Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Eight: Sneaking Out free porn video

Lindsay was incredibly happy with herself that evening. Not only had she managed to sneak out of school and spend time with her boyfriend, but she had been able to persuade him to buy her the pair of gorgeous shoes that she had been looking at for weeks now. All in all, a successful night for the Year Twelve girl with the shoulder-length black hair. All she needed to do now was sneak back into her bedroom without getting caught by her House Mistress and that would be the perfect end to the day.
The athletic girl carefully squeezed through the hole in the fence, near the tennis courts and slowly made her way through the grounds of Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College. She smiled as she noticed the cars still in the car park – Amy’s was still there. The House Mistress in charge of Heywood House had not gone home for the night yet. Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell concentrated on getting back to the safety of her bedroom, carefully walking past the modern buildings that were Thomson and Norton Houses before she came to the listed building that was Heywood. She walked slowly across the ground, looking over her shoulder regularly to check that there was no one near.
Eventually, she came to the third window from the end of the building on the ground floor. She tapped quietly three times on the glass and waited. After a few moments, the window was opened and the girl with the shoulder-length black hair carefully climbed inside, smiling at the two girls in the room.
“Cheers, Lucy. Thanks, Letteisha.” She smiled as she hugged the two Year Twelve girls before walking across to their bedroom door.
Lindsay paused for a few moments before gently pulling the door open and stepping out into the deserted corridor. She closed the door behind her and slowly, and quietly, made her way along the corridor. After a few moments, she was walking up the stairs, looking over her shoulder in case anyone was about. She didn’t check her watch. She assumed that it must be after 10pm seen as the other girls all seemed to have turned in for the night. As carefully as she could she made her way through the doors at the end of the corridor and quickly headed towards her room that was halfway up the long corridor.
In no time at all, Lindsay was three doors away from her bedroom. She smiled. She had out-witted Miss Harket once again. Oh, how she disliked the tiny, Scottish House Mistress, the lady who would punish her girls for the least little thing. The Sixth Form girl was just smiling at the thought of getting away with sneaking out for the sixth time that school year when the double doors at the other end of the corridor opened and there stood Amy Harket; she took a few steps towards Lindsay before stopping and folding her arms across her chest. She looked totally pissed off.
“Well, good evening, Miss Bronson-Mitchell.” Amy Harket stared at the taller girl, her face like thunder.
“And, at last, you’ve been caught, young lady.” Miss Harket began walking slowly towards Lindsay, who had frozen to the spot.
Once Amy was standing within inches of the taller girl, she smiled sweetly, arms folded across her chest.
“Well, young lady. Do you have anything to say for yourself?” the short lady with the long dark-blonde hair asked softly.
Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell stood there, staring down at her black high heeled shoes, careful to avoid her House Mistress’ glare.
“Not the first time that you’ve sneaked out after study time, is it, Lindsay?” Amy Harket continued smiling, looking the taller girl up and down.
Miss Harket brushed her right hand through her hair.
“Oh well. If you’re not going to tell me about your “date” tonight, young lady, I suggest that you get yourself to bed and we’ll have a little chat about it tomorrow – with Mrs. Edwards.” Miss Harket licked her lips and stepped back.
“Get to bed and I’ll deal with you tomorrow!” she snapped.
The taller, black-haired girl stepped past the diminutive House Mistress and walked to her bedroom door. She opened it and walked inside, closing it gently behind her, not saying a word.
“Hmm,” Miss Harket exclaimed.
She stood in the corridor for a few moments before walking back to her office.
The next morning, Lindsay felt unwell. She had not slept at all at the thought of having to explain herself to Amy Harket and the Deputy Head Mistress in charge of student discipline at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College, Melanie Edwards. Mrs. Edwards had been her Geography teacher in her first two years at the school and she certainly did not spare the rod. Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell was generally a good girl, but she had still taken three or four trips over Melanie’s knee for her minor failings. She would really be getting it today. Added to the fact that it was a Friday then the sixteen-year-old Year Twelve girl would be sure to be placed in Friday detention after school in addition to any punishment from Miss Harket and Mrs. Edwards.
Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell had dressed and then had eaten breakfast in almost silence, paying little attention to what her friends were gossiping about at the table. She had then packed her school bag and headed to the library, hoping to avoid her House Mistress. She knew it was a forlorn hope – Amy Harket would have made a note of last night’s events and would come looking for her as soon as she arrived at school that day. The girl with the shoulder-length black hair did not have long to wait for her reckoning.
Miss Harket came into her Form class during morning registration, not even acknowledging her Form Mistress, Miss Hawkins. She immediately began scanning the room for Lindsay, and once she had located the girl three rows from the front of the classroom, she stared relentlessly through her brilliant blue eyes. Amy stood there for a few moments before she spoke softly.
