Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Seven: In Front Of The School Secretary (Part One) free porn video

The Head Mistress sat in her leather chair in her office listening to the lady on the other end of the telephone. Although Amelia Marks already knew about the incident that had occurred two days previously at Queen Mary’s Girls’ School, she wanted as much detail as possible before dealing with the culprits.
“So, can you tell me exactly what the damage was, Mrs. Wilcox?” She asked the woman.
“Well, we didn’t discover that the changing room had been damaged until first lesson yesterday morning and then we worked out that some of your girls – your second Hockey XI who were here on Tuesday evening, were the ones responsible. The graffiti also gave us a good clue that it wasn’t done by our girls.” The older woman explained.
Amelia shook her head as she listened.
“They’ve smashed some of the tiles in the showers and the graffiti was written in black permanent marker – my cleaners have tried to remove it, but the fact that they needed to use special cleaning chemicals to move it, shows they used permanent ink.”
Miss Marks made notes on the pad in front of her as she continued to listen to the Head Mistress of their local rivals.
“They had also broken a couple of the benches in the changing room and had left rubbish strewn all over the place. It’s was like a bomb site, Amelia,” Mrs. Wilcox forced a laugh.
Amelia Marks was not laughing and sat in her chair with a face like thunder.
“Well, all I can really say, Diane, is that I am truly sorry for this and, of course, if you let me know how much the repairs come to, then I’ll see to it that we pay for it.”
The young Head Mistress wrote “Senior Girls’ second Hockey XI” in large capital letters with her black pen on her pad.
“I am truly sorry, and rest assured, Diane, that the culprits will be found, and they will be punished most severely.” She threw the pen onto the desk in front of her and scratched her head.
“You don’t by any chance have any CCTV of my girls, do you?” She smiled.
“Just so that we can perhaps identify the culprits. I know that there were sixteen girls there that night and not all of them will have been involved – it’s likely to have been three or four of them – and it would make it quicker if we could maybe see them on film,” She added.
The Head Mistress of Queen Mary’s Girls’ School laughed.
“Oh, Amelia. You do make me laugh. You really did work in state schools far too long, didn’t you?” The older woman continued laughing.
Miss Marks shook her head.
“We trust our girls – as I’m sure do you, so we don’t have a need to have CCTV cameras watching their every move. Plus, we would only have them on the entrances of the changing rooms in any case if we did have them.”
Amelia smiled. She knew that.
“Actually, Diane. We do have CCTV cameras at Alannah Lawrence, but, like you say, only on the main entrance to the sports block.”
She pushed her small, round glasses up to the top of her nose with the index finger on her left hand before continuing.
“Never mind. It was just a thought. I’ll identify the girls and they will be dealt with. I can assure you of that. If you send me the bill for the damage I’ll make sure that we reimburse you in full as soon as we get it.”
She licked her lips and looked at the cupboard where she kept her punishment tools.
“I’ll let you get on, Diane, and all I can do is apologise and we’ll make sure that our girls don’t behave in such a way in future.” Amelia got to her feet.
“Well, it happens, Miss. Thank you. I’ll send over the bills once I’ve got everything sorted out – maybe next week sometime. Thank you, Amelia. Goodbye.” Diane Wilcox had already put the receiver down by the time Miss Marks had replied.
“Goodbye, Mrs. Wilcox.”
The young, dark-haired Head Mistress sat back in her leather chair for a few moments and closed her eyes. She took a few deep breaths before reaching over her desk and lifting the receiver on her phone. Amelia Marks checked a list of numbers and tapped in the one she wanted. The person on the other end answered on the fifth ring.
“Hello. PE Department. Miss Whitley speaking,” The lady replied.
Miss Marks smiled. She liked the quiet, dark-haired, young PE Mistress who had joined the teaching staff at Alannah Lawrence after she had completed her teacher training at the school.
“Hello, Rachel. It’s Amelia,” The Head Mistress smiled.
The Head Mistress knew that a phone call from her was sure to strike the fear of God into any member of staff who picked up the phone to her.
“He…Hello, Miss Marks,” The young teacher replied nervously, looking around at the other ladies in her office for support.
“I just need you to do me a favour, Rachel,” Miss Marks spoke softly.
“Yes, Miss. What can I do for you?” The young woman looked around the office, a confused look across her face.
The young Head Mistress got to her feet and looked out of the large window behind her before continuing.
“You were with the second eleven hockey team on Tuesday, weren’t you, Rachel?” She asked calmly.
The girl was really terrified now. She had found out about the damage caused by the team she was supervising and was worried that the Head Mistress would be annoyed at her. Amelia sensed this too and tried to reassure her.
“Relax, Miss. I just need you to get the whole team to meet me in Room 1.19 at lunchtime that’s all. We’ll have a little chat and see who was responsible. I just need you to ask the girls to turn up. Do you have an assembly with them this morning, Rachel?” She already knew the answer.
Amelia Marks knew everything that went on inside and outside of her school.
