Scratched! free porn video

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Carol was drunk, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t her fault, a bottle of Chardonnay and two rum cocktails did that to a girl. Jack and Gary promised it wouldn’t turn into a business dinner but that’s what they always said. Carol usually spent dinner gossiping with Gary’s wife, Tina. But the babysitter had cancelled at the last second, and Tina stayed home instead. So Carol was all alone with two would-be global tycoons. Who could blame her for drinking a bit more than usual?

“If we go for Towcester Street, we’ll get a fifteen per cent yield,” said Gary.

“And a whopping big mortgage,” said Jack. “Whereas we can afford Cirencester Road without a mortgage.”

“But it only has a ten per cent yield.”

Jack breathed deeply. “It certainly is a big decision.”

“Big decision.”

“Why don’t you just get both?“ said Carol.

Jack looked at his wife as if he’d forgotten she was there. “Sorry?”

“It’s what I do when I can’t decide. I get both.”

“Darling, we’re not talking about shoes here. Why don’t I get you another cocktail? Waiter!”

Jack and Gary plotted world domination. It didn’t look like they’d be leaving the restaurant any time soon, even though the meal was over and the bill had been paid. But Carol had a cunning plan. At least her Chardonnay-soaked brain told her it was cunning.

“Honey,” she slurred. “I’m going out to get some air. I’ll meet you back at the car.” If she left, Jack would be sure to follow soon, and she could go home to bed. If Jack didn’t follow, she could make him feel guilty for weeks for leaving her waiting. Who said alcohol impairs your judgement?

The restaurant was in the heart of the city’s Cultural Quarter. The multi-story where they had parked was ten minutes away, easily a long enough walk to clear her head and prevent a hangover. Carol strolled. She wasn’t in any real hurry. None of the clubs had closed yet, so the streets didn’t seem as dangerous as they would when filled with drunken yobs taunting each other and fighting over glamour-model wannabes in fake Burberry jackets and white stilettos.

She passed a bistro, less exclusive than the restaurant she had just left. Young couples sat at small tables in its large, street-facing windows. Their faces were flushed with the happiness of early love. One couple held hands and stared into each other’s eyes across the candlelit table. Another fed each other ice cream. A third couple kissed, a deep, lingering, passionate kiss. Carol caught herself watching them.

“How long has it been since Jack kissed me like that? I miss being kissed like that.” Carol often talked to herself. Sometimes she felt like she was the only person who listened.

She watched the lovers until they broke their kiss, and then she set off for the car park again. It was a warm night. Had Carol been wearing an overcoat, she’d have taken it off, but she wasn’t. All she wore was a powder-blue satin summer dress and her favourite lacy underwear. The white bra and French knickers set, and her tan stockings, made her feel very sexy.

“Shame Jack never notices how sexy I look. Or feel. He hardly notices me at all, the miserable git.”

She neared the edge of the Cultural Quarter, where the restaurants and bistros gave way to bars and nightclubs. She came to the entrance of Swingers, a notoriously rowdy bar. An attractive young woman shot out of the door and past Carol. An equally young and attractive man chased her.

“Hey! Watch it!”

The pair took no notice of Carol. They disappeared into the alleyway at the side of the building that was even more notorious than the bar itself.

“I wonder what you’re up to? You ought to get a room—you’d be much more comfortable.”

Carol glanced down the narrow gap between buildings as she passed it. The young girl had pushed her partner up against the wall and knelt before him, fumbling with his trousers. Beyond them, Carol could see another couple. The woman had her hands on the wall to support herself while some young stud rammed into her from behind.

“Lucky cow.”

Carol speeded up. It seemed to be taking her twice as long to return to the car park as it had earlier in the evening, when she’d gone back to retrieve the handbag she’d left behind. She was getting hornier by the second. It had been over a month since Jack last climbed up and thrust his cock into her. And, even then, he’d not finished the job. He’d took his pleasure—what there was of it—rolled off, rolled over and gone to sleep. Carol had had to finish things herself.

She stopped walking and stared at the sky. “It’s not much of a cock, but I do wish he’d use it more. Is that too much to ask? For my husband to make love to me once in a while?”

