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Gwyneth stood on the balcony waving goodbye to her husband. It would be a week before the Lord returned. She didn’t know why he was leaving, the most he would tell her was that it was for important business. Nothing for a woman to fret about, especially one of her stature.

For years, she had been Lady Terras. She had been betrothed to Lord Terras when she was a young girl. She was happy with the arrangement. After all, wasn’t it every young girls dream to be married to a Lord, and bear his children? At least she always thought so.

Her eldest daughter had finally come of age at fourteen. Soon, Elizabeth, would be married off and the Manor in which they lived would seem all the more empty, desolate and lonely. Her son, Timothy had just reached the ripe age of fifteen and would be riding out to battle with his father. Luckily, the rest of Gwyneth’s children were still young and would remain with her for several more years. However, she only got to see them once or twice a day.

Even after they were born, they were whisked away to be raised by Midwives and the Maestros of the Manor. This was how things were done. Perhaps they had always been done, even in ancient times. She knew she shouldn’t complain, but she often found her bored with the way things were.

As a Lady, she did have several important duties in the Terras land. It was her job to respond to letters from other strongholds and the ruling lands, and when her husband was away she would deal with basic policies and issues in Terras. Usually it was a struggle between a couple of farmers and their land.

When she wasn’t acting as Lady, and dealing with court hearings and letters, she often spent her time in the gardens or working on her latest piece of embroidery. Often times she would have to stand for the seamstresses while they fitted her for another expensive gown. Sure, the life of a Lady was probably better than the live a lower caste, but she couldn’t help but find it dull.

She met Sir Gunther a long time ago when she first wed her dear husband. He had been made a knight of the manor, the head guard in fact. He was a kind and fair man that had seen the horrors of war. He almost never left the manor anymore since he had been promoted to such an honorable position.

For years, Gwyneth paid little attention to him. She was too busy enjoying her role as a Lady, a new wife, and a mother. She and Sir Gunther would often talk idly when they passed each other, or happened to meet up in the garden. Eventually, she found her heart fluttering with each short greeting. He was very handsome. Her husband wasn’t bad, but someone about Sir Gunther started to haunt her dreams. His blonde hair and golden eyes seemed to swim across her mind, and even his scars became a curiosity.

She once asked him about the small scars that covered his face. He was happy to share his battle stories with her. He spoke with such enthusiasm and fluidity, she could have listened to his exciting tales forever. She then came to notice his limp, and when she questioned him about it he showed a soft saddened side of his personality. He had been burned during a raid, some days his left leg bothered him more than others, but it also made him impotent and less fit for battle.

The first letter she ever received from Sir Gunther, was a handwritten poetry piece flattering her voice and motherly kindness. Then gifts started coming, regularly. Often they were jewels she would have made into trinkets or necklaces. The others were scarves or perfumes from faraway lands. Then the letters started, sweet professions of love or flattering a piece of her beauty and kindness. She began to write back. Thanking him at first for his kindness, and soon professions of her own feelings for him.

She was sitting in the library. It was large and quiet room, well lit by windows and large candelabras. She was writing another letter. This one was a response to her daughter’s betrothed, letting him know of the coming celebrations for their engagement. Beneath it was the letter she had been writing for Sir Gunther. She didn’t want anyone to see, and made it apparent that she was busying herself with her duties.

‘Mom,’ Elizabeth took a seat across from the table. ‘Do I have to marry Duke Eddard?’ she asked without waiting for her mother’s acknowledgement.

‘Why wouldn’t you want to marry a Duke?’ Gwyneth asked curiously, not taking her eyes from the ink quill pressed against the parchment.

‘I don’t want to get married,’ Elizabeth said slowly, she stretched out a hand to take the papers from under Gwyneth’s hands. They began to slide across the table, but Gwyneth hurriedly grabbed them and pulled them back to her. Fearing her daughter would see the letter under the one she was working on. She looked up at her daughter, and Elizabeth lifted a curious eyebrow. ‘Why are you even writing to the Duke? Shouldn’t I be doing that?’