The young PE Mistress paused for a few moments before replying.
“Er, Yes, Miss Marks. I think that Miss Hickman is doing the senior school assembly this morning, so I’ll remind the second hockey eleven that you want to see them at lunchtime in room 1.19.” The young woman scribbled on a piece of paper in front of her.
Miss Marks nodded as she returned to her seat and sat down.
“Thank you, Rachel. I think that between us, we can get to the bottom of this matter and deal with those responsible. Have a lovely day.” The Head Mistress smiled to herself.
Rachel Whitley felt ill. Amelia terrified her. She looked across at the Head of PE, Nancy Halliday who was simply laughing at her, then at the other girls in the PE Department, Alice and Carrie, who simply shrugged their shoulders at her and went back to drinking their cups of tea.
“And you, Miss Marks,” Rachel Whitley replied quietly, biting her tongue as the Head Mistress ended the call.
Amelia Marks left her office just before the alarm to signal the beginning of lunch sounded across the school site. She closed her office door and headed quickly out of the main reception, walked across the car park and into the main part of the school. Amelia smiled at the girls who were slowly emerging from their classrooms.
Their chatter suddenly silenced when they noticed the short, dark-haired woman walking down the corridor towards them. Shortly afterwards, the young Head Mistress turned into the languages corridor and peered through the window of the door to room 1.19. Some of the second eleven senior girls’ hockey team were already waiting for her.
Amelia stood outside the classroom, arms folded across her chest, and waited for all of the girls to arrive. The Head Mistress stared at the girls as they emerged late from their classrooms. Their shocked expressions made her smile.
'Nice that I have that effect on them,' She thought to herself as the last few members of the hockey team made their way quickly down the corridor towards the classroom.
Once she had counted the sixteen girls, Amelia Marks walked into the room and stood watching the sixteen, seventeen and eighteen-year-old girls get to their feet. She closed the classroom door gently and returned to standing next to the teacher’s desk at the front of the large room.
“Sit down, ladies.” She scanned the room before removing a piece of paper from her jacket pocket.
The dark-haired Head Mistress slowly, and carefully, read out the names of the second eleven hockey team, looking at each of them in turn as they answered their names.
“Yes, Miss,” Chloe Williams answered before looking down at the desk in front of her.
Miss Marks smiled sweetly at the girls before replacing her list in her jacket pocket.
“Right, ladies. I wanted you all here today as we have had a complaint from the Head Mistress at Queen Mary’s Girls’ this morning about the state in which their changing room was left after Tuesday night’s fixture there.” The Head Mistress paused and looked at each of the sixteen young ladies sitting behind the desks in front of her.
“Mrs. Wilcox, the Head Mistress, said that there had been vulgar graffiti written across the walls, that benches had been broken and tiles smashed in the shower area.” The dark-haired woman placed her hands on her hips before continuing.
“They discovered the damage after you had been there on Tuesday evening and some of the graffiti makes it obvious that it was one – or some of – you, young ladies, who did this,” Amelia unintentionally began to focus on those who she had punished in the past when she was the Deputy Headmistress responsible for student behaviour.
“I would like to find out who was responsible for dragging the name of this school through the dirt and also, getting them to pay for the damage that they have caused.” She slowly walked up the aisle in between the rows of tables.
“Mrs. Wilcox has told me that the cost of repairing the benches, the tiles and removing the graffiti and repainting the changing room will be nearly £850.”
“I am not prepared to pay for it, and I can assure you, that the guilty parties will have the bill sent to their parents, ladies!” Amelia unintentionally raised her voice.
Some of the girls jumped in their seats.
“So, ladies. I’m asking the culprits to own up to what they have done and then we can deal with it and draw a line under all of this unpleasantness. Losing a hockey match does not give you free rein to cause criminal damage at another school.” She nodded.
“Can you imagine what Mrs. Wilcox must be thinking about what the young ladies from Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College must be like or what everyone else thinks of us seen as she’ll undoubtedly have told everyone she knows in the community about this – maybe you’ll get us in the local paper? All because you lost a hockey match and couldn’t take it with good grace like we have tried to teach you while you’ve been here.” Miss Marks continued to walk around the room.
The girls sat behind the tables, most of them looking at the desktop in front of them, or down at their shoes.
“And, of course, there’s Miss Whitley. How do you think she feels after I had told her about all of this nonsense? How do you think she feels, Charlotte?” Amelia stared down at the blonde-haired girl unfortunate enough to be sat behind the table next to where the Head Mistress paused.
Seventeen-year-old Sixth Former, Charlotte Karlsson looked up nervously. She had never been in any trouble before but knew how strict the Head Mistress was. She could also see that the short dark-haired woman was angry. She took a few moments to think about what she would say before looking up at Amelia, who stood there with her hands on her hips.
“Upset, Miss. Angry, Miss,” Charlotte answered almost in a whisper before returning her focus to her black shoes.
