Reform School Memoirs of a Nun
- 3 years ago
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With David on sick leave, we were once again, short staffed. June temporarily took over as principal and I did some of her work but that left me less time to teach and I found answering correspondence and dealing with domestic matters, extremely tedious. Mid term and the governors could not find even a part-time replacement to relieve some of the pressure. However, Roger came up with a partial solution.
"I was at the old Goodman factory today to see if there was anything I could salvage for my work or as supplies for the school. Although it closed two weeks ago, some of the staff were still in the office and helping the receivers. One of the secretaries, Gwyneth Jones, I knew from my school days. She's a year younger than me and was a bit of a tearaway then and always seemed to have a different boyfriend every few weeks. She asked me if there were any secretarial jobs going here and I said I'd ask. She's divorced and not with anyone at the moment. When I asked Bob Jones, one of those clearing the factory, he said she was efficient and sorted out any pay problems they had so I wondered if having a secretary would ease your workloads. I got her phone number just in case."
"Just in case you could get a date," I bantered but June was more thoughtful.
"You think she would fit in here?"
"She's no prude June, or at least she wasn't in my younger days. She may want to live in because she's living with her mother again and they're about twenty miles the other side of town and with the narrow roads and congestion in town it could be a couple of hours drive to get here on a weekday morning."
We discussed Gwyn at some length during which time I could tell that she had been more than a girl that Roger knew from school, she was an ex-girlfriend and was still very attractive and slim. Both Roger and June saw that I was worried she might try and take Roger away from me and when he suggested he could visit her and discuss the position on Sunday, I asked to go along too. "What's the problem Sarah? You've seen me fuck other girls here and I've seen you have sex with boys and girls so what if I have sex with her?"
"The problem is, I see you with them but there is no commitment. With her wiles, she might wish more than just sex and from your description, she is much more attractive than I will ever be." I became heated and teary in my arguments but Roger averred that it wouldn't be like that. In the end June agreed to give me a day's parole, but added the proviso that I had to go in my school uniform because I would be representing the school.
On meeting her, I felt my gut instinct was correct. She was undoubtedly attractive, tall and slim with curly black shoulder length hair, nicely proportioned tits and tastefully dressed. Comparing our bodies, I couldn't see how Roger would choose me and I took an instant dislike to the girl. I'm sure she treated me with some distain and her conversation and looks were directed at Roger, even when I asked a question. Certainly my blue sweat suit uniform didn't impress her much and I had the feeling she thought I was only a prisoner there and of no consequence. My hopes that she wouldn't wish to join the school were dashed when she agreed to come for an interview and two weeks later she ensconced herself in June's old office.
It is not often that I take a strong dislike to a person, indeed there are very few people that I do not get on with, but in Gwyneth's case, I am sure it was more jealousy and the fear that she would take my boyfriend from me. At every opportunity she flirted with him, even in my presence and several times invited him to her room. To his credit, Roger stayed with me. At her work, I must admit, she was very good and soon made a difference to our workload and June and I could concentrate again on teaching, without having masses of paperwork to deal with. We still needed someone to teach maths; the twins were coping but their distance learning coursework had arrived, and now they had plenty of their own work to do.
The governors did appoint June as full time principal when it was clear that David would never return and hinted they might have someone in line for the deputy/maths post but it would be at least a month and more likely two months, before he would arrive.
Gwyn had been with us about a month and our relations had not improved much in that time. At best we were cordial, at worst, hostile and her attempts to seduce Roger away from me grew more blatant. The stress and my determination to hold on to him, actual started to cause a rift between us. As is often the case, the first little row was over nothing at all. I complained at the way he left our room untidy, even though I was not much better. This coincided with my period and I'm usually a bit grumpier then. Roger stomped off and spent the night with her for the first time. I cried myself to sleep knowing that was the beginning of the end as far as our relationship went.