Gwyneth gave a cool smile, folding both papers up and setting them on her silk covered lap. ‘It just covers boring policies. They’re not the love letters you would hope they’d be. It’s a marriage of convenience to join our houses.’

‘I don’t want to marry out of convenience,’ Elizabeth spat, slamming her fists on the table. ‘I want to marry for love, but before I do that. . .’ she trailed off.

‘I’m sure you’ll learn to love the Duke. I hadn’t met your father before we married, but I love him now.’

Elizabeth scoffed and then quickly looked away. ‘You don’t love him. You’re with him because you had to be, and because of us.’

Gwyneth knew she meant the kids, but she quickly dismissed the statement. She did love her husband. Perhaps out of necessity or convenience, but that didn’t matter.

This was just how things were, and there was nothing wrong with that.

‘I want to be a knight,’ Elizabeth said simply, still avoiding eye contact.

That took Gwyneth by surprise. Woman weren’t meant to be knights, they were meant to be ladies, wives, and mothers. She had heard of a few woman that broke the laws of society and became knights, but often times these women were frowned upon. Never had Gwyneth though one of her own daughters would want to be one of these people.

‘Please, don’t make me marry Duke Eddard. I’d love to be head of the knight’s guard, like Sir Gunther.’


Gwyneth quickly dismissed her daughter, scolding her for saying such ridiculous things. Once Elizabeth left, Gwyneth finished her letters and gave them to the appropriate men for delivery. She left the library and took to her room. Her mind never left her daughter’s words.

How could she force her eldest daughter to marry someone against her wishes? Of course she couldn’t allow Elizabeth to become a knight, could she? The thought was ridiculous, but she prided herself in making sure her children would always be happy. It would be against everything she believed and worked for to force her child to marry and be forever unhappy.

She sighed and turned back to the mirror. She brushed out her hair until it shone, and then called upon one of her maids to braid it and pin it up in the proper style.

When she was finished she made her way to the dining hall for dinner. She was surrounded by servants and some of her husband’s men. Her children lined one side of the large table, and she couldn’t help but smile as the jolly conversations reached her ears.

Gwyneth was pleased to see the smiling faces of her children, and hear the hearty laughter of her men. She ate slowly, enjoying each bit of the feast laid out in front of them. She look around, surprised that Sir Gunther wasn’t there. He usually didn’t attend meals, he was always so caught up in own work: ordering guards, preparing ledgers, or whatever a head guard did.

Surely he had received her letter before dinner. Her heart pounded at the thought. She knew all about ‘Courtly Love’, it was something every young child learned about. < br>
King Arthur had mad Sir Lancelot one of his head Knights of the Round Table. The knight had fallen in love with Arthur’s wife, Queen Guinevere, at least that was the most famous story of Courtly Love. Of course no one was allowed to steal another’s love, and certainly not someone of a lower class. Lancelot professed his love to Guinevere and she hers, keeping the secret from the King’s ears. The proper thing to do in these situations was to announce your love but never act on it, unfortunately the two of them did, and King Arthur had to sentence his cheating wife to death.

Gwyneth couldn’t help but compare herself to the Guinevere. It may have just been a story but she could easily understand how one could love two people and how it was easy to give in to temptation. That was exactly what Gwyneth planned to do. Her husband was away, and a night with Sir Gunther, or perhaps a few nights, would hopefully get all of these feelings out. And afterwards, when her husband returned, she could set the entire mess aside and return to the acts of Courtly Love. Let him profess his love, but never act on it again.


That night, Gwyneth prepared for Sir Gunther’s visit. She had requested he come see her, in secrecy when it was safe. He would be there after midnight, and she wanted to make sure everything was perfect. She had dressed herself in her most expensive pink silk nightgown, and decorated the bed with flowers from the garden. She sat before the mirror and bushed her long brown hair.

She was anxious, how could she not be? She was about to break the rules of Courtly Love and cheat on her husband, the Lord Terras, but she had never wanted anything more. Perhaps that was the attraction of forbidden love. It would be one time only. A few days seemed dangerous. She made up her mind to make it clear that it was only for tonight. Perhaps it would break her heart, but she needed to be careful, no one could know.