“Hmm,” Amelia nodded before walking back to the teacher’s desk at the front of the room.
The Head Mistress shook her head.
“I just can’t believe that any young lady – or group of young ladies – could treat Miss Whitley with such disrespect after everything she does and gives up for you in order to coach you after school and to take you to hockey fixtures.”
“I’m disgusted!” Amelia hissed.
The girls remained sitting behind the tables, avoiding looking at the small, dark-haired woman with the small round glasses. This silence continued for several minutes until Amelia Marks’ patience snapped.
“Very well. I’ll give you a choice then, ladies.” She walked over to the classroom door.
“I will give you until the end of the school day today for the guilty ones to come and admit what they have done.”
She paused.
“If the guilty parties own up, then that will be the end of the matter.” She brushed her long dark hair behind her head.
“They will be punished for what they have done and then we can all move on from this.” She looked at Emily Richardson and then at Chloe Williams, girls who had both been punished before.
“If you do not own up to what you have done, I shall punish the whole group – starting with detentions for a week including Friday and Saturday detentions and then I will cane everyone until the culprits step forward.” She opened the classroom door before looking back at the girls.
“If someone owns up by the end of today, ladies, then we shall say no more about this. However, if they don’t, then I shall see you in Friday detention tomorrow afternoon, then Saturday morning and then after school all next week.” Amelia smiled.
“No one wants to own up?” She scanned the room once more.
The girls sat there in stunned silence. Amelia Marks left them sitting there for another couple of minutes.
“Very well. You can get yourselves to lunch and have a good think about what you have done. If no one owns up to this dreadful behaviour, then I’ll see you all in here at two o’clock tomorrow afternoon.” Amelia Marks walked back to the teacher’s desk.
“Get up, chairs under and get out of my sight,” She snapped.
The sixteen girls slowly got up from their chairs, picked up their bags from the floor, placed the chairs under the desks and slowly made their way out of the room, careful to avoid looking at their Head Mistress.
One of the girls, Evie Lacey, walked out of the classroom and down the corridor. There was no way she wanted to get caned for something that she, or most of the other girls, hadn’t done. She was free after lunch, so decided to go and have a word with Miss Marks in her office.
Year Twelve student, Evie spent the rest of the lunch hour with her friends, but she had been in her own world for most of the time, not paying any attention to what they were talking about. She kept checking her watch and became increasingly nervous as the time ticked towards the end of lunch.
Eventually, the alarm sounded, and the girls made their way to registration. Once they had been dismissed, Evie Lacey made her excuses. She would catch up with her friends in the library once she had seen Miss Coulson.
Evie smiled as her friends walked into the library and she continued down the corridor. She walked out of the main school and across the car park until she walked through the door into the main reception. The sixteen-year-old smiled awkwardly as she noticed Amber Fox chatting on the phone behind the reception desk. The Head Mistress’ secretary acknowledged the small, dark-haired girl before returning her full attention to the phone. Amber continued to chat for a few minutes before she finished her call and replaced the receiver.
“Hello, sweetie. What can I do for you?” She smiled and brushed her long red hair back behind her ears.
Evie Lacey took a few deep breaths before she spoke.
“Is Miss Marks in, Miss?” She asked quietly.
Amber Fox nodded.
“She is. Why do you want to see her, lovely - you haven’t been naughty, have you?” Amber laughed loudly.
Evie shook her head frantically.
“On no. I just need to see her about the hockey team – from Tuesday night, Miss,” The girl spat out in a panic.
The Head Mistress’ secretary smiled.
“Okay. Take a seat and I’ll see if she’s free,” Miss Fox gestured with her left hand towards the leather sofas across from her desk.
The young secretary then picked up her phone and pressed a button, smiling as she waited. Amelia picked up on the fourth ring.
“Hello, Miss. I’ve got Evie Lacey from the hockey team in reception. She said that she would like to see you if you have a minute,” Amber spoke softly.
A moment later she replied.
“Lovely. I’ll send her in.” Amber Fox gently placed the receiver down and looked across at the dark-haired girl who sat awkwardly on the leather sofa, her school bag resting on her feet.
“Miss Marks will see you, dear,” The secretary announced quietly.
Evie slowly, and carefully, got to her feet and checked her uniform before bending down and picking up her bag. Just as she was about to start moving towards Amelia’s office, the door opened, and Miss Marks stood there watching the sixteen-year-old.
“Come in, Evie,” She moved away from the door and walked back behind her large desk.
The dark-haired Sixth Form girl tried to take her time but soon found herself standing in Amelia’s office. She closed the door quietly behind her before taking a few steps towards the short, dark-haired Head Mistress.
“You wanted to see me about the hockey team, Evie?” Amelia Marks smiled.
Evie Lacey nodded.
“Very well, young lady. Take a seat.” She gestured with her left hand and sat down on her own leather chair.
The Sixth Form girl slowly walked over to Amelia’s visitor’s chair, placed her school bag down and carefully lowered herself into the comfortable leather chair. Evie looked around the large room before Amelia Marks grabbed her attention.
