Merry Christmas
- 4 years ago
- 45
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This story is dedicated to my dear friend, Trish
Patricia stood by the open doorway, looking out through the storm door at her small, snow covered front yard, and the street beyond. Her front porch light illuminated the heavily, but silently, falling snow which prevented traffic on the street. Her heart felt heavy and a tear slid down her cheek because she knew the storm would prevent Tom from coming to see her tonight. He probably would not come tomorrow either because the forecast was for heavy snow through tomorrow night.
She closed the door and pressed her forehead against to cool wood. She could hear a chorale group singing ‘Jingle Bells’ on the radio in the living room. ‘Why? Why did we have to fight? Now, of all times?’ she asked herself.
Christmas Eve and she was alone. Pat had been alone before, but this year she had made wonderful plans. She was going to serve Tom wine and cheese, they would talk and laugh, and then they would exchange gifts. They would dance to slow Christmas carols in the glow of candles and Christmas lights. They would kiss under the mistletoe then she would give herself to him completely. She wanted to make love with him for the first time. He would have been so surprised because she had always said she only believed in sex when married.
She stood in the doorway between the front hall and the living room and looked at the Christmas tree. It was that tree that had caused the fight, and it stood now in the dark corner of her living room, unlit and unappreciated. She could almost see the two of them decorating it only four days ago. Tom had brought over his decorations and they had mixed his and hers together on the branches, and then they untangled the strings of lights and put them in place. When she put the angel on top and turned the lights on, Tom got a funny look on his face. He said he didn’t care for twinkling lights and he thought there ought to be a star on the top of the tree. She said of course the lights should twinkle and an angel should be on the treetop. This small disagreement had escalated until she told him if he didn’t like how she decorated her tree he could just leave. And he did. And he didn’t come back.
She waited in vain all the next day for Tom to call or come over. She waited again for his call the day after that, but he still didn’t call. She hoped he would come over at six o’clock this night, like he said he would, but it was nine o’clock now and from the way the weather was, she doubted he could come now, even if he wanted to.
Pat went into the kitchen and put a kettle on to make tea, and then she went back to the front door to look out one more time. There were still no tracks in the snow and there was still no traffic on the road. ‘It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas’ was now playing on the radio. She closed the door and, with new tears in her eyes, went back into the kitchen and made a cup of apple cinnamon spice tea for herself. The sweet odor of the tea filled the room, making her remember Christmases from long ago, when she wasn’t alone.
As she sat at the table sipping her tea, she thought back on the last six months. They had met at a singles mixer at church. Tom was so shy it was almost comical. He had been standing by the door just watching everyone talk, and then when the games started, they were paired up for charades. They won! He was brilliant at it and it was as if he could read her mind. That broke the ice and they started talking. When the evening was over, he asked if he could call her and she gave him her number. He called the next day and took her on a real date, with flowers, dinner, a movie, and a quick peck on the cheek when he took her home.
For the first time since her divorce four years ago she had a friend, a love, a soul mate. Tom was kind and gentle and caring. Being around him was a joy because when they were together, his entire attention was on her. He made her feel important, a refreshing thing for her because even her ex-husband had never been very attentive.
They had never been apart for this long since that night at the church. Missing Tom felt like a hole in her heart. Never would she have guessed that one man could mean so much to her. New tears started to fall as she pictured his strong gray eyes looking at her. ‘Okay, girl,’ she thought, ‘pull your self together. What can’t be cured must be endured. You can do nothing about the weather, so just accept the fact you won’t be seeing him until after Christmas. You can make up with him then.’
Pat stood up, put her cup in the sink, and turned out the light as she left the kitchen and went into the living room. An instrumental version of ‘God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen’ was now playing. She took one last look at the dark tree then turned out the lamp by the easy chair. The soft knock at the door came just as she blew out the first candle. ‘Must be the wind,’ she thought as she moved to the next candle. Before she could blow it out she heard another knock, louder this time.
Her heart leaped as she rushed to the door, new hope welling up inside. She flung the door open to see a man standing in the glow of the porch light, covered with snow, looking frozen, and holding a bouquet of flowers.
‘M-M-M-Merry Ch-Ch-Christmas’ Tom shivered, pushing the flowers forward.
