Scratch n Dent Kid
- 2 years ago
- 27
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Over breakfast, I broached the question of her coming into the labs for an examination. She wasn't keen.
"Sorry, Jack. With our family history, I've spent too much of my time lying on my back with my legs apart while people poke around inside me. Why should I do it just to satisfy your workmates' curiosity?"
"There could be something unusual going on inside you," I said. I explained about the cells I'd taken from her, which should have been purple the following morning but weren't. And the fact that she should have been howling in pain from her vagina long before she came down with the ass-ants.
"So it's more than just curiosity - there's something different about me?"
"It looks that way. The ones in the vagina look to have been there for ten days now, without producing any irritant at all. Usually, two days is enough."
"And the ass?"
"We don't know. They've generated the irritant once, if you remember" - Sue shuddered - "but the ones I collected haven't done it since. At least, they hadn't up to last night. If they're still pink and harmless when I get to work, my colleagues would be very, very grateful if you'd come in and help them to find out why."
"You're thinking that the cells inside me have stopped producing irritant altogether?"
"That could very well be. They'd like to find out."
"So why the hell have I been wasting my time and energy with all this sex nonsense?"
"Your time and energy?", I grinned. "What about me? You've been riding me so hard I've lost ten pounds in three days! I have to hold on to something if I'm outside in a breeze, in case I get blown away! Anyway, I thought you were enjoying yourself."
She smiled, softly. "I am, Jack. Very much. Ok, I'll do your tests for you. But you'll have to come and get me. I'm lending my car to a friend for the day. Without it, she'd be stuck on campus until hers is fixed."
We agreed that I'd go in to work, check on her cells, call her if they were still pink, then pick her up at eleven o'clock, after her lecture. She started to lead me over to the couch for an ass-fuck.
"Is this trip necessary?", I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"What we've been talking about. Maybe you aren't going to need all this."
"Maybe not. But until I've seen some evidence, I want to carry on with the treatment as prescribed. Or are you chickening out again?"
I sighed. "No, mistress. Your wish is my command."
As the previous day's session had been so successful, we went for a repeat. It didn't work quite so well, but Sue seemed very pleased with her two climaxes. I felt more relieved than pleased about my single. Another hurdle jumped. But how long could I go on like this?
Hilary grabbed me as soon as I got inside the door of my lab. She'd obviously been lurking there for a while.
"Still pink. Still no irritant. All of them - yours, mine, and the ones we've given away. So, when can you get that wife of yours in here? We need her urgently!"
I explained that I'd have to fetch her at 11am, and she was willing for any tests they needed. Hilary wanted to make it sooner, but as far as I was concerned, Sue had a lecture to take and that was that.
I made my call to Sue, setting up the appointment. Hilary wouldn't take no for an answer. She grabbed the phone out of my hand, and tried to talk Sue into coming in earlier. She got the answer I would have expected - Sue would be taking a lecture at 9.30, finishing at 11, and would then be available for us. Not before.
At eleven o'clock, I was waiting outside the lecture theatre. At twenty past, I was still waiting. Eventually, Sue came out, surrounded by a group of students. She spotted me, waved goodbye to the youths, and climbed into the car.
"Good lecture?", I asked.
"Very good. We didn't exactly cover what I'd planned, but it was pretty worthwhile."
"I'll tell you about it sometime soon," she said. "Not right now, though. I've still got to get it straight in my head."
Clearly, something had happened in there. Equally clearly, Sue wasn't going to talk about it. I let it pass, and we discussed neutral subjects during the short journey.
At the lab, Hilary and her team were going frantic. I noticed that Richards from University College had come in, with a team of his own.
"It looks like it's going to be a bit of a circus, love," Sue remarked.
"Don't worry. Your privates aren't going to be on public display, I'll see to that."
In fact, it wasn't too bad at all. Hilary and Mike ushered her through some curtains, emerging a few minutes later. They both cradled sample jars, holding them as if they were both precious and fragile.
"Still pink, then?", asked Richards, eagerly.
"Yes!", replied Hilary, a note of triumph in her voice. Clearly, this was the best lead they had.
We all adjourned to a meeting room, where Richards started barking questions at Sue. She reacted to his clinical language by making hers as coarse as she could.
"How long since you last had intercourse?"
"My last fuck? Eight-thirty this morning, in the ass."
"And vaginal intercourse?"
"My cunt, you mean? Oh, let me see. About eleven o'clock last night. Well, we fucked some more at about two in the morning, for about an hour, but I did all the climaxing. Do you need to know about my last blowjob as well? Or the last time we did a 69? Would knowing the position help? We've found a new one for ass-fucks that works pretty well. Yesterday when we did it, I came so hard I went into a coma!"