“Good morning, ladies.” Her thick Scottish accent was clearly audible.
“Forgetting our manners, I see, Year Twelve.” She turned and smiled at Miss Hawkins, the art teacher, who was sitting at her computer, about to call the register.
The younger teacher blushed. She hated being caught out by her colleagues when her Form class forgot to follow the rules. Reluctantly, the girls pushed their chairs back and slowly got to their feet. They all focused on the five-foot-tall House Mistress. She was so tiny and also so terrifying.
“That’s better, ladies. Sit down.” Amy smiled and turned to Jennifer Hawkins.
“Good morning, Miss. Would I be able to take Lindsay with me, please?” she smiled angelically.
The young art teacher smiled nervously and looked at Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell before returning her full attention to the much shorter woman who stood at the front of her classroom.
“Of course you can, Miss Harket.” She bit her tongue nervously.
“Lindsay. Take your things and go with Miss, please.” She smiled at Miss Harket as the girl with the shoulder-length black hair slowly gathered up her things, placed them in her bag and got to her feet.
The sixteen-year-old closed her school bag, placed it over her right shoulder and stepped out from behind her desk, carefully placing her chair under the table in front of her. She was aware that the eyes of every other girl in her Form class were on her and she calmly walked to the front of the room, past Amy, and out into the corridor.
“Thank you, Miss.” Amy Harket smiled at Jennifer and then turned and walked out of the classroom and into the corridor. She closed the door to the classroom quietly before turning her attention to Lindsay.
“Right. Let’s go back to my room and we can have our little 'chat', Lindsay. Mrs. Edwards will be joining us once she has done the lower school assembly and picked up her naughty girls.” The short woman began to walk briskly down the corridor.
Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell followed Amy Harket as quickly as her legs would allow and soon they were standing inside Amy’s large office inside the historical building that housed Heywood House.
“Sit down, young lady.” Miss Harket pointed to her large three-seat sofa with her left hand and walked behind her desk in the opposite corner of the room.
The sixteen-year-old girl placed her bag down on the floor and nervously sat on the expensive sofa, carefully ironing the creases from her school skirt with her hands. She looked across at her House Mistress, who checked her laptop which was on her desk before she turned and walked back to the sofa, sitting down to Lindsay’s left-hand side.
Amy Harket smiled and adjusted her knee-length black skirt before she smiled at the Sixth Form girl.
“So, young lady. Tell me about last night, please. Give me all the details and please do not leave anything out.” She sat back on the sofa and brushed her left hand through her hair.
Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell took a few deep breaths. She looked down at her shoes, then her hands before looking at her House Mistress, who was sitting, smiling.
Over the next five minutes, confident Lindsay explained how she had been meeting her boyfriend, a young man who she had met in town one weekend. They had met each weekend until he had suggested that they start meeting during the week too. The sixteen-year-old had then described how she had found the hole in the fence near the tennis courts – this had been her means of escape from Alannah Lawrence at night. She then explained how her friends had helped her back inside the building before she had sneaked up to her own bedroom. Like a good girl, Lindsay had refused to name her accomplices, despite Miss Harket pushing for their names.
Even when the strict little Scottish woman had named them, Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell had denied that they had played any part in all of this.
“Very well, Dear. Have it your way. I will just have to take it out on your bare bottom instead,” she had announced coldly.
Miss Harket got up from the sofa and walked across the carpeted floor before pausing and turning back to look at the dark-haired girl sitting on her sofa.
“We both know about you sneaking out of school several times – you really must think that we never look at the CCTV cameras that cover this whole school.” She shook her head.
“We just couldn’t make out who it was for sure, but I suspected that it was you, young lady. I also know that it was Letteisha and Lucy who helped you back into the building, but have it your way, Lindsay. If you want their caning on top of your own punishment, then so be it.” She turned and walked over to her desk.
Miss Harket opened the large drawer in her desk and removed her ebony-backed clothes brush, slipper and black leather tawse, which she laid on her desk before closing her drawer quietly. She smiled as she noticed the sixteen-year-old watching her. Next, she walked over to the basket underneath her window and bent down as she searched for the cane that she wanted. Once satisfied, Amy Harket pulled the bright pink-handled cane from her extensive collection and looked at it closely. She flexed it in both hands before laughing. She then took it in her small right hand and swished it several times before placing it next to her other implements in her desk.
“Oh, come on, Lindsay. Don’t act so shocked. You’re no stranger to having your bottom smacked. I mean, I’ve done it at least five times in the last five and a bit years.” The House Mistress laughed.
