My Summer In Rememberance
- 4 years ago
- 30
- 0
I sat on a bench on the board walk that faced the ocean, and stared out over the Atlantic. My name is Brian, and since my extremely nasty break up 6 months earlier, I spent a lot of time at the beach. Truth be told, I spent quite a bit of time at the beach any way.
There was something both soothing and exhilarating about the surf, and sea. I knew I had been in a funk since my break up. Janet had been my world, and she had turned it completely upside down.
Now Bikeweek was coming back to Daytona. I always looked forward to it, and I always take vacation time during the event. It's nine days of fun and parties. Bikeweek is Mardi Gras on a motorcycle. For those who don't know, Bikeweek is the largest motorcycle rally in the country. Tomorrow upwards of 600,000 people would descend on Daytona Beach. Some were already here now, and for nine days there would be an almost constant rumble in the air.
That 600,000 doesn't count the extra strippers, hookers, and escorts that would also be around. A lot of whom had already hit town a few weeks ago, During Speedweeks.
This year those, I was having an intrusion into my life. My friend Paul had talked me into letting an ex-girlfriend of his, some girl named Mandy, and a friend of hers camp out in my yard. They had decided at the last minute to come down for Bikeweek from North Carolina, and of course all the hotels and camp grounds had long since been booked solid.
There was no way Paul's girlfriend was going to settle for having an ex of his hanging around. So, Paul had talked me into it. I live in a nice little house on an acre of land, about ten minutes from the beach. Room was not a problem.
Tomorrow this Mandy and her girlfriend of would be arriving. I had decided to make the best of it. Besides, I would be gone a lot during Bikeweek. After some solitude time staring at the ocean, I decided to pack it in and head for home.
The next day, lounging on my couch, I heard a rap on my door. Paul walked in without waiting for me to answer.
"Hey there brother." I called out as he walked in. "Get yourself a beer, you know where they are."
Paul walked into my living room carrying a Bud Light he had fished out of my fridge. " Hey bro." Paul answered.
"So what did you tell your woman about why you were coming over?" I asked him casually. " I told her I was helping you work on your bike." He answered, taking a swallow of his beer.
"I figured. You know, you owe me one." I informed him.
"It'll do you some good to have some female flesh around here. You're becoming a damned hermit."
"Dude, if she is coming to Bikeweek with another girl, my guess is she pinch hits for the other team." I replied.
"Hey, remember, I used to date Mandy. She's a great lady, you'll like her."
" What did you tell her about paying to stay here? " I asked.
"Exactly what you said. I told her to bring a 12 pack." Paul laughed.
I nodded my head. " What she say to that?"
"She said you sounded like her kind of guy. Speaking of ex, I saw yours last night at Center Line."
" You say anything to her?" I asked.
" Oh hell no! Triple f, buddy." Paul said making a distasteful face.
" Yep, triple f." I echoed his comment, laughing. Triple f was our name for a " foul, filthy, female."
Paul and I waited around the house until we heard a truck pull into my driveway. " Sounds like your friend is here."
Getting up, we walked outside to meet them. I saw a slinky blonde climbing out of a truck that was pulling a trailer loaded with two bikes in it. I figured the blonde must be Mandy.
Paul walked up to the blonde and hugged her. Motioning for me to come over, I walked up next to my friend.
"Brian, this lovely lady is Mandy."
I was taken by surprise a little when Mandy turned and threw her arms around me in a hug also. Turning her head, she lightly kissed my cheek, and her kiss seemed to linger for a moment.
" We appreciate you letting us use your yard as a camp ground. " Mandy said to me.
"Not a problem." I said with a smile.
"Guys, this is Becky." Mandy introduced her companion.
Talk about a contrast. Mandy was tall, I guessed around 6', an inch taller than myself. She had a slinky little body, narrow in the hips and shoulders, fairly small tits, and very long legs. Her friend Becky on the other hand was shorter, maybe 5' 6". She was more voluptuous, rounder in the hips, bigger boobs, and dark hair. I noticed when we were introduced, Becky avoided eye contact.
"Oh, I almost forgot." I heard Mandy say as she reached into the back of her truck and pulled out a 12 pack of Bud Light. "Rent." Mandy said, handing the beer to me.
I laughed out loud. " Paid in full. Come on in and relax for a bit." I offered.
We sat around my kitchen table to chat, and I got everyone a beer out of the fridge. Paul and Mandy entertained us with stories from their past. I noticed every move Mandy made was slow, deliberate, and sinuous, almost cat like. She absolutely oozed sexuality.
