked like mountains to her when she was going up the scary steep slopes.
He wasn’t bothered with conventions or saying what he thought. She recalled a time when the rest of the family had gone down on to the beach to walk off an enormous Christmas lunch. She and Matt were alone beside the pool resting.
‘Do you mind if I sunbath with my top off,’ she had asked nervously, adding, ‘I will remain on my tummy.’
Matt had laughed. ‘Go to it, and turn over as many times as you wish, it won’t excite me. ‘You’re too lanky to get me excited.’
That was probably true as Courtney was curvaceous and the woman in town that Reece had pointed out being ‘Dad’s scarlet woman’ was an over-inflated Barbie look-alike except that she had brown hair.
Matt had been an incorrigible flirt and she enjoyed the attention when that teasing was directed at her. She sighed and said aloud, ‘I’ll miss you, really miss you Matt.’
In the middle of the room there was quite a gathering around a group of Americans, including two blonde women who looked as if they were mother and daughter.
The loudest voice belonged to another in that party, Matt’s Aunt Milly, who was telling everyone who was listening how Matt as a 17-year-old had come to her ranch in Wyoming and she sent him home a little over three years later ‘ready to take on the world’.
In the far corner of the room was a man, with a crutch on the empty seat beside him. His right leg was missing from just above the knee. He was unshaven, quite scruffy. On the seat next to him was a greying fox terrier, dozing despite the noise. The teenage son of one of Matt’s closest friends returned to the man carrying a bottle of wine. His interest was to pump the old man a bit more for a story that could become an ‘Incident from the Past’ essay required as part of his high school studies.
‘Cheers, Mr Thomas. Now let me dump the empty bottle for you. I’m afraid that the Cloudy Bay sav is all gone. But the barman said that this one from Nelson’s lower Moutere Valley is every bit as good.’
‘Doesn’t matter laddie, it’s all plonk to me. Now, where were we? Matt and I were being swept down the Miranda River…’
Extracting useful titbits from all this chatter was Ali Packard, a reporter from the local newspaper The Bugle. Unnoticed, a feature writer from a national Sunday newspaper was also quietly at work. His story of the turbulent life of Matt Curtis would be featured as a double-page spread in the newspaper distributed around the country.
When finding out of the presence of that uninvited reporter, Reece and Courtney initially were appalled at the intrusion. But the journalist was an elderly, persuasive man, and managed to convince Reece that it would be advantageous to be allowed to continue his fact-gathering to supplement material already on hand at the newspaper.
{if Game Mode==true}Welcome to Doomed: VR! Click the next chapter to get started.{else}Welcome to Doomed: VR! If this is your first time here, you should probably start on the [READ ME FIRST] chapter—especially if you're new to game mode on Chyoa. Otherwise, click "Start Game" in the right sidebar to begin or resume your playthrough.{endif}
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My Whole Family Needed Me 2 I felt like I was in the matrix. I was awake but I felt like I had to be dreaming. My beautiful younger sister was passed out next to me in her cum-soaked bed. Our Cum-soaked bed! I couldn’t believe how I had taken complete control of her last night and fucked her twice. I was never a stand-up guy but I’m starting to realize where they all come from. I wanted to be there for her and make her...
It turned out that CharlieB was so pissed about being sent home he let the air out of the tires on the car at the airfield. He waited until Daddy went into the office hangar and snuck back. "Don't look at me, I didn't do it," he said ... until Daddy held up the valve stem tool he got out of Charlie's jacket pocket ... and the four valve stem cores. This put mom in a quandary ... Charlie was the perfect kid. Charlie was healthy ... Grace and I were thin. This same situation existed the...
Breakfast with Tiffany (Part 1) The nature of my work required me to travel. When I was younger the novelty of travelling, and being paid for it, was exciting and had a certain holiday feel about it but now it was just boring and I longed to get home and get back to the routine of a home life. I was on the second day of a three-day trip to Amsterdam and I had decided to avoid the obvious tourist attractions of the red light district and the coffee shops and have a quiet night with a meal and a...
Oral SexBella was lying on her back on the sun chair by the pool, drenched in sun, with pearls of droplets from a quick dip covering her voluptuous, tanned body. She was resting up after a long night of partying last night - she had just turned 21. The outfit she was wearing was less of a bikini than a thin layer of extra skin, barely covering her most private areas. The top's tiny triangular pieces of translucent pink fabric had her full, natural C-cup breasts almost spilling out. Her neck was long...
First TimeMoralez opened his eyes, they were blurry, unfocused. He saw a white blob above him, shifting and warping as he blinked, trying to clear his vision. Was he dead? Was this what being dead was like? No, it was a light fixture on a ceiling, also white. As his eyes came into focus, he tried to raise his head to look around him, but his neck was sore and stiff. Now that he was more aware, his whole body was sore and aching, his extremities were numb. What had happened? Where was he? He heard...
I’ve told myself hundreds of times I’m going to grow up. I’m going to quit being a slut. I’m going to get a respectable job and find a guy and settle down. Then I log onto lush to check out a few stories and end up chatting with someone. The next thing I know I’m naked and getting fucked by someone else. Karensub always pushes me. When I chat with her while I’m at work, she has a way of getting me separated from my clothes. One day while chatting she told me that she had driven naked until she...
A deviant odyssey of psychosexual analysis begins as Hall-of-Fame XXX-auteur Rocco Siffredi greets visitors arriving for clinical exploration of their libidos. Built like a battleship, gorgeous blonde MILF Tiffany Rousso meets powerhouse Euro stud Vince Karter, playing a sex therapist. Tiffany, a teacher, relates her story: She’s the object of desire for her male students. She the reveals her private, masturbatory sexual fantasies about two of them. In the fantasy, young studs Nikki Nuttz...
xmoviesforyou"Oh Jimmy, I'm so happy to see you, honey!" mom said, her eyes gleaming with excitement. ."Why's that, mom?" I asked, a touch smugly, knowing full well she was happy to see me at least partly because she guessed we were going to have ourselves another round of torrid lovemaking, like we had last time. You see, for several weeks now I’d been having sex with my mother. She had me when she was sixteen, my sister a year later. So mom was only thirty eight. Thirty eight and sexy as hell. For years I...
Diana told Charles that she wanted to tell Ward and Mary Lou their story. They looked flabbergasted when Diana told them that she and Charles had known each other for twenty-four hours! Charles told them that he'd been studying her for a couple hours before they met and that he knew she was the woman for him. Ward asked him how he was able to figure that out and Charles told them about his job with the FBI. Ward was somewhat impressed, though confused. If you're any good at your job, then...
Hi friends I am Mr.x from deep down in south Tamilnadu….I am back with another new story…enjoycontinuation of Part 1The next day at college seems restless. My mind was filled with last night’s incidents. It seems almost impossible to concentrate on anything else. Minutes were like hours. It was too hard for me to control myself as my arms longed to hold her again, my mouth longed to eat her again and my lips longed to taste her. After two long hours I cut the class and reached home in a hurry.I...
IncestAnother busy day went by as Dr. Namith khanna changed out of his surgical clothes. The surgery had gone well. He was a successful plastic surgeon and had done well for himself.From a comfortable family Dr. Khanna had climbed the ladder of success fast. It was not just his skill on the operating table that had helped him do well. He had charm. Something that seemed lost on youngsters these days. Either they were too vain or too eager to please but Dr.Khanna had been able to balance the two...
Some people will think I was crazy, and some others will think I just got really lucky. People who've known me for any length of time will know I'm not either one of those things. I am stubborn though, and I'll be the first one to admit it. I like to get my own way about things now too. So, whether or not I'm crazy, lucky, stubborn, or willful doesn't really matter. I'll tell you my story, then you can decide for yourselves what you think. I'd always felt that I was really lucky in one...
Bob and Cindy had been dating for two years. They had quickly realized that they cared very much about each other, and they began to fall in love. They thoroughly enjoyed spending time with each other, and they went out lots of nights for dates and enjoyed doing a variety of things together. Bob and Cindy especially enjoyed going to group things where a lot of the other kids at their high school were on Friday nights and weekends but it was after those events, alone in Bob's car that he and...
Tom Smith was relieved when the last student finally handed in their final. He gathered his belongings and quickly looked around the room to make sure he had gotten everything. The last day of class was actually a bittersweet day for him. He knew he wouldn’t miss the late nights grading student papers, or the nights where he was just bone tired and felt as if he wouldn’t make it through his entire lecture. He would however, miss the students. They kept him going and their energy made it all...
First of all thanks a ton to ISS in providing a platform to introduce different types of sex lovers in India. I am a frequent reader and fan of ISS from my graduation time.An active reader from last 6years.Please forgive me if there were any mistakes as am a fresher in writing a story :p..Myself Vivek(name changed) aged 24 who completed my career in Hyderabad(city changed).As usual landed in silicon valley of India non other than namma Bangalore..Currently am working for an MNC in Bangalore.Any...
Her Buick had been threatening to cut out for the last five miles, and finally it had given up. Jennifer peered through the rain drenched windscreen as she steered the silent vehicle to a stand still at the side of the forest road. She'd come all this way out for a college party and now her pride and joy, her little car had let her down. She gave a frustrated grunt holding her hands up in disbelief. The windscreen wipers still screeched to and fro and she could just make out a window light not...
FetishLaura knew something wasn’t quite right the minute she entered their apartment. The upside down coffee table and a scrawled sign on the television that shouted, ‘WATCH THE TAPE’, tipped her off. ‘Oh, brother. Must be time for another mission improbable.’ Grabbing the remote control, she turned on the TV and pushed play. The screen filled with the dim shape of a man lying face down with wrists bound behind his back and his ankles tied together. The lifeless hands frozen in a claw shape and...
Part II of the Barry and Carol story As way of introduction, this is the sequel to ‘A Conspiracy to Commit…’ It would be to the reader’s advantage to have read that first segment of the Barry and Carol drama. ‘A Conspiracy to Commit…’ That story was my first submission to Literotica and I was very pleased with the response that I received to story. Both the positive and negative comments were received and digested. Some of them actually found their way into this sequel. This sequel will be...
People have been asking for more posts about my hangouts with Sean. I’m happy to say that as of today, 12/4/2019, we’re still talking :) so look forward to hearing more about our times together. Last time I wrote about the first time we hung out and actually met in person. This time, I’ll talk about the 2nd time we hung out.Ok, so this time when I met up with Sean, I met him back at his apartment. He had a couple hours before his girlfriend got home, so we had time to play. I wore panties and...
Hello, all ISS readers, myself john aged 29 from Bangalore here. Most of you people won’t be knowing me as this is the first time am writing the sex experience which happened in my life. I used to read ISS stories long back and am a great fan of the stories here. I was thinking to write my experience long back and I think this is the right time.So everyone read and enjoy my experience. As I am writing for first time kindly excuse me for any mistakes. You are welcome to post ur feedback so that...
Philip was only fourteen when his slightly older sister discovered how he had grown since they last played doctor. She was flabbergasted and couldn’t wait to get her hands on the erection that popped out when he dropped his drawers. She’d touched his “pee-pee thing” a lot but wouldn’t apply her mouth or pussy to it in earlier times. Now it was way more than twice as big. She got a tape measure and got eight-and-a quarter inches long and slightly more than three inches wide at mid-shaft. She had...
Helen and Bob's fears are seemingly ephemeral but are really based on a solid understanding of how the world actually works, not how people think it works. About two years after Imogen, three men came into town from separate directions, all acting as if they didn't know each other but dressed and skin colouration (glaringly white) almost identical. They were blatantly a hit team and under orders to act just how they were, that is, blatantly bloody obviously. Helen and Bob have a local...
I played ball with my buddies for about 4 hours, I had a hard time concentrating on what I was doing as visions of my mom and aunt being naked and me fucking them kept running through my mind. At about 2 pm we all decided that we'd had enough ball playing and so went our separate ways. I headed straight home, looking forward to hopefully more intimate sessions with my mom and maybe my aunt if she was still there. As I turned the corner near our house, my cock tingled as I saw my aunt's car...
Haley’s turn: Because after all it IS my story, okay? Long list of people who I promised airplane rides in the last few months at college. Most of them are fellow engineering students. “Applied physics,” I say. It’s fun. Lots of people fly. You buy a ticket, go get on an airplane, get off at the other end. I’ve never done that. Fly? Mom and Steve couldn’t afford that, and me and Deena and Bill never had a destination we couldn’t drive to. But this... Garvey’s sitting in the right seat....
It was a warm sunny afternoon, I walked up on the porch and knocked on the door. She answered in her workout clothes a black sports bra that pushed her breasts up the were moist from workout she was breathing heavy her chest heaved as she tried speaking. I heard you have issue with your computer. she nodded and let me in, she pointed me to the computer and said if you don't mind i will finish my workout. I said no problem ill get working on it. i sat at the computer pretending to work as she...
EroticI lost control. Her words were my commands, I grunted hard as I ejected a weeks’ worth of cum all over her. She closed her eyes and thrashed about under my streams of man Juice. Using her fingers to finish her orgasm off as I showered her in my cum as required. I was just 20 years old and I had been transfer to another city where it happened. A friend of mine sister was living with her. Her name was Elinor and she had 3 kids. Her husband was in the military and stationed abroad for one year....
Cheating WifeOne night I went to visit my friend, who works at Red Lobster, just to say hi. I walked in and sat at the bar. The bartender came up to me and I asked her if Tom was working and she told me that he was off that night. She stayed and talked with me for a while and I didn't mind because she was hot! She was 5'4, Olive skin, dark hair, and had what looked like a nice body. Long story short the next night my buddy called me and asked if I still had a girlfriend,(I Did), and told him so. He said...
Ishwar Lal had left his wife, Urmila in charge of everything. Not that he didn’t trust Punjun, but how is a boy supposed to have everything he’d need without wasting a lot of time? After all, this was a crucial year in their lives. Punjun had just turned 18 and decided to take a gap year to prepare for competitions. He had done well enough in school, even made the merit list in his district, but found himself well below the required level of college entrance exams. Despite the urge to blame...
IncestI’m nervous…really nervous. I’m standing in front of the mirror in the restrooms at the airport, trying to wash away the nervous dampness on my hands. Inspecting my reflection…. hair in place…. make up fresh. I wanted to look my best…. although I wasn’t feeling it. A long, impatient flight from Australia to America. I felt crumpled and disheveled. I was glad to be off the plane at long last. But now I had this sickening butterfly feeling in the pit of my stomach. What if you were disappointed?...