Pat threw the storm door open, ‘Get in here, you crazy man! What are you doing out in this kind of weather? And where did you get flowers?’
‘I-I-I could-couldn’t wait until the st-st-storm was over to s-s-see you again. I didn’t want Ch-Ch-Christmas to go b-b-b-by w-w-w-without being with you.’
‘Well, give me your wet coat and hat,’ Pat said, ‘and the flowers.’ She quickly turned away with Tom’s wet things so he wouldn’t see the tears welling up in her eyes as she realized what he had done. Pat took one step away and stopped. ‘No,’ she thought, ‘I don’t care if he knows I’m crying.’
She dropped the flowers, hat, and coat, turned and said, ‘I’m so glad to see you!’ and threw herself into his arms. Tom wrapped her in his arms as she squeezed him tight. ‘I missed you so much! I’m sorry we had a fight, forgive me, please?’
‘It’s okay,’ Tom murmured into her hair. ‘I’m s-s-sorry I left. I m-m-missed you, too.’
Pat looked up, tears now streaming down her cheeks. ‘Oh, Tom, I…’ He shut her up with his lips. The kiss lingered as their lips made up for lost time.
When they finally broke apart, Pat smiled and said, ‘Come into the kitchen, I’ll make you a nice cup of hot tea to help you warm up. Wait. Take off your wet shoes first.’ She picked up the flowers and handed them to him, then picked up his hat, coat, and shoes and took them into the kitchen. The hat and coat she hung by the radiator, the shoes she put on a piece of newspaper underneath the radiator. Then she turned the burner under the kettle on again.
‘If you don’t mind, Pat, I would really prefer sugar-free hot cocoa with a half teaspoon of instant decaf coffee in it.’
‘As chilled as you are, you need to have…’ Patricia started to say, then stopped, realizing this was how the fight started before. Smiling at him, she said, ‘…to have whatever you want. Sit down and I’ll get it for you.’
Pat bustled around the room, preparing his cocoa and putting the flowers into water. ‘Where did you get flowers on a night like this?’ she asked, as she handed him the cocoa.
‘At the 7-11 store by my apartment.’
‘That’s over three miles away! You didn’t walk all that way, did you?’
‘It was the only way to get here, sweetheart. There are no cars moving on the roads.’
‘You must be chilled to the bone.’
‘Well, my feet are kinda cold,’ Tom said.
‘Oh, you poor dear,’ Pat said. ‘Wait here.’ She hurried into the living room and returned a moment later with a colorfully wrapped package and a lap blanket. ‘Here, open this. It’s a little early to open presents, but I think you will want it now,’ she said as s
he put the blanket across his shoulders.
Tom ripped the wrapping paper off and opened the box. Inside was a thick pair of wool slipper/socks. He immediately removed his wet socks and slipped them on.
He stood up and gathered her into his arms. ‘They’re perfect! And very timely. Thank you.’ He kissed her softly to show his gratitude.
Pat kissed him back. ‘You’re welcome. Come into the living room, I want to show you something.’
‘Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow’ was coming from the radio as she led him into the candle lit living room and made him stand facing the tree. Pat flipped the light switch that controlled the outlet the tree was plugged into.
Tom grinned when he saw the tree light up. The lights shown bright and steady and there was a shining white star on the top bough.
‘You changed them for me,’ Tom said in awe, ‘even the top of the tree. Why? It was so important to you.’
‘You, my darling, are far more important to me than some lights or decorations,’ Pat said. ‘Traditions are only good if they have meaning and belong to each of us.’
‘Then we should make our own traditions,’ said Tom. ‘Go get the angel.’
When Pat returned with the decoration, Tom had her stand in front of the tree, then he bent down, wrapped his arms around her knees from behind, made her sit on his shoulder, and lifted her up. ‘Put the angel on top and plug it in.’
When she was done, Tom stepped back and lowered Pat to the ground. Standing up behind her, he circled her waist with his arms and pulled her back against him. They stood that way for a while, just looking at the brightly shining lights and the colorful angel.
Pat thought herself in heaven, with Tom’s arms around her, leaning back against him, with her arms resting on his. Finally, she pulled his arms apart just enough to turn around. When she was facing him, she put her arms around his neck, and said, ‘Look up.’
