Scratch n Dent Kid
- 2 years ago
- 27
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My leisurely bath, followed by the breakfast conference, had made me late. It was after 10:30 when I strolled into Med section.
"How are the ants, Hilary?"
She looked up from a pile of papers. "Still not biting, Jack. Thanks. Looks like I'm in the clear."
"I'm here to tell you that Sue's off the research team. You can take her place."
"Oh? Why so?"
"Well, mainly because she's got used to having regular doses of sperm shot inside her, and doesn't want to miss out any more."
Hilary smiled. "I am glad to hear that. For your sake, anyway. And it turns out that it doesn't matter too much. We're getting reports all over of women showing pink cells. That means two things - plenty of research material, and there's other men like you out there."
"How many? A lot?", I asked, eagerly.
"Why so interested, Jack? This sounds personal?"
I explained some of the circumstances of my new family. Leaving out the identical-twin aspect, of course. Then told her about the sexual treadmill that they were planning to put me on. "If there are enough beanstalks about," I said, "it could leave me in the clear - or at least, under a lot less pressure than I was expecting."
I explained about the beans. She chuckled.
"Well, in absolute terms there could be quite a lot of curers. First estimates indicate that there might be as many as ten thousand men in the country with the right sperm. Beans, that is! Of course, there's a big margin of error there, until we have some more figures in."
"Uh-oh!", I said. "Ten thousand men to service twenty MILLION women. Two thousand each. At eighteen per week, over two years!"
Hilary asked how I'd arrived at the eighteen-a-week figure. I explained that my ever-loving 'wives' had decided that I could manage three a day, and I'd begged for, and been granted, Sundays off. She seemed amused.
"Your calculations are way wrong though," she said. "I'd have expected better from a scientist of your stature."
I used the calculator. 2,000 divided by 18 per week, divided by 52 weeks in a year, was 2.137 years. She took the calculator off me, and hit X, 2, =. Result, 4.274.
"Come on!", I protested. "Why double the problem? My figures were right, weren't they?"
She grinned. "You forgot the asses, Jack. Two holes, two fucks. You can only cure nine women a week, not eighteen."
I slapped my forehead with the heel of my hand in disgust. "That's two days in a row that I've been out-thunk by a woman. If this goes on, I'll have to turn in my chauvinist badge."
"Proves what we've been saying all these years - you men have your brains in your testicles. We've been keeping yours dried up, and you're starting to lose it!"
"Maybe you're right. But I hope not, because this is where the research moves down the corridor to my lab."
Hilary thought about that for a moment. "I think I see, but you'd better spell it out. I'm only a dumb woman, after all."
"You look in your microscopes, and you see a lot of little wrigglers. You can't see any difference between one man's sperm and another. Unless they're physically abnormal. You can't even be sure it's a man's, rather than a whale, or a hippo, or an orang-utan. We need to find out why my sperm works, and for instance Mike's, doesn't. It's somewhere inside, in all the twisty little molecules that my machinery can take apart."
"The genes, you mean?"
"That's what everybody thinks of when they think 'sperm'," I agreed. "But there's a lot more than that. Mitochondrial DNA. RNA. Enzymes. And so on. I've analysed my own sperm, so now I need some comparisons. More sperm from other curers, and some from non-curers. Just a couple of sperm will do in each case. Label them carefully - we don't want to rush up any blind alleys, or block off the main road."
"How long's it going to take?"
"It depends on what the answer is. It might be something simple and obvious, or it might be buried deep. But we've got some of the best molecular analysis kit in the world, right here in this building. You should know - you helped to pay for it with that steriliser fluid you developed."
"So, we could find it first?"
"Ahead of Richards and the chasing pack? I wouldn't be surprised. But let's try to collect the samples ourselves, or some of our competitors might try to nobble us."
She caught on. "Put peas in with the beans, or the other way around? They wouldn't... uh, they would, wouldn't they?"
"They would. And call it an innocent mix-up. Meanwhile, we'd be looking for common factors or differences, and finding none. So, go out and find me some sperm to analyse. Beans and peas, both. Glory awaits, madam!"