“So, Evie. What can I do for you?” She leaned forward and rested her chin in her hands.
The dark-haired Sixth Form girl cleared her throat and took a few deep breaths before replying.
“Miss. I don’t think that it is fair that the whole second eleven hockey team get punished for something that wasn’t anything to do with them,” She spoke quietly, trying to avoid looking directly at the Head Mistress.
Amelia Marks smiled and nodded.
“I don’t think we should all get a week of detention and then get caned when we did nothing wrong, Miss,” She closed her eyes for a moment.
“Well, you know what I said. If the girls responsible for this own up, then you won’t be punished. I just want to know who was responsible for the damage and then I can deal with them. Do you know who was responsible for the graffiti, and the damage, Miss Lacey?” Amelia Marks picked up her pen in her right hand.
Evie Lacey nodded at the Head Mistress.
“Good. If you tell me Evie I will punish those responsible and the rest of the team will not have to do detention or face being caned for something they haven’t done.” Amelia reached over for a pack of post-it notes and smiled at the girl.
“Who did it, Evie? It’s not fair that I will have to cane every member of the team is it if no one owns up to it?” She continued to smile sweetly.
The Sixth Form girl nodded and looked down at her shiny black shoes. She didn’t want to inform on her friends but nor did she want six of the best with the senior school dragon cane from Amelia, whose canings were severe according to the girls who had fallen foul of her. She sat thinking to herself for a few moments before she opened her mouth.
“Miss, it was Emily Richardson and Chloe Williams who did it,” Evie spat out before returning her attention to her shoes.
The Head Mistress scribbled on the top post-it note and then threw her pen onto her desk in front of her.
“Thank you, Evie. Can you tell me who actually did what?” She sat back in her leather chair.
Evie closed her eyes.
“Chloe did the graffiti and broke some of the tiles I think, and Emily smashed the benches and did the tiles in the showers.” She fidgeted with her hands which she struggled to hold in her lap.
Miss Marks got to her feet and walked around to the front of her desk where she sat on the edge, inches away from the dark-haired Sixth Form girl.
“Thank you. That wasn’t too difficult now, was it?” She smiled.
Evie shook her head.
“Good. Well, I shall tell the rest of the girls that the culprits have been identified and that there is no longer a need for the rest of you to do a week of detention. Is there anything else, young lady?” Amelia got up and walked to her office door.
“No Miss.” Evie Lacey replied quietly.
Miss Marks pulled her office door open gently.
“Very well. You can go back to class and thank you for your help, Evie.” The dark-haired woman smiled.
The sixteen-year-old bent down and picked up her bag before getting to her feet and walking past the Head Mistress and slowly across the reception area. Amelia Marks shut her office door and sat down at her computer, clicking on the timetable and identifying where the girls she wanted to see would be. She added these details to her post-it note which she tore off the pile and took her suit jacket from the back of her chair before leaving her office, closing her door quietly behind her.
“Amber. I’ll be about ten minutes so can you just take a message if anyone wants me and I’ll get back to them.”
The Head’s secretary didn’t even have time to reply as the short, dark-haired woman strode out of the main entrance and towards the main school buildings.
Amelia Marks arrived at Ms. Lindsay’s English lesson just after two o’clock and walked in without knocking as was her custom. The girls all immediately got to their feet and stood, looking at the small, dark-haired lady.
“Thank you girls. Please sit down and get on with what you were doing. Miss, please can I see Chloe Williams?” She smiled at Kim Lindsay, who stared at her boss from her swivel chair.
The English Mistress, and Head of Year Twelve did her best to cover her computer monitor from Amelia. She did not want the Head Mistress to discover that she was looking for somewhere hot to go for her summer holiday.
“Of course you can. Chloe!” Ms. Lindsay focused on the tall, blonde-haired girl who was sat near the back of the room.
Chloe Williams looked at her teacher and then focused on the diminutive Head Mistress. Amelia stood there, arms folded across her chest staring at her.
“Pack up your things, bring your bag and come with me, young lady. She won’t be back, Miss,” Amelia continued to stare at Chloe.
After a few moments, Chloe Williams got up from her seat and placed it quietly under the desk before nervously walking towards the classroom door. She stepped out into the corridor and the Head Mistress followed her.
“Thank you, Miss,” Amelia Marks smiled as she closed the door behind her and headed down the corridor.
Within a minute, they came to Mrs. Smallwood’s Maths classroom. Amelia opened the door and went inside, leaving Chloe standing nervously in the corridor. Moments later, the dark-haired Head Mistress re-emerged with the tall girl with the short brown hair.
“Right, ladies. Let’s go and have a chat in my office shall we?” Miss Marks headed down the corridor and towards her office.
The two Year Eleven girls looked at one another but remained silent as they followed the Head Mistress back to her office. Once they had arrived in reception, Amelia opened her office door and ushered the two girls inside. She walked across to Amber Fox, who was busy tapping away on her computer keyboard.