Tom glanced up and saw that she had hung the mistletoe right above where they were standing. ‘Good planning. It looks like there is an old tradition we can both agree on. May I have a yuletide kiss?’
Tom lowered his lips down to Pat’s and gave her a kiss that was passion, need, joy, happiness, and love, all rolled into one. It was a long kiss. They were both breathless when they finally pulled apart.
‘Wow!’ they both said together. Then Pat said, ‘If you’ve finished your cocoa, would you like some cheese? And I have some wine.’
‘Yes,’ said Tom, ‘wine and cheese would be great. If you have any crackers, that would be good too, I am kinda hungry.’
‘For you, my sweet, all the crackers and cheese you want. Sit down and enjoy the lights and I’ll get everything.’ She lit a few more candles as she left the room. She was back in a few minutes with the wine and snacks.
Tom pulled the cork from the wine bottle with the ease of an expert, something Pat always had trouble doing. He poured two glasses full and handed one to her. ‘A toast to us. To being together.’
‘To us,’ she said, ‘together.’
Just as she had hoped, they talked and laughed together, listened to Christmas carols and sharing stories about Christmases when they were young, plus other stories.
At 11:00 PM the disc jockey came on the radio and said, ‘Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I hope you’re all having a safe and warm Christmas Eve with someone you love. It will be Christmas in one hour and for the next hour we will be playing nothing but soft, romantic Christmas carols for all you lovers out there. Enjoy.’
‘White Christmas’ by Bing Crosby was the first song. ‘This is my favorite carol, and I still love watching the movie,’ said Pat.
‘Of course you do,’ said Tom, ‘because it’s my favorite too.’ He stood up and held out his hand, ‘May I have this dance?’
‘With pleasure,’ Pat said, took his hand and flowed into his arms. They danced slowly around the room. When ‘White Christmas’ was over, they danced to ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’, ‘The Christmas Song’, ‘O Holy Night’, ‘I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day’, and ‘Silent Night.’ There were more songs, but they were so wrapped up in each other, they didn’t pay attention to them.
After 30 or 40 minutes, they were just swaying together in the middle of the room. Pat had her arms around Tom’s neck, with her head resting on his chest. Tom’s arms were around her waist, pressing on her lower back and pulling her tight against him. They were again standing under the mistletoe.
Patricia shivered in his embrace from a combination of contentment and desire. As she held him close, she could feel how he was reacting as her body pressed against him. There was no doubt he was becoming more and more aroused. Pat smiled to herself. ‘It’s time,’ she thought.
Loosening her arms from around his neck, she leaned back until his arms pulled apart and his hands were on her sides. Pat could see that he was embarrassed.
‘I-I’m sorry,’ he stammered, ‘I didn’t mean to offend you.’
‘I’m not going to forgive you this time,’ she said in mock seriousness, then she smiled, ‘well, maybe.’ She reached down to his wrists and pulled his hands away from her sides and gripping his thumbs from the back of his hands, brought them up to her face. Pat gently kissed the palms of each of his hands, and then, looking Tom in the eyes, lowered his hands until they were in front of her chest, and pulled them toward her until they were pressing against her breasts.
Even though there was a blouse and a bra between his hands and her, the feeling was electric. Her breath caught in her throat as his hands squeezed her, her nipples becoming hard and pressing into his hands. Pat slid her hands up Tom’s chest and behind his head, and pulled down until they were kissing. She slid her tongue out and it was met by his as their passion burned hotter.
Tom pulled back and said, ‘Are you sure?’
Pat smiled a million watt smile and said, ‘I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. I want you to make love to me, right here, right now.’
‘I’d like to ask you something.’
‘Not now, please, Tom. No talk, just this,’ Pat said and kissed him again.
Her body was quivering as if cold, but she felt hot shivers as he flicked his thumbs over her hard nipples. Tom moved his hands to the top button of her blouse and slowly undid it. He pressed his index fingers against the skin of her chest and slid them down between her breasts to the next button. That button came open and he slid down to the next. He continued the same way with each button until every one was open. He grabbed the cloth at her waist and, with a firm tug, pulled the bottom of her blouse out of her skirt. She let the silky blouse slide off her shoulders and drop to the floor.
‘Your turn,’ Tom said between kisses.
Pat was not as subtle as Tom was. She ripped his shirt out of his pants, quickly unbuttoned it, and pushed it off him and onto the floor with her blouse. She did the same with his undershirt.