Now, I have been told by women that I had " bedroom eyes " and " fuck me eyes." but Mandy's pretty green eyes said " I'm going to fuck you, and you're going to love it."
After another round, Paul said he had to be getting home. He left saying goodnight, and that he would see us all tomarow.
After Paul left, Mandy asked to use the bathroom, and I told her where it was, reminding them that they were free to use my bathrooms when ever they wanted. I gave Mandy a key to the door, so they could get in when I was gone.
Getting us another round of beer, Mandy sat back down at the table. " So, you're a good looking, sweet, guy. How come no woman around?"
" I went through a nasty breakup about six months ago." I explained.
" Ah, ok. Becky got rid of her excess baggage a couple months ago herself."
" Good riddance too." Becky added.
" No shit there." Mandy agreed with her friend.
" Sounds about like my ex pain in the ass." I quipped sourly.
" Well, no sense thinking about it, for the next nine days you have the company of a couple of good looking babes, and we get the company of a hot looking guy." Mandy said, flashing those green eyes of hers.
" I don't know how good my company is." I laughed.
" It's been great so far." Becky told me.
" Listen, if you don't mind sharing a bed, I have a spare room, and you're welcome to crash in there." I told them.
" No, we don't mind." Mandy answered.
" That's really nice of you." Becky added.
"I haven't been very social lately. I'm trying to redeem myself." I laughed. " Do you ladies have any bags you want brought in?"
" Yeah, two or three, I guess we should get them." Mandy answered.
I helped the girls bring in their bags, and then I put clean sheets and pillow cases on the bed. Afterwards I suggested getting some Chinese take out for dinner.
" Sounds good to me. I'm paying." Mandy replied.
" Nah, I got it." I protested.
" Do you know how much money you're saving us, by letting us stay here?" Mandy pointed out. " It's the least I can do."
" Mandy's right." Becky jumped in.
I gave in to them. We phoned in our order, and I drove the girls to the restaurant. Having Picked up our food, we went back to my place and got comfortable in the living room, turning on the TV.
After eating, the girls took turns showering, then we decided to call it a night. Tomorrow the fun was going to start, and we all wanted to get an early start in the morning.
That night in bed, I swore it sounded like Mandy and Becky were having sex in the next room, and I found it very hard to fall asleep. It was so tempting to try and get a peek into the room to see for sure. After I did fall asleep, the picture of the two woman making love plagued my dreams. It sucked falling asleep with a hard on, then waking up with the same one.
The next morning I got up early, and walked into the kitchen for my favorite breakfast drink, a nice cold Pepsi. I heard feet behind me, turned around and saw Mandy walking in, wearing a t-shirt and panties. The hard nipples on her perky little tits were poking at her shirt.
" Want something to drink? " I asked, trying not to stare at her nipples too obviously.
"Sure, a Pepsi would be good if you have another." Mandy said around a yawn.
"This house is never without Pepsi." I told her, pulling another one out of the refrigerator. "And usually not without Bud Light too."
We sat down at the table, and Becky came stumbling in next, dressed a little more conservatively than Mandy. Becky was wearing shorts instead of just panties. I told her to help herself to anything she wanted, then she joined us at the table.
" Are you going to be our guide today, or do you have other plans?" Mandy asked me.
"No, that'll be great. Later Paul wants us to meet him at the Iron Horse. You know, Paul's girlfriend doesn't really know about you." I told Mandy carefully.
"I know." Mandy answered with a grin. "Paul and I happened a long time ago, we're just friends now. Besides, we're going to be with you, it'll be cool."
We all got dressed, and headed out to our bikes. Mandy looked sexy in her jeans, leather chaps, and black tank top. Becky was dressed similarly, except she was wearing a t- shirt and leather vest. I was wearing jeans and black leather vest also, but no shirt on under my vest.
The weather was still a little cool, but the forecast was calling for sun and highs in the low 80's. Not unusual for Daytona in early March. I helped the girls unload their bikes from the trailer.
" That's cool you both know how to ride." I said with admiration.
"Paul taught me, and I taught Becky." Mandy answered.
"A year ago, If someone had told me I'd be riding a bike, I would have thought they were crazy." Becky said with a laugh.
I uncovered my Daytona special Dyna Wide Glide and heard Mandy whistle in aproval.
"Sweet bike."
"Thanks. I like yours too." I answered casually, but all puffed up inside. We hopped on our bikes and took off.
I led the girls down to International Speedway Dr. and past the race track where the Daytona 500 is run. From there we went across the water way to A1-A on beach side, then up to Main St. It was the first time Becky had ever seen Daytona.