There was a knock on her bedchamber door. It then opened slowly, Sir Gunther made his way into the room. He slowly closed the door behind and looked at her with a grim smile. He was dressed in handsome red robes, and his face was scruffy with the late night shadow. The scars on his face seemed to gleam in the candlelight and Gwyneth couldn’t help but swoon.

‘You wished to see me, M’lady?’ He asked gently with an air of importance. She expected him to say this, after all, it was the appropriate thing to say when you were asked to visit someone.

‘Yes, Sir Gunther,’ she replied with her usual voice of royalty. ‘I asked to see you to speak to you about your letters.’

He gave a slight nod, showing that he knew what she was talking about.

‘When did you first discover you infatuation with me?’

He cleared his throat and moved to one of the chairs by the table. He gestured to it to sit, and she nodded politely. He took a seat and stared directly into her eyes, ‘years ago, you were in the garden with some of your little ones. You were singing a song to them. One about two sister who loved the same man.’

She laughed, remembering the silly folk song. ‘The Wind and the Rain,’ she said.

He nodded and returned a smile. ‘The sun was shining down on you, and your brown hair had a reddish gleam to it. I returned almost every day after that to listen to you sing. The children weren’t always there, but you sang and danced in the sunlight.’

Her breath caught in her throat. She spent most of her free time in the garden singing her folk songs, she had no idea anyone knew, but her handmaids.

‘After that, I knew I loved you. You were beautiful, sang beautifully, and you loved your children and the sunlight. Eventually, I had to tell you and that was when the letters and gifts began.’

‘You have a way with words,’ she blurted, standing from the vanity seat. She crossed over to him and remained standing before him. ‘I fell in love with your words, and by association, I believe I fell in love with you.’

‘I’m sorry, M’lady,’ he said gently. He brushed a bit of his blonde hair from his face

‘For what?’

‘For putting you in such an awful position.’

She smiled. He was so kind, she knew by his letters, and she knew he was passionate. She took a few more steps forward until she was between his legs. She sat down on his lap and put an arm around his neck. Slowly, he put his arm around her waist to support her.

‘It’s not that awful, Sir Gunther.’ She leaned in and pressed her silky lips against his. He kissed back, sucking in her warmth.

They kissed gently at first, but she couldn’t resist. She pressed her tongue between her lips and into his mouth. She brushed the tip of it along his teeth and then met his tongue. His tongue pressed back. Soon, the kisses grew fierce, and they nibbled on each other’s lips and sucked on one another’s tongues.

She moved carefully, making sure not to break their kiss, so she was straddling him. Soon his kisses moved from her lips to her cheek and then down to her neck. Her back arched with passion and her fingers became entangled in his hair. He began to ravish her skin, and she gasped a bit. Her husband had never been so harsh with his kisses, and Sir Gunther clearly knew what he was doing.

She took her hands from his hair and brought them between his legs. He began to kiss the top of her breasts, the full bosoms stuck out of the top of her gown. She fumbled with his pants. The draw strings were very discreetly placed on the inside, and she folded back the waistband and tried to loosen the knots. When they were undone she pushed him off of her and pulled his pants from him.

His cock was already hard from their excited kisses. It stood tall and erect, begging for her attention. She very gently bent down and put it in her mouth. He tasted delicious, like masculine sweat and metal armor. She slid her tongue along the base and back up to the tip, her entire mouth engulfing him. Her delicate hands grabbed at his balls, and he moaned out in delight, a very sexy and manly groan.

She looked up at his face and saw that his head was thrown back. With delight she continue to suck on him. Up and down, letting it flatten her tongue and hit the back of throat. His hands pulled at her hair, guiding her along his shaft. His legs seemed to twitch on either side of her, and she knew he was pleased.

He then put each hand on her waist and pulled her to her feet. He picked her up gently, as if she weighed no more than a raven’s feather. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him violently. He kissed back. He placed her on the bed, breaking their kiss. He smiled down at her and then slid to the bottom of the bed.