“Amber, can I have the Punishment Book, please?” Amelia smiled and brushed her hair back behind her ears.
Amber Fox smiled and reached into the right-hand drawer in her desk, bringing out the large, hard-backed book a few moments later.
“There you go, Miss Marks,” She smiled as Amelia took it in her small right hand.
The young Head Mistress turned and headed back to her office where she closed her door quietly behind her. Once inside, she nodded and walked past the two Year Eleven girls who stood in front of her desk. Amelia placed the Punishment Book on her desk before removing her jacket and placing it on the back of her leather chair. She sat down and flicked through the pages of her book before focusing on the two girls who stood nervously before her.
“Right. Ladies. I’m not going to mess around this afternoon so I shall get straight to the point.” Miss Marks continued to go through the pages of her book, only stopping when she reached the page that she was after.
“It has come to my attention that you, Chloe Williams and you, Emily Richardson, were responsible for the damage at Queen Mary’s Girls’ on Tuesday evening and so, you will be punished for it.” Amelia looked at both girls who stood there in silence.
They knew that if they protested then their punishment would only get a lot worse.
“I will not tolerate such behaviour and so, you will be thoroughly punished this afternoon and then serve the detentions that I told you about at lunchtime.” She adjusted her light green blouse before continuing.
“I can’t believe that any young lady at my school would dare act in such a vile way and you will learn that I won’t tolerate that, ladies.” Amelia Marks got to her feet and looked down at the Punishment Book.
“I can’t believe that you would allow the rest of your teammates to suffer for your dreadful behaviour.” Miss Marks looked at Chloe and then at Emily.
The girls stood there, heads bowed, looking at their shoes.
“You have each been punished by me before and so you know what is coming your way.” The Head Mistress walked over to her cupboard in the corner of her office and opened the door.
She spent a few moments contemplating what implements she wanted to use, and once satisfied with her choices, she closed the door to the cupboard and walked back to her desk where she neatly laid her chosen weapons of ass destruction. She smiled at the two girls who stared at the spanking tools that were soon to be used across their bare bottoms.
Miss Marks then walked back to the vase in which she kept her collection of canes and spent a few moments choosing which one she wanted. Once satisfied with her choice, Amelia carried the black-handled dragon cane back to her desk and laid it next to her other implements.
She smiled sweetly at the two schoolgirls.
“Anything to say, ladies?” She asked emotionless.
Both girls shook their heads.
“I cannot believe that you were prepared for the other girls to suffer for your awful behaviour. That’s what makes this even worse.”
“That is why, ladies, added to the fact that you have been punished on a few occasions before, that I will be giving you a good hiding with my hand, clothes brush, slipper, paddle and then twelve strokes with the cane,” Amelia indicated each implement on her desk as she spoke.
“Then I’ll be contacting your parents to inform them about your punishments as well as the bills for the damage that I shall be sending them.” She walked over to her office door.
“I want you to remove your blazers, shoes, skirts and knickers – place them in a neat pile on my table and wait for me to come back.” The short, dark-haired woman instructed as she opened the door of the office and walked out into the reception area.
Amelia left her office door slightly ajar as she walked across the large reception area and stood at Amber Fox’s desk, waiting patiently for the young, red-haired lady to finish what she was doing on her computer. Amber smiled as she finished her email and pressed “send.” She then turned her full attention to the dark-haired Head Mistress who was leaning over the desk, her elbows resting on the raised wooden desk.
“Hello Amber. Are you busy?” Amelia smiled as the younger woman looked up at her.
Miss Fox shook her head.
“Nothing that can’t wait, Miss Marks. What can I do for you?” She placed her hands flat on her desk in front of her.
The Head Mistress looked back towards her office for a moment before returning her attention to her secretary.
“Oh, it’s just that I’ve got two very naughty young ladies in my office and I am going to punish them. I need a witness, that’s all if you can spare me say twenty or thirty minutes,” Amelia smiled.
Amber Fox smiled back. The Head Mistress had obviously remembered their conversation months back when she had said that she would really be interested in seeing how the teachers punished the girls. Although the red-haired woman heard the sounds of punishment coming from Amelia Marks’, or her Deputy Head Mistress, Melanie Edwards’ offices regularly, she had never actually seen the girls being punished. Amber Fox was desperate to see what it was actually like. She could feel herself becoming hot and excited at the thought.
“I’d usually grab Melanie, or Charlotte, but Melanie is interviewing for the Languages post today and Charlotte is out of school at a meeting.” Miss Marks stood up and took her arms off the top of the reception desk.
“Getting hold of someone is so difficult. You would only have to watch me punish them – bring some work with you if you like,” Amelia Marks laughed.
Her secretary was already pushing her swivel chair back and got up from the seat.
“No. It’s fine. I’ll just get Katie to come and cover the phone and then I’ll be right with you, Miss.” Amber walked out from behind the desk and headed through the double doors, returning a few moments later with the office manager, Katie Schofield.