Next morning I tried to talk with him but he had an outside job that day and took himself off with only a few greetings. The next two days he worked inside the school but each night he spent with her and only came back to our room to shave and get his things in the morning. Kate tried to comfort me but she was of little help and I knew that I'd either got to have it out with Gwyneth or give Roger up. I hoped that for him, his liaison with her was only a temporary thing but until I could get a few quiet moments with him to talk it over, I wouldn't know for certain which way his feelings were inclined.
My chance to confront Gwyneth came one Sunday evening. Most of the students were in the common room watching TV and I noticed a light was on in Gwyn's office and June wasn't around as far as I could see, so I burst in and told her bluntly what I thought of her, called her a stealing bitch and many other uncomplimentary names. In turn she just called me a fat slob that Roger didn't want to be seen dead with. One thing led to another and soon we were in the throes of a real catfight. I may be short and dumpy but I'd lost nearly two stone during my stay at the school and with gym most mornings, my physique was far better than when I arrived. Even now, I cannot say who landed the first blow but I did get a good punch into her face before we ended in a clinch, pulling hair, biting and tearing clothes.
CRAAACKKK!!! June stood there, strap in hand after she cracked it on the wooden table to get our attention. "My office now!" Reluctantly we moved into her office and stood like naughty schoolgirls in front of her desk. We must have stood there and wilted under her gaze for two whole minutes before she spoke. "This feud had got to stop, and stop now, Miss Lewis and Miss Jones!" June was in her authoritarian mode and I knew better than to interrupt. "The pair of you have been at loggerheads for the last month ... oh I know the reason and so does most of the school. They also know you've been fighting and that's a caning offence."
"You can't cane..." Gwyneth started.
"I know that Miss Jones, but I also know that I don't have to employ you." She paused and it gave me time to worry about getting the cane again. It didn't ease my mind when she confirmed that I was under her jurisdiction and she could use the cane on me. "Oh no Sarah, I won't be doing it in front of the whole school like David tried. If I do it, it will be privately in my office with just a couple of security to keep you in place, then there won't be any of your friends to cause an uproar. In any case, that is what you deserve this time." Tears rolled down my face and I started shaking; I dreaded the feel of the cane again.
"So my options are to sack you Gwyneth, and I think any tribunal you go to will uphold my decision in view of your fighting, and to give you, Sarah, a thrashing you'll remember as vividly as you do your welcome."
"No ... please ... she ... I..." I started to plead but words wouldn't come out. Instinctively I clutched Gwyn's hand and felt her grip tighten on mine when I realised what I had done and tried to release my grip.
"However, Sarah, I remember your arguments when it came to giving Paul his punishment and David's judgement. The deferred payment plan, we called it in the office. You will receive ten strokes of the strap now and I will keep a further ten with the strap and ten with the cane as insurance against your good behaviour for the next six months. The students know you were fighting so they will expect to see you punished."
"How... ?"
"How do you think I came here? One of them told me what was going on and was afraid one or both of you would really be hurt." She turned to Gwyneth. "I do not believe it is fair that Sarah should be punished and you get away scot-free. Your deferred payment plan is for you to receive the same punishment as Sarah and keep your job here with the alternative of leaving straight away. The choice is yours but with so many factories closing in the area, finding another job might not be easy. As far as your work is concerned, I am more than happy with it and will give you a good reference but I cannot and will not, tolerate the kind of behaviour you have shown to another member of my staff." I glanced at Gwyneth and could see she was shocked and could well have difficulty in making up her mind. "There's further conditions for both of you," June went on, "For the next week, you will both sleep together in the same bed, naked like everyone else and perhaps you'll get to know each other a little better or at least a little more intimately. Neither of you will see Roger unless it is strictly necessary in the course of your work and if you do see him, there is to be no mention of what has gone on or trying to persuade him to be your lover. Nor will you be allowed to have other students or staff in your bed at night. Understood?" Hesitantly we nodded. On Monday night of next week, when Roger comes to stay after his weekend visit home, you will both stay in your own room and if he chooses to sleep with one or the other of you, the other must relinquish all thoughts of taking him back. Maybe he will decide neither of you are worth it. If so, that will be the end of it. The choice is his and his only."