Now it was Tom’s turn to shiver as Pat ran her fingers through the hair on his chest and kissed his nipples. She circled her arms around him and just hugged him close as she inhaled his scent. This is what she wanted, what she needed, what she had hoped for, to hold her man close and to know that this is where she belonged.
Tom unsnapped her bra and pulled the straps off her shoulders. Pat leaned her body back so he could peel her bra off her breasts, exposing them to his gaze for the first time, but they both knew, not the last.
To Tom, they were the most beautiful he had ever seen, not overly large but both a perfect full round shape. Her pink nipples and areola were wrinkled and hard from the excitement and anticipation.
Pat dropped her arms down so the bra could fall onto the floor, then she grabbed his belt, pulled it open, unbuttoned his slacks, lowered the zipper, and pushed his slacks to the fl
oor. The bulge in the front of his boxers proved his interest, not that it was ever in doubt.
With her heart beating as if she were running a race, Pat pushed Tom’s boxers down to join his slacks around his ankles. He gasped when she wrapped her hands around his penis for the first time. It was stiff and hard, but also silky soft to her touch, as she knew it would be. Dark brown hair grew from his collarbone to down below his knees, thick in some spots, like in his pubic area, thin in others, like his stomach and legs.
Tom stepped out of his slacks and boxers, but kept the slipper/socks on. He caressed her breasts once more with his work callused hands, then he lowered his right hand to the button at her hip, flicked it open, then lowered the zipper of her skirt, which fell and formed a pool at her feet. Pat stepped out of the skirt and into his arms, sliding out of her loafers as she did so. She now wore only her sport socks and low rise, pink, bikini panties.
His erection pressed into her belly as they embraced and Tom said, ‘You’re over dressed.’
Pat just smiled and wiggled her eyebrows once.
Tom smiled back, hooked his thumbs in the waistband of her panties, and lowered them to her ankles, dropping to his knees before her as he did. He held onto the panties as she put one hand on his head and daintily stepped out of them.
Still holding the panties, Tom sat back on his heels and looked at his naked and willing love. His eyes roamed from her sock covered feet, to her dimpled knees, her ‘Yes, she’s a real blond’ pubic hair, her ‘innie’ navel, her lovely breasts, her smiling face, and ended the 5’2′ journey at her silky blond hair. His mind was able to see her imperfections, but he looked with the eyes of love, and to him, she was more perfect than the goddess Aphrodite. With awe in his voice, and speaking barely above a whisper, he said to her, ‘You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.’
Patricia blushed from the top of her head down to her breasts. ‘Thank you” she was all she could say.
She reached out her hands to help him stand up, which he did effortlessly. Pat did her own survey of Tom’s body when he was standing, starting with his well-defined runners legs, to his slim hips, his broad chest and shoulders, his well trimmed beard, and ending her 5’9′ visual journey at his chestnut brown hair. Yes, she was also able to see his imperfections, but they meant nothing to her. To her, he was the personification of Adonis.
Her eyes looked back down at his hard penis, and her heart beat just a little faster because she knew it was this way for her. Once again she reached out and wrapped her hands around it, feeling its soft hardness, and then gently cupped his scrotum. As she held him, she could feel herself become wetter, and she throbbed with desire.
‘Make love to me now, Tom. Please.’
She threw her arms around his neck when Tom quickly scooped her up in his arms and held her against his chest. ‘Where?’ he said.
‘Right here, under the mistletoe, in front of our tree.’ Pat said.
Tom pulled her face to his and kissed her, as he slowly lowered her to the carpet. He gently laid her out and stretched out beside her, never breaking the kiss. He caressed her breast, then moved his hand down over her stomach to her pubic hair and to her nether lips. As soon as he touched her vagina, she whimpered, gasped, arched her back, and threw her head back.
She couldn’t believe she had a small climax from his first touch.
Tom kissed her neck, and then started kissing down to her breasts. He kissed, licked, and nibbled on her hard nipples, but when he started kissing further down, she stopped him.
‘No. Please, Tom. Not this time. I want you so much, just put it in me.’