Beneath her silk gown she wore a pair of white bloomers. He was slow to put his fingers beneath the waist, untie it, and slide it down her long pale legs. She was naked beneath her gown, and shuddered as he threw the hem up to her waist, exposing her curl covered cunt.

He then kissed her legs. He worked from the ankles all the way to her thigh. First one and then the other. Each small kiss sent a warm flutter through her body. When he reached the top of her other thigh, he moved his face to her mound of curls. He breathed hot air onto her sex, and spread her lower lips with his thumbs. His tongue flicked against her clit, sending exotic waves of pleasure through her body. She quivered beneath him, giving hint that she enjoyed it.

She had never been eaten out before. It was something that was rumored about but not done in this part of the country. Supposedly, the French had invented it, and Gwyneth could very clearly see why. Her body jerked and jolted unlike it ever had before. She then felt the bursting wave of pleasure as an orgasm took her over and forced her to scream out in ecstasy.

She had never felt a sensation like this before. Female orgasms didn’t seem to be a common thing in this day and age. Sex meant she would please her husband, and he wou
ld spill his seed. Now it meant something more, it meant pure pleasure for the both of them. Her legs wrapped around his head as she rode the orgasm out, wave after wave of electricity took her and she couldn’t help but cry out.

When she was finished Sir Gunter slid up her body. He kissed every inch of her as he slid up to her mouth. He kissed her deeply, teasing the outside of her sensitive sex with the head of his penis. He tenderly rubbed her sex with his own and it send shivers along her limbs.

She quickly pushed him off of her, rolling him onto his back. She jumped on top of him straddling his hips between her legs. Quickly she forced him into her, feeling his length and girth stretch her tender insides. She cried out and he shuttered beneath her. She sat up and began to ride him. She moved forward and back, feeling him press against her vaginal walls and penetrate her very core.

He put his hands around her waist to support her fierce movements. He bucked under her like a horse as she rode him with womanly expertise. Together they moaned, enjoying the exquisite pleasure that assaulted them. She moved faster, forcing her body forward and back, and lifting herself up so he could feel her pulling him in and out of her.

It very quickly became too much for him to handle. Her perfect movements soon turned into animalistic thrusts and pounding, and he pulled her hips to force her to move even faster. She cried out, and finally he forced her onto him, penetrating her deeper than he ever had before.

His cock lengthened, hardened, and twitched as it spilled its seed and filled her like a cup of wine. The feeling of his orgasm sent another spiraling through her. She twitched and bucked over him, riding him until her orgasm was done, even long after he had finished.

She fell forward, pressing her dark haired head against his neck. He wrapped his arms around her and felt her breath deeply, trying hard to catch her breath. When her breathing returned to normal she lifted her head and kissed the scar along his cheek. Her lips felt like gentle butterfly wing, and he quickly embraced them with his own. They kissed long and passionately mourning the moment when they finally released each other.

She lifted herself up and he fell out of her. She laid beside him, nuzzling his scruffy jaw bone with her forehead. A woman orgasming once was rare, but twice was often unheard of. In that moment, she knew she would have a hard time denying him entry to her bed. She already wanted more. She felt horrible that she would have to cheat on her husband, a lord, but how could she deny the pleasure of exquisite sex with Sir Gunther.

‘I was planning on telling you this would only be for tonight. That I didn’t wish to ever see you again except our subtle passing in the castle,’ she whispered softly into his chest.

He rubbed her back with a strong hand. Giving her the small amount of comfort that he knew how.

‘I don’t wish to be unfaithful to my lord husband,’ she sighed.

His hand continued to rub her shoulders. His strong but gentle touch was comforting, and made what she was going to say next even easier to utter.

‘I love you more now than I had before. I don’t think my heart to handle never seeing you again.’

He rolled onto his side and looked into her dark brown eyes. His handsome face implored her to feel compassion and comfort. He took her chin in his strong fingers and lifted his face to meet his. He kissed her gently, slow, and loving. ‘I love you too, and I swear to you I will be by your side if you request, or leave you be. Just say the word.’

His smooth gravelly voice touched her, and stole her breath away. She kissed him, wrapping her arms around his head and entwining her fingers in his blonde hair.

