The long awaited meeting
- 4 years ago
- 36
- 0
I am finally getting to meet you, after months of talking on the internet and fantasising about it we
finally are going to do this for real. I have booked my plane ticket and have decided to put my nerves
aside and just live for once. Plane trips always feel long no matter where I am flying to but this one feels
like it is going for ever as I am dying of anticipation. At least it is not a busy flight and I have the row of
seats to myself. Finally when we are getting close to landing I get up, grab my bag and go to the toilet. I
asked you what you wanted me to wear when we first met. Eventually we decided on a plaid mini skirt,
knee high black boots and just a tight singlet, no bra and you said panties were optional. I decided on a
very sheer black g-string. I couldn?t go without one as I have been in a perpetual state of arousal the
entire flight.
As I walk back to my seat I get more stairs than usual. People noticed that I changed and I walk slower
taking in their stairs. This is going to be great, I am going to a place where I don?t know anybody and I
am determined to be totally inhibited. We have spent so much time chatting on the net I can?t think of
anything or anyone else and I am going to everything you want and make you happy.
Finally after I have collected my luggage and have refused many a gentleman who only wishes to help
this lonely girl with her bags I spot you staring directly at me. You are just like your pictures and I am
relieved that you turned up. You are smiling from ear to ear, turns out you were surprised to see me
turn up as well and look like my photos. There is a little bit of an awkward hello, you go to shake my
hand but I go in for the kiss, and like that the tension has broken. We click just like our chat sessions and
we start talking about idle things like the plane trip weather, how happy we both are to finally meet and
do this and too bad it is going to be for such a short time, etc. You help me with my luggage and we walk
to the car park. You point out your car to me and let me walk in front, checking out my figure. I notice
this so I quickly raise my skirt and show you my G from behind, it is good not to care if anybody sees or
not. We load the car and get in; I reassure you that I want to do it all just like we talked about and that I
will prove it to you. I reach over to you and undo your pants and take out you already erect cock. I kneel
on the passenger seat and place my head in your lap. Your cock feels bigger in my mouth then I
imagined as I go to town sucking on your cock. I tease it at first by only licking it and using my hands to
rub it. I place the head of your cock in my mouth and hold it there sucking. I reach for your hands and
then place them on the back of my head. You need no further instructions as you grab my hair and push
my head down on your cock. You take control forcing my head up and down on your cock as I suck away.
Meanwhile I am fumbling in my bag and take out some fluffy cuffs that I removed from my luggage
earlier. You see these, take them from me and cuff my hands behind my back. I think it is at this moment
you remember all we talked about and what I said I wanted because you start pushing my head hard
down on your cock, I gag and you realise that the angle is not right. You help me to sit up in the chair,
and recline the seat all the way back. You ask how I am and I tell you how much I have wanted this and
that I am yours to do whatever with for the entire time I am here. I ask you to call me a slut and
whatever names you can think of. You tell me a little awkwardly as you get your cock back in my mouth
that I am your little slut and that I am your fuck toy from now on. Now you are thrusting into my mouth
pushing my head back hard onto the seat and it is not long before you reach your climax. You start to
cum in my mouth put take it out and continue to cum on my face. You must have been waiting a while
for this as there is so much cum it drips from my chin onto my top as you pull the chair back up right. I
smile at you and tell you that I am yours. You smile back and reach into the glove compartment and take
out a red ball gag I smile again to let you know it is what I want so you place it in my waiting mouth and
fasten tightly, so much for our chit chat, with your cum still dripping off of my face you pull up my top
exposing my breasts. Again from the glove compartment you take out a pair of nipple clamps attached
by a chain. I let out a pleasurable moan as you fasten them to my nipples. You are not fished as you also
produce a black collar that has slave on it in silver writing. You put that around my neck and show me
the chain that you will clip on to one of the eyelets. You put my seatbelt on me, how courteous.
Finally we are pulling out of the car park. I am sitting there with my hands cuffed behind my back,
gagged and chained watching people drive by and staring at you. Every chance you get you look over to
me and admire your work, or you just can?t believe you luck. Either way I am pleased to be here and am
getting thrills of seeing people stare at me as we pass. Occasionally you will reach over and rub my
pussy and you can feel how wet I am.
We pull up out the front of your place. You leave me in the car while you take my luggage inside you
come back to me, undo my seat belt and attach the leash to my collar and lead me into your house, still
cuffed and gagged and with my tits out.
It is a small apartment, kitchen dinning and lounge downstairs, 2 bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs.
You lead me straight into the lounge room and push me over the back of an armchair. You slide my G
down to my knees, spread my legs with your legs and push your erect cock into my pussy. I didn?t even
realise you had undone your pants. You hold me by hips and pull on my leash as you ram your cock hard
into me. It is not long before I am screaming through my gag as wave of wave of my orgasm hits me. You
cry out as you cum into my pussy with those last furious thrusts and collapse on top of me. This is just
how I imagined it to be.
You get off me take the gag out of my mouth and ask me how I am. I tell you it is wonderful. That this is
what I wanted, to be your fuck toy and used any way you could imagine. You help me out of the nipple
clamps and my cuffs. Your cum from earlier has dried on my face and top but you tell me it is sexy so I
leave it there as you show me around the house. One of the bedrooms is the master bedroom and the
other you have converted it into your own sex workshop. There are all sorts of hooks and things
attached to the walls and ceilings, I can see you put allot of effort into it and I know we are going to have
some fun.
You tell me that we are going out for dinner and that I should get ready. I do as I am told and have a
shower and make myself nice. I take my time doing my hair and makeup. I remember you telling me that
you like dark eye makeup so I oblige. For dinner I put on a nice black dress that hugs my figure and has a
slit in the side. I worry that it might be a little too formal but I love the way it looks on and I know you
will too. I don?t wear a bra with this dress as it is backless and I take some time to look around the
bondage room. I find a large assortment of toys, and gear, everything that we have ever talked about
and more are here and mostly still in their packaging.
I am relieved when I come down stairs and see that you are in a shirt and pants (now I know I am not to
formally dressed) but you are surprised to see that I am still wearing the ?slave? collar. You tell me I
don?t need to wear that but I talk you into it at least until we are at the restaurant. I do realise that you
have to live in this area. I also hand you a remote control. I can see by your face that you know what it is
and you give me a smile as you play with the controls. We can only just hear the butterfly vibrate away
as you play with the settings.
It is not far to the restaurant and we talk and get on very well. It is not until desert that you start to play
with the remote again. The butterfly on my clit makes me jump the first time you start it, giving me a
fright and making other people look. You enjoy this reaction and mercilessly keep playing with it causing
me to become flushed and breathe very heavily. You tell me to leave my hands where you can see them
as they were starting to wonder south. You keep this up for a while as it is evident that I am not going to
cum from this alone. We pay and head back to the car. Even as we are walking out of the restaurant you
are playing with the controls. I have to lean on you as I am unsteady on my feet.
When we get back to the car I attack you and start kissing you as you reach under my dress and pull off
my panties leaving them on your car floor. You easily slide your finger inside me and fuck my pussy. It is
only a few thrusts before I cum on your fingers. I decide to give you a tease as I slide your fingers out of
my pussy and lick them for you.
I tell you I need your cock as I put my collar on and you drive away. You tell me there is something that
you wanted to try if I am into it. I agree without knowing what it is and not really caring. While we are
driving I hitch up my dress exposing my pussy and I begin to rub it. You don?t stop me a watch out of the
corner of your eye. We stop in what looks like a look out spot but because it is dark I do not know what
we are meant to be looking out over. There are a few other cars parked in the parking lot and I
understand. I have never even thought about dogging before but you tell me I don?t have to do anything
I don?t want to and you just want others to watch as we fuck. I tell you I will do anything you want me
too but don?t feel comfortable with other people, especially strangers (I hated saying it from the
beginning since I was coming here to be totally inhibited). You kiss me and take the initiative by turning
on the inside light of the car, taking out your cock. And push my face into your lap.