Hilary was grinning broadly. Richards, on the other hand, seemed to be losing his cool. I remembered how he'd irritated me before with his superior attitude to women. Clearly, he didn't like being teased by one.
Icily polite, he thanked Sue for her help, and asked if she would wait outside. I was torn between wanting to go with her, and wanting to know what they would do next. I decided to go rather than stay.
We wandered down to my lab, and I showed her some of the tests which were running.
"Are all these ones Fuck Plague tests?", she asked.
"They are. Mostly cells from you, but a few are running on various sperm samples. One thing you could do for me while you're here. I know you don't like it, and you've had one lot of probes up you already today, but would you do one more for me?"
"Surely Hilary will give you some of those cells, won't she?"
"That's not what I'm after. I'd like some cervical cells. Take a look at the real enemy, before I kill it."
Sue agreed, and I helped her up on to a bench. Not as good as the Medical section's couch, but it saved a trip. The sample took very little time to collect, and I quickly swung into action to prepare it for slides.
"Are you going to leave me up here?", came a plaintive call from the bench.
"Sorry, love, but this needs doing fast. I don't have the right smear test equipment here, and if I don't preserve the cells right away, they'll all look abnormal. There - done."
I helped her down and finished preparing the smear cells, and we headed back towards the meeting room.
A consensus had been reached. Suddenly, everybody was looking a little coy. We soon found out why. Richards delicately asked if we would mind refraining from sex for a few days, to see what happened. Clearly, they wanted to know whether the cells were as harmless inside her as they were in vitro, or whether the ants would back.
And Sue agreed, the bitch! On condition that at all times she was to be within thirty seconds of both me and a bit of privacy.
The big obstacle having been overcome, they relaxed, and began taking notes on Sue's medical history, in the hope of finding something unusual there.
Hilary saw my downcast look. "They don't need either of us here for the moment, Jack. How about a coffee?"
She led me out of the room, and into the coffee lounge.
"I suppose you've realised that there are two variables in this experiment, not one? Sue's genital areas, which is what that crowd are concentrating on, and your sperm. Which they're not."
"You're right, of course. So?"
"So, Sue's staying celibate for a while. You don't look too happy about that."
"I shouldn't worry, I suppose. I've had more sex in a few days than I normally get in a couple of months. And more great sex than I've had in my life before. It's just..."
"The tap got turned off a bit more suddenly than you expected?"
"You could say that, yes."
"So, how about running a parallel test on you?"
"I think I follow you, but you'd better spell it out. I don't want to be accused of sexual harrassment!" We both grinned at that - if anyone was feeling harrassed in the workplace these days, it was the men. Trying to keep their wives and girlfriends happy at home, while being pestered for that little bit extra to help out unattached female workmates, and those whose mates weren't up to a twice-a-day schedule.
"Yes, I'll spell it out. Sue is going to be celibate for a while. Maybe only for a day - if the red-hot ants come back, the experiment's over. But at least a day, maybe a lot longer. So, while she's out of circulation, we give your sperm a test. In me."
"Um... I don't know what to say, Hilary."
"Say yes. A couple of weeks ago, I was almost a virgin where men were concerned. A couple of quickies when I was a teenager, but nothing since. Now I'm getting to be an expert. At pleasing Mike, anyway. You might be different, and that's another interesting scientific enquiry in itself."
"And what if Sue needs me, and I can't manage it for her?"
"Sue's safe until around midnight tomorrow night. That's forty hours after this morning's anal session. As for the vagina, she seems to be immune there anyway."
"And suppose she isn't?"
"Then she's safe until around three o'clock tomorrow afternoon - forty hours after 11pm last night. So, how about we make a date for tonight? Or don't you want to help an old friend?"
"You know I do. All right, I'll do it. But not tonight - this afternoon. That way, I've got 24 hours to recover in case Sue needs me."
"Wow. She's a lucky lady. Maybe if I hadn't met Jackie... nah. It's been interesting, and enjoyable in its own way. But it's not really my thing. If you can cure me, I'll quite happily give up men for life. Ok. Straight after lunch, my place. You've been there before, haven't you?"
I had. We went back to the meeting, to find it had broken up. Sue was ready to leave, so I drove her back.
"Did you mention your sister?", I asked.
"No, Jack, I didn't. I gather you haven't, either. Thanks for that. I'll talk to her about it, but I want her to decide first. If she said no, that Richards creep would keep pestering her."
"You've figured out why she'd be so valuable, then?"
"Of course. Same genes. Same medical history. Right down to getting head colds together."
"So maybe her little cells are pink and harmless, as well."
"Er... no, they're not."
"Are you sure?", I asked.
