The New Secretary A Postscript, Busted free porn video

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A New Secretary A Postscript, Busted! By Trish. Edit by Robyn Hoode. After Robbie and Simon, or rather Bob and Sarah discovered that they shared a similar dream, they settled into what can only be described as harmonious bliss. Although from radically different backgrounds the relationship they formed as co-workers bloomed into an equally strong personal relationship. Egged on by their equal acceptance they subconsciously encouraged each other to pursue their changes in their lives until reverting to Robbie and Simon has started to become something of a chore. "Sometimes!" Bob grumbled as he reverted to his Roberta birth identity for an industry dinner. "I wonder why we bother love." Sarah giggled. "It's easier for you darling, you've always been a Jack the lass, so you really only have to change your mindset," she complained. "Where as I have put a dark rinse in my hair and then hope it lasts while also having pull it uncomfortably back. Take out my earrings and nose stud, and go without with any makeup. I'm forced to wear uncomfortable clothes and flat shoes, which make my feet feel bloody weird after my comfy heels," She pulled a face. "And worst of all I can't wear my engagement ring." "That's the price we pay for success love," Bob said as they got ready for the formal dinner. The main speaker was Sophie Wilson, formerly Roger who designed the original Acorn computers including the BBC micro, before going on to a stellar career in the business and as she spoke, 'Robbie' looked at 'Simon' and they both had the same idea. If Sophie had been able to transition successfully in the industry, why couldn't they? It was a very exciting idea, and back in their now usual roles they eagerly discussed it driving home the following morning. "We can afford it," Bob said. "But it is a risk to the business. Not so much the contract side, as most people know me as Rob to begin with, and I don't need to do as much face to face these days," He patted her skirted leg. "Most of the contractors and clients on our lists are repeat customers." "But it could hit the systems programming love," Sarah said, relieved to feel herself again after a full day of man drag. "I need to be taken seriously." "You would be, Sophie was," Bob commented, swearing at a moron as 'he' manoeuvred the company Aston with calm confidence. In the six months since 'he' banned Sarah from driving 'his' car, not long after she asked 'him' to be both 'her' boss and the head of their household it had not seen the inside of the dealer for anything other than a service. "And anyway," Bob commented. "You've got that big contract off Sir Gregory, on the back of the Wilton job and when that comes online, Hamilton's Fund Management's competitors are going to want something similar, given how much paper it's taking out his system." 'He' chuckled. "So work won't dry up and anyway, we IT business types are supposed to be a little eccentric. If we did take Sophie's route it might even raise our profile?" "I don't know love," Sarah said. "We've worked so hard to get E-Tech seen as a major player I'd hate to risk blowing that." "We won't and it costs nothing to explore the options babe?" Bob said, unwilling to put 'his' foot down on the issue yet. 'He' did not often use 'his' male privilege to twist Sarah's arm but 'he' felt sure if 'he' did 'she' would accede to 'his' decision like she did when he wanted her to get her nostril pierced like the Asian lasses where Robbie grew up. Choosing to drop the subject for now 'he' said. "Fancy some lunch love?" Over the months since they traded roles and genders within their private, and home office professional life, Bob had slowly led 'his girlfriend' out into the world. Starting with walks around their home, 'he' had slowly exposed 'her' to public life, until 'he' had built up Sarah's confidence in 'herself' to the point where 'she' would get 'her' hair and nails done at a public salon and enjoy shopping with 'him.' As they settled in to the gender swap the rather strictly kept almost stereotypical 1950's roles they had adopted initially had relaxed into a more modern equal partnership. Bob still enjoyed being able to be sexist, and could not believe how much he enjoyed behaving in a way that would have sent him daft when he lived as Roberta but in the main their work dealings were very much the same as they had been before he opened the can of worms on his Birthday the previous year. "Sure love, where do you fancy?" Sarah said, expecting they would stop on the motorway. "We'll pop in to the new cafe at Wilton, Lady Maud asked me if I'd tried it yet?" Bob said, smoothly pulling off the motorway. "And its a nicer drive home than sitting on the M5 all the way." "Okay I guess," Sarah said somewhat apprehensively. The Wilton Estate was one of their biggest clients and Bob knew 'she' was probably worried that they might be recognised. "It will be fine love," 'He' said. "Lady Maud has gone to London for the weekend, and where she goes Diane goes, and they're the only people likely to recognise me, especially as I've not been in the new cafe yet." "Okay," Sarah said with the lit in 'her' voice that Bob recognised as excitement. 