The blonde-haired woman smiled at the Head Mistress as she sat down in Amber’s seat and watched the two ladies enter the Head Mistress’ office.
As Amber walked into Amelia’s office she immediately noticed the two Year Eleven girls standing, facing the Head Mistress’ desk. They had removed their grey school blazers, grey skirts and navy blue school knickers which had been folded neatly and placed on Amelia’s large table in the corner of the room. Their shoes were placed in front of the Head Mistress’ desk.
The young secretary closed the office door behind her and immediately turned her full attention to Amelia Marks, who had walked behind her desk and was staring at the two girls.
“Miss Fox. Why don’t you go and take a seat at the far end of my table over there and then we can get this dealt with as quickly as possible.” The short, dark-haired lady gestured with her small right hand.
The young secretary simply nodded and walked behind the two girls, until she stood beside the table before pulling out one of the padded chairs from under the table. She sat down carefully and looked across the room at Amelia and the girls.
“Now, ladies. I take it that you have no objections to being punished in front of Miss Fox here as the witness to your punishment. Emily?” Amelia focused on the tall girl with the short brown hair.
Emily Richardson looked across at Amelia’s secretary before returning her attention to the Head Mistress.
“No Miss,” The girl replied in a whisper.
“Chloe?” Miss Marks turned her attention to the other girl with the long blonde hair.
She shook her head, looking down at the implements that Amelia Marks had laid out across her desk.
“No. Miss Marks,” She tried to reply confidently.
Inside, she was absolutely terrified. She had been hand spanked and slippered on her bare bottom by the deceptively hard-hitting Head Mistress and it had hurt. She really did not want a repeat performance, but it was going to happen.
The young Head Mistress smiled sweetly and picked up her clothes brush and the small, tan-coloured oval-headed leather spanking paddle in her left hand and walked around to the front of her desk. She looked across at Amber and smiled at her. Miss Fox smiled back at her nervously, but excited at the same time.
The dark-haired Head Mistress smiled at the girls as she watched them step back to allow her to turn her leather visitor’s chair so that it was facing them. The forty-two-year-old then sat down, ironing the creases from her navy skirt, which rose up revealing her legs. Amelia placed her implements on the floor beside her left foot before smiling once more at Emily Richardson.
“Right, Emily. I’ll start with you I think. Let’s do this in alphabetical order. So, you’ll receive a hand spanking on your bottom, then the clothes brush and then the paddle and then it will be Chloe’s turn.” She looked over at the blonde-haired girl.
“Chloe – stand in the corner beside the door. Emily, place yourself over my knees. I want your hands flat on the floor in front of you and your legs slightly apart, feet touching the floor. Do you understand me, young lady?” Amelia instructed sternly and watched Chloe move into the corner.
Emily Richardson simply nodded and took a few steps over to the Head Mistress, nervously looking across at Amber Fox, as Amelia Marks removed her hands from her lap and sat back in the chair to allow the girl to position herself. Within a moment, the year eleven girl was bent over Amelia’s lap, her hands flat on the floor in front of her and her legs slightly apart.
The next sensation that she felt was the Head Mistress’ small left hand on her lower back, pushing her down into her lap so that her bottom rose in the air slightly. Next came Amelia Marks’ small, but seriously hard right hand, on her bare bottom. It was warm, just as Emily Richardson’s bottom would be.
“Right. Not a word and no fuss, Emily, or it will only get worse for you. Am I making myself clear?” Miss Marks raised her small right hand and paused as she contemplated where she would target her first series of slaps.
The sixteen-year-old girl continued staring at the carpeted floor in front of her.
“Yes, Miss,” She replied meekly, aware that the pain and discomfort was about to begin.
She did not have too long to wait. Once the young Head Mistress was satisfied, she took a deep breath, looked over at her secretary and smiled before she brought her small right hand down hard across the centre of Emily’s fleshy bottom. The sound it made echoed around the office.
The tall, dark-haired girl took it well, hardly showing any reaction, but she knew that this was only the beginning. Amelia Marks then concentrated upon showing the naughty school girl the error of her ways.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Miss Marks slowly, and as hard as she could, laid out a dozen smacks across Emily Richardson’s small bottom. The girl wriggled a little but did her best to stay in position over the clearly annoyed Head Mistress’ lap. There was no way that Emily wanted extra punishment.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
The young Head Mistress repeated the dose, looking across at blonde-haired Chloe Williams, who was standing, chewing on the fingernails on her right hand. The Head Mistress smiled as she returned her attention to Emily, laying out twenty-four more hard slaps with the flat of her small hand across the sixteen-year-old’s bottom.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Amelia Marks paused and looked across at her secretary, Amber Fox. The young lady with the long red hair was watching her. She was totally mesmerised by what she was witnessing. She was so glad that the Head Mistress had asked her to witness this. The thirty-two-year-old secretary tried to take her mind off the fact that she could feel that she was becoming very moist between her legs as the thought of being spanked turned her on.