"Yes. You won't tell anybody this, will you" - I shook my head - "Frank hasn't been able to keep up his end of things. He's quite a bit older than us, and twice a day for three weeks was getting impossible. They set up a timetable, with eighteen-hour intervals, alternately front and back. 6am, midnight, 6pm, midday. That way, it was only four times in three days, and the thirty-six hour gap left a bit of leeway in case of trouble."
"Sounds fair enough. I was thinking of suggesting something like that myself."
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Trying to Scratch that Itch PT3 Thanks for all the reviews and some of the ideas! Please read the first two installments because this is an ongoing story. Please enjoy Tabitha's adventures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I pick up my martini up and do it like a shot, stand up, grab my purse and take Marcel by the hand and lean into him real close and slide my hand over his cock and tell him to lead the way. He looks at Jenna and she just...
[This is a long story. My longest to date. There is plenty of sexual content and a few twists and turns along the way. If it was shorter it could have been in ‘Loving Wives’, or ‘Erotic Couplings’ or ‘Group Sex’. There will be another version of this tale posted soon (one or two days), that takes a slightly more traditional ‘Loving Wives’ approach. It will be called ‘Scratching Deeply.’ Please vote and leave me either a public or private comment. My intention is to improve as a writer, your...
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Hilary led the way up to her bedroom. Once there, she sat me down on the bed and put on a CD of slow dance music. Keeping eye contact all the time, she did a slow, sensual strip, finishing up wearing G-string and tassels, which she twirled expertly. I hadn't noticed before, but she was wearing quite a bit of makeup. It went perfectly with the showgirl costume. Her tits stood out proudly; her stomach was flat, her thighs smooth and taut. Her skin was flawless, and lightly tanned all over - no...
I managed to get home from work on time, but found the house empty, so I caught up on my laptop notes, and got lost in them. Eventually Sue arrived. I looked at my watch, and was startled to see that it was just after 7pm. "What's this?", she demanded. "You know the rules - first one home cooks. Where is it?" I'd forgotten. A husband in this position has to think fast. He either admits his fault and trusts to his wife's mercy, or lies through his teeth. No choice, really. I...
Next day, it was like being back in old times. Well, close to them. No morning ass-fuck, anyway, but a lot more caresses than I'd been used to. Sue left for work early, needing to make a start on her e-mail replies before her real day's work began. We agreed to meet at lunchtime to decide whether she would come to the laboratory for the three o'clock deadline, or whether I would go to the campus. It depended on whose work was the most urgent. I arrived at work fairly early myself, did a...
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I was never big on team sports. It started when I was a kid. I was a late bloomer, so all through school, I was one of the smaller kids in the class. Nobody ever wanted me on their team because I was likely to cause the team to lose. It didn't matter what I did or didn't do, it was always my fault.As I finally grew, I found my athletic niche in distance running. Even on a team, it's a solitary sport. The one time I contributed to the team, nobody cared. Our high school track team had several...
MatureBob Randolph turned the corner of the equipment shed and went toward the open double doors. He was looking for his niece Megan and he suspected she was working on that old Mustang again. As he got to the open doors he was greeted by the sight of a well filled pair of thin and worn cutoff jeans shorts. There were two nice looking tanned legs hanging from the shorts with feet that dangled a few inches from the ground. Head and shoulders were deep in the engine compartment. He stopped to...
On the road, I asked Nikki, "So how did it go?" "Okay," she said. She was scraping her fingernail over something crusty on the seat between us. Shit! It was cum from when I'd popped Dusty earlier. "What's this?" she asked, sniffing her finger. She held it out to me. I looked at it quizzically. "Fucked if I know." I figured I'd better change the subject. "So did the johns give you any trouble?" "Nope," Nikki said. She returned her hands to her lap and stared out the...
R. Pearle’s Vulnerable IIThe door of Room 713 burst open, followed by a rush of billowing snow that whirled around like shards of glass. Set on the outskirts of town, the Kessler Motel is not exactly a classy establishment. The rats in the walls, cockroaches in the ceilings, and stains that never seem to go away attract only specific types of people. The place is a nest of drug addicts and prostitutes. But there are others. Well, one other; only one person has access to Room 713, aside from the...
I was 24 years old back then, I was a bachelor, living with my mother and brother in a Tamil nadu. We had a maid, her name is Meena. She was about 30 years old, 5ft.2inchs in height. She was average looking, a little bit of body fat around her hips and ass. She definitely was not a gorgeous woman, but her 36 D breasts were an eye catcher. She had worked at our place for over 5 years, when the incident happened. I never saw Meena as someone who i would have sex with, but everything changed in...
By : Ajit4fun I am Ajit from pune. I am regular reader of ISS but first time I am writing my story on ISS. I am an engineer working in a mnc also my wife is engineer. I’m about 5 foot 4 inches tall and of about medium build. I have never been unfaithful to my wife in all the years I’ve been married and I never thought I would either. This story really starts when my wife uses to go for night shifts due to client requirements in her company. On my way to flat I bumped into my neighbour who is...