“Been caned before, Miss Bronson-Mitchell?” Amy walked across to her sofa.
The Year Twelve girl nodded nervously.
“Who by?” Miss Harket smiled.
Lindsay looked down at her shoes.
“Ms. Lindsay in English because I swore at her when I was in Year Ten and then by Miss Hickman as she caught a group of us smoking.”
Amy Harket laughed louder than she intended. She found it difficult to imagine the sweet and lovely Deputy Head Mistress, Charlotte Hickman caning anyone. Kim Lindsay, on the other hand, was possibly one of the hardest teachers at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College. A caning from her was sure to have been a very painful, and a very memorable, experience.
“Oh dear, my lovely. Well, you’ll certainly be in for it this morning once Mrs. Edwards arrives. She’s not happy with quite a few of you at the moment for various reasons.” Amy re-took her seat on the left-hand side of the sofa and they waited for the Deputy Head Mistress to arrive.
Melanie Edwards knocked on Amy’s office door just after 9.15 and walked straight in, smiling as she noticed the small Scottish lady and the dark-haired Sixth Form girl sitting on the sofa.
“Sorry I’m a bit late, Miss. Year Nine girls causing me a headache this morning.” She paused to try and get her breath back.
Amy Harket got up from the sofa and smiled.
“That’s not a problem. I can imagine that one or two of them belong to me, don’t they?” She walked across the room and picked up a bundle of papers from her desk, walking back to Melanie and handing them to her.
“Well, yes. But we will deal with that later. Now, Miss Bronson-Mitchell was caught sneaking back into school after lights out, I believe?” She looked at Lindsay and then back to Amy.
“Indeed, Mrs. Edwards.” Miss Harket smiled at her older colleague before looking down at Lindsay, who was sitting in silence, staring at her shiny black shoes.
Melanie Edwards smiled as she scanned the papers in her hands.
“And not the first time, I see?” The Deputy Head Mistress walked across to Amy’s desk and placed the papers down. She removed her black suit jacket which she placed carefully on Miss Harket’s desk, smiling as she noticed the implements that had already been laid out.
Mrs. Edwards smiled at Lindsay, who was sitting with her head bowed, looking down at her shoes. Melanie slowly, and carefully, rolled up the sleeves of her dark blue cotton blouse and once satisfied, nodded at Amy Harket.
“Well, Miss. I don’t think we need to waste any more time on this or hold a full-scale inquiry,” she laughed.
“This naughty young lady has been caught, and as it is not just a one-off, then I think we can spank her bottom without further ado.” The lady with the dark shoulder-length hair walked back across the room until she stood in front of the Sixth Form girl.
“Meeting boys, no doubt, Lindsay.” Melanie smiled sweetly at the girl and then at Miss Harket.
“I’m sure that you have been doing more than just meeting him, haven’t you, young lady? Kissing, perhaps?” She folded her arms across her chest.
“Touching, perhaps?”
“Giving him a hand job, Lindsay?” She smiled as the girl looked up in shock before returning her attention to her shoes.
“Even a blow job, Miss Bronson-Mitchell.” The Deputy Head Mistress shook her head.
“Well, we like our young ladies to be very well-behaved young ladies and not dirty little sluts like it seems you have become, young lady.”
Amy Harket tried to keep a straight face as she listened to Melanie using language she would never have expected from the older woman.
“If you wish to act like a little slut and suck the cock of any boy who asks you to, then it is about time that Miss Harket and myself showed you the error of your ways, Lindsay.” Melanie Edwards turned and walked across to Amy’s desk, where she surveyed the implements once again.
After a few moments, she picked up Amy’s ebony-backed clothes brush in her left hand and began tapping it gently against the palm of her right hand.
“Well, Miss. I think we better get on with this, don’t you?” The Deputy Head Mistress smiled at the diminutive House Mistress.
Amy Harket nodded.
“Yes, Mrs. Edwards. I think that Lindsay knows what is coming her way.” Melanie Edwards stepped closer to the sofa until she was standing inches away from where the sixteen-year-old sat.
“Lindsay. I want you to stand up and go and place your blazer over the back of that chair over there.” Melanie indicated with her left arm.
“Then take off your shoes, skirt and knickers – I do hope that you have the correct knickers on this morning, and nothing slutty, otherwise we’ll have to punish you for that too, won’t we?” Melanie laughed.
The Year Twelve girl looked up and slowly got to her feet before she walked across to the chair and began to undress as she had been instructed. She avoided looking at Miss Harket and Mrs. Edwards, knowing what was coming her way.