Reform School Mistress! FM1041 TJ Ryder******************************************************* Ballbusting Beauty Franchot leaned her shapely hip against the doorwayas she regarded the new apprentice for the guard positionin the interview room. She was torn between thinking howcute the voluptuous blonde was and also how young she was!She knew she would...
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Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] The New Secretary By Amy Brett Chapter 1 THE RUMORS HAD been flying for weeks and everybody was walking on eggshells around the office. I'd always done my job as a high paid clerk in the payroll and records department to the...
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Office SexNelson Enterprises - VP of Sales becomes a Secretary The VP of Sales - Dan Watkins - sexually harassed one of his talented sales ladies - Kelly Weir - to the point she quit and then he used his influence to destroy her career. He will now be inheriting that body and the remains of that career and must learn to interact with his 2 ex- wives from a new perspective - as their maid. Summary to date: Bill: Bill Nelson was a famous billionaire inventor and playboy but now finds...
My name is John Lampert. I've been with someone for like 4 years straight now. From one relationship to the next. You could say I'm dependent on relationships. I don't know why, but I've been that way since I was 26 and I'm 34 now. But at the time I was single. I'm 6 feet tall and have black hair and brown eyes. Since I really didn't have anyone to go home to, I worked late a lot. I worked in an office building as an executive. I have a secretary that I think might have a thing for me named...
Straight SexDisclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and have themes of bondage, feminization and other deviant sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Mistress Dyvia presents: Mistress Dyvia's...
The Perfect Secretary By Cherysse St. Claire "Cissy, would you bring in the projected revenues on the l'Audace line, please?" "In a minute, Ms. Fontaine. They're coming off the Laserjet right now." I reached over and withdrew the reports from the output stacker. The stark, white paper was a contrast to my long, slender fingers with their ultra-long, crimson nails. I patted an errant lock of my full, fluffy, golden-blonde mane back in place, checked my make-up in the desk-drawer...
She had spent too long waiting for a long promised fuck but tonight was the night. Even though she was in a relationship, for her the best sex was with others – the lustful dark fucking that she would only dare to do with others. He had been teasing her for the past year and she had finally told him to fuck her or fuck off. She was going to a conference where he would be and they had arranged to accidentally have adjoining rooms. It was the best cover for both of them. The worst part was...
She had spent too long waiting for a long promised fuck but tonight was the night. Even though she was in a relationship, for her the best sex was with others - the lustful dark fucking that she would only dare to do with others. He had been teasing her for the past year and she had finally told him to fuck her or fuck off. She was going to a conference where he would be and they had arranged to accidentally have adjoining rooms. It was the best cover for both of them. The worst part was...
Steve Davies I shoved my teaching materials into my satchel while admiring the naked girls in my classroom. Two weeks had passed since I’d edited my classroom to have every girl strip naked. I had a lot of fun. I’d enjoyed all my female students, savoring their underage snatches quivering about my cock. My students were learning even better than before. Two weeks of fun. Two weeks of improving things. I was editing the people I knew, making their lives better. I found friends that were...
Hi friends, this is Chaitanya. This is a true story which happened in my office with me. I was looking for another secretary who can take care of my extra work in office after my earlier secretary left for Dubai after her marriage. I was searching for a good replacement for my old secretary who can handle all the work as efficiently as the earlier one. My business has also expanded more and I had to travel to many places to develop more clients. I was in need of a Secretary who does all my...
Sexy Secretary Intro My penname comes from a character I used to play in interactive fiction. One of the stories was based on the enigmatic M&R Corporation and I loved the idea of hapless males being transformed by a faceless corporation. I also loved the idea that the victims of M&R Corporation were forced to choose (or were allocated one by their "sponsor') from one of four feminine roles: schoolgirl, secretary, maid or sex-slave. I plan to write a...
Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...