During Bikeweek Main St. and some of the side streets are closed to cars, bikes only. We rode around for awhile, then parked in a lot and I took them to Boot Hill Saloon, just in time for a best tattoo contest.
We spent the day walking around looking at vendors, going to souvenir shops and admiring other bikes. In the afternoon I led them to the Iron Horse Saloon, and we found Paul and his girlfriend. The Iron Horse had bands going clear into the night. Finally after a long day of watching contests and listening to music, everyone decided to call it a night.
The next couple days I took the girls around the Daytona area, we went riding on the beach, and I took them to the Cabbage Patch for their cole slaw wrestling. Mandy took great delight in having girls flash me their boobs whenever she could.
Both nights I went to sleep to what sounded like the girls having sex in the next room. It was Driving me crazy, I was dying to know, but unsure how to approach the subject.
My chance was coming soon. On the fourth day a cold front came through, and we had one of Florida's torrential down pours. It looked like we were going to be stuck inside all day. The forecast called for clearing the next day, with a little cooler temperatures, so we figured on sitting one day out.
Making the best of it, we drove into town, rented some movies, and picked up more beer. Running back inside when we got back to my home, we were all drenched, it was raining so hard.
We all dried off, and threw on some other clothes and settled down in the living room to watch movies, and of course, drink a few beers. As the afternoon wore on, we were all pleasantly buzzed. Taking a break from movies I popped Fleetwood Mac " The Dance " CD into my stereo.
"Sound carries pretty well in here." Mandy noted coming back from the bathroom.
"If that's your way of saying I have thin walls, yep, that's one definite flaw to the place." I laughed in response.
"I hope we haven't kept you awake at night." Mandy said, flashing me her green eyes.
"Yeah, only a little bit." I replied with a grin on my face, and I noticed Becky was blushing.
Mandy reached out and lightly slapped my arm. "You should have said something, you big dummie."
"I wasn't really sure how to, without tripping over my own tongue or offending anyone." I said in defense.
"Well, then you could have at least joined in. We wouldn't have kicked you out." Mandy told me, delighting in my embarrassment. I damn near choked on my beer " Would we Becky?"
"It is his house after all." Becky agreed, still blushing some. She got up to excuse herself to the bathroom.
"You know, Becky is a little taken with you." Mandy informed me when Becky had left the room.
" Really? She's a great lady, but I never would have guessed that." I told Mandy a little suprised.
"You men can be so blind sometimes, she's only been flirting with you at every given chance!" Mandy admonished me good naturedly. " I'll have to take matters into my own hands I see."
" What do you mean?" I asked, a little alarmed. I really wasn't sure I wanted Mandy trying to play match-maker for me.
" Wait a minute, you'll see. If we're stuck inside today, we might as well have some fun, and I know you will." Mandy replied cryptically. She got up and ran back towards the bathroom.
I wasn't sure exactly what to expect, but I had to admit, I was waiting with a lot of anticipation. I didn't have long to wait either. The girls came back in, both wearing lacy little tank tops that came to just above their waists, Mandy had on a black thong, and Becky was wearing a pair of red panties that tied at the hips. My cock came to life on it's own with this sexy vision in front of me. Apparently the girls had cooked something up, and I had the feeling Mandy was probably the instigator.
"We'll get things started." Mandy told me, pushing my legs apart so they could each sit on one of my thighs.
Becky gave me a smile, and the heat of desire made her face look almost feverish. "We'll show you a good time."
Becky and Mandy leaned towards each other and kissed deeply. Their tongues probing each other's mouths. Seeing these two sexy women sitting on my legs, kissing each other was the hottest thing I had ever seen. Their hands reached out for each other, and they began fondling each other's tits.
Standing up in front of me, Mandy pulled Becky's shirt off, her breasts sprang into view. Large, round, with dark nipples that stood erect. Then it was Becky's turn. Mandy's tits were small little peaches on her chest. Her nipples lighter in color, and equally as hard.
Mandy stooped down, looking Becky in her eyes, she slid her thong down her long legs and stepped out of them. Becky reached to her hips and untied the bows that held her panties on, and let them fall to the floor.
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Introduction: Soooo, its been a while! Yeah, Im sorry… Theres just been a TON of stuff going on in my life, moving across state lines, getting evicted and moving again, burying a dog, moving again. The list goes ooooon and oooon. Anyways! I wrote another chapter in my Ebima saga XD This one isnt as sexy as the others have been, and its a little short, I didnt want to give to much more of the story until I gave a bit of a back story. How does Ebima know Chris? Who is the demon that attacked him?...