As Lindsay continued to undress, Mrs. Edwards picked up one of the other high-backed chairs in Amy’s room and carried it across to the centre of the room before placing it down. She then turned and watched as Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell finished removing her clothes by sliding her navy blue school knickers down and then carefully stepping out of them before bending down, picking them up and folding them, placing them on top of her skirt that was on the chair.
“Well, Miss. Would you like to start us off this morning?” Mrs. Edwards smiled at Amy, who walked across to the chair and sat down.
The small dark blonde-haired woman ironed the creases from her knee-length black skirt with the palms of her hands before adjusting her white satin short-sleeved blouse. She opened her legs slightly, revealing her powerful thighs and looked across at the Sixth Form girl who stood there, trying to hold her blouse down so that it covered her shaven pussy.
“Come here, Lindsay. You know the routine by now. Over my lap and hands flat on the floor in front of you, legs slightly apart and feet on the floor.” Amy gestured with her right hand for the girl to move.
As Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell made her way over to her House Mistress, Melanie Edwards walked over to the sofa and sat down, staring as Lindsay slowly took her position over Amy’s small lap.
“Right, Miss. I want you to show Lindsay how we treat little sluts at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College.” Mrs. Edwards licked her lips. She placed Amy’s clothes brush on the seat next to her and watched the proceedings.
Amy Harket shuffled around until she was happy with the larger girl being draped over her small knees. She placed her small left hand on Lindsay’s back and began gently rubbing the sixteen-year-old’s bottom with her right hand. Miss Harket, despite her size, and despite her relatively young age was an experienced disciplinarian, having worked at the school for twelve years. She was one of the hardest spankers in the entire school and the girls knew it. Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell certainly knew it, having taken several trips over the diminutive Scottish lady’s lap in the past five and a bit years. This was not going to be a pleasant experience for her.
“Lindsay, you need to just take this punishment and think about why you are being punished, young lady. Do you understand?” Miss Harket spoke softly and raised her small right hand in the air.
She looked over at Melanie Edwards, who was sitting on the sofa, watching her. Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell did not move, her shoulder-length black hair covering her face.
“Yes, Miss,” she muttered, concentrating upon looking at the carpeted floor in front of her.
The small House Mistress did not reply. She took a deep breath, shuffled around on her chair some more until he was happy and then brought her small hand down hard against the larger girl’s bare bottom. It landed with a loud “Slap!” The sound echoing around her study.
The sixteen-year-old girl showed no reaction. She had been spanked by Amy before and, although she had an extremely hard hand, Lindsay was slightly relieved that the tiny Scottish woman was the one spanking her, and not the nasty Mrs. Edwards, who took delight in spanking any naughty girl to tears. Miss Harket concentrated upon spanking the Sixth Form girl’s fleshy bottom, landing her hand at regular intervals across the centre of her buttocks.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Amy slapped slow and hard, distributing her spanks equally across Lindsay’s left and right bum cheeks.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Miss Harket paused and looked across at the Deputy Head Mistress, who was watching her intently. The older woman knew that Amy would punish the naughty girl to a level that was appropriate.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
As Miss Harket continued to spank the girl, she noticed the change in colour of the bottom in front of her. Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell’s pale bottom was now a bright shade of pink with even deeper reds in places. However, the sixteen-year-old had stubbornly laid across the woman’s lap and was taking the hand spanking with little fuss. This made the House Mistress determined to punish her thoroughly. She would be crying by the time she was allowed up from Amy’s lap.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
The thirty-seven-year-old woman laid out a ninety-second long rapid-fire hand spanking which covered every inch of Lindsay’s bare bottom.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Miss Harket deliberately slapped the black-haired girl’s backs of legs and the creases in between her buttocks and thighs. This seemed to have the desired effect, as the Sixth Form Girl began to struggle and squirm. The House Mistress smiled and slipped her left arm around the girl’s slim waist and pulled her close into her skirt and blouse, ensuring that Lindsay was going nowhere.
“Oh no, Sweetie. You’re going nowhere yet seen as we’ve just started. You just lie there and take your punishment like a good girl.” Amy spoke soothingly, raising her right hand once more.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Amy continued to concentrate slapping the naughty Sixth Former’s thighs. Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell closed her eyes tightly and tried to take her mind off the burning pain that Miss Harket had ignited in her bottom.
“Beginning to think how naughty it is to act like a dirty little slut, young lady?” Melanie Edwards hissed as she watched from the sofa.
The dark-haired schoolgirl shook her head and began sniffing as the tears began to form in her eyes, all the time feeling Amy’s small right hand slapping her bottom hard.
“Yes, Miss. I’m sorry, Miss!” she shouted as she winced with pain.