The door to the bed chamber opened, and Gwyneth scrambled to pull the silk sheet over their heads. She gasped in surprised, horrified she had been found out.

‘I trust you both are done for now, mother,’ Elizabeth voice broke through the air. The sound of her was like daggers to Gwyneth’s ears, and Sir Gunther held her naked body tightly as she held the blanket.

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Sensualize Secrets

Sensualize SecretsHello everyone, I’m Julie from Sensualize and I’ve decided to start writing a Blog (weekly) to share just a selection of sexy sensual and quite often very funny sexual encounters I have been fortunate enough to experience. Real people’s names have been changed the only name that’s real is mine! Hope you enjoy my very first ‘Sensualize Secrets’The BeginningI met my now husband about 5 years ago, when we first met he was very open about his previous swinging lifestyle (at first,...

3 years ago
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Sex Games 9

Our last adventure was with the two young men we had picked up cruising. We took them to a local hotel and Carol had sex with them while I watched. Now that we were at home our adventurous sexual lifestyle had to be more discrete. We were both socially active people in the community and held somewhat prominent jobs. We continued to go to parties and community events, looking to see if an opportunity for an adventure would present itself. Our sexual adventures had become very important to us and...

2 years ago
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With A Little Help From My Friends Part 3

With a little help from my friends part 3 Tess and Jack were at the hospital a few minutes after Tori trying to comfort her...the coach arrived with the rest of the team, they waited in the waiting room while Tess, Tori and the coach went to Stacey's room. A nurse was attaching some IVs. The doctor came in to check on her. "Doctor, the iv's are in and the patient is comfortable...." the nurse said exiting the room. "Thank where are the family?" The doctor...

3 years ago
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The Prince of the RoseChapter 4

Upon arriving at her home Dana went to her bed chambers to finish packing while Aaron and Tanith returned to the sitting room. Aaron wanted to discuss tactics but Tanith had other things on her mind. The incident at the weapons arena was bothering her, that added to the strange events when Aaron was submerged in the pool of Eldritch caused her to finally speak up. Too many things did not make sense, but she was afraid that the display in the arena might just have explained everything. That...

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Mrs Vandermeers Rules 7

 Miss Spencer. I require your presence on Saturday at 2 pm on the 8th floor of the University Library in the Chemistry section. You are to take a seat at one of the study tables and keep yourself occupied playing with your delightful cunt. Dress appropriately to please. Under no circumstance are you to acknowledge my presence.That was how my week began; a typically terse email from my Mistress that revealed none of her intentions beyond driving me crazy with anticipation as I began to fantasize...

4 years ago
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Rose By Any Other Name

My stories may be archived by any site that does not charge their readers. As long as it is unchanged or altered in any way. This work remains my artistic property and any alterations that are not agreed with me as the author are murder. That's the legal bit. Any comments or requests can be sent via the reviews section on FM This is dedicated to the hard working writers and administrators out there. Some times a wish is granted. Keep working folks. Also dedicated to those who take the...

3 years ago
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Burying the PastChapter 16

Both Taylor and Whitaker were winded as they turned the corner and finished the run from Allied Mechanical Systems to the water processing station that held Allied’s high-pressure injection system. While four blocks weren’t that far to run normally, coming in at just under half a mile, they’d both ran flat out to get to their destination as quickly as possible, a goal made harder by the people and traffic they’d had to avoid. The station itself was a small, square concrete structure...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 12 A Major Impediment

August 8, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Good morning, Babe! How was the night shift?” “I should have started my maternity leave last week,” she sighed. “Are you OK, Jess?” Kara asked. “Yes, I’m fine. Well physically. We had a bad MVA last night. Three young children. The car ended up under a semi.” “Did they make it?” I asked. Jessica sighed and shook her head. We stopped walking and Kara and I put our arms around her. And to my utter shock, my wife started crying. We stood there for a good...