I start sucking on your cock remarking how it is hard already since you came twice today. You just push
my head further down on your cock and I suck it for all I can. When your cock is thick and throbbing you
pull me up and I notice that there are guys everywhere looking in the windows. I don?t get a chance to
see how many there are before you are pushing a ball gag in my mouth and tightening it behind my
head. You reach into my top and pull out my breasts and give my nipples a bit of a squeeze. You learn
your chair back and I straddle your cock. I am very excited from seeing all these other men outside with
their dicks out wanking. I start to ride your cock while you play with my breasts. I try to get a rhythm
going but you are trying to thrust from that position and it isn?t working. So you pull me off of you and
get me kneeling on the passenger seat with my face up against the window. The spectators are pushing
their cocks up against the window at my face as you enter me from behind. With your hands on my hips
you thrust into me hard causing me to moan through my gag in ecstasy. It is not long before I cum and
you are only a few thrusts behind as you pull out and cum on my ass (since my dress had been pushed
up. You spank my ass a little as you cum to thunderous applause outside and many cat calls. Many of the
guys are calling for me to go outside. I look at you and can almost hear what you are thinking and I am
glad for the gag. You reach into my bag and pull out my lip stick. And turn me over to face you. I try t
give you a reassuring smile through the gag, hopping that my eyes do not portray the fear that I am
feeling so I give you a wink. It must have been what you were waiting for. With the lipstick you hold me
steady and write on my chest just above my breasts. You also write something on my forehead. I
manoeuvre the rear vision mirror so I can see what you have written. On my forehead you have written
?cumslut? and on my body you have written ?cum on me?. I give you another nod but I am not sure if
you notice as you are reaching over me to open the door. You tell me to go out and kneel on the floor. I
step out of the car as the strangers give me some room. I hear you get out and announce to the crowd
that I am here to receive your cum only. I am sort of squatting in my heels in my favourite black dress in
the middle of this car park with my tits hanging out, a ball gag in my mouth and slave collar on as these
men converge on me. It doesn?t take them long to start Cumming on me. I am obliging as the first two
cum almost straight away aiming for my face but most hits my breasts. I help two others, wanking them
as a couple more cum on me, one in my face and another mostly in my hair. Finally the last two guys I
am wanking cum on me as well. I have no idea where it goes but fortunately none is in my eyes. I see my
dress covered in cum as well as my breasts and I am sure my face is too. I can also still feel your cum on
my butt. The guys eventually walk off and I see you leaning against the car holding a camera. I let you
take shots of me as photos were something we had discussed over the net and I am curious to see
myself as well.
I use almost every tissue from the box in your car to clean myself off before getting in but allot has
soaked into my dress and I need to wash my hair again. You also leave the gag on me for the trip home.
When we do get back we strip each other off completely and shower together. You are very tender as
you help me wash and vice versa. You are full of compliments as you ask if I liked that and everything so
far. I tell you that it is exactly what I came here for and I am having the time of my life and I want more.
We cuddle a bit in bed as you tell me that from tomorrow you will be making sure that I get everything
that I wanted.
The next day I wake up and you are still asleep so I go for another quick shower. When I get out you are
up but on the bed is a PVC maid?s outfit. I put it on and see that the skirt doesn?t go below my crotch
which is covered by a hot pink G. My midriff is showing and my breasts are almost falling out of the
small bra top. I do my make up the way you like it and put my hair up. Completing the outfit is the slave
collar, some wrist and ankle padded cuffs with clips hanging from the ends, and a little maid?s hat. I go
down stairs to find you reading the paper in a robe so I just stand in front of you with my hands behind
my back waiting for you to acknowledge me. I am loving every second of standing there. You finish the
article you are reading, give me a small smile and tell me to make some breakfast. I busy myself in the
kitchen making tea and bacon & eggs with toast. All the while you are watching me go about. We both
sit down to eat as you continue to read your paper. After we are finished breakfast I was up. When I am
done you put done you paper and call me over to you. You undo your robe and show me your erect cock
I immediately get on my knees and take it in my mouth. I am willing to show you my skills this time now
that we have the time and space for it all but before I can do anything you have taken my hands and
clipped them together behind my back. You are bending me over by pulling my hands up still with your
cock in my mouth. You stand to make everything connect and with a free hand hold the back of my head
as you are pushing your cock into my mouth. With each thrust you are going deeper until finally you
enter my throat and push my head right down on your cock. I had been practicing this but still find it
very difficult and begin to choke as you hold my head there. You let me catch my breath for a bit before
doing it again and again. By know my eyes are watering and my makeup has run down my cheeks. You
give me a few light slaps on the cheeks the last time I gasp for air and attach a leas to the collar. You
unclasp my hands and tell me to crawl slowly to my room. I know which one you mean as I make my
way crawling upstairs with you getting a show from behind. Every now and then when you feel I am
going to fast you pull back on the lead pulling at my collar, or if I am going to slow you would whip me
with the excess lead. Needless to say you changed your mind to what speed is too fast or too slow.
Eventually we made it up stairs and entered the room. You told me to take off my top because it wasn?t
right but as soon as you said that you had grabbed my head again and was pushing your cock into my
mouth. You were pulling my head faster and harder up and down on your cock getting faster as I made
chocking and slurping noises as I tried to get the tight PVC top off. When I managed to get it off you
pushed me down and a large amount of drool spilled out of my mouth onto my breasts. You got me up
and standing securing my hands directly above my head from the roof. You picked up a length of rope
and started tying an upper body harness around my breasts so the stuck out without changing colour.
Next you fastened some nipple clamps to my nipples. You spank my ass a few times and I cry out and
this must give you an idea. You pull off my g-string, bunch it up and put it in my mouth and secure it in
place with some tape. I was so wet I could taste myself on my panties and now I can feel my pussy juice
run down my legs. You start to play with my pussy with your fingers. You place a spreader bar between
my legs and then start to suck on my clit. It sends me wild but you don?t do it for long. Next you get a
vibrator and start toying with my pussy but just teasing. You unclip my hands from the roof, lye me
down and then clip my hands to the spreader bar. You roll me onto my face, position your cock at my
pussy and slowly enter me. You are taking your cock all the way out before putting it all the way in again
nice and slow. I try to rock back onto your cock but you hold me still. When you take your cock out of my
pussy the next time you don?t put it straight back in. This time you position it at my ass and hold it there.
Before I know it you have slide the vibrator into my pussy and turned it on full. As that hits me you enter
my ass in one strong thrust. I start to cum but you still pound away leaving the vibrator in me as well.
You are pulling on my leash as you are fucking my ass getting faster and faster and I cum again. You pull
out of me, walk around to my front, rip off the tape, pull my panties out of my mouth and inject your
cock as you pump you cum into my mouth and throat. You hold my head as I try to swallow it but gag on
most of it. You replace my panties in my mouth and take a few moments to catch your breath and
consider your next move.
You unclip my hands from the spreader bar, remove the vibrator and help me up again. You tie my
hands to the roof above my head so I am stretched out still with the spreader bar on and the small pvc
skirt. You get a length of rope and tie a crotch rope on me making sure that the rope goes between my
lips and you pull it tight, tying the other end to another hook on the roof. You place a blind fold on me
and I can hear you walk away. I can hear you taking a shower and doing things here and there but I am
unable to move or say anything.
I don?t know how long I am left like this. It feels like hours but I am sure it wasn?t. You surprise me by
pulling on the chain between my nipple clamps before taking the blindfold off of me. I see you have
indeed showered and shaved and gotten dressed in casual clothes. You untie the crotch rope marvelling
that I am still wet (so am I but the situation is so erotic). You take the spreader bar off of my legs and
then not so carefully remove the gag followed by freeing my hands. You tell me as you show me your
watch that I have exactly five minutes of free time to have a drink or freshen up. I thank you as I quickly
run to do exactly those things and am back with thirty seconds to spare so I think to be cute and start
playing with myself for you. You wait until the exact time is up before showing me a small vibrating
bullet that you want me to insert. I oblige as you show me that you have the remote. You hand me some
of my own underwear, obviously you have been through my bags, and tell me to put on a pair of lacy
cheeky panties and my stilettos. Next you put a small chain belt on around my waist and padlock it on.
You pass some cuffs under the chain belt and fasten these to my wrists behind my back so my hands
have restricted movement. You tell me that on the kitchen counter there is a list of things that you want
me to complete. The less I complete on that list the more I will be punished and the more I do the more
I will be rewarded. You also tell me that when you want me for something you will activate the remote
control and if I take too long in coming to you I will also be punished. Once I tell you that I understand
you place a penis gag in my mouth casing my mouth to stretch wide. On the other end of the gag is an
eyelet which you pass the chain between my nipple clamps through making it hard for me to look up
without pulling on them. I was still wearing the mini PVC skirt, the slave collar and the upper body
I am about to start walking away when you tell me to wait. You put some shackles on my ankles with a
chain about 2 feet apart, making it very hard to walk with the stilettos. You admire your handy work and
send me on my way. You pass me as I am trying to make it down the first step and when I finally make it
to the bottom you are watching some TV (and me). I see the list and have a read. It is very extensive and
at the very beginning the list states that things must be done in order. The first couple of things are
small and easy tasks but the get more complex as they go. The first one is to go upstairs and get you
your slippers, an easy enough task except now I have to navigate the stairs again.