Mrs. Edwards smiled and got up from the sofa so that she could stand and get a closer look at the Year Twelve girl’s red and sore bottom.
“Hmm. A very well smacked bottom, Miss. Wouldn’t you say?” Melanie nodded at Amy.
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
“Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!” “Slap!”
Miss Harket laid out another dozen slow and extremely painful slaps across the creases in between Lindsay’s bottom and thighs before she paused and removed her left arm from around the girl’s waist. She placed both hands flat on the girl’s lower back.
“Oh, I think that it’s a good start, Mrs. Edwards, but as a repeat offender, and because what she was up to was so unacceptable, I think that we need to really show how displeased we are.” Amy looked up at Melanie and smiled.
Mrs. Edwards returned to the sofa and sat down on the middle seat. She ironed the creases from her long, black skirt with her hands. She reached over and picked up the clothes brush in her left hand.
“Oh, I agree with you there, Miss. Plus, what a message her well-smacked seat will be to the other girls in Heywood House and to the wider school too – maybe we should make her display her bare bottom during the assemblies next week?” the Deputy Head Mistress said quietly.
Miss Harket laughed loudly and pushed Lindsay down into her knees as the girl began to move about on her lap.
“No, Miss. Please, Miss!” Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell pleaded in between her sniffs and sobs.
Melanie Edwards sat back on the sofa and adjusted the sleeves on her dark blue blouse.
“I think that Miss Bronson-Mitchell better come and lie over my lap and we’ll continue her punishment,” Melanie laughed.
Amy Harket tapped the sixteen-year-old gently on the bottom with her right hand.
“Up you get and put yourself over Mrs. Edwards’ lap.” She sat back in the high-backed chair and watched the girl slowly and awkwardly get to her feet.
Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell really wanted to place both hands on her buttocks and rub the pain away, but she thought better of it. Amy sat on the chair in front of her and was staring at her. The look of sheer anger across her face was a signal to the Sixth Former that she should not upset her any further. Lindsay turned and walked across to the sofa and brushed her dark hair behind her ears before slowly lowering herself over Melanie’s black-skirted knees. She raised her legs so that they rested on the far arm of the sofa.
“Put this over your face, young lady. I don’t want to hear your crying or promises to be good.” The Deputy Head Mistress held one of the cushions in her left hand and smiled as the Year Twelve girl took it.
Lindsay placed it in front of her and gently buried her face in the velvety red cushion. The next sensation she felt was Melanie’s left arm underneath her stomach and being pulled tightly into the woman’s blouse and skirt. Next came the wooden backed brush being tapped against her already bruised and warm bottom. She pushed her face deeper into the cushion and closed her eyes, waiting for the onslaught to begin again.
Mrs. Edwards looked across at Amy Harket, who adjusted her short black skirt before sitting back in the high-backed chair, watching Melanie at work. The dark-haired Deputy Head Mistress smiled at the younger woman before raising the clothes brush in her right hand, took a deep breath and brought the nasty, ebony-backed brush down a moment later across the fleshy centre of the sixteen-year-old girl’s bare bottom. The surprisingly dense wooden brush landed with a loud “Thump!” that echoed around the large room and out into the corridor.
The experienced Deputy Head Mistress smiled as she watched Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell squirm around on her lap as the intense pain registered in the girl’s brain. It took her a few moments to settle herself and once satisfied, Melanie went to work with the clothes brush, rapping out her smacks in batches of four, slowly smacking each of the Sixth Former’s buttocks alternately.
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
The ebony-backed brush immediately began to have a noticeable effect, turning the black-haired girl’s bum cheeks a deep shade of red as it kissed her bottom at regular intervals. Lindsay squirmed and wriggled, but Mrs. Edwards held her down with her left arm and calmly continued her punishment, ignoring the girl's sniffs, sobs, shouts and promises.
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
Another slow burst with the brush began to bruise Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell’s bottom and Melanie smiled to herself as she could see the deep red marks left by her clothes brush. The naughty Sixth Form girl would feel this for days and would not be able to sit down comfortably in her bedroom or in her lessons. However, she was far from finished with the girl. She rapped out another dose with her nasty little brush, holding Lindsay in place as she slowly, and as hard as physically possible brought the brush down against the sixteen-year-old’s lower buttocks, again, targeting her bum cheeks equally.
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
Melanie continued spanking the girl with her clothes brush for a further five minutes, ignoring Lindsay’s sniffs and sobs. She smiled over at Miss Harket as she fought to hold the girl down with her left arm, spanking her hard in between the wriggling and squirming. Finally, the experienced disciplinarian laid the small, wooden-headed brush against the dark-haired girl’s bottom and thighs and took aim for the creases. She wrapped out twenty-four, slow and hard smacks that landed right where she wanted them. Now, every time the girl moved or bent down, she would feel her punishment for days.