Hilary blurred into action, as usual. I sauntered down the corridor, taking my time. My work would start later, once they'd found me something to analyse.
Suddenly, Jackie stood in front of me.
"You! You tricked me!"
"Not me, girl. I was out of there, just like you saw."
"But you came back!", she spat.
"After your girlfriend had made sure you were safely asleep. Her choice, not mine."
"How could you? How could you do that to me?"
"Lady, I didn't even see you. Anything I did, I did to Hilary. With her full consent. And in case you didn't know, it seems to have worked."
"Yes, I know. Perhaps some good has come of it, but I've still been betrayed."
"Why? You knew Hilary was fucking men. She had to. No choice in the matter. So she did it once with me, and now she doesn't have to, ever again. Where's the betrayal there?"
"You're trying to confuse me!"
"No, Jackie. I'm trying to avoid you." I walked past her, and carried on down the corridor. She quickly ran to block my path.
"But Mike's still with us, so you haven't helped at all."
"Mike's a nice lad. He's still there because you've still got a problem. He's staying for you, not Hilary - she's cured. Or would you rather send him away and wait for the red-hot knives? They're not pleasant, as I assume you know."
"And how would you know what they're like," she sneered.
"I don't. Not really. But I saw my wife in the middle of an attack, and I never want to see one again. That's why I'm working to put an end to it."
"And how long will this so-called cure take to find?"
"I have absolutely no idea. In your line of work, it's easy. You can look at some data, and work out pretty well exactly how long it'll take to enter it into a spreadsheet. Science doesn't work like that."
"Weeks? Months? Years?"
"Months, I'd say."
"So Hilary and I will have to put up with Mike, while you're dragging your heels."
"I'll be working as fast as I can. So will Hilary. So will a lot of other people, all round the world."
She hung her head. "Cure me!", she said, quietly.
"You heard. Do it to me. I can't bear the thought of Mike pawing me - and pawing Hilary, too - for another day, let alone months."
"Can you give me one good reason, or even a bad reason, why I should?"
"I... I..."
"There are almost a hundred women working in this building. Every last one of them is nicer to me than you are. You treat me like shit, and then come demanding favours?"
"It's nothing personal."
"No? Well, maybe not. You treat all men the same, don't you? I know, I know. A man treated you badly, so all men are rapists. Well, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. I'm not a rapist. The sight of you doesn't fill me with the urge to rip off your clothes and have my wicked way with you. In fact, the sight of you makes me want to get right away from you, before you come up with some more sexist abuse. Now go away and leave me alone, you foul-minded creature!"
I'm not sure what I expected. Perhaps that she'd burst into tears and rush away, or that she'd march away with her head high, looking down her nose at the male world in general, or me in particular. I certainly didn't think she'd suddenly come at me shrieking like a banshee, with her fingers clawed like talons and her fingernails trying to rip chunks out of my face.
I stepped smartly to one side and behind, and wrapped my arms around her body, pinning her hands to her sides. Picking her up, I carried her into an open elevator, dropped her, pushed the '5' button, and exited smartly before the doors closed. Whew!
Back in my own lab, I started clearing the machines and setting them up ready to receive the new data. Hilary arrived with the first of the specimens. Since these were all 'non-magic', I assume that she'd taken them, by force or otherwise, from various male employees. I wondered how she'd managed the trick. Most men were now reluctant to part with sperm for experiments, since they'd found much better uses for it.
"Easy!", she grinned. "We have three curtained-off cubicles in Med section. And there's quite often a queue these days. So, I charged them rent. Just a little droplet. You know, the last one, the one that usually drips on to the sheet, or into your pants."
I set my machines ticking, then turned to her.
"Heard from Jackie lately?"
"Yes. She phoned down from her office. I'm sorry about that, Jack. She shouldn't have done it. But why did you have to turn her down? And so brutally, too. It's not like you."