'She' had not been to Wilton Hall since 'her' grandparents owned their home and had commented more than once about going for a day. "This isn't the way?" Sarah said when Bob turned up a side road. "It is for me," 'He' chuckled, as they approached a pair of double gates clearly marked private entry only. Pulling up Bob punched in a key code on the automatic entry barrier and the gates swung open. "Lady Maud gave me a pass code, to avoid the main entry gate queues," 'He' chuckled and drove towards the staff car parking. They were making their way towards of the cafe when a booming voice called. "Robbie, you little devil, you might have come and said hello dear," as a battered and tatty Land Rover bounced towards them. "Hullo dear!" Lady Maud said. "What brings you here?" "We were just about to try the new cafe like you suggested Milady," Bob said, feeling Sarah's quivering apprehension through 'her' hand. "Oh think I can do better than that," She said, and then added to Sarah. "Hello dear, I'm Maud Hamilton." "This is Sarah," Bob said in his Robbie voice. "My?" She did not get any further because Lady Maud broken in to a wide knowing smile and said. "Often mentioned but seldom seen partner in crime," and laughed. "And it's like that between you two is it dear? I really should have guessed because I knew you were not the sort of gal to settle with a normal chap," She smiled at 'Sarah' and added. "Don't look like that my dear, I don't bite, and you look very pretty and convincing. Hop in and we'll run up to the hall and have a spot of tea and a bite." "I thought you were away this weekend Milady?" Bob said. "We were, but then the bloody trains went tits up, and I loathe driving up to London, so we postponed going to the theatre until next weekend," Screeching to a halt outside the Hall, Maud jumped out and said, "This way," and led them through a hidden garden and into her apartments lounge, calling, a she stopped to pull off her green Hunter wellingtons. "Diane, Robbie and Sarah are here can you bring a tea-tray and some nibbles for lunch dear?" She waved at the sofa and said, "Make yourself comfortable." As Bob sat 'he' saw Lady Maud take a second look at the front of his jeans, and her grin said it all. "I see," she chuckled. "Is it Robert then dear?" Bob blushed and said. "Erm yes Milady." "Jolly good!" Maud said flopping down on the sofa opposite. "So tell me how long has this been going on?" "Just over a year," Bob said adding, "Sarah will calm down in a moment Lady Maud, you're the first person to bust her." "Oh don't worry about that Sarah, I actually prefer gals like you." She chuckled cheerfully. "I've no liking in the main for males, but we need them to provide one thing, and now Gregory has done his family duty, I sure we'll bounce along without any more of that nonsense between us," She let out a loud honking laugh. "One of the keys to our marriage's success is that I'm here most of the time, and he's up in London." "So tell me dears?" Maud asked. "Are you on the GRS program yet, or is it a casual thing?" "We're still talking about that," Bob said. "Aren't we love?" "Erm yes," Sarah said blushing. "But I expect we will at some point," Bob said. "In the future." At that moment there was a knock on the door and Diane walked in carrying a tea-tray dressed in a black and white maids uniform and said from the door with a bob of her knees. "The tea Milady." "You look different?" Bob chuckled seeing how she was dressed. "Oh this?" She giggled, looking very comfortable in her uniform. "It's a cute outfit, and Maud, enjoys me wearing it." "You could have changed dear," Lady Maud said. "I was making dinner and never got round to it," Diane giggled. "Well come meet the other Robbie's other half, Sarah," Maud chuckled. "You might say she is a kind of sister dear." "No!" Bob exclaimed. "Oh yes," Diane giggled. "I'm trans, 14 months into transition." She smiled fondly at Lady Maud. "She busted me when I worked for Sir Gregory, and as she needed a IT PA, she convinced me to come to work for her instead." "Hi, by the way Sarah. I'm Diane, we've spoken on the phone a lot and I'm so glad to meet you at last," Diane said, setting the tray down. "Well," she giggled, "it looks like you've no longer got an excuse to avoid her Ladyship's summer Victorian ball Rob, after all you can't deny Sarah the chance to spend an evening in an amazing dress." She grinned at Sarah and added. "You're going to love and hate wearing a big Victorian ball gown honey, and someone," she nodded at Robby, "will look great in a tight Victorian gentleman's dinner suit," She giggled excitedly. "I'm really looking forwards to it this year because I can wear something with a low neckline without the risk showing what I did not have until Christmas." Diane was very interested in Sarah's transition so far and asked if she was on the program? "Erm not yet," Sarah said shyly. "You should, honestly its the best decision I ever made," Diane said slowly drawing Sarah out of her shell. Although Sarah had shit 'herself' when Lady Maud busted her, she end up having a wonderful afternoon once she had calmed down. Lady Maud was a captivating woman and she could see why Bob liked her, and Diane was a sweetheart. "I'm going to have to ask Lady Maud where Diane got that uniform babe," Bob said as they pulled out of the Hall and headed home. "Because I'd love to see you in one!" "Perve!" Sarah laughed. "Do you want to go to that ball?" "Not really but I can see you do love," he chuckled. "So I'll go." "I had a long chat with Diane about her transition," Sarah admitted. "And somehow now it does not seem as scary." "I heard," Bob said. "Were you serious when you told her probably?" "Yeah," she said. "Good because I want to, and if you think back to when you gave me my Harley, I said I wanted to really masculinise my body, and you said you wanted to feminise yours?" "I remember," Sarah said blushing. "Well we're going to!" Bob said. Enough said. The End Trish 2019.