Carol needed sex. She needed to get laid. She needed a damn good fucking. So she made a decision. Whatever it took, she’d make sure that, when they got home, her husband would give her what she needed. She plotted her campaign and paid no attention to where she was going. Luckily, her feet knew the way and stopped when they reached the car park.

“Did we park on five or six?” she asked the moon. “It was five wasn’t it? I’m sure it was five.” She climbed the stairs and stumbled out onto the fifth level. Through her drunken haze, she searched for Jack’s car. The car park was cold, damp and dimly lit. Several of the fluorescent strip-lights overhead were smashed. It reminded Carol of a set from one of the slasher movies she’d watched in her youth. She half-expected a masked axe man to jump from the shadows and start chasing her. There were only a handful of cars left—a shabby blue Ford, a new BMW and a sleek, black Aston Martin Vanquish, crouched in a corner, like an exotic predator trapped in a concrete cage. “Well, look at you. Aren’t you a beauty? All sleek and sexy. I understand why those models in Jack’s calendar drape themselves over you like that.”

She ambled over. The closer she got, the better the Aston Martin looked. The pristine paintwork shone, even in the poor light. Carol admired every curve and every line of the machine. It was perfect.

“I know plenty of boys who’d kill to drive you. But the closest they’ll ever get is watching thingy-me-wotsit off the telly. Dickless wonders, that’s what they are. I mean, who’d buy you, huh? Some knob-head with no knob who couldn’t fuck a girl right in a million years, that’s who. You’re just a big, shiny replacement penis.”

She ran her hand along the front wing and was surprised by the lack of an ear-shattering alarm. She put both hands on the car and pushed down, bouncing the suspension. Still no alarm. “Someone’s gonna be really pissed off when they find out your alarm’s not set. Mind you… Gives me an idea. You’d prefer me draped over you to some skinny, no-tits, bikini-girl, wouldn’t you?”

In Carol’s mind, the car’s grill widened into a smile and it flashed one of its headlights as if winking at her. She slipped off her shoes and clambered onto the bonnet. She imagined a photographer directing her like he would the models. She posed for him and blew kisses at the camera. She lay on her stomach and propped herself up on her elbows. Her dress gaped. The make-believe photographer was mesmerised by her breasts. She caught him staring and smiled. She sat up and pushed her breasts together, offering them to the photographer.

That’s nice, baby. That’s nice. Work it. Work it. The photographer reeled off snap after snap.

Carol lay back on the cold metal, stretched her arms above her head and kicked her legs in the air. The hem of her flimsy dress fell and revealed her slender thighs and lacy stocking-tops. She put her feet back on the bonnet and let her legs fall apart. She pushed her breasts together again.

The photographer loved it. Work it, baby. That’s it. Give it to me. You look great.

Carol squeezed one breast hard. She slipped her other hand down her belly and into her knickers. She rubbed her clit. Gently. Gently. A bit harder. Harder. Almost there. Almost there.

Someone coughed.

Carol was so caught up in her fantasy she hadn’t heard anyone approach. She almost fell off the car. She sat up and looked towards the sound. A middle-aged man, with a wicked gleam in his eyes, grinned at her. She slid onto the cement floor, feeling foolish. She adjusted her dress, trying to regain a small amount of respectability.

“It didn’t have a hood-ornament when I left,” said the stranger. “Not that I’m complaining. As hood-ornaments go, you’re one of the best I’ve ever seen. Certainly better than a three-pointed star or a leaping cat.”

Carol smiled weakly, but didn’t know what to say. She looked at the floor.

“I do hope you haven’t scratched it.” He bent down to examine the paintwork.

“I can’t have,” she said. “I took my shoes off. I can’t have. I didn’t mean to. I just couldn’t resist.” Carol held her hands in front of her and twisted her wedding ring around her finger. She screwed the ball of her foot into the floor.

“I understand,” said the stranger. “It’s a beauty, isn’t it? I doubt I’d be able to resist either, if I were you. Oh, no… look at this”.”

She looked at the bonnet where he was pointing. An inch-long, silver gash in the black paint stared back at her. “H… How?”

The stranger pointed to her head. “What’s that?”

Carol felt the back of her head. She’d forgotten all about her hairgrip.

“Don’t look so worried,” he said. “It’ll be easy to fix.”

“Do you really think so?”