I finally make it to the top of the stairs when I feel a vibrating in my pussy. The sensation almost knocks
me off my feet; you must have set it to full power. I also spy your slippers on the floor near the bed. I
decide to pick them up first before going down stairs as at this rate nothing will get done. I have to kneel
down to get the slippers because of the way I am tied but I fall onto my side. It takes me a while how to
work out to get back up again, meanwhile you keep buzzing the bullet inside me. So with your slippers in
hand I make my way back down stairs. You are on an arm chair staring at me as I drop the slippers at
your feet. You tell me that was too long and that you buzzed me before I had your slippers and now I
need to be punished. You grab the chain that is connecting my nipples via the gag and pull on them
hard, causing me to fall into your lap face down. You position me so I know what is coming next as you
slide up the skirt and pull my panties up so they go into my but cheeks. The first slap is hard and makes
me whimper. The first one is worse again as I was already sore. You keep it up on one cheek for a while
and then swap to the other one. You only stop until my cheeks are red (which didn?t take long) and I
have tears down my face. You point to a stick that is on the table and tell me that is for the next time I
need to be punished, and it will get worse from there. You put me back on my feet and send me on my
merry way; I did not even know what it is that you wanted in the first place!
I get through a few more of the tasks you set for me. They were simple enough, you had me tidy the
rooms in specific orders, mostly to get me going up and down the stairs allot like do the bed, fluff the
cushions on the couch, clean the bathroom and then back down to water a plant. You also made sure
that all the curtains were open in the house so anybody who happened to look in would see me
hobbling around as your slave. The next time you buzzed me I was just in the other room and dropped
the cushions I was trying to fluff and came straight over. You said you were pleased that time and said I
could suck your cock. I knelt in front of you and you took the gag out of my mouth and replaced it with
your cock. You also played with the vibrators controls for me as well. Just as I was moaning with your
cock in mouth getting close to a climax you stopped the vibes and stopped me blowing you. You
replaced the gag and watched as you instructed me to put a DVD on for you. It was unlabeled so I didn?t
know what it was until it came on. It looked like an orgy scene where the guys outnumbered the girls
easily. You sent me back on my way to complete the tasks you left. Some of the tasks left involved me
dusting and cleaning up on the bottom floor around you so I got to see most of the DVD. It was the
middle of the afternoon now and I had only a few things left on the list.
You buzzed me again and told me t get you a beer. I managed this ok but then you told me to stay so
you can rest your beer on me when you are not drinking it. Because my hands were behind my back I
knelt in front of you and put my face to the floor so you could use my lower back. You also decided to
use me as a foot rest as well as a beer holder which sent shivers all over because it was cold against my
skin. I could definitely hear the TV and it just see it if I strained to look up, which would pull on my
nipples. I was very horny by the time you finished your beer and you sent me back to work. By now my
mouth was very sore from the penis gag and drool was dripping down my chin and onto my tied breasts.
The next thing on the list was to water the outdoor plants. I had already done the inside ones with a
watering can so I grabbed that and went to the back door. You had a small courtyard with a few plants
in it but not allot, however there were allot of high rise flats that had a perfect view into the courtyard. I
obliged and went out to water the plants. It was thrilling to be out in the bondage and do this but the
next item on the list made me very nervous. You wanted me to check the mail. I was walking to the door
when I felt a buzz so I promptly came back to you. You sat me in your lap and pulled out a marker. Just
above my breasts you wrote ?slut? and then on my thighs you wrote ?cum slut? on one and ?whore? on
the other. You flipped me over and told me that you wrote ?Fuck toy? as a tramp stamp just above my
You told me to go and finish my last task. My heart was racing as I stepped out the door and walked to
the mail box. A few cars slowed as they went passed. One actually turned around for another pass and
beeped the horn as I was walking back inside empty handed. There is no mail on Sundays!
You were waiting for me in the hall with a big smile on your face. You take the gag out of my mouth and
let it hang around my neck, my mouth is so sore. Your cock is still out and erect as you look at the list
and have me walk around and show you all that I did. You must have been pleased as you gave me a
light tap on my cheeks and proceeded to untie and unlock everything. You take me to the bedroom and
hand me a vibrator. You tell me to take off the underwear, remove the bullet and pleasure myself. You
want to watch me make myself cum. I have been horny all afternoon and begin at once rubbing my clit
with the vibrator. I put the vibrator inside me and rub my clit with my fingers to cum in front of you. You
are smiling and have a huge erection but you just tell me to get ready for dinner. So I shower and cannot
get the writing off of my body. When I come out you have picked an outfit for me. It is my denim mini
skirt with a red g-string. A push up bra and a top that shows allot of cleavage. You also have selected my
knee high boots and the slave collar. The writing is clearly visible on my chest but if I keep my legs
together you can?t see what?s on my thighs. It is a short top so no doubt you ad that in mind to expose
the writing on my back. I put y hair in pig tails for you and meet you down stairs. On the way in the car
you talk to me about the day seeing that you are not doing anything that I do not like. We are both
happy but when I reach for your lap you push my hands away telling me to wait.
We arrive at a small cafe that doesn?t have many people in it and a few booths down the back in a
narrow hall to the bathrooms. I notice that the booth is very out of the way and you chose the last one.
The waitress comes and takes or orders. She gives the collar and the writing on my chest a second look
but doesn?t seem to care as she walks away. Then you tell me to get under the table and suck your cock.
I can feel myself go red as I look around and make sure no-body is watching as slide under the table.
Your cock is already out so I waste no time sucking it into my mouth and try to blow you without hitting
my head on the table. I can feel your cock getting ready to climax when you tell me to stop again and get
up. I quickly do thinking that someone is coming but there isn?t. You then tell me to remove my panties
and put them on the table. I oblige hoping that you don?t want to next do me on the table or gag me
with them. Our food comes and the waitress doesn?t notice the panties thank god. Our meals are
uneventful as we are both too hungry having missed lunch. After the meal we get the bill and leave the
money on the table. You tell me to meet you in the male toilets in one of the cubicles. I hadn?t noticed
anybody go in for a while so I get up and chose the cleanest cubicle. It isn?t too bad in there and I start to
rub my pussy getting it wet as I am not sure what you have in mind. You come in and nock on the like
you said you would. I let you in a close the door behind you. You kiss me and feel me up. Seeing that I
am wet you turn me around so I am braced against the door and you enter me from behind. You fuck
me hard, one of your hands squeezing my breasts and the other has a firm grip on my neck as you
pound into me. You stop and get me to sit on the seat (lid down) and you push your cock into my
mouth. I can taste myself but it is not long before you let out a moan, hold my head with one hand and
your cock with another. It feels like you are cumming forever as you unload a huge amount on my face.
Some gets in my hair, my forehead, nose mouth and allot on my breasts. When you finally stop cumming
I look down to see allot on my top as well. You tell me to lead the way to the car and not to clean up.
You?re not far behind me as we walk through the restaurant with a few stairs. But this is what I came
here for! I keep your cum on my face the entire trip home. I realise that we left my panties on the table
with the bill and we laugh about that, apparently you don?t go there too often. Allot has dried by the
time we get back and I just wipe what I can off. We are both tired so we decide to call it a night. You
remind me that you have to work in the morning and set an alarm.
The next morning we wake up to the alarm going off and you hit the snooze button. I get the idea to
wake you up properly so I start to slide down under the covers. We both slept naked and you are
already on your back making it easier for me. Your cock is lying flat so I take it in my mouth and start to
suck it. It instantly springs to life as slowly caress it with my tongue and suck on the head. I hear that you
are awake now as you are moaning, obviously pleased with your awakening. My mouth is a bit sore so I
am giving you a slow and tender blowjob and I soon feel your hands on the back of my head. I am not
ready for it as you firmly grab my head and hair and push me down on your cock as you thrust upwards,
causing me to choke and gag. You must have been bored with the slow blowjob as you are forcing my
head hard up and down your cock. With every thrust inwards you would hold my head down onto your
cock forcing it into my throat and me to gag on it. I have tears in my eyes and saliva all done my chin as
you do one last thrust forcing your cock into my throat and cum. I choke and cough but you hold my
head there until you are done. Most of your cum is on my face as I coughed it up and let it drool into my
breasts as I sat up catching my breath. I give you a faint smile as you head for the shower.
I grab the top I wore last night and see that it has cum stains on it, then I catch myself in the mirror and
see all the writing on myself which makes me smile. I decide to put on last night?s top and then clean my
face as well as I could. As I walk down in just the top I can feel that I am very sore from yesterday?s
experiments. My legs and arms are sore, and my jaw is very sore, though that may be from this morning.