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My Wife Found Me A New Secretary

I’ve always had a great fondness for women.  I’ve always had a roving eye most of my adult life.  My wife and I married right out of college.  She saw a good thing and wanted to get married right away.  I wanted to wait a little while.  However, she talked me into getting married.  We’ve been married for twenty years.  We never had children, which I believe put a strain on our marriage.  My wife found out early, she couldn’t conceive.  She didn’t want to adopt.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my...

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Mommy Adriana Makes Greta Become a Secretary

Dear Readers, it took me a while because reality caught up with me, but now the next chapter is ready. I simply hope you don't get bored and enjoy also the 6th installment of my little story. Mommy Adriana makes Greta become a secretary By: Greta Finally I lay in bed. I heard Mommy Adriana was sound asleep while I tossed and turned. I simply couldn't sleep after today's events. I would never be the same man again....

4 years ago
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Sex With the New Secretary

Last week was a week full of celebratory events. Agatha Smith finally retired. She gave thirty years of service at Anthony Roma’s company. He made sure that she got a nice pension and his company gave her a retirement party. She was the best administrative secretary he ever had. The best part of her retirement was interviewing dumb blondes to take her place. There were many that were perfectly qualified. Mr. Roma wasn’t really looking for somebody who would be able to get her work done...

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Secretary part 2

This is based on a game of the same name. Made by a user named DeeDee. Enjoy!17:55 Tuesday 28 jun. 20335 minutes left of the work day, and Chris has nothing, but the 16% Alex found for him. Suddenly a yellow blinking pops up on his desktop. It’s from Mrs. LaCroix. His boss. It reads: [Chris, this is about your mishap with the Nintendolls game data. I need to see you in my office as soon as possible.]With a sigh of defeat, Chris reads the message and close the computer. He gathers his things and...

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Story Of Arpita 8211 Part III 8211 The Private Secretary

Hello readers, welcome back for the third part of the Story of Arpita. For those who had been a regular follower of Arpita, a brief recap first – Story of Arpita – Part 1 – Wife at Stake – Pritam, Arpita’s husband had lost his job at a very crucial time of his life. He had just got married to Arpita and was beginning his life, when his sacking came as a bolt from the blue. And he had no other choice but to offer his wife, Arpita, to his bosses, to save his job. Unmesh, Rahul, and Anjan, his 3...

1 year ago
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The New Secretary

Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] The New Secretary By Amy Brett Chapter 1 THE RUMORS HAD been flying for weeks and everybody was walking on eggshells around the office. I'd always done my job as a high paid clerk in the payroll and records department to the...

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Productive Day With Secretary Payal In Husband8217s Absence

My name is Rahul Raj. I am 39 years old. I am 5ft 10″ tall and muscular. My tool is 8.1″ long and 3″ thick. I work as an operations manager for a steel plate company. I handle the operation in the Middle East and India. I am located in Dubai, and I am a frequent traveler. This is a continuation of my previous story, “Milking My Secretary – Part 1.” I had mentioned in my previous story about my secretary. Her name is Payal. She is a Punjabi girl, 27 years old with a sexy and slim figure. Her...

1 year ago
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Productive Day With Secretary Payal In Husband8217s Absence

My name is Rahul Raj. I am 39 years old. I am 5ft 10″ tall and muscular. My tool is 8.1″ long and 3″ thick. I work as an operations manager for a steel plate company. I handle the operation in the Middle East and India. I am located in Dubai, and I am a frequent traveler. This is a continuation of my previous story, “Milking My Secretary – Part 1.” I had mentioned in my previous story about my secretary. Her name is Payal. She is a Punjabi girl, 27 years old with a sexy and slim figure. Her...

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Busted! by Jordan Holder The woman in a t-shirt and jeans next to me snapped her gum and decided to stand after drawing a seven. I looked at the eight and five I was holding, glanced at the several face cards I could see on the green felt table in front of the other players and the dealer, and brushed my pair of cards toward me. The dealer flipped a card from the shoe. A nine. Busted! Damn. Well, one could hardly expect to win by standing on 13, not when the...