“Yeah. It’s just a tiny little scratch. Isn’t even worth bothering the insurance company with. I’m sure we could settle it just between us.”

“Settle? You want me to pay for it?”

“Something like that. Let’s call it compensation, of sorts.”

Her jaw dropped.

“I’ve had a really shitty day,” he said. “And this… Well, this just tops it off. So, how about I relieve a little tension and fuck you right here on the bonnet? Then we’ll call it even. Forget all about the damage? Although, you’ll have to take your hairgrip out—we wouldn’t want to make it worse.”

“What? Are you mad? Anyone could see us.”

“I thought you couldn’t resist. Besides, from what I’ve just seen, you look like you could use a good fuck.”

“My husband could arrive any minute.”

“Exciting, isn’t it?”

Under the façade of Carol’s middle-aged respectability, a reckless teenage girl screamed to get out. The adventurous girl that Carol had once been. Before she met Jack. So what if he catches you? teenage Carol whispered. It’ll be interesting to see his reaction. Will he be angry? Jealous? Aroused? Maybe he’ll show some of that passion he had for you before you got married. She hesitated, but when she looked up, she saw the stranger’s challenging smile. “Why not?” she said, as much to herself as to the stranger.

She grabbed the hem of her dress, pulled it over her head and threw it onto the concrete. Her bra followed. She watched his eyes. They were drawn to her nipples, which had hardened as the night air hit them. He stepped closer and passed under one of the few working strip-lights. Carol saw him clearly for the first time. He had the weathered face of someone who worked outdoors—dark, heavy-set eyes and bushy eyebrows. His forehead was furrowed, and he had age-lines around his mouth. His greying hair gave him a quiet, distinguished look.

He reached out and cupped her breasts. His hands were rough on her smooth skin. He bent down and drew a nipple into his mouth. She moaned as the stranger aggressively sucked. The stubble on his chin rubbed against her flesh and sent shivers down her back. She held his head tightly to her chest. He deftly hooked his thumbs in the waistband of her knickers and slipped them over her hips. She wiggled her body so that they fell to her ankles. She stepped out of them and kicked them aside.

The stranger mauled her breast with one hand and rubbed her clit with the other. He flicked her nipple with his tongue. Carol’s mind spun, and she lost all sense of the world around her. She gasped when he rammed two fingers into her cunt. He’d caught her off guard, and she lost balance. She put her arms behind her and leaned against the car. The strength in her legs failed as he ravaged her slit and caused tremors in parts of her body that had, until now, lain dormant.

She was a whirl of conflicting sensations: cold, hard metal against her hands; wet, warm mouth on her breast; strong, hard fingers in her cunt. Her emotions were equally as messed-up: fear of being caught mixed with thrill and excitement; a twinge of guilt for cheating on her husband offset by wanton lust.

Then all the sensations stopped.

The stranger stepped back and undid his trousers. Carol watched and waited. Watched the huge bulge in his shorts. Waited for the fucking. When he was as naked as she, he stepped forward. She lifted herself onto the car and spread her legs in invitation. She rested her feet on the bumper. She whimpered as he stroked his cock-head up and down her slit. Gasped when it brushed her clit. Moaned when he thrust into her. He filled her. Stretched her. She’d never felt so good, so full. He moved slowly, rhythmically. Each stroke sent wave after wave of pleasure to every nerve ending in her poor, over-stimulated body.

He pulled out.

“No! No! Put it back. Please, put it back.”

He pulled her down from the car and spun her around. She knew what he wanted. He put his hand on her back and bent her over the bonnet. The metal shocked her nipples. But then she was filled again, and the cold didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but the cock buried deep inside her.

“Oh, yeah. That’s right. You’re fucking me right. So good. So good.”

She had nowhere to go—she was trapped between his hot, hard body and the cold hard metal. Each thrust rubbed her nipples against the car. Her whole body was on fire. He scratched his nails down her back. She was sure he left marks.

“Ouch. That hurts!”

He thrust into her harder. “You scratched the paint—it’s only fair that I scratch you.”

“Oh, yeah. Harder. Harder. That’s it. Oh… Oh… Yeah.”