Tom smiled, ‘Anything you want, my love.’ He again stretched out beside her and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him on top of her. Pat threw her legs wide to give him room. Holding himself with one arm straight and on his knees so he was at an angle to her, Tom grasped his penis in his right hand and aimed it at her opening. He was lowering himself towards her when she put her left hand against his chest as if to stop him. He stopped and looked at her, puzzled.
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After they returned to Parameter, Jim started to work on incorporating the changes into the construction. He continued to see Ann everyday on the construction site and they had dinner once or twice a week and they spent every Sunday together. The construction continued at a hectic pace, but the problems seemed to be fewer. He attributed this to the fact that everyone knew what had to be done and that everyone was really interested in making the project come in on time. About 3 days before...
Merry Christmas, slut By Shannon Cole Shannon padded slowly down the hallway, still more asleep than awake. Her surroundings were familiar but she still felt lost in her sleepy haze as her feet automatically made their way to the kitchen. She trailed her fingers along the smooth wall in the hallway, half to keep her balance, half just because she needed to touch something, anything, not wanting to be alone. She found the kitchen and sleepily put the tea kettle on, readying her favorite...
By Discreet Lover Copyrighted 2011 It was Christmas Eve. Jesse and Grace sat together on the couch in front of the fire, snuggled together and enjoying being close. It had been a while since they were able to just sit together like this and they wanted to savor every moment of it. The room was pleasantly warm from the fire that crackled in the fireplace; snow fell softly outside the window blanketing the world. The only light in the room came from the fire place and a few candles...
Merry Birthday to You Merry Birthday to YouAuthor: Dr Charles ForbinCopyright ? 2005??????????????? I generally view birthdays with a somewhat jaundiced eye as I've advanced in years. And I will admit it is fair to say my sweet bird of youth has not just flown, but has been shot, stuffed and served at Thanksgiving.??????????????? So I honestly didn't expect there to be anything different this year than in the previous ones.??????????????? Low expectations prevent disappointments I have...
Back in the summer of 1980, I was a restless young man. I was a 19-year-old with a natural curiosity and a cocky attitude. The summer of 1980 was also the last summer I had before going off to college. I had taken a year off after high school and felt I needed to make the most of my time off. That meant work hard and play even harder. I had taken a job as a carnival worker, or carnie as they are known, in order to get a chance to travel and see the country. I had taken the summer off and on a...
Hello, all. It’s been a while. A lot of things have happened since we last spoke. The massage parlor was sold to my friend Deb, who moved it to a stand alone building. That gives our customers more discretion, especially vocally. She made me the manager, so now I’m there quite a bit. I also moved, I bought a new house in town. My boys love it, and so do I. Now, on with my story. Last Friday, I had the morning off, and wanted to finish up some holiday shopping. I woke up hornier than normal, but...
We had went down to the city to get some shopping in and decided to say over night. We went to a hotel we had used before which had suites with a separate bedroom and sitting room with doors between. It was handy when one person wanted to watch TV and the other one wanted to sleep although there was a TV in the bedroom too. We had went to bed fairly early as we had had a long day. We left theTV on when we fell asleep as it helped give some light without being too dark. Ellen, my wife, was lying...
Ann Bristol waited behind the car she had hit. Her hand had slipped off of the steering wheel and her bumper had made contact with the car. Although the damage was minor, she was not the type to leave without letting the person that owned the car get her insurance information. She had been in a hurry to pick up a few things at Walgreen's before she got home and her mind had been on the changes that were about to happen at work. She lived alone since her daughter had gotten married. Her...
"Is this your truck? I'm afraid that I hit it as I was pulling in the parking spot." She showed him the mark on the car door. He bent down and wet his finger and rubbed the mark. "It's just a scrap on the paint. I can easily rub it out with a bit of rubbing compound. It's a rental vehicle and I doubt they would even notice something like that." She pulled her wallet out of her purse, "if you'd like I can give you my insurance information." "No, believe me, a little rubbing...
He sat down at the desk with the yellow pages phone book and started making phone calls. Within five days his office trailer was setup and he had his phones in. Park Machinery had accepted bids months ago and had the contractors that he would use already lined up, and under contract. He reviewed the schedule again and again. When he had his plan worked out to the smallest detail he called the local restaurants to find a room big enough to hold all of the contractors and representatives of all...