December, 16, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, Jamie’s on the phone,” Dave said. “We’ll take it in the conference room.” Dave, Julia, Elyse, Stephanie, and I went to the conference room to hear what Jamie had to say. “It didn’t go well,” he said. “They pretended to not know what I was talking about.” “So what are our options?” Julia asked. “Prepare an invoice for the software, say, fifty seats, and one year of support, and send it to me. I’ll send it, along with a demand letter, and a...
Read 'second cock' first! So, I'm hiking most of the day with a boner in my shorts, anticipating seeing my friend from a year ago at that same spot. I arrived, set up camp, ate a little dinner, peered into my little campfire, thinking he won't come. So I'll await the evening and again enjoy a walk around in the meadow naked, feeling the night breeze on my hard on and balls making me horny, so I have to finally sit down and jerk off under the stars. I had pulled out the tequila I had brought and...
POV: London "I love you, Joe," I told him, taking his hands in mine. "And I love you, Pete," Sandra told him as well. "We've been having sex with our sons and their wives, and I know we both love you two, along with your wives and grandkids, more than life itself. We can't thank you enough for allowing your wives to do some dirty work, but you two aren't upset with us now, are you?" "No, Mom," Pete made clear, before kissing her. "Even if we weren't having sex, we'd love you two...
IncestBill Hardesty’s turn: I’ve just become Bill 3.0. Cindy officially conferred the status upon me. “Bill 1.0’s my adopted dad. Bill 2.0’s Haley’s husband in Louisiana. Since you’re part of this now, you shall be Bill 3.0.” Which is fine, except to Herself, the Vickster, I’m ‘Billy’. “Cindy said you were ‘Billy’ when she first met you.” “I was. I like to think that I’m mature enough to be ‘Bill’ now.” Sparkly eyes. “Not ‘William’?” “Bill.” Snicker. “Billy.” That snicker is one reason I’m...
What you don’t understand is that although most people think what happened was wrong, at the time there was no harm meant, no malice. I mean my first reaction was anger, but then I thought more about it. Even if the people involved knew that it was something they shouldn’t have done, they never harmed me. They never forced me to do anything. My life was my life, and although its different, and I wouldn’t do what I did again, it is like everything that we go through. The past is the past, and...
When Jaycee Starrs annoying stepbrother finds her dildo in his room, he is a little pissed off. She explains that she has to hide it there because their mom does not want her playing with herself. To keep her stepbros mouth shut, she sucks his cock! Later, Jaycee accuses her stepbrother of stealing the batteries to her sex toy. He tells her that she should just use the real thing. She takes the offer, hopping on his dick for a sultry ride. A couple days later, Jaycees stepbrother still has not...
xmoviesforyouMy wife has instructed that I write about how I became her cuckolded husband. Janet and I met through her deceased husband Thomas who passed away six years ago from leukemia. Thomas was an architect and he and I met on a building project. I am a professional contractor.My first wife Jennifer and I had one c***d after marrying right out of college. Not long after our first c***d, she filed for divorce when she found evidence I had strayed outside of our marriage. It was a nasty divorce,...
She looked up at me with her big, beautiful brown eyes and I knew there was no way I could say no. Her question was, "Would you mind showing me around the campus?" My old high school business teacher had asked me to come back and say a few things about college to her classes. One girl, Tiffany, came up to after her class ended. When I first laid eyes on her, she was already nearly at her seat. She was wearing a plain gray T-shirt and and khaki shorts that ended just above her knees. Her...
One night me and my husband was driving on the highway but it was a really snowy night and we hadent eaten dinner yet so we were starving i said”lets go to thay bar i see in the distance”,”sure”said my husband.we went I’m and we saw puncks most likley around 20 years old we went to sit and they actully really nice.Then my husband went to charg his phone and then thet grabed me and stared to kiss me and i started screaming “NO NO LET ME GO!”,i coudent get him to stop so i started to kick and...
My neighbor came to me at a gathering asking if he could speak with me privately when I had a moment. I liked my neighbor Bernie as he was almost f****y and an artist. He always urged me to find and develop my creative energy. He provided me with art materials and instruction in the use of them, and I would help him around his studio, giving me many opportunities to watch him paint. As a younger eighteen year old guy I was very sexual. But yet I was always surprised in an innocent way, when I...
Maryanne was a loner. She had been all her life. She'd never had any real friends, and her parents had died when she was young. She'd hated her foster parents, all of them, and drifted into retail work after school. Although she was competent enough, and had never really been sacked, she'd had more jobs than she could remember. She was pretty enough to have had her fair share of boyfriends, but had never felt anything special for any of them. Inevitably, each one had drifted away,...