Her gasps and cries grew in volume, until she erupted in ear-splitting orgasm. Her cunt clenched around his cock—clenched tight, as if it would never let go. His thrusts were no longer slow and rhythmic. They were rapid and erratic. He must have been close. He held her hips tight and, with a final shove and predatory roar, he emptied himself inside her. His warmth spread through her. He kept coming. He came so much that Carol felt his seed leak out and trickle down her leg.

He fell forward and pinned her to the bonnet. He growled in her ear. “Oh, yeah. You’re a wonderful fuck.”

His words made her feel nasty, used and humiliated. But, at the same time, she’d just had the most exciting, exhilarating time of her life. She shivered, partly from the excitement and partly because she was only now realising how cold it had become. She tried to push herself up but he was too heavy for her. Her struggle pushed his shrinking cock out of her with a pop. His seed flooded out.

He stepped back and let her up. Her legs were unsteady and she had to use the car for support. She noticed the silvery pool beneath her, glistening in the artificial light. She stood and retrieved her clothes. When they were both dressed, the stranger smiled at her. He stepped forward and kissed her for the first time.

“Thanks. I enjoyed that.” Then he walked away.

She watched him pull his keys out of his pocket and unlock the shabby blue Ford a few yards away. He climbed in. The engine stuttered a few times before it exploded into life. He waved at her as he drove away.

Carol jumped when she heard Jack’s voice. “Sorry I was so long, darling. You know how Gary can be. You forgot to take the keys with you. I hope you weren’t too cold.”

He took the keys out of his pocket and pressed a button on the fob. The Aston Martin beeped back at him. He glared at her. “I don’t fucking believe it. You forgot to re-set the alarm when you came back for your bloody handbag. Didn’t you, you stupid fucking cow!”

“Okay. No need to swear. It’s only a car for God’s sake.”

“Only a car? Only a fucking car? This is over a hundred thousand pounds worth of handcrafted, precision engineering. How many fucking times do I have to tell you? You have to be careful with it. Jesus Fucking Christ, Carol.”

He walked towards the car and slipped in the pool of semen. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Some wanker’s been jacking off over my car. This is the last time I park here! This place is full of fucking weirdoes.”

He caressed the bonnet, and then froze. “There’s a scratch! A fucking scratch! I’ll have to take it down to the fucking garage tomorrow. Shit, I don’t believe this. It’s gonna cost a fucking fortune.”

Carol watched him mourn his damaged paintwork.

I wonder? the reckless, teenage Carol said to her older self. Do you think he’ll notice the scratches on your back as quickly?

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 41 Points Of The Compass North And South

The next few weeks were the most hectic of my life. We were on the home stretch toward graduation, and the pace was picking up. Two weeks after Prom, there was a banquet scheduled for the athletes who competed on all the school teams. It was held in a large banquet hall, and there were about a thousand people in attendance, students and families, coaches and administrators. The Athletic Banquet was one of the highlights of the school year, because it was the only time all the teams were...

4 years ago
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The Girl Next DoorChapter 3

I woke up horny again. Teaching Leanne was getting interesting! I stroked my hard cock gently, deciding to wake up Lisa for an early morning fuck before she went to work. It felt good to slide my cock into her wet and willing pussy, filling her with my cum, but part of me was still thinking about my young next door neighbour's tight little body. I couldn't wait until the afternoon! When Leanne skipped up my path right on 4.00 I couldn't help but notice the grin on her face - she was...

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Bright Sparks Childrens HomeChapter 11 Abigail Comes Out of Her Shell and Life Goes on

Dennis was a little surprised to see 14 year old Abigail standing at the front door totally naked. He knew that they’d be alone during school hours for the next 3 days but he’d expected her to spend most of the time in her room either reading or playing electronic games and when she did come out she’d be wearing her PE skirt like she had quite a lots over the previous days. “Can you check me like you do Mandy please Dennis?” “What do you mean Abi?” “Everyone knows that you used to put your...

4 years ago
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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 18

STEVE – Day 11 part #3 - Thursday I think that John Truant and Juanita were the only people in the airpark to get a decent sleep last night. Juanita and Mercy traded duties, so that Mercy could catch up on her sleep in the RV during the morning, after staying up with me. The rest of us sat around the table in the large conference room below the tower control room. All night, there was continuous movement both on the apron and on the runway, with C-17s constantly landing and taking...