"Maybe not, but Jackie gets under my skin. She accuses me of being something I'm not, and I hate that. I'm not a monster, I'm not a rapist. I'm not even a sexist. I like women, and accept that they can do most jobs as well as a man, or maybe a little better."
"Most jobs, Jack?"
"Yup. Some work, men have an inborn advantage."
"Such as?"
"Well, watering the garden with a hosepipe, for instance. We're just naturally good at directing the jet where it needs to go. Years of practice! But just about anything else, I'd agree with you. A woman's as good as a man. So when Jackie came up to me, threw filthy abuse all over me, then asked for a favour, I said no. Surprised?"
"Put like that, no. But why did you attack her?"
I got riled again. "No, lady. I won't have that. She attacked me. All I did was pick her up and sent her back to her office."
"That's not what she says."
I headed out of the lab. "Come on," I called to her.
She caught me up easily, and stayed with me as we took a lift to the basement. I used my pass-code on a locked door, and we went into a small room full of electronics.
"Ever been in here?", I asked.
"Never," said Hilary. "What is it?"
"Security centre. Well, not the computers and storage themselves - they're somewhere below our feet, under a lot of sheet steel. But we can access them from here."
Sitting at a terminal, I logged on. "From here, we can track just about anybody, in any part of the building. We don't monitor the labs - there's a slight risk that someone could tap in to the storage and get an inside track on our research. Just the corridors and public areas." I entered a code. "Look."
And there we were, in high-quality sound and colour. Jackie and I, arguing in the corridor. Hilary watched and listened in silence, until she saw the lift doors closing on their pathetic burden.
"I'm sorry, Jack."
"Don't be. She didn't hurt me, and I tried hard not to hurt her. But there's no way that I could help her, though. Not the way she asked."
"No? Not even for me?"
"I'd like to. You know that. But my dick shrivels at the sight of her. And she's so unstable towards me that I can't be sure that she wouldn't take the cure, and then stick a knife in my guts. Maybe you can find another 'beanstalk' to sort her out."
"Maybe. But you're looking to be pretty thin on the ground at the moment, and every one we find is going to be busy and popular. You're our best hope, Jack."
"Talk to her. See if you can find out what this is all about, and why she objects to me so strongly. And if you can get her to ask me nicely, maybe I'll believe she means it."
"I'll try."
"And tell her to lose the disguise."
"You know what I mean. We both know there's no reason for her to go around looking like a reject from the Addams family. And as long as she does, I'm going to have a lot of trouble keeping my dick from getting limp. Which is the whole point, isn't it?"
We went back to the real world, to find that things had become a little unreal. The word had spread about the 'cure', and my Magic Sperm. And everyone wanted to know more. So far, we were only being besieged electronically. All the normal telephone lines were jammed. We could make and receive calls on our mobiles, but it was probably only a matter of time before those numbers got into the hands of the press as well. And the TV crews were heading our way.
It was a Friday night. I bought my one scratch ticket. Son-of-a-bitch. This was the first one that I didn't at least get my money back on. Had my luck changed? Well I have had a hell of a run. I told Henry about it when he drifted down to my end of the bar and how he laughed. "All down hill from here, Jack. How much have you won, say in the last three or four months?" I have never totaled it up. At least $2,000 and maybe a bit more. I'll total it when I pay my taxes." "Damned fool...
I didn't go over to the bar on Saturday. Sunday I went in and bought new tickets, one for the state lottery, and one for the powerball. Henry didn't work this early, so he still didn't know whether Jane was going to be with me or not. I headed out Monday morning. I was driving today as I didn't have as far to go, but I still wouldn't be home until Wednesday evening at dinner time. Jane had asked for the keys to the house, just saying she was going to stop by to dust. I never gave it...
Trying to Scratch that Itch PT3 Thanks for all the reviews and some of the ideas! Please read the first two installments because this is an ongoing story. Please enjoy Tabitha's adventures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I pick up my martini up and do it like a shot, stand up, grab my purse and take Marcel by the hand and lean into him real close and slide my hand over his cock and tell him to lead the way. He looks at Jenna and she just...