The Head Mistress slipped her left arm under Emily’s stomach and pulled the girl tightly into her blouse and skirt.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
The experienced disciplinarian laid out her final burst across Emily Richardson’s lower buttocks and tops of her legs. The dark-haired girl struggled and squirmed. She had tears in her eyes but hadn’t been broken yet. Miss Marks used her strength to hold the sixteen-year-old in position across her knee as she concluded the first part of the punishment, only releasing her grip when she was satisfied.
As Emily lay, looking down at the carpeted floor in front of her, Amelia looked at the girl’s bottom. It had quickly changed from a pale shade to a mixture of pinks, and, in places, dark reds where Miss Marks’ right hand had connected at full force. As the year eleven girl shuffled around on her knees, Amelia bent down and picked up her ebony-backed clothes brush in her left hand. She transferred this to her right and measured it out against the small bottom lying at her mercy in front of her.
“Right, you naughty, naughty girl. Twenty-four smacks with my clothes brush and no fuss from you otherwise I’ll hold you in place and then start all over again. Clear, Emily?” Miss Marks rubbed the hard-backed brush across the girl’s bottom.
Emily Richardson turned her head to the left and looked up at Amelia. Her hair was covering her face and she tried to shake it out of the way before she replied softly.
“Yes, Miss.”
Amelia Marks wasted no time at all before she resumed the girl’s punishment, wrapping the swipes with the nasty brush out in two batches of twelve, slowly and targeting Emily’s bum cheeks equally.
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
Although the dark-haired sixteen-year-old took those first half dozen smacks with relatively little fuss, Amelia replaced her left arm under the girl’s stomach and held her in place tightly as she delivered the final half a dozen smacks as hard as she physically could.
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
Amelia smiled across at Amber, as she realised that Emily Richardson had broken. The dark-haired girl was crying, and the tears had started to fall onto the carpet in front of her. The year eleven girl was sniffing and sobbing in between pleading with the teacher to stop. Miss Marks simply paused until she had calmed herself before delivering her remaining swats with the nasty clothes brush.
Once the Head Mistress was satisfied that the sixteen-year-old had calmed herself, she placed the brush down next to her left foot and picked up her small, oval-headed tan coloured leather spanking paddle. She measured this against Emily’s red and sore bottom and waited for the girl to resume her position. Once more, Amelia placed her left arm under the girl’s stomach and pulled her gently into her green blouse and navy skirt.
“Now, twenty-four with the paddle and then you can have a little break while I smack Chloe’s bottom.” Amelia looked across at the tall, blonde-haired girl who was still chewing her fingernails nervously.
“No fuss, young lady or we’ll start all over again.” Miss Marks smiled as she laid the spanking paddle across the girl’s small bottom.
She wasted no time in wrapping out the swats with the paddle, holding the girl tightly and ignoring her pleas and her sobs and her sniffs.
“Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!”
Once more, Amelia paused halfway through. She inspected the sixteen-year-old’s bottom, smiling as she could see that it had turned a deep shade of red in places and was extremely warm to the touch. Amelia Marks smiled over at Amber Fox, who hadn’t taken her attention from what she was witnessing for a second, before wrapping out those final half dozen smacks with the paddle as hard, and as quickly as she could.
“Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!”
The young Head Mistress placed the paddle on Emily’s back and removed her left arm from around the girl’s waist. She sat with a snivelling and sobbing schoolgirl over her knee for a few minutes before picking the paddle up in her right hand and sitting back in the padded chair. She could feel the heat in her crotch with having Emily over her knee for a while.
“Up you get, young lady. Go and stand where Chloe is. Chloe, come and get yourself over my knee.” Amelia smiled as Emily Richardson struggled to her feet.
Within a minute, Emily was standing across from Amelia’s office door, wiping the tears from her eyes, sniffing and sobbing loudly. Chloe Williams found herself lying across the Head Mistress’ lap, hands flat on the floor in front of her, legs slightly apart and her feet touching the ground behind her. Miss Marks had returned her paddle to the floor and had placed her left hand on the blonde-haired girl’s lower back. Her small right hand was gently rubbing the large bottom in front of her.
“Now, young lady. You’re no stranger to finding yourself in this position so we shall not waste any more time. You have seen what is coming your way, so I expect you to take them like a good Alannah Lawrence girl. Any messing around, Chloe, and I will begin all over again. Do you understand me, young lady?” Miss Marks raised her small right hand in the air.
Chloe William’s nodded her head, her long blonde hair falling down and covering her face.
“Yes, Miss Marks,” She gasped as she prepared herself for what was about to happen.
The young Head Mistress nodded, took a deep breath, looked across at her secretary before returning her full attention to the naughty year eleven girl. Amelia’s hand landed across the fleshy centre of her bare bottom a moment later with a loud “Slap!”