1 year ago
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My New Job

My New Job By [email protected]'m in my thirties and I have worked at advertising agencies all of my life. Advertising has been a male dominated, so I have tended to treat women with little respect in my other jobs. Since I have won several awards in the industry, the women I worked with were either my personal secretaries or were in entry-level positions.My own private life was the same way. Since I made a lot of money, drove new cars, and always wore expensive clothes; women would...

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Money Helps

All participants in this story are 18 years of age or older It seems I've always been horny, but until I reached my twenties I lacked the nerve to do something about it. Truth be told, I got the nerve when an aunt died and left me $255,000. I had a decent job, that paid well, and with the windfall I decided to try some experiments with the opposite sex. I didn't really give it much thought, and looking back realize I could have done it better, but what the fuck, if I hadn't done what I...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 18 One Set Of Four Rules To The Surface Of The Earth

“That’s surprising”, Supreme Ruler Ariel began to narrate in a voice only he could hear. “He must have been really close to a breakthrough ... But it truly is marvelous and voracious, the Seven Stages Of Bodily Refinement. I use a little formation to accelerate the healing process and it completely absorbed the herbal ointment and even the bandages ... the fibers they were made from were not simple, to say the least, and still nothing remained!” Zax clenched his fists in bewilderment. ‘How...

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BimboTech Chapter 10 Bimbos Devour the Senators Pussy

Chapter Ten: Bimbos Devour the Senator's Pussy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “There it is,” squealed Becky, her face pressed against the limo's window, staring ahead. “There it is,” Alice agreed, her voice a low purr without a hint of bimbo excitement. She had a fresh injection of the intelligence serum flowing through her veins. And since we weren't flying in an airplane, there wouldn't be any mishaps like last night. My wife...

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Manisha Bhabhi Ko Choda 8211 Part II

Hii ladies,aunties and bhabhi…Thanku frineds mujhe meri last story par bahot sare response mile.. Mera name gaurav hai..Mai mumbai ka rahne wala hun…Sabko bahot sara thanks….Maine pichli story me manisha bhabhi ko kaise pata kar choda tha ye batya tha..Ab uske age ki kahani batne ja raha hu..Mera lund 7inch lamba hai…Manisha bhabhi jo ki mere pados me rahti hai maine uski chudai ki thi..Unka figure 34-28-36 hai.. Maine apni pichle story me ye bataya tha…. Uss din mainsha bhabhi ki chudai karne...

1 year ago
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with my aunty 1

HiThis is Rakesh from ChittoorAs i am great fan of Indian Sex stories i felt like i must contribute my story alsoI would like to share my story pleas forgive me is the story is long because if it try to make it short I am sure it will loses the eroticismI am 28 working in Hyderabad from the past 3 year and the story what I would like to narrate and share with you guys is 4 years backRight after my inter second year my father asked me to help him with his sugar cane work because he can afford...

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A trip to big bend

A friend of mine called and said, "Judy and Bertha need some help with one of their water wells. I told them to wait till Monday and call the water well people but they said it is the one that furnishes water to their house. Can you look at it and maybe give them some options?" I said, "Sure. I'll drive down there now." Judy and Bertha were two old maids that had lived on the farm they inherited from their father and mother after the couple had died in a car crash. When I got there they greeted...

Group Sex
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GILF sex

I still find it hard to believe that I could find myself in the situation that I'm in. A month ago I was a happily married fifty-two-year-old mother and grandmother who doted on her husband and family and would never in a million years imagine doing anything to put their happiness at risk. Today I am an unfaithful wife who has fallen under the spell of a man young enough to be my grandson who revels in making a cuckold of my unsuspecting husband.It all started about a month ago, when my...

2 years ago
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Classmate who get to cummed inside me

Justin, a JC classmate, managed to date me on 31st December. Just like for every date, I make sure I dress ready for whatever post-activity action. I wore a baby blue strapless corset top with a dark blue chiffon skirt (more like chiffon skirting because of its length), and you'd have expected, blue 3-inch heels.Justin drove and came to pick me up at 5pm. We drove around town, went for dinner at a nice cozy restaurant, and then decided to shop around the place. Just like always, I'm usually the...