[This is a long story. My longest to date. There is plenty of sexual content and a few twists and turns along the way. If it was shorter it could have been in ‘Loving Wives’, or ‘Erotic Couplings’ or ‘Group Sex’. There will be another version of this tale posted soon (one or two days), that takes a slightly more traditional ‘Loving Wives’ approach. It will be called ‘Scratching Deeply.’ Please vote and leave me either a public or private comment. My intention is to improve as a writer, your...
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Carol was drunk, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t her fault, a bottle of Chardonnay and two rum cocktails did that to a girl. Jack and Gary promised it wouldn’t turn into a business dinner but that’s what they always said. Carol usually spent dinner gossiping with Gary’s wife, Tina. But the babysitter had cancelled at the last second, and Tina stayed home instead. So Carol was all alone with two would-be global tycoons. Who could blame her for drinking a bit more than usual? “If we go for...
Straight SexAfter a slow, romantic dinner, which pleased Sue’s sensibilities, she and I walked the chilly, seedy neighborhood hand in hand. I was more than content with my recent fiancee and her oath of reformation, though I wondered why she led me into a dim alley. She looked happy and sure as she sauntered deeper into the quiet, ominous seclusion like any ingenue might. Her eyes frowned, “I have to take care of something and maybe we’ll get some special dessert soon.” I wondered what that meant and why...
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Hilary led the way up to her bedroom. Once there, she sat me down on the bed and put on a CD of slow dance music. Keeping eye contact all the time, she did a slow, sensual strip, finishing up wearing G-string and tassels, which she twirled expertly. I hadn't noticed before, but she was wearing quite a bit of makeup. It went perfectly with the showgirl costume. Her tits stood out proudly; her stomach was flat, her thighs smooth and taut. Her skin was flawless, and lightly tanned all over - no...
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Next day, it was like being back in old times. Well, close to them. No morning ass-fuck, anyway, but a lot more caresses than I'd been used to. Sue left for work early, needing to make a start on her e-mail replies before her real day's work began. We agreed to meet at lunchtime to decide whether she would come to the laboratory for the three o'clock deadline, or whether I would go to the campus. It depended on whose work was the most urgent. I arrived at work fairly early myself, did a...
Sue went to bed with Frank. He'd pronounced himself 'ready for duty', as who wouldn't be when they'd spent an evening with two naked beauties? But he was also quite pleased to be simply on standby. He'd been on a tiring 18-hour schedule, and the last one had been at noon that day. Jill came to bed with me. I'd had an unaccustomed break from action, and was steaming and ready for anything. "Uh... which way first, Jill?" "Cunt first, I think, for safety. Frank did me up the ass at...
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Carol was drunk, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t her fault, a bottle of Chardonnay and two rum cocktails did that to a girl. Jack and Gary promised it wouldn’t turn into a business dinner but that’s what they always said. Carol usually spent dinner gossiping with Gary’s wife, Tina. But the babysitter had cancelled at the last second, and Tina stayed home instead. So Carol was all alone with two would-be global tycoons. Who could blame her for drinking a bit more than usual? “If we go for...
Carol was drunk, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t her fault—a bottle of Chardonnay and two rum cocktails did that to a girl. Jack and Gary promised it wouldn’t turn into a business dinner—but that’s what they always said. Carol usually spent dinner gossiping with Gary’s wife, Tina. But the babysitter had cancelled at the last second, and Tina stayed home instead. So Carol was all alone with two would-be global tycoons. Who could blame her for drinking a bit more than usual? “If we go for...
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Dave was relaxing on his bed. Six feet wide and seven feet long, the mattress had little bounce, offered excellent support, and the bed didn't squeak at all. Its head had been positioned away from the doors leading to the walk-in-closet and the annex bathroom. When he was decorating his room, Iris told him it was supposedly bad juju to sleep with one's head towards the toilet. If he lay on his back, this placed a window to his right and the door leading to the second floor hallway on his...