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
“Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!” “Thump!”
The black-haired Sixth Form girl was crying uncontrollably and grasped the cushion to her face as hard as she could. Mrs. Edwards placed the clothes brush on the arm of the sofa and removed her left arm from around Lindsay’s waist. She placed both hands on the girl’s back and allowed her a few minutes to calm herself. Melanie said nothing, instead staring across at Miss Harket and smiling at the younger woman. Once she was happy that Lindsay had calmed down, the forty-six-year-old teacher shuffled around on the sofa to get comfortable and to get ready for the next part of the naughty young lady’s punishment.
“Miss. Could you hand me the slipper, please?” she asked softly and smiled as the House Mistress got to her feet and walked across to her desk.
Within a minute, Mrs. Edwards had replaced her left arm around Lindsay’s waist and had pulled her tightly into her blouse and skirt. The sniffing and sobbing became louder once more. The Deputy Head Mistress had taken the large, black slipper in her right hand and had measured it out against the sixteen-year-old’s already red, sore and extremely hot bottom in front of her. She began gently tapping it against the Year Twelve girl’s bottom and said nothing as she brought her first swipe down. It landed with a loud “Thud!” against the lower part of Lindsay’s right bum cheek.
The girl began crying loudly once more, but the Deputy Head Mistress pushed on, once again delivering this part of the punishment in slow, and extremely hard, batches of four.
“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
Mrs. Edwards paused to re-adjust her hold on an almost hysterical Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell. The dark-haired Sixth Former had been crying almost non-stop since Melanie had started her part of the punishment and the experienced disciplinarian found herself having to use all her strength to hold the girl in place over her knees, which had become increasingly damp from having the relatively well-built girl over her lap. Once she was happy that Lindsay could not escape, she smiled across at Amy Harket, before completing this painful part of the girl’s punishment, once again, targeting the creases in between her lower bottom and thighs.
“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
“Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!” “Thud!”
Once she had administered the last of her full-force smacks with the slipper, Melanie placed it on the arm of the chair next to the clothes brush and removed her arm from around the sixteen-year-old’s waist, placing both hands flat on the girl’s back. She sat back on the sofa and listened to Lindsay’s sniffs and sobs and waited until her breathing had returned to normal. Mrs. Edwards then looked across at Amy, who was sitting on the chair across from her, adjusting her long dark blonde hair.
“Well, Miss. I think that we’re starting to get through to this naughty young lady. I think that she’s starting to realise that we will not tolerate girls who sneak out of school and do God knows what with strange boys.” She laughed as she placed her right hand flat on Lindsay’s burning bottom in front of her.
Amy Harket laughed and got up from her chair.
“I think it’s back to you, Miss. Why don’t you show me how they discipline naughty young ladies in Scotland, Miss Harket?” Mrs. Edwards laughed as she rubbed Lindsay’s red-hot bottom.
The House Mistress walked across to her desk and picked up her leather strap, which she ran through her fingers before turning and walking back to where Melanie sat.
“I was actually a really good girl, Miss. I never got punished in that way, but I did see it done to others quite regularly,” Amy smiled.
Melanie stopped rubbing Lindsay’s bottom and sat back on the sofa.
“Right, Miss. Where do you want this naughty young lady?” the Deputy Head Mistress spoke softly.
Miss Harket nodded as she thought about how she would administer the next part of the girl’s punishment.
“I think we’ll have her over the arm of the sofa and then I can get a good swing with my strap.” Amy walked across to the right-hand side of the large sofa and waited.
“Yes. Up you get, young lady, and lie yourself over the arm of the sofa – hips on the arm of the sofa and I’d keep that cushion to cover your face, if I were you,” Mrs. Edwards laughed.
After a few moments, Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell had managed to awkwardly get to her feet and stood, looking down through teary eyes at Mrs. Edwards. The Deputy Head Mistress ironed the creases from her long black skirt and got to her feet picking up the brush and slipper and returning them to Amy’s desk. The Sixth Form girl hesitated and looked over at Amy Harket, then back to Melanie. She was still sobbing and sniffing and wanted the punishment to end.
“Over the arm of the sofa, Lindsay, or do I have to help you?” the Deputy Head Mistress smiled wickedly.