2 years ago
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Aunty or Ushke Behan Ke Sath Sexs

Hi friends I am ajayI am here again to narrate my incomplete story-AUNTY AUR UNKE BEHAN KE SATH,hope you have red it. To dosto again in brief nidhi aunty ki behan hai,uncle kuch dino ke liye city se bahar training ke liye gaye hue hai,aunty aur unki behan ghar par akeli hai and I am 19 yrs ashwin living next door to them.Aunty ka fig. 32-28-34 aur nidhi ka 34-30-36(inke bare me already apni purani story me bata chukka hoon). Us din hum dopahar ke 1 baje uthe aur bathroom me chale gaye aur jaldi...

4 years ago
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A Helping Hand From a Neighbour

My and I had been married for ten years, and until recently our sex life had been fantastic both personally but we were also swingers, concentrating on the MFM threesome side of the scene and we’d enjoyed sexy fun with over twenty different men. Recently though, my ability to perform was severely restricted, after being diagnosed with emphysema. Sometimes while we were making love, I’d ask her if she missed having another cock at her disposal, but she always said it didn’t really bother her but...

3 years ago
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The Queen and the Soother Part 1

The Queen of Lushland knew she needed an heir, so she needed a stud. Would it be the exotic stallion with strength and experience, the worldly mustang with hedonistic temptations, or the trainable colt with devotion and aspirations? Would her heart, mind, and body agree on the choice to be made?A testament or supposition,With embellishment or some omission,And best intent, with your permissionHere I present my rendition.The queen always thought of her people first. Tall and strong like her...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 1101 Like Water

I woke a couple of times in the night as girls shifted positions and someone else curled up next to me on one side or the other. Each time, I'd just give her a hug and go back to sleep, usually aware that my hand was gently cupping a breast, ass, or pussy. About five-thirty, I woke up to the delightful sensation of my left nipple being nibbled, sucked, and licked. My cock was being lightly stroked. I raised a hand to the unmistakable tangle of red hair just below my chin. "Elaine?" I...

1 year ago
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Little SisterChapter 13 Storming Hanover

After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars' transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage was the same clerk that would...

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Double DaddiesbyWhisky7up©This follows on from 'Reach For The Star' and 'Bound To Happen Again'. Thanks as usual to LadyCibelle for the edit...especially as she caught a 'continuity' error I missed!*It had been a few weeks since she was last here, playing with herself as she watched him masturbate at his desk after he'd got in from work. The tree house needed a bit of a clean up since then and Chantal was glad of the distraction as she tidied some magazines and picked up a couple of candy...

2 years ago
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Rogue reliving without regrets

She had many names attached to her, most of them she didn’t want nor would she want to call anyone who she liked… She was curled up on her bed unable to sleep. So many memories came back to haunt her in the deep of the night. She looked around the shared room and despised how she and the Brotherhood were floating from flop house to flop house while her former so-called friends had rebuilt the mansion and were living in luxury. She looked out the cracked window as spotted a shooting star… A...

3 years ago
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Laxmi ki chut chodi

Hi, readers iss is a good site n i hve started readin it recently n now wanted to contribute myself .. Well! Something abt myself 1st i m 28yrs now 5.8 fair gud loks n very educated guy based in delhi now n workin.. The story i m goin to narrate to u is a true sex experince tat i had when i was 19yrs of age n it was with laxmi… Basically she belongs to a very low lower middle class n her mother use to help our family in household works .. Laters her daughter laxmi ,she is around four yrs elder...

3 years ago
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New Body Gallery

NEW BODY GALLERY BY PAUL G JUTRAS The Body Gallery shops had been around for a couple of years. Dealing in body suits and costumes around the country they did well. After an accident where a young woman got trapped inside one of the bought costumes, they nearly went out of business. That was when Dale talked his wife into getting breast implants. Dale's wife, who was barely a B- Cup, felt inferior to Dale when he put on double D breast forms for a night of lesbian sex. ...

4 years ago
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Hard Times OklahomaChapter 7 Take It Where You Find It

Harley was afraid he was about to pass out. "God damn it boy, hang on. Just hang on another hundred yards," he growled to himself. As he drove up into the yard, Ida Marie came hurrying out of the house, an anxious expression on her face. It turned to alarm as she saw her husband step out of the driver's side, naked below the waist, a tired and battered, but triumphant, grin on his face. She ran up to him and hugged him, as she tried from her husband to draw whatever courage was necessary...