After a few days of intense negotiations, all parties agreed to the plans for the construction. The ground breaking was attended by everyone involved in the project and was written up in the papers. Jim made sure that a complete account of the agreement with Parameter, the contractors and the building trades was written up in the Sunday newspaper in the business section. The construction started in earnest On September 15th. The unions had little problem manning the project since work was a...
They took an airport limo from the airport to Jim's house. He had called his son and told him that he would be bringing a business acquaintance to the house. He knew how young people were and ordered his son to have a maid service to come and clean the house before they left. He told his son to pay for the cleaning with Jim's credit card. As they walked into the house, he was relieved to see that the house was perfect. Everything was clean and in it's place. "You have a very nice...
In the morning they went back to Park Machinery to work on the changes to the machinery that Parameter needed. Jim introduced Ann to all of the design team members that would be working on the changes. Jim directed the efforts and asked for Ann's input every step of the way. Several times a part of the design would be completed only to find that it would impact Parameter's operations or future plans. All of the original drawings were in AutoCAD and the changes that were approved by Ann...
In the morning Ann lay awake with his naked body pressed to hers. His arm was around her and she listened to him sleep. For the first time in a long time she was happy and she had a reason to expect much happiness in the future. She knew that she had found a special man. She was determined to not let him get away. She had wasted enough of her life. The telephone by her bed rang and she reached for it. The caller was her Aunt, "Ann, this is Aunt Edna. Uncle Rolf had a heart attack last...
2003 © Thank you Angel for all your wonderful help. It was a long five hour drive from the hospital. Seven year old Tim had bee n a constant visitor with his father, going there to see his mother since she had been diagnosed with cancer last spring. Tonight was Christmas Eve, and it was snowing very hard. They had to get home before Santa came. Tim was very excited about Christmas, even though his mother wouldn't be home. Spending the day with he r had helped young Tim a lot. They took...
A big thank you to Tigerjen for taking time out of her busy schedule to edit my story at the last minute… And I mean the last minute! * * * * * It was a long five hour drive from the hospital. Seven year old Tim, and his father had been doing it since his mother had been diagnosed with cancer, last spring. Tonight was Christmas Eve, and it was snowing very hard. They had to get home before Santa came. Tim was very excited about Christmas, even though his mother wouldn’t be home. Spending the...
It was nothing more than a circle of plate steel mounted on an old truck wheel bearing. There were pipe railings leading towards the center like chutes. Laughing children made daytime play here.Things would be different tonight; it was quiet in a moonless warm summer evening. The post midnight sky was inky black and scattered with brilliant jewels and celestial spirits. The van slowly drove the last quarter mile with lights off at a near idle like a a brisk walk. Anne glanced across the...
Introduction: My wife is bound while she watches and then joins in later. My wife is tied to the bed and forced to watch. I fuck our friend Lexi in front of her while shes bound. After some humiliation, Lexi and I untie her and pleasure her together. I must warn you that you will read about concepts of wife humiliation (some may consider it degradation), anal, asslicking (on a girl), cuckquean, and vaginal felching. If you dont dig these things, then please do not read. If so, then please...
One night I was sitting in the living room watching pointless TV when there was a knock on my door. That was odd, because my building had a front door and you needed to get buzzed in. I looked out the peep hole and there was Lisa, the blonde lifeguard I had great sex with a few days earlier. Of course, she had a key to the building, so she didn't need to get buzzed in. I opened the door and I was about to close it when I see a petite red head hanging back in the hallway. "I hope you don't mind...
"Oh god yes-s-s-s-s-s Johnny Ray, make mommy cum," Raylene moaned with passion as she rode me sitting in my lap facing me. Her hot tight sweet naked little 34B-22-32 body was pressed in against my naked body as she bounced up and down on my cock and I sucked on her breasts. The only thing Raylene was wearing, besides a smile of contentment, was a red Santa hat with a white band along the bottom and a white ball at the topOur hot naked bodies melted in together as we passionately kissed, our...
“Hey, where you going?” my wife called out as I rounded up my keys from the top of my dresser. “None of your business,” I said. “I just have a couple of errands to run.” “Ooh, mysterious errands,” she said, walking into the bedroom. “Are you going to get a Christmas present for little old me?” “Should I?” I said, putting on my best innocent look. She sidled up next to me, took my arm, and wiggled around a little bit. “Well, I’ll be thinking of you while you’re gone,” she said. Yes, I was...