My nipples are also really sensitive right now and my pussy is very tender. I just hope you don?t have it
in you for another quickie before work.
I get started on breakfast and coffee for you and joined me dressed and ready for work. We make
chitchat and you tell me that you will be home in the afternoon. You tell me to enjoy my day as you
head out the door so I go back to bed for a bit. When I wake up again I am feeling allot better so I decide
to go out. I shower and try to scrub away the pen marks. They must have been done in permanent
marker as they won?t budge. I dress conservatively and go for a walk up the street. While I am out I get
lunch and a few groceries, I have realised that you mustn?t cook much since you don?t have much food
in the house. When I get back I prepare dinner so it only has to be heated up and then decided to see
what is on your computer. It doesn?t take me long to find all your pics and movies, most of them
bondage orientated. I decide to download a few myself. I also find another folder with a recent date on
it. In it are hundreds of pics of me since I arrived. I knew you were taking photos but I didn?t realise how
many. You must have followed me around a bit yesterday as I did the chores. By now it is getting lat and
you will be home soon. So I go upstairs to see what fun toys we haven?t tried yet. I make my selection
and get ready for you. I put on a pair of fishnet stockings with suspenders followed by my stilettos. I put
my hair in a pony tail and put on dark eye makeup. In the other room I found a pair of nipple clamps
with bells attached to them, I put these on. I also found a butt plug with a pony tail attached to it. I lube
up the plug and insert it. I put the collar on and attach a leash to it as I hear you pull up.
When you get in the door you find me on my knees in the hall with the leash in my mouth. You give me
a big smile and take the leash leading me into the kitchen. You are pleasantly surprised that dinner is in
the oven so you lead me over to the table, lie me down on it. You take a seat between my legs and start
licking my already wet pussy. You tongue me everywhere and finger me as you lick my clit. I cum as you
are licking me that causes my legs to shake and I have to wait before I can get up. I can see the erection
in your pants so I lead you to the computer and show you what I downloaded for you. I kneel on the
floor under you computer desk as you look at what I downloaded. I made sure they were all female
slave type videos. I take out your cock from your pants and start sucking it. This time you leave me in
control of what I am doing so I suck your cock into my moth and pump my head on it. I am able to work
my head right down and deep throat your cock. I take you dick all the way out then suck it all back in
until my chin is against your balls and my nose in your pubes. I do this a few more times before you pull
me up and have me brace against the desk so I am facing the screen. You move my tail out of the way
and plunge your cock into my wet pussy. It feels so good as you fuck me from behind as we are both
watching a girl in ropes being double teamed (the bells on my nipples are going crazy). I cum as I feel
you unload your cum into my pussy and we collapse in the chair. When we have caught our breath I
serve up dinner as we chat about our day.
After dinner we clean up and you lead my upstairs into the other room. You tell me to lie on my stomach
on the floor and put in a bit gag. I oblige and see you get your hands on allot of rope. You spend the next
hour trying out your rope-man ship on me. And in the end I am in a full body harness, hogtied with my
hands and legs behind my back. You admire your handiwork and watch me wriggle and squirm. It turns
me on with you watching me with your cock out as I struggle to get free. When it is obvious that I am
not getting free you take the bit gag out of my mouth and replace it with your cock. Knowing know that I
can deep throat you. Apparently you were going easy on me before since you start to fuck my face with
a new furry. You stop before you cum and begin to untie me and completely strip me including the butt
plug. You produce a reel of bondage tape and start on my tits so they are squeezed together and pushed
out. You tape my legs in a frog tie and then tape my hand crossed under my breasts and watch me
squirm. You then push me into a ball and tape my legs up to my chest by putting tape right around me.
You watch and laugh as you roll me around as I cannot do anything. Eventually you leave me in a
position of my face down and ass up. I feel you position your dick at my pussy and start to fuck me like
this. You remove your cock and play with my pussy with your hands. You are using my juice to lube my
ass as next you put your cock against my ass and push it in. You start pounding into me and empty your
balls in my ass. Your cum drips out of me and you catch it in your hands and then wipe them on my face
and hair. This time I notice the click of the camera.
You are not finished yet as I see you come at me with three dildos. One you force into my ass and the
other in my pussy. The next one push into my mouth and face fuck me with it. You tell me to hold it in as
you take photos of me like this. When you are satisfied you take everything out and cut me free. I
shower before bed and almost collapse into bed. You surprise me by tying my feet together and my
hands behind my back, kiss me goodnight and turn out the lights.
I find myself in the same position as I wake up except you are not in bed. I hobble out of bed and make
my way tied to the kitchen; I am getting good at stairs now. You are sitting there ready for work and
smiling at me. Without saying anything you bend me over the table and push your cock into me. You
start thrusting away while you place the newspaper on my back and continue reading it and drinking
your coffee. When you are finished with the paper you give me a few harder thrusts, pull out of me. Pull
me down to the floor by my hair so I am kneeling in front of you. You push your cock into my mouth and
release your cum. You leave me sitting on the floor and tell me what time you are coming home and
that we are going out for dinner tonight. And you just leave.
I don?t know if you wanted me to stay like this until you got home or not but I decide I could always retie
myself, so I undo my legs with my hands and eventually figure out the clasps on the cuffs. I spend the
day wondering around the shops and taking it easy. It is not until I get home and realise the shirt I was
wearing is a little see through and that word on my chest ?slut? is very visible and so was the ?Fuck Toy?
above my ass. It actually turns me on when I think about it.
I decide to indulge one of you fantasies for when you get home. I brought with me my old school
uniform so I put that on along with white cotton panties and knee high sock. I do the pig tails again but
go easy on the makeup the writing on my thighs is visible as my school uniform was s a one piece that is
very short now, it was short then too. I take what I need and go into the lounge room. I sit on the floor
and attach? the spreader bar to my legs. From my collar I tie the leash to the spreader bar so I am
slightly bent forward. I place a ring gag in my mouth and cuff my hands behind my back. I am already
drooling when you come home. You see me and tell me that I am a good fuck toy and then disappear up
stairs. You come back having just gotten changed and sit in front of the TV. You ignore me like this for
half an hour before you get up, give me a few light slaps on my cheeks and then spit on my face. I can?t
say anything as I watch you select a DVD and return to the couch. The DVD is very hard core porn of a
school girl being forced by four men. She cries as they have their way with her, brutally fucking her and
slapping her. They all end up cumming on her face in the end.
When the movie has ended you turn off the TV and come at with me with scissors. You cut holes out of
my uniform so my breasts hang out and then cut my underwear off. You stuff my underwear into my
mouth and walk away. You come back with the nipple clamps attached to a chain and place them on my
nipples having the chain go around the back on my neck pulling hard on my nipples. You push me onto
my side and smack my bare ass a few times. You start to cut a few more holes randomly in my dress and
tear it off. I am upset as I didn?t want the dress destroyed. You take the panties out of my mouth and
then take your own pants off. You force your cock in my mouth until the ring gag is too small for you so
you put it in my pussy and fuck me hard. You stop eventually and rub you balls in my face before
cumming on my mouth and face. You wipe it up with the remnants of my dress and untie and tell me to
get ready for dinner.
In the shower I notice the writing on me once again. Rather than feeling excited I have a tinge of panic
and realise that I am completely under your control now and there is nothing I could do if I wanted to
stop this. I had gone from role playing to being your actual slave. A sense of dread feels me with what
you have planned for dinner. When I get out of the shower you are getting ready yourself and there is
nothing laid out for me to wear. You must sense the panic in me and you laugh. You tell me we are just
going to your favourite cafe for dinner and to wear whatever I want. I put on jeans and a top, making
sure all my body writing is covered up.
Dinner is very pleasant and we have a good time chatting about anything and everything. You mention
calling in at sick to work tomorrow as I only have a few days left. I knew when I was coming you had to
work and couldn?t get the time off on such short notice, but my body is great full. After dinner back in
the car you tell me that you have a surprise for me and that I am going to love it. You hand me a bag
that contains various bdsm stuff and tell me to strip off. Luckily it is a warm night so I don?t mind too
much. From the bag I take out the spreader gag that somehow always reminds me of the dentist and
fasten it. I also take out the cuffs which you tell me to do up behind my back, but first put the blindfold
on. It is a tight blindfold and is not falling off on its own.
I now have no idea where we are driving too and am suddenly scared and am wishing I didn?t agree to
this but I can?t say no, (And physically now I can?t saw no). You soon stop and help me out of the car. I
can feel the road under my bare feet and you lead me a little way before bending me over what feel like
a horizontal tree or a log. It is very exciting knowing that I am outdoors and totally exposed. I find that
you have bound my feet somehow spread apart and have secured a collar around my neck. I try to raise
my head but I can?t because of the collar you also have secured.