A helping hand from Mrs. Edwards would surely mean extra punishment so Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell shook her head frantically. She brushed her black hair from her face and carefully lay over the sofa, hips resting on the arm of the large sofa, raising her burning bottom in the air. She grabbed hold of the cushion and buried her face in it as deep as it would go. After a minute or so, Miss Harket walked across and stood to the left-hand side of the sixteen-year-old. She carefully laid her strap across the red and sore bottom before her before taking the two-foot piece of leather back over her right shoulder and pausing.
She looked at Melanie, who had sat down on the chair that was still in the centre of the room.
“Twelve smacks, Miss Harket? I think that shall be sufficient. Do you?” she smiled.
The young House Mistress nodded as she carefully took up her position, left leg in front of her right and her left knee slightly bent. She placed her left hand on her hip and took a deep breath. A few moments later she sent the nasty piece of solid leather flying towards the girl’s bottom. It landed with a loud “smack!” that even made Mrs. Edwards jump a little in her chair.
Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell kicked her legs as the strap connected with her already sore bottom. The pain burned into the fleshy centre of her bum cheeks and she pushed her head into the cushion in front of her. The tears beginning to stream once more. Miss Harket returned the strap to her right shoulder and waited for the girl to calm herself before bringing the strap flying through the air once more, landing a moment later, within millimetres of her previous stroke.
Once again, the dark-haired Sixth Form girl kicked her legs and shouted into the cushion. Amy Harket smiled across at Melanie Edwards and allowed the girl to recover before taking aim once more. It took her over five minutes to administer this part of the punishment as Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell wriggled and squirmed after each swipe with the nasty piece of black leather. Eventually, Miss Harket had finished and leaned in to have a close look at the girl’s red and bruised bottom. The marks left by her strap were clearly evident across the sixteen-year-old’s bum cheeks and the House Mistress calmly walked over to her desk and placed her strap down.
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”
“Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!” “Smack!”
Mrs. Edwards got up from the chair and adjusted the sleeves on her dark blue blouse before walking over to Amy’s desk where she picked up the senior dragon cane in her right hand, looking at it closely before swishing it several times through the air to get the feel for it. As she lay face down in the cushion, Lindsay began crying. The caning was going to hurt even more than what she had already endured. She just wanted her punishment to end.
She walked back to where the girl was bent over the arm of the sofa, sobbing, and laid the thin, pink-handled cane across the centre of the young lady’s bottom. She began tapping it gently against Lindsay’s already swollen and sore buttocks.
“Right, young lady. Nearly there. Once we are finished, you will stand up and get yourself dressed. You will then apologise to Miss Harket and myself and then it will be break time, so you can go to the bathroom and sort yourself out before your next lesson.” Mrs. Edwards smiled across to Amy Harket, who smiled back as she sat down on the high-backed chair.
“You will then attend Friday afternoon detention today in room 1.19 at 2pm and that shall be the end of the matter as far as we are concerned. What do you think, Miss Harket?” Melanie did not move, concentrating instead on where that first painful swipe with her cane would land.
“I think that sounds fair enough, Miss.” Amy ironed the creases from her white short-sleeved blouse and then worked her way down to ironing her black skirt with the palms of her hands.
“I think that Lindsay realises how lucky she is that we’re dealing with this and also, what will happen if ever there is a repeat,” she laughed sweetly.
As she lay there, face pushed into the cushion to muffled her sobs and sniffs, Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell did indeed realise how lucky she was. Although Melanie and Amy had spanked her severely causing her bottom to feel like it was on fire, it was probably nothing compared to what she would have received from the Head Mistress, Amelia Marks, who just happened to be out of school that day at a meeting.
“Yes. We’ll enter this in the Punishment Book and, as long as this young lady does not go back to her slutty little ways, then we shall say no more about it.” Mrs. Edwards adjusted her stance and raised the cane in her right hand.
It landed a moment later across the fleshy centre of Lindsay Bronson- Mitchell’s sore bottom with a loud “Thwack!”
The Deputy Head Mistress wasted no time in administering those first strokes, giving the girl a few moments in between each one to re-position herself and to re-gather her composure.
Melanie Edwards paused and took a step towards Lindsay, who was wriggling across the arm of the sofa, the pain and discomfort in her bottom clearly evident. The forty-six-year-old Deputy Head Mistress smiled as she could see the six, neat thin red lines that the cane had left across the girl’s buttocks. Within a minute, Mrs. Edwards has re-taken her position to the girl’s left-hand side and stood with her left hand on her left hip, left knee slightly bent, as she concluded Lindsay’s punishment with five, full-force strokes that were concentrated across the fleshy centre of the sixteen-year-old girl’s fleshy bottom.
The dark-haired Deputy Head Mistress smiled at Amy Harket, who had got up from her chair and had walked across the room so that she was standing looking down upon Lindsay, who was lying with her face in the cushion, crying and sobbing into it loudly.
