Jack and the Beanstalk A Twisted Fairy TaleChapter 14
- 3 years ago
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Harmony was almost beside herself. Jack swallowed the rest of the bean he had nibbled on, and she gawked when she saw the result, as Dinah tossed pieces of her clothing this way and that. The giantess had pulled Jack up, lifting him to stare at his huge erection, below which hung huge swollen balls. Harmony’s first thought was that she needed to figure out how not to be horny anymore, because if he came near her with that thing her strings would all snap for sure.
However, the sound Dinah made when she sat on the chair, spread her knees wide, and pulled Jack against her swollen belly made Harmony’s strings thrum gently. It was a sigh of contentment that couldn’t be confused with anything else.
“Eeep!” gasped Jack, as he was crushed against the skin on the other side of which was growing his son ... or daughter. “Take it easy!”
“Oh,” sighed Dinah, easing her grip on his waist. “I forgot how tender you are.” She frowned. “My belly is in the way. This isn’t going to work.” She pushed at him and there was a wet, slurping sound as his penis was pulled from her sheath.
“He’ll have to take you from behind,” advised the garp.
“He’ll do no such thing!” barked Dinah. “I’m no animal!”
“Of course you’re not,” said Harmony. “But that’s how my sister had to get her loving when she was heavy with child. It doesn’t make you an animal just because you mimic one.”
Dinah wasn’t too sure about that, but she was desperately horny now that she’d felt that lovely thick thing back inside her. It took some doing, and Jack had to stand on a stack of books to be tall enough, but once he was in the right position, he grabbed her ample hips and thrust forward lustily. It had felt pretty good to him, too, during that partial impalement.
“Ohhhhhh that’s better,” sighed Dinah.
“I told you so,” said Harmony.
“Play something soft and romantic,” sighed Dinah as Jack began thrusting back and forth frantically. “And slow down, Jack. I want to make this last.”
He eased his frantic pace, and was amazed to find out that it was quite nice, just sliding in and out of Dinah’s slippery slot.
“Ohhhh Jaaaack,” moaned the giantess. “That’s what I need, baby.”
Harmony cleared her voice and the strings on her back began to thrum in a soft melody. She joined her voice to it.
“When you two are through, Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo Oo-Oo, I’ll be calling you, Oo-Oo-Oo, Oo-Oo-Oo. ‘Cause I need that too, Oo-Oo-Oo, Oo-Oo-Oo, As soon as Dinah’s through, Oo-Oo-Oo, Oo-Oo-Oo.”
“You can’t have him,” moaned Dinah. “He’s all mine.” She wiggled her hips back at him as he slid in. “But that’s a catchy tune. You’ve never sung that one before.”
“I’m improvising,” said Harmony. “Do you really like it? And why can’t I have just a little bit of him? He’s got plenty to go around!”
“You’re a garp,” said Dinah. “It would be impossible for him to pleasure you like this. Besides, he owes me for all that gold he stole.”
“You know about that?” asked Jack weakly. He was doing just about everything, except fucking Dinah, weakly. That prick of his took a lot of blood to make it look like it did.
“You just keep doing that,” said Dinah, looking over her shoulder at him. “All Mortimer does with that gold is count it over and over. We use the eggs for actually buying things.”
“Eggs?” Jack felt the first urges that meant he was going to want to spurt in the giantess soon.
“Never mind that,” said Dinah. “Keep playing, garp. I feel a good one coming.”
Harmony played the same tune but improvised new words.
“She’s no longer blue, Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo Oo-Oo, ‘Cause she’s full of you, Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo Oo-Oo. Sure wish I was too, Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo Oo-Oo, Now it’s me that’s blue, Oo-Oo-Oo-Oo Oo-Oo.”
Dinah might have scolded the garp, but she had reached nirvana. This was because Jack, who had only unlimbered his immense tool by pulling it through his open zipper, rather than getting completely undressed, had pulled out another bean and popped it in his mouth. He didn’t bite down on it, but simply sucked it, like a man sucks on a pebble when he has no water to drink. As a result his penis grew another six inches, and swelled as well. His balls, which could have been argued to weigh five or six pounds apiece, began slapping against Dinah’s clitty. The combination made her eyes bulge and the air catch in her huge lungs. The orgasm she experienced then made those eyes roll up in her head and her arms just folded up.
The giantess’ upper body more or less sagged down, leaving her buttocks up in the air. While her arms went weak, her pussy muscles, fully involved in that catastrophic orgasm, did not. They clamped down on Jack’s penis, and suddenly he could no longer move, neither in, nor out.