You feel how wet my pussy was and for once I wish it wasn?t so you would now that I am not sure about
this. I hear you walk around to my face and I reassure myself that so far you have been very good to me
and nothing has happened to me yet. I feel your cock push into my mouth and I do my best to suck it but
because of the gag my mouth really is just a hole I no longer have control over. I feel drool running down
my chin as I make sucking and gagging noises with each of your thrusts. You stop and walk around
behind me and I feel you enter my pussy. You pound away getting harder and harder and I am moaning
hoping that it will help you get off quicker. I feel you cum inside my pussy and catch your breath while
leaning on me. I hear you walk back around to my face and feel you wipe your cock on me. Next I hear
you shout out ?She?s all yours? and you pull the blindfold off of my face. It takes me a few seconds to
see properly because of the car light pointing our way. I realise this place is the dogging place you took
me last time and before I can so much as try to scream out an erect cock is pushed into my mouth. I see
a few guys coming towards as I feel someone enter my pussy. I try to look for you but the blindfold is
placed back over my eyes. For what feels like a very long time I am fucked in my pussy, Ass, and mouth
by I don?t know how many men. I try to struggle or move but the bonds are to firm. As soon as one cock
cums and fills one of my holes with cum another takes its place. I can feel the cum dripping down my
legs and out of my mouth as I hear cars pull away one after the other. You come and untie me and take
the gag and blindfold out off and lead me to the car by my leash. You have covered the seat with my
clothes so your seats don?t get dirty. I don?t care and just sit there. You have a huge smile on your face
and suddenly you are calling me slave and whore. You knew I didn?t want to do that but I would enjoy it
all the same. There were times were I thought I was going to pass out from the continuous orgasms.
We don?t say much on the way home and I shower and go straight to bed and almost immediately fall
asleep, sore and very feeling very used. When I wake up I find that you are already tying me to the bed
spread eagled. I try to pull away but you are too strong and you quickly finish your ties and place a ball
gag in my mouth. You light some candles and leave. About fifteen minutes later you come back carrying
a vibrator. You first rub and caress my body which feels nice for a change compared to the rough
handling I have come to expect. You trace over the still visible writing on my chest and thighs with your
finger, smiling to yourself. You then take the vibrator and start massaging my clit with it. You are very
sensual and I am getting very turned on and almost ready to cum when you stop. You pick up a candle
and I see it is slow motion as you tip the wax onto my breasts. I try to scream through the gag but you
don?t car and tip more on me.
You pick up the vibrator again and continue to get me worked up again. As I think you are going to let
me cum you stop and reach for another candle. This time you pour it over my pussy and thighs and my
screams are muffled by the gag again. You do this a few more times, getting me close to orgasm and
then stop to pour hot wax on me. When you stop you peel as much wax off of my sensitive skin as you
can and then untie me. You tell me to clean up and then meet you in the other room. I get up and try to
take the gag off. I feel around and find that you have put a padlock on it. I decided to have a shower and
clean up still wearing the ball gag which has the effect of keeping me excited. I walk to the other room in
just a towel and you then grab me from behind and the towel drops to the floor.
Very roughly I am forced to the floor face down and you cuff my hand to my ankles and place a spreader
bar between my legs so my ass is in the air. You go to work smacking my ass and toying with my pussy
with the vibrator. You ram your cock into my pussy a few times but then take it out before I can cum.
You then force you dick into my ass and start pounding away. It is not long before I can feel you
approach climax, you pull out and cum over my back and ass. You push the vibrator into my pussy, turn
it on and walk away. I can hear you leaving and driving off but don?t care as I start to cum. The vibrator
falls out as I cum and I am left there unable to move.
A while passes before you come back. I can hear you enter but you don?t come straight upstairs. I can
hear you doing things down stairs for a while before you come upstairs. You untie my hands and legs
leaving the gag in, and place the collar and leash around my neck and lead me to the bedroom. You have
picked out things for me to wear, fishnet stockings with suspenders, stilettos, a small plaid mini skirt and
a fishnet top, no panties. You also put nipple clamps on me and lead me downstairs. At once I can see
you have been shopping, there are plenty of snacks and drinks and you have prepared lunch. You unlock
the ball gag and tell me to eat. Whilst we are eating you tell me the snacks are for tonight as it is your
turn to host the poker night and that I am going to be upstairs not allowed to make a sound.
After lunch you lock the gag back onto me and tell me to clean up and tidy the house. I do as I am told
and spend the afternoon cleaning up around the house and getting things ready for your poker night. I
am more than happy to keep you pleased if it means all I have to do is hide whilst you play. As the
afternoon wore on you decided to order a pizza for us before your friends get here. I was surprised
when you handed me they money and told me to answer the door and get the pizza. You also told me
that you will be watching form upstairs and to make sure he gets a look under my skirt. So when there
was a knock at the door I opened it to get the pizza. I enjoyed his shocked face as he fumbled with the
change. He made it easy as he dropped some coins and I bent over to get them, giving him a great view
from behind.
You unlocked my gag once again so we could eat and promptly locked it when we were done. You have
me clean up and help you set up for the poker night. You look at the time and take my leash leading me
upstairs. I was wrong to think that you were going to leave me to my own devices whilst you entertained
your friends. You started calling me a horny slut that I couldn?t be trusted not to wander downstairs. You
tie my hands behind my back and then to a rope from the ceiling. You pull this tight causing my hands to
rise and me to bend over. You show me the pony tail butt plug as you lube it up and push it into my ass.
You also place a blind fold on me and then to my surprise you place headphones on me playing one of
the local radio stations. This has the effect of sensory deprivation as I no longer know where you are or
what is going on.
I am left like this for a few hours; I know this from the radio reports and the songs. I am sore and very
tired. The first thing I feel is a slap on my ass that causes me to jump and scream into my gag. I didn?t
know anybody was there. You take the head phone off of me and undo my hands from the rope but
leaving them tied behind my back. I hear multiple voices downstairs as I straighten up and begin to
stretch out. You don?t say anything as you pull on my leash and I follow. I am still blindfolded so you
guide me with a firm hand and tugs on the leash. You take me downstairs and I hear the voices change
to cat calls and exclamations as you lead me to the table where the game is being played. You tell me to
stand and stay, I must be standing somewhere nearby. I hear you tell them that I am your collateral
worth at least a few hundred and who else is in. I become flushed as I realise you are haggling with your
friends how much I am worth in the pot. I hear you tell them that the winner gets ownership and that I
am a wiling slave. Eventually there is some agreement and I hear the hand being played. I am pleased to
hear that you won and playing resumes as it normally would. It isn?t long however before I hear you
using me to bet with again, this time it is just my mouth you are betting. I hear you lose and someone
cheer. I feel my lead being pulled toward the table and follow. I am roughly forced down onto my knees
under the table, the lock on the gag comes off and I barely have time to stretch my jaw before I feel
hands on my head pushing my head down and a cock forcing it way into my mouth.
I have no choice but to suck as the game resumes. Every now and then a hand on the back of my head
takes control and cause me to gag is the cock is forced down my throat. I soon hear and agreement
being made as to how much each act I perform is worth, and whoever wins the act has possession of me
to bid anything with. Only at the end of the night to I totally belong to the winner. It is with that that I
hear that I am being betted on again and another person wins my mouth. I am roughly shuffled across
as another cock is pushed inter my mouth and I am forced to suck, whoever I am not there long as am
quickly shuffled to yet another cock. I hear the stakes rise and then I feel myself pulled off the current
cock and forced to lie on the table face down so I am still standing on the floor and my head is over the
other edge of the table. Another or the same cock gets pushed into my mouth, I cannot tell as the game
resumes and I feel the cards played on my back and hands groping me. At this angle the cock in my
mouth is entering my throat with each thrust. I have no idea what is happening as I feel a cock being
pushed into my wet pussy. I think the game might have stopped since I no longer notice card games as
one after the other cocks are forced into my mouth and pussy. The butt plug is pulled out and replaced
with a cock that roughly fucks me as the first load of cum hits my tongue and I try to swallow. It is not
long before I feel the cock in my ass explode as well. I am rolled onto my back as another cock is pushed
into my mouth and another in my pussy. I feel my nipple clamps being pulled as I am being fucked and
the leash being pulled around my neck. My hands are still behind my back and there is nothing I can do. I
feel the cocks come out and then cum on my chest and face before being replaced with other cocks. I
am fucked hard and roughly for a few more minutes before cum fills my mouth and pussy. That must be
all as no more cocks take their place and I am pushed to the floor. Something is pushed into my mouth
so I begin to suck it, realising it was the butt plug form before. I hear you guys laugh at me then force it
into my cum drenched ass. Several sharp slaps are provided to my ass and I feel handfuls of my hair
being used to wipe people?s dicks.