“Well, Miss. I think that is enough and that Miss Bronson-Mitchell here realises that I do not like little sluts,” she laughed as she walked across the room and placed the pink-handled cane down on Amy’s desk.
The two women gave the girl a few minutes to recover before Melanie asked her to stand up and go and get dressed. This had taken quite a while as Lindsay had first struggled back to her feet before walking over to the chair in the corner of the room and slowly, and awkwardly, replacing her school uniform. The black-haired schoolgirl checked her appearance before turning to face her teachers, who had been watching her.
“Right, young lady. What do you say?” Melanie Edwards spoke sternly as she stood there with her hands on her hips.
Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell sobbed and brushed her hair from her eyes. She took a few moments until she had calmed herself enough to reply.
“I’m sorry, Miss. I won’t sneak out or meet boys again. I promise,” she replied, still sniffing and sobbing, wiping tears away from her eyes and wiping her nose on the back of her hand.
Amy Harket nodded and smiled at her. Melanie walked over to Amy’s desk and picked up her black suit jacket which she carefully slipped her arms into and made sure that it was perfect on her shoulders.
“Good. Well, like we have said, we shall say no more about it, Lindsay, but there better not be a repeat of this.” She walked over to the door and paused.
“I shall record your punishment in Miss Marks’ Punishment Book, and you will attend Friday detention this afternoon in 1.19 with Miss Hickman,” she smiled sweetly.
“Miss, would you add anything to this young lady’s punishment?” Melanie spoke softly.
Amy Harket placed her hands on her hips and focused on Lindsay.
“I think I’ll have a chat after detention this afternoon – in here, Dear – and then I’ll ground her, but I think that is sufficient for now, Miss.” She ran her left hand through her dark blonde hair.
“What do you think, Lindsay?” she asked calmly.
The taller, black-haired girl continued to wipe her nose and eyes but nodded at Amy Harket.
“Yes, Miss. I’ll be good. I promise,” she said in a panic.
The two teachers looked at one another and laughed.
“Right. Get your bag and go and clean yourself up. It’s nearly break time so no point in going back to your first lesson now. Just make sure that you find out about any work that you’ve missed and get caught up with it. Am I making myself clear, young lady?” Melanie opened the door to Amy’s room.
Lindsay quickly picked up her bag and placed it over her right shoulder and walked over to the door where Melanie stood staring at her.
“Yes, Miss. Thank you, Miss,” she spat out before walking out into the corridor and heading for the Sixth Form block.
Over break time, Melanie Edwards returned to her office and collected the Punishment Book from Amelia’s secretary, Amber Fox. The Deputy Head Mistress carefully filled in the details of the Year Twelve girl’s punishment before returning it to the red-haired lady on reception.
Date: Friday January 20th, 2023
Name: Lindsay Bronson - Mitchell
Form Class: 12 EHS
Reason for Punishment: Leaving school premises without permission
Punishment: Over-the-knee hand spanking, clothes brush, leather paddle, smacked with the slipper and twelve strokes on the bottom with the senior dragon cane.
Administered by Mrs. Melanie Edwards – Deputy Head Mistress
Witnessed: Miss Amy Harket – House Mistress (Heywood House)
Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell had cleaned herself up the best she could, but most of the girls in the Common Room and in her lessons could see that she had been crying. Most of them knew about her meeting with her House Mistress and the Deputy Head Mistress anyway. She had sat awkwardly through her History lesson that morning and then Politics and finally, Sociology after lunch, the pain in her bottom throbbing more and more as the day went on.
Finally, when the alarm went to signal the end of lessons that Friday, she headed to room 1.19 in the Languages corridor for her Friday detention. She was one of only three girls in detention that day. She didn’t recognise the other two girls, who were in Year Ten and simply concentrated on doing as she had been told by Miss Hickman, her History teacher and the Deputy Head Mistress at Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College. She felt tearful that whole two hours, and this hadn’t been helped by Charlotte Hickman, who had expressed her disappointment that Lindsay, a usually well-behaved girl, had found herself in Friday detention. Still, unlike the two Year Ten girls who had been given six of the best with the cane by Charlotte, she had survived and made her way to Amy Harket’s room afterwards.
The diminutive Scottish lady had told her off and then asked her to remove her knickers and lift her skirt while she inspected her throbbing and sore bottom. Lindsay Bronson-Mitchell had done as she had been told and then had been dismissed. She had gone back to her bedroom and lay face down on her bed crying. She never sneaked out of school again and managed to avoid further punishments.
No pair of fancy shoes was worth the pain they seemed to cause.

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