The girl showed no reaction, trying to focus her attention on something other than how much her bottom was going to hurt after the angry Head Mistress had finished with her. Miss Marks took aim once more and began to spank hard and slow, smiling as Chloe kicked her right leg as the pain registered in her brain.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Those first dozen slaps landed slow and hard across the fleshy centre of the sixteen-year-old’s bottom. She continued to kick her right leg occasionally, but Amelia simply stopped and waited for her to return it to the floor before slapping her hard once again.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Amelia continued to target Chloe Williams’ flabby buttocks.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
A series of rapid-fire smacks kissed the blonde-haired girl’s lower buttocks and thighs. She began to struggle and squirm over her teacher’s lap, but Amelia simply paused and waited for her to calm down before resuming her punishment.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Miss Marks concentrated upon turning the girl’s pale buttocks as red as she could, slapping slow and hard, then as fast as possible. Soon, Chloe’s bottom was glowing red and was extremely warm to the touch. She was sniffing and crying but had done her best to stay in position and not to annoy Amelia any further. The Head Mistress took aim for one final time.
She placed her left arm under the girl’s stomach and held her tightly against her light green blouse and navy skirt, while she administered twenty-four slow, and deliberately hard, smacks against the girl’s lower buttocks and tops of her thighs. Chloe cried and squirmed for all she was worth, but thanks to Amelia’s left arm there was to be no escape.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
The young, dark-haired Head Mistress stopped and brought her left arm out from underneath Chloe’s stomach, placing it flat on the sobbing girl’s back. She sat there with the sixteen-year-old draped over her lap. Amelia allowed the girl to sob and sniff for a while whilst she pushed her small round glasses back to the top of her nose with her left index finger.
Once she was satisfied, she smiled across at Amber once more, before bending down and picking up the clothes brush from the floor. She turned this over and began rubbing it softly against Chloe’s already red and bruised bottom.
“Well, you’ve seen what’s coming your way, Miss Williams, so shall we continue?” Miss Marks laid the ebony-backed brush against the blonde-haired girl’s bottom.
“Twenty-four smacks and no fuss, young lady or I’ll start all over again. Am I making myself clear?” She raised the small, wooden brush in the air and paused.
Chloe took a few moments to calm herself enough in order to reply. Eventually, she managed it.
“Y... Ye…Yes, Miss.” She closed her eyes and sniffed some more.
Amelia looked across at Emily, and then at Amber, before replacing her left arm under the girl’s waist and quickly wrapping out the swipes with the solid little clothes brush.
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
Miss Marks paused after those first dozen smacks and allowed Chloe Williams to calm down a little. She was sobbing, sniffing and crying freely. Amelia looked at the bottom in front of her and nodded. It was a mixture of shades of pink and red and the predominant one seemed to be a brilliant dark red. The girl’s lower bottom and backs of legs were dark red too and the bruising was clearly evident.
Naughty Chloe Williams would be reminded of her poor behaviour, and the consequences of it, for days to come. The Head Mistress tightened her grip around the girl’s waist once again and administered the next dozen smacks with the brush, deliberately targeting the creases in between buttock and thighs.
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
The blonde-haired girl was crying freely and sobbing loudly. She had made countless promises that she would be good in future, but the Head Mistress had ignored her, instead, concentrating on delivering her punishment. Amelia let her lie over her knee for a few moments as she threw the brush onto the floor and brought her left arm out from under Chloe’s waist. She reached down and picked up the small, oval-headed leather spanking paddle once more. She measured this out against the blonde-haired girl’s bottom and smiled.
“Now. Just like your naughty little friend over there, you will receive twenty-four with my paddle and then you can have a little break.” She paused and looked at Emily Richardson.
The dark-haired girl swallowed hard. She knew that meant that her punishment was about to resume once more.
“No fuss, Chloe or I’ll start over again.” Amelia replaced her left arm under the girl’s waist and pulled her tightly into her light green cotton blouse and navy skirt, that had become damp from having the girls over her knee.
Chloe Williams was crying freely by this point, but the young Head Mistress ignored her, instead, wrapping out those two dozen strokes, slowly and painfully across the sixteen-year-old’s bottom and backs of her legs.
“Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!”
“Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!”
“Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!”
“Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!” “Whack!”
Amelia Marks sat back in the chair and removed her left arm from around the girl’s waist, placing her left-hand flat on Chloe Williams’ lower back. The dark-haired Head Mistress threw the small, oval-headed leather paddle on the floor next to her left foot and sat with the girl draped over her knee, sobbing and sniffing for all she was worth. After a few minutes, Amelia Marks placed her small right hand on Chloe’s bottom.
“Up you get and go and stand where Emily is.” She brushed Chloe’s long blonde-hair gently with her left hand.
“You, young lady. Go and bend over my table where Miss Fox is sitting and not a word.” Amelia looked at Emily, who wasted no time in carrying out her instructions.
To be continued…

- 30.05.2020
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- Category:
- Spanking