I am left on the floor as I hear everyone and pack up and leave. The blind fold is ripped off me and I see
you there smiling at me. You tell me what a good slut I have been and you tell me to get ready for bed as
you undo my hands. I take a long shower savouring the feeling of being clean and fresh and get ready
for bed. You do the same but before the lights go out; you grab me by my hair and push me down on
your cock again. You waste no time as you roughly fuck my face, causing tears in my eyes. You cum in
my mouth and on my face, say good night and turn the lights off. I am too tired to get up to clean up so I
fall to sleep with your cum on my face.
I wake up late feeling sore but alone. I am surprised to see that I am not tied up and nor is there
anything that you have requested me to wear. So I put on a dressing gown and go downstairs. You had
cleaned up from last night and just sitting there reading the paper. I look at the time and realise that it is
midday. You ask me how I am and if I had fun. I look at you strangely and you must realise because then
you remind me that I am flying out later today. I can?t help but feel a little sad but very relieved. I have
something to eat and you help me to pack up my things. You also offer to give me most of the toys we
used as long as I promised to bring them back next time.
It is a subdued parting and it feels strange not to be ordered around or in bonds as we pack up get in the
car and head for the airport. In the parking lot I decide to give you one last parting gift. As you are
looking for a park I bend down into your lap, take out your cock and start sucking it. You quickly find a
car park and waste no time, grabbing my head and thrusting into my throat. I realise I have gotten much
more used to this since we arrived and I barely gag as you push my head right down until my nose in
your pubes. You hold my head there as I begin to struggle, unable to breath. I feel your cock explode and
your cum enter my throat. You hold my head then until you are finished and then I come up gasping for
air chocking on cum. You have a big smile on your face as it takes me a while to regain my composure
and then fix my makeup. We say good bye at the terminal and I am glad to be going home. I did what I
had set out to do and am pleased that I have indulged my deepest fantasies and not as pleased I had
done things I didn?t want to do. Now I am hoping to get on with my life.
Many hours later I am back at home in my favourite most comfortable outfit, showered and ready for an
evening in front of the computer. I decide to check the site I met you on and there it is, hundreds of
photos of me in all the situations I was in are right there on the net with descriptions of all that I did. I
should have realised that your promise not to upload them was false.
I look down and can still clearly see the words you wrote on me. There will be no denying it and I will
have difficulty covering it up now I am home.
We had been chatting for about a month on kik. Even though we lived within 50 miles of each other, we had never met face to face. I am a rugged 28 year old, with a beard and a few extra pounds and from what she had told me she was 18 and gorgeous. She has been telling me about how much she wants to meet me for weeks. We made a plan to meet up for coffee near where she lived. I got to the coffee shop first and sat down so that I could watch the door. After a few minutes, in she walked.
Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 2When Sara finishes giving me an earth-shattering orgasm, I cannot move. Once I stop trembling, I am totally spent but invigorated too and cannot relax. A thought comes to me and I sit up. Looking over at Sara, I see she has passed out from her exertions. Poor dear Sara, she is exhausted from the trip and her exertions just now.Her dark brown hair frames her adorable 18-year-old face. Her pouty lips open a bit remind be of the pleasure she has given...
Hi, I’m xyz. Born and bought up in Bangalore. I am a simple fun loving guy, finished school in one of the best schools in town, and pursuing degree in one of the reputed colleges. I never had the desperate lust for any girl throughout my life. I do watch porn regularly and do stuff just like anyone else. This incident happened a few months back, which changed the idea of what i had on sex. Hugs and kisses was very common from where i studied, i was totally into adventurous trips and road trips...
Hello friends. I will continue my story with Anushka on how I tried to lure her towards me and look for an opportunity to fuck her. Things were getting out of control. Anushka often stayed at our home when her husband used to go out on official tour. She was staying around me and I was not getting any chance to seduce her and get her beneath me. Whenever she took bath and comes out of the bathroom, her nice fragrance was making me horny. The little water drops falling from her hair on the face...
IncestHe went on in, and sat on the bed. I stood in the hallway, looking at him from afar for a second, when he motioned his hand for me to come in, with this devious little smirk on his faced. I smiled and walked in. He got up and stood in front of me, then taking his hands and placing them on my ass. He pulled me towards him. I felt the bulge in his pants as he rubbed his pelvis ever so slightly against mine. He was so hard already, it fascinated me... I then caressed my face with his...
With a start I wake up, sweat soaking through his tattered old t-shirt. I look around my pitch black bedroom, my eyes lingering over the right side of the bed, where he should be. The room lights up with a strike of lightening and the house seems to shake with the following rumble of thunder. I tug the string on my bedside lamp, but the power seems to be out. With a sigh, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and slip on a pair of gym shorts that I left on the floor yesterday. I traipse...
Hello friends. In this episode I will share with you some close sensual and emotional moments I shared with Anushka and how my mission accomplished after I strives for almost 10 years to get her. As I told, my wife had gone to her parents place for delivery and I was staying alone at Delhi. Off late I reduced visiting Anushka’s place. After that day’s incident at marriage I stopped talking with Anushka. After my marriage also I was not interested in keeping any relation with her. This was one...
IncestWhen we first started, about a month or so in we would role play over the internet... things would get pretty heated and naughty, and we both enjoyed it highly. The feeling was almost so real for me, since I love him so much. Eventually this grew to our sexual phone conversations... we would masturbate and talk dirty to each other over the phone, which was something I had never really done with someone. It was exciting, and I wanted more. This continued for about a year and a half. The...
The moment she walked in for her interview, I knew I wanted her. She was 21, had amazing curves and huge natural breasts, drop dead gorgeous. We got through the interview, and of course I hired her.For months I enjoyed her from afar, knowing what HR would do if they got ahold of ANY of the thoughts that ran through my head every time I looked at her. I tried my best not to get caught, but she eventually noticed. We would occasionally have mildy flirty interactions, a little joke or a light...
6:59 AM on a Sunday morning. Elisa giggled as she curled up under the plush comforter, eyes wide and staring at the ceiling. This was the first Valentine’s Day in twenty-nine years that she was spending it with someone whom she really loved. It was Robby Jennings. Her college sweetheart. They parted company when both were in their junior year, citing different goals, dreams, and the usual difference in ideals when you are learning about yourself. But she never forgot him. She grinned as she...
She lay there, nude, her little vibrating friend humming away at here clit. In here mind it wasn't a toy, it was her husband, doing what he enjoyed, flicking his tongue, exciting her. She imagined him splitting her crease with his tongue, occasionally dipping it deep inside her then quickly returning to it, lapping feverishly, he was always happy to do it, even when she didn't want him to. The steadily humming device quickly made her climax, it always had. She lay there now somewhat satisfied...
I had been abroad for some years and came back for a few weeks. During this time abroad, I was talking to one girl over the phone and we were sexting for some time now. We planned on meeting and I suggested that we spend a night together to which she said she can’t stay the night and has to go home. So we decided we will meet during the day but I booked the room anyway. She lives in Delhi and I am from another state. I went there to meet her and reached there in the morning. We met and hugged...
It had been six years, so much time to grow and become a new person, I should have been more excited about coming back, but there was only one person I was truly excited to see upon returning home.My work had taken me all over the world, I had learnt so many new things, enjoyed the company of some of the most beautiful women this world has to offer and yet she was always in the back of my mind, the woman that gave me my first job and so many other good things.We had been having fun together...
MILFHis fingers touched my chin and raised my lips to his. He hesitated for a second, my lips millimeters from his. I could feel the electricity radiating from our skin. I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips to his. He let out a sigh and kissed me back. It was hard for me to hold back as the memories came rushing back. Every touch, every kiss, every word. I wrapped my arms around him and deepened the kiss. His hands were on both sides of my face while he tasted my lips and mouth. I...
"No more interruptions," he said, as he closed the door behind him. "Do you have any other songs you'd like to sing to me, Jared?" I asked, leaning forward so that my cleavage was right in his sight-line. I saw him glance at my chest. He blushed sweetly, and looked away. "It's hot in here," he claimed. "Don't you find it hot in here?" "Not yet," I replied, "but we might be able to solve that problem." Again, Mr. Little blushed. "Can I tell you something, Jared?" I...