100% fiction! Time was around 8,the sun was down the nigh was cold and kind of windy,we both laid there it had been around two hours already that she had started to tell me the story of she and my mom had lost their virginity. "and what happen next? i asked her. "well,what happen next till now i cant believe it" "as i laid there on the bed i felt week, i had lost most of my strength but as i sucked on your moms tits i was feeling better,as i heard your mom moan with your grandads cock, as it...
IncestThe young black man hammered Kimberly's pink white pussy with the powerful punishing strokes of his monster sized dick.Kimberly thrashed violently as her BBW body blasted from one orgasm to the next. Her naked body was covered in sweat as the black man pounded her harder and harder. "FUCKKKKK MEEEEEEEE," she screamed, "FUCK MEEEEEEEE." Her watermelon size titties with their large stiff nipples bounced painfully as she dwelled on the edge of ecstasy. The fact that this 21 year old black man...
Daniel peeked out the window and watched his daughter standing next to a car, chatting with the young man who owned it. Though the day’s outing was a civil protest against a factory releasing contaminated wastewater, he could see in the manner of the couple that there was far more than a sense of civic duty motivating their time together.Though she was dressed in a conservative manner, it could do little to hide her natural allure. She had her mother’s willowy, shapely figure, and the same...
SupernaturalIt was Kim, she sounded upset, sniffling a little down the phone. “Chris it’s me, could you come and pick me up please” she quickly muttered down the phone. “Erm, where are you” I asked. “The police station” she replied even quieter. “Ok I'm on my way” What the fuck was she doing at the police station I thought to myself as I went back into my room and started to get dressed. “Who was that” Sarah said as she rubbed her eyes. “Your sister, she’s at the police station, I'm going to pick...
If I Only Knew (3) - by Rachael Free Jamie's life changes again wondering what is to become of "her" and how this happened to "her". Jamie's life takes some interesting turns as she finds out about herself. Day 6 of Womanhood Day 6 left me empty, drained of emotion as Sarah, or Madam, prepared for the day. I didn't sleep at all last night trying to figure out why she was treating me so badly. I watched her primp herself with oils, lotions, and perfumes, make herself beautiful...
Constance was the executive at a large firm in Seattle, and her day-to-day pressures had made her quite dominant over her employees as well as her clients. She sat behind her desk a very lonely woman, her dominance had driven everyone away that she could have been close to, and she never quite got used to being "the bitch" and "cobweb cunt," which were some of the nicknames she had overheard for herself. At 47, she was still an attractive woman, her auburn hair hung to her shoulders and...
Hi it’s Me Deepak, I from Bellary, I am fan of the ISS form the past 5 years and currently I completed MBA, after reading all stories in this website. I was in need of sex and I am fan of incest and teacher stories I going to share an experience which took 6month ago. I am sorry if any mistake made as it is my 1st story in ISS send me the your precious comment on Now let go to the story without wasting time my GF name Shilpa fake name she is very fare and looks cute, she is the bit fat...
IncestThe whimpering bitch is on her back, cold steel hard against hershoulders and ass. Shackles an inch thick hold her wrists and anklesto the execution table. The locks are slaved to her heartbeat; sheknows with one hundred percent certainty that she will not leave thistable alive.She stares in horror at the five men who stand before her. Physically,they are virtually identical: tall, strong, muscular. They are barechested. They wear skintight black leather pants and executioner'shoods. She...
Hi friends, thanks for all your reply and comment. Mujhe ye jankar bohut khushi hui ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni achhi lagi. Please ek request hai. Main kisi se number share nahi karti. Main Nafeesa, aaj apne jiju ki story publish karne ja rahi hu. Main 23 saal ki hu. Mera figure 34-28-34 hai. Main fair hu aur slim bhi. Koi bhi ladka agar ek baar dekh le to tabhi hi uska lund khada ho jayega. Mujhe ladko ko tease karne mein bohut maza aata hai. Main bisexual hu mujhe ladke aur ladkiyo dono...