Eleanor sits at the dressing table brushing her long, wavy hair. 100 strokes a day her mother used to tell her and it's a habit she's never given up. Even now that she has no reason to worry about her looks, her hair is her one vanity. Charlie always loved her hair. She smiles as he enters the room, silently as always, as if she's conjured him up just by the act of saying his name in her head. She knows her family thinks she's mad when she tells them she can sense his presence but then...
Introduction: A fun game of Truth or Dare between two couples Mike & Tanya have been friends with my wife & I for our 15 years. We all came from the same large group of friends and started dating around the same time as well. We always hang out, the four of us and have a lot of fun together. Ive always had a thing for Tanya for the simple reason she is an amazon woman. Six foot two, dark skin, long wavy dark brown hair, chestnut eyes and built like she could kick the shit out of any guy her...
I remember it like it was yesterday. It was back in high school one night, I had stayed the night at my girlfriends house. She hadn't been feeling good so she had went to sleep pretty early. Her mom had been out drinking so it was just me and her at the house. Bored with nothing to do, I figured I'd go down to the kitchen and make myself something to eat and watch some sportscenter. It was around midnight. I'm searching through the kitchen looking for something I can snack on when I heard the...
moaned from agony. My head was bouncing and the room was slightly spinning before my eyes. What a night... Right there I bowed that I would never again drink so much. There was a neighborhood party and basically everyone living on this block was there. There were even a couple of invitees. The party was outside and inside the building. It had lasted till god knows how late, or rather early in the morning. Alcohol was flowing generously and there was plenty to eat as well, anything from potato...
A Night to RememberI have moved around a bit during my life. One recent chapter of my life took me to an isolated northern town where I had been hired to start a new job. When I first moved there I knew only one person, a fifty-year old woman named Laura. I met her the previous spring when I traveled to town for the job interview. Through a serendipitous encounter, I met a contractor while waiting for the bus out of town who was looking for an extra hand ripping shingles off a roof of some...
I used to work in Hyderabad and visit my parents in my hometown during weekends every now and then. It was just like any other day, came home by Saturday morning and stayed in home for couple of days and booked tickets online through redbus to get back to Hyderabad. The only difference between my previous visits and this one was, I just didn’t plan shit. I booked my tickets in the last minute and had to choose the last row in the bus while going back to Hyderabad and that too it was coming from...
Oh, I remember you. And I know you remember me, that secret night, the one night you let your desire flow free. It's a smoky bar, and I'm sitting nursing a drink when you and your friend come in. I spot you right away. I admire all of your qualities, don't get me wrong. However, what strikes me is the depth in your eyes. You and your friend get a drink, and then sit at a table. That is the first time your eyes fall into my hazel stare. My lips part in a smile, and you manage to return...
Straight SexI remember a story that happened to me way back in my high school days. I grew up on the East coast in the Pennsylvania area. Back in the sixties when I was in high school there was not a heck of a lot to do in a small town. Drinking beer and trying to look cool were the norm. It was a long way from the sixties sex and drug revolution you read about in books. The only hippies we ever saw were on the big Zenith black and white TV that dominated the living room of the old house I grew up in.The...
First TimeLara was 28 and it had been four years since her life was changed forever. She had just finished her master's degree at the young age of 24 when the most dramatic thing happened to her. Even four years later, the event was still in her everyday thinking. Lara was brought up very protected and in a family that loved her dearly. She was a very beautiful young woman who was lucky enough to possess a body that left a permanent impression in every man's head. She was sexy by all standards and two...
CHAPTER 1: On the Road Again >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The winter storm in Salt Lake City comes to a halt just before sunrise. The interstate is reopened before noon after the roads are plowed and salted. In the motel, Luke and Kathy wake up in bed in the spooning position they were in last night. The same position that gave Luke the opportunity to have an intimate evening with his grandmother. He wakes up thinking it was all just a dream. He knows it wasn’t. Especially once Kathy...
The night of my parents' 30th wedding anniversary was definitely one that nobody in my family will ever forget. I can't think of any other way to begin this story than to begin when I arrived at their house for dinner. My brother and I had both been invited to Mum and Dad's house that Friday night with strict instructions to dress nicely, because Mum was going to be cooking us one of her roast lamb dinners to mark the anniversary. So yeah, at the very least we knew we were guaranteed a...
A WEEK TO REMEMBER By Carrie McIvor My name is Gary, but when I am dressed up, I am Carrie. Last month, I told you all about my crossdressing being discovered by my girlfriend, Kelly. And the wonderful events that followed. Well that all happened about a year ago. Since then, Kelly has moved in with me and we are engaged to be married. I now have an extensive wardrobe of women's clothes. I dress as Carrie pretty much all the time when I am at home, but with the exception of a couple...