Next week is my 20th birthday. Kelsay and I are going out for dinner to celebrate, as she has to work on my actual birthday. We went to a semi-nice restaurant, nothing too fancy and chatted about this and that for a few hours. After awhile I teasingly asked “Well where’s my birthday present?” “You have to wait for your birthday to get it, but I’ll tell you about it later.” “Fine, I guess.” I replied sarcastically We finished dinner and headed back to my car and sat and listened to music...
“Look, Jill…” I stammered “Allie, can you excuse us for a minute? I have to talk to my brother in private about something,” my sister said cutting me off. “Ok, but don’t bitch him out or anything or tell on us. He was really gentle and didn’t hurt me at all,” Allie said as she got up and gathered her clothes. After Allie had left, she closed the door and I started to put on my clothes in an attempt to look decent, even though I was still sweating and smelled of sex. My sister...
After all these years, it had come down to this. While we both knew there was a bet on the line, there were still too many feelings to ignore, and no way this was going to be just some fuck to win a bet. You went to the kitchen to get me some water, and I looked around your living room. You came in and put on the radio, pulled me close to you, and started singing into my ear, the song you have sang over and over the twenty years we have known each other. You move your hands slowly down my...
She sat on her green sofa, Indian style, brushing her long locks of auburn hair. Her shower had been refreshing after her daily aerobics class. Muscles tight, Kate set her brush down to massage the soreness out. She glanced out a window from the living room to see that her neighbor, Jack, had just come home. She walked to the window. Often, she’d fantasized about Jack. But beyond an occasional greeting, Jack was a mystery to her. As he exited his car, she noticed that he, too, had recently been...
Introduction: Two old lovers reunite and things get heated very quickly It has been a long time since we had seen each other. As soon as he walked into my room, all the old feelings came flooding back to me. I knew the connection was still there between us. The air sizzled with the unspoken anticipation of what transpired between us whenever we were near each other. We both knew what was going to happen. What had to happen. He moved a step closer to me and I shivered. I melted into his arms and...
It had been almost four months since we had seen each other, but as I stood at the arrivals gate of the airport, counting up the days, weeks and months it had been since I was last in his arms, since I last felt his lips on mine, since him… it felt like an eternity. The only thing keeping me sane during all this time that we had spent apart were my fantasies of our reunion. I stood nervously playing with the hem of my little summery dress that clung tightly to my chest and loosely skimmed my...
Introduction: This story, while technically a continuation of the one I wrote last year, can still stand on its own. Its my first attempt at a sex-crazed incest story, and it describes perfectly what I dream about doing with my sister I sat there, dumbfounded, with Allie still in my arms while my sister stood in the doorway. Even Allie had managed a countenance of fear on her face. Look, Jill&hellip, I stammered Allie, can you excuse us for a minute? I have to talk to my brother in private...
I couldn’t believe that after months of chatting, and many nights fantasizing about this gorgeous eighteen year old that I finally got to taste her. Even more that she gave me the greatest blow job of my life. She seemed to be a bit more kinky than she had let on in our chats, and I loved it. She stood up from her knees and kissed me passionately. I could taste a bit of my cum still floating around in her mouth, but I didn’t mind a bit. We stayed there, our mouths locked together letting our...
We’re laying on your bed cuddling, it’s the first time we’ve seen each other in weeks. My face is resting on your chest until you lift my chin and gently kiss my lips. I kiss you back. The kisses are soft at first, but they progress into more aggressive passionate kisses.I begin rubbing you through your pants as I break the kiss. I get on my knees on the bed and help you take your shirt off. When it’s off I stare at your body with admiration. I’ve seen it plenty of times but it never fails to...
[ For my very good friends A & T, and in happy memory of their first-ever (and successful) adventure in interracial breeding! ]There was a certain surreal quality (for me especially) as Mara and I welcomed Omar to our hotel room that first time we finally, after many months of preparation and chatting back and forth with him, met him, face to face at last---and as he stepped inside the room, I knew perfectly well that Mara and I had both stepped over a Rubicon, and that neither of us would...
Mr. Smith was my tenth grade teacher. He was a lacrosse enthusiast, and had the body to prove it. I was sixteen, and had a bad case of teenage lust. He had dark hair, hazel eyes, and a voice that made me hot just thinking about it. He was over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and big arms. He always wore tight, white button down shirts with a tie. His black pants hugged his ass and made him look even that much hotter. He always had a little scruff on his chin, and he wore reading glasses...
TabooSara and Justin have been close friends many years. Unfortunately, as they grew older, they went their separate ways ,and ended up living in separate parts of the country. Thanks to social media,they have been able to regain and maintain a very intimate relationship. The relationship mostly consists of messages and texts shared between the two. Of fantasies. Fantasies they envision of each other if they were ever able to meet. As the attraction between the two gets stronger, Sara feels the need...
SpankingI couldn't believe that after months of chatting, and many nights fantasizing about this gorgeous eighteen year old that I finally got to taste her. Even more that she gave me the greatest blow job of my life. She seemed to be a bit more kinky than she had let on in our chats, and I loved it. She stood up from her knees and kissed me passionately. I could taste a bit of my cum still floating around in her mouth, but I didn't mind a bit. We stayed there, our mouths locked together letting our...
Oral Sex"Just remember one thing: I am a slut and You are my Mistress. Treat me like one. ( ... )" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------An Acrostic Sex Story in Ten Tasty Quadruplts Quite Unexpectedly Undressing Two Teens: T A S T Y T E E N SAs Almost Always, We Will Spice our Sex Story with Pretty Pictures of Private Parts and even a Solo Sex...
It had been almost four months since we had seen each other, but as I stood at the arrivals gate of the airport, counting up the days, weeks and months it had been since I was last in his arms, since I last felt his lips on mine, since him... it felt like an eternity. The only thing keeping me sane during all this time that we had spent apart were my fantasies of our reunion. I stood nervously playing with the hem of my little summery dress that clung tightly to my chest and loosely skimmed my...
Straight SexSara looked at me earnestly. "What'd she say?"I look down at my feet. "She has photos." I say miserably.The dear c***d-woman's frightened look shows her concern. "What photos, of who? What’s wrong?""Of you baby, She made photo’s while you lay handcuffed on the bed."Coward that I am I gave only a half-truth thinking that if she heard the whole story, I would lose her. I decided to put off giving her the details. I could wait; right? Maybe it would be easier if we talked some more. I am such a...
Sara and I arrive at the airport, ready to have to our long waited trip to the sun. As I step to a kiosk to get our boarding passes, Sara gets a phone call from her friend Laura. She tells Laura the plane will take off in 1hour. After disconnecting the call, we head for the lounge to get drinks before we board our flight.We take a table with a nice view of the planes. A pretty waitress comes to our table asking what we would like to drinks. I look at Sara. For some reason, she seems scared to...
I am 6’2 tall having a 6 inch tool and lots of stamina :d. And my sister who has milky white thighs with little small boobs and a lovely ass which will torn apart. Before going to the shower I was fingering her with 3 of my fingers inside her.She was kissing me and started stroking my penis.Her juices were flowing and all I could hear was her moaning and breathing.We then went for the 69 position.She started sucking my balls and took my entire dick and gave a deep throat.I sucked her pussy and...
IncestHey there…I am 23 male, studying in Bangalore. I am 6’2 tall and guess good looking too :p. I am a very open minded person and completely live and free. Coming to the experience which started 4 yrs back… I know her from high school. We studied together. She is damn cute and hot at the same time. We were very close as she was the singer of our band and gosh she sings so damn good. We became like brother and sister and it went on like that. Later I came to read about different type of sex...
IncestHello everyone, this is Ricky from Mancherial, Telangana. I am a regular reader of ISS and this time I thought to submit my own story which happened with me couple of months before. This story is about my aunt who loved me very much (which she said later), any aunt, girls,ladies who is unsatisfied with husbands may drop me a mail, I can satisfy you up to the core and everything will be confidential. Ok this my first story on Indian sex stories, please excuse me if you find any mistake, ok now...
Back to home from the admission procedure to be done for the college. Me : Hey mom what’s going on in the neighboring room? Are they renovating ? Mom : No, the room is being rented to someone. Your father knows the tenant. Me : okay. Mom : maybe you need to stay home tomorrow instead of going somewhere. Me : why mom ? Mom : You need to help them with the shifting in as the tenant is your fathers friend. Your father had asked you to help them. Me : kai faltugiri aahe yaar (what the Fuck). Why...
I am Ashwin, 25 years old working abroad. I am ardent fan of ISS. This story is my fantasy and this is my first attempt as a writer. Thanks to ISS and Pallavi, an extraordinary author of the ISS, for inspiring me to write this story. Should we move on to the story now. It was a really hard and tiring day for me. Nothing went well in office. Quite frustrated left my office for my house later that eve. As I reached my apartment, I tried to sneak into the elevator. But alas, the elevator seemed to...