................. My name is Jane Simmonds and I’m sixteen, just. My best friend Lettie Mellors has just got me into some amazing shiz and so I’m going to write it all down – maybe then it’ll start to make sense. Lettie is called Laetitia really, for some reason; you’d think parents would have more sense wouldn’t you but anyway. She likes to be called Lettie but as we’re BFF I often call her Titty or Tits, because they really stick out and are the first thing anyone notices, even...
I was in physics, sitting next to a good friend of mine, Ed. He was one of the smarter boys in the class, not your classical alpha male. It was actually confusing for many of my other friends as to why I got on so well with him. I myself had no idea. The physics teacher was the hopeless one of the two we had, and so nobody was paying much attention. I was talking to Ed: “I am really starting to get fed up of these lessons. I don’t mind a lesson where we learn something, but I am really...
Andrea's Campsite CocksuckIt's my first story folks, bin a while coming.I had been working away from home and had chosen to stay in a campsite rather than a stuffy Bed and Breakfast. I had left myself a couple of days at the end of the job for some 'fun' and relaxation.I love to wear knickers and tights under my boring boy clothes at work, but this is never enough for Andrea. So, after getting back to the campsite after work on the last day, I showered and shaved the bits that show and returned...
I hope you get off reading this. Please vote and leave comments. So I know what you liked or hated!Anthony Stewart Smith stood looking out across the southern part of the city thinking. He saw his tailored dark gray pinstripe suit reflected like a ghost image in the window and he smiled. He had come a long way from the projects. He had left behind the d**gs, the whores and the nightly gunshots. He remembered the summer the Hispanic gang decided the block he lived in was going to belong to...
Amy smiled as we drove away from the house. My mind returned to Sandra who was sl**ping on the couch after spending the day doing my will. Inwardly I was pleased with my mother in law and her willingness to set aside her racist nature and have sex with her black gardener. The large black man had used her hard all day long. I looked over at Amy who was wearing her schoolgirl outfit also pleased me. She never even raised an eyebrow when I told her we would go out for dinner and that she was to...
"Hello Stephanie," said a familiar voice that seemed to emanate from everywhere at once. I stared around my surroundings, and in all directions all I could see was an endless expansion of white. Above, below, and to all sides of me there was absolutely nothing. "Who's there?" I squeaked out, frightened by this unexpected predicament. "Don't you even remember your old voice," the voice replied, this time the sound coming from directly behind me. I spun around and saw standing...
I always knew I had a small penis, but didn't really know until I went camping with the next door guy and his friends. We were in the middle of nowhere truly, all drunk and sitting in front of the fire. I had to piss so I walked away from them and thought I was far enough away so no one would or could see me. Man was I wrong. Before I knew what was going on I was pulled back to the fire, pants around my knees.... tiny cock sticking out from my pubes. Even my best friend started laughing. They...
Foreword: This story is set 25 years after an overthrow of the government led to the complete removal of any rights for women. Women were property of men, property of their fathers until they were married and became property of their husbands. Parts of each chapter are told from the perspective of different members of the three families the story focuses on: The Eatons – James, Sarah, their son Kevin, and their daughter Katie The Harpers – Bill, Jessica, the twins (Samantha and Alexandra),...
The next day was Thursday and it was Kevin’s turn to sleep with her. I got home from work and she met me at my car. We kissed and she explained that Jason wanted her to give all of her attention to Kevin again; like the other night.I told her that I was fine with that and that I found it very hot watching her and Kevin together.We went inside and Kevin was already there; she poured me a glass of wine and sat next to Kevin on the couch. They kissed deeply.“Thank you for letting her stay with me...
ExhibitionismAt one time in my life I was always hungry for sex. I loved to imagine myself sucking cock and getting penetrated in all my horny little sex holes by big, hard, juicy penises. I thought about sex all the time, actually. And in fact, it drove me crazy. Sometimes in the middle of the day, when I had been fantasizing all morning about cocks and pussies and fucking and sucking, my vagina and clit would get so hot that I just couldn’t stand it any more. And when I got like that I would find a...