4 years ago
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Photographic MemoryChapter 9

The walk back to the river wasn't sexual. It wasn't innocent either. I wasn't quite sure what it was, but I didn't let that stop me. Vicki had managed to find a shoulder bag in the house and we stuffed our clothes in it along with the camera, then walked back down to the water. Even the jandals were in the bag. I don't think I'd ever been so naked outside the house. Instead of heading back to the large stones on which we'd safely crossed the river the first time, we dropped the bag...

4 years ago
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Video Store Fun

I need to be fucked. I need to be fucked bad. It’s been two months since I broke up with Adam. He had a nice cock, long and thick. Perfect for me. I’m always in need of sex. But I promised I wouldn’t fuck people I wasn’t dating. I’m 5ft 4inches, with dark brown hair I keep in a messy bun. I have green eyes, and I’m a size 36D. I’m thin. I’m working at the video store in town to save up some money for new clothes. It’s the summer before my last year of high school. I’m 17 and I’m excited to be...

1 year ago
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Seduced And Fucked My Colleague Priya On A Rainy Night

Hey, guys ! I am Rahul and I live in Mumbai currently. I’m 23 years old and I’m working in an mnc. I would like to share my sexual experience with my colleague here which happened last year. Please send me your feedbacks at my email This experience happened somewhere in the middle of the month of July. I am 6 feet in height and have an athletic build. I like to play basketball and I hit the gym around 4 times a week. Now let me tell you about the girl with whom I had this sexual experience...

1 year ago
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You suck me and I will suck you

When I was about 18 I used to go round to a mates house almost every Friday night and have a few beers while playing the nintendo or whatever was the games console of the mid nineties. We used to watch porn and being pretty immature we would sneak alone to the bathroom to wank off. I had been with a couple of girls by then, but not since I was sixteen. I knew however that this friend of mine had never so much as kissed a girl, let alone tasted any pussy. As the weeks of Friday nights wore on...

Gay Male
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Megan Pt 10

“I will have her bring her car in. I will pay for it. But when I drop Megan off at the end of the day this is how I want it to go. I want to watch her get fucked by you and your workers.” “Oh we can do that for sure man. I told everyone here about the horny slut white I fucked in the restroom. I know all of these guys would love to take a turn with her.” “I hope they all have big cocks. I want to see her sucking down on some big black cock as well as seeing her pussy and ass...

1 year ago
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A Trip To The Colonies Chapter 2

As Mary awoke the next morning she could hear the clatter of pots and pans in the kitchen and figured that Nicole was up cooking.   That was wonderful she thought, she had missed dinner completely and was starved.   She walked to the bathroom, toothbrush in hand and flung open the door.   Much to her surprise a tall lanky man, short military hair cut, broad shoulders, and finely toned muscles stood before her, totally naked.   She yelped out an apology and retreated, but as she slammed the door...

3 years ago
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Krishna The Goddess Became A Slut 8211 Part 7

Dear lovers., I’m Krishna again. Thanks for your great support and mails.catch me at .Hope you have finished my sixth section. The next phase of my life. The calm and silent life of mine again changed into hot and spicy. I changed myself from a pray to hunter. That mood was aroused in me by my teacher. You may feel it’s quite unnatural. But my hunger and experience made me dream so. My teacher’s plumpy body became my pilgrimage. I was fully concentrated in her. Actually she was worthy for such...

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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 9

It was eight days later that I found myself standing nervously before Trefual. "Ok kid, are you ready?" "Yeah, but I'm nervous. Actually, I'm scared spit less." "You'll do fine. Here in a minute you'll have a little drinky poo and be on your way. Just imagine what it's gonna be like playing with those tits! You're one lucky fella." "A drinky poo?" I asked cautiously. "What drinky poo?" Trefual look chagrined. "Uh, yeah, I meant to mention that to you." He grabbed a vial...