4 years ago
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A First

Had an "Experience" a few years ago. Was drinking in the bar with my then wife. We friended a guy who we always saw there and invited him home after last call. At home we decided to watch porno's and all filled our glasses. After an hour and feeling No pain, I asked my ex to go and put on her favourite Nighty and Stockings and Not say anything when she got back. She sat next to me on the couch and we put a new vid on. I could see the other guy was looking at her from the corner of his eyes. She...

3 years ago
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Trading Favors

He lay sprawled on the floor of the bedroom, cradling his drink and staring out into space. He had no idea how it had gotten this far. She was dead. Her wrists were bound and tied to the bed posts, her legs were splayed, and she seemed to have been slit from her groin to her belly. Worst of all, he couldn't remember what had happened. It was a little place he knew, that he visited occasionally when he felt the urge. She was a working girl, and gorgeous. Probably no more than twenty three, with...

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Fifties Memories

FIFTIES MEMORIES BY JANICE I am a seventy five year old man with no close living relatives but for a sister about a year older than me, I was packing to move to a retirement community, hopefully the last move I would ever make. I came across a dusty manila envelope that, for the life of me I could not remember seeing in years, more likely decades. Well, instead of pondering what it held, I did the intelligent thing;...

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Happily Married

Happily Married By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - TGIF Four forty-three p.m. On a Friday. An incredibly sexy, very beautiful, 25-year-old woman, who obviously had the hots for me, was flirting at me full force. Again. "So, Dan," Leila said as she batted her 1.5-inch lashes at me, "a bunch of us are going for drinks after work today. Why don't you come with us for once?" For the billionth time, I wondered why Leila was so persistent. She knew I was happily married and she...

2 years ago
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Virgin Sillu And Her Horny Mother

Sillu was about 19 years old teen when I had first met with her widow Mausi (mother’s sister) who was working in my residence. After the death of her mother at delivery she was since living with her Mama (mother’s brother) village and used to visit Mausi once or twice a month for a day or two. Jayasreeth was doing everything from cooking, cleaning, washing to gardening for me. I must admit she was very dependable and trusty lady. My visiting friends thought that I’m living with my Bua...

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Summer Fun Chapter 3 Bartlett Farms

Five days after finishing the second unit, Renee and I started painting, well, painting and our “other activities”, on the third of the five apartments that need a re-paint this summer. The days in between went better this time, I kept my sex drive in-check. Jacked-off a few times, sure, but overall, I did a much better job of occupying my mind on other things. The day started off with some good, sloppy (and loud) fucking on the pile of painter’s sheets before we spread them around the...

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A Year in the Life Part II

A Year in the Life Part II By Mister Double-U Joe carried my suitcases up the stairs on that bright Spring morning. I had finally, after weeks of indecision, decided to move in with him. He had been continually coming to the club and I had been spending more nights there than with Michelle at the apartment. The hardest thing was telling her I was moving out. "You're what?" she yelled that evening. I had made her a wonderful dinner and even rubbed her feet before telling...

1 year ago
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My First Time

My first time wasn't as bad as some of the girls in school said it would be. I was 17 with a guy named Tyrone. He was the cutest boy in school. I remember my first day at that school and the first time I saw him, it was gym and the boys were playing football I got soooo wet watching him. Thing was he was a BHM, I always liked my guys kind of chunky(just how I like my ladies). Because of that he didn't get the attention he should've from the other girls. I look past all that superficial...

3 years ago
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The Day I Did A Dalek

It would, I told him, be the best birthday present I have ever received, and Michael, bless him, didn’t even blink. Just told me to find him the blueprints and he’d see what he could do.Which, to cut a very long story short, is how I woke up on the morning of my not-telling-you-th birthday to find a life-sized Dalek at the end of my bed, and painted in my favorite colors as well.Do you watch Doctor Who? BBC America on this side of the ocean, a Time Lord and his time machine rushing back and...

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iPhone Journey 14

It didn't take me long to notice you from across the room. Any man in a suit catches my eye and it was a bonus to find that you were so handsome. I looked you up and down several times in an instant, trying to burn your image into my brain for private safekeeping and future recall. Even now, after all these months, I can recall my first glimpse of you and it makes me hard just thinking about kissing those lips. I was disappointed to see that you had finished your latte and scone so...