I still can't believe what happened to me. December 25th 1999 is a day I will never forget. That is the day my mother raped me for the first time. (Merry fucking Christmas you bitch!) I mean it was just cruel and sick and nasty. There is no excuse, no rational explanation for her behavior. It wasn't just that she raped me, it was how she did it, the utterly despicable way she went about it. I guess I'm getting ahead of myself a little. To understand you have to go back a year to the events...
Introduction: This is my entry for a Xmas pantomime story competition. Its in the form of a play, and is intended to simply be a spoof adult play, on a Xmas theme. If youre looking for a sexually stimulating text, please look elsewhere, but if you want something that will make you smile then (I hope) this one is for you. MARY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early...
A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early 30’s), Carole (a young trainee), Rudy The Red Knobbed Reindeer (a reindeer), Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen (more reindeers), Foo-Kin Thin (a small box of electronics from Japan), Santa Claus (a red faced obese old inebriate wanted for questioning by police forces in 92 different countries on suspicion of...
The Magic Of Christmas By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers "Oh so you are awake?" said his mother poking her head in his room. "Morning honey. I hear the tv on." "Yeah, I didn't sleep so well," said Brayden rubbing his eyes. "Too excited about Christmas," said his mother coming in. "Well that and what I told you last night," sighed Brayden. "I still feel horrible." "Well not that I want to be negative on Christmas but you should honey," said his mother folding her arms....
(Merry Christmas everyone. This is last years Christmas story from up on my Patreon: A new Christmas story, along with two additional parts to this one is already up on my Patreon, so if you're interested go and have a look.) Intro Valerie and Vince had been very close all their lives, not surprising considering they had shared the same womb for nine months. They had a very good bond often knowing how the other felt without them even...
Are you looking forward to a merry Christmas this year? Of course, you are! But how is that supposed to happen when you have to deal with family over the holidays? Fuck, you can’t even say ‘the holidays’ without some dipshit falling over and having a heart attack because you used the phrase ‘the holidays’ instead of Christmas.Do you know what stands between you and a peaceful, fantastic Christmas? Well, people! People ruin everything. So instead of dealing with people over Christmas, the...
Big Tits Porn SitesI know what you’re thinking. It’s Christmas time, so that means lots of snow with carols and an unlimited supply of hot chocolate. But in reality, with mother nature never being able to make up her mind. It’s a semi chilly boring night, filled with the usual run of the mill people, scurrying about spending all their money. On the plus side, I have the night off, and I’m able to spend it with my beautiful baby girl as she lounges around in a loose tank that her mouth-watering breast keeps...
BDSMMy first Christmas in Slavery My first Christmas in Slavery A short story for the festive season It was my first Christmas as a slave girl. I was looking forward to the special day because I was hoping my master might have something special planned to celebrate my first Christmas of slavery to him. Only last Christmas I was a young innocent 15 year old girl, enjoying normal life as a teenager. Now I had recently passed my 16th birthday and I was a permanent slave girl to a dominant...
By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 Chapter 1 As my eyes opened on Christmas morning, I felt as if a weight had been lifted. As usual, Dakota was all snuggled into me and Jill had her back to my back. I woke both my sleeping beauties with little kisses. I started first with Jill. She wore herself out the past couple of days getting Diane ready for the wedding. I gently kissed her neck, her shoulders, and her chest. My fingers gently glided over her beautiful body. It took a few minutes but...
Here we are at the precipice of, yet, another happy holiday season and, after so many of us have looked forward to and experienced the excitement of Christmas as children, we had the fun and the joy of buying toys for our children, and, later, were allowed to spoil our grandchildren with generous gifts. Now that we are older and mired neck deep in a poor economy that threatens to ruin the holiday for too many of us, a holiday season that used to be fun, has suddenly become a tiresome chore, a...
A Christmas Tale (the fourth) Kyorii Chapter 1 Goodbye to a Childhood Friend. It was late October, the trees in the graveyard were giving up their final leaves to the brisk autumn breeze as Linda Anders stood well back from the main group of mourners at the graveside, she watched the vicar read from a large screen tablet in his hand as the coffin was lowered into the ground by the funeral director's staff. Linda sniffed and dabbed at her eyes as the coffin vanished from...