3 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 11 Top 40

Today we had our only night game, against Pony. Tomorrow it would be a doubleheader day with the Nationals and Team Dixie. On Friday, the top two teams would play a championship game, and then the forty-man roster would be announced. Our pitching staff needed the rest. If it hadn’t been for Kale stepping in yesterday, their arms would have been doubly tired. No pitcher is used to going on short notice, but that was what would happen for our next four games. Yes, it looked like we would be in...

4 years ago
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Voyage of Discovery

The sun tipped over the horizon in a pool of blood, colouring the sea with a rose tinted stain. Arielle stood towards the bow of the huge ship, her long dress trailing out behind her in the cool salty breeze. The deck of The Desdemona was deserted, the sailors were blessedly below deck eating and drinking their way into oblivion. It had been a long and interminable voyage so far. Ever since she agreed to take this arduous journey to meet her betrothed in the distant city of Corinnia, she had...

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Jamie Chapter 1 Kelseys Sexual Awakening REPOSTED

  Jamie walked into her small apartment and flicked on the light to the main room, her purse tucked under one arm. Kicking her black high heels off, she sighed with relief. She dropped her bag on a nearby console table, grabbing her cell phone out of it before making her way to the bedroom directly off the living area. She stood in front of the mirrored closet doors and examined her figure as she disrobed.   At five feet ten inches tall, Jamie was taller than many of her female friends, and...

1 year ago
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Diavolo Ch 03

Paulina couldn’t keep her eyes off him, though he could tell she tried to be discreet. Her face looked wooden, pale, but her eyes…those black orbs glittered full of poison, hatred…there was so much malice in those eyes. During dinner, Daniel regaled them with tales of his many trips around the world, searching for budding new musicians and singers. North Star Records dealt mainly with non-mainstream music. What they lacked in the way of famous pop recording artists, they made up for in an...

4 years ago
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My Life as a Teenage Girl Part Three New Friends and Enemies

It took a few minutes for the cheering and shouting to die down, and by the time Mrs Dunne had enough students silent for her to be heard, the bell rang for the beginning of the day. Mrs Dunne glared at us as Poppy, Lauren, myself and the rest of the new students rushed past her to retrieve our bags. Mrs Dunne's plan to humiliate the new students also failed in getting us introduced to the year group, as nobody was able to connect the six names to the right students. However, even...

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Camille and the Preacher Man

The moon, riding high in the sky that night, cast a silvery light over the small town. In a brick bungalow at the top of a hill, moonlight shone through the bedroom windows, revealing a man on his knees beside the bed. Resting his elbows on the bed, he clasped his hands tightly. Reverend Paul Trent’s light brown hair was wavy, long on top and trimmed close around the sides. His face, neither handsome nor homely, was that of an everyday man. Only in his eyes could one see the fire and spirit...

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An Elizabethen AdventureChapter 3

Anne- Marie During the first few weeks we were busy with estate matters. Emily was staggered at the amount of my wealth, She was so concerned, that she pointed out that with my fathers estate, the number of foreclosures and debts to be recovered, she would need some help. We agreed that she could look for a new Estate Manager and also some clerical help with the financial side. We agreed that we certainly needed to turn some of our cash into profitable investments. I would spend most of my...

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The Math Teacher

This story is somewhat true. Names used in story are fake for privacy. I had just graduated high school and I had got a call from my Math teacher, Ms. Brisk, that I had left somethings in her classroom and that if I didn't come to get them that they'd be thrown away. I hated Ms. Brisk's class to be honest. She was always so annoying and got on everyone's case. She did have a fairly nice body though. She was in her late 30s with brown skin. She rarely wore bras so you could visibly see her...

4 years ago
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mens restoom becomes coed

I live with my divorced mother Lauren, she’s 37 but she says 29 which is funny but that’s what she says. Then my younger sister Nicole, she’s 15 almost 16, she turns that in 3 weeks and mom and I have been planning her party for a few days now. Dad got tired of his marriage vows and decided to go fuck some other women and now he’s living across the country in New York where he’s got a new job and girlfriend. Now that I’ve introduced everyone to you here’s how this family started its new...

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