Dear readers, Thank you for admiring my previous post long back in 2014 April “sex with my big boobed neighbor”. I am here to share my new experience with you all. I joined a Software company in Bangalore. A girl joined along with me in the same month in my team. She is hot with big boobs; round and 36+ in size. She used to mingle with me a lot and we used to have coffee every day. She has a boy friend whom she married now. She is very friendly and used to poke me all the time during work and...
We're laying on your bed cuddling, it's the first time we've seen each other in weeks. My face is resting on your chest until you lift my chin and gently kiss my lips. I kiss you back. The kisses are soft at first, but they progress into more aggressive passionate kisses.I begin rubbing you through your pants as I break the kiss. I get on my knees on the bed and help you take your shirt off. When it's off I stare at your body with admiration. I've seen it plenty of times but it never fails to...
Love Stories"Don't force yourself, Zax, stop. You should take a break". In an incomplete apartment with dust all over and a two meters in diameter hole in the floor, an apartment in Zetsa's building, a Mor and her Tal were seated in a meditative position. A month and a half had passed since Zax's tenth birthday. The date for this year Great Earth's Core Pursuit has been decided and released to the public. This year the Great Earth's Core Pursuit will launch earlier than the year before, in the...
I was in my English class and Miss Hulbertson was passing out the papers we'd written as homework the first day of school, commenting on what she liked about some and what needed to be improved with others. She already knew each person by name and could tell each one something specific about his or her paper. She had only one paper left when she came over to me. "Oh, Mark, I can't tell you how impressed I was with your paper about the Empire State Building. You made it seem so real, so...
This is a story written as if in a dream… a fantasy… a fantasy of a man who has been away from his wife for months together… the man and his wife are working in separate cities… And the man is about to be united with his wife 6 days later… This story of mine deals with the acute physical longings translated into acts of fantasy that the man sees while he is sitting on his porch on a balmy Sunday afternoon… * * * * * Sweet, when I reach there on the long leave that we both have been looking...
Let me back up a bit and explain that I have known since I was 18 or so that I liked guys who were…well, let’s call it take-charge types. It was weird because hanging out with my friends or anyone else, I was Captain Feminist, Girl Power, all that sort of thing. But when it came to sex, nothing beat being told what to do and when to do it…and if he felt the need to slap my ass for encouragement, well, all the better. By the time I met Ben I was 22, and I knew what I wanted—no, needed—from...
Introduction: This wont be quick, I intend to take my time with this story. I handed Ben the keys to every opening on my body almost as soon as I met him. I didnt do it on purpose, but simply by running my big flapping mouth, the way I find most of the trouble I get into. Sometimes I even regret it, especially after hed take me close to or past previously hard-kept limitations. I mean, if I was an alcoholic, Id probably regret my first drink, right? Let me back up a bit and explain that I...
Part 1 It wasn’t that the firm was sexist or a bunch of misogynist dinosaurs (of a porcine persuasion): she just rubbed them up the wrong way. Lynda was tall, blond and frighteningly efficient. Perhaps the men felt threatened: perhaps she just rubbed them up the wrong way. She always dressed well, neatly pressed clothes and tidy hair, though invariably in trousers. Perhaps it was this that annoyed the men in their rather crumpled suits, the result of hurried dressing after a shower and...
CHAPTER 8: THE STAFF MEETING “Good morning, Abby.” I was bent over small piles of sorted documents for Mr. C’s staff meeting at 10:00. I glanced over my shoulder while remaining in position. I gave him a big smile. I had hoped this would time out like this. “Good morning, sir.” He came around the side of my desk as I sorted the last of the documents in the piles. He pressed on the jeweled end of the butt-plug I decided to add today. “Love your outfit, as always.” I stood and turned,...
Introduction: This part may get a bit confusing. There are flashbacks which are marked with * , but so are texts and notes. I tried my best to use the criticism from the last part to make this one better. I woke up in my den. I felt really warm. I slowly opened my eyes and my head started pounding the second I did. I sat up and realized I was naked. I wrapped the blanket around me and opened a window. The door was still locked. I noticed my clothes strewn across the floor. I started to dress...
CHAPTER EIGHT: CLIENT MEETING I got another very familiar request to see Mr. Woodburn in his office. The request is always cryptic and vague. I, of course, know what will probably transpire. The meeting with him may be about some business issue regarding a client, present or potential, or a current account issue. Or, the meeting might only be that he wants to see me because that is what will always be a significant part of any meeting in his office … seeing me. And very often … a lot...
Board Meeting. Her Mistress ran her fingers along Jennifer's cheek and then lightly flitted them over Jennifer's nicely puffed and well glossed lips. She smiled at the gurl. It was a wicked and leering smile as well as a proud and reassuring one. Jennifer was already in such an enveloping haze of lust and arousal that she barely registered her Mistress's touch. She did however, register the tug on the leash clipped to the collar around her throat as her Mistress, Carol, led her...
Me: a good looking blonde hair blue eyed female, long waist-length hair, and with the ability (at my choice) to grow my clit into a cock. I usually am a normal girl, or can be a girl with cock and pussy. The next three are females (good looking, but not specified for hair/eye color) wearing shortish skirts (above the knee) and white v-neck blouses, v-neck to the bottom of their breasts. These 3 all work for me (and so know me and will not be surprised at what happens) and sit on one side...
Synopsis: Eight years ago Barry visited his first anonymous gender- bender meeting. Thanks to it, it was seven years ago that he last succumbed to his urges. For the past two years, he had taken over as the host. Now he prepares for another meeting and this time one of the newcomers might just endanger Barry's carefully guarded track record. ********** Barry let his fingers glide over the chip. Tracing once again the number seven stenciled on it. He was proud of it. Seven years...
Hi ISS readers. My name is Akash and I am back with another of my sexcapades. Those who don’t know me can go to my author page and check my other stories. This time, I am sharing the incident which happened during my first job. After being selected for job, I shifted to Bangalore which was totally a new experience for me. I came out of my home for the first time and everything was new. New city, new people and new independence filled in a lot of excitement in me. Though I have had fun times...
HOW WE MET A prequel to The Autumn Weekend Part I - Strange meeting You do not make an immediate strong impression on me when we first meet. You are wearing a finely knitted grey woollen dress which conceals rather than enhances your curves. It has a hemline a couple of inches above the knee, long sleeves, and a round neckline. Flat heeled ballet pumps. Make-up which is understated in comparison with the appearance I become used to later. Your unruly, dark hair is tied back and...
Coming home from a long hard day at work, I reach casually for yesterday’s mail, tossing most of it aside without much thought. Until I came across an envelope addressed to me in familiar handwriting. Smiling in anticipation at who it might be from, I excitedly ripped open the envelope and start reading. I soon realized it was from my dear friend Susan. Settling down on my sofa with my stockinged feet tucked under me and my glass of red wine close by I began to read.April 15, 2019My Dearest...
LesbianI initially met Richard through a TG Community site and we seemed to hit it off from the very start. He was very open about his likes and dislikes, about him being a TG admirer, about having had a fair number of encounters and dates, but he never pressured to know anything about me. Drawn by his gentleness and gentleman ways though I found myself sharing my deepest dreams and wildest fantasies with him through regular emails over the following several months. Richard had this way of...
I initially met Richard through a TG Community site and we seemed to hit it off from the very start. He was very open about his likes and dislikes, about him being a TG admirer, about having had a fair number of encounters and dates, but he never pressured to know anything about me. Drawn by his gentleness and gentleman ways though I found myself sharing my deepest dreams and wildest fantasies with him through regular emails over the following several months. Richard had this way of...
Crossdressing“Ah, my favorite Accounts team.” My team consisting solely of me and the two Account Specialists I recruited from the 2nd floor were seated around the small conference table in my new office. It had been a little more than two weeks since I had moved into my new office and condo; the same two weeks since spending the memorable weekend at the Woodburn’s. Mr. Woodburn stood in the open door. It was not a common occurrence to find him venturing out of the sanctuary of the 11th floor. ...
Author’s note: This is a slower-moving, more character driven piece. There’s some sex at the end, but it’s mostly building towards the next two chapters. I’m writing each chapter from a separate point of view. This chapter is Robert’s, we’ll see the story from other characters’ perspectives in subsequent chapters. Enjoy, vote, comment! ***** It’s good to feel worn out. It’s good to be sweaty, too. If you’re too tired to think, you’re too tired to think about Beth… ‘Don’t tell her where I...