2 years ago
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Andy Griffith Porn Parody Part One

Andy Griffith Parody: Barney Makes His Rounds (Part One)It was all that dern Gomer's fault.As Barney pulled away from the courthouse he noticed that a rear tire was low. Wally's filling station did not open until 10:00 on Mondays because that was the day that he took his sister to the foot doctor. Barney looked at his watch. 8:25. Maybe he could rouse Gomer from his cot in station's backroom and get him to turn on the air compressor (No charge for air....).The front of the station was dark, so...

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Desi Version Of Akshay 8211 The Watchman

Hi friends, thank you for liking my story so muchb on public demand, I present you with the Desi Version of “Akshay- The Watchman and I hope you like it as much as you liked its original version, here it goes. Mera naam Nilesh hai aur ye mera ek ladke ke saath chudai ka pehla tajurba hai jo mai aap sab ke saath is kahaani ke roop me share karna chahta hu. Mai ek reputed society me rehta hu mere society me do watchman hai day duty wala watchman aur night duty wala watchman. Ek din jab me...

4 years ago
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Stacey Her Dolls

It had started quite innocently when Stacey's mother had visited the farm late one afternoon dressed to kill at the local night spots with the young girl in tow. I'd seen them several times before renting horses for afternoon rides but had not paid attention to either the girl or her mother beyond adding her mother to my bucket list of beautiful women to seduce in the future. The girl was just that, a young girl, innocent enough always with several dolls in her hands which she seemed perfectly...

1 year ago
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Call me darling

It was a typical Saturday morning when the phone rang. It was Nina, my best friend. A week before i found myself locked in passionate embrace with her and i think i have discovered the bisexual side of myself. Since then i had constantly been thinking of how wonderful it felt being that close with her, feeling her lips on mine, her body pressing into me. At first i had tried to push it out of my mind, but the more it took over my thoughts. What are you going to be doing Monday?’ she asked. ‘Not...

3 years ago
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Ugly Fat Senior Girl Gave Full Pleasure In College

You know the best thing about college – No one gonna ask you where were you last night. I had sex with my girlfriend a couple of times in the hotels and college. My girlfriend is a year senior to me and her roommate about which I’m telling this story, her name is Sweta. I and my girlfriend were having a wonderful time – she used to send her nude pics occasionally and once she even recorded our sex in a hotel room. I asked her to delete it but somehow her roommate “Sweta” got that clip from her...

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Amorous Agents Ch 03

The Finale, Enjoy. Thanks Andi for editing. ***** Leslie Matthews waited as her team entered. She knew this was not going to be easy. She did not like Christiana Marcolini. She met Marcolini years ago when she had just entered the agency. She was on the same team, but because of Marcolini, she was placed at a desk. Marcolini made her look like an incompetent imbecile. If she had not been in the midst of an affair with their boss, she would have been transferred out. She never forgot, and now...

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Blood Lust Part Two

My name is Jackson Shaw. I'm a historian, a philosopher, a night club owner, and oh yes, a vampire. I live in Ohio, and for the most part I have a neat, quiet existence. I wake up every morning at 6, hop out of bed, have a shower, get dressed, and then head over to my favorite coffee shop for my morning tea. This has been my morning ritual ever since I arrived here about a year ago.  Now I know to most, this is not what you were expecting the life of vampire to be. I know that the imagination...

3 years ago
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My Goa Trip

Hi Ayesha hey Richa come in Richa was bringing in my breakfast. I was at a cottage in Goa, where I had come with my mom. Mom had some conference here for a week and I wanted to see Goa but the trouble was, mom went early and came back late from the conference that I did not get a chance to see the place yet for two days I was sitting in the cottage with nothing to do. Richa was the usual girl who did the room service for our cottage. She was around 25, very tall and dark. She was slim and...

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Shoplifting troubles pt 2 the big house

So some time has passed since i last wrote, I have been in a normal routine of waking up popping a xanex, shower, do "makeup", eat breakfast, blow someone, lunch, count, fuck someone, dinner and head back to the cell to sleep for the night. This has been the normal schedule except for days where I have court. On those days after breakfast I am handcuffed and shacked, frisked by some weirdo in his 40s and put in an escort van where I am handcuffed to the seat as well as the inmate next to me....

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