This is a story that seems to always get me hard and wanting to jack off every time I recall it, so I hope it does the same for you. It is something I can’t explain but I have always wanted to watch my wife suck and fuck another man while I lay beside them and wait my turn. Call me a pervert I don’t know but the story goes as follows, A friend I’ll call Rob used to come by alot and he and I would watch races, football games etc, drink and bullshit like guys do. My wife who I’ll call Susan...
Introduction: It all started with a simply phone call from my preferred university then it all started to spiral out of control. An affair to remember It all started the day I got the phone call from the university I wanted to transfer to, they had an opening mid semester and I arrived late on a rainy day and had a class which I was now late for. I dumped my bags in my dorm room and headed straight over to my first class with Professor McDonald, the head of the art department who was teaching...
I was invited to an old college friend's birthday party, who I hadn't seen in a few years. I remember thinking that it will be really nice to see Emily, but if I'm honest, I was dreading it, as I was told that my old college crush Max will be there. He used to have flowing black locks of hair, that caressed his perfectly chiselled jawline, and the most gorgeous hazel eyes and smile that would instantly attract any woman nearby. I always wanted to ask him out, but I never had to guts to. I wish...
A Weekend to remember. Part 1 My first attempt at writing anything so be kind. All constructive thoughts welcome. It is a true story, however I have changed the names. Rusty was glad it was Friday because he had the weekend off. He headed out the main gate of the Naval Air Station, turned left and walked 200 yards to the small covered city bus stop. Rusty would make the city bus to San Francisco. This had been his routine for the past fourteen months when he had the weekend off. This weekend...
Oral SexIn Vino Veritas (Part 1). This is another true story of an episode that happened a while ago but just recently came to light. About five years ago a friend of my wife came back from Scotland to spend a week’s holiday here at home with her family. She was married but had no kids. Anyway she had arranged to go out to a local club with my wife and that was fine. So on Sunday night she called to our house and we all had a couple of drinks before they left. I sat in as I had work the next day and...
InterracialI knew today was going to be something different just after I had climbed out of the shower. Jill had set out some very special clothes for me to wear. Underneath my "Normal" clothes this day I would be wearing the sexiest panties, garter, back seamed hose, and camisole I owned. All of course in the most delicate shade of pink except the hose, which were of course nude.But now it was 5:30 on Friday afternoon and I was on my way home from work after almost getting "discovered" three times. It is...
GS: A Wedding to Remember By Julie Every girl dreams about what her wedding is going to be like. Who she will marry, what she will wear, what the church looks like, etc. Shelly was no different. She had dreamed of a small wedding with just family and very close friends in a chapel that had numerous stained glass windows. When Josh Anderson, the love of her life, asked her to marry him, she knew exactly what she wanted. She began looking for and found a small chapel in a...
An October to RememberThe last Friday in September started out as any other workday. My work buddy Bill and I drove to an Eastern New York city to make a delivery, We are team drivers for a local trucking company. Being out so long, we decided to stop for dinner as we would not return to the yard until after 6PM. As I got out of our truck I felt a pop in my belly. Having an umbilicus hernia I was used to strange things happening to my navel. We ate, and headed back to the yard. As we drove...
EVER SINCE I REMEMBER By Barbarats Ever since I remember, I felt like a girl. I was always fascinated with girl's clothes, makeup and hairstyling. My grandmother owned beauty salon and I spent hours watching women getting their hair and makeup done, dreaming one day to be one of them. When I was 10 years old I started to understand my feelings and when my folks were out I spent every minute dressed as girl. These were best moments of my life so far. I spent hours trying my mom's...
We've spent a few good hours together, a quick bite to eat and then some drinks, sheltering in the bar, sitting close, constantly touching, kissing, we giggle and tease each other, its extended foreplay every time we spend an evening or an afternoon together, happy, detached from the real world, together in our own little bubble of now, and we're determined to make the most of every minute.But the music is getting too loud in here, we've both drunk enough, and it’s been a long time since we...
This is a story that seems to always get me hard and wanting to jack off every time I recall it, so I hope it does the same for you. It is something I can’t explain but I have always wanted to watch my wife suck and fuck another man while I lay beside them and wait my turn. Call me a pervert I don’t know but the story goes as follows, A friend I’ll call Rob used to come by alot and he and I would watch races, football games etc, drink and bullshit like guys do. My wife who I’ll call Susan...