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MTVs Flipped My Fair Secretary

I plan on making several stories in this series, and if others want to, you are more than free to do so. Flipped By Po The 21 year-old rich and spoiled Brad, who was mysteriously bribed 100,000 dollars by MTV, agreed to appear on MTV's brand new show "Flipped". But exactly who he would be switching places with was still a mystery. But he didn't let it get to him... as long as he got paid and added more money to his illustrious bank. But... he had no idea what was about to...

2 years ago
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The Bored Secretary

The Bored Secretary Belladonna Jerome Gustafsson tapped the butt of his pen against the desktop as he stared at the clock of his computer screen. Another minute clicked by while he awaited the arrival of Lily Ghosn into his home office. It was one of the few places Lily had never been in his home before. She was his wife's best friend for decades. She had been the Maid of Honor at their wedding. He cared for the girl, even though he detested her forced intrusion into his...

3 years ago
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The Futa Experiment Part 1 The Secretary

Bianca sat in bed, absentmindedly scrolling through her social media feeds on her phone, whittling away the hours of the early morning. She didn’t have any plans for today, and tried to find some entertainment in the postings of others. One of her friends, Amy, posted a picture of herself in a skimpy swimsuit, captioned “missing the summer sun.” Her cleavage drew Bianca’s attention and she began to imagine those huge tits exposed to the warm, summer air, glistening with sweat. Her girl cock...

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Secretary For A Change

Secretary For A Change It was a typical day at the firm I work for as an office admin. Robinson's Accounting was a great company to work for, with twenty offices in North America. My name is Karen Matheson, I'm 26 and have been working in the Toronto branch office for four years. I got in, made myself a cup of coffee, fired up my computer and checked my emails. One email caught my eye from my boss, George McLean, with the title of 'womanless secretary contest'. I immediately opened up...

3 years ago
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Naughty Secretary

I walked into the office again. 'Holy shit, is she just putting herself on display? She has that big crack on there, so is she just pretending that I won't notice? Is she plotting for a raise or what?' I thought as I stopped in front of her desk. "Brooke?" "Yes, Mr. Green?" she asked, failing to look at me. I clenched my fists and got closer to her. "Would you mind covering your cleavage? This is a law firm and I want our clients and potential clients to think we are serious and respectful....

Office Sex
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The Sexy Secretary Gives at the Office

Working as a tranny escort is my favorite way to earn money and get lots of cock, at the same time. I love to put on sexy panties and show off my body to men, so it is a job I enjoy doing the most. The fact that lots of men really like me and call me back again and again makes me feel wonderful, as well.I have long hair that makes me look like a woman from behind and my breasts are big for a man's and they get played with and sucked on like a woman's. In fact, most of my clients tell me I'm...

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New Secretary Chapter 1

When I bought the company I had the opportunity to pick my own personal secretary. So I asked HR to send up some suitable resumes for me to review. Thank you to the government because all of the files had copies of the candidate’s driver’s license – I get to see what they look like first. I interviewed three but as soon as Marie walked in I knew who it was going to be. She was about thirty, and according to her license, five feet six and 120 pounds. She had a nice pair of tits and great legs...

Straight Sex
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Nelson Enterprises VP of Sales becomes a Secretary

Nelson Enterprises - VP of Sales becomes a Secretary The VP of Sales - Dan Watkins - sexually harassed one of his talented sales ladies - Kelly Weir - to the point she quit and then he used his influence to destroy her career. He will now be inheriting that body and the remains of that career and must learn to interact with his 2 ex- wives from a new perspective - as their maid. Summary to date: Bill: Bill Nelson was a famous billionaire inventor and playboy but now finds...

3 years ago
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His special secretary Part 3

I went home like a ghost, my wife asked me what was wrong and I just told her that it's hard at work and that I'm stressed and we have a mostly silent dinner. I see that it does not seem much better for her and ask how she goes. It's also hard in her work and the restructuration is not going well, the employees are pressured like hell and she's afraid for her job too.I go to work the next morning and Sir Vatier is already there, he welcomes me and I sit at my desk to start my work when he calls...

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My sexy secretary

My name is John Lampert. I've been with someone for like 4 years straight now. From one relationship to the next. You could say I'm dependent on relationships. I don't know why, but I've been that way since I was 26 and I'm 34 now. But at the time I was single. I'm 6 feet tall and have black hair and brown eyes. Since I really didn't have anyone to go home to, I worked late a lot. I worked in an office building as an executive. I have a secretary that I think might have a thing for me named...

Straight Sex
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New Secretary Chapter 2 Maries first month

New Secretary - Chapter 2– Marie’s First Month If you have read the previous story about my new personal assistant Marie, you’ll know that she may turn out to be a great addition to the company. At this point how far she is willing to go remains unknown. I do know I underestimated her commitment. I must admit that I had completely underestimated the effect on Marie of making her my personal assistant and sex slave. She had always been effective, efficient and professional beforehand, but our...

Straight Sex

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