Dinah’s body began to lean to the right, pulling Jack with it.
“OWWWW,” he moaned. “Dinah!”
When she didn’t answer, or give any indication she was conscious, he pulled mightily on her right hip and got her balanced again, only to have to lean the other way when she swayed to her left.
“Dinah!” he yelped. “Wake up, Dinah!”
“Wow,” said Harmony, who had stopped making music and was watching interestedly. “You’re pretty good with that thing.”
“I’m stuck!” he moaned.
“Like a dog?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” he complained. “All I know is I can’t get it out.”
“Wow,” giggled the garp. “Maybe that IS a little animalistic after all.”
“This is not funny!” groaned Jack. “If she falls over, it’s going to rip it off.”
“Well we can’t have that,” said Harmony. “Cause I’m here to tell you, I’m going to get my turn with that wonderful thing.”
Jack pulled backward as hard as he could, only to moan in pain as Dinah’s pussy refused to give up his swollen member.
“Shit, oh shit, oh shit,” he moaned.
“Now, now,” said Harmony, laughing as her strings tinkled. “Cursing is the sign of a weak mind.”
“You’re not helping,” he said, looking over his shoulder at her.
“Did you squirt?”
“No,” he sighed.
“Well then squirt, silly. Everybody knows it goes all limp and small again when a man squirts. And spit out that bean, you silly man.”
Jack realized the bean was still in his mouth and spat enthusiastically. The bean arced up in the air, hit the carpet, and rolled to rest against the base of the bookcase. He started to remind Harmony that he couldn’t move inside Dinah, but then he stopped trying to pull out of her and realized that, while he was firmly clasped by her pussy, he could move an inch or two back inward before the skin on his penis became tight again.
He began making very short fucking movements. It felt good, but he didn’t feel like cumming. He was too scared.
“I don’t think this is going to work,” he moaned. “I can’t get excited knowing that Mortimer could wake up and come stomping in here, any second, to grind my bones.”
“He would only have to grind up one of your bones and he could make two or three loaves out of it,” teased the garp. “If it was the bone I’m thinking of anyway.”
“I thought you wanted me to make love to you,” said Jack.
“I do,” said the garp, very sweetly.
“Well then you’d better help me get this thing out of her or you’ll never get the chance.”
“That would be terrible,” said the garp, sounding sad and playing a trill on her strings that sounded sad too. “My pussy is all wet, just from watching you and thinking about having you in me. My nipples are hard. You sucked on them so wonderfully.”
“Yeah,” sighed Jack, remembering her soft breasts and luscious pussy.
“And goodness knows that your very impressive penis already has a track record of making a baby. I bet if you had that thing in me, I’d already be pregnant.”
“Ooooooo,” moaned Jack, feeling the excitement return. “Tell me more.”
Elizabeth stopped to rest. She wasn’t used to this kind of activity. She clung to the vine and panted lightly, looking around. There wasn’t much to see. She was in the clouds, and all there was within sight was beanstalk. Her stomach growled. All this climbing had made her hungry. Her eyes fell on a pod. She broke the pod open and chewed several beans, and put another handful in her apron pocket. After all, if she got to see Mortie, she knew he’d want to renew their relationship the same...
One must, at this point, view this from two very different perspectives. We’ll start with Jack’s. By the time he realized he was about to be captured, those very impressive and, as it turned out, very warm and soft breasts were clamped around his head as she leaned forward and picked him up with a hand on each side of his waist. Imagine being a five year old, being picked up and hugged by a naked Dolly Parton. His world jerked and swayed as he was carried to a chair, where the giantess...
Posted: tstamp = new Date(1223472977000);document.write(tstamp.toLocaleString());2008-10-08 9:36:17 am “I think I love you!” moaned Elizabeth. “I know I love this,” gasped Mortimer. He was now thrusting upward with his hips as Elizabeth crashed down onto his impaling prick. “I can’t take any more of this,” groaned the woman. “It’s too much.” “Just a little longer?” pleaded the giant. “I can’t move a muscle,” sighed Elizabeth, starting to fall forward. Mortimer reached for her waist and...
“Let’s go in the back way,” suggested Harmony, fairly skipping along and pulling Jack urgently. He was dripping and naked. She was naked too, having used her gown to wash and dry him. He’d gotten erect during the process, and she couldn’t wait for him to nibble a bean and take her on another trip down orgasm lane. “I don’t want to see Mortimer right now.” “I’m supposed to come in and tell them that the soldiers are gone, aren’t I?” Jack was still worried that something could go wrong. “Oh,...
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This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen."Oh, Mr. Wankles! You just don't understand." The little fat fairy plonked herself down onto the dandelion pouffe, causing her skirt to fly up and reveal her rather substantial knickers."Ooo, purple lace today, Daisy," leered Mr. Wankles."Certainly is, young-fella-me-lad," she sighed."And what sort of a problem cannot be solved by purple lace knickers?" The gnome sat back in his cumbersome velour...
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Fairy II: The Fairy Genome Project Spreading the truth They were a disparate group. A hobo, a drunken ex-real estate developer, a waitress, a writer and her family, a cop and a Mobster's daughter cum anthropologist. But they shared one secret that the rest of mankind has yet to learn... If the Faerie had considered the changes that were to come, Dandelion, once Daniel, would have never have had the chance to cause such a turmoil. A young boy converted to Faerie in punishment...
Crystal smiled, and kept up appearances. While there was joy to be had in the annual Harper family Christmas gathering, the sting of what happened simply wouldn’t allow her to fully enjoy the festivities.As everyone rose from their seats to adjourn to the kitchen to play Hearts, Crystal’s mother asked, “Are you going to play?”She kept a smile on her face as she shook her head and stood. “I think I’m going to turn in. I’m still jet-lagged from the flight.”“I’ll walk up with you,” her mother...
Supernatural************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan January 2015 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. Note: Although this story was written in January 2015 the events are assumed to happen starting on the evening of Valentine’s Day Saturday 14th February...
There were still some folks left in the world, old and disconnected, who did not know what fairies were used almost exclusively for. Most people knew you didn’t go to a Fairy shop for terrarium accessories. Now inside, Angel’s head cleared up and she turned into her true self: a kid in a candy store. The fairies came to life in their glass houses as she skipped by them. Some cowered behind their friends, some observed with curiosity. Angel was of the opinion that fairies were the cutest...
Chapter One: Kimmie's Futa Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I stared at myself in the mirror, my hips cocked, swirling my pleated, green cheerleading skirts about my supple thighs. Watching that skirt flutter sent an excited shiver through me. Especially because the dildo thrusting through the pleats. I looked so hot. My brown hair was pulled back into a fun and perky ponytail, something perfect for cheerleading, keeping my hair out of my gorgeous, twenty-year-old face. I had...
First Contact Daniel Hodges checked his traps meticulously. A shy boy, he had never really gotten along with his peers. He was too short for basketball; too light for wrestling or football, little hand to eye coordination so baseball was out. What could a kid do? He discovered an interest in insects. They never expected him to hit a glove at 90 feet. They didn't care if he could kick, hit, pitch or anything else. They went about their lives with indifference to anything they...
The Fairy Genome Project Dandelion didn't arrive that next morning. Originally Holly hadn't been too worried. She had been having too much fun with Anise, happy for Alyssum Rose and Xanthium, welcoming Trillium and Sakura to notice. But by noon the new Pixie had not returned and as the day wore on, she became more anxious. She stood on the branch of her nest, hugging Alyssum desperately as the sun reached the horizon. Anise was inside making dinner for them both, as happy in the...
Things will be great when we're downtown... When it comes down to it, skid row is a state of mind rather than an actual place. It is where people go to be away from all society, and even there you can't escape it. Where the needle or the smoke or the bottle is your only friend, and everyone else is a blur. Weather is rain falling on you, snow gently covering and freezing you. The sun baking you and night having it's own terrors. During the winter they flock to mental institutions, and...
Who's a Fairy? 5-6: Ready or Not! By Ron Dow75 Chapter Five: Ready to Be a Sister? Albert stumbled back upstairs. What was he going to do!?! Dad was under a spell: A Real magic spell! He thought that the fairy - no, he said he was an imp - that imp prince, Pux was him, and Albert was: "My sister, Morgan? And that I have to change into her clothes??" Oh, okay... he's done that before. But only once had anybody besides his 12-year-old twin sister and his other two sisters,...
A Transgender Fairytale by Tanya Sissipus "Oh!" I steered my bike back onto the path, then turned and waved to the old woman. Usually, I just ignored people like that, but it was far too nice a day for complaints. Rude as it seemed for the elderly group to be walking three abreast down such a narrow path, this afternoon I'd give them the benefit of the doubt. Unlike the hot, humid July that Mother Nature had seen fit to